#Square Dancing
one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I followed my mother jaywalking into a busy intersection because she was my ride home from a square dancing fest at my high school.
The PE teacher's robots wanted me dead.
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vldsideblog · 1 year
I think Lance has made fun of Keith on multiple occasions because he can’t dance. Eventually Keith gets fed up with this and turns on some country music and starts doing the motherfucking two-step. Unfortunately lance makes fun of him for this too
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it-happened-one-fic · 11 months
Square Dance - Just Where You Had Started - Strictly NRC Dancing
Author Notes: This is a dual purpose fic. I know I said the Vil dance fic was that last one, but I wasn't happy ending this AU without a conclusion fic. Secondly @pyroxeene, I hope you enjoy this dance fic! I cheated a little and combined square dancing with ceilidh dancing due to some research difficulty. I listed to "Kingdom Dance" from the Tangled OST by Alan Menken and was also heavily inspired by the Tangled dancing scene. Just like the rest of this AU/series the reader is female for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more this AU/series, the fics can be found here: Strictly NRC Dancing AU Master-List
Type: Dance AU/ Female Reader/ Fluff/ Romantic
Word Count: 902
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It was the final dance for the series of classes that had been held at NRC. A sort of celebration, the headmaster had called it. But it hadn’t been solely his idea. In fact, it had been an idea put forth by Lilia.
The ancient fae had declared that a final dance, performed by the entire school, would serve as a final way of proving what they’d learned and of causing all the students to bond.
Despite some reservations, Lilia was the one who had put forth the idea, so Sebek would follow along. After all, Lilia knew best, and Malleus himself supported the idea.
The heir to the Briar Valley throne had actually quite liked the idea when Lilia had first mentioned it. Citing that it would be a good time to share a more faerie style of dance and for you, the Prefect who’d performed for each class, to simply enjoy themselves for the sake of a dance.
And that's how it had been decided. 
The closest thing the staff knew to the dances of the fae were what they called a ‘square dance.’ So that was what everyone learned. And when it came time for the grand performance, lots were drawn to see who the Prefect’s final partner would be.
Sebek had stared at the long straw in his hand in surprise before he looked up to see you smiling at him from where you stood between the two designated callers for the dance. Lilia and Sam.
Malleus himself was the one who cast the spell that gave the magical band life as students formed the interlocking circles of partners. 
Your hand slipped snugly into his, and Sebek found himself glancing your way in a surprisingly nervous fashion.
He’d done such dances before, numerous times even, back in the Briar Valley. Lilia had insisted that he and Silver both learn them, as they were supposedly one of the greatest delights of the people who did not live as part of the Briar Valley Court.
According to him, these dances were a way to get daringly close to the object of one’s affections without ever ruining one's propriety. And at the time, Sebek had thought it was ridiculous.
But Sebek found that as the strings of the magic-led band began to fill the air, he no longer found it quite so silly.
In fact, as the music set a speedy tempo and Sam loudly announced the first steps, “Circle left and away we go,” Sebek found that he was oddly pleased that he was the one who got to be your partner.
And so the two of you whirled through the rings of people. Separating and returning to each other as if drawn by some sort of magnetic force, even though in reality you were just following the instructions that were being called out to all of the dancers.
Each time you were apart, Sebek would find his gaze dragging itself back to where you were. Laughing alongside the other dancers, you quite literally kicked your heels up and into the air as you locked arms with Ace so you could get spun into your next position.
There was a frenzied joy that seemed to fill the previously moody crowd as everyone spun through circles within circles of other dancers. Humans, fae, and beastmen alike were all laughing as they clapped along to the beat of the song and spun together.
Steps were missed, and the performance was anything but perfectly executed, but no one cared. It was as if, in this singular moment, all that mattered was the joy of being alive and with others.
People had long since forgotten who their original partner was and now whirled about with whomever they found themselves paired with. You and Sebek had nearly met back up numerous times to rejoin as partners again, but each time you were caught hold of by someone else and pulled away.
But the dance was still, somehow not chaotic. 
By now, even the staff members and callers of the dance were laughing. What had been a carefully orchestrated showing of what the student body had learned throughout their classes had become a joyful celebration of some unknown feeling.
Students followed the steps they’d learned during the square dance classes and followed the calls that Lilia gave as he took over for the amused but lost-looking Sam. This was no longer the square dance that the humans had described. This was a dance of the faeries, where one only followed the feelings in their heart and the beat of the music.
And through it all, Sebek still found himself seeking you out amid the laughter-filled throng of people. And there you were, spinning and laughing with your arms locked with Malleus’s until you spun away. Reentering the inner circle to dance on your own until you carefully made your way back out, ready to meet up with a new partner.
And it was there that Sebek finally caught you, half-breathless, as your hands found his, and you stopped as both the music and the performance abruptly ended. 
You laughed, half out of breath, as you looked at him with sparkling eyes, and Sebek understood what Lilia had meant by the dance strengthening the bond between fae and humans, just as he now knew why such a dance was popular with couples.
Because even though the performance was over, you had miraculously, or perhaps inevitably, ended up back in Sebek’s hold. Just where you’d started.
If you want to read more:
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newyorkthegoldenage · 9 months
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Some city slickers put on string ties and skirts to enjoy an evening of square dancing in Washington Square Park, Thursday, August 10, 1959.
Photo: Associated Press
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Modern Square Dances with calls by Earl Bateman
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dcober · 26 days
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As a western Shane really has it all. Salt of the earth homesteaders fighting against cattle barons! A reluctant gunfighter! Jack Palance as a menacing black hat! And to top it all off, the Grand Tetons loom beautifully, intimidatingly over the entire proceedings.
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giffypudding · 5 months
Grab yer pardner
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iowacitypast · 1 year
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Couples square dancing, The University of Iowa, 1950s
Creator: Kent, Frederick Wallace 
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yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
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SQUARE DANCING Basic and Mainstream Movements Intern. Association of Square Dance USA || swtradepost
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warningsine · 14 days
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drmonkeysetroscans · 19 days
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Yee haaa.
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kathleensusan338 · 3 months
Top Tips for Staying Healthy When Square Dancing All Winter Long
<h2>Things to Keep in Mind When Dancing at the Square in Winter</h2> <p>Each morning and evening, you can see lively square dancing groups in some city parks and community squares. Most people dancing are middle-aged or older, but some younger folks join in too. Experts remind folks that when square dancing in winter, it's important to stay warm and protect against the cold. Dancing properly is the only way it can really help you stay healthy.</p> <h3>People Love Joining In</h3> <p>In recent years, citizens have noticed that in big and small parks and neighborhoods, there are often groups of middle-aged and older women dancing gracefully together. The music includes slow dances everyone knows, as well as faster dances like salsa and tango. </p> <p>Last night after 7, reporters saw many middle-aged and older women dancing at Tichun Park and Saint Lake neighborhood square in the city. Their dancing was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and they all looked really happy. Wang said square dancing after work makes her mood better and gives her energy. She's also met lots of new friends. Now everyone in her neighborhood feels like family.</p> <p>"I'm getting tired, need a break," said Cai after dancing for half an hour. She was soaked in sweat. She took off her jacket to cool down and had a drink of water. "It's winter now so we still need to exercise. After a break I'll keep dancing with everyone."</p> <h3>Anyone Can Join In</h3> <p>Teacher Zhang learned to square dance online and brought friends who were interested. She said square dancing doesn't have strict rules - it just uses whole-body movement for light exercise and stress relief.</p> <h3>Exercise in Moderation</h3> <p>Exercise is super important for health and living a long life. Doctors say you need to exercise regularly so your energy and blood can flow smoothly. Well-known doctor Lin Hexi says choose activities you can stick to at a comfortable pace. This will keep you feeling and looking good for longer.</p> <p>He recommends thinking about your health and fitness level before picking a dance. Many neighborhoods now have places to square dance nearby. It's best to dance close to home instead of traveling far. </p> <p>More tips coming soon...watch this space!</p>
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remembertheplunge · 11 months
5/24/1988. 3:30amDeam #1: square dancing
Gay men, including myself,  and a woman are square dancing. There are many of us.  My group is a foursome. I reach out to open my ground. Now there are 6 or 8 of us. Thet say, laughing, "You shouldn’t have done that”.
We dance till I awaken. I am learning to square dance.”
Dream #2:
I’m waiting to cross a street. There is a line of people who have dogs.
Zoe, my sister, has a little puppy like dog, The puppy begins to pee on my sock. I complain and others lecture me. We make it across the street. May have been a tourist establishment.
Dream #3:  
I meet a 72 year old Doctor known for his soft, pliable hands.
The Doctor takes us on a tour into the earth. We travel down inside of some train like vehicle into the earth’s bowels. I can see in the huge, cavernous shaft many trails and other trains preceding along up and down. He explains that even long ago, man could go below. I saw why. The rocks spouted green flames like torch light here and there.The place was quiet. We reached a huge cavern room. He pointed to rocks and boulders that sat in magnificent grander of dignity and peace. You could almost see faces in the moldings of tan and burnt orange. 
He said we should consider the rocks to be like the moving waters in the sea. That when an animal (I envisioned a snake) descended down into the area between the rocks, it’s just like a fish descending in the sea. We should consider the rock formations too as…I can’t remember the words..but as living, moving dynamic things.
Just up from the boulders was an alter and two, very high back side chairs and an organ, I think built into the rock.We (there were others on the tour with me) began to look around. I was afraid to sit ion the well worn chairs, but, I needed to sit down. Our guide played a note on the organ, where he had played , it began to play itself. The guide decided we should leave,. He wasn’t sure if a ghost was playing the organ or if it was mechanical.
My interpretation of the dream #3:
A guide took me and others down deep into self. And there we were told that material things are holy also. It is a place where boulders are religious icons, where spirit moves through the material and piano keys play themselves. Boulders undulate like swirling waters and fire comes from solid rock.There was a connection point below where spirit and material meet through the hands. There are many ways in and out. Don’t be afraid to touch or to sit or comment or ask questions while you are there.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 11 months
My feet hurt from square dancing on concrete without shoes but no regrets
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justsayun · 11 months
Excuse me for visiting
I am a big believer in enjoying people. I especially enjoy messing with those who look like they need to be screwed with. (In a friendly yet not hurtful way.) I was out at a gathering that involved people my wife associated with. I knew no one. I went along to make my wife happy and also not be labeled a sucky husband for a week. Well why I was standing around sipping a Malibu Bay Breeze(Yes that's a girly drink but it was an open bar and I was feeling adventurous.) I ended up standing next to this older couple and asked if they knew if there would be any square dancing at this shindig. The music's great but I got on my Square Dancing Shoes. I also brought my clogging shoes, they were in the car. They gave me the funniest look. Then slowly moved away. My wife came up to me a bit later and mentioned how she didn't know about that animal group that I was a part of. I asked her what group she was talking about. She then gave me this scary stare and said: "That Pet Obesity Prevention" organization you helped form. Oh yeah, that's really new, I just got into that. Well, I got a lecture about how she had a few friends at the party come up to her and say how cool it was that her husband was working to help out overweight animals. I explained to my wife how I just love animals. There is nothing worse than a poodle packing an extra 15 pounds. Even a little schnauzer with an eating problem. It affects me. I then got the "Listen Doctor Dolittle, no more fairy tales. Just talk about the weather. If I have one person I know asks if you could come over and look at their overweight pet, we'll have a problem." Jeez fine. The woman invites me to a party and then I can't have any fun. I didn't even get to share with anyone how I'm pioneering beauty in a new direction.
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