#as dusk falls text posts
hajimehinata · 1 year
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as dusk falls + text posts 
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Joe Cole imagine
This one is for @shelundeadxxxx (i see you bestie), and @fckyeahjoecole (wake up bestie wherever you are, its been 5 years since we heard from you yet your posts are curing my new obsession), and @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown cause you are hoe for this man just like me.
You can find more of my imagines in my book Imagines on wattpad.
Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed getting lost in this daydream and eventually sitting down to write it.
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Text came on 21st of July out of nowhere when y/n already thought it will be another cold summer.
'You me 9pm screening'
Joe never forgot his friend and deal they made on one of Ed's dinner parties or was it on some other occasion they gravitated almost always toward each other naturally pulled through people who's attention never brought peace like that of a friend in mischief. They would find each other and leave the crowd or stick to each other making rounds settling in corner with champagne and micro cupcakes making up what they taste like cause trends all seem to be tasteless left to one's interpretation, making fun of pumpered faces who only knew to call them out for being themselves.
They were going to see Oppenheimer together, on opening day. It was pinky promise sealed with smiles that even from shadows put candlelight to shame.
They meet outside, under glow of newly installed Barbenheimer titles at entrance, when heat died down a bit, and dusk rushed to its paintbrushes coloring hastily sky in purples and blues, overneeded relief in scenery. 'Hey you!' Joe excitedly greets coming toward y/n. As she was watching him come closer, mental image appeared and it grew bigger until he was in his full John attire walking John walk spreading his arms sassy and coy, feisty edges softened to gentleness and consideration irl. Perhaps this is why its so easy to fall for actors: they can be anybody they can play into any role we think of in our heads, its easy to imagine them following another script, no one knows who they really are, a mold for imaginative minds, perhaps even they don't recognize the reflection without all the makeup and pretence, it's easier to look at world through anyone's eyes but your own. They share their significant handshake, he doesn't part but pulls her in quick hug and they fall in easy chatter of laughs and jokes. It was hard to believe y/n will see any of the movie cause his eyes held her whole world and attention and thoughts captive. No imagination could compete with real thing. Drown me in you, for i am sinner.
In one incredibly brave moment during movie, Joe looked over at his friend, in darkness he can let go of his shyness social restraints loose it's okay to give air to your feelings and appreciate the moment indulge in secret admiration he will mask with smile when caught; from blue shadows playing on her face thought arose flickered into wonder what would cillian think of them together, if maybe he had it already figured out, he wondered if it's possible to love without flexing about it, if anything can survive without going through ordeal of condemnation, and he was pained to conclude this friendship is too sacred for world to touch it with their critical prejudicial opinions. But then she smiled at him quizzically and he knew he thinks too much. Love finds a way. It curves like river changes environment reshapes the world until it finds its freedom.
Neither wished for night to end. It was too late to chase one masterpiece with another, so they decided to meet tomorrow at same time to see Barbie.
They walked from cinema aimlessly wandering through town, hoping they never run out of pathways that lead to merging point from where no goodbye needs to be said again.
He held her hand never letting go laughing as she laughed at stars, pulled her back and spun her around in the middle of street under street lamp, slow danced night away, until sudden rain sent them running opera reaching its crescendo. They stood under his jacket he kept overhead covered stage them main characters , everything is funny if company is non judgemental, pitter-patter matching musical of hearts clock ticking midnight, y/n was lost in haze from when he put his arm around her in the dark and kept it there through breaks and credits as she showed him reaction memes that were already pouring Internet and they compared their experience with 'same. Omg so true. He killed it. Omg yes that part was something else'
She stayed the night, on his couch. He left the door open so they never feel too far away, he didn't want to keep walls when around her, he was tired of feeling forced separation from what he wants, forced pretence forced silencing of hapiness found.
On brink of slipping away, he realised he didn't kiss her. There will come time for that. Right words aren't born yet. But it's all in the making.
They went to show love for their friend Cillian but it was all masterly planned and excuted excuse to show love for each other.
In the morning, they checked the earliest showtime for barbie and went cause they were too excited to wait and there was no real reason to, since yesterday turned into tomorrow, friends turned to I never want you to go, time was theirs to make or break but they were way ahead of doubt it can't catch them now. Joe only smirked when y/n pulled bright shade of pink lipstick form her bag and offered it to him with innocent mischief written in her eye, he smirked cause her knew he will love her for the rest of the time they have together. He wouldnt check even if he had chance. Destiny can't be manipulated, so what's the point of knowing the outcome, you can't enjoy the ride if you only worry about the the end. End comes whether we try to fight the current or go with the flow. So why not relax and enjoy?
It was y/n's couch from then on.
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art-outlaw · 2 years
Private Number # Chapter Twenty
Daniel Ricciardo x Aero Engineer!Reader
Summary: You didn’t like him. That much was clear to both of you. He was cocky and arrogant and totally oblivious to all of the work you and your team did for him. No one else saw him for the egomaniac he was - only you. You were forced to work for him but that didn’t mean you had to fall under the spell he had trapped everyone else under. And you made sure that he knew that.
Chapters: 20/?
Warnings/ Rating: Swearing.
Word Count: 3521
Posted: 9 Sep 2022
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You thought that having a glass of wine would take off the edge of anxiety that had you shaking in your seat, but there you were three glasses later and the tremor in your hands still hadn’t abated. You wouldn’t push your luck with a fourth. It was well past dusk, and if the nod that Daniel had subtly given you in the meeting was any indication, he was coming to your place any minute.
He loved you. He’d told you that he had. In the middle of your office, after receiving some of the most devastating news in your entire career at Red Bull, he’d called himself an idiot and told you that he loved you and that he had for months. And you hadn’t been able to respond at all before Katie walked in, looking like she’d rather be anywhere else to tell you both that you had a meeting that both of you were supposed to be in.
And that engineering meeting had dragged on and on and on and on. At least you had thought that it did. In all honesty, it was probably no longer than the normal meetings you had, but every piece of shit that had piled onto you in the minutes before it started only seemed to exacerbate your impatience. 
When the meeting had finally ended, Daniel had shot up from his seat like his ass was on fire, and had practically sprinted to get away from you. Not exactly the reaction you had been hoping for after giving him the note – you’d honestly expected him to stick around and get more details from you. But you’d only received the curt nod as affirmation to your invite to your place.
And now it was 6:54pm, you had thrown back three glasses of wine with a price tag that should’ve had you sipping politely instead of chugging, and you were waiting on One curly-haired Australian. You’d sat on the couch and scrolled through your emails, you’d prepped your calendar for the next month, begrudgingly responded to a text your Aunt had sent you asking about when you were going to see her – not any time soon – and mindlessly scrolled through the only social media you had. 
He still hadn’t arrived. 
You sighed again and heaved yourself off the couch. The ingredients for a simple pasta dish awaited you in the fridge – it was the only recipe you could do without burning down your house – and it seemed like you were no longer expecting to have company for the meal. 
Maybe another glass of wine wouldn’t hurt. You weren’t drowning your sorrows, just muting them slightly for the evening. The head noise of all your problems could come in the form of a hangover, but tonight… Well, your drinking habits could be future-you’s problem.
As the first splash of your fourth wine fell into the glass, the lightest knock on the door sent your hand tipping too far. The clattering of your glass, the bottle of wine and its contents went spilling across the stone countertop. “Fuck, fuck - hang on a minute! – fuck!”
Like you were in a cartoon, your eyes flicked between the wine slowly dripping onto the floor, towards your front door, and back again. Over and over, you couldn’t decide what to get first. It could only be Daniel at the front door, and it would be rude to keep him waiting, but at the same time you didn’t want him to walk into shattered glass and red wine everywhere.
Fuck it, the man had seen you naked after all, seeing your kitchen in complete disarray would honestly be a step down in terms of intimacy levels. You hastened to the front door and threw it open, yelling over your shoulder to a dumbstruck-looking Daniel to come on in, before you sprinted back into the kitchen, bare feet padding across the floor.
“Sorry, I just broke a glass so be careful not to step on– oh my fucking–” And then you let out a high pitch cry. The glass you had so fortuitously warned him about not stepping on, was now lodged firmly into the sole of your foot. A litany of swears escape you, and the tears rise unbidden to your eyes as the sharp pain radiates up the arch of your foot.
You hop to one of the seats at the kitchen bench, and plop onto it. Taking a few deep breaths to steady yourself, you glance down to see blood pouring out of the open wound, the inky redness of it slowly mixing with the red of the wine. Bile rises in your throat. The gash wasn’t big and by no means serious, but the shard of glass still sticking out of it, combined with the three wines you’d already had and the nervousness of Daniel coming over – it would’ve been enough to send someone with a weaker stomach over the edge.
“You okay in there?” Daniel’s voice calls out from the hallway. The worry in his voice wrapping around his accent, and your stomach flips again. He was here, and you’d just stepped on glass and definitely put a dampener on the plans you’d had in mind. “I hear a lot of swearing, and I don’t want to be stabbed. You never specified why you wanted me to come over, and if it was just to murder me, I am gonna have to decline and go.”
“No, no! No murder plans just yet.” You call back to him, looking up at the ceiling and hissing out a breath as you try to grasp one of the larger shards imbedded into the soft skin. “I just broke a glass, and stepped in it like a dumbass –”
Daniel rounds the corner, and immediately gasps your name as he takes in the scene in front of him. In the few seconds since letting him in till now, your kitchen had transformed from a humble heart of the home into a crime scene. You grin at him, and give him a bloodied two fingered salute. 
“Welcome to my place?” you say sheepishly. 
He snorts and makes his way towards you, waving off your protests about stepping on glass and wine. “I’m wearing shoes, dumbass. Unlike you–” he gently grabs at your ankle to twist your foot towards him better. Your heart jumps to your throat at the casual move. “-- when someone warns me about broken glass, I don’t go running towards it barefoot.”
“I’ll deal with this, you go hang out in the lounge room or something. I’ll just be a minute.” You grasp at his shoulders with your un-bloodied hand to gently push him away. “I’d offer you a wine, but I just smashed what I think might be the last bottle in my house.”
You glance up from your foot, to see Daniel rolling his eyes at you. When he meets your gaze, the amber burn of them traps you in place. His voice drops an octave. “Let me help you.”
“It’s okay, I don’t need it.” It feels like deja vu all over again, the echo of your conversation earlier that day.
“I know you don’t need it, but you’re gonna accept it anyway. Where’s your first aid stuff?”
You quietly direct him around your kitchen, trying not to cringe as the tinkle of glass breaking underneath his boots breaks the silence. You pull your foot up into your lap, and survey the damage closely. “It won’t need stitches, but it definitely still has glass in it.” You say absentmindedly, as you poke around the wound.
“Stop touching it, and let me be the judge of that. I’m still debating whether I should be taking you to the hospital for this or not.” Daniel’s voice is closer again, and you recognise the warmth radiating off of him. You finally take notice of what he’s wearing. Basic black jeans, a white crew neck shirt and a well-fitting leather jacket, the perfect match to the boots on his feet. He looks… fucking hot. 
Vaguely, as your brain gets lost in the thoughts around Daniel’s profile and how good he looks in that jacket, you recognise he’s still talking. You take in the shape of his mouth as he speaks, letting the words wash over you totally unheard, and appreciate that whoever was in charge of the universe must’ve taken their time when crafting the image of the man in front of you. And then he pulls out a shard of glass with a pair of tweezers, and you can’t help but smack him in retaliation.
“Ow, fuck! Warning would’ve been nice!” You gasp out. 
Daniel rubs at his shoulder, with a grumble. “I did warn you! I literally counted down from three, how did you not hear me?”
And you were too busy staring at him to hear the warning. “Sorry,” you mumble back. “I’m ready now.”
And slowly, with a slew of tears, profanity and a whole lot of coaxing murmurs from Daniel, all of the glass – every tiny shard of it – was tweezed out. You marvel at Daniel’s gentleness, and the gracefulness of his hands as he gently manipulates your foot around as he cleans it. His fingers are lean and long, longer than you would’ve thought for him. And the veins across the backs of his hands twist up his wrist and onto his forearms. 
You drink in the sight of them as he works. The pain of your foot dulled just by the sight of him in your kitchen, with glass still scattered everywhere and his brow furrowed in concentration. 
He gently shushes the small whimpers you let out as he wraps a bandage around your foot – where he’d even found it in the mess of your meagre first aid kit was a mystery to you. But when he’d finally tied off the bandage, he didn’t make any indication he planned on moving any further away from you. You could still feel the warmth radiating off of him, and smell the intoxicating musk rolling off of him. The leather jacket only added to the crisp, petrichor scent of him. 
“I think you’re all fixed up now,” He said quietly, the coolness of his breath blowing over your shoulder, sending shivers cascading down your spine. “Won’t even scar.”
“Have you got a doctorate since I last saw you?” You hated the way your voice was breathy as you spoke. A telltale sign that you were more than slightly affected by his closeness.
“No, but I have a body covered in scars from childhood scrapes and a mother who’s first aid advice was to rub spit on it. Trust me, honey, you’ll be fine.”
Honey. God, you were turning into a sap. A simple pet name and you were putty in his hands.
“There goes my plans of cooking us dinner,” You look around the kitchen helplessly, knowing the second you put pressure back down onto your foot you’d be crying again. “I’m sorry, Dan, I had this whole plan to cook us dinner and talk, and now I can’t even freakin’ stand and–”
And then he was kissing you. And murmuring against your mouth to shut up. You bit his bottom lip, and his laugh floated across your lips. You couldn’t help but join him, eyes closed and drinking in the taste of him. Your hands wound themselves into his hair and dragged him further down to you, until it felt like he surrounded you.
Everything around you was overcome by Daniel – everything you saw, you smelt and felt. All of it was him. Nothing else, in that moment, mattered more than how it felt to have your cheeks trapped by his hands, the caress of his bottom lip against yours, and loosening in your bones like you were coming home.
Eventually he pulled back, his hands effectively holding you back from chasing after him. He didn’t move far, only just far enough to speak to you. Your eyes were still closed, and you couldn’t bring yourself to open them. Not if it broke the small bubble that had already enclosed over this moment. But they fluttered open anyway, as the soft timbre of his whispered voice washed over you.
“Not only do I know your foot won’t scar, but I also come from an Italian family. If you think I don’t know how to cook the meanest pasta of your life, you’d be dead wrong.” And then he ducks down, and presses the chastest of kisses back to your lips. You can’t help the small giggle that escapes you. 
“How did you know I was going to make us pasta? I don’t even have any of the ingredients out.” You try to make the accusation in your voice strong, but even your own indignation was no match to the sudden warmth spreading through your veins. Pure liquid happiness, injected straight into your bloodstream just from his presence.
His thumb brushed across your cheek, swiping gently under your eye. You leaned into his palm, letting him take the weight of your head. “No offense to you – you know I think you’re brilliant – but I kind of assumed that the only thing you might be able to cook is a pasta dish.”
Even with your cheeks squished in his hands, you glared up at his accusingly and pouted. “And what could possibly have led you to make that assumption?”
Daniel raised his eyebrows at you, but his answering grin was mischievous. He ducked another kiss to your lips, lightning fast. “You said you grew up in a boarding school and then spent years studying your degrees, and then you’ve spent the last few years eating at hotels and restaurants nine months out of the year during the race season. Doesn’t leave a lot of time to develop any sort of chef skills, hmm?”
You didn’t say anything back, but your silence was enough of an answer for him. That, and your glare. You could only watch him in open appreciation as he tipped his head back to laugh, and watch the bob of his Adam's apple in the thick line of his throat. A primal urge to bite the thick muscle on the side of his neck overwhelmed you briefly. 
“Okay, so you might be right about that, but I don’t like being typecast.” You finally relent, the ‘fire’ of your fake outrage burning out too quickly to maintain. Daniel only threw his head back with a barking laugh that echoed off of the stark walls of your place. Only a few framed photos, and a couple of artworks adorned your walls – you hadn’t spent long enough in the humble abode for a continued amount of time for you to worry about making it particularly homely. But now, with Daniel standing in it like a personified sunshine, the cold emptiness of it rang loudly in your heart.
“Well, little Miss ‘I won’t be stereotyped’, you sit there and look pretty and I’ll cook us dinner. Sound okay to you?”
And just like that, your own personified sunshine started moving about the kitchen – at your direction – to cook you dinner. And your heart fucking melted. It had been so goddamn long since someone had taken care of you, properly taken care of you that you couldn’t help but feel the fissures of age-old fractures in your heart healing as he chatted away to you by the stove.
Half an hour later, Daniel was placing a steaming bowl of the most decadent smelling pasta dish of your life in front of you. You could only sit and stare at it in gobsmacked silence. You weren’t sure where he had pulled this dish from, but you weren’t entirely sure that you had even had the ingredients to make what was now sitting on the bench in front of you.
“Bon appetit,” he said, the smug grin he’d been sporting for the last few minutes fading into a shyer one. Daniel’s hands twisted in front of him as you picked up your fork to twirl a piece of spaghetti around the tines. You shovelled the piece in with less grace than you honestly should have, but the second the flavours burst across your tongue, there was no holding back the moan that escaped you.
“Oh my, God, where on Earth did you learn to cook like this?” The words come out garbled from your mouth, having already pushed another forkful of the pasta in. You roll your eyes into the back of your head and you can’t help but moan your delight again. When you’ve finally swallowed the food, you finish with, “And can you please teach me?” 
Daniel’s head was thrown back, and you again appreciate the thick line of his throat and the bark of his laughter. Momentarily, you forget about the pasta sitting in front of you, the view across the island bench suddenly much more enrapturing than the food. Only he could have you wrapped so tightly around his finger. You weren’t sure any other person alive could hold a candle to the wild flame of his presence in your life.
And then Daniel told you exactly where he learned to cook like that – his parents were Italian, what did she expect? – and so much more. For the longest time, until time meant nothing anymore, you and Daniel sat across from one another and finally, after all of these months, spent the uninterrupted moment getting to know one another. You already knew everything you needed to know, just like you figured he knew everything he needed to know about you, but filling in the blanks and answering any unspoken questions that had built between you over time.
It was…extraordinary.
And when the plates had been cleared away and the kitchen tidied – again, Daniel insisting you remain where you were with your bandaged foot – and another bottle of wine had been and gone, the conversation came to where it was supposed to be. The reason he had come to your house in the first place.
In the dimmed lighting of your kitchen, when the laughter had faded out and the atmosphere had become more weighted, and the sharp tang of wine tannins lingering across your tongue, you finally asked him what had been sitting at the forefront of your mind for the last eight hours. 
“Did you mean it? What you said in my office today? That you–” You cut yourself off. You couldn’t repeat his words exactly. Not on the off chance that he took them back right now. You weren’t sure whether you could handle that.
But he didn’t leave the question lingering in the air. His response was immediate and full of conviction, and it sent a rush of butterflies through your chest, fluttering and palpitation inducing. “I love you. And I should’ve told you when I first realised it, and not waited until the worst possible moment. But I’ve made a point in my life to take opportunities where they come, and I won’t let this one slip by. I love you, and I want – I need – you to tell me that you feel the same because I don’t think I could stand another minute pretending like I hate you when I know that it's a lie.”
You swallow loudly. The words hang like a dead weight in the air, and you feel like if you reached a hand up right now, you could physically pull them into existence. But you can’t find the words to speak, and your tongue feels leaden in your mouth.
Instead, you stand slowly and cringe slightly at the sharp squealing drag of the kitchen stool dragging over the floor. And then, hobbling slightly, you round the corner of the bench to the side where Daniel sits, his eyes transfixed on you, and stand before him. Even sitting, he only needed to tilt his head slightly upwards to keep his gaze on yours.
And then your hands fist their way into his hair and grip tightly, before your lips fall harshly against his. It’s not a pretty kiss, and not the first of the evening, but you were damn sure going to make it the first one of the rest of your lives. Because you loved this man with every fibre of your being as much as you hated him. 
Pulling back, you watch his eyes flicker until the amber brown is all that you can see. You’re drowning in pools of whiskey, and the words leave you without any thought. “You’re so goddamn lucky I love you, because if I didn’t you can be damn sure that I would hate you with every bit of me that I have to give. There’s a fine line between love and hate, Daniel Ricciardo, and you toyed with that line for too long and now you’re stuck with me.”
A shaky exhale of a laugh escapes him. “Is that a promise?”
“I wrote it down for you, and you’re still questioning me? You are an idiot, Daniel, but you’re now my idiot.”
Hi guys, I know it has been a couple of months since the last update but I promise it has been for a good reason. Life got hectic for a minute there: I finished my degree and finally graduated, I resigned from my job of five years, had a couple health issues and finally, I might’ve fallen in love (I’ll keep you posted on that one).
But, as promised, here is another update of PN. This story likely only has a few chapters left to it, so emotionally prepare yourselves to say goodbye (eventually!). 
As always, thank you for reading, and any love, comments, criticisms and general sort of interaction is greatly appreciated. XX
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starlitwishforu · 9 months
青玉案 · 元夕 - 辛弃疾 english translation (and notes!)
ok well. all this chinese poetry posting has put me on a bit of a translation high so i wanted to share my most recent translation project, which i actually just finished recording and uploading yesterday after two whole months of waffling. the poem itself is SO fucking cute but SO hard to translate and i'm honestly very proud that i stuck with it to the end. it instantly became one of my top favourites the very first time i heard it so i hope other people can also find some joy from it!
here is the original:
青玉案 · 元夕
【宋】 辛弃疾
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and here is my translation:
Qing Yu An: Lantern Festival at Dusk
by Xin Qiji
Fireworks blossom beneath the touch of evening's eastern breeze; flurrying as they fall, sparks shower like stars. Prancing steeds pull chiseled carriages, sweeping fragrance across the path. The xiao’s decadent notes adrift, the jadelike light’s prismatic shift; the dragon-fish dance as the night-hours pass.
Combs shining in their hair, golden, silver, silken sway; sweet perfume and tinkling mirth linger in their wake. My searching gaze is futile as I scan the thronging crowds; at last I turn, and you are there, in the quiet dark of evening wane.
translation notes beneath the cut! there is a LOT, be warned!
translation notes:
so to start from the very top, let's first introduce the title 青玉案 · 元夕.
青玉案 (pinyin: Qing Yu An, lit. the matter of the verdant jade) is actually the name of a 宋词排名 (song cipaiming, song dynasty poetic/musical form). just as shakespeare wrote sonnets and basho wrote haiku, so the poets of the song dynasty wrote, among hundreds of other forms with fun names like this, Qing Yu An poems.
each 词排名 had a set number of characters per line, set rules for its tone patterns, and even came with its own tune. maybe a better western parallel would be twinkle twinkle little star, which uses the same tune as the alphabet song and baa baa black sheep.
the end result is that there are many titles under the heading of Qing Yu An, and even, according to chatgpt, another 青玉案 · 元夕.
anyway, this one by Xin Qiji, the most famous one, is titled 元夕 (yuanxi); 元 refers to 元宵节 (yuanxiaojie), the lantern festival held on the fifteenth day of the lunar new year which marks the end of the spring festival/chinese new year, and 夕 is dusk. hence a very naturally poetic name, lantern festival at dusk.
before i get into the text of the poem, i want to note that i often sacrifice rhythm/rhyme for precision of meaning. i ✨artistically✨ speed up/slow down some syllables while recording to preserve some sense of metre lol, but it does read quite awkwardly on paper. i'm a very inexpert student and have a lot to improve on!
ok so! line by line!
--is a literally genius pun. it transliterates as: the east wind in the evening blows open the flowers of a thousand trees. very spring, right? haha spring festival get it.
however! its a chinese celebration, so what will there definitely be? fireworks 😎 and it just so happens that one word for "setting off fireworks" in chinese is 放烟花 (fang yanhua). yep, that's the same 花, which means flowers, but when combined with 烟 (smoke), it becomes a "fire-flower" 🎆!!
it's also the same 放, which in the context of actual flowers means the opening of petals, but in the phrase 放烟花 means to set off (the fireworks).
together, this line evokes both the blooming of the spring flowers under the eastern breeze* and the blooming of a thousand fireworks in the evening sky.
*spring comes from the east ofc; this is folklore and not science i think but lends to the spring-ness of the line
this one is pretty straightforward. lit. blown through the air by aforementioned wind, falling like a rain shower of stars.
oh boy. when i tell you my mom (who is my chinese teacher) and i got in several petty arguments over baomadiaoche...
so 宝马 (baoma) are just well-bred horses, prize steeds with a pedigree. a 雕车 (diaoche) (lit. carved chariot) is a very expensive carriage carved with lots of intricate decorations. in other words, these ppl are RICH.
however, it was difficult to convey the sheer decadence of 宝马雕车 without either using a miles worth of syllables or entirely losing the original cultural context. carved was too direct and ugly to hear besides, etched was not elite enough, sculpted conveyed entirely the wrong image... also, for some reason, "proud" to describe steeds was vetoed for being inaccurate???? hence the arguments.
in this scenario, the final word choice really is a matter of the least bad option.
at the same time, the second half of this line 香满路 (lit. fragrance fills the path) implies movement: the carriage is passing by, leaving the fragrance of rich people perfume in its wake. for the sake of syllables, i shifted that movement to the fragrance part of this line. i also like that this evokes a high-headed noble sweeping elegantly through the crowds.
overall, this line adds to the picture of a decadent, bustling market street during the most joyous celebration of the year.
lit. the notes of the phoenix xiao (chinese recorder) move, jade gourd light shimmers, the fish dragons dance all night.
chinese ppl, ok, use two motifs to describe the beauty and virtue of every artistic thing ever: phoenix and jade. phoenix xiao means NOTHING. it's like virtuous xiao. jade gourd is a little harder; some say it's the moon, some say it's the lanterns. jade and light put together kinda implies moon anyway, so i just sidestepped the problem entirely.
as for 鱼龙 (lit. fish dragons), theyre a type of dragon lantern which supposedly has some characteristic of a fish. they are puppet-danced on sticks - dragon dancing, the classic. my mom and i both had a vivid image of this dragon-lantern-dancing, but we couldn't find it ANYWHERE. if anyone knows the right search query to pull this up, please lmk how to tame 谷大哥*. anyway, i left the lanterns implied because idk how the fuck to explain this whole thing in four syllables.
*lit. big bro google. its funnier in chinese
this is the line that, when i finally bothered to properly research it, made everything about this translation click into place. these are all hair decorations. 蛾儿 (lit. li'l moth) are silk moths, 雪柳 (lit. snow willow) are silver tassels, and 黄金缕 (lit. yellow-golden cords) are gold cords lmao. hence golden silver silken sway, which was SO satisfying to come up with.
lit. laughing speech tinkles and faint fragrance goes by. this one is also fairly straightforward. 去 means to go, so we specifically want the image of a group of giggly teenage girls fading into the crowd.
众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and finally we reach the most famous line, the 千古名句 (qiangumingju) - iconic line of a thousand histories!
lit. within the crowd, searching for him* in a thousand hundred directions; suddenly the head turns, it turns out that person is standing in the darkness where the lights have gone out.
*"him" is highly debated. 他, used in modern chinese like the pronoun "he", was historically a catchall pronoun for people of any gender. iirc, 她 for "she", and the gendered distinction, was only introduced when china started integrating to the west. in this line, 他 could be the teen girl that just passed by, or her beau. whichever way, one is the searcher, the other is the searched. i chose here to sidestep this by using i and you bc fuck gender.
anyway, when the searcher's head turns - even this bit had to be suitably poetic, a nightmare - they find their lover in the 灯火阑珊处.
灯火阑珊处 this phrase refers to a very specific image. imagine, in the early hours of the morning, a dwindling market street; the stands are closing one by one, lights winking out, leaving a gentle blanket of dark and calm behind. it is the quiet after the rain, the breath after the shout; it is the sigh of closing your front door at the end of the night. it's not the absence or complete lack of light, but rather the exit of it. a place of that just-left-behind dark is a 灯火阑珊处.
this sentence gave me so much grief and i am so proud to have done it even just a little bit of justice.
so after all that, the scene described by this poem is something like this: a lively late-night market street. people from many walks of life fill the path, celebrating the lantern festival, the turn of a new year and coming of spring, a riotous party of light and noise and joy. as the night slips into the sixteenth, the market begins winding down, stalls closing and lights winking out. amongst the teeming crowds ambling their way home, a young person searches for the their lover from whom they were separated; on some sudden instinct, they turn, to find their lover already looking back from the darkness of the fading festival, gaze caught in the divide between light and dark, wake and sleep: a quiet young love on the edge of spring, something fresh and new.
if anyone made it to this point, thank you and i hope this was an interesting read! please feel free to add comments questions and observations!! i would love to discuss at any level with someone other than my mom and chinese poetry truly is one of my passions even when it makes me want to kill, so i'm always down to talk. :] <3
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ashtrayfloors · 21 days
I've not been writing many personal posts, because between writing a poem draft a day for the Tupelo Press 30/30, working on future Substacks and mini-zines, random scribblings in my private journal, and daily life and work stuff, well. I have had neither the time nor the inclination.
So this will just be short. Things are pretty good these days. I've been getting through this Mercury Rx with minimal troubles, knock on wood (not like last go-round when I completely lost my shit and had a nervous breakdown). Of course there has been some bullshit, but that's life, Mercury Rx or no—one of my recurring health issues has returned (fortunately it's not one of the Very Concerning or painful ones, just annoying and uncomfortable), I'm stressed about money and everything I need to do as per usual, the kids have been a little extra cranky, and I've had a lot of sleepless, toss n' turn nights. But it has been manageable.
The main Mercury Rx-related things that have arisen are general tech issues, and falling too deep down the nostalgic rabbit-hole and getting sad.
But there have been a lot of good things.
Like getting to see my best L. at the end of March. We ate sushi and talked and listened to music, and it was perfect. I got her turned on to Einstürzende Neubauten! She had never heard them and since I was getting all stoked for the release of Rampen I played her "Ist Ist," plus a bunch of stuff from Alles in Allem, and a few older tracks (though I stayed away from their super-strange-noise earlier albums, because I know her well enough to know she probably wouldn't dig that stuff as much). But anyway, she dug it! She said: "This is weird, but...in a way that I really, really like." My work here is done.
Like Easter—the kids had a great day, and it was one of the least stressful holidays I've ever spent with my parents.
Like taking the kids to Frank's Diner, and getting to watch them experience my favorite breakfast joint. Like the solar eclipse; watching the shadows go blurry and the world get dusk-dark in the middle of the afternoon, without a cloud in the sky.
Like all the writing—as hard as it might be, having to draft at least one poem a day has been really good for me. I've got the seeds of some things I think may be really quite good, one day.
Like all the small things—happy moments with the kids, sunny days, long walks, birdwatching (Friend Crow has returned to the tree behind our house!), books and films and delicious food.
And, of course, it's spring, and I've got that good ol' restless melancholy. I know, I'm melancholic and restless in every season, but in spring it's the most acute. I wanna go, anywhere (I don't care I don't care I don't care), or, to quote Kim Addonizio: it's spring, and it's starting again—the longing that begins, and begins, and begins.
Yesterday I found out that the downtown YMCA, where I used to see a lot of shows as a teen, is getting torn down, and man, I am having feelings. The poem draft I wrote last night, that went up today, is about that. Today I decided to go downtown and take some pictures of it while it's still there. They have it encircled in a tall fence topped with razor wire, but I walked all around the outside, taking pictures, and I also got some further ideas about stuff to write re: my history there but also ghosts and memory and whatnot. I'm eventually going to put it all together in a hybrid photo-and-text essay, which will probably be published as a mini-zine. I thought about how, in my younger years, I would have returned under cover of night to explore and take pictures inside the building. I either would have brought wire cutters to make a hole in the fence, or just braved the razor wire and climbed it. (And then I immediately thought of "On the Ave." At the reservoir you impaled your wrist / on razor wire climbing the fence...) But I'm not as brave as I once was, when it comes to things like that. It's not fear of injury, or even fear of who or what I may encounter inside the building; it's more that, since having kids, I'm not willing to risk getting arrested for shit like that. Taking photos of the outside wasn't as romantic as going inside would have been, but it scratched my exploration itch, and gave me artistic inspiration, so it was good enough.
After that I grabbed an oat milk cappuccino from a downtown cafe, then got back in my car and headed off on various errands. I listened to an old mix tape that a pen pal made me back during the same time frame I was going to shows at the Y (or, well, the 8tracks version of said tape, as I no longer have a car with a cassette player in it), and I'll be damned if those songs didn't sound just as good as they did the first, tenth, one hundredth time I heard them. And the world was full of signs, today, quite literally—a sign outside a church that said Delight in the Small Things, and a sign outside a diner that read Never Let Your Heart Harden. And it was all so much deja vu; driving through those neighborhoods I know so well, remembering what I used to do there, remembering what used to be there, while listening to those songs I know so well. I've been writing so much about my teen years lately, and it's funny, because when I lived here as a teen, I thought I hated this town. There were things I loved about it, but mostly, I just wanted to get out. I was also adamant that I was not from here. After all, I wasn't born here, and only lived here for seven years before moving away the first time. I never envisioned that I'd one day move back here for real, let alone that I'd come to love it for real. I may not live here for the rest of my life (and in fact I don't plan to), but, yeah, at this point it's my hometown, for better or worse.
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theomeganerd · 2 months
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Video Game News Stories for March 3, 2024
Mars After Midnight Lands on the Playdate: The innovative Lucas Pope, known for "Papers, Please," has launched his latest creation, "Mars After Midnight," on the Playdate console. This narrative adventure combines text-based storytelling with unique puzzle mechanics, offering an engaging experience for fans of Pope's previous works.
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile Prepares for Deployment: Mobile gamers rejoice! Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile is scheduled to launch on March 21st, 2024, bringing the popular battle royale experience to smartphones and tablets. This free-to-play title promises fast-paced action and intense competition for mobile gamers.
PlayStation Plus Offers Sifu and Destiny 2 Expansion: PlayStation Plus subscribers have something to look forward to this month. Starting March 7th, 2024, they can download the critically acclaimed beat-em-up "Sifu," featuring a unique aging mechanic, alongside the "Destiny 2: Witch Queen" expansion.
Industry Updates:
Saber Interactive Considers Independence: Embracer Group subsidiary Saber Interactive is reportedly exploring the possibility of becoming a private company again. This potential move comes after Embracer's acquisition of several studios, raising questions about the future direction of Saber Interactive.
Toys for Bob Goes Independent: Following recent layoffs at Xbox Game Studios, developer Toys for Bob, known for the "Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy," has announced its independence. The studio's future plans remain unclear, but their decision to go independent signifies a shift in the gaming industry landscape.
Looking Ahead:
Gamers can mark their calendars for these upcoming releases:
No Rest for the Wicked: From the creators of the "Ori" series, Moon Studios, comes their next project, "No Rest for the Wicked." This action RPG is set to enter Early Access on Steam on April 18th, 2024.
The Last of Us Part II HBO Series: Fans of Naughty Dog's award-winning game can experience the story in a new way with the premiere of "The Last of Us Part II" HBO series on April 20th, 2024.
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf: BioWare's highly anticipated sequel, "Dragon Age: Dreadwolf," is expected to arrive sometime in late 2024. Details remain scarce, but fans of the series are eagerly awaiting its release.
New Video Game Releases for March 5th - March 11th
Tuesday, March 5th:
The Outlast Trials (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S): The long-awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed horror series, The Outlast Trials, finally launches. This time, players face trials in a Cold War-era setting, trying to survive psychological and physical torment.
Quilts and Cats of Calico (PC): This cozy life simulator lets you manage a quilt shop and care for adorable cats.
Mediterranea Inferno (Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S): Experience a challenging action-adventure side-scroller set in a post-apocalyptic world inspired by Mediterranean mythology.
Wednesday, March 7th:
As Dusk Falls (PS4, PS5): This interactive drama tells the story of two families whose lives become intertwined after a robbery goes wrong. Your choices directly impact the narrative.
Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley (Switch, PC): Explore the whimsical Moominvalley as Snufkin, encountering familiar characters and solving puzzles in this heartwarming adventure game.
The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend (Quest 3, Quest 2, PC): Embark on a swashbuckling adventure in VR, uncovering ancient secrets and battling enemies as a daring pirate queen.
Friday, March 8th:
Akka Arrh (PS5, PS VR2): This rhythm game throws you into an immersive world of music and movement, requiring you to match the beat with your actions in VR.
Unicorn Overlord (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S): Play as a mischievous unicorn who wreaks havoc on a fantasy kingdom in this quirky action-adventure game.
WWE 2K24 (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S): The latest installment of the popular wrestling franchise arrives, featuring updated rosters, new match types, and improved gameplay mechanics.
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austincharcoal · 4 months
Names of playlists I've made on Spotify, by year
2012: heyday jams heavy machinery indulgent cocoa riffs ands or buts it's only pop music skip / hop text message
2013: 21 DRUNK ST. xxxmas merry xmasx working on things No New Friends
2014: warmed rain your party, darling xxxx cheer
2015: emotivation thugga thugg xxxxmas spirit working on things ii liquid courage country western
2016: this feels like a nightmare buprenorphine 8mg 2016 jammin kurt ~ travis autoturnt up heavy summer 16 pop style summer 16 is this a party, i feel good friendsgiving
2017: summer 17 rap lamping in the dark reasons to bikeride sober after dusk " FALL '17 " WINTER '17/18
2018: xmas for sugarplum fairies (the good stuff) the children R we love you very very very very very very much art official 2018 shit was like a movie try to cover these live fast die etcetera claimin prego rhythm and poetry et al TO LIFE! LIFE 2.0.0 back roads to a party radio station
2019: giddy emo for a new america emo dewey decimal system summerpack becomes fallpack icepack for a burning winter love 2019 in the face i can see it emo lullabies for man babies and my other friends north peters colony road now i got the juice now im feelin loose wine pod songs on repeat are bootstraps real honest day's work (country)
2020: work work work work work do you wanna have a picnic singin a song in the morning pink sugar songs 2020 u know the fuckn vibes vote for hardcore cover these frank dhl & in my room Slow Yr Roll
2021: drake greece & laugh now posted by thomas low end bf etc. music blues is now kickin' in our year of 2021 diner jukebox from where the wind blow nunchucks lol god told me hit a lick you were a dream... the desire for light produces light
2022: DJ AUSTIN~~~ talk like a lick.. fallpack 2021 good at drugs sticker and that's on gospel cause yr sweeeet another go the dream police soup szn 1.5 soup szn 2 soup szn 3
2023: brunch szn 3 soup szn 4 guitar szn space heater? it's go time... bougie no. 4 - fleur d'oranger habanero bbq almond happy joyous free candied ginger fixing to be a moving picture 20 songs? waiting for the 2 how are ya man? propinquity 幕 arriving
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mirrorofliterature · 1 year
What is your opinion on Dumbledore recruiting people for his cause as soon as they graduate Hogwarts? Actually, if you could tell me what is what ticks you off the most about Dumbledore I'd be infinitely happy.
Personally, I think it is unethical. I think it is not necessarily unwarranted or unrealistic or even unnecessary, but I do think it is questionable. As a war leader - it makes a lot of sense. As someone who had been, up until recently, responsible for their safety and wellbeing? No, it doesn't. If a school principal asks you to join an underground resistance as soon as you graduate - run. It’s not even appropriate for principals to follow you on social media, let alone ask something this big of you.
I think Dumbledore is a very big picture person, and he often loses sight of the people in the fight for the fight itself. Personally, I do not think that a school headmaster should recruit recent high school graduates to fight in a war - but it does happen, in reality - the early recruitment, not the principal asking. I'm thinking about the US military going in and preying on vulnerable youth in high school - it's just a bit sinister. But then when do you draw the line?
I think the issue for me is not recent graduates as adults fighting in the war for Dumbledore, but recent graduates being deliberately recruited by Dumbledore, because of the impaired free will/choice due to the influence/prestige Dumbledore has. My main issue is - fighting in a war should be a free, informed choice because it is incredibly traumatising - as we saw in the wake of WWI. And I think that if Peter hadn't felt morally obligated to join the war effort, then a lot of people would have survived.
I hope that all makes sense - but generally, I disapprove as I think it is an abuse of his power. I mentioned this a few times in falling from dusk into dawn - even though I recognise that it narratively makes sense objectively - the barely adult soldiers in HP highlights how broken wizarding society is (like it does ours - I’m not sure how intentional the parallels are. I’m a former literature student who recently studied post-conflict, I overanalyse things and tear apart the HP text regularly).
Adult wizards, seemingly competent wizards, placed the world’s fate guiltlessly onto the shoulders of children. Oliver wants to scream until he is hoarse and his ears no longer ring with the sound of falling rubble.
Also see Ginny's musings in a study of cracked gold, where she questions Dumbledore's culpability (as a child soldier who likely felt deeply failed by dumbledore)
Or maybe, adulthood is simply an arbitrary number, a cut-off point. A point to make people like Dumbledore less guilty about using bushy-eyed recent Hogwarts graduates in his army. Or something dark like that.
This leads to the next part of your ask - what ticks me off the most about Dumbledore? Frankly, that he is a shit headmaster. I think that pinning all of the wizarding world's problems on him is lazy writing by writers and gives their society too much grace, but Dumbledore's main job is Hogwarts' Headmaster which he objectively sucks ass at, to be blunt.
He kept on a teacher for years who actively bullied and traumatised students under his care, his discipline is frankly shit, he does nothing substantial to reduce inter-house rivalries, he continues the shit history of magic education, and he's frankly not qualified to be headmaster because he doesn't care about the children as he should. as headmaster, his top priority should be the students' education and safety, but it isn't.
let me repeat: Albus Dumbledore is predominantly responsible for childrens' education and he actively allows two important core subjects to be shit because he prioritises his personal agenda over their education. 
I have a scene discussing this particular grievance in falling from dusk into dawn, where penelope & percy are like: imagine having a competent principal. couldn't be us!
“Look,” Percy says, pushing his glasses back. “I know Dumbledore did a bunch of really horrible shit, but the fact that he allowed History of Magic to be ridiculed is such bullshit. I’ve been looking into this muggle academic field called transitional justice, essentially about how to make a good transition in a post-conflict society, and denying history, ignoring it, is such a shit approach .”
“Not exactly surprising,” Penelope says. “Dumbledore’s general approach to education was… lacklustre. Really, I am so lucky the basilisk didn’t escape during our NEWT year.” She shudders, and it is only half-comical, half-lighthearted.
Essentially: I dislike Dumbledore because of how terrible he was at his job. I'm angry at him for breaching his duty of care to hundreds of school students in the name of the greater good.
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v4shthestampede · 7 months
Welcome to our blog!
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hiya, we're the titan system! collectively, we go by nyx and he/him pronouns, so feel free to call us that! we're a game designer, artist, and author. our current special interests are trigun stampede, the amazing digital circus, and dnd! MINORS DNI
vox📺 ♡ he/him ♡ host ♡ self proclaimed angel by KAT #straight to television
vash🪷 ♡ he/him ♡ co-host ♡ snow by ricky montgomery #highest fall you'll ever grace
dogday🌅 ♡ he/they/it ♡ anxiety holder/caretaker ♡ dizzy paranoia girl by KAT #every dusk every dawn
pomni🖥️ ♡ she/her ♡ anxiety holder ♡ bug by kairiki bear #pa pa paranoia
mike🌌 ♡ he/they ♡ depression holder ♡ drip drip drip fall by ewy ♡ #living out of spite
kieran🍡 ♡ he/him ♡ middle ♡ crybaby by american avenue ♡ #suffer all the children
original text post - #the cat meows
system shit - #system shit
art - #feral bastard.jpg
partner - #petrichor
nicholas d wolfwood(trigun) - #cough syrup
jax (tadc) - #whats up doc
jax/pomni (tadc) - #funnybunny
ragatha/pomni/jax (tadc) - #circusstuffies
If you need to contact us, ask us for our discord!
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lavenoon · 1 year
16, 25, 27 for the fanfic writer asks! :D
16. (guilty pleasure tropes) covered here!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I mean. GFDHSJ Y'all see the AU AU AU and alternate reveals and non canon scenarios I come up with, those definitely fall into this category! There's also that one anon asking about promotions that I simply don't want to spoil yet but it's a whole spin-off basically that I'll just drop after exploring it for a bit! I also couldn't stand the angst yesterday after all, so I came up with a little fix it scenario (because yes, I'm fixing death now, I needed them to be happy)
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I'm hoping the screenshots are easier to ignore than a whole wall of text, for anyone who does enjoy angst without any comfort! I do actually think that worst case scenario stands well on its own, it isn't supposed to be happy, but turns out death is just a bit too rough for me still and I wanted a happy ending, actually. And, not quite a side story, but no clue when I'll get to it and I am thinking about it an unreasonable amount, post-reveal when HQ finds out that they all know each other's identity, they get a shared mission that kicks off their team of three where Robin poses as someone important with Dusk/ Dawn as their bodyguard, and you just know the tension will be SO tasty. Lingering touches, teases they can't rebuke without blowing their cover, protectiveness upped to the max... For some reason, whenever I think about it, this mission happens on a cruise, but no clue if I'll actually use that FGHDJSK
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
God I am. I am such a sucker for any and all comments, especially those that mention a line I'm particularly proud of, and y'all are spoiling me with those!! Settling on one is pretty much impossible if I go with that standard - so I'm going with an entirely different fandom. I've mentioned my slow burn long fic before, which is currently on hiatus since the hyperfixation on fnaf is too strong rn for other projects, and, well, the entire niche I found myself in before just was much less interactive or even engaging. This longfic has been up almost two years - and within not even three weeks, Accidentally Undercover has gotten more views, comments, kudos, bookmarks, anything - you name it, there's more. I was really disheartened and partly stopped writing because, well, I have my outline to read, and if barely anyone (if anyone) even reads it, then why write more? But a couple months ago, I got a comment - after about a year of hiatus, someone told me they binge-read 113K words in one day, that they love my world-building and character dynamics, and that they would love it if/when I decide to write more again. It was just so nice without being pushy that I sat down and wrote 1.5K words of the next chapter right then. It's still far from done, and the fic itself is in arc 2 of 5 - but that was more than I wrote for it in months at the time! I think of that commenter fondly because for that fic, they were a rarity. For AU y'all are SO good to me, all the comments and interaction really are fueling me, and anyone who gets to listen to me yell on discord knows I'll melt at the positive attention at any given time fghjdks
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hajimehinata · 1 year
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as dusk falls + text posts     this is how jim and michelle can STILL WIN!!!
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sourstiless · 2 years
editing masterlist :)))
links to a google drive of most the edits i’ve made from now to when i started. unfortunately not all could be recovered, but i was able to find a majority of them. any edits that i’ve previously posted on tumblr will also be linked under whichever category they fall under if you want to like/comment/reblog/etc, but there’s more in the drive linked in the big text.
if you’d like to support my edits on other socials, my tiktok and instagram will be linked (username is @/s.ourstiles for both) and my twitter is in my bio.
content will be under the cut :)
habits | buddie
sign of the times | evan buckley
fire on fire | buddie
my band | evan buckley
atlantis | 6x10/6x11
super freak | matt murdock
sweet but psycho | wanda & nat
somewhere only we know | steve rogers
swerve | captain marvel to shazam
take a hint | marvel women <3333
payphone | peter parker (mcu)
newsies (1992)
92sies as tiktok trends saga
because i liked a boy | sarah jacobs
i know the end | 92sies
newsies 30th anniversary
iris | jack kelly
only love can hurt like this | javid
washing machine heart | jack & les
repeat until death | jack kelly
92sies jack > livesies jack
god stood me up | jack kelly
atlantis | javid
the great war | 92sies
criminal minds
stranger things
animal | steve harrington
mind over matter | nancy & steve (platonic)
story of my life | eddie munson
exit music (for a film) | season 4 volume 2 trailer
the walking dead
high hopes | carl grimes
voltron legendary defender
someone to you | keith
whatever it takes | s8 trailer
fucking perfect | keith
runaway | keith
avatar the last airbender
i think i’m in love | zutara
someone to stay | zutara
i forgive you | zutara
no type | zuko
whatever it takes | zuko
dusk til dawn | zutara
rise of the guardians
one of the drunks | jack frost
skip to the good bit | jack frost
waves | tangled
bring me back to life | tangled
grenade | tangled
another love | anne of green gables/little women 1994
material girl | bruce wayne (tdk trilogy)
til forever falls apart | marichat
night changes | shirbert
bad girls | raven reyes
deja vu | 3:10 to yuma/newsies
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kiiiiiim · 1 year
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I posted 6,938 times in 2022
369 posts created (5%)
6,569 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,677 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#supergirl - 558 posts
#katie mcgrath - 527 posts
#supercorp - 326 posts
#365days - 130 posts
#spotify - 102 posts
#it me - 99 posts
#uquiz - 98 posts
#text post - 94 posts
#a league of their own - 89 posts
#aloto - 83 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#or nia hugging kara on the ship and being all 🥺 i missed you so much i love you but where the hell are your bangs dreamer didnt dream this
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi! Are you still doing that 5 sentences prompt thing? 🙂
I'd like to suggest supercorp + puddle
(These sentences are so long and I cheated with excessive commas but this was fun anyway here you go first writing challenge of 2022 yayyyy)
She hears a shriek from outside, shrill and high-pitched, like a seagull's cry carried on the wind - her drink steams lazily in the intimate dusk of their usual coffeehouse; across the table, a second cup of something overly sweet and loaded with calories sits half-finished, whipped cream topping rapidly deflating in the handmade glazed ceramic mug - Kara said she'd only be a minute, some minor accident half a block away she'd wanted to check in on and Lena had waved her away with a smile, go on, I've got some light reading to catch up on, yes I will order another sprinkled donut for the table for when you get back, love. Another scream pierces the air and Lena's eyes dart around the immediate area looking for its source, the first syllable of her girlfriend's alter ego already on her lips when she swivels her head towards the window and stops mid-word - there she is - Supergirl, Kara, in the middle of the street standing next to a blown fire hydrant that definitely had been in perfect working order five minutes earlier on this sweltering summer day, a thick jet of water shooting up into the air like National City's own miniature Old Faithful - a herd of small children dancing around her in the falling mist. Kara's suit is drenched, hair plastered to her cheeks and neck, but her smile is a mile wide as she chases the kids in circles, makes an exaggerated jump, and bright red boots send a puddle of ice cold water spraying those unfortunate (or fortunate depending on who you asked) enough to be caught in the splash zone. She throws her head back in a fit of laughter, so full of life and happiness and pure joy that it makes Lena's heart swell with a wave of love that feels as if it might burst at any moment. She cups her jawline with one hand and rests an elbow on the table, coffee and tablet completely forgotten - work can wait, she thinks, and watches her beautifully glowing puddle jumper instead.
108 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
I'm rewatching The Good Place and a criminally underrated moment for me is when Michael gives Jeff the frog thermos and Jeff's face just lights up because... FROG. THAT'S A FROG. LOOK AT THAT GREEN FROG HE'S A JUMPER YOU CAN TELL. And it's such a small gesture but it made someone so happy and yes I know this is fiction but God small acts of kindness really just do it for me it's all about the act the thought the selflessness give someone a frog today please I assure you won't regret it.
167 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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220 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
For the ship and prompt 5 sentence fic: Supercorp + travel :)
You said 5 paragraphs right?
Kara flies her to the ends of the Earth every night that first month.
They dine on the very best dishes in every bustling city from Metropolis to Madrid, watch the sun rise over the rolling hills of Dublin and set under the Caribbean's diamond-scattered horizon. She takes her deep into uncharted lands, virgin and untouched by humanity until their bodies christen the ground with first footsteps, picking stones and pebbles as they walk hidden beaches away from prying eyes, laying on their backs atop ancient ruins together, rough with weather-worn edges and divits that brand Lena's soft human skin as they talk about nothing and everything. Kara flies her above the clouds only to descend into a storm, and Lena learns the taste of warm rainwater on Kara's skin as their clothes soak through in seconds. Argo is lovely and perfect, and when Allura pulls her aside to whisper, you make her so happy, Lena is not ashamed to cry in her arms and reply, I have never been so happy in all my life, all I want is to make her feel that way too.
Kara smiles and tilts her head one night, after everything has gone quiet and they both can rest, so, where do you wanna go now? Lena slowly steps into her arms, brushes both thumbs across the apples of her cheeks, buries her fingers in blonde-streaked hair and rests her forehead against hers, warm breath mingling together in a dizzying haze. Lena murmurs, smiles when Kara's fingertips tremble on the nape of her neck,
Afterwards, Kara hovers atop her body, sweetly kisses her down from on high, whispers gently, "I want to give you everything, be everything you never had. I want you to know how loved you are, Lena. I want... I want to take you to worlds you've never known."
And Lena pulls her down, wraps her arms around sweat-slicked skin, nuzzles into Kara's neck until she finds the sensitive patch just below her ear, kisses and kitten licks until all the breath leaves Kara's lungs in a strangled exhale.
Lena smiles. "Oh, Kara," she says, "You already have."
255 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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557 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
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I posted 1,582 times in 2022
That's 970 more posts than 2021!
68 posts created (4%)
1,514 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,582 of my posts in 2022
#q - 1,174 posts
#lotr - 734 posts
#the silmarillion - 516 posts
#fotr - 164 posts
#text - 148 posts
#meta - 143 posts
#&lt;3 - 118 posts
#eowyn - 115 posts
#rotk - 102 posts
#beautiful - 93 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#wrapping it into my headcanon that—although finrod unquestionably valued men all along—andreth challenged him to really think about the ways
My Top Posts in 2022:
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1,358 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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“Don’t you leave him, Samwise Gamgee. And I don’t mean to. I don’t mean to.”
1,697 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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1,721 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tolkien’s writing style gets criticized so much because of his heavy use of descriptions and imagery, especially of nature, but I just adore how he conveys images. Each time I reread his works, I find myself amazed once again at how beautiful, lush, and evocative his writing is. These are some of my favorites I’ve noticed as I’ve been catching up on the newsletter:
“Away eastward the sun was rising red out of the mists that lay thick on the world. Touched with gold and red the autumn trees seemed to be sailing rootless in a shadowy sea.”
“The West wind was sighing in the branches. Leaves were whispering. Soon the road began to fall gently but steadily into the dusk. A star came out above the trees in the darkening East before them.”
“After a time, as the stars grew thicker and brighter, the feeling of disquiet left them, and they no longer listened for the sound of hoofs.”
“It showed grey and pale, a line of fading light through the wood. Above it the stars were thick in the dim sky, but there was no moon.”
“But at that moment there came a sound like mingled song and laughter. Clear voices rose and fell in the starlit air.”
“They passed slowly, and the hobbits could see the starlight glimmering on their hair and in their eyes. They bore no lights, yet as they walked a shimmer, like the light of the moon above the rim of the hills before it rises, seemed to fall about their feet.”
2,803 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
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abookishdreamer · 11 months
Character Intro: Felis (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Purr by Kéfi
Mother by her daughter
Age- 39 (immortal)
Location- Arcadia, Olympius
Personality- With a pechant for luxurious clothes and flashy jewelry, she's intoxicating & intimidating to many. She's unapologetic when it comes to her indulges in all kinds of sensory pleasures while also being intelligent, sassy, and fiercely protective of those she cares about. She's single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. Being the Titan goddess of cats her other powers/abilities include being able to shapeshift into/communicate with felines (wild cat species) as well as adapting feline physiology to her physical form (like cat falling, claw retraction, nictating membrane protrusion, pheromone generation, vertical pupils, etc...).
Felis is one of the lesser known Titanesses in the public & pantheon. It's frequently rumored that she was spared from most of the horrors of the Titanomachy due to being one of Kronos' lovers.
She has one tattoo- the Greek numerical symbol for the number 9 on the nape of her neck.
She has one child, Ailuros (goddess of cats & warfare). They keep in touch mostly through text and they always see each other when Felis travels to New Olympus. They spend time together whether it's a late night shopping spree, a late night movie, or visiting The Frozen Spoon for some ice cream sandwiches.
Felis primarily lives in the state of Arcadia in a small Meditteranean style house which she built herself. Inside, various animal prints (cats) are all around along with stylish suede & leather furniture. She fell in love with the location for the acres and acres of land she owns there as well. There's an enclosement on her property that houses her pets/companions. Wild cats- including panthers, tigers, jaguars, pumas, cheetahs, & even a snow leopard or two. The responsibility of taking care of them is really important to her.
In the mornings she normally stretches for an hour before spending time in her personal spa room where she indulges in a mud bath.
A go-to drink for her is a coconut cream martini. She also likes white russians, rum & cokes, cosmopolitans, pink squirrel cocktails (a drink made with heavy cream, creme de noyaux, and white creme de cacao), horchata, & dulce de leche milkshakes from The Frozen Spoon. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean are the olympian sized iced caramel latte and iced vanilla latte (with extra whipped cream).
She loves getting the steak & egg breakfast burrito (with extra sriracha) along with a nicoise salad from The Bread Box.
A physical activity that Felis enjoys above anything else is running. Running through the dense green forests of Arcadia in a shapeshifted form (a lean fast cheetah, a stealthy panther, or a powerful tiger) fills her veins with primal excitement!
She's well known on Fatestagram for her ultra sultry posts, her iconic walk starting up an online challenge where users posts videos of themselves doing an impression of Felis' unmistakable hip sway strut.
Aside from vanilla ice cream sandwiches, another favorite frozen treat of hers is a gigantic bowl of cinnamon roll ice cream topped with lots of whipped cream, white chocolate sauce, & dulce de leche.
Some of her favorite beauty products include the Olmorfia gel nail polish in "salted caramel macaron" (a soft glossy brown color), the La Petit Amour lip paint in the shade "a cinnamon affair", the Graces' Glam glitter liquid eyeliner in the shade "cocoa glaze" (does the perfect cat eye every time), and the Luxuria shimmering body oil in "golden dusk."
In the pantheon Felis is good friends with Matikós (god of performance), Kéfi (goddess of mirth); they often go shoe shopping, Aisa (goddess of lot & fate); they go jewelry shopping & clubbing, Charis (goddess of charm), Panigýri (goddess of festivals), Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought), Dolos (god of deception & treachery), Rhapso (goddess of sewing), Selene (Titaness of the moon), Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Sponde (goddess of libations), and Enyo (goddess of war, destruction, bloodlust, & devastation). She doesn't get along well with the water based deities especially The Nesoi and Aegaeon (god of sea storms). Outside the pantheon, Felis is friends with quite a few maenads!
She's the godmother to Thespios (god of acting).
There's never a shortage of jewelry catalouges in her mail!
Two of her guilty pleasures are tuna fish empanadas & sushi (particularly yellow tail sashimi).
Felis is well aware that she lives far beyond her means calling expensive jewelry her weakness. There have been times when she has been sleepwalking, found standing in front of jewelry stores. Even though credit card bills are mounting, she's grateful for the "donations" gifted to her by a few of her friends. One such gift was 500,000 drachmas from Dolos which Felis used to buy this exquisite art deco style diamond & emerald necklace at an auction!
For work/means of income she models for/endorses Maison du Drame, Euryphaessa, Heavenly Spark, Phaelam, Megaleio, ýfasma óneiro (the goddess Rhapso fashion brand), & Ouránio Théama.
As far as her love life goes Felis will partake in the occassional hookup or one night stand, calling it "taking care of her itch." Former flings include Helios (Titan god of the sun), Aplistos (god of avarice), and Athos (one of The Ourea). It's often been rumored that she had an affair with Krios (Titan god of stars & constellations),who was the former ruler of the Underworld, but she denies this. Lately Felis has been casually seeing Koros (god of surfeit & disdain). She calls their connection purely chemical and animalistic, with her refusing to be seen in public with him. Felis describes Koros' music as "rusty nails being scraped against adamantine glass."
She was the one that started up the talk of Nemean Lions being an endangered species.
Some of her favorite gifts Felis ever recieved include the "lion's paw" designer heels from Kéfi, a snow leopard fur jacket from Aisa, & a limited edition leopard print Megaleio handbag from Rhapso.
Felis mostly eats through hunting (in her shapeshifted form), dining out, and ordering in. She barely cooks, except for her tuna moussaka!
In her free time she enjoys the nighttime activities like clubbing and shopping. During the day, Felis mainly lounges around, being alone with her thoughts, or sleeps in, quite fond of taking naps.
Her all time favorite meal is a steak cooked medium rare topped with tomato gravy.
"It’s such a waste when pretty things get broken."
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rentogen123 · 1 year
Hey how are you ?
A few weeks ago i posted an au of rwby called dawnseeker
abd re-reading the post i made for the story i realize it sucks so i want to take another shot and see if i can explain it better but make sure i dont just write a wall of text i will just write the most important points
Fall of beacon arc
-jaune manages to grab pyrrha so both end in the rocket locker so pyrrha does not die
-since jaune does not call ruby she tries to find yang and she finds her just before adam uses his semblance and calls to yang causing her to turn her head and adam to change his attatck to land on her eyes leaving her blind from one eye and the other on critical condition abd causing yang to lose consiousness
-ruby thinking her sister just died causes her eyes to awaken in a much more powerfull way than in cannon so much that her eyes kill every grim in beacon and vale including the dragon
-this makes adam retreat and blake to run away thinking that yand died because of her and she hurt ruby
ozpin manages to survive since the silver damaged cinder
Scatered and alone arc
-after yang wakes up and realizes she is blind from one eye and her parter ran away causes yang to enter in a deep deprecion
-Weiss is forced to go to atlas like in cannon
-after a year and a half weiss schnee takes over the SDC in a rather brutal fashion
-Blake starts a new group called blue edge woth objective of destroying the white fang
-this causes her to earn the nickname the wandering shadow
-ruby is hailed as a hero and becomes a simbol of hope for the people
-and she becomes a unwiling political puppet
-in a mission on atlas she meets penny again
-penny becomes one of the few people ruby can count
-jaune saving pyrrha causes friction on jaune and pyrrha relationship
-this friction last for 3 months and after that they become a couple
-They break up after 6 months due to an incident on the raid of mount glen
-this incident ears pyrrha the nickname of the godness of betrayal
-this is also the incident that breaks team jnpr for real
After ren lie abandons jaune in mount glenn taking nora valkyrie with him
Falling dusk arc
-after the incident of mount glen jaune arc never uses a sword again
-half a year passes and after an encounter with jaune and a recorded scroll call yang finds her will once again
-yand and jaune start learnig from taiyang xiao long
-jaune becomes a hand to hand fighter
-ruby makes a specialized weapon for jaune with penny's help called " "AGS" (aura gear sistem)
-yang recives a robotic eye from penny
-ruby begin to fall from grace as a simbol and becomes more and more deatached to her feelings her only safe heaven are jaune yang and penny
-jaune and ruby start dating
-after 2 years of dating yang joins the relatiinshio
After 5 years after the fall of beacon ruby rose is selected to a suicide mission "either kill salem or become a martyr
This makes the begening of the dawnseeker event
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