#They were opposites but they loved each other
hiraethwrote · 2 days
i've always known - satoru gojo
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[ satoru gojo - f!reader ]
✧ summary: you'd known each other since childhood, growing as close as two people could grow. there was not anything you didn't do together. but life doesn't always cooperate, creating hurdles even for the most tightknit relations ✧ cw: [MDNI] childhood best friends, afab!reader, college au, fluff!!, ofc some angst sprinkled in here, mentions of underage drinking, swearing, arguing, slightly ooc satoru maybe you be the judge, jealousy, poorly written eventual smut (be patient), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, pet names, no use or y/n ✧ word count: 17.0k (yikes sorry)
You were six years old when you met him for the first time.
“Be nice and say hi, sweetie,” your mom spoke softly, only making you squeeze her hand harder and hide behind her.
“Hi,” you said more quiet than a whisper, if that was even possible, looking at the two strangers that had made themselves known.
But it wasn’t the unknown woman that had you so nervous, she seemed kind enough. It was the little boy next to her, a mop of crystal white hair hanging above his piercing blue eyes that were staring directly at you. With his hands stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie, he flashed you a toothless grin.
“Hello, I’m Satoru,” his tone chipper, almost like the line was rehearsed. You only stared at him with eyes big as globes before turning towards your mom again.
“Mooom,” you nagged, pulling at her sleeve. “Can we go back inside?”
“In a minute,” she reassured you before turning towards the strangers. “I’m sorry, the moving has been a lot for her,” she chuckled nervously, but the unknown lady only smiled at her.
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she laughed kindly before turning to you. “I’m sure we’ll get to know each other with time.” She shot you a friendly wink, but you only shrunk further being your mom’s leg. Instinctively, she began to rub comforting circles on your back.
“We have no doubt,” she answered for you.
Still feeling Satoru’s eyes on you, you turned to him again. Instantly your eyebrows narrowed in annoyance, not understanding why he was still staring at you, like you were some kind of weirdo.
“I really came by to invite your family over for dinner tomorrow. Wish you welcome to the neighbourhood.” Your mother instantly beamed at the request.
“That’s so nice. We’d love too, right honey?” Shifting the focus to you again. You only shrugged, not daring to look away from the strange boy.
“Great. Just drop by anytime after five and we’ll be home.” The genuine smile only amplified the woman’s already gorgeous face.
Your mom broke the intense staring competition you had with Satoru with a slight shake of the hand. “Why don’t you tell them your name?”
Looking between the two strangers standing on your porch, you shyly mumbled your name, earning you another smile from the boy. What was his deal?
“Why don’t you show her your room, Satoru?” The man you assumed to be his dad had said nearly the second your family had stepped into their home.
You’d given your parents a pleading look, begging them to come to your rescue seeing as you were already attending the dinner against your will. With stern glares, you knew you had no choice but to follow Satoru.
With a safe distance behind him, you reluctantly followed him up the stairs, which lead to a door at the end of the long hallway. He was clearly a well mannered kid, surprising you as he actually held the door open for you to enter first.
Small steps lead you into his bedroom and your eyes instantly grew big in awe at the sight of the huge bedroom. It was probably twice the size of yours, filled with all the toys you could imagine. Strengthening your envy was the queen sized bed in the corner of his room, because you had always been told that big beds like that were for grown ups only.
But what captured your full attention was the bookshelves in the opposite side of the room filled with manga from the floor to the ceiling. Shuffling over to them, you let your eyes travel over the familiar titles, spotting all your favourite stories.
“Are all of these yours?” You asked, turning to see him already looking at you with his hands in his pockets. He simply nodded, a proud smile plastered on his face to reveal deep dimples on each side of his face.
Unfair, you thought to yourself. What you would give to have stacked shelves like that, so you’d be able to pick up a new manga the second you’d finished another one.
“How old are you?” The random question made you turn to look at him again, his pride shifted into curiosity with his head tilted.
“Six.” He instantly scrunched his nose, seriously unhappy with your answer.
“Hmm,” he scoffed, looking down at his feet. His reaction couldn’t help but offend you, crossing your arms over your chest and sticking your bottom lip out in a dramatic pout. “‘S not fair,” he mumbled as he kicked his feet.
“What isn’t fair?” You whined, drawing his eyes back to you.
“Well, I’m eight,” he complained, but that alone didn’t explain his tone. “So why are you taller than me?” Blinking at him in surprise, a small giggle began to take over your grumpiness. “It’s not funny!”
If your parents had seen you giggle in response to someone clearly upset, you would have earned yourself a strict scowl and a lesson when you got home. Lucky for you, they were downstairs mingling with their new neighbours, so the childish giggle came bursting out of you, causing your to slap both your hands over your mouth to contain yourself.
He knew you were teasing him, but he found himself enjoying the sound of your laugh a little too much to stay upset, his shoulders sinking and eyebrows raising in delight. A subtle blush dusted over his cheeks when he began to think he might just be a little smitten by you already.
Nonetheless, it was the start of your friendship. Throughout the dinner, the two of you held a never ending conversation, which surprised your parents considering how hostile you’d been to even the idea of getting to know the young boy next door.
Both of you put up a fight when it was time for you to leave once the clock had passed nine on a school night. You eventually had to settle for seeing each other again tomorrow. Still so excited to have a new friend, you couldn’t help but tell your parents everything you and Satoru had talked about.
“And he even said I could borrow his mangas if I wanted to!”
“That’s great, honey, but you really have to go to bed now!” Your mom chuckled as she followed you into the bedroom and tucked you in. “Why don’t you tell me the rest tomorrow, hm?” You nodded eagerly, before she placed a sweet kiss on your cheek and wishing you good night before leaving your bedroom with the door slightly ajar.
You wanted to drift into sleep, but you couldn’t find it in your body to rest. So like so many other nights, you walked over to your shelves to find something to read. You didn’t manage to get that far, when something outside your window caught your eye. Curiously making your way over, you climbed up on the stool, only to be staring right at Satoru standing in his own window directly across from yours.
It didn’t take long for him to spot you, instantly waving at you with his entire arm. With the same toothless grin you’d been greeted with the previous day, you waved back at him immediately before climbing back into bed more than satisfied.
You were ten years old the first time he got grounded because of you.
Over the years, you’d just grown closer and closer for each time you hung out, which was pretty much every day. It was just a given that you would see each other at one point or another throughout the day. And if, for some odd reason, you hadn’t gotten the chance to meet up, you would catch up in the evening from your windows.
There was not a doubt that you two had become best friends. His house felt like a second home, nearly spending more time there than your own home.
Sadly, Satoru’s classmates didn’t think it was cool for him to hang out with someone who was ten. Unlike them, you were a child… and a girl, which meant you brought cooties
“Waiting for your boyfriend,” a taunting voice cooed as it gradually came closer, capturing your attention to meet three boys you recognised from Satoru’s class.
“Not my boyfriend,” you mumbled to yourself, not wanting to give them the attention they so desperately wanted. Turning away from them, you tried to ignore their rapid approach. But before you knew it, they had you surrounded.
“You know, he doesn’t really like hanging out with you.” Glaring daggers at the boy standing right in front of you, you chewed the inside of your cheek in an attempt not to let him get to you. “He’s got better things to do than hang out with stupid girls.”
You tried to cling onto the advice your mother had told you time and time again; if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. But in this moment, that seemed like the worst possible advice. Why should you just stand there and take it when they were throwing all these mean words at you?
“You’re just upset you can’t get anyone to talk to you!” Your voice was venomous, but it didn’t seem to have any affect on him as they only snickered in response.
“Think you’re funny?”
“Just leave me alone!” You fired back, challenging his patronising look at you. For a few seconds, he held your stare before he launched forward and yanked your manga right out of your tiny hands. “Hey! Give it back!” Despite being as tall as the dumb boy, he managed to keep it just out of your reach, no matter how far you tried to stretch for it.
“I’m just having a look,” he laughed as he began to recklessly flip through the pages. From each side of you, you could hear both of his friends laugh to egg him on.
Panting and whining, you tried to reach for your book, but froze in place when you heard the sound of paper ripping. Staring at the manga in his hands, you saw how he had started to tear crumbled pages from the spine. With fake sincerity, he squeaked a small “ops” and continued to laugh. Unable to peer your eyes away from your favourite manga in pieces, the tears began to well up in the corner of your eyes. “Awe, are you crying?”
The tears didn’t have time to fall, when a familiar figure came zooming in front of you and crashing into your bully, instantly knocking him to the ground, causing him to scrape his knee. While he kept squirming on the ground, Satoru instantly snatched the book from his hands.
“I told you to leave her alone,” Satoru growled at the boy as he stumbled back on his feet, blood steaming through his torn jeans. His brows were narrowed in pure anger, telling you he was about to retaliate towards your friend, but Satoru sported a stern posture and a look that one would be stupid to defy.
Soon enough, it seemed like the pain set in after a few seconds, and the anger in his eyes turned glossy, trying to hide the fact that his bottom lip was quivering and his nostrils were flaring like he was about to cry.
Satoru shot an ugly glare at the two other boys, who didn’t seem sure what to do with themselves. “You want to taste the gravel as well?” Satoru threatened, the three boys sharing a worrying look. It didn’t take long before they decided to scatter with their tail between their legs. The boy who’d ruined your book, trying to conceal a limp but failing terribly.
The second they had their backs turned to you, Satoru turned his full attention to you with a softened expression, genuinely worried. “You okay?” He hurried to ask, scanning you from top to toe to see if there were any visible injuries. However it was only your pride, and your manga, that was wounded.
Looking down at his hands, the tears came back right away at the scene of the mangled book.
“I’m fine,” you said under your breath, eyes still glued to the manga. Struggling to find the right words to comfort you, his eyes jumped between your glistening eyes and the torn book in his hands.
“I have this one at home! You can have mine, I never liked it anyway,” he rambled as he began to wave the book around, growing more uncomfortable as he saw the small tears roll down your red and puffy cheeks. “And don’t worry about them! They’re just stupid! And jealous. And, and-“ his frantic words stopped in his throat, forming into a nervous lump when you flicked your eyes up to meet his.
Despite the redness in them and the sniffling of your nose, he couldn’t help but think you looked pretty. Which only made him feel even worse, that someone could be so cruel to you.
You shrugged your shoulders slightly, wiping away the snot and tears from your face. “Thank you for stopping them.” In defeat, you grabbed the manga out of his hands and stuffed it into your backpack, not caring if you ruined it any further.
“C’mon, let’s go home.” He placed a friendly hand on your shoulder, and you began to walk home like usual.
The walk home was mostly quiet, Satoru not daring to say anything, not knowing what to say. He wanted to help, make you feel better, but all the things that popped into his head just felt like it wouldn't be enough. So when you reached your house, you simply waved him goodbye before disappearing.
Once he entered his own home, his parents were on his neck instantly. They were furious, because they’d received an angry phone call from a distraught parent explaining how Satoru had purposely attacked their son.
Satoru had tried to explain the situation and defend himself, saying he couldn’t just let them pick on you like that. Somehow, the heroic gesture didn’t seem to outweigh when the kid had walked home with a bloody knee, bawling his eyes out.
“You never resort to violence, Satoru,” his father had yelled at him, before they told him he was grounded for a week. Satoru was speechless. He had never been grounded before, and he didn’t understand why he was being punished when he firmly believed he had done the right thing.
Unable to defend himself further, he stomped to his room and started his homework like he had been told to do. He didn’t get much work done though, as he mostly moped the entire evening, neurotically tapping his pen against the textbook.
You, much like Satoru, spent the entire evening in your bedroom. For the first two hours, you just laid in your bed, sulking. Eventually you wanted to talk to someone — not just someone, Satoru. You made your way to the windowsill, waiting for him to show. And you waited. And waited. And waited some more.
It wasn’t until you were about to head to bed you saw his silhouette cracking open the window slowly. Jumping up, you opened your window immediately. “I’ve been waiting all afternoon!”
“Shhh, you gotta keep it down,” he said softly, barely able to hear him. “I’m not allowed to talk to you right now.”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What? Why?” Leaning forward in the window frame, resting your head on your forearms.
“I’m grounded,” he shrugged, checking over his shoulder every now and then to make sure no one came to check in on him.
“For what?”
“Because I shoved him. He ran like a crybaby, making it seem worse than it was.” He rolled his eyes dramatically, so incredibly frustrated by the outcome.
“Really? I can explain what happened to your parents-“ he waved his hands out the window to stop you.
“I tried. They were quite upset. But it’s no big deal. It’s just a week.”
“So, I won’t be able to see you for a week?” You complained, to which he only looked at you with big eyes. It hadn’t really hit him that he wouldn’t be able to hang out with you while he was grounded, which only made this terrible situation even worse.
Pursing his lips in thought, he opened his mouth again to speak. “Guess we’ll just have to be sneaky with window meetings at night,” he laughed, making you laugh along as well.
“I guess so.”
“I gotta go to bed before mom and dad finds me talking to you,” he sighed. “So, guess I’ll talk to you tomorrow night.” Before he managed to shut his window, you called his name again.
“Hey, Satoru?” Looking back at you with big eyes, you swallowed the lump in your throat. “Thank you for today. It really meant a lot!”
Looking at your glowing gratitude, he did not regret his actions for a single second. He even knew, should the opportunity arise, he would not hesitate to defend you again. He’d risk all the punishment in the world if it meant having you looking at him like that again.
“Good night, ‘Toru,” you smiled sweetly, his heart doing a small flip at the sound of his new nickname.
You were fifteen years old when Satoru finally grew passed you.
And once he passed you, it seemed like he never stopped. It wasn’t just you he passed, it was all his peers as well. And as he grew, so did his ego to match it. Of course, this also resulted in him endlessly teasing you.
“Imagine you used to be taller than me,” he laughed and placed his hand on top of your head.
“Yeah, and you’re the only one who cares,” you sighed, swiftly removing his hand from your head.
This all happened about the time you started high school, something Satoru had looked forward to since he himself first started high school. It finally gave you a chance to hang out during school hours, as you’d mostly been restricted to your classrooms in lower grades. He was also excited to introduce you to the small life he had there, which previously had been separated from you.
There was no doubt that Satoru Gojo, along with his small crew, were insanely popular. They basically ruled the school and they all welcomed you with open arms.
So, by association, you too became popular.
You fitted into his group perfectly, getting along with both Shoko and Suguru pretty much right of the bat. So he shouldn’t really have been complaining — except for the unforeseen circumstances that came with other people finally noticing you.
Ever since you were young, you hadn’t made a huge number of yourself, remaining somewhat anonymous, happy doing your only thing. Satoru had basically been your only friend. He knew he could never mention it to anyone, but he really enjoyed having you all to himself.
So when he noticed all the lingering looks you received just walking down the hall, some unfamiliar anger began to take shape in him.
Pretty much from your first day, he was bombarded with questions from his classmates. Who’s your friend? Is she single? Why aren’t you dating her? Will you introduce me? It got old real fast, and Satoru only found himself growing more and more frustrated by it, coming up with silly excuses to lead them in the opposite direction.
“Yeah, no, she’s- uhm, she’s single but her dad promised her a car if she doesn’t date ‘til she’s eighteen.”
They all gave him the same weird look. “If you’re seeing her, just say so.”
“No! We’re just friends!” He always rushed to defend himself, which always earned him a roll of their eyes before they shrugged off his weird behaviour. Lucky for him, his reputation saved him from anyone pushing it any further.
Despite his best efforts to keep guys at bay, there were still a few headstrong individuals who didn’t care about Satoru’s lame excuses or status, they still tried to pursue you. So to fend them off, he had other ways to make you seem unapproachable; excessive physical touch.
You never thought twice about it, as he had never been a stranger to physical touch. It wasn’t unusual for him to throw his arm over your shoulders when walking, or fidget with your fingers when he needed something to stimulate his agitation. You’d gotten so used to it over the years, that you’d simply grown accustomed to it.
After a while, most of the guys in school seemed to get the message that you were off limits. The hassle of his consistent protection for you combined with his position in the school, it just wasn’t worth it — that was ignoring some of the most persistent seniors, but he only found their attempts amusing as you so obviously found them disgusting.
Nonetheless, with time he could deem himself satisfied with the lack of male attention you received.
“So you’re joining us this weekend right?” Suguru, one of Satoru’s close friends, asked during lunch. You only narrowed your eyebrows at him in confusion. What you didn’t notice, was Satoru sitting beside you, furiously trying to stop Suguru from explaining further, glaring at him and waving his hands like a maniac.
“What’s this weekend?”
“Satoru didn’t tell you about the party?” A taunting smirk danced on his lips as he completely ignored Satoru’s disappointed glare. When you turned to question him, he immediately wiped off his disappointment and flashed you a shy smile.
“Yeah, I wasn’t really planning on going so,” he shrugged nonchalantly, trying to regain his ‘cool’ act.
“That’s not what you told us yesterday,” Shoko scoffed, a smirk matching Suguru’s plastered on her face.
It was in moments like these, you became incredibly aware of the age difference between the two of you. Sure, it was only two years, which you’d never thought much of — until you started high school. His interests and desires skewed in a more mature direction, which you weren’t necessarily ready for. It had become a lot more usual for him to go out with his friends during weekends. Even though he usually returned home early and met you at the window, it still sucked.
Did you want to go to the party? No, not really. But if you were being honest, you were absolutely terrified of Satoru slipping away from you if you weren’t able to keep up with him. Besides, you only felt guilt at the thought that he might have changed his mind about going because of you. So what harm could it do to attend, even if it was for just an hour?
“I mean, if you want to go,” you trailed off, wanting so much to seem natural about it all. “I don’t wanna stop you.” With a small shrug, you were almost certain to managed to seem casual.
“So that’s a yes?” Shoko cheered quietly from the opposite side of the table.
“I guess so,” a small chuckle leaving your lips.
Satoru, on the other hand, wasn’t as excited about you joining them as his friends. Nervously bouncing his leg under the table, he began to imagine all the things that could happen. He tried to tell himself the main reason he was so upset about the whole thing was that he was concerned something bad might happen, but in reality, he hated the idea of an arena for random dudes to hang over you all night.
You interrupted his spiralling when you suddenly raised from the table. “I have to run by the library before class,” you sighed before you rushed off, Satoru’s eyes never leaving you until you’d left the cafeteria.
“What is your deal?” Shoko laughed, drawing his attention back to the table. “Since when do you turn down a party, even if you leave after an hour?”
“I don’t know, just don’t think it’ll be her scene, that’s all,” he excused himself, picking at his food, suddenly not having an appetite anymore.
“I know you two, like, grew up together or whatever, and you have this strange need to protect her, but she’s able to take care of herself. You’ve seen how she talks to Fushiguro,” she laughed again.
“It’s not that,” he sighed, avoiding making eye contact with his friends.
“You remember what it was like to be a freshman. Things like these are exciting,” Suguru shot in. Satoru simply shrugged at his comment. “Look, we’ll all keep an eye on her. And you don’t drink anyways, so you’ll be more than sober enough to make sure she’s okay.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Satoru mumbled and stood up from his seat, still not looking at them. “I’ll see you guys later.”
And before you knew it, the weekend came rolling in and you found yourself clutching onto Satoru’s arm for dear life, scared you’d lose him in the crowd.
“We can leave if you want to,” he leaned down to say nearly the second you’d entered the house.
“No, no. It’s fine. Let’s just… find Shoko and Suguru.”
It was a lot to take in. People singing and dancing, chugging drink after drink. But your nerves calmed down when you felt Satoru’s strong hands squeeze yours in reassurance. And once you found the others, your body just felt a lot more at ease. It didn’t take long for you to actually enjoy yourself, even though you decided to stay away from the alcohol, at least for this time.
What wasn’t as enjoyable, was all the female attention Satoru received throughout the evening. It was no secret he was a popular guy, girls lining up to talk to him. But when it came to the girls at school, they mostly just gawked and giggled while he innocently entertained their interests. No, these girls were different. They had clear intentions of taking it further, giving him looks you did not appreciate.
And it bothered you. Oh lord, how it bothered you.
Sitting so close to you, his leg pressed up against yours, you sadly got a front row view of when the girls leaned over and batted their long eyelashes at him, flashing him seductive smiles. You were beyond uncomfortable, trying to look anywhere but scene taking place mere inches from you.
You had no reason to be upset — you were only friends and you’d only ever been friends. Never had the idea of anything else crossed your mind, but you hadn’t ever witnessed ladies glue themselves to him like this before.
“Hey, you okay?” Satoru interrupted your thoughts, turning over to see he was focused on you, the girl at his side quirking an eyebrow.
“‘M fine,” you mumbled, a small smile drawing at your lips. He scanned your face, taking a deep sigh in thought, reading you so clearly.
Out of nowhere, Satoru jumped up from his seat, holding his hand out for you to grab. He wore that award winning smile of his as he opened his mouth, “come on.”
A smile grew on your face to match his as you eagerly let him pull you off the couch before he playfully threw his arm over your shoulder, leading you out the living room. As you walked, you swore you could hear the girl he talked to earlier scoff.
“How does ice cream sound to you?” Looking down at you as he shielded out the tight crowd as he lead you out the door.
And as the two of you left the party, there was laughter on your lips and a genuine, special joy in your eyes you seemed to have reserved only for each other. Shoko and Suguru, however, kept a confused eye on you as you exited the house.
“I’ll never understand them,” Shoko shook her head, before turning to look at her friend who seemed just as frustrated by you and Satoru as she was. “I mean, they’re clearly into each other, right?”
Suguru exhaled sharply through his nose in what sounded like it was supposed to be a chuckle. “It’s weird if they aren’t.”
“When he talked about her before, I just figured they were best friends, like he said. But after meeting her and seeing them together-“
“No, I agree,” Suguru laughed before she was able to finish her sentence. “I’ve never seen ‘best friends’ act like they do.” Shoko nudged his side with her elbow to bring his attention to the girl Satoru had flirted with seconds before he had just stranded her alone on the couch, to see she was pouting, arms crossed over her chest as she stared at the door like she was waiting for him to return.
“Neither has she,” she laughed.
You were seventeen years old the first time you had your heart broken. Really broken.
Standing outside your boyfriend — no scratch that. Standing outside what was now your ex boyfriend’s front door, you tried to wrap your head around what had just happened, silent tears falling slowly down your face.
It had come out of no where. Yesterday, everything had seemed fine, and now he had suddenly come to the conclusion that you were no longer a good match? It made no sense.
Shaking your head as you took a deep breath, you knew there was only one person who might be able to help you feel a little better. Not to mention, he was probably the only person in the universe right now you could stand to see at all.
The fifteen minute walk from where you’d just had your heart stomped on to your neighbourhood had never felt longer. The silence that filled the dark and abandoned streets was numbing, leaving more room for the self deprecating thoughts to fill your mind. What had you done wrong? What could you have done differently? Was there someone else, someone prettier and funnier than you? Had you not been dedicated enough?
Despite the insane sadness that filled you, you thought if it were to happen, this weekend was probably the best timing, seeing as you wouldn’t have been able seek comfort had it happened any other time. Having taken a gap year after high school to earn money, Satoru worked a lot but he had for once gotten a weekend off. And his parents were out of town on some conference, meaning there was no risk of either of them opening the door to greet your grief struck face.
Soon enough you found yourself in front of the familiar front door, a tiny lump forming in your throat as you placed three soft knocks on the door. Before you knew it, Satoru stood right in front of you, his initial reaction of joy melting away once he processed you were upset.
“What happened?” His voice was so soft, eyes filled with worry.
“Can I come in?” Your voice was barely louder than a whisper.
“Yeah! Of course.” He stepped aside, letting you pass him and enter his home. “You want anything? Is this like an ice cream kinda situation, because I think we have some cookie dough flavoured in the freezer.”
A broken chuckle slipped out of you, followed by a sob. “No, thank you, I’m fine. Just needed to see you,” you sniffled furiously.
“Yeah, sure.” Without saying another word, you simply helped yourself up the stairs and to his bedroom. His eyes never left you as you carefully sat down on his bed and he sat down on his desk chair.
Uncomfortable wasn’t necessarily the word he’d use for seeing you like this, because it had happened before — just not very often. You’d always been a quiet charmer, if there was a way to describe it. Out of the two of you, he’d always been the loud and outgoing one, but he definitely saw you as the one who spread the most joy to those around you, a natural sense of cheerfulness radiating from you. Not to mention you were usually the one who stood for the comforting and advice, meaning he was at a loss on what to do.
“What happened?” He asked carefully.
“We broke up.” The words left you so quickly and easily, Satoru had to blink a few times to realise what you’d just said. “Or he broke up with me is probably more correct.” You avoided his gaze, staring directly at your hands tucked between your thighs, the tears leaving dark circles on your jeans.
“I thought things were going well.”
“So did I.” You wiped your nose with the back of your hand, still sniffling like crazy. “I know you never liked him and didn’t get along with him but I really liked him, y'know?”
A pang of guilt came crashing in over Satoru. He hadn’t been subtle about his dislike for your boyfriend, and it started before the two of you even became official. He did not miss the opportunity to throw a snide comment about him when you brought him up or constantly quarrel on the few occasions they were in the same room. But he couldn’t help it.
Satoru had been so focused on all the guys lining up for you in school, he hadn’t even thought of the boys that might find their way to you from elsewhere.
He still remembered the evening you came home from work at the coffeehouse, such a sweet smile on your face and a blush across your nose when he’d met you at the window that night. So giddy over this cute boy who’d chatted you up and ended up getting your number. Had Satoru known then he’d break your heart this badly, he’d tried harder to shut it down.
“I know I gave him a hard time, but I know you liked him,” he tried to comfort you. “And I’m certain he cared for you too. It’s hard not to.”
“Urgh, I’m such an idiot,” you cracked, hiding your face in your hands as the sobs just tumbled out in one steady stream.
“Hey,” Satoru said, rushing out of his chair to crouch in front of you. Tenderly he grabbed ahold of your wrists to remove them from your face, carefully trying to dry the tears away. “You’re not an idiot, okay?”
A small scoff made its way out of you between the sobs. “I’m not even sure he ever cared about me.”
When your name rolled off his tongue with more compassion than you’d ever heard from him before, your eyes snapped up to meet his. “Listen to me! I am certain he did. I know what you dedicated to that relationship, and he’d be crazy not to care for you. Not just crazy, but a damn magician as well because it’s genuinely impossible. Believe me, I know.” A small smile grew on his lips when he heard he was able to draw a small chuckle out of you. “You’re not an idiot. You just have a big heart. And he’s the idiot if he thinks he should let it go.”
He dried what seemed to be one of your last tears with his thumb, before tucking some of your hair behind your ear. His caring gaze traveled your face, taking in every detail he could when the memory from when you were kids popped into his mind. Just like that time, looking at you all red and puffy, he again found himself thinking you were pretty. Not just pretty — beautiful.
“Thank you, ‘Toru,” you whispered.
“Any time.”
“Can I stay here tonight?”
“Scandalous,” he said dramatically, earning him another shy smile from you. Both of you knew you didn’t have to ask, having slept over hundreds of time throughout the years.
“Who knew you were so good at this,” you smiled weakly as he stood up to go get the extra duvet he had in his closet, which was basically just an extra duvet for you.
“Pfft, I am Satoru Gojo after all. Is there anything I can’t do?” He flashed you a proud grin, instantly rolling your eyes at him.
“You’re not the greatest cook last time I che-“ before you were able to finish your sentence, a pillow came crashing into your face. A lighthearted giggle escaped you, and again Satoru felt his heart flutter a little, so pleased he’d managed to brighten your terrible evening a little bit.
“Watch it, sweetheart, or I’ll have you sleep on the floor.”
“You would never,” you smiled before grabbing one of Satoru’s t-shirts, like you always did, and headed for the bathroom.
Once you met your reflection in the mirror, your eyes grew as all the signs of tonight’s sorrow was incredibly visible on your face. And to think Satoru had seen you like this, knowing he’d tease you endlessly about it once things settled down and you could laugh about it all.
Your eyes were swollen from all the crying, mascara lines down your puffy cheeks. Still sniffling, you cleaned your face, dabbing a hot cloth in hopes you might redeem some of your dignity as you washed away your heartbreak. Looking in the mirror, a sigh left you knowing that this was probably as good as it was going to get. At least you didn’t have makeup smeared all over your face anymore.
Shuffling back into his bedroom, wearing his t-shirt nonetheless, a small lump formed in his throat at the sight of you as he had to fight the urge to let his eyes indulge in your entire figure. What was going on? A million times had you spent the night, and a million times had you gone to bed wearing his shirt, yet tonight felt different. He felt there was something in the air that had shifted, but it went unsaid. So without another word, he simply made his way passed you and to the bathroom. You, on the other hand, paid no attention to his odd behaviour, simply laying down on the bed on the side closest to the wall, your side.
Despite not picking up on his averted gaze, you too sensed there was something in the atmosphere that seemed different than usual, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on what. You could easily just blame the breakup, which was definitely lingering in the air, but you knew that wasn’t quite it either. There was something in the tension that you felt were directly connected to Satoru.
When you felt his weight press down on the bed next to you, you reactively turned to look at him, surprised to see he was already laying on his side looking right back at you. Staring deeply into your eyes, you felt as if he was trying to tell you something but you couldn’t make it out.
Same went for Satoru, as he felt it deep down that there was something he needed to tell you but he had no idea what it was, only that it weighed heavier on him now that the evening had been so emotional and raw.
“What was it about him you didn’t like?” Satoru couldn’t help but smirk somewhat shamefully.
“It’s not important,” a slight chuckle slipping out of him.
“With a smile like that, you have to tell me.” Satoru readjusted his head on the pillow, ending up even closer to your face than intended but neither of you pulled away.
“Well, I like it best when I have you to myself.”
“Please,” you scoffed, tucking one of your hands under your cheek, carefully tilting forward a little. “That’s ridiculous, even for you.”
“No, I’m serious,” he gave you a sweet smile. “We’ve been so close for so long, it’s weird suddenly having to share you.”
You took a deep sigh, your heart skipping a small beat at his answer. “Well, I had to share you first.”
His eyebrows instantly pinched together into a frown, a humorous smirk on his lips. “Excuse me?”
“So you’ve forgotten when you first started high school? It was always ‘Suguru this’ and ‘Shoko that’.”
“That’s not the same,” he mocked you.
“How’s that not the same?” Offended at his disregard for your experience of him suddenly having a bigger social circle, you knew it was all in a playful manner.
“Because-” was all he managed to get out before you noticed his eyes betraying him as they quickly glanced down at your lips, before looking back into your eyes. Drawing a sharp breath, you swore you might be able to spot a strong blush heat his face, but it was too dark to tell for sure.
He exhaled a shaky breath, which you felt brush against your face making you realise just how close you were to each other.
All the hairs on your body stood up when you felt his light touch brush against your arm that was resting between you. Was this weird? You didn’t know. It wasn’t like it was the first time he’d touched you like this, so what was making tonight so different?
One slight movement and your noses would grace against each other. He could do it, he could just tilt his head forward and his lips would connect with yours and he was certain it would be delicious. Your eyes had captured his gaze, and he felt as if he could stare into them forever-
No, stop!
You flinched at his sudden movements when he pulled away to turn around, with his back facing you.
His heart sunk into his stomach, mentally cursing himself now that he wasn’t facing you anymore. He couldn’t believe he had actually wanted to kiss you, his best friend. It wouldn’t be right, especially not tonight when you were as vulnerable as you were. He’d be a complete asshole to take advantage of that. Not to mention how embarrassed he would have been in the morning when you weren’t trapped under the haze of heartbreak and would have realised how much of a mistake it had been.
“Good night,” he said in his usual, cheerful tone and the curse was broken.
The next morning, you’d woken up to an empty bed, much like you always did when you spent the night. What was out of the ordinary, was seeing him in the kitchen in full swing serving pancakes and ice cream calling it “the breakfast for breakups”.
You couldn’t tell if you were hurt or not by how he was acting, as if last night never happened. Was he not going to mention how close the two of you had been to locking lip? He simply went about the morning, just as happy as he always was.
And never brought it up.
You were eighteen years old when you and Satoru fell apart.
Satoru had left for college, and at first you’d been so lost on what to do. For the first time since you were six, he wasn’t immediately at your side.
You remembered the day he left so clearly, clinging on around his neck, refusing to let go because you didn’t want him to get in his car and drive off, unsure when you’d see him again. When the two of you eventually managed to break the hug, you heard a not so subtle sniffle and spotted faint redness around his eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re crying, ‘Toru,” you teased in between your own sniffles.
“You got me there,” he said with a sad chuckle slipping out, surprising you that he didn’t even attempt to fire back, just surrendering to his emotions. “Gonna miss you.”
“Gonna miss you too,” you whispered in response. Not much more was spoken before he drove off, like it all was just too much for either of you to talk about.
The first few days you didn’t do much else than lay in bed and wait for him to call, like he promised he would. And exactly at 8 pm, your phone lit up with his name where he told you all about how hectic his days were — and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to have daily calls anymore once the semester started for real.
“No, of course. I mean, I go back to school soon too so.”
And as the time went on, the calls got more and more rare. From every day, to three times a week, once a week, until you were lucky it happened every fourteen days.
Even though you hated it, you couldn’t blame him. Of course he was busy, he had an entirely new everyday life filled with classes and new people. And when he did make time for the phone call, you couldn’t help but feel genuine happiness when you heard how excited he was about all of it. But you knew you couldn’t keep sitting around sulking as you waited for his call. You decided you had to be okay without him.
It was your senior year after all — it was your time to shine, and you were still with the popular crowd even though Satoru wasn’t there anymore. Now you finally had the opportunity to get to know them better.
Turned out you had more in common with them than you thought, getting particularly close with the girls of the group. And it was refreshing to have girl friends, who seemed to match some of your interests in a way Satoru never managed to. Your horizons just expanded, your schedule packed nearly from morning until night. Not to mention your weekends were also busy. The parties you and Satoru usually left early or skipped all together, had become fun.
This weekend was no different. Sitting at your vanity doing your makeup for the evening when you heard your mom’s voice yell from downstairs. “There’s someone here to see you.”
“Just send her up,” you yelled back. But when you turned around to face who you thought was your friend who was coming to get ready with you, your jaw dropped at the sight of the tall figure standing there instead.
“Her? Not the last time I checked,” Satoru smiled.
“Oh, my god, ‘Toru!” You squealed in excitement, running at him as you threw your arms around him in a tight hug, smiling even harder when he hugged you back just as firmly.
When he let you down, your eyes was instantly drawn to his. It’s been so long since you’d been able to stare into those captivating, blue eyes, and now you melted having them look down on you for the first time in months. Now that you were finally able to see him again, to touch him again, it hit you like a semi truck just how much you had missed him. You even found yourself getting a little emotional, blinking away the wetness in your eyes.
“God, don’t wanna ruin my makeup,” you laughed.
“I was just about to say, you look great,” he said, unable to peer his eyes off you, because ‘great’ was an understatement.
“Why, thank you,” you beamed at him, a smile stretching from one ear to another.
“Going somewhere?” His eyebrows narrowed, letting his chipper composure slip for just a second but he quickly tried to shake it off.
“Yeah, there’s a party tonight. The group’s going, but I can cancel if-“
“No, of course not. I’m home all weekend.” There was a slight twinge in your heart, disappointed that he didn’t have the guts to accept your offer. There was not a single ounce of doubt that you’d drop the party for him in a heartbeat — you had after all longed for him to come home to visit since the second his car had driven out of view the day he left.
“Well, maybe you could come along?” You suggested, grabbing his hands in yours.
“I just think I’m going to stay home with my parents tonight,” he swallowed, giving you a weak smile.
He knew he should have just taken you up in the offer to ditch the party, but he didn’t have the heart to, especially when you were all dolled up for the evening already.
All he’d looked forward to was come home and hang with you and catch up all night, never falling asleep because he had missed your voice so much. But he knew that eventually, the guilt would eat him up, hogging you for the night when you were supposed to be somewhere else.
Now he had to sit at home, alone and bored, because he had lied when he told you about his parents, seeing as they weren’t back in town until tomorrow. He knew he would spend the night miserable, but it would beat having to tag along at your heels to a party he didn’t want to attend in the first place and witness how close you’d gotten to all your new friends while he’d been away, still preferring to have you to himself.
“Will you at least stay until I leave? And then I’m all yours for the whole of tomorrow?” For the time being, he managed to let his blues slip away, especially when you gawked at him with a sparkle in your eyes and an infectious smile.
“Of course.” His eyes followed your cheerful walk back to your vanity as he sat down on your bed. Once seated, your conversation flowed like normal, as if no time had passed at all since the last time you saw each other. He told you about classes and how much more difficult it was now, especially seeing as he wasn’t the biggest fan of studying.
And he knew he should be excited when you told him everything about your new life. How you’d finally taken the time to get the know the rest of the group and how great they all were, how fun you had it with all of them with all the stuff you guys did in your spare time, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t sting. He felt as if he was missing everything, losing the spot he used to have with you, replaced by his old friends. He knew it was unfair to think that way, but but there was no stopping his doomed spiralling.
“Oh, and that’s probably her coming now!” You perked up when footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. The next second, a girl he knew used to be in his friend group stood in the doorway.
“Satoru? What a pleasant surprise,” she beamed at him, and guilt hit him when he couldn’t even remember her name.
“Yeah, just home for the weekend,” he smirked at her.
She flashed him another smile before turning to you. “You ready?”
“Just about,” you sighed. Quickly, you grabbed your purse and skipped over to Satoru. “See you tomorrow, okay?” You said cheerfully as you placed a quick peck on his cheek before running out, leaving him standing alone in your bedroom.
He stared dumbfounded at the empty space you occupied just seconds ago, still surprised by the kiss as it was something completely new. Was that something you’d picked up from the group? Did that mean you went around kissing everyone’s cheeks? His mind ran crazy with questions, all making him equally jealous.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up,” you whispered into the phone still ringing. It was the third time you had tried to call Satoru and he still hadn’t picked up, which was incredibly unlike him. He always picked up almost immediately, especially when you were calling.
“Hey,” you finally heard him sigh on the other end of the line.
“Thank god you answered,” you said, teeth chattering in the freezing cold. “Could you please, please, please pick me up?”
“You okay?” There was a hint of worry in his voice, but you had a sneaking suspicion he was trying to conceal it.
“No. Or yes. Or I don’t know, but I’m cold and I need to go home!” Another sigh.
“Where are you?”
“You’re my angel,” you breathed before giving him the address.
“I’ll be there in fifteen.” Before you managed to say goodbye, Satoru had already hung up. You stared blankly at the phone for a few seconds in shock of his abrupt ending, but right now, you were too cold to ponder any further on his behaviour. Tightly having folded your arms around yourself and rubbing your legs together, you desperately tried to get some heat in your body.
Finally, you saw the familiar car pull up in front of you, a sigh of relief leaving your body once you were greeted by the hot air as you sat down in the passenger seat.
“You’re really a life saver,” you spoke as you leaned your head back on the headrest, waiting to meet his eyes but he never turned to look at you. His eyes were glued to the road, a tight grip on the steering wheel as he kept chewing on the inside of his cheek. “You okay, ‘Toru?”
“‘M just fine,” he answered simply, still fixated on the road.
“Then why won’t you look at me?” You snorted, which made him quickly turn his head to give you a cold glare before looking at the road again.
“How come you were standing out in the cold all alone?” When he didn’t acknowledge your question further, you just fell back into your seat again and decided not to take it any further.
“You don’t wanna know,” you sighed, staring out the window.
“No, I’m curious.” If his tone told you anything, it was that he was pissed. You just hoped it wasn’t directed at you.
“I was kicked out.”
“What, too drunk to be in the house?” His comment caught you off guard at it seemed nothing but spiteful. You flipped your head to look at him again, only to see he was still unwilling to look at you.
“Do I seem too drunk to you?” He only shrugged, knowing the answer was ‘no’. “If you wanna know, I-“ you stopped yourself from finishing, too embarrassed to utter the words.
“Don’t get shy on my behalf.”
“I was about to sleep with someone, but after we undressed, something came over him and he just threw me out,” you complained, crossing your arms and staring at the road like he had earlier.
“You what?” Satoru exclaimed, and now he finally decided to shoot you a glare. “Who?”
“Does it matter?” You shrugged, avoiding his gaze which you knew was just purely judgemental. It seemed he was more upset about the part where you were going to sleep with someone than the fact that you were literally thrown out, which only ended up fuelling your own anger.
“Who was it?” He repeated sternly.
“Just some guy I met there, I don’t know,” you shrugged, and instantly a loud huff left Satoru.
“Wow,” he said in utter disbelief. “So this is who you are now.” Finally turning to look at him again, your face hot with anger, you saw his eyebrows were raised in frustration and his tongue was poking the inside of his cheek.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Never knew you to be someone who just spread your legs for anyone.” You gaped at him, not believing the words coming out of his mouth.
“Stop the car,” you managed to force out somewhat calmly through gritted teeth.
“I’m not stopping-“
“Stop the fucking car, Satoru,” you practically yelled at him, startled when he suddenly slammed the breaks. Once the car had stopped, you didn’t hesitate to unbuckle your seatbelt and scramble out of the car, hearing him call your name before you slammed the door shut after you.
With your arms wrapped around yourself, you started to walk down the street in the direction of your house, knowing you were still pretty far from home. But you knew you were too furious to get back in the car with Satoru.
“Come on, get back in the car,” Satoru’s voice complained down the street.
“So you can slut shame me some more? Think I’ll pass,” you shouted back. It took only a second until you heard the car engine shut off before hurried footsteps against the wet pavement made its way over to you, Satoru positioning himself right in front of you.
“Fine, sorry, please get back in the car,” he said disingenuous, scowling down at you with his hands in his pockets.
“You expect me to accept that apology?” You scowled right back at him.
“Stop acting like a brat and just-“
“Brat? Really?” You interrupted him, raising your eyebrows at him. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it just as quickly with a deep sigh. “Thought so.” Keeping your mean glare at him, you tried to walk past him, but he surprised you by taking a strong grip of your arm.
“So is this like a weekly occurrence now?” You forcefully pulled out of his grip.
You simply shrugged while trying to find the right answer, wanting to keep your own anger in check even though you felt you were close to boiling over. “I mean, there’s something happening every weekend but that doesn’t mean I always participate.” He only scoffed, turning away from you and looking around the street. “What?”
“So now you’re just this crazy party girl that sleeps with anyone that’s available?”
You truly couldn’t believe it was Satoru saying these words to you, your best friend in the entire world. The person you’d known most your life, who knew your every deepest, darkest secret and had never judged you in the slightest — suddenly throwing mean words right to your face like you were just some nobody.
“Like you’re one to talk! You flirt with any girl that has a pulse, and not just in school. Remember, you went to parties too and enjoyed wallowing in the attention of anyone who’d give it to you!”
“I never liked going to parties. I still don’t,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Glad to see some things hasn’t changed, unlike the fact that you’ve turned into an asshole,” you spat at him, trying to walk away again, but he yanked a hold of you once more.
“Well, I’m not the only one who has changed,” he said in a low voice, giving you a stern look through his eyebrows.
A light laugh of disbelief escaped you, the tears quickly starting to well up in your eyes. Was this really the same person you’d physically been unable to let go off five months ago? The one person you believed could never intentionally hurt you the way he was now?
“That’s what this is about, isn’t it?” Flickering between his eyes, you knew you’d caught on. “Did you really think I was going to sit around and wait for you?”
“I certainly didn’t expect you to go and replace me the first chance you got.”
“Replace you?!” You exclaimed before the entire sentence had left his lips.
“Yes, replace me!” He fired back, his tone more angry than he wanted it to be, because sadness was all he truly felt.
“So you haven’t gotten any new friends at university?”
“That’s different-“
“Oh my god, Satoru,” you moaned in frustration, your hands rubbing your face. “I am so tired of you saying it is different for you! You’ve done that for years.”
Satoru had his hands deeply tucked in his pockets, his shoulders up to his ears with tension. He was already filled with guilt for talking to you this way, something he’d never done before. Then again, he couldn’t remember having this many negative feelings regarding you running wild in him.
“It’s baffling to me that you’re actually saying all these things to me, like it isn’t you that keep postponing our phone calls.” You said, your tone transformed from anger into the sorrow that had taken residence in you instead.
He breathed your name, almost like he seemed disappointed in a way. “Classes are riding my ass.”
“You don’t think I know that?” You fired back immediately, your tone remaining calm as you continued to hold back the tears. “But truth is, it has caused you to not make time for the phone calls.”
“You can’t expect me to be able to make time-“
What seemed to be the mix of a sob and a scoff parted your lips, cutting him off. It was like talking to a brick wall, because it felt like nothing you said reached him.
Had he always been like this? Too wrapped up with his own idea of being right that he took no regards for your opinion? If so, how had the two of you managed to go all those years without you properly realising it?
“If you haven’t been paying attention, it’s not me that’s had too many expectations, but you!”
His head fell back, retrieving his hands from his pockets to fold them over his chest. As his entire posture turned loose, you couldn’t bare to look at him when the first tear fell. He just seemed to be so sick of this conversation — sick of you — an idea that made you want to throw up on the spot.
“You’re being unreasonable,” he said in a low voice, as if he knew he was in the wrong but too stubborn to back down. He’d already been so cruel, a part of him feeling like he had already gone too far to double down now.
“I’m being unreasonable?!” You snapped, walking right up to him, now close enough to feel the heat radiate off him. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding with me?”
Never in a million years could you have predicted your favourite person in the universe to speak to you this way, biting your head off for simply living your life. But it went deeper than being upset about you going to some random party. It seemed like he truly disliked the person you were right now, and nothing had ever hurt you as much.
“For the record, I did wait. So many nights I just sat in my room, staring at the damn phone, waiting for you to call.” You were sobbing now, all restraints of your tears out the window. “But I think you’re not half as busy with your studies as you claim to be, but very busy making new friends, which is why it’s nothing but cruel of you to go at me like this!”
“You always do that!” He snapped, causing your sobs to halt for a second, eyebrows quirking up in surprise. “You always assume these things about me, paint me out to be this specific person without having all the facts.”
“I know you better than I know myself, for fucks sake! You hate to work, avoid it for all that it’s worth, and now you’re trying to tell me you work so hard?” Silence. “And you’ve always loved attention. You feed on it, and every single living person on this planet can’t help but just give it to you! I’m willing to bet my last dime you’re surrounded with all sorts of people just fighting for your time!”
Without stuttering, you fired shot after shot, feeling bad even though every last word of it was true.
The reality of the fight washed over you, knowing you’d never fought like this before. A friendship spanning twelve years was doomed to have some disagreements along the way. And with both you and Satoru having such strong personalities, there had been quite a few. But never had either of you ever turned mean, like right now, no matter how serious the argument had been.
“Despite what you might think, I’m not one of your silly school girls who just follow you around to stroke your ego. I’m my own person, always have been. And I’m sorry you’re pissy about the fact that I’m doing fine without you here and I’m sorry that the image you had of me is finally shattering.”
You felt you’d gotten what you had on your mind off your chest, and all that fell out of you now were uncontrollable sobs. Not only were you absolutely devastated, but you were scared. The person that stood before you didn’t feel like someone you knew, meaning you had no idea what might come out of his mouth next.
“Think I see you clearer than ever.”
Sucking your bottom lip in between your teeth, you tried to choke back your sobs, not feeling he was worthy of hearing the affect he had on you right now. You slowly began to nod your head, looking about for a few seconds before you simply began to walk away without saying another word. And this time you didn’t feel his hand grab your arm.
The second your head had hit the pillow after you’d gotten home, you erupted into loud, unruly sobs, that even managed to wake your parents. They stormed into your room, beyond scared something was terribly wrong, and your mom managed to pull your head into her lap, stroking your hair in an attempt to get you to calm down so you’d be able to tell them what had happened, but to no prevail. While she desperately tried to hum you to peace, your dad stood watching in anguish as he had no clue what to do in order to help.
Eventually, the sobs wore you out to the point where you fell asleep in her lap.
Waking up the next morning, you’d felt like it had all been just a horrible nightmare, and in just a few minutes, Satoru would stand at your door, so excited to just do absolutely nothing with you like you had planned.
But you sat in your bed and stared at the door, waiting for him to show up but he never did. When you became restless, you paced around the room, daring to glance out the window in hopes you’d spot him sitting by his windowsill. But here too, you were left disappointed. No Satoru shaped silhouette made himself known, and at some point during the day, he had shut the blinds without you noticing.
Two days later, your mom came into your room and asked why Satoru had left to go back to university already when you guys hadn’t hung out yet.
You were twenty years old when you started university.
After a therapeutic gap year of working and travelling, you were finally ready to go back to school, excited to see what the life of a university student was all about.
So far it all seemed to go as smoothly as one could hope for — moving in and setting up in your small dormitory, putting in a lot of effort to make it a space where you could feel at home. Signing up for classes and getting all the books you needed was easier than expected, some kindhearted strangers more than willing to help you get it all right. And lastly, finding your way around campus wasn’t nearly the issue you thought it would be. You easily manoeuvred your way around the grounds, quickly coming across spots you could picture yourself just hanging out.
You were more than prepared by the time the first class rolled around, entering the huge auditorium, nervously walking down the stairs and sitting down in an available seat in one of the rows closer to the front.
Suddenly it began to dawn on you that you were actually in university, working your way to a future career like you’d always talked about. All your hard work in school, your academic achievements, finally paying off, letting you be in environment of equally dedicated individuals.
However, even though your peers seemed to be on the same level as you academically, you got the impression they had excelled passed you socially already. As you let your eyes roam the crowd, you noticed how people had already made friends and even formed groups, greeting each other with warm smiles as they sat down together.
You didn’t have the chance to brood about it for too long, as a roaring voice spoke up from the front of the classroom, drawing everyone’s attention to him, the chatter quickly quieting down. The assertive figure introduced himself before heading straight into the plans for the semester, asking if anyone had any questions. While a few students raised their voice, you just desperately wrote down everything being said, just in case it might be useful somewhere down the line.
“I look forward to teach you this introductory class in education. I’m sure you’ll make great teachers one day,” he smiled. “Before we get started, there’s someone I’d like to introduce. I have the privilege of being assigned a TA this semester — come on up.”
Everyone’s eyes followed the professors gesture towards the person who’d just gotten up from his chair by the exit. All the air was immediately sucked out of your lungs when your eyes landed on the one person you hadn’t expected to see.
“Good morning everyone,” he said in his characteristically suave voice, hearing the girls in the auditorium instantly begin to whisper amongst them at the sight of him. “I’m Satoru Gojo, I’ll be the professors teacher assistant this semester. Any questions you might-“
The words instantly died in his throat when his gaze landed on you, tensed up in your seat. He could almost see you shiver under his intense glare.
Nearly two years had passed since the last time he saw you, and not a day had gone by where he hadn’t cursed himself for how he treated you that night. He regretted it all, but hadn’t been able to bring himself to face you and apologise, even though you more than deserved it.
Eventually, the days just passed him by and it felt like an injustice for him to just jump into your life again so he decided not to, which resulted in the most miserable two years of his life.
You wanted to look away, but the shock of seeing him again had taken over your body, holding your attention hostage under his drilling blue eyes.
He’d let his hair grow a little longer, which suited him, even though he didn’t need it to improve his looks. It also seemed to have bulked up a little. Not much, just enough for you to notice as his navy, button up shirt hugged his arms in a way his clothes never had before.
“Mr. Gojo?” The professor’s voice broke his stare, bringing him back to real world and acknowledging all the faces staring at him.
“Yeah, sorry-“ he cleared his throat. “Any questions you might have, don’t hesitate to come to me,” he stuttered over his sentence, shooting you quick glance even though he tried to keep his attention on the crowd.
With a shy smile, he made his way back to his seat, his eyes once again finding you as he was seated. You shrunk in your seat, your entire body on fire from having his eyes observe you for the first time in so long, sure you’re heart might actually stop from the stress.
Throughout the entire lecture, you both kept stealing glances from one another, an unspoken sensation filling the air between you, like you both could feel how badly you’d missed and craved the other the period you’d been separated.
His eyes carried the same weight they always did when looking at you, uncomfortably restless in your seat, fidgeting with the paper of your notebook and trying to keep the tapping of your foot to a minimum. When your eyes weren’t automatically drawn to Satoru, you peeked at the clock hanging above the whiteboard, begging for time to pass so you could storm out of the classroom and finally be able to breath properly again.
You were sure the seconds lasted longer now than normal, but the lecture finally ended and you instantly began to gather your things, shoving them in your bag as quickly as possible. Daring to shoot Satoru another look, you were glad to see he’d been surrounded by students (mostly girls), hindering him from making his way to you — or so you thought.
“I have a meeting to get to,” Satoru lied, looking at you packing up your stuff before rushing up the stairs towards the auditorium exit. “But here’s my email. Just… send whatever questions you might have and I’ll answer as soon as I have the time.” It didn’t seem like anyone picked up on the fact that he was lying through his teeth, but they all wore a disappointed expression when he began to push his way through the crowd, sprinting up the stairs to catch up with you.
You stopped dead in your tracks, even though you wanted to just keep moving, when you heard that silky smooth voice speak your name. You reluctantly turned around to face him, still only managing to let out shallow breaths.
“I- Uhm.” Now that he finally had your full attention, his mind ran blank and his mouth dry, in awe at your familiar eyes staring up at him, lips pressed together in a tight line. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you tried to reply, but barely a sound could be heard. His eyes shot to your feet, as you kept shifting your weight from one foot to the other, clearly not at ease seeing him again.
“You look- I mean I didn’t know you wanted to become a teacher,” he stumbled over his words, his hand coming up to rub the nape of his neck.
“Me neither,” it slipped out of you, instantly pinching your eyes shut when you reflected on what had left your lips. “What I mean is I only decided recently.”
He groaned softly, feeling like nothing he wanted to say would be enough. “You finding university alright?”
It hurt. Holy hell, how it hurt, not to have the conversation flow as natural. Every atom in your body tried to convince you to just lean into what you were used to, resurrect the friendship just like that.
You nodded frantically at his question. “Yeah, much to see.”
Clearing his throat, he gathered up the courage to ask what had roamed his mind since he spotted you at the start of the lecture. “If you’re ever available, I’d love for us to grab a coffee or something,” he said it so quickly you were barely able to decode what he even suggested, but once it registered, you drew another sharp breath.
“Really?” Narrowing his eyebrows at you, he hadn’t expected you to accept so willingly. He hadn’t really expected you to accept at all, if he was honest.
You didn’t know if you regretted accepting his invitation so quickly, but if there was a chance he’d apologise, you wanted to hear it simply because you deserved it. Or maybe that was the excuse you told yourself because you so desperately wanted to hang out with him.
“You haven’t changed your number, right?” You shook your head. “I’ll just text you.” The faintest smile grew on your lips as you simply nodded, a light blush spreading across Satoru’s face at the delightful sight.
“See you around, ‘Toru,” you said out if habit, quickly turning around and walking away so he wouldn’t be able to see that you too were blushing, regretting the use of his old nickname.
It didn’t even take two hours before your phone dinged with a text from him, where he suggested a time and place.
toru <3: how about next friday after the lecture? there’s this great coffeehouse five minutes from campus
you: sounds good :)
It seemed Friday couldn’t come quick enough, your anxiousness building up every lecture you had together. Despite feeling like the worst of the shock had passed as you simply flashed each other a friendly smile and a small wave when you saw each other, your mind would never get peace until everything was out in the open.
And now you finally sat opposite him, a strong grip on your mug to put your nerves somewhere. Satoru was scared you might shatter it, your knuckles turning white by how hard you were clutching at it.
“I’m really glad you decided to join,” he started awkwardly.
In all the years you’d known him, you’d never had the satisfaction of witnessing him awkward. It seemed like his default setting was mr. smooth talker, always able to find the right words in order to get what he wanted no matter how unlikely it seemed. But all that was out the window, staring at you with a sense of embarrassment, looking like a scared, young boy forced to face his stupid crush, waiting to get rejected after a sorry attempt at asking for a date.
“Me too.”
“You look really pretty- I mean, you look great. You’ve turned out pretty. Not that you were ugly before, you’ve never been ugly. In fact-“
His clumsy attempt at talking to you was cute, which was all it took to start chipping away at your cold exterior, the corner of your lips betraying you as it curled up in a small smirk.
“Thank you,” you said softly, his shoulders instantly relaxing.
Something about you was definitely different, but the tone in your voice made him realise it was actually you that was sitting in front of him; his best friend. There was no reason he shouldn’t be anything but comfortable around you. Especially now when he’d been offered the opportunity to maybe make amends, he couldn’t throw it away.
“I’m sorry,” he said genuinely. “I don’t want to give you any dumb excuses, because there aren’t any. I’m sorry and you didn’t deserve any of what I said to you that night.”
His voice had turned steady now, taking back the assertiveness you were so used to hearing. “I’m sorry too.”
He instantly snorted, much to your surprise. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.” He seemed to hold back a chuckle.
“Well, duh, but thought it was polite thing to say.” You were surprised by your own words, mirroring his humoured and shocked expression. Maybe he didn’t deserved to have you resort to playful banter already, but it just fell out of you so naturally. “You look great too, by the way.”
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” he smirked smugly, while you rolled your eyes at him.
“Uneasy is the head that wears the crown,” you corrected him, trying to suppress the smile tugging at your lips.
“Okay, nerd.”
Your lips pursed together, unable to fight it anymore, a sweet smile hiding under the annoyed facade — and he noticed, his heart doing a full flip at finally being able to see it in person again. He’d only been able to dream of it in the time apart, and a hope began to spring in him that finally he might get you back in his life.
And this was just the first coffee of many. It started as a weekly thing, in the beginning consisting of airing it all out in order to establish the trust again. But it didn’t take long until you both fell into an old and familiar pattern.
It started with tagging along to lectures. Next thing, Satoru suggested you ordered dinner while studying, however not much studying was done. The evening was spent sitting on the floor of your dorm, stuffing your faces with take out and reminiscing of your days back in high school, talking about all the gossip and drama that went down.
There was a mutual understanding that you both had to make up for the lost time, both sad you’d wasted so long not being in contact when it could all have been resolved if you’d both been mature enough to just reach out.
But despite both of you resorting to old habits, quickly acting as close as you were back then, things had escalated.
Before, he’d simply thrown his arm lazily across your shoulders without a single thought. Now his muscular arm held a more possessive grip on you like he was preventing another outcome of you slipping away. And unlike before, you matched his energy, letting your arm slide along his back and grab tightly ahold of his waist to secure him close to you.
When he subconsciously began to fidget with your fingers, you eventually let your fingers glide between his to interlock your hands, where both of you just let them rest, his thumb softly stroking you.
And when he was gentleman enough to open the door for you every chance he got, he gawked at you with pure affection in his eyes and he sneakily let his hand rest on the small of your back as you passed him.
Neither of you ever mentioned it. You gladly just let it happen, both leaning into it, getting more and more touchy as time went on. And it didn’t go unnoticed by your fellow students, ugly glares in your direction as they wondered how you’d gotten so close to the incredibly hot TA in the matter of weeks, also considering how many people he had throwing themselves at his feet.
You couldn’t care less however. You were simply living in the joyful bliss of having your best friend back.
His jaw dropped to the floor when you stepped out of the bathroom, not even noticing his lingering gaze on you, simply walking over to your purse to get your lipgloss.
The sinfully short dress hugged your curves just right, leaving little to the imagination. His eyes darted to the knee high, leather boots that elongated your enticing legs before letting his eyes indulge up your body, tracing your exposed collarbones-
“Satoru?” Drawing his attention to your face, which genuinely left him stunned having enhanced your already beautiful features, hair tucked up messily by a claw clip. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
More like an angel, he thought, trying to snap out of the haze you had him under as he slowly began to approach you.
What was happening?
There was a hunger in his eyes you’d never seen before, at least not looking at you. It was like he moved in slow motion, your heart quickly picking up the pace the closer he got. “Satoru?” You asked again, but a tremble in your voice exposed your nerves. “What are you doing?”
A confident, on brand smirk made its way onto his face, revealing his infamous dimples as he let his hand slip to your cheek, sliding it to the side of your throat and letting his thumb draw graciously soft lines along your jaw.
“I should have kissed you that night.”
His quiet confession filled the room, having your sole focus be his eyes, those beautiful, heavenly eyes that always saw right through you. The night in question had often played in your mind, fantasising about what could have happened if either of you had decided to cross the line.
“Would you have kissed me back?” The dominance in his voice had a weird influence on you, causing your eyes to flicker away from his eyes to travel across the attractive line of his curved lips.
“Without hesitation.” His grin widened, his thumb now moving to stroke your bottom lip. Much like that god forsaken night, he leaned forward, but this time he let his nose brush against yours, his breath brushing against your lips.
“We’re skipping the party,” he whispered.
“Didn’t wanna go anyways,” you huffed before finally being the one to engage the kiss, crashing into his lips, just as soft as you’d always imagined them to be.
Hungrily tying you arms around his neck in order to help deepen the passionate kiss, you felt his tongue slide along your bottom lip as if he was asking for you to open your mouth, to which you happily obliged.
His firm hands slid down your waist before stopping at your thighs, squeezing slightly into your plush flesh. Without breaking the kiss, you jumped into his arms with ease, wrapping your legs around his slim waist as he placed his hands on your ass, not an ounce of fear in you that he’d ever drop you.
Your hands found their way to his soft hair, instantly drawing out a soft moan from him, causing you to smile into the kiss.
“That’s what you like, huh?” You teased, pulling away from him order to get a look at his face.
“Shut up,” he chuckled before reconnecting your lips when you felt he began to walk in the direction of your bedroom.
Since rekindling your friendship, everything had moved at the speed of light. As it all had happened, you’d noticed the increased intimacy, both physically and mentally, but you hadn’t wanted to assume it was anything more than just a result of missing each other.
You’d experienced a new sensation of yearning for Satoru, one that had previously only passed you by in random split seconds which you’d always suppressed to the back of your mind. Never had you wanted to jeopardise your friendship for anything, especially for what you thought was just innocent lust that naturally washed over anyone that was in the close vicinity of Satoru.
But clearly you were wrong. Maybe there had always been a stronger desire to explore him in a different way that had just been buried because it seemed illegal. Not to forget the fact that it was being reciprocated, his strong hands exploring your body with an urgency you had never experienced with anyone before.
The meaningful and deep history only appeared to fuel the hunger you felt for one another, behaving as if neither of you had experienced the phenomenon of another person’s touch in a lifetime — and it was only specifically each other who could satisfy the need.
Still with a tight grip, he hesitatingly let you down, his hands sliding up your body to hoist your dress so it gathered around your lower abdomen. “This dress need to come off, baby,” he breathed into your mouth as he continued to pull it up your body.
You simply lifted your arms to let him twist the dress over your head, his eyes instantly locking to your perky tits as if they were calling his name. Before he had the chance to give into the temptation of fondling them, playing with your nipples, you tugged at the bottom of his sweater. No way you were going to stand in all your glory while his clothes served as a hindrance to your desire.
Again his alluring smirk greeted you, more than willingly pulling it over his head to reveal his chiselled torso, confirming your theory that he had gotten bulkier, because you would definitely have remembered if he looked like that before.
“Is this crazy?” You asked shakily after having removed your shoes and reaching for his belt buckle. Noticing the slight jitters hiding between your excitement, he snatched ahold of your chin to force you to look at his face.
“Not crazier than the fact that I should have done this ages ago.”
Pulling your face towards him, he had you standing on your tip toes in order to dedicate as much of yourself to the kiss as humanly possible.
Once the pants were off him, your hand found his chest, fighting the urge to dig your nails into his toned pecks, guiding him backwards to sit down on your bed. With glee you straddled him, embarrassment flushed your cheeks as a needy whimper just fell from your lips when his huge bulge ended up pressing against your clothed core, an amused eyebrow quirking up on Satoru’s face.
“Damn, calm down,” he teased, your nose scrunching up to conceal the playful smile that was taking over.
“Idiot.” Grabbing his face, you let your open mouth graze against his when one of his hands palmed your clothed pussy, pulling another moan from your lips.
Without warning, he pulled your black laced panties aside, his thumb rubbing small circles on your clit. You bit your lip to choke back yet another moan. Knowing Satoru, you knew he’d forever hold it against you — how he managed to withdraw those lewd sounds from you so easily.
“So wet for me already, sweetheart,” he panted, enjoying the view of your scrunched up face of pleasure. “Can’t wait to feel you around me.”
“‘Toru, I-“ you forced out when you felt him slip two lengthy digests inside you as he traced soft, little pecks along your collarbone that he had admired earlier. Hearing you barely able to utter his nickname mixed with the low squelching of your pussy, basically drenched already, was something he had only been able to imagine before. And god, was the real thing ten times better than his fantasy.
“Getting shy around me, pretty? That’s unlike you.” Again you wanted to roll your eyes at him, because he was even more cheeky when having you at his mercy than normal. But the consistent pressure on your sensitive nub along with the movement of his fingers were too much to even give that a try.
Fingertips clawing at his shoulders, slowly starting to rock your hips as you were being drawn closer and closer to the edge.
His smooth motion had you seeing stars behind your eyelids, the tingle of orgasm bubbling up inside you when he had you gasp in disappointment when you were deprived of his skilled touch.
“What-“ your eyes fluttered open in confusion before you were thrown off his lap, landing softly on your back, sinking into the mattress. Next thing, his boxers hit the floor, exposing his already rock hard dick. Eyeing the size, his cocky personality suddenly made a whole lot of sense.
Hovering over you, he swiftly tilted your head to the side to place a series of open mouthed kisses as he used his leg to spread your legs apart, setting himself up between them, feeling his tip slightly touch your entrance as it twitched.
“I need you,” it vibrated against your skin, one arm wrapping around his back in a desperate need to feel every inch of him, while the other traveled south to lace around his dick. It was your turn to draw sounds from him, a small, satisfied giggle ringing in his ear as a reaction to hearing his pathetic whimper.
“Sorry,” your giggle trailed off when he lifted his head to look down at you, the ghost of a smile on his face telling you he enjoyed the small banter during it all.
You gave him a few slow pumps, using your thumb to rub some of his precum across his tip, aligning him with the opening of your cunt as he punished you with a rough kiss on the lips.
That’s when you finally let go, your hand finding his back again to prepare yourself to be filled with his dick. He didn’t wait to slide into you with ease, gasping softly as you involuntarily clenched around his size, trying to get used to it.
“You okay?” He mumbled as he rested his forehead against yours. You only nodded before pulling him in for another kiss, reassuring him that you were alright and more than ready.
The line was officially crossed — no going back now. You could never go back to being just best friends, but maybe that was for the best, that maybe you’d always meant to be more. Every fibre of his being had for a long time ached to have you like this, spread out and desperate for him and only him.
At first he moved in a slow and sensual pace, wanting to be entirely sure you could take it. Eyeing your expression in awe, finally being able to be the one to make you grimace with pleasure.
“Wanted this for so long,” he murmured, being driven to lose all control hearing all your sweet whimpers, occasionally mumbling his name, which had him buck his hips faster and deeper, desperate to push you to climax.
Taking every inch of him over and over, stretching around him, he glanced down to get a look of the beautiful sight, his cock moving in and out, in and out, like you were made for him.
Your nails burrowed into his back before dragging down, too dazed in the bliss of Satoru’s cock stuffed in you to care about the red lines you knew you’d created, marking him as yours. Your toes curled as he kept feeding you horny affirmations and heartfelt compliments.
“Fuck fuck fuck, look at that.”
“God you’re so beautiful.”
“Taking me so good baby.”
“Fuck, should have done this ages ago. Look so pretty around me.”
“Hngh, ‘Toru,” you mewled. “I’m gonna c-cum,” you begged, squeezing your eyes shut and arching closer to him to chase your high.
“As you wish.” Something snapped in him, slamming into you at an unbearable speed, balls smacking your ass as he kept shoving into you. You tried to make out words to tell him you were about to reach your limit, but you were too fucked out to form anything coherent, just a string of cute sounds of pleasure leaving your pretty mouth. “Cum f’me.”
His simple command had you nearly scream as the sweet release washed over you, head pushing back into your pillow as he gave you the most intense orgasm you could remember. He fucked you through your high, feeling your body pressed against his until he too reached his climax, filling you with cum, a loud groan left him before his thrusts became lazy and sloppy.
He pulled out, collapsing on the bed beside you. You both turned to look at each other, instantly making eye contact. Whatever flashed between you caused you both to break into a calm laughter. Once it died down, your flipped to lay on your side and rested your chin on his shoulders.
“Should have known you’re quite a talker during sex, it adds up.”
“Is this complaining I hear?” He taunted, pinching his eyebrows together to challenge your statement. “Because the way you just moaned my name like a slut-“
“Okay, fine, I’ll sush,” you laughed before hiding your face in the crook of his neck in embarrassment. Carefully he nudged his shoulder to have you look at him again, needing to take in your flushed face after it all, eyes roaming every part of it. “So what happens now?” You breathed softly as your finger began to trace weak circles on his still damp chest.
Without thinking, he tilted your head up and placed an affectionate kiss on your forehead. “I know I don’t wanna waste anymore time not being with you.”
“We really screwed up there, huh?” As his secure arms wrapped around you to have you as close to him as possible, his chest vibrated with a low chuckle.
“Not my fault you were out and about, throwing your phone number at your customers.”
“Oh alright, if you wanna blame previous conquests, then there’s-“ he instantly placed his large hand over your mouth to muffle the list of girl names you could remember him being with.
“Still such a brat-“ you interrupted his insult by defending yourself the only way you could, sticking out your tongue to lick all over his palm. Before you even had the chance to understand what was going on, it backfired when he instantly rubbed his hand all over your face, smearing your spit.
“Satoru,” you squealed before you both fell into a fit of laughter again.
Well into the night, you just talked and laughed. Sharing every single moment from your friendship that might have been pent of feelings for each other, realising this was how it always should have been. Neither of you had to hold back on the affection or affirmation anymore in fear of jeopardising what you already had. If anything, the relation you already shared only seemed to further ignite what would come to be.
For the first time, you fell asleep in his arms, being his.
You were twenty-seven years old when life was just perfect.
“But pretty please!” Nobara complained, hands pressed together in prayer, close to falling to her knees to beg you to do her this small favour. It earned her an offended frown from both her classmates standing on each side of her. “It’s a testosterone nightmare.”
Before you were able to give her any form of response, two lean arms came lurking around your waist to spin you around, drawing bubbly giggles from your lips.
“My god, Satoru, we’re at work!” You managed to force out between your joy, eventually feeling your feet planted safely on the ground again. He lazily rested his arm across your shoulders, towering over the group with a content smile on his face.
“Sorry, just got excited.” He placed a small peck on the crown of your head, sprinkling a tint of pretty pink on your cheeks.
Over and over you’d told him to keep his devotion to you on the down-low in public, especially in front of the students but he never managed to follow the simple request, having the two of you act like love sick teenagers. And as much as you pretended not to, you melted as much at his antics now as you did way back when, rarely putting up much of a fight to actually tone down his behaviour.
Looking at the three first years in front of you, both Nobara and Megumi had a hint of disgust at the sight of how mushy Satoru got with you, always having a desire to be in contact with you one way or another. Yuji, on the other hand, always admired the sheer transparency of the relationship.
“So what’d I miss?”
“Nobara want me to give her private lessons because she’s sick of you boys.”
“Young miss Kugisaki, dare I say I’m disappointed?” Satoru said, acting overly dramatic, sporting pinched eyebrows to have them believe he was actually hurt.
“Gojo-sensei, I have reason to believe I’ll learn even more having a female teacher,” she pouted.
“Ouch,” he breathed in response.
“You’ll tough it out,” you chuckled, a small thank you whispered from the tall man pressed against your side before you opened your mouth again. “I mean, think about how I have it. At least you’re only linked to him during school hours while I live with the guy. I can never catch a break-“
A grunt escaped you as the arm draped around you tensed up, pulling you into a strong headlock. Endless laughter leaving you as you so desperately tried to pull out of his grip but to to prevail, cheek smushed against his ribs.
“Can you guys believe it?” Satoru gasped before carefully pulling up his blindfolds slightly to reveal one of his eyes to look directly down at you. “My own wife?”
“‘Toru!” He just smiled down at you at the happy sounds from your beautiful mouth, also amused by your weak attempt to break free from his hold on you, messing up your hair as you desperately tried to pull your head back.
“You’re both insufferable,” Megumi rolled his eyes, just wanting to go on with his day.
“All I’ve done for you over the years, and still you find it in you to talk to me like that,” shaking his head in faux disappointment. You were finally able to pop your head out from his grip, not at all due to the fact that he intentionally loosened his hold on you a little. A low chuckle rumbling at the sight of your pouty lip hidden behind your bristly hair.
Pushing it out of your eyes, you clicked your tongue as you turned your attention to his students again. “Don’t listen to a word he says.”
“I’ll have you know, I’m their favourite teacher,” he said proudly, shoving his hands in his pockets, leaning forward a little to me on the same level as you.
“Isn’t much competition when you’re their only teacher.”
“You’re feisty today. Get up in the wrong side of the bed this morning?”
“No, I think it might have something to do with you hogging the covers all night.”
The bickering continued, bickering only possible to come from two people who’d been best friends for decades, eventually causing the three friends to walk away with either of you noticing.
“Wipe of that grin, sir, or you’re sleeping on the couch,” you threatened, nothing but pure amusement in your tone. His fingers found your face, squeezing your soft cheeks together, causing your sweet lips to stick forward looking more than inviting. A low giggle once again harboured deep in your throat, trying your best not to let them spill.
His face came closer — oh how he still managed to have the butterflies go crazy inside after all these years never seized to amaze you, feeling the alluring look through his blindfolds.
“We both know you’d come crawling into my arms after an a hour,” he teased, close enough to your puckered lips for you to feel his warm breath.
“Nuh uh-“ was all you were able to muffle out between his fingers.
“Damn, I love you,” he spoke softly before planting a kiss on your mouth, unable to hold back the smirk that grew when his grip changed to a tender cup of your cheek.
Sometimes it baffled you how you both managed to be so incredibly, deeply and stupidly in love with each other. You’d think after all those years with so much devotion and admiration shared, you would have grown tired of each other by now.
But you guessed it helped to be best friends with the person you’d chosen to be with for the rest of your life.
a/n hehe this is long... this is basically a love letter to gojo after 261, where i had my heart absolutely shattered like most of us yk. ive been super motivated to write it tho so just last week i had 30 hours screentime on my notes app lol... now, ive said it before and ill say it again, i am NOT a smut writer (clearly). personally, thats the part here i like the least bc i just feel like i cant get it to flow naturally... besides that hope you guys like this
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velvetesrs · 3 days
Duty and Sacrifice | Hotd
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Pairing | Aemond x Reader/Y/N
Warnings | Mentions of incest between siblings. 
Word count | 3032
Authors note | I haven’t written in a while and it shows but I’ve been working on this while I was in the bathroom and this might be a one shot or a short series leading into the murder of Lucerys.
Aemond would never admit it to you directly but he was fond of the way your hair was reminiscent of your mother.
The glossy red, like a promise of an unforgettable autumn, the smell of lilac blooms and gooseberry wine, trailed behind you as you came to sit next to your mother. you didn't look like the traditional Targaryen.
Despite Helaena being your twin you looked almost nothing like her, where as she was thin, gentle blue eyes and icy white hair. You were fire, bright red hair, full breast, your dark violet eyes being all that made the common folk shy away from naming you a bastard.
You had grown into your womanly figure early, your large bust that was extenuated by your tight stomach from years of training made all noble twats talk of you senselessly which made him ill at the thought of it.
Somehow you looked like the perfect mix of your eldest sister Rhaenyra and Your Queen mother, Alicent.
He loved playing with your curls, thoughts of how they'd look wrapped around his hand as he made you cum ferociously on his cock ran rapidly through his mind.
But there was an innocent light to it as well, Aemond loved his mother, and you mirrored her perfectly. no matter how unkind and stiff she was to you all. You were the opposite, you may have stolen her likeness in appearance but you were kind, gentle and loving, all the things she wasn't.
Having a motherly role to your idiotic drunk of a brother and your sweet twin sister.
Aemond also enjoyed having someone look after him, without the same judgement and expectations the Queen had for him.
He loved the way your hands felt on his face, while you sobbed cleaning his blood away, the fire in your eyes as you stood to defend him, covered in his blood.
Aemond never could grasp how you could love them all so much, even Rhaenyra and her bastard children, you'd stand before anyone and swear on the Gods that they were legitimate just because you knew what being Queen meant to her.
"Come Aemond, I must clean your bandages" you whispered amongst the crowd not to draw attention to his injury. It had been many moons since it happened but unfortunately being struck in the face during training cause the gash to bleed once more.
He stood unaffected by your words. still shy to show it in fear you may think him a monster like the other ladies of the court.
"They will be even more frightened by you if you are to bleed out in front of them, Brother" your soft scent floated through the air like a fragrant flower as your hand brushed against his, "Come" you urged noticing everyone's attention on the king as his health steadily declined.
It seemed the whole court was on edge that day, all attention on them as if Viserys was to die in moments and they'd kill each other reaching for his crown.
The stress was beginning to eat you alive, and the last thing you needed was Aemond to be in more agony knowing how badly it hurt your heart to him in pain.
You walked along side of him after excusing yourself from the commotion, not daring to grab your elder brother's hand until you were away from the crowd.
"Are you alright, my love?" Aemond hummed watching you audibly sigh gripping his hand tightly. "It is just the weigh of what is sure to happen soon" you mumbled.
You loved Viserys very much, he had never paid much attention to you in comparison to Rhaenyra. However you'd helped him build his mini statues of king's landing as a child and that moment cemented a love for your father that even his lack of care for you didn't sully.
"He will die soon" you stated walking into Aemond's chambers, his scent was more pungent now in his room.
He smelt like trees after it rained, clean and crisp with a hint of the strong Pine trees that sat outside of the sept he was frequenting lately. It was comforting and relaxing to be so fully immersed in what seemed like the essence of your big brother.
Your hands made quick work unlatching his eye patch as you settled in front of him, "does it truly trouble you this much sister? The thought of him dying?" Aemond questioned darting his good eye away from your face. He couldn't bare the idea that you'd look at him with disgust even though you were often the only one he'd allow change his bandages.
You quickly wiped away the blood leaking from his wound, applying a salve you made to keep away the infection, "your sapphire is irritating it again" you said softly ignoring his question, your plump lips almost touching his nose as you got closer to see it.
He pushed you away gently, pulling his eye patch back on with a hiss, "it is fine as it is, if Aegon had been mindful of his sword this wouldn't of happened"
You sighed watching him put away your things you kept in his chambers for times like this, "it 'twas an accident" you mumbled looking down.
"You baby him far too much" he groaned in almost annoyance before he caught the look in your eyes, "he isn't as innocent as you believe Sister"
You had been angry at Aegon for harming your brother but when he gave you the puppy dog eyes you couldn't help but defend him.
Still you felt bad that you had forgiven Aegon so quickly thinking that Aemond would be mad at you, but you couldn't bring yourself to be unkind to him.
"It is fine Y/n it will heal just as long as I have you to care for me" Aemond said walking up to you, he pulled you into a hug, letting your scent mix with his in a deliciously sensual way.
You blushed pulling away from him, "Always brother" you cleared your throat, "we must go back"
He nodded disliking how quickly you put distance between the two of you, he gripped your hand, "let us return then"
Aemond knew something was wrong with you, you didn't seem ill nor did your smile fade from your beautiful face but still something was off, he noticed at first at dinner, when you excused yourself early. Something you rarely did if not on your moons blood which he had written down so he could help you track so he knew for a fact it wasn't that.
If he hadn't been watching you so closely he wouldn't have noticed you putting your food into napkins underneath your Gown pocket as if saving it away for some reason.
The most unusual part of your sudden illness at dinner was you rushed to your chambers with your handmaiden. You liked to prepare for bed alone.
He knew it was wrong to follow you but when he knocked on your chamber door it creeped open slightly as if not to show too much.
You face was flushed as you glanced up at him, "Yes, Brother?" You questioned with a soft smile pretending to droop your eyes to mimic exhaustion.
Your hair was wet, a sprig of lavender behind your ear, something else unusual, "Nothing, just making sure you are well" he replied narrowing his eye in suspicion.
You nodded, "Very well, I'm off to bed Sweet dreams" you rushed to say as you shut the door in his face.
He stood there shocked for a moment before turning away, you were up to something and even though he knew it was wrong to doubt you he couldn't help it.
Your footsteps were nearly silent as you snuck from your chamber, a hood resting over your head and a dark shift covering your commoners clothes.
Aemond stood just far enough in the shadows to follow you as you went to flea bottom.
He watched as your Princess like presence turned into one much like the other people in walking at night. You had been here before he noted, you knew exactly how to cover your tracks and how to hide your true identity.
If he was any other it would've been easy to lose you amid the crowds of people covered by the moonlight but your glossy hair peaking through the hood was a dead giveaway.
You stopped at a door, knocking twice. He watched as a woman emerged wrapping you tightly in an embrace, she smiled at you with tears in her eyes and her hands shook as you gave her a bag he hadn't noticed you had.
"This will be enough to live comfortably in Pentos" you said quietly, brushing a hand through the woman's tangled dark hair, "you will have your own home and never want for anything"
The woman let out a sob, covering her mouth, "Thank you My Princess, I-i am forever in your debt I cannot repay you" she pulled you into another hug.
You didn't seem disgusted by the obvious dirt on the woman's clothing, nor the stench of the streets.
"I have one request" you said with a grin "may I see him once more please" Aemond watched as she nodded hurriedly rushing back into her shack.
Much to his surprise, in her arms was a baby. it's hair white as yours, small fat fingers reaching up to touch your face and you held it with such care as she passed it into your arms it made his heartbeat rapidly.
"Tell him that his Father was a brave knight that died at battle, he was a good man but he couldn't stay to care for the two of you" you told the woman glancing down at the baby with love in your eyes, "and that his Aunt loved him so much that she could hardly bare it"
You had tears in your eyes as you handed the woman back her child, "there will be a man here shortly named Erick to safely bring the two of you to a boat, after that it shall be smooth sailing" you pulled something else from your bag on your hip.
"Enough food for tonight but I made sure the boat is ready for you with accommodations" you nodded stepping away, "I hope you have a good life Ellesa, you're a good woman"
She smiled at you watching as you kissed the boy on his head, "Farewell My Queen" she whispered. You laughed pushing her arm playfully, "Farewell my friend"
As she walked back into the small hut that he assumed was her home. You turned around and caught his eye, "Brother" you said slowly approaching him.
"It is Aegon's" he stated obviously referring to the child. You nodded, falling into step with him, "Yes"
You held your hand out awaiting his as you always did when you walked alongside him, "Not the first she had by him either, the others died due to illness she couldn't afford to heal" you had no reason to keep the truth from him and knowing you could always trust him you didn't wish to.
"She was his favorite whore, he introduced us once and I took a liking to her as well just not in the same manner" you murmured pausing your steps as Aemond stopped to stare at you, "he took you to the Street of Silk?" he all but growled in anger at their older sibling.
You laughed, rubbing a finger on his furrowed brow, "No, he'd brought her to me" he sighed calming down a bit, "you've bedded her?" He asked in quiet surprise.
"No" you shook your head, "she was simply a friend i had grown close to, but if mother were to find out about her she'd have her killed, the babe as well" 
"mother wouldn't do that" Aemond disagreed, as cruel as she could be he couldn't imagine her doing such a thing. "she'd never harm an innocent woman and her child"
You snorted as the two of you continued your walk back to the red keep, "you'd be surprised what our mother would do to protect our family's name"
You had a difficult relationship with your mother, you loved her like no other but you saw the looks she gave you, the tone she used when she addressed you.
Your mother didn't like you very much, she loved you, of course as she did all of her children. But she couldn't bring herself to like them not when her life had to end to bring all of yours to fruition.
The Queen didn't blame you but she could never shake the feeling as she looked at your face so similar to hers in her youth.. so similar to Rhaenyra's.
You heard her before you saw her as you turned the corner in search of Aegon, "You are no son of mine" the words so harsh it made your heart sear with sadness.
"I am sorry" Aegon whispered out, "I am sorry I am not perfect like you" there was a stillness in the air before the sound of a slap.
You quickly walked into the room to see Aegon on the ground, his cheek bright red, tears in his eyes and your Queen mother standing above him.
"Mother" you called for her hesitantly, "I believe Grandfather was looking for you, The septa mentioned it to me" you mumbled as she turned to you.
Her eyes closed and she shook her head, "very well" she cleared her throat looking down at Aegon once more, "Excuse me Sweetling" she said as she walked past you.
You rushed to Aegon's side helping him sit up but he stumbled falling onto your lap, the stench ale heavy on his tongue, "Why" he whispered laying his head down on your lap, "why does she hate me" he asked you.
Sighing you brushed the hair from his face, "Mother is troubled much like us Aegon, Do not doubt her love"
He laughed drunkenly, "She is cruel, just like father they hate us" you felt your heart drop not knowing what to say, you couldn't argue you felt the same as he did.
"Why couldn’t she marry us" he mumbled suddenly into your gown, "I told her it was you I preferred, did you know?" He questioned and your heart sank.
You didn't want to marry Aegon, not because it disgusted you, but because you knew the type of man he was, A wanton man with selfish needs and he could never put aside his childlike behavior not even for your twin, His wife.
“No I did not brother” you whispered, your hand brushing the curls back, “she knew it would hurt me if you weren’t mine” he bitterly slurred out.
Silently you thanked your mother for not approving the proposal, You’d always be there for Aegon but you could never stomach his ways.
"She hates you the most" he lazily laughed looked up at you, "you look so much like her she can't bare the sight of your face"
You already knew that. Rhaenyra was actually the one who’d explained it to you in your youth, she’d found you crying underneath a table after tea with your mother, she had insulted your embroidery you’d made for your father and Rhaenyra wiped away your tears.
You were never enough to Alicent, you indulged your self in your studies, you sought out religion just to gain praise that never came, you were the prettiest girl in court yet she always had criticisms about your appearance or your poise.
You watched as his glassy eyes closed and he fell asleep but you continued running your hand through his greasy hair, his words heavy on your mind.
"What did he do now" you heard Aemond say as he leaned against the wall near you, "mother seemed upset"
You were quiet, "she hit him again, told him he wasn't her son" you murmured.
The soft snores filled the gap in the absence of conversation, "how can you love him" Aemond broke the silence watching you closely. "He is terrible, you've seen it firsthand cleaning away his messes, he doesn't deserve it"
You paused your movements, "because if i do not who will? Hel cannot comprehend most emotions, Father hates us, you cannot stand him.” You swallowed taking a shaky breath, “He is right, Mother hates me as well but i am strong unlike him, Aegon is weak he cannot handle the pressure placed on his head.
Aemond came to sit next to you, "she intends to send me away" you stated looking up at him, "to the grand sept the learn the ways of septas"
He nodded watching your face closely, "how do you know this?" You giggled shaking your head, "you learn quite a bit with kindness Brother"
"You do not wish for that?" He asked grabbing your smaller hand, it always fit with his like the missing piece to a puzzle as if you were made for him. He swallowed at the thought of you moving far away from him where he couldn't protect you.
You sighed, "To live a life under false religion just to please the woman that wishes i didn't exist does not sound too appealing to me"
"I am a Targaryen i belong here with my family" you stated in Valyrian, "I am not a Hightower no matter how much I resemble them they will not force my dragon to rot in the Pits because I cannot bring him with me"
"You asked me before if I was truly upset by the idea of father dying but to be honest I am not, I'm more afraid of what mother will do after he's gone" you whispered.
Aemond gripped your hand tighter as the mother tongue came from you soft lips, the beautiful words sounding like a song.
"What if I propose an idea to mother" he hesitated to ask in fear of what you would think. You hummed in confusion, "What is it?"
Aemond looked down at his brother laying his head in the lap he had decided was his, "I shall Marry you"
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cosmicpearlz · 2 days
my love is mine, all mine
summary: a glimpse into how wonderful your relationship with jude is and how you guys complete each other.
pairing: jude bellingham x reader
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“i’m jude bellingham,” you attempt to mock his deep voice, while trying to contain your laugh. jude playfully glares at you with his arms crossed against his chest.
“you’re not funny.”
“i am so. you know you wanna laugh,” you replied, smiling brightly in his face. it instantly makes him crack a soft smile but he didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of winning.
“guys, he’s smiling! he knows i’m funny,” you poked his side while smiling even harder. the camera crew around you guys laugh at the way the two of you got distracted with poking each other and slapping the other person’s hand away.
“you guys have to stay on task. start asking the questions!”
“right right, sorry. i’m jude and that’s y/n,” you waved to the camera as jude introduced you.
“we’re here to see who loves the other person more.”
“no. try again.”
“we’re actually here to basically talk about our relationship. is that better?” jude looks at you with a smile and shakes his head.
“whatever you say m’love. do you wanna ask the first question?”
wining the match by a landslide had taken so much stress off of jude. he played the hardest he’s ever played. the fans from the opposite team giving him and his teammates an obnoxious amount of hate, only encouraged him harder. alas, he can breathe and loosen his shoulders.
jude looks across the pitch to find you with his family. his brother was the first to notice him looking and smiled at him. jude waves him over and jobe gets the hint, tapping everyone else to follow him across the pitch.
meeting in the middle, jude hugs jobe first. pulling him into a bear hug, causing the younger boy to laugh. moving on, he goes to hug his mom and dad. you stand over to the side giving them a little bit of privacy. you’ve never been the one to get in the way of his family, knowing how close they all were. not that they would’ve minded because they fully expected you and jude to get married, with how long you guys had been together. they seen you as a part of them.
“baby, why are you standing so far? c’mere,” jude pulls away from his mom and dad, immediately looking for you. he holds his arms out, prompting you to rush into his arms.
“congratulations my love. i’m so proud of you,” you whispered into his chest. jude wraps his arms tighter around you and lifts you up, loosen one arm to hook your legs around his waist. your arms find their place around his neck comfortably.
“thank you for being here.”
“i’d travel across the moon for you.”
“i’ll travel across the galaxy for you,” jude replies, while looking deeply into your eyes. you smiled and raised a hand to rest on his cheek. he leans his head further into your touch.
“must you always have to one up me?”
“yes. i would give you the world if i could.”
“luckily for you, you are my world and you’re already all mine,” your eyes gazing from his eyes to his lips. with one arm around your back and the other around one of your thighs that rested on his waist, he smirks.
“and you’re all mine,” jude leans his head closer to you, connecting your lips together. a sweet kiss that never fails to spark a burning desire within you. you pull away before the kiss can get too graphic with you guys still being in a public place.
“i love you so much.”
“i love you too darling,” jude places a quick kiss to your head and hugs your body close to him.
completely forgetting he absolutely still had the mic attached to his jersey. the private moment will be a trending topic for the next morning for sure.
“i’m ready to shake my ass on this yacht!” you jokingly said, causing jobe to make a face of disgust.
“ew i prefer you didn’t. don’t wanna see what you nasties do on your free time.”
“i prefer you do. actually, can i have a private dance?” everyone around jude groaned and walked away quickly to get on the boat. leaving the two of you to walk by yourselves.
“keep it in your pants bellingham,” you push his chest with a knowing smirk.
“i can’t. it literally has a mind of its own when it comes to you,” it was your turn to make a face mixed with disgust and disappointment.
“you are a perv. stop being nasty,” you pointed at him and walked away from him.
jude starts chasing you, knowing you wouldn’t even have the chance to go far because of his longer legs. he caught you in no time and picks you up, making you yelp in the process, along with nonstop laughter.
“you know you like my nastiness. stop pretending you don’t,” he whispered in your ear and placed a kiss on your neck.
“i do. just maybe not in front of your brother and friends,” you replied with, in between your constant giggles.
football season was finally over. real madrid winning the final cup had been a dream of jude’s and it came true. you guys took a trip back to england to visit his family and spend time with them. unfortunately, the time zone was messing with your sleep. finding yourself restless, you looked to your boyfriend and gaze over his sleeping figure.
“jude,” you poked his shoulder with a whisper. the sleeping boy didn’t move an inch.
“babe,” you shook his shoulder a little harder and jude hummed softly to you in acknowledgment. still he wasn’t fully awake.
“i can’t sleep.”
“darling it’s like three in the morning,” the roughness of his sleep voice stirred up something within you. curse your boyfriend for being so hot even when he’s half asleep.
“i know, i’m sorry. i just can’t sleep.”
jude sits up and rubs at his sleepy eyes. the moon light from the window shining on his face within the dark room.
“what do you want me to do exactly?”
“stay up with me until i fall asleep?”
the silence was loud as you guys studied each other’s faces in the dark. jude sends a small smile to you and gets fully out of bed. he holds his hand out for you to take and leads you to the kitchen. quiet footsteps pattering around the wood floors.
“let’s have some tea then.”
you sit on the stool by the countertop as you watched jude prepare two cups of tea. he knew exactly how you liked your tea. nothing in it but the tea bag and hot water. he thought it was weird but never mentioned it to you.
“here you go m’love,” sliding the hot tea cup to you and placing himself in the seat next to yours.
“thank you baby. i’m sorry i woke you.”
“it’s not a problem. is anything else wrong or you just really couldn’t sleep?”
“no, i just couldn’t sleep,” you pout, making the boy quietly laugh. he lifts one of your legs into his lap, rubbing the bare skin with his free hand before taking a sip of his own tea.
“well luckily i’m really good boyfriend.”
“oh really?”
“mmhm. who else would wake up at the ass crack of dawn?”
“you have a point bellingham,” you sip your tea to hide your incoming smile. “have i ever told you i love you?”
“hmm, you might have mentioned it once or twice.”
“once or twice? woah, you gotta give me more credit babe.”
“where’s the fun in that sweetheart?” you give him a dead straight look, while jude quietly laughs some more.
“i’m kidding. i love you more,” jude leans over and captures your lips in a kiss. moving to then place kisses all over your face, laughter now spreading out in you.
“not possible. i love you wayyy more.”
“ugh as if.”
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bunny584 · 3 days
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A/N: God I LOVE when you guys let me break the 4th wall. Most of you guys already know my specialty but in my junior years of residency I had to rotate on different services as part of training. Everyone loves a well rounded doctor. 
Anon, you’re insane for this ask. I could never write a full medical fan fic because it’s TOO close to home and I already spend 100 hours/week at the hospital I need to escape it somehow. 
Nevertheless, I’m SO happy to indulge you, baby. Let’s get into it. I’ll break this up into two parts. The Attendings, then The Residents. 
Dr. Satoru Gojo:
Most people incorrectly assume trauma surgeons to be stern and intense. I would argue that they are the opposite. They are so deeply unserious. My co-residents and I legit played pranks on our attendings 24/7 during the rotation - right up this blue-eyed psychopath’s alley. When push comes to shove, they get the job fucking done. The most calm under pressure. A patient comes in coding and requires a thoracotomy and its your first one. You have less than 5 minutes to access the heart and massage — Satoru would stand behind you. Steadying your hand. 
“Good. More pressure on the incision. Spread the fascia. Good. Don’t puncture the lung, they need that right?” 
And the second you get to the heart he gives you a tiny nod of approval. Takes over at the head of the bed. You’re in for a LONG OR night with Dr. G, hope you had dinner.
Dr. Suguru Geto: 
Alright chat, hear me out. I know what you are about to say. I am biased because it’s my specialty and the boy is fucking pretty. But contrary to popular belief aesthetic surgery is 10% of our field. We do burn, hand, bony and soft tissue craniofacial (cleft lip, palate, etc), cancer reconstruction, trauma reconstruction, etc. Suguru is meticulous. He can sew up a severed 4 mm peripheral nerve with his eyes closed. He demands perfection in EVERY case. In the OR he watches your hands like a hawk. 
“Don’t skive the blade or the dermis will be uneven.” “Approximate, don’t strangulate.” “Cut that stitch out and do it perfectly the next time.” 
And when it’s good. I mean fucking flawless. He looks at you over his mask with those violet eyes. ONLY smiling with his eyes. 
“Good job. Make it perfect next time.” — This is the highest form of praise you will ever receive from a plastic surgeon. We are chronically unimpressed. Take it and RUN. 
Dr. Kento Nanami:
Phew this one is going to make me emotional. Nanami has a very special and private ceremony he does to honor those that have given life to others with their bodies. He sits on the top of a hill by the airport. For each plane that takes off, he names a donor patient, thanks them, and says his goodbye. Your first kidney transplant (personal experience) you cry like a little baby when they pink up and the patient starts making urine at the end of the case. 
Nanami tilts his head and chuckles. “Congratulations, doctor. You just made your patient urinate. How does it feel?” 
For a patient who has been on Hemodialysis for a decade. Chained to machines 3x/week. Can’t remember the last time they’ve independently gone to the bathroom? It feels fucking amazing. You’d cry too. 
Dr. Ryomen Sukuna
Who here is shocked? Raise your hand? Because I don’t know WHAT contract the orthopods have with the Gods but every single one of them is 6’5, works out 3 times/day and drinks muscle milk in between cases. The thing about Ryo is that he doesn’t give a single FUCK if the patient is 99 years old on blood thinners, 10L of O2 at home because of COPD — he WILL take them to the OR and he WILL smash that hip to smithereens because a hip replacement is a hip replacement okay?
I kid you not, my attending and I came into the OR to finish reconstruction on an ortho case. I’m 5’3, my attending is 5’0. The orthopods were 6’5 and 6’6 the patient table was basically touching the ceiling. When we scrubbed in they had the audacity to say:
“Can we lower the table to plastics height?”
Dr. Shoko Ieiri 
This one is obvious. Neurosurgeons are brilliant. Naturally some of the most gifted humans I have ever met. Special grade. And given the unfortunate outcomes a lot of their patients face, they all have a darkness about them. Both charming and intimidating. Twisted humor to cope with devastating loss after loss. I don’t have to explain much here. After a 15 hour Chordoma case, Shoko walks outside the HOSPITAL to smoke a CIGAR.
Literally everyone is like???? Aren’t you a literal doctor??? Our moody brunette just takes a long drag and says:
“Do me a favor. If I ever need a ventilator to breathe for more than 48 hours, pull the plug and smother me with a pillow.” 
(Shoko I’m here anytime if you want someone to smother—what?! Who?)
Dr. Utahime Iori
Specialty: ANESTHESIA 
The Gas Gang. EVERYONE loves the anesthesiologists. Fiercely intelligent. Insane handle on physiology. The sleeper pick. They are the smartest person in the room. Surgeons are just fancy plumbers. Anesthesiologists actually keep the patient alive. And the thing about our Gas Gods, is that they WILL take a coffee break, ok? All that standing for 10 hours shit is NOT for them. 
Part II: Meet your first year residency class. Grunts. Bottom of the surgical food chain. Hope they slept after med school graduation because the first shift lasts 36 hours. And you work every second night until you drop.
Eat when you can. Sleep when you can. And DON'T fuck with the pancreas (and for the love of GOD don't fuck the attendings)
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mangowafflesss · 2 days
what do you think the 141 would do if they find out reader was ghosted by some guy she was talking with for a few months?
I do not like this at all. Please forgive this atrocity. CONTENT: MENTIONS OF VIOLENCE | SWEARING | SUPPORTIVE FAMILY-ISH DYNAMIC <3
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Three months ago, you had met this guy, Joe. He was nice, handsome and someone you loved talking to. However, you could only ever talk on the phone but he didn't seem to mind what you did for a living.
So sweet and understanding.
One morning you woke up and when you checked your phone, you felt something was off. There were no text messages from Joe like usual, but you shrugged it off and sent him one before throwing your phone down and getting on with your day.
A couple of days later, still no texts or calls. It was unusual, he was always the biggest on communication. Always sending texts about his day but nothing.
When it turned the week mark, it came to your attention that he had in fact ghosted you. You had checked his social media and also found out he blocked you on everything.
Which was not so sweet.
You were a little hurt inside, after thinking he was the one you would want to date after years of nothing.
When you went to the gym the next morning, you felt annoyance seep into your workout. Why didn't he just say something to you? Why be an asshole?
You threw your fists at the punching bag and heard the sound of clapping sound behind you. Looking over your shoulder, you see Soap and Gaz standing there with amused looks on their faces.
"Whoever you're imagining that bag to be should be worried" Gaz chuckles and you smile softly before sitting down on the bench beside you "Sadly I can't hit the real thing" you murmured before taking a sip of your water bottle.
"Oh, so you are picturing someone. Who?"
Here we go. You rolled your eyes but the two biggest gossip mongers sit on either side of you with hopeful looks in their eyes, waiting for you to spill the beans.
Taking a deep breath, you run your hands over your thighs and groan. "You know that guy I was talking to for a couple months?"
"Mr. Nice guy?" they say at the same time and you feel them get closer to you, their faces rather close for comfort. You hated when they did this.
"Yeah well, he ghosted me" you deadpan and they gasp in unison while looking at each other.
"What a dick" you hum in agreement and feel them take one of your hands in theirs. "We got you, he can go die for all we care" "Good idea Soap"
You see them give one another a look and before you know it, you're hoisted off the bench and carried all the way towards what you know is the Captains office.
"What are you doing? Put me down!" you yell but your voice is useless.
You're sat in one of the chairs opposite Prices desk and he raises a brow in confusion, because you know for a fact they just busted their way inside without knocking.
"Tell him what happened" Gaz says breathlessly and you shake your head "Its not important-"
"The guy she was talking to ghosted her! Can you believe it?!" Soap interupted you and Price leant forward on his desk with his hands rested under his chin.
"Mr. Nice guy?" he asks and you sigh "Can we please stop calling him that" you groan while rubbing your forehead where a headache is starting to form.
"I'll get my knives" you heard a voice say and jolted your head up not realising Ghost was in the room.
"I don't think that's necessary"
Ghost shrugs while standing in the corner, backing down, for now.
"Oh come on! let ghost after him, it'll make him regret not seeing how amazing you are"
"Yes, shaking him to his core. Guys it's fine, I'll get over him" you say simply and Price smiles "We are here for you, if he contacts you. Let me know" you nod your head while standing from your chair and leaving the office.
"I want to every single piece of information on him, got it?" John commands and everyone moves around the room in sync.
"Already working on it"
"Lets go visit this bastard"
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squareallworthy · 2 days
Reverse unpopular opinion ask meme: Irregular polygons
Irregular polygons are awesome. You can do so much more with them, in so many areas, but I'm going to limit myself to talking about just two of them: tiling and triangle centers.
(Did you think I was going to be all snobby toward my irregular friends and give them only grudging approval? Heck no, I love those guys! And so by the rules of the meme I get to infodump about the things I love, so this may be long but you asked for it.)
Let's first talk about covering the plane with copies of a single shape -- a monohedral tiling. And for now, let's restrict ourselves to periodic tilings. All triangles and all non-self-intersecting quadrilaterals tile the plane periodically, so that's not very interesting. All you have to do is place one polygon and then make copies by rotating 180 degrees around the midpoints of the sides.
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With five sides, things become more complicated, because regular pentagons don't tile by themselves, but there are fifteen ways an irregular pentagon can periodically tile the plane. Here are four of them that were discovered in 1976 and 1977 by Marjorie Rice, an amateur mathematician.
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There are three types of monohedral periodic convex hexagonal tilings.
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For polygons with seven or more sides, there are no monohedral periodic tilings using a convex prototile , but there are periodic tilings for nonconvex polygons of any size. Some of them are quite famous.
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Most of Escher's work in his Regular Division of the Plane series uses shapes with curves as well as straight sides, so they don't show polygon tilings, strictly, but the patterns do point toward complex tilings that are visually pleasing.
Irregulars can tile aperiodically, too. Here's a pentagon tiling with 6-fold rotational symmetry. It can be extended infinitely, and tilings can be constructed with pentagons for n-fold symmetry of any n>2.
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Going back to non-convex shapes, here's the Voderberg tile, an enneagon that forms a spiral tiling. Notably, one copy of the shape can be completely surrounded by two others.
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And of course I can't go without mentioning the tiling news of the century: "Tile (1,1)", aka the Hat, aka the T-shirt, a tridecagon (and polykite) that can tile the plane but only aperiodically. IDK if you follow polygon news but this was huge.
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Okay, enough about tilings. With tilngs it's pretty easy to get what's going on just by looking at them, but my next topic, triangle centers, requires a bit more explanation. Also there's a bit of jargon, but I will try to keep it simple.
Take an arbitrary triangle ABC. Where is its center? One way you might define it is to find the midpoint of each side and draw a line to it from the opposite vertex. Each line divides the triangle in half, and these three lines (the medians) all cross at a point, the centroid. This works for any triangle, no matter its shape. The point marks the center of gravity of the area of the triangle, and also the center of gravity of its vertices. Based on that, you could consider this the center of the triangle.
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Or you could work with angles instead of sides. Draw lines from each vertex that divide the angles in half (the angle bisectors). These all meet at a point called the incenter, which marks the center of the largest circle that fits inside the triangle. To put it another way, it's the point that is equidistant from all three sides. That's another point you could call the center of the triangle.
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Or, how about a circle around the triangle instead? From the midpoints of the sides, draw the perpendicular bisectors. Again, they all intersect at a point, the circumcenter, which is the center of the circle that passes through the vertices -- the point that is equidistant from all three of them. So you could also call that the center of the triangle.
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Or how about drawing perpendicular lines from the sides again, but having them pass through the opposite vertices (the altitudes)? They coincide at a point called the orthocenter. Isn't that neat? Yet another point we could call the center of the triangle.
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But wait -- can we? For an obtuse triangle, the circumcenter and the orthocenter are going to lie outside the triangle. (For the orthocenter of an obtuse triangle, you have to extend each side into a line, and draw the altitude as a perpendicular to that.) Being outside a thing is really not what we have in mind when we talk about the center of the thing. Should we care about that?
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Maybe not. Check this out. We'll go back to the circumcircle, and draw tangents to it at the three vertices. The three tangents form the tangential triangle (in blue), which we'll call A'B'C', where A' is opposite A, and so on with B and C. Now draw the circle that passes through A, A', and the circumcenter, and do the analogous construction for B and C (in red). The three circles coincide in two places: the circumcenter and another point called the far-out point. And as the name suggests, this is usually well outside the triangle, even for acute triangles.
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There's no reasonable way to call this point the center of the circle. But so what? I just love the fact that the three circles line up like that. I no longer care about finding "the" center of the triangle. I no longer care that "center" is rather a misnomer for many of these points. I just think it's neat that you can draw these constructions on ordinary aysmmetrical triangles and they keep all converging on one point. Want more? Reflect the medians across the angle bisectors, and they all meet at the symmedian point. Or connect the vertices of the tangential triangle with the intersections of the medians and the circumcircle. Those lines meet at the Exeter point. Or, from each vertex, draw the line that splits the perimeter of the triangle in half. These are called the splitters, and they meet at the Nagel point. And on and on and on.
You can simply wander around a triangle, connecting things that relate somehow to vertex A, then do the equivalent thing for B and C, and stumble upon new centers. And there are tens of thousands of these things, constructed with straightedge and compass or by other methods. And there are so many ways to enjoy these things. You can page through the enormous collection and get a kind of stamp-collecting satisfaction just looking at their variety and knowing that they exist. Or you can appreciate the proofs that show that the constructions really do specify a unique point. Or proofs that show that a point constructed to have one property has a surprisingly different property. Or you can notice that the points fall into certain families and appreciate the connections between them. (For instance, the centroid, circumcenter, orthocenter, far-out point, and Exeter point, among others, all happen to lie on the same line, the Euler line.) Or you can convert the points to trilinear coordinates, manipulate them algebraically, and get to know them that way.
But to appreciate them at all, you need to work with irregular triangles. Because here's the thing: in an equilateral triangle, all these points collapse to the same point. Everything simplifies to a single center, and the incredible wealth of invisible structure that teems inside every ordinary triangle is gone.
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You have finally found "the" center, but at what cost? Symmetry is death. Only through asymmetry will the vast truth of the triangle be revealed to you.
And those are just a few of the reasons irregular polygons are cool!
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stariiesz · 1 day
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୨⎯𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ⎯୧
Chapter 2
Tw: physical violence, cursing
Authors note: It only gets better from here, kinda. also this isn’t proof read, enjoy!:)
September 1st 2015
“Satoru, why do you not like y/n?”
Satoru looked up from the book he was reading and met eyes with his friend who was gulping down a whole strawberry soda. Satoru sighed and placed a bookmark in his book so he could pick it up later.
“I don’t know, she’s just… irks me,” Satoru responded as he ran his hand through snowy strands of his hair. “She doesn’t stand up for herself and lets people take advantage of her. I mean you see it yourself, she always lets people cheat off her and stuff.” Satoru expressed as he picked around at his school lunch with his plastic fork.
“So that’s why you don’t like her? I thought there was something more to it.”
“There are other reasons too,” Satoru says quietly as he takes a spoonful of the pudding on his tray.
Satoru wasn’t mean. He was a fair man. He wouldn’t dislike someone for no reason, there was always something to back it up. In your case, it was something you didn’t even know about. Something that if he had just talked to you for a second he would know none of it was true. That it was all a lie, but that never happened, so he was left with a bad impression of you from the start.
August 16th 2013
It was the first day of high school for Satoru Gojo, a spoiled kid who had never heard the word ‘no’ in his life. But unlike others, he remained humble, and kind, and treated everybody fairly. Satoru was the type of guy who wouldn’t harm a fly. Because of his personality, he was naturally a people magnet. People just seemed to like him and wanted to be around him. One of these people was his good friend, Alina. A friend he’s had since childhood. Their mothers were friends with one another so they would often see each other as kids. They went to elementary, middle, and now high school together.
Unknown to Satoru but clear to everyone else, Alina had a huge crush on Satoru and had one for a while now. It was obvious in her actions and the way she looked at him. She would make sure he only looked at her and no other girl. But Satoru was a teenage boy, it wouldn’t be ideal for him to be so in love at such a young age. And that was reflected on the first day of high school when he first laid eyes on you.
You were quiet, pretty, and seemed kind and well-intentioned. He knew you were his type the moment he saw you. Satoru was staring at you from the moment you walked in class until you sat down right across from him. You looked over at him and he quickly looked away, but not before you could give him a warm smile. His cheeks had a small tint of pink to them when he saw you smile at him. Alina, who was sitting next to him, glared at you which you had taken note of. You thought that maybe this girl and this cute boy were dating, so probably you should back off.
“Satoru!” Alina whined in a somewhat obnoxious voice. “You know that girl that you’re looking at? She’s like super mean.” Satoru turned to face Alina with a curious look. You didn’t seem mean though, you were so reserved and didn’t talk to anyone. You seemed the exact opposite of mean to Satoru at least.
“How, what’d she do?” Satoru asked as he played with the rim of his notebook. Alina hesitated for a second as she had no real proof to back up her lie about you. “Uh, I heard she bullied some poor girl in her old school. She made the girl change schools because of it, it was bad.” Alina lied as she looked at Satoru with remorse. “I wouldn’t even get involved with her, Satoru.”
Satoru raised an eyebrow. “Where’d you hear this? It’s like the first time we met her.” Satoru asked somewhat suspicious of his friend, but rightfully so. This was everyone's first day at high school, so how would Alina know such rumors about you when you didn’t even attend the same middle school?
“Well actually Satoru, I didn’t want to say this but… before class I saw her in the bathroom and I liked her outfit so I complimented her.” Alina took a dramatic sigh as she ushered him to come closer. “She scoffed at me and told me I was ugly. It really hurt my feelings, Satoru. So as my friend, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t entertain her.” Alina said as she pretended to look sad, a little hurt even.
“Are you sure it was her? I don’t know her but she just doesn’t look like the type to say stuff like that, ya know?” Satoru said, brushing a strand of her hair out of her face. Alina frowned at him. He seemed to be taking the side of a stranger over his friend, best friend even.
“It was her, I looked her directly in the eye when she said it. She’s no good Satoru, just don’t get involved with her, kay’?” Alina said as she played with the bracelet on Satoru’s wrist that she had given him. It was one that she had made for the both of them with little connecting hearts. It was one of the many times she would try to confess her love for him through small actions, but Satoru was oblivious.
“If you say so, Alina,” Satoru said as he gave Alina a small smile and connected their bracelets together. Alina was happy that Satoru had believed her lie. Now that he agreed to not get involved in any way with you, it was one less girl to worry about for Alina. Alina felt very possessive over him, she acted like he was her boyfriend and would often try to embarrass any girl who wanted Satoru’s attention. But this time was different. It wasn’t a girl seeking out Satoru’s attention, it was the other way around. This could be a problem for Alina, even if she told him not to get involved she wasn’t confident he would listen to her. So making up a little lie with little to no evidence wasn’t going to be the only thing she had to do.
That day, Alina found people who used to go to your old school and asked what you were like. All the responses were positive. You were pretty quiet but nonetheless you were still kind and considerate of others. That wasn’t going to work for Alina. Satoru wasn’t stupid. Even though Alina was his good friend, and he wanted to believe her, she was just one person. Satoru wanted confirmation of this story about you being a bully. So he would also ask people from your old school. Now, this is where things went downhill for your public image.
Alina not only found the kids who went to your school, but went as far as to bribe them. She said if they would lie and make rumors about you, she’d pay them, and even give the girls Satoru’s number. A lie of course. Alina was simply using them, making them play into her cards. She would do whatever it took to make Satoru hers, even if it meant tearing down someone else.
Luckily for Alina, the bribery worked. All sorts of rumors spread about you, which quite frankly you didn’t care about. All you focused on was your studies and your own personal hobbies. You could care less if a few lies spread about you, you knew they weren’t true and that’s all that mattered. Unbenounced to you, there was one rumor started by Alina herself that she told Satoru and had people back her up. You had never heard of this rumor, perhaps if you did, it would explain why Satoru was so cold the last 4 years of high school.
“Hey Satoru, did you hear? Y/N was talking bad about you and your family. And even your.. you know.” One of his many newfound friends said.
“Yeah, that was really messed up. I can’t believe she’d make jokes about your… dad and stuff.” Another voice chimed in. Alina sat there with a smirk on her face. It was working. Her plan was working. Sure she could’ve left it with the small rumor she made about you being mean to another kid, but this was Alina. She wanted to start drama and had fun doing it all.
“Oh my god yeah, she's so messed up in the head.” Alina joined in holding Satoru’s arm. There had been a rumor that stood out from the rest about you. It was a rumor that you had made fun of Satour’s passed father. A very sensitive topic for Satoru.
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His death happened a few summers prior. It affected him and his family greatly, especially Satoru. Satoru was always very fond of his father. They would play soccer together, go to arcades, etc. His father was his biggest role model, so it struck as a shock to him and his family when his dad got into a horrible car accident on the way to pick up Satoru from soccer practice.
Satoru felt like it was all his fault that it happened. If Satoru hadn’t been so instant in going to soccer practice, it never would have happened. His dad would still be there and Satoru would still be happy. But of course, life is not always perfect, and things don’t go the way you want them to go. Satoru learned that early on.
While he was grieving, there were many people there for him, but the one he was most comforted by was Alina. Alina had lost her mother at a very early age. She didn’t remember her mother but it still hurt to see other kids with their moms doing stuff with their kids and then there was Alina. Because of this, the two of them formed a bond and were best friends from there on out.
Satoru took a few weeks off school when it happened but he returned soon after. People were worried about him, but he was able to keep up a smile even throughout the tragedy. Alina was always there for him even at their young age. So it made sense that he would believe her.
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“She what?” Satoru asks, snapping out of his flashback and joining his friends in the conversation.
“Yeah man, a few girls overheard her talking about your dad and making fun of him, she’s horrible.” One of his friends said. Satoru was mad. It wasn’t just Alina saying that you had said horrible things about his deceased dad, it was the whole grade playing along with her. From here on out Satoru started to dislike you, a lot. He didn’t want to confront you about it because it would just be a waste of time, but it would have been better if he did. He simply started to ignore you and roll his eyes when he saw you. You were confused because just a few days ago he was smiling at you in class, but now he just gave you cold glares and scoffed when he saw you.
You were in your own little world. You don’t know why he changed but he did and you couldn’t do much about it. You usually didn’t mind when other people ignored you but when he started to as well, it seemed to bother you. At the time, you didn’t know but you had started to develop feelings for Satoru. But now he seemed to hate you for what you thought was no reason so you just dealt with it. Those feelings stayed for all four years of high school. If only you had known of the rumor. You would have immediately cleared it up with Satoru. You would have made it known that you would never say something like that much less about him. But what’s done is done, and there is no way to change that now.
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July 24th 2017
It’s been about a month into your summer break. You haven’t kept in contact with anyone from your old high school, but you didn’t need to. Your summer is going fine so far. You now have time to dedicate to your hobbies and doing other fun stuff. You were a little nervous about one thing though, and that was college coming around the corner. Even though you were nervous it was kind of like a fresh start for you.
You could meet people who didn’t make or know fake rumors about you. You could meet people with similar interests and hobbies. What mostly interested you about the college was the writing class course they offered. It’s a very popular course and it was one you wanted to take. The teacher was told to be great at their job and taught interesting topics. Ever since you heard your older cousin took it and liked it a bunch, you also wanted to take it. Another reason you wanted to take it was because it was one of the courses Satoru wanted to take. But he’s not going to the University of Kyoto so that failed.
Besides the occasional worry about starting college in August, summer was treating you well. Today was one of the annual Japanese festivals. You were going to go with your parents and little sister to eat some good food, play games, and watch the famous fireworks. It was something you did mostly every year. It was going to be an all-around good time. Your parents were busy with work so it was one of the times the whole family could spend time together.
You started to get ready for the festival. You put on your prettiest Yukata, tied your hair in a bun, and put on a little makeup. It was one of the times you gotta dress up and it made you feel good about yourself. On the car ride there you laid your head on the window and pondered to yourself. ‘I wonder where Satoru is right now.’ You thought to yourself as you listened to some lovey-dovey song through your headphones. ‘I bet he’s gonna get a girlfriend in college too.’ You rolled your eyes at your thoughts. So what if he did, he’s going on about his life. You thought confessing would make you stop having these sappy thoughts but you found that to not be true at all.
Ever since you confessed you thought of Satoru a lot more. Probably more than you did before you confessed. The thoughts wouldn’t go away but you had to remind yourself that he’s going his own path and you need to focus on yours. What kept eating at you though was now that he had changed colleges he would be going to Alina’s college and they’d only continue to get closer to one another. You sighed and closed your eyes as you listened to your music. Now a sad song was playing, ironic huh?
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As you and your family entered the festival your nose was filled with a handful of smells. Fried foods, sweet pastries, and the smell of the beautiful blue ocean. The same shade of blue as Satoru’s eyes. Sigh, you have to stop thinking about these sappy things.
You moseyed around with your family for a while playing games and trying different foods. You ran into a few people from your old high school but they didn’t acknowledge you so you didn't either. You could have sworn you saw Alina but you were being rushed by your mom to help her carry something. It would have ruined your whole night if you did see her though. But for now, you just ignored it. It probably wasn't her anyway. You overheard her saying she was going to Europe for the summer anyway.
The fireworks were going to start soon. As you and your family sat down on a good spot on the crowded beach, you felt the reminiscence of the huge drink you had earlier and had to use the bathroom. You excused yourself and headed to the lady's room. After you finished your business you touched up your makeup and made sure your hair was good. As you applied a slick layer of lipgloss you noticed someone come up behind you.
“Excuse me, I gotta…oh it’s you.” The voice said, suddenly changing the tone when they caught a glimpse of your face. It was none other than Alina all dolled up for the festival. You briefly moved out the way as she asked and she stared you up and down as she touched up her lipstick.
“You know, Y/N, Satoru’s here,” Alina said with a smirk as she went back to putting on her lipstick. Your heart dropped when you heard his name. Satoru was here after all. Of course, you were happy, but there was a catch if Alina was mentioning it.
“Yeah, we're actually dating now. Took a while but we finally confused our love for each other, cute, right?” She said with a laugh. “He doesn’t want you, he never has, so just get over him, kay’? We're happy together.” She said brushing some strands of her brunette hair out of her face. Your heart dropped again but not because you were happy this time. No, because you were crushed.
You knew that you and Satoru getting together would probably never happen and that he would find someone he truly loved. But you didn’t think so soon, and with her of all people. You couldn’t lie, it stung a little, but you couldn’t let Alina know that so you kept your emotions concealed.
“Congrats to you two, I guess.” You said in the most unbothered way you could. You were just about finished touching up so you were about to leave when she grabbed your shoulder.
“Wait up a minute,” Alina said, halting your movements. “I just want you to know… that he would have never wanted you anyway. I mean look at you and then look at me. I’m pretty, skinny, and brunette while you... Well, you're you. You shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up in the first place, I mean-” SLAP.
You were fed up with Alina. She was annoying and just straight-up rude. You didn’t bother anyone and yet she seemed so envious of you. You’ve taken enough of her crap. Now that school is over you weren’t gonna get in trouble so you went for it. You slapped her, and it felt good. She deserved it.
Her jaw dropped and she held the side of her face which you slapped.
“You're a real bitch you know that!” She said grabbing her purse and running off probably to tell Satoru and her minions. You didn’t care though. After years of her little snarky comments, this pushed you over the edge. It was so unlike you. You were never really one to escalate to physical violence, but if it was Alina anyone rightfully would.
You finished your slight touch-ups and walked out of the bathroom to join your family on the beach for the fireworks. On the way there you bumped into someone and some stuff in your bag fell. Both of you bent down to pick it up before you could see who it was.
“Oh sorry about that.” You said as you put the stuff in your bag. As you looked up to see who it was you bumped into foreheads with them, but when this happened you saw those cerulean eyes. Those eyes were unmistakable. You had to be sure it was him. You looked up at him as he offered you a hand to get up. There was no mistaking those snowy white strands and those beautiful blue eyes. It was Gojo Satoru.
‘Why is he being nice to me?’ You thought to yourself. It seems you thought too soon because as soon as he made eye contact and realized it was you his warm smile disappeared and he replaced it with a frown as he put down his extended hand.
“Oh, nevermind.” He said as he walked off with his hands in his pockets. Great. You had actually thought for a second that maybe, just maybe he would start to like you, but no. As soon as he realized it was you he walked off probably to go and join his new girlfriend and talk about how much of a hopeless romantic you were. You sighed as you got up yourself and continued your walk back to your family on the beach.
The fireworks were beautiful as always but you couldn't fully enjoy them since all you were thinking about was your previous encounter with Satoru. What had gone so wrong to make him hate you? That you’ll never know.
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After the festival was over, you walked back to the car with your family. In the parking lot you had caught a glimpse of Alina who was standing with Satoru. She looked back at you with a cold glare. You could care less at the moment. Suddenly she got a devious smirk on her face as she took Satoru’s arm and kissed him. Now that you care about it. You looked away blinking back some tears and turned to face your family. You tried to ignore what you just saw and paid attention to finding the car and getting the hell out of there.
What was once supposed to be a fun, traditional family event you looked forward to was ruined this year by Alina and Satoru.
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Authors note: yes I did reference jjk chapter 261 :p
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Tag list: @username23345 @midnightwriter21 @seternic @azure-op @megumisthirdog @kalulakunundrum
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ashwhowrites · 1 day
Ok, so this one is either going to be a hefty boy, or a 2-parter:
So imagine if Chrissy broke up with Jason and starts dating Eddie. The reader is best friends with both Chrissy and Eddie, and is also very much in love with them. But since they're together, reader just keeps it to herself. Unbeknownst to her (and to each other) both Chrissy and Eddie also have feelings for the reader.
Until one day, Eddie and Chrissy are together, and he calls Chrissy by the readers name. Eddie's panicking thinking Chrissy is going to be pissed, but instead she's just like "oh thank god!" And they decide to try and figure out if the reader feels the same about them.
Then maybe like Jason wants to get back at Chrissy and Eddie, so he convinces a basketball player to ask the reader out and then embarrasses her on the date, so she goes crying to her besties and they comfort her and confess their feelings.
(If you want to add HellCheer x reader smut at the end I won't be upset by this.)
Sorry if this is really long, I've had a while to think it out.
As a bisexual gal, this was a dream. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️smut ( threesome )
Both of you
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Y/N had a secret crush on her best friend Chrissy for years. She never admitted it to the cheerleader as Chrissy never talked about females before. But Y/N also never had so maybe she shouldn't assume. Watching Chrissy and Jason be together was hell. All the things Jason got to do made Y/N burn with jealousy. Jason was also an asshole and she hated that Chrissy would even stay with him.
As a way to distract herself, Eddie caught her eye. Y/N had been friends with Eddie for a while, less than Chrissy. She met Eddie because of Chrissy, which was odd since they were opposites. But that was exactly what Y/N needed. He was the opposite of Chrissy.
She found herself crushing on him the more they all hung out. Eddie was single and Y/N focused on that. They flirted and had their moments but nothing truly happened. It was all words and soft touches to his arm.
But then Chrissy dumped Jason and Y/N was back to square one. She didn't know if she should take the chance and see where Chrissy's head could be, or keep focused on Eddie.
Eddie had a small crush on Y/N the moment he met her. She was a pretty girl with a beautiful smile. But he had his eyes on Chrissy since middle school. He suffered while she was with Jason, enjoying the distraction Y/N was. It might have been a distraction, but he loved it when Y/N would touch his arm and whisper flirty things in his ear.
But then Chrissy was single and Eddie didn't know what to do. He didn't want to discard Y/N like their time was nothing, but did he really wanna pass up the chance with Chrissy?
Chrissy felt a pull towards Y/N, and it confused her. She wasn't used to looking at a girl and wanting to spend every breath kissing her. Chrissy was always memorized by Y/N. Even when she was with Jason, her eyes watched Y/N's every move. But so did Eddie. It started as a little friendship, but the more she hung out with him the more she realized how attracted she was to him.
She dumped Jason because her brain felt splattered all over the place. She knew she didn't want him and she didn't know who to go for.
Y/N felt personally attacked by God himself when Chrissy and Eddie announced they were together. She felt like the world crashed at her feet and her duty was to suffer.
But she loved both of them, and she would never admit how bad it hurt to see them together.
She knew they didn't mean to make her a third wheel, but she was. She bit away at the inside of her cheek as they held hands in the hallways. She looked away whenever they shared a sweet kiss in the booth. And she was right out the door the second the room got steamy. She was sad that it seemed like it was not three friends hanging out anymore, it was just their date.
Chrissy could never get rid of this feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She knew she loved being with Eddie and was happy to be with him, but Y/N ate away at the back of her mind.
With Eddie's lips on her neck and his hands moving up her skirt, she closed her eyes and thought of Y/N. It wasn't that Y/N replaced Eddie in her mind, she was additionally added in. She pictured Y/N kissing Eddie as he moved inside of her. She pictured the three of them doing the nastiest things she could think of.
She had to bite her lip constantly to make sure she didn't moan out the wrong name. Because she screamed both their names when she pleased herself behind closed doors.
Eddie felt guilty for the amount of times he thought of Y/N. He loved Chrissy and he did not regret a relationship with her. He just wished he didn't have to pick between them. He wished he could have both under his arm.
Eddie moaned as Chrissy kissed down his naked chest, falling to her knees.
His hand tangled in her hair as she took him down her throat, his head thrown back with bliss. His eyes closed as he melted into the couch, her warm mouth wrapped around him. The feeling felt incredible as he lost himself in his fantasy.
Felt both girls' mouths on him, kissing every inch of his skin. His grip on Chrissy's hair got tighter as the images flashed through his head.
He panted at the thought of them both on their knees, pretty eyes looking up at him before they kissed each other. Then they'd pull away and both kiss down his cock. Then they'd take turns sucking him off.
"Fuck, Chrissy" he moaned, the images of her gagging on him and the touch of Y/N playing with his balls
"Fuck Y/N just like that,"
His eyes snapped open as he heard his own words. He cringed as Chrissy's head snapped up in shock.
Eddie sat in fear as she stared at him. Her blue eyes looked frozen as she stared. He quickly tucked himself back in his pants. Apology on his tongue.
"Oh thank god, you think about her too," Chrissy said, a relieved smile on her face as she stood up.
"Wait what?" Eddie asked. Chrissy crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Y/N, you were thinking about her, right?" Chrissy asked to clarify
"Yeah, I'm sorry. It wasn't instead of you. I love you and you know that. But she never leaves my head." Eddie sighed
"It's okay, Eddie. She doesn't leave my head either." Chrissy finally confessed out loud.
"Really?" Eddie was surprised. He never once thought his girlfriend had a side to her where she liked a girl.
"Really. I've been stuck trying to figure out my feelings for you and her and it's the same."
"I know what you mean," Eddie said as he held Chrissy on his lap
"What do we do?" Chrissy asked
"We see how she feels" Eddie shrugged, it was worth a shot to see where it would go.
Before Eddie and Chrissy could discuss everything with Y/N, she already had news of her own.
"What do you mean you have a date with Troy?" Eddie snapped, the excitement washed off her face.
"I mean he asked me out and I said yes, what is the big deal?" Y/N countered back
"It's just Troy isn't always the nice kind of guy," Chrissy said, a lot more comforting than Eddie.
The couple tried to ignore the pain in their chest at the thought of her slipping away.
"It's just one date, and if it goes horribly I will never see him again." Y/N shrugged. She wanted to see if she could move on and distract her brain from the two across from her.
"That is a good idea," Chrissy smiled
"Bullshit it is. Y/N, he is an asshole, what makes you think he will suddenly be prince charming? You are going to get yourself hurt." Eddie fought.
"Eddie, relax." Chrissy soothed as she rubbed his back
Y/N looked away as they shared their moment
"Why do you care so much anyway?" Y/N asked, moving her eyes to look right at Eddie.
Eddie shared a look with Chrissy, asking if this was the right time to come clean. Chrissy gave him a small shake of her head and he nodded.
"I'm looking out for a friend," Eddie replied
"I'm a big girl. I'll deal with whatever happens." Y/N snapped as she walked off
"I've got a bad feeling" Chrissy sighed
"Me too"
Their bad feeling was right
That night Y/N was pounding on Eddie's trailer door as she sobbed.
Eddie pulled her into a hug the moment he saw her, he closed the door behind her. He kept his arms around her as he walked her to the bedroom, where Chrissy sat flipping through her homework
"What happened?" Chrissy gasped as the crying girl came through the door. Her homework was shoved to the floor as Y/N sat on the bed. She left Eddie's arms for Chrissy's.
"I'm an idiot. I should have listened to Eddie but of course, I wanted to make my own stupid decisions." Y/N cried
Chrissy and Eddie shared a look
Chrissy pulled back a little so she could clear off Y/N's running mascara. Eddie sat next to both of them, rubbing Y/N's back.
"You are not an idiot. You wanted to give Troy a fair shot and that was sweet of you." Chrissy cooed
Eddie had a different approach
"What did the fucker do?" Eddie snapped
Chrissy sent him a glare but he was too fired up
"It was all a joke. I guess Jason told him to ask me out."
At the sound of Jason's name Chrissy and Eddie both tensed up
"And when I got there, the whole team was there and they all laughed and made fun of me for thinking I was actually going on a date with someone that popular"
"Don't listen to them. Jason is always trying to mess things up. He wanted to hurt me." Chrissy said softly, her heart broke for her.
"Anyone would be lucky to be on a date with you," Eddie jumped in
"Yeah right," Y/N scoffed. "I'm going to clean up my face." She said as she got up and walked off to Eddie's bathroom.
"I think we should say something now," Chrissy said once they were alone
"Will it be too much for her?" Eddie asked, he was worried it would be too many emotions at once.
"I think it will help her to hear."
The couple went silent as she walked back out. Her makeup was cleaned off and her hair tossed up.
"We have something to tell you," Chrissy said
Y/N nervously looked between both of them as she took her seat on the bed. Chrissy to her left and Eddie to her right
"What's up?" Y/N asked
"How do you feel about me?" Eddie asked
Y/N swallowed nervously as she turned to look at Chrissy
"It's okay, be honest," Chrissy whispered as she nodded to Eddie
Y/N took a deep breath and looked back at Eddie
"I guess I've always had this attraction towards you. And I really like you and I thought we had something but I've been trying my best to be happy for you." Y/N confessed
"And how do you feel about me?" Chrissy asked
Y/N grew more nervous for that one
"You're my best friend," Y/N smiled. Her palms were sweaty. Confessing to Eddie was easy, but coming out to her best friend was a whole different emotion
"Do you ever see me as anything more?" Chrissy asked
"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Y/N panicked as she stood up. "Why are you guys asking me this stuff?"
"Well," Chrissy sighed, "Eddie and I both have feelings for you. Feelings we felt before we got together, and they haven't gone away."
"We know it's crazy, but if you wanted, we were wondering if you wanted to give us three a shot," Eddie explained
Y/N felt like she was in a different universe. Did the two people she had feelings for just ask her to be with them?
"As in...all three of us date?" Y/N asked, her brain felt like it was non-stop running
"Yeah. We don't have to dive straight into a relationship. We could date and test the waters." Chrissy said, standing up as she walked closer.
"Uh..." Y/N didn't know what to say, but she didn't have to say anything.
Chrissy cupped her jaw and leaned in. Y/N watched with heavy eyes as Chrissy's lips got closer and closer until her lips touched hers.
Y/N melted into the kiss immediately, after years and years of dreaming about this exact moment. Y/N reached forward and gripped Chrissy's hips. The kiss grew heavy as Chrissy moved her hands to trail down Y/N's back.
Chrissy pulled away with a smile
Y/N stood shocked as she tried to regain her breath
Eddie reached forward and yanked Y/N down to his lap
She shivered as she felt his bulge underneath her body, and then his lips were on hers
She whimpered as he easily took control of the kiss. His rough hands squeezed her ass as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. Her head got dizzy from the way he touched her and pulled whines from her throat.
He pulled away with a small smirk, loving the lust that burned in her eyes
"Did you like that?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Did you like it with her?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Want to go further?" Chrissy asked
Y/N turned her head to look over her shoulder. Y/N nodded and felt her stomach bubble with excitement
Y/N had her back against the mattress, breathing heavily as her nerves filled her body.
"Ready?" Eddie asked, he was in between her legs, standing at the end of the bed. She barely could take her eyes off his naked body. His cock was already covered in the condom, waiting for her reply.
Chrissy sat naked near Y/N's head, rubbing Y/N's chest to calm her nerves.
Eddie held Y/N's hips as she pushed himself inside her, he entered himself slowly. Letting her take him inch by inch.
She gasped as he filled her, he felt amazing inside of her. He went slow as he thrust inside of her, making her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt him.
"Doing so well for me, such a good girl," Eddie praised
Y/N shivered from his words, she couldn't believe she was finally having Eddie the way she wanted.
He leaned down, still thrusting inside of her, his lips pressed against hers for a quick second. "Wanna taste Chrissy? She tastes amazing, so sweet and addicting." Eddie's brown eyes looked up to Chrissy.
Y/N whined at the thought. Her being under Chrissy's body and tasting her on her tongue.
"Yes, please," Y/N moaned out, her voice strained as Eddie picked up his pace
Chrissy smiled as she moved to straddle Y/N's face, she faced Eddie as she slowly moved herself down
Eddie watched with delight as Chrissy's pink cunt landed on Y/N's tongue. Eddie felt himself growl as he watched Y/N's tongue working between Chrissy's folds.
Chrissy moaned as she placed her hands behind her, moving her hips as she rode Y/N's face.
"Oh, that is so good, Y/N, fuck." Chrissy moaned. She never knew how good her best friend's tongue felt.
"Such pretty girls," Eddie moaned as he watched them
He felt Y/N clench around him, she tried to talk but it was muffled. The vibrations sent Chrissy into a whining mess as she gripped the sheets.
Eddie moved his hand down to rub her clit, loving the way Y/N's body jolted. Not once losing his pace, Eddie used his free hand to reach forward to play with Chrissy's nipples. He pulled the pink bud between his fingers, loving the way it snapped back in place as she shivered
Chrissy gasped as she felt herself getting close, Y/N's tongue swirling her clit perfectly.
"Look at that, Y/N. Gonna make Chrissy cum all over you. Be a good girl and make her shake." Eddie said, his fingers still working on Y/N's clit. He took his hand away from Chrissy's nipples and moved down to Y/N's chest, his finger teasing her stomach.
Y/N was growing tired as her own orgasm got close but she shook her head back and forth, giving the messiest head she could. She loved the way Chrissy screamed out her name.
Chrissy felt her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt her stomach snap.
"CUMMING" she warned, Eddie watched in delight as Chrissy panted and came all over Y/N's mouth
She grew sensitive and went to pick up her hips, but Y/N wrapped her arms around her thighs and slammed her back down. Chrissy cried as her thighs shook, and Y/N's tongue continued to abuse her.
Y/N finally let Chrissy go, the blonde could barely feel her legs as she landed on the bed, fucked out.
"Need," Y/N whined, her head thrown back as Eddie's fingers played with her clit
"Need to cum? Come on pretty girl. Cum all over my cock." Eddie said, his pace was so fast that she could feel his balls smacking against her skin. He planted his free hand next to her head as he fucked himself into her
She clawed at his chest as she felt her orgasm washing over her. His close behind as he emptied himself in the condom
Eddie slid out of her, disposing of the condom
Chrissy leaned down and softly pecked Y/N's lips
Eddie crawled onto his bed and kissed up Y/N's body as Chrissy pulled away.
Eddie pecked Y/N's lips before he captured Chrissy's lips in a kiss.
Y/N whimpered as they kissed above her
She didn't care to test the waters, she wanted to dive straight in
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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chosows · 10 hours
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CHAMPAGNE COAST 🥏 - Beach vacation with Sukuna (P1)
Ryomen Sukuna x Fem Reader
Summary: Summer arrived and you finally set off for your long awaited vacation. A tropical getaway for two weeks; you hope it will erase the stress you and Sukuna have faced recently. Work has not been easy on either one of you, but it was worth it to save up for this getaway. A destination filled with sun, sea, and a lot of…
Word count: 2.5k
Contains: Established relationship, no smut (in this part), suggestive actions & conversations, fluff, public displays of affection, Sukuna being cocky, healthy relationship, alternative universe: no curses, Sukuna is human, Sukuna is not Yuji
Note: p2 will have smut because the vote decided to split practically even. the title and plot is based on + inspired by the song champagne coast by blood orange
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Saving up a sufficient amount of money greatly assisted in your deposit for a worthwhile summer vacation. Sukuna picked up extra shifts at work to help you stabilise the funds, and now you have finally arrived at the destination you fawned over for months. The airport rush resulted in an argument between the two of you; both are now silently seated in a taxi to be driven to the place you will be staying. It’s hard to stay mad at him while the sun is shining down and the breeze sways the thriving vegetation. You put your hand on top of his and squeeze it, beaming at him as the scent of the sea wafts in through the open window. He took a deep breath and cocked his head slightly aside, staring at you through squinted eyes. Even though you frustrated him, he ended up cracking a smile; he’s unable to resist that pretty little face—it’s his only weakness.
“Did you remember to pack your swim shorts?” You prod his skin with your fingernail until he swats you off, now making sure his hand is the one on top.
“How many times do I need to answer that question? Yes, I packed them. Even if I didn’t, I could just buy some.”
“But we have matching ones; it won’t look good on the photos if we’re mismatched.” 
“I have my swim shorts; stop stressing yourself out.”
“Okay, I’m sorry; I just want this to be perfect. I’m so excited!”
“I can tell. Save it until we get to the beach.” Finishing the conversation, he lifts your hand to his lips and places a kiss on each knuckle, hoping that will somehow settle you down.
Rather than soothing you, it prompted the bundle of passion in your chest to burst, now sliding closer to him in the backseat to rest your head against his biceps. You adore Sukuna more than anything and you never fail to show it. Despite having two polar opposite love languages, as a pair you work in perfect harmony. No matter how much he claims he despises how touchy you can be, you catch him smiling to himself when you gaze up during prolonged cuddles. He has never been a good liar—he’s far too much of an honest man. Other than the cold front he puts on display, he truly does possess the warmest heart.
The taxi stops as the road comes to an end, allowing you both to gather your luggage and head up the path to the place where you will be staying for the next two weeks. It wasn’t anything luxurious—it was the cheapest villa you could find, but it was breathtaking nonetheless. After a short five-minute hike, you reach the door and unlock it using the key provided—the furnishing is sourced from local products, giving it an extreme tropical aesthetic. It was a pop of colour followed by a unique architectural design, and it blew your expectations far out of the park. You were ecstatic. Sukuna, who was left hurling the luggage, finally makes it through the door and slumps back onto the wall—his forehead dripping with sweat.
“Thank you; I love you.” You push yourself onto your tiptoes and place your hand on his chest for support, leaning into the peck before sweeping your baggage away.
“I know you do. Who else would carry all your shit?” Sukuna strides into the living area and sinks onto the sofa, staring up at the intricate details, “Place is pretty nice; I thought you said it wouldn’t be that good.”
“There weren't many photos online—I was just hoping it was real and we didn’t get scammed.”
“You are far too reckless to be allowed to handle that much money,” He stretches before standing and follows you upstairs, finding you lying flat on the bed in the master bedroom, “Aren’t you going to get changed? I thought you wanted to go to the beach.”
“I was testing out the mattress—it’s comfy. Wear your red swim shorts, I’m wearing my red bikini.” 
Since Sukuna is beginning to rush you, it’s best to get back on track. You strip from your plane attire and turn your back as you slip out of your lingerie. The bikini you chose was rather skimpy—you didn’t quite acknowledge that until you were putting it on. Bikini tops are notorious for coming undone, and you just had to pick one with the thinnest string. You pout your lips as you fidget, attempting to tie it until another set of hands make their presence known. Sukuna rubs your shoulders before tying a secure knot, then slaps your barely covered ass from behind.
“Make sure you put one of those cover things on.” He tosses the sarong near you and you nudge it aside with your foot for now.
“Do you think the top is too small for me?” You stand in the mirror, doing your best to snuggly tuck your breasts in.
“I like it; I think you look sexy.” Of course he does—what man could complain about that sight? He slides his hands around your waist and pulls you into a cuddle, resting his chin on top of your head.
“Let me see what you look like,” You wriggle free from his grasp and spin around, his chiselled figure instantly catching your eye while your tongue grazes over your dehydrated lips, “Wow.”
“Wow? Is that all?” He crosses his arms, a subtle way to flex his biceps.
“You look really good. Very hot.” 
“That’s better. Shall we go? You already packed a beach bag.”
“Ah-ah!” You grip Sukuna’s wrist before he heads out the bedroom door, stopping him in his tracks, “You need some sunblock.”
“I don’t burn in the sun—you know that.”
“Still, sunblock is good for your skin. Just let me put some—”
“No, I’ll be fine. Use it on yourself; I don’t need any.”
“One day you’re going to regret all that confidence.” You glare at him through the side of your eye while you lather your entire body, sure not to miss a spot.
“One day you’ll miss it. Hurry up; the sun will go down at the pace you’re moving. Should buy yourself some moonblock.”
“You’re hilarious—just take my bag downstairs and wait by the door!” You toss the sunblock back into your tote and his footsteps descend, leaving you to finish getting ready in peace.
When you’re satisfied with your hairstyle, you step into your sandals and meet him downstairs. He opens the door for you and allows you to tread out first, instantly greeted with the overwhelming intensity of the sun. It was sweltering; you felt as though you couldn’t take a proper breath. Thankfully, the air isn’t still. The breeze will make this bearable, it should increase when you move closer to the coast. If you had to guess, you would assume this is UV ten. You use your hand to provide shade while you walk down the path leading to the beach, Sukuna’s sweaty fingers intertwined with yours. Neither one of you could see properly—equally as blinded. Reaching the final step of the stairs which seemed to last minutes, you come in contact with the sand and breathe a sigh of relief.
The beach was full of life—different families and couples spread across the entire stretch of sand. It wasn’t bustling, but there were enough people to create an atmosphere. Surfers were busy enjoying the waves while children were building castles, heroically digging moats believing it would save their structure from the flood of sea water which is inbound. You find a spot away from the others and drop onto the ground, digging your hand through your bag to pull out the beach towel. This area has now been claimed by you and Sukuna. Since there won’t be much fun sitting around, you packed a frisbee you intend to use.
“Can we play?” You hand the frisbee over to him and he stands up, backing away to create a fair distance, “Don’t throw it too—”
Before you had time to finish your sentence, Sukuna had launched the frisbee using his full strength—it went soaring through the air. You begin chasing after it, dodging through herds of people to make it to the place where it landed before a child runs off with it. You were mortified by how you were panting—you felt like a dog playing fetch. He stood there with his hands on his hips, appearing miniscule from the position you’re in. You dash back, sensing the eyes of other adults burning through you. This was supposed to be a small-scale game, not a quarter of a span of land.
“Don’t do that! You don’t have to throw it like you’re competing in the Olympics, just do it like this.” You prepare to show him how it should be done, only for your throw to fail and the frisbee to fall a metre away from where you’re standing.
“Good job, baby. Threw it really far.” Sukuna grins; he recognises your pride plummeting rapidly and thrives in it.
“You are about to get on my last nerve.” You bite your cheek as you pick the frisbee up, hurling it his way only for him to catch it mid-air.
“That one wasn’t too bad; since when were you so competitive?” He throws it lighter this time, though you still can’t seem to grab it.
“Since my boyfriend decided to be an asshole who thinks he can win everything.”  The game goes back and forth, as does the clash of words.
“What’s his name? I know I’m not the asshole you’re referring to.”
“Can we do something else?” You snuggle the frisbee to your chest, closing the gap created between the two of you.
“You are a terrible sore loser,” He bends down and kisses your forehead, stroking your cheek with his thumb, “You weren't doing that bad—no need to get yourself upset.”
“I tried my best.”
“I know you did; you did quite well,” Sukuna takes the frisbee and puts it back in your bag, pulling out the deflated beach ball as an alternative, “Should we play catch? I know you like that.”
“Yes, let’s get closer to the water.” You drag Sukuna along while he puffs air into the ball, making it far firmer than it should be.
Now that the ball is full, you toss it to Sukuna. It was a peaceful take as opposed to the frisbee, both kneeling in the sea while playing. What Sukuna says about you is true; it doesn’t take much to please you at all. You are content with tossing a $5 ball on a $7000 vacation—excluding spending money. While many other couples would be on guided tours or rejuvenating in spa treatments, you’re now wrestling with him in the shallow waves, getting drenched as he pins you down. The fact that the two of you can have a good time minus the materialistic activities proves how genuine the connection is—you can source raw joy from indulging in each other’s presence. As time progresses, you grow tired and return to the beach towel, catching a glimpse of Sukuna’s bright red skin.
“Does your back hurt?” You stare up at him from the ground and he shrugs.
“Might’ve cut it on some shells when I was lying down.”
“You’re sunburned.” You shake your head, slathering his skin in the sunblock you encouraged him to wear earlier on. If only his pride wasn’t held so high, perhaps he would admit that you were right for once.
“I’d still be fine without the sunblock.”
“I’m sure you would.” You make it to the front of his body and massage it in, keeping the eye contact strong.
“Feels like you’re touching me up.” When your movements go still, he takes the opportunity to sling his arms around you, trapping you in his embrace.
“Do you have to make everything dirty?”
“That’s not dirty.” His hands cup your face while he reels you into a kiss, refusing to dial down his passion despite being in public. You’re slowly lowered to the ground, his body on top while he continues to plaster your face and torso with pecks.
“Sukuna, there are other people here—with children.” You mumble into his mouth and push him back by the forehead, catching that all too familiar glint in his eyes.
“So? Do their parents not kiss? Sounds like a marriage fault. I’m also certain that I’ve just seen an entire senior citizen’s cock—so have that as you will.”
“What!” You spin your head and the naked old couple come into view, your jaw hanging open, “I didn’t know this was a nude beach— Why are there kids here?” 
“This part of the beach isn’t nude—the other half is. There are signs separating the divide; I thought you saw them when we were walking down.”
“I’m horrified.” You murmur, snapping your attention back to Sukuna’s wandering hands.
“You do realise we’ll look like that too one day, don’t you? You’ll have to put up with sucking shrivelled old man dick.”
“Are you sure you’ll be able to get hard?”
“Probably. You’ll always be sexy to me. Couldn’t care less if your skin was wrinkled or sagging; you’re still my girl.”
“Shut up, Sukuna.” His smile was wide; his wonky teeth made him more charming than he should be—even though many people find it unattractive, he pulls it off, a staple of why beauty standards are meaningless.
“Might as well enjoy one another while we’re still young—they seem happy.” Sukuna glances back at the couple and you slap his arm. If there’s one thing about Sukuna, it’s that he has zero shame.
“Stop staring at them! You’ve made your point; you’re being rude.”
Attentive to your orders, Sukuna directs his gaze back to you and lays down on top of your chest. Hoisting another one of the towels from your bag, he covers himself, occupied with finding a comfortable position to lounge. He was crushing you, but that’s something you have gotten used to—it was similar to snuggling up with a giant wild cat. He may be a brooding, well-built man, but your set of eyes see him differently. His eyelashes flutter shut while your nails scratch his scalp, the jet lag hitting him much harder than it hit you. You lay with him for an hour, stroking his hair while he caught up on missed sleep. Nature is the source of peace—the swash of water and the birds chirping was aiding relaxation, all the stress of working and planning slipping from your mind. A finger slides up your inner thigh, concealed by the blanket as Sukuna’s body shifts.
“Did you have a nice nap?” You lift the towel you draped over his head to protect him from the sun, and he mumbles his first few words in a raspy tone.
“I had a dream about you,” He grabbed your thigh, squeezing the flesh roughly, his index finger grazing against the edge of your bikini bottoms. While you would usually brush his tone off due to him just waking up, it is blatantly imbedded with sensual intent, “Can we go back to the villa?”
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astroamorsworld · 2 days
Astrology Observations #26
If you guys would like to show your support, you can buy me a coffee here :)
I’m starting to compile a list of reviews for readings on my masterlist so check it out if you’d like😊
If you guys would like a reading, feel free to DM me or fill out my Google form here
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. Enjoy!
Please do not copy my work.
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🍿Someone I know has a Scorpio ruled 7th house and through their past relationships have been victims of witchcraft because of it. Whether it was their partners paying people to do spells on them or someone their partners were previously involved with or someone their partners were close with, its been a somewhat common occurrence for this person unfortunately☹️
(And i don’t think having a neptune there helped either…😕)
🍿Those of you who have your Moon in the 8th house, do you like horror films? Like it’s something i’ve noticed with a few people i know and i personally dislike a lot of them👎
🍿As a girl with a Gemini Juno, funny guys are my absolute weakness😩😩 Gemini Sun men also. In fact just all men with Gemini placements. Does this apply to you guys with your Juno placement?
🍿Aquarius risings are so cool, love them😚
🍿Since the 12th house rules bed pleasures, how many of your 12th housers like really and i mean REALLY like your bed. Like in fact do you guys ever like leaving your house?
🍿If you have Uranus in the 4th house, if you’d like to, tell me what your family does that you think no other family does🤔
🍿Everytime I have my Moon in the 8th house in my lunar return chart, something always comes to an end. Do you guys notice the same thing with your lunar return charts or nah
🍿Not an observation but I have Pluto in the 8th house at 29 degrees for my solar return chart this year and I am a little frightened icl… have any of you guys had this placement in your sr charts? If so, what happened that year?
🍿Living on your Saturn MC line is soooo tough😩feeling like life is harder for you than most ppl is NOT it😭😭
🍿Leo Risings, do your relationships ever stem from a friends to lovers type situation or nah?
🍿Now i know i’ve mentioned this before in a previous post but I just wanna say again that having a Moon-Chiron conjunction in your sr chart absolutely sucks. A year where you can really be going through it😖😖😖
🍿I currently have Neptune in the 1st opposite mars AND mercury in the 7th house in my sr chart and i can tell you that the daydreaming about being in a relationship has gone into overdrive…😔
🍿I also have my 5th house ruler conjunct chiron in my sr chart and heartbreak has occurred… so if you have it in your sr chart you may wanna brace yourself😫
(I thought my sr chart was gonna be really good but I was unfortunately blind to every other placement in my chart but my major 7th house stellium… REMEMBER GUYS A 7TH HOUSE STELLIUM CAN INDICATE GAINING BEST FRIENDS AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A RELATIONSHIP😭😭
🍿A more straightforward observation but having Chiron in the 11th house of a SR chart can indicate losing some friends… like not necessarily in the typical way where you guys fall out, but it could be a scenario where they move away, or you guys can’t see each other as often for whatever reason.
🍿I feel like living on your Saturn MC line can also indicate getting into more problems with authority figures and more so them starting problems with you… they can turn into absolute f***ing b****rds out of nowhere… sorry i just have some trauma with members of authority😭😭
🍿I have my sun at 10 degrees and a 10th house stellium… I wonder if thats why i’ve always felt like i had an old soul… this is probably why my family always says to me that i’m a grandma😭😭
🍿7th house ruler in the 10th house of a sr chart can indicate meeting someone at work
🍿In a few months Jupiter will conjunct my natal Juno… I wonder what’ll happen then?🤔
🍿I feel like Gemini Mercury’s multitask a lot. Like A LOT. It’s almost tiring to watch them do it tbh😭
🍿I feel like having a Leo ruled 5th house can indicate attracting partners who worship you.
This was different from my other observations but I hope you guys still enjoyed it😭
Check my pinned for more💖
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nina-ya · 1 day
Digital Temptations
Synopsis: You and Zoro are roommates with opposite schedules. You spend your alone time in the apartment streaming on a camgirl site to make some extra cash. One day Zoro finds out about your little secret and can't help but indulge. CW: AFAB reader, use of sex toys, masturbation (reader and Zoro), fingering, oral (male receiving), orgasm denial, unprotected sex, creampie i think I covered it all let me know if i missed anything! WC: 5.6k Tagging: @tetzoro @eelnoise @sleepymarimo @faglegsanji and thank you @uminozerol and @nc-vb for helping me beta this!!
Living with Zoro was a perfect arrangement, mostly because you and him had nearly completely opposite schedules. You worked in the evening, your job only allowing you to take shifts in the evening, while Zoro was a teacher at a martial arts academy during the day. This setup meant that the apartment was empty and quiet most of the time, and both of you had the time and space to do whatever you guys wanted. 
You often crossed paths, though. Sometimes he would come home early and you two would eat dinner together before you headed off for work, or if either of you had some down time, you might lounge on the couch together watching movies and just enjoying each other's company. These fleeting moments were cherished, each filled with easy conversation. You knew each other very well despite not spending a lot of time together. 
During the day, while Zoro was out instructing at the dojo, you found your own way of earning some extra cash. As a camgirl, you had developed a following online. The time alone in the apartment was perfect for you to stream without any interruptions. 
You had a routine: Zoro would leave for work, and you would transform into your online personality– something only the viewers behind the screen got to see.
As soon as Zoro was out the door, you would set up your space. You’d pull out your camera and lights, setting them up to capture every angle of your body perfectly. You’d lay out your favorite lingerie, picking the ones that had your viewers tossing their money at you. Today, you chose a sheer black lace set that left little to the imagination. 
After changing, you’d apply your makeup, much more dramatic than you would ever wear out in public since the harsh lighting washed you out. You’d do your hair in the chosen hairstyle of the day, finalizing your look for your viewers. 
Your laptop, propped on the edge of your bed, was already open and waiting. You’d log onto your account, checking your messages and comments left on your last stream. There were always requests, some more explicit with others. You were more than happy to oblige, especially when the requests were paired with the promise of payment.
Once everything was ready, you’d start the stream and watch as the viewer count began to climb. The chat would explode with greetings and compliments, your regulars eagerly awaiting the show. You would always start with some teasing, running your hands over your body, adjusting and playing with the lingerie to give them some glimpses of the skin underneath. As the show progressed, you would spread your legs for the camera, letting them see everything as you slid the vibrator inside of you. You’d often fulfill specific requests. One regular loved watching you bounced on a dildo in nothing but thigh high socks. Another preferred when you brought out the restraints, binding your wrists and pretending to struggle as you performed various acts. You’d oblige in them all, watching as dollar after dollar came through just for you.
To Zoro, you were nothing but his roommate who worked late nights. Little did he know, while he was teaching martial arts, you were on your bed, legs spread wide, putting on a show for hundreds of strangers. 
Zoro had his own way of unwinding after a long day at the dojo. He loved teaching martial arts to the students, but he needed to release his tension. While you were out in his evening classes, Zoro found his relief in the corners of the internet. Camgirl sites have become a guilty pleasure of his; a way to indulge in fantasies and relieve stress.
He had his favorites– girls who knew how to work the camera, who could tease and please in ways that left him breathless. One evening, he grew tired of the same routine. The live streams felt repetitive, and he found himself scrolling through the archives of past streams, hoping to find something different.
That's when he saw it. A thumbnail that caught his eye. The person in the image looked familiar. Too familiar. He clicked on the video, a sinking feeling in his gut as he let his curiosity get the best of him. The video loaded, and there you were, staring back at him from the screen, dressed in an outfit that allowed him to see way more of you than he ever has. 
For a moment, Zoro froze,conflicted. Should he be watching this? Was it wrong to invade your privacy like this? But his curiosity got the better of him. He didn’t watch the video at first, closing the browser and trying to push the image out of his mind. But as the days went on, he could not stop thinking about it. He could not make eye contact with you around the apartment without flashbacks to the few seconds of the video that he saw, knowing that he accidentally discovered your secret.
He eventually gave in. He found himself back on the website, clicking on the video again, his heart beating hard in his chest. He watched as you teased the audience, your hands running over your body, the chat exploding with comments. It was so surreal seeing you like this. This version of you is so much different from the person he knew. 
The more he watched, the more aroused he felt. He couldn’t help it. His hands moved to the waistband of his pants, fingers slipping inside to grasp his growing erection. He freed himself, his cock already hard from the sight of you on the screen. His strokes started slow, matching the pace of your movements, his breath catching in his throat as he watched you slide the vibrator over your most sensitive spots. 
Zoro’s hand moved faster as you spread your legs for the camera, the sight of you pleasuring himself driving him mad. He imagined what it would be like to be there with you, to touch you, to feel what it’s like to be inside of you. His strokes grew more urgent, grip tightening around his shaft. 
He then watched as you pulled out a dildo, sliding the toy inside of you, watching as your face contorted with pleasure, and listening to each and every one of those pretty moans of yours. His hand pumped faster, his hips bucking into his fist. His gaze was locked onto the screen as you brought yourself to your orgasm, watching as your body shook as you clenched around the toy--the faces you made, the sounds you produced, the way you looked; it was all music to his ears. The sight of you so lost in ecstasy pushed him over the edge and a low groan escaped his lips as he came, his cum spilling over his hand. He continued to stroke himself, milking every last drop, his eyes never leaving the screen. He was left trembling, his chest heaving with each breath. 
He closed the video, feeling a mix of guilt and satisfaction. Watching you had awakened something in him, something he couldn’t ignore. He knew how wrong this was, but he couldn’t help himself. You were his roomate, his friend, but now you are the star of his fantasies.
Zoro couldn’t get you out of his head. It’s as if a switch had been flipped inside of him, one that he could not turn off no matter how hard he tried. Each day after that first video, he found himself sneaking back to a site, searching for more of your past streams. It became a nightly ritual: you would leave for your evening classes, and Zoro would settle into his room, laptop open, itching to find the next video of you. 
The guilt gnawed at him, but the pleasure he derived from watching you overpowered it. Each and every video was a deeper dive into you. He watched as you used different toys, different positions, each one driving him crazier than the last. He studied every detail of your body, memorized the sounds you made, the ways your body would react to certain stimulations. 
It wasn’t long before he built a habit. Every evening, without fail, he would find himself with his hand wrapped around his cock, gaze glued to the screen as you performed. He’d fuck his fist to the sight of you every night, and each orgasm was even more intense than the last. 
The guilt became harder to bear in person. During those rare moments when your schedules overlapped, Zoro found it difficult to look you in the eyes. He couldn’t shake the image of you on screen, the sounds of your pleasure bouncing in his mind. When you would sit across from him at dinner, chatting about your day, he would nod along, but his mind would drift back to the videos, to the things he had seen you do.
He began to watch you more closely around the apartment, stealing glances when he thought you weren’t looking. When you’d bend over to grab something from the fridge, his eyes would trail down to your ass, imagining lifting your skirt and taking you right there. If you were doing laundry, he found himself fantasizing about bending you over the washing machine, your moans and cries muffled by the sound of the spin cycle. Even mundane tasks like washing dishes became erotic in his mind; he’d imagine coming up behind you, pressing himself against you as he tore your clothes off. 
The fantasies were constant, and he couldn’t escape them. Each time he looked at you, the scenes that played out in his mind were vivid and intense. He was drowning in his desire for you.
As fate would have it, one afternoon, Zoro came home quite early from work, an unexpected event that gave him the afternoon free. You were surprised to see him walk through the door, but you both fell into your usual comradery, sharing lunch together and chatting. The tension that had been building in his mind was ever so present, but he had to push it aside in your company. 
As the afternoon wore on, you glanced at the clock and realized you needed to start your stream soon. The realization that Zoro would be home while you streamed had anxiety bubbling up within you. But you couldn’t cancel, your viewers had come to expect your regular appearances, and you didn’t want to disappoint them. You scurried off to your room and quickly put yourself together.
A sense of nervousness filled your gut as you set up the streaming equipment. The thought of Zoro being able to possibly hear you made your mind race a million thoughts a minute, but you just had to stick to your schedule. 
You flicked the ring light on, and then turned on the camera. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your heart. You greeted your viewers with the usual smile. 
“Hey everyone. Ready for another fun night?” you whispered.
The usual routine started, slowly undressing and teasing yourself. Nothing much has changed other than your lack of vocalizing. Any moans that escaped your lips were soft, barely able to be picked up by the microphone, and you often bit your lip to prevent any other noises from escaping. As you slid a dildo inside of you, your breath hitched, and you almost whined out, but stopped when you remembered that Zoro could be listening.
A comment popped up on the screen: “why are you so quiet tonight?”
You stared at the comment, and your eyes then flickered at the wall that separated you from Zoro’s room. “My roommate is home tonight,” you muttered. “I have to be quiet.”
Another comment: “Does he know what you do?” 
You shook your head, softly laughing. “No, he has no idea,” you whispered.
As you continued to fuck yourself with the dildo, you couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper. The toy felt so good inside of you, but you just had to keep it down. You moved slowly, savoring every inch, every ridge, every vein as it slid in and out of you, your eyes fluttering shut as you concentrated on keeping your voice low.
“I bet your roommate would love to see this,” another viewer commented. You almost paused your movements, caught off guard by the thought of Zoro watching you like this, but you played into the idea, since other viewers seemed to be goading you on to talk about your roommate more.
Unbeknownst to you, Zoro was on the other side of the wall doing just that: watching you. He had the live stream opened on his laptop, headphones in his ears, as he watched you. He was rock hard, eyes blown with arousal, watching you as you fuck yourself, the knowledge that you were on the other side of the wall driving him mad.
He couldn’t help but palm himself through his pants, breath catching in his throat as he watched you. His thoughts were interrupted by your next words.
“You know, my roommate, he’s quite the built man,” you started. “He’s probably bigger than this old piece of silicone.” He watched as you moved the dildo deeper, the stretch making you gasp softly. Your hips bucked against it, and you had to bite your lip even harder to keep quiet. “He’d probably fuck me like this,” you nearly moaned out to the audience, your eyes half-lidded with lust. “Slow at first, then much, much harder… until I can’t help but cum all over his cock.”
With his free hand, Zoro couldn’t help but give in and start typing out “Tell us more about this roommate of yours.”
Your eyes scanned over the comment, “He’s strong,” you whispered, sliding the dildo in deeper. “I bet he’d pin me down and fuck me hard, just like this,” you emphasized your words by diving the dildo rougher into your cunt, using your free hand to cover your mouth to muffle any moans that escaped.
This sent Zoro’s hands flying to unbutton his pants. He freed himself, his hand wrapping around his throbbing cock as he watched you. The thought of you imagining him while fucking yourself was almost too much, and he stroked himself in time with your movements, his gaze never tearing from the screen. 
“He’d probably take control,” you continued, your voice in a trembling whisper. “He wouldn’t hold back, would make sure I feel every inch of him. I bet he’d love to watch me fall apart, love seeing how desperate I would get for him.”
Zoros hand moved faster along his length, the sight of you fucking yourself while fantasizing about him was making his head spin. His fingers flew over the keyboard again, typing out “bet you would look good wearing nothing but his red and white striped button up.”
Your eyes glanced over the comment, and you breathlessly laughed, “Yeah, maybe I should wear that striped…” your movements slowed down, and your breathing slowed down as a look of confusion crossed your face. Then, with no warning, you pulled the dildo out of you and launched over to your computer to stop the stream. 
You had realized that the commenter in question was Zoro. That comment about the striped shirt was too specific. Who else in the world would know that information but him?. You grabbed a large t-shirt and tossed it over your head, barely covering yourself as you stormed out of your room and down the hall to his.
You barged into Zoro’s room without knocking, catching him frantically trying to adjust his pants. His laptop was still open, the streaming website on full display. 
“Zoro!” you exclaimed, your voice a mix of anger and embarrassment. 
He looked at you, eyes wide with panic. “I- uh…” he trailed off, unable to find any words that could save him.
“You were watching me!” you accused, your chest heaving with emotions. “How long have you been watching?”
Zoro’s mouth opened and closed, his usual composure having shattered. “I found one of your old streams on the website, and, well…” he trailed off again, face flushed with embarrassment.
“You’ve been getting off to me,” you said, more a statement than a question. “This whole time.”
Zoro swallowed hard, nodding slightly, eyes darting to the ground. “Yeah…”
You couldn’t deny all of the times that you had fantasized about him, either. He was your muse, and the thought of him fucking you was what got you off every stream. Being faced with your fantasy, knowing that he also had the same fantasy, you didn’t know how to go on. You couldn’t pick whether to be angry at him or to pounce on him. The arousal eventually won. 
“I don’t know, I... I just couldn’t help myself,” Zoro stammered out.
“But you just couldn’t resist getting off to your roommate,” you stated. Zoro’s gaze met yours, slight confusion evident as he realized how calm you were about this.
You took a step forward, and with your voice lowered, “You couldn’t resist getting off to me.” 
Zoro was silent, watching as you stepped forward, stopping in front of him and locking eyes. Silence stretched between the two of you as you thought of what to say. Then, your mouth opened; you took in a breath,  hesitating before asking, “So… which part did you like best?”
This question caught him off guard. He looked at you with slight shock and he stammered, trying to figure out how to respond. “The… the part where you talked about me.” he finally stated. 
Despite all of the shock, all of the anger, you could not deny the arousal simmering beneath the surface. “Well, let’s take a few steps back before we reach that part,” you said as you played with the hem of the shirt.
His gaze followed your movements, watching as your fingers played with the fabric. He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. “What do you mean?” he asked, his tone a mixture of arousal and confusion.
“You’ve been watching me,” you said, taking another step closer to him, your voice lowering to a sultry whisper. “Now, it’s your turn to show me.
The combination of the tone of your voice and your words caused a flush to spread across Zoro’s cheeks. “Show you… what?” he asked, though he had a pretty good idea of what you meant.
You took his hand and guided it to the bottom of your t-shirt, encouraging him to lift it up. “Show me what you’ve been doing while watching me,” you murmered.
His hands trembled slightly as he raised the material, exposing your bare skin underneath. He let out a shaky breath,his eyes swirling with desire as they raked across your body. “You want me to…?”  You cut him off with a nod. 
“Yes,” you whispered, leaning back to sit on the bed. “I want to see you.”
His eyes darkened as his hands flew to unbutton his pants once more. He hesitated for a moment, his gaze meeting yours, in search of any sign of hesitation or uncertainty from you. But all he saw was the same arousal and yaerning that mirrored his own.
With a deep breath, he dropped his pants down to his ankles, freeing his throbbing erection. You couldn’t help but gasp softly at the sight, your eyes widening in appreciation of him. “Zoro…” you breathed out, reaching to touch him. 
He shuddered at the contact, his hips bucking involuntarily into your hand. “I want to see you touch yourself,” you told him, your voice laced with anticipation. “Just like you did when you were watching me.” You shifted to lay back on the bed, bare body on display for him to gawk at.
Zoro’s breath hitched as he wrapped his hand around his cock, his strokes slow at first. His eyes never left your body. “Like this?” he asked, his voice low.
You nodded, your own arousal growing by the second. “Yes. Just like that”
His strokes grew faster, breath coming out in ragged gasps as he looked at you. The sight of him pleasuring himself, knowing that he had been doing this while watching you, was almost too much to bear. Your own hand moved to your dripping core, your fingers dripping into your wetness as you plunged them in and out, mirroring his own movements.
“Fuck,” Zoro groaned, his eyes glazing over with lust as he watched you. “You’re so fucking hot.” 
You couldn’t help but moan at his words, your fingers working faster as you moved to rub your clit. “Zoro,” you whimpered, the sound of his name on your lips almost sending him over the edge.
Suddenly, he reached out and hoisted you up, pulling you against him, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss. The feeling of his body against yours, his cock pressing against your thigh, it was intoxicating. You kissed him back with equal energy, your hands quickly moving to take off his shirt. 
Zoro’s shirt hit the floor with a soft thud, and your hands immediately started roaming over his chest and abs, feeling the heat of his skin under your fingers. His mouth trailed from your lips to your neck, planting hot, opened-mouthed kisses along your throat.
You slid down his body, hands tracing trailing along his abdomen until you were on your knees before him. Your eyes locked with his as you wrapped your hand around his cock, giving a few, slow strokes. His breath caught in his throat and he let out a low groan as he watched you.
You leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on the tip before taking him into your mouth. You could feel his body rumble as he let out a groan, his hands threading through your hair as you started to take more of him, your tongue swirling against his length,
Your free hand moved between your legs, fingers slipping past your folds as you started to rub your clit as you sucked him off.
You hollowed your cheeks, sucking harder as you moved up and down his shaft, your hand pumping what you couldn’t fit into your mouth. “Fuck, that’s so good,” you heard him groan above you. “Keep going, just like that.”
You moaned around his cock, the vibrations making him shudder. You needed him desperately, evidenced by the way your wetness was building up to the point that it started to drip onto the ground below you. The sight of you on your knees for him, taking him deep into your mouth as you pleasured yourself, was a sight to behold.
But he wanted more. More than just your mouth. He wanted to be inside of you, to feel you squeezing around him. He pulled you by the hair off his cock, chest heaving as he tried to hold onto some semblance of control. “Come here,” he murmured, voice laced with desire as he lifted you onto your feet. He pushed you backwards until you landed on the plush bed, your body bouncing slightly on the mattress. 
You barely had time to catch your breath before he was on top of you, his lips crashing onto yours in a bruising kiss. His hands were everywhere, rough and greedy, exploring every inch of you. When his fingers found your dripping core, he didn’t waste any time, plunging a finger deep inside of you. You gasped against his mouth, your hips jerking up to meet his hand. 
“You’re so fucking wet,” he muttered against your lips. You could feel his smirk against your mouth as he added a second finger, thrusting them in and out, a squelching sound filling the air from the motions. You cried out when he curled his fingers to hit that perfect spot, back arching off the bed in your pleasure.
“Zoro,” you whimpered, your hands grabbing at his shoulders as he finger-fucked you mercilessly. 
He watched as your jaw went slack as he added a third finger, stretching you wide. The feeling of his fingers dragging in and out of your gummy walls was overwhelming; you could feel that familiar coil tightening in you as he hammered that one spot that had you seeing stars. You were so close, right at the edge-- 
“Not yet,” Zoro commanded. His movements stopped and he pulled his fingers out of you, a string of your slick still connecting you to his fingers. You whined out at the feeling of him leaving you achingly empty. “Just a bit longer. I want you to cum on my cock.”  He brought his fingers to his lips, licking your slick off of his fingers. The sight alone made you clench around nothing, aching for his touch.
“Turn over,” he growled. You complied embarrassingly fast, rolling onto your stomach and lifting your hips for him.
His hands gripped your ass, kneading the skin before he positioned himself behind you. You felt the head of his cock teasing your entrance, and you couldn’t help but push back against him, desperate to feel him inside of you.
“Impatient, aren’t we?” he mocked, his voice dripping with amusement at your actions. He grabbed your hips and, without warning, thrust into you, burying himself into the hilt with one swift motion. You cried out, the sensation of his thick cock stretching you completely.
Zoro groaned above you, “Fuck, you’re so tight,” his hands squeezing your hips tightly as he began to move. He started slow; you could feel every ridge, every vein, every detail of him as he pulled out almost entirely before slamming back into you. 
The room soon filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, and your combined sounds of pleasure. You could feel that coil tightening again, the familiar pressure building within you as he fucked you sensless. He leaned over you, his chest pressing against your back, “Touch yourself,” he ordered, “I want to feel you cum all over my cock.”
With that, your hand snaked down between your legs, fingers finding your clit and rubbing it in tight, desperate circles. You whined out, burying your head into the mattress below you, profanities and pleas spilling from your lips.
Zoro’s hand combed through your hair, tugging hard and pulling your head off the mattress. “What was that? Hmm?” he growled. 
You cried out, your head arching back. “Zoro,” you whimpered, voice strained and filled with need. “Oh god, you’re so fucking deep. K-keep going!”
You heard him chuckle behind you “I bet your viewers would love to see this.” he murmured, pausing momentarily as a groan escaped him. “Bent over, getting fucked sensless, begging for more.”
The thought made you clench around him, your walls tightening around his cock in response to his words. “Oh, you like the idea of that, don’t you?” Zoro taunted. He pulled all the way out, pausing momentarily before slamming right back in, making you gasp and cry out. “You love the idea of them seeing you like this, don’t you? Bent over and fucked until the only word you know is my name?”
You could only moan in response, your fingers working frantically on your sensitive bud as he pounded into you. “Y-yes,” you managed to stammer out, admitting to liking the idea. 
“Good,” he growled, his thrusts becoming even more forceful. “Maybe one day we can show them that roommate of yours you were moaning about.” He chuckled, amused by just how easily he’d turned you into a mess.
You whimpered, body trembling as you tried to hold back your orgasm. Zoro’s hand left your hair, trailing down your back until he reached your ass, grabbing it tightly before giving it a harsh smack. “Keep talking,” he commanded. “I like it when you beg.”
“Please,” you cried out, your voice  whiny and desperate. “Please, Zoro, l-let me cum. I need to.”
He chuckled lowly. “Not yet,” he murmured. “Hold it just a little longer for me.”
You sobbed in frustration, your body shaking as you tried to hold back. “Ngh~ I can’t,” you pleaded, your voice breaking. “Please, Zoro, it hurts-- I can’t hold it.”
“Yes, you can,” he snarled, his hips slamming into you with a bruising force. His hands slid up your sides and he firmly grabbed your waist, hoisting you up until your back was flush against his chest. One of his hands was firm around your waist, and one hand on your chest, squeezing one of your breasts tightly. "Keep holding it for me; you're almost there"
You were overwhelmed, so, so close to euphoria. “Please, Zoro,” you whimpered out,a desperate plea. “I need to cum. I need it so bad.” 
He bit down on your shoulder, pulling a gasp from your lips as he groaned into the skin underneath, the sound vibrating against you. “Fine,” he finally relented, “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
This permission was all you needed. With a scream, your orgasm crashed over you, your body quivering as your walls clamped around him. The intensity of the pleasure was nothing like you’ve ever felt before; it left you seeing stars. 
“Oh, fuck,” Zoro groaned, his thrusts speeding up and becoming more erratic as he chased his own orgasm. The feeling of your hole squeezing him so tightly was the last push he needed before he was pushed over the edge. His hips stilled against you and he came, his seed painting your walls and groaning your name. His hips bucked a few more times as he emptied himself inside of you, holding your limp and spent body close against him, his body still shuddering from his orgasm.
For a moment, the room was silent except for the sounds of your heaving breaths. Zoro finally let go of you, letting you collapse onto the bed. He pulled out of you slowly, his softening dick connecting to you with a string of your shared fluids until it snapped. He collapsed beside you, panting as he tried to catch his breath. 
He pulled you against him, murmuring, “That was much better than I imagined.” He let out a breathless chuckle, the sound rumbling through his chest as you lay there tangled in each other's limbs.
You smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction and intimacy that was far beyond what you had ever felt during your streams. “Yeah, it was,” you agreed, your voice soft.
For a few moments, you both lay there in silence, basking in the afterglow. Zoro’s hand gently traced patterns in your side, his calloused fingertips leaving goosebumps in their trail. “Do you think,” you started, your voice hesitant, “that this will change things between us?”
Zoros paused to think, his fingers stilling. “I believe it already has,” he answered. “But I like you, and I think you like me, too. We can figure out the rest together.”
You took in his words and nodded. “Yeah… I suppose we can.”
He smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Good. Because I’m not going anywhere.” With that, he sat up, and offered a hand to you. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up.”
You tried to join him, but your body protested, a dull ache spreading through your muscles. You groaned, flopping back onto the bed. “I’m too sore to move,” you whined out. 
Zoro chuckled, shaking his head at you. “You're hopeless,” he teased. Without another word, he scooped you up effortlessly, lifting you into his arms in a bridal carry.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head against his chest. “Show off,” you murmured playfully. 
He carried you to the bathroom, the sound of running water quickly filling the air as he’d turned on the shower. “Alright, let’s get you cleaned up,” he repeated, stepping into the shower with you. He carefully set you down, still holding you up as you struggled to find your balance with your newfound sore legs.
You looked up at him with a playful glint in your eyes. “You know, I could get used to this kind of treatment,” you said, your voice teasing.
He smirked, his hand moving to grab the soap to begin gently washing your body. “Oh, I’m sure you could,” he replied. “But I think I deserve something in return.”
You raised an eyebrow, curious at his words. “Oh? And what would that be?”
His hands ran across your body, lathering you up with the soap, before they landed on your chest to give it a squeeze. “How about I get some more of you?” he suggested. 
You glanced down and you could see him hardening again at the proposition, and you couldn’t help but give in. “Are you really up for more?” you asked, a smirk playing on your lips. 
Zoro leaned in, his own brushing against yours as his hands continued to squeeze you. “I’m not the one who can barely walk right now,” he reminded you.
You giggled at his words, and he silenced you with a kiss, slipping his tongue in as he pressed you against the shower wall. “I guess we’ll just have to find out,” you whispered back, ready for whatever he had in store for the two of you.
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 21
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 3.7K
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
Caelum stood before you, leaning casually on the corner of a stone building. You took him in, and he seemed almost larger than the last time you had seen him. His shoulders, under that wool hunting jacket, seemed broader, his legs longer, and his hands larger. His blond hair, which you used to trim back to keep tight to his scalp, was now much longer, the tips of it barely brushing over his shoulders. His beard, usually kept in stubble, had now grown in more fully, but those green eyes were still the same, filled with the same hatred and lust that they always had been.
You pushed yourself back so your back hit the side of the barn as he just looked at you, his eyes tracing you up and down as he took you in. “You look good,” he continued, pushing off the wall and taking a few steps forward.
Your eyes widened as he closed the gap between you two, the overwhelming scent of spruce and sage filling your nose as he stood a mere arm's length away. He gazed down at you again, “You’ve put on some weight,” he commented nonchalantly as your heartbeat pounded in your ears.
You swallowed hard, trying to steady your breath, your voice barely above a whisper, “Please, Caelum, just leave me alone.” 
He smirked, his eyes narrowing as he leaned in closer, “Oh, love, you know I can’t do that. You’re my mate. Sacred and forever.” You pressed harder against the barn, feeling the rough wood digging into your back. “Two parts of one whole creature,” he said, placing his hand firmly beside your head while his other hand traced the side of your cheek. He smiled, a catlike grin as you flinched away from his touch. Your entire view was consumed by his body as you whimpered. “Forever destined to roam the world in search of the other.” He placed his other hand to the opposite side of your head, closing you in. “So many others spend lifetimes searching for their mate, and now that we found each other, you would want to throw that all away? And over what?”
You hardened your gaze on him, “Over you beating me, and screaming at me, and making me wish for death.”
Caelum merely rolled his eyes, “You were always one for drama, my love, you always did love little stories.”
You pushed your hands against his chest, though he didn’t move. “You beat me!” you screamed.
“I never hurt you more than you could handle.”
“You broke my nose and jaw!”
Caelum raised his eyebrow, his fingers drumming the wood, “I seem to recall you fell backward and hit your face on the counter.”
You shook your head as you stammered out, “You put me on the kitchen floor and kicked me.”
His mouth turned down as he seemed to search through memories, “I can’t seem to recall that. You sure you weren’t just dreaming?”
You just shook your head again as you said, “No, no, I know that all happened.”
Caelum let out a sigh, letting one hand drop to his side, the other still firmly planted next to you. “Y/N, I know that I had problems—”
You shot out, “You’re a psychopath.”
Caelum’s face fell flat as he continued, “With drinking. But,” his face lifted, “I’ve stopped drinking altogether.” You scoffed out a laugh as his face became more serious, “Honestly, Y/N, I haven’t had a single drink since you left.”
You tried to steady your breathing, “Good for you.”
“For us,” he corrected, taking your hand in his. You recoiled at his touch, but his grasp was tight enough that you couldn’t pull away. He pulled your hand to his chest, placing it over his heart. “I know I’ve done things that I regret, and I know that I’ve hurt you. But things are better now. I promise.”
You looked at his eyes, seemingly innocent but also void of any emotion other than greed. “You can’t change who you are.”
“You have to give me a chance.”
You screamed back, “I gave you over a century's worth of chances!”
“We have a lifetime, my love.”
“A lifetime of brutality and rage?” you spat at him.
His face turned harder, “Of love and adoration.”
“Two feelings you are incapable of having.”
A flash of anger ran across his face as he stared down at you, his chest nearly pressing into yours as he leaned in closer. Your heart caught in your throat as he gently moved the braid from your neck, leaning into it and breathing in deeply as he went to place a small kiss on the soft flesh behind your ear. But he paused, breathing in again. He pulled back, a smirk on his face as you caught his eye. “So you’ve been whoring yourself out?”
You furrowed your brow, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He merely scoffed, nodding his head as he bit down on his lower lip, his head tilting slightly, “I know my mate’s scent. And I know that that stench on your neck isn’t yours. And unless someone isn’t almost on top of you, you won’t hold that scent this long.”
“Caelum—” you warned, trying to wiggle your way to the side and away from him, but he planted his hand firmly on the opposite side of you. “Caelum, stop it. You’re being idiotic.”
“Is he charming?” he taunted. “Is he so kind, and sweet, and gentle?”
“Stop it,” you hissed.
“Does he know that if he runs his fingers on the small of your back that it will make your toes curl and you’ll melt?”
“Does he fuck you softly?” Caelum moved in close to your face, merely a whisper, “Does he know that you like your hair pulled?”
“Please—” you pleaded.
Caelum traced his tongue up the side of your throat, “Mm, I can almost taste him,” he whispered. “Was he in you this morning? You little slut.”
Your body shook with terror and revulsion. You tried to push him away, but he was immovable. Your breath came in ragged gasps, your vision blurring with tears. “Caelum, please, just go.”
He laughed softly, a chilling sound that made your blood run cold. “I’m not leaving without you.”
You pulled back slightly as he leaned against you again, “Just let me go.”
Caelum pressed a kiss into your neck which made you whimper in fear and disgust, “You are mine. You bonded yourself to me and promised that you would always be mine, and I would always be yours.” He pressed in another kiss as you gulped down the rock that had formed in your throat. 
“I am not your property.” You hissed. 
Caelum gripped your chin, pulling you to look at him as he hardened his gaze, “You didn’t get to decide that, love. The bond was formed. It’s unbreakable. You are mine, and I will always come for what is mine.” Caelum leaned in close, pressing his lips hard against yours as you struggled against him. Your mouth twisted into a scowl as you shoved him back, but his strength and large frame kept him planted in place.
You shouted out, “Caelum, stop!”
Your mate grabbed you around your waist, holding you in place, continuing to force himself onto you as you struggled, crying out for him to stop.
“Hey!” you heard from behind him. Caelum did not immediately turn. Instead, he took a deep inhale, grinning like a predator.
He turned slowly as your chest heaved, your eyes wide. “So you're the one who’s been keeping my mate warm and limber,” he said.
“Kai,” you called out, reaching your hand forward, but Caelum threw his own back.
“Not now, my love. The males are talking.” Caelum took a few steps forward, casual as Kai met him with a hard gaze. While tall, Kai had nothing on Caelum, who towered over him, and for as muscular as Kai was, your mate had at least forty pounds on him.
When Caelum approached, Kai merely stared up at him. “She doesn’t want you here.”
Caelum scoffed. “How can you know what she wants?”
“You don’t have the right to come and force her back with you.”
“Oh, but I have all the right. She’s my mate. She bound herself to me.”
“She doesn’t have to stick by that choice.”
Caelum smiled, a light laugh pushing from his nose. “See now, maybe you don’t understand because you don’t have a mate, but when you bond with someone, they enter your mind, your soul, so to speak.” Caelum turned around, wrapping his arm around Kai’s shoulders as he pulled away and pointed at you. “And the lovely female before us decided almost a century and a half ago, give or take a decade, that she would devote her life to me. And I to her.” Caelum turned his attention back to Kai. “So by reasonable understanding, I would say that she made her choice, and as adults, we stand by our choices.”
Kai’s gaze hardened. “Your sick interpretation of the mating bond means nothing to me.”
Caelum’s lips dropped, and he shrugged his shoulders, taking a few steps back towards you. “It doesn’t have to mean anything to you. You’re not involved. And even if she somehow, in a world that doesn’t exist, decided to continue running from me and deny the bond that so rightfully was agreed upon, I would still live forever in her mind, for every little moment.” Caelum pressed his finger to his temple. “Because even while she can be so incessantly frustrating, closing down the bond, or trying to shove me back, she can’t do it all the time.” Caelum turned back to you. “In those little moments, when you’re asleep, when you’re in pain, or even when you’re in ecstasy, the moments where you forget to shut me out, I feel you.” Caelum took a few strides towards you. “And I’ve been so patient. Feeling your ribs crack and break, listening to your screams, feeling the terror coursing through you while you watch your friend be slaughtered in front of you, or the rush of arousal when you touch someone else. All those moments, I sat by and watched, waiting for you to beg me to come get you and come home.” Your eyes widened, suddenly aware of everything that he might have seen in the months since you had been gone. Caelum closed the gap between the two of you, his breath hot in your face as you stared at him. “You, my love, so strong, and yet also incredibly weak. Sorry to hear about your mother, by the way. Perhaps you are more like her than you thought.”
From behind, you heard Kai, “What? What is he talking about?”
Caelum’s eyes widened, his smile lengthening as he raised his brow. “Oh, so you haven’t shared that little detail with him?” You gulped. “Well, let me fill you in on the details, Kai.” Your mate turned to him, Kai’s name in his voice filled you with venom. “You see, while you were out with your friends last night, my mate went on some soul-searching journey back home.” Kai looked to you as you tried to plead with him through your gaze not to listen. “And she learned that mommy dearest had been raising her in a pleasure house and had a rather nasty habit of using drugs to get through her day.” Caelum turned to you. “Isn’t that right?” You said nothing, the lump in your throat seeming to constrict any words from leaving you. “And who knows what all my mate witnessed,” his eyes flicked to you, “or felt.” He turned back to Kai, who looked only at you. “And it turns out that all those memories my sweet mate has of her mother aren’t really real, are they? No, her cute little head as a child just thought mommy was that caring and generous when really she was whoring herself out around the city for drugs.”
You whipped your head to your mate. “Shut up,” you hissed.
“But it’s true, isn’t it?” he asked back. “All of it? And then your mother took you into the woods and raised you there until she left you. She left you to go back and get high again.”
“Stop it,” you warned.
“And then, when you were so, so sad, you went out to find her.” Caelum flashed his gaze to Kai. “Does he know this part? It really is my favorite.” Caelum rested his arm against the barn. “I found her lying in the dirt and the cold, almost dead, and I brought her into my home. And she begged me to let her stay. She told me about her poor mother and how she was lost in the woods. And all it took was me giving her a place to sleep and some food to eat, and she wrapped herself around my finger.” You gulped down as tears began to fall. “And then she told me this long story about mates, and about how before the fae lived, the gods split creatures into two forever cursed to wander the world looking for their other half.” Caelum looked at Kai, smiling, and then turned back to you. “So you’ve shared your little bedtime story then?” he asked. “And then, just like her mother, she threw herself at me, begging me to let her stay, all because I smiled at her and fed her.” He smiled at Kai. “She really is so easy, isn’t she?” You felt the tears burn hot trails down your face as you glared at him, your gaze cast away from Kai. Caelum continued, “And then, the very first time we slept together, the bond snapped, and I’ve never seen so much relief on someone’s face. She started insisting, ‘We have to be mated,’ and ‘we can’t be apart.’” Caelum placed his hand on your shoulder. “And I couldn’t let you down, not after I took you in out of the kindness of my heart, and I fed you, clothed you. Loved you. So we accepted the bond that she so desperately wanted.” Caelum turned back to Kai, his head tilting slightly. “Now, my love, am I forgetting anything?” You gulped down your tears. “Oh yes, that’s right. What about when you begged me to build you that cabin in the woods so we could move away from my family and into a place of our own? And how I spent months up there, hauling trees, and slaving away to build you that home?” Caelum leaned into your cheek, pressing a kiss into it. “But it was all worth it because I was going to spend my time with you. My mate. My whole life. You promised me that.” Caelum turned back to Kai, “She sure does love telling her sad little stories, doesn’t she? And she performs them so well, with her puppy dog eyes and her quivering lip.” Caelum faced you, his voice dropping. “So why don’t we just go home, back to the life we know, and we can pick up where we left off?”
As he turned away from Kai, he slowly pulled back his jacket, revealing two large knives strapped to the inside. Your gasp caught in your throat. “It doesn’t have to end badly,” he whispered. “You can decide how this goes.” You looked between the knives and his face, feeling your heartbeat thumping in your ears. Caelum was a skilled hunter; you had seen him take down prey by hand much larger than Kai. You’d also seen him fight with his hunting party, and even though that was mostly for fun, the fights were brutal and often left the others bloodied and bruised. Caelum would have Kai bleeding on the ground before Kai could even know what happened. You swallowed and nodded lightly. “Good choice,” Caelum whispered.
He let his coat fall back into place, shielding the knives from view before reaching his hand out to you. Your breath quivered as you slid your hand into his, his grin purely primal and sadistic. Caelum turned back to Kai. “Seems we’ve reached a conclusion.” Kai’s mouth dropped when he saw you hand in hand with your mate, his head shaking lightly.
“Y/N,” Kai started, “You don’t have to do this.”
Caelum brought his hand to his pocket, right over where you knew the knife was, and he squeezed your hand. “No, Kai,” you said, your voice shaking lightly. “No, it’s okay.”
Kai’s face scanned yours in utter confusion as Caelum smirked. “She’s come to her senses,” he called. “Seems she finally remembered her promise to me.”
Kai made to take a few steps forward, but you lightly shook your head at him, your eyes widening. As you glanced toward Caelum’s hips, Kai’s eyes followed your own. In a moment of understanding, Kai stopped and looked at your face, still shaking a subtle no.
“We’ve got quite the journey home, so we’ll be on our way,” Caelum said, smiling at Kai, whose gaze never broke from yours.
Caelum gripped your hand tighter as he stepped away from the barn, pulling you alongside him toward the large iron gates. Your heart pounded in your chest, your head swimming with the reality that you were being taken back, and that no one here knew for sure where you were going. Not to mention that since you fought back, there would be a certainty of pain when you got back to the cabin that you hadn’t known in a long time. You took a few weary steps, your legs shaking as Caelum pulled you alongside him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
Without much warning, you heard a few fast-paced steps from behind, followed by a grunt as Kai leapt onto Caelum’s back, his arms sliding around his neck in a chokehold. Caelum stumbled backward, throwing his head back and meeting Kai’s nose with a blood-curdling crack. Kai released his hold and fell to the ground as Caelum steadied himself, reaching into his jacket pocket and silently pulling out a large, serrated hunting knife.
You turned to find Kai on the ground, propped on his forearms with his hand to his nose, gushing dark red blood. He scurried back as Caelum let out a low growl and started walking towards him, gripping the knife in his hand.
“Stop!” you called out, running after your mate, who was determined to gut Kai. You knew the look in Caelum’s eyes too well—when red had shadowed over his vision and reason no longer existed. You grabbed his shoulder, pleading for him to stop. “Caelum, please, let’s just leave. I’ll go home without a problem, I’ll never leave again.” But he didn’t respond, continuing to trudge forward as he shook you off towards Kai, who had stumbled back onto his feet.
“Please, Caelum,” you screamed, trying to grab at the knife. You gripped his hand in your own as he turned, his face curled in angry rage. “Please, my love, let’s just go.” You heard Kai groan a few feet from you as he backed into the wall, his face reddened with blood.
You ran your hands up the length of Caelum’s arms as he looked at you, and for a second, the world seemed to stop turning. Your eyes pleaded with his, searching for a sense of pity or empathy. But there was none to be found. In a moment, Caelum raised his hand and slapped you hard across the cheek, causing your whole body to fly sideways as you let out a screech and gasp.
In the same instant, Kai rushed forward, knocking his shoulder into Caelum. Caelum raised the knife, poised to stab down into Kai’s back, but Kai raised his own arm to stop the blow. Kai struggled under Caelum’s pressure as the knife slowly inched down towards his face. Regaining your bearings, you jumped fully onto Caelum’s back, gripping his arm in your hands and trying to pull the knife back. The three of you grunted in determination until you finally brought your teeth down into the soft flesh of your mate’s wrist, tasting his blood as he cried out in pain.
Caelum brought his other hand up to try and pull you off, calling you every name he could think of. He gripped you by your hair, yanking you back and throwing you to the ground. Your body hit the wet cobblestone with a thump and splash. In that moment of distraction, Caelum drove the knife right down beneath Kai’s left shoulder blade, all the way to the hilt.
Kai roared out in agony, leaning forward into Caelum, who twisted the knife in the flesh, causing a sickening squelch as blood poured from the wound. You cried out for Kai as Caelum tugged the knife free, now dripping with blood, and sheathed it. Kai fell to the ground in a heap.
“No, no, no!” you screamed, crawling over to Kai, who lay wheezing.
Caelum twisted his head, as if trying to work out a spasm, his hand coated in blood as he wiped the knife on his pants and sheathed it. You pressed into the wound on Kai’s back as he groaned in pain. “Just stay with me,” you ordered, looking around as Caelum seemed to reorient himself. “Help!” you screeched, “Someone please help me!”
As your cries echoed, the sound of heavy footsteps came down the street. Caelum stepped forward, wrapping his bloodied hand around your mouth to stop your screams and hauling you upwards. Behind you, the gates of the city shut as Caelum hissed out a curse, his hand still pressed over your mouth as he considered his options. You still looked down at Kai, who was turning pale as the blood drained from his wound, wheezing out. Tears clouded your vision as you fought against your mate’s hold, but his grip was too tight.
As the footsteps pounded closer, Caelum took off with you in his arms down the side street. As he turned the corner, taking you out of sight of the stables, you saw Kai’s face, clenched in pain, one hand extending out to you.
....Sorry: @thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florabelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @romantasyreader28 @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger123 @krowiathemythologynerd @scatteredstardustt @romantacyreader28 @caroline-books @slytherintaco @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @405rry @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006 @rhysandorian
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It's hilarious how Daemon and Rhaenyra's grandchildren carry the Green's legacy in spirit by destroying House Targaryen through internal conflicts decades later.
Aegon IV grows up to be far more extreme and gluttonous than Aegon II could ever be, coupled with a greater degree of cowardice (Aegon II would never). His sister Naerys is a little Helaena/Alicent-coded, but her cousin Daena mirrors Alicent more than I could imagine. And I am precisely talking about book!Alicent here.
Both Alicent and Daena were unapologetic in their quest for power after years of abuse and neglect, demanding the realm to recognize their sons as kings by birthright. Neither of them gave two fucks about starting a civil war and I call that a slayyy. Go, my queens!
If Daena had been more like Rhaenyra, believe me when I say I wouldn't have liked her as much. It's their defiance that makes both Alicent and Daena compelling characters.
Daeron the Young Dragon is just like Daeron the Daring (both are extremely popular among the nobles and the smallfolk). Both died young and were eternalized. Baelor the Blessed is obsessed with catholicism and guilt to a point that would even scare Alicent and Criston.
Aemon the Dragonknight is essentially a more refined, though not necessarily cooler, version of Aemond One-Eye. Aemon literally stood aside while his sister endured years of sexual and psychological abuse from her brother-husband. Aemond would never have stood by if Aegon II had tried to harm Helaena. His loyalty and protectiveness towards his sister would have driven him to intervene. Their love stories are similar too, with many fans shipping Aemond with Helaena, and Aemon with Naerys. Elaena is intriguing, but there's not much to say about her or her sister Rhaena.
Daemon and Rhaenyra's grandchildren are just like the Targtowers, or worse. Alicent (the Hightowers) and her children de-stabilized House Targaryen during the House of the Dragon, but Rhaenyra's grandchildren did so much worse by starting a civil war that lasted for generations to come. Team Black got the realm and power back, and they still fucked up. Again.
Another intriguing aspect is that Alicent and her children had legitimate reasons to resist and fight for Aegon's claim to the throne by feudal right—even if those reasons were fueled by spite and revenge. Alicent endured years of sexual abuse from Viserys, bearing children he barely acknowledged. She was humiliated in court and called "mad" when her son lost his eye, and Rhaenyra's son faced no repercussions—not even a slap on the wrist.
The Targtower children were neglected by their father for years and were practically forgotten whenever Rhaenyra visited the Red Keep with her sons in tow. If usurping Rhaenyra's throne was the biggest fuck you they could give her and Viserys, then I fully support it!
Despite their complicated and angry feelings towards each other, the Greens would never act on those feelings to cause significant harm. They understood that they only had each other for support and protection. But Rhaenyra's grandchildren, who were also in a similar situation, harbored outright hatred towards each other for apparently no reason! You'd think after the Dance, they would have learned a thing or two about the importance of family, but the gang didn't give a single fuck lmao.
Daemon and Rhaenyra's grandchildren didn't have significant opposition. House Targaryen still held substantial power and ruled over the other Great Houses without repercussions. Although they had to be more cautious without dragons to threaten others with, the internal strife could have been avoided if Daena and her sisters had been treated like human beings. The lack of care and respect towards them sowed the seeds of war, leading to the internal conflicts that ultimately weakened the dynasty.
The generational cycle of abuse and neglect within House Targaryen itself is the reason why they were driven to extinction in only three centuries. House Hightower only did so little to show their true color.
Rhaenyra's claim that "The only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon was itself," couldn't be more accurate!
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Yandere M!Pied Piper X F!Reader
Warnings: Mild body horror, possessive + yandere behavior masterlist
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Once upon a time, in the land cradled between the winding waters of the river Weser, there lay two towns, Hamelin and Weidehohl, each a curiosity of its own. To the west, Weidehohl nestled amidst the towering, age-old trees, where the pagans roamed, their shadows falling on creatures of the forest, and their deeds shrouded in darkness. They committed crimes that troubled the very heavens, where cats were denied their lives, and dogs met a mournful fate.
On the opposite bank, to the east, stood Hamelin, a settlement graced by the protective embrace of four mighty forts, where no soul could pass unseen or unnoticed. It was a city crafted from the warm, welcoming wood of time, its heart radiating with peace and prosperity. In Hamelin, the gentle hand of Christ blessed the land with abundance.
And in the blessed town of Hamelin lived a widow named Y/N. Her heart was as pure as the morning dew, yet heavy with the sorrow of a love lost. Her beloved had embarked on a sacred missionary journey, and for seven long days and seven nights, he had vanished from her sight. It was on the seventh night that his lifeless form was returned to her humble dwelling, a pitiful sight to behold. His body resembled a mangled corpse, the limbs poking out in odd angles, the silver cross ripped from his neck. Even the cherished keepsake, a timepiece adorned with a lovingly-crafted portrait of his beloved wife on their wedding day, had vanished into the shadows.
With tearful eyes and a contrite heart, the widow sought solace in the confessional, where she bared her soul to the priest and questioned the sins that had led to her husband's gruesome fate at the hands of the pagans. But the priest, hidden behind the confessional booth, offered words of comfort and guidance.
"Nay, dear child, the burden of blame lies not upon your shoulders," he whispered gently. "The pagans of Weidehohl are the architects of this sorrow, and their lives shall remain fraught with wretchedness unless they turn to the benevolent embrace of Christ."
"Father," Y/N confessed, "in my despair, I confess to having missed Sunday Mass twice in succession. What penance must I undertake to cleanse my soul of sin and ensure the reunion of my husband and me in the heavenly kingdom of our Lord?"
"My dear child," came the priest's soothing reply, "perform acts of charity, extend your hand to the needy, and become a sponsor to the orphan. Through these acts of benevolence, your soul shall find its path to redemption, and in the divine grace of our Lord, you shall one day be reunited with your beloved in the heavenly realm."
And so, the widow poured the essence of her very being into the sacred act of spreading the love of the Savior. She became the guardian of the forsaken, running a humble orphanage for the downtrodden street urchins. Beneath the sheltering eaves of her makeshift home, she provided not only a sanctuary from the cold, unforgiving world but also warm soups that chased away the hunger that gnawed at their fragile bellies.
To those who approached her with intentions other than those of the divine, she responded with an unshakable steadfastness. Her words, like a sermon from the heavens, would gently rebuke them, reminding them of the plight of the orphans and how humanity had often forsaken those less fortunate. In her wisdom, there was a grain of truth: Why should the Church entrust a humble widow with the monumental task of caring for orphans, while it basked in the wealth derived from indulgences?
Yet, Y/N knew better than to arouse the ire of the Church, for as a widow, a solitary soul, she teetered on the precipice of society's margins. A single misstep could condemn her to the mercy of the clergy, leaving her precarious existence hanging by a slender thread.
But despite her pure intentions, the Devil would test her belief in God once again. This time, He unleashed upon her beloved Hamelin a deluge of rats and mice, a horde of vermin with ravenous appetites. They descended upon the city like the overflowing waters of the river Weser, devouring the meager stores of grain, defiling the once-pure waters of the public well with their loathsome droppings, and spreading pestilence and death throughout the land.
In the face of this vile pestilence, the people of Hamelin turned to their faith with fervor, seeking solace and redemption in daily worship. Their voices echoed with praises to the Lord, sung until they grew hoarse from their devotion. Yet, amidst their piety, the plight of the orphaned souls remained unseen, their suffering ignored. Hearts once kind were now veiled by self-righteousness, their pride preventing even a morsel of bread from being offered to those in need. And so, Y/N toiled away once more, her body growing weaker and more fragile as the weeks passed by.
One day, a curious traveler, bedecked in a garb of vivid hues, sauntered into the fortified realm of Hamelin. Bemused and bedazzled, the city's folk kept a wary distance from this stranger, their wariness ignited by his flamboyant cloak and hair ablaze like Hell's own fire. At his neck, he wore not the sacred cross but a flute, intricately carved from bone.
"Citizens of Hamelin," rang out his voice like a melodious tune, "I bear, through secret charms unknown to most, the power to summon forth all creatures dwelling beneath the sun—those that crawl, swim, fly, or race across the land. These are the creatures that oft bring harm upon you—the mole, the toad, the newt, and the serpent. People call me the Pied Piper. If I but free your town from its rat-borne scourge, shall you grant me a thousand guilders?"
"A thousand guilders? Secret charm?" laughed the crowd. "We'd sooner drink cow's urine than entertain the whims of a charlatan like thee! Why, you are clothed like the pagans of Weidehohl! We good Christians would never associate ourselves with infidels like thee!"
And so, the Pied Piper found himself slumbering upon the city's cobblestone streets, right before the doorstep of the humble orphanage. Unable to turn a blind eye, she fed him with the crusts of bread the children could not eat, and soup made of vegetable scraps.
He looked up at her, bewildered that one of the citizens who had rejected him would dare nourish him. "Dost thou not fear condemnation? To aid a stranger such as I?"
"Nonsense," came her swift reply, "before me, I see neither stranger, nor maverick, nor even one hailing from Weidehohl. In this moment, I behold but a fellow soul, a man who may succumb to the bitter cold if aid is not given."
Bringing the broth to his lips, the Pied Piper relished in its salty aroma. How could a denizen of Hamelin, known for their stern devotion to God's path, radiate such tender warmth? In what felt like but a heartbeat, the soup disappeared from his bowl. "Is... Is this the doctrine of thy Lord?"
She smiled as she took the bowl from him, "Indeed, it is the teaching of our Lord, who bids us to love one another as He loves us."
The Pied Piper could only chuckle and rake his fingers through his red hair, which twirled upwards in delicate curls at the base of his collarbone. "Throughout my long years upon this Earth, they have regarded me as but an exterminator, a mere tool to rid their towns of the earthly vermin. Never have I been graced by the presence of Mother Mary herself."
"Mother Mary? How does a pagan such as yourself know of her?" curiosity laced Y/N's voice as she sat down next to him. Inside the orphanage, the children, intrigued by the unusual encounter, giggled and vied for a view between their surrogate mother and the curious visitor.
The Piper bestowed upon her a subtle, enigmatic grin, and with a deft movement of his fingers, he began to play a soft, mesmerizing tune on his flute—a melody so enchanting that it seemed as if the very stars had descended to dance in the moonlit night.
The children, drawn by the enchanting music, abandoned their timid hideaways and gathered around the pair. Their eyes, wide with innocent wonder, bore witness to the magic of the Piper's tune—a melody that had never before graced their ears. For indeed, the orphans had never heard of the wonderous music before. It was unlike the solemn hymns of the church, rigid and controlled. Instead, it was a music that spoke of freedom, of joy, and liberation from the chains of the mundane.
Y/N couldn't help but feel that it danced on the edge of sin, but she could not deny the children their delight. She allowed them to dance and frolic, their laughter rising like the joyful laughter of forest spirits.
In the end, she never received an answer to her question.
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With the passage of time, Y/N perceived a waning in the rat population, witnessed the orphans suffer less from the grip of disease, and felt her own health flourish in the absence of the rodents.
"Perhaps the Lord has graced me for extending sustenance to the Pied Piper?" she pondered, conversing with her fellow women during Sunday Mass.
"Hush, dear," came their swift rejoinder, "you were simply a fortunate soul. Our homes still teem with the pestilence of mice!"
"But consider this," Y/N beseeched, her voice laden with earnestness, "What if God sent this plague as a trial? A test of our kindness and charity, a challenge to alleviate the traveler's suffering, even if he be unconventional? If each working man were to bestow but one guilder upon the Piper, he would amass a bounty sufficient to lead the rats away from Hamelin!"
Her words did not go unheard by the mayor. Share his own coffers of wealth would he not. But pluck a thousand guilders from the working class to please the Piper—a fine deal indeed. After Mass, he called the Pied Piper to his office and told him of the proposal.
In response, the Piper laughed and shook his head, "Gentleman, the thousand guilders were but a jest. All I seek is a fine wife in exchange for my services."
The mayor's eyes lit up in delight. Now, he would not even need to part ways with his beloved coin! "Go forth, and choose an unmarried woman of your liking! Do anything that you must in order to kill the rats of Hamelin!"
On the morrow, the good folk of Hamelin awoke to a sight most peculiar. The Pied Piper, with his mop of hair burning red, led an army of rats away from the town, all the while playing a merry tune on his bone-carved flute. His garments billowed like swallows riding the breath of the wind, whilst the rats scurried at his feet, dancing with mania. They squeaked and chirped, running and tumbling in circles, over cobblestone roads, through the gates of Hamelin, over hills and meadows, until they reached the winding river Weser.
"Little rodents! Ye must be parched from your toil! Go, partake of the waters that the Lord Christ hath graciously provided!" sang the Piper, twirling around his own axis as he played the hypnotizing tune.
As if by some mystical command, the rats leaped into the river, one by one, and there, they met their watery fate.
"My, 'tis sorcery!" screeched the resident priest, clutching his cross in the palm of his gnarled hand. 
The mayor interjected, "But Reverend, thou must admit, the young lad hath cured us of this plight! And in return, all he seeks is a companion—a wife!"
The Pied Piper turned toward the crowd and bowed with theatrical elegance. The colors of his cloak simmered and contorted—one moment, a vibrant lemon yellow. The next—deep cerulean blue. Loud gasps of wonder and awe erupted from the crowd, who had formed a small comune along the river bank.
With a dazzling smile, the Pied Piper got down on one knee and raised his arms to the heavens, "Fair maiden, protector of the orphans, a soul akin to the benevolent Mary herself! Amongst the Christians of Hamelin, you alone treated me with the grace of human kindness. Would you do me the honor of becoming my cherished bride, despite the unfavorable reputation that taints my name among your townsfolk?"
Y/N froze and averted her gaze to the ground. Using the sleeve of her dress to conceal her face, she replied, "An outcast for an outcast, it seems. Piper, you have placed me in a most wretched predicament. I have dedicated my life in service to God and find myself an unwedded widow, a spinster by the world's judgment."
His expression darkened but was soon replaced by a charming smile. "Fair lady, I take it as a no?"
Unable to speak another word, the widow nodded, unable to reciprocate his smile. What use was there in accepting the hand of a man whose name remained a mystery to her? Besides, the priest would never officiate a marriage between a believing woman and an infidel. Even an infidel who saved Hamelin from certain ruin.
"Fear not. I had a lingering suspicion that such would be thy response."
Once more, he brought the bone-carved flute to his lips. But this time, the melody that poured forth carried an almost otherworldly quality, a tune that seemed to teeter on the brink of the supernatural.
The children, both orphans and those with families of their own, emerged from their homes, their gleeful laughter and exuberant cries resonating through the air like the unholy revelry of a wicked tarantella. Yet, as the music wove its spell, a sinister transformation overtook them. Their limbs elongated and stretched, contorting to grotesque proportions, as if every ounce of their humanity was being pulled apart by unseen hands.
The adults could not move a single muscle, it was as if their feet were planted firmly in the ground. Y/N herself was no exception, and she screamed and begged the Piper to stop this madness. But whenever she tried to take a step toward him, her legs were met with a gripping pain, searing through her body, mind, and soul. 
There was no doubt: The Piper wanted to see the Hamelians suffer. More specifically, Y/N.
Their movements grew wild and untamed, limbs flailing and twisting with a grotesque grace that defied the laws of nature. It was as though their bodies had become marionettes, but marionettes manipulated by a malevolent puppeteer, their movements driven by a dark and unholy force. They twirled and spun, their movements growing increasingly frenzied, entrapped in a wicked ritual that defied the doctrine of the Lord itself.
Laughter mixed with the cracking of bones as the children frolicked and pranced, following the Piper as he led them away from Hamelin. Together, they crossed the shimmering waters of the river Weser, traversed rolling hills, until they disappeared into the foreboding depths of the woods that led to Weidehohl. 
Y/N was the first to break out of the trance. With lightning-fast reflexes and a heart heavy with dread, she sprinted toward the looming woods that led to Weidehohl, her voice raised in a desperate cry. "Children! Come back! This is not the path ordained by the Lord!"
But her pleas fell upon deaf ears as the possessed children, their eyes vacant and their limbs contorted, followed the Piper deeper into the shadowy woods. Deeper into the woods she ran, the gnarled branches of ancient trees clawing at her as if trying to hold her back. She followed the trail of broken branches and twisted footprints, breadcrumbs of waning hope that stretched endlessly into the heart of the forest.
Finally, at the heart of the sinister forest, she stumbled upon the lame boy, his eyes wide with terror and confusion. His frail form quivered, unable to join in the manic dance of his peers. Y/N knelt beside him, murmuring prayers of protection and strength. "Where have they gone, dear child?"
"There..." the lame boy whispered, pointing to a clearing in the midst of the woods.
The widow told the boy to stay put and approached the clearing. To her surprise, the clearing appeared utterly ordinary, as if untouched by the dark enchantment that had gripped the children. Bewildered, she turned back to check on the lame boy, only to have her heart plummet to her very shoes. He had vanished without a trace.
Heart hammering in her chest, she ran through the woods, between the ancient trees, leaping over quaint forest streams. But the lame boy was nowhere to be found. Not even the wretched Piper or the remaining children.
A gloved hand grabbed hers. Y/N shrieked and begged to be released, but it only caused the grip to tighten. She blinked and the next thing she knew, she was in a forest village, surrounded by the children she had come to love oh-so-dearly. 
Overcome with relief, she ran forward and embraced the children, sobbing and wailing just like at her deceased husband's funeral. Through tear-filled eyes, she beheld a wondrous transformation of the world around her. Waters gushed and sparkled, fruit trees burst into bloom with an otherworldly splendor, and flowers unfurled in hues that defied earthly comparison. Sparrows radiated a brilliance surpassing that of peacocks, their plumage resplendent. Horses bore wings akin to eagles, and even the honeybees had shed their stingers.
"Welcome to Weidehohl!" announced the Piper, taking her hand once more. Ignoring her pleas for release, he dipped and twirled the maiden with practiced ease, his steps sure and confident. Whispering sweet nothings, he drew her close for a kiss, and his gloved fingers brushed away the tears that streamed down her face. They danced in graceful circles, surrounded by the mesmerizing melody of the birds and the bees, who serenaded them with joyful chirps and buzzing.
It was then that she noticed the transformed children, each playing a flute similar to the one that dangled from the Piper's neck. The tune that flowed from their instruments was all too familiar—a cherished church hymn reserved for weddings. Dread seized her heart as the realization settled in, and all she could do was weep as the Pied Piper kissed away her tears,
As she danced, a small piece of metal fell from within the man's garments and onto the forest floor.
A timepiece, engraved with a lovingly-crafted portrait of herself on their wedding day. But in place of her late husband now stood the Pied Piper.
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They're not often talked about as they relate to each other, but it's fascinating to me how Moc Weepe and Jonas Spahr work as narrative foils, because they are remarkably similar characters in some respects that ultimately ended up on diverging narrative trajectories. For a start they both have direct counterparts (Saskia and Phineas respectively) that exist because in the beta version of Midst they were the same character that was split in two in subsequent drafts.
But more importantly, they both tend to heavily defer agency for their choices away from themselves to something external that they have no control over. As Weepe says himself in "Interest" to Imelda and in "Ghosts" to Saskia, he considers himself to be a bad person who is simply fated to do bad things and is incapable of anything else, and as "Ghosts" makes clear, in doing so he refuses to take responsibility for doing bad things. He didn't sell out Saskia and the rest of the Black Candle Cabaret because he wanted to, he did it because he had to because that is simply how he is. Spahr, meanwhile, tends to passively allow others to tell him what to do even when his own moral convictions tell him to do something else. He didn't want to leave Phineas behind on Midst, but he caved to Imelda and the Trust and did anyway. He wanted to stop Imelda from torturing Weepe in the Arca, but he caved to her and allowed it to continue to happen. Even his own court martial he allowed to happen without any fuss. (And as @captainofthetidesbreath pointed out to me, this shared tendency to defer agency is why they hate each other; they recognize this part of themselves).
But where they diverge is that while Weepe has doubled down on his conviction that he is simply a bad person fated to do terrible things whether he wants to or not, even as Saskia was begging him on her deathbed to recognize that he's both responsible for his own choices and can choose to make better ones, Spahr during "Fault" realized that choosing to allow someone else to make a choice for you is itself a choice, and he has to take responsibility for the consequences of making that choice. And he ended the episode resolved to do better, and ultimately makes a decisive choice on his own to leave the Trust in "Breach".
Speaking of "Breach" that whole episode really exemplified that Spahr has finally taken responsibility for himself and is making his own choices while Weepe is still playing the part he feels like he has no choice but to play. Because that episode is the first time both have encountered their respective counterparts since "Moonfall". Weepe and Spahr haven't seen Saskia and Phineas since leaving Midst, but in "Breach" they encounter both on opposite ends of an office that shortly thereafter ends up blown apart and on fire. Moc Weepe, acting in his role as Tripotentiary of a cult he doesn't believe in orders the capture of the most wanted criminal in that cult's history, and Jonas Spahr tells him "no" while literally positioning himself opposite the Trust, having made the choice to leave. And these choices from both have pretty immediate consequences for their respective counterparts. Weepe playing the role of Tripotentiary found himself in no position to intervene when Saskia set off the second explosion, but Spahr having jumped out of the Vault with the Breach was in a position to protect Phineas during the subsequent free fall.
While neither action on their part was guaranteed to be fatal to Phineas or Saskia when they took them (Phineas could have lucked out and managed to avoid any deadly mica encounters before reaching Gretel's ship without Spahr's interference; Saskia says in "Ghosts" she hoped she would simply go back to being one person if half of her died), Spahr making the choice to directly shape his own future meant he was in a position to save someone he loves, while Weepe making the choice to continue to refuse his own agency meant he had to watch someone he loves die.
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rafyki · 2 days
[Percico fanfic]
Some fluffy domestic canon Percico for the soul! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Oh how I love writing them being all fluffy and i love!! It's what they deserves (ಥ﹏ಥ)
You can read it on AO3 too, if you want!
Nico woke up feeling strange. Even before opening his eyes, he reached out with his hand to pat the space on the bed beside him; it was warm but empty and, together with the muffled noises coming from the kitchen, it left Nico smiling into the pillow.
Strange, but not in a bad way - just in the way that made his heart feel so full he almost didn't know what to do with it. Strange in the way that it seemed that every sound and every scent around him made it so heavy Nico didn't even know how he could feel so much and still feel good about it. More than good.
Strange in the way that made him feel that everything he had lived up to that point in his life had definitely been worth it.
He got up, rubbed his eyes, and went to the kitchen without even bothering to put his slippers on. Percy would probably hear him approach anyway.
The sleepy smile on his face only grew bigger as he leaned against the door's frame and let himself busk into the image before his eyes. It wasn't new, hadn't been for almost a year now, and yet it still left Nico questioning for a second if he was still dreaming. 
Domestic, strange. Beautifully familiar.
Percy was at the counter, humming a tune under his breath as he made breakfast for both of them. The coffees were already almost done, and Nico knew he would have brought them to bed for him in just a few minutes.
The morning sunlight coming from the window bathed everything in a blurry glaze, like the scene could disappear if Nico as much as raised his fingers to try and touch it. 
Strange. Strange that Nico didn't feel like it really would disappear under his eyes. Strange that it felt like Nico could trust it to stay there, that he would wake up again and again to this same picture.
His heart didn't have enough space anymore in his ribcage.
Percy must have heard him, yet he didn't turn around yet, focused on finishing his task of making the perfect coffee (Nico loved the special attention, knew that Percy did his best to make the perfect coffee for him every morning).
Before Percy could turn around to greet him, Nico moved and went to him, wrapping his arms around his middle from behind.
Percy used to smell like the sea, always like he had just come out of the ocean; and he still did, but not in the same way. There was the sea, and tangled with it was the faint scent that Nico associated with the Underworld. Earthly and strong, almost the complete opposite of the sea. 
Nico knew their home smelled like that, knew he himself did.
He buried his face in the back of Percy's neck, hugged him tighter as he breathed him in.
“'morning, sleepyhead”, Percy greeted him.
Nico could hear the beautiful soft smile in his voice. A hand came to hold his, warm and big. Their fingers intertwined naturally.
He tried to mumble a ‘good morning' back against Percy's neck, letting him feel the smile against the skin. He left a kiss there, and Percy raised their joined hands to leave a kiss on Nico's skin in response.
“Slept well?”
Nico hummed in reply.
“I made you coffee”, Percy said. “Just the way you like it”.
Nico hugged him tighter in thanks, kissed his neck again.
Percy was always more talkative than him in the morning; Nico needed a while to get used to the world and find his voice and words again. Percy knew that, and so he talked, soft and pleasant to Nico's ears, gently coaxing him awake with idle chat, not expecting a reply in the form of spoken words. 
They moved around each other with easy familiarity, fitting together in a way that years ago neither of them would have ever thought possible.
Percy turned around in the embrace, one of his hand resting on Nico's hips, the other finding its place against Nico's neck, thumb stroking his cheek. Nico leaned into the touch like it was second nature to him. Their eyes met, and once again Nico thought strange. Amazingly and beautifully strange that he could look into those eyes and see his own love perfectly mirrored in them, that he could see that look first thing in the morning and drown himself in the beauty of the life they had built.
He leaned in, touching his nose to Percy's, then moved to leave a kiss on his cheek, once, then again, then on the corner of his lips, where he could feel Percy's smile. 
Morning kisses were something special to Nico. There was something different in the way their lips met in the morning - maybe it was the laziness of it, the way he was still drowsy with sleep and Percy kissed him slow and soft to wake him up; maybe it was the simple fact that he could start his day like that, by kissing the man that he loved and that incredibly loved him back just as much. Maybe it was the intimacy, the scent of their home around them, and the fact that that moment was only theirs.
They stayed like that, arms around each other, kissing and kissing for so long the coffees had probably gone cold. 
Slow and lazy, not the kind of kisses that led to something more - just lips meeting over and over again, smiling against each other. 
Another kiss, this time on the tip of Nico's nose, and then another, on his forehead.
“Coffees are going to get cold”, Percy said.
Once, when they had first started this, every time he had to move away from Percy felt like a cold shower, like it would be the last time; once, he would cling to every touch and every moment like they were stolen, like he would blink and lose it all. It had taken some time for him to realize and accept that he could let go without worrying, that they would come back to each other every time. 
Now, he sat on the counter with his barely warm coffee in his hands, and he smiled. Percy was leaning on the counter right next to him, arm pressed against Nico's knees.
It was nice and quiet, an unhurried morning when they could just let themselves be.
“What are you thinking about?”
Nico smiled. Of course Percy would notice his strange mood without needing him to say anything.
He took a sip of his coffee, thought about it for a moment.
“Tell me something?”
It was a game they played, sometimes. 
Tell me something I don't know yet.
There were years of history between them, and not all of them good. Misunderstandings and failed communication had tainted their relationship for a long time and both of them had had their issues and traumas that had held them back for way too long. In a way, it didn't matter anymore - both of them had learned to leave them in the past, to not let them haunt what they had now, what they had worked so hard to build. 
It mattered because it was a part of them, but they had learned the hard way that they could let themselves work slowly through all of that, only when they felt like reopening old wounds, but focusing on the now and here.
So they did this. Tell me something I don't know yet.
Something about their pained history, something about themselves, something that they hadn't had the chance or the courage to share yet. Just one piece at a time.
Now, feeling the warmth of the morning sunlight on his skin, the weight of Percy next to him, and the press of his kisses still on his lips, Nico thought that he could bear to know anything, to share anything. He would still wake up the next morning, and find Percy there, making coffee and ready to kiss him good morning.
Percy smiled, and thought about it for a few minutes.
“The Prophecy- the first one, I mean”, he started, eyes fixed on the wall before them. Nico looked at him, patiently. “It could have been about either of us, you know it. But after you left Camp, I decided I wouldn't let it be about you, that it had to be on me”.
Nico put his cup on the counter, reached out to take Percy's hand in his. 
Strange, that the confession didn't make him mad, that he didn't feel the need of blaming himself for never knowing, for letting it happen.
“Why?”, he just asked, even though he could easily imagine the answer.
Strange, that when Percy turned to look at him, he was still smiling.
“You were just a kid”.
“So were you”.
Without letting go of his hand, Percy moved to stand in between Nico's legs.
“I know”, he said. “But I didn't want you to suffer more than you already had. It didn't feel right”.
Nico loved him so much. Had loved him for so long it was almost incredible that that love was still growing - every day, every moment. 
Wrapping his arms around Percy's shoulders, he kissed him. Percy tasted like sweet coffee on his tongue, like shared truths and confessions. 
They parted but didn't move away from each other, noses still touching and lips still brushing together, breathing the same hair. 
One of Percy's hands was in Nico's hair now; it had gotten longer lately, and sometimes he thought about cutting it shorter, but Percy seemed to like running his fingers through it. It felt nice, Nico liked the feeling.
Strange, again, that their life had become so intertwined even in the smallest things.
“Your turn?”, Percy asked, gently.
It was a game of give and take, theirs, but only if they wanted. It was easy, they met each other halfway.
“When I left Camp, that summer- when Bianca died”, Nico started. He didn't like thinking about that time - as far away in time as it was, it still felt dark and sometimes way too close. Still, today he felt like he could bear to share everything, like he could take his soul piece by piece and put it into Percy’s gentle hands. “I spent most of my time in the Underworld, you know, but- I knew you were looking for me. Sometimes- often, I came looking for you”.
He stopped to let himself look into Percy's eyes, smiled at the surprise painted in them.
“You did?”
Nico nodded.
“I thought you hated me”.
“I thought so too - maybe I did, in a way”, he said. “But I still couldn’t stop myself from wanting to see you”.
Percy’s smile was easy and just a little sad. “I never noticed”, he said.
Nico leaned in for a kiss, soft and chaste. “I didn’t want you to know”.
For the longest time, that had been a constant between them; whenever they were looking, the other was looking away. Always looking, always caring, and always missing each other., never realizing. They had been out of each other’s reach for so long.
Now, they had their arms around each other, always looking, always meeting halfway.
“Do you think it’s strange?”, Nico asked after a few moments of easy silence. “That we’ve been able to come this far?”
Percy rested his head on Nico’s shoulder as he pondered the question. The weight of his body against Nico was familiar and comfortable. Nico wrapped his legs around his waist to bring him closer.
“I don’t”, Percy said in the end. “We worked hard to build this”.
Nico felt a kiss on his neck, shivering at the feather touch.
“We earned it”, Percy added, decisive. This time, he bit lightly on Nico’s skin. 
He was right, they really did. 
Nico loved him so much.
They kissed again, lips melting against each other, fitting together in the most perfect way. Nico could get lost in the feeling, wouldn’t want to find a way out of the labyrinth that was the feeling of Percy’s lips, Percy’s taste, Percy’s body against his, Percy’s touch. 
“Do you think it’s strange that I want to spend the rest of the day just kissing you?”, Percy murmured against his lips, smiling into the kiss.
Nico laughed. 
He shook his head lightly. “Hm, I think that's perfectly normal”.
Percy's soft laugh joined his, and kissed him again.
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