#aeternum vale
onlyhurtforaminute · 3 months
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subterraneanwatcher · 2 months
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dramioneasks · 3 months
I'm wondering if you can recommend any fics where Draco gets tortured by Voldemort, Snape, Lucius, or Bellatrix, during sixth year Hogwarts?
Or fits with the most realistic and well-done torture scenes in a story that isn't entirely dark? Thank you!
Broken - sbz0702 - M, 11 chapters - After saving Hermione Granger’s life in the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy has disappeared. Hermione has vowed to find him, but can she? And if she does…what exactly will she find? EWE. Eventual Dramione.
The Just World Fallacy By: MissiAmphetamine - M, 26 chapters, Words: 225,581 - Sequel to “The Risk-Reward Ratio.” The weight of the war begins to break both Hermione and Draco as they struggle to survive capture, betrayal, isolation, the consequences of their actions, and other perils and scars of war, with their lives and relationship intact. Nothing is ever easy, or even fair, but there’s nothing they can do but keep fighting. Facebook: /theriskrewardratio
The Power of Love By: cleotheo - M, 42 chapters - A teenage pregnancy leads Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy to seek the help of the Order. But when Voldemort discovers Draco’s secret he has the perfect leverage to get the young wizard to do exactly as he wants.
Aeternum Vale by H3lpM3Now - T, 10 chapters - "You’ll die alone, you know. Sulk around and complain about being lonely - until you rot away without anyone caring.“
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elcitigre2021 · 6 months
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Consciência e eletromagnetismo
Todo ser é um campo eletromagnético. Emana e atrai. É uma coisa simples de entender e difícil de aceitar. E essa dificuldade é a fonte de todos os problemas e sofrimentos.
O tempo todo isso acontece e não há como evitar isso. Estamos imersos num gigantesco campo eletromagnético. Tudo que foi emanado mais cedo ou mais tarde voltará multiplicado.
Isso também pode ser explicado como: semeou colheu, causa e efeito, ação e reação etc.
Quando uma pessoa entende isso a solução dos seus problemas está a caminho. No devido tempo tudo será solucionado. Para esse campo não existe tempo nem espaço. É aí que entra a eternidade. Tudo é energia e tudo tem um campo eletromagnético. Todos somos feitos de átomos. Energia nunca desaparece. Só se transforma. Portanto, um campo energético é eterno. Isso significa que biologicamente podemos trocar de forma n vezes, que continuaremos existindo na nossa energia inicial. Essa energia inicial contém toda a informação desde sempre. Tudo no universo é energia e informação. Essa energia emana informação e atrai informação. Da mesma forma que atrai mais energia. Na mesma frequência que emanou. Toda energia vibra numa determinada frequência.
Posto isto é fácil aceitar a reencarnação. O corpo morre, mas a informação e energia permanecem. Portanto, tudo que foi emanado permanece e continua atraindo. Pode-se ter outro corpo ou não, a emanação e atração continuam. Ad aeternum. 
Entendido isso fica fácil para a pessoa entender por que as coisas não melhoram na sua vida. Vejamos alguns exemplos:
Uma pessoa faz pedidos de dinheiro, casa, carro, apartamento, fazenda de gado etc. Quando está no trânsito e alguém lhe dá uma “fechada” a reação é xingar de tudo que é palavrão a outra pessoa. Todo palavrão emite uma frequência baixa. Toda frequência emitida é atraída de volta. Essa raiva emitida tem de voltar para o emissor. Não existe outro jeito. É o campo eletromagnético. Enquanto a pessoa não mudar seu comportamento e parar de xingar continuará emanando e atraindo. Quais as consequências? Toda energia polarizada negativamente atrai energia polarizada da mesma forma. Negativo atrai negativo. Semelhante atrai semelhante. Isso vale para tudo. Logo, novos problemas aparecem e a dificuldade de solucionar os anteriores continua. A casa, carro, apartamento continua difícil de conseguir.
Desde a primeira vez que o ser emanou uma determinada frequência e teve as consequências disto o problema precisa ser resolvido. Isto é, aquela energia e informação continuam atuando na vida do ser. Seja que formato ele tiver. Ou estágio estiver. Se isso não é polarizado de forma positiva a negatividade continua atraindo situações iguais. Mesmo depois de 10 mil anos ou 500 mil anos isso continua acontecendo. Ou milhões de anos. Em última instância o tempo não existe. Existe o eterno agora. O tempo é uma criação mental do ser. Ele elabora isso considerando o que já passou, o que está passando e o que passará. Para isso ele dá o nome de passado, presente e futuro. Quando na verdade tudo isso está acontecendo ao mesmo tempo. Se você está num avião a três mil metros de altitude e olhar para uma estrada com carros em movimento entenderá o conceito. Considere uma estrada de 100 quilômetros de comprimento. Se focar num carro que está no quilometro 50, o motorista deste carro acha que o tempo presente é o que ele está vivendo. Se focar no quilometro 80 é o futuro daquele carro e se forcar no quilometro 20 é o passado. Essa é a visão de mundo do motorista. Você que está no alto vê tudo ao mesmo tempo. Para você não existe passado, presente e futuro naquela estrada. Tudo está acontecendo ao mesmo tempo. Depende do referencial de cada um. Agora, imagine uma nave espacial e o astronauta olhando o planeta Terra ao longe. Ele tem a mesma visão de mundo em relação a você. E outro astronauta fora do sistema solar tem a mesma reação. E outro fora da galáxia a mesma coisa. E um que abarcasse o universo inteiro veria da mesma forma. Tudo acontecendo ao mesmo tempo. 
As transmissões de rádio da Segunda Guerra Mundial ainda não saíram o sistema solar. Para nós é passado, para um planeta que está exatamente onde a onda está chegando é o presente e para um planeta distante é o futuro. Quando a onda de rádio chegar lá eles vivenciarão o presente e o futuro dependendo da referência espaço/temporal deles.
Com o emaranhamento quântico tudo está acontecendo ao mesmo tempo e tudo se comunica ao mesmo tempo.
Voltando ao nosso problema. Uma pessoa está recebendo um troco de um caixa no banco. O caixa erra no troco e devolve a mais. O que fazer? Levar vantagem? Essa decisão envolve uma emanação e atração pelos milênios a frente. Até que uma ação positiva, polarize a energia e substitua a energia negativa criada por esta decisão. É uma coisa simples de decidir. Se vocês assistirem ao filme que conta a vida de Sócrates entenderão perfeitamente a questão e o que tem de ser feito. É fácil a decisão? Não. Levar vantagem está entranhado no cérebro reptiliano nosso. O complexo-R da medicina. É preciso um extremo esforço para não levar vantagem. Com o passar dos anos esse esforço fica mais fácil de ser feito e naturalmente a pessoa “solta” o dinheiro a mais que o caixa iria dar. Quanto mais pensamento reptiliano a pessoa tiver mais difícil será. É por isso que “soltar” é um exercício diário que todos temos de fazer até atingir a perfeição do soltar.
E “furar” a uma fila? 
E dar um orçamento muito acima do custo do conserto do carro?
E receber uma propina para decidir por uma licitação ou outra?
E não ajudar a resolver os problemas deste planeta? 
E não estudar e desenvolver o máximo do seu potencial?
Existe uma correlação direta entre o que a pessoa pensa, sente ou faz e os resultados que obtém. Agora ou daqui a um milhão de anos. E o argumento de que pessoas do mal estão tendo sucesso não é válido. Porque no futuro toda a emanação que estão fazendo voltará para elas. Com certeza. 
Os exemplos são infinitos. A questão é entender o conceito. Cada pequena ação destas cria uma energia negativa. Essa energia negativa se soma ao que já havia e vai se tornando uma massa energética enorme. Que atrai exatamente o igual a ela. E a pessoa continua fazendo afirmações, pedindo e tudo o mais que se faz para conseguir o que se quer. Porém, as situações demoram a mudar. Qual a razão? Toda essa energia/informação negativa acumulada. É preciso tempo para resolver isso. É possível resolver? Claro. Dentro do devido tempo de acordo com quantidade e qualidade da energia negativa armazenada. É por isso que temos de pensar muito antes de tomar uma decisão. As consequências são eternas.
Tudo isso é pura física. São fatos. Não são crenças. Crenças são opiniões. Fatos são a realidade. Não acredito na lei da gravidade, mas se me jogar de um prédio morrerei. Não acredito nas leis do trânsito, mas se entrar numa contra mão poderei mais cedo ou mais tarde criar um acidente. Toda pessoa pode acreditar no que quiser. Mas, as consequências são inevitáveis de acordo com as leis que regem aquilo. Se a pessoa tem uma crença que é igual à lei que rege aquilo ela não terá problema algum. Por isso ter conhecimento é tão importante. É preciso entender como o universo funciona. Daí os problemas desaparecerão no devido tempo.
É neste ponto que entra a paciência. Sem paciência não há solução para nada. O problema já foi criado no passado. Agora é o momento de resolvê-lo e ter a paciência de esperar que a energia seja despolarizada. Essa paciência pode ser de anos e anos? Pode. O tempo não existe. E quem quer resolver não está preocupado com tempo. Querer algo por querer gera energia negativa. É por isso que “soltar” é fundamental. 
Portanto, somente mudando internamente e tendo outra atitude é que nossa vida melhorara. No devido tempo.
Hélio Couto
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cassatine · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you would like to)!
i love all my babies equally, even the cringe ones, buuut currently the top five is thus:
ministry of information, SW Prequels. aka the fake propaganda speeches fic that started my obsession with the Padmé/Palpatine team-up verse.
for they shall inherit the earth (but first, Ravka), Shadow and Bone, Genya-centric. tis about giving the finger to books i haven't even read but mostly about overthrowing the monarchy via inventive poisonings. it was also very fun to write.
and the songs shall last long and long, GOT/ASOIAF, post-show Jon 'make canon work' fic that's really about grief and healing and rebuilding - possibly the most personal thing i've posted. also my love letter to the Free Folk i guess.
aeternum vale | SW Sequels. i'm still very satisfied with the POV thing going on in that one, but it's hard to describe it in a way that doesn't spoil the twist. mostly i'm attached because i think before i was all about form, and after i was about the marriage of form and content, so it's like a milestone.
Fear and Loathing in Thra: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the urSkek Dream, Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. skekGra and urGoh, aka two assholes on a roadtrip. a comedy, feat. inhuman amounts of drugs.
thanks for the ask <3
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albumarchives · 2 years
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Doom:VS | Aeternum Vale (2006)
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rausule · 8 months
Biographia Iesu
Ex altera vero parte, Cris veri et proprium sermonem vanis discipulis in occasu Ultimae Cenae reservat (22.21-38) Multo brevius quam officialis ille qui a Ioanne Evangelista relatus est (cann. 13-17), salutatio haec. maximeque det sa pastort esse videtur ad futurum Ecclesiae, quia non tentamur potentia, nec opibus nec vi. Sermo, qui tamen a discipulis statim non intelligitur, ad quos Iesus, in fine, hominem reservat: « Sufficiat propter scissuras suas.
Instante vale cena celebratur, quae in Sligrana iudaicum Pascha et christianam resurrectionem manifestat. Multum interest attendere ad verba quae Gesa in patera vini profert, comparandae sunt cum iis quae a Paulo et Marco Matteo relatae sunt. Est quaedam nina comparatio, quam proponere volumus, quia refert vitam variarum communitatum christianarum originum perplexorum verborum a Christo ultimo illo novissimo vesperi memoriam.
Luke 22.20
Hic calix novum testamentum est in sanguine meo, qui pro vobis fundetur. Hic calix novum testamentum est in meo sanguine.
Hic est sanguis meus, sanguis testamenti, qui pro omnibus effusus est.
Hic est sanguis meus testamenti, qui pro omnibus effusus est in remissionem peccatorum.
1 Corinthians 11.25 Mark 14.24 Matthew 26.28
Sancti duas formas configurant, prima Lucano-Paulina, forsan typica Ecclesiarum matricis graeco-Pigan, quae significat "nu societatem", id est, in biblios lingua ad perfectum et aeternum foedus inter Deum et hominem stipulatum. non su temle de lapide sed in corde hominis edito per Ieremiam 01.31-3 edito oraculo annuntiatur). Secunda, a Mar Matte evocata et fortasse cum Ecclesiis Stro-Palaestinis coniuncta, in scaena Foederis Sinas annuit, omnes moventes victimarum sanguine obsitas caesorum et pars altera populo sparsa; foedus in sanguine repraesentans, Interea tamen praevidit finem dramatis horae; sanguis fusus alludit ad sacrificium "personale" quod apud poes Cr .
Narratio passionis Gesi secundum Lucam, sicuti Matthaeus, successum habuit in historia musicae basti cura Heinrich Schatz, Georg Philipp Telemann, qui totidem ad quadraginta sex "Passio Cut (ante has viginti tres) et Quotquot decem ad Lacs probationi dicati (sal set glute noil, et tempore prope Pasin secundum Lucam per Poloniam Krzysztof Pendereck, anno 1965 pro celebrationibus septimi centenarii ecclesiae cathedralis Monasteriensis compositi sunt.
interesting notare prospectum secundum quem Luca legit qorgli eventum proculdubio exemplaris aspectus apparet
r, ex discipulatu, ex imitatione Christiana Hic est Petrus post perduellionem dimissus hic est Cire qui portat co.
"post Jesum": hic est mors Christi variis notis comparata narrationi aliorum evangelistarum
Gesa enim exspirat ignoscens suis crucifixoribus: “Pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt (2334) C.
si extrema verba nescio, amarae Psalmi 22. ut apud Matthaeum et Marcum: Du mio, Dio mis perchè mi hai.
bene confidit et serne de Saima MA ab incationibus patris iterum postulatur, c
abb "Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum (23.46). Videlicet discipulus etiam invitatur ad faciem mrte de coche - iterum secundum Lucam - diaconum et protomartyrem Stephanum "Stephanum orantem lapidaverunt et dixerunt. : Domine Jesu, suscipe spiritul Deinde genua mea flecto et clamo fte: Domine, noli imputare hoc peccatul" LA1739-60 Chanche aliam rationem sublineare. Ex altera parte, racle racle . ninaga recusatio Natant, post famno synagogae discursus programmaticus (416-30). Nunc in processu Sindrio consumptum est, sed etiam in dhalogs cum ehner mulieribus quae fortasse quaedam confraternitas pertinebat.
bonae mortis et accedentes gesi pro orners, receptis pro hac admonitione Filiae Jerusalem
Nolite ergo solliciti esse in me sed circa vosmet ipsos et super filios vestros (23.27-311
Et tamen e contrario adhuc ex utero Thoracli, sed tunc ab ultimis, a "mallars" (graece, esepetes putant rebelles anti- helots Romanos), novum populum. fidelium florent E. infam, hard Lucas ca la famma soma de duobus latronibus, in re duorum damnatorum capitalium poenarum, fortasse ob causas politicas (23,39-431 unus e duobus invocat "Iesu, memento mei" Cum Regnum tuum intraveris Et Iesus "Vere tu, inquam, hodie erit comme nel paradisus. Et facile est, hoc punctis, excedere commentarium iam memoratum Jorge Luis Borges in aliquo versu de su Lace xx, poema. exstant in collectione articulari (19).
calon tempo omnia perdat
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umberto1612 · 9 months
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Hastam alii galeamque ferunt, nam cetera Turnus
victor habet. Tum maesta phalanx Teucrique sequuntur
Tyrrhenique omnes et versis Arcades armis.
Postquam omnis longe comitum praecesserat ordo,
substitit Aeneas gemituque haec addidit alto:
"Nos alias hinc ad lacrimas eadem horrida belli
fata vocant: salve aeternum mihi, maxime Palla,
aeternumque vale". Nec plura effatus ad altos
tendebat muros gressumque in castra ferebat.
Iamque oratores aderant ex urbe Latina,
velati ramis oleae veniamque rogantes:
corpora, per campos ferro quae fusa iacebant,
redderet ac tumulo sineret succedere terrae;
nullum cum victis certamen et aethere cassis;
parceret hospitibus quondam socerisque vocatis.
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moonymangos · 1 year
MoonyMango’s Fic Masterpost
To find snippets, feel free to check my tag list!
Oldest Fics first, newest at the bottom. Mind the tags on Ao3 and have fun reading!
Just Between Us <General, 3k, Fluff>
When You Were Gone Without A Trace <General, 5k, Angst>
Back To Back <Explicit, 36k, 3 chapters, Smut & Fluff>
And He Said “Meow Meow Meow” <Explicit, 7k, Smut & Humor>
Not the First, Perhaps The Last <Explicit, 73k, 10 chapters, Smut & Angst & Fluff>
A Lesson To Learn <Explicit, 7k, Smut, University AU>
Thavnarian Nights <Explicit, 14k, Smut, Choose Your Own Porn>
Don’t Trust The Fae <Explicit, 4k, Smut>
Beneath Gold And White <Explicit, 5k, Smut, non-traditional A/B/O>
Desert Poison <Explicit, 7k, Smut>
Twice The Trouble <Explicit, 4k, Smut>
Warm Relief <Explicit, 6k, Smut>
On A Full Moon <Explicit, 12k, Smut>
Satisfaction <Mature, 4k, Dirty Talk>
Speak Truth To Me <Teens, 5k, Fluff>
Muted Empty <Explicit, 6k, Smut>
At Thine Leave <Explicit, 18k, 3 chapters, Smut>
Close to Home <Explicit, WIP, 30+k, 6+ chapters, Fluff & Angst & Smut>
With Eyes Closed <Explicit, 6k, Smut & Fluff>
A Cold Touch <Explicit, 7k, Angst & Smut>
A Warm Heart <General, 5k, Angst & Fluff>
As Long As He Doesn’t Know <Explicit, 18k, 2 chapters, Smut>
Curious Bonds <Explicit, 8k, Fluff & Smut>
The Unknown Concept <Teen, 4k, Humor, incl. Meteor>
As Above, So Below <Explicit, 6k, Smut>
A Lovely Gift <Explicit, 9k, Smut>
Without Regret <General, 59k, 10 chapters, Fluff & Angst>
Creation Magick for Dummies <General, 4k, Fluff>
What A Sight <Explicit, 6k, Smut>
The Mask <Explicit, WIP (currently on pause) , 6k, 2+ chapters, Eldritch Horror>
On Good Behavior <Explicit, 11k, Smut & Fluff, incl. Nourval>
On His Command <Explicit, 4k, Smut>
Timed Out <Explicit, 3k, Smut>
Overconfidence <Explicit, 4k, Smut>
Ceruleum Dreams <Explicit, 116k, 21 chapters, Smut & Fluff & Angst>
Hippocamp <Explicit, WIP, 15k, 3 chapters, Smut>
(warning: monsterfucking)
Heart’s Refrain <Teens, 46k, 8 chapters, Fluff & Angst>
Beneath Thavnair’s Heated Sun <Explicit, 5k, Smut>
Morning Dew <Teens, 1k, Fluff>
(warning: monsterfucking)
Crystalline Dreams Of Snow <Explicit, 26k. 3 chapters, Smut & Angst>
The Beholder’s Eye <Explicit, 15k, 2 chapters, Smut>
The Arrival <General, 9k, Angst & Fluff> Thancred & Ryne
Half A Touch <Explicit, 5k, Smut & Angst> Meteor/Ardbert
Healers Adjust <Explicit, 6k, Smut> original non-WoL
Custom Agreement <Explicit, 12k, Smut> Meteor/Fourchenault
Silver, Copper, Gold <Explicit, 7k, 3 chapters, Smut> Azem/Igeyorhm, Azem/Lahabrea, Azem/Elidibus
Vale In Aeternum <General, 6k, Fluff & Angst> Azem/Elidibus
A Perfect Plan, A Simple Mistake <Explicit, 7k, Smut> Meteor/Lahabrea
Just Say The Word <Explicit, 4k, Smut> Hades/Hythlodaeus
Heated Redolence and Coldest Leather <Explicit, 6k, Smut> Hythlodaeus/Lahabrea
Will They Or Won’t They <Explicit, 39k, 10 chapters, Smut> Azem/Hades
The Bet That Death Funded <Explicit, 7k, Smut> Nojiro/Eral
Behind The Curtain <Explicit, 64k, 7 chapters, Smut> Scions, Ishgardians, Ironworks
He’s An Addams! <Teens, 9k, 3 chapters, Fluff & Humor, Addams Family AU> Meteor/Zenos
Kinktober 2022 <Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4>
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metalindex-hu · 2 years
Monastery – Aeternum Vale – klippremier
Monastery – Aeternum Vale – klippremier - https://metalindex.hu/2022/07/10/monastery-aeternum-vale-klippremier/ -
Aeternum Vale címmel a zalaegerszegi death metalos Monastery. A csapat 12 év után idén februárban tért vissza Divine Damnation című albumával. Jelenleg új lemezük dalain dolgoznak, aminek ez a klip az első előzetese.
“A Monastery még júniusban rögzített egy új számot Aeternum Vale címmel, és szinte azonnal elkészült erre egy vadonatúj klip is! A csapatot a nyár folyamán jó néhány fesztiválon el lehet csípni, ezen felül pedig a “FAR FROM CHRIST” lemez 30 éves évfordulója alkalmából szerveződik egy őszi turné, ami októberben indul a tervek szerint, a koncerteken pedig több szám is elhangzik a 3 évtizede készült lemezről az újabb számok mellett!” – adták hírül.
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greenteaandjasmin · 4 years
Aeternum vale - chapter one
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Sam Winchester x reader
Dean watched his brother gloom over an old book, his headphones in. It was late afternoon and their motel room felt way too restrictive for his liking.
"What would you say If I told you I have had found us a case?" 
"I would put down my headphones and listen." 
"Great, so listen." Dean walked to Sam and sat down on a bed across from where Sam was sitting. "In Montana, a body was found with split throat just left to be at the side of a road."
"Dean, that does not sound like anything hunter related," said Sam with a disappointed frown. He was about to put his headphones back on, getting back to his book would make him truly happy right now. 
"Let me finish first, ok?"
"Ok, sorry. I am all ears."
"At first they had thought that it was just some unlucky guy, but when they searched the forest, they had found multiple bodies in a mass grave. Some of them old enough for the trees to grow from them." Dean tilted his head, raised his eyebrow "Interesting, right." written all over his face. 
"Serial killer? But how old would he be now?" Dean was pleased with the spark he saw in his little brother's eyes. 
"Almost 200 years. And I don't know about you but, that does not scream human psycho to me." "I am thinking - a witch."
"How did I miss this news?" 
"There was a lot on your plate, Sammy. Let us get that bitch, let us get a win."
"To Montana then," said Sam, getting quickly up from his bed, grabbing his bag. "What are you waiting for?" He yelled at Dean in the door.
A tune carried itself throw the bar and you found yourself strangely engaged in its lyrics. 
"I have never known peace
Like the damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger
Like these insects that feast on me
A thousand teeth
And yours among them, I know..."
Zooming out while working would be in any classical scenario a problem but not here, not in Zemlia. Why open a bar when the number of permanent residents is 23? With no one but you to entertain yourself with, You let the song flow and dig deeper into my subconscious while my hand's polish already shiny glasses. 
To get a job here was a piece of unbelievable luck. In a small town like this was one to find a job at all a hard task. You were so grateful to your aunt Lucie for talking to Tomas and convincing him to give you a shot. 
Were satisfied with your adult ass with a degree working your ass of serving drinks at a rusty old bar? "No." Were you appreciative of the fact that you were alive? Yes, that would be a reasonable answer. But was it true?
"... We lay here for years or hours
Thrown here or found
To freeze or to thaw
So long we become the flowers
Two corpses we were
Two corpses I saw..."
"I should download this song. It is almost too perfect. For keeping me distracted from the emptiness of the room and also something else. Two more hours before the first quest shows, Harry is never late. In those last two weeks, he was never late." how lucky you felt that there was no one to hear you talk to yourself? Very lucky. Just two more hours to go before you can speak with someone other than yourself in this almost ghost-town.   
"So, the nearest town is Zemlia. That town is dying out, no new residents for almost 30 years, nothing special about that place. It was founded back in 1865 by European immigrants and since then nothing happened there." Sam read from his tablet as the forest they were driving throw thickened. He went throw the photos on the police server and wondered what or who was behind this. "Well, we have to start somewhere." 
 Some of the bodies were almost absorbed by the roots, becoming one with the tries. But Sam felt that something was off about the whole concept. He just had to wait for them to get to the place to found out. 
Chaper two
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corpse-drummer · 7 years
Doom:VS - Oblivion Upon Us
From album: Aeternum Vale
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wedarkacademia · 3 years
Beautiful Latin phrases ~ part 2
• veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
• vivamus, moriendum est - let us live, for we must die.
• ergo dum me diligis - so long as you love me.
• alis volat propriis - she flies with her own wings.
• sic mundus creatus est - thus the world was created.
• aut inveniam viam aut faciam - I shall either find a way or make one.
• mors certa, hora incerta - death is certain, its hour is uncertain
• mors mihi lucrum - death to me is reward
• aeternum vale - farewell forever
• mors ultima linea rerum est - death is everything’s final limit
• nascentes morimur - from when we are born, we begin to die
• mors vincit omnia - death conquers all
• omnia mors aequat - everything is equal in death
• tempus edax rerum - time, devourer of everything
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meerlichtz · 2 years
Secundum omnibus notum leges aviation, nulla a apis confugere poterimus. Alas nimis parva, ut eius adipem parum corpus a terra. In apis, scilicet, volat usquam quia apes non cura quid homines cogitare est impossibile. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Ooh, nigrum et flavum! Sit scriptor movebit illud paulo. Barry! Prandium paratum! Ooming! Pendent a secundo. Salve? - Barry? - Adam? - Vade credis hoc factum est? - Non possum. Ego tollere. Vultus acuta. Uti gradibus. Pater tuus mihi bona pecunia numerata pro illis. Paenitet. Ego sum excitatur. Hic pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor te, fili. Perfectum fama card, omnes B. Valde superbus. Ma! Ego got a est iens hic. - Vos got linamentum in fuzz. - Ow! Quod me! - Undo nobis! Lorem ipsum dolor sit in ordine 118,000. - Vale! Barry, dixi tibi,, prohibere volans in domo! - Heus, Adam. - Heus, Barry. - Est quod fuzz gel? - Paulo. Dies specialis, pede. Numquam putavi fore facere. Tribus diebus gradu schola, tribus diebus turpis. Qui sunt inconvenientia. Tribus diebus collegium. Im ' laetus accepi die et hitchhiked circa alveo. Fecisti venire diversa. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, crescit a mustache? Spectat bonum,. - Audi de Frankie? - Yeah. - Vos ad funus? - Non, im ' non iens. Norunt omnes, stimulus aliquis, mori. Non deficiet in sciurus. Talis hothead. Ego coniecto potuit iustus fuero de via. Hoc amo incorporandi oblectamenti parcum in diebus nostris. Ut ' quare nos non opus feriarum. Puer, satis a frenum de pomp... sub adiunctis. - Bene, Adam, hodie sunt homines. - Nos sunt! - Bee-homines. - Amen! Alleluia! Alumni, facultas, distinguuntur apes, commodo grata Decanus Buzzwell. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit, Novum Alveo Oity gradibus genus... ...9:15. Quod concludit nostris ceremoniis. Et incipit vita tua at Honex Nulla! Numquid colligunt ourjob hodie? Audivi suus ' iustus intentionem. Caput! Hic nos ire. Servo vestri manibus et antennas intra tram omni tempore. - Miror, quid erit quasi? - Parum formidulosus. Lorem Honex, a division of Honesco et a parte Sextae Coetus. Hoc est,! Wow. Wow. Nos scimus, quod vos, sicut apis, fecerunt totam vitam ut adepto ad punctum ubi potest operari totam vitam. Mel incipit cum fortis Pollen Jocks adducam nectar ad alveo. Top-secretum formula ipso-color corrigi, odorem moderatis, et bulla-contoured in hoc blanda dulcis lacus suum proprium, aureum meridiem scitis ut... Mel! - Quod puella esset calidum. - Illa consobrino meo! - Illa est? - Sic, omnes sumus fratres. - Ius. Ius te. - Ad Honex, nos continue studeant consectetuer omni de apis esse. Haec apes sunt accentus-testing novum galeam nulla. - Quid facit? - Non satis. Hic nos have nostrum latest profectum, in Krelman. - Quid faciendum? - Oatches quod parum litora mel quod pendet post te oremus est. Salvat milia. Vade quis opus in Krelman? Scilicet. Maxime apis jobs parva sunt. Sed apes scire quod omne parvum officium, si suus ' bene, multum est. Sed eligere diligenter quia tu manere in job vos pick pro reliqua vita tua. Idem officium in reliqua vita tua? Nesciebam. Quid est differentia? Eris felix scire, quod apes, sicut species, non habebat unum diem off in 27 decies annis. Sic youll ' iustus opus nobis ad mortem? Puteus ' certus conantur. Wow! Quod cecinit mea mens! "Quid est differentia?" Quomodo potes dicere? Unum officium in aeternum? Quod insano optio facere. Ego solutus. Nunc tantum ut unum arbitrium in vita. Sed, Adam, quam poterant, numquam narraverunt nobis? Cur quaeritur, quid? Sumus apes. Sumus maxime perfecte muneris societatem in Terris. Vos umquam cogitare fortasse quae opus paulo nimium bene hic? Simile quid? Da mihi unum exemplum. Nescio. Sed scitis quis im ' sermo super. Commodo patet porta. Regius Nectar Vim in adventu. Expectare secundum. Oheck eam. - Heus, qui sunt Pollen Jocks! - Wow. Ego nunquam vidi eos, hoc prope. Et quid suus ' similis extra alveo. Yeah, sed aliquo non venire. - Heus, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! Vos guys fecit, magna! Tu monstra! Tu caelo monstra! Ego amo! Ego amo! - Miror, ubi erant. - Nescio. Eorum dies non cogitavit. Extra alveo, volans, qui scit ubi,
facere qui scit quid. Vos can'tjust volueris esse Pollen Elit. Habes bred enim. Ius. Respice. Quod suus ' magis pollen quam tibi et videbo in vita sua. Suus ' iustus a status symbolum. Apes facere, nimis est. Fortasse. Nisi tu gerens eam et dominarum te videre gerens. His dominarum? Non sunt ipsi fratres nostros quoque? Distant. Distant. Respice ad haec duo. - Oouple de Ligno Harrys. - Let ' s have fun cum eis. Debet esse periculosum esse Pollen Elit. Yeah. Quondam ursi adfixum me contra fungorum! Habuit pedibus pulso in mi faucibus, et cum aliis, erat ferientes me! - O mi! - Ego numquam vellem pulso eum. Quid sunt vobis faciens per hoc? Conatur intenti auctores. Ego potest autographo, quod. Paulo gusty ibi hodie, non est, socii? Yeah. Gusty. Sumus bibendum a helianthus patch sex milia passuum ab hic et cras. - Sex milliaria, huh? - Barry! Conlectus salire pro nobis, sed maybe vos erant ' non pro eo. - Maybe ego sum. - Non! Et nos erant ' iens 0900 ad J-Porta. Quid, putas, buzzy-puer? Tu apis satis? Ego esset. Refert quod 0900 significat. Heus, Honex! Pater, te mirari me. Vos statuite quid vos es interested in? - Euge, illic ' multus of choices. - Sed tantum unum. Numquid adepto terebravisse facere idem officium per singulos dies? Filius, amen dico vobis, de agitatione. Te capto, quod haereat, et tu iustus moveri circa, et turbatio circa ea. Vos adepto te in numero. Suus ' a pulchra est. Scis, Pater, magis puto de, aliquam mel agro est iustus, non est ius pro me. Tu cogitas quod, faciens balloon animalia? Ut a malis a guy cum stinger. Janet, filium tuum ' non certus vult ire in mel! - Barry, tam ridiculam interdum. - Im ' non trying ut esse mauris. Tu non mauris! Vos erant ' iens in mel. Filium nostrum, stirrer! - Vos erant ' agnus dei esse stirrer? - Nemo est audire me! Exspectate, dum vos videre haeret habeo. Possem dicere aliquid, nunc. Im ' agnus dei adepto an formica tattoo! Lets patefacio nonnullus mel et celebrare! Maybe ego pierce mea thorax. Radi mea antennae. Casa cum grillus. Ut aurum dentem, et dicere omnibus, "dawg"! Ego sum superbus. - Nos es incipiens operari hodie! - Hodierno die. Oome in! Omne bonum jobs recedemus. Yeah, ius. Pollen computatis, stunt apis, fundens, stirrer, ante elit, capillos remotionem... - Est etiam available? - Pendent. Duos reliquit! Unus ex illis est tua! Oongratulations! Step ad latus. - Quid ' d vos adepto? - Ultro crud ex. Siderea! Wow! Oouple de newbies? Sic, domine! Nostri primo die! Nos sunt parati! Planto vestri choice. - Vis ire primum? - No, te ire. O, mi. Quid est available? Restroom comite scriptor aperta, non enim ideo te puto. - Forte questus Krelman? - Certus, te in. Ego sum paenitet, in Krelman iustus clausa ex. Cera simia semper aperta. In Krelman aperuit iterum. Quid accidit? Apis mortuus est. Facit foramen. Videre? Ille mortuus est. Alius mortuus est. Deady. Deadified. Duos mortuos. Mortuus a collo usque. Mortuus ab collum descendit. Ut vitae! Oh, hoc est ita durum! Calefactionem, refrigerationem, stunt apis, pourer, stirrer, bombus, inspector numero septem, linamentum coordinator, clavum gubernator, minutum wrangler. Barry, quod facere putes... Barry? Barry! Omnes ius, heu helianthus patch in quadrantem novem... Quid tibi accidit? Ubi es? - Ego sum egressus. - Ex? Ex quo? - Ibi. - Oh, non! Ego, antequam vadam opus in reliqua vita mea. Vos erant ' agnus dei mori! Tu insanis! Salve? Alia vocatione venire in. Si quis est sensus fortis, illic ' a ligula deli in 83rd quod gets eorum rosa hodie. Heus, guys. - At ut. - Non est ut hedum vidimus heri? Tene, fili, fuga deck est restringitur. Suus ' OK, Lou. Et nos erant ' agnus dei, tolle eum. Vere? Sentiens felix, es tu? Signum hic, hic. Modo initialis ut. - Tibi gratias ago. - OK. Vos got a pluvia assessoratus hodie, et ut omnes scire,, apes non fugere in nubila. Ut custodias,. Ut semper, vigilate vestri brooms, consectetuer haeret, canes, aves, fert et vespertiliones. Etiam, ego got a iugo of tradit de radice dolor sit effudit in nos. Murphy in domo propter illud, babbling quasi cicada! - Ut ' awful. - Et memoria pro
vobis rookies,
Why are you sending me the bee movie script in latin
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wegotstory · 3 years
Latin Words and Phrases
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veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
vivamus, moriendum est - let us live, for we must die.
ergo dum me diligis - so long as you love me.
alis volat propriis - she flies with her own wings.
sic mundus creatus est - thus the world was created.
aut inveniam viam aut faciam - I shall either find a way or make one.
mors certa, hora incerta - death is certain, its hour is uncertain
mors mihi lucrum - death to me is reward
aeternum vale - farewell forever
mors ultima linea rerum est - death is everything’s final limit
nascentes morimur - from when we are born, we begin to die
mors vincit omnia - death conquers all
omnia mors aequat - everything is equal in death
tempus edax rerum - time, devourer of everything
poeta nascitur, non fir - poets are born, not made
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
armor vincit omnia - love conquers all
pulvis et umbra sumus - we are dust and shadows
Ad hoc: To this
Alibi: Elsewhere
Amaritudo - Bitterness
Amo: Love
Astrum - Star/Sky
Basium - Kiss
Bona fide: With good faith
Bonus: Good
Carpe diem: Seize the day
De Facto: In fact
E.g.: For example
Ego: I
Ergo: Therefore
Et cetera: And so on
Excrucior - I am tortured
Extra: In addition to
I.e.: That is
Impromptu: Spontaneous
Intro: Within
Multi: Many
Per se: In itself
Pro bono (publico): For the good (of the public)
Quid pro quo: Something for something
Re: About
Semi: Half
Sentio - I feel
Sepulcrum - Tomb
Status quo: Existing state of affairs
Verbatim: In exactly the same words
Versus: Against
Vice versa: The other way around
Volatus - Flying
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ta0ken · 3 years
AETERNUM VALE (farewell forever)
❝𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮❞ — atticus.
have you ever felt what it was like to dream? to even vividly remember the dream? how does it feel; does it feel nice? you wonder and wonder, but the dreams are always there (only with a few changes). you're only reliving a dream.
← in books, freedom                      death is certain, its hour is uncertain →
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The boy before you looks away, too uncomfortable to even speak. His eyes dart all over the place, not wanting to open his mouth, the other blonde behind him looking scared, as you stare him down, eyes unusually blank. Chifuyu doesn't know what to say, but he's been like this - he's always trying to make you not worry but you're worried.
"Chifuyu..." you say slowly, "who did this?"
There are bandages all over him, and there are faint bruises all over his face. He directs his gaze towards the ground, looking at his shoes, shifting around, trying not to talk to you. You can tell that he's uncomfortable, and that he's hiding something from you (but you can't break down, asking him "Why?" because you just can't—), and you want to know why.
"Nothing... happened, [Name]," he says quietly, looking up towards you, "I just got into a bad fight."
Your eyes glance over at the blonde behind him, noticing that he had a bewildered expression, then your eyes flicker back down to Chifuyu. "You're a liar," you state, hands in your pockets, back hunched over. You narrow your eyes, leaning towards him, "And you're bad at hiding things, Matsuno."
He stiffens, lips in a thin line as he once again avoids your gaze. Your gaze is hard and steely, never backing down, but he's the one to back down (but he'd never do that; the Chifuyu you knew before would never). You watch his fists clench with unbearable tightness, and he turns his back towards you, saying quietly:
"I'm sorry, [Name], but I can't tell you."
You watch him walk away, the blonde glancing between you and Chifuyu, before stuttering out a small "S-Sorry, bye, [Name]-kun...!" and ran away, catching up to the other.
Your brows furrow, a crease forming as you clench your teeth. "Tch..." you click your tongue, turning on your heel as you march off, agitated. You pull out a pack of cigarettes, taking out a stick, and putting it in between your lips. Fishing for your lighter, you felt something wet hit you; it was raining. You bit down on the bud, pulling up your hood, and tried to look for your lighter, muttering profanities in the process.
"Fuck..." you curse, "Did I leave it at home?"
You spat out your damp cigarette, stomping on it even though it wasn't even lit. You glare at it, taking out your phone in the process, and began to text one person that you knew should know what happened to Chifuyu: Baji Keisuke.
...But your brow twitches at the contact name Baji gave himself, even more irked. "What kind of fucking name is 'Kei-Kei'?" you hiss, leaning over your phone to cover it from getting wet in the rain.
[Name] [Surname] 7:30 Hey, what the hell happened to Chifuyu?
Kei-Kei 7:30 uh
i don't know?
[Name] [Surname] 7:31 Keisuke.
Kei-Kei 7:31 i'm sorry, [name]
but, i have to go. bye <3
[Name] [Surname] 7:32 You can't just—
I know you can fucking see my messages, Keisuke; tell me what happened to him, right now. Keisuke.
Read 7:32
Your grip on your phone tightens as you stare at it, a tight smile forming, your eye twitching. "...I see," you mutter, turning your head away, ignoring the fact that you might be late to school. "I get it. I understand. Yeah. I totally do." You could feel your anger beginning to swell up, your chest becoming tighter, the more you dwelled on the thought of Baji not wanting to talk to you.
(It hurts.)
You dial someone's phone number, ignoring the droplets of rain that drip down your face.
"Hello?" Draken's voice comes from the other side of the phone, confused. You can hear shifting in the background, as well as rain, meaning that he was outside, doing something (probably with Mikey, really).
"Ryuguji," you say blankly.
The shifting stops and, "...What happened?"
It takes a lot for you to not shout and scream at him because you know he knows what's happening: you can feel your chest tightening as you try to even speak. "No, that's my questo- question, Ryuguji." You ignore the stumble in your words because you're too busy being angry to even care about a simple mistake like that. "What the fuck is happening in Toman right now?"
"...Huh? Are you trying to say something?" he questions, a hint of hostility in his voice. "You don't just fucking call someone, to accuse 'em of somethin', [Name]."
You let out a laugh full of disbelief, shoving your other hand inside your pocket. "You're funny, Ryuguji, because as far as I know, Chifuyu was beaten to a fuckin' pulp, and that Baji's not responding to me," you scoff, clenching your phone, "And I know you and Mikey know." But the more you spoke, the more your voice wavers, and you didn't like that.
You weren't supposed to waver, in times like these.
There's a sigh on the other end, and a quiet, "Hold on" leaving you to wait for whatever.
"Hi, [Name]-chan," Mikey says, but you can tell he wasn't happy.
You let out a small sigh, leaning back against a wall. "...Mikey, I just wanna know," you mutter lowly, head lowering into your knees as you hold them close to your chest, "What happened?"
"Okay," he agrees. "Let's meet at my house then."
You put your hands in your pockets, standing outside of the Sano Household, glancing away. You let out a tiny sneeze, realizing that you had stood in the rain for a bit too long than you should've. You rub the back of your head, sighing when you notice that it was damp. "...I should've brought an umbrella," you murmur, taking out your pack of cigarettes.
It was completely ruined, and your face turns at the sight, disappointed.
You lift your head, looking at the pair that just arrived in front of you. "Ah," you wave your hand, faltering when you sneezed, "...Sorry. Anyway, uh—" You cut yourself off, having been dragged towards the household by someone, making you blink in surprise. You stumble a little, trying to follow whoever was dragging you as you mutter, "I need'ta get to school soon, so like, I'm—"
"Just shut up already," Draken says, deadpanning, holding an umbrella. "You're goin' inside, whether you like it or not."
You let out a small snort, realizing that it was Mikey that was dragging you towards his house. "Come on, [Name]-chan, you're gonna get sick," he says blandly, stating the obvious.
You deadpan.
[Name] used to visit the Sano Household before he stopped hanging out with the others.
"Where's Em-choo! Emma—Where's Emma?" you sneeze, trying to talk. You ruffle your hair with the towel given to you, drying yourself off. "Is she... not here?"
Mikey shrugs, leaning back into the couch. "I dunno... Maybe at school?"
You lean forward towards the shorter, saying, "Well, since I have to go to school soon, can we talk?" You didn't want to rush, but you also didn't want to be late for school. You glance at your phone, seeing the time: 8:02
"..." The shorter blonde blinks at you, before nodding, "Sure. We can talk. Ask away, I guess."
You ease down, relaxing a little. Your brows furrow, your mind racing back to the memory of Baji's poem from the future (but was it the future, or was it a dream?), hand opening and closing as you try to process your thoughts. A small sigh leaves your lips, and you quietly murmur, with your head lowered, "Tell me everything, that's all I want to know."
"...Baji quit Toman, and joined Valhalla, a gang that's lead by Hanma Shuji," Mikey says, gauging your reaction. "I don't know what caused it, but I asked Takemitchy to bring him back, but he only brought back the Vice-Captain, Chifuyu."
"Then," you scowl, "what the hell happened to Chifuyu?"
Draken lets out a small scoff, leaning back against the couch, raising a brow. "You're smart, aren't you, [Name]? Isn't it obvious?"
"Wh—" You pause. "Ah. Is that it?" Your face shifts into a blank expression, leaning back, ignoring the coldness of your back, "...Huh." You look up in thought, not caring about anything, "..."
"...If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, don't fucking do it," the taller warns, narrowing his eyes towards you. "Because you're not gonna get him back. He already did his test of faith or whatever, so don't do it—he's been causin' trouble lately, I hope you know. Hasn't he told you about his situation?"
You don't answer him, turning your head, gaze downcast.
"[Name]." He stresses your name as though he knows what you want to do, "Don't. You're not even in a gang, so why should you care? Toman's business isn't your business."
Mikey doesn't say anything, staring at something else; outside.
"Then, let me join Toman," you suddenly say, face turning serious. "It's not like I don't know how the gang works, I've hung out with y'al—you guys, since a long ass time. I know the people in there, too."
"No," the shorter refutes, "I don't want you to get caught up in our mess, [Name]-chan."
"But I do," you argue back, glaring at him. "Toman's all over the fucking place, I can tell! It's gone to shit for a long ass time," you stand up, clenching the towel in your hands tightly, "So, please, let me join you in the fight against Valhalla. I won't make say anything about it, I won't bother you about it—Just let me join you."
Draken sighs, saying, "No—"
"Fine," Mikey says.
You blink, turning your head towards Mikey.
He gives you a small smile, patting your shoulder as he stands up. "I understand how you feel," he nods, ignoring Draken's blatant stare of 'Why', hand resting on your shoulder, "I care about Baji, too... You can join Toman. But first, you have to visit Mitsuya to get your uniform; he wouldn't mind, either. You're a good friend of ours."
Staring at him, you let your head droop, and your shoulders relax as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
(For once in your life, you felt relieved.)
Opening your eyes, you blinked, looking around you. “…Back here, huh,” you muttered to yourself, glancing away. You were in your room once more, and you accomplished nothing at all.
You stared at your hands, furrowing a brow. “…Urk—!” you groaned, holding your head, “What the hell… is with this sudden pain in my head…?” The pain subdued, but there was a certain tightness in your chest. You looked up, eyes wide, trying to process what was happening.
”…You’re lying.”
Your voice dropped to a whisper, hands shaking in the process.
”…Kazutora, Mikey, Baji… What have you guys done?”
Memories, flowing inside your head - they wouldn’t stop: they can’t stop. You shut your eyes tightly, trying not to focus on the pain, but it was all you could feel. Holding your head, trying to breathe, but you couldn’t breathe.
”Shit…” you cursed, “This shouldn’t be happening… There’s no way something like that could happen—!”
From what you could gather, you were in the future, and something was causing it to change—you’re sure of it (and you’re tired of it). You clenched your fists, glaring down at the ground, trying to figure out what was happening. I’m in the future, yet nothing around me feels like things have changed, but things definitely changed.
You looked up at your ceiling, letting out a tiny sigh. “…I didn’t think…” you muttered quietly, “that I’d be here, stuck… Was joining Toman truly the right choice?”
The more you muttered to yourself, the more your surroundings began to change. You didn’t realize it until your hand brushed against something cold: a doorknob.
You knock on the door to the classroom that you know belongs to a certain President of the Home Economics club, waiting for a call or whatever. The person you were trying to visit was Mitsuya Takashi, who called you over to his school to receive the uniform (though, you really didn't want to do it).
"Oh, [Name]-chan," Mitsuya greets, opening the door with a smile, "It's been a while."
You wave your hand in response, giving him a grin, "Yo, Mitsuya." You waltz inside the room, ignoring the number of girls that were inside, sweat-dropping in the process. "...So, you called me here for the uniform, right?" you query, glancing over to the taller boy, hands in your pockets.
He lets out a small laugh, grinning. "Yeah... To be honest, I didn't think you'd join Toman," he admits, rubbing the back of his head. "You'd always decline Mikey's or, er... Baji's invites to join, too... So, I was kind of surprised when Mikey called me, saying to prepare you a uniform!"
All you did in response was shrug.
"Anyway... I'll be needing your measurements and things like that," he says, walking towards his sewing machine. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you look fine in it."
You stare at him, deadpanning, before huffing, amused. You put a hand to your chest, raising your other one (always one for dramatics...), eyes closed as you say, "Thank you, Mitsuya, my... er, friend, for, uh..." faltering, you began to lower your hands, lips forming a thin line as you continue to try and come out with a line, "...Yeah, I can't think of anything; sorry."
He laughs.
"You're still the same [Name] I know."
You look at him, staring for a few seconds before turning your head, letting out a chuckle. You look off to the side, shrugging your shoulders once more. "I guess," you say softly, "I guess."
(You're positive that you're not the same, and that you won't ever be the same.)
You lay awake in your bed, staring up at your ceiling, occasionally glancing towards your uniform that was hanging up on your wall. A small sigh left your lips, the more you try to stop thinking.
You feel tired, yet you're not sure if you can manage to sleep. There're too many things that had happened today, and they're mostly the cause of what's making you stay up late, really.
(Writing poems would've helped if it weren't for the fact that you would be reminded of Baji's poem.)
You close your eyes, only to hear a ding go off. You open them almost instantly, blinking. Glancing over towards your phone that lay on your nightstand, you lean over to grab it, eyes squinting due to the sudden brightness when you turn it on. You sigh, checking the notification, frowning in the process.
[name], are you there?
i'm sorry if you're mad at me, but i have my reasons.
You let out a sigh, looking at his messages. Turning your phone off, you move to put it back on your nightstand, but another ding from your phone makes you pause. Narrowing your eyes, you frown and move to look at the message:
please, i'm sorry.
[Name] [Surname]
I know what you did, Baji.
And you turn off your phone, putting it back on your nightstand, putting it on silent mode. You close your eyes, resting your head against your pillow (ignoring the tightness in your chest), and began to slowly fall asleep.
This is just a dream.
(But it wasn't a dream.)
He lets out a groan of frustration, putting his hands to his face, already knowing he fucked up and that he can't change the past (but he doesn't regret his decision). The only thing that he regrets is not being able to get your forgiveness, but that's fine. Maybe it was better this way because he knows that on October 31st, things won't be good.
He knows it very well, but it's not like he can change it, right?
Memories race through his mind, and he's full of sudden guilt and there's a heavy weight put onto his chest. He beat up his Vice-Captain (who looks up to him dearly), he left Toman (who he cares about very deeply—but does he?), and he hurt you (who he likes very much). There's not much that he can say, there's not much that he could say.
He's gripping a piece of paper tightly in his hands, eyes running through it once more. His eyes hurt, they sting a lot, but he wasn't crying (he shouldn't be crying, you know?) - of course, he wasn't. Don't think he was, he's not someone that'd cry over this, idiot.
It's a poem that's in his hands, but who's it for?
(It's for you, don't you realize?)
There's a pain in his chest, he knows it (yet, he doesn't acknowledge it). But it doesn't hurt, compared to the pain he's inflicted upon others—he doesn't want to think about it, but it's all that he can think about. Think, think, think, think - and he doesn't want to think, but everything's reminding him of you.
The only that hurts is when you changed his nickname that he put (and that you kept there for who knows how long) to his last name, it hurt. It really did hurt, but he has to move on.
(He doesn't want to, but he has to.)
He's sorry (very sorry).
Staring at his phone in his hand, he slowly turns it off with a heavy heart, closing his eyes. He breathes in and breathes out, trying to calm his racing heart that seemed to ache every since the start of the day, and he grips his chest tightly, frowning.
"Sorry, Mom..." he mutters, leaning back onto his bed, furrowing his brows, "I don't think you'll get to meet him like I said you would."
And that hurts.
(It hurts more, knowing about your reaction.)
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