#Wakanda Forever Review
mdccanon · 2 years
I just saw Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
I imagine the 2-martini lunch discussing this movie went something like this:
Ryan Coogler: So, who is Namor?
Kevin Feige: A self-righteous, condescending asshole of the highest order. A wife-stealing, incredulous, charismatic jackass. When supervillains and superheroes make secret councils, he demands to sit on both.
Ryan Coogler: ... ... *sip* ... I can work with that.
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I forgot where I got this but I love it!!!
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starcookiechu · 2 years
I'm still holding into these two for dear life
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w0nderw0man-cinema · 2 years
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
6 of 10 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿
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I had no motivation for so long to write an detailed review, but I have a lot to say about this one. So buckle up.
I wish I could say I was touched to the heart by this movie and super emotional, because that is what I expected it to be. But I got disappointed. Again, I must say. Lately that's more often than not by Marvel movies in theatre. And I am willing to like these movies. I want to like the movies. I am a fangirl by heart. It's just missing those little extras, little somethings to make it a wholesome, round experience.
Spoiler under the cut
I am no heartless bitch by any means. I know they tributed this movie to Chadwick Boseman. Respectfully so. And the silence during the purple coloured Chadwick themed Marvel intro was breathtaking, nervwrecking, heatbreaking, everything. I felt that!
What I unfortunately not felt was that they made Chadwick's death to T'Challas death. I was absolutely on board with the fact that they decided not to recast T'Challa. It was the correct and only decision they could make. But T'Challa being defeated by sickness and suffering in silence for a long time - these are just too many simitalaries. Let T'Challa die his own death. Let him die in action, on the battlefield as the hero he always was and tribute this to Chadwick. The Queen's death another thing I didn't really felt.
Namor as the villain was fine. I loved the underwater world. I hated his tiny feet wings. I am missing the logic behind the sideeffects of consuming a vibranium influenced plant. People from Wakanda consume it and are gifted with the power of The Black Panther. People in Mexico consume it and have to suffer and live under the water.
The only thing that got me by suprise and made me squeal was seeing Killmonger again. Haven't expected it. Liked it. A lot. Made total sense because of Shuri's intensions and feelings. And Shuri following his path instead of having mercy at the end, would have been so much more interesting and adventorous to go along with. I would have loved to see this. Let her go rogue. Let her burn this world down as she said at the beginning. Let her grieve consume her. Because why the hell not? She lost everyone. But no, that's not her way, because that's not the typical Marvel way to handle things. Too ruthless.
Too ruthless? Wait... there was someone else in the movie. RiRi Williams, a 19 year old innocent, but genious MIT student being picked up by Princess Shuri and Okoye. She wasn't amused at all that these strangers got her into big trouble with the FBI and she needed to leave everything behind and go with them. But when they were chased by the feds through the city she didn't even hesitated to risk her live by destroying a satelite (which I never actually felt is a real threat) in 30000 ft and loosing all oxygen. She topped that with bombing away several police cars and officers infront of bridge and noone even batted an eye on it including her. (When Wanda did something similar in Civil War her guilt and the consequences consumed a big part of that movie)
On the other side they won't let Shuri kill Namor who started a war with her country and killed her people. They fighting to death at that beach. I mean Shuri is speared through the middle of her stomach and Namor was cut off his weird achilles wing thing and even set on fire. All of that only for them to decide on peace and showing up on the battleship by casually holding onto an airplane onehanded as if they just got back from a honeymoon.
It's all inconsequent. Not logically enough. They put way more effort in these kind of things during the Infinity Phase. But apparently not anymore and that's why we are not feeling the same hype anymore in the MCU.
Besides all that, I was personally offended by what they did to Okoye. I am a Okoye fangirl. She is the badest of the badasses. Not only degrading her, but also putting her in the ugliest suit on planet earth. Midnight Angel my ass. She deserves better.
M'Baku as King of Wakanda? Hell yeah, I'm here for it. He is a fine specimen of a man.
Ross was married to Val who is director of the CIA? What the actual fucking fuck is going on...
Check out what else I recently watched > here.
Cheers, A.
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slutisnotabadword · 2 years
From the moment the movie started and until the movie ended, it was perfect.
I knew the movie was going to emotional, and from the amazing trailers, my expectations were very high. And somehow Wakanda Forever has exceeded my expectations. Knowing that Shuri was trying to save T’Challa but was too late, broke my heart. And then the marvel intro came on and the ENTIRE theater was silent. This is defintely a movie that you have to watch in theaters before you watch it on DVD, because it’s the experience that carries the weight.
The plot is incredible and—being a person of color—it resonates with me deeply because there is definitely a disconnect between minorites and we often turn on eachother, instead of coming together and protect one another. And I think WF touches on that in a perfect way. Namor offering an alliance and then Wakanda and Talokan becoming enemies, but also in the end they come a sort of agreement. And then showcasing how they are SO similiar, even down to the way they greet eachother. It’s brillant.
The cinematography is breathtaking. When the Talokans attacked the ship, it was amazing. They were terrifying in the best way possible, and to have them sound like sirens???? WHEW, as someone who loves the lore of sirens, I was so excited to see that. And their backstory was just so facisinating, and the BIRTHING SCENE??? UGH. Each slow mo scene in this movie was perfectly balanced, and it didn’t seem like ti went on for too long or was over done, it was just right.
Now let’s get down to real spoilers.
KILMONGER?? WHEWWWWW. When I tell you that I could not have guessed that was going to happen… Immediately his presence was just UGH, I loved that cameo. And it’s also a cameo that makes sense. Considering this happens right after her mother drowned, Shuri has this immense amount of anger and she’s feeling vegeful. And who’s more angry and vegeful than Kilmonger??? Perfect.
THE SOUNDTRACK?? Fucking perfect. Personally, the best song is Alone by Burna Boy, and it’s just *chefs kiss*. And the scores itself was great. And the use of sound was well balanced, letting us simmer in those silent moments.
The jokes were fucking hilarious. Every single joke hit. Had everyone in the theater cracking tf up. I’m still chuckling at “bald headed demon”. PLS.
Riri was amazing, and she exceeding my expectations as well. Her comedic timing was on point. “Young, gifted and black” indeed.
There’s so much I could talk about this movie, but I don’t want this review to be terribly long. So let me hurry up and talk about the ending.
From the moment when Shuri had flashbacks of T’Challa and to when it was revealed that T’challa has A SON?? Tears. Nothing but tears. I sobbed so hard when I got back home. I don’t know how the hell marvel managed to avoid spoilers of Kilmonger AND T’Challa’s son (who is also named T’Challa, i’m literally sobbing), but they did it brillantly. The entire movie was an out of body experience that you could only feel if you go to the theaters. And I will even go far as to say it exceeds the first movie.
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websterstylemag · 1 year
EP 135: Is Wakanda Forever? (The Sartorial & Geek Podcast by Webster Style)
EP 135: Is Wakanda Forever? (The Sartorial & Geek Podcast by Webster Style) ft. #ShatterRemasteredDeluxe by @pikpokgames #blackpantherwakandaforever Acqua Di Famigila by #XarmonyParfumes and more. #reviews #fragrances #videogames #movies
EP 135: Is Wakanda Forever? – The Sartorial And Geek Podcast by Webster Style The Download: Shatter Remastered Deluxe Short Takes: RIP Kevin Conroy John Wick Chapter 4 Mindcage Review: Black Panther Wakanda Forever Fragrance of the week: Acqua Di Famigila by Xarmony Parfumes Pete and Pedro: Use code EHAWKES10 or (https://bit.ly/3rClqHK) to get 10% off your first purchase. Support us on…
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laurenreviewsmovies · 2 years
Black Panter: Wakanda Forever
Director: Ryan Coogler
Starring: Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Dominique Thorne, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Angela Bassett
Release Date: November 11, 2022
My Rating: 9/10 (I still think it could’ve packed a little bit more of a punch, but it was still very satisfying)
My Review (no spoilers):
I saw it 3 times in 5 days. The second time I saw it, I went in *needing* to see it again because I wasn’t super impressed by it my first time around. I think that’s because I built it up so much in my head over the past 4 and a half years...I was able to recognize that I’d probably like it a bit better the second time. And I did. In fact, I downright loved it the second time around.
The story is solid. The acting is phenomenal. The new world that is introdcued with Talokan and Namor is breathtaking. I actually really like how the antogist and protagonist ended up...but I was hoping for Namor to be more of a badass villain. He was a fantastic antihero/antagonist to watch though, and all of the action sequences with Namor and Talokan were so beautiful. 
I really liked how this movie focused on pitting Wakanda against someone as powerful (if not more) as them. It wasn’t infighting like the last movie. There was still that element of grief and emotional turmoil and growing as a person. I think I cried four times during the movie and once on the drive home - that’s the most emotional I’ve ever gotten over a Marvel movie. And I really liked how the antagonists weren’t the villains, not really. The end scene where the protagonist has to make the huge decision was a little cheesy but also really highlighted the big theme of the movie - that the two different groups of people really aren’t that different.
I’m really excited to see this movie for a fourth time, and to see how all of the characters continue to flourish in the MCU.
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cinemashedng · 2 years
Black Panther Wakanda Forever Review [Spoiler-Free Review]
Black Panther Wakanda Forever Review [Spoiler-Free Review]
Is Black Panther Wakanda Forever worth watching? Not many movies can pull off a series of deafening silences in a movie theatre. This is not because it is boring or people are distracted, but because they are so absorbed in their emotions that they almost forget to breathe. That was my experience watching Black Panther Wakanda Forever. Everything you loved in the first movie, you’d get again, so…
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ankle-beez · 2 years
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[ID: A four-star review of "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" by ankle-beez on Letterboxd that reads, "what giving a shit about having good storytelling in an mcu movie for once does to a mf"]
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frightnite52 · 2 years
Okay, let’s talk about Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, shall we?
The beginning: I saw a tweet today where the author said they hated that the movie killed T'Challa with an illness and I have to say I disagree. Not only because logistically there was no way for Chadwick Boseman to act in the movie for a death scene, but because (for me personally) I don't think I would have liked it any other way. I like that T'Challa died of an illness for one simple reason: The whole movie sort of felt like a catharsis for the cast and crew. No one knew Boseman had cancer except his immediate circle. I still remember opening twitter and literally not believing what I was seeing. The way they chose to go about it, and then all the time the devoted to grief and loss felt like a release for everyone involved. And if this was the way they thought would best help them work through their grief in their art, I don't think it's right to say you wished it happened a different way.
Okay, time for something fun after all that heavy: Queen Ramonda's speech in the beginning was amazing.
The scene of the Dora Milaje in the Wakandan outpost coming out of the hall was amazing.
I loved that the people of Talocan had siren powers
Riri Williams. I have a problem with making a significant part of a plot revolve around a person who needs to be kept alive, especially if that person isn't the main character. I find that it leaves me feeling like there was no point to the character. In the case of Riri, I can't decide how I feel. I like her character and I was happy to see her introduced. I think a Black Panther movie was the perfect place to introduce her one, because she's Black and was clearly written to have a deep love, respect, and admiration for Wakanda, and two because she's a technological genius like Shuri. But something about her story feels... well, it just doesn't feel right. Like a puzzle piece that *seems* to fit in a space, but also doesn't. I think if she might have had more agency. Or maybe if they'd let her feel bad that her design put Talocan in danger. She didn't make that machine to help the CIA or anyone, she built it to spite one of her college professors. They don't explain it in the movie how the machine got into the hands of the government, but they do make it a point to say that she built it for an assignment. This leads me to believe that it was either stolen or given to the CIA without Riri's permission. If she'd been allowed to explain that (or if Shuri had just mentioned it) I'm not sure it would have changed anything, but it might have made Riri's story feel more full.
Namor did nothing wrong. He was completely justified in everything that he did. lmao okay, no, he killed the queen of Wakanda, but listen here: He had his reasons. Namor, at heart, is a good man, and I truly believe that. He want's what's best for his people. T'Challa wanted the same, and for him, the right thing to do was to open Wakanda to the world. He couldn't have known he was putting Talocan in danger, too. I think Wakanda is gentler on the world than Talocan, and that's were the biggest issue comes from Wakanda was never colonized. Their land, their histories, their people, their resources were never stolen from them. They watched all that happen to other people. But watching bad things happen to other people is different than having those things happen to you. By contrast, Talocan was borne from a colonized civilization. The flower that gave them their powers and abilities was used as a treatment for smallpox. Their legends even say that their god gave them the flower to build a new home, the implication being that they needed a new home because their old one was stolen from them. Because of their vastly different histories, their reactions to the possibility of outsiders trying to steal from them is vastly different. Namor has the right of it and by the end of the movie, he still does. The surface world will come for the Wakandans and the people of Talocan will be ready. His methods may not have been sound, but his rationale was.
Battle orcas. No, I will not be adding context.
Everett Ross was married to Madam Hydra and I just can't get over that.
Talocan seemed like a more accurate underwater city than any I've seen, and I love that.
I wish Shuri hadn't made a new heart-shaped herb and had become the Black Panther because of her technological skills. A Black Panther Iron Man suit, if you will. I didn't feel like there was enough justification for her to make the herb and then take it herself. After she wakes up from the ancestral realm, she said that she drank the herb to see her family, but none of them came. It's a heartbreaking scene, but it also doesn't make sense when you remember that Shuri doesn't believe in any of that. Even Killmonger said in her vision that she didn't believe in the ancestral plane. I think Shuri's time would have been better spent making a Black Panther suit that gave her almost all of the abilities of the traditional Black Panther. I think what they were going for was a full circle catharsis moment where Shuri couldn't make the herb in the beginning of the movie but then she did near the end. And that would make sense, except she didn't make the herb to heal anyone. She made it so she could get revenge on Namor. And I don't think that's a good way to tie the herb to the theme. Edit: I’m seeing your replies to this point. My opinion still stands as of now, but I do appreciate the other perspectives and it’s giving me something to think about whenever I watch the movie next.
I like the Shuri didn't become queen of Wakanda at the end. I don't think being queen would have suited her at all.
The end credit scene really punched me in the heart.
I forgot to mention M’baku’s “Bald headed demon” line. And apparently it was improvised which makes it so much funnier.
All in all, I loved this movie. I've seen it twice now and I can't wait to see it again.
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coffeebookslovegt · 2 months
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En tiempos de crisis, los sabios construyen puentes y los estúpidos barreras.
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starcookiechu · 2 years
Honestly I don't like Shuri anymore.
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theattoyearchive · 9 months
The Attoye Archive Entries (001)
The River That Spills
By LoeyAeri on AO3
Modern! AU, rated Teen & Up
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So far there are only three chapters, but it's set up beautifully from the jump. I'm intrigued, and I'm excited to see what happens next!
You start this fic watching Attuma carry a crate of snacks up to the front, at a small shop he runs. I interpreted it as a small, cozy convenience shop. There are a few customers here and there, trying to purchase some things they need while his young daughter, Saya, runs the cash register.
In the midst of completing these tasks, the sky decides to empty itself, and the downpour is so hard you can hardly see outside. Just visualize a bunch of potted plants fighting for their lives if you wish to know the storm's intensity. Attuma is concerned, but his mission to save those plants is delayed.
After dealing with an unruly customer and sending his daughter off to complete their inventory in the back, Attuma goes outside to cover those poor plants. However, while he's out there, he spots a figure a few feet away hunched over on the ground. He calls out to them, but they don't respond. After cautiously moving closer, he realizes that the person is emptying their stomach before they collapse.
Are they alive?
He checks.
Yes. They're breathing.
Out of concern, he scoops them up and tells his daughter to lock up the shop and to meet him in the car. He's moving quickly in the rain, clutching the mysterious person close before carefully setting them down in the car.
In this moment, he realizes it's a woman dressed poorly for the weather.
What happens next!?
You'll have to read to find out!
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spideyverse · 2 years
I saw Black Panther: Wakanda Forever a couple days ago and I’m pleased to say that I was not disappointed!
Genuinely so happy that Shuri is now the Black Panther and also OHHMYYGOD RIRI WILLIAMS!!!
My favourite part had to be when Shuri was exploring the underwater city- I love how it showed how culturally aware she is, instead of attacking Namor or shouting to be set free she talks about how interested she is in his city and how beautiful everything around her is.
I think Black Panther: Wakanda Forever might be moving up towards the top of my list of favourite marvel films
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re-bee-key · 2 years
I saw Wakanda Forever tonight. It was so amazing! I cried a lot but I think they handled Chadwick passing very well. The movie had a pretty solid plot and I really liked all the new characters introduced. Namor specifically was so well written and the actor did a great job.
Black Panther is one of the best MCU movies and Wakanda Forever did such a good job to live up to its legacy.
Also! There were so many badass women front and center. It was a female driven movie but without any cringey #girlboss moments we've gotten from a lot of Marvel projects. Which was really refreshing. Ryan really knows how to make a movie.
Final thought. There was a scene when M'Baku was leading his warriors and I saw the most gorgeous woman Ive ever seen. She was only there for a short moment. But god she was beautiful. So strong with big beautiful hair. She looked really hot in the M'Baku tribe outfit. Im in love
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dc-x-marvel · 2 years
Black Panther Wakanda Forever was emotional
What a movie, y'all! It was a lovely tribute to Chadwick Boseman. The theater was so silent anytime he was onscreen. The reverence and sadness of it all. And that mid credits reveal that T'challa had a mini him was incredible and left a touch of melancholy.
The power of Wakanda and the women on screen was also impressive. Queen Ramonda was such a badass. She also made me cry whenever her family was mentioned. Great acting honestly 👌. Riri Williams was also funny and cool too. Okoye and Nakia's stories were also touching and cool.
But the real showstopper was Namor and his people! Y'all, I lost my breath at their power! The confidence he exuded was off the charts! His arc was the best along with his scenes with Shuri. The emotional turmoil that both were facing was phenomenal. My favorite scene was when he showed her his kingdom. A Whole New World vibes right there! The angst of it all when their alliance fell apart, the destruction, their fight scene. It was all chef's kiss.
Of course there were a few problems, but only two were most notable: the lighting and dialogue. Some scenes were way too dark for me that I couldn't see what was going on. The one where Namor intrudes on the Queen and Princess is one such scene. Meanwhile, the dialogue was hard to understand at points due to the accents and fast pace. I guess I should find a showing with captions to solve this (which is somewhat difficult but whatever). I'll most likely watch it again when it is released on Disney+ (👀💢).
Overall, a good tribute to Chadwick Boseman and one hell of an emotional rollercoaster.
Rating: 8/10
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