#Star Shaft
mudwerks · 9 months
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(via JHALAL DRUT: karteraiartz - Star Shaft - Princess Nubian)
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blondeweasel · 5 days
Darth Maul: *gets cut in half and falls down a reactor shaft* *survives*
Palpatine: *gets thrown down a reactor shaft and explodes* *somehow returns*
Tech: *falls into clouds* *dies*
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redbean-nom · 1 month
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design for Adult Omega
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short-wooloo · 8 months
I will always like Rey better than Ahsoka, because Rey actually admires and wants to be like the Jedi, being a Jedi is a dream come true for her, whereas ahsoka is a sanctimonious prick who blames the Jedi for their own genocide
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calliecat93 · 5 months
Things like when it would be would be sorted out later, this is just to see if there would be enough people to warrant anything.
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wisedo · 8 months
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Inktober2023 Day 13 - Rise
Rise to power
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the-far-bright-center · 9 months
Things I will never understand: why do so many Star Wars fans agree that the Disney Sequels were terrible and destructive to the original Lucas saga, but then still passively accept them as 'canon'???
Why not just... reject that nonsense??
As others have stated before, fandom is not obligate consumerism. You are not REQUIRED to accept anything you don't agree with (or that you feel destroys everything you love most about a fictional story) as canon.
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gizkalord · 5 months
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defendglobe · 1 year
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jokes i didn't get as a kid
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spookedmango · 1 year
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Finches ✨
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khattikeri · 1 year
me reading bnha 390 leaks just bc i know vaguely what's going on at the moment and seeing the chapter literally being called "Todoroki Shouto: Rising" is single handedly making me contemplate catching up to the manga instead of waiting for it to finish and then binging from where i left off
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“I’m gonna, like, bitch about something before we play this next song…  How many people have a Rolling Stone subscription?  You know, it’s that buttwipe magazine, that thing you have by the toilet when you gotta blow your bloody fucking boogers into your ass hole!  Well, that’s where it comes right through your fucking front door right into your shitter and only use it to line the cat box, birdcage, or whatever your fucking ass hole is…” (x)
(via @bearcub81212)
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okadiah · 9 months
I am so happy to see Ezra! And Thrawn! And the Chimera! Besides seeing Hera and Jacen and Lothal and Sabine, it was literally the first time I smiled and felt like Rebels was back and respected in some way.
But I still do not trust Dave Filoni and await the moment he fucks them.
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northern-passage · 2 years
*When the commentary about the lives of the poors is just entertainment for the richs is turning into a cash-grab reality TV show* Yeah sounds about right
particularly with squid game it frustrates me when people are like. "wow they missed the point!" when i don't think that's true at all. first of all the controversy over a squid game reality tv show is going to be huge for the marketing. it's the "all publicity is good publicity" mindset. because it got people talking about it. i'm talking about it, a lot of people on twitter are talking about it - people use controversy as a direct marketing campaign these days, moreso than actual advertisements, which is also really irritating and honestly insulting.
and i feel like squid game really got a shit treatment overall, with the way people used it as clickbait online (mr beast i'm looking at you) and it's really sad to me how horribly twisted the show has become, though it's hardly the only one. with media like that, it's not that people "missed the point," it honestly feels purposefully malicious to me. it reminds me of way back when the hunger games movies were coming out, and the way they were advertised as well. it's not that they "missed the point," it's that they don't care what the point is - or they are actively trying to diminish it. the fact that these corporations can take media like squid game or hunger games, stories that have critical narratives about classism and capitalism and racism and so thoroughly strip them of that is what really depresses me.
again it makes me feel... like what's the point of even making any kind of meaningful narrative when it just feels like the industry's expectation is for it to get snatched up by amazon or netflix and be completely neutered?
i try not to think like that, but it's frustrating. art is so important when it comes to criticizing our society and the harmful institutions that oppress and kill people every single day, and i hate seeing netflix and disney and amazon trying so hard to suppress that.
so. all of that to say. it's hard being a creative right now. but i don't want people reading this as like, a doom spiral- as corny as it sounds keep writing anyways because it's important no matter what. squid game is still a meaningful show, the hunger games books are still there, so despite everything i still think just creating art and supporting each other is the best thing we can do ✌️ peace and love
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beeskneesntrees · 9 months
Nah, this is the last fuckin' straw. I've uninstalled the app, left a bad 1 star review explaining these tone-deaf updates are killing the site and I encourage you all to do the same. I guess I'm desktop only for now but even the desktop site is on thin ice.
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sagechan · 1 year
"It's a ventilation shaft, it's what you do." I'm crying I love that Ezra's role according to the Ghost crew is: our smal son who can get in and out of tight spaces, even when he's clearly grown up and gotten bigger and "I don't do this anymore." like no sorry baby boy you're still the vent guy 😭❤️
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