#Sisters of Ys
rainy-poppy · 11 months
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2023 June art dump!!
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skullcula · 1 month
45/1000 sister nell YS oath in felghana
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baejax-the-great · 3 months
wait did you really never listen to tapes? the earliest audiobooks I had were on tapes, I remember needing to wind them back using a pencil lol. I think CDs weren't a thing till I was like 8 or 9
I think I just didn't listen to audiobooks as a kid. My parents would put on comedy tapes for long drives (Bill Cosby 😬). I never had my own walkman. By the time I was deemed old enough (7 or 8?) I was given a hand me down discman, I think. I remember playing Jagged Little Pill in it at elementary school, but that CD was my older sister's. I didn't buy my own CD until I was given a gift certificate at age 9. Conversely, we had a record player at home and I had Disney records I would put on. And my oldest sister was definitely making old fashioned mix tapes from recording the radio.
I think every family probably has some odd mix of 10-20 years of tech going on at once. If it ain't broke, keep using it, but also new and shiny things are fun.
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
society isnt ready for yansim
there are way too many tags i couldnt fit them all
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allyallyorange · 29 days
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Cyber(?) cowboys Atz au
Team bounty hunters!
fem SH and YS (and HJ) , S and SH having a brother sister bond, YS getting adopted into the dynamic etc etc
So excited to share more!
You can find more of the doodles from this au up on my Patreon already! ⭐️
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atinyreads · 2 years
My all time favorite/recommendation fics of ATEEZ
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note/warning: contains fluff/smut but most of them are mafia/angst/yandere I'm a sucker for those themes consider this as a trigger warning YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
~ additional note: also, To the authors of these fics I appreciate all of you ily all so much you're doing so well ^>^ !!
HJ: Backfired by @ateezreactionsandscenarios
YH: His little spy by @thesafecafe
YH: Bad day by @mingtinys
SH: A dirty little secret by @hwa-whiskers
SH: Chanel chance by @channieismyboy
OT8: Hurts like hell (has a part 2) by @ja3hwa
SH: Never again by @m4rsluv
OT8: Hotel California by @mint-yooxgi
YH: Frontier Psychiatrist by @riboism
SH: Fault by @ja3hwa
SH: You're the one that I want by @ateezmakemeweep
OT8: Mate by @jwying
WY x jealous reader by @ateezmakemeweep
JH: Prey by @ja3hwa
YS: Safe by @ja3hwa
SH: The duke and his general by @baekhvuns
SAN: Darling, his darling by @sansblkgirlfriend
SH: White hemlock by @lilhwahwa
HJ: Don't stop by @im-657-mv
HJ: Eyes on you by @bangmechann
Shoot your shot by @az-con
HJ: Ruby red (can't mention their @ idk why)
YH: Let me by @capaimagines
HJ: Hello stranger by @midnightseonghwa
OT8: At what cost by @capaimagines
HJ: Saved by @sansblkgirlfriend
Mafia SH x reader by @mingishoe
SH: Realization by @spinster-sisters
YS: Lights out by @bobateastay
MG: Precious by @lovesanmotion
HJ: Is this real? by @mingis-lightbulb
SH: All too well by @hwanchaesong
SH: Mafia x reader by @songmingisthighs
SH: Migraine by @kileaderie
SH: When you're sexually frustrated by @cocobeanncteez
HJ: Tame by @cocobeanncteez
SAN: The calm after the storm by @cocobeanncteez
MG: Torn by @mimikookie
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fatum679 · 22 days
Hello, sorry to brother you again, please lmk if u have enough of my rants 🤣. I wanna ask , don't you think it's somewhat crazy that due to this ridiculous a*ysmond vs. helaemond ship war, the character of Helaena Targaryen seems to have more haters among the TG than TB part of the fandom? I legit know several TB supporters/ content creators who claim Helaena deserves better and it will be cool if it turns out she has kids with someone who likes and respects her(=Aemond). Also, even TBs point out if the showrunners want to give Aemond a romantic subplot, helaemond will be a better option, since unlike a*ysmond , this relationship is a consensual one + Aemond's protectiveness and attachment to his sister appear pretty obvious... It's such a pity some Green fans diminish Hel's clairvoyance and claim it's useless and she's far less powerful seer and less interesting character than A*ys. They want A*ys' magic to be explored further, and not Hel's. Which I totally don't understand, since in GOT, we have already seen greenseers, woods witches and even Red Priests, but we still don't know much about dragon dreamers. Imo focusing on Targaryen magic in a Targaryen -centric show would be a far better idea. Also, HOTD's portrayal of Helaena could potentially be a really refeshing and original take on a magical woman. I mean unlike stereotypical sorceresses, usually dark-haired, clad in flowy, dusky gowns and dwelling in fantastic, Gothic manors, Hel looks like a sweet Princess ,but she's still blood of the dragon and a seer. I mean she doesn't need Gothic aesthetics and stuff to be "magical", since she herself is magic!
Hello! I'm glad to see your questions and glad that you are interested in my opinion 😊
The asoiaf fandom has always been toxic, no matter if you discuss books or series, there have always been wars in the fandom. Treat it like a game and don't spend a lot of energy on it.
Yes, there is a war of ships going on now. It's true, alysmond stans is the anti-Helaena and the anti-Helaemond. I don't understand why TG thinks Alys is part of the green party. Alys is not green. She has her own personal interests and goals.
Dance of the dragons is a Targaryen story, Alys is not a Targaryen, she is just a tertiary character (like Mysaria), she will not have more time.
I really want to see more of Helaena as a character, more of her magical abilities, more of her personality, more of her connection to the people of King's Landing, her family, her children, and her dragon. Rhaenyra did more action (in the book she sat on Dragonstone for the entire war), so I'm sure Helaena will have a lot of screen time.
Helaena doesn't have to be a stereotypical and banal goth girl. Comparing her to Alys is a waste of time. Helaena is beautiful, she looks like an elf and a fallen angel to girls from sagas.
Helaegon stans opposes Aemond, and they don't like all the allusions to Helaemond. I'm not anti-Aegon, but I'm anti-helaegon because there was no love between Aegon and Helaena in the show or even in the book. It was a forced marriage. Aegon had a mistress and other children. helaegon is lmao. helaegon is an abusive relationship. Abusive to Helaena. This is the reality and the truth.
“Princess Helaena was breaking her fast with her children when the Kingsguard came to her…but when asked the whereabouts of Prince Aegon, her brother and husband, she said only, “He [Aegon] is not in my bed, you may be sure. Feel free to search beneath the blankets””
“Though the good septon admits Prince Aegon was with a paramour when he was found, he insists the girl was the daughter of a wealthy trader, and well cared for besides”
“We have nothing in common”, “You [Aemond] marry her [Helaena], then”
“She's an idiot”
“I regret the disappointment you [Baela] are soon to suffer. But if you ever wish to kniw what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask”
“It isn’t so bad. Mostly he just ignores you…except sometimes when he’s drunk”.
“Think of the shame on your wife, on me” [Aegon r*p*d the Dyana who helped Helaena with her babys]
“I will find a ship and sail away, never to be found” [Aegon wanted to run away, abandon Helaena and her children]
I think Aegon always wanted to be on Rhaenyra's side. Perhaps he thought that Viserys would start to notice him and love him if he was closer to his older sister than to his other siblings. Even as a child, he was more interested in spending time with his nephews, and he did not take Alicent's words seriously until Aemond's eye was gouged out (Aemond could have died after such a wound)
“If Rhaenyra come into power you very life could be forfeit. Aemond is as well. She could move to cut off any challenge to her succession”
“Then I won’t challenge”
Aegon has a bad relationship with his mother and siblings ("She's an idiot" "He's a twat"). I think Aegon was more interested in love from Viserys and Rhaenyra than from his real family.
“My sister is the heir, not me,” he says in Eustace’s account. “What sort of brother steals his sister’s birthright?”
“He [Viserys]didn't like me”
Perhaps Aegon liked the idea of marrying Rhaenyra?
Sorry, I got a little off topic.
I agree with you, it would be great if Helaena's children were with the man she loves (Aemond). It is very sad and terrible that Helaena had to endure drunken se**ally har***ment from Aegon 🫣 😱 Poor girl 🥺 😭 I hate Aegon for this! Alicent, why did you let this happen? Helaena could have Aemond! Helaena was scared when Otto and Alicent asked her where Aegon was. She lowered her head - this is a gesture of protection. I don’t understand people who “like” Helaena and support the helaegon ship. They support abusive relationships and domestic vio**nce. It is a fact. This is anti-Helaena relationships.
#We need more Helaena in season 2!
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blessedshortcake · 5 months
I will never forget or forgive the damage Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon did for the autism community. "But Cupcake there are bigger issues to talk about when it comes to abelism" i KNOW but I am still fucking pissed off. People take Sheldon as an autism Icon when they have no idea what its like
My sister has an almost 2 year old who today was being fussy about sour cream touching her cheese while having dinner and refused to eat it unless it was Just cheese. She doesnt have the vocabulary to tell us so many things so half the time they only know she genuinely doesnt like something if she gags which is already an issue but whatever. My sisters shitty parenting skills are not the point here.
She sighed and made a comment how she "hopes she wont be like Sheldon, complaining that his peas touched his mashed potatoes". And I got this sinking mix of shame, anger and anxiety because what if she will be like that? That is a common autistic "problem", I have multiple friends on the spectrum who are like that as well
But because she knows it from that stupid show where its portrayed as just a thing he does and just a reoccuring inconviniance because hes fussy and self righteous she also associates it with Just Fussyness. She makes comments about how dramatic she is for not wanting to eat something she expressed her dislike for before
And yes sometimes kids are just like that where you can offer them some food and they dont want it, then retry with a different description (ex. A ham sandwich vs bread with butter and ham) and they will want it. That is one thing but traits sooooo heavily linked to autism being reduced to just a kid being dramatic is so fucking bad.
Im not sure if my niece is autistic. I am not a medical professional and also shes 2 but the comment is just... not it. BBT and YS keeps using autism traits to make a main character thats just quirky and fussy and annoying because thats his character and when people see those same traits in actual autistics they immediately label them as also just weird or dramatic or a handful
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moongothic · 5 months
Actually….re: the whole we have never gotten a glimpse ever of past crocodile thing….would be SO funny if crocodile’s backstory was just every strawhat’s combined in succession but like the wario bad ending version “a man took me and my brother in when we were extremely small children and THEN sold us out to pirates when he didnt have enough protection money who forced ys to work to buy our way out of slavery THEN my sister pushed me down the stairs and THEN she died and THEN i was taken in by a fishwoman and her apprentice. And THEN she framed me for pirate conspiracy and turned me into the marines—“ etc. etc.
Y'know, I know you're joking, just doing a silly little funny and all
But unironically, on a thematic level this could very well be true
Like One Piece's long running themes include rejection, loss, loneliness, either believing yourself to be unlovable and/or hating yourself while loving others and what all these things can drive a person to do (among many other things)
And these narrative elements come up so often you could make a little bingo card of them and have a fun little game to see how many pop up for each Strawhat and their backstories (Sanji and Robin being the most extreme examples in some ways). But the thing is that with the Strawhats, most of them manage to find a way to heal through all that trauma either through their mentors, their friends/family, the Strawhats and/or Luffy specifically. They all found a place to call home through Luffy
But Crocodile never did. He doesn't have a place to call home, people to call a family. He's still alone
So like, while Croc's backstory probably isn't all the Strawhats mashed together literally, on that thematic level? Actually, yeah, probably, especially If Crocodad Real. He could just turn out to be an amalgamation of all the Strawhats' trauma combined but with the specific twist he never had anyone come save him from it, what any of the Strawhats could've turned out like had they never met Luffy and went off the deep end
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whiteshipnightjar · 21 hours
Do we know anything about Joanna's creative process and working habits?
Well, we know what she's told us haha. But yes, I'd say we know at least somewhat how she works. You can read her wonderful Arthur Mag interview to see how she used to work during her Ys era (I mean the WHOLE interview is a fascinating inside into her work psyche at that time, I don't even know which quote to pick and choose for a sample, all of it is great haha). Then, e.g., Under The Radar for HOOM is really good. Also, Here's Ryan Francesconi talking about working with Joanna on HOOM:
“Ryan Francesconi transcribed many of the vocal and harp parts while working on “Have One on Me.” “Her phrasing with the vocal is really hard to write down,” he told me. “The rhythms are so subtle — so subtly off the beat all the time. And that’s a really interesting thing, because her harp is very precise, yet the vocal floats on top, and has a really separate feeling. The things she can do independently while playing the harp are humbling.”
And Joanna talking about writing HOOM:
"Timeout: It’s [Have One On Me] been called a pop record.
Joanna: ‪I guess it’s almost like I’m saying the same thing [as on Ys], but the intention is a little different for me. For some reason I was in the mood to make something very direct. I felt like I had been so abstract in some ways and kind of ungrounded, there were a lot of frenetic, hypercomplicated musical or harmonic transitions, an extremely compacted, compounded density of lyrics as well as a hyperawareness of the structure of the lyric, the syllabic emphases and the interior rhyme structure. Just a bunch of stuff like that. I had felt like I had been in that very constricted space. Sort of outfitted in this specialized writing gear. I felt like an astronaut or something in my crazy suit walking around in space doing this specialized, technical thing. For me, for whatever reason, that was what I need to do at the time to make what was ultimately a very emotional and intense at times record.‬
T: It is a sad record, isn’t it?
J: For me, it was. But I think for whatever reason when I started work on this record I zipped off the astronaut suit and wanted to be grounded on earth and very earthy, very bodily, physical. I wanted the songs to be easier. Warmer; and a lot of that was intention and a lot of that was a product of the mood that I was in. I did a German interview the other day, where I said that it reminded me of when I was really little and I would go to church. I was five or something. I remember wearing my little sailor dress and zip collar and itchy wool tights and patent leather shoes. My hair was tied up into some really tight French braid and I would get home and tear it all off. Throw it in a pile in the corner and run around outside…Sunday! Run around with my brother and my sister and the dog. Run through the sprinklers if it was summer. And that feeling. And there was something like that that pervaded the process of editing this record. I’m unburdening and setting off to work in a way. I think that it lends a directness probably to the record which might be what some people call a “pop feel.” Because it’s certainly not a pop record."
For Divers, I think her interview with The Stranger shares some fun bits about her process. Like this hilarious quote:
"I asked Newsom why she goes to the trouble of constructing such elaborate musical structures.
"The thing is, I don't know why," she said. "But... I do have a real belief that the exact right word—in terms of conveying meaning as efficiently and correctly and concisely as possible—will also be the word that agrees in terms of rhyme, musical weight, syllabic weight, beauty, and elegance. I think that words are magical. All of that effort is all about uncovering the word that is just sitting there waiting for you, and when you find it, it's like the equivalent of watching your team get a touchdown. It's just like WHOA. And you run in circles and say, 'Fuck yeah!'"
There are so many goodies! And her creative process is so fascinating!!
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bonefall · 11 months
I wanted to ask something queer because it’s pride month but I can’t think of anything… do you have any queer bb rewrite stuff to talk about?
HERE, have a queer jumble of a bunch of the gay changes in BB;
As far back as DOTC, Thunder Storm was transmasc. His childhood best friend is also his lover; Lightning Cry.
There is a third gender in Clan Culture; Meewa. Gray Wing was Meewa and to this day, the role is associated with parenthood and wisdom.
Bumble and Turtle Heart were mates.
The Clanmew parental terms are decoupled from gender; the Mi is the primary parent, a Ba is a secondary.
For an example; Breezepelt is the Mi of his litters, Harestar and Heathertail were both Ba.
In Clanmew, Harestar had so many Ys in his warrior name (Yywayayiaoyyr) that Breezepelt got the kits to call him Yya.
Bluestar was queer. She had strange relationships with almost everything personal, but the only thing that matters is how much she LOVED her friends and how far she would go for them
The entire Forget-me-not friend group was queer in some ways.
And Bluestar’s friend Rosetail, turns out she's aromantic!
She loves romance, matchmaking, but eventually realized she doesn't like being in one. She just likes the idea a lot.
So of course Thistleclaw was PISSED when his sister claimed Queen’s Rights and adamantly refused to name a father.
She matched up her son Redtail with Runningwind, I like to think she was a very "when am i getting grandkits" kind of mom
Redtail was trans, but also gave birth to his children. That was Sandstorm and Longtail.
Redtail's transness was why Bluestar gave Dustpaw to him, she could see that Dust was working something out and hoped that Red would help
Dustpelt is genderqueer! He doesn't conform to the expectations of toms for his society; construction is largely a molly activity.
One-eye was a legendary builder in her time. It was a high honor when she came out of retirement to mentor him, when she was nearly 20 years old no less!
Cinderpelt was a lesbian, but there wasn't really anyone in the Clan she was interested in. Meh.
I do want to write a little scene where she goes to BloodClan to learn about mobility devices to help Wildfur, and has an AWOOGA moment at Cody
Leafpool and Mothwing are in love with each other, and look forward to every meeting. But they serve their Clans above all. The yearning.
I am very partial to Daisy x Squirrelflight, loooong in the future, after Squirrelflight has found fulfillment in her family and mentorships.
Conversely the untapped potential of Spiderleg x Bramblestar is unmatched. Nightmare husbands, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard of
Heartbreaking! the worst people you know have gotten gay married
Brokenstar and Runningnose were so gay I don't even have words for it, there's homosexual and then there's whatever the hell is going on over there
"My childhood best friend is a manifested curse and I would do anything for him, so I dedicated my whole life to becoming a more ruthless and brutal asset to serve his wants and desires, rejecting the stars and walking into the netherworld with glee, and only finding that it is hell because he isn't there. When you look between us, it's impossible to tell which of us was the monster, and which was the man, and yet I have never made a choice that I wouldn't make again."
Blackstar was aromantic! Russetfur was his lifelong best friend and partner, her death devastated him
He had flings and friends with benefits, though. Specifically, he's homosexual/aromantic.
Russetfur was gay too, I'm not sure if she ever had a wife though
I haven't drawn her yet but I see her as butch. Also she had large eyebrows.
Rowanclaw, honor sired for Newtspeck, was transtom
His apprentice, Talonclaw, survived the mauling because Smokefall did not die in the mountain this time around! They had a summer wedding
Irony struck when Rowan's kid Tigerheart also ended up being trans, but transmolly
Funny coincidence that everyone around Rowan ends up being queer
Tigerheart, who later becomes Heartstar, was in love with Dovewing from the moment they were apprentices on the Beaver Quest, before she even hatched
Dovewing dated Bumblestripe, even choosing him and ThunderClan over the instability of running off with Tigerheart
But when she got pregnant she SKEDADDLED
Lightleap and Shadowsight are biologically Bumble's, but Heartstar adopted them immediately
Heartstar is incredibly smug about this. "My wife. My kids. Cry about it"
Ivypool went through something similar, in a pretty bad relationship with Blossomfall and eventually getting with Fernsong
Only Fernsong is NOT smug, he's an ex-kittypet who joined during ThunderClan's Tempest and BOY HOWDY did he not want to make waves
But now he's dating the deputy's grandchild (thru Lionblaze), has an angry Blossomfall on his ass, and.... it's worth it lmao, have you seen his wife? Marvelous
He is the Mi of the children, this is the life for him
Thriftear and Plumstone are gay
Over in RiverClan, Hawkfrost and Reedwhisker were an item and were going to get serious... but then, well. Hawkfrost went through TNP and ended up dead.
In SkyClan, Violetshine, Dragonfly, and Tree are a polycule
I'm not quite sure what's going on with Echosong, Leafstar, and Billystorm. But Leaf and Billy are together, and I think Leaf has a thing with Echo. But Echo and Billy are not together, and Echo isn't involved with the kittens.
This isn't a queer thing but Sharptooth's wife Cherrytail was spayed. I think Hawkwing and co were surrogated by Echosong, but I'm not sure yet
But I do know that Cherry did not birth those kittens
Over in WindClan, I combined Jake and Sparrow into one character. Tallstar’s Collapse is reworked into Talltail traveling around with him and his group, until ultimately, he realizes it's not that easy to leave his Clan behind
I want to approach it as a tragedy, that he couldn't stay somewhere he was truly loved and happy
He was raising kids with Jake, two orphans they found. One of them followed him, even though he tried to tell him to stay with Jake and his sibling
That kid becomes Flytail, and then Flylight as an honor title
Sunstrike and Furzepelt are gay, and Furze is going to be an AVOS save thanks to Brushblaze, Breezepelt, Harestar, Heathertail, Crowfeather, and two more cats I haven't picked yet
Speaking of Brushblaze, Leo is an ex-BloodClan trader who joined WindClan to be with Onewhisker
It fell apart and he's been bitter about it ever since
Onestar is a disaaaaaaaster
He had a fling with Firestar before Fire realized he was aromantic, and it never would have worked anyway since Firestar was leading a clan
He always had an excuse for why he wasn't doing PDA with Brush, but while he was going through apprenticeship (despite being a qualified adult cat, very frustrating) Onewhisker was seeing Smoke
I kinda just want to remove Onewhisker having Whitetail as a mate entirely, I already fixed the apprenticeship thing but I kinda just like him having someone honor dam for him and he raised Heathertail alone
And lastly, Firestar
Firestar is totally aromantic.
He honor sired Sandstorm's kittens and raised them with her, because she is a deeply reliable friend and ally. They're in a QPR!
There's definitely a couple I missed (toadnettlepool, Sedgecreek x Greenflower) but that's enough for now
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
Pre-Ditf Dick,Jason and Roy headcanons but specifically in my trans woman Dick rewrite(Ft.some Lian)
Jayr*ys and Slade apologists dni,we don't do ped0 shit here unless it's condemming it
Jason and Roy are trans like Dick but in the opposite direction-That is to say,transmasc instead of transfem.Jason's egg cracked so early that he dosen't even remember not presenting as a boy and Roy's gender realization came shortly after Dick's thanks to her telling him about it and publicly coming out as a trans girl sidekick
Also all autistic!!Tism4Tism4Tism <3 Dick and Roy were a huge help in Jason embracing his autism and it absolutely shows in their interactions that none of them are allistic(this is a compliment and praise ofc)
Since Jason canonically respects women way more than he does men and older sisters and younger brothers tend to get along the best-speaking from experience bee tee dubs,him and Dick are super close.He seeks her out all the time as soon as they meet for the first time so she returns the favor and that leads to them becoming one of eachother's best friend's in addition to being adoptive siblings.They tell eachother everything and anything(without crossing any boundries)and she's his favorite hero even after he becomes Red Hood and demands respect towards her unless it's lighthearted teasing and she takes care of him by doing stuff like making sure he's well-rested and helping him with school and his hangouts with her lead to the other Titans viewing him as a little brother too
Dickroy is very much a thing.Like EVERYONE and i do mean EVERYONE knows they're in love before they do.They have that 'bickers like an old married couple' vibe yet somehow also the 'sickeningly sweethearts' one too.It's extremely infuriating and absolutely hilarious to watch and it took them until their 20s to get together.Their banter becomes way softer after that and by then the bite to it is more like a nibble and Dick was Lian's stepmom before Ntt even ended lbr.Roy's a huge flirt and it works on Dick very easily because she's easily flustered over him ever since her love epiphany and he's smug as fuck over it.Don't let that make you think he's not a malewife though,he is WHIPPED and you can catch him blushing and giggling and kicking his feet over her and doing whatever she wants him to literally any time of day
Jason used to think Roy was the coolest ever even if they weren't that close yet.Then Roy started dating his big sister and his Arsenal poster was violently shredded off his wall with his hands and insistences of 'You can do better!!!' were given to her.Dick was flabbergasted at his attitude change and Roy thought it was literally the funniest shit and lorded it against him whenever he could.Bruce also stopped liking him after their relathionship became official but he settled for glares and curt sentences
Jason used to get payed by Oliver to babysit Lian and they got along but after he came back as Red Hood,she just thinks of him as her lame uncle and tbh compared to her when she grows up,yeah he is muy uncool
Roy was the one to give Jason his first t-shot
Jason has extremely fond memories of being driven in the backseat of Dick's car to get McSupers together and her watching him,Eddie and Lian in the play section and ordering different things so they could share meals
If you make this one weird I'll Fucking Kill You but Jason had a habit of burying his face in Dick's chest for comfort,both because chests are just soft and warm and in times of emotional distress(I used to do this with my mom when i was shorter than her + Casual and nonsexual intimacy is very much encouraged in latino cultures,especially between younger boys and their older female family members so i feel it's fitting)
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thesteriuswife · 11 days
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The three eldest daughters of Ys and Lajavard, Nafiset (goddess of spring / seasonal harvest), Nagwa (a harvest goddess local to the region of Thracia), and Naia (goddess of rain and symbolic of the rainbow, mostly worshipped in Paros).
Nafiset is the most well known of the sisters 🙏🏾 art here is from 2022
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stories-and-chaos · 2 months
Tarnished pt 14
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 14/?? Word count: 2518 Cw: language]
Loona and Blitzø had ‘discussed’ what their options were. That the discussion was held at full volume was a given with them. Loona wanted to break down the door, grab her sister and run. As satisfying as that would be, Blitzø had some inkling of consequences. First, that just because Scarlet and Vex hadn’t seen any security didn’t mean there wasn’t any. Second, if this ‘Slicker’ did have a hold on his employees' souls, busting heads wouldn’t help.
And third, Dina might not want to leave. Blitzø didn’t think that was likely, considering how she’d come to be there. But it was a possibility he’d have to keep in mind. She’d run away from Loona when the girls scented each other. He could imagine multiple reasons why she’d run back into the brothel, but they didn’t have anything concrete.
“Loonie, let’s have Scarlet and Vex make another trip.” She snapped at him in frustration, making him dodge around the couch. “Whoa, sweetie, I know you wanna get her out of there asap.” Another dodge as she flung a cushion at him. “I do too! I think more information on Dina specifically would be best!” A comical scramble and pratfall had the Hellhound pinning him to the floor.
“She’s been stuck there long enough Blitzø! And I’ve been working long enough to get her out! I can handle myself,” she said, with a desperate growl in her voice.
“I know you can! But being prepared can’t hurt. It’s why you two were planning ahead for when you’d age out, right?” She snarled but at least moved her teeth from his face. “And, if those two can request Dina that night, we can have them call you.” That made her sit back on her haunches.
Her eyes, bright crimson sclera and white pupils, looked at him hopefully even as she kept her expression in an angry snarl. “You think they can?” The question had an edge to it.
Blitzø nodded and sat up. “I’ve known them for ages. Neither of them are fighters but they’re two of the most capable demons I know.” At her flat disbelieving stare, he doubled down. “I shit you not! They’ve been running rings behind the harpy’s back for years. Scarlet especially can talk her way out of anything. And Vex is a sneaky bastard that has spooked Stolas more than once.”
Loona looked away, weighing their options. She stalked off to her room, unable to fully suppress the growl in her chest. “One more time. Then I’m rescuing my sister one way or another Blitzø,” she said firmly before retreating behind her door.
“Fuuuuuckin Christ,” Blitzø said under his breath as he fell back onto the floor. Getting chased around by any Hellhound for any reason would make most demons piss themselves. Maybe he should be glad she trusted him enough to fight back?
Whatever, he needed to text Stolas.
Loony sayd ys, axe Skalert and vxe wen thye can go aigin
He didn’t have to wait long for the prince’s reply.
Scarlet says they’ll be able to in three days. She wants to space any excursions out so they don’t seem desperate for anything and I agree. I take it you mentioned the possibilities of obtaining Dina as their audience and a potential phone call if they can? I assume that would be the reason our dear temperamental Moonbeam would agree.
Blitzø hadn’t realized Stolas had given his daughter a nickname. It matched his nickname for Via, Starfire. Despite the stressful situation, it made the imp smile, if only a little.
yeh, seyd shrs gonna gif em 1 moar go, theen sheds recsuung dIna
Oh dear. I understand her urgency but we had best have a plan in place before she destroys the building. Not only is she a formidable melee fighter from what you’ve described, her growing knowledge of the arcane means she has other resources than her physical strength. I don’t think she has quite grasped that as of yet. However, an emotionally volatile confrontation could trigger inadvertent usage of her power.
Gud 2 now my bby grl can kiik ass and expold shirt wth hr brian
Not the reaction I would have expected to discovering one’s daughter can level a city block in a fit of rage, but you never fail to surprise me Blitzy.
>:p <3
Now he had to convince Loona to wait three days.
It helped to remind her that Dina’s safety could hinge on what Loona did (or didn’t) do. That combined with the possibility of a phone call and some actual administrative work for I.M.P. kept her occupied enough.
Scarlet had shifted around her work schedule, letting the rest of the staff know that Vex was taking her out for another date. Stella’s pet Hellhounds were definitely watching all staff members and feeding any news back to her. The household servants had seen the disheveled state the pair returned in last time and the consensus seemed to be they found a new favorite sex club.
Loona and Blitzø were back at the palace for the night. It wasn’t too out of character for him to split his time between the apartment and Stolas’s chambers, but the addition of Loona did result in questioning looks.
“Having to think up plausible excuses for what I do in my own home is getting quite frustrating,” Stolas said once they were ensconced in his chambers. Loona would be using the safe room while Blitzø spent the night with Stolas.
Blitzø was stretched out on the lounge, trying to not check his phone every five seconds. “This would all be a lot fucking easier if you kicked the feather duster out.” Stolas, currently examining the bookshelf, paused to glare at Blitzø. “Just saying’.”
“One crisis at a time darling.” He found the book he was looking for and handed it to Loona. The girl had been pacing around the room, her tail anxiously flicking behind her. “Here we are Moonbeam, read this while we wait. It’s a treatise on sigil enhancement that you should review.”
“Thanks Stolas, but shouldn’t I study it with Via?” The owl shook his head. “She won’t need it until she reveals her sigil. I want her focused on her current subject without adding anything superfluous.” Loona nodded and curled up into one of the chairs.
Her raised hackles, flattened ears, and swishing tail showed her agitation. But as she started puzzling out the runic text, she relaxed somewhat. She was even asking Stolas to clarify a few sections with unfamiliar symbols.
Blitzø started to tune them out; he was miles behind Via in magick knowledge and trying to catch up now seemed silly. Instead he retrieved his sketchbook from the safe room. Drawing his horse OC’s was a much better use of his time.
He was working on his current shipping chart when Vex’s ringtone broke the silence. “Oh shit!” His hand jerked, making an OTP line between Rickyroad and Blue Custard instead of Rickyroad and Maze Window. (Ricky and Blue would never work, they’re both too top even with all the tension from their one night stand.)
He could fix it later. He scampered to the phone and but it on speaker. “Vex? Lety? I’ve got you on speaker.”
“Blitzø, man, it’s good we got here early. Dina here has way too many thirsty fuckers coming round here.” Vex’s voice had a slightly distant quality from being on speaker. “Good thing we tipped so good last time, we got first pick.”
“The fact he basically got a paid night off helped too.” Scarlet was quieter but still audible.
Loona grabbed the phone before anyone else could answer. “Dina’s there? She’s with you now?!” Her voice was shaking and Blitzø could see her struggling to grip the device carefully. She was more than capable of crushing the phone. As it was, his ‘Ride Me’ case acquired new scratches.
There was a choked sob on the other end of the call. Some rustling sounds and soothing words from Scarlet followed. Then, shakily, “L-Loona?” The trio could hear the fear and exhaustion in the voice, mingled with a hint of hope.
“Dina! You’re ok- you’re alive…” Loona had been about to say ‘you’re okay’ but it was obvious her sister wasn’t. “Dina…I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner. We’ll get you out! I promise, I’ll save you this time, I tried before but I’ll do it now Dina-“
“No!” Dina’s yelp cut through her sister’s babble. “You can’t come here Loona. Slicker…you don’t know what he’s capable of!” She started breathing rapidly and they could hear the imps help her calm down. Loona had sunk to the floor at Dina’s adamant refusal, looking lost.
A shaky breath came through the phone speaker. “I don’t want you to get hurt by him. I signed a deal when I got here.” Stolas and Blitzø both perked up at the mention of her deal. “Once I pay off my debt I’ll be done with this place.” Blitzø snorted, certain that ‘debt’ was designed to inflate constantly and be unpayable.
Stolas had grabbed the sketchbook and started writing on a blank page. He ignored Blitzø’s protest and held up the book, instructions written in crayon. Loona blinked at her teacher and read it out loud. “Dina, did you make a deal or sign a contract?”
“Huh? What’s the difference…?” It sounded like Vex was urging her to continue. “I signed paperwork?”
Stolas scripted out another question as best he could with the crayon. “Was there any magick involved?” Loona asked slowly, having to parse his handwriting through the thick letters.
A swishing sound. “No, I don’t think so. Loona, what does it matter if it was magickal or not?” Everyone else on both sides of the call sighed in relief.
Loona, near tears of relief herself, managed a reply. “It matters a lot Dina. We can work with a paper contract.” Stolas held a talon to his beak. The Hellhound nodded. “I can’t say too much over the phone. I’ll…work something out. I won’t go on my own!” she said before Dina could object. “Please? Let me try?”
They could hear Dina start to cry. “Okay. Just… please please please be careful. I love you Loona.”
Loona was crying too. “I love you too Dina. We can talk more later.” She handed the phone to Blitzø as they heard rustling on the other end. Vex had his phone back too. The Hellhound curled back up into her chair, face buried in her arms and shoulders shaking.
Blitzø and Vex agreed they’d have another call in the early morning before the imp duo left. By then, Loona and the two men should have some sort of plan. Hanging up, the imp crouched next to his daughter. He didn’t touch her but he did call softly, “Loonie?”
She lifted her head just enough to look at him. “She didn’t want my help, Blitzø,” she managed through sobs. “She ran away from me and told me not to help. I’m the tough one, I’m supposed to protect her.”
Blitzø had to think of what he could possibly say, crouched there with a stricken look. “You’ve been protecting and looking for her because you love her.” She nodded. “She loves you right back. So she wants to protect you however she can. The best way Dina can do that is to keep you away from the bastard she’s got a contract with.”
Loona was still crying, but not as hard now. “I’m not surprised; she’s your sister Loonie. A self sacrificing protective streak seems like a family trait.”
She snorted and wiped her eyes. “Like you should talk Dad.” She saw the mess her running mascara made on her arm. “Fuck, that’s gonna take forever to get out of my fur!”
Stolas ushered her up and toward Blitzø’s room. “Why don’t you get cleaned up? If my darling Blitzy will allow you inside, you can make use of the bath.” Somewhat dazed, Blitzø let her through the door.
“I’m not imagining things, right Floof? She called me ‘Dad.’” Blitzø looked up at Stolas, his eyes big and gleaming with joy.
“Hmm, yes I believe she did. Although I do recommend not pointing that out to her if you ever want to hear it again. Now, let’s discuss our options while Loona washes up.”
By the time Loona reemerged in a sleep shirt and shorts, with the fur on one arm sticking up in weird directions, the other demons felt they had a workable plan. They were debating on the use of a disguise or not.
“Even among the Goetia I am a dashing and memorable figure. Do we really want me to waltz in there as I am?”
“Stolas. Babe. Most demons can’t tell one royal from another unless they work for one.” Blitzø punctuated his words with chops of his hand. “Best bet for intimidating or paying off this creep is to pull rank, so you gotta be there as a royal. We don’t have enough time to practice for fake name and one of us is gonna slip up if we try.”
“Wait, what are you plotting?” Loona shoved her way into the debate. Stolas gave her an overview of their plan. “I mean, I still wanna tear this ‘Slicker’ apart but that’ll probably work? I’m with Blitzø though, no magic disguise.” Stolas started to give a rebuttal but Loona shook her head. “You’ve taught me that the more complex a spell is, the more chances it’ll go wrong. Especially when you add new shit. Pretty sure that applies to the rest of life.” Stolas was left with his mouth hanging open.
“Better close that unless you want me to stick something in it,” Blitzø said, tapping the prince’s chin. “Ugh, gross!” Loona made a face as Stolas’s jaw snapped shut.
“Just wear the least fancy getup you’ve got Floof. No cape, no top hat.” Blitzø paused. “We’ll look through your closet. At least those rompers you like won’t be out of place.”
After that, there wasn’t much to do until Vex called around three in the morning. They each took a nap but couldn’t manage more than that. Stolas gave the valet and maid instructions before they gave the phones to the Hellhound siblings.
“Hey Loona.” Dina sounded calmer at least. Vex and Scarlet must have helped her in the interim. “Looks like tomorrow? Or later today…? You sure they can do it? That we can trust these guys?” The fear was still in her voice, making it thick and shaky.
“Pretty sure. They haven’t kicked me out yet and you know what a bitch I am,” Loona tried to lift her spirits. She was rewarded with a little giggle. It was more nervous than humored but it was better than crying.
“And without me there to give the puppy eyes of forgiveness.” A deep breath and a sigh. “Okay, let’s try it.”
“Just don’t act like you’re expecting anything. Business as normal.”
“I’ve gotten pretty good at that.”
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littlefluffbutt · 4 months
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Youngest sister's made Christmas present:) She had shown me this cute cauldron with spiral coasters that when folded up looked like green bubbling brew.
I used the Small Spooky Crochet Cauldron Pattern by magicowlstudios.com and the Halloween Spooky Spiral Coasters by popsdemilk.com.
The cauldron was done with two strands of yarn held together which makes a nice sturdy container for other things as well. The 4 small coasters sank into the cauldron so I made the two larger ones to put in the bottom to boost them up; YS has some oversize mugs so now she has coasters for them too:) I will say it took me a couple tried to get the spiral pattern through my brain BUT once I got the hang of it it was so easy, yay!
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eyeofnewtblog · 2 years
Things that happen at home:
So, just met up with my mom and Youngest Sibling, to hand over the last of Mama Mia’s stuff (her tree and the left over food).
Youngest Sibling is just learning how to drive.
Mom bought a “be patient student driver” bumper magnet.
Some conversation highlights:
Me: you never got me or Middle Sister a student driver sign.
My SO, immediately: I’ll get one for you, you STILL need one.
Youngest Sibling: I’m not an idiot, I know how my own car works!
Me: I didn’t say you were an idiot, I was telling you exactly how I did it so that you wouldn’t struggle for 20 minutes. It’s weird how only comes out in the down position.
My SO, immediately and loudly: Kids who park this badly shouldn’t be demanding to not be called be called an idiot. What? We can all see it!
…after ten minutes of struggling to get the back seats folded down “flat”…
Me: what if we turn the whole tree around, then flip it so the cut corner will fit around the back speaker?
Youngest Sibling: Yeah, that could work. Mom, can you go see how far up you can scoot the passenger seat before you’re uncomfortable.
Mom: *complies, with out complaints*
My SO: You’ve got your knees in your armpits, the kid said comfortable, not death defying if there’s an accident!
YS: ok, but now at least it fits?
My SO, in his We Are Not Adopting 5 More Cats voice: No.
YS:*opens their mouth to argue*
Me: *yanks the cat tree back out a little* Mom, how about you scoot the seat back two clicks, and maybe tilt it up a few clicks?
Mom, who is gracious and loving and Highly Amused because she successfully Started An Argument without actually doing anything: *readjusts the seat, cat tree pops into place, I slam the trunk closed*
My Husband and YS: *still glaring at each other, hands on hips and looking like they’re about to have a Pokémon battle or SOMETHING*
This is all ten times funnier if you know that Youngest Sibling is a live action version of Milo Thatcher (so skinny if ya turned sideways an’ stuck out ch’yer tongue ye’d look like a zipper!) and my husband is about a foot shorter but just as wide in all directions as the dude who plays Gregor Clegane.
Any way! The Mexican place we had lunch at had really good refried beans, which was honestly kinda the highlight of my afternoon.
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