#archery rpf
wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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meissashush · 8 months
For Ro, my beloved:
2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 25
I'm not going to answer 8, 22, or 25, because Awlwren also asked those and if I answer them here, she only gets one answer haha.
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Starting off strong with a question I have no idea how to answer. I mean, there are a lot of things, honestly. It's not exactly common knowledge that the Marshal has a daughter, let alone a Nif daughter. It's not unusual for even people who interact with her on a daily basis to have no idea until someone else brings it up, since she never does. Not that anyone would believe her if she did tell them. "I'm the Marshal's adopted daughter" just sounds like a weird RPF you'd find online.
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Rosea is pretty similar to how she started, the main thing that has changed is how the other characters view her. When I started playing around with her story, I did it through her eyes alone, without considering how the other characters saw her beyond her own perspective. Once I started actually contemplating the other side of some of those conversations, it became readily apparent that she is NOT a reliable narrator, which in many ways has improved her as a character too.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
"Come on, you hermit / You never fight back / Why don't you play with bows and arrows? / Why don't you dance like you're sick in your mind? / Why don't you set your wings on fire?" - Cocoa Hooves, Glass Animals
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Dual wielded daggers. Nyx tried to get her to go for guns, magic, archery, fuck he'd have even settled for a lance if it meant she gave her targets more space, but the fact of the matter is her tiny, fast build and proficiency in Warp makes it her ideal weapon. Also he has absolutely no room to talk.
She's used them plenty since joining the Kingsglaive, but prior to that she only had experience with pistols, courtesy of Cor's paranoia.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
In The Depths Of A Memory
by eleatsnoodles, Litionpm
"He slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out the vibrant piece of glass. With sorrow, he gripped onto it tightly and shed a small tear out of his left eye. He felt it cripple down his cheek before it lost grip on his skin and fell somewhere on his baggy sleeve. He hasn't cried in years, why now?"
Abandoned at a young age, Wilbur and Tommy got along just fine as Wilbur took care of him. However one day Wilbur discovers something his younger brother has been hiding. This results in a heated argument splitting the brothers into two. Both being on opposite sides of war, they have their own lives-but they seem to never forget each other. Soon Wilbur plots something big that would change things forever as Tommy goes through new conflict in his life.
or: a miscommunication Crimeboys fic with a lot of angst but its okay cause there's a happy ending.
Words: 2946, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Phil Watson | Philza, Niki | Nihachu
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Henry the Cow (Dream SMP) & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & Wilbur Soot
Additional Tags: Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Angst, Crimeboys - Freeform, tommy has a garden, wilbur writes in a journal, crimeboys angst, not much fluff, tubbo is funny, phils kind of a shit dad, Tallerduo, even more crimeboys, clingyduo, quirkyduo, Miscommunication, Agony, Pain, Sadness, we want you to cry tbh, /lh, Guilt, argument, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, two writers, Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Avian TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phantom Wilbur Soot, Enderman Hybrid Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Bee Hybrid Toby Smith | Tubbo, tommyinnit and wilbur soot are not okay, They both need a Hug, Hurt Wilbur Soot, Hurt TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Archery, our first fic, Please be nice
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40660296
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cactusspatz · 3 years
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On the eleventh day of Recsmas, my reccer gave to me:
Eleven weird crossovers
Ten twisty timefucks
Nine works a-dancing
Eight transformations
Seven warring pranksters
Six zingy banters
Five P W Ps!
Four first meetings
Three great puns
Two OT3s
And a classic of fake dating!
I adore crossovers. Almost 10% of my bookmarks are crossovers, which is a crazy number even when you account for fusions. But there are some crossovers that make sense, right? Like, Supernatural/any law enforcement based canon, or Temeraire/anything set in the Napoleonic Wars, or any two WWII canons, or Leverage/anything where there’s evil capitalists to be taken down (i.e. everything). And then there are the WEIRD crossovers, where you read the fandoms and just stop and squint for a moment in bafflement -- and then the author takes you for a wild, wonderful ride.
Everyone please take a moment to appreciate how hard it was for me to just pick eleven of these, and then enjoy your reading!
When Hellmouths Collide by LTLJ & researchgrrl (Buffy/Hercules: The Legendary Journeys) - yes you read those fandoms right, and it is SO FUN. The Scooby Gang gets sucked into the HTLJ world and team up with Hercules, Iolaus, Xena, Gabrielle, & company to foil an evil plot. All the campy but emotionally affecting monster-fighting your heart could ever desire! Chaos gods, Bacchae, and Autolycus, oh my!
Love Is All You Need To Destroy Your Enemies by shadydave (Welcome to Night Vale/Dresden Files) - the AUDACITY of this fic, to not only make Carlos the Scientist and Carlos Ramirez, wizard of the White Council into the same person, but then weave an intricate time travel storyline - and a romance and a whole fabulous team of scientist OCs and Carlos learning science despite being magically inimical to technology - into the first 50-odd episodes of WTNV! And sustain that over 220K words! I have re-read it multiple times and I love it dearly.
Mission: Dinosaur Adventures by pollyrepeat (The Losers/Jurassic Park) - when Lex calls in a favor with her hacker friend Jensen to rescue her dumbass younger brother, the Losers get to fight DINOSAURS!!! Hilarious confection of a crossover.
No Reservations: Narnia by Edonohana (Narnia/Anthony Bourdain RPF) - pitch-perfect imitation of Bourdain’s prose as he explores local food, except this time he’s in Narnia. (ever wonder what Marshwiggle cuisine was like? you’ll find out!) Completely bizzare but brilliantly executed.
The Boy Who Spoke With Ghosts by AvocadoLove (Inception/The Sixth Sense) - in which Cole Sear grows up to be Arthur. The way this story integrates the ghosts into PASIV dreaming and Arthur’s unflappable demeanor is so cool, on top of a tense plot involving Mal, enemies from the past, and Eames’s ghosts.
Lions and Tigers by Starlingthefool (Inception/Calvin & Hobbes) - in which Calvin grows up to be Eames, and Hobbes is still running around in his subconscious (and Arthur is very confused by the talking tiger). Sweet and funny.
Relatives and Relativity by Yahtzee (Doctor Who/Sense & Sensibility) - the Dashwood sisters meet the Ninth Doctor immediately after the Time War. Gorgeous, full of plot and wonder.
Rock Happy by @primarybufferpanel (SGA/Generation Kill) - okay this one’s not super weird as far as crossovers - both have Marines! that’s a natural fit! (I’m grading on a curve, shhh) - but Brad’s culture shock going to Atlantis makes it feel that way. The worldbuilding is spectacular, and it’s so satisfying to see Brad settle into a team that pushes his boundaries and gives him a worthy fight.
Turn, Archer, and Heed the Wild Hunt by Mhalachai (Narnia/MCU) - in which Clint Barton’s new foster mother is Susan Pevensie. Deeply kind to her grief and his trauma, and of course she teaches him archery. *heartclutch*
One Thing by Sineala (The Eagle/Vorkosigan Saga) - I really can’t beat the summary: The only thing worse than being the son of the Butcher of Komarr is being the son of his political officer. If you know the canons, you’ll immediately understand how Marcus fits into this fusion without me saying more. Stunning in its simplicity and absolutely gutting.
Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc by etothepii (Sherlock/Addams Family) - in which John Watson is an Addams cousin. One of those stories where you’re like ‘this is insane, but also would explain so much’; I love the sequel where Wednesday comes to visit 221B and struggles with growing up.
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lucky-bucky-boy · 4 years
27 and 37 with Henry Cavill? 💞
Writing this for Geralt, as requested, since I don't write RPF anymore
Warnings: implied smut, drinking, inyuasha esque dynamic
The warmth from the overflowing mugs of mead settled deep, the lingering bitter taste present and fogging up any rational thought. The liquid courage throwing inhibitions to the wind, wild and untamed thoughts riding through in vivid imaginary scenes.
He was your mentor of sorts, unwillingly at first but a great teacher nonetheless. It took him ages to admit it, but the two of you were an amazing team. His hand to hand combat combined with your archery and healing skills, the two of you were able to dance a beautiful ballet together. As you had joined him, jobs were over quicker and your charm allowed you to bring in more money, and your company kept him a little less... brooding, if possible.
The two of you had completed a job early in the evening, deciding to stay in town for the night to celebrate at a local inn and get some rest. It wasnt rare for the two of you to share a bed, any way to save a few extra coins, and besides the extra warmth was always welcomed.
But tonight, tonight posed some uncharted waters. The constant push and pulled, an undeniable attraction and spark that seemed to be beyond electric. Settled in bed, nestled against one another, his broad chest pressed to the slightly exposed skin of your back and you couldn't help but wiggle back some in an attempt to bury yourself further into him.
A grunt past his lips, not unusual for him, but the words that followed sent a delicious tingle up your spine, "See what happens if you rub your ass on me like that again."
You couldn't help but squeak at first, caught off guard by the directness of the statement. Suddenly too aware of his breath warming the back of your neck, sending a wake of goosebumps, the tickle of the hair on his thigh against yours as you begin to question sleeping in your undergarments, despite it being normal at this point.
A unexpected wave of courage ran through you and you couldn't help but wiggle yourself against him, very obviously on purpose. Geralt groaned, hand fisting in your hair and tugging softly. "You're pushing your limits, (Y/N)."
The pleased smile that spread across your lips nearly made him lose all resolve, a sinking feeling as he watched you smirk, eyes fluttering open to look at him from your craned position. "Oh? Is that all you got? I know you can go harder than that."
"(Y/N), you don't know what you're asking for." His voice was heavy and stern.
"Try me."
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ji-hyeon · 2 years
Arc 1 Chapter 1: Let's Begin
A/N: In my defense, I was given inspiration and then left unsupervised. Hope you enjoy, it's my first time writing a RPF, a Y/N fanfic, and using SM stuff to enhance a story.
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A young boy turned a sharp corner, running from a group of older boys chasing him across the rooftop. Kim Sang-Hoon did not know what he did to earn the ire of the group of older boys. All he did was try his best in school and study hard. He was rewarded with the first place rank, and apparently he pushed out some young [chaebol]( "Korean term for a large family owned business conglomerate") from the first rank.
Apparently when he said that he just studied smarter than harder, it was not welcomed by the chaebol or his friends. It ended up with his things being stolen or missing, people tripping him in the corridors, and being locked in the shed after he put away the archery targets.
Sang-Hoon was glad for all the years that he spent chasing after Zitao-[gēge]( "Chinese for older brother") and Haneul-[noona]( "Korean, masculine title for older sister"). He rounded the corner and suddenly was feeling very stupid for not getting off the rooftop when he saw the end of the end rails for the roof. "Nowhere to run now, punk."
"See, you keep calling me a punk," Sang-Hoon said with a smirk. "But I'm pretty sure you don't know the meaning of calling me a punk. See a punk is a insult for someone who is beneath you. Seeing as my tuition was paid by a scholarship that I earned instead of daddy's money and I ranked first for the annual school ranking, that would make me above you idiots."
The group of guys did not appreciate Sang-Hoon's words anymore than they appreciated his words after the rankings were posted. They cornered him. His martial arts was not as strong as Zitao-gēge, he was great at archery. His hand-to-hand was horrible.
One of the guys pushed him down as the others started to stomp on him. Sang-Hoon soon lost consciousness and lay motionless as the boys did not bother to stop. It was not until a voice called out to them.
"Who's there?"
"It's the Discipline Committee. Run!" They ran off leaving Sang-Hoon bleeding and unconscious on the floor. A taller boy wearing the school uniform with yellow band on his left arm. There was a name tag on his uniform that read 'Kim Jun-Myeon'.
"Who-?" His eyes widen as the flashlight fell from his hands. He pulled out a walkie-talkie from his belt. "11-41! I have an unconscious student on the rooftop. Call an ambulance!"
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A well-dressed man offered the team of doctors and nurses in front of him a charming smile as they started to sign the non-disclosure agreements. It states that in exchange for ₩10 million they would falsify the reports on Kim Sang-Hoon as a suicide attempt.
He had already secured the security personnel of the Academy as well as the detectives who were handling the case. His contact that Deokhye Courant was already running the story as a puff piece stating the nonsense of "our hearts and minds goes out to the young boy and his family". In his experience taking control over the story narrative, was key in making scandals like this disappear.
The man secured the papers and slipped out of the conference room. He had to meet Assistant Lee on the sixth floor. Ironically, it was the same floor that Kim Sang-Hoon was on and he knew this as he passed Chae Hee-Young on his way to the hospital room.
"It took you forever to get here, Yoon Gan-Dae," Assistant Lee said. Yoon Gan-Dae shoved the papers into Lee Mal-Chin's hands before hearing his phone beep. He pulled out his phone and stared at the notification on the screen.
Gan-Dae smirked. "The Courant is already running the story. I'll inform the Director now if you have everything ready."
Mal-Chin waved Gan-Dae away. "It'll be smooth sailing from here."
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"My son would not attempt suicide! You will amend your report immediately!"
Screams could be heard all over Pearl River Hospital. Chae Hee-Young refused to believe that her baby would even think of committing suicide. Not after his older stepbrother, Zitao had committed suicide three years ago, Sang-Hoon promised her he wouldn't leave her like that.
Her hands shook as the doctors offered their empty words, her baby lay in front of her motionless and hooked up to several machines. He looked so much smaller than he was, Hee-Young's eyes watered. Her baby was hurting and he never said a word to her about it.
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Kim Dae-Hoon felt his eye twitch before he slapped a hand over it. Hee-Young [jesu-ssi]( "Korean for sister-in-law. wife of his younger brother") loved to joke and prank with him as they were siblings, and Dae-Hoon felt like he should give the young widower and mother to his little brother's legacy the type of family that could joke around with each other. But he was much, MUCH younger than that evil old hag. At least by twenty years! If not thirty!
Dae-Hoon sighed as he brought both hands to type at the keyboard. There was still a lot of time before the next entrance exam next year. Hee-Young and he would need to lay a lot of ground work to somehow sneak in the young [agassi]( "Korean for young lady") into the entrance exam.
He did not know how they were going to make everything work in time, as the mental list of things to do before the New Year celebration. Not to mention trying to find time in the day to keep Kim Myung-Ki's minions away from his precious nephew.
Dae-Hoon opened the list of prospective students that Deokhye Academy had their eyes on. It would be the easiest way to slip in the agassi without anyone becoming suspicious of her being at the school, let alone the county. His eyes widened at a name on the list of foreign prospects.
Y/N Davidson - 4 Junior Olympic Medalist for Equestrian, granddaughter of opera donna Josephine Burns and Master Chief Petty Officer Macro Davidson
"Oh, when did Chae Hee-Young think of it to put agassi in the prospective list? That, that solves so many potential problems!" Dae-Hoon said with a cheer. When a potential student on the prospective list applies to Deokhye Academy it means that someone had scouted for and ran a background on the student, cutting down on the interview process. It also meant that their position is not measured by the top thirty percent acceptance rate of the entrance exam.
Dae-Hoon relaxed in his chair. "Now, jesu-ssi just needs to get agassi to accept coming back to the place where her parents and god-brother died, reclaim her spot of clan heiress, and get rid of all the rot of the clan."
There was a moment of silence before he looked up to the ceiling, "Gods above, I hope she took after her father and not her mother."
Masterlist | >>
Korean Terms Used in this Chapter 
1. chaebol - Korean term for a large family owned business conglomerate, referring to being a rich heir/heiress
2. gēge – Chinese, older brother
3. noona – Korean, masculine term for older sister
4. ajubeonim – Korean, husband’s older brother
5. ssi – Korean, title used in place of Mr./Mrs. of people on the same footing (Japanese equivalent ‘san’)
6. jesu-ssi – Korean, younger brother’s wife
7. Agassi – Korean, young lady
8. nim – Korean, title used in place of Mr./Mrs. of people of a higher footing (Japanese equivalent ‘sama’)
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ao3feed-choni · 4 years
by Sophiensstuff
Cheryl Blossom, a former child star whose biggest dream is a way out of this life that someone chose for her years ago. But of course, a dream will always be a dream.
Toni Topaz, born on the wrong side of the tracks, her only blessing was her voice, a gift she spent years selling to the highest bidder. She had it all and still wasn't enough, it will never be enough. Her addiction goes beyond fame now.
One would think these two have nothing in common, right??
Words: 3, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017), Riverdale (TV 2017) RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Sweet Pea (Riverdale), Fangs Fogarty, Josie McCoy, Reggie Mantle, Joaquin DeSantos, Malachi (Riverdale), Jason Blossom, Polly Cooper, Alice Cooper (Archie Comics), FP Jones II, Hiram Lodge, Hermione Lodge, Tom Keller (Archie Comics), Penelope Blossom, Nana Rose, Peaches 'N Cream (Riverdale), Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews/Veronica Lodge, Reggie Mantle/Josie McCoy, Fangs Fogarty/Kevin Keller, Sweet Pea (Riverdale)/Original Female Character(s), Peaches 'N Cream/Toni Topaz, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Celebrity, Social Media, Lesbian Cheryl Blossom, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Awkward Flirting, Musicians, Fame, Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Rehabilitation, Past Child Abuse, Anger Management, Developing Friendships, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Therapy, References to Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Aged-Up Character(s), Archery, Slow Burn, Falling In Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Smut, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Lesbian Sex, Cunnilingus, Semi-Public Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Sex Toys, BDSM, Toni Topaz Needs a Hug, Soft Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Jealous Cheryl Blossom, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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kazliin · 7 years
Every Pawn Can Become A Queen Snippets Part 3 of 3
I promised people that I would write the ending of the Historical Fantasy Arranged Marriage Au that came from my original fake Viktuuri fic list from the Rivals series alternate A03 so here it is! 
Original post here
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Disclaimer - this is a mock up of what one of the fics written by Viktuuri fans in the Rivals universe on the alternate AO3 might look like and therefore is a reflection of how fans see umfb!Yuuri and Viktor not as they actually are. Also again this is a quick fun piece of writing so please don’t take it seriously!
Every Pawn Can Become A Queen Snippets Part 3 of 3
Rating:  Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Figure Skating RPF
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Katsuki Mari, Phichit Chulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Georgi Popovich, Mila Babicheva, Other Character Tags To Be Added
Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe – Historical Fantasy, Alternate Universe – Royalty, Plotting, Assassination Attempts, Enemies to Lovers
Yuuri is the Prince of an Empire, second in line for the throne and renown in battle, a formidable warrior who has been fighting for almost half his life against the neighbouring Empire and their barbaric ways. But after tragedy strikes both kingdoms, an uneasy peace must be formed between the two opposing sides, a peace that must be sealed with the strongest of bonds.
Charged with keeping the peace for the sake of his people, Yuuri is forced to leave his homeland forever and marry the only son and heir of the opposing kingdom, forging an alliance with marriage to protect the empire built on the backs and blood of his family and now ruled by his beloved sister. But Yuuri knows what the marriage truly is beneath the pretty words. A life-sentence, imprisoned forever under the rule of a man he hates and has faced on the battlefield countless time.
But the political machinations of the foreign court might prove to be an even deadlier battlefield than the one he just left and he must keep the peace between the two kingdoms to save the lives of millions, whatever the cost. And what’s more, his long-time enemy and new husband is not the man he believed him to be and his position as Prince Consort holds more power than he ever expected. For the one who holds the heart of the future king is the one who can control the kingdom.
Extract from chapter 14 of 15
 Yuuri could feel the sweat dripping from his brow as he ducked yet another swing from an enemy sword, knowing every moment could be his last. The fighting was intense inside the walls of the palace and if his plan didn’t start to work soon he knew every man and woman he had brought in to fight would be lost. They were loyal and brave but they were vastly outnumbered. The numbers wouldn’t matter if the cogs he had set in motion were allowed to work while he caused the distraction but if they failed he would die and everyone who followed him would die with him.
The fighting was intense and Yuuri was right in the thick of it but even so he still saw when a flash of silver hair appeared in the distance far across the cavernous throne room filled with fighting soldiers. Viktor had entered the fray, determined to protect his home even if Yuuri wasn’t the real threat. Far from it. But Viktor didn’t know that. All he knew was that the enemy were here and they were armed and it was his duty as a prince to cut them down.
Yuuri just prayed that even with Viktor there he would still have time. Viktor was a legendary warrior and with him joining the fight the balance would tilt against them even more rapidly.
Dodging another blade he moved, determined to cut across the hall and out into the corridor where the worst of the fighting was still taking place. As he moved he saw Viktor falter, saw him turn and could sense the moment that their eyes locked from across the room, blue on brown, the air seeming to thicken all around them.
A flash of deepest betrayal shone in Viktor’s gaze and Yuuri remembered his husband’s promise when they had last seen each other, that if Yuuri were ever to step foot back in his country again Viktor would cut him down without a second thought. But Viktor made no move towards him, still gazing at him even as the chaos raged around them and Yuuri could feel the guilt claw up his throat and threaten to strangle him.
He was doing this for Viktor, for both of them and for everyone they served. And Viktor would see that, if only Yuuri could buy a few more minutes. But even as the thought crossed his mind he saw the iron walls slam down behind Viktor’s eyes, cutting off all emotion as his eyes narrowed. He raised his sword in a fighting stance and Yuuri knew that, love or no, Viktor was not intending to let him escape again.
He loved Viktor, loved him with all his heart and he knew that he couldn’t fight him. Couldn’t ever imagine harming him and couldn’t let Viktor cut him down mere minutes before Yuuri proved his innocence and finally uncovered the real traitors for all to see.
So he did the next best thing. He ran.
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The corridor was strangely dark and deserted and Yuuri could hear his own ragged breaths as he staggered down it, exhaustion clawing at his bone. It had worked, his plan had succeeded and any second now everyone in the castle would know the truth. He could go back to Viktor and they could begin to make things right between them. Deal swiftly with the traitors and restore peace to their empires.
There had been moments when he had been sure that he would fail, would die or worse, watch the deaths of those he loved. But he had determination and he had faith and finally the end was near.
There was a soft twang from behind him and Yuuri staggered forward from an unexpected impact, the force of it combined with the exhaustion nearly knocking him to his knees. There was no pain which was why Yuuri felt the shock flood through him when he looked down to see what had struck him so unexpectedly.
The wicked metal head of an arrow protruded from his left side, low down and far enough out that it could almost have missed him altogether. The tip gleamed red in the torchlight and Yuuri’s hazy mind dazedly registered that it was his blood smeared across the tip and now slowly staining his shirt like wine.
Slowly he turned around, willing his eyes to focus on the figure that was standing behind him, the figure who had shot him so inexpertly.
Gradually the shape swam into focus and Yuuri could feel his lips mouthing the familiar name. “Yuri.” he mumbled and even though there was no pain he could feel the wound begin to sap the last of his pitiful remaining strength, forcing him to sink ungracefully to his knees.
Yuri was standing at the far end of the corridor, bow still raised in his hand but with the sting hanging loose. His hands were trembling, shaking violently and for a second Yuuri’s muddled brain couldn’t begin process why. Yuri was famed for his archery skills, Yuuri had seen him put an arrow straight through a squirrel’s eye at a hundred yards. A long expanse of corridor might be separating them but he couldn’t understand how Yuri could possibly have missed him, could have shot him so inexpertly that he wasn’t already dead.
As he watched, Yuuri saw Yuri lower the bow, hands still shaking and in the torchlight he could just make out the faint tear marks that had trailed down the younger boy’s face. Yuuri had never seen Yuri cry before. Yuri had never let himself, determined to act strong as was expected of the nephew to the king and the next in line for the throne after Viktor. When they had first met, Yuri had hated him with a passion but Yuuri had tried hard to win over the boy’s favour and he had believed that Yuri had come to trust him at least, maybe even like him in his own reluctant way.
But that was all before Yuuri had been branded a traitor and sentenced to death. Before he had escaped and every soldier in the kingdom had been tasked with ensuring his death. Yuri might be young but he was no exception and he had done his duty, just as every soldier should.
Yuuri could feel the bitterness rising in his throat because he had been so close. His victory was now assured, the truth would be out and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. But it was too late for him. The arrow in his side and the pain that was suddenly beginning to make itself known and spread like a fire through his body would ensure that.
Strength suddenly left him and Yuuri could feel himself slump over, his body hitting the floor with a thud and sending another spike of pain shuddering through him. The wound was clean and far enough away from any of his vital organs that he knew it would be a slow and painful death. But he was so tired and he could already feel the blackness begin to creep in on his vision and the world began to spin around him.
Vaguely he wondered if Yuri was going to come and finish what he started but instead he heard rapid footsteps disappear down the corridor and the sound of a muffled sob echoing into the distance. But he barely had the energy left to process it and when the darkness finally came he embraced it gratefully and allowed it to drag him down into oblivion.
 Extract from chapter 15 of 15
Distantly Yuuri could hear the sounds of running footsteps, shouting voices but his tired mind was too exhausted to translate the words that they were saying. Hurriedly they grew closer, getting louder and louder with each footstep and he suddenly recognised one belonging to Yuri and the other belonging to…
Warm arms were suddenly wrapped around him, lifting his limp body from the floor. Frantic fingers were pressed across his neck, desperately searching for a pulse and Yuuri could hear a sob of relief from the man above him when his search was met with a tiny flutter from Yuuri’s own heart.
More words were being shouted across him and Yuuri could hear Yuri mixed in among them, sounding panicked. But all he cared about was the man cradling him in his arms and chanting Yuuri’s name over and over again as if in prayer. He was too tried to move, too drained to even open his eyes but he was glad that if he was going to die, Viktor would be there with him when he did.
It seemed like his plan had finally worked, that his own innocence had been proven and the traitors exposed if Viktor was holding him so close and so tightly, rocking backwards and forwards with fingers clutching desperately into Yuuri’s rapidly paling skin. If nothing else, Yuuri was content to know that Viktor would no longer think badly on him, would no longer think him a traitor. His spirit could depart the mortal world in peace with Viktor’s forgiveness lighting the way.
Viktor began to speak again, more words in his own language that Yuuri knew he should understand but his brain couldn’t begin to translate, weak as he was. Instead he simply relaxed into the feeling of being held and let the darkness carry him away again.
 Extract from chapter 15 of 15
Yuuri had no idea how long he floated in the darkness, not quite alive but not quite sure he was dead either. Sometimes a few words would filter through, snippets of conversations in voices he recognised.
“…swear I didn’t know.” came one and Yuuri’s brain supplied ‘Yuri’ before he drifted away again.
“…infection…” came another and suddenly tight hands were gripped his and Viktor’s fingers were smoothing the hair gently across his face, whispering sweet words of encouragement.
“…be brave.” he heard as if from a distance and then a pain ripped through him worse than any he had ever felt before and he screamed out loud, the sound torn from his throat as he writhed. The pain was everywhere, burning through his veins but the worst of it was like a searing brand pressed deep into his side and he realised that they must have removed the arrow that was slowly but surely dragging him down into death.
Viktor’s arms just gripped him tighter and he was still murmuring gently in Yuuri’s ear but Yuuri could hear the crack in his words and he couldn’t stop himself screaming again when something was poured into his wound that made it burn even worse than before.
That time, he was grateful when he sunk back into unconsciousness.
After that he went back to drifting, the soothing blackness surrounding him a balm to the wounds that he knew existed in the waking world. It was hot in the darkness, hotter than he had ever felt before but he was too lost in the shadows to really register the feeling.  
Just like before sometimes words filtered in and out of his consciousness. He was almost sure that days were passing but he had no sense of time, lost in the darkness, and he could never be sure.
Sometimes it was Yuri speaking, voice loud and angry and choked with tears. Sometimes it was another man that Yuuri didn’t recognise, although from the fragments he had understood he realised it must be the physician.
“…herbs…” he had heard once and then later “…drink…”
“…might not survive the night your highness…” it said another time and Yuuri could just feel the cool trickle of water across his forehead and down his neck as someone wiped his brow gently and sent the doctor away.
It was Viktor, he was sure of it. Even floating in the darkness he would recognise Viktor’s presence anywhere. His words were often just out of Yuuri’s reach but Yuuri could still feel him by his side, where he had yet to move from. Sometimes Viktor pressed cool cloths against his face and across his neck, sometimes he held Yuuri’s hand or pressed gentle kisses to his brow. Sometimes he sang, low melodic lullabies that Yuuri only partially remembered.
Once, when the darkness was more pressing than it ever had been before and the heat seemed to engulf him from all sides, Yuuri was sure he could hear Viktor muttering the same words over and over again, one of Yuuri’s hands clasped in both of his own. The scent of the strange foreign incense that Viktor’s people used in worship was filling the room and it took Yuuri a few seconds to realise that Viktor was praying.
He wanted to reach out, to open his eyes or at least squeeze Viktor’s fingers to let him know that Yuuri could hear him but he was too weak and even the few seconds of lucidity sapped enough of his strength that he quickly drifted away again.
 Extract from chapter 15 of 15
 Yuuri had spent so long in the darkness that it was a surprise when his eyes finally fluttered open. The room his was in was still dark, curtains drawn to block out the chill of the night but it wasn’t the blackness he had been trapped in for so long. As he looked around he registered that he was lying on a bed, luxurious and large enough for two. It was their bed. His and Viktor’s.
But Viktor wasn’t sleeping next to him on the other side in the way that Yuuri had grown so used to. Instead he was curled up on a chair next to the bed, head slumped over onto the soft fabric with one of his hands still tightly locked with Yuuri’s own. He looked a mess, hair dishevelled and dark circles staining underneath his eyes.
Wincing, Yuuri sat up a little. His side still stung when he moved but when he lifted up the silky fabric of the shirt that had been covering him he saw that the wound was neatly dressed, fresh white bandages wrapped tightly around it and it tugged a little as he twisted, new skin drawn tight over the place where the arrow had struck. The heat was gone as well and his head felt clearer than it had in…however long it had been.
Glancing down at Viktor again Yuuri couldn’t help but marvel at the way his hair shone in the faint beam of moonlight slipping through the cracks in the curtains, the way his face always looked so much more innocent when he slept. He was so beautiful and Yuuri could feel the relief wash through him that he had succeeded. If he was here, if Viktor hadn’t left him to die, then it had to mean that they knew the truth, that Viktor had forgiven him and that they were safe.
Gently he brushed a strand of Viktor’s hair away from his face and Viktor stirred at the motion, eyes fluttering open and then widening when they took in Yuuri before him, sitting up with eyes that were finally open. He jolted up, instantly alert and Yuuri barely had time to breathe before he was pulled into a crushing hug.
Bringing his hands up to clutch onto Viktor’s back his buried his face into the crook of Viktor’s neck and could feel the tears welling in his eyes. When he pulled back he could see the same mirrored in Viktor and the other man was looking happier than Yuuri had ever seen him.
“Yuuri.” he breathed, almost reverently and Yuuri smiled, bringing both his hands to cup Viktor’s face.
“Viktor.” he replied and knew that that was all that needed to be said. They could talk properly later. But for now they were both alive and they were together and that was all that Yuuri needed. So he brought Viktor down into a kiss and thanked both his own gods and Viktor’s that they finally had a second chance.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Mischievous Games
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3pBUO73
by mudbloodmama
"Artemis is the Goddess of the hunt. So, Loki- God of Mischief- you better run."
Artemis Barton has lived her life hidden from action and adventure, tucked away at her uncle Clint's ranch to tend to his wife and children and keep her secret talents hidden while he goes off to save the world.
That is until a pesky trickster god wreaks havoc so great that her uncle realizes that Artemis and her gifts must no longer stay hidden.
With the life she's always wanted just beginning, Artemis will do anything to prove that she is ready to be an Avenger- even if that means tracking down said pesky trickster god and promising to bring him to justice in one piece.
A hidden niece. A trouble-making prince. A bargain to strike. A life to liberate.
A heart to catch.
Let the hunt begin.
Words: 2271, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Hulk (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Warriors Three (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Clint Barton, Jarvis (Iron Man movies)
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Jane Foster/Thor
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Avengers Family, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Fate & Destiny, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Action/Adventure, Drama & Romance, Fights, Rough Sex, Sexual Tension, First Time, Archery, Hunters & Hunting, Asgard (Marvel), Post Avengers, Magic, Dysfunctional Family, Hidden Talents, Clint Barton Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Does What He Wants
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3pBUO73
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theao3feed-bughead · 4 years
A Touch of Cinnamon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RCFwyZ
by Sophiensstuff
Cheryl Blossom, a former child star whose biggest dream is a way out of this life that someone chose for her years ago. But of course, a dream will always be a dream.
Toni Topaz, born on the wrong side of the tracks, her only blessing was her voice, a gift she spent years selling to the highest bidder. She had it all and still wasn't enough, it will never be enough. Her addiction goes beyond fame now.
One would think these two have nothing in common, right??
Words: 3, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017), Riverdale (TV 2017) RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Sweet Pea (Riverdale), Fangs Fogarty, Josie McCoy, Reggie Mantle, Joaquin DeSantos, Malachi (Riverdale), Jason Blossom, Polly Cooper, Alice Cooper (Archie Comics), FP Jones II, Hiram Lodge, Hermione Lodge, Tom Keller (Archie Comics), Penelope Blossom, Nana Rose, Peaches 'N Cream (Riverdale), Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews/Veronica Lodge, Reggie Mantle/Josie McCoy, Fangs Fogarty/Kevin Keller, Sweet Pea (Riverdale)/Original Female Character(s), Peaches 'N Cream/Toni Topaz, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Celebrity, Social Media, Lesbian Cheryl Blossom, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Awkward Flirting, Musicians, Fame, Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Rehabilitation, Past Child Abuse, Anger Management, Developing Friendships, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Therapy, References to Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Aged-Up Character(s), Archery, Slow Burn, Falling In Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Smut, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Lesbian Sex, Cunnilingus, Semi-Public Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Sex Toys, BDSM, Toni Topaz Needs a Hug, Soft Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Jealous Cheryl Blossom, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RCFwyZ
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
This Life is Amazing (when you greet it with open arms)
by Umber888
Tommy stood up, pretending he didn't see Phil, and left his plate on the dish pile. As he was leaving the dining hall, Tubbo caught his shoulder.
 "Me?" Tommy checked. Tubbo nodded vigorously.
 "You skipped out on swordplay this morning."
 "Why the fuck would I need to know how to use a sword?"
 "What, so you've never gotten attacked by a monster before?" Tubbo laughed. Tommy couldn't help the way his cheeks heated up.
Words: 5561, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Luke | Punz, Phil Watson | Philza
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: no beta we die like my will to finish this fic, Alternate Universe - Percy Jackson Fusion, Foster Child TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Demigod Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Demigod TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Demigod Wilbur Soot, Demigod Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Demigod Toby Smith | Tubbo, God Phil Watson | Philza, Traumatized TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Swordplay, Archery, Knitting, Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury, Happy Ending
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Fighting Voices
by Ruby_Rain
“HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!” Tommy shouted loudly as the other two looked wide eyed at Techno. Techno just kept staring at the target.
Techno wasn’t bad at archery for his age, he was the best kid at it in his town, but he hardly hit a bullseye. He had hit it only 5 other times, all very big deals and after a lot of practice. He thought to the moments hard, and it hit him. The voice said you’re welcome, and he hit a bullseye. The voices spoke and he did the best he could.
The voices are doing this.
Or, How Techno got voices in his head, followed by Wilbur and Niki, and how they all deal with it.
Or or, a fic that is part theory because of how Wilbur acted under pressure, and Niki as well.
Words: 2294, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Niki | Nihachu, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Phil Watson | Philza, Cara | CaptainPuffy, Other mentioned with smaller roles
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson, Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Toby Smith | Tubbo & Technoblade
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, I'd say it's a balanced breakfast, Technoblade Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Hears Voices, Niki | Nihachu Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), But those two come in later, Canon Compliant, For the most part, just don't look to hard and it's fine, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Pre-Canon, Pogtopia Era, new L'manberg era, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Probably more but tagging is hard
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39923172
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