#and then you look down at the silly little tiktoks you have playing right now and just cant relate anymore
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I’m genuinely scared for absolutely every single page that comes next. 
Thank goodness that I will be safe for at least a week in the meantime. I really have no idea what to expect. Except, you know, pain.
 But! That aside, I had an absolute blast reading this all the same, so: thank you to everyone who joined me for this, thank you to anyone who is reading this at any point, and extra special thank you to my patrons! You make such a difference on my side of things you have no idea. 
First Tier of Patrons
Rien [Ri]
Luke Wilson
Stupid Kitsune
Jordan Fredriksz
Corinne Burr
Qatari Pekarsky
Fer E
And the Higher Tier of Patrons:
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And now let’s all agree that googling information at literally any moment you need it is such a gift hot damn. 
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pucksandpower · 7 days
So Good to Me
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: Charles Leclerc is the perfect man for you … getting stopped on the street for a random TikTok challenge just serves to prove that even further
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The warm Monaco sun beats down on you as you stroll leisurely along the bustling sidewalk, a canvas tote bag filled with fresh produce and flowers from the local farmer’s market hanging from your shoulder. The salty sea breeze wafts across your face, carrying with it the excited chatter and laughter of tourists admiring the luxurious yachts bobbing in Port Hercules.
You smile to yourself, relishing this perfect Mediterranean afternoon. Just a quick stop at home to drop off your purchases, and then maybe you’ll take a dip in the infinity pool on the terrace to cool off before Charles is done with-
“Excusez-moi, mademoiselle!” A young man’s voice breaks through your daydreaming. You glance over to see a twenty-something guy with a neatly trimmed beard, expensive-looking sunglasses, and a black t-shirt emblazoned with HUSTLE in white block letters. He’s holding a mini microphone and has his iPhone pointed at you, clearly filming.
A TikToker.
You sigh internally but force a polite smile.
“Oui, puis-je vous aider?” You reply in French.
“Ah sorry, I don’t speak much French! Do you speak English?” The TikToker asks eagerly in a British accent.
“Yes, I do. Can I help you with something?” You say, switching to English yourself. You just want to get home but you know these influencer types can be annoyingly persistent.
The TikToker grins. “Brilliant! I’m doing a social experiment for my followers. I was wondering — do you have a significant other? A boyfriend or husband perhaps?”
You raise an eyebrow questioningly but decide to humor him. “Um, yes, I have a boyfriend,” you answer simply.
His eyes light up. “Fantastic! And would you say your boyfriend loves you very much?”
You can’t help but chuckle at the boldness of this stranger’s line of questioning. “Yes, I would definitely say that. He loves me a lot,” you confirm, a soft smile playing on your lips as you think of Charles.
“Perfect! Okay, here’s the challenge,” the TikToker announces dramatically, staring intensely into his camera. “I want you to call up your boyfriend right now and ask him to send you some money. Doesn’t matter how much. But for every €100 he sends, I’ll give you €20 to keep for yourself. Let’s see how much he really loves you, shall we?”
You stare at this guy incredulously for a moment before bursting out laughing. Is he serious? He clearly has no idea who your boyfriend is. An amused smirk spreads across your face as you fish your iPhone out of your designer purse.
“Alright, you’re on,” you say confidently, already unlocking your phone and tapping on Charles’ contact. The TikToker looks surprised but excited that you actually agreed to his silly challenge.
“Put it on speaker phone,” he instructs, zooming his camera in on your phone screen which is now dialing Charles.
After a few rings, the warm, honey-smooth voice you adore comes through. “Allô mon amour, what’s up?” Charles greets you sweetly. “I’m just finishing up some simulator runs but I should be done soon to help with dinner.”
“Hey baby,” you reply, your voice automatically softening. “Sorry to bother you, I know you’re busy. But I’m out right now and I just passed by that little boutique near the casino, you know the one? And I saw the most incredible pair of shoes in the window. I swear they were calling my name.”
Charles laughs affectionately, the sound like music to your ears even through the cell phone speaker. “Oh yeah? The ones that were calling your name last week turned out to be, what was it, €900?” He teases.
You roll your eyes playfully even though he can’t see. “Okay, fair, but you know I hardly ever splurge on myself. I’m usually so frugal!”
“Mmhmm, whatever you need to tell yourself, chérie,” Charles says wryly and you can practically hear the smirk in his voice. “Let me guess, you need to go get these dream shoes right now? Or else they’ll haunt you forever?”
“You know me so well,” you gush dramatically. “I promise I’ll pay you back though! I get paid next week and-”
“Hey, hey, stop,” Charles cuts you off gently. “Mon cœur, you never have to pay me back, you know that. I love being able to treat you and spoil you. You deserve the world. Never forget that.”
You feel yourself melt at his earnest words, momentarily forgetting you have an audience. “I love you so much,” you murmur. “Thank you for always being so good to me.”
“Right back at you, ma belle. Je t’aime,” Charles says tenderly. “There, check your banking app. Let me know if you need any more. And have fun shopping! I’ll see you at home in a bit, okay? À bientôt!”
You glance down at your phone as a notification from your bank pops up on the screen. Your eyes widen slightly when you see the amount Charles sent over, but you recover quickly.
“Thank you, baby. See you soon!” You reply before hanging up. You turn back to the TikToker who is gaping at you in disbelief. Casually, you turn your phone screen towards him and his camera so he can clearly see the notification that €10,000 has just been deposited into your account.
The poor guy looks like he’s about to pass out from shock. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, rendered speechless. You just laugh good-naturedly.
“Well, guess I won your little challenge, huh?” You remark, slipping your phone back into your purse. “Tell you what, why don’t you donate whatever money you were going to give me to a local animal shelter instead? I think it’ll be put to much better use there.”
The TikToker finally manages to pick his jaw up off the floor. He laughs shakily and nods. “Yeah ... yeah I can do that. Wow. Um, thanks for being such a good sport about this. And congrats on, uh, winning, I guess?”
You give him a friendly wink. “Anytime. Have a nice rest of your day!” With that, you turn gracefully on your heel and continue on your way back home, feeling rather smug and deeply appreciative of your wonderfully generous boyfriend.
“Wait!” The TikToker calls out after you. You glance back over your shoulder curiously. He hesitates before asking in an awed voice, “If you don’t mind me asking ... who the hell is your boyfriend?”
An enigmatic smile plays on your lips. “No one special really,” you reply breezily. “Just a guy who loves driving fast cars.”
You leave the gaping TikToker in your wake as you saunter off, already daydreaming about showing your appreciation to Charles later for being the most incredible boyfriend imaginable.
Maybe you really will splurge on those designer shoes after all … and pick up a little something special from the lingerie boutique next door while you’re at it.
Your smile widens. Just as a little thank you to your man, of course. Life is good when you’re in love with Charles Leclerc.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Girls like girls like boys do II Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
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a/n: The tiktok video was our inspiration for this oneshot. We hope the person who requested a KCC oneshot ages ago likes how it finally turned out. ❤️
arsenal women masterlist I word count: 1965
"Saw your face, heard your name Gotta get with you Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new Isn't this why we came? Tell me if you feel it too! Tell me, girls like girls like boys do Nothing new"
~ Hayley Kiyoko, Girls Like Girls
Three beaming australian players were strolling along at London Colney while you were busy preparing the set up for the upcoming tiktoks.
You really enjoyed your internship in the social media departement of the Arsenal Women Football Club. It was a joy and pleasure to work with such a talented team off and on the pitch. Moreover, working here really sparked your creativity which you thought you lost a bit during your studies at university.
With a bright smile on her lips, Steph Catley was the first of the three players to greet you: "Hi, y/n got a new aussie to work with you today."
"Hi.", Kyra Cooney-Cross waved at you. Her cheeks were slightly blushed as she took a closer look at you. "Hello, nice to meet you, Kyra.", you said in a warm tone, trying to make her feel comfortable and less nervous about her first days with a new club.
A real smile appeared on the young australian midfielder's face: "Nice to meet you too."
With a cheeky grin Caitlin Foord striked different silly poses in front of you which made everyone laugh: "So what are we supposed to do ?"
"No, worries Cait, I already have an idea how to introduce the newest aussie member to the Arsenal family.", you told the striker before you winked at the latest addition who came from Sweden.  Curiously Steph glanced at you:"You do?" "Yes and it goes perfectly with Caitlins goofy mood.", you replied. "That’s the best videos.", the striker declared. Excited Kyra was clapping her hands: "I can't wait." "Yes, let's go.", the defender announced equally motivated.  "Great, so let's get started.", you nodded, ready to show them the ideas you had in mind for them.
After all the filming was done Kyra was nervously licking her lips as she turned her face to the fellow Matilda teammate:"I don't know how to, Cait." "Don't know what?", Caitlin asked friendly. From afar she spotted you, so the young midfielder mumbled blushing: "Doesn’t matter."
Later in the evening Kyra arrived at her new flat, which was still relatively unhomely with all the cardboard boxes still being around, that was the moment when she started missing her former Hammarby teammates.
The ache intensified, as she saw Katrina Gorry video calling her, while taking the call the young player could see the older Australian woman’s face lighting up: “Hi, little one.” “Hi Mini.”, Kyra replied softly.
Smiling brightly Katrina told her: “Harper and I saw the Tiktok Arsenal made with Cait, Stephy and you.” “You did? Tell Harper I said hi.” “I’ll, she loved it, the woman who lived in Sweden admitted before changing the subject with a bright grin on her small face, But now back to you, you wrote something about a cute girl.”
A nervous cough escaped from the younger midfielder’s lips: Yeah…” “Tell me about her.”, the older player encouraged her, looking very cozied up in her chair.  Slowly Kyra opened up: “She’s the social media manager?” “Means you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get to know her.”, Katrina winked at her. The tease was enough to make the new Arsenal player blush: “I can’t.”
“Why not?”, the young mum asked slightly irritated. The response came quickly from the other side: “She’s working for Arsenal.” “So do you.” “Yeah. Isn’t that a problem?”, Kyra played with a loose string of her hair to calm down her nerves.
Empathetically Katrina shook her head: “Not at all. Oh my god, you’re literally so cute Kyra. You know that you’ve players in your team who date each other, right? So that’s not much of a difference, you see.” Mini as she was lovingly nicknamed by teammates and fans felt the motherly urge to hug the younger woman, but was kind of sad about the fact that she couldn’t do it in this particular moment.
Kyra frowned; “I do think that’s very different.“ Katrina on the other end just sighed; “Okay.“ “You don’t think that?“ “No, you should give it a try.“, replied the older football player sternly. Kyra bit her lip; “Seriously?“ A small smile appeared on Katrinas lips; “Only if she wants to too of course.“ But not even that wiped the doubtful look off of Kyras face; “But I’ve never asked a girl out.“ “Oh, trust me, it’s not very different to asking a boy out.“, Katrina laughed. With a shy smile, Kyra admitted “It does feel different. Actually, boys used to ask me out.“ Her team mate sighed; “Yeah, I know. But fuck the patriarchy.“ Katrina barely finished her sentence, when her eyes went wide. She turned to her two year old daughter; “Shit, Harper, you didn’t hear that!“ But it was obviously too late. “Fuck the patriarchy!“, a childs voice repeated enthusiastically. Now this finally made Kyra smile brightly; “At least this time, it was you and not me.“ She thought about the world cup and the times she had to swallow the swear words she was about to say because Katrinas daughter was around.
“Do you want to hear about my first time asking a girl out?“, Katrina asked, obviously interested in changing the topic quickly. Kyra nodded; “Sure.“ “Alright. So, I was so nervous I stumbled over my own words. I couldn’t get out a full sentence. But the girl knew where I was trying to go and said yes anyway. What I’m trying to say is, you probably won’t be as awkward as me. Or if you are, it might just run in our family.“ “You know we’re not actually related, Mini.“, Kyra snorted. Katrina smiled softly into the camera; “I know but we’re found family.“ “Thank you. That means a lot to me.“ “You’re welcome. Call me after you asked her out, okay? I have to take Harper to bed now.“ The toddler was currently trying to climb onto her mum’s lap, rubbing her eyes, so Kyra waved into the camera; “Good Night, you two. Love you.“
With a bright smile on your face, you greeted the newest Australian signing on the next day: “Good morning, Kyra.” The grin intensified as you followed her gaze, catching her looking at your sports bag: “Oh yeah, I’m playing too, amateur football tho, later we do have a game, that’s why I carry this around.” “You’re playing too?”, Kyra asked, her mouth feeling suddenly dry from that unexpected but equally lovely news. “I’m a midfielder just like you, but not that good.”, you answered, your cheeks turning red. The arsenal player replied warmly: “Oh don’t say that. We all started there.” “I guess that’s true, and I really like my team, you stopped before suggesting boldly, Maybe you want to watch a game of mine someday so you can judge for yourself.” “Really? Yeah, sure. I’d love to.”, the young midfielder was clearly delighted by that opportunity to see another side of you. “Cool, when do you think you can make it?” “Oh, probably not today.”, Kyra nervously licked her lips. Quickly you reassured her: “I did not expect you to that’s why I asked.”
Later the young Australian player was sitting next to Caitlin in the changing room after the training for the day was done. The older attacking player raised up her eyebrows: “She invited you to watch a game of hers? That’s almost a day.” “That’s not a date..”, Kyra whispered. Meanwhile Steph joined them and suggested: “If you want to we can go to the match together. What do you think about that?” “Really? You’d come with me?”, the youngest of the three looked very relieved by that prospect.  Encouragingly Caitlin nodded: “Of course.” “How about next week? Before the season starts?”, Kyra asked them excited. Smiling Caitlin promised her: “We’ll be there.”
The next weekend, when Arsenal had a free day, Caitlin picked Kyra up to go watch your game. “Let’s see how good our content creator is.“, she said excitedly as they entered the football pitch together. Kyra was trying to find you, so she only realized that Steph joined them when Caitlin added; “Oh my god, you brought Calvin with you, Steph?“ “Of course I brought him. Couldn’t leave him at home.“, she laughed. Kyras face immediately lit up as she crouched down to pet the dog; “Hi cutie!“ “He says Hi, auntie Kyra.“, Steph replied for her dog who was trying to lick Kyras face.
But as soon as the first whistle was blown, the attention of the three Australians shifted towards the game. “She’s really good.“, Kyra noticed after a few minutes of watching you. Caitlin sighed dramatically, eyes wandering over the pitch; “God, I miss this.“ “Me too. I think I’ll try to go here more often. It’s fun.“, Kyra grinned. Steph nudged Caitlin with her elbow; “It’s so cute, Cait. Kyra is crushing on her.“ The younger player shot them an offended glance but Caitlin didn’t take her eyes off the grass; “And I’m crushing on this grassroots football, Steph. Don’t you ever miss playing like this? Just for fun?“ “I do. But look at Kyra.“ Arsenals newest signing was back at watching you, ignoring her two team mates. “She’s enjoying this.“ With smirk, Steph nodded; “Not only the game.“ “She said it’s not a date but it basically is a date.“, Caitlin agreed, laughing.
As soon as the final whistle blew, you walked over to the side of the pitch to hug your visitors; “Hi, my three favourite aussies.“ “Hey, great game.“ “Yes, it was great to watch.“, Steph and Caitlin offered their compliments. “Thank you.“, you smiled gratefully, before turning to Kyra who went suspiciously quiet, “Did you enjoy the game too, Kyra?“ “Oh, yes, I did. You were amazing.“, she answered fast, almost stumbling over her own words. Your smile only got brighter; “I’m glad that you did.“
“Caitlin, let’s go. Calvin needs a walk now.”, Steph dragged the forward with her, feeling you two needed time to talk alone in peace. For a second Caitlin gave the defender an irritated look: “I thought he just was on one!, when she realized her teammates plan behind that move and added quickly, yeah, okay, see you two tomorrow.” “Bye girls.”, you waved at them, still smiling while shaking your head at them. Nervously Kyra went through her hair with one hand: “So…” “Yes?” “I know this is weird but.. would you go out on a date with me?”, the Australian midfielder asked, her cheeks turning pink. Immediately you tried to calm down her nerves by saying: “Kyra it’s not weird at all. I’d love to go on a date with you. Do you want to get something to eat with me after I changed into normal clothes`” “Yes sure.”, Kyra nodded happily. A huge grin appeared on your lips as you said your goodbyes for now: “Perfect, see you in a few minutes.”
From afar Caitlin and Steph were watching you two. The forward turned to the defender visibly amused: “So I guess we don’t have to take her home now.” “Right, come on Calv, time for us to leave.”, Steph said, the dog himself could not wait to get back to his place after this adventurous day for him.
A few days after your first real date Kyra decided to video call her national teammate because she could not wait to tell her the great news. Curiously Katrina glanced at the younger footballer:“ So, what did she say?” “She said yes and she’s my girlfriend now.”, the Arsenal midfielder confessed. Excited Katrina lifted her arms up into the air: “I fucking knew it.” Her swearing made her wife looking really annoyed at her, so she tried to defend herself, sorry love, but thank god, Harper is asleep so she could not hear me using those words to express my excitement.”
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katelynnwrites · 2 months
Honigbiene's Tiny Footprints | Laura Freigang x Baby!Reader
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warnings: ~
word count: 666
summary: your mama wants to bring a part of you onto the pitch with her when she plays
a/n: part of Laura's Honigbiene, prompt from this tiktok cause it was just so cute
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Laura loves many things, her family, her friends, football and her photography to name a few.
But things she’s obsessed about? There is only you.
From your tiny toes to the tips of your tiny fingers, she adores everything about you.
It’s why she wants part of you on the pitch with her.
You’re still too little to do much other than make the cutest baby noises and wiggle around but your Mama feels like you’re old enough for her to return to playing.
There is no lack of people who are willing to look after you on the bench and for the most part, you are content to remain in your baby car seat.
Laura has found that your separation anxiety has lessened and that you can be appeased by the smell of her.
All it takes to keep you calm is a piece of her clothing which is why she keeps a spare hoodie or shirt around, so that she can tuck you in it when necessary.
She had thought long and hard for a while, on how to have a part of you with her when she plays and eventually, she remembers her half used paints.
Your Mama likes painting, it helps her relax but she hasn’t done so since you were born.
What she has in mind feels like the perfect way to start again.
She does have to wait for you to wake up first though and it looks like you’re unlikely to do that anytime soon.
As usual, you’re napping in your Mama’s arms.
With how safe you feel, it’s no surprise that you are completely passed out. Your chest is rising and falling with even breaths and you have your fist in your mouth.
Laura thinks you look adorable sucking on it and she does not have the heart to stop you. Especially with how content you seem.
You’re beginning to grow more hair now. Fine little strands that she loves brushing her fingers over.
Mama watches a replay of a Champion’s League game while she waits for you to finish your nap.
The game is nearly over when you finally blink awake sleepily.
‘Hey Honigbiene.’ Your Mama murmurs.
You squirm in her hold and she places her hand more firmly on your back.
She keeps you against her chest until you look more awake, babbling in increasing volume.
‘Okay okay.’ Laura giggles.
Shutting the television off, she gets up and changes you with practiced ease before taking you over to where she has her paints.
‘What colour should we choose?’
You squeal into Mama’s ear and she grins, ‘You’re right. We should do more than one.’
She picks up a few tubes and then goes to get the pair of new shin guards Under Armour had just sent her.
Then she sets you down on your Silly Mat, thankfully on your back and not your tummy.
For once, she’s not making you lie funny and whine until she picks you back up.
‘Can I get your cute little footprints on my shin guards? So that you can score goals with me?’
You grunt happily and Mama takes that as a yes.
Carefully, she unscrews the top of her paint tube and squeezes out a small drop of paint onto her finger.
Then she rubs it onto one of your feet.
You make another small grunt, kicking your legs a little.
The paint is cold but you’re not really bothered by it.
Nevertheless, Laura quickly repeats the action with all of her chosen colours.
Then she presses your paint covered foot against both her shin guards, leaving behind your tiny footprint in pretty colours.
Your Mama takes a photo before she sets them aside to dry, taking you to wash your feet right after.
When they’ve dried she will pack the painted shin guards into her bag, her excitement beginning to grow at the thought of being able to keep a part of you with her as she plays.
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German Translation:
Honigbiene - Honeybee
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hanniluvi · 1 year
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my friends chose riki, so i’m doing a riki ver 🫶 ty sillies !!!
warnings : mentions of pet names “babe/love”, mentions of kissing
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— seeks to your comfort. he isn’t too expressive with his thoughts, yet he finds himself telling you everything that was hard on him. when he’s down, he immediately wants to be in your embrace, as you would be willing to help him and play with his hair. he’s just that comfortable of showing that side of his to you, knowing you wouldn’t judge him <3
— definitely loves teasing. he loves joking around with his love ones, hence the amount of pranks he pulls on you. of course, he would always apologize while laughing at you. you get him back real good though!!
— loves taking silly pictures of you with him. like you both could be posing randomly and giggle about each other for a long period of time. he has a whole album of photos of you and him ! he likes going through the album when he’s gone and missing you a lot </3
— he lives for praise. i feel like he would feel extremely happy when you reassure him that he’s the best of the best. your compliments are the only ones he could ever think about. whenever he’s having a hard time, he just thinks of you, knowing you’d be cheering him on so hard right now.
— prefers action over words. instead of giving daily affirmations, he tries comforting you with touch. he doesn’t want to slip up when speaking, so he prefers doing little things like playing w/ your hands or just hugging. his touch is used to try to make you remember that he will always be by your side :)
— plus, why affirmations if you know he’s yours and you are his? but, if you’re someone who prefers that, he would try to sneak a few daily, just to make you happy :]
— starting off the relationship, it might be a little awkward bc he doesn’t know what to do!! you might have to be the first to initiate, or he just invites you to do whatever he’s doing, making you two bond <3
— if he’s been with you for a while, he’s always thinking about a second person, it’s become a habit. he goes shopping, would you like this as well? he’s out with the others, would you enjoy this trip too? he’s dancing, you’d be excited to see the choreography he made right? he’s just the sweetest </3
— loves texting you! sure, he loves calling, but texting is his thing. it’s more easy to come up with convos and not having to wait awkwardly on the other line. def a spam texter, but don’t mind him, he just wants to share everything w/ you :(
— likes hugging you from behind bc it scares you LMAO. like he could just suddenly appear and jump on your back, making you be all shocked
— “what the heck, ki?” “what? i can’t hug my gee eff now??”
— if you guys are real comfortable w/ each other, expect you guys clinging 24/7. watching tv? you’re holding him or you have each other’s legs on the other. sleeping? you’re cuddling. eating? he’s sitting next to you just so your shoulders touch. he loves you okay!!!
— sure, he got all that height, but loves being a little spoon! he’s fine w/ being the big spoon and sometimes ask to be one himself, but being the little spoon is his way of thinking that you’re always going to be with him no matter what. and bc you guys always hug/cuddle, he can’t sleep by myself without holding something. (you did that to him.)
— would blush every time you kiss him. like if he runs away, leaving a peck on your cheek, what do you think he acts under your touch?! like if you suddenly just go near him and give him a peck on the cheek, he’s all giddy and smiling to himself. oh, you can DEFINITELY feel him get red when you kiss him all over his face. begs you to do the lipstick trend on tiktok just for the kisses.
— probably giddy when you say “i love you” to him. he tries to keep his cool in front of the others when hear you say it to him. ps: it doesn’t work because he’s always smiling like a big dork. your dork only is something he would say.
— “ooo, look at our riki all grown up!” “jake, i WILL not—” you can imagine how it ends up <3
— not too big on pet names, maybe only uses it to tease you. if he were to use them, babe/love would be his go to.
— probably loves drawing/tracing your arms or legs when he’s bored. don’t be shocked if half of your leg is filled with HIS doodles. can you imagine a family of shin-chans… oml…
— would love teaching you. if you come from a different culture, he would love teaching you his. but if you’re from the same, you’d bond over that. he will js have to find something else to teach you !!!
— you guys make playlists together and rotate the three (one made for you, one made for him, one made by both of you) to listen to. leads to a bunch of singing and dancing <3
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💭 — i only have 3 members to do after this omg..wonder who i should do next
ENHA PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @ixomiyu @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @starcubes @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @woon2u @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @tnyhees @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @flwrshee
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doobea · 11 months
BLLK - Relationship HCs + Songs That Describes It
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contents: gn!reader, super fluffy, sfw, established relationships characters mentioned: isagi, bachira, nagi, chigiri, reo, rin a/n: probably a bunch of these floating around but these are just my interpretations hehe
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isagi - double take by dhruv
he absolutely adores you and will take a lot of selfies, short videos, and candid photos - whether you notice or not. this is because for your anniversary he wants to surprise you with a custom physical photo album.
does the little thing where he wiggles his hand in front of you, indicating he wants to hold yours. gets super pouty if you decline.
when watching reality dating shows, isagi will roll his eyes and call out toxic behavior, claiming that he'll never treat you like that.
he's super quick to defend you if your name comes up in a conversation. doesn't matter if he gets teased as a "simp" or "whipped", he's 100% down to fight whoever.
bachira - glue song by beabadoobee
has a habit of getting into pointless debates and silly arguments. the most recent one being if cereal is a soup - the answer is yes.
you guys have a secret code for each other. three shirt tugs being 'i love you', two tugs being 'let's leave together', and four tugs being 'i want to cuddle right now'.
loves it when you match his texting style, which heavily consists of emoticons and unconventional emojis.
likes to recreate those quick one-cup mug recipes that he finds on instagram and tiktok! not all of them turn out good but he's always eager to show you the final product.
nagi - sundays by emotional oranges
he goes wild at arcades in order to win you cute plushies, not that he has to try all that hard. all the other couples within the vicinity get jealous as they see you haul around a cart filled with giant stuffed saniro characters.
he probably has a battle station, the type with RBG lighting, two monitors, and a mic set up. in his clear PC case, he keeps polaroid photos of you guys so that whenever he's playing games or doing homework he can look over for motivation.
loves planning aquarium dates with you. he spends the majority of the time in the jellyfish section, pointing to various ones and saying "that's us", and you have to physically drag him out in order to explore the rest of the building.
don't be surprised if you're spending your weekends kissing and cuddling all day long. nagi doesn't care if it doesn't go anywhere, he's simply content just having you engulfed in his arms.
chigiri - every summertime by niki
if he notices that you're playing a song often, he'll add it to his personal playlist and act surprised the next time you compliment his music tastes.
he coordinates his outfits with you as much as possible. if you're wearing a pink top with white bottoms, he'll wear a white top with pink bottoms.
he lets you take the hot showers first, although he prays that there's enough warm water for the next round, and cleans up your stray hairs knowing that sometimes you're forgetful.
he's not usually a talkative person but, if you're the type to be uncomfortable with making calls or taking orders, chigiri will step up and do it for you. don't feel like making a doctor's appointment? he's got it covered.
reo - pink + white by frank ocean
his love languages are acts of service and gift-giving. that means whenever he's on the way home, he'll try and stop by your favorite cafe for your usual drink, text you if you have any packages that arrived in the apartment's package room, and asks if you want takeout.
if you guys are walking out of the store to a heavy downpour without an umbrella, reo will advise you to go back inside as he gets the car. he'll drive to the storefront and makes sure you stay dry.
loves leaving the last bite to you - especially when you're both out at an expensive restaurant. he'll even pretend to be full just so you can savor the last bits of his food.
you put him in charge of killing the bugs in the relationship, somehow he's super bad at it and half of them end up getting away.
rin - bad by wave to earth
if a fan requests a picture with him, he'll literally pose next to them like a stick figure with a blank expression. he thinks it unnecessary to touch them or smile if it's not with you.
the most frequent thing he texts you is asking if you've drank any water and if you've eaten today. saying no to any of them and he'll gently berate you over text, stressing over whether or not you're taking care of yourself.
anytime he is texting you, he covers his phone screen if people are around because he wants your chats to remain private between the two of you.
he constantly thinks about whether he's treating you right. he struggles a lot with his forms of communication but when it comes to you he wants to make sure that nothing is mistranslated. the last thing he wants is for his ego to get the best of him.
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antonsgf · 6 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ bf!anton pt. 2 ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
bye this is so long overdue oops !! part one is here !!
bf!anton likes to send you little texts throughout the day just to update you on what he's doing while on schedules and he most definitely miss you :(
he would also send tik toks and .5 pics of his hyungs just for funisies and you should send some back !!!
speaking of tik toks, yall would spend hours creating some !! your drafts are filled with 100s of silly little videos
especially trendy couple vids like this one :))
bf!anton would definitely bring you around to hang out with his hyungs and of course they would tease him !!
but don't worry because you would definitely defend your man if needed be !!
like imagine one night yall are having a group movie night and you're all snuggled up next to tonny and giving him a smooch on the cheek
next thing you know eunseok is like "ugh get a room :P"
without a beat your response would be like "damn bro i would be mad too if i didn't have someone kissing up on me like get a gf :P"
everyone is like ":O ohhhhhh shit!" "you finally met your match hyung :)" lmao you and eunseok would go toe to toe !!
you gets down and you dont play about your tonny !! it's all jokes though so no worries :))
aside from that anton would feel so much pride and happiness from the sight of you getting along with his hyungs esp sohee !! but like sohee was lowkey his wingman tho LMAOOO
tonny is an unconfirmed taurus venus, which in my delulu head means one of his favorite things to do with you is taking a nap or cuddling which leads to said naps !!
he just give top tier cuddler like !! his arms look so warm and welcoming adafklhfjhafjhd
imagine yall cuddling up all nice and peaceful !! you're wearing one of his t-shirts and he's holding you all warm and snug throughout the night against his chest ahhh !! i would simply just die right then and there fr !!
the next morning you wake up with his arms still around you and you're like stuck physically because his arms are locked in !!
it's always the same scenario of you two being like
"ant we gotta get up :3" "ahh just five more minutes baby :3"
his sleepy self would refuse to let go because being bed with you is like paradise !! and he doesn't want it to end...unless...
"i'll make your special yogurt parfait you like for breakfast :)"
he would relunctantly let you go but only because how could he turn down his special greek yogurt parfait that he is more than capable of making himself made by the love of his life ???
and it's not even all that !! you literally found a recipe on tiktok and made it for him one day !! now he texts you every now and then wishing you were around to make it !!
"babe it's literally four ingredients ??" "but it's not the same when you don't make it :(("
food would be another part of his love language because we all know how much our boy loves his snacks !!
and how could you deny your boyfriend from a treat that's handmade from you ?? like make it make sense ??
thanks for reading and waiting lmaooo !! might make make this a series but no promises !!
feel free to send me asks or let me know what yall think :3
♡ kimmia ♡
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cannibalsrider · 1 month
Can you write some fluff with the haikyuu boys (mainly Atsumu, Kuroo, Oikawa and Akaashi) laying on readers chest?? Just some good ol fluff🌚
yes omg ^.^ id lobe to idk if I was supposed to pick but on a Tsumu kick rn but ill def do a pt2 with the other three gonna do him based off of dif songs I can see him putting in playlists for his partner
ft: atsumu miya x mangaka!gn reader
warnings: nothing just pure fluff
a/n. this was a bit short cus i was procrastinating a bit and flipping back and fourth between this and my crochet project but I hope u like it annon^.^
Cuddling with a six-foot setter wasn't easy, but cuddling with Atsumu Miya felt like being draped with a weighted blanket, his bleach-blonde hair tucked under my chin as we scrolled through TikTok, watching fan edits of us. "They've been picking good songs for the edits they make of you recently, Tsum," I mumbled, looking down at the half-asleep man resting on my chest. "Mhm, you're probably the one giving them all those ideas from your Spotify," he muttered back as I ran my hand through his hair. "You're the one who kept talking about it when the reporter asked you about your workout playlist," I quipped, placing a small kiss atop his head. "Now all people like to say about us is that I made you listen to all the sweet stuff," I said sarcastically as I played with the hair resting at the back of his neck.
"Because you're the one making me all sweet just for your enjoyment," he responded, his sleepy voice making me want to laugh. He sounded like he was drowning in the thought of wanting to sleep but tried his hardest to stay awake so we could have some form of time together since he had been busy all day with another game. If he had asked me who they had played, I could honestly not tell, with the fact that he had looked like a focused puppy on his way to get a win in tug of war against another dog.
"Yeah, mhm, not like you didn't tell me to add The Smiths on there, saying that it reminded you of us," I huffed with a small laugh. As we stayed quiet for a moment, it felt like nothing was moving around us, like it was our second year again and he was sneaking into my bedroom window and me holding him after an especially long day. Atsumu Miya was like a big golden retriever when it was just us, nothing to do about volleyball or a chapter I had to complete for my editor. It was just the calm silence of our bedroom with the white noise of the Tokyo streets. I sometimes wondered, would we be like this in every universe, laying here, his head tucked under my chin as we watched videos of him on my phone? It felt silly in a way, thinking that maybe we would, and that we'd always find our way to each other, even if times got hard. I'd always find him.
"Tsum?" I said, my voice soft as I spoke. "Hm," he mumbled, tracing shapes absentmindedly against my collarbone. "Do you think we would be soulmates in every universe like how we are now?" I asked, not even sure if he'd answer or not, but I felt his head lift ever so slightly to look at me as he spoke. "You're gonna be my partner in every life and universe, even when we're old and grey, and you do that little knitting thing with the yarn and have grandkids, we'll still be together torturing Samu," he responded, earning a laugh as he kissed me. It felt like it always did, like I was sixteen again, kissing him for the first time in his room because we thought it would be better to practice kissing with each other so whenever we got our own partners, we didn't look silly.
"I hope Samu knows we'll become more insufferable with time," I mumbled against his lips as I turned my phone off. His head fell right back to its original position, sprawled out all over me as if he was my personal blanket. "He'll know, I can tell," he responded with a small smile.
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nomniki · 11 months
you ruined my shirt, spidey!han jisung ͏──͏ ͏ ͏ nomniki’s 1k event ͏ ͏, ͏( ͏ @anon )
🖇️ wc 1.3k warnings nothing just being ynji silly note 1.3 seems to be my lucky number all my recent written works have been 1.3k words
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There was a palpable silence in the room as Jisung processed your words, and you watched in real time as his eyebrows furrowed in obvious confusion. Your room was dimly lit, flooded with the early evening light that painted your room a warm orange, like the sunlight was passing through a film of solid amber. His figure was backlit, and you found yourself squinting to make out the expression on his face.
“I’m Spiderman.”
Jisung repeated slowly, the words hanging in the air as he waited for a reaction different to the one you’d given him seconds before— disbelief. You rolled your eyes,
“No, you’re not.”
You scoffed, though the noise was hushed to keep from alerting your parents of the wholly unexpected visitor stood a few paces from your now open window.
“Yes, I am. Why don’t you believe me?”
He seemed almost offended, and you stared at him blankly, hoping that a few moments of contemplative silence would prompt him into giving up on his attempt to fool you. You’d barely been dating for more than a few weeks, and preceding the conversation taking place in your room, you’d been confident you were well versed in most of Jisung’s quirks. He’d only ever hold your hand if he was walking on the left, he liked his coffee with more vanilla syrup than coffee, he took texting you when the time was an angel number very seriously— none of the various things you had learnt about him included his status as a superhero.
In response to your silence, Jisung huffed impatiently and crossed his arm over his chest, though you’d draw the line if he started tapping his foot or checking the time on an imaginary watch.
He prompted, narrowing his eyes at you in some unspoken accusation of betrayal, and you sighed softly, “well, I don’t believe you because that’s not true.”
“Yes, it is,” he insisted, his bottom lip jutting out a little and you couldn’t help but be a little distracted, “seriously, why don’t you believe me?”
You raised an eyebrow, looking up at him through your lashes— Jisung was late to dates because he had terrible time management, and the cuts and bruises that littered his tan skin were the consequences of clumsiness, not crime fighting. You knew that, didn’t you?
“If it’s true, then prove it.”
“Why do I have to prove it? We’re dating, you should trust me.”
You fixed him with a deadpan stare, “if it was true, you wouldn’t have any problem proving it, but you do, so it’s not.”
Jisung groaned dramatically, throwing his head back in an exaggerated show of exasperation, his lips pursed in clear frustration. Confusion fluttered across your face, there had been many jokes of his you hadn’t played along with before— tiktok pranks, lies to save face in front of his friends— but he’d never seen so visibly affected by your lack of cooperation.
“I know you’re not Spiderman, Ji,” you murmured softly in a tone that was slow and thoughtful, tilting your chin up to make eye contact with him.
“Yeah? How?”
He grumbled, and it took a harsh pinch to your own skin to swallow down the giggles in your throat as you kept your eyes on his, his dark hair glowing auburn in the suns dying light.
“Because I’m Spiderman— phew, phew.”
A smile broke out on your lips, your ring and middle fingers pressed flat against your palm to mimic Spiderman’s signature pose as he swung through the city, and you couldn’t help that your sound effects were interrupted by soft laughter. Jisung was shaking his head, his bottom lip trapped beneath his teeth.
“Nuh uh, it’s more like this.”
There was a quiet thwip and before you could process what was happening, your body was jerked forward like a puppet on unsteady strings, and you were pulled right into Jisung’s waiting arms. The sound that had escaped you— something between a yelp and a squeal, that was inarguably embarrassing— was one you would forever deny making. Instinctually, you pressed a hand to your heart just to feel it hammer beneath your palm, but paused with a grimace as your hand met something sticky. A… web?
“Ji,” you breathed out, pulling your hand away hesitantly and watching unblinking as the shirt your hand was stuck to followed the movement of your hand, “what the fuck.”
As if the tension had been broken by your words, Jisung let out a howl of a laugh, gleeful and giddy, and there was something akin to static buzzing in your ears. He couldn’t be serious, he couldn’t be, but you weren’t stupid enough to deny evidence that was quite literally stuck to you.
“Told you, I told you so— you believe me now, don’tcha?”
He practically sang, shuffling excitedly where he was standing, his eyes flickering between the web hanging limply between your bodies and where your hand was stuck to it, and your shirt. His eyes glittered, and your lashes fluttered as you blinked slowly, attempting to process what Jisung had told you. He was Spiderman. He was Spiderman. You opened your mouth to speak, and shut it again, aware you probably looked like a goldfish.
“You,” you started, but nothing followed except furrowed brows and wide eyes, “you.”
He chuckled, and he wound his arms around your waist casually as anything, looking stupidly pleased with himself.
“You ruined my shirt.”
“You could always take it off,” he hummed with a little shrug, and you pushed him halfheartedly, focusing your attention back onto the webbing stuck to your shirt.
“How do you get this shit off?”
“Blah blah blah, don’t worry about that, it’ll dissolve by itself— this is the part where you tell me how cool I am, and how you can’t believe you’re dating the Spiderman.”
You looked up at him through your lashes, just taking in his features again— it was strange to think the pretty features you’d been admiring in class for weeks was the same one hidden beneath a mask, caught up in newsreels every day saving the city. You squished his cheeks, turning his face to either side with a thoughtful him, and Jisung let you do it without complaint.
“I can’t believe it, d’you know how crazy this is?”
Jisung laughed softly, his hands skating up your sides and settling against your neck, his thumbs fitting perfectly into the divot of your jaw. He tilted your head up to look at him properly, his smile softer now, exuding something reassuring without a spoken word necessary.
“Yeah, trust me, I know,” his voice was quieter, unfairly gentle, “it’s just, something I wanted to share with you, y’know?”
You nodded and offered him a smile, one that was simple at face value and didn’t betray the barrage of thoughts you were facing. Jisung’s thumbs brushed over your cheeks, his eyes never leaving yours and he made it hard to feel anything but relaxed, even after such a shocking revelation.
“Thank you for trusting me with this, then.”
You murmured softly, your arms dropping from his cheeks to his broad shoulders so you could pull him into a hug. He went willingly, tucking his face against the crook of your neck with a satisfied sigh that fanned warmly across the sliver of exposed skin not hidden by your hoodie.
“I’d trust you with anything.”
“Careful, Ji, I might start to think you like me.”
His shoulders shook with the laughter that was muffled against your shoulder, and he tucked you against his chest, uncaring of the webbing that was now stuck to both of you.
“‘s exactly the impression I wanna give you.”
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Hey Jo,
I know it’s been a while, but I’m back with my Tiktoks. Saw this and instantly thought of Chubby!Bucky. Could you write something? Thanks. ❤️ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF4DBn4F/
Ring! Ring!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,417
Summary: You buy yourself a little something fun and try it out on Bucky.
Author's Note: Hi sweets! You know I just love this stuff and I'm so glad you sent it my way! Thank you bunches! Hope you enjoy this! Hugs! 💕I I know you said chubby!bucky whom I love, but I didn't specifiy anything so he can be any Bucky like! I also made him a gamer bc I thougt that would be cute and it got away from me a bit and totally GOT SILLY but I couldn't help it! I love writing these ridiculous moments with Bucky and he deserves all the fun and laughs and KISSES (and bjs) Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you my sweet! 🥰
Warnings: fun and silly fluff, teasing, kisses, Alpine fun, some implied sexy times (18+ ONLY PLEASE!!!)
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You stand in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and smiling. Bucky is sitting on the couch, legs spread wide and the video game controller placed between them as he mashes the buttons and yells at Sam over his headphones. Alpine is lounging across the back of the couch, an occasional swat aimed at Bucky’s head as Bucky weaves and dips with the motions of the game.
You carefully take the small pink bell out of the drawer and place it on the counter, promptly starting to press the top to make it ring.
After about thirty seconds of incessant ringing, both Bucky and Alpine turn their heads toward the kitchen with pinched faces.
“Doll!” Bucky starts, looking around. “Do you hear that ringing?”
He pulls one headphone off and rests it against his head so he can hear better.
Your grin widens.
“Oh…you mean….” And you ring the bell several more times, “this ringing?”
Bucky’s eyes move to your hand and the little bell before he grumbles to Sam to “hang on” and gets up.
“What the hell….?” He muses as he walks closer and picks it up.
He holds it in his palm and reads the writing along the side.
“Ring for a kiss,” he says aloud.
You reach over and press the top to make it ring again, then pucker up.
“Where did you get this?” he asks as he leans over to kiss you.
“I found it on Amazon,” you giggle. “Now I can have kisses whenever I want!”
“But you can always have kisses whenever you want,” Bucky croons.
“Mmm,” you muse, eyeing him. “Really? Whenever I want?”
“Uh…yeah!” he scoffs, looking at you incredulously.
“What about that time you and Sam were about to beat that boss and I came over to sit with you and wanted a kiss and somehow it was my fault you died and you were mad and then I was mad and no one got kisses…”
He narrows his eyes.
“Well…that was once. And you got plenty of kisses after!”
“That’s only because you felt bad!” you huff.
You stare each other down and without taking your eyes off him you reach up and ring the bell again.
He gives you another kiss before turning and hopping over the back of the couch to sit, much to Alpine’s displeasure. Just as he’s fixing his headphones and telling Sam he’s back, you ring the bell again.
His head slowly turns your way and he smiles sweetly, mumbling to Sam that he’ll “be right back,” before clearing the couch again and grabbing your face in his hands to kiss you hot and heavy.
When he pulls away your eyes are still closed and your lips turn up into a smile.
“Enjoy your game Buck,” you say as you wiggle your fingers to shoo him off.
Ten minutes later as you’re preparing dinner you ring the bell. He’s still playing his game, frantically shouting directions at Sam and bouncing along the couch. When he doesn’t come right away you ring it again, not stopping until he pulls off his headphones.
“What took you so long?” you ask, hand on your hip.
“Things got hairy for a second,” he says, side eyeing you.
“Oh, well in that case,” you sass.
He walks closer and settles his hands on your hips, dragging you into his chest before he kisses you.
You grab hold of this dog tags and tug on the chain, making him growl deep in his chest.
“If you’re trying to get me to quit playin’ my game, it’s workin’ doll face.”
“I’m just getting my kisses in,” you say innocently.
His mouth turns up into a sideways smirk and he backs away, stopping only when his butt meets the couch.
You ring the bell again.
He laughs and rushes back toward you, sweeping you into his arms and peppering your face and neck with kisses.
“Bucky,” you giggle. “Stop that! It tickles!”
You don’t really want him to stop and he knows it, continuing his assault until your breathless from laughter and kisses.
“That should hold you over for a few,” he teases.
You let out a breath and wave him off, focusing on dinner once again.
You move the bell off the counter and onto the kitchen table, needing the space to chop vegetables. For a few minutes, the only sounds are the sizzling veggies in the pan and Bucky’s button mashing and random shouts at Sam.
Your shoulders tense and your eyebrows draw inward. You look around the counter for the bell, suddenly remembering you had moved it to the table. When you hear the ring again you look over and see Alpine perched atop the table and swatting at the bell.
He’s clearly enjoying himself and get’s more excited the more it rings. You cover your mouth to stop your snort and grab your phone to take a video.
Bucky suddenly shouts, “ONE SECOND! I’m coming baby doll! I just have to….” And he grunts with the exertion of the button smashing and anxiety from the situation in the game. “Almost done…. he’s almost dead…”
Alpine continues to ring the bell and Bucky gets more frenzied. You’re videoing them both now and trying not to laugh too hard.
Bucky suddenly drops the controller and raises his hands with a loud cheer, startling Alpine off the table with a meow.
He flings his headphones off and saunters over to you, clearly proud of himself.
“We won and I got here in time for kisses!”
“I feel so special!” you say, your sarcasm clear.
“You know,” he starts, pulling your phone from your hand. “If there was a bell that said….”
He tilts his head, pursing his lips as he pretends to think it over.
“Hmmm…I don’t know…ring for a blowjob…”
He dips his head, brushing his lips to yours teasingly as his hands smooth along your back.
“I’d be ringing that thing every hour.”
Your fingers dance up his chest and wrap around his neck.
“They don’t have those,” you tell him, smiling when he pouts.
“Only the usual…ring for a hug, a smile, for sex.”
“That’s too bad,” he whispers against your mouth.
You nod and close your eyes, pressing your lips to his.
At the same moment, the bell rings again and you both smile, breaking apart to find Alpine back at the bell on the table.
Bucky’s eyes brighten and he holds up a finger.
You watch as he moves to the junk drawer and pulls out a sharpie then takes the bell from Alpine and starts to scribble and write on it.
You cross your arms over your chest. “BUCKY! My bell!!!”
“Actually…now it’s my bell,” he simpers, showing you what he wrote.
‘Ring for a blow job.’
It also has his name now scrawled on the bottom.
“No way Buck! It’s mine and you know it!”
“Has my name on it,” he says as he presses his finger to the top and rings it several times.
“What are you five?” you huff. “You know it’s mine!”
“Nah uh. Mine now and well, you got all those kisses.”
Your mouth hangs wide open in shock and you blink several times.
“There ya go doll face, you look ready….”
Your eyes get huge and you clamp your mouth shut, grabbing the closest thing you can find and flinging it at his head.
He easily catches the butter knife and grins.
“You wanna play it like that huh doll?”
At the playful look in his eyes, you bite your bottom lip, readying yourself before you take off in a sprint down the hall. He gives chase and catches up with you in no time, tackling you to the bed.
He pins you to the mattress, the bell still in his hand as he rings it relentlessly.
“Give it up Buck!” you shout through your laughter. “It’s only for kisses!”
“Then I want some of those,” he says, attacking you with his lips.
You slide your hands down his back and grab his ass, your fingers grazing something long and hard. You pull the butter knife out of his back pocket and bring it between your bodies.
He looks at you then at the knife and then back at you and his smile grows. He swiftly slides it from your fingers and twirls it between his.
“I can make this work,” he says pertly before he trails it down the fabric of your shirt.
@book-dragon-13 @dreamlessinparis @lookiamtrying @randomfandompenguin @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @hiddles-rose @loki-laufeyson-1054 @goldylions @seitmai
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sirenlulls · 1 year
satellite → r. keating (b. skeetz)
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pairings — robert keating x fem!reader
summary — what bobby skeetz would be like as your annoying boyfriend <3
spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in. i can see you're lonely down there. don't you know that i am right here?
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i feel like you'd be a long-term relationship (like teenage years long term)
ik they went to some fancy all boys school so let's say you went to an all girls school near theirs that would often go on trips together (pls tell me that wasn't just my school that did that)
either that of you'd meet through extra curriculars or overlapping friend groups
EITHER WAY met when ye were young (13-14) and got together when ye were 16-17
tbh most people thought you'd only last a few months bcs it was a teenage relationship after all but you're so chill with each other that it became very clear very quick that ye were just different
major "my girlfriend's my best friend" vibes
because of that, every inhaler fan knows you
you're no longer referred to by your name
you're just "mother" now
it's low-key a problem
like in any of your instagram posts or cute little tiktoks, at least half of the comments have a silly little inhaler pfp and are calling you mother
he's so annoying
definitely a very playful relationship
mocking eachother and all that
telling anyone else (outside your friendgroup) to fuck off if they do the same
he himself wouldn't be very public with the relationship
like you wouldn't be the face of every instagram post but you'd be in a story every few weeks and you'd pop up in the middle of a photo dump here and there
the inhaler_on_tik account however....
fans play where's wally with you in the tiktoks
usually hiding in a window reflection or the hem of your jacket poking into frame
enough to know you're there
you'd be best friends with all the fans
gigs are your opportunity to make new friends
they all adore you
so many fan tiktoks from gigs just have you dancing away with them
they'd bring you flowers <3
but yeah even if bobby himself doesn't post you a lot, fans would get pictures of you two together and they'd be so cute 😭
most of them are taken before gigs when he's helping you out of the bus or ye're walking into the venue together
but someone got a picture of you two once at some silly little market in spain and you were looking at flowers and he was looking at you
they posted it to tiktok and you asked them to send it to you
it was your lockscreen for a bit x
if you're ever traveling without him, you'd take pictures of any birds you pass and send them onto him
i really need to make sure it's known that he'd be annoying
like imagine you're just lying in bed, reading or on your phone, and he just bellyflops on top of you
no warning
no escape
you're trapped
i said the same in my eli headcanons but i don't really get spooning vibes from him
no matter what way you fall asleep, at least some part of him will be touching you
whether he's full on wrapped around you or just got an arm thrown over your torso
it helps him sleep better
you're best friends with the band ofc
i mean, you practically grew up together
you and rob never have a moment of peace with them on tour
you could be curled up in bed, and all of a sudden, elijah's busting down your door and lying down beside ye to tell you about a new song idea
you finally think you're free for a moment having a smoke by the back of the bus? nope, ryan's there now purely because he wanted to annoy ye
josh is nice on ye though (not really) (he makes fun of ye all the time) (he's my little pookie bear angel) (he can do no wrong)
they love having you around
and even if you leave the tour bus to get some snacks and come back to them trying on your dresses and robert doing josh's eyeliner you love having them around too
you're starting to get the mother thing
they do feel like you're hyperactive little children
bobby skeetz, the man that you are, you'd be a great boyfriend
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yukkisagi · 1 year
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in which nagi can't tell if you or the pocky stick in between you lip is more of a pain -fluff, not proofread heh, kinda ooc but whatever
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it had a been a hot day and the last thing nagi wanted to do was play soccer - or anything for that matter, he could only dream of never needing to move again. as most of his classmates start filing out of the classroom, hes still sitting at his desk, hoping that reo doesn't show up anytime soon so he could enjoy the air conditioned classroom a little longer. just when he thought he was the only one left, he starts hearing snapping behind him, as if someone was breaking pencils one at time.
when he turns around, his eyes meet your figure, leaning back against your chair. one hand held your phone scrolling through tiktok and the other holding a snack, specifically a pocky stick.
as you're clearly in your own world, he finds himself disturbed by the way you eat your pocky, breaking the sticks into halves until it was too small to be broken instead of just chewing it down like most people. it's less efficient and is quite noisy. as he's navigating his initial distaste, a new thought enters his mind - if the pocky or your lips would be sweeter. the new debate sends his mind in whirl, using way to much of his brain power. he sighs and buries himself back into his arms, nose brushing the top of his desk as he's regretting the silly idea.
"oh! y/n! you're still here?"
both you and nagi dart your head at the familiar voice, both confused, nagi as to why reo is calling your name and not his, and you, unsure as to who could possibly be calling your name at this time.
"oh hi reo," you smiled back, pocky still in between your teeth. "i don't think i'll make it to the train station in this heat without mentally preparing myself."
"well, good thing you don't have to play soccer in this weather like this one," reo grins and he slams his arm around his best friend's shoulder. "are you ready my treasure?"
"still a wild concept" you snorted, and nagi doesn't miss snap that pocky makes when you bite into it again. "i can't believe you're still playing."
sure, nagi was talented, but he lacked drive, passion and any form of motivation. you question if he even finds it enjoyable, but at the same time, did any thing really give him joy?
the direct eye contact you make with him is brief. he sees the soft glint in your eyes, playful and inviting. he isn't someone who feels overwhelmed normally, but right now his chest slightly tightening at the locked gaze is definitely making him feel something. he can feel his own eyes reacting to yours, dilating at your amusement. before you can react, you're both quickly interrupted.
"just watch us!" reo grins with his other hand pumping into the air, cheeks squeezing against nagi's scrunched face. "the world cup is going to be ours!
reo has always been so head strong and as much it has always been something that you admired about, even if others though he was being absolutely ridiculous, it only confuses you more as to why he picked nagi.
you only chuckle as you break another pocky, making nagi wiggle his nose in confused irritation. why did it bother him so much? was it the way you basically caught the piece with only your tongue? maybe it was the way your lips pursed so neatly around it? or was it just the cracking sound it made?
"yea yea," you nonchalantly add, "looking forward to my all expense paid trip to the future world cup!"
and as you wave the pocky in their faces with the biggest brightest smile on your face, nagi swears he sees the same light that shines on his little cactus choki every morning. he can't help but stare.
but his lingering eyes go unnoticed as reo walks towards the door, taking a quick stop by your desk. he fishes for a few pocky sticks, thanking you for the preworkout treat.
"nagi! let's go before the team gets mad, but i guess no one gets mad at the star players huh?"
he shoves his bag over his shoulder, not caring about reo's constant gnawing of the sticks, even if he was eating it the "correct way."
as he's walking past you, he's unconsciously watching your lips again, the pocky being so distracting. your eyes shift between his and the pouch of sweets in your hand. puzzled, he pauses in front of you, wordlessly questioning your intentions with a tilt of his head.
"did you want a preworkout snack too?" you ask, pulling out a stick for him. your eyes lock again, as if your orbs somehow trapped him in is place.
"sure," he's always been frank with his words. with his hands comfortably shoved in his pockets, he tilts his flexible body sideways, eyelashes fluttering right in front of yours as he bites off the half piece of pocky stick right from your fingers. your ears ring with only the sound of your heart beat and the very clean and clear snap of the pocky.
your jaw can't help but drop a little, staring blankly as if he had just ripped the bag from your hands and threw the leftover sticks in your face. you can't tell if your in shock because of the proximity of his face or if your upset he took the best part of the pocky, leaving you with just the plain, non-chocolate coated cracker. but before you can even say anything, his back is already facing away from, meeting reo at the door.
"thanks." he doesn't fully face you, opting for a a slight look over his shoulder, only seeing the small glint in his eyes as he shifts his perfectly functioning hands onto the back of his neck. "see you later."
and as he and reo finally exit the room, all you could hear was your tiktok, unpaused and stuck on the same sound as you hide your flushed face in your fingers.
act fool, act fool, act fool.
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as reo is dragging him away, nagi cannot understand why he is still annoyed. he got the tempting snack and is nibbling it down the correct and most efficient way. he wonders if taking the stick directly from your soft lips instead of your hands would've satisfied his cravings instead.
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losfacedevil · 1 year
That’s Dad to you // S.F.K
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a/n~ Dad thoughts have plagued me all week and then I saw a tiktok that just screamed Sammy as a dad and well here we are. Just some short silly sweet Dad Sammy thoughts. 
Giggles erupted from the little girl as she took off running, her destination the side of the couch. He padded down the hallway behind her, a smile playing on his lips as he ran his hand back through his long hair. She eyed her father from where she crouched in front of the couch, quickly popping up to her feet with her hands up - finger splayed out in jazz hand formation. 
“Sammy!” She yelled, throwing her head back in laughter as he pointed at her, his eyebrow raised. 
“That’s Dada to you.” He chuckled, making his way over to the little girl. 
“Sammy!” She jumped, bringing her full weight down onto the floor as shaking the coffee cup that sat on the table next to her. 
“Dada.” He said, taking another step closer to her. 
The little girls smile met her eyes as she scrunched up her face, turning to the pit bull that lay soundly asleep on the couch. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the pups ear before pointing a finger in her direction. 
“Rosie.” She cooed, eyes meeting Sam’s as he sat on the floor in front of her, long legs bunched up as he tried to fit between the couch and coffee table. 
“Yes that’s Rosie.” He confirmed, giving the dog a pat on the head before turning his attention back to his daughter. 
She bent at the waist, one hand on her stomach as the other landed on Sam’s nose causing him to cross his eyes at her. 
“Sam-my!” She called out, more giggles erupting from her. He shook his head, reaching out to squish her face between his large hands. 
“Dad-dy! It’s not funny, Sis.” He protested, chuckling as he pushed on her little cheeks gently. 
“Fishy!” She giggled, observing how her lips were sticking out. 
You came around the corner wondering what all the commotion was about, eyes landing on your little family as they say squished between furniture on the living room floor. 
“What are you doing to Daddy, Sis?” You called, taking a step closer as he pulled the little girl into his lap. 
“Sammy!” She beamed, mimicking his earlier movements by pressing on his cheeks. 
“Uh oh.” You chuckled, perching yourself on the arm of the couch as you watched your daughter tug on the ends of Sam’s hair. 
“You’re not allowed to call me Sammy anymore, strictly Dada.” He chuckled, blowing a raspberry in his daughters direction as strands of hair stuck to his lips. 
“I called you that once! It’s not my fault she took it and ran.” You protested, laying across the couch so you were eye level with your little girl. 
“Dada.” You giggled pointing towards Sam as you ruffled your little girls hair. She gathered small fists full of Sam’s hair, holding it at the sides of his head as giggles spilled from her. 
“Piggies daddy!” She exclaimed, shaking her head from side to side. He chuckled, sprinkling soft pecks all over her cheeks.
“Dada doesn’t want piggies right now, Sis.” She pushed her little bottom lip out in a pout, dropping his hair as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
You reached over, smoothing your hand over her hair as she pouted. She tipped her head down, glaring at Sam through her lashes - thinking it made her seem intimidating. Sam chuckled, dancing his fingers over her torso, tickling the giggles right out of her. 
“Maybe later, okay?” She shook her head, resting her knees against his thighs so she was eye level with him. 
“Sammyyyy!” She screamed. Sam groaned, laying back on the floor all while holding his daughter up at arms length. Reaching over he plopped her belly first down on the couch. 
“She is one thousand percent your daughter. She pulls the same things you pull on your brothers.” You giggled, pulling yourself into a seated position. Your little girl crawled over into your lap, curling up into a ball and she looked up at you with her big brown puppy eyes. 
“I’m hungry, Mama.” Her little voice sounded strained, she knew she had both of you wrapped around her finger. You nudged Sam’s shoulder with your foot, shaking him out of his thoughts. 
“It’s your turn to make lunch, Dada.” You said nodding in the direction of the kitchen. 
Sam groaned as he pulled himself into a sitting position before standing to his full height. He stretched his body out after being cramped for so long before making his way to the kitchen to being preparing lunch.
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sol-consort · 4 months
Repost of an ask I accidentally deleted.
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Pov: You're a turian discovering this new sapient species broadcasting their whole location to the galaxy very loudly and decide to go down to investigate the humans.
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Humans are like a rubber ball, which is what the first contact war proved. The harder you throw them, the harder they bounce back, and the next thing you know, all of your loyal turian population are sending creepy fanmail letters to the cute human news reporters.
The fact that we express joy by showing our teeth probably is something that never sat well with the turians ever, huh?
Also POV: you're the Councillors meeting the human team sent to you trying to convince you on why they should have an embassy right next door and please let them in the citidal please please please please please please-
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We Don't bite .Often. We are silly little guys let us in come on. We have been STARVED for any galactic connections. Please we were this close to blowing each other up with nuclear weapons.
Ignore that last bit. Hahaha. Ha. So let us in! Friends! We are friends, let's be friends now. Tell us how you guys reproduce and what you eat. We have cats! We have chocolate, and we have produced more porn than a single human can consume in their lifetime! We have everything you need so let us join the partyyyy.
We've brought beer :) You don't have that, right? Let us in, and we will give you all the food we've made.
Humans annoying their way into getting an embassy so soon is very hilarious.
Because you know damn well that our politicians played the first contact war card and guilt tripped the council into letting us sit on the big kids' table after the turian bullied us to hell and back. We brought the waterworks and pretended they really hurt our feelings just to get the shiny human embassy office.
It didn't matter that they threw us in some random office next to the elcor and the embassies food court. You know damn well none of the humans stayed on the office and they're constantly annoying their neighbour embassies or the citidal tower instead.
Hell, we even stooped so low to accept being called the council's new favourite pet race just so we can get all the benefits and jumpstart our integration into the galaxy.
Constantly asking questions. Constantly touching things. Constantly asking to eat this and drink that without regards to if it will kill us or not.
That's how they found out humans had the most diverse genetics btw, before they could get any tests done on the humans with viable results, they found the said humans eating everything they come across and updating a google docs sheet of things they tried that haven't killed them yet.
The doc is shared between all the humans on the Citidal, and everyone adds their updates. Some even tried inedible stuff just to see, because what if space plastic is different than our plastic? Sure, they ended up in emergency care, but it was so worth it.
The humans are very impatient, and the other races quickly learned. They want something done, and they want to do it now, and they want to get the gratification immediately! They make the salarians look like monks despite their short life spans
In the span of a year, earth humans were sending in job applications to different colonies and planets, ones they haven't even visited yet.
By the span of 5 years, humans successfully spread through the galaxy and you always find one nearby. It's harder not to spot a human than it is to spot them.
How do you find out if the person wearing this armour is an asari or a human? Simple, just wait.
The human will announce it themselves by doing some dumb shit like twirling the loaded gun in their hand to do a really sick trick they saw on the human social media app, tiktok.
Udina was a little shit, yes, but you know that man was knocking on the councillors' doors every day at 3am. to show them his powerpoint presentation on why humans deserve a seat on the council.
Humans fit wherever you put them. They eat everything, they can handle most temperatures. they only need oxygen and some sleep, and they're good to go!
It's hard for the aliens to predict just what type of human any given one of us they meet could be.
There's just too many to keep track of. The most rude person and the nicest person a turian have met are both humans.
They want to see the stars, they want to take pictures, they want to stare at pretty sunsets on different planets and they want to speak to aliens, hug them and learn more about them
They're burning bright like a star, wanting so much all the time. It's intimidating to the other races how hungry humans are for information and connection that they come across as a bully. Their friendly nature gets misunderstood and their kind gestures gets questioned for ulterior motives.
Because humans love helping, it's in our genetic code as a tribal species. We love feeling useful for the tribe and fulfilling others needs. We love giving someone a sip of our drink, opening the door for someone else, picking up a stray empty can and throwing it in the trash.
Going on useful fetch missions just to see someone else smile, hearing a stranger vent because we have been there, smiling at people we make eye contact with, giving compliments and laughing at jokes we overheard from strangers.
We are social, be it online or offline. We love others, we love loving others and we want others to love us back. Each human is so different yet so similar, some of us will feel more at home with the aliens than with other humans while others might not even stomach leaving earth
We are also...kinda of feral in a way? We don't notice it because we're surrounded by humans.
But if you look closely, so many of our traits are animalistic and could be perceived as scary by an alien that had thousands of years to evolve past them. Our hardware is still relatively new, and an update won't come for a long time.
The hugging. the yelling, the dancing, playing tag. games of chase. We evolved from predetors, our eyes are trained to follow a single target precisely.
Rough playing with your friends, enjoying throwing objects and catching it like a ball, enjoying tearing through food with our teeth. Hell we look like predators, we act like ones too.
We're not like worker bees, like turians who always give their all to everything they do.
No, we preserve energy, then lunge at our target the second it's gaurd falls down. A persistent predator that wears you down rather than overpowering you like a krogan
Btw, Korgans evolved from prey because of where their eyes are placed. Only predetors have forward facing eyes to focus on a single thing, the wider one's vision is the more likely they used to be a prey animal.
Side note, but Krogans would probably taste kinda good bc of that, predators' meat evolves to be shrivled and bitter. While Krogans have a literal hump full of food nutrition! Turians would taste bad unless chicken in that case... CHICKEN.
So do you think Hanar and Drell find it adorable that we used to be aquatic?
Anyway so-
In a single decade, humanity successfully integrated fully into the galaxy and joined the Andromeda project to explore the new one. We're like the opposite of hanar. So many other races achieved less than half of what we did in ten times the amount of years
Because we need social contact, it's vital for our survival as much as the sun is. It's our drive for exploring and hoping for aliens, for some other race out there we could befriend and learn about.
New things give us such a rush of dopamine and we're constantly chasing it with stars in our eyes.
In a way, the aliens probably felt the most special after meeting the humans. To have a race so interested in you and learning about you and appreciating your culture. To have thousands if not millions of humans ready to dedicate their lives to documenting you just because you happened to be the prettiest race in their eyes.
Like I'd gladly throw my life away to study the Drell.
And we things other races don't! We party harder funny enough.
A turian mentions it in ME2. How most alcoholic beverages everyone uses today, was invented by humans. How it seems like humans found out every intoxication there is and let it spread like wildfire to others. Out endless libraries of music, the videogames we've made, the art, the instruments we play.
And a Salarian mentions how human food is their favourite. Don't the Hanar also like our sushi? funny enough.
We're infectious. Easily accept anyone and everyone into our groups if we happened to click with them, we even befriended the animals on our planets enough to care for them like our own children.
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veryace-ficrecs · 11 months
Ted Lasso fic recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Wings Wouldn't Help You Down by ViolentlyRed - Rated G
He thought the most awkward thing he'd have to endure was a rigid Roy Kent embrace in the Man City locker room months ago. He was wrong. And he’s getting better at admitting when he’s wrong, so. Turning up on Coach's doorstep at two thirty in the morning was infinitely, infinitely more awkward. Or, Jamie's hurt and not about to say much about it, and Ted's a good coach.
Reset With the Sunset by fandomfrolics - Rated G
Sam tries to figure out how to navigate his first Ramadan in the English Premier League. Set in S1.
Mull River Shuffle by bibliothekara - Rated G
Ted falls in the Thames; Beard, Rebecca, and Sam to the rescue.
The First Rule of Fight Club is No Fight Club by Lolapola - Rated T
A few days after relegation, an angry investor pays a visit to the Richmond AFC locker room, and he has his sights set on Ted Lasso. Fortunately, Roy Kent has been well and truly won over by now, and - yeah. He's not about to stand for this.
Diary by TwoAces - Rated G
It’s not a diary, really. At least, not in the traditional sense. It’s supposed to be an appointment book—a gift from Keeley, so she’s not having to text him reminders all the time. He’s promised to use it, and is surprised that it’s actually mad convenient to help remember events, so he starts using it for other things, too.
that mask will never look the same by tensecond_memory - Rated T
“Right. Okay. Is that… it?” “No, actually,” she says after a beat in which she fights back another wave of that mysterious Guilty Face, “there’s one more discussion on the agenda courtesy of one Coach Ted Lasso,” her voice is quieter now, and suddenly something shifts in the air and it feels like she’s the one who’s turned back into a scolded child. Jamie stares at her. “There are some… specifics regarding the… premature termination of your loan last season that Ted, rightfully, believes you deserve to be informed of, now that we’re all more aware of how the decision impacted your well-being,” OR Jamie isn't the only one who owes some apologies.
Little Kitmen Have Big Ears by andrealyn - Rated T
Most people don't really notice when Will's in the room, which leads to him hearing some very unique conversations. Every now and again, though, he's seen and it makes all the difference.
we're not in kansas anymore (we're now in missouri) by ceterum - Rated G
Shortly after the devastating loss on final matchday, the West London’s Finest are back in action. After a compilation of their… innovative plays goes viral, they are invited to play a friendly against Ted Lasso’s home state’s MLS club. AFC Richmond’s pre-season one(-and-a-half)-stop American tour, as observed by Trent Crimm, The Independent.
Adding Steel To The Team by BrittaTheBest - Rated T
“I feel… really weird, Roy.” “Yeah, I’m not surprised. Listen, I think you should lie down, yeah?” - Quick little fic. Ted is stabbed outside Richmond the night before a match. Mostly Roy-centric, but also feat. the rest of the club
Journalism Continues To Be The Villain That Moves The Plot Forward For This Show by MagpieWords - Rated T
When the press finds out Ted uses an unknown intramuscular substance, speculation runs wild while our favorite coach avoids dealing with his feelings. alternate titles lovingly include : "lost in the sauce" and "a saucy misunderstanding"
The Official AFC Richmond TikTok by mariip - Rated T
Keeley isn't there to manage their socials anymore, so when Jamie and Sam ask to make a TikTok for the club, everyone decides it will be a good idea. (Or, completely self-indulgent AFC Richmond silliness)
Make them Gold by mariip - Rated T
Roy realizes he has no idea when Jamie's birthday is, and when he realizes it's only a week away, the only solution is obviously cake in the dressing room after training. Or, the himbos manage to pull off a surprise party.
every boy wants to be like his father by themightyduck - Rated G
"It turned out all right in the end, though," Jamie says quietly, ears burning red. "Oh yeah?" Ted asks. "How's that?" Jamie gestures at the pizza and the beer and the TV. "Watching a game with me old man, ain't I?"
did i really say that? by believeinbelieve - Rated G
For the first time in history - AFC Richmond have won the premier league trophy. It was a tie game until Colin scored a historic goal in injury time. Everything was going perfect for him — until the press conference. The game went to his head and next thing he knew everyone was telling him about how brave and inspiring he was — but he had no clue why. or ~~~ Colin accidentally comes out after a major victory.
stand a little stronger as I walk a little taller all the time by inlovewithnight - Not Rated
Post season 2, Jamie does a PSA for the National Council on Domestic Violence. He does not expect anyone to notice this. He is not aware that he's surrounded by people who notice everything.
The Art of Seduction by jumpfall - Rated G
"Is Coach cheating on us with another football team?" Sam asks. "Worse," Roy says. "An American football team."
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deadboyfriendd · 2 years
I have this silly little time traveler!reader AU in my brain and I think that Eddie could not handle it. For reference, TT!Reader is from our time and got shot back to the 80s unexpectedly. This is also assuming that the whole time paradox thing and serious implications of time travel don’t apply here.
Eddie tries so so hard to teach her how to drive stick. He’s also mean about it and you and Eddie end up wanting to strangle each other after you stall his van for a third time.
I’m sorry but I was born in the era where VHS tapes were being phased out and I had more DVDs than VHS’s. I can imagine Eddie handing you one and telling you to rewind it and getting absolutely flabbergasted when you look at it confusedly.
He is equally as confused when he asks you about your Walkman and you just hold up your lil iPhone with your AirPods in. He thinks you came straight out of an episode of The Jetsons and cannot fathom how Bluetooth works. You then have to explain to him that you can also use the internet and it sparks a whole conversation about the societal impact of social media and you basically have to do an in-depth thesis about modern life to him. (I’m also aware that there’s no cell towers yet so nothing would probably work but he’d be like a baby with an iPad. Just so intrigued that it can scan your face and that you can TOUCH GLASS AND MANIPULATE IT LIKE WITCHCRAFT)
Sorry but I don’t think anyone from Gen Z would be all that phased by anything happening in the upside down. We’ve lived through several major historical events in our lifetime and an alternate dimension isn’t even that scary.
What would be scary, however, is his reaction when you explain the state of the world today and “HOW can people just leave their kids unattended to run amuck around town with no means of communication?”
Arguing with Eddie about metal would be absolutely hilarious though. Like just getting on his nerves like, “You think Dio is hard? Wait a couple years. You get Cannibal Corpse.” And he goes absolutely nuts.
In the same turn, you would also get under his skin by arguing which album is better. “The Master of Puppets album is the best album yet” he would say, to which you reply, “I don’t know… Garage Inc. was a pretty solid one” and he would stomp and do his shimmy and throw his tantrum because “IT DOESN'T COUNT IF IT'S NOT OUT YET.”
Arguing with Eddie about what music to play and he calls your music stupid and just tearing him apart by calling Metallica “divorced dad rock”.
Constantly having to remind him that you’re not from that far into the future and his belongings are not ancient relics and you’re not entirely clueless about life in the 80s. He’s genuinely surprised you understand his music and pop culture references.
Dropping cryptic little tidbits just to freak him out, like watching something devastating on the news channel and going, “hm. Bradbury was right.” And going about your day while him and Wayne look at each other in the most terrified way possible.
Being CONSTANTLY bombarded with questions from the entire group. You feel like a human history book most of the time. Eddie almost has to drag Dustin away from you. “Yes DnD is still a thing. They have a classroom curriculum for it now.” “Yes I’ve heard of LOTR. There’s movies now.” “All of the drugs Ozzy did are catching up to him now.” “If you think an Atari is cool just wait until you see an oculus”
No one understand a singular vine or tiktok reference ever. “What do you mean they were roommates?” “Wait you took HOW MUCH Adderall?”
I 100% have a lot more to this and maladaptive daydream to this scenario constantly. If this does well I’ll probably write more about it.
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