#also that means that Phantom should have been with the Young Justice Team in the beginning
skylersprompts · 6 months
DC x DP Prompt *15*
When Batman is out in his cowl he is able to record anything so that he can few it later. The faces he sees will run through a program for face recognition. This makes it easier to recognize faces of potential villains civilian identities. Because of that, the camera system of Wayne Enterprises is also linked to the program. The problem is, the same things applies to his league colleagues.
Of course he already knows the identity of most of them, but that is because they told him or he found out on pure accident.
But because of this he takes his colleagues faces out of the program. As long as they don't go rouge he sees no reason to infringe on this part of their life.
Well at least that is what he normally does, but he didn't bother with Phantom. Not only are there few cameras that can even catch him. He is also a dead, fourteen years old boy.
So really, it isn't Bruce fault. If he had known that Danny Phantom had a civilian identity, he would have gone through the trouble of blocking his face in the program.
But now a young man in his early twentieth sat before him, with a nervous smile on his face. And he is making puns. Daniel Fenton (and God they needed to talk about a better hero name, now that he knew the boy had a very similar civilian name) was the negative of Phantom. Black hair, blue eyes, older and alive.
But he could scold him later, after the job interview was over and Bruce found a way to explain to Danny that his new boss was also a founder of the Justice League.
That wouldn't be fun...
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Phantom's Number 1 Fan Part 3
John Constantine calls a joint Justice League and Justice League Dark meeting.
It's not something he wants to do. He barely works with the LJD, but at least that lot understands his work and knows what to do and where to go.
The JL members always ask questions and forget proper manners when working with the paranormal- John isn't the most well-mannered bloke around, but even he knows to permanently say goodbye to ghosts so that they don't follow him home- and it's like trying to teach an intern while dodging bullets.
He prefers to avoid the whole origination, especially since Bruce's death; everyone has been walking on eggshells, and there is a sense of disorganization drenched in grief that John breaks into hives just thinking about, but this is big.
Bigger than he can handle it on his own or with just the JLD. Even if the whole group gives the bats not-so-stable glances as they filter in.
John notices that one of Batman's brats is missing- the smart one- but he has heard that the kid suffered some kind of psychotic break from his father's death. It's sad, really, mainly because John used to believe that the third Robin was the one with the good head on his shoulders.
What's worse is that the Third Robin up and ran off, having gone off the grid when he refused to accept Batman's death. The boy hadn't said anything besides, "The portraits told me!" after having a miniature breakdown in his home.
It didn't help that around this time, the boy teammates had all dropped like flies except for one. So yes, John knows it wasn't a big surprise that he lost it, but it was still sad to see. Kid is only seventeen.
He hopes they find him soon to give him the help he needs. John would offer a spell to try and find him, but he needs to learn about the kid better, which means his spell can only point in a general direction.
Nightwing looked downright ragged, but losing a father on the battlefield and a younger brother to his grief did a number on anyone.
John hates himself just a little for dragging the grieving family here. He does, but again, this is bigger than all of them. This is a matter of life and death- literally.
"Listen up. We have a bloody level ten on its way to Earth if it's not already here." His words cut through the muttering crowd, shutting everyone up. A level ten makes even the big, lousy Superman sweat. He snaps his fingers, allowing his magic to shift into the image of a King Phantom sitting on his throne- painted in the early 1200s and the picture that can be used to identify him.
The art style would have been almost modern if it wasn't for the unease that the painting could cause due to the glowing green from his majesty's portrait. They say the green was ectoplasm from the king himself- and that alone should warn others to not mess with him.
Everyone Justice League Dark member hissed through their teeth, sitting up straighter and a few even pale. John is once again grateful that they understand just how deep in shit they genuinely are.
"This is the Ghost King. He is not to be confused with a god or king of gods. He's something else entirely because he makes gods nervous. He is on his way here to kill whoever is dumb enough to threaten his pregnant fiancee, and I fear the rest of Earth will be collateral if we don't prepare-"
"That's Danny Phantom," A young voice cuts John off. He is surprised someone would talk over him in a level ten briefing. All eyes turn to Robin- er, the new Robin.
The kid is frowning at the image, his signature scowl already deeper than usual. He's also heard the new Robin was a spoiled boy who was not a team player.
"You know King Phantom?" John asks.
Robin nods. "Placeholder is obsessed with him. Half his room is covered with King Phantom's heroics."
"Do not call him that.," Nightwing hisses a second later. He frowned when Robin ignored him but returned to the room without further comment on the boy's cheek. "Danny Phantom is a low-level search and rescue hero. He pops up around the world but only sometimes interacts with people. Robin- Young Justice Robin- was obsessed with him."
The room gains an awkward weight as no one is willing to bring up the mentally unsound MIA teenager.
It's too bad for them. John has never cared about making anyone comfortable. "You said his room is covered in images of King Phantom?"
From the corner of his eyes, John catches sight of Zatanna's face. She's pale white, with a horrified expression as if though she was standing before the grim itself. Every other member of the Justice League Dark is in a similar state.
"Yes, he has a whole wall of posters and stuff." Nightwing conforms, and shit John knows who Phantom's after now.
The thing is, one just doesn't have pictures of King Phantom. No one knows why, but the Ghost King can not be documented. Not without having some kind of connection to the King.
Throughout history, the only ones who have ever had even one solid picture of the king- John's magic doesn't count cause he can't well hold the thing up forever- usually meant that the King would appear before them at one point.
There is also a myth if one could beat a member of the royal ghost family, then one wish is granted to them. If one can kill a royal ghost member, death can be overturned.
It's not true, obviously, for death is not easily beaten like that, but John knows that as an expert, would a mentally unwell teenager know the same?
It was also known that if the King appeared before you, something terrible would happen. The sighting of King Phantom often came as an omen and usually right before a terrible disaster.
In the last disaster, they lost Batman, and if King Phantom had shown up, where the Third Robin have spotted him? Where the Third Robin have thought the King could return the dead?
Not to mention the rumors!
King Phantom was hunting down a group of humans known as "The Bats." John hadn't put that much stock in that rumor simply because it could have been anyone- hell, when he looked up the bats seven different groups appeared, varying from boy bands to zoologists.
But if he placed the name "The Bats" next to the Third Robin's psychotic break, his obsession with King Phantom, and his intertwined fates...well, shit.
There is a slight chance that the Third Robin's fate could be intertwined with the Ghost King in a positive light, but John has learned to not be optimistic in his line of work.
"I think the Third Robin is gunning after the Ghost King's fiancee and unborn child in a misguided attempt to bring Batman back to life. He may have kicked started a war that humanity can not win," He announces. He hates to say. hates to even suggest it, but the needs of the many outweigh those of the few. "We have to find the Third Robin and attempt to stop him. If we can't reason with him, we must put him down."
Wonder Girl gasps a sob, pressing her hand against her mouth.
John hates himself a little more as she sobs; a few rushes to confront her, but no one is unaffected by the news.
"I'm ordering a hunt for the Third Robin," Wonderwoman speaks up to her steady leadership, returning everyone from their despair. "Every available hero will help. Do not use lethal force unless there is no other choice. We may be able to find him before King Phantom's armies arrive."
John just hopes they are not too late.
Meanwhile, across the plane of existence, unaware of the manhunt for his head, Tim Drake is trying to stare down a Yeti, attempting to put him in silk clothes that are just fabrics held together by strings.
"But-But- but you have such a flattering figure! You must flaunt it! The Great One will barely be able to contain himself if he sees you in this!"
"No. It looks like something you wear on a honeymoon to seduce your spouse. I'm not walking around in that."
"Well, you don't need to bewitch his majesty. You already have a child on the way." The Yeit mutters, considering the fabric in his claws with a frown. He is Frostbite's royal tailor and has been attempting to dress Tim for over an hour. Everything he's suggested so far looks like it came from those romantic fantasy games.
It's like they want to make him a sexy consort or something.
Tim's teeth grind against each other. He hates how often his role is reminded, how casually the yetis mention that Ra's expects a child from Tim.
He doesn't even know how that child will come to be, and it makes him sick. He's been bidding his time, waiting for his wounds to heal and to find a weakness in the frozen fortress, but so far, he is unsure how he will escape.
And Bruce is still out there, waiting for Tim to get him. He can't waste any more time here.
"How about this cloak?" The Yeti offers, holding up a dark metallic fabric that reminds TIm of his Robin cape. "If we are going for a more conservative look, something that screams power is just the way to make the masses wild!"
Ugh, he really needs to think of a plan soon.
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thatfreak03 · 2 years
Characters that would be cool to see in the Young Justice TV show
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
This is not a “This character should be in Young Justice” list. These are some DC characters I think are cool and think it would be cool to see them in the show. I completely understand why some, if not all these character won’t become part of the show, they already have a lot of characters, and it seems like the creators have their own plan in mind. This is just for fun. Also, I’m not a DC expert, so sorry if I get some things wrong about a character.
(PS. As of right now, my favorite DC superhero families are the Batfam and the Flashfam, so don’t be surprise if you see a lot of them on this list.)
(Just like the characters and show I will be talking about, I don’t own the pitchers. They, the characters, and show are property of DC.)
1. Starfire aka Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran
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I have read been reading a few Teen Titans comics and I have seen a lot of episode of the show Teen Titans and I’ve got to say, I absolutely love Starfire. She’s strong, she’s kind, and just amazing. There’s to many great things about  her to list. I can already think of at least two ways the team could meet her. Maybe Tamaran is in trouble and Starfire heard of the heroes of earth and decided to go to them for help. Maybe the team's on mission in space on ship and they find Starfire as a prisoner. Just some possibilities. 
2. Raven aka Rachel Roth
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Raven is the daughter of a demon that wants to take over earth, the story arcs you could use there are basically gift wrap to you. Not only that, but I like the idea of her and Jaime Reyes bonding over having powers that have a bad origin but they choose to use them for good. I hope I phrased that right.
3. Batwing aka Lucas “Luke” Fox
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I read his book by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, and let me tell you, this guy is awesome. It would be nice to see him with the Batfamily in this show.
4. Signal aka Duke Thomas
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I love this kid and his book by Scott Snyder and Tony Patrick and it is awesome. A lot of elements of Young Justice focus on meta humans, and based on what I know, Duke is the only batfamily member with superpowers. Maybe their can be a story arc about Duke being new member to the batfamily but feeling out of place because of his powers, which leads him to join Young Justice. Or something like that.
5. Max Mercury aka Maxwell Crandall
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This guy can lead to a lot of interesting stories. In the comics he was primary care taker and mentor of Bart, but seeing as that role has been given to Jay Garrick, I don’t think Max will become that if he’s part of the show. That being said, I can see him still bonding with Bart in the show. Max was basically the first speedster, and might have been the first time traveler. Max was original from 1800s and ended up running so fast that wound up modern time. Well, eventually he ended up in modern time. So he could relate to Bart about living in a time that they weren’t original part of. The difference would probably be that while Max’s time wasn’t great he would probably still miss stuff, like his friends and family, but Bart doesn't really much if anything to miss about his time. (I mean, Bart had Neutron, but Neutron was just as miserable as Bart was. They were both living in what was basically hell.)
6. XS aka Jenni Ognats
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Jenni Ognats, granddaughter of Barry Allen, daughter of Dawn Allen, and cousin of Bart Allen. A speedster hero and a member of the legion of superheroes. At first I wondered why she wasn’t with Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, and Chameleon Boy in season 4, but then I realized that Bart wasn’t born as far in the 31 century like he is in the comics, or at least I don’t think he is, my math might be off, but I think his future was in the 2060s at most, so Jenni probably doesn't live in that time zone either. Their were probably some other reasons too, but think that was one of the main reasons. I still there are some ways that Jenni could become part of the show. Apparently Don and Dawn Allen will sometimes become villains instead of heroes, so maybe Jenni goes back in time to prevent that. I know the twins are very young at the moment, so maybe the thing that leads to twins becoming villains happens when they were very young. That or maybe Jenni could be what Bart claimed to be when he was first introduced: a tourist from the future. Or maybe, Jenni travels to the past to try and escape the next person on the list.
7. Reverse Flash aka Eobard Thawne
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Eobard Thawne, enemy of the Flash, killer of Nora Allen, and ancestor of Bart Allen. (Ps. @dementedspeedster, thank you for correcting me.) This guy would pretty much do anything in order to hurt Barry Allen, even if it means killing everyone in the world including himself. So he already has a built in motive for causing problems in the show. That and his relation to Bart can lead to interesting character arcs and story. Did Bart even know that he was related to this man? If not how does he feel about that? Bart seems very proud to be a part of the flash family, how would he react to finding out he was also related to the Flash’s worst enemy? This could lead to him having bonding moments with Artemis, Orphan, and others due to them understanding what it’s like to related to a villain, as well as helping Bart comes to terms with it. That and/or these a story line where Eobard Thawne comes after Bart, for one reason or another. Either way, I can see how add Eobard in the show can lead to a lot of possibilities.
8. Inertia aka Thaddeus Thawne
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Speaking of how add the Reverse Flash can lead to a lot of possibilities, meet Thaddeus Thawne: A clone made by President Thawne using Bart Allen’s and Thawne DNA, made to hurt, kill, and basically cause problems for the Allen family, mainly Bart Allen. Cloning is something that happens or is referenced to, quite a lot in this show, so Thaddeus wouldn’t feel too out of place. He could offer a lot of the same stuff Eobard Thawne, with the added bonus of a possible redemption arc. Superboy and Red Arrow would probably relate to him for being a clone made to be pawn in someone else plan and would try to show him that his life doesn't have to be like that. The Flash family might see him as family, since he still has a bit of Allen in him, and try to to convince him that they will actually treat him like family and not a tool for “revenge”. That and I just love villains redemption stories, and I don’t think any child is beyond help, so I would love it this show did something like that.
9. Meloni Thawne
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Bart Allen’s mother. I’m not a 100% sure how the show could use her, other than in a Reverse Flash story line, but it would be nice to see her.
10. Catwoman aka Selina Kyle
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I’m honestly surprise there hasn’t even been at least a reference to her in the show. Selina is both a love interest and villain of Batman, a master thief, but will be a hero if she feels like she has to be, there is a lot you can do with her. Personally, a idea I have for her is being a double agent to infiltrate The Light. Unlike the last the heroes made someone a mole, everyone on the team will know she’s a double agent. Probably won’t happen, like most of the things on this list, but just a thought.
11. Harley Quinn aka Harleen Quinzel
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Harley Quinn’s loads of fun and it would be nice to see her in Young Justice. I can seeing her doing what I also suggested for Catwoman and being a double agents, or I could see her just being a one time villain in a episode. Their are quite literally 100% ways you can go with her character.
12. Bunker aka Miguel Jose Barragan
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I will admit I don’t know a whole lot about this guy, but he seems like a fun guy. That and his powers are cool. I’d be happy to see him in the show.
13. Ace aka (I couldn’t find another name for her)
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As far as I know, this girl only exits in Justice League Animated Universe, but I like her, and I know a lot of other people like her. Ace is a traumatized and hurting child with powers that are almost god like. Like Raven, their are all kinds of story arcs you can do with that. The one I came up with first is her using her powers to avoid her trauma and problems, and live in a fantasy world. But again, there are a lot of things you can do with her.
14. Princess Amethyst of Gemworld aka Amy Winston
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The show confirmed that other dimensions are in fact a thing in the Young Justice universe, so Gemworld could exists in their world. Meaning it is possible for Amethyst to become part of the show. (This is a bit more of a prediction than hope. Not saying I don’t want her to be in the show, just saying this is more of a prediction.)
15. The H.I.V.E Five/Fearsome Five aka Jinx, Billy Numerous (William Billy Strayer), Kyd Wykkyd, See-More (Seymour), Mammoth, and Gizmo (I couldn’t find all they’re real names, sorry)
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Before you ask, yes, they are called The H.I.V.E Five even though their are six of them. Also, I don’t really know much about their comic counter parts, so I will mostly if not always be referring to their Teen Titans characters. For me, these kids were the best thing about the Teen Titans show so that alone is a reason why I think it we be neat to them in Young Justice. That being said, I can see some good story arcs for the show involving these characters.
That’s all I got for now, sorry it’s late, and my head is starting to hurt.
Later I will probably look at this and kick myself for not putting a character on this list, but right now I think I’m satisfied.
(Again, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
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creaticare · 7 months
I have been tagged by @grayseyebrowscar for a WIP game, and I have too many WIP's to not make a separate post. Some of them haven't been touched in ages, but they are still WIP's. There are also themes of death, abuse, and self-harm at least in the titles, and maybe in the WIP sentences.
rules: share the first line (or two or more!) of every current wip you have (that you feel comfortable sharing) and tag some writer friends! feel free to add the titles of your documents if you see fit
Guardian Angel: "Sasha sat up and looked around at her surroundings, she was back at her house in the forest.*
Criminal Minds
Our Witches Heart: "Reid sat at his desk just spinning around, he had finished his paperwork a while ago and now he was just letting his head roam."
DC Comics/Young Justice
Fear Toxined Batfam: "It was a normal patrol when their comms crackled to life, Oracle's voice coming through into their ears."
Green Lantern Ring: "The battle was nearing its end, the Justice League was on its last leg stopping these aliens."
Our friends shouldn't meet ends: "Jason stood with a sword in his hands, at the ready, a playful smile on his face as Wally also fell into stance."
When I Find You: "Dick always found the prospect of soulmates intriguing, his parents seemed like they had a perfect unbreakable bond, so that means he should also have the perfect bond when he was older."
Fairy Tail
MCD one-shots Bxl: "The feeling of being burned from the inside out wasn't one that Bixslow would ever say he appreciated, especially as he felt blood dribble out of his mouth."
MCD one-shots Gjl: "The Guild Hall was buzzing with an uneasy energy under the normal rambunctiousness."
Our Souls Weave Through, Chp 3: "Another week had passed since they had first found themselves in these strange times."
Our Souls Weave Through, Abuse, Gjl: "Gajeel absolutely hated it here, he has only been a part of Phantom Lord for a month and he was miserable, best guild along with the ranks of Fairy Tail his ass."
Our Souls Weave Through, Bitey One-Shot: "Fairy Tail was pretty used to the biting habit Natsu seemed to have, most of them having grown up with him, and having seen him constantly doing it, or being a victim at one point or another."
Got a secret series, Can you Keep it: "After all the Ushijima Fiancé craziness had washed over, a fan chose to go back and rewatch the interview."
Swim, Spike, Receive: "Kageyama Tobio didn't always live in Miyagi, he actually used to live in Tokyo with his older brother."
My Life is your Tribute, Hunger Games Crossover: "The ten districts of Panem all used to be one unified country along with their Capital, until they rebelled, causing a war to spread."
Racing Royalty: "Empress sat upon the hood of her car as her Knight filled up the gas in preparation for the race."
Tsukishima's Shoulder, Finding our Footing: "He kept going through the cycles, kept going through these large cycles of doubt. The surgery date was creeping up on him and he was scared."
Creepy Crawly Crows: "The two teams on the court flinched back and the crowd went silent as the Military burst through the doors in the gym."
Figure Four, Finale: "The announcer cleared their throat to get the attention of the stadium, 'Everyone there is still one more performance for today.'"
Sewn Silence: "Bokuto's insecurities were knocking on the metaphorical door once again, he had the all locked away behind a wall of fake emotions."
Short & Tall: "Nishinoya picked up his pace as he tried to keep up with Tsukishima's freakishly long strides. This was one of the many reasons he was not a fan of tall people, they walk too damn fast."
TPN x Haikyuu: "Emma threw her head back as she felt the breeze pass by, she took a deep breath of her true freedom."
Buckle up, it's MHA time
(I have so many MHA fics, at least plans, I was hyperfixated on it for a long time.)
1-A childhood friends and soulmates: "Memories are a fickle thing, you cherish them when you're young, but they will slowly disappear as you grow. Those who you would hold so close to your heart, will suddenly disappear."
Bomb on Campus: "The bright numbers flashed over the campus as teachers were guiding students out of the buildings and through the gates."
Bonding Notes, Chp 3: "As Shoji makes his way into the dorm he digs into his pocket for his white cane."
Fuck, it's the Family: "When class 1-A walked into the classroom one fateful morning they were put on edge by the sinister smile on their teacher's face."
Gouged Clouds and Pittering Paws: "Aizawa was born with his Parental Mark set on his collarbone, a small black cat curled up, sleeping peacefully."
Interviews with the 3's: "The recording flickered on as they all sat around the common rooms of the dorm, Class 3-A and 3-B convened together."
Mutation Quirk Erasure: "Aizawa woke up and went to wake up his kids with a bad feeling in his gut, his brain telling him that something had happened."
Quirk Drawback Fics, Shoji: "The day had been slow, they all started off with Homeroom and then went through their classes until getting to hero training."
Separated for Safety, Chp 2: "Bakugo woke up, his vision slowly coming into focus, he stares at the bright white ceiling as he tries to remember what happened."
Splat the Colorful Hero: "Deku sat atop the roof that All Might had left him on, he sat on the edge with his legs dangling over."
Trauma and Friends: "The class had been getting closer, they were three fourths of the way through their first year at UA, but there were still some barriers between them."
Vanishers, Later in the fic: "Aizawa's head swiveled around to look at the door that had just been flung open, standing there was a panting Present Mic."
What Happened to Memories?: "Memories are a precious thing, but they always seem to just disappear."
When time turns back: "The class was scattered around the area as they fight villains in close and far quarters."
3 Pros, 1 Civilian: "Izuku Midoriya was an odd kid raised in odd ways, he has 4 parents that helped raise him but that's not what was weird about it."
3-A year: "Shoji quickly finished packing his bag, even though classes didn't start till tomorrow he wanted to make sure he had time to move back into the dorms, and get adjusted to his friends."
Deaf MHA: "Aizawa watched his students closely both in and out of class so at any moment he could see if there was anything wrong with them."
Pro Hero Wards, Chaos Fic: "Shoji sits in the common room with his stuff as the class slowly leaves for Christmas break, he was one of the few left waiting."
Shoji Retires: "He couldn't have even told them himself, they had to find out from the official Pro Hero news. Katsuki had run across the article that morning and sent it to the group chat of their old class."
Day 7: "She looks behind her quickly to check if the people are still following her, she doesn't see anyone, but she keeps running."
There are all of my Current and Old WIP's, I'm not gonna tag anyone, but it's open for anyone who wants to do it.
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feralrunaway · 3 years
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Pairing: August Walker x teenage OFC (platonic)
Word count: ~1.5k
Warnings: homelessness, cursing, crime, implications of abuse, implied murder, August’s disdain for religion
A/N: I’ve never written for August before, so I hope I do this justice. This story takes place after MI6, several different timelines. Please heed the warnings before reading, thanks!
Their eyes connected across the dark, crowded club.
A nostalgic smile touched her perfectly glossed lips, the slightest mirror of which ghosted along his rigid features, only for both to disappear before anyone could notice. A secret smile. An acknowledgment.
...mankind is drawn to his self-destruction like a moth to the candle.
A decade of transformation. Of skills honed. And yet the depth of connection over shared experience remained.
*A rooftop entrance. A door ajar.
Accessible once, and he hoped still. A place to lay low until he could reestablish contacts and repair his identity. One of the few places he could recall that even his trusted associates knew nothing of.
The lock had clearly been picked, alerting him to his safe house having been compromised. Not by the authorities, no. But by the lump of diminutive human lying under a pile of dirty blankets in the attic.
A cocked gun. A warning. The bored, disinterested girl shifted to sit under the blankets and stare petulantly in his direction.
“I found it first, Scarface. Get your own squat.”
It took a lot to surprise August Walker. But this live grenade of teenage attitude glaring daggers at him was enough to qualify. Her eyes briefly absorbed his expensive, if disheveled, clothing, danced over the gun in his hand.
“Are you a fucking cop?” she stood slowly.
August chuckled darkly, but the inherent threat in the sound was not perceived by the adolescent occupying the loft hideaway belonging to him. Was she brain-addled?
“I suggest you scurry along, little rat.”*
“Fuck you.”*
It is the first step toward the ultimate brotherhood of man.
Her mentor. After all these years, he hadn’t changed. Well, the scars were mostly gone. Only a slight puckering remained next to his right eye, easily concealed by an errant curl. But the same man occupied the expensive suit. Money had its uses. He had taught her that.
* A desperate time. A questionable meal.
“You got this where?”
She rolled her eyes as well as any youth.
“It’s clean. The grocery on main puts their overstock out every week.”
“You’re eating out of a dumpster.”
She scoffed. “So are you if you want to eat tonight. Never hurt me before. You’re free to come up with your own shit, moneybags. More for me.”
“What if I were to propose a solution beneficial to us both?” he eyed the slightly expired food and week-old produce. He had no intention of a recognizable face and bounty on his head making him settle for scraps. “Earn your stay in my safe house.”
She did well. Better than he had anticipated. He watched her walk down the street, charming a clothing shop clerk while nimble fingers pilfered this and that, changing both clothing and personality before his tracking eyes at each stop she made, until suddenly he gazed upon a simple, bookish young adult simply shopping for groceries for her family at home.*
His prodigy. A quick study. With a few lessons of her own to teach him.
*A midnight ambush. An unexpected out.
The rat was long gone before even August managed to divert himself safely away from the house. It had been a small team. Nothing he couldn’t halt with a few well timed fists. He was the Hammer after all. But now his hideaway had been compromised. And they had picked up his trail.
It was difficult, if not nearly impossible for a man his size with such distinguishable scars to make his way down a city street while avoiding pursuant agents from every angle.
A small hand tangled in his shirt. A barely pulled punch. Her finger to her lips, she tugged him down through the open manhole.
Filthy, stinking tunnels. Narrowing, narrowing until his broad shoulders barely squeezed through. Until finally they opened up into the broad arched chorus of entries leading to any path of their choosing.
“Welcome to the underground, old man. Pick your poison.”*
Today, mankind has been handed the opportunity to escape his destiny.
August worked best alone. He had never understood what kept drawing him back to her. Why the presence of this feral spitfire of a child was tolerable. Perhaps a mutual understanding of the true evils operating in the world.
*A special day. A present with meaning.
“It’s my birthday today.”
“Oh?  And how old are you now?”
“…how long have you been on your own, rat?”
“Maybe a year and a half now.  I’m not sure.  Don’t get all sympathetic, old man.  It’s better this way, trust me.  I do just fine on my own.”
She needn’t understand that he felt no pity about it. He could relate.  He knew the type of things that would cause an adolescent to take a crack at life on their own.  It didn’t take much searching to discover where she had come from.  The child of a pastor, the kind that spit vitriol about sin and promised fire and brimstone. The kind of man that hid his own abusive deeds and indescretions behind a pious front.
Any belief in a spirituality with no other proof, other than the cravings to project one’s self over the rational thinking of the others must be eradicated.
Two days later, August was gone, only leaving behind one thing.
She read the headline of the newsprint again and again.
“Local church up in flames, two missing.  Officials continue the search.”
Under the headline, in elegant, efficient script:
Happy Birthday, Rat.*
...by averting disaster, they serve to delay a peace that can only come through an inevitable baptism of fire.
“I miss the Phantom of the Opera look. You should have kept it.”
“There is benefit in being inconspicuous, as I recall you saying once,” he murmured, eyes indicating the siren red dress and dripping diamond jewels framing her delicate face and body.
She laughed, loud and genuine. “There is also benefit to be had in boldness, as you and your devilstache well demonstrated to me.”
*A back alley altercation. A job gone wrong.
He hadn’t seen her in two years. Now he watched from above as she evaded multiple assailants. Ducking and twisting, the little rat managed to slip through their grasp time and again. Her small frame and wiley nature worked to her benefit. Until it didn’t. One punch to the gut saw her laid out, winded, one man hovering above her and another with a gun trained to her head.
August had seen enough. Four quick shots and they were down. He sauntered down the stairs and over to her prone form.
“Scarface. Perfect timing, you handsome bastard. I’ll just be on my way.” she was winded, but no less crass.
“Not a chance, Rat,” he pulled her to standing by the nape of her neck. “There are a few things you need to learn.” He held out a hand. She leaned forward, spitting several sparkling diamonds into his open palm. “The first being that blatant theft never leaves you an out. Learn your exchanges and plan for them well before extraction. When you have another party interested in the payload, you have well-financed protection.”
He secretly reveled in her education in hand to hand combat. He always preferred fists to weapons, whenever possible. Her squirrelly evasive maneuvers were intriguing and useful, evidence of her time on the street, filching whatever she needed a day at a time. But if she were to ever be overpowered, she had a long way to go.*
The suffering I bring you is not the beginning of the end. It is the beginning of a greater mutual understanding through common suffering.
Neither looked at the other as they observed the room.  Watched for their mutual target.
The comfort of working in tandem was welcome. She rarely utilized the assistance of others. There was, after all, only one man she had ever trusted.
 *A romance gone wrong.  A late night call.
“I need a place to lay low for a few days.”
“How did you get this number?”
“I met a man once who wore sin on his upper lip.  He taught me a few tricks.”
August smiled at the other end of the line.
“I will send you the address.  You will send me his name.”*
Here I will emphasize clearly that the judgement upheld against us will be one of human hands, not of a god or other wordly being.
Both of their gazes fell to the intended target as he broke away from the crowd.
“My buyer won’t be happy if I let him go.”
“Will we finally find ourselves at odds over this transaction, Scarface?”
“Hardly, Rat. Now scurry along. This one belongs to you.”
With that, he set down his drink. He walked toward the exit, fully trusting that this would be a job well completed.
And so, the cycle continues.
Casting one final glance in her direction, he realized that the unfamiliar sensation he always felt around her, that drew him like a moth to the candle, had a name:
(Nov 27, 2020)
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youngjusticeslut · 3 years
What are your thoughts on season 3? I honestly thought it was a downgrade from the previous season, writing-wise and animation-wise (a BIG downgrade there). I felt it was all over the place and kinda boring (minus the two episodes with jade- i felt we gotta lucky that her scenes were great). I have big expectations for S4 though, trying to stay optimistic.
So, I think I talked about this a lot as Season 3 was airing, but now that it's been two years, I'm happy to elaborate.
(Disclaimer, my opinions are my own and should always be taken with a grain of salt. You may have absolutely loved the season and thought it was perfect, and I have no desire to convince you otherwise. These are just some of my thoughts™️)
Season 3 was not my favorite season of Young Justice. I agree, writing-wise it was all over the place, with some episodes knocking it out of the park (Private Security, Quiet Conversations), and others being just awful (Early Warning). Animation-wise, it was also incredibly inferior, though the team is hardly to blame. The budget is. The YJ team did their best with what they had to work with, so while much of the animation isn't great, I don't look down on it because I know that much of it was out of the creators' control.
I feel like many of Outsiders' weaknesses can be boiled down to pure uncertainty. You have to remember, the show had a 'hiatus' of three-ish years before the announcement that it was renewed. There were many changes, whether it be plot-related, character-related, or even just world related. Our world changed so much in the years leading up to Outsiders, and it would be fair to say that the creators and writers wanted to reflect as much as they could in the new season. Another note, the show moved to an adult-focused platform, allowing them new possibilities in what they could show, RE: cursing, violence, gore, etc. Were they a little too ambitious with all that they tried to accomplish? Probably. They likely didn't know if they would be picked up for a fourth season, and my theory is that they wanted to go out with a bang: meaning, develop every plotline and introduce every character that they could in one season. (Of course, this is just a theory. I could be wrong.)
Did they get it right? Err. No. Outsiders focused on far too many characters and plots, and characterization and the overall story suffered as a result. But if my theory is correct, then I think it's understandable. If you suddenly got the chance to come back to writing your favorite show for just one more season, wouldn't you want to try and put in everything you want to see in it?
In addition to the above, there were certain.. unpleasant aspects about Season 3 that left a bad taste in my mouth. The treatment of Halo. The whole mess with the LGBTQ+ inclusion. In regards to both, I don't think any intention was malicious. I think it was, again, trying to include and doing the right thing, but ultimately missing the mark. To add on to the LGBTQ+ discourse, I've known for a long time now the truth about the whole Bart debacle, and I'm really glad that it has been more or less stated that it was out of the team's control. (Won't go too deeply into this, but you can find pleeeenty about this on AskGreg!)
Now, I'm not saying Outsiders is bad. For everything that I didn't enjoy, there's probably double the amount of things I did enjoy. I just loved having Young Justice back, and I'm willing to chalk up its problems to the circumstances that I outlined above. However, like you, I have much higher hopes for Season 4. Based on several recent AskGreg answers, (in addition to the confirmation that Phantoms will be doubling down on the core S1 characters), it looks like the team really looked at the constructive criticism the fans provided and actively worked to fix things that didn't resonate with Outsiders. Additionally, now that there's no 3-year hiatus (they've been working on the show this entire time), I'm certain that they've been able to get back into the swing of things and work out any kinks that the long break would have challenged them with.
I could go on and on, but I feel like that would be beating a dead horse. Overall, I am very excited and optimistic for Phantoms. Despite a rocky start with Outsiders, I know that the YJ team has been working incredibly hard, and I have a feeling that Phantoms is going to be great.
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Supernatural 15.16
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What can I say? No, seriously, what can I say this was such a disappointment I just wanna salt it, burn it and forget it. 
This is not what I wanted nor what we were told we were gonna get, the promo’s and the way it was promoted made it seem like this was gonna be a heavy brothers centered episode and we were gonna get to see flashbacks of Sam and Dean hunting solo together, without their dad, for the first time. It wasn’t.
This episode is snake oil. It was advertised in all the right ways to make us buy into it but it has no real substance or value.  
The plot is simple: Sam and Dean have to investigate the death of an old, sort of friend they made in one of the motel’s they stayed at back when they were little and haven’t spoken to in over 20 years. And let’s talk about this real quick because at the beginning Sam and Dean don’t know they’re going to investigate their friends’ death they think they’re going to the funeral cause the victim’s sister, who was also a sort of friend of theirs back in the day, invited them to the funeral to guarantee that they would go which is so stupid, people miss funerals all the time especially when they’re the funerals of people who they only knew for a week over 20 years ago and didn’t keep in contact. So, the stupid starts early in this episode. 
Back to the plot, the thing that Sam and Dean are hunting is something they had hunted and thought killed years ago back when they were the wee!chesters, and by “they” I mean….Dean and the girlie. I’m sorry you thought, we were gonna see young!Sam and Dean actually hunt together? No. 
The four of them sort of work together to figure out where the thing might be hiding and Dean’s all ‘I’m handling this on my own’ and Sam’s like ‘I’m going with you’ and Dean’s like ‘no’ and the girls like ‘then i’m going with you’ and Dean’s all ‘no’ and so he goes off on his own but the girl follows him so it’s the girl and him hunting this thing down while Sam is stuck back in the motel on babysitting duty of the girls little brother which I’m sure the writer is patting herself on the back for because at the beginning in the first flashback Dean was all ‘I used to babysit you when I was your age’ so now Sam is stuck babysitting...get it? Get it? I think it’s supposed to be clever…...excuse me a minute
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*clears throat* where was I? Oh yes, so anyways after some investigating and Dean finding a bunch of children’s corpses they arrive at the hotel in time to see the thing they’re hunting attacking Sam and the other kid and Dean’s all ‘Sam get out of the way’ and stabs the thing which makes it turn to dust so they think it’s dead which we all know it ain’t but let’s talk for a minute about the fact that Dean just walked to see a monster attacking his baby brother AND HE DOESN’T EVEN RUSH TO CHECK ON HIM WHEN THE THING IS DEAD!!!! Also, this thing was hunting kids that were around Sam’s age but Dean doesn’t seem to give a fuck. 
So what was the thing Sam and Dean were hunting oh so many years ago when they did shit re-search even though we know that they knew how important research was but this writer doesn’t know how to write this characters in present time why would she be able to write young! them? Baba Yaga! But they still don’t know that they’ll find that out later in the episode, in like a 5min scene that really does not do this figure justice but neither does the rest of this episode as this writer doesn’t really care and treats Baby Yaga more like a traditional vengeful spirit. 
For real though, it is a shame that this writer doesn’t care enough because Baba Yaga is a folklore figure with so much history they could have really done something interesting and scary; such a famous folklore figure and she was treated like a footnote. 
But that’s what young!Sam and Dean were up to what about our Sam and Dean? Well, after they find out the truth that they’re there to investigate and not attend a funeral that happened a week before they go check what’s up at the motel since that’s where everything happened years ago and the dude died, Dean is feeling guilty af for so many reasons including that he had yet to tell Sam Jack was gonna die, at first Dean doesn’t believe it’s the same thing they had hunted but then he’s like ‘okay maybe it’s not as dead as I thought’ and leaves Sam and the girlie to do research while he has a scene with Billie where she tells him the end is coming and while that’s happening Sam finds out it’s the Baba Yaga and the girl gets attacked and then Dean returns and he and Sam go their separate ways to find her because of course the do and Dean gets attacked but Sam arrives and then they properly kill the monster. 
Anyways, it all ends with their “friend” telling Dean for like the 20th time that he has changed and then they have a hug which gives us our final flashback where after him and the young girlie say goodbye to each other him and Sam are waiting for John to pick them up and Dean’s all ‘I don’t know about this college thing but we make a good team’ which would be great if we had actually seen them work as a team.
With the thing dead Sam and Dean make their way back home and Dean tells Sam the truth about Jack dying. We’ll come back to this scene. 
And that’s the episode in a nutshell. It’s bad. It’s unforgivably bad. This is the mediocre, poor man’s version of Something Wicked. 
It’s got no soul, with the exception of one scene it’s got no emotion. It stays at the surface level, we don’t truly get to see young!Sam and Dean work together, we don’t really get to see their dynamic with each other, we don’t learn anything new about them, Dean clearly didn’t like Sam thinking about college but it wasn’t really explored he was just an ass to Sam about it and then was all ‘we make a good team’ but like I said we didn’t truly get to see them be a team so it just falls flat, there weren’t really any proper scenes between the young brothers, Baba Yaga is not explored she’s more a footnote, we also don’t get to see adult Sam and Dean hunt together. 
You compare it to other flashback episodes like Something Wicked, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Just My imagination to name a few, and you can’t. You can’t really compare it cause those episodes were well written and actually explored Sam and Dean’s emotions and their relationship. This episode is the worst flashback episode we have ever gotten and I wish it didn’t exist. 
I wanna talk about the young!Sam and Dean actors real quick cause no shade to them but I didn’t like them one bit not just because of the way they were written but also because they don’t really embody Sam and Dean’s personalities in the way that their predecessors have, I look at them I don’t see Sam and Dean. Also, their acting? Not the best. 
So, all around this is a failure as far as young!Sam and Dean.
There was one scene in this whole entire episode that had any sort of emotion: the final scene with Sam and Dean in the car where Dean tells Sam everything and about Jack dying and Sam is pissed off and they get into a fight. That’s the only scene where Sam and Dean got closest to acting and sounding like themselves and the only one that was worth something and I give full credit to Jared and Jensen for that because their acting in that moment was standing ovation worthy, they honestly almost made me cry. I think if this epi had been better written and emotions actually explored it would have managed to make me cry. 
I don’t like that the epi finished with the boys fighting, even less that the one proper scene we got between them was a fight but it was the best scene of the episode and it should be watched if for no other reason than to see Jared and Jensen put on an amazing performance, 
But that scene alone is not enough to save this episode. 
The writer of this epi once recommended that you could put the first 2 seasons of this show on as background noise and maybe if she hadn’t done that and actually paid attention to the foundation of the show that paid her bills she wouldn’t have given us the mediocre version of Something Wicked or would have learned how to artfully weave the main plot of a season into a stand alone episode like Phantom Traveler did instead of sticking in a scene right in the middle for some exposition. As it is, you can use her episode as background noise. 
Here’s the thing, you can make the argument that it’s not as bad as it could have been or as what we have gotten, or that we should expect the episodes to be bad because it’s all we’ve gotten, or that we should just be happy with what we get and listen you feel how you wanna feel about this episode and/or tell yourself what you need to make yourself feel better but that don’t work with me. I’m not going to thank the writers for taking a smaller shit on this show than they did last time, and expecting the episodes to suck doesn’t mean we don’t deserve better and that we shouldn’t be upset. 
And I am upset. I am angry. I am sad. I am bitter. I am disappointed. 
You know what stings most about this episode? What makes it cut differently than all the other shitty, insulting, disappointing episodes that have come before it? That this is the last time we’re going to see young!Sam and Dean. This was the last ever flashback episode. A badly written episode with barely any proper interaction between the young brothers, is the last time we’ll see young! Sam and Dean. 
I so badly wish I could recommend this episode but the truth is that I can't. What I can recommend, and I highly do, is looking up the final scene and enjoying that beautifully acted, painful, brother moment. And then if you still want to watch young!Sam and Dean, just re-watch Something Wicked. 
In conclusion,
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jelloopy · 4 years
Moonlighting Notes
Previous: Character Creation, HtbG
Moonlighting Ch 1
Boys are dizzy upon entering moon base (Why exactly was this a thing? Like was it because Lucretia made it so the bureau couldn’t be remembered/ comprehended by anyone not inoculated?)
AAVVIIIIIIII!!!!! He is from Brandybuck and gives them some brandy to ease the dizziness (Team player, I want someone like Avi in my crew.) 
JOHAAANNNNNN!!!! Half elf! v v sad boy. So talented!!! (I kinda forgot how mopey he was since I’ve been catching up with the rest of TAZ )
Magnus why you tickling a grown-ass man? (This is so funny and weird considering how their relationship grows later on?)
Best god damn musician that ever existed. Plays violin like a mad man (He plays the Violin… I feel like Lup would have challenged him so god damn fast. But still, is he the legit best Violinist in Faerune?)
Magnus drinks the Ichor first. Remembers everything that was static before now being clear as day. Months and years ago there was a war that ruined and killed entire towns, loved ones, and people he knew. (Juliaaaaaa! God that sucks realizing that tbh. But also later on Travis says that Magnus was the leader of a Militia going against Governor Kalen. So what was that about exactly? They might actually explain that later on so I gonna wait and see.)
”You have never seen anything like this”~griffin about Fisher (Oh, how incorrect that statement is. Especially for it to be Magnus he’s talking about.)
Taako drinks next then Merle (Ahh, Taako the trust issues are showinggggg! But I don’t blame you it’s okay you have full right to be sus)
Taako has a memory of working on his grandpa’s farm where he leaves the milk out too long and remembers sour cream (he was 65yrs old) (God, does that mean Lup was there too? )
Johann came up with the name “voidfish”? (To be fair the IPRE gang only called him Fisher so it actually is pretty neat if Johann really was the guy to come up with the name.)
Magic Brian was 121yrs old and a drow elf (A young man just looking for mischief)
Magnus tries to tickle Johann again bit he smacks his hand away (YES JOHANN Stand up for your self!!!!! What a king.)
Johann is in the “gamekeeping” department? (I mean he is the guy that feeds and takes care of Fisher by means of feeding him information that needs getting rid of. So it kinda makes sense.)
Moonlighting Ch 2
They meet Lucretia!  (I want to punch her so bad. I’m sorry if yall like Lucretia but she infuriates me. She actually is a really cool character with a complex personality that I can actually appreciate but I still hate what she did and I will go much deeper into it later on.)
Griffin makes a joke about having to “create a new monster that takes away memories” so that he can get Taako to unlearn some of the components to making a taco (Good god. That came back to bite us in the ass didn’t it? Huh, JUNIOR. Didn’t it? That hurts a lot too.)
Lucretia doesn’t know” what the umbrastaff is (I saw a post with some Lucretia angst which I can appreciate because she could have been “in denial” about it being Lup’s umbrastaff but I got angry nonetheless.)
She believes that they are much more capable than they believe that they are (YEAH HUH? Its almost like they have less faith in themselves because someone took away their memories and the knowledge of their powers or something and they had to start all over. Wild.)
The Bureau of Balance has only been in operation for less than a year and they were not able to do anything until they discovered the Voidfish (More like Lucretia had only then figured out the logistics of her organization enough to introduce Fisher to everyone. Which in retrospect is very smart and it’s the same thing I would do at that point in time but anyway.)
Magic Brian was a wayward seeker who worked for the bureau of balance (aHA! So technically in the Graphic Novel, he should have had a bracer on unless he used a spell to conceal it which is reasonable (I won’t hate on Carey I just remembered it and noticed he didn’t have a bracer on. it’s nothing wild))
CUE TRIAL OF INITIATION! (Ngl I forgot this was a thing because of how little attention I was paying at the beginning.)
Magnus is the strongest, Merle is the smartest, and Taako is the bravest. (In all aspects, I would have switched Taako and Merle but considering at this point Taako really was a dullard I can agree with their placements.)
The smallest ogre is blue the middle ogre is green and the big ogre is red (Awe I think Griffin used all of their fave colors to Mirror the three of em. <3)
Magnus’ first blood with ripping arms off (And so it begins. God, I love that Lil character detail in Magnus. It’s so frickin funny.)
”I thought I knew him! he’s an animal!” ~Taako (I mean in The Stolen Century he waaaas taught by a bear so… not far off there bud.)
Taako falls back and breaks his wand and in return, the umbrastaff begins to shift and wiggle in his bag until he gets it out. (It never clicked that this was the time that Griffin listed in Lup’s return in the finale. Until now… That’s so cute and so sadddddd)
Moonlighting Ch 3
Magnus got to keep the robot arm(s?) (Yay! Sadly he will give them up later on :( but it is for good reason so :) )
Lucretia came up with the name “Bureau of Balance” (Why? Like why Balance. I would name it Justice or Equity or something else but Balance doesn’t seem right in line with what they are doing.)
Lucretia treats davenport as her charge or ward (Rude. For one. It also hurts a lot more when you realize he is her superior. I hate it so much.)
”We very quickly cut your hand off take the bracer then reattach the hand so its no big deal” in reference to how they’ll get the bracers off after they find all the relics. (1- I forget how they get the bracers off in the end but did Lucretia really not plan for that?) (2- heheh *cut to Merle in three Arcs*)
The seventh relic is love “after we find the sixth item we’ll come back here” (She has the 7th in her hand actually so yeah you’re only gonna need to find six. But also it kinda was Love. The bonds they all had together helped Lucretia do what she needed in the end with the help of Taako’s idea and together they ended the Hunger’s reign over Faerune.)
”who called themselves the Red Robes- are all gone- most of them killed in the hunt for their relics- bring them back here if you find one” (Uh. Lucretia really named her family the “Red Robes” and made them sound evil because they did what they could at the time. Also they aren't “all gone” the only one(s) you don’t know their whereabouts of yet are Barry and Lup. AND YOU PUT ANTI- LICH WARDS ON THE DAMN MOON DUDE. If you really wanted to find Barry to talk then you would have not done that.)
Leon the artificer! (He is trying his best and I love him)
The umbrastaff is a magical umbrella created by the Umbrawizards “very few” of them exist (Boy HUH? Did Lup like… start a gang of wizards? Or did Lucretia feed Leon false Information?)
Taako being inept at the gashapon (My favorite thing. He is played as stupid at the time but if we consider his character, in general, knowing everything we do he is just fucking with Leon and I love him for that.)
RAILSPLITTER!!!! Phantom fist!!! Wand of switcheroo!! The X-treem teen bible and SCUTTLEBUDDY!!!! (Pay close attention! These Mousekatools will be useful later on!)
Awe Magnus got everyone the stones of far speech 
They are moving to Level 4!!!
Next: MotRPL, Lunar Interlude I,
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five-rivers · 5 years
Scarecrow/Grave Robber
I feel like I told whole bunch of people I wouldn't continue Unearthed. Here I am, continuing Unearthed, like a liar. But not finishing it. Because I can't decide how I want this scenario to end.
All y'all'll have to wait 'til the next event for another continuation, because for the last two Ectober prompts I'm doing completely different things.
Scarecrow/Grave Robber
Detective Collins looked down at the body on the autopsy table. He'd looked at bodies before. Corpses, rather. He and Patterson were APPD's homicide team, and did a lot of death investigations, even if Amity Park hadn't had an actual murder for years. A single casre of involuntary manslaughter, yes, several instances of assault, yes, a good number of accidental deaths, yes, murder, no.
Apparently, the knowledge that a so-called permanent solution to a problem might not be all that permanent, and that the problem might come back with superpowers was enough to put a damper on that kind of thing.
The corpse wasn't exactly a normal one, and it hadn't come to police attention in the normal way. Still, Collins was just doing his job.
So why the hell did he feel like a damn graverobber?
"Got anything for us, Molly?" he asked the ME.
"If you mean a cause of death, that's a hard no," said the red-haired woman. "If you mean a whole bunch of weird stuff, then yes. This is the strangest body I've ever seen. I think I'm going to have to call out for a second opinion."
Collins and Patterson exchanged looks.
"I think you'd better not," said Patterson. "This is the kind of thing that should stay in Amity Park."
Molly eyed the other woman shrewdly. "The rumors are true, then?"
Collins cleared his throat. "What rumors?"
"This is Phantom's body."
"Where did you hear that?" asked Collins.
At the same time Patterson said, "So he claims."
"The paramedics told me," said Molly. "It's been all over the hospital."
Great. As if this case wasn't 'interesting' enough. "What's so weird about the body?" he asked, bringing them back to the topic at hand.
"Well, first off, half of it's missing."
Collins looked down at the body. As far as he could tell, all of it was there, even if it was far from adult-sized.
"I know what you're thinking," said Molly. "I get it. I didn't notice at first, either, not until I took the x-rays. His bones are half as dense at they should be. At first I thought that he just had some kind of bone disease- that would make identification easier, right?- but then I started weighing other parts of him, and his everything only weighs about half as much as it should for a teenager of his height."
"Are you sure that's not just because of decay? Or because he was burned?" asked Patterson.
"Yes, I'm sure. He's pretty well preserved actually."
"Is he?" asked Collins, dubiously, looking at the blackened and whithered corpse.
"Yeah. What you're seeing here," she gestured at one of the corpse's arms, "it isn't skin. I know he looks burnt, but he's actually got all his layers. This is something he was wearing. I've sent a sample out for analysis, but I think it's mostly plastic and cloth."
Patterson sighed. "Guess that rules out burning to death, or someone trying to burn the body afterwards. What could have caused the, uh, halving?"
Molly shrugged. "Might have to do with how he died, or becoming a ghost. I don't know. I only deal with the bodies of the dead, not their spirits. You'll have to ask the Fenton, or the GIW."
"Anything else?" asked Collins.
Molly shrugged. "I found a lot of ectoplasm residue on him, and something that might be lichtenberg figures, but I won't know for sure until I can get his clothing off, and I'm not sure we want to do that until we figure out what happened to them and what they're made of."
"Right," said Collins. "Good call."
"Everything else is in here," said Molly, handing the file to Patterson. "But, just so you know, he does have the proper height, age, and body type to be Phantom."
"Any que-" the phone in the back office rang, cutting Molly off. She groaned. "Hold that thought." She ran off into the other room and shut the door.
"Sooooo," said Patterson, playing with the end of her braid. "Who gets to interview the Fentons?"
"Both of us," said Collins, looking at Molly's report. She hadn't written anything about how long the kid had been dead.
"Aw, you're no fu-"
The temperature of the already-cold room dropped, and all of Collins' hairs stood on end, indicators of an agitated and very close ghost. Both Collins and Patterson had their ectoguns (standard issue for APPD) out in second.
A ghost shimmered into view on the other side of the examination table.
"You need to stop this," he said, green eyes boring first into Collins', then Patterson's. "People are going to get hurt."
"Is that a threat?" asked Collins.
Phantom recoiled as if slapped. The shock faded, and his face settled into a more standard offended scowl.
"No, of course not. It doesn't make it any less true. So stop."
"We can't."
"Why not?" asked Phantom, aggrieved. "It isn't like this is about justice. I don't need justice. It was an accident."
"Because we don't know who this is, and we don't know who you are," said Collins. He did not add that, even if the body on the table had belonged to Phantom, they could not take his word that his death had been an accident.
Phantom threw up his hands. "I'm the guy who's been protecting Amity Park from ghost attacks for the last two years! And that's my..." he faltered. "My, um. My c- My body," he finished quietly. He took a deep breath, and some of his earlier fire came back. "Why would I lie?"
Collins could think of dozens of reasons, up to and including Phantom being the killer, though he doubted the young ghost had a murderous bone in his body. Either of them.
"It would really help," said Patterson, "if you could come down to the station to be interviewed."
Phantom's expression softened. "If it would help-" he broke off and shook himself. "I'll think about it." He frowned down at the body, looking rather ill.
"Is there any proof you have that this is your body?" asked Collins, slowly, more cautious than Patterson. He remembered hearing somewhere that ghosts didn't like being reminded of their deaths.
Phantom shifted slightly, and his gaze slid away from the corpse. "Other than knowing you had found... it, and being able to feel it? Not..." He trailed off, rubbing a circle into the palm of his left hand. Jerkily, he tugged off the glove. He kept his hand curled tight, and half hidden, as he stared down at the ground. Then he spread out his fingers, and thrust his hand at Collins. "This," he said. "It'll be the same on... it... as me."
In the center of Phantom's palm was a burnt-in star. It had seven points that faded out to lightning bolts as they twined up his arm, disappearing under his jumpsuit.
"Is that from when you died?" asked Patterson.
All the lights in the room flickered, and the the ghost hissed before vanishing. A light bulb near the door burst in a spray of glass.
The temperature returned to normal levels.
"What the hell, Patterson? You don't ask a ghost about their death. And what was the whole 'it'll really help' thing?"
"Sorry," said Patterson. "I know, I know, but how often do you get to interview the victim of one of these things?"
"Literally all the time. We do assault cases ninety percent of the time."
"When you put it that way..." Patterson grimaced. "The 'help' thing... Well, ghosts are supposed to be governed by their Obsessions, right? I took a class on that, a couple of months ago. Anyway, there's big speculation that Phantom's Obsession is heroism, or helping people. I thought maybe I could use it. It almost worked. You saw how he considered it."
"Yeah," said Collins. He rubbed his face, thinking.
Phantom said he could feel the body. How much could he feel? If he could just tell what was happening to it, that wouldn't be so bad. But if he could feel it like it was still his body? That sounded like torture.
Molly walked back into the room. She frowned. "What happened?"
"Phantom decided to pay us a visit. Say, Molly, I know you don't want to strip off his clothes, yet, but if you could just clean off his left hand..."
"So," said Collins, drumming his hands on the steering wheel. "Let's recap. What do we know?"
"The body is the right age, sex, and size to be Phantom, and has the same scars as Phantom," said Patterson. "The body is really weird and has a lot of ectoplasmic residue on it. Molly can't tell how long it's been dead. Forensics thinks it's been there two years, based on soil settling and a picture search. The cairn only started showing up around then, at the end of summer."
"Which is before the ghosts started to be a big thing," added Collins.
"Which makes the ectoplasm even weirder."
"And now, we're consulting with the only ghost experts in town who aren't the GIW to find out what could have caused that."
"But, unfortunately, said ghost experts are also the only people in town who had access to ectoplasm before the ghosts showed up."
"Which means they're suspects," finished Collins, moving from knowledge into theory. He sighed. "Of course, since Phantom claims to have buried his own body, he could have left the ectoplasmic residue."
"It's also possible some other ghost hunter did it," said Patterson. "The GIW did exist before the ghosts became a problem. Or it could just be a natural result of turning into a ghost."
"Right," said Collins. "So, who's going to ring the doorbell?"
The two detectives looked up at the front door of Fentonworks. Everybody knew what happened to people who rang the Fentons' doorbell.
Patterson sighed. As the more junior of the pair, she knew how this was going to pan out. "I'll do it."
She got out of the car, and went up the stair. Collins followed, but stayed a safe distance back.
With an air of resignation, Patterson pressed the doorbell.
Surprisingly, the door opening did not herald a flood of green goo. One of the Fenton children had opened the door. The boy. An unidentifiable expression passed over his face before he turned and shouted, "Mom! Dad! The police are here to see you!"
Odd. How did he know Collins and Patterson were detectives? They didn't have their badges displayed.
He scampered off as Jack Fenton bounded to the door. "Hi there!" boomed the big man. "Are you here to talk about ghosts?"
"Yes, actually."
The Fentons, once you got past the goo, were actually very hospitable. Maddie brought out tea and cookies, and sat the detectives down in the living room.
"What did you want to talk about?" she asked.
Collins and Patterson exchanged a glance.
"We were wondering," said Collins, "if there is any way to tell if someone has become a ghost by looking at their corpse."
Maddie clicked her tongue. "That's a common misconception. People don't become ghosts. They leave ghosts. Ghosts are impressions on ectoplasm, not people."
There was a very faint, unamused scoff from above, and Collins looked up to see the Fentons' son crouched behind the banister of the stairs. He noticed Collins' gaze and fled.
Meanwhile, Jack and Maddie's explanation was winding down. "But to answer your question, no. There's no way to tell if a person's death produced a ghost unless you encounter the ghost. The body would be completely normal. Is this about the body you found in William Park?"
Collins frowned. It was easy to forget how sharp the Fentons were.
"Yes," he said, deciding it wouldn't do any good to hide the fact.
"And you think it's ghost related somehow?" pressed Maddie.
"A ghost claimed the body was theirs."
"Hm," said Maddie, thoughtful.
"Well, it isn't impossible for a ghost to form with the Obsession of finding the person that murdered the human they are modeled on," said Jack. "I'm actually surprised you didn't encounter one sooner."
"The ghost in question wanted us to stop investigating," said Collins, watching their reactions. He wondered if he was revealing too much, but he really did need more information about ghosts and he refused to go to the GIW unless it was absolutely necessary. He'd talk to the cults (there were many in Amity Park, several of which were dedicated primarily to Phantom) first.
Maddie frowned. "That can't be right. What ghost was it?"
"Phantom," said Collins.
Jack and Maddie were already shaking their heads.
"That's impossible," said Jack.
"There are record of Phantom going back to the beginning of human history. Farther, even." Maddie got up and walked to a bookshelf, where she pulled out a large heavy book. She thumped it down on the coffee table, and began to thumb through the pages. "Here, look. This town in China even used effigies of him as a kind of 'spirit scarecrow.' Apparently he would show up periodically to fight 'evil spirits.' Ghosts. Just like now."
The dolls on the page did bear a shocking resemblance to Phantom. Maddie turned the page, and another. Each one had pictures of Phantom, though all in different styles, and clearly all from different cultures.
"There aren't a lot of these, true," said Maddie, "and when we were in college, a lot of it was dismissed as a hoax. But they existed when we were in college."
"So either our Phantom is the same, or he's imitating the legend," said Jack, "and the legend was never well known."
"We prefer the former theory, obviously." She sat down and leaned back in her chair. "Now, as for the body, normally, if this was any other ghost, I would say that they caused the death, but..." She pursed her lips, then shrugged. "As dangerous and inhuman as Phantom is, I doubt it. We are fairly confident his Obsession falls in the lines of 'protecting people,' and that wouldn't allow murder."
"He's definitely involved somehow, though," said Jack. "It's possible he's protecting the killer."
"I feel like we know less now than we did before," complained Patterson.
"Yeah..." said Collins. "Did you notice their kid? Did he seem a little off to you?"
"Maybe a bit," said Patterson, playing with the end of her braid. She paused, looking back at the Fenton house. "You know, I saw this theory on a website once," she said, slowly.
"What kind of website?"
"Conspiracy, I think, but it could have been a cult one. You know how it is. The theory was that the Fenton's son was secretly Phantom. The kid who posted it got laughed off, of course, but... Y'know, I think it was picked up by a cult or two. They're hard to keep track of. They keep having those schisms, and merging, and, you know."
"The Fenton kid would have had access to ectoplasm before the ghosts showed up," said Collins. Could his theory about Phantom masquerading as one of the living be correct?
"I guess anyone slimed by the Fentons would have, too, though," said Patterson.
"Right. Wonderful. You want to talk to the Cult Division first, or start interviewing kids?"
"Is the 'Cult Division' still Cameron Daily and his computer?"
"You know it is."
"Let's get started on those kids."
"Well," said Danny talking to Sam and Tucker over the Fenton Phones, "they're getting clues, but they're buried in so much junk that they're useless, or they're completely inconclusive."
"That's good, right?" said Tucker.
"Not if they think I killed someone!"
"It doesn't quite sound like that's what they think," said Sam. "Even your parents don't think that."
Which had been really nice, actually. Which was sad. But, hey, odd manifestation of post-human consciousness was a step up from evil manifestation of post-human consciousness. Right?
"They think I'm covering up a murder, then, Sam. That's just as bad." His tail twitched and flicked as he rode invisibly on top of the detectives' car. Ever since his... that... had been dug up, he had felt uneasy. Anxious.
Basically, what was dead people were supposed to feel like when their remains were disturbed.
"I can't just go on letting them think that," said Danny.
"Don't. You're just going to get yourself into more trouble," cautioned Sam.
Danny bit his lip. "It's just an interview," he said, eyeing the police station. "It isn't like they can arrest me."
He flew in.
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pulaasul · 4 years
Vengeful Captain
Ryuji found a box inside his room.
Out of curiosity, he opened it.
Its Ryuji’s Birthday, so in honor of his birthday, here’s an AU where Ryuji discovers his Persona-related powers a year before Akiren went to Tokyo.
Happy Birthday Ryuji! You deserve justice against Kamoshida, if Atlus won’t give it to you, I will
It has been a few months since that bastard Kamoshida broke his leg.
Months since his club had been disbanded.
Months since his reputation took a turn for the worse.
All because he can't control his anger.
All because he can't take all the insults hurled towards his mother.
Ryuji Sakamoto was in his bedroom on an imposed bed rest. He wasn't allowed to put stress on his legs, meaning no walking and no running for the foreseeable future, not unless he was doing physical therapy.
He was simply reading his manga when he noticed an inconspicuous box in his bedroom. His current bedroom was his father's former storage room back when they first moved to Tokyo from Tatsumi Port Island.
If he remembered correctly, they had moved away from Tatsumi Port Island at the urging of his father's boss.
Not soon after, the death of one Shuji Ikutsuki was announced.
That was when their relationship with father had gone sour.
Beatings took place instead of hugs.
Harsh words took the place of praise and encouragement.
Everything had gone south, not even his Track accomplishments in middle school assuaged his father's treatment of him and his mother.
Not long after, his father left the family.
Hopefully for good.
Maybe the inconspicuous box was something his father left behind.
Morbid curiosity got ahold of Ryuji, to satiate it, he used his elbows to crawl towards the box and opened it.
Now that he had finally successfully disbanded that pesky Track Team, thanks to Sakamoto, he can finally reign the school as he pleases.
The principal was easy to please, he was obsessed with the school's prestige. Kamoshida knew how good Kobayakawa's name would smell if it'd become public knowledge that he was the one responsible for bringing such reputation to the school.
Kobayakawa wasn't exactly happy when he broke Sakamoto's leg.
A good sob story about defending himself did the trick and brought him to his side.
Kamoshida was currently sorting through the papers of the school's volleyball teams. He looked at them thoroughly and examined which of these students would be easily persuaded to do his bidding.
When a single envelope fell out from the table.
Curious, he opened and saw an ornate ring inside, alongside a note.
Kamoshida-sensei, I know this must be sudden.
But please take this ring as my appreciation.
For teaching at Shujin.
Your Secret Admirer.
A grin was plastered on the teacher's face as he read through the note. He was only a few months in and he already had a secret admirer from the student body.
He immediately took the roster of the girls' volleyball team and tried to think which of the girls would've sent the note.
A few more months had passed since Kamoshida had received the ring and note. He was still far from figuring out who from the student body would send such a note.
In any case, Kamoshida decided to wear the ring every time he was about to go home, where there were no students or fellow teachers around. He knew it'd be easier to figure out his secret admirer if he had worn the ring everywhere he went.
He can't have his reputation sink so low, so early in the game.
As he stepped outside the school, suddenly his surroundings turned green, the small puddle by the walkway turned blood red.
"What's going on?!" Kamoshida growled. "IF this is a joke, you better cut it out."
Kamoshida tried to walk back inside the school but somehow the doors refused to budge. That was when he noticed a coffin standing near the door, sealing it from the inside.
He looked around the school and the walkways and the street, everywhere he looked he could always see a standing coffin.
Ryuji looked at his former teacher with morbid glee. It wasn't long ago that he discovered this new power, this green-red reality.
Who better to test his new abilities on than the one person who destroyed his chance at life in the first place?
As soon as he saw Kamoshida step down the stairs he immediately announced his presence.
"Kamoshida-sensei" Ryuji mocked. "I thought you were above panicking?" He questioned.
"Sakamoto!" Kamoshida growled at the Sakamoto. "What have you done?!" He demanded. "Get me out of here this instant!"
"So demanding." Ryuji yawned. "Or what Kamoshida?" He glared at his former coach.
"Or what?!" Kamoshida scoffed. "Have you forgotten what I did to you, you punk?!" He glared at the young boy. "Or would you like another demonstration and leave you a cripple for life?"
As soon as the inevitable threat left the perverted teacher's mouth, Ryuji couldn't help but guffaw and laugh as hard as he could. Kamoshida was in unknown territory and he still had the gall to blurt out threats.
"What's funny Sakamoto?!" Kamoshida seethed. "Get me out of here this instant!"
It took a few moments for Ryuji to calm down, but he eventually did.
"You know what Kamoshida, you should be begging for your life." Ryuji stated. "You are in an unknown territory, you are talking to someone who you have wronged, and well the entire surrounding is creepy." He continued. "And yet here you are blurting out empty threats."
"Beg to whom?" Kamoshida scoffed. "You?"
"Who else?" Ryuji gave out a feral grin. "You see anybody else here?"
"I didn't peg you to be a comedian Sakamoto." Kamoshida scoffed once more. "Did a broken leg gave you that talent?" He mocked.
"Comedian eh?" Ryuji raised a nonchalant eyebrow. "Let's see you laugh at this!"
Ryuji kneeled down and clutched his head, as if he was having an intense migraine, while he glowed red. He screamed silently as he pulled his hair in an attempt to ease the pain he was feeling.
Suddenly, something eerie just happened, something in red hue appeared behind the Sakamoto.
It looked like a skeleton with a noose tied around its neck area while his upper limbs were bound by together by another piece of rope. It also wore a pirate-themed clothes complete with a hat on its head, hiding the upper part of its skeletal face. It was standing on an old-looking ship that was used back in the day.
"Is the light show supposed to frighten me?" Kamoshida mocked.
"You may mock me Kamoshida, but I can see your legs shaking." Ryuji smirked as he stood up, wincing in the process, and glared at his former coach. "But I guess, that's just you." He sneered.
"Give'im hell Captain Kidd!"
Everyone was abuzz and panicking.
Crumpled on the street, sobbing uncontrollably, was one Suguru Kamoshida. It looked like he went through hell, his clothes were burnt, and even his jogging pants had burn marks in them.
Different shades of purple decorated the Kamoshida's body, in fact some people commented that some of his body parts weren't supposed to go that way.
The emergency response team that arrived tried to gain information on what had happened, but all they can hear the Kamoshida say were words of apologies and begging for his life. No one could make sense of the PE teacher.
It was a miracle that Kamoshida didn't end up being a cripple, but his days as a volleyball coach was over. He needed time to rest his body from the beating he took.
A few weeks went by and Ryuji was accepted back in Shujin. People suspected that he had something to do with the assault on Kamoshida but no one could really prove it.
Leaked interrogations proved his alibi. He was at the hospital doing physical therapy when Kamoshida was found on the streets.
In time, those accusations never came to fruition. They found out that Sakamoto had changed a lot. He doesn't even get angry at the people who antagonize him, even to the people who brought up his father.
A year later however, those very same people were suddenly found on the streets, sobbing uncontrollably, but couldn't remember what happened to them.
Some had even soiled the pants they were wearing.
Of course, the media pinned those as done by the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
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So it’s kinda like my thing now that whenever I enjoy something with an ensemble cast, I gotta assign each character a song by The Mountain Goats, so welcome to Fire Emblem: Three Houses as Mountain Goats songs. 
Black Eagles
Edelgard: Going Invisible 2 “I'm gonna burn it all down today and sweep all the ashes away.” This song feels like her mantra for defiantly destroying everything corrupt no matter the cost. Also the slow and increasingly intense performance of the song just feels exactly how her plan unfolds. 
Hubert: Genesis 30:3 “Open up the promise of the day, drive the dark things away. I will do what you ask me to do because of how I feel about you.” I know this song is about having a baby, but the absolute yet tender loyalty feels perfect for Hubert. 
Ferdinand: Sicilian Crest “Look to the West, look to the man bearing the Sicilian crest.” This song captures the exuberance of Ferdinand while also being about blinding overconfidence and hey! It has the word crest! Fun!
Bernadetta: In the Craters of the Moon “If the strain proves too much, give up right away. If the light hurts your eyes, stay in your room all day.” Honestly, TMG is a very Bernie band what with all the paranoid isolation and abusive fathers, but I like that this one captures her sense of epic-level dread over even small interactions. 
Dorothea: Linda Blair was Born Innocent “Hungry for love, ready to drown, so tie down the sails, we're going downtown.” For a girl who just wants love, a song named after a movie about the exploitation of teen girls. 
Linhardt: Sourdoire Valley Song “Dream the pleasant dreams that people dream when they grow up down here.” A weird song about peaceful Paleolithic life that seems to align with the peaceful, sleepy world Linhardt prefers. 
Caspar: For Charles Bronson “Set you sights on good fortune, concentrate, pull back the hammer, try to hold the gun straight.” A song about giving your all, earning your place, and having the heart of a champion despite everything. 
Petra: Deuteronomy 2:10 “I have no fear of anyone, I'm dumb and wild and free. I am a flightless bird and there'll be no more after me.” This ode to a captured animal who is the last of its kind seems to align with Petra’s existence as a sort of exotic hostage in the empire. 
Blue Lions
Dimitri: Maybe Sprout Wings “I thought of old friends, the one's who'd gone missing, said all their names three times. Phantoms in the early dark, canaries in the mines.” This is just the most heartrending song about waking at night from a dream of people who are now dead, just as Dimitri is haunted by his own ghosts.  
Dedue: Sax Rohmer #1 “I am coming home to you, with my own blood in my mouth.” Loyalty, but this time with Dedue’s penchant for having to fight through literal hell for Dimitri in every route. 
Felix: Spent Gladiator 2 “Stay alive. Maybe spit some blood at the camera. Just stay alive, stay forever alive.” Since Felix is committed to fighting for survival rather than heroic sacrifice, this furiously defiant song about continuing to live despite terrible odds seems appropriate. 
Ashe: Sept 15 1983 “Try try your whole life to be righteous and be good. Wind up on your own floor, choking on blood.” A song about an unjust killing for Ashe who has to reconcile his noble ideals with the unjust death of his adoptive father. 
Sylvain: No Children “And I hope when you think of me years down the line you can't find one good thing to say. And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out, you'd stay the hell out of my way.” I mean come on! The title, No CREST BABIES, also its like the ultimate anti-love song for the ultimate anti-love guy. 
Mercedes: Unmasked! “And by way of honoring the things we once both held dear. I will reveal you. I will reveal you.” I imagine this being sung both to Jeritza, masked both literally and metaphorically, with all the kindness mixed with brutal honesty that is Mercedes. 
Annette: Genesis 3:23 “Living room to bedroom to kitchen, familiar and warm. Hours we spent starving within these walls, sounds of a distant storm.” A song about breaking in to your old house aligns with Annette’s own troubled memories of a childhood marred by paternal abandonment. 
Ingrid: Age of Kings “Wolves in the hallway gaining ground. Reach down to the moment when I should have said something true. Shadows and their sources now stealing away with you.” A song about the loss of a heroic past for the idealistic girl who lost her fiancé and watched her own father try to marry her off for money. 
Golden Deer
Claude: Heel Turn 2 “Spent too much of my life now trying to play fair. Throw my better self overboard, shoot at him when he comes up for air.” Claude is so interesting as both a brutal pragmatist but also a dreamer. I really like how he can always survive the game if you let him, despite the compromises he has to make. 
Hilda: Riches and Wonders “I am healthy, I am whole, but I have poor impulse control. And I want to go home, but I am home.” This one is hard since Hilda is a pretty low angst character, but I feel like this song walks the line between her love of the finer things in life versus her eventually learning to stand on her own. 
Leonie: The Legend of Chavo Guerrero “And I need justice in my life: here it comes. Look high, it's my last hope. Chavo Guerrero, coming off the top rope.” Replace Chavo with Jeralt and we have a perfect song about hero-worship and how it can get us through hardship. 
Lorenz: The Mess Inside “Tried to find the creeping sense of dread with temporal things, most of the time I guess I felt alright.” This was another hard one, but given Lorenz’s persistent failure as a lady’s man it seems right that he would just be enjoying luxuries to distract himself from his lack of love. 
Raphael: Animal Mask “That was when we were young and green, in the dawning hours of our team. Some things you will remember, some things stay sweet forever.” One of the few genuinely sweet and happy TMG songs for a sweet and good boy. I am conceptualizing this as being about his childhood friendship with Ignatz and his role as a protector to his sister. 
Ignatz: Unicorn Tolerance “Get a momentary chance to see the thing I've been trying to beat to death, the soft creature that I used to be.” A song about forcing yourself to seem tough when you actually love unicorns, just as Ignatz tries to be a knight for his family, but he just loves art and semi-horny religious iconography. 
Marianne: In the Hidden Places “I turned my face away and I shut my eyes tight. Dreamed about the flowers that hide from the light, on dark hillsides, in the hidden places.” A song to sum up Marianne’s desire to keep herself away from anyone she might endanger. 
Lysithea: The Autopsy Garland “You don't wanna see these guys without their masks on, or their gloves.” This is more metaphorical, but the song is about the abuse of Judy Garland throughout her childhood, which parallels Lysithea’s experience with TWSITD. 
Ashen Wolves
Yuri: Fire Editorial “Lord of the hidden pocket knife. Tawdry dreams all come to life. Save yourselves, save this town, save everything not nailed down.” If anyone deserves to be called the lord of the hidden pocket knife, it’s Yuri. Also, the repeated chorus to save the town aligns with his savage defense of Abyss.
Balthus: Color in Your Cheeks “Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks, drink some of this, it'll put color in your cheeks.” A welcoming yet rowdy song for the rowdiest of boys. Also he is like an actual adult so he can serve liquor. 
Hapi: Possum by Night “All your pack dogs have your say. Let me just find my own way. Moon in the trees my guide. Walk with my jaw hinged wide.” Hapi with her prickly attitude and forced loneliness seems right for this heroic little possum. 
Constance: Game Shows Touch Our Lives “Our house sinking into disrepair, Ah, but look at this showroom filled with fabulous prizes.” The feeling of a little brightness in the despair of something fallen makes sense for Constance’s efforts to reclaim the glory of her house. 
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skylersprompts · 3 months
DC x DP Prompt *30*
If anyone would ask Bruce how he could have known, he would tell them that it is obvious. Phantom - the new part-time member of the Young Justice - who seemed to be forever young and their new engineer Danny Fenton who is in his early twenties have perfectly fitting schedules. When Fenton is working in the Watchtower, Phantom will be unavailable for the Young Justice and vice versa. Also, the pranks started after both of these figures appeared. Of course one could argue that they could just be related or somehow knew each other otherwise, but the pranks that were pulled on all of the mentors of the Young Justice were only possible with Phantom Powers. And because of the new Ghost Shield the young hero wouldn't be able to just fly into the Watchtower and had to use the Zeta-Tube, what would mean that they should be able to look at the logs. But Phantom never entered the Watchtower while the pranks were under way. And as soon as his team really needed him, Fenton would make an excuse to leave work early.
What he wouldn't tell anyone, is that he saw how Fenton had transformed himself into Phantom, shortly before the Flash got up to run for a snack, just to fall down because his ankles had been cuffed together.
And maybe he helped him from time to time, with a well timed question to distract his fellow heros. Because the motive became clear really fast. Everytime someone got pranked, that someone had done something to ignite the wrath of the younger heros.
All of that also meant two things.
First of all, as soon as Danny was at work, Batman would be extra aware of his surroundings. The pranks never worked on him, which meant he had to dodge more attempts for the rest of the day.
And secondly: He should talk to Tim, after he found out how he had put his foot in his mouth this time, since he just saw his spoon move in his coffee mug without anyone's involvement. He just let his (probably salty) coffee go cold, brooding. Maybe he should go home early today and spend some quality time with his son...
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pixs-pinings · 4 years
Tumblr media
Me? Interested in Persona 5? No wayyy...
Warning for long post!
I had this written differently before I accidentally closed this tab, but I recovered the infodump well!
So... Yeah, Ribbon! My Persona 5 SI, my Phantom Thief SI. Still want to work on a possible real name- I wanted to go with a continuation of the plot threads I thought of with my P4 si, but... nah. Two separate SIs. Even if P5 si was also from the real world, I want them to be different for. Reasons.
She would awaken in the same place as Makoto- Kaneshiro's palace. I want to slip her in somewhere, and I feel like that case would feel the most... Natural? After futaba, a lot of shit picks up, and, as seen with Haru, can be a bit awkward. (And... Yes. I'm going to try to make that arc...... Not Suck? Maybe keep Morgana self loathing but...)
As for her awakening itself... She and Makoto have similar reasons! Both of them were previously known as prim and proper students, but then awaken to a sense of Justice, and are able to go all out. After looking a bit into myself, I was like "wow Makoto really is sorta like how I would awaken maybe" because like... I want to fight against injustice and hatred in society, but I'm scared because of the law- and, like Makoto, in p5, I could snap past that. Fuck the law, I want to stop people from being HURT by society's ineptitude. Haha...
Also, a reason for the involvement in the first place- Kaneshiro's reach is... far. Its very possible that people in Kosei were affected- and, in fact, judging by Yusuke being able to gather information, they were. So... Say that one of Ribbon's friends were being used... selling her body, perhaps... Hmmm...
Yes, both Makoto and my p5 SI- can I call her just Ribbon for now?- are third year students at their school. Yes, for Ribbon's backstory, I think I want her to be a Kosei student! Maybe there because of an art scholarship- writing??- or maybe a financial education scholarship, or maybe just that whoever her guardians are, biological or not, they sent her to that school with the money they had. But... Third year. I am 19 irl- and she would be 18 during the majority of the story, turning 19 in that february because surprise I'm a February baby.
Oh, yes, and her costume! She's a magical girl. Supposed to be based off of one- I gave her ribbons and feathers and a poofy dress and high boots with thick soles and gloves... Also, her mask is simple, but... I had the base form of a butterfly, and added on some mask details and also feathers. The ribbons on the lower part of her dress are more noticeable, though. Hence, her name of Ribbon. Unless y'all can think of any better...
As for WHY magical girls? Well, she thought magical girls were cool! Yes, this reflects on me! Ribbon watched magical girl shows ever since she was a young child, and always got this idea of fighting off evil by using bright magic! And punches. And kicks. When Ribbon grew older, while she never grew out of it, she tried to keep it to the back of her mind. She always still kept an eye on one of the magical girl shows- hmm... Beauty Cure? Beaucure? (Yes. Based on Precure.) And it was pulled back to the front with her awakening, because that's always the type of stuff she liked believing in- a magical force of good fighting against forces of evil... OUTSIDE OF THE NORMAL FIGHT AGAINST EVIL SOCIETY TRIES TO DO... Yeah. Mhm. Doesn't that seem familiar.
Oh, yes, I'm going to call the SI by the name of Ribbon- still unsure of if I should use Pix or if I should make up a japanese name that fits a bit closer to my real one, haha.
Her role of the team is... Well, sorta like a magical girl? She has light attacks, which does include the instant kill ones later (points @ magical girls and the series having magical attacks be the magical girl's finishing move), but she also can serve another role... Providing Buffs and giving Debuffs. I mean, magical girl power ups over the season is like a buff... And their attacks debuff the enemy... I would be tempted to also give her some healing things... Maybe later. After all, there are buff moves that are like "gain all three buffs at once!" And she'll get those! So maybe she can also be the status healer...? Dunno. Haven't really watched battle gameplay of p5- even if it's fancy, its... Boring to watch. Oops. Battle dynamics...
As for who her Persona is... I haven't thought of it. I haven't even looked into it either. I was thinking... Her first Persona would be probably an ancient magical girl? Pfft. Funny to say it like that. Maybe a fictional magical girl who was definitely outside the bounds of rules. Maybe villain, maybe hero. Her second persona would... be a goddess. Not the goddess of Magic, since. (stares at Ann.) But. A goddess of something important. Light? Hmm.
Her weapon is... A staff. Kinda a stick, but also it IS something to hurt with. Swing it around, smack someone in the side or head... Use it to adjust your position... Twirling it around... A magical girl doesn't use conventional weapons.
Oh, yeah! Here's where I closed out of the tab by accident. I went to go look at something and my phone pulled a trick on me... Anyway, moving on...
Futaba Sakura is 4'11. Ribbon is 5'. Short squad! Ribbon is irritated about getting teased for it, but is indeed 18- during the story, anyway- and just... Hasn't. Grown. Makoto is 5 inches taller. Interesting.
Ribbon's (outside of battle) role is... well, data gathering, and plan pulling. Makoto thinks of the plans, and can, indeed, push them out to the team... But for group planning sessions, Ribbon is the one listening to everyone's suggestions, and then addressing them... and giving them to the leader to mull over, as well. Make sure everyone is heard.
Oh, idea there... Ribbon also, like me, used to be a theater kid! It helped her grow more used to people around her, more used to speaking, and also technical details on things. Even if she isn't all outgoing, she still shows influences of it with analogies she makes sometimes.
(Spoilers for P5... Brief Warning. Skip to next parantheses for past that spoiler gone.)
During the Phantom Thieves' plans to decieve Akechi into believing he is totally fooling them, Ribbon could easily be very important with that acting experience. While coming up with the plan, Ribbon will definitely state theater terms, backstage, actors, scene changes... And she will definitely help the others get more into character. Staring at you, Ann... For a more believable lie... pull forth a truth similar to this situation and keep that tucked next to your heart... say your lines... and then, when that's over, let it go.
(Spoilers over! Yayyy)
So. Have you guessed who i want to f/o yet? If the answer is yes, congrats, you ain't blind to subtext!
Ribbon's costume is definitely on the lighter side! And... Yes, its definitely pink based. Solid pink ribbons... Light, soft pink dress... A mainly pink mask... I do think the feathers are another color, with those little x marker things that most of the feathers belonging to sharing a similar color, though maybe a different shade. I am... Not good with costume design, though. The accents on her mask would be similar colors to it...
Her hair is black. Darker than Makoto's, yes. She is light skinned, with barely a tan forming on her. Her mask actually covers up her obvious freckles on her face! Her arms, however, still have their freckles showing. (Not in the picture, because i forget about my arm freckles a lot...) (Also not in the picture is the frills on her dress but shhhh)
As for her Confidant? Uh... Hmm... To get to know her... Oh! She can show you her art and writing, sort of brush off her achievements with it because haha not as good as Yusuke Kitagawa's more official art... And her confidant would be helping her tap more into her confident side, whether it be for her own personal projects, or even for her just in society in general! While not as bad as Futaba, she still doesn't like approaching other people... And when that happens, and maybe culminates in her verbally cussing at someone who's been pressing her down for a while now and getting them to lay off her thanks to that newfound confidence. Not a Mementos Target, though she does bring that up but brushes it off as 'just a petty bully thing', but something she deals with herself!
.... Oh, Arcana... Uh. I think... you know how the Jester arcana was like... Another version of the Fool? Wait, the Thoth deck doesn't have an alt Priestess...? Fuck. Uh. Congrats, Akira! You get SUPER DUPER PRIESTESS BONUS. ... Please help
For her Confidant Ability.... Probably something to do with her Magical Girl influnces? The first idea I thought of was like... being able to be a temporary "safe" zone- while in the palace, she could... extend her magical girl light out and create a Barrier that prevents the shadows from noticing her. It will always stay a temporary ability, of course, since otherwise would pribably negate difficulty? But the period would become longer as her confidant goes up. The period of time would be extremly cut down during the times of actually stealing a treasure- after all, the palace ruler is EXPECTING the phantom thieves. No amount of magical girl protecting light would hide that expectation... Or. Something like that.
Also, her last skill. Instead of being like... Making the ability of protecting/anti detecting light last practically forever, its a SUPER STRONG BATTLE ABILITY. What is it? Well... uh... Still have to decide. My current idea has to do with a magical girl blast. Like, activate her light ability right as you get into a battle, and that actually does something- fires a big blast as the battle starts and inflicts damage on the enemy... Hmm. That, or she gets a special version of the all out attack that always kills? Has to be her leading the all out attack, though. What do y'all think...?
Oh, speaking of all out attacks! Hers (or her normal one if I go with the second idea in the above paragraph) would have her landing, spinning around, and doing a sharp "v" pose with her fingers, standing tall and with a grin. Think... Uh... Sailor Moon? I looked up some images and a few I found, with the peace sign arm outstretched, fit that mental image. The other hand would be on her hip, and, of course, she would be winking. Ah, girl vibes.
Yes. I am aware that could be similar to Ann. When i thought of it, i was like "hmmm" but then was like "I do that! and also there's a different between a lean and a wink with the peace sign to your chin rather than a stand/slight slouch and a wink and a peace sign held upward rather than close to the body"
Also, her little line in the background would be "light has prevailed!" In like... Bubbly letters? And it looks like light is shining from behind the letters.
Sure, Ribbon would have a romance route with Akira... but I don't consider that canon. It would make sense that he could POSSIBLY fit my type? But. Nah. Not SUPER attached. Pal at most. Speaking from outside here... In game, with the friendship forming? Maybe so. Anyway, not canon.
Oh my god i just realized Queen and Ribbon have like... Opposite sorta aesthetics. Dark Biker to Light Mage.
Anything else I can think of... Oh, a spoilerly thing.
(I don't believe I can think of anything else to say, so for those who want to be unspoiled on certain things in p5, end of post is the next paranthesis. For others...)
For her reaction to the announcement of Akira's "suicide", it would be something like... Well... A hand to her mouth, and a furrow to her brow... but she doesn't sound like she is going to cry. Instead, she goes, "Ah...", like... Realizing. Like a "hmmm" tone instead of one trying to hold back tears. And then like... Ryuji's scene is after that. And those of you who have seen the scene know what the scene is. So like, if the player was confused by Ribbon, Ryuji smacks them with a direct confirmation.
(And... That's it! Sorry for the long post, I am both unsure of if the read more code trick works on mobile anymore and also am unsure of, if it does work, which version of the trick is the correct one. Because i remember two different versions. Fuck.)
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threewaysdivided · 4 years
Yo hey!!! I just read through your YJ:DW series and I absolutely love it??? So much??? You write absolutely marvelously and have such a wonderful devotion to characterization and everything feels very Real and Natural. Your pacing is most excellent, you really know when things need to be lingered on and when they don’t need much more than a passing mention. And g o d I absolutely adore how you characterize so many characters, but particularly Danny. Like, he’s still the same Danny from the-(1/?)
show, but he’s changed in very particular ways that really match with what he’s been through. He’s very cautious and nervous and frightened after everything that’s happened, afraid to trust, to let people know too much. And that makes sense with everything he’s been through! He’s been on the run for so long, settling in one place definitely chafes at him. More than he feels it should, but it does. And like! He’s so wary and on edge with meeting the Team and the League members. I am def- (2/?)
-initely looking forward to seeing even more of their interactions. And like!!! The team’s reactions!!! Are so well thought out and just fantastic. Like, how Robin is aiming for a mix of normalcy and just a touch of protectiveness. And M’gann is curious and welcoming and doing her best to be Team Mom without being overwhelming. And how Wally is so intensely disbelieving and flippant QND almost abrasive to Phantom. I really wonder how he’s going to change in his approach to Phantom,- (3/?)
-like if he’ll dig his feet in even further to the point of rejecting reality in an attempt to maintain the reality in his own mind, or if he actually will start considering the science behind ghosts possible. I’m so excited to see how that develops. Also, aside, can I just say I loved getting Black Canary’s perspective on things with the last chapter? It revealed a lot more of Danny’s proper abilities and strengths than ya’d necessarily be able to piece together with a younger perspective-(4/?)
-and it just really helps develop the dynamics of everything even more. I’m wondering if you’re going to end up giving Danny enhanced strength or not, and if so to what degree, as an aside, explaining a bit more why he might be pulling his punches. I also wonder if he has any hesitation with fighting living folks who aren’t actively trying to hurt him, seeing as he mostly has experience fighting Ghosts and Hunters. Also also, I’m just so excited to see them all go on a mission!!! (5 or 6/?)
-Aaaah I could keep gushing for a Good While but I’m forgetting how many asks I’ve sent and I don’t want to bother you toooo much, so Imma just finish with you write beautifully and I’m So EXCITED to see where you go with things and like aaaaaaaaah, ya kno!!! (6 or 7/ 6 or 7)
Okay, first things first, you are absolutely not bothering me.  You found a piece of free content that I put up and - with no obligation or expectation -  sent me six messages detailing how much you liked it, and that’s Delightful.  It made my morning.  ‘Bothering’ is more than welcome on this blog.  Encouraged, even!
We’ve got a lot to cover so let’s get to it:
Danny’s Characterisation
Danny’s character has been a bit of a challenge to balance at times but I’m pretty pleased with how he’s shaping up.  There was this trend I noticed back when I started where - even in fics I really like - people had a frustrating tendency to swing him too much in one or the other direction; either turning him into a confident wise-cracking hyper-powerful hyper-skilled Troubled Badass™ who everyone respected even if he was humble about it, or into a Sad™ Broken™ Tormented™ cinnamon roll who just wanted love and who trusted and is trusted by every hero with minimal persuasion, when really he’s somewhere in the middle.
He’s a hero, yes, but he’s also a teenager.  He’s experienced and competent, but it’s in the self-taught way that leaves him with rough edges, blindspots and a lack of technical skill.  He can be a good, confident leader when the situation calls for it but he’s also someone who reads as fairly socially introverted and canonically has personal self-confidence issues, anxious and depressive traits and really wants to be accepted by his peers.  He’s friendly and funny and likeable but lacks social experience in a casual setting and can struggle with expressing his feelings, knowing the right thing to say/ do and being open with people.  He’s not just one or the other.  He’s both.
I also really wanted to explore the Death and Secrets plot points with more emotional detail.  It felt like a lot of the time in stories where he lost his family, Danny would either stall out in a tormented Grief State right until a Power of Love/ Friendship-prompted revival toward the final act, or he’d be sad for 5-10 short chapters then bounce back to his old self and go off with his New Family like it ain’t no thing.  With Deathly Weapons I want the characters to have to grow and come together naturally; to earn their healing and show why/how they’d come to like and trust each other, or decide that the other person is worth making the investment.
The Team
It’s kind of funny in hindsight but the Team’s development was a oddly late addition to the planning.  Which was fine for Arc I - being very Danny-centric - but then, as I was brainstorming Arc II it kind of hit me that if I was going to call this fic Young Justice: Deathly Weapons I should really try to showcase what I liked so much about the series.  And then I realised how much Danny’s experiences (canonical and DW-verse) and Team Phantom paralleled different members of the S1 cast, and how much character exploration potential there was to be had.  Arc II is basically just 8 teens looking at each other and going “We’re not so different you and I” in various settings for 20+ chapters.
There’s this nice quote from Stieg Larsson that I think sums up how I see both Danny and the different members of the Team fitting together: 
“I’m not going to compete with you. I’m better than you are at what I do. And you’re better than I am at what you do.”
All of them have at least one thing they’re good at, and at least a few weaknesses that other members can cover.  Their skills are complementary, their personalities and experiences are complimentary and none of them feel redundant in being there.  And with the extra challenges a DW-verse AU opens up, it creates a space where Phantom can slot in without having to displace an existing well-established member.
It also makes revolving perspective a lot of fun as I can tag in whoever’s mindset and perspective best fits the tone and information that needs to be delivered, rather than risking any one character losing their characterisation to their role as de facto narrator.
Despite how he’s acting right now, Wally is actually one of my favourites.  Needless to say there’s a lot more going on with our resident speedster than simple garden-variety ecto/paranorma-phobia, but that’ll be explored more in the chapters Flashpoints, Combustion and Equilibrium.
Training and Powers
Bruce and Dinah both make fun writes because they’re adults with more maturity and experience, which makes them great sources of diegetic exposition and perception that the main Team wouldn’t carry as well.
I’ve gotten a few questions about Danny’s powers in that chapter and how close they play to canon, so I should probably clear that up.  First thing is that DP’s canon is very wibbly wobbly about Danny’s power set (Is it super-strength letting him lift that or is he touch-transferring flight to make it weigh less?  Are those ectoblasts actually fire or was that just an animation flourish?  Can he teleport or is he just really fast and invisible? Does him lifting a rake that one time mean he has telekinesis or was it just a quick sight-gag?) so I’ve had to make some calls with grouping and sometimes dropping or altering edge-case powers to create a system that makes sense.  The other thing is that Chapter 17 is Danny explaining the things he consciously uses on the job and exploring how they compare to similar DC powers, rather than detailing out every single aspect that makes him different from regular humans.  (Kind of like how you wouldn’t bring up your own lung capacity, 20/20 distance vision or excellent patellar reflex unless someone drew your attention to it).  The chapter mostly serves to do some character set-up for later and drop some needed exposition so that Danny won’t have to be breaking the flow of future missions to explain very basic facts about his abilities the first time he uses them.
As for pulling his punches, some of it is certainly to do with him being uneasy about fighting breakable living beings when he’s used to ridiculously tough Ghost Beasts, and some of it was specifically due to who he was paired against.  But again, that’s something we’ll explore in future chapters.
Pacing and Writing
At this point I can only put this down to lots of planning, drafting and taking inspiration from the styles and structures of some very, very good published authors.  Quite a few chapters started out as simple exposition dumps or time skips before I realised that they’d have more value expanded out into full entries of their own.  (My drafting process = step 1: write too briefly, step 2: balloon to massively bogged down self-indulgent explorations, step 3: reign it in to something readable).
Books I definitely took stylistic influence from:
1. Steig Larsson’s, Swedish crime-mystery series The Millenium Trilogy.  Lisbeth is one of my character references for writing both Batman and Robin.(NOTE:  Hard MA+ rating, cw for explicit discussions and depictions of misogyny, homophobia, violence, gendered violence, sexual assault, stalking, drug use and Nazis.  Good books but Discretion Advised.)
2. Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief.General influence/ reference for prose and imagery, especially for the tone of Roads to Safe Places (ch.15).(Beautifully written story about humanity, but set in WWII-era Germany so be advised that Nazism, Nazis, War and Death feature heavily.)
3. Patrick Rothfuss’ The Kingkiller ChroniclesGeneral influence/reference for style and prose, YJ:DW Ch. 15′s title is a deliberate call out to the same title in Chapter 18 of KKC Book 1.(Fantasy books with some fantasy violence and a little bit of sex but nothing especially shocking.)
I’m just so excited to see them all go on a mission!!!
Me too!  Quick question though:
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Just one?  Or are all of these okay? 😏
Now that I think about it there’s a weird dearth of story missions outside of the one needed for set-up in most YJxDP stories.  Not sure why.  Anyway, Deathly Weapons is a beast, we’re going to do at least 10.  I gotchu fam.
Aaand I think that’s everything.  Thanks for dropping in, feel free to stop by anytime.  Hope to see you around! ❤
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cancerbiophd · 5 years
I was tagged by @medblr-of-a-sleepyhead! Thanks darling!
You can call me: Julia (or Cass if you’ve been following me since the beginning of my fandom days lol)
I’d describe myself as: dog-lover, book-lover, scientist, level-headed, witty (i hope), and kind (i also hope the most)
Fictional character(s) that I identify with or am fond of: ohhhhh man there are so many!? cass cain from dc comics, artemis crock from young justice, sam from danny phantom to name a few
Three random facts about me:
1. I have a weird uncanny ability to always spot dead or dying animals. like i’ll just be walking around and all of a sudden have an urge to look over here, and of course there’s like.. a dead bird or lizard right there. i’m sure there’s some meaning to it but i’m not going to think about it too much. 
2. I’m super allergic to cats. like, if one bites or scratches me i will go into anaphylactic shock. or so my doctor tells me, but i’m not testing that theory. 
3. I put my milk in the microwave for 11 seconds and then i put the cereal in. fight me but i ain’t drinkin no super cold milk that early in the morning oK like the milk isn’t HOT it’s just not 4 freakin degrees celsius 
Something little about my appearance that I kind of like: my hair is fantastic
An outfit that makes me feel powerful: put me in high heels baby and i will feel like i can rule the world
An object that is special to me: i have a necklace i wear almost every day where the pendant is made from the ashes of my dog who passed away suddenly last year. pics of louis here on my main blog if anyone wants a dose of the cutest fluffiest most majestic king ever. 
A compliment (or two, or three) about me that made me feel warm inside: definitely anytime someone thanks for me my advice and tells me how it’s helped them! and also when someone compliments my writing. 
Something I love about myself: i love that i love myself, that i know i’m worth it, and even the parts i don’t love about myself i still accept bc this is me. this is alll me. 
Something I love about someone else: i love my husband’s laugh. it’s the kind that lights up a whole room. 
Something I’d love to buy for someone else: pay off everyone’s student loans. just. poof! 
Something I’d love to buy for myself: a private chef. i love to eat but hate to cook so there you go. 
Three things that make me happy right now:
1. Just started reading ninth house by leigh bardugo! Perfect autumn/halloween read. 
2. Had a compulsive thought to redecorate my office at home and then promptly ordered some new prints from society6, so I guess we’re going through with that one boys!
3. Finally got me some wireless bluetooth headphones and my life has changed! No more headphone wires getting caught on things!! I can actually set my phone down somewhere while in the lab and not have a tether!! omgggg thank u gods of technology
Something I’m looking forward to: gonna go visit my husband’s nephews this weekend in san diego to celebrate the 2nd bday of the older one. i also haven’t seen the younger one yet so time to squish some baybees!
Something I enjoyed recently: binge-reading leigh bardugo’s six of crows and the sequel crooked kingdom (i finished both of them in like.. a week; just couldn’t put them down). HIGHLY recommend if you’re in the mood for a badass fantasy/magic heist involving a rag-tag team of thieves, spies, and no-do-gooders. 
Song(s) stuck in my head recently: “summer days” by martin garrix ft macklemore and patrick stump 
I watched this, maybe you’d like it too: the masked singer. i’m putting all my bets that the fox is wayne brady. 
Something adorable I came across recently: this post of a cute lil shrimp bouncing on a witch’s broomstick 
If you wanted to know me better, you should check out these things: uhhhh i guess my main blog @jncera and all the things i post/reblog there. 
Something I can/will do to take care of myself or make things more positive for me in the coming days: oops i just realized i forgot this one when i posted it ummmm get enough sleep! my insomnia has been back for the past 2 weeks and i realized the trick to banishing it right now is to listen to soothing piano music for like... an hour before bed. 
I’ll tag: @fragileanimal, @nerdgirlnarrates, @cytostorm, @caffeinebooks, @skinny-little-nobody, @astoryofej, @orangeteastudying, @loveadoodle, @rudescience, @lavendermedusa, @quantumheels
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Wonder Twins #7
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I didn't realize the Wonder Twins were Gen X.
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Oh yeah! Zan had just saved the world by stopping a plot that was going to save the world.
I just realized I hadn't scanned the cover yet and as I did, I noticed the Wonder Twins fist/star emblem marks a striking resemblance to a goat.se riff. Zan and Jayna get taken off of monitor duty at the Hall of Justice now that they've stopped the League of Annoyance. You'd think that doing a good job would get you a promotion but those of use who have always done spectacularly good jobs know better. While everybody else works down to the lowest common denominator (because who wants to do more work than the next guy?! A fool, that's who!), good workers just put on blinders and do the job they were hired for until the time they're being paid for is up. Sure, that sounds like I'm describing a sucker who's been completely manipulated by the man! But I'm also describing a person who fulfills their end of whatever bargain they've agreed to! So when I say Zan and Jayna wind up giving tours at the Hall of Justice because they were too good at catching criminals, you'll understand why I went into the previous digression. Maybe? I don't know. Have you seen what state the U.S. is in?! Why are you picking apart my writing style?! Mark Russell takes a few pages to shit all over hockey fans and now I hate Mark Russell with a burning passion. Even though I'd hardly call myself a hockey fan. I mean, I loved NHL '93 (unless it was '92 (or maybe '94?)) and I loved going to San Jose Sharks games when I was still living in the Bay Area (plus my friend worked equipment for the Sharks and would get us free tickets). But it's not like I follow it much anymore. I just like the feeling of being angry at somebody for writing a satirical critique of sports fans rioting because they're so happy that their team won. Although why would I be angry when I've never done that nor think Russell's wrong in his pointed and humorous critique?! Oh, who cares why! Being angry is just more fun! Oh shit! I finally understand people's attraction to Fox News! I just watched a YouTube clip of somebody's Jeremy Roenick highlights from NHL '94 set to the song "More Than a Feeling" and it was pretty awesome. Also, that was definitely the one we played nonstop back in 1993 and 94 and maybe even into 95. Roenick unstoppable down with the puck while Sharks players lay splayed out on their back all across the ice. To stop the riot, Superman calls in Repulso! He's a guy whose super power is super stink and he's kept in a locked room with a bare table and a microwave and nobody wants to be his friend because he smells like a garbage dumb that vomited on top of the diarrhea it shit out while standing on its head so the stanky muck ran down his body absorbing all of his body odor and then somebody cut up a durian and tossed it in the mix.
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Superman is a dick. Get this guy some friends with no sense of smell. Or at the very least, an Xbox Gold account.
After the hockey riots, some "the end of the world" riots take place because Zan and Jayna screw up something or other. Basically what that means is that Repulso gets to be let out of his airtight containment unit again! He's a pretty optimistic guy for being sealed away by Superman (which is just Superman's way! Is somebody a problem? No problem! Put them in the Phantom Zone!). He's so happy and not bitter about his living arrangements that I feel like Zan and Jayna had better figure out a way to give him a better life before this issue ends. Because if Mark Russell fails this character he created before this issue is over and I have to face reality after snot crying about a fictional person, I'm going to be pretty upset when I continue to buy Mark Russell comic books because what other choice do I have? Am I going to stop reading DC's best written comic books because Mark Russell betrayed poor Repulso? Of course not! What am I? A person with integrity?! Repulso winds up getting his ass beat by rioters as Repulso's handlers flee the chaotic "end of the world" downtown riot scene. Luckily the Wonder Twins are headed downtown to save his life and maybe become his friend or something? Please? After Zan and Jayna save Repulso, Jayna goes to Superman to tell him everything sucks. He gives her a big speech about how being a hero is lonely work because you don't always get to fuck the hot chick at your secret identity's workplace and also fuck an Amazon warrior while also getting to fuck anybody at all whose initials are "L.L." and also have a best friend who is the coolest guy in the world with a butler who makes the best pancakes. Sometimes you're a fat jerk who smells who even Superman won't fucking give the time of day because Superman has this speech about how being a hero is lonely and that's a good thing so you should embrace your loneliness because who wants to put up with your super stink, fatty?
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Jayna is a way better hero than Superman. At least in this comic book that's all about her and not Superman so of course she's going to outshine him!
Oh yeah, the ant in the above picture is Jayna. It can't smell. Wonder Twins #7 Rating: A+. I should probably be less cynical when reading Mark Russell comic books because he's as earnest and serious as he can be while also providing lots of jokes. He takes writing seriously because what else is there? If your message isn't going to matter, why bother? (is his philosophy. I think. It's not my philosophy! I don't think? Maybe it is! I just write things that matter in a much different way than Mark Russell writes things that matter.) I should probably read Superman's speech and be inspired by the idea that you don't do good because you want adulation; you do good because it's the right thing to do, even if the entire world thinks you're an asshole for doing it. Even if all of the other superheroes think you're a stinky fuck and only keep you around to use as a tool to oppress and manipulate the masses without having to use logic and reason on them (because, let's face it, the people doing terrible things don't understand logic and reason. Or they're do but they're just selfish and greedy so nothing is going to reach them anyway (which maybe is part of Superman's message?)), you're still a hero at the end of the day. You can still be proud of your stinky self. And even if the life is lonely, you should remain positive and upbeat because Superman really doesn't want to be reminded that you exist every time you complain about the lack of reasonable living conditions. Being a hero is a state of mind, says the guy who also looks great and is invulnerable and has the best wife and a cool son and doesn't have to fear death! So inspiring!
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