#ar game design
mobiloitteindia · 1 year
Arcade games distinguish from the competition due to their straightforward and intuitive user interface. These games typically offer a leaderboard of high scores and a list of the best players to inspire all players.
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mobiloitteusa · 2 years
 Games Development Company
Mobiloitte is a leading games development company that offers a wide range of services to its clients. From strategy and development to marketing and distribution, Mobiloitte has the experience and expertise to help you succeed in the highly competitive games industry. With a team of experienced developers, Mobiloitte can create custom games that are specifically tailored to your target audience.
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Hey! I love your art ^^
Been meaning to ask, is there a reason for the slight "redesign" for game Vanessa? Or did she just feel like putting lipstick on after becoming Vanny?
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The slight redesign was to differ her more from movie Vanessa
Similar to how Mike and Michael look pretty different, I wanted a similar thing for Vanessa and Vanny, she’s more or less the same but easier to immediately tell the difference
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arenavadodara · 2 years
Learn game development on the award-winning unreal engine used by game professionals & studios worldwide to create world’s top games.
In this program, you will learn the fundamentals of game development using the unreal engine which will enable you to build an entire demo game from scratch.
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rinisdrawing · 11 months
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falling down the rabbit hole
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sol-thorne · 9 months
Sometime ago Jay Herrans mentioned that Epic would make a great animated show and my brain fried.
Presenting Epic: the animated God Games, or at least how it looks like in my head and with my designs.
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Open them to see the crispy good quality.
Will probably draw more because I need to draw Hermes being chaotic and bouncing and Poseidon being downright terrifying.
Update: there IS more now!
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odysseusdraws · 18 days
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Greek Myth inspired comic concept
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dream--interrupted · 3 months
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Siblings being dumb.
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appolinyou · 2 months
Ares with wings of night
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In the idea, everything was drawn much better, but I didn’t have enough skill for it (and a stylus, it’s inconvenient to draw with a finger)
My headcanon is that Ares has wings, the legacy of wing genetics was passed on to him from his father Zeus, and originates from the chthonic nature, that is, the more ancient creatures of the underworld.
The gods endure all wounds and illnesses in the same painful and symptomatic manner as people, only they cannot end their suffering in the arms of death, so it is logical that many of the immortals try Avoid pain. Except for Ares. in the heat of battle, he fights on equal terms with people in terms of suffering, so in the respites, like everyone else, there is minimal quick dressing of wounds.(Wings are hidden from view.by the way, these are the wings of the Crow))
Aaand, I have a request - I'm tired of the background, it seems to me unsuccessful, so if you want to decorate it in your own way, write to me in private messages
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chaterbox1237 · 2 months
How tf have I ricocheted into two Greek mythology fandoms that have no business being this good while still unfinished that I have also joined in the most convenient time plausible.
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arcadebroke · 1 year
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mobiloitteindia · 1 year
Arcade games distinguish from the competition due to their straightforward and intuitive user interface. These games typically offer a leaderboard of high scores and a list of the best players to inspire all players.
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mobiloitteusa · 2 years
Game Development Services
Mobiloitte is a leading game development company that offers a wide range of services to help you create the most amazing and addictive games. We have successfully developed a number of high-quality games for different platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and the web. We understand the intricacies of game development and can help you create a truly unique and engaging gaming experience for your players.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Nobody: Person with Blue Eyes:
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The Ultimate Character Design Tournament
Please remember to vote for characters solely based on design!
Tsunami | Wings of Fire
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Ares | Hades
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Hades has a very specific take on all the gods, and Ares design just blows me away. It's so different than the classic Percy Jackson version of the character I think we're all accustomed to on Tumblr. The design is different, his character is different, but he's still unmistakably Ares. 10/10 design. G freaking G supergiant.
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stainlesssteellocust · 10 months
I know the aesthetic is "everyone is filthy and bleeding and the worlds are all polluted and rotting and everything is awful all the time" but considering one of the Ruinous Powers is literally the god of filth and disease, it would make sense for the Imperium to have a culture of purity and cleanliness actually
"To despoil the Emperor-given body of humanity is heresy of the gravest order! You wash your face young lady or the pox-father will strike you down with zits before the Sanguinalia dance!"
People on ships probably have ritual cleansing periods based on the Terran day-night cycle, Ultramar has Roman-style public baths where the Ultramarines hang out
Of course since this is 40k they're going to be absolutely unhinged about it
Commisars shooting soldiers because they're not keeping clean enough when there's mud and blood and death everywhere and they've been fighting orks for the last solid day
Men dying of thirst so the general can have his twice-daily bubble bath to show his piety
The Sisters Hospitaller do canonically daube their armour in 'protective' incenses and ointments, either for genuine protective reasons, weirdass Imperial superstitions or maybe just so they can smell pretty while they're stalking through crowded wards saving lives or torturing injured heretics before executing them with bolt pistols I don't know (her ass has NOT agreed to medical neutrality!)
so I like to think that, like we say "sing yay many verses of this song while washing your hands to make sure you've done it long enough" they're doing the same with Imperial hymns
(not sure about the Militarum's doctors since they sometimes lean into "ghastly WW1 field hospital" vibes, but the SH's actually study new things and have access to medical texts and research mutation and xenobiology so I think they have a grasp of medical sanitation and PPE, most Astartes probs do too)
Picture a Astra Militarum doctor, Sister Hospitaller and Spess Mehreen Apothecary all stood by hand-sinks singing as they wash their hands:
Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, Nor go the way of sinners, nor sit in company with heretics. Rather, the law of the Imperium is their joy;    the Emperor’s law they study day and night. They are like a tree planted near streams of water that yields its fruit in season...
Some Astartes or Battle-Sisters do the whole "fight gloriously for days without rest against impossible odds until relief comes" thing that happens every week or so like clockwork and realistically come out the other side absolutely filthy and rancid, so they flagellate themselves half to death for failing to meet the ritual bathing criterias needed to maintain their divinely-granted human forms because they're terrifying religious fanatics
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