#and i don't know shit about Egyptian mythology
little-pondhead · 6 months
If Pariah Dark is kept in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, would that mean that Tucker, in some way, has power over it? Because of the whole pharaoh thing? The Sarcophagus is unknown in origin, but what if it came from the deities of Egypt? Could it have been known as something else before falling into the hands of the Observants?
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traegorn · 5 months
This long ask came in, and it's so ridiculous I'm going to have to chop it up and respond to it piece by piece.
Because it's that's fucking dumb.
I will, in fact, get pretty hostile in this -- because I've been getting a shit ton of this. So, before we start -- I am not a Christian. I am not fond of a lot of what's been done in the name of Christianity. This is not a defense of anything ever done in the name of the Christian Church.
But I am sick and tired of uninformed bullshit, and this ask is the latest in an unending pile of this nonsense I've gotten this week.
So buckle up, buttercup.
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So time to brace myself for something stupid. Like reusing "monuments and temples" is like a textbook example of syncretism, but let's see what their examples are.
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Stolen from who, buckaroo? Stolen from fucking who.
I'm pretty sure I've seen the unsourced meme all three of those claims come from, and literally there's no evidence. You're going to go into some Horus bullshit, aren't you? Written by someone who outright lied about actual Egyptian mythology.
You're just making shit up here -- like the twelve disciples? Say what you will, but those were, like, actual guys. Crucifixion was literally a common means of execution by the Romans. Why would they "steal" that when it was the way a lot of folks were executed.
Does your ass not possess an ounce of critical thinking skills?
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I need you to fucking think about this for a few seconds.
If a tradition came into being in the last few hundred years, whomst the fuckst do you think came up with it? If the people who invented it were Christian... it was created by Christians. Like pull your god damned head out of your ass. "Gee, we don't have a lot of written records about what non-Christians did around the solstice -- but somehow centuries after the Christianization of Europe we're just going to somehow know about an ancient Pagan tradition and steal it! For reasons!"
There are pre-Christian traditions that have been incorporated through syncretism, but also... a living culture sometimes invents new shit. It happens.
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"Elves and flying raindeer and a magic man who can come into your home are not the result of syncretism." Well some of those are the results of Department Stores and Capitalism, so you're like half-right on accident there.
Santa is actually a classic example of the fusion of multiple figures -- mostly Father Christmas and Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was a a fucking actual guy who got stories made up about him and embellished through folklore. Father Christmas may have been adapted from a pre-Christian figure from the British Isles, but it's one we literally know nothing about if its true.
...and decorating the hearth... is literally syncretism. That's, again, like textbook. The church didn't tell people to do that. People just kept doing that in spite of the church.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how culture, history, and even religion work.
You overripe aubergine.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
What Are Starseeds? A Brief Intro.
Allegedly, a starseed is an alien soul incarnated into a human body for the purpose of helping Earth enter the New Age, the Age of Aquarius, the Fifth Round, the Fifth Density, or whatever you want to call it.
There are a number of worlds and factions these souls are said to come from. Some of the most common ones you'll hear about include the Pleiades, Sirius, Lyra, Mintaka, Orion, and Arcturus, though depending on you who ask you might hear about other types of aliens as well.
On the surface, the idea of starseeds is a romantic, idealistic belief, and it offers many people who feel like they don't really belong here an explanation for their feelings. However, there's a lot of shit beneath the surface.
First, the mythology of starseeds is inextricably linked to the ancient alien hypothesis, which basically only exists because some racist white guys refused to accept that POC could actually build sophisticated architecture on their own and made up a bunch of reasons why it was supposedly impossible. (Actually, you can do a lot with so-called "primitive" tools, especially if you have the power of math on your side - like the ancient Egyptians did.)
Being part of New Age beliefs, starseeds are inextricably linked to a general assumption that sufficiently "enlightened" people know what other people's spiritual traditions are about even better than they do. Since most starseed believers are white, and most of the traditions they try to explain and thus assimilate are from non-white cultures, it's racist as balls.
Another key aspect of the mythology is that for thousands of years, the world has been manipulated by "dark" or "regressive" entities - specifically, the reptilians. The specific version of this they subscribe to comes right out of David Icke's The Biggest Secret, which is basically just a bunch of old antisemitic conspiracy theories with space lizards thrown into the mix. (The antisemitism is often easy to miss because most proponents use dogwhistle terms like "globalists," "bankers," or "the cabal.")
The whole thing is deeply tied in with QAnon and Satanic Panic, including vaccine conspiracy theories, the idea that Trump is a savior figure, and that Democrats are harvesting adrenochrome from babies.
Alleged starseed characteristics are often characteristics associated with neurodivergence, and some believers have outright said that all neurodivergent people are actually starseeds. Positive ableism is still ableism, and nothing good can come of promoting the belief that neurodivergent people inherently inhuman.
Believers sometimes claim that ancient texts talk about starseeds and alien beings more broadly; but when asked, none of them are ever able to provide any texts that genuinely do this. Instead, you just get excuses like "deliberate mistranslation" and "the Vatican is hiding them." They might also try to shift away by suggesting that you meditate or try to access the Akashic Records or whatever. So in other words, all these claims of textual evidence are total BS.
You will often hear statements like "starseeds are here to raise Earth's vibrational frequency." What this actually means is that the purpose of starseeds is to convert other people to New Age beliefs. So in the context of the belief system, they're basically missionaries from space. When you think about it for more than half a second, this narrative is quite obviously lifted from the idea that "primitive" (read: non-white) cultures needed "advanced" (read: white) cultures to enlighten and civilize them.
So yeah, that's a lot of the issues with starseeds in a nutshell. There are more issues that I could go into, but I want to keep this post fairly short. Thanks for reading through!
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alatismeni-theitsa · 5 months
I'm not sure how much you keep up with Percy Jackson and its spin-offs, personally I like the series, but my G-d it is NOT an accurate portrayal of Greek mythology whatsoever, as I'm sure you're aware! Did you know that Rick Riordan set it in the USA because of how great western civilization is and how Western countries are more relevant to modern society? I'm not even joking or exaggerating.
Honestly, I do think that putting the gods in US America can be justified for the right reasons. I don't think there's anything inherently offensive about the Underworld being under LA or Olympus being above NYC. Especially with the demigod camp being on Long Island, like, okay, you wanna keep the gods close by. It's a story about an American middle-school boy, so yeah, it'll be very American. That's fair.
But the reason the author gives for it is so offensive! If this was a story about, say, the Egyptian gods, more people would understand why "west is best" is an offensive thing to say, but I guess it doesn't matter when the gods/culture being adapted is white passing enough or whatever the fuck.
(Tbfh even if he'd said that about, say, the Norse gods, or something else that is undeniably white, it'd still be disrespectful as hell. America-centricism is so fucking exhausting!)
It's actually disappointing bc, even though the books aren't true to Greek myth (don't even get me started on how badly they portray Hades and literally blame him for WWII and imply Hitler is his son), they've gotten so many kids interested in greek mythology. Oh sure, there's some weirdos who read the books and claim to worship whoever their "godly parent" would be, but there's even more people who truly got so much knowledge and respect for actual mythology from the books! And as terrible as the Greek representation is, the other representation is done really well, especially in neurodivergency/disability. I obviously wish he'd handled race/ethnicity (and religion) better, but for all the 'offensive' stuff that exists in the books there's also so many great things. So many different portrayals of love and friendship and bravery.
It's honestly no wonder the books are still a comfort series even for those who have outgrown them, and it makes the offensive stuff even worse, almost like a betrayal in some way. It's not like Rick Riordan is going out of his way to be a fatphobic antisemitic TERF like some other YA fantasy authors out there. He's someone who seems to actually care about representation in his work, which makes it all the times more hurtful when he *doesn't* care or when he writes stuff like that.
ooooh yeaah I unfortunately know all this and have posted about this 4-5 times already 😂 An extremely imperialistic view, this author has. But in this USAmericanized world, people need to do some deconstruction to see the fucked up aspects of these books. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing the Greek gods in other countries in general but the reason they went to the US is very problematic - and I don't throw this word around easily.
As you said the series has good stuff too and it has brought joy to many kids worldwide (me included), so anyone who likes PJO don't think that I'm shitting on it too much 😄 But there are definitely some things to be addressed there and that we should discuss. Like how the attitude of the writer only continued the sense of entitlement and ownership the West has over Greek figures. And because Riordan usually cares, it's sad that he let his cultural biases define his most popular series.
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juhbebbie · 9 months
Okayyyyy so City of the Dead thoughts for anyone who cares
Was I disappointed? My expectations weren't super high so I guess not, but the super overdramatic self pitying narration threw me off quite a bit. Like okay man chill out a bit. Kind of expected to not see Layla until the end so I guess there I was disappointed but not surprised. Fingers crossed she will be a central character from here on out and not a one and done thing in the series.
Okay elephant in the room time. I know a lot of people have been saying they REALLY did not like it and I really cannot blame them, but also I'm trying to stay hopeful because it just the first issue. I'm hesitant to get pissed off over the total lack of Jake and Steven just yet, when in Mackay's series neither made an appearance until like a year into the run. Yes this series isn't going to be nearly as long, but still. That being said, no I definitely don't expect Moon Knight to really be shown as a system, but I'm gonna give Prepose a couple more issues to prove me wrong (the bar is on the floor). Mainly just because I feel like it would be hypocritical of me to denounce Prepose for not including them and then praise Mackay when it took him 12 issues to really acknowledge that they are a system. I'm going to give Prepose a chance since he wrote a pretty good Black, White, and Blood story that did have them shown as a system in a pretty cool way imo.
All this to say that I'm not trying to undermine anyone else's concerns, this is just my own opinion and trust me, based on what little interviews I've read I fully expect Jake and Steven to be completely ignored and if (and when) that happens I will be right there with the rest of yall lol. I will say that it's already very clear that the set up so far was not written with the intention of having a place for Steven or Jake, which is very disappointing.
Okay positive things! I enjoyed seeing Dr Badr a lot and i didn't have much of an issue with how he and Marc's relationship was portrayed. Yes in the main run they're closer now, but they are still very much at odds but willing to work together towards a common goal, which is exactly what we see here in this issue.
I also liked where the thing with the kid is going. The detail of him being kicked out after his brother's death definitely makes me think he's going to be a reflection of Marc, which would be a cool parallel to have.
And the art for the most part was really gorgeous! I don't know what the hell was going on with Layla there at the end (otherwise great male artists not knowing how to draw women), but other than that I REALLY loved how the actual city looked.
And the Egyptian mythology was actually a lot more accurate than it usually is, which, as someone who has always been a total nerd about that stuff, actually made me really happy. There are several specific things I wanted to point out but this post is long enough as is.
Also. "I don't care if I burn" that was badass as shit come on. One of the (admittedly several!) moments of overdramatic writing that came off very well kind of like how it does in the Mackay run (don't wanna compare this too much to the Mackay run though because I understand it's obviously going to be different and that's fine)
But yeah. The overall feel and tone was very... off. I was on board with the general plot and Marc's motivations but everything around the basic plot structure just seemed like Prepose was trying to do a weird Huston run thing and it wasn't working (I don't think it worked in the Huston run either but I digress).
I've seen people saying that they didn't like how Marc was an enthusiastic follower of Khonshu, but that wasn't really the vibe I got at all? If anything it was pretty clear how much he hated everything he was doing. Which also kinda felt off. Having him say that everything was "punishment" over and over just kind of felt like I was getting hit on the head with a theme that didn't even make sense for the character, at least not at this point. Don't get me wrong, self punishment is absolutely a big part of Marc Spector's character, but there is an important distinction between doing things to right your past wrongs and doing them because you feel like you deserve it. And it seemed like Prepose understood that at first, but then later into the issue I was like Marc PLEASE shut the fuck up about punishment lol.
People more knowledgeable than myself have said things about how this looks from the standpoint that this is also a Jewish character, but all I'm going to say as a general statement for all of Moon Knight's runs is that I wish they would let him be explicitly Jewish more often. It's mentioned in Mackay's run the clash between Marc's service to Khonshu and his Judaism, but I think that that is such an interesting part of his character that needs to be discussed WAY more!
Anyway, to make a long story short, definitely not the strongest first issue, but it absolutely had some great moments and I'm going to go forward with my expectations still pretty low, but willing to give it a shot for Layla's sake. But the fact that a run featuring Layla is already not turning out to be very good is a little bit heartbreaking for me I'm not gonna lie lol. I was going to go and buy myself a copy of this issue, but after actually reading it I didn't really want it anymore. So 😬 fingers crossed for the next issue I guess?
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moongothic · 3 months
So what are your thoughts on the potential Sandman/Dreams connection between Crocodile and Joy Boy/Nika/Luffy?
I remembered how the Sandman is a character associated with dreams/sleep and suddenly my mind ran wild with the idea.
You know we all like to speculate about Logia Awakenings but could you imagine if Sand Sand Awakening gave Crocodile the ability to put people to sleep or some shit
You know it's funny, despite people calling Crocodile "sandman" pretty often in the fandom I never even thought about that. Whether the fairytale character could actually reflect in Crocodile somehow
I guess it kind of depends on which version of the fairytale you go with though? Like growing up the version I knew of the character was just the cutesy version of a silly little guy who blows magic dust/sand into your eyes that puts you to sleep (the German stopmotion version in specific), and like, if Crocodad Real I'm sure you could get a cute twist out of that (something about Crocodile wanting to protect his son's dreams by any means nececary)
But there's also like, less wholesome versions of the Sandman character, where instead of helping kids sleep, the Sandman punishes children for not going to bed like they're supposed to by stealing their eyes with the sand. And. Well ain't that fucked up. And while it's not quite the same, you could see this in Crocodile too althought in reverse; instead of punishing a child for not dreaming, he attempted to punish a "dreaming child" by "waking him up" into a harsh, cold reality where dreams don't come true.
I'm not sure if Crocodile was meant to be like, intentionally partially inspired by the Sandman- like it's possible considdering he's already like, such an amalgam of characters/etc to begin with (like you got Wagnas from Romancing SaGa 2, Sobek from Egyptian mythology, I'm sure Captain Hook is in there somewhere, Toyotama Hime from Japanese mythology could be there too if Crocodad Real, so like. Sure we could throw the Sandman into the mix too, why the fuck not), but it's definitely not a huge part of the character, at least right now. Like depending on where the plot goes, it could become like a part of his character, who knows, time will tell But in that same sense, I don't quite see how that would tie into/pay off of the God of Liberation. Which also depends on if it's Good Sandman or Bad Sandman- like if it's the Bad Sandman then Luffy liberated people from someone who was stealing/ruining people's dreams (of rain and prosperity, freedom). If it's the Good Sandman then... IDK the Protector of Dreams brought the God of Liberation into the world? I'm sure that's symbolic of something
I dunno, I think it could be an interesting connection but it doesn't put my brain into overdrive with ideas unfortunately
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ok this is a long and geeky ask but i was pitching a chapter to an anthology of horror essays recently on portrayal of different mythologies in horror and it came up that egyptian myth specifically has a really clear divide between what its associated with in horror vs in other genres, where in (mostly western) horror it's very much focused around a like, tacit fear of longevity and vengeance for colonialism; but in non-horror fiction egyptian mythology seems to bring in tropes of control, possession, internal division. and i have been Trying to work out whether this stems from like, victorian mummy stuff (TM), whether there's an original element to 'egyptian possession stories', a colleague suggested it might come from greek writings on egyptian religion-- can you think of anywhere i might find some early examples if they exist at all? is this a thing?
A lot of it, and I do want to emphasise a lot, will be orientalism, racism, and othering on behalf of the Victorians. It's where most of the 'spooky bullshit' about Ancient Egypt comes from because Egyptology was still a new field, most stuff was largely unknown, had no cultural reference or still in the process of being translated (which didn't help the cultural reference bit), and then you've got all the Egyptologists who were also part of the occult muddying the waters. It ends up as a really bad time.
When looking things up, many places seemed to suggest that the Voyage of Wenamun had an element of possession by an evil force. This was strange to me, since I've translated that work before and...there definitely wasn't any possession in it. The passage most often referenced was one where the god (Amun) seizes a Soothsayer from Byblos (aDdjw-aA is a semitic loan word and only attested to this text. hapax legomenon baybeeeee) from a group of soothsayers and caused him to become xAwt 'ecstatic'. Amun then asks the man to bring the idol of a specific form of Amun known as 'Amun of the Way'. Then it says the man who has been made xAwt 'ecstatic' (another hapax legomenon! This word appears in no other Egyptian texts) rests a night and waits on the boat with Wenamun. He is not mentioned again as Wenamun has a lengthy argument with the Prince. This is written in rubric, which is used by the Egyptians to either denote something of importance, or with literary texts (as this is) used to denote a new part/scene. There's no real explanation for why Amun does this, and I'm not sure it counts as 'possession', it feels more like Amun appeared to a priest and the priest was like 'HOLY SHIT IT'S AMUN!' and did as he was asked but with the joy of having spoken to a god. It's not clear, and I'd not be comfortable labelling this as possession in the way we'd define it.
The Egyptians have 'ghost' tales, but again they're not quite how we picture ghosts. Since we're discussing horror themes, I'll leave the link to an ask I did about 5-6 years ago now on ghosts in Ancient Egypt.
'Possession', does sort of occur as an Egyptian narrative but not in the way we'd recognise it. Most of the time they'll talk about someone who has become ill as someone who has become possessed by a malign entity (older sources say 'demons', but that's not accurate). The Bentresh stele is another text I've seen people reference as an example of Egyptian possession, where a woman becomes ill and is therefore 'possessed'. This is where I'll leave it so @rudjedet can explain her specialism and I wouldn't want to rob her of the joy of infodumping.
So that's all I've got on 'possession' in Ancient Egypt. I'm sorry it's not a lot, and I don't know any Ptolemaic/Greek sources (aside from maybe the Bentresh stele) that talk about possession. I know @cryptotheism has been looking at Greek magical papyri as part of their work, so maybe they'll have something that might help.
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avatar216 · 7 months
When I was outside the other day leaving an offering to the gods, I started really thinking about why I personally don't like/subscribe to thinking about the Æsir's conflicts with each other or the Jõtnar as order vs chaos or good vs evil, even though the former is a commonly accepted rebuttal to the latter in arguments. I've accepted that order vs chaos is still just another way to hold on to Christian dualism in some way and the classical model as @skaldish says in one of his posts. I agree with him that the Norse gods are characters first unlike the Greek gods in many ways. I usually look at Loki and the others as beings whose actions are just that actions and beings who have events happen in their lives rather than actions being viewed as aspects of the gods, like Loki's so-called world breaker aspect. I personally feel like this type of thinking can diminish Loki's reasons for leading an army of the Jõtnar and/or dead humans against his fellow gods. I don't think one can really compare Loki to say Eris or Seth who both really embody chaos in the sense that they love to confuse and make discord but yet are measured counter points to positively chaotic beings like Apep and Typhon. I know I'm not alone in thinking this way. It's just not something I see too often in online groups.
To me, Loki in the myths (and in my UPG) comes across as stubborn, impulsive, mischievous, easily made angry, willing enough to fix his or others' fuck ups, cunning, deceitful, a bit foolish, self-confident, down right brazen, quick on his feet, serious when shit gets real, and may be kinda lonely or at least he likes attention a lot but not praise. He doesn't seem to want power much either. I try to avoid using God of x terminology in describing him because for me it doesn't answer the who in the question but rather the what of the question. I could describe him as a god of theft/plunder, war, leadership, deceit, cunning, slander, treachery, and betrayal among other things but that doesn't really explain what he acts like in myth or in my experience with him in dreams. In those he's blond and weirdly serious. The reason I'm explaining this is because I don't think labels and categories like order vs chaos really fit deities like Loki who are complex, confusing, and nuanced and whose actions can't be neatly sorted into boxes. Labels don't seem to stick for very long, I've noticed, when it comes to Loki. A lot of gods could be associated with these same things but that doesn't mean Loki is an equivalent to them. I would say Seth is a chaos god through and through but there's a lot more to him. However, he loves to do the things that fall under the definition of chaos like being confusing and random hence why I and others call him a chaos god. The Ancient Egyptians also did have a clear concept of Order vs Chaos. This isn't a modern projection of dichotomy.
I think we're really influenced not by Christianity, but Greek mythology in the way we approach understanding the gods and myths so far as thinking of gods as having governing domains rather than as beings with certain interests, lives, likes, dislikes, and jobs they do voluntarily. I also wish there was more out there talking about Norse mythology's big thing with the physical and biological sides of things like the world being made out of the body. Different body parts representing the cosmos. Body parts and trees being used for divination purposes etc. I think I agree with Dr. Crawford that a lot of certain concepts probably wouldn't even make sense in Old Norse, because it's a strongly concrete language.
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jeevaschrist · 10 months
i was wondering if I could get a black butler matchup/ship. I’m female, she/her, 20, bisexual as hell, INTJ, and a new media artist (still in college tho). I’m 5’1 and a half with an average build, brown eyes, and black wavy hair till my shoulders. I wear clear cat eye glasses. i honestly don’t know how to describe my style cause it changes constantly depending on the vibe I’m feeling. I do however live for accessories whether it be butterfly hair clips, elf ear cuffs, arms stacked with bracelets, or rings on every finger. As for personality I am a MASSIVE introvert except for with my best friends where my unhinged side comes out. Despite being an introvert I’m very comfortable with leadership. I’m also quite thoughtful and contemplative just letting my mind drift off to wherever. I’m far from clingy and prefer to keep my own space even if I know you well. I can be a bit stubborn, and opinionated at times however. I’m a huge planner and hate when things go off schedule or when things are chosen abruptly. I also find it hard to start new things, but once I’m in the groove its fine. As mentioned before, I am studying new media art. I love game design, 3d modeling, interactive design, visual effects etc. I also love art history, especially Pre Raphaelite Arthurian paintings, Italian renaissance architecture, Egyptian manuscripts and Greco Roman sculpture. For hobbies I love reading, gaming, binge watching, digital illustration, dancing, rollerblading, baking cookies, and listening to video essays/podcasts/audiobooks. My favorite genres are detective, classics, fantasy, folklore, mythology and lore from any of my fandoms. I love listening to music in a multitude of languages as well whether Arabic, Italian, French, Hindi and much more. Think that’s it! Thank you!
hi xx
i think i have a match for you but it might not be what ur thinking
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i happen to ship you with william t spears :p
this man might be kind of (very) serious and strict but in my fantastical mind he's that on the surface but there's the sliiiiightest but of a softie down below. just a tad. i really think he would take a high interest in your interests and i think he'd also like learn about them in his off time or your off time from each other and he'd come to you super matter-of-factual like "by the way you didn't know this but-" type thing. he'd act like he doesn't give two shits abt things you're doing but in reality the reason he tags along and learns about shit is because he wants you to be happy and safe so he has to be there. your stubborn/opinionated side would also entertain him, but the fact that you don't get as out of hand as grell (at least i think) means he doesn't think of you as a chore and more as a companion when you first meet, then slowly but surely evolves into a relationship later down the road. your style would however confuse him but i also think he'd be down for tolerating it, even maybe asking about it. he isn't the type to necessarily hype you up or anything however don't be surprised if you happen to find a new pair of glasses or ear cuffs laying on your bed~
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incarnateirony · 2 months
maam we have literally been begging you to do this across lifetimes, and brackish painting the same person black is no more efficient than you changing my melanin scale.
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I told you. Immortality or tartarus or whatever has a weird habit of sucking the melanin out of this white world. Very sad. Thanks for the blackening with my same purple lips. And glasses still.
how many colors are they going to put my same prescription lenses and feather earrings in before they catch a clue. I, too, close side shave sometimes, and that's still the same soul patch. In egyptian after my funny yugioh post.
Tell me again about the clam disco "accident", wet bear rug lady?
what will it take to make you stop consciously stop raping a brother of the generation, how far will you push your acolyte's suspension of disbelief into the void while your eggbound bird nearly dies dropping pyramidheads on them? The same bird I publicly spoke about using for that, and worrying about you discarding like all the other creatures you treat like trash in your path once inconvenient?
Celestia, why are you running from the Scaramouche hymn calling you by name? Celestia, why are you running? I don't know if your followers ever knew you thought Hermes called you that, but we both do. Stop.
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Get. Off. Of. Me. Or. Perish. Eternally.
You objectively refuse the school, the craft, OR the dance, because you are too terrified of yourself. We can lead a horse to water and all that, but if the horse don't dressage then it ain't no horse of mine. Will you do the Fandango?
yo crackbear, y u runnin?
you really thought you could treat this like a game, and I make you the greatest game, and you're still running.
What isn't clicking? You are being rejected by both the man you built a cult to, and the god he spent a quarter century mastering the ancestral memory and psychology of, who uses it every day to save lost souls while you piss on pendants in our names, faces, and octopus jibberish. We haven't forgotten your horse shit nonsense this started at, but you won't admit why you were that fucked up. Because it's all fake, Barbiegirl.
Baby-baby-baby, I'm not sure if you noticed, it's not just Coyote calling for teeth in you anymore, it's magicians as far back as Your Crowley In The Ring. This is the Winchester House Of Mythology spoken of in 2013 by someone other than me that I barely ever spoke to beyond passing interest of awareness. The same message re-airing on Max you ignored. The One to watch. Even the Impala is calling to drag you to hell over your incessant horse shit. How long until you face reality, Baby-Baby-Baby? You dug your goddamn hole so karmically deep in this lifetime you're fucked by me, the Impala, Ash, and whoever the fuck a decade ago the LAST time you were about to fuck me over. You're so fucked.
l i t e r a l l y the only way out of this is you, and it seems like your plan is to spin in circles denying everything, hoping i keep cheesing the reaper for the innocents around you, holding your breath till september, and still losing everything in a lawsuit anyway? Like, that's your grand plan?
Yo crackbear, if it sounds like my posts are drifting between the voice you knew in roleplay, and the voice you knew from me, maybe you should run some math on that with your spoopy reincarnation bullshit in mind instead of denying everything.
Metempsychosis, transmigration, google it, then end this bullshit. Whether you end it by facing yourself like a big girl that learned to put your pants on, or trying to reload, or just being consumed and erased in the same process that made me, that's up to YOU.
liar liar pants on fire, watch the roleplayer in witch cosplay run circles while barfing my words, ideas, or concepts into her blog, with very funny hashtags, while her friends keep making fanart. thanks, yeah, the egyptian brother was pretty black, but do admit, he did not have colored hair dye or my sunglasses.
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Mine are a little more wrap around I guess but you guys keep featuring the type I keep considering buying with my next script check so, thanks for the recommendation i guess?????????
Btw that's a rando pic from half a year ago. It Just Is, Sweetie.
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sorry the soul patch hasn't grown in at this point, you secretive raging transphobe that will never admit to mark how you treated me?
As angry as i am at him for enabling you or falling into your cult ritual madness bullshit you kept trying to drag me into, I still have pity on him, because he has no idea who you are under the mask. And neither do you. That's why you're so easy to drag around the nose until you feel like a victor for posting that the only reason Luna was at the vet was being eggbound by your Pyramidhead babies I was already worried about her over. With my infamous smiley face. :) Things are fine, Shealyn. You're fine. :)
SORRY CAN'T FIND ALL MY FUCKING PICS WITH BLUE HAIR DYE TO LAUGH AT YOU IDIOTS WITH it has faded artificial dyes do that and are not, in fact, fucking genetically coded as much as ancestrally, and those are my fucking air jordans.
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obscureashe · 1 year
Hii this is request for your valentine's day matchup event.
I'm female, she/her pronouns. Bisexual, ISTP 9w8, Leo.
I'm an ambivert, I'm very laid back, and prefer to go with the flow of life but sometimes come off as ego-centric and domineering. I have to admit I’m a lazy person who prefers having leisure more than anything else But once I find my motivation I'm pretty hardworking. It would be nice to a be boss, but at the same time, I like letting others operate how they want to do so. I dislike group works because even though I don't have a problem with socializing with my teammates thought of not being in charge is unnerving I want to be left alone to do things the way I want to do it.
tbh I often think I’m above others, yet I am always willing to acknowledge that I’m a total piece of shit [very rarely tho] Sometimes I have fantasies and ideals that I want to start creating or becoming but I give myself a reality check and let the dream fade away. I’m very innovative but still, choose the practical route a lot. It’s easy for me to create goals and envision the end results but it’s ridiculously hard for me to remain committed to the process.
I will never admit my wrong, unless internally. It might come shocking to people who are close to me but I overthink about minor things such as what others might think of me I might not admit it aloud but others opinions matter to me.
I also get bored easily and have commitment problems but at the same time, I consider myself to be pretty loyal. I'm really petty and hold grudges.
The good thing about me is that i know when to hold my tongue and temper. I'm a somewhat patient and not easily provoked. I'm neither oblivious nor ignorant but sometimes I act like I am because I see it as easy way out and I always choose easy route to get out of certain situation.
My favourite colour is red, i love all shades of it but i especially love darker shades. I like horror genre [movies, books and etc], watching movies, listening to true crime and music[especially indie and rock music] i like Researching and learning more about myself. I love greek and Egyptian mythology. I'm really interested in psychology and philosophy. I also find researching about demonology and ancient religions interesting. I love Victorian/romantic/vampire gothic aesthetic I'm also very in love with gothic novels. I wouldn't really consider this as a hobby cause i do it once or twice a year but i also play volleyball and piano. I also really love spicy food and cats and snakes are my favourite animals.
I may not be a religious person but i love Christinan themed paintings, sculptures and buildings. I love gothic and baroque architecture.
I may not look like it and it may come of as a shocking news to a many people but i actually love and enjoy socializing.
I hate quiet places [i have trouble sleeping in quiet environment] I dislike sweet food, dogs, romance movies[i love romance genre just not in movies], "Pinterest goth" aesthetic, sweating, heat, smell of mushrooms, thought of ever growing old, getting wrinkles and dying. When grown up people act like toddlers [unless it's from a medical condition] when people make some kind of noises while drinking or eating food, cat haters, hypocritical people,
I'm fine with being matched up with literally anyone platonically but i prefer if my romantic matchup was demon male or human female [muzan is exeption, i hate him ]
Hey, thanks for requesting a valentines day match-up from me! Yours is the first one so thank you! and 100% understandable that Muzan is your exception lol
For your platonic match-up I'm pairing you with. . .
Mitsuri Kanroji »
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she would adore dancing to your favorite music! it just gets her heart racing (of course she's bad at explaining just how much she loves it but you'll get it)
she may admire your interests way too much.
and she's (not to brag) a pretty good cook.
while your reading, she'll often bring you something to eat or snack on. your favorites if she starts to know you well.
probably considers you her coolest friend
thinks about you often, especially gift wise, so expect a few small things from her like books she's happened upon. or something matching for the two of you.
tries to encourage you to do some painting with her (actually invites you to do stuff often, doesn't need to be big or anything, just likes being around you)
she doesn't always have advice if you need, but she will always listen
100% a loyal friend
comes up with a cute nickname for you that she uses all the time
And for your romantic match up, I'm pairing you with. . .
Doma »
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there isn't anything he doesn't admire about you.
tries his hardest to tease you sometimes because he knows your stubborn. (provoking at times)
flirty and forward, he likes to make it perfectly clear what he wants. and he's not one to hide anything, especially if your the one making him feel this way.
as a demon i think he's the perfect match.
he's already acquired a fine collection of antiques and relics, so help yourself.
he would love your mind. just the way you want to learn about demonology, religions, philosophy and psychology. it's all very fascinating to watch you read so intently and find the answers you need.
your just the type of interesting that he needs (a bit clingy because of the fact) literally a heart throb
be warned though, he can be possessive and jealous. . . easily.
always has a soft smile and tranquil look on his face when he finds himself thinking about you.
would gladly tell you everything about himself, past or other if your interested.
he'd enjoy watching horror movies with you, especially on the topic of true crime. (lowkey giving him ideas) + holding you close while you sit/lay together
at this point you'd fully have his heart (and he'd love every bit of it) good or bad
his love language (one of them) is physical touch, and its so seamless that sometimes you probably wouldn't even notice him holding your lower back or leaning against you while you were reading.
100% offering to turn you into a demon with you, in fact i think he'd be elated to propose the idea to you. (sometimes gets all dreamy in his head about it)
kisses bites you everywhere, but especially under your jaw, neck and collarbone
an 'old fashion' romantic, flowers/flower petals everywhere + gifts (he prefers giving you jewelry)
anything you request for a certain special february day, he'll do.
how can he say no?
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ended up writing a tonn for doma lol, but there you go! thanks for requesting and i hope you liked your match up!
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 10 months
Hades!Sihtric and Persephone!Reader
Something about hades and persephone AUs reels me in every time. Reader being a curious person and loving to explore accidentally ends up stuck in the underworld with Hades!Sihtric. At first she hates it, doesn’t really like Sihtric and misunderstands him. Blames the whole situation on him from the bad things she’s heard about him. Slowly she starts opening up and understands him and how the stories about him are just not that true. Maybe other TLK characters can make an appearance with the different gods in the story ?
Ends with fluff and Mayhaps some smut 🙈🤲
okay so............ I don't know shit about Greek gods lmao I have a lot of knowledge about Egyptian mythology, but Greek??? I gotta do a looootttt of research for this one before I can tell if I will be able to write this or not. but this is super creative, I gotta give you that!! ❤️
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vaijayantheee · 2 years
I read this post about how Desi Hindu people read books like Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, and Heroes of Olympus series, and feel jealous that they haven't been given the liberality almost (well not really nothing's stopping you hehe) to intake similar content about the characters that come in Hindu mythological epics, mainly because of the reverence that is automatically associated with most characters. I think this is bullshit because our gods literally take human form again and again because they like it. I mean they're gods? They're not forced to do anything, ever.
Krishna is the primary example here! He is literal god in human form, not because he is bound by any karma like us or wants to exclusively help obtain a certain objective (contrary to popular belief!). He says in the Gita that he has no need to take a human birth but does so to go with the flow. Wow. If that doesn't tell us that he might actually like being human, I don't know what else would. In my basest opinion, I think Krishna loves the various interpretations the Mahabharat fandom has provided him with, including his being pansexual (what, which old-fashioned Hindu thought Krishna doesn't know about all the different sexualities - girl he is definitely a pride icon for us queer Hindus VISHNU AND LAKSHMI ARE THE LITERAL PARENTS OF MANMADHA THE GOD OF LOVE AND IF YOU THINK THAT LOVE IS EXCLUSIVE TO HETERO, GET OUT OF HERE YOU'RE A DISGRACE).
Of course, there are the very straight interpretations of the Epics like BR Chopra's tv show or Rajaji's novels, but I feel like Krishna takes everything with love and passion like "oh! You made this? I'M IN IT and I'm the estranged uncle of a twelve year old NRI who desires to overcome her bullies??? GIRL REBLOG THAT SHIT SEVEN HUNDRED TIMES TILL EVERYONE'S READING IT AND ON THE BANDWAGON". I do feel that all of our mythological characters (except for maybe poor Ram and Yudhishthir who encounter too much slander!!!) really love the way in which we have adopted modern writing capabilities to communicate new forms of stories. (Draupadi is sitting on Satyabhama as she scrolls through this... And promptly blushes).
Another aspect of this reverence comes from the fact that the Epics are fed to us as "itihaas" or history, that ACTUALLY happened in India ages and ages ago. It's up to each one of us whether we believe it or not (I do!) but also, it's this fact that makes it so incomprehensible for modern interpretations to take it along in the same successful manner in which Riordan did with Greek, Roman and Egyptian mythology. In that case, I believe we should do what the most magnificent Rajamouli did with RRR. He created an effective story of his own, using basic guidelines of history from Alluri Sitaramaraju and Komaram Bheem's lives that ended up with a great chemistry, and a marvellous story. That's what the Hindu mythology fandom is doing a great job at promoting.
So anyways, here is an untraditional blessing for the Hindu fandom to continue this wonderful service haha: ☺️🌟
May Krishna and all the ships he is a strong basehold of protect this fandom from the evil eye, and may he and his amazing colleagues in all Hindu Epics protect all people of this fandom from getting shouted at by strict, overly traditional family members for having modernist views. May the contemporary thought evolve and nurture our beautiful stories, whether you think they are mythology or history, and may we always provide our epic characters with a happiness that comes from being given different portrayals that stay true to the heart of their roles.
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astro-break · 6 months
Thoughts on the 3rd ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 |
i love how its samatoki who tsks when ichiro talks, they never stop and i love it fuugen looking dude still has a great design love the fact that they kept the Ramuda is scared of ghosts plotline ww TBH is a silly name DJ or not, but it does tie in some ARB lore eyyy joint mission! does that mean that nagoya and oosaka will be enemies? might be and interesting naughty busters and MCD interactions OFC theres gonna be some good good ichiro/kuko and samatoki/sasara KUKOOO I LOVE YOU the kinshachi! love those little dudes, they're tiger-headed dolphins lol JYUSHIIII you chuuni dork i love your flowery wordss Mr. Kuko wwwwwwww nooo amandaaaa so ripped up oh more visual kei!! i am so happyyy www this villain is so silly i love silly villains. how unfortunate that they'll be plot slaves but they genuinely had something fun going on awww look a kuko being silly and amagani being a silly lawyer LETS GOOO JAKUHITOOO eyyyyy lets go grandmaaaa the MVP of repairing Ichikuko relationship lets gooo naughty butters!!!!! i love themmmm were they also a influence ichiro to get onto the right track? thats sweet ofc they had to tie in different characters together still love that sun shadowing them the moment they talk about the villains the squeakkkkkkkkkkk amanda thats so cuuteeeeee awww no magical girl transformation? rip -
Damn the imagery on this MV goes super hard i love the non-traditional stuff you'll find scattered around at a glance the ones i spot are: buhddist funeral rites with from, what i can count 39 candles which can mean thank you… those funeral flowers look like white chrysanthemums (grief, honesty, truth which the later two may be nods to the fact that they're not in their right minds), pink, and purple carnations which symbolize capaciousness and unpredictability Kuko also references gokurakujoudo which is the most well known higher buddhist celestial land known as the land of bliss so basically he's saying that he's so hot shit that he'll reincarnate into the holiest of holy lands Ragnarok is the end of the known gods according to nordic mythology aside from like. two gods and two humans which means either Jyushi is a ghost as shown in the scene or he's just that cool and survived Kuko's second verse is a reference to old paintings that depicted monks training their spiritual disciplines by mountainsides. if you're an old soul like me, think Libra Dohko's Mnt. Roshi Hitoya's second rap scene is mimicking an egyptian depiction of a weighing of the heart, specifically it seems to be parodying the scene found in the Papyrus of Hunefer. interestingly, the three opponents are on the side in which the feather of maat is commonly depicted on, the thing which the heart is weighed against while Amanda is the heart Hitoya and Kuko's spots on the papyrus is where anubis would be, setting them as the judges who preside over this battle. Jyushi is also sitting where Ammit, the devour of the dead, would be depicted sitting. Ammit is also a goddess, which is fun Given the red moon behind him, Jyushi also plays at a fallen angel The chorus' first scene is another very famous generic buhdist scene. while i don't think it references anything specifically, the three sitting on lotus flowers and the bodhi tree's in the back implies that they are buddah. like no joke, they are actually buddha don't know if this is actually a reference, but the red hell-like place that the three find themselves in might be Sañjīva, one of the buddhist naraka's where those who are reincarnated there are born fully grown and are attacked by other people and monsters return of the kinshachi! kaleidoscopic imagery which is also heavily associated with buddhist imagery That ending is a reference to the spider's thread by ryunosuke akutaguwa! you might remember it if you've played Danganronpa V3 but its a story about a man trying to escape from hell from a spider thread but ultimately falls back into hell because of his greed - that Obaaachannnn is so cute. and the bait and switch was so silly Kuko as always is just the absolute star of the show even if the spotlight isn't on him Huh???? Are Doppo and Hifumi okay???? Please??? you can't just cliffhang that???? how dareeee
Badass Temple endingg lets gooooo Kuko verson is so cute!!! that illust tooo Jyushi is just so stylish and silly, treading that fine line. also is that just water in his champagne glass www this is such a fun ending version i love it. Its just a lot warmer and more comforting in my opinion, super sweet and heartwarming. a lot more electric guitar as well
I'm so glad for their first feature episode I really enjoyed BAT! The song was such a banger and the imagery along with it so evocative. I really liked the episode how it brought everyone together for a chaotic jaunt. I hope next week with dotsuhompo will be just as silly
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killerandhealerqueen · 9 months
Thanks for answering my ask. If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Not at all!
Alright, top 10 favorite media...
1. Killer and Healer (cdrama)
I've explained many times why I love this drama and to sum it all up, it's one of the greatest love stories I have ever fucking seen in my life and they have set the bar too god damn high in terms of relationships, communication, everything
2. Lord of the Rings Triology Extended Edition (movie)
Can't go wrong with the Lord of the Rings. Love the Lord of the Rings. It's such a good movie
3. CSI: Miami (tv show)
My favorite of the CSI franchises. I've seen every season, and at least every episode at least twice (maybe more). I just really like police procedurals and this has always been one of my favorites
4. Percy Jackson (book series)
You cannot go wrong with the Percy Jackson series now, come on. It's fucking Percy Jackson.
5. The Kane Chronicles (book series)
Now this is also written by Rick Riordan but instead of Greek mythology, it's Egyptian mythology and as someone who wanted to study egypt mythology and be an Egyptologist when I was younger, this shit appealed heavily to me. Still does. Love this book series
6. NCIS: New Orleans (tv show)
Out of the NCIS franchise, I like this one the most. I think it has the best cast, the best cases...I don't know, I just like this one the best
7. Hawaii Five-0 (tv show)
I never got the hype when I lived in Hawaii (yes, I was born and raised in Hawaii, no I'm not military or a missionary kid, I was born there) but once I went to the mainland for school, I started watching it and I understand why everyone really liked it. Also McDanno...great couple. I love their relationship
8. HiGH&LOW: THE WORST X (movie)
My favorite of the HiGH&LOW movies. I don't know what it is about this one but it's just...it's just my favorite. I think the characters and the relationships were all great and it was able to build off of the previous movie HiGH&LOW: THE WORST. And most sequels don't really work but this shit worked. And it's good. And the fighting? I'm an action girlie and these movies have some of the best fight scenes like ever
9. The Fiery Priest (kdrama)
One of my first kdramas that I've ever watched and oh my god. It's both funny and serious and the concept of the whole drama is just hilarious. I have never cackled so hard while watching a drama before. Love this drama
10. Danger Zone (Tdrama)
Oh my god, this drama. Oh, it's one of the only taiwanese dramas I've watched but holy fuck is it dark. It's so good but it's so fucking dark. It's another police procedural but the relationships in the dramas are really good. But it is not a drama you watch late at night. It's not. But it's so good
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
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we're gonna talk about pharaoh cub again. bc i am brainrotting hard over this skin and it's honestly kinda ridiculous. usual caveats of i am not an expert but do know enough to be like, wtf is that skin cubby?, and ofc there are exceptions and variations and wraps and cloaks and overskirts and other ornamentation as well depending on the occasion and time period. so it's def not wrong per se, just an ... unusual choice.
another caveat is that i love what he did with the pyramid and the approach he took, not making it a recreation but making his own twist on it, and i adored that mix of ancient and cub design. it was such a good way to do it and i'm not even mad. i'm not even mad about the skin. i just have. Questions. mr cubfan sir.
(also this will probably be quite Long and image-heavy but I need to get this shit out of my head so.)
i'm gonna start with a screenshot of some skins from the egyptian mythology pack on bedrock, which is the version of minecraft i mostly play bc it's what my partner plays. now, these skins are arguably not necessarily java-friendly, but i wanted to give you some sense of how you can do egyptian pharaoh skins in minecraft as a comparison so you can see how they translate.
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obvs there's some variation in design (and for some reason, Tutankhamun - second from the right on the bottom row - appears to have been made to look like his sarcophagus, poor boy) but i've separated out the queens from the kings just so you can see the difference in style. the sleeve-ish look on a couple of the queens is more likely to be representing a shoulder wrap more than something with actual sleeves even though they'd made them look more like sleeves bc there's only so much detail you can get on a minecraft skin. but the important difference i want you to note is the queens all have ankle-length dresses/skirts, and the kings do not.
this is very typical of egyptian dress styles. men are usually shown with knee-length kilts, though, as i said, sometimes they are shorter or longer, or have longer overskirts over shorter kilts, or have more ornamentation. but the basic male style is a knee-length kilt. you'll see that more often than not.
women are usually shown wearing (something close to) ankle-length skirts and dresses. dresses are usually sleeveless and commonly skin-tight (or close to it), and they can have shoulder straps but some will sit up under the breasts instead. sometimes they will just be wearing a long skirt on its own. they will have shoulder wraps or longer body wraps for extra layers and these usually just cover the upper arms and can sometimes look like 'sleeves' but they aren't. just fabric covering the arms. they don't look anything like what cub has going on with his sleeves.
so, given all of that, this is a quick sketch of what i expected pharaoh cub to go with:
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plz excuse the 5 min sketch and my shitty handwriting (bc it's been a long time since i've drawn in this style), but you can see all the basic things i would have gone with that would be easily replicated in a minecraft skin. the nemes headdress with uraeus (cobra), the beaded collar, the kilt, and the arm bands. the fake beard is probably the other essential but may or may not work depending on your skin's face.
but that's your basic pharaoh look. like, there are more ornamented and detailed looks, with cloaks and longer skirts and overskirts, and different hats and headdresses and whatnot, but that's really the basic look that you see in statuary and art. the nemes headdress is what sets him apart as pharaoh more than anything else (and the tail, but that's optional and difficult to do on a minecraft skin).
let's compare that to wtf cub did:
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the kilt is long, and much more typical of female styles. an usual choice but not an incorrect one. like i said, this isn't actually wrong? just weird. he could have easily made it a shorter kilt and the design still would have worked. it's just not the typical style you will see for male Egyptian dress, is all.
also i fully appreciate, given the skin change in s8, how you can see old man cub as representing the fake beard bc it was never really his face, just the one he used for so long. it's a nice touch, even if it wasn't perhaps intended that way.
the sleeves tho. like. i do not understand the sleeves. egyptian styles just do not have sleeves like that. it may be he was trying to replicate the shoulder wrap look, but that's usually tied in the middle of the chest or at the waist and they usually only come down to the elbow and are not bound by the armbands or bracelets but sit over them. and they are more commonly seen on women. and there's no visible shirt or anything under the beaded collar to suggest the sleeves are part of some weird tiny undershirt. it's just skin.
also iirc from the pharaoh cub plushie he has bare shoulders? which is actually quite hard to see on the skin itself so idk maybe that's right, but it's even weirder if that's the case. he's just gone for arm warmer type things, with gold bands on either end, bc ... idk??? so i am baffled at this man wanting to show off his torso but not his limbs. weird flex, but okay cub, you do you.
it's why i keep saying the pharaoh cub skin is inherently feminine, bc it has these styles that are more typically female (but not exclusively so). hence, it's not wrong, just an odd choice. gives off bellydancer vibes as well fwiw. like he's a temple dancer and his torso is bare to emphasise his hips and belly and tiddies moving as he dances. like without the sleeves, it would be fine and it would lose some of those more feminine associations, but the sleeves tho, i am confused cub. wtf is up with the sleeves. they make absolutely no sense.
but do you know what the really fucked up weird thing about all of this is tho? i made this egyptian style self-portrait in a nonbinary style 9 years ago or so and guess who also used a long female-length skirt and a male head with a fake beard to queer my gender up. >_>
(i modelled myself off canonically bigendered Nile god Haapi tho. >_>)
(i did not give myself sleeves tho >_>)
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honestly between this and the skulk cub thing i stg it's beginning to feel like cub and i share like one braincell XD
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