#aegoromantic positivity
genderqueerdykes · 9 months
here's to the romance repulsed aromantics. not wanting to date or have a marriage or partnership is okay. it's not unhealthy, shameful or bad to enjoy being single and wanting to stay that way. not wanting to be involved in discussions about romance or other peoples' romantic lives is not a personal attack against the people who have them. not wanting to be touched, called pet names or shown affection is a proper boundary to establish if that's how you feel. not having an interest in fictional romances (romantic comedies, shipping, etc.). is not a moral failing. not wanting to be near or witnessing romantic displays, fictional or real does not make you an asshole.
you are allowed to assert what oversteps your boundaries. you are allowed to curate your experience online and have conversations with those you interact with in real life about your boundaries. you do not owe the world romance or time and attention for it when your needs aren't being met. your experience as an aromantic person deserves to be positive when and where possible, just like anyone else's- you do not deserve to be uncomfortable
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hello-im-queer · 9 months
I wanna tell my friends how much I love them and that I wanna hang out with them constantly and talk to them the whole time and tell them they look great and tell them that I have a deep platonic crush on them but
They'll think I'm a weirdo
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thetisming · 8 days
the aromantic community is really alienating to anyone who isnt the perfect aromantic
for one, they have to be asexual. they also have to be alloplatonic. they have to hate romance. they have to hate shipping. they have to think friendship is inherant to the experience of life. they have to be aplphobic, intentionally or not.
hi, i'm an aromantic who loves romance and shipping. this doesnt mean i hate being aromantic. i'm also asexual and alloplatonic! but just because i support aroallos and aplatonics, i feel uncomfortable in the aromantic community and aromantic spaces.
i know and love aplatonics, aroallos and non repulsed aromantics. and the aro community revolves around friendship and sex repulsion (specifically the aroace community, which seems to think it's the only aromantic experience) and romance repulsion.
i would also like to mention that the asexual community is the same about alloaces, and of course theres the aroace overlap where they all hate apls.
being aroace while not being repulsed and not being aplphobic is alienating. it fucking shouldn't be. accept that some of us have a different experience and some of us don't think friendship is universal or inherant to the aromantic experience. does any of this make sense.
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zeroxir · 9 months
List of aromantic spectrum identities/microlabels! ↗
Aegoromantic - being aromantic but still liking romantic things in a way that doesn't involve yourself. (movies, fanfic, etc)
Uniromantic - only experiencing romantic attraction to one person, and none for anyone else.
Cupioromantic - being aromantic but still wanting a romantic relationship.
Aroflux - fluctuating between different orientations on the arospec.
Myrromantic - being multiple labels on the arospec.
Apresromantic - only feeling romantic attraction after feeling another form of attraction. (platonic, sensual, aesthetic, etc)
Platoniromantic - not experiencing/feeling a difference between romantic and platonic attraction.
Idemromantic - differentiating platonic, romantic attraction, and relationships but feeling no significant difference between them.
Ceaseromantic - having your romantic attraction occasionally stop completely for a period of time.
Duraromantic - rarely feeling attraction, but when you do, it lasts for a long time.
Limnoromantic - only having your attraction piqued by depictions of it, but not of them in real life. (fanfic, writing, etc)
Aliquaromantic - not feeling attraction unless under specific circumstances.
Duoromantic - having two or more defined arospec orientations you switch between.
Acoromantic - being arospec because of past negative experiences.
Polarromantic - swapping between extreme attraction and none at all.
Schroromantic - being romantic and aromantic at the same time, or a mix of the two. (name coming from schrodingers cat)
Borearomantic - when your attraction seems to revolve around one person in particular.
Burstromantic - feeling attraction in sudden bursts which then fades away or leaves immediately.
Preromantic - feeling that you haven't had enough attraction to determine your orientation.
Quoiromantic - feeling your attraction doesn't exactly align with allos or anywhere on the arospec, not identifying with any labels, or feeling that you don't want to label your attraction as doing so wouldn't make sense. (multiple definitions)
Arospike - usually not experiencing attraction but sometimes having rapid and intense attraction which then plummets again.
Propeestromantic - having at least more than two labels on the arospec that feel mixed and all describe your identity.
Nebularomantic - having trouble distinguishing romantic attraction from platonic attraction due to neurodivergancy.
Recipromantic - only feeling attraction for someone after knowing they experience that attraction to you.
Requeroromantic - feeling limited or no romantic attraction due to trauma or emotional exhaustion.
Thymromantic - feeling attraction that varies depending on your emotional state.
Noviroromamtic - feeling your complicated romantic attraction cannot be contained by a single term.
Metaroromantic - experiencing attraction that cannot be defined by the strict terms of romantic and platonic.
Placioromantic - having no desire for romantic acts to be done for you, but feeling interest or desire in doing them for someone else.
Hyperaromantic - having more romantic desires than allos while still being on the arospec. (different from hyperromantic, a non arospec identity caused by trauma)
Apathromantic - someone who may or may not have romantic attraction, but feels indifferent to receiving it or acting on it.
Caedromantic - having once had romantic attraction, but feeling like it was lost or "cut away" somehow due to trauma.
Demiromantic - only experiencing romantic attraction after forming an emotional bond with someone first.
Grayromantic - rarely having romantic attraction, feeling it weakly, or having it unreliably come and go. (multiple definitions)
(these are all part of my aro hoard, and i just posted this for no reason)
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Being not only aroace but specifically oriented aegosexual and cupioromantic has a really interesting effect on how I view amatonormativity.
We have talked about how aspecs don't subscribe to conventional amatonormative ideas and often exist outside of those, not needing sense or romance. But for those of us who are sex/ romance neutral or favourable it changes the entire premise.
Generally, the consensus is that sexual / romantic acts are based on sexual/ romantic attraction and when that isn't there it's either fake or unhealthy or even in some way predatory. Of course sex without attraction isn't "new", neither are romantic relationships without attraction. But they aren't ever seen as the "real deal". Sex work is work but is it the same as "just sex"?
An asexual person, who genuinely wants to have sex, challenges that premise. An aromantic person who is in a happy, committed, romantic relationship uproots the whole concept. Suddenly, those things are just acts. They are just things that you do (or don't) because you want to (or not). And it leads to questions. Sex is still fairly well-defined as an act. But what makes a romantic relationship romantic? The common answer is "the feelings" "the love" or something like that. Not to say that those aren't valid and important, but I think the real answer, for allos and aspecs alike is much subtler. (I don't have it, it's very individual).
Anyway, it's like the closer you look at it, those amatonormative concepts don't really hold well, even within an allo society. And I think that's super cool.
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lawofcollage · 11 months
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The aego/autochoris pride flags! (The beginning part is interchangeable)
Autochorissexual, Aegoromantic
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It's valentine's day and I just wanted to remind all my fellow aros and arospec people (and even the allos who aren't into romance): you are valid, you are loved, you're identity and feelings do not make you weird or unnatural. You are you and that is beautiful. So for all the romance-repulsed, romance-neutral, romance-positive, to the aros who are in romantic relationships, to the ones who aren't but want to be, and to the ones who don't and are happy. Happy Valentine's day, remember today is about love, so love yourself and love your community. You are beautiful.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
So, i was thinking about how was i going to explain my aroace identity to a friend for reasons, and i found really interesting how complex the aspec identities can be (not to say that other identities aren't, bcause ofc they are, people are ver complex, but im talking about the specific way the aspec identity can be so different and complicated from person to person)
Like, i'm just one person, and i find so hard to explain to other people on detail what my identity is. Like, sure, the simple thing is to just say "hi, im aroace and i don't experience romantic or sexual attraction :)" but that doesn't begin to cover all of my feelings!!!
Like, i'm sex postive but also sex-repulsed!! I don't quite understand it, and i don't like to even glance at sex, but you don't know that just because i told you i was ace. You wouldn't know that i can't quite differentiate between sexual and sensual attraction, so i just assume i don't feel neither.
You wouldn't also know how i feel about the multiple physical ways to show affection, and how context changes them for me
But specially in the romantic part, yeah you would know i don't experience romantic attraction, but you wouldn't know how much i love the concept of romance, and romance in media, and how cool i think other's experiences are!!! You wouldn't know i'm a sucker for romance, or how cool i think polyamory is. You wouldn't know the grief i felt when i discovered my aroness and how badly i wanted to fall in love, and my journey to accept myself and in the process discovering my love for platonic love (which doesn't replace the romantic love, i love it in a different way)
You wouldn't know how much i love the idea of having queerplatonic partners or the specifics of how i would like that to go, you wouldn't know how much i yern for having platonic partners that are my family and friends, you wouldn't know how that attraction works
And, you wouldn't know all of my journey that is part of my identity, all of the love and loss and all the tears that i cried, all of the time having a crisis and learning to love myself
And talking about the journey, you wouldn't know how hard was it to find out that the simple aroace label fit me, you wouldn't know how much i jumped from label to label, how each one changed me, how i slowly come to be at peace with IDing as aroace.
Even if i went and said "Hi, i'm aroace, sex postive but repulsed, cupioromantic, aegoromantic, i want multiple queerplatonic partners but i don't like to label my platonic attraction, i don't think i experience sensual attraction, and i feel really strong about friendship, family, and pet love" it just isn't enough
And then there are a lot of aspec people out there, with so many diverse experiences!!! It's so cool!!! i love aspec identities so much!!!
(and i still have no idea how to explain my identity to my friend lmao, its so hard to explain all of this out loud, and even in writting like this i feel that it just, isn't enough)
And i know i don't *have to* explain it to her, but i think i want to, i don't want to give her just a basic explanation of this part of myself, i want her to understand
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jamiepoet · 10 months
I think the song. ghost of Chicago by Noah Floersch really describes my vibe of finding a good best friend. One that I know will stay with me, even if it’s supposed to be Romantic it’s still a vibe.
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
aegos are valid as fuck
shoutout to my fellow aegoromantic people because people forget we exist sometimes :DDD
since i keep having to explain what aegoromantic is, for anyone reading this who doesnt know, heres a quick explanation!
aegoromantic people dont experience attraction or necessarily want a relationship, but we like the idea of romance and usually like shipping and stuff like that. 
i see a lot of people being like “aros shouldnt like any romantic media” but as an aro who really loves romantic shit i feel like i should say that its completely valid to like it! oR NOT! you dont HAVE to like romantic shit. its okay if you do tho. like youre not an invalid aro if you watch cheesy romcoms or like to read romance books or are a shipper. 
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shiutsu · 1 year
romantic ships are the best and are superior to the platonic ones.
platonic ships are just boring and uninteresting.
Everything that I'm not apart of and is better in fiction is always great tbh.
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my lgballt sona!
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wings: arospec, acespec
tail: catgender
misc: pangender, androgyne
pins: aegosexual, aegoromantic
ball: genderfluid, bisexual, xenogender
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belinhagamer999 · 6 months
[PT: Repulhyperromo /END PT]
An asexual label for aromantics that are hyperromantic and repulsed(apothiromantic) at the same time, it can be difficult to understand your romanticism for that reason. The person might have romantic attraction only to some romantic scenes, and repulsed for everything else, can feel disgust and strong attraction at the same time, etc.
This label is for every repulsed hyperromantic, not only by trauma but due bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia etc.
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This is a version of Repulhypersexy
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gillipopmoji · 2 months
seems like a rite of passage as an emoji creator to make pride flag waving emojis, huh? i decided to make sad and flustered versions as well as positive ones :)
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ive got queerplatonic, trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, intersex and aegoromantic ones queued so it you want a different flag or facial expression feel free to send in an ask (or just edit it yourself lol)
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zodiac-blood · 1 year
There's always this weird disconnect with my attractions because of being aegoromantic, I feel attraction, often more vaguely than others. But I also just dont want to be in a relationship. Even though I know that's what you're supposed to do when you feel attraction, and sure the benefits of relationships are positive, I just don't really enjoy it. I'd rather just experience the joy of attraction than actually try and act out ultimately unfulfilling relationships.
Same goes for sexuality and all the tertiary attractions I experience. Sex just isn't fulfilling at all, nor is most sensuality really.
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Should maybe make some sorta introduction.
Uh... Hi, I'm Scrumptavis Foxtavan Glitterworth.... Scrumptiousfoxglitter... SFG... AJ kinda..? Whatever works, I honestly don't care all that much. Aegoromantic and apothiosexual but romance and sex positive. Any pronouns work, kinda got an unlabeled gender going on here. Also pretty Christian, so...
Proshipping, pro-genocide, hate to any queer identities (i.e. TERFS/transphobia, exorsexism, homophobia, biphobia, panphobia, arophobia, acephobia, anti-SAM ect.), or just any inherent sexual/romantic/gender orientation in general, hate to any religious beliefs, sexism, MAP, ableism to any disability (visible and invisible), classism, pornographic accounts (though I don't expect them to actually acknowledge this), overall jackassary, and apologists for any of the above.
There's probably more but this is all I can think of for now. Anyways, on this blog I mainly do whatever. Consistency is a dying art form. It's probably mostly reblogs related to things that interest me (i.e. aro and/or ace positivity, magical pastel horses, cats, hating the rich, ect.).
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