#also- if you're making a mega map
percreates · 3 months
Some sketches of an OC I made for a friend's minecraft smp- Benni, it/they, it comes with Lore (so so much lore)
There's SO many things I want to draw from the server and adventures that have been had, but I'm still figuring out how I plan to draw certain mobs and also fighting executive dysfunction so. Incoming eventually
Some earlier sketches before I actually had the idea to create Benni and just wanted to fuck around with armor concepts (hence the little notes), and then my detail list to refer to when actually drawing it
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My first actual drawing of Benni, still my favorite even though the design in my head has changed a little
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First (and only so far) attempt at finding a color scheme, definitely not sticking with this lol, I don't like the pants even though this is the closest I could get to my actual minecraft skin. I also just don't like how the pants look even though they look like the reference 🤣
Basically everything in this image gets changed afsfdgdggd
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Another sketch figuring out an armor design, based on a moment in game
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And then my most recent sketches, trying to figure out exactly how buggy to make them, because it's enderman-adjacent (it's a lengthy explanation. Like I said, Lore), and this is my concept for the endermen. Based vaguely on bullet ants, because I'll also use those as inspiration for my endermite and enderdragon designs
For some reason, despite being a very capable warrior and colonizer adventurer, Benni is perpetually confused in my sketches. I'm still getting the hang of drawing mandibles, and I thought that last enderman looked judgmental so I gave it a thought bubble afsfsgdg
Bug-like creature warning below the readmore
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0 notes
wizardnuke · 1 month
hurt and offended by riot nerfing my valo mains. they didn't need to do that.
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utterlyotterlyx · 3 months
Another Love
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Based on this ask
Summary - Azriel knows you'd never leave his side, no matter what, but when his new situationship with Elain takes over his every living moment and he takes advantage of your feelings, you make the only decision you can to save yourself only for him to hurt you in a way you never thought he could.
Warnings - ANGST, mega fluff, swearing, neglect, abuse of feelings, mentions of death, slight grovelling (I’m more of an epic admissions girlie you all know this), lots of sadness.
Word Count - 4.9k oops
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The clock ticked away, idly counting the seconds by, seconds that turned to minutes, and minutes that turned to hours, hours that Azriel had seemingly forgotten about the promise he had made to take you to the theatre.
The cobalt blue bow in your hair, that you had chosen to perfectly match him, swayed sadly as you moved about your room with a heavy heart, hanging up the dress you had bought especially for the occasion and changing into something more comfortable to wallow in self-pity.
It had become normal, his lateness, his nightly visits became later and shorter until they had stopped all together, well, that is until he needed something from you, and you would give him whatever he asked for, no matter how much it hurt you.
You had been a part of the Inner Circle for over 500 years, you were one of the originals, growing up in the camps with Rhys, Cassian and Azriel, Rhys' mother protected you fiercely, and you were very close to Selene, your chosen sister. You were the one they turned to for everything, you were wise and brutal, an incredible warrior and tactician, but also soft and kind; you were the blue break in a sky of storm clouds, you were the spring breeze that cut through the edge of winter, you were everything.
A thing Azriel knew all too well.
It didn't surprise you when Azriel had become fond of Elain, like it didn't surprise you when he had pined after Mor for all those years, completely looking over you in the process. Elain was a soft and fragile thing, she was quiet and graceful, and Azriel was completely besotted by her. A fact that made your heart curse your stupidity, cursing the hope you had willed into it that maybe he would finally see you.
It was no secret that you and Azriel were the closest out of all of the members of your growing family, you had shared 500 years of respect and adoration for one another.
Azriel was by your side when Selene had so brutally lost her life, he had held your hand through the depression and brought you back to life. Azriel knew every single thing that you loved and hated, he knew what every facial expression meant, he knew every tick of your body language which silently conveyed how you were feeling. Azriel knew you better than anyone, even better than he knew himself. The map of you laid etched bare on the back of his hand, a map he used to scour daily, but now barely even glanced at.
It wasn't so one sided.
You knew Azriel better than anything, and you knew a lot. 500 years of life pointed to a rich knowledge. You were the one who cleaned him up after a mission, you're the one who mended his broken bones and washed his turmoil away. You were the one who helped him overcome his insecurities with his hands. You were the one his shadows shot to at family dinners. You were the one who sang him to sleep when his demons had become to much. There was nothing you wouldn't do for Azriel, even if it meant standing on the side-lines until he wanted you.
Moonlight streaked along the floor of your bedroom, cascading across the pale blue of your comforter and drifting along the edges of your antique furniture. The dress you had wanted to wear to the theatre hung off the frame of your mirror, rippling softly in the gentle breeze that entered through the slightly ajar window.
It was silly to feel upset, you knew Azriel didn't owe you any of his time, but you had really thought he would pull through, especially after you had told him how much you missed spending time with him.
Interrupting your damaging thoughts, your door opened to reveal Azriel, who looked annoyed and not at all in knowing of his lateness or the promise that now lay in tatters in your chest. From the look on his face, you knew instantly that Elain was the one who plagued his mind, she was the cause of it every time he had come to see you recently.
Huffing, Azriel trudged to your cream living area, propping his feet up on the antique table you had asked him to be careful with far too many times and sinking into the cushions. He hadn't spared you a glance as he entered, he didn't note his colour in the form of a bow in your perfectly styled hair, he didn't see the sadness in your eyes laced with that naïve hope that he may have turned up to apologise for being late. He didn't see you.
"What happened this time?" You inquired, wrapping yourself tighter into your robe and sliding into the seat beside him, tucking your legs underneath you and propping your head in your palm as you stared at him.
Azriel was beautiful, scars and demons and all, the height of his cheekbones, those hazel oceans of a thousand emotions, the golden skin and arched brows, the curve of his muscles under his second skin, everything about him was intoxicating.
"Lucien," Azriel through his head back and closed his eyes, breathing deeply through his nose, "I was so close to kissing her, so close, Y/N. And then Lucien walked in, he ruined it."
The revelation had stung, he'd never admitted to you to being close to kissing Elain before, it was always a myriad of stolen glances and ghosting touches, of hushed words laced with a million differing meanings. But never a kiss.
Azriel paid no mind to the hurt that radiated from you, he knew it was there, he always knew it was there but he couldn't focus on it.
Only an idiot could be blind to the clear feelings you had toward Azriel, the way you looked at him was not the way a friend looked at another friend, no matter how close they were. Azriel knew that he could never truly push you away, no matter how much you were hurting you'd never leave, he knew that, he knew you'd always be there for him to fall into.
It was so awfully wrong, but he lapped in serenity you gave him, in that unwavering loyalty, and he had no intention to stop drinking from your fountain of love.
"Lucien is her mate, Az. He's bound to not like whatever it is that's going on between you," your voice was gentle and full of understanding, your hand rested on his shoulder and he felt any anger disappear almost immediately. That's what your touch alone could do to him, bring him immeasurable peace.
"I know," he sighed, opening his eyes and turning his head to the side to look at you, a small smile tugged at his lips when he noticed how pretty you looked, with your hair parted just how he liked it, and with a bow tied neatly at the back, "I still think that the cauldron was wrong," your face faltered when he immediately continued on his weekly rant, "It gets it wrong sometimes, we know that. It's wrong, it has to be."
All you wanted was for Azriel to be happy, he deserved it more than anyone you knew. Rhys had found Feyre, who you adored tremendously. Cassian had found Nesta, who had become a very good friend of yours. So, you couldn't blame Azriel for believing that Elain was fated to be his, three brothers for three sisters. Even you had to admit that it made sense, The Mother moved in mysterious ways.
You plastered a smile on your face, you vision catching the satin of your new dress moving softly against the breeze, "Maybe it is," Azriel hummed at your words before continuing on, listing everything he adored about Elain.
"I wish sometimes that she was you, you know? That her and I could be like this, with no one watching over us, to be able to spend time alone and do whatever we wanted to do and talk about anything," it was like he didn't realise what he exactly he was wishing for.
Azriel wanted you to be Elain, so that he could have the life he dreamed of. Elain. Not you. Elain.
You weren't good enough for him.
"I hope you get to that point one day, Az," your voice was strained from holding in your strangled sobs, "I'm tired, can we talk about this more tomorrow?"
"Sure," Azriel smiled at you, rising from his seat and heading to the door, standing in the doorway and looking back at your form still glued to your spot, "I like your bow, Y/N. Blue suits you, always has," and then he closed the door behind him, you waited a few moments before letting your sobs flow through your lips and ripping that damned bow from your hair.
Azriel would never see you the way you begged to be seen, and you couldn't sit around and be the one he fell back to when life wasn't going his way.
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More days had passed, more days of Azriel complaining to you, more days of Azriel wishing that Elain and you had switched paths so that he could finally get what he was owed.
Azriel didn't care for your tear stained skin, he didn't care for your weary eyes whenever you spoke of Elain to you.
It was awful that he knew exactly what he was doing, he was abusing your relationship with him, he knew you'd never walk away from him, he knew you'd never be able to put your foot down and tell him to cut it out.
The idea of a mate had him completely obsessed, obsessed to the point that he became blind to what was right in front of him, what had always been in front of him. That blind faith in your loyalty crumbled in his fingers once Rhys had told him that you had decided to purchase your own home in the city, a home away from them all.
"What?" Azriel had asked from his place at the dinner table, bewildered by the news given to them once he had asked where you were.
Nesta knew the exact reason why you had decided you separate yourself from them, you couldn't handle the rejection anymore, and you couldn't begin to heal from the decades worth of heartbreak under the same roof as Azriel and Elain. Nesta knew you held no ill feeling toward her youngest sister, you were too kind for that, you knew it wasn't her fault that Azriel came to you each time something went wrong in their situationship, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
"She left, Az," Mor had cried when Rhys had pulled her to one side that afternoon to tell her that you had decided to move into the home that Rhys had bought you after you had made it clear that you needed your own space, and Rhys had spent an hour trying to convince his cousin that your decision was not impacted by anything any of them did.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Azriel asked his brother who frowned, Feyre grabbed Rhys' hand and squeezed it in hers, "She can't just leave, Rhys."
"She has every right to after everything she's done for all of us, she deserves some peace," Rhys spoke calmly, snapping his fingers and allowing the sentient home to rid the plates and serving dishes from the table.
Azriel was speechless, he felt a frantic pull in his body, one that was poisoned with desperation at the thought of you being anywhere else than under the roof of the River House, the home you had spent a century redecorating and perfecting, paying special attention to each room to make it feel as homely as possible.
He didn't believe it as his chair groaned against the floor and he took off up the stairs toward your room, pushing his way through the doors to find it completely empty. No pictures hanging on the walls, no lines of hooks containing an array of ribbons in different hues, no dresses draped over your mirror, no antique furniture. It was all gone, and the scent of you that was usually so strong that it drowned him was a whisper in the atmosphere.
You had left.
Anger bubbled within him, how could you leave without saying anything? How could you move out of your shared home without a single word? How could you leave him after 500 years at his side?
Azriel flung open the doors to your balcony, a balcony plush with fresh flowers and greenery, he flexed his wings and hurtled himself into the starlit sky, allowing his shadows to peel from his body and search every inch of Velaris until they returned to him reeking of your scent and pulled him down to a small townhouse along the bank of the Sidra.
It was a charming home, pale brickwork, large bay windows, golden light emitting from them, and a large garden full of rich wildlife and botanicals. Your scent flowed from the closed oak door, lavender and honey with a hint of firewood and he found himself following that smell up the winding path until he was knocking on your door.
Golden light flowed from the home as you opened the door. You were dressed in denim overalls that were spatted with cream paint, you hair was loosely bound on the top of your head, and your face was full of uneasy surprise as you looked at him, "Az, what are you doing here?"
Azriel pushed past you and stood in the centre of your hallway, listening to your deep exhale as you closed the door. The space was pretty, it was very you, the walls were half painted cream from their original sage colour that you were obviously painting over, the coving was white and saturated with intricate little sketches of leaves, the carpet was a rich brown and had clearly been laid that day from how interrupted it looked, the only pattern on it being the imprints of your bare feet. Azriel didn't stop his shadows as they extended from him and scoured each part of your new home, nodding with approval and curling around your fingers in understanding adoration.
White sheets were draped over your perfectly placed furniture, to protect it from the paint no doubt, and the same tarp lay at the foot of the walls to protect the carpet. Music drifted softly about the room, and boxes upon boxes of books lay open, with some of them idly placed on shelves to get them out of the way to be sorted properly at a later date.
"It's true? You've really left," he noted the intricately presented kitchen, white cabinets and exposed wooden beams, just like you always wanted.
You rounded him, walking into your new living space, bending down to pick up one of your plant pots before placing it on the window ledge, your back faced him but he could see the pain in your features through the reflection in the window, "Yes, I live here now."
"No. No. You're coming home with me, this is ridiculous," his heart was beating a mile a minute, he couldn't think straight, all that was consuming him was the reality that his fear had come to fruition, that the one person he believed would never leave him had actually walked away.
"I'm not coming back, Azriel," you told him softly, and he saw your shoulders rise and fall with each deep inhale of breath you forced your lungs to take.
Then you turned to him, in the middle of the home that you were trying to make yours, a home away from him, "I thought you'd never leave me. You can't leave me. You're my best friend, I need you."
"No, you don't. You need someone to fall back onto when life isn't going your way, that's all I am to you now," you felt your heart breaking, you felt it shattering in your chest, "I can't be the one you turn to when something becomes between you and Elain. I can't be the one you wish was her. I can't do it anymore, Az. You've taken advantage of me for too long. You promise me the world and show up empty handed. You don't realise I even exist until you need someone to complain to and I just can't do it anymore."
Azriel knew every word you were saying was the truth, he knew he had been using you, but he never expected you to actually walk away from him, you were supposed to love him too much to leave.
Your heart was in the palm of his hands and he knew it, he knew you'd spent hundreds of years falling deeper in love with him each passing day whilst he pined for someone else. The fact of your departure made a bitter monster appear in his mind, he allowed it to tug on the venom in his heart, he allowed it to control him, "Aren't you supposed to be in love with me?"
Azriel watched your eyes widen and a breathless gasp fall from your lips, "You know?"
The Shadowsinger scoffed, "Of course I know. Only a fool wouldn't be able to see it," he saw your face contort into painful sorrow but did nothing to stop himself from saying, "I've known for years. I've known that you'd never leave, you've always been the one that I come to for anything I need and you never complain or tell me to leave. You made it easy to take advantage of you."
A tear slid down your cheek but Azriel made no move to wipe it away, "I want you to leave."
"I'm not leaving without you."
Fire roared in your eyes, "You have no right to command me after what you've knowingly done. I honestly thought that you didn't know, that it was innocent and that you just needed my advice. Now I know that you've willingly abused my kindness, Azriel, you can rot in hell," the tears didn't stop flowing from your eyes, your voice was strained and sore, your chest was so tight that you thought it may stop beating all together, "Get. Out!"
Azriel had left you then, he had left your door wide open and soared into the skies, leaving you in the home that was now tainted by his deceit.
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It had been months since Azriel had seen you, Nesta and Feyre had practically forbid him from going anywhere near your home, that being from the land or sky. But that didn't stop him from allowing his shadows to slither under your front door or linger in the streets, he was desperate to know how you were.
Azriel hated himself for what he had said to you, he hated himself for taking advantage of you. In some way he tried to justify it, you were too good for him, he didn't want to ruin you, but it was clear that he already had.
Your absence had left a void that no one could fill, not even Elain despite her efforts, even the thought of her made his stomach drop and sickness swirl to the point where he couldn't bring himself to be around her. All Elain did was remind him of how he failed you.
Azriel had tried writing to you since you wouldn't see him, he gave the letters to Feyre and Nesta, the latter of which still saw your daily, and grew colder toward him with each passing moment. Even Cassian did nothing to hide his disappointment in him, and Rhys had some very telling words to express once Feyre had told him the truth of what had happened in your home that night.
Nothing was working, things with Elain were strained and difficult, the problems between them so raw and everyone's opinions so disapproving that it created a distance between them that was unmanageable.
Then it dawned on him that nothing was working with Elain because it wasn't meant to. The person who was meant to be his had been under his nose for 500 years, and now wanted nothing to do with him.
Cassian had pulled Azriel from his thoughts by stepping through the threshold of his room, "Are you coming to training?"
"Tell me how to fix it," Azriel lifted his head from his hands and turned his head toward Cassian who sighed in reply, moving to the bed to sit beside Azriel, "I need to know how to fix it."
"Only you can figure that out, Az," Cassian spoke to him, throwing his arm over Azriel's shoulder before continuing, "Y/N loves you Az, she has for 500 years. A few months apart won't change that. You're really fucking stupid for this though, she's the only one of us who knew the exact right thing to do and say every time. Y/N deserves more than the basic requirements of respect, she deserves the world in the palm of her hand and a person who loves her more than he loves himself. Don't bother her unless you can do that."
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It was the anniversary of Selene's death, and the day hadn't gotten any easier for you to deal with.
Rhys and you had made a habit of doing something together each year, though, Azriel was the one to accompany you when Rhys had gone Under the Mountain. The location was sacred to you, you and Rhys would bundle yourselves up in blankets and watch the sun set over the Sidra, you'd rehash old memories and stories, ones that you both knew the script to by heart, but that never got old.
Your High Lord had tried to convince you to come home, but didn't push you when you had told him no. Your life had began to feel rather empty without the family antics that consumed your day-to-day life.
"I miss her," you had told him sadly, your head rested on his shoulder as the sun tipped her toes into the water in the distance, the sky grew darker each passing minute.
Rhys hummed, holding you closer to his side, "So do I," he replied with equal sadness, you had all grown up together, you basically were his sister by blood, and when you both had lost her, it only made him clutch to you more, "She'd nail Az's balls to the wall for sure."
A laugh passed through your lips before it died in your throat, you had done your best to not think about Azriel despite him owning your soul, you had done your best to heal from what he had done, but even then, you missed him more than anything, "How is he?"
It was the first time you had asked about him since before you had moved to your new home which was now fully decorated and yours, thanks to Rhys, Feyre and Nesta who made it their priority to help you settle, "He's-" Rhys couldn't lie to you, he was never able to even when you were younger, "-Not great. He misses you, he hates himself for what he said to you that night."
"I'd hate myself too," you had hummed, shifting to stand on the stone ledge where you and Rhys had sat, wanting a better view of the sun as it began to disappear against the horizon.
A familiar cold kiss pecked at your ankles and you looked down to see those shadows you had missed so dearly meandering around where you stood. Cedar entered your lungs and you shivered in painful delight as his warmth curled around your back.
"Y/N," his voice was deep and rough, it was pleading, you looked to your side and found that Rhys had vanished. That damn meddler. "Please look at me."
Not able to say no to that voice, you indulged the Shadowsinger and turned on the balls of your feet to peer upward at him. Azriel had his wings neatly tucked behind his back, his hands dangled at his sides, and his head was hung low. He looked terrible.
"Why are you here?"
Azriel clenched his jaw, he didn't expect you to be happy to see him, but it didn't stop the self hatred from growing in every single cell of his body, "I know how hard today is for you, I just wanted to see if you were alright."
"Well I'm fine, so you can go now," you made a move to walk away, to take the path down the edge of the Sidra to your home which had become your haven away from reality.
Though, you didn't get very far, perhaps two steps before Azriel's fingers curled around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks and pulling you back to him, "Y/N, I don't even know how to apologise in the way that you deserve. I don't know how to say sorry and make you feel like I see and hear you."
"What I did was disgusting, I hate myself for it. I never should have taken advantage of you like that, you've done everything to help me the entire time that I've known you and I ruined everything for someone I don't even want. I've always wanted a mate, you know that, and I got so carried away with wanting it that I completely ignored the only person who's ever truly loved me for me despite all of the horrid things I have done. Elain isn't you, Y/N. No one compares to you. No one makes me feel safe like you do, no one makes me feel alive like you do, and no one can make me hope for death by their void like you do."
"I am yours, Y/N. I always have been. I couldn't be the reason you ever got hurt, I couldn't be the one to risk extinguishing that glorious fire in your soul. You are the only one I cannot bear to lose, the thought of losing you terrifies me, it always has, and instead of protecting you, I took advantage of you and pushed you away because I would rather hurt someone else with everything that I am than hurt you with just a a part of it."
"I'm so stupid for ignoring you, I'm a prick for using you as my security blanket rather than let you in, you know me better than I know myself, you love me more than I could ever imagine, and it terrified me because I couldn't let myself love you. I couldn't let myself taint you."
Azriel lifted his hands, cupping your face in his palms and you could see every inch of despair within him, that conflicted flame dancing within his soul, "I'm not asking you to forgive me, I don't think I will ever be able to forgive myself after what I've done to you. I'm not asking for anything from you. I just need you to know that no matter how severe your storm, I promise I won't leave your side, I'll stay with you through the howling winds that whip my cheeks raw and red. I will stay and hold you when the night leaves you shivering and give you space when when your searing heat pushes you into a fiery rage. I will stay and love you in whatever way you crave, whether that be from next to you or from wherever you cast me to."
"Azriel-" tears flowed freely from his eyes and you knew he meant every word he was saying. Every single word was being plucked from the core of his essence.
"I know that you're scared, and that you don't trust me. I'm scared too. But you're the only one I can face love with because I only want to feel it with you. At the end of the day I want it to be you and me, I want your early mornings and late nights, I want you on your good days and bad. I will never stop wanting you. I will never stop needing you filling my lungs like oxygen and giving me life."
Azriel dropped his forehead onto yours, and you felt your own cheeks dampening from your own tears at his words, "I love you, Y/N. I will always love you, even if you don't want me to, even if you decide to walk away from me I will not stop loving you. I am so thankful for you, and I know I haven't shown that, but if you give me one more chance, I will show you exactly the man you have made me into. I will give you the world you have always dreamed of. My soul is yours until you stop loving me. Please. Please."
"I can't stop loving you, Az. I've tried but I can't and I don't want to," his thumbs wiped your tears away and you found yourself reaching to rest your fingers on the marred flesh around his wrists, "One more chance. Don't fuck it up."
Azriel pressed his lips to your forehead, relishing in your warmth as you bundled into his chest, "You're mine."
"Take me home, Az."
"Yours or mine?"
You grinned against his chest, "How about ours?"
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Authors Note
I really hope this does the ask justice x
Alternate ending incoming 👀👀
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sholangagaga · 10 months
Wait I thought that everyone knew in canon that Bonnie was decommissioned?
This is gonna be a long answer so I'll put it under the cut. Very slight spoilers to an easter egg in Ruin
Apparently there's some confusion about this in the fandom but to reiterate to everyone who doesn't know; No one knows that Bonnie was shattered and is still within the Pizzaplex
No one.
Not the technicians, not Fazbear Entertainment, not the other animatronics.
To everyone in canon, Bonnie just up and disappeared one day under mysterious circumstances.
But Lonnie! you ask, your eyes innocent and wide. That doesn't make any sense! How could a giant 7ft robot disappear???
Well, according to what we learn in Ruin, he didn't actually disappear. We as the audience know where he is and know what happened to him. Everyone else? They have NO clue.
Your first key in to this is when Gregory first sees Vanny and tries to inform Freddy. To which Freddy responds with There are no rabbits at the Mega Pizzaplex. Not anymore.
We've already seen the animatronics go through hell and back and still be functioning. We've also see how FazEnt is REALLY unwilling to change or fully decommission animatronics because of how much it'll cost unless something impossible to cover up happens (Ie. the Missing Children Incident, The Bite of 83 and The Bite of 87)
As far as we knew, Bonnie hadn't done anything that drastic. None of the Glamrocks have, so what on earth could warrant him not only being fully decommissioned, but also completely wiped from the face of the Pizzaplex?
We get the answer to this question in bits and pieces throughout SB in the form of the dufflebag notices. There are two (three if you're annoying like me) very interesting ones that allude to Bonnie's fate.
Re-Theme, MISSING, and Monty Mischief
What do all of these have in common?
Well, they tell a story, albeit a very patchy one, but a story nonetheless.
Now, its important to note here that while Bonnie was still active (either as a band member or after his retirement) Monty Golf was very much an established attraction. This means that Monty wasn't made or pushed into the Pizzaplex to replace Bonnie outright. He was just another animatronic who spent his time in his own little place and did his own thing.
In Monty Mischief, we learn about how we're to stop Monty.
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work.
Monty heads onto the catwalk every now and then, which is dangerous for him because the catwalks are prefaced by the blasters and Hurricane bucket. So, Monty is in danger of getting whacked off the catwalk and getting damaged.
In MISSING, we get our first clue into what happened to Bonnie on his final night active
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Now this notice doesn't explain much. But once you look deeper into it, you start to find some odd tidbits within the notice that doesn't make much sense.
At nearly 12:30am, Bonnie left his green room and headed East towards the Atrium (which is the big squarish space in the center of the Pizzaplex) To explain it better cause the map is a big nondescriptive, the Atrium is that huge area with the main stage and all of the tables that leads to each attraction
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Bonnie went EAST (or right) from Rockstar Row (which is the area right above the Atrium, where all of the animatronics themed rooms are) So assuming he was standing in his green room and he walked out, he would have walked down the rightmost path, where Roxy Raceway and Bonnie Bowl are located. (On the map, that would be the lefthand side. I know, that's confusing directions wise, but it would have been HIS right being the MAP'S left)
He went towards and entered the East Arcade (which would be Fazcade according to the map. The West Arcade is the Super Starcade)
Now, Bonnie left his room at 12:24 and got to the Fazcade at 2:40. That's almost 2 hours and 16 minutes of movement time.
Now we as the audience know that it doesn't take 2 and a half hours to clear a straight walking path. Gregory (and even Freddy) can clear that distance in less that 30 in game minutes. So what took Bonnie so long?
Normally I would say that maybe he was being stopped by kids or something, but this was well after closing. There shouldn't have been any kids or autograph opportunities, and unless Bonnie was walking at a snail's pace or in slow motion, it shouldn't have taken him so long to get to the Fazcade.
The next time stamp is even weirder. At 4:12am, Bonnie entered the Monty Golf (Directly across from Roxy Raceway on the righthand side of the map while below it is the Daycare)
It took Bonnie an extra 1 hour and 32 minutes to round the rest of the Pizzaplex (assuming he didn't stop and do something in the Fazcade) and end in the Monty Golf. And then from there, the name of the transmission is "missing" and there are no further time stamps, implying that Bonnie never left Monty Golf after that point and there are no further reads on his location.
So, he spent 3 hours and 48 minutes going to two specific points on the map only to vanish without a trace.
The next notice, Re-Theme, we get a bit of the aftermath of Bonnie's disappearance.
MANAGEMENT REPORT - The bowling alley needs a re-theme. While most of the Bonnie art was removed, kids keep asking, 'Where's Bonnie?' Do we have an officially approved response?
This is a notice from management themselves. Apparently, even though Bonnie hasn't been active for a while at this point, there still isn't a company approved response for WHERE he is. Not what happened to him, WHERE he could be. This means that after Bonnie entered Monty Golf according to the timestamp and never left, they must've searched the area and ended up being unable to find him, which led to them quickly changing gears and throwing Monty forward to take over. (Which is another discussion all together, I personally don't believe Monty hurt Bonnie, despite what the game wants you to believe)
In Ruin, we see what became of Bonnie and where he actually was after all of this time.
In the rundown Bonnie Bowl at the end of the alley, there's a sign that fell to block off the pin mechanisms against the alley wall. Deactivating all of the patpats (Wet Floor Signs) in the Ruin campaign will cause the sign to be removed, leading to a little rabbit (haha) hole. Going through the hole leads to a storage/recycling area for the bowling balls (I'm not bowling alley literate, its that machine that catches the balls and sends them back to the sleeve thing near the seating/scoring area so you can get your ball back)
And, laying there amidst the ruined machinery and surrounded by four patpats, is Glamrock Bonnie
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He's apparently been there for a while, but he looks relatively untouched from the decay and ruination of the other animatronics (probably because he wasn't moving around and instead was completely stationary) ((some people mention how he seems to be missing his endoskeleton/major machinery but this post isn't about what happened to him/how he was shattered, this is just about his disappearance and subsequent location))
The fact that Bonnie has just been laying here, untouched, his only company being a few bear-eared patpats, means that NO ONE knew he was back here. If the technicians or FazEnt knew he was back here, they would have repaired him. And we KNOW that they could repair him from any state of disarray or damage because we've seen and heard of this happening before (Monty with his broken legs, Vanessa mentioning to Freddy how they can "slap his shell onto another endo" if he keeps misbehaving)
And even if Bonnie couldn't be repaired enough to take the main stage again, they could at least repair his shell or make him a permanent fixture at the Bonnie Bowl and complete retire him without leaving him in the back of a bowling alley to rot away.
Now how he got back there, I've got a few theories but again, that's another post for another day. But it's a bit sad to learn that Bonnie never really disappeared. He'd been injured in some way and went back to his home to basically die, and no one knows what happened to him. Not even Freddy, who loved and misses him so much, who probably would have been so happy to learn that Bonnie was right there the whole time and all they needed to do was repair him
But he doesn't know.
No one knows.
And since that scene is an easter egg and not an actually scripted story event, there's a very good chance that no one will ever know Bonnie's final resting place.
And that's so very sad
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astrosky33 · 7 months
My Birth Chart Readings
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My readings include, not only basic natal chart info, but also asteroids, persona charts, asteroid persona charts, astrocartography, and more which many other astrologers don’t discuss in their readings. I also go very in depth and not only show astrological evidence but give insight on real things I’ve observed in certain placements with my other customers readings. Yes my readings are pricey but considering my education at Kepler College along with all the things I mention that no other astrologer does and the feedback I receive saying it’s worth the price I personally feel like they are priced well and I work really hard on them
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[2 page pdf with small font] I will discuss your life purpose, your love life, your career, what areas of your life may need healing, and more
Includes: Natal Chart info
[5 page pdf with small font] I will discuss your life purpose, your love life, your career, what areas of life you may need healing, your strengths and weaknesses, locations you'll be most successful living at, locations you'll be happiest living at, major turning points in your life, and more
Includes: Natal Chart, Asteroids, Descendant Persona Chart, and Astrocartography Map info
[10 page pdf with small font] I will discuss your career, love life, future spouse, astrocartography, life purpose, fame, your future, and more. I can go into depth on any specific topics you'd like to know just put them in the suggestions box! (This reading includes everything that’s in the Deluxe Reading AND more)
Includes: Natal Chart, Asteroids, Descendant Persona Chart, Industria Asteroid Persona Chart, Fama Asteroid Persona Chart, and Astrocartography Map info
[4 page pdf with small font] I will discuss the strengths/weaknesses or your relationship, your dynamic together, how each individual feels in the relationship, how long the relationship will last, if disloyalty may occur, and more. Please let me know in the suggestions box if you’re dating the person or if you’re just interested in them!
Includes: Synastry and Composite Chart info
[5 page pdf with small font] I will discuss locations you would be most successful in, locations you can find love in, locations you will have the most transformation in, and more based on your astrocartography map. I'll go into full detail rather than just telling you the basics like on my Tumblr! This includes pictures of your map
Includes: Astrocartography Map info that’s more in depth than the info provided on Astro.com or Astro-seek.com
[3 page pdf with small font] I will discuss how you meet your spouse, their first impression of you, traits they'll have, where you'll meet them, their parenting style, and more
Includes: Natal Chart, Descendant Persona Chart, Alma Asteroid Persona Chart, and Astrocartography Map info
[2 page pdf with small font] I will discuss what careers you have potential to be successful in/make the most money in, your talents, what locations you'll be most successful at for your career, and more
Includes: Natal Chart, Talent Asteroid, Industria Asteroid Persona Chart, and Astrocartography Map info
[1 page pdf with small font] I will discuss fame indications in your chart, what locations you're most likely to gain fame at, what you're most likely to get famous for, if your fame is long or short term, and more
Includes: Natal chart, Fama Asteroid Persona Chart, and Astrocartography Map info
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otakween · 4 months
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Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer - Final Thoughts
Phew! If you're wondering why I've been quiet for a bit, it's because this game took me 3 weeks to beat. It was kind of grueling at times. It definitely assumes that you played the previous 3 (or 4 if Anode and Cathode count for 2) games and does NOT baby you at the start. It definitely wasn't my favorite game in the series, but the fact that it did away with the terrible old Jogress system earned it a lot of points in my book. There are still some Wonderswan games to play, but I think that's really it for Ryo games! Thank goodness :)
Major downgrade from D1 Tamers visually! D1 was so colorful and exploring the world was actually interesting. Brave Tamer follows the Digimon World 2 strat of making every single dungeon pretty much identical and the hub world is bland as heck as well. You don't even need to travel to get to the dungeons you just walk up to the same hole every time. Lame.
Thank God this game lets digimon level up and evolve normally. It basically follows the Pokemon style of evolution. In previous games there were bullshit level caps unless you jogressed a zillion times. This game still has that dumb mechanic where your digimon devolves into a baby. I get that that happens in the show, but it felt pretty silly in the game. They get back to normal pretty quickly after a few battles.
Digimon recruitment is limited to borrowing digimon from digidestined from the various anime series. What an awkward concept. Ryo comes out of nowhere to save the day and then each partner digimon is like "See ya partner, I'm ditching you for Ryo!" I'm just imagining the characters that are left partner-less facing certain doom after Ryo leaves lol. Maybe it's one of those situations where they're only gone for a few minutes due to dimension hopping.
The card slash system (based on the Tamers universe of course) was interesting, but kind of annoying to figure out. After I got a handful of strong cards I couldn't be arsed to keep trying new jogress combos.
Speaking of taking the lazy route, I didn't use the majority of the digimon I recruited once LOL. It's more efficient to just stick with the same digimon for the whole game unless you want to spend a lot of time grinding, so that's what I did. I ended up with only mega-level digimon at the end which is frustrating because MegaloGrowmon and Taomon were at level 30! (They upgrade to mega at 31).
The bosses were strangely easy in this game (except for one that took me like 5 tries). What made it hard were the frickin' labyrinthine dungeons (the last one is TIMED! Evil). I have a terrible sense of direction IRL and in video games so the dungeons in this game were torture for me. You have to traverse up to 5 floors and sometimes there are so many dead ends and roadblocks that it takes what feels like an eternity. Also, there are random battles every 2 seconds that increase the suffering. In the later game I planned my route ahead of time by figuring out where the boss was on YouTube and mapping backwards from there. Here's a screenshot of me and my map in MS Paint:
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(By the way, I always play Wonderswan games in windowed mode or else they look wonky. This time, that really came in handy).
I had to use multiple guides to figure out some of this game because the most popular walkthrough wasn't very good. It barely gives you any instructions on getting through dungeons, which was what I really needed.
Most scandalous part of this game was when Millenniummon called Ryo his lover (koibito)? Whaaaaa...?
I didn't realize that this game is a prequel to Tamers so I kinda did things out of order, whoops! I didn't realize that Cyberdramon was supposed to be the outcome of a Monodramon/Millenniummon jogress. Makes me want to rewatch some bits of the anime...
There was so much dramatic build up for the final battle and then it was so easy? I didn't even need to use the 10 low-level healing items I stocked up on. Oh well, guess I was well prepared.
Of course there's a post-game where you can scan all the digimon you missed, but that just seems silly. They're not partners in this game, they're cards. If I can't a raise a digimon I don't really see the appeal in collecting them all. (I mean I guess I wouldn't see the appeal in raising them all either, but the cards seem like even more of a waste of time).
The Wonderswan games have always been my fave digimon games but this one felt simultaneously half-assed and overly complicated. I'd give it like a 5 or 6 out of 10. Let's call it a 5.5.
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worm-brainzz · 4 months
"My name is Regina George Wilbur, and in case you're keeping score, Cady Candyyz may have won the battle but I will win the war."
-Taylor Louderman, Mean Girls Original Broadway Cast Recording, "World Burn".
Hello!! I'm will! Heres an intro post to get to know me :D
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basic stuff:
names: xander/wilbur/crow/icarus (and any nickname you come up w/
pronouns: he/they/it/meow/vamp/star/angel/silly/heart/kitty
gender: vampcatgender, angelstar, sillygender, angeliwhore, mikucharic, argoscharic, mrplantcharic, heartfloweric, starrycattic, guitarvampic, crazymusicgender (MANY MANY XENOS. HOUGH BOY.)
sexuality: achillean
age: 13 hourgh
i have generalised anxiety disorder and autism. please be nice. im begging.
i also have the worst spine problems known to man (exaggeration)
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(EDIT: i took starry, divine and pax out cuz i wanna stop worrying abt the situation. happy emoji)
(EDIT 2 FOR TODAY HOLY.: added prince to the dni list cuz of personal stuff :3)
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discord: worm.brainzz
wattpad: mercuryheartss
insta: p0is0n.appl3 (wont let me change it)
bandlab: mxrcuryheartss
medibang/art street: worm.brainzz
youtube: worm.brainzz
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ashur gharavi cinematic universe
project sekai
project diva
hazbin hotel
lacey flash games
village roadshow themeparks
doki doki literature club
nyan neko sugar girls
aussie world (theme park)
pretty dresses hehe (as in like. princess shit. yk.)
sammy j and randy on ricketts lane
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music taste:
franz ferdinand
ghost & pals
tally hall
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@cloudxxiii @bi-squirrel @poisoned-sugar11 @aroace-polysho @devilish-parrot @statictelevision @reinagony @m0nst3rgunxz @voidbeau @machathecat @ang31ey3s-d3mons3edz. ACK /POS.
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active: @worm-brainzz @ask-angel-argos, @wormbrainzz-reblogs
inactive: @v0idbr34d, @larva-heartzz
#explosion_sound_effect.mp3: txt
#worm making theories??? rare occurence???: one of the only times i will ever make theories
#mega worm brainrot: talking abt stuff that wont get out of my head
#queue could be my unintended choice to live my life extended: queue
#will's inbox: my asks
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lesvegas · 11 months
My Beginner/Newbie Guide to Neopets
Never used the site before in your life but wanna check it out? Just logged into your old account and wanna get back into it? Saw my promo and wanna take advantage of it? Wanna make loads of neopoints? As someone with about 20mil in the bank I can't guarantee following my advice will make you MEGA rich but I can get you pretty close with pretty minimal effort.
TL;DR do your dailies and invest in stocks (it's way easier than it sounds, idk shit about real life stocks)
(And before I hear any "isnt neopets run by scientologists" the answer is no, it never was, neopets.com once fell into a company that was run by a scientologist for about a year back in the early 2000s)
Guide below the cut!
Spin Trudy's Surprise wheel every day (link here)
Invest in stocks (guide here)
Do whatever dailies you want (link here)
Use Jellyneo's item database to search/price anything (link here)
This guide assumes you've already made an account, a pet, and have about 2000np (given to every new account) to spend, and that you're currently logged in (you'll need to be for most of these links).
Confused by the site layout? No idea where to go? No worries, I'll link just about everything you need here.
DISCLAIMER: There's a lot of stuff I DON'T do, but if there's something that interests you, go ahead and try it!! I just do the bare minimum when it comes to dailies lol
If you clicked on this link, you're probably already overwhelmed by the sheer number of dailies your expected to do. The good news is, I don't do at least half of these. Most of these aren't worth your time or points and I only really do easy 1-click dailies that net me free shit. I'll show you exactly which ones those are.
Let's start with the Classics-
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I've already gone ahead and erased the ones a new account will never have to worry about.
These are the priority freebie dailies you should be doing each day when you can. Lemme explain what each one does:
Soup Kitchen: Until you have 3000np, you can feed your pets here for free!
Free Jelly: One free jelly (worth 2 meals) each day
Giant Omelette: One free omelette (worth 3 meals) each day
Interest @ Bank: You can collect interest on your bank account each day (you need a bank account, I'll explain later)
Money Tree: Free stuff people throw away, guide further down
Trudy's Surprise: Free neopoints daily
Monthly Freebies: Once a month, not daily, free 2000np and food
Obsidian Quarry: One free piece of obsidian daily. I just sell them for 1np a piece to get people coming to my shop
Apple Bobbing: Free item daily (small chance to lose an item or nps)
Anchor Management: Free item daily
Mysterious Negg Cave: Solve a puzzle for a free item (solver here)
Grave Danger: Petpet required. Send it down into the catacombs daily to find items.
These are all the easiest of the dailies. Next up we have
The Wheels-
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Yes, just these wheels, because none of the scratchcards are worth trying to me. I've never won anything good from them. These wheels are all relatively low-cost, but if you only wanted to pick ONE, do the Wheel of Mediocrity. I've found it has the highest return for the cost.
Also, the Wheel of Monotony can go for literal hours. I tend to let it go in a muted tab and do other stuff in the meantime. Anyway, next is
Win NPs, Items, Stats-
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I've erased anything that takes too much time, doesn't work cause flash, can only be accessed at certain times, or isn't newbie accessible. I'll elaborate on the rest;
Tombola: Draw a ticket and win a prize (free)
Deserted Tomb: Go into a tomb and potentially find treasure (may hurt your neopet)
Fruit Machine: One free spin per day for fruit
Coltzan's Shrine: One of the best dailies. Potentially increases stats, gives NP or items
Kreludor Meteor: Free items when it works
TDMBGPOP: Free items (usually plushies) or NPs
Underwater Fishing: Free fish or fishing-related items
Forgotten Shore: Requires treasure map (guide here)
Healing Springs: Heals your pets or gives you an item. Can be done every 30mins. I recommend coming here last to heal pets after some dangerous dailies. You can also come here every 30mins if your pet is sick until they're cured.
These are also good, easy freebies I recommend doing daily. Personally I also use the Battledome but that's because I've actually trained one of my pets to fight. Now for the
Pay NPs and Win-
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No, really, that's it.
Okay, I also personally do Cheeseroller, and I used to do more carnival games when they worked, but these are the only ones you really need to worry about in this section.
Faerie Caverns, Test Your Strength, and Pick Your Own are simple games where you can win NPs and items.
Garage Sale is a shop where most items are sold below market value. Great for reselling.
Bargain stocks are cheaper than regular stocks and are only for poor/new users.
And what about
Other Neopets Stuff To Do-
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A lot less intimidating now, huh?
Most things in this section are just... things to do. Things that aren't all that profitable. These four are the only ones you should bother with if your priority is getting NPs.
Symol Hole requires a PetPet. You can win items, but this is rare.
Stock Portfolio... I'll get into that soon. But this is important.
Trading Post is where you go to offload tons of junk, get tons of junk, buy/sell anything worth more than 999999np, and find good deals
Employment Agency is where you take jobs that involve finding and buying a certain number of a particular item in a certain timeframe. I only recommend this if you've become familiar with Jellyneo's item data base and the Shop Wizard.
Now what about the next sections, Quests, Competitions, and Games?
Don't worry about 'em.
When you're financially better off, you can try doing some daily Faerie quests if you want, but I don't recommend getting into them right away. Contests are cool and all, but not my thing personally, so I can't tell you much about them. As for games... most of them are still broken.
But the game Fashion Fever is an easy free 900np a day. Just wait 10 seconds before finishing the game, then send score.
Wait, how does the Stock Market work?
Great question!
The stock market is the easiest way to rack up neopoints. I can't comment on bargain stocks because I haven't done them, but I can tell you all about the regular stock market.
(You could also uh, watch this 5 minute guide here, which is how I originally learned how the stock market works)
Conceptually, you buy stocks while they're cheap, then wait until their value goes up and sell them at a high price. You can easily turn 15000np into 45000np by simply waiting.
Also, I really recommend you have 15000np before buying any stocks. Do other dailies until you have that much at least.
Your stock portfolio is here. Read the scrolling stocks at the top of the page:
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Until you find a stock valued at 15np (circled above). Once you have the stock name (this one is SWNC), go to 'Buy' (right under the scrolling stocks in blue),
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And buy them! Buy 1000 at a time.
15np is the LOWEST a stock can go before it's unbuyable, and you can only buy a total of 1000np per day.
Now, we just have to wait for the value to go up.
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I only sell stocks once the value is +300%. SWNC is currently at 0.00% because it's worth the value I originally bought it at (15np).
Check your portfolio daily, buy new stocks when you can, sell when they're high, and sooner or later you'll be raking in hundreds of thousands of neopoints per sale!
Does Trudy's Surprise really guarantee thousands of free NPs?
Yes. No, seriously, yes.
The first time you spin the wheel, you'll probably only get about 1000np. Come back the next day, spin it again, maybe you'll get 2000np. By the end of the first week, probably 6000np.
And on day 25? 100000np. Guaranteed. Then the cycle resets to day 1, and it's back to about 1000np.
With Trudy's Surprise, you can very easily obtain around 200000np a month.
BUT. You need to spin the wheel once EVERY DAY or the counter resets and you're back to day 1 again.
There are days where I really don't feel like doing my dailies at all, but I always try to make sure I get this one in. It's absolutely worth logging it.
You mentioned a Bank Account?
If you haven't opened a bank account (for neopoints, not actual money), do so now!!
A bank will hold onto your neopoints for you so you don't lose them during random events, and you can collect interest every day. There's a cost to open and upgrade an account, but no fees besides that. The more nps in your account, the more interest you can collect! I collect about 6000np a day just from my nps sitting in my account.
Okay, I did my dailies and now I have all this stuff sitting in my inventory. Now what?
Well, you have a few options:
Use them. Food feeds your pet, books educate them, toys entertain them... before doing anything else with some items, consider if you want to use them on your pet.
Donate them. If you're completely at a loss or don't want to bother selling them, you can always donate or discard them to free up space.
Store them in your Safety Deposit Box. Got items that you think you'll use later that are currently taking up space? Store them in your SDB or Closet for now.
Trade them. Go to the trading post, browse new trades, and use these items as fodder for getting good deals. Alternatively, put them up for trade and see what people offer.
Sell them. If you haven't opened a shop yet, I highly recommend you do so. You can put items in the shop, but they won't be displayed until you've set a price. Don't know what to charge? Search the item in the Jellyneo item database to find out how much it's worth!
Why even do any of this?
Honestly, that's up to you to decide.
Neopets is a weird site. People came for the pets, but the only ones that stayed have remained for the economy. You either find it fun or you don't, and I know it's harder when you're a beginner.
What really got me into neopets again was finding a goal. If you want to get rich, that's the one thing you need most: a goal. It could be a static number, a dream pet, a dream gallery, w/e. My first main goal was a gold paintbrush for a pet I don't even have anymore, and my current goal is 25mil in my account. After that, I think my next goal will be to access the lab ray.
If you're just starting out and don't know what you want your goal to be, I'd suggest finding that old dream pet or picking a new one here: This site shows every pet in every colour. Find one that speaks to you, find out how much the paintbrush or morphing potion or whatever method costs, and work for that.
I'm still confused/have questions.
Please feel free to DM me!! I love neopets and am trying to get more people (especially my friends) into it. I don't know everything but the least I can do is point you to a guide that can help. Don't hesitate to reach out to me!
You can also neomail me if you want <3
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arriansarchive · 11 months
Millard Nullings/Symbiote!Venom!Male!Reader Headcanons
More symbiote reader/mphfpc yes yes
My first Millard thing because I forget about him a lot and wanted to get something out about him before I forget
Also I'll say it again sorry if Venom isn't very Venom or his lines are a little awkward because I'm just now rewatching the movie and I still don't have his personality down yet
I'm pretty proud of this so
Headcanon prompt(s): You can see Millard for some reason, and some randoms too
The first time you walked into the home and saw Millard you just thought he was a nudist
You were still confused about how the Peculiar thing worked so you just let it pass off as normal for a while because you thought it was just his peculiarity
I mean who would think having a symbiote would be more normal than being naked???
Certainly not you
One day you just let it fly at the table after he talks about being invisible that you can see him
"Wait, you're invisible?"
"Of course I am, M/N. You cannot see me."
"Oh, well I just thought you were a nudist for a while."
"Why did you never mention this? I've been walking around naked for birds sake!"
After this encounter he immediately started to put clothes on all the time
Before this though Venom has for sure laughed at him in your head
"That boy is naked, M/N. Is this house full of nudists?"
"No, I think it's just him. Maybe he gets hot around the house since nobody else seems to mind."
"I find it quite amusing."
After you and him get over the fact that you saw him naked around the house casually, you actually become pretty close
Once he sees Venom though (let's just say Venom hid out for a while and everyone was confused about ur peculiarity) he was mega intrigued
Venom took a liking to him over time but at the start of their unlikely friendship Venom thought Millard was annoying
Millard was excited to see a real life symbiote as he had read about them in one of the many peculiar history books he has
Millard basically asked every single question in the book
"So what is the parasite-symbiote's name?"
"Can't you just ask me yourself, nudist? You better apologize as well; I am no parasite!"
"Well, you grew into M/N's body as an alien entity, so by peculiar standards you are considered a parasite and a symbiote."
If you like maps then you (not Venom he doesn't give a shit about maps) work on them with him and look at all the maps he's collected
If you don't then you and Venom just watch with Venoms head sticking over your shoulder
Ending notes: Okay i quite like these headcanons so I might make a part 2
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lady-nuggetz · 15 days
"You'll rue the day you humiliated me, My Melo!!"
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Hey love bugs!! 💕Welcome to my devilish little blog!!
If you're already following, dw this is just an intro I'm gonna pin :"]
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My Name is Nugget!
I also go by a few kin names as well, Kuromi, Jevil, Angel, etc.
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I'm female, she/her, 19 years old! Bisexual & Demisexual! My birthday is February 4th! 🩷💜💙
I'm Colombian & Puerto Rican! English speaker but I also know a small bit of Spanish! 🇨🇴🇵🇷
I mainly do artwork of my favorite things, play games, and love eating sweets! I love cute gothic things and shipping with all my favorite fictional characters! Pink is my favorite color! 🩷
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My Interests Are:
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Sonic the Hedgehog [I mostly post that here]
Mega Man
Scott Pilgrim
Super Mario
Five Nights at Freddy's
Hazbin Hotel
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Cookie Run
And a whole lot more!
Breaking off the post here, so if you would like to read some extra information such as comms, dnis, and other things, you can check below!
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Do Not Interact
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Please do NOT interact with me if you are any of the following:
Racist and/or Xenophobic
Sexist and/or Mysogistic
Homophobic, Transphobic, against LGBTQ+ entirely
Pr0ship, C0mship, if you just think that fiction has no effect on reality to justify drawing weird shit
If you're a """MAP""" you're just a pedo
If you are associated with anyone who's caused me severe trauma, or ARE someone who has caused me severe trauma
You think that oc x canon/selfshipping is cringe or problematic
Literally if you're just someone who hurts others for your own benefit
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Socials & Kin List
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My other socials and my kin list can be found via my carrd! I am heavily active on my Instagram, however I am also active on Discord for personal dms and such!
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Art Commissions
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My commissions are often open, though make sure to check if they're open for purchase!! If you would like to buy a commission from me feel free to hit me up in a dm!!
I have a post detailing my commission information RIGHT HERE!!
You may also check my seperate commission carrd for these same details!
Please note that I take Cashapp, PayPal, Venmo, and gift cards for Nintendo eShop, PlayStation Store, and Roblox.
Commissions are also non refundable, and if my work output is delayed, I apologize.
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If you made it this far, congratulations!!
Thank you for taking the time to check out my intro! Feel free to follow me if you love my art!
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millepara · 9 months
for fun yesterday I did a lot of experimenting with coords and tags to see what gives the best score. starting with the conclusion abstract:
the Brilliant Prince cyalume is equally effective as the usual green Twinkle Ribbon SCR for grinding.
BUT if you're creating a promise, you're very slightly better off with the TR SCR because it's more likely to get filled, as not everyone has the BP CR. (this was not something I tested for, but something I inadvertently found out in the course of experimenting.)
details and numbers below 📝 📈 📊 (extremely boring and long)
various disclaimers: I'm 100% sure all of this is on twitter already, but I don't use and thus can't see anything on there. mega thanks to Idollandhero Hayami for being my only source for what's going on over there and making me realize that this was even something to check out, and for Luna's post pointing out the BP cyalume was a viable green coord alternative. I shan't tag you bc I don't want to even accidentally make someone read this post.
also, don't pay attention to the reward amounts when I joined others' promises, bc at those times I was focusing solely on coord bonuses and not the rhythm game. the score bonuses are the same amount whether creating or joining a promise, but joining takes less time. a lower score just means I was playing OPEN DREAM LAND according to the beat map in my head rather than the mistaken one in the game lol
background 🧬
your score is composed of:
base score. what you get from the rhythm game
rank bonus. silver rank is +1000 iine (bronze +500?)
heart bonus. max is rainbow x3 +3000 iine (rainbow +1000, gold +800, silver +500)
assigned coord bonus. premium pripara rare is +10000 iine (idk what others are)
hashtag bonuses. 5 gold tags gives you, in order, +1500, +150, +300, +450, and +600 iine. 4 gold tags removes the final +600 and +1 silver tag is only +500, so 5 gold tags is best (i.e. 5 gold = 3000 vs 4 gold + 1 silver = 2900)
I always use the green TR SCR without paying attention to the numbers, so I wanted to verify if/how worn coords affect your bonuses, and if wearing all parts of a coord or having the same tag multiple times (like the BP CR) do. these are things that were true in the arcade game, so maybe they matter here too? ...is what I wondered.
experimental procedure 🧪
the TR SCR has 2 gold tags, with no gold tag on the shoes. but changing them to the BP CR ones, adding a 3rd gold tag, gives the same 5 gold tag bonus as above, in the same order. (tags in the coord being worn are marked with a ⭐︎.)
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this is true no matter what order the tags themselves are in. above the unworn #今日もあまってまーす (from the Dressy Ruby coord) gave 1500, below the worn #gold did.
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wearing the full TR SCR gave the exact same bonuses as well, despite having only two gold tags on the coord:
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finally, wearing the full BP CR (worn gold tags are #cyalume coord x3 and #prince for a total of 4) was... exactly the same!
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and in all of these, the assigned coord bonus was the same +10000 too.
last was to confirm that they give equal rewards when creating a promise. I did Chaotic Hurricane for both of these, and both have a perfect score, so all rainbow hearts, all x3 on appeals and making drama, and full cyalume change bonus.
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the same! this is also the same as the max score with the green SCR before the Dark Nightmare tag was removed, btw.
conclusion 🔬
the coord you wear does not affect the tag bonuses at all. they are entirely determined by the tags you own. wearing or owning more items with the same tag also doesn't matter. basically, as long as you do a promise with 5 gold tags you own, you get the maximum tag bonus.
the coord you wear is only relevant to the assigned coord bonus, which is the same for the BP CR and the green coord. I guess there are paid or gacha coords that give that bonus too, but the rarer a coord is, the less likely you are to fill a promise with it as the assigned coord. it's best to create a promise with easily-available coords and tags.
future research 👁️
I do have an unsolved mystery. both of the above had a base score of 14175,
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but the first time I tried creating a promise I got a base score of 14170, despite having what I thought was a perfect score. all the bonuses were the same, and the rewards were only 1 iine and 1 i$ less
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so in terms of grinding, it super does not matter. but it does matter when my goal is trying to figure out score mechanics. now I probably just got a x2 on the appeals or making drama without noticing, but I was watching pretty hard. and I'm pretty sure a miss there knocks off more than 5 points? I had photo evidence of getting all rainbow hearts and I got a full cyalume bonus as always, so...???
the other option is that... your team's coords matter?? this seems incorrect, but the only difference in that first promise was that one idol had different shoes and accessory. all the ones I did after (not just the 2 pictured) had 5/6 or 6/6 coord items assembled, so it's literally the only difference I could think of?? I really genuinely think I just missed a note though. the way to check this would be to screen-record lives, miss notes in a variety of ways, and see how that affects the score, but... even I have my limits.
also: songs. I'm interested to see definitively what song is best, but I'm putting this off until OPEN DREAM LAND's untenable beat map is fixed. it is definitely a better choice than Chaotic Hurricane, which I always use, but I'm afraid of accidentally memorizing the wrong rhythm. and personally I would do anything to avoid hearing Cool Star, so idk if it's better than Chaotic Hurricane or not. I think a couple paid songs are better also, but it's so difficult to fill those promises that it's best not to rank up with them.
last, I wonder about the red+black VIP coords because they seem like idol land's version of Mystery Rares (which were v high-scoring), but... I don't have one. and even if it was significantly higher, it would be impossible to fill that promise, so it couldn't possibly matter.
if you read all this, congratulations and forgive me. if you have any questions, let me know. I think I explained everything badly and maybe I assumed everyone knows stuff that maybe they don't? not to mention that I've made and joined promises so many times now that maybe I can help with something other than what's here too.
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skygodtraumabond · 6 months
Rayyyy tell me about the tenants of the Sky Guardian Religion.
You talked about it a lot but i never actually got any sort of doctrine or organized beleifs out if ur speeches.
Also ho oh is the better sky god because they say gay rights
Incorrect :) but I consider you a friend so I will let it slide.
I'm not surprised you failed to find a doctrine in my speeches. My faith isn't tied to a doctrine or an organized church. Granted, I have taken some inspiration from the Draconids seeing as we grew up so close to each other, but truly, I have forged my belief over my years of solitude. It's disorganized, but it's mine.
I suppose if you're curious, I can think of a few basic tenants that I follow. They're fairly simple. I think everyone should already be doing these things, honestly. Unfortunately, humanity never fails to disappoint. Anyways.
Respect the Guardian for the service he does for our world. Without him, Groudon and Kyogre's unnecessary conflict would have ended our world. Without him, meteorites would have wiped humanity off the map. Without him, all life on earth would have succumbed to the viral alien infestation that Deoxys would have wrought. We owe our very existence to his benevolence. It does not need to be such a formal gratitude all the time, but he is not just a "sky lizard". He is far more than any of us will ever be.
Respect the balance of nature and fight to restore it when it is unnaturally shifted. The Guardian cannot micromanage the transgressions of man. His energy is best spared for when the end is on our backs. So long as they can, humanity must fix what it breaks. Keep your damage to a minimum, and take only what you need from nature. Respect and keep in touch with the natural world around you, and it will provide.
Learn to be in touch with your wrath. The Guardian is benevolent, not merciful. Your anger is as much a part of him as it is a part of you, and there is no shame in wielding it as he would his fangs and talons. This is not to say it should be uncontrolled and aimless, but you shouldn't let anyone make you feel like you are a lesser person for feeling it. Not all problems can be solved with pragmatic mercy. Sometimes there must be blood spilled in order to maintain the balance.
Mega evolution is sacred. You do not need to utilize it to accept this fact. It is a gift from the Guardian, one that allows both humans and pokemon alike to utilize and indulge in his power. It is the most direct connection to Him that most of us will ever have. If it is utilized, it must be done so properly and with respects to both your pokemon and to the balance of nature. Performing it improperly is blasphemous, not to mention it could hurt you or your pokemon due to the energy imbalance. Insinuating that it is outright abusive is not only ignorant and incorrect, but also ungrateful. There are many professors I would fight to the death with over this. Kukui.
Of course there are more intricate, personal aspects than this, but if you want the bare bones "tenants", here they are.
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clarajohnson · 6 months
the magicians s2e3
eliot giving a real and that's what you missed on glee performance to start the episode
ta fucking da (i am in love with him)
rhinemann ultra is possibly my favorite spell name in this show. certainly the most memorable. i point at the screen when they say it.
lmao i forgot they didn't take care of the cursed thrones yet
if i had been abandoned in rural ren faire land with a spouse i didn't choose and my best friend and crush and crush's girlfriend returned with matching tattoos i would go crazy even without a cursed throne
oo-surpers... yoosurpers.
We're Fine :-l
god i hate to always be the one pointing out when these characters are hot but cursed throne quentin... is kind of hot
of course cursed throne alice is also hot but that's no different than any other alice
jesus you're acting like this is your first regicide
i forgot how often penny is on eccentric mega-personality genius babysitting duty
hiiiiiieeeee marina
she's literally the best i'm such a fan of her character this watch
i make maps, your majesty ??
be nicer to fen, penny, that's my (tumblr user han clarajohnson's) wife
a benevolent mommy who will solve my problems with her gaia problems? literally marina call me any time anyyyyyy time THE LEATHER SKIRT ARE YOU JOKING
i may truly skip the cupcake scene when it happens i'm already worried about it. it was genuinely my least favorite scene of the entire show last time.
you couldn't hit a fat girl with a fat-girl-seeking arrow... i like it but i don't love it
margo releasing her cacodemon that early is so crazy like without a curse i'm sure she never would've done it and it feels like the writers were just so enchanted by the concept they wanted to use it again. and then they like, didn't use it ever again lol?
you shot me, you cock !!!!!!!
ah yeah i will be skipping all the marina reynard stuff sorry
fen with a crossbow is very pleasing to me
sorry it's like 50% horniness and 50% i love how crazy this show is and what it lets all its characters do, you know?
what's best in life? to crush your enemies ??!!!! i love you cursed throne margo
is it wrong to say i find her death extremely satisfying WHAT DID SHE MEAN BY THAT
PLEASE the noise q makes when el extracts the syringe
alice being disturbed by feeling her cacodemon under her skin is so fun. high fantasy autistic texture aversion.
man it sucks skipping the marina reynard scenes because she's my best friend and wife of twenty years
love the cool dude magic music they use to really emphasize how fun tutting is
once again alice is the most not-grown-up extremely mature child in the world tell me why she's about to save the entire fucking universe and she wants a sundae with gummy bears on top
all i can handle right now is a goddamn ice cream sundae !!!! this feels like a trap !!!!!
i remember hating q during this argument and i don't hate him now but it does still kill me that he thinks now is the time to have this conversation. also don't make alice cry quentin
idk how olivia taylor dudley does it but she has this wretched little about-to-cry voice that kills me every time
i have... befouled... the wellspring
god i so don't care for ember i find him unpleasant and unnecessarily grody but i do enjoy the weirdo wellspring twist
i, like the magicians writers, forgot that q incurs an injury for which he will lose an arm
to our pretty corpses :'-)
i love el and margo's casual intimacy they are the sweetest friends
in 2016 "full harry potter part seven slash eight" was still a funny joke. I Assume.
perhaps the most pathetic q has ever looked up until this point
if i had a nickel for every time a quinn child had niffined out...
can't not say it niffin alice is so scary hot
aw margo apologizing to alice is so sad once again this character has LAYERSSSSS
feels really revealing that q chose el and margo over alice idk
now i'm not going to say that between quentin and marina as characters i'd choose to change marina's death... but between marina and anyone else i'd choose marina
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spinningbuster98 · 8 months
Oh yeah. We're going old school with this
So Metroid 1 is a game that one can't help have some respect for: naturally without it there would be no series, hell there would be no genre! Super Metroid? Sotn? Hollow Knight? A good chunk of Indie games? Never would it have existed without this game! I can't deny its influence
....but Jesus Christ is it ROUGH
And look I've played plenty of NES games of this era, many of them being Metroid's contemporaries: Super Mario Bros, Zelda 1, Castlevania 1, Mega Man 1... and while all of them have their rough patches as was the norm for pretty much all videogames at the time....Metroid 1 stands out in a pretty bad way...
It's not stuff like the slow down whenever there are too many sprites on screen, that couldn't be helped I'm sure and was pretty common.
Nor is it the lack of a map in and of itself or the game's cryptic nature. In fact I'd say that this game is at least not as cryptic as the likes of Castlevania 2 since most of the time you can find your way forward by simply bombing a floor or wall whenever you run into a dead end, so once you know that you should be (kinda) good
My issue is how much it's obvious that this game was rushed to absolute fuck.
I can't find the interview that stated this but I heard that most of this game's development was handled during its very last months, which you can tell just by looking because about 85% of this game is made up of the same 5-6 room layouts copy and pasted with only slight differences if any at all, which is the REAL culprit for why you'll get lost here
Then there's the enemy placement
How can I put this gently?
It's absolute dog shit
Enemies are spammed without rhyme or reason, they attack you non stop, whenever you find those pipes straight out of Super Mario bros they'll be spewing enemies literally without stopping: here's a hint when you kill an enemy and they drop an item until you pick up that item the enemy won't respawn. Trust me this can be useful
Sometimes enemies won't spawn correctly when you enter a room, sometimes they'll attack you as soon as you enter while you're still going through the door transition when you can't move Samus, hell sometimes they'll manage to enter the door with you and hit you continuously WHILE the transition plays out!
If you die in this game you'll get respawned at the start of the area you died in...with only 30 points of health, meaning that you'll have to spend a lot of time grinding enemies for health, which was an issue that was also present in Zelda 1 but at least there the health bar was much smaller overall
I know it's an old game but...Zelda 1 didn't have this much copy and pasted level design, in fact that game's overworld was pretty diverse making it possible to orient yourself even without a map after a while. the dungeons where certainly much guiltier of copying room layouts but you could find a map and a compass in those places at the very least
With all due respect I think people sometimes give Metroid 1 a little bit too much leeway. Yeah some of its issues couldn't be helped as they were standard for the time....but others not so much I believe
Speaking of, I may have said that you can absolutely find your way forward even without a guide by just keeping in mind to bomb every potential dead end...but you ain't never finding the Varia Suit and Screw Attack without a guide. You have to destroy some completely inconspiquous blocks on perfectly normal looking ceilings in perfectly normal looking rooms.
Granted you don't NEED those two power ups to finish the game....but unless you're already a grade A expert at this game you're gonna need them if you plan on beating the more bullshit parts, especially the Varia Suit for the extra defense
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crystalelemental · 7 months
Okay so I did a count of the assumed associations in the Pokemon timelines. Because I guess I hate myself tonight?
BW1 -> BW2. Literally the only hard confirmed thing in the series.
Y -> GS/C. Confirmed based on Red having all three starters, Blue having none. Though I'm just going to say it. Blue not having Eevee? Means that Gen 2 might actually be entirely separated timelines from the Gen 1 games we played. Nothing maps perfectly, and with alternate timelines existing, we can retroactively cast doubt on their continuity.
Y -> HGSS. Same as above. That's right, HGSS cannot possibly occur after FRLG, given the team composition. And the difference in Red's team suggests alternate timeline as well. Notably, HGSS could, in theory, lead to SuMo and USUM timelines, but those have Mega Evolution which is canonically a different timeline indicator from games without megas per Delta Episode.
HGSS -> BW1 -> BW2. We know Gen 2 goes to BW1 based on the ex-Rocket house. However, we can confidently saw that BW timeline exists alongside the remake timeline, because of Sabrina in PokeStar Studios. Sabrina has the (incorrect) short hair based on her HGSS presence, eliminating GS or C from possibility.
Platinum -> BW1. Caitlin. Note that Cynthia looks exactly no different, however, despite an allegedly large time jump per fan timelines. Which implies either (1) Caitlin hit a growth spurt in whatever timeframe occurred, which could be lengthy or could be as short as like four years, or (2) they're not actually associated at all, as Caitlin doesn't have Darach, and barring the commentary about not being allowed to battle, I don't think makes mention of the Battle Castle in Gen 5 at all. And I know what you're thinking. "Couldn't HGSS also attach to BW1?" Very unclear, considering that DPPt and HGSS take place at nebulously the same time, with Jasmine also occupying two places at once and having contradictory voice lines on which one happened first, so there's also the possibility that DP and Pt are separate timelines from HGSS. Which, further note: yes, DP and Pt are separate timelines just like all the third games.
R/S/E -> BW2. The Rocket house is occupied by former Magma and Aqua grunts. There are two reasons I'm not including HGSS in this mix. First, we don't know for sure that RSE took place before or after HGSS. Second, we don't have anything to connect RSE to HGSS itself. These grunts could be associated with the teams, but notably only talk about not letting the other know about their past, not any specific deed committed. Unlike the Rocket Grunt who can be placed by dialect, we don't know these goons. RSE may not have even happened yet, to say nothing of how R, S, and E are all different timelines given the wildly different events and we'd have no way of knowing which one they came from.
XY/ORAS -> SuMo. We assume, given the presence of mega evolution, but there's not anything I can think of to sincerely connect them together. They could just as easily be associated with USUM, but there's nothing to ensure those either.
Pt -> XY/ORAS -> SuMo or USUM. Because Looker. Now of course, this is impossible, as Platinum does not have mega evolution, so are we dealing with separate Lookers? I've heard theory that ORAS amnesia Looker is also a Faller, but if that's the case then he has no association at all with Gen 7 Looker, who does not seem to be pursued by the UBs in the same way as Anabel, nor is he used by Interpol the same way. It's also impossible to tell if ORAS took place before XY and he's better now, and that's why in XY he seems like a bit more of a mess, or if XY was first and wherever he was off to next didn't go so great.
Legends Arceus -> BDSP. Yes, specifically. Why? Raminas Flowers. Those don't exist in DPPt, only in BDSP does Raminas mean anything. By extension, the Legends Arceus events cannot be confirmed to have happened in DPPt timeline.
RB/Y -> SuMo. I'm bringing this up because it's wrong wrong wrong! Mega Evolution timelines do not intersect with non-mega evolution timelines! RBY and SuMo cannot possibly be related, yet the entire fan timeline bases itself on this association, because the Porygon Dex entry in SuMo said it was made 20 years ago, while some outside book source stated Porygon was made around 1 year prior to RB, thus setting the timeline between those games at 19-20 years. You want to know why? Because that's how many real world years passed. SuMo released in 2016, RB in 1996. It's just a reference to reality, not anything happening in the games' reality. It's made up, guys. The dex says Pyroar can breathe fire hotter than the Sun, sometimes it's stupid.
As far as I'm aware, literally any other association between two games is pure speculation. And even most of this isn't hard confirmation.
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covenofthearticulate · 8 months
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Fanfic Questions!
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers? Nope! I don't really take joy from making other people upset with angsty stuff LOL that's not really my thing. I also don't really think of "my readers" in general when I write stuff?? Idk! I don't want to sound like a cunt, but I think it's just that this question is phrased a little weirdly. I think the idea of writers "being mean" to their readers implies some sort of transactional experience which should not be the case!
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? I will sometimes do very rough outlines at the end of my WIP if i have a general sense of the beats I want to hit, but it's very sparse and written in all caps lmfao. I used to write just by the seat of my pants, but wouldn't you know it, it's harder to remember where you're going with something if you don't write it down. So now my outlines serve as mostly a checklist of all the little things i want to incorporate, rather than any fully-fledged road map.
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon? GOD, I mean literally any of my smut fics. My mom (who is also a Mega Anne Rice Fan who got me into VC in the first place) didn't know I wrote fanfiction until @wicked-felina commissioned a beautiful piece of fanart for one of my fics and I literally gasped OUT LOUD and then I kinda had to spill the beans because she was like "I don't get why that fan art is a big deal" so I very delicately had to tell her that "it's based on a story that I wrote."
But I'll die before telling anyone I actually know about my AO3 lmfao
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