#The Way Station
ottpopfic · 14 days
You know what Uncle Rick was a major coward about, he made the Waystation alive but didn’t make it more alive.
Wheres more talk of the physic connection it has with its care takers, how does it communicate with other residents? Does it have favorites, can it hold a grudge? Does it get fed? How does its connection to its hosts affect them, can they ever leave the building again after it’s established ? How does that power transfer work? What else can it manipulate inside itself, can it learn can it hold information? Does it think like a person or a fairy or a bug? Does it have wants and need? Does it have morals? Can its core beliefs be molded, be changed or manipulated?
Is it a person? How alive is it? Does it dream?
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bloominglegumes · 1 year
precanon road trip talks maybe or something
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assorted-aesthetics · 10 months
ds9 is like. i want to go home. can't go home. i want to be among my people. i cannot abide and am sickened by the actions of my people. i am completely alone. this station is too crowded. anyway have i told you about my homeplanet
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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nelkcats · 9 months
Ghost Train
It was no secret that the trains in Gotham were damaged, whether it was from all the explosions that flooded the city on a daily basis or the fact that the rails were broken wasn't completely clear. At that point, what was once a train station was nothing more than an empty place used by some homeless people to sleep.
Or that's what it was supposed to be, because while the station was damaged and underneath the city, it was actually active. It just had another kind of train, a slightly more interesting one.
In Danny's defense, he was extremely bored and there was an abandoned train station he could use to play with. All it took was calling in a favor from Technus and a fully functional ghost train connected the Infinite Realms to Gotham.
The ghosts, of course, used this for fun. Fighting each other, chasing each other, celebrating, having concerts. It was a way to go to the human world without anyone causing trouble for them, not that anyone was paying attention anyway.
Or at least, no one was supposed to be paying attention, because Waylon was dumbfounded at the sight. He had escaped to the old rails when he had no other choice, his sewers were compromised and he needed a way out. He didn't expect to walk right into a party, or be offered a sandwich with a smile instead of a shout.
He could also observe a clearly glowing train and the fact that everyone there was glowing. They could be metas, or another completely new creature, but Waylon didn't care, they gave him food and he wasn't a snitch.
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earlycuntsets · 2 months
2003 Flyers
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mayasdeluca · 15 days
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MAYA AND CARINA STATION 19: 7x09 'How Am I Supposed To Live Without You'
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
makerrcat made me watch John Wick, and my hot take about it is that the entire plot of the movie is impossible, not because of the action sequences and cool fight scenes, and not because of the awesome mob hotel run by a dude named Charon, but because it's illegal to pump your own gas in the state of New Jersey, so John never could have had that interaction with Viggo's son at the gas station
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ashleyslorens · 3 months
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AARON TVEIT in GRACELAND | 3x04: Aha for @cemeteryklaus
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gummi-ships · 10 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Dive to the Heart
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moonhibs · 8 months
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Au where Julian is a child of divorce
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ottpopfic · 12 days
People are home from work now, the later shifts still trickling in. Katie doesn't expect Lit for another half hour, the wrestling team he coaches is going to state soon so they're getting in extra practice. Aunt Georgie is in the kitchen with Aunt Calypso taking out some anger on potatoes
“What's with Aunt Georgie?” Katie asks the room as a whole
“I had three field trips today, THREE!” her youngest aunt cries “A middle schooler tried to lick a statue’s ass! What the hell is wrong with kids!?”
Ah, she must have been on tours today. Aunt Georgie is much more of a conservation and archives kind of art historian, but the Illinois State Museum has everyone do a tour shift at least once a month to keep it fair. Aunt Georgie loves her job, but she doesn't do sticky fingers and snotty noses, or dumbasses who touch the art
Katie leaves her aunt to take out her day on the potatoes, she hopes Aunt Calypso doesn't need them diced because they're edging towards mashed.
Katie turns her attention to the WorkShop
“What are you doing to my cousin?” she asks Uncle Leo who still has his upper torso in the dragon's neck
“I'm updating the-”
“Aren't you supposed to be troubleshooting his hydraulics?”
“Wasn't he supposed to be closed up hours ago?”
“Don't do me like this” Uncle Leo pleads peeking his head out
“Put my fucking cousin back together” Katie scolds, ridiculous
Uncle Leo starts grumbling about how she sounds like the worst combination of her dads but gets his shit together. She hears Uncle Jason snickering at his husband from the couch, the shit she has to deal with with these grown-ass men she can't fathom what her dads had to deal with when they were chock-full of hormones
She gets to packing what she needs from the workshop, pulling her backpack from under a bench. It's less of a classic backpack and more of a fancy leather folding tackle box with backpack straps. Inside is a multitude of small snap lock boxes filled with a shmorgishborg of shrunk-down objects. She only needs to pack tools, current projects, and single-use weapons, everything else is either in Lettie’s bags or already there.
“If you steal my good pliers again I'm coming after you” Uncle Leo threatens from inside Festus
“There my pliers!” she protests
“There Katie’s pliers,” Uncle Jason monotones, turning the page in his book “she brought them with her when she moved here”
“And she stole them from me when she was still in school!” Uncle Leo defends pulling his head back out so he can gesture “There my pliers!”
“Just get new pliers”
“It's the principle of the thing!”
“Oh just like when you left the lid off my carbon paint”
“That has nothing to do with the good pliers”
“Ladies ladies you're both pretty, please don't fight” Lit taunts deadpan as he enters the room. Everyone gives a soft cheer at him coming home before going back to what they were doing
“Lit!” Katie calls “Are the blue pliers mine or Uncle Leo’s?”
“I do not care” Lit grumps before collapsing face-first onto a free couch, those kids must be wearing him out
Katie makes eye contact with Uncle Leo, holds up the good pliers, and holds eye contact as she shrinks them down and adds them to her packing. He makes a ‘your dead meat’ throat slice and thumbs down motion and then goes back to closing up Festus. Katie is going to have to double check she locks the door to her and Lettie’s room when they leave, her girlfriend will not be happy if pranking starts up again
They are saved from having to duke it out (aka, Katie continuing to pick a fight, Uncle Leo trying to turn Katie upside down from her ankles and shake her like he did when she was a kid, failing at it because she's taller than him now, and them play fighting on the floor of the workshop like proper Hephustus kids until Uncle Jason has to break them up because there doing it by the saws again and that stresses him out) by Lettie leading in a very bedraggled trio of Steel children
“What happened to you?” Uncle Jason asks
“This stupid place keeps sending us to the fucking elephant’s room!” Jackie wails, she has hay in her freshly washed gray hair
“Yeah, the Way Station is still pissed at Gus for exploding the west wall when he was here last” Uncle Leo tell them “It likes to try and get people to step in Livia’s shit when its mad”
“I said I was sorry!” Gus yells to the ceiling. Katie can feel a prickle of annoyance against her brain stem, from the snicker Uncle Leo lets out as he goes back to closing up Festus he can feel it too. A cabinet on the wall opens and smacks the seventeen-year-old on the back if the head
“Come clean up and set the table” Aunt Georgie suggests, also feeling the building “Way Station will forgive faster if you show remorse through action”
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puppyeared · 7 months
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hello every nyan
fan character for Laika's Comet, by @catmask (go check it out!!)
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meteortrails · 7 days
law and luffy are just like. what if I saw you at the peak of your miracle working competence, and then the literal next time I saw you it was at your most isolated and broken. and what if that moment of seeing you alone and grieving and terrified was the moment where I decided you were someone worth keeping, someone who I personally cared about and wanted around. how does that not make you wanna lose your fucking mind.
and then the other thing on top of that which always gets me is the way that you can just so clearly see that neither of them has any idea how to fit this relationship into any preexisting context - Luffy calls him part of his crew, but law is the captain of his own crew and would clearly die before giving that up; law calls them allies but it is glaringly obvious that they care about each other in a way that goes beyond that. of course Luffy is generally a lot less bothered about this than law, who routinely wants to put his own head through a wall about it, but it’s just such a fun layer to their dynamic I think.
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schlushiii · 1 year
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A continuation of the previous battle subway ban list comic <3
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Now and then I think about the fact that Hen once said ‘you’re the only person with a job cooler than mine’ to her wife and now we also have a whole episode of buck thinking his crush is ‘so cool’ because he is a pilot
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