#Support Adoption Dont Shop
milkdongcomics · 4 months
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National Love Your Pet Day 2024 Not every Home Needs a PET, But every Pet Needs a HOME!! HEY HUMAN, SEE WHAT YOU DO!? Instagram:  milkdongcomics Facebook:  Milk DoNg Comics
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fuzzzilla · 7 months
Hey y’all
My beloved rescue dog and I need some help raising funds for health-related expenses. My dog, Mia, needs a major dental procedure with several extractions. Our current vet gave an estimate of “$2015-4000, probably on the higher side”, which is just completely overwhelming. Mia has an appointment this afternoon (11/7) with another vet to do a consult and hopefully give us a lower estimate. Fingers crossed!
Mia’s face has swollen up multiple times recently because of her teeth. She’s a tough kid, but it’s clear that she is uncomfortable when that happens, and seeing her sweet face all puffed up and being unable to help her just breaks my heart. Believe it or not, it looks even puffier irl
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I am in desperate need of a new mattress. I’ve been bedbound for many years due to chronic pain and fatigue related to hEDS, POTS and other autonomic dysfunction, Hashimoto’s, adrenal insufficiency, etc, so my bed is basically my world. My current mattress is old and broken and it is hastening the progression of my joint damage. I’ve found a great mattress that should be safe and comfortable, and it has a great warranty.
My PayPal:
Our GFM, co-organized by my best friend:
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queeranne · 2 years
Me before working at an animal shelter: adopt don’t shop!!!
Me after working at an animal shelter for a month: it should be illegal to purposely breed animals for profit. Also adopt don’t shop!!!
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igobypyx · 2 years
you know, i cant wait to move out of my parents' house strictly because that means I can get a cat
undoubtedly that will be the first thing I will do and that will be when I first truly am an adult
i can't wait for cat cat cat cat cat
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the-sleepysiren · 2 months
You already guys have supported me a lot and I really appreciate it I have found a way to prop myself up on chair and draw! I still have to pay appointment thanks to the medical emergancy and bills to as the damn accident made me waste bunch of money - So im gonna do commissions - adopts are available too
You dont have to immediately buy anything i would appreciate just to spread it a bit too
Im so sorry again to ask for help
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The only thing I would add is that, as Leor mentioned, people like this are typically anti-Western and anti-capitalist, which makes the nail polish, the modish high-waisted jeans and the $550 headphones paired with the Chinese sweatshop-made terrorist scarf one giant walking "IRONY" sign.
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If we airdropped him into Gaza, and even granted him a magical, invisible protective shield, rendering him unable to be murdered by the Hamas terrorists who salivate at the possibility, he would despise living in a place where he couldn't shop for nail polish on a whim, or get AppleCare support for his outlandishly expensive headphones.
The people who've adopted these activist ideologies are the most privileged, most pampered people who have ever existed on the planet at any time, ever. Imagine having the opportunity to go to college and wasting six-figures on vacuous, intellectually and academically bankrupt courses like Gender Studies or Ethnic Studies, which is where these ideologies fester, and then insisting the society you hate waive your debt.
"Pro-Palestine" is a luxury belief the privileged and elite never have to bear the consequences of. Taking these people seriously is a grave mistake.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
i dont know if you already answer this but how did kate and sophie had their shop together?? soohi has no family is this fic too?? and does kate family like adopt her??? and when are they all going to know that big dick anthony is actually big dick ben brother???
Kate and Sophie did their apprenticeships together. That's how they met and became friends and Granny Sharma took one look at Sophie and saw someone that could do with a little bit of love and support and tucked Sophie under her wing with the rest of her grandchildren. Very much a this one's mine too situation from Granny Sharma.
Granny and Poppy Sharma themselves have a tattoo that Sophie and Kate both worked on in memory of Kate's Dad. That's how proud they are. The GrandSharmas just want the best for Sophie. They're proud of her too because they know she deserves to have someone be proud of her.
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c0pper0tter · 1 year
Hi my brain has been rotting over the idea of Midnight adopting Kaminari Denki and being the best mother ever but I couldn't find any fanfic for this silly little idea or any other content in general so I'm making it by spewing word vomit about my headcanons.
This is all my headcanons, if you dont like it shut up and go find something you do like leave me to my thoughts so I can ignore canon
Anyway this all spawned because this scene obviously
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So my brain thought of multiple different scenarios of how she ended up adopting him and a bunch of wacky situations but that don't matter what matters is I think Midnight is a great mom.
She is the mom who is actually friends with her kid. They have a similar sense of humor and enjoy doing stuff together. She is the most supportive and is always hyping kaminari up and boosting his confidence. But she also doesn't sugarcoat things or lie to him. She tells it to him straight.
This isn't important really but it's very important to me. I think they would bond over watching trashy TV and laughing at how horrible it is while getting deeply invested.
Kaminari loves his mom she's just great. She is his biggest supporter. Not only does she encourage him to be his best and validate his interests but she calls him out when he needs it. She also helps him whenever he needs her without being a helicopter parent. Her motto is go be independent but if you get hurt call me and tell me who's ass I need to beat up including if its your's. She gives good life lessons.
I also think it would be funny if both kaminari and midnight just tend to not tell people they are mother and son just to see how long it takes for people to figure it out. Aizawa finds out immediately, the bakusquad take a really long time.
Kaminari is a mama's boy and he is proud of it. "You have mommy issues? What's that like can't relate".
They have mother son shopping trips where they just try to find the weirdest shit they can and buy it. Don't tell me they wouldn't midnight has mop slippers and have you seen kaminari's room!
I don't know why but they give eachother annoying yet endearing nicknames. Im tired of people giving their children adorable nicknames, give your kid something weird out of context.
Midnight: "Wall Socket can you check if the dryer turned off"
Denki: "on it Nightey Night"
They are the type of family where to everyone else they always seem like they are bullying eachother but this is just how they vibe. Kaminari calls his mom a bitch and she responds by calling him a mistake with a smile, they laugh about it after they proceed to call eachother a bunch of crude or mean names.
Also I Headcanon that Kaminari short circuiting actually frightens him alot and can be painful. Midnight is always there to comfort him through it.
They both also have a love for old or classical literature and art and can go on for hours on the weird history and conspiracies about classical novels and Renaissance paintings.
Midnight goes mama bear anytime anyone dares hurt her baby. She gets teasing and jokes but when she gets the vibe someone is being genuinely mean it's on sight. Same goes with kaminari, if anyone says something disrespectful to his mama it's drained batteries and extreme static shock for a year.
I just want them both to be a happy chaotic Lil found family man is that too much to ask, apparently yes.
*cries over headcanons*
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milkdongcomics · 17 days
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National Rescue Dog Day 2024 ANIMAN - STRAY DOG HEY HUMAN, SEE WHAT YOU DO!? Pre-order: https://a.co/d/6SrfkMf Instagram:  milkdongcomics Facebook:  Milk DoNg Comics
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fuzzzilla · 7 months
hello how are you doing and how's your campaign going i will be happy if you can respond to this message
Hi! Thank you for reminding me to update; I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with all of the different social media platforms where I have posted my fundraiser.
So far I have raised $1105/$4600 (in both GFM donations and PayPal donations). That’s almost 25% funded! So my next goal is to reach 25% ($1150), which is only $45 away!
I’m doing okay. My fatigue is pretty hard to manage lately, so it’s difficult to do everything necessary to get my fundraiser seen. I’m so grateful to everyone who has donated so far, I honestly don’t know how to thank them properly.
But I’m also starting to worry because the donations have tapered off a lot in the last several days. In fact, the last donations I received were on Sunday night (11/12). I’m amazed to have gotten this far this quickly, but I’m worried that if we lose steam, I might not be able to get Mia’s surgery funded ($1325) and won’t ever get close to a new mattress. But I’m trying very hard to stay positive! My community surprised me before, and I believe we can do this. 🫶
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empyreasheart · 7 months
QUESTION ATTACK!!!! as a fellow kairi stan what are some of your personal hcs for her or what you wanna see for her in future games or just like. general kairi thoughts because you are so based for the rightful kairi appreciation
HEHE HIIII I want 1) playable kairi and 2) i want the destiny trio's dynamic to be flipped and for kairi to save sora and riku for once. emphasis on riku because i feel like a lot of fans & even the games forget that riku and kairi genuinely care for one another.
my ideal kh4 would have kairi basically go "idc if you dont think im strong enough yet im tired of just standing here while u guys need my help" and basically decide to go to quadratum despite rikus wishes and she saves riku from getting plummeted by heartless (or whatever enemies are in kh4) or smth and shes like haiii ^__^ and riku apologizes for considering her too weak in melody of memory (im sorry that scene made me mad because i dont think riku would say that hes literally the one who gave her her keyblade in kh2!! but i digress) and they go off to find sora together. but i dont think itll happen this way sadly :(
i loveee kairi so much shes my sweetie. shes so kind and i want to be like her honestly, i dont really kin as much anymore but if there was any character from kh i would want people to associate with me personality wise itd be kairi!!! i feel like i judge most kh fans based on how they feel about kairi because im like if ur not a kairi supporter im not rocking with u... idk... shes definitely in my top 3 kh characters i think, soras #1!!! (i love axel/lea but sora is literally my baby thats my son sora kingdomhearts)
headcanons?! i think she and lea become besties and siblingpilled because once she meets him and gets over the Scary she realizes. hes just a loser lol. And honestly i think she already knew that during kh2 he was kind of a pathetic kidnapper. I think she xion and naminé do fun girly stuff and force lea to tag along and he has to carry all of their bags when theyre shopping and pay for their fun little treats
That also reminds me since lea and kairi are both from radiant garden i keep thinking about making up some sort of au where they end up being adopted siblings which im not sure how itd work out i just want to imagine baby kairi and teenage lea growing up together :,)
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glitchbirds · 3 months
i think it Is still important to note that even aza zoos can make mistakes or have substandard care (usually due to a lack of funds, resources, and/or staff, but other misteps can happen- like the "kiwi encounter" at miami zoo last year) and that accreditation- and lack thereof- is v useful as a baseline but doesnt necessarily tell you the whole story. "only go to AZA zoos" is like "adopt dont shop" where its a good base to work from if you know absolutely nothing about welfare issues to look out for and it will usually still get you what youre looking for (a good zoo that treats its animals well, a dog or cat that suits you), but if you have more of an interest in these things or specific requirements/needs in mind, the situation is always much more complex than that
a non-accredited zoo may be actively pursing accreditation and only be a few subtle changes away from achieving it (or already on the docket for review this year); an AZA zoo may be lacking in multiple areas on their 5-year review that theyre required to make efforts to improve on before a set deadline if they don't want to lose accreditation. none of this to say 'zoos ARE bad actually' obv but i think its important to not treat AZA zoos as a monolith of perfect welfare standards (iirc only 5 facilities have ever gotten a perfect score on AZAs accreditation review, theres always new policies coming in or something that needs to be improved on), because then little things Can slip under the radar because ppl dont want to draw attention to them and be lumped in w/ anti-zoo ARAs; + i fully believe that non-AZA zoos that are actively trying their best deserve support too esp since the biggest barrier to accreditation is money, and by broadly refusing to even visit them you kind of just doom them (and the animals!) to never receiving AZA support, increasingly run-down conditions, etc
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dolokhoded · 5 months
can I hear your headcanons about judas, big james, simon zealot and andrew please (whenever you have time this is just me expressing an interest in reading them at some point)
anon you have a special place in my heart. judas coming soon. he's got a bit of work to him.
80s jesus 'verse disciple headcanons pt. 2 (big james, andrew, simon)
john's brother. he works in their father's book shop and is trying to make enough money to open his own business
which is either a coffee shop or a record store. or both in one. he's a people person and he's great with costumers, he'd probably do well either way
he refuses to just take money from his parents for it he's gonna work for it
not as sheltered as john was. more of a protective older brother type. john and james had that typical family that was overall very loving and they were very lucky to have their parents but that doesn't mean they did everything perfect
which led james to sort of being treated like a third parent at times, and others just being treated like a little kid and not being taken seriously
he's still very close with his brother, though. and his parents.
very tall and very wide. brick wall shaped guy. hence the name.
adopted a kitten off the street. her name is aretha and she's an asshole and grows to be the chunkiest cat you'll ever see and they all love her
he does this a lot. he always lets cats in the shop, takes in injured strays until they're healed (of course he'd love to keep them but he can't have a dozen of animals in his apartment) (even aretha's not technically allowed they kind of smuggled her in and pray that she's quiet)
along with the strays he also takes in simon. but i will elaborate on that later.
is this guy aro? i dont know. i recently realized that all of these characters are aro unti proven otherwise so we'll just kind of leave it at that.
big flirt though. he's just very charming and very open
he hates the human race but he loves people and talking with people and making them smile and learning about them
has gotten him into very awkward situations at times. cause he is also stupid.
overall a very well rounded guy. prefers tea over coffee and has opinions on classical music and soul and punk.
but Watch Out! he's impulsive and at times aggressive and also has no sense of self perseverance cause he's the shape of a wall. which is not a great thing to be when you spend so much of your time at protests. in the 80s.
not that he would ever harm anyone who didn't have it coming. but unfortunately when you're as politically outspoken as this bunch was a lot of people do, in fact, have it coming.
jesus kinds of just shakes his head at him and he's like tsk tsk tsk james. punching people in the face is never the answer. but if you're going to do it then yes do punch racists.
when he does open his record coffee shop it quickly becomes a very popular anarchist hot spot. a lot of people already know him as a friend of jesus' so he's got a lot of support and he's trying to make the most of it to give back from what he gains.
not kitchen banned. not easily trusted with the stove because there's always a chance he'll get preoccupied with something else and burn the house down, but great at making drinks.
peter's younger brother. 'rebellious little sibling' who ended up just being the one who managed to unlearn their parents' conservative beliefs the fastest.
worked with john the baptist way before the two of them met jesus, and he completely cut off their parents but not peter. cause peter wasn't a bad guy, he wasn't full blown conservative either he was just taught to think in a certain way so andrew was like yeah i can help him out
he did. they didn't get along as kids, but when they grow up they're very close. even if peter's always scolding him about how he's reckless and he doesn't think ahead yadda yadda yadda
they're just very different
group's token guitar guy...
big james always makes fun of him for it. and tells him to listen to good music.
it's all lighthearted teasing they get along great and they love to talk music together
the first to meet magdalene and introduce her to the group. they're both mostly focused on intersectional feminism so they'd met at various protests and gatherings before, at a pro-abortion protest someone fucking decked magdalene in the face so he took her back to the team to fix her up
he's roommates with philip, who also worked with the baptist so they've known each other a long time.
he wants to be a teacher. he loves to work with little kids.
not kitchen banned at all. good at cooking.
i was very conflicted about what to do with simon z because he can't be a zealot. in the 80s. it doesn't feel right to just treat them like a fictional group and pretend they just exist in the future now so no he's not an actual zealot it's a nickname.
other than that, simon's story is for the most part the same as it is in the original timeline. sort of.
his father is jewish, his mother was nigerian and died in childbirth.
his father hated that his son was half black so in an attempt to like. idk. cancel out his blackness and his nigerian heritage, i guess, he raised him very very jewish. which......a lot of the group are anyways, but simon's father also happened to be an asshole.
he basically provided him a roof, food, clothing, and a set of rules he had to follow.
simon had to do all the rest of his upbringing himself, and as a result had to grow up very fast.
as he grew, though, and developed his own personality and beliefs he aggravated his father.
he started to hit him when he was 11. simon ran away from home at 15.
and as much as i hate to have that whole cliche of oh the Streets made him tough that's basically what happened. he encountered a lot of shit and he had to be cautious
he lived in some shelters. he made some friends. crashed with them for a while
mainly a group of anarcho-punks who helped him a lot and taught him a lot
but that bunch were uh......interesting personalities and had a lot of issues so at some point simon, ever independent, kind of just. let himself out.
he was involved with a lot of sketchy people along the way and he always kind of was in risky territory but he also prioritized taking care of himself. he never drew attention to himself, he tried to save up, never touched anything beyond weed. overall he's weirdly self aware.
anyways. simon meets everyone when he's 26. specifically, he meets james, who's around the same age, maybe a year younger.
and as much as i love how this goes down in canon era where james sneaks up on him and simon actually Fucking Stabs him, it would be a little too much for this verse
so here simon tries to pickpocket him instead. james punches him in the face. simon punches him back and it all escalates.
anyways, james is a very peculiar guy so eventually they stop trying to beat each other up and he's like man what the hell. and asks philip to come take a look at him cause there's a slight possibility he broke simon's nose.
he didn't. it's cool. simon reluctantly lets james help him and besides having beat each other up not ten minutes ago they find they get along great !
james is like sorry no we're keeping him
and simon doesn't really have anywhere else to go so he's like. y'know what sure whatever.
he expected to stay with the group for like a month and then be on his way. that did not happen
he tried, at some point, he kind of just disappeared but then he got arrested at a protest turned riot and realized he had no one else to call so he called jesus
jesus brings james along, of course, who was five hours away from starting a full blown murder investigation
james was like are you fucking stupid actually. does your brain work. why did you leave like that i was worried about you
anyways, he drags him back by force so he doesn't end up in jail. simon is welcome to stay at james' whenever he wants.
which eventually just turns into him living there.
which much like with aretha is not entirely allowed. but somehow by this point james' charm has won his landlady over so she allows it
despite everyone's expectations simon is surprisingly healthy.
he didn't always have the opportunity to be so now that he's permanently living somewhere and finds some stable job and is getting his life together he takes advantage of it as much as he can.
this man gets his eight hours of sleep and exercises and eats three healthy meals a day he does not fuck around
ooh maybe he ends up running the shop with james. yhyh i like that
john is very awkward with him btw. this random guy suddenly moved into his brother's home and their lives are slowly becoming conjoined and he can't even understand the nature of their relationship but at the same time he doesn't want to be thinking about who his brother is fucking. but still he has several questions.
(simon is, too, aromantic until proven otherwise)
simon and philip get along well. they're both very spiritual. which no one expected either.
oh, and also he gets very close very quickly with susanna !!! who is also nigerian and helps him connect with the culture that was robbed from him. it's lovely
not kitchen banned. he can make a decent meal.
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playtwewy · 6 months
omg can you do an OC rundown? i'd love to know about them
Aww thanks for your interest!! And yeah i can!!
Unfortunately i dont have any images or art or anything to accompany their descriptions, though in my oc tag theres some stuff to just give you like vibes lmao
Im also gonna put this under a cut so it doesn't take up a ton of space
I mainly have two groups of ocs to go with two main projects. The most recent of them are my Wizard OCs
Cecil was the first and main one. He's a young, budding 12 year old wizard who is currently an apprentice to another wizard. He is mute because he has a slug for a tongue and he calls them Henri.
Petunia is Cecil's Wizard teacher/master. She is.... a mess lmao. She is not a responsible guardian being the worst, but she does come to care for those in her charge. Altho human, she is currently stuck in the body of a bulldog due to her own magical shenanigans.
Nancy is another of Petunia's apprentices, but she's less devoted to her than Cecil and more in the apprenticeship until she becomes of age and can be on her own. Shes a fan of taxidermy and bone collection which fuels into her specialty of Necromancy.
Last of the main group is Irvin. He's Petunia's business partner of their shop, but mostly with her to his detriment. He's human with no magic abilities but years ago due to more of Petunia's shenanigans he is currently immortal and sticks with her out of worn affection and in hopes of reversing said immortality. He is the voice of reason and token normal guy.
My other group of OCs are vampires! i havent developed them in a while but they are still dear to me <3
Todd is a regular office man turned vampire after an incident with his teenage coworker and struggles with what he considers a pretty mid vampire though he is a strong support for the other two.
Diego is said coworker of Todd and became a vampire at 17. Unfortunately he was manipulated into vampirism and is trying to escape the control of the one who turned him while learning what its like to be a sire to one.
Carmilla is the last of the trio. A good friend trying to help the other two out. Not the actual Carmilla of fiction but she adopted the name as an expression of her goth lesbian vampire identity coupled with the fact she has almost no memories of her human life after a traumatic turning.
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kedreeva · 2 years
Im so fucking lucky my graphic tablets been rendered unusable by my stupid fucking laptops operating system because pretty people in skirts are one of my Top Weaknesses and i wouodve fucking considered NOT ONLY DRAWING IT but possibly attempting to fucking animate that shit (the hat throw too, becayse YES I HAVE UNFORTUNATELY READ THAT POST) and i absolutely DESPISE animating i am absolutely TERRIBLE at it
LISTEN SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE SHIT at least like,, only one of them has ever been at my actual flat,, and i only ever made or bought food or otherwise financially or materially supported like,,, half of them,, and only ever played therapist and Adult To Come To™ for like 25 of them,, they mainly just see me on the street and ask me to play with them or stay with them for a bit or whatever anyway now that i think of it depending on how lax our definition of unofficial adoption is i might have like 5 to 10 more but i dont think those count if theyre in a different country and ive completely lost any way of communicating with them,,, right,,? Actually no do Not answer that
Anyway so i know just about NOTHING about the shop except for like 5 mentioms of it in fics but i do have Thoughts on the interpersonal relationship that robin and steve appear to exhibit and i absolutely fully declare that they EMANATE platonic soulmates vibes (maybe qp even if anyones feeling generous just sayin) anyway they are so fucking stupid and they are so fucking smart and they both have one braincell but they can only use it for the other person like one of them only gets to use their braincell if its in place of the others braincell using it for said persons benefit (robin maybe gets tk use half of hers for herself the rest od the time steve only gets a quarter) anyway they strike me as both so very codependent but also very much capable of taking care of themselves but yk yk like thoughts like wheres the line between codependence and relying on another so much simply because they are so Close to you emotionally that they are kind of a part of you anyway is there even a line is there a line and like just idk mate theyre such dumbasses (esp steve) and steve is such a fucking lost puppy (part of why he end up with a full litter of pups ig)
Anyway i do not know much about hopper but i was really rooting for him in this ine fukcing fic where steves parents are being abusive shitheads and hopper gets him thr fuck outta there and him and wayne lowkey fight over custody of steve for a split second but then i found out hes a cop so i was instantly like ehhhh yk what maybe lets not put so much faith in him right away and then i was checking out that cws last night befire watching out of curiosity (NO IS TILL HAVENT SEEN ANY OF IT I GOT DISTRACTED BY AO3 AGAIN TILL 4 AM) and a commenter said that hes a bit of a dipshit to eleven at some point so like hmm mixed feelings dont know enough (ie dont know shit) abiut canon to have any opinions i could back up with aby sort of argument on him specifically
I know a teeny tiny bit about the russians doing some fucked up shit at some point in the series and steve and robin getting tortured or something (because there was this scebe in this one fic where steve would constantly sneak in through the windoe and sleep eith robin in her bed after that debacle cause neither could sleep or something alomg the lines of that it was SOFT ok it was H/C OK but anyeay ive got NO clue who that fucker really is i imagine him as eithe some average stereotypically russian looking man or like fucking dartagnan but like that twink version of hik dont ask me whats going on in my brain but as i said THOUGHTS and OPINIONS™ (which i am so very unqualified to give)
And apologies for the novek length ask (hope tumblr doesnt eat it cayse it usually eats any long asks i try to send) and the immense amount of misspellings but i have been outside in the cold for about 5 hours in a thin leather jacket so my fingers are kinda freezing and its also drizzling so ohone slippery
I cannot believe your computer's operating system hates me, specifically, like this. The hat throw is essential I'll have you know. Like he actually really loves the outfit except for that!! fucking!!! hat!!!
I think it's sweeeeeeet! You adopted many children because you are kind and good to them!! You are loved by small innocent beings that recognize you will help them!!
I am justified in offering any bribe I want, tyvm! It's on you if you want to accept it after doing well. I will be proud of you finishing such a big task either way!
Steve and Robin are definitely platonic soulmates! If you watch nothing else of the show, you simply MUST see the bathroom floor scene between them, you will cry over them with the rest of us. I can also advise you see the scene where they're tied up in the Russian holding room, lying on the floor confessing things to each other. Breaks my heart. I love them so much. They deserve cuddles. They DID totally get captured by Russians but I think you're missing the important part. They got captured because they were down in that base on ACCIDENT. Dustin got them into this mess, with help from Robin, and Erica. Steve was practically just along for the ride. And then the Russians CAUGHT THEM wandering around the base, and Steve took 1 look at the situation, decided that not all of them were going to make it, SOMEONE had to get caught and it sure as hell wasn't going to be His Children, so he purposely stayed behind. And when he called out to Robin, because he knew he couldn't hold the door the Russians were trying to get through by himself long enough, Robin (who you MUST understand, she is brand new, she's known Steve for like... a month, she's known Dustin for a day or two, she's known Erica for a few hours, she doesn't even KNOW about the Otherworld Shenanigans yet, as far as she knows this is just about commies in the basement) takes one look at Steve, at Dustin and Erica, and she bolts to his side knowing full well she's gonna get captured, too. But they are gonna make sure the kids don't. together.
Hopper is COMPLICATED. He's an asshole, no mincing that. He was a child soldier, or close to it, who was experimented on w/ chemical warfare bullshit that ensured his military-group companions either couldn't have kids or their kids were messed up and died as babies. Hopper fell in love and had a child, a little girl, who died when she was little (five or six-ish?), and it broke him, and him breaking also broke his relationship with his wife. Over the course of the show you get to witness that he desperately, desperately, just wants Family (and by god, who does THAT sound like) and to make sure no kids are ever harmed if he can help it. He was serving as chief of police because he didn't really know what else to do with himself, and then The Horrors happened and he realized oh fuck my mission in life is to protect El (and what that looks like varies, because what he WANTS and what he is CAPABLE of doing are separated by a canyon at times, he is a disaster of a human being but he's trying and they love each other even when they're screaming at each other) and make sure none of these dumbasses get hurt around her. And then he goes and falls in love with the mom that loves her kids more than life. Like, don't get me wrong he's still a dick. He's just also full to the brim with love. And they killed him in season 3, but he's fine now.
Dmitri, my beloved. he was the prison guard that was trying to save Hopper and help him escape the russian prison he'd ended up in due to nonsense.
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I went and personally grabbed this screenshot from my own copies of the show, just so I could show you his smile upon realizing that Hopper starting a fight w/ him so they could beat the shit out of each other was actually NOT because he hates Dmitri, but so that he could grab things off the guards that separated them, so they could use those things to fight monsters with together. Oh!!! They are still friends!!!
anyway I want them to have upside down shenanigans instead of russian prison shenanigans. they deserve to fight each other and monsters. I want married couple bickering. I want them to hate each other for a while, but band together to fight off worse threats, but fall back to fighting each other after. I want... one of them to be injured and the other has to take care of them because they don't wanna be alone. "I'm the only one that can kill you, dickhead."
I'm sorry I didn't get to this sooner, I went and did responsible things like write my nanowrimo story and tend my birds and clean some stuff. But you gave me smiles all day, and I appreciate that, you are lovely <3
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
Hello, congrats on the 1k celebration! 💚I‘d love to hear about ‚What baking can do‘, if Hanger runs a bakery, do you already know what other people in the AU might be doing?
💚 and one of my AUs/WIPs and some questions and I will answer them! It might help untangle the knots from my brain.
follower celebration // list of wips // requesting rules // askbox
Surprisingly yeah! The Bakery AU is one that my brain has really hyperfixated on. My big sibling and I jsut need to name all the places like offically before we actually start writing. Some places already have names.
Hangman, Matt and Nick: They work at the bakery- the Bucks like working and cooking and does Hangy. Hangy technically runs the building/ other worky stuff
Nathaniel Pacatto [OC] Runs a petstore
Jay, HOOK: Jay and Hook work otgether in the record store that Jay buys called Blackthorn records
Kenny, Kota: Kenny has no big boy job but he's a streamer and frequents the bakery a lot to support his friends. Kota also doesn't have a big boy job but that may change.
Wheeler Yuta: He owns a flowershop
Adam Cole [baybay]: Runs one of those like health food stores and is grumpy about new people buying up the lots and taking away buisness
Danhausen: Runs a kinda spooky antique shop that always seems to have people in but nobody buys anything yet somehow it stays in buisness
William Regal: Has owned and run an old bookstore in the town for as long as people can remember. One of those like really pretty ones that smell dusty but that comforting sort of dusty. Has a house nearby his bookstore.
Claudio, RJ City: The old married couple that run an italian restraunt together. RJ used to be a social worker and is the one who formalised the adoption between Jay and Regal
Excalibur, Mox, Kris Stratlander: He runs a gym and yes he still wears his mask because the idea of him not having a mask just means he's not excalibur Mox works there and he runs self defense classes also grew up in foster care so him and Jay know each other and like are BEST FRIENDS Kris also works their and teaches a womans exercise class as well as a kickboxing class
Eddie Kingston, Ruby Soho: The two of them are adopted siblings [Ruby changed her name] and they work in their familys garage wheer they mend cars. It belongs to eddie now
Aubrey Edwards: She runs a bar. Like the best bartender who takes no shit what so ever.Hangman frequents there a lot
Taz: He runs his own radio show called 'radio Taz'
Dr Britt DMD: Shes a dentist, it terrifies me but its lore.
MJF: He sings in Aubreys bar because it has like a karaoke stage but hes the total centre of attention
Evil Uno/ the rest of the dark order: Uno is a foster carer Stu is helper/partner/ dont question it what are you a cop? The rest of the dark order
Jungle Boy: He works in a museam and has luchasauras as a teaching mechnism as like a stuffie. However its implided that he is alive.
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