#and also still a hobby
manonamora-if · 2 years
I love that the itch.io IF game community has grown immensely and has created mobile templates to make development easier. HOWEVER, as a mobile UX designer, I hate the mobile design of almost every single game I've played because the user experience is terrible. Interactive elements are generally too small and difficult to target with a touch screen, features are arranged non-intuitively, icons are not explained in a user friendly way, font sizes are too small, etc etc. So many of the choices I see are artistic ones and have been made for aesthetic purposes. I hate to be the one to rain on a parade, especially because I love the games I've played, but sometimes the experience makes it so difficult to enjoy the story being told. Since I'm not a beta tester, it feels like it's not my place to bring this up to devs since I feel that it is unsolicited criticism. Tl;Dr: IF games are amazing. Please find someone who designs UX for mobile apps/games to make the experience even better. Thanks for letting me confess in your ask box, gl with your writing!
Thank you for confessing Anon,
Since you are someone who designs mobile UX, it's def normal to be more sensitive when it comes to play mobile version of IF. I am sure editors who read IF must cringe a lot reading our unedited stuff, or UI designers for desktop must cry about how our page looks.
Accessibility is tricky. It requires knowledge about what could need accessibility (colours, font, placement of things, etc...) and about how to implement it (code). Having the knowledge of one still need the knowledge of the second for it to work. I think the strive for more accessibility is quite recent in the IF (Tumblr) space, especially with Twine games. With more code/information being shared, though templates and tutorials, it's been a bit easier to think of this and have more people implement it. Still, it involves a lot of learning (on top of learning the IF program), which for a lot of hobbyist creators is not always available, or funds if you want to go the hire a designer route, which same. I think believe, while it could be better, we are slowly getting there.
I guess there is still a collaboration route, but that requires time/communication/willingness to share projects...
And honestly, there isn't as much useful information out there to create good UI, especially mobile version, that would work with IF programs. And, as much as I like to splash around in the puddle (it makes sense in French), I really wish there were more tutorials for mobile creation. Every system/format has their own tweaks, which makes some things incompatible or needing more specific knowledge.
For example: Twine/SugarCube has a built-in UI, which includes a decent-ish mobile UX, but if you want to change things, you need to learn to work around the built-in CSS; a lot of which is not compatible with Twine/Harlowe. So if you find code for Harlowe, it probably won't work for SugarCube.
Even with the templates, you need to know how it works to be able to edit it.
Though... It does seem you would be open to help us creators get better and help readers have nicer experience overall. I guess here are some ways you could do that to avoid ruffling feathers (or rain on the parade) :P
Participating in beta
Reaching out to creators and see if they want pointers (i.e. not just a list of what is wrong, but maybe solutions?)
Creating UX templates that is mobile compatible*
Creating tutorials focusing on UX and what to keep in mind for mobile viewing (like a do/don't do)*
*would probably need to make sure those are compatible with IF programs. but damn those would so useful
Also not every IF have to be mobile compatible. TTTT def can't.
Thank you for the luck :)
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elbdot · 11 months
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LITTLE COMIC based on how I made a friend at 1 am while crawling on the ground, picking up Maybugs to save them from getting squished by cars.
PRETTY SURE I must've looked like a strange little gremlin to any onlookers passing by. Also yes he held a bug like a CHAMP. He passed my test. We still hang out 😂
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swagveryswagamazinf · 10 months
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follow the light
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Do you like my art? Do you wish I would draw something specific? Great news!
If you are interested in commissioning me, please fill out the google form and I'll reach out to you as slots become available!
[Ko-fi - Google Form Link]
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pixiestickie · 10 months
ive made this for twitter but ill also post it here
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these are NOT their canon eyes. do i care? NO not really.
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time-slink · 10 months
thinking about hermitcraft(and mc in general) worldbuilding as i do occasionally and the age thing is FASCINATING to me. one could take so many paths about it and its so cool like!!!
i feel like the most popular one is 'close ish to the actual irl hermits ages' or even kind of a shrug, they're adults. of some age. ive seen some people write the ones who've been playing since the game came out as Literally As Old As The Universe using our universe as a metric, making them. yknow. many billions of years old and the rest of the hermits as not too much younger than that.
then there's the one i find most interesting: they're as old as their in-game days(discounting them logging off the game because. not a thing in-universe(except for some writers, god there is so much freedom in the worldbuilding)). wow, mc days go by real fast! but its only been 14 years since mc was born— the ogs would be barely a thousand years old. now thats a long time!!! 10x the oldest person i know!! ....only 10x the oldest person i know. if someone was 1000 today they'd only have been born during the latter third of the byzantine empire. only about as old as the earliest version of the printing press. by Old As Balls standard thats!! super young!!!
but its still as old as their universe. imagine: this is an infant universe— but its all you've ever known. you're not old enough for the Immortality Thing to really get to you, but you are as old or older than LITERALLY EVERYTHING. EVER. is 1000 like, the tween years for mortal gods? what kind of mindset do you have around the nature of life at 1,000 compared to 10,000? you are old, and the universe is young, and you're the same age, and you are the universe, and you are love. isnt that crazy.
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3-aem · 5 months
my toxic trait is picking up random hobbies on a whim like today i went shopping for a cardigan but found No cardigan i liked and so i naturally decided that i can just knit one even tho the only thing i have ever knit was a 8” by 3” rectangle in 5th grade that just looked so pathetic-
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almond-gallery · 2 months
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wanted to take another crack at modern les amis (plus extras) since it's been a long time since i've done so !!
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eliounora · 10 days
anybody else frustated with this constant need of recognition. like I don't enjoy things because I feel like nobody will notice it or recognise me for it. and as a result I feel like I am mediocre at everything and disappointment is my permanent mode of being
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 month
The idea you could watch the (ig?) the first 12 episodes of Dunmeshi, which include Laios going on a grueling quest for Falin, deliberately getting his leg bitten off to save Falin while thinking "compared to the pain Falin went through this is nothing", dreaming of her leaving him behind and waking up devastated while swearing to save her no matter what, hugging Falin and tell her never to do that again with visible pain in his eyes, and come out with the conclusion "Laios doesn't care about his sister he only cares about monsters" is incredible to me. New level of media illiteracy
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ohitslen · 2 months
BREAKING NEWS 🎉Ch. 5 of The neighbor from 311 is up!🎉
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tea-time-terrier · 5 months
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My quilt top is 4x bigger than I originally planned but it's done! I am now patching together a back with leftover materials and will be attempting to actually quilt for the first time!
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flustersnaggle · 7 months
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"mittie" (full name trophically-transmitted parasite, any pronouns) — erratic // good // party animal
general (head): skinblend // facekit // face gradient // face undertones // hair + ombre // ahoge // brows // eye preset // lashes // eyes (hu tao) // black sclerae overlay // eyeliner (base game) // teeth // mouth recolor // head bizarre flowers (pollen) // ear bizarre flowers // branches // leaves general (body): body preset // skinblend // skin color // skin tints // arm gradients // leg gradients // body gradient (eezo shot jewels) // nails // vine overlay 1 // vine overlay 2 & bizarre flowers // arm petals (nascent petals) everyday: top (dream home decorator) // shorts (backyard) // shoes (gotta go) formal: choker // top (sweater vest) + shorts (distressed shorts) // shoes (base game) athletic: top (base game) // shorts (carnaval streetwear) // shoes (gotta go) sleep: top (horse ranch) // shorts (base game) // shoes (base game) party: choker // top (leila tee) // skirt (i couldn't find a working link...) // shoes (get together) swimwear: outfit (base game) // feet hot weather: top (jungle adventure) // shorts (daniel shorts V1) // shoes (gotta go) cold weather: outfit (snowy escape) // scarf (no. 3) // gloves (home chef hustle) // shoes (get together) extras: poses 1 // poses 2 // fish inspired by @puppycheesecake's bizarre plantsim family!
thank you! — @atomiclight, @pyxiidis, @valhallansim, @serawis, @raccoonium, @simbience, @saruin, @ssspringroll, @plantainboat, @diesus2412d, @reibies-sims, @pinkpatchy, @dizzyrobinsims, @zaneida-and-sims4, @obscurus-sims, @noodlescc, @crilender, @gummyheaven, @auralixx, @magic-bot, @dansimsfantasy, @nucrests, @sentate, @aharris00britney, @ayoshi, @helgatisha, @the-daydream-archives
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i got a much bigger response to my Harrington Charms Hellfire post than i expected so i wrote a little something that was along the lines of what i was thinking!
Part 1 ✧ Part 2 ✧ Part 3 ✧ Part 4 ✧ AO3
Sometimes Eddie thinks the real Upside-Down is his life after they close up the gates and pulverize Vecna ("they" in this situation being superhero Jane Hopper and the rest of her merry band of warriors), because past-Eddie would probably have a breakdown over...well, everything.
For one thing, Eddie is currently in the passenger seat of none other than Steve Harrington's Beemer, at the man's very request himself.
"Wait, I'll drop you off."
"'Preciate the thought, Steve but -"
"Munson. It's been like two weeks since you even started walking by yourself, sorry if I'm kinda worried about letting you go across town without me."
"Uh...just you?"
"Any of us, but me specifically since I'm clearly everyone's chauffeur. Might as well play the role, right?"
It's been like a month and every time Eddie wants to go anywhere in the slowly rebuilding town, Steve's right there with him. It'd be infuriating if it wasn't so obvious he liked doing it. If Steve wasn't so intent on just making sure Eddie's alright and yeah the mother-henning should have gotten old by now but if Eddie even thinks about telling him to stop, all he sees is sad eyes and hunched shoulders hiding under a complacent smile and wave bye-bye. God those eyes are fucking weapons.
They're heading over to Gareth's garage for a light-hearted band session. It's funny because Dustin was the one who convinced Eddie to "get your head out of your ass and talk to your friends, dick" and actually reach out to the rest of Hellfire about the whole 'not a murderer OR dead' thing. After some apologizing (ugh) and grovelling (double ugh), the rest of his sheep were willing to forgive him for ignoring their calls and visits while he was in recovery. Provided, of course, that he continue to check in with them on a bi-weekly basis at minimum. It's unfortunate that Steve, for all his head trauma, makes sure that Eddie actually sticks to that basis.
The things he does for love.
Or no, not love, definitely not love, it is way too fucking soon to call this teensy little infatuation anything as huge as love. No. Not love at all.
They're about to reach Gareth's place, that's important. By the time Steve rolls to a stop outside the garage, Eddie's panic (not panic, just a strong argument, this is not love) has simmered down. He has to take his time getting out of the car today, thank whatever deity is out there for quick-feet Steve, who runs around the front to help Eddie out onto his two feet. It's been a rough week but he had way worse back in that first month at the hospital, not to mention needing a little Steve-assistance isn't the worst thing in the world.
Eddie blinks as Steve helps him lean against the car, the spots in his vision fading away to reveal Gareth right up in his space with a murderous gaze directed right at Steve.
Eddie worries that he's gonna start a fight even though it's been months since he's introduced Steve as his live-in-nurse (nobody takes Eddie's hints at a sexy nurse uniform to heart thankfully, he doesn't know what he'd do if Steve caught on that he's only half-joking) and Steve's been doing the best he can to make amends with Hellfire.
At least the guys aren't walking on eggshells around him anymore, judging by how Gareth barely took a glance to assess Eddie's wellbeing before going back to glaring at Steve with eyes ready to kill. Well fuck you too Gareth.
He crosses his arms, eyes burning with resentment as he continues go stare down a pretty nonchalant Steve who is very much in Eddie's space as he also leans against the car, fuck he's so close. When Eddie glances at him to scope out what the fuck is happening, he sees that gaze again. The gaze that reminds Eddie of Steve's days as King, looking over his reigning population with a boredom teetering on malicious negligence. That gaze used to send Eddie's mind into hysterics, painting images of crowding into the King's space just to see those big brown eyes waver. But that's not how it is anymore, Steve's eyes are usually brimming with concern, irritation or a spark of contentment as he watches his little nuggets run around screaming about Eddie's latest one-shot campaign.
Right now, there's no screaming teenagers. It's just silence for a few moments, a tension building in Eddie's bones until he thinks this must be what it's like to watch a sports match, head running back-and-forth between the two teams and waiting with baited breath.
"So?" Gareth spits out, squinting at Steve, just tilts his head in response and lets a few strands of perfect fall into his eyes, damn that bastard. Gareth grits his teeth and takes a breath, "What did you think?"
Steve watches Gareth, as if assessing his line delivery, shifting so he fully faces him but is still totally in Eddie's space with a hand on the car roof behind Eddie and the other crooked up on Steve's hip. The motion lets Eddie smell his aftershave and fuck, Steve still runs so warm. Whatever he finds in Gareth has to be what he wants because he gives them both a half-lidded smirk and shrugs his shoulders. "Eh, wasn't that into it."
Gareth sputters, face turning crimson and Eddie is like super confused because what the fuck is going on right now? 
Steve is the one to fully break his brain with a laugh that throws his head back, his neck stretching out so the light hits his jawline perfectly, that bastard. He looks back at Gareth's flushed face with a sunny grin that sets fire to Eddie's veins. "You totally liked it, didn't you?"
Eddie snaps his head to Gareth, who squirms before dropping his shoulders. His little mutter of, "Yeah, I did," sounds so defeated that Eddie feels a second-hand guilt, but over what? He has no fucking clue.
That small pit of guilt quickly dissolves into even more confusion when Steve laughs again, kicking himself off his car to land a hand on Gareth's shoulder and fucking wink at Eddie. "The miracle of Grease, huh Munson?"
Record-scratch. Sorry, what?
"Sorry, what?" Eddie snaps his eyes from the grinning god that is Steve and the sulking fluster that is a member of his club, one of his friends, one of his very overprotective sheep who has hated Steve's guts for a long time and is now letting the guy give him a fucking noogie in broad daylight with empty complaints.
"Looks like I've been corrupting your crew, Eds, if Gary being a Greaser -"
"I am NOT a Greaser, I just -"
Gary? Steve calls Gareth the Great...Gary? And he doesn't even comment on it? Last time Jeff tried that, Gareth threatened to hide a spider in his guitar case. But Steve Harrington, someone Gareth has had no qualms about verbally tearing apart, does it and it's fine?
"Eds? Hey, Eddie." And now Steve's looking at him with that concern-rotten gaze, eyes flitting over every inch of Eddie's face as if to pinpoint what's wrong and fix it with a smile and a soft you're okay now, I've got you. "Back with me?"
Swallowing down an incessant I'm always with you, sweetheart, Eddie nods. In his peripheral, Gareth is watching him with his hands out as if to catch Eddie from falling. Which is stupid because Eddie hasn't fallen from light-headedness in like two days (Eddie shuts up the part of his brain that reminds him Gareth wouldn't know that with a part that says Dustin probably gives the whole club daily medical chart updates) and wait fuck is that Steve's hand on his neck right now?
"So!" Eddie claps his hands, eye twitching as Steve's hand slowly trails to his shoulder, lingering for a moment before he takes it off entirely. Stupid jock bastard with his touchy-ness and his smile and - "What's this I hear about Grease, Gary?"
Oh yeah, there's that livid face of watch out for the tarantula bitch, Eddie's missed that. Well, Gareth still does it everyday but not at Eddie for a while there, probably because of the whole intensive injury recovery shit. Oh well. "None of your -"
"Gareth and I made a bet," Steve clamps his hand back onto Gareth to shove them closer together, pointedly ignoring Gareth glare of betrayal. The space on the back of Eddie's neck still burns with the ghost of Steve's touch, something ugly in his chest snarling at how that touch is now on Gareth's arm. He wonders if the bats left him with more than bites sometimes. "About some movies we recommended each other. And since I won, that means -"
"No way, I'm not -"
"Uh yeah you are, I won so -"
"Fuck you, Harrington -"
"Not on the first date, hotshot," Steve laughs as Gareth tries wrangling out of his hold, holding onto him by his shoulders with one gloriously bulging forearm. Eddie's starting to think the light-headedness might be a symptom of something other than his brush with the bats. Oh don't think about the bats, bad move, bad move. "Didn't know you raised a cheater, Eddie."
Steve's eyes are glowing with mirth, his grin wide as Gareth threatens to bite him with a smile of his own. And that's. Huh?
"And I didn't know you two were so close," Eddie manages to cough out, snapping his gaze to Gareth with a raised eyebrow. He squirms again, ducking out of Steve's grasp (Eddie can't imagine why anyone would want to) and dusting off his shirt. "Holding out on me, Harrington?"
Steve shrugs, his eyes fixating right next to Eddie's eyes. He steps closer, a firm and warm presence right in Eddie's space, right in front of him, and raises a hand to caress Eddie's hair, that fucker. Eddie stifles his gasp because he knows Steve's just getting something out of his hair, like he does every goddamn time he sees a leaf or dust or fucking anything in Eddie's mass of curls. "Just being friendly. Now giddy up, you two've got a session to do."
"Not sticking around?" Gareth looks back at the garage, the forced nonchalance in his tone nothing compared to the shadow of King Steve's gaze. "Frank wanted to ask you about those threads from last week."
"Shit," Steve slapped his forehead, looking into the garage at Frankie who - fucking waves at them?! Mr. "Do what you want but I'm never falling for that Harrington charm bullshit" is waving at Steve. Who, incidentally, waves back with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Frankie, I can't make it today, got a shift with the supply run! Rain check on the wardrobe?"
And Frank the Unwavering, notorious for sticking to his guns with a grip tight enough to choke a man, gives Steve a thumbs up before going back to strumming with Jeff. What the fuck.
"Wardrobe?" Eddie chokes.
"Don't worry about it," Steve waves a hand in the air and gently pulls Eddie off the car, settling his arm around Gareth, who takes Eddie's weight with ease. "I'll tell you later. You'll be good to take him, or should I?"
Gareth scoffs but his eyebrows aren't scrunched with any irritation or anger. "I think I can handle it, Harrington. Go handle your hero shit."
And here's the thing. Steve has a thing about that word. Eddie's noticed because, well, he's always watching Steve and he has a rocky relationship with the word "hero." Sometimes his whole body glows with the praise, smile so wide and eyes so sparkly it makes Eddie want to scream. Other times, Steve shrinks just a little, barely noticeable, and his smile dims and his eyes are shadowed with something Eddie doesn't understand. Or can't understand. He's not sure.
This time, Steve seems to be on the glowing side of things but it's so subtle compared to usual that Eddie just has to blink and all that golden haze is gone already. He blinks again and Steve's waving bye to him, blinks and Steve's in his car, blinks and he's driving back on the road to wherever people need him to be.
Gareth snorts, tugging Eddie out of his daze and shuffling them both toward the sofa at the back of the garage, the brown beauty it is. "Wipe the drool, man, you're getting it all over my hair."
"Oh like you're one to talk," Eddie waits until Gareth settles him on the sofa and fully stands up before fluttering his eyelashes up at him. "Gary."
"Shut up!" Gareth flushes, stomping over to his (barely holding together, but Eddie likes to think they're made of the same stuff Steve is, to keep going after a fucking averted apocalypse) drums. Jeff laughs when he fumbles with his sticks and Eddie grins when Gareth's attempt at throwing them lands the fuckers right at Frank and that sets them all off.
Yeah, maybe some stuff has turned on its head, Steve and the town and Eddie's general worldview, but he's still got his inner circle and that's good enough for him.
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brutaliakent · 2 years
I am not a literature major jason truther or jason getting teaching degree truther but a secret third thing (doctor jason todd)
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dilutedconfusion · 2 months
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I did a thing…again.
Just realized that ya’ll need to click for better quality for some reason this post looks especially bad 🤚
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