#a living fossil!
kcamberart · 1 year
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tadpole shrimp
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seashellblue · 2 months
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foxsnails · 9 months
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Living Fossils - Creatures that remain seemingly unchanged by time. Here's the Coelacanth, the Sturgeon, the Gar, the Horseshoe Crab and the Nautilus! (Gouache on 50x40cm canvas, SOLD)
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🐠 Daily Fish Fact: 🐠
Coelacanths were once known only from fossils and were thought to have gone extinct approximately 65 million years ago. Much to scientists' surprise, the first living coelacanth was discovered in 1938. Numerous characteristics are unique to this fish. Among them is the presence of a "rostral organ" in the snout that is part of the electrosensory system, and an intracranial joint or "hinge" in the skull that allows the anterior portion of the cranium to swing upwards, greatly enlarging the gape of the mouth.
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secretmellowblog · 7 months
i just dont really understand why theyd target les mis? and like. its interrupting the work of actors and crew and house staff who dont have anything to do with fossil fuel corps. people who just paid to see the show who dont have anything to do with it.
i understand les mis is a show about rebellion and humanity but to me it doesnt make any sense.
( i say this as someone whos probably very unaware and very slow to realize the deeper meaning of things so i apologize if it comes off snobby i am just confused !! /genuine )
I'm very sorry if this comes off as rude but like.... "I don't understand why people would use Les Mis as the symbolic centerpiece of an act of protest/rebellion against the government" is just a very strange thing to say, and I'm genuinely not quite sure how to begin to respond XD. Like....it's literally Les Mis. It is Do You Hear the People Sing. The original novel was written to be a political rallying cry, it was written to bind together activists, and it has been used that way thousands of times since its publication in 1862. It's Les Mis, I don't know what else to tell you XD. Also I know this next comparison isn't perfect, but:
“I don’t understand why Les Amis interrupted Lamarque’s funeral.  Obviously I agree with Les Amis’s goals, but was this really the right way to protest? Obviously the government is doing something bad— but was this symbolic event really the right place to talk about it? Why even choose to interrupt this event, and the lives of the workers leading it and everyday people attending it? It wasn’t responsible for what was happening! 
Okay, yeah, I get the funeral is ‘symbolically significant.’  I get that Lamarque has become, in popular culture, a symbol of rebellion and resistance against a government’s unfair policies.  I get Lamarque’s funeral is a pretty big public event that has a lot of symbolic significance ties to ideas of rebellion against the state.
I get that Lamarque’s words are often seen as a rebellious call to action, so illegally interrupting his funeral could be a statement about resisting tyranny. It could be a call to action playing off the popularity and symbolic role that Lamarque has in the public consciousness.
 But at the same time— shouldn’t Les Amis have just gone to the palace and attacked the king directly? Why disrupt this symbolic event instead? They’re not really going after the people responsible! 
After all, there were so many people there who just wanted a normal day. They weren’t responsible for what the government was doing and had nothing to do with it.  They wanted to see the procession, to hear Lafayette’s speech and grieve a political figure they cared for. They wanted to hear people praise ‘resistance’ in the abstract, without actually doing it.
 Weren’t Les Amis disrupting that?  
Aren’t Les Amis bad activists? Isn’t disrupting people’s everyday lives for the sake of 'activism' always inherently a bad thing? I’m not against activism, but isn’t doing that kind of disruptive activism rude? Isn’t disrupting the lives of ordinary people just doing their jobs or going out for a special event evil— no matter why you’re doing it, or what your goals are, or whether the government actually is doing something vile that we should start to stage great events rallying against?
Even if this Lamarque's funeral has special significance because of its symbolic pop cultural ties to rebellion against tyranny—shouldn’t they have just avoided rudely interrupting some regular people’s everyday lives? 
Protests shouldn’t disrupt things. they should be big parades that don’t make anyone uncomfortable, don’t interrupt anything, and don’t disrupt any aspects of ‘normal people’s daily life.’ No one should ever target symbolic events— like a funeral for a political figure or a musical about revolution—  to make a political statement. Protests should be little quiet festivals that cause absolutely no interruption in everyday life so that we can all just safely ignore them, until the climate catastrophe they’re warning us about arrives.”  
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vestaignis · 20 hours
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Наутилус (лат. Nautilus) — род головоногих моллюсков, которых относят к «живым ископаемым». Самый распространенный вид — Nautilus pompilius. Наутилусы относятся к единственному современному роду подкласса наутилоидей. Первые представители наутилоидей появились в кембрии, а его развитие пришлось на палеозой. Наутилиды почти вымерли на границе триаса и юры, но все же дожили до наших дней, в отличие от своих родственников аммонитов. Некоторые виды ��ревних наутилусов достигали размера в 3,5 м. Представители самого крупного вида современных наутилусов достигают максимального размера в 25 см.
Спиральный «домик» моллюска состоит из 38 камер и «построен» по сложному математическому принципу (закон логарифмической прогрессии). Все камеры, кроме последней и самой большой, где размещается тело наутилуса с девятью десятками «ног», соединяются через отверстия между собой сифоном.  Раковина наутилуса двухслойная: верхний (наружный) слой – фарфоровидный – действительно напоминает хрупкий фарфор, а внутренний, с перламутровым блеском – перламутровый. «Домик» наутилуса растет вместе с хозяином, который перемещается по мере роста раковины в камеру попросторней. Пустое жилище моллюска после его гибели можно встретить далеко от его места обитания – после гибели «хозяина» их раковины остаются на плаву и перемещаются по воле волн, ветров и течений.
Интересно, что двигается наутилус «в слепую», задом наперед, не видя и не представляя препятствий, которые могут оказаться на его пути.И еще одно удивительное качество этих древних обитателей Земли – у них потрясающая регенерация: буквально через несколько часов раны на их телах затягиваются, а в случае потери щупальца быстро отрастает новое.
Nautilus is a genus of cephalopods, which are classified as "living fossils". The most common species is Nautilus pompilius. Nautilus belong to the only modern genus of the Nautiloid subclass. The first representatives of the Nautiloids appeared in the Cambrian, and its development took place during the Paleozoic. The Nautilids almost died out on the border of the Triassic and Jurassic, but still survived to the present day, unlike their Ammonite relatives. Some species of ancient Nautilus reached a size of 3.5 m. Representatives of the largest species of modern nautilus reach a maximum size of 25 cm.
The spiral "house" of the mollusk consists of 38 chambers and is "built" according to a complex mathematical principle (the law of logarithmic progression). All chambers, except the last and largest, where the nautilus body with nine dozen "legs" is located, are connected through holes with a siphon. The nautilus shell is two–layered: the upper (outer) layer – porcelain–like - really resembles fragile porcelain, and the inner, with a mother-of-pearl luster - mother-of-pearl. The nautilus's "house" grows with its owner, who moves as the shell grows into a larger chamber. The empty dwelling of a mollusk after its death can be found far from its habitat – after the death of the "owner", their shells remain afloat and move at the will of waves, winds and currents.
Interestingly, the Nautilus moves "blindly", backwards, without seeing or imagining the obstacles that may be in its path.And another amazing quality of these ancient inhabitants of the Earth is that they have amazing regeneration: in just a few hours, the wounds on their bodies heal, and in case of loss of tentacles, a new one grows quickly.
Источник:://t.me/+t0G9OYaBjn9kNTBi, /sevaquarium.ru/nautilus/, /habr.com/ru/articles/369547/, //wallpapers.com/nautilus, poknok.art/6613-nautilus-molljusk.html, //wildfauna.ru/nautilus-pompilius, /www.artfile.ru/i.php?i=536090.
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bbnibini · 1 year
In my retirement phase with my equally geriatric husband 🥰
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markscherz · 6 months
My friend said he hates taxonomists because they make stuff up. (There was also a rant about fish not existing and birds being reptiles mixed in there, but yeah). What's your opinion on this, as a taxonimist?
I was having a similar debate with a sixteen-foot tall animated candelabra the other day. No idea where they get it from.
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llatimeria · 4 months
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On December 23rd, 1938, an unusual fish was caught off the coast of South Africa near the mouth of the Chalumna river by Captain Henrik Goosen. Recognizing its potential significance, he showed it to his friend and local museum curator, Marjorie-Courtenay Latimer, who reluctantly had it taxidermied to preserve it long enough for her colleague J. L. B. Smith to identify, as he was unfortunately unavailable while the specimen was fresh and easier to study.
Nonetheless, Smith identified the animal as a modern-day descendant of coelacanths, a fish up to then only known through fossils over 66 million years old and presumed long extinct. Smith gave the animal the scientific name Latimeria chalumnae, in honor of his colleague's contribution to the historic discovery as well as the river they were found somewhat close to, I guess.
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Thanks to the combined efforts of these amateur and professional naturalists, people all around the world can admire and protect these wonderful, bizarre, and unique animals. Now we can celebrate the re-birthday of the coelacanth every year on December 23rd!.
🐟Happy Coelacanth Day Everyone!🐟
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Are we gonna see you on Tumblr more often, since the ban for TikTok might be going out?
I really hate thinking about it but i suppose yes.
I think ill have to focus on posting to youtube i guess....since i can still make monetizable money over there....and ill probably have to push my patreon more-
Hey maybe ill be able to make designs for my redbubble and- work on Tiny Tails more hah....ah....
yeah.....work.......that'll distract me from such a volatile ban of freedom of speech......
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Crying alone in my silent room at night bc of old politicians that are fucking up the world with their greed just cause they won't be here to see the consequences of their actions and are dooming the next generation is such an autistic sense of justice slay for me.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 1 month
gonna be real, i literally came here to read yaoi like why the fukk do i now know about porpoising and chicanes and quali schedules. ross brawn to me now is a legendary TP and not a shaving brand. pls. i did not come here to hyperfixate i in fact came here to disassociate. u lure me with anime boy dynamics and now i memorise f1 race schedules and somehow follow mclaren on main? i came here for thirsty driver edits and now i'm yelling in the DMs about strat calls? the FIA should pay for my therapy.
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grow-and-decay · 1 year
(sorry if your fave isn’t on there!)
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🐙Daily Cephalopod Fact:🐙
Chambered Nautilus: The nautilus is an octopus’ cousin. It has more than 90 tentacles — the most of any cephalopod — which it uses to feel and grope along the reefs for food. Unlike those of other cephalopods, a nautilus’s tentacles have grooves and ridges instead of suckers. The nautilus is the only cephalopod with an external shell. Much like zebras, nautiluses can be individually identified based on their striped shell patterns.
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neovenatorgirlteeth · 3 months
Queensland, Australia - Ypresian stage, 55Ma before present
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300,000 years ago, the planet experienced a short, geologically speaking, spike in temperatures that caused somewhere between 5-8C of warming. This spike marked the transition from the Palaeocene epoch to the Eocene, and although the event is over, the already hot world of the Cenozoic is slowly getting hotter. Dawn breaks on a greenhouse planet.
As the light touches the shores of lake Murgon, the last of the bats retreat into the shadows, and the crocodiles, giant snakes and odd wading birds that line the shore are revealed. The plethora of water-loving insects begins to hum in the suns rays, but their noise in punctured by a new sound; birdsong. A small, relatively unassuming looking bird hops along the rocks of the shoreline, stopping occasionally to produce short bursts of complex vocalisation. He is a one of the first passerines, a group that in the modern day contains around half of all bird species, from crows to blackbirds to the New Zealand rock wren.
Birds, the only dinosaurs to have survived the extinction event 11 million years ago, have exploded in diversity and are now fulfilling a huge number of roles in the ecosystem. There are now a huge amount of birds calling to eachother in the dawn, and the songs of this little bird pick it out from the crowd of not just other bird species, but other birds of the same species. As time passes, the evolutionary process will select for more and more intricate songs until they arrive in the Holocene in their beautiful modern form.
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Fish fact #476
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This class of 88 different species are interesting fish, as they are the only animals to have a skull made of cartilage but no spine!
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