#adora used transformation
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Sword gays showdown, round 4 of bracket three
For Adora:
Finding the sword kicks off the whole show. She transforms into a giant magic lady and is now in charge of saving everyone from the  big bag guys (which she used to be a part of). A bunch of stuff happens, but eventually her identity is now tied to having the sword. She is fully convinced that w/o the sword (and therefore She-Ra) she’s worthless. This culminates in having to destroy the sword or the world ends. She’s super depressed bc her whole self worth was tied to the sword and being she-ra. On the way to save her gf, she turns into way cooler she-ra (her own version of it that is not controlled by the sword which was made by her colonialist ancestors). Her sword is now part of her identity instead of her identity revolving around the sword. 
lesbian chosen one who was given a sword that activated her powers and made her into a living weapon, but she destroyed the sword to save her planet - and then made her own sword with her magic and saved the entire universe
For Ballister:
he could tell when his sword was switched out for a fake, graduated top of his class so we know he's a good fighter, also the scene where he's fighting is hot because he's so confident with a sword in his hand, also he's gay
A canonically gay, disabled, South Asian man takes down the government with his genderqueer shapeshifter sidekick/adopted daughter! He has a swordfight with his ex-boyfriend! in which he defeats about 20 knights singlehandedly! 
top of his knight class this man is a master swordsman
(Movie) He has used a sword since he broke into the Institutes training ground and ended up becoming a knight
He has very divorced vibes with Ambrosius and he uses a sword.
He's a legit knight! So, it's in the fine print.
According to the Nimona movie, Ballister here has been practicing the art of sword fighting since childhood to earn the trust of the city and he was SO CLOSE to becoming a knight. He's also definitely not dating another one of his knight mates (?). Nope. Not at all. This movie is super straight /s I think he also beats an entire army of knights with nothing but his sword and a chaotic good shapshifter so that's pretty cool. He's also south Asian, has a prosthetic arm he made himself and is honestly such a goofy guy (in a good way ofc) if that's anything.
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thestargayzingetherian · 11 months
The She-Ra and He-Man Rights Situation
So today I figured it'd be a nice moment to explain the whole legal rights issues regarding He-Man and She-Ra because I still see a bit of confusion about that from time to time so here’s the whole thing as simply as I can put it. Sooo back in the 80s, Mattel made He-Man in partnership with Filmation and it was a big success. Two years later, they introduced She-Ra, but She-Ra was more heavily co-developed with Filmation and for this reason, a lot of the She-Ra characters and concepts were owned by them Marvel had a similar deal with Hasbro when they made transformers, but the difference was, everything Marvel made was owned by Hasbro themselves. Filmation... seemingly didn't have that with Mattel.
And that's where the trouble started. See, because of various factors (the she-ra toys being sold separately from the He-Man toys and the box office failure of the live action he-man movie) the franchise kinda died and at the same time, Filmation went out of business. There was an attempt to bring back He-Man a few years later, in the form of the 90s new adventures of he-man show, but that failed. (This is where Mara came from btw). And He-Man was basically dead for pretty much the rest of the decade.1 Now we come to the 2002 He-Man cartoon, which was a big hit. As some of you may now, the 2002 he-man was supposed to introduce its own new version of Hordak and She-Ra, but it was unfortunately cancelled after its second season (still great show, def recommend to spop fans)
However, Mattel only directly owns the rights to Horak, most of his henchgoons from the 80s cartoon and She-Ra herself, because they were developed together. It was filmation who were responsible for Catra, Glimmer, Shadow Weaver etc. The Filmation back catalogue was bounced around from company to company for many years and no one really cared about it, because the other two attempts to revive He-Man had failed and no one would really care about the other stuff.
Yes, the spop we all know and love came of this and I think most of us know how that went. But that's where the problem stands right now. Dreamworks could use Adora and hordak no problem... but nothing He-Man related, which is why they had to be really vague about that stuff with SPOP. Mattel also might have sabotaged the Spop toys because they didn't wanna share money. All of this is a bit awkward, because the two main new versions of He-Man now were created directly because SPOP had been the first big hit this franchise had in years. Basically, if the version of Hordak who shows up in season 2 of He-Man revelations looks exactly like his SPOP self and has the same voice, that's allowed. Same goes for Adora.... but if Adora is said to have a gf named Catra, that's when the lawyers get involved.
Tl:dr this is all because someone in 1985 forgot to put the small print in.
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Catra as She-Ra colored
I want her She-Ra outfit to be as lighter than Adora since she’s more about speed and flexibility while also keeping the “superhero” feels to it. She also has a different way to use the sword, she holds it in a knife stand and keeps it short. Only during transformation will it be long.
The moves are more cuts and curves than big blows.
In short, fast and deadly like a cat.
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moonlezn · 7 months
The Story Of Us IV
— Um amor proibido, Jaehyun Jung. Segundo Ato: Tolerate It.
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notas: sofri demais. nem acredito que estamos chegando na reta final de tsou, temos só mais um ex antes do retorno do tal amor. conseguem adivinhar quem é? até semana que vem.
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Desde que Jaehyun te fez dele a primeira vez, como uma substância ilícita, ele transformou os seus sentidos com a dependência. Nada faz mais sentido se não estiver envolvida nele, conversando com ele, pensando nele. Em tudo você vê Jaehyun, e isso preocupa Kun. 
Óbvio que você sabe o quão perigoso e proibido isso é, por isso passa a mentir. Foge para o apartamento do menino durante os horários de almoço apenas para receber uma dose forte, deixando seu corpo ser marcado por ele inúmeras vezes. Quando volta com as bochechas ardendo em vermelho, desconversa com a desculpa de que saiu para correr. 
Não é só pela tarde que se encontram, mas durante certos horários da noite, também escapam para o bosque aos finais de semana. Sempre correndo, sempre amando tão intensamente que você acredita na ideia de que em breve Jae será livre e inteiramente seu. 
Por fora, você tenta passar a confiança de que poderia parar a qualquer instante. Por dentro, está tão seduzida que basta uma mensagem para que vá até ele. 
Tudo parece tão sólido, tão concreto, tão real. No entanto, Kun adora derrubar o seu castelo de cartas, especialmente quando o perigo começa a apertar. Os encontros outrora confortáveis passam a ser dentro do carro em estacionamentos vazios quando as ruas estão desertas, impedindo que a desconfiança da terceira parte aumente. 
— Eu não acredito que você ainda se submete assim. Esse cara não te ama como ele diz, ele não vai terminar, e você tá fazendo uma coisa horrível. — o menino exclama após te ver chegar tarde em casa, indo para o seu apartamento continuar a bronca que começou no corredor. — Acorda, você merece muito mais que isso! Você não é essa pessoa! 
É o mesmo discurso de sempre, não te machuca mais. Porém, ainda sente a pontada de culpa no peito bem aberta todas as vezes que escuta as palavras. 
— Não sei o que você quer que eu fale, Kun. — você declara, a indiferença é dolorosa. Acha uma posição confortável no sofá, observando Kun em pé. 
— Eu quero que você se permita viver como merece. — ele descansa uma das mãos na cintura, a outra afaga o rosto com cansaço. — Fica esse final de semana sem encontrar com ele. 
É um desafio.
O vizinho se ajoelha na sua frente apenas para encontrar os seus olhos perdidos. Os dedos deslizam pela sua bochecha e colocam uma mecha atrás da sua orelha delicadamente. 
— Por favor. 
Não seria muito difícil cumprir o desafio porque o casamento do seu primo mais velho está chegando, então no próximo Sábado você estará na sua cidade natal, bem longe daqui. 
— Tudo bem, eu vou tentar. — sela a promessa com um sorriso fraco e um pequeno beijo na palma da mão do amigo. 
Ele sorri aliviado, a tensão dando uma trégua aos ombros. Porém, pelo horário, ele volta para casa e se prepara para a rotina do dia seguinte. Sozinha, você passa um tempo sob a água quente do chuveiro deixando as lágrimas culpadas e carentes rolarem. A vida não parece mais como deve ser. 
O sítio onde a cerimônia e a festa acontecerão é enorme, nunca tinha ido lá, mas conhecia de nome. Encontrou-se com sua mãe e pegaram a estrada até o lugar tão encantador, já podendo observar as barracas e as decorações quase finalizadas ao alcançarem o destino.
O evento seria em algumas horas, e vocês ainda precisam cumprimentar toda a família e começar a se arrumar. Os parentes celebram a chegada das duas com muito carinho e abraços, apontando as direções logo depois. 
Enquanto se arrumam no quarto duplo reservado para vocês, sua mãe decide iniciar a conversa que adiou desde que haviam se encontrado. 
— Filha, como andam as coisas da vida? — ela indaga como quem não quer nada, selando a base com pó compacto, prevendo que se emocionaria no casamento.
Sente um frio na espinha, ajeita a postura, pensando rápido no que dizer. Não pode contar a sua mãe que está apaixonada por um cara comprometido. 
— Tudo tranquilo, mãe. Trabalho, casa, fotografia, o mesmo de sempre… nada demais. — inventa após hesitar um pouco, segurando o batom nude nos dedos nervosos. Odeia mentir para ela porque as mães sempre sabem de tudo. 
— Mas e o coração? — pronta, a mulher se aproxima e te abraça por trás enquanto você termina de aplicar a maquiagem. 
Você faz uma careta, e ela solta uma risada gostosa. Por um segundo, tudo no mundo parece ser pequeno demais para que haja tanta preocupação. 
— Aquele seu chefe, acho ele bom partido. Não rola? 
Sua mãe admira seu reflexo ao passo que você pondera. Nunca havia pensado em Kun dessa forma, para ser sincera. Você balança a cabeça, estalando os lábios. 
— Não, somos só amigos. 
— Já ouvi essa história algumas vezes. — ela tenta arrancar alguma reação, mas você só deixa um pouco de ar escapar pelo nariz.
O ambiente lá embaixo está completamente caótico, você espia da janela. Descem com cuidado por causa dos saltos e logo se separam, suas tias alugaram a companhia de sua mãe. Decide ir atrás dos primos que não vê há tempos. 
Victoria nota sua presença assim que põe o pé no quintal, berrando agudo e correndo para te dar um abraço. Os irmãos dela e mais primos distantes se misturam um pouco mais à frente, para onde ela te leva.
— Ai, prima… — Vic tem a expressão de fofoca no rosto. — O irmão da noiva é gato demais, mas tem namorada. Será que ela tem ciúme? 
Você ri da piada idiota da prima, estapeando a garota no braço levemente em repreensão. Como se você não estivesse fazendo a mesma coisa… A voz da sua consciência nunca te deixa impune. 
Antes que pudessem continuar o assunto, seus primos te cumprimentaram com comoção. Levantaram seu corpo do chão num laço apertado, cheio de saudades. 
— Nossa priminha tá tão mulherona da cidade grande. — Johnny debocha ao mesmo tempo que elogia, os olhos estão quase fechados de tanto que sorri.
No meio da conversa alta entre os primos, você sente uma sensação estranha de estar sendo observada. Ainda rindo de uma das piadas de Johnny, procura com o olhar a confirmação do sentimento esquisito que te aflige. O que menos esperava era a cena que encontra.
Jaehyun de olhos arregalados te encara, parece congelado. Você, ao perceber que realmente é ele, tem a mesma expressão no rosto. A situação se agrava quando vê que o braço direito do menino está ocupado, entrelaçado na cintura de uma mulher lindíssima e elegante. A namorada. 
A fotógrafa exasperada questiona, e só então partem o olhar porque Jaehyun levanta a mão. O choque é tão grande que ele mal consegue se mover, e você o fita caminhar para o outro lado do sítio, vez ou outra virando para trás para checar se não está maluco. 
Infelizmente não está. 
Não dá para descrever os seus pensamentos. Vergonha, surpresa, decepção. Ao mesmo tempo que quer sair correndo para se esconder, uma enjoo forte te impede de fazê-lo. Tenta mascarar tudo e sorrir para entrar na conversa outra vez, porém, a vontade de chorar se torna difícil de ignorar.
Inspira fundo algumas vezes para mandar embora a tensão que contrai cada músculo do seu corpo, em vão. Em silêncio, para não ser notada, se retira da roda e caminha sem destino pelo sítio, aflita e ansiosa. Apenas se permite chorar quando encontra um pequeno labirinto de arbustos, se enfiando pelos caminhos sem nem saber em qual direção segue.
Seu corpo inteiro treme pelo pranto, sua cabeça nunca esteve tão cheia. Vários flashbacks de vocês dois juntos, dos conselhos de Kun, do sorriso da sua mãe, das vezes em que se sentiu verdadeiramente amada por Renjun… Você se agacha, sem aguentar a avalanche de emoções que empenhou-se em não sentir nos últimos meses te atingindo em cheio.
Tenta se recompor ao ouvir passos próximos, e perde a postura novamente ao ver Jaehyun ali. Ele processa sua figura com dó, respirando ofegante por ter corrido. Sua primeira reação é borbulhar de raiva, por isso levanta as mãos para estapear o peito do homem, que a impede rapidamente. Jae segura os seus punhos com mais brandura possível, abrindo e fechando a boca na intenção de te acalmar, contudo, não é capaz de proferir uma palavra sequer. 
Num reflexo, te envolve num abraço apertado. Ele se martiriza por ter permitido um capricho dele chegar a esse ponto. Antes não tivesse duvidado dos sentimentos dele pela namorada, antes não tivesse se deixado encantar pela sua inocência que o cumprimentou bem no dia que a confusão sobre o futuro do relacionamento dele floresceu. 
— Você me quebrou inteira, Jae… — odeia o fato de estar soluçando de chorar na frente dele. 
Preocupado, põe as mãos sobre o seu rosto. E como na primeira vez em que te amou, seca suas lágrimas, mirando seus olhos bem daquele jeito que te faz estremecer. 
— Eu não tenho como consertar tudo isso, eu sei. — Jaehyun suspira frustrado, entristecido, arrependido. — Mas eu te amo, linda. 
O pior de tudo é que, outra vez, acredita. Acredita porque o beijo melancólico que ele planta nos seus lábios lacra o segredo que você jurava ser uma promessa. 
— Me perdoa… 
O homem não espera sua resposta, nem dá explicação alguma. Assiste-o partir, te deixando sozinha. 
A mente dá um nó, tão embaralhada que demora a se lembrar que uma cerimônia está prestes a acontecer. No modo automático, começa a traçar de volta o trajeto que tinha feito, submersa no próprio interior. Inspirar e expirar devagar te ajuda a controlar o nervosismo de ter que lidar com o problema pelo resto do dia.
Victoria te encontra, por fim. Estava te procurando por bons minutos, a possibilidade de você ter se perdido não era mais tão engraçada. Ela entrelaça os dedos nos seus e narra o que tinha perdido nesse meio tempo em que esteve escondida, sem notar que não presta atenção em nada. 
O sorriso que veste é convincente o suficiente para enganar a todos, menos a si mesma. Naquele fim de tarde, uma chave vira e você consegue perceber que havia se tornado uma telespectadora da própria história. Apenas assiste tudo se desenrolar, não participa efetivamente porque tinha aceitado qualquer coisa de alguém. Desse modo, tomar decisões parecia uma realidade distante, o que te deixou presa no mesmo lugar todo esse tempo.
Não mais. 
Por ironia, cai em si enquanto assiste Jaehyun e a namorada sendo felizes ao cumprimentarem os parentes, tirando fotos e dançando sob os olhares apaixonados um do outro. 
De certa forma foi bom ter levado um choque de realidade. Na estrada de volta para casa, pensando com mais clareza, decide-se: daria a ele uma única chance de redenção, de escolha. 
Ao voltar para a realidade, no entanto, passa alguns dias isolada no seu apartamento. É difícil encontrar coragem para impor o ultimato, ao mesmo tempo que se sente tão suja que não tem forças para enfrentar a situação de frente. Retornou à estaca zero, sofrendo tudo outra vez. Quase se arrepende de ter ido atrás de um novo hobby.
Kun percebe que há algo errado assim que dá de cara contigo chegando de viagem, porém respeita seu espaço. Até que os dias passam, mas sua expressão triste e cansada não muda. Ele sente que precisa intervir, o instinto de cuidar de você grita ao te ver chorar escondida atrás do bebedouro. A carona para casa daquele dia é mais silenciosa do que o normal, visto que o menino não tenta engatar um assunto como nos outros dias. 
— Tá tudo bem? — você pergunta baixinho antes de pôr a chave na fechadura. Sentiu falta da voz dele pelo caminho. 
— Comigo tá, né. — ele suspira, girando o corpo, apoiando-se com a mão direita na parede ao lado. — Mas contigo… quer conversar? 
— Eu fiz lasanha, quer jantar? — devolve a questão, bagunçando com total foco o molho de chaves entre os dedos. 
— Você cozinhou? — Kun finge um choque exagerado porque sabia que o convite era um sim disfarçado. — Então é sério mesmo. 
Começa a esquentar a comida e arrumar a mesa enquanto ele te observa, esperando que você iniciasse o assunto, mas nunca acontecia. No final do jantar, cuidadosamente segura sua mão na dele, deixando um carinho reconfortante na palma. 
— O que aconteceu, hein?
Ali, sob o olhar tão atento e carinhoso do vizinho, desaba mais uma vez. Conta tudo entre as lágrimas pesadas que molham o seu rosto e também os dedos de Kun, que tinha se aproximado para ficar bem ao seu lado. 
— Você não merece isso, meu bem. — ele reclina sua cabeça sobre o próprio peito. — Ele começou, mas quem tem que parar é você.
— Eu vou chamar ele pra conversar essa semana e… — levanta-se, espantando algumas lágrimas ainda restantes e fungando. — vou dar uma última chance pra ele. 
— Como é que é? 
O cenho franzido não significa boa coisa, Kun está irado. Tudo tem limite. 
— Você não vê que precisa terminar com ele? Ele não te quer! — dispara com raiva.
Não é possível que você não esteja vendo a verdade bem na sua frente. Jaehyun sabe bem o que está fazendo, o que só piora. Ele é mau caráter e ponto. 
— Kun, eu… — tenta se explicar, porém ele te corta.
— Não. Você tá sendo…
— Não me interrompe!
Por que ele está falando assim com você? Por que estão brigando? Por que tudo tem que acontecer ao mesmo tempo? 
— Eu preciso saber se ele vai escolher a ela ou a mim. 
Kun ri com escárnio, desacreditado das suas palavras. 
— Isso já tá mais do que claro. Você não é burra! 
Apenas se entreolham, a atmosfera tão tensa que não consegue respondê-lo. Não esperava um conflito justo com ele, o seu refúgio, seu amigo. 
— Quer saber? — ele quebra o silêncio, levantando-se e ajeitando a cadeira de qualquer jeito. — Não vou dizer mais nada. Você é adulta, pode decidir o melhor pra si mesma. 
Ao ouvir a porta se fechar, recolhe-se na cadeira com o pior sentimento do mundo, o de estar completamente sozinha. 
Noite afora reflete sobre o tal melhor para si que precisa escolher, reconhecendo que Kun está certo, sempre esteve. Só que a esperança de ser amada ainda não havia se dissipado, por isso, num breve segundo de coragem, abre a conversa de Jaehyun. 
você: a gente precisa conversar 
Ignora todas as outras quarenta e duas mensagens que ele havia mandado. Logo ouve a notificação, estranhando a resposta tão rápida. Não contava que ele estivesse acordado às duas da manhã. 
Jaehyun: eu tô disponível qualquer hora pra você
você: quinta à noite na casa do seu avô? 
Jaehyun: tudo bemJaehyun: mas olha… eu não vou poder te buscar dessa vez 
Por causa dela, e isso dói mais do que antes. Conhecendo o sorriso e a beleza da mulher, dói muito mais. 
Jaehyun: tem uma chave reserva escondida no terceiro degrau da varandaJaehyun: te encontro lá
Os dois dias que antecedem o encontro definitivo se arrastam em horas cruéis e acinzentadas como uma espécie de tortura, especialmente porque Kun ainda não está muito conversativo. 
A raiva que nutre fica maior a cada escama que cai de seus olhos, mas não é maior do que o medo de perder a companhia e a segurança de ter alguém que te deseja. 
Piora quando, na Quinta, começa a rever as incontáveis fotos que tirou dele, dos encontros, dos segredos. Agora tudo parece tão gritante, você se perdeu quase completamente nessa história fodida de amor. Fez do Jaehyun seu templo, seu céu, seu tudo para enterrar algo que era tão seu e escapou, apenas para acabar implorando para não ser a segunda, as letras pequenas do rodapé que ninguém lê. 
Ainda assim, se prepara com o mesmo perfume frutado que o agrada e veste as roupas com as cores favoritas da paleta dele. 
Na rota que o motorista faz até o bosque, reflete sobre como chegou até ali. Na verdade, pensa sobre possibilidades demais. Se tivesse sumido de vez, ele teria feito algo? Se nunca o tivesse conhecido, estaria feliz? Teria se conhecido melhor? Se tudo acabar, será capaz de aceitar o amor novamente, ou confundiria com tolerância como agora?
Ao reconhecer as árvores altas que rodeiam a pequena casa de madeira, o vento gélido sopra mais forte entre as folhas agora dançantes. Parte sua deseja com toda força que Jaehyun apareça ali com aquele sorriso inconfundível adornado de covinhas que a faria esquecer que para ele aquela não é a prioridade, nem a realidade. A outra parte quer acabar com tudo logo, como remover a faca da ferida para assistir tudo desmoronar e virar ruínas.
Já passa das seis quando você destranca a porta, entrando para se proteger do frio, mas deixa a casa aberta. Mal pode se conter, mesmo tentando se distrair, checa a entrada a cada dez minutos. A espera consome cada célula do seu corpo com uma inquietação assustadora. 
O calor te abraça, então você decide tomar um ar num quintal. Os ouvidos se tornam ainda mais atentos, à espera dos faróis fortes que iluminariam a escuridão da noite ainda mais fria agora. Os passos tomados em volta do solo terroso fazem o tempo passar mais rápido, parece. É incomum que Jaehyun se atrase, mas não se preocupa muito, deve ser o trânsito caótico antes da estrada vazia para o bosque. 
À medida que a hora avança, o frio se torna imperdoável. Decide entrar novamente, checando o celular. Nenhuma notícia, ligação ou mensagem. Estranho. 
Mais sessenta minutos. 
Você decide sentar na cadeira de balanço velha ao canto da varanda para esperar. O ranger da madeira é a melodia que embala os seus pensamentos altos demais quando, ao perceber que já são nove horas, entende tudo, por fim. 
Ele não vem. Covarde. 
Anda até a sala outra vez com raiva, batendo os pés rancorosos para encontrar o telefone na mesa. Desta vez, vibrando sem parar. 
Jaehyun postou um novo story
Cinco notificações anunciando a mesma coisa. Seis, sete… 
Desbloqueia o aparelho com indignação, e também curiosa. Espera carregar com impaciência, o sinal é péssimo ali. 
Ao processar a primeira foto, seus joelhos enfraquecem, te fazendo segurar no encosto da cadeira para não cair. 
A mão de Jaehyun está entrelaçada com uma menor, as duas alianças nos anelares brilham em ouro branco. A feminina brilha ainda mais, o diamante branco e solitário é estonteante. A legenda: ela disse sim. para o resto da vida. 
Parece que seu coração está sendo completamente triturado. Não é possível. 
Passa para o story seguinte, é um vídeo repostado. O melhor amigo de Jaehyun filma à distância a reação dela ao pedido tradicional, com direito a joelho no chão e palmas da família inteira, presente em peso. 
Entender o que está acontecendo parece impossível, nunca achou que sentiria tanta dor. Sem forças, encaminha um dos stories para Kun e fita o nada. Pouquíssimos minutos depois, recebe uma ligação do vizinho. 
— Onde você está? — o desespero na voz dele compete com o que fere seu peito. — ONDE VOCÊ TÁ? 
Finalmente se permite chorar, mas esconde os soluços para respondê-lo. 
— Vou te mandar… a localização… 
— Eu vou te buscar. — ele anuncia, dá para perceber que está correndo. — Não sai daí, por favor. — ouve o ronco do motor do carro ao fundo. Você assente sem que ele possa ver. — Tenta não… Só me espera, por favor.
Obviamente atenderia ao pedido de Kun, não consegue se mexer. Está completamente destruída. Antes que pudesse você mesma remover a faca, Jaehyun a girou e te machucou ainda mais. 
Sentada, você termina de ver os outros stories.
A última memória que teria dessa história seria esta. Você sendo telespectadora pela última vez, sentada e assistindo… 
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gluttonforgay · 1 month
Hot take time: If either of Catradora was a werewolf it'd be Catra. Werewolf would be a metaphor for her anger management issues. The relationship between Adora and She-ra is WAY different than the relationship between the average person who has been cursed and werewolfism. She-ra doesn't make Adora do anything or change how she acts/thinks in anyway. Sometimes Light Hope forces Adora to act differently, but that is not the result of a transformation. Light Hope can just do that
Turning into a werewolf typically forces you to be hyper-selfish. You ignore everyone and go run around in the woods and eat shit or run around in a village and eat people depending. That is very much the opposite of how Adora acts in practice, what with the martyr complex and everything. Having Adora turn into a werewolf forces her to be selfish in a toxic way and almost makes Adora being selfish and taking care of herself bad.
Catra however is perfect werewolf material. She starts out willing to use violence and werewolf powers flippantly, and then later learns restraint. The biggest restraining factor is its hard to make Catra verbally taunt Adora while turned into a werewolf. Other than that Catra's character arc lends itself to being a doggert really well.
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mariaseelie · 1 year
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Adora discovers she can use shera transformations for cosplaying purposes
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n7punk · 5 days
Pairings: Adora/Catra (Catradora). Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018).
Rating: T (for now). Chapters: 2/? (Ongoing). Words: 6.1k so far.
Summary: Adora and Catra stopped speaking not long after they graduated from their acting college and Adora took off on Broadway while Catra struggled to get her foot in the door. Catra used to fantasize about getting to stand opposite Adora on the stage, but two years later playing her love interest sounds more like a nightmare than a dream, even if this musical could finally put her on the map. Adora just wants Catra to stop acting like she’s actually the villain off-stage, but she’s not sure a musical about death is somewhere real love can bloom again. (Heathers on Broadway Catradora AU)
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danielfosseyart · 2 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra
& The Princesses Of Power
-S1E3- 'Razz'
Todays' She-Ra Watchthrough Art: Look I have been having a real shit week or so let me just bullshit this one thanks
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Dumb question but why is Glimmers mom British? Also this is probably just me but it looks like her wings are attached to her hair & I can't stop thinking about it.
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Oh also yo the theme song?
Yeah that's pretty swell.
A big step up from the original cartoon which was just.....sad? It's just like a sad attempt of being a cool retro cartoon theme song. It fails to live up to any of the greats of decades past.
TMNT 87? Iconic. Badass. Groovy. Radical.
Transformers? Iconic as well. Absolutely fucks.
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show? Fucking ART that makes Hans Zimmer look like an absolute fucking dork.
80s She-Ra? It's like watching a cat spray diarrhea across my carpet for a solid minute. It's just sad.
Okay so I literally don't know any of their names but uh-
These two. These two evil goons right here.
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Okay so are they like gay? I don't know why but my brain saw this & went "Is this dude dating that lizard? are they going to smooch?"
I have no evidence or any proof to back up my claim here.
But I'm gonna just assume these two are gay & smooching & holding hands & stuff.
Anyways these goon squad characters are lame, also fuck that one girl who was bullying Cat-Ra, like, damn. The fuck is her problem?
Like leave that cat alone she's a fucking cat. Who bullies a cat??
Fuck you!!
Yeah so the only two goons I find myself enjoying are these two because I just get a strong feeling that they might be gay.
Again, I have no proof or evidence. But I'm gonna just say that they are anyway because I decided that I want to & you can't stop me.
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Also one of them is a lizard dude. Like I said, that objectively makes him cool as fuck because reptiles are rad as hell.
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I fucking squealed at this they're SO IN LOVE AAAAAA
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POV: Glimmer introduces you to her wife (she's magic & can become very tall & glows bc she's just cool like that)
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Also I like, find She-Ra so fucking funny from the design itself?
She's just.....tall. She's a tall lass. Big. Large. Massive. A Tree.
Like, the fact that she's just....big. Like this is a needed change for her transformation. Being taller is an essential part of it.
One of her magical powers is just being really tall I guess. Like that's part of the transformation, she gets BIG. So that's just considered a power, because it makes her taller.
Being a tall fuck is considered a magical ability in this universe.
Also why did this episode just turn into Pixars' Brave (2012) for the middle part? I'm not upset I'm just confused bc I didn't expect to be hit with this sudden flashback to 2012 shit. But I like this old lady.
But (good job daniel you used but twice in a row, you're so good at writing you stupid fucking idiot-) I just kept being reminded of Brave while watching. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I haven't watched Brave in like a decade. Like, damn though, this part just reminded me of it a lot & I feel it's worth mentioning.
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I should rewatch Brave sometime.
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Whore-Dak Update:
Okay Hordak, you get points just because you told Shadow Weaver to go fuck herself. That's incredibly based & awesome of you. To not only tell the wizard bitch to shove her stupid fucking shadow magic fart clouds up her ass. But you also were like "Hey angry lesbian cat, you get a promotion because you're epic" & that's so real.
I respect a villain who doesn't bully cats for no reason.
(other than because you're a huge bitch cough shadow cunt cough)
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You're still nowhere near being Skeletor. But you are definitely a far better villain than the original 80s Hordak was. Keep it up buddy.
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hubristicassholefight · 6 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 2
Adora (She Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Red (Transistor)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
She has a big magical sword for her magical destiny that gives her a magical girl transformation, I love my girl and I love her awesome sword;
Okay TECHNICALLY she is a multi-weapon user since her sword transforms but its usually a sword. Also it is magic and gives her the power to turn into an 8ft magical girl <3; Lesbian magical girl who in addition to being a literal lesbian in canon is also a parable for being queer and breaking free of religious indoctrination <3 She just kicks all the ass okay I love her I'm only on S2 I'm sure someone else who's watched the whole thing will submit her with better propaganda
FOR THE HONOR OF GRAY SKULL *cool music plays, she's got a transformation* and now she's a legendary warrior that defeats the bad guys!!!
Giant technological sword gives adora magic powers and can turn into anything she needs while being She-ra
she is a HUGE sword nerd. her introduction basically has her info-dumping on rare swords and being adorable. also a little pathetic but she’s trying her best and she deserves the world (and also a win)
Has a magical sword that gives her magic powers; Has a magical sword that gives her magic powers
Has a sword that is also the key to her reality’s code, can use it to command the robots that maintain reality. Uses it to stop time and defeat her enemies in the meanwhile. Small woman, hugeass sword. Manages to defeat the original owner of the Transistor in a one on one reality warping sword duel. The sword contains the echoes of the people it’s slain, and also her dead boyfriend; She is full of so much righteous anger I love her. Carve a path through the city girl. A singer whose voice was stolen.
#RED SWEEP#girl saw her boyfriend die and lost her voice#but picked herself up. ripped her own expensive dress and swore vengeance upon the powerful elite that ruined her life
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spopsalt · 3 months
Rewrote spop's ending!
This is a long post! Rewrite under the cut, if you want the TLDR 1. Glimmadora becomes canon. 2. Adora saved the world as Adora with the help of the princesses. 3. Catra is in the crimson waste with a girlfriend 4. Changed a bunch of dialogue 5. Made Horde Prime have more depth than just evilllllll 6. Bow and Swiftwind help Adora as well 7. Glimmer's confession, her other friends support and Angella's last words are what caused Adora to fight against Horde Prime's influence and absorb the failsafe
Glimmer was walking for what seemed like hours, she was trying to find Adora, and she wouldn't let her face this on her own. She finally found Adora. She ran over "Adora!" She was on the ground and Glimmer held onto her "Adora...?" Adora looked at her with teary eyes and spoke in what was barely above a whisper "I'm sorry..." Glimmer's eyes widened "Adora! Please transfer into She-Ra! That's the only way you can survive!" Adora said "I...can't....Horde Prime's virus is stopping me from transforming into She-Ra..." Tears formed in Glimmer's eyes "No. No. No. No! It can't....you're going to make it through this Adora..." Adora shook her head "Glimmer...you need to go...I need to do this on my own..."
Glimmer shook her head "No. I'm not going to leave you. I told you I would stay by your side no matter what, and that's I'm going to do." Tears formed in Adora's eyes "Glimmer..." Adora tried to reach Glimmer with shaky hands, but they just fell back to the ground. Glimmer held back her tears and held onto Adora tightly. "I got you Adora...no matter what." Adora's eyes closed and Glimmer said "Adora...? Adora?!"
Adora imagined herself in a white gown. Glimmer walked over to her in a pink dress that faded into purple with sparkle designs. "Hi Adora! Are you done getting ready? We're about to be late to Scropia's ball!" Adora smiled "I'm ready." She reached out for Glimmer's hand but Glimmer turned into Horde Prime, he smiled "Awww Adora, what a sweet dream. You are so confused, I'm here to save Etheria." Adora began walking back "No...no! You're evil! Your idea of saving Etheria is making everyone just like you!" Horde Prime walked closer to her, Adora tried to walk back but bumped into a wall while Horde Prime laughed "Why of course, I am perfect after all. Don't worry, your future will be happier this way." The background behind Adora shattered revealing just a black void while Adora cried.
She could hear Glimmer's voice "Adora, you are so strong and you will get through this!" Bow ran in on Swiftwind and Adora could hear Bow's voice "Adora you have to do this!" She could hear Swiftwind's voice "Adora, you're our friend! We know you can do this! Please fight it!" Adora said, "You guys...you have to leave...." Adora begged. Glimmer's grip on her tightened "No, we're not leaving you! Everyone's here for you!" Swiftwind said "We are never giving up on you! You're our friend! You don't give up on friends!" Bow continued "Exactly! We'll never give up on you Adora! All of us believe in you! You can do this! All of your friends are here for you! You have to fight it!" Adora cried "Please...leave...you're going to get hurt." Glimmer said "No, please Adora! You can do this! We need you!" The tears Glimmer had been holding back were starting to fall "I need you..."
Adora groaned "Glimmer..." Glimmer said "Adora please..." Bow chimed in "You have to fight!" Glimmer said "Adora, please...I was never able to tell you that I...I..." She held Adora close "I love you...Adora...I love you more than anyone else..." Adora's eyes widened. She remembered Angella's last request "Take care of each other...Glimmer....I...I won't give up on you..." Memories of Bow, Glimmer, Swiftwind, and Angella flew through Adora's mind with all of their support, she attempted to resist the Horde Prime's influence, and try to absorb the failsafe without dying "Not on Bow...not on Swiftwind...not on Etheria...Not. On. Myself!" Adora thrashed and struggled "Adora?!" Glimmer asked. Adora was breathing heavily "I can do this...I can do this!" All of the green scars on Adora's face vanished, she absorbed the power of the failsafe, and her eyes fluttered open. She took out her sword and stabbed the ground, waves of life and light covered the world.
Glimmer was smiling so wide her cheeks were hurting "Adora!" Glimmer said, hugging Adora, crying tears of joy. Bow hugged Adora as well while Swiftwind gave her a nose bump. "You're ok!" Adora smiled, hugging them back. "Thanks, Bow...Glimmer...Swiftwind...thank you guys so much...for supporting me...for not giving up on me..." She looked at Glimmer and smiled "You love me...?" Glimmer blushed and looked to the side, rubbing her neck "Well...uhm...I..." Adora smiled "Glimmer...I love you too..." Glimmer looked at Adora, with her eyes wide. Adora placed her hand on Glimmer's cheek and kissed her. Glimmer held onto Adora, and kissed her back. Adora smiled "I love you so much Glimmer...but there's one more thing I must do." She stood up, walked, found the princesses, and told everyone else the plan and she walked over to Horde Prime, everyone following her close behind.
Adora walked over to Horde Prime. while Glimmer followed. She looked at Horde Prime, took a deep breath, and said "I surrender myself to you." She got on her knees and put her hands up. Horde Prime smiled, "Looks like you finally came to your senses. With She-Ra, Prime will easily rise again." Horde Prime walked over to her and Adora held onto his arms. "Glimmer, Mermista, Perfuma, Sea Hawk, Scropia Bow, Swiftwind, everyone go!" Perfuma restrained him with vines, while Mermista threw water on him, Bow shot him while everyone else, including Adora, with her newfound powers due to the failsafe, attacked him. After a while, he fell to the ground. brutally beaten and bruised. He looked up at Adora. "You're making a huge mistake! I make everyone's lives better! I'm saving them!" Adora stared at him coldly and took out her sword.
After that, Horde Prime was gone. Catra, somewhere in the crimson waste felt her chip go off, and save the crimson waste around her, restored to how it was before. She looked up at the sky, smiled, and said "I knew you could do it. Adora." Catra's girlfriend ran behind Catra and hugged her, while Catra smiled and held onto her hand.
Adora smiled and hugged Glimmer, and Bow. "Thank you guys so much. Bow you are the best friend anyone can ask for, and Glimmer, I couldn't be prouder to be your girlfriend." Bow smiled, while Glimmer blushed. Adora went to Swiftwind and pet him "Swiftwind, you are an amazing stead, thank you all." Bow smiled "Of course Adora! You're our friend." Adora hugged them all, with a big smile on her face.
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comicaurora · 2 years
Do you know of any other good cartoons, especially if they don't end on a cliffhanger?
Is it my birthday already?
ReBoot (s1-3)
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You've already all heard my pitch for this, but TLDR it's set inside a computer, the heroes defend the integrity of their home system by battling viruses, playing games and defeating The User, a godlike being outside their comprehension (aka us). Evolves from episodic pop-culture referential humor into an incredibly immersive and fraught character drama unpacking the nature of heroism, family, growing up and losing who you used to be vs growing up and not losing yourself, and what it means to become a monster to defeat a monster. A series technically canceled that ends on the mother of all cliffhangers, but the season that was canceled was the bonus season they weren't expecting to get anyway, and also it sucks. Watch the first three seasons instead, they form a cohesive overarching narrative and end incredibly satisfyingly.
Batman Beyond
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50 years after Batman: The Animated Series, hooligan with a heart of gold Terry McGinnis becomes the new Batman, quippier, capeless and a bit more irresponsible than the old one, guided by an old and reluctantly retired Bruce Wayne. Basically "what if Batman were Spider-Man", but somehow really good. Like most DC cartoons from that era, ends with a loose "and the adventure continues" vibe. Highly episodic, a couple two-parters sprinkled in there for flavor. Also has a few follow-up comic series, some of which are even good! As a corollary, the other DC cartoons in this zone are also good - Justice League, Batman: The Animated Series, etc.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
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The best version of The Avengers. A team of colorful superheroes slowly assemble over the course of the first half of the first season, fighting a very large rogue's gallery and occasionally each other. Contains the best version of Thor ever written and an astoundingly good portrayal of Captain America, but the entire core cast are well-written and have solid interpersonal dynamics - half the fun of each episode is just seeing what unique friendships every random subset of The Avengers have with each other. Having recently rewatched some of it I can say I actually think the first season is the best it gets, and the second season struggles in places - a few episodes become full-on idiot plots to facilitate certain plotlines (Hulk vs Red Hulk being the worst offender) but the second season has a nice conclusive finale and a few bright spots of characterization. Captain America's writing is rock-solid all the way through, which it needs to be to make the Secret Invasion plotline work. The first season is incredibly good.
Transformers: Prime
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Robots in disguise etc etc, a crack team of autobots live in hiding on Earth fighting decepticons and occasionally ferrying their three human friends to school. Good team dynamics, a fantastic portrayal of Optimus Prime as a rock-solid paragon hero, a team dad and a millennia-old warrior of incredible skill who is very, very tired. Great versions of Megatron and Starscream, lots of other fun secondary characters. Three seasons, portrays a very slow war very well - ground is gained and lost from episode to episode, big battles feature every single asset the heroes have managed to scrape together in previous arcs, etc. Also portrays how fucking terrifying it would be to be a squishy human child underfoot during a giant robot fight. Dwayne The Rock Johnson is in the first five minutes of the show until he gets killed for being too expensive. The 3D animation takes a little getting used to, and I say that as someone who genuinely likes how ReBoot looks.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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preaching to the choir with this one here on tumblr.hell, but this show slaps. A reboot of the 80s cartoon, but the kind of reboot that's basically the story someone would make up when playing with the original's officially licensed action figures. Loyal horde soldier Adora learns to her shock that she's actually on the bad guy side (and also can transform into a magical warrior with a fancy sword) and immediately defects to team good guy, which is seen as the ultimate betrayal by her best friend/repressed childhood crush Catra, who doubles down on the bad-guy thing super hard for four seasons. Characters written with a surprising amount of emotional depth who often react to things more realistically than one might expect - frustration, lingering anger, calling people out for mistreating them, etc. Shouldn't be a high bar, and yet so many shows just use characters as emotionless props incapable of advocating for themselves ever.
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Dracula's wife is killed by the church and he sets out to exterminate all of humanity in retribution. He's opposed by three heroes of varying levels of heroism - his half-vampire son Alucard, the speaker magician Sypha, and Trevor Belmont, last son of the family of monster-hunters who dedicated their entire existence to fighting Dracula. Animation is absolutely gorgeous but very not kid-friendly. Ends on a completely satisfying and happy note, which is shocking considering the tone of the show leading up to it.
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A very, very cozy and adorable urban fantasy slice-of-life story about Hilda, a little girl from the wilderness who moves to the big city with her mother after their house is accidentally crushed by a giant. Features a lot of scandinavian folklore. Got two seasons and a movie that wraps everything up pretty solidly. Absolutely incredible aesthetic with occasional moments of abject horror, just how I like it.
Dishonorable mentions, aka shows I watched but can't 100% recommend because of Grievances I Will Enumerate:
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A warhorse from a war-torn world falls through a portal and gets isekai'd into a brightly-colored magical bubblegum dimension where everyone is a boggle-eyed magical centaur. First season has incredible musical numbers, like broadway level stuff, and it's got some appealing nightmare fuel, but the problem I keep running into is the silly elements are so over-the-top that they undercut the serious parts in a big way. Also, the appeal of a cohesive found family narrative is pretty seriously undercut when the entire found family is composed of joke characters that don't experience plausible emotional investment in their circumstances and don't act like people. The thing is, this isn't a mistake, this is very deliberate on the part of the show and it's doing what it's doing incredibly intentionally - I just don't think I like it.
Dota: Dragon's Blood
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A dragon-slaying warrior gets whammied with a dragon curse that sometimes turns him into a monster, and also about a million other things happen. Not finished yet, so I can't guarantee it won't end on a cliffhanger. Based on a game series I'm unfamiliar with, and unfortunately, unlike Arcane (which I would whole-heartedly recommend, it just currently left off on a cliffhanger) it doesn't really seem to know how to stand on its own without the game lore. It jumps around a lot between a huge number of characters, and a lot of the time it's not clear why we're watching what we're watching. I do like the parts of it I've seen! I just haven't been able to stick with it because it feels so scattered.
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
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An anime based in the universe of Cyberpunk 2077, which is in turn basically just Shadowrun with none of the interesting fantasy elements. A gritty and unpleasant universe where everyone is a jerk, everyone is very narratively disposable and only bad things happen. Seems to have nothing an audience is supposed to get invested in - it gives us a colorful squad of found-family types but covers the entire friend-making in a dialogue-free montage and then kills all of them in like two episodes, it gives us a romance but undercuts it with a timeskip covering the actual getting-together part, it seems to have a theme about how believing you're special is bad but it also demonstrates at several points that the hero actually is kinda special, it has an extremely solid anticapitalist theme but because it's a cyberpunk dystopia nightmare there's nothing any of the main characters can actually do about any of it, etc. I watched it all in one go and the whole thing slid out of my head right after. Also this is a niche complaint but the use of futuristic cyberpunk slang nonstop in the dialogue might really grate on you. The animation is very nice, though.
Tales of Arcadia (Trollhunters, 3 Below, Wizards)
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Urban fantasy series made in large part by Guillermo Del Toro, featuring a whole bunch of characters doing assorted fun things - some chosen by magical artifacts, some alien royalty on the run from a civil war, one the apparently-immortal apprentice of Merlin, etc. I whole-heartedly recommend all three of these shows! I do not recommend the grand finale movie, which feels like it was written by someone who read the script notes for the previous shows and nothing else. Ends with a timeline reset that completely undoes the entire timeline of the series. Because it ends with a retcon, the movie feels comfortable killing characters pointlessly and letting our heroes act totally out of character whenever convenient. A bafflingly terrible ending for a series I otherwise really, really liked.
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket three
For Adora:
Finding the sword kicks off the whole show. She transforms into a giant magic lady and is now in charge of saving everyone from the  big bag guys (which she used to be a part of). A bunch of stuff happens, but eventually her identity is now tied to having the sword. She is fully convinced that w/o the sword (and therefore She-Ra) she’s worthless. This culminates in having to destroy the sword or the world ends. She’s super depressed bc her whole self worth was tied to the sword and being she-ra. On the way to save her gf, she turns into way cooler she-ra (her own version of it that is not controlled by the sword which was made by her colonialist ancestors). Her sword is now part of her identity instead of her identity revolving around the sword. 
lesbian chosen one who was given a sword that activated her powers and made her into a living weapon, but she destroyed the sword to save her planet - and then made her own sword with her magic and saved the entire universe
For Cassandra:
lady in waiting who just wanted to be a guard/knight and could sword fight with the best of them, after an injury to her hand caused extensive nerve damage she had to improvise - fighting with her non-dominant hand and retraining her injured hand, then she upgraded from a regular sword to her unbreakable magic-rock sword for her villain arc <3 
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tanasha · 2 years
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Melog learns that if they transform into a kitten, they’ve got Adora wrapped around their little paw. Catra can resist for a bit, but the combined efforts of Adora and kitten Melog tends to win her over. They use their new power to get all the tuna!
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so there's something i want to talk about.
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i find it interesting that in s1, when adora first transforms into she-ra, she does not seem like herself at all.
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she doesn't even look shocked or confused, she's almost dissociating. her attitude is not like that of adora's at all, she looks dignified and somewhat intimidating. and when i first saw this scene, i genuinely thought that she-ra was sort of a different person. almost like a spiritual possession.
so it was a bit disappointing to see that later on, they make it so that she-ra is just adora but she's taller and more powerful. honestly, there's not even that much of a difference other than that.
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like sure, she's stronger and able to lift heavy things or.. use her sword better? which again, adora was also strong and good at fighting. she just gets a bit of added strength, that's it. for a super powerful "weapon", she-ra doesn't seem to make much of a difference. and she's still just adora (which makes the argument of "catra only attacks she-ra" irrelevant because she-ra is still adora)
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and i feel like the initial effect was a more interesting idea. where she's not entirely a new person, but she's kinda out of it. and maybe the longer she stays as she-ra, the more powerful/out of control she gets.
it would raise the stakes and also gives us an explanation to why the other characters call her she-ra when transformed, and not adora. i don't know how the og she-ra was so i can't make a comparison, but i think it would have been better is she-ra wasn't just adora with better hair and biceps.
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Are these brackets even readable? I dunno. Either way, here’s the bracket!
Matchups (randomly seeded) under the cut to make them easier to read. Each matchup will last a week.
The winners of each bracket will face each other in one final match to discover who is the ULTIMATE magical boy.
Criteria used to decide who got in: 1) Use magic, or 2) Have a transformation sequence, or 3) Fight with the power of friendship (and sometimes that gun they found on the sidewalk over there) or any of the above combined.
edit: Magikal Nuko Len Len has been disqualified due to the only picture being available being disgusting. Sorry for making people uncomfortable by being ignorant and bad at observation.
edit 2: I have been provided a better image of Magikal Nuko Len Len. I’ll be setting his poll back up. Sorry for the confusion, everyone.
Riku Amami (World Embryo) vs Schubert (Classicaloid)
Jio (Magical Crash) vs Kousuke Nitoh (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Tatsuhisa Kamijo (Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens!) vs Black Pepper (Delicious Party Precure)
Taishi Manza (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Judar (Magi)
Cure Kagura (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Cure Lock (Dancing Star Precure The Stage)
Saiga Arata (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Takuto (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Dark Magician (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Mozart (Classicaloid) vs Haruhito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Chiaki Nagoya (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) vs Io Naruko (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Gabe Travolt (Magical How) vs Garnet Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Yue (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
Kairi Sanjo (Shugo Chara) vs Bright Illusion (Elsword)
Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
George Honda (Star Driver) vs Yumoto Hakone (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Merlin (The Sword and the Stone) vs Takeo Takumi (Star Driver)
Yuki (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Qu Le (Magical Boys)
Peter Grant (Rivers of London) vs Blanc (Kidultic Showtime)
Cure Break (Dancing Stars Precure The Stage) vs Basil (Magical Boy Basil)
Kazune Kujyo (Kamichama Karin) vs Superman (My Adventures with Superman)
Mamoru Chiba (Sailor Moon) vs Shun/Schlain Zagar Analeit (So I’m a Spider, So What?)
Ichiro Dougo (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rio Kuroki (KiraKira Precure A La Mode)
Synn Sakura (Twinkle Crusaders) vs Ge Jiuzhong (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl)
Atsushi Kinugawa (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Jason (Kidultic Showtime)
Hinomiya Kaito (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Shining Spiral (Elsword)
Ukiyo Ace/Kamen Rider Geats (Kamen Rider Geats) vs Asahi Minamikawa (Mewkledreamy)
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto) vs Vivi (Final Fantasy)
Ryouma Kirishima (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Magolor (Kirby)
Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier) vs Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky Precure)
Shu Yan (Ye Luoli) vs Takara Utashiro (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Visare Nightfall (Vampire Magicka) vs Hideki Shibuya (Star Driver)
Kikyou (Magical Boy Troubles) vs Ayumu Aikawa (Is This a Zombie?)
Kousuke Kasuga (Kimagure Orange Road) vs Ryuu Zaou (Cure High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Yakumo Katou (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger) vs Ran (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Kirby (Kirby) vs Akihito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Henri Wakamiya (Hugtto Precure) vs Bright Heart (Elsword)
Ikuto Tsukiyomi (Shugo Chara) vs Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Mephisto (Lolirock) vs Max Owen (Magical Boy)
Cure Top (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Blue Knight (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mei Xin (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl) vs Ranmaru Ai (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Antonio Madrigal (Encanto) vs Magikal nuko len len (Vocaloid)
Adora Flora (Magical Mom) vs My Cat Stormy (real life)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai) vs Satoshi Hiwatari (D.N.Angel)
Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files) vs Minatsuki Sakuya (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Haruto Souma (Kamen Rider Wizard) vs Juka Mutsuoka (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Cure Soul (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Souta Kishibe (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Tadase Hotori (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Cosmo (Elsword)
Ryousuke Katashiro (Star Driver) vs Hikaru (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Daisuke Niwa (D.N.Angel) vs Homura Hoterase (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Astro (Elsword)
Kirio Karasuma (Kamichama Karin) vs Takashi Dai (Star Driver)
Felix (Star Warrior Cosmos Leo) vs Eylan Hasegawa (This is the Magical Boy Training Center)
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) vs Giyru (Warriors vs. Warriors)
Daichi (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Xia Lou (Mahou Shounen Shuurai)
Uru Seiren (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~) vs Kevin (Power Up)
Heir of Lightning - Prince Citron (Pretty Princess Pomelo) vs Beethoven (Classicaloid)
Saki Uno (Magical Girl Ore) vs Saiki Kusou (The Disasterous Life of Saiki K.)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) vs Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Wagner (Classicaloid) vs Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bright Marine (Elsword) vs Ultraman Zero (Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends)
Kazama Mika (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Emerald Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Starchild (Scooby Doo) vs Mugendou Niki (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Mashira Shinkiro (Isekai Mahou Shounen Momopuri - Keiji to Yakuza ga Kawaikunatta Kudan) vs Kukai Soma (Shugo Chara)
Itsuki (Josou Mahou Shounen Battle Flyer Itsuki) vs Kuranushi Rin (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rikumori Yuu (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
so many tags.. so so many aghhhhhhhh
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dailycharacteroption · 2 months
Pop Culture Builds 13: Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Few things are more gut-wrenching than realizing that you’re the bad guy, that your entire life is a propaganda-drowned lie that has brought great suffering to others.
Imagine how that inner turmoil only grows when you also learn that you’re the destined hero meant to stop the forces you once worked for… which includes everyone you once called friends, many of which are just as ignorant as you once were.
Such is the role and life thrust upon Adora, former solider of the (Evil) Horde, who was captured and made to realize the horrors she was culpable in, and then discovered a magic sword which imbued her with the divine power she needed to become the Princess of Power: She-Ra! (Now if only things were as simple as the original 80’s show…)
We actually did another character from this show a while back, Shadow Weaver, who had a personal hand in the raising and training of both Adora and her friend, Catra, which is a whole can of worms in it’s own right. Suffice to say it’s a traumatic and emotional tale.
But how do we build Adora in Pathfinder? Well, let’s take a look, shall we?
Without going into too much detail, Adora is a First One, part of an ancient civilization that spanned the stars. Functionally, however, she is human, but that doesn’t have to be the case for your build.
The real trick was figuring out what class to make her. I went through a lot of ideas, but I settled on the following. While her powers are not truly divine in nature (and in fact probably best are defined as druid-like primal magic due to it’s source), I finally decided that Adora should be a paladin with both the warrior of holy light archetype and the legate archetype. The former gets rid of spellcasting in favor of being able to channel raw magical energy into a versatile light with multiple effects. Meanwhile, the legate archetype is defined by it’s ability to conjure magical armor that can be tailor-enchanted to suit the situation, which is a good stand-in for her transformation into She-Ra. Naturally, she also chooses the weapon bond.
Adora is a warrior first, so most of her feats should probably be classic options that improve her prowess, such as Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, and of course feats which require those as prerequisites.
The signature equipment of She-Ra is of course the Sword of Protection, which is much more than it appears, and while eventually she does not need it, a reflection of it (or more accurately, the true sword) remains part of her arsenal. As such, I’d probably build it as a unique longsword with the transformative enchantment as well as a multitude of spell-like and supernatural abilities, such as elemental manipulation, transforming animals into divine beings, and so on. Beyond that, Adora doesn’t carry much, but she uses whatever she needs for the current situation.
Like I said earlier, though, there are other paths you might take. For example, you might drop the warrior of holy light archetype to gain access to the buffing spells and offensive spells of the paladin. Or you might make her a magus with lots of buffing spells. I also considered both the magical child and zealot vigilante archetypes as well, but decided that both of them rely too much on their spellcasting to really reflect Adora’s abilities, but you’re welcome to try them out.
A divine warrior that channels raw divinity and summons her armor wherever they need it. That’s certainly appealing enough to try even if you’re not making Adora herself.
That does it for today though, check back tomorrow for more!
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