#aaaahhh i love this movie
arendclles · 4 months
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rogue one </3
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x3n0-has-moved · 2 years
(mostly Vincent HEHE)
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I keep forgetting to posts these sketches here —- but LOOK HERE THEY ARE THE BOYS !!! THEM !!! BUT MOSTLY VINCENT !!! cuz I love him so much…
Also COUGH —- I also did some self insert stuff cuz… I am insane and needs to be detained as soon as possible HAHSHSHDH
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I’m gonna post more self insert stuff soon—-
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Me giggling and kicking my feet seeing the word "mouse" in a post-apocalyptic fiction 💕💕💕
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
im slowly giving into the urge to write a his girl friday AU
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myrcenegirl · 6 months
Is it rude to
not call people by their name when they do it to you like people say hi to me using my name and I usually just say hi back without their name is that rude lol anyways we are approaching one year of rock bottom and god damn we are going strong I’ve been watching John waters the past four nights and wow it’s about time god damn so that’s been fun I’m so excited to fucking hangout this weekend I need to do shopping but damn after moving my belongings for an entire night after work to coming home so much later than normal my precious night is cut short so that’s all to say I don’t want to go out and shop on a hectic weekend December day even though it’s a necessity
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i just came across your kirikou et la sorcière post and nope it wasn't just translated into italian it was actually shipped and dubbed seemingly all across Europe and nowhere else (I saw it many times growing up in the balkans) because when I moved to the US I kept bringing it up to people and they looked at me weird ??? also isn't it freaking incredible ??? their love which defeated the evil curse !!! the colors !!! the music !!! a triumph of cinema !!!
OH okay so it was an european thing!! I've literally never encountered anyone else who actually watched it so my bad
But yes that movie is just beautiful in every way it's so charming and the ending makes my heart full everytime I watch it <3 truly a masterpiece
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silenzahra · 3 months
The best news for us Mario fans ✨
We had the BEST news today 🥹👏❤
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I literally did NOT expect whatsoever to get news of the sequel to the Super Mario Bros Movie today. Like, it was obvious there was going to be a sequel after that post-credit scene, but them actually confirming they were already working on it! Such a big surprise! 🤩🤩🤩 Totally unexpected but oh my God it made me so HAPPY!!! 😭😭😭 I swear I started to tear up and get emotional, there's still two years to go but that only means it's going to be made with just as much love and care like the first movie 🥹🥹🥹
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And the remakes!!! 😭😭😭
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Okay. This game. THIS GAME. This is my favorite Paper Mario game EVER. It means the world to me. It was the one that made me fall in love with this series so many years ago. You bet I started CRYING when it was announced last year. I simply couldn't stop sobbing at the news that it was gonna have a remake for the switch 🥹🥹🥹
I did think perhaps they'd announce its release date today, but I didn't expect it to be so soon! 🤩🤩🤩 I honestly thought we'd still have to wait till September, but oh my God, this MASTERPIECE is only two months away and I just can't stop SCREAMING and CLAPPING and CRYING 😭😭😭
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And my boy Luigi is coming back this summer AAAAHHH I just can't WAIT to play with him again 😭😭😭 I ADORE Luigi and I LOVE the Luigi's Mansion series SO MUCH, the idea of exploring a haunted place with my favorite character EVER simply fills me with so much joy and emotion 🥹🥹🥹 I miss so much doing it!!! Knowing that we'll only have to wait till the beginning of summer to finally replay this AWESOME game really has me JUMPING out of joy 😭😭😭
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And also!!! 🤩🤩🤩 These games coming to NSO in just a couple of days!!! 👏👏👏 Man I just LOVE Doctor Mario, it's so much fun! And Mario Tennis!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Oh my, this was my very first Mario Tennis game back in the 90s (yeah, I'm old 😆), and I was sooo good at it!!! 🤩🤩🤩 It was the game that made me understand how tennis works and how to play it, and it also made me wanna try every new tennis game that fell into my hands over the years! 🤭 And the music is so ICONIC, I swear every time I've played other Mario Tennis games, this music came to my mind whenever I was about to win a game 😂 I just can't wait to play it again!!! 🤩👏✨
I know I cry a lot over anything related to Super Mario, but on the one hand, I'm a totally emotional mess, I'm prone to easily crying for literally any reason, good or bad, and on the other hand, this franchise means the whole world to me and only brings me more and more happiness so of course all these news have me crying 🥹🥹🥹
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michelleleewise · 1 year
I'm sorry but I have to share the emotions I'm feeling right now with someone and I chose you as my victim (love you!)
Quick question, but are you ever listening to a song and imagine a little music video for it in your brain, it's like a movie and everything
Okay well my brain just did a thing with:
The Last Time by Taylor Swift ft. Gary Lightbody
just imagined a duet between y/n and Loki
Just pure angst in my head right now, I'm talking tears, broken whiskey glass on the floor, camera spinning around both of them getting multiple angles
(I swear I'm fine LOL just dramatic)
Hiiiiiiii!!!!!! I've missed you!!!! And I will always be your willing victim (love you too!)
I have actually done that! More then Iike to admit lol but if you were looking for angst look no further!!! Ask and ye shall receive 😁😈💚 here we go.....
The Last Time.....
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, established relationship, toxic relationship, yelling, swearing, breaking things, all the angst, ambiguous ending.....
Summary: You and Loki have been on and off for awhile, but when you truly love someone when i enough enough.....
A/n- aaaahhh!!! Finally getting to my asks!! Woop woop!!! And........a new pic for you as well....😁😁😁
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You sat on the floor in your room putting the last of his clothes in a box. It wasn't the first time he had left without a word, in fact he had made a habit of it but this time felt different. What was months had turned into a year. You sighed closing the box grabbing the tape when you heard a knock at the door. "He's early." You said looking at your phone as you jumped up you hurrying downstairs when another knock sounded at the door "coming thor!" You called out reaching the bottom of the stairs you made it to the front door, grabbing the handle you pulled it open freezing at the site in front of you.
"Thor hmm?" He snarled looking down at you. "Loki...what do you want?" You snapped crossing your arms watching his shoulders slump "may I please come in darling?" He asked quietly, the deep emerald of his eyes boring into you. "I...I don't know." You said looking down at your feet "please love i...I needed to speak to you." He said taking a step closer to you. Taking a deep breath you looked back up at him "fine, but only for a minute." You said opening the door wider stepping aside as he walked in, his long purposeful strides leading him to the living room as you shut the door following behind him. "I see you've changed the house a bit." He said sliding the sleeves of his leather jacket up revealing his forearms you looked around remembering the day you got rid of his reading chair and replaced it with an end table "what do you need Loki?" You asked standing on the other side of the room.
He ignored your question as he went into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets he came back with a bottle of whiskey and a glass "it's good to see you too." He snarked sitting on the couch pouring himself a drink. "Look Loki, I don't know why your here or..." you were cut off watching him down the drink in one gulp before slamming the glass down "how long?" He asked pouring another "how long what?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows "my brother....how long?" He asked again his eyes meeting yours "we aren't....he was coming over to pick up your things." You said, your voice raising at his accusation. "Ah, so I leave for a bit and you just move on?" He asked waving his hand at where his chair had previously been. "Loki it's been a year!" You yelled, your anger beginning to rise the longer he was there.
"Yes, and I had assumed the woman who said she loved me would wait for me." He sneered downing another drink "to be honest, when i found myslf at your door, like evey other time I pictured you in your room...alone...awaiting my return." He said, his eyes meeting yours again, a sadness in them you hadn't seen before "and when you opened the door and your eyes met mine...everthing felt...better again." He said looking back down at his glass "I always come back do I not?" He asked quietly, his voice shaking.
And right before your eyes, i'm breaking,
No past, no reasons why, Just you and me,
"Yes, you come back until things become too real for you!" You yelled feeling your eyes burn "until things get to serious and then your off again." You said crossing your arms. "I just...you always put everything else before me!" He yelled standing up. "What? My job....my responsibilities!?" You yelled back waving your arms "you know very well what I mean, do not play coy with me!" He yelled. You took a step back remembering the last time he left "oh, so this is about your insecurities." You sneered watching him shake his head. "You do not understand the hold you have on me!" He yelled throwing his glass to the floor shattering it into pieces making you step back "You could beak my heart in the blink of an eye if you choose to, so yes...I left before you could." He snapped "and broke mine instead?" You pushed back "I only wanted to be at the top of your list, not your pastime." He said shaking his head.
"So you find yourself at MY door, like all the times before wearing your best apology but you know what Loki?" You sighed shaking your head pushing a piece of glass away with your foot "all those times I let you back in, I allowed you to consume me and you left...I watched you leave over and over to go god knows where and do God knows what and with who." You said feeling a tear steam down your cheek looking up into his eyes "i only ever wanted to be your priority loki, to be at the top of YOUR list, but all I ever got was you going, and breaking my heart everytime you did." You said unable to keep your voice from shaking.
And right before your eyes, I'm aching
Run fast, nowhere to hide, just you and me
"Y/n, this the last time I'm going to ask you, put me at the top of your list, make me a priority in your life," Loki said taking a step closer to you "I will not let you continue to break my heart." He said sternly making you look up at him "that is the last time you tell me it's me! The last time you tell me I've got it all wrong!" You yelled taking a step closer to him, his large frame towering over you "this will be the last time I tell you it's been you all along, it was not." He said seeing a tear stream down his cheek you closed your eyes "this is the last time I let you in my door Loki...i...I can't..." you trailed off covering the sob that escaped from your lips. "This is the last time y/n, I won't hurt you anymore...I swear it." He said falling to his knees in front of you.
"Please y/n, I need you." He said wrapping his arms around your middle, holding you tightly as if you would disappear "Loki..." you sighed placing a hand on the top of his head "what if...what happens when you leave again?" You ask shakely as he tilted his head up, his bloodshot eyes meeting yours "I won't...I'm not going anywhere. I want you....only you." He said sternly as you closed your eyes "I can't do this again, my heart can't take it." You said hearing glass slide against the hardwood floor as he shifted "let me prove myself to you, please y/n...let me show you." He said making you shake your head. "I...I can't do this right now." You said feeling Loki's grip loosen around your waist. "Y/n.." loki whispered as you stepped back.
"You can sleep on the couch tonight, if...in the morning if your still here maybe we can talk." You said slowly walking around the glass on the floor leaving Loki where he was "I'll go get you a blanket." You said turning around seeing him still kneeling on the floor, his head nodding slightly as you turned and walked up the stairs. Making your way to the linen closet you pulled out your phone quickly dialing Thor as you opened the door grabbing a blanket "Lady y/n, is everything alright?" Thor's voice boomed through the speaker "um...yeah I just...tonight isn't a good night." You said grabbing a pillow "maybe tomorrow night, I'll let you know." You said closing your eyes are you really going to let him stay you asked yourself when you heard Thor again "he's there isn't he?" He asked making you sigh "yes...he is." You whispered "Alright, let me know if you need anything." He said "thank you Thor." You said quickly hanging up you gripped the pillow and blanket in your arms heading back downstairs.
"Ok, here you go." You said seeing Loki hadn't moved from where you left him, but the glass on the floor had been cleaned up, and now sitting on the coffee table next to the whiskey bottle "thank you y/n" He said slowly standing up walking to the couch not looking at you as he grabbed the blanket spreading it out "So, in the morning?" You asked biting your lip when his eyes finally met yours "yes, in the morning." He said, a seriousness in his eyes that sent a shiver through you "Ok, goodnight." You said turning back to the stairway "Goodnight y/n." You heard him say as you walked up the stairs.
You made it to your room, slowly closing the door before sitting on the bed looking at the box you had been packing "Loki..." you whispered. Grabbing your pillow you laid down closing your eyes, wondering if he would still be on the couch in the morning....
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @mochie85 @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054-deactivated @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @crimson25
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mymelodymia · 7 months
so I was thinking like Christmas eve traditions with the schmidt family? And reader as the middle child, age...14 please
She/her. After the movie. Thank you 😊
Schmidt Christmas Headcannons // schmidt!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: christmas with the schmidts
Warnings: like 1 curse word, but I think that's it
Age: 14
A/N: this is my first time trying headcannons so sorry if this sucks
>Christmas was always a great time of year
>especially in the schmidt family
>Mike would ALWAYS have something planned
>whether it was just sitting in a park
>or going to an amusement park (abby finally ate her dinner)
>he would always take you and Abby to see Santa at the mall
>and get ice cream ofc
>abby tried the "rainbow explosion" flavor
>which she indeed went crazy for 🤭
>you also opened one present on the night before christmas
>it was usually a small gift to sooth your excitement somehow like a necklace or pajamas to wear for the morning
>but it put the biggest smiles on your faces seeing them open the small boxes
>these little traditions was what made Christmas your favorite holiday
>you also watched "polar express" on Christmas eve while drinking hot cocoa before bed
Because my family does and cause I said so lol
>you all worked together on making the biggest snowman in the neighborhood on the front lawn
>this tradition ALWAYS caused arguments
"No your not doing it right"
"Abby no you cant use your bed sheet as a scarf"
"Abby, y/n get the biggest rocks and sticks you can find"
"Y/n i said a big stick not i fcking tree branch"
"This might even be bigger then last year! And the year before that! And the year before that! And the year before that!"
"Do you think its legal to use the neighbors oak tree as the left arm?"
"Im coollddd!"
"I cant feel my legs!"
"Have you ever wanted to stab someone with an icicle?"
*y/n chasing after abby with an icicle*
>and so on....
>you and Abby would always use Mike as your portable heater
>image after the whole snowman situation going inside to watch home alone and snuggle up against Mike to warm up
>he'd have his arms around both of you
>your heads resting on his shoulder or chest
>and obviously getting Vanessa a gift
>Mike getting her a hootie that he had soaked in his cologne for it to smell like him
I ship them so hard bro
>on the morning of Christmas abby and you would wake up as early as possible
>like 5 am kinda early
>you would both jump on him to wake him up
>but before you and Abby even looked at the presents, or the tree, or the half eaten cookies, you'd both immediately search for the elf on the shelf
>that abby and you named gingerbread
>watching you and Abby rip open your presents was literally Mike's favorite part
>seeing the joy on your faces
>you, abby, Mike, and Vanessa, would definitely have an ugly sweater competition
>you and Abby most definitely acted like spies when it came to Mike's presents
>at the end of the day before bed, you'd both lock each other in the bathroom so Mike couldn't hear your secret meeting
>he heard all of it
>it was either the fact that neither of you had a "whispering voice" or because he was sitting at the door with his ear pressed against it like a little kid
>but christmas was always a great time for all of you
>at dinner, you would all hold hands and say grace, including Vanessa
>this reminded Mike of his life before Garrett was taken
>which always ended up in him holding back tears and you and Abby secretly comforting him under the table or squeezing his hand or something
>he didn't wanna cry in front of his girl
>you'd all have a little town-drife-thru-to-find-christmas-lights-on-peoples-houses session
>once you were all home you'd cuddle and watching one last Christmas movie before bed
@white-wolf-buckaroo //
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Ive been waiting for your inbox to open back up EEE
Going back to what i previously requested could you write a fict where the reader absolutely loves halloween and fall so they go fall shopping, get seasonal drinks (maybe even halloween costumes 👀) and its basically just smitten Matt who loves when the reader is passionate about something and he just loves the excited energy thats all around him 😙
hii!! I didn’t want to turn you down, so I gave you a few thoughts and ideas as a compromise, hope that’s okay. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
fall girl
matt murdock x f!reader
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word count: 520
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— he looks forward to autumn for the whole year bc he knows how happy the season makes you !! 
— the first week of autumn, he books off work (I know that may not canonically be correct, but for the sake of this just go with it. also he doesn't go on patrol, so he can have more time with you, shush it's fiction, it's okay)
— so during the first week, you both do a bunch of shopping to get ready for the season ahead!! stopping past all the 'bargain' shops to fill your baskets: wreaths, pumpkins, warm-tone throws, anything and everything you want. matt obvs can't see, so he's easy, adding whatever you want to the basket to make your shared home to your liking
— (if you could, you'd start in july!! but matt persuades you to at least wait until the end of august)
— you kinda splurge a lot, getting some, albeit unnecessary items. things no one ever needs!! maybe some pumpkin cookie cutters, orange garlands, or just things that will never be used. stuff that lies around in a cabinet all year round until found again in easter
— after you shop, you get a little pick-me-up from a coffee store. revitalise yourselves a bit before the next stop. while you enjoy your drinks, you chat, talk about where everything will go when you get home, talking excitedly !! almost gushing as you peek at your items through the bag handles
— matt loves to hear you talk:(( he loves hearing your heart beat just that bit faster when you talk about things you enjoy, and it makes his feel warm to be able to listen to you- that he's special enough to enjoy your interests !!
— he loves the way your breathing quickens and how you need to take more breaths and pauses as you're talking so much and so fast. HE JUST LOVES IT !!
— when you get home, you're both very tired, so you save the decorating until tomorrow. but you throw the blankets and pillow covers in the wash so that they're ready for the next day
— you each take a shower and change into comfy pjs. you both sit on the couch as you eat your soup (you were too tired to make some, so you bought a premade one and heated it up while matt was washing- so it would be ready at the same time as him) you both dip some fresh buttered bread (you picked it up from a bakery on the way back home)
— to wind down for the night, you and matt snuggle on the sofa as you watch a comforting autumn/ halloween movie. he listens to it and imagines or falls asleep to your steady heartbeat and breathing <3
— next day, you decorate. but he has to take away your debit/credit/bank card, to stop you from ordering MORE stuff online. it's no use, bc you know all the details by heart 
— a few days later, more stuff arrives and matt answers the door, turning back at you with an amused smile. you smile back, shrugging. "there was a sale."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
matt taglist: @hailey-murdock @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @redecoratestan @kpopgirlbtssvt @scarletsloveletter @princess-pebbles-things @messymissy @schneeflocky @readerhead @thegreengoop @charmedkim @queerponcho @selfryed @simplyreflected
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starsomens · 9 months
okay but like, imagine bringing him around your nieces and they lose their shit over him. Literally want to climb him because he’s so tall compared to them. You get to baby sit and he actively wants to help, he loves them too thinks they’re pretty cool kids and on your way home one day that’s when he asks if you want to try for a baby because he loves getting to watch you interact with your nieces, thinks you would make such a good mom
NSJFIWKF AAAAHHH HONETSLY I think interacting with kids would trigger the question for him 😭😭
“Guys be careful with uncle Noah!” Trying to be cautious with the girls”
“It’s good, I got them”
“You’re so tall Noah!” One of them says as she clings to his arm “you’re like 10 feet tall!”
“If you keep eating your vegetables maybe you’ll grow tall like me too”
And I believe deeply he’s great with kids!
On the last day you’d be babysitting then you both said your goodbyes and your nieces were sad they wouldn’t see him for a while but he promises them that he would come and visit them. So on the way home he’s think about how you were with the girls. Helping with homework, bed time, movies and everything and he smiled and thought about having that everyday with you
“Sunshine,” he said laying a hand on your thigh while he kept his eyes on the road
“I really loved your nieces they were so sweet and honestly fun to watch”
“Yeah they really were” you agreed
“Y/N,” he came to a stop at the red light “what if…what if we tried for one?”
“For one-“
“For a Baby?” He finished your sentence “ I just….I see how good you are with them and I just love imagining you but with our baby, and raising them and watching them grow” he couldn’t help but smile
“Awh Baby, you really want to start trying?” You ask as your cheeks blush at the idea of Noah being the father of your children
“I really do babe, I love you and I know I would want you to be the mother of my kids”
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lyranova · 1 month
For you ask game, 🌻🐇🥐🍦🧩 if you don't mind 🥰
Hiya Little fan! Of course I don’t mind 🥰!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Aaaahhh there’s so many people 😭! There’s you, there’s @vilandel @1phoebe1 @marune2 @artistic-endchamber @t-f-t and the lovely @lunargrapejuice ! Honestly there’s so many that I know I’m forgetting people, but please know I appreciate all of you lovelies 😤💕!
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Hm, personally I like a mix of both but I tend to lean towards OC’s 😅. For example; for the Leo x Reader fic I created an OC in order to try and get an idea for a partner for him, and it actually worked and I used them as inspo for the reader’s personality in that fic! So a mix of both but leans more towards OC’s 🥰!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
I’m assuming this is kind of like a meme? Hmm…the only internet reference that makes me laugh is a silly video where a bull rider (or rodeo clown) puts his leg on a wall while Smash mouths “All star” is playing and suddenly the music stops, and then as the bull suddenly bangs the metal door open the music starts up again 😅. It was shocking, but the editing on that video was so good that it made me laugh!
(Is this an interney reference? I’m old so I don’t know if thats what this means 😭)
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Hmm…I guess I’ll go with Jester this time 😆.
1 He has cool magic
2 Has pretty interesting lore that I wish they would have expanded on in the movie!!
3 He has so much potential in and out of canon!
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Mischaracterization, or those “bashing X character” fics! This just *sigh* this just grinds my gears so bad; sometimes I let mischaracterization pass because it “fits the AU better” (such as crack fics) but when you write a fic where you intentionally mischaracterize a character in order to bash them and make them look bad its just…really in poor taste. Especially when you bash this character in order to make another character or a particular ship “look better” just *sigh* I will click out a fic so fast whenever i see that happening 😭!
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blessed-artist · 1 year
Aaaahhh! Thank you so much for tagging me @holbytlanna!! 💙
Three ships: Captain Swan (ouat), Dick and Babs (DC), and Faramir and Éowyn (Lotr)
Last song: I think it was “In Christ Alone”? It was something from my sleep playlist.
Last movie: Return of the King!
Currently reading: So I have a tendency to read several things at once so I’m currently reading
The Fields of Clon Miarth by Samuel schiller
Setting Our Sights on Heaven by Paul D. Wolfe
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson
Currently watching: Stargate Sg1!! I am LOVING it so far!
Currently consuming: I’m making egg rolls at the moment! Gonna have those for supper!
Currently craving: well, the egg rolls, and also some hot tea!
Nine tags: aaahhh well I’m not sure who all has been tagged but tagging some people (with no pressure!)
@madsophiehatter @called-kept @duchess-of-mischief @kazoosandfannypacks @mrgartist17 @a-marble @impossiblepluto and anyone who wants to do this! Seriously please consider yourself tagged!
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burrowingdweller · 2 months
Omg omg omg I just discovered your blog because I went looking for Cassidy pics since I'm rewatching preacher for the millionth time and I LOVE this blog??? Joe Gilgun is one of my fave actors and his works are so near and dear to me and I can't believe I didn't discover you sooner!! Do you think you'd ever draw Joe as Dominic from The Infiltrator? If you haven't seen it it's a good movie and he has a decent amount of screentime, but what REALLY impresses me is his insanely good accent work, he sounds truly like he's from Boston. Again, super love your work!! <333
The reason why you didn't see me before might be that I'm head over heels with Joe only since September 👀 And I've watched Preacher for the first time in my life in November and I start to miss Cassidy already 😅
Maybe I will! Gotta finish Misfits first though. Feel kinda down lately, and I have problems with starting something new 😅 Took me almost half of the year to start Misfits, bc I am always afraid to start the thing because what if I don't like iiit... And so on...
Thank you again! Sooo very glad to see Joe fans, eheh 😁
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Okay so raph. AAAAHHH ATLAS IS THE PERFECT NAME FOR HIM. Atlas held up the literal world, much like how raph puts way too much on himself and is carrying a lot of weight. We all know how he feels responsible for his family and Atlas fits so well.
Artemis was a maiden goddess, who did a lot of stuff on her own. I'd describe her as independent, much like Leo. In the movie, though it hasn't happened in this story yet, he was very reckless and tried to get the key on his own without his brothers, a recurring theme. IT'S ALSO PERFECT
I can't really think of any parallels between Donnie and apollo. I mean, I guess Apollo and Artemis weren't supposed to exist (because y'know Zeus and all that) and were kind of born in secretish by leto, so that kind of works, except it's more for all of them. Idk. Maybe it'll become more apparent later
I can't wait to find out Mikey's name.
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS ANALYSIS THANK YOU!! Apollo is a god of a lot of things, some people may say everything. Donatello can make pretty much anything!
I can give you a hint about Mikey’s if you want hehe
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thecoramaria · 7 months
Hello! I have recently come across your videos while writing my first long fic. They have been such a joy to watch and very helpful. Your videos showed me that we are both quite extensive planners when it comes to our fics, but it sounds like your outlines are way more extensive than mine. Have you/would you be willing to share how you format your outlines to keep up with such detail?
Aaaahhh thank-you! I'm glad you've found them helpful. I always love to hear that from my dear viewers 🥰 and I'm always glad to hear from other extensive planners!
To share my outlining process in a video will probably be a feature-length movie, and since I use Milanote, I think they ought to sponsor me for it because I genuinely love it and have convinced other people to love it as much as I do haha
The thing that makes sharing my outlines for my WIP 'The Light Invasion' tricky (other than spoilers) is that I do decorate them with a lot of fanart. I think it's okay for private use, but I wouldn't want to share my outlines publicly unless I can somehow get permission from the dozens of fanartists. If I were to do a video on my outlining style, I would recreate my format from scratch to showcase it, rather than use my actual story notes.
I will share a snippet of my outline that uses screenshots from canon though, since that's what I used for my first few chapters.
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[Put two in there because the first has lower quality.]
Okay! So my goal with my outline and how I format it is to both have the details and the big picture. I want to get a ton of information at a glance. That's why I use pictures and colour coding, so let me walk you though each feature, from top to bottom.
The Parts: 'The Light Invasion' is divided into three parts, and the chapters of each part sit on their own row, so we have the 13 chapters of Part I at the top, and then the 29 chapters Part II below that, and then the 11 chapters of Part III at the bottom. When I zoom out of my outline, I have a quick way to visualise how long each part is.
The Columns: I think it's pretty obvious that each column is a chapter. Since the state of the sky is perhaps the most plot-relevant thing in my story, that's what that strip of colour at the top of each column represents. The light blue represents a typical day/night cycle, while the dark blue is the perpetual night, and then there's orange later on that represents perpetual twilight.
Chapter Names: I've explained in one of my videos why I think chapter names are just as helpful to writers as they are to readers, but the gist is they can help me remember which chapter is about what. It also means I can connect the chapters in my outline to the chapters in my contents page and manuscript.
Thumbnails: These are screenshots, stock images, or fanart that make a great visual shorthand for what the chapter is about. The first chapter includes a prose adaptation of the opening scene from 'Twilight Princess' where Rusl and Link are chatting at dusk in the spring, and the second chapter is when the perpetual night has set in over Ordon Village, hence the use of screenshots. We haven't departed that far from canon yet!
Edit Tracking: Before I post my fics, I usually do three final rounds of editing. The first round is the final copyedit, when I resolve everything I made a note in my manuscript to change. The second edit is the final proofread, which is also what I record myself reading out loud for the podfic. The final "edit" is the editing of the podfic. These checklists help me keep track of that, so I don't end up doing extra edits because I forgot I already did a part of the process.
Scene Cards: So each card you see in each column represents a scene, and those cards are actually collapsible, so when you click on them, you get a full dot point list of the scene's beats, as well as possible details, description, and dialogue to introduce.
POV Colour Coding: The strip of colour at the top of each colour corresponds to the character who's POV we're in. As you can see, most of the POV is Link (green) with a little bit from Zelda (pink). We don't actually get to see our second-most prominent POV character have her own scene until Chapter 5, hence why you don't see any blue strips representing Midna, my blorbo to end all blorbos!
Single Sentence Summary: So this is something I kinda abandoned later in the outline, buuuuut the first sentence in each card, right next to the POV, is meant to describe the purpose of that scene's inclusion. I've since just started writing what the premise of each scene is and going from there. The thing about a scene's "purpose" is that it's pretty intuitive for me, so I don't really need to state "and this is what this scene will be for!" since I already know in my heart (or can figure it out during editing). But anyway, that little bit of text that's available even when the card is collapsed helps me quickly remember what a scene is about.
The Beige Colour: Okay, so remember how I mention zooming out to see my 53-chapter outline in full? A big part of this is that I actually use my outlines to track my writing and posting progress. The default colour for the cards is actually the same colour as the columns: so Dark Mode Black in my case. When I finish writing a scene, I colour it grey. When I post a chapter, I make it beige. That way, when I zoom out, it's really easy to see how much I've written compared to how much I've posted, as well as how much I have left to write/post.
So yeah! I use my outline not just as a plan for my story and a way to keep track of all the nitty gritty details, but also to track the progression of the drafting, editing, and posting process. It might seem complex to others, but works really well for me. I can find anything I want with ease, and I can learn a lot of what I need to with just a glance. Hopefully this will give you a few ideas on how to creatively use your outlines too!
P.S. This is just the plot for one book in a trilogy alone. It doesn't go into how I've done my worldbuilding notes or character profiles, the latter of which is uh...
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Each one of those icons is actually a full Milanote board you can click on to see their character profiles. OC icons were made using Djarn and Brightgoat's picrews. Idk where that picture I use for Fabian is from and I'm too low on spoons to find out.
(also this relationship chart is outdated so take everything here with a grain of salt)
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