#as someone who loves horror deeply i will fight ppl on this
dmsr-art · 3 months
how would you explain tlt series to someone who knows absolutely nothing about the series beyond seeing some character names & fanart occasionally?
ok this is what i would tell them:
tlt is set in the future after god, who is just some guy, resurrected a bunch of ppl and set up a new empire. there's necromancy and sword fighting and body horror. u just kinda get dropped into the world and piece things together as it goes on. it can be confusing (but in a fun way). the first book is just among us. the second book will gaslight u but don't worry about it <3. the third book gives u FLASHBACK CHAPTERS and it rules. u will fall deeply in love with these characters. god has an on page threesome. several characters get EXPLODED. this is just barely scratching the surface.
tlt is also this:
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another banger post i’m afraid, not recognizing horror as sociopolitical in nature is a brain dead take i wish people would abandon.
i’m horrible at summarizing thoughts but i will TRY keeping things short- (after writing edit: did not keep things short)
horror to anyone should not simply be glorified gore or even something that makes you just a bit squeamish, something about horror for the sake of being ‘scared’ and not ‘horrified’ always rubs me the wrong way. some people who see the genre for the value it brings already fight against the praise of any cheap jumpscare, but that always feels like the main argument, that it should be ‘genuinely scary’ but not make them too uncomfortable, so it feels like people seem to just entirely and constantly miss the point of what horror is as an entire genre and mode of storytelling.
like i think horror isn’t supposed to just scare you, it is supposed to horrify you, just like you said!! most of the time when it comes to These White People who absolutely hate anything that isn’t digestible theres simply no ability- or even want- to sit with and untangle the discomfort. i always view horror as something cannot and never will escape the reality behind it, why it was made and what it’s doing and the feelings it evokes, so neither can the viewer, and mostly white people just have the choice of dismissing it and putting it out of mind.
also i just have an opinion that if someone cannot deal with the idea and discomfort of Real Things being depicted to them through layers of separation via fiction and narrative, it near 100% reflects just how disconnected from the real world issue being tackled they are, usually willingly so.
in the realm of media there’s this push from mostly white people that resists any depiction of racism as objectively bad and horrifying, or even any depictions of racism at all (historical/present/future even). it feels like everyone just wants oppression/anti-blackness/colorism/etc as very concepts to drift into silence somehow and disappear and not be an issue to think about. like somehow if we don’t depict racism ever at all in media then it’ll just… stop existing?? always feels like an undeniable mix of willful ignorance and no desire to learn literally anything other than what gets handed to them.
BIGGEST and final thoughts. a black and gay man becoming the face of IWTV trampled on what Louis’ character used to be- in the source materials he’s a plantation owner before a vampire. i genuinely don’t think i need to lay out how this is deeply intentional, or how even on a surface level this change is important to the adaptation, but i will sign off on the note that it’s a change that speaks to how the show is deliberately trying to speak about things in the present day, not just do a horror show about vampires, but a horror show that reflects more reality than Anne Rice’s book or the movie version following Louis and Lestat never had, what with the literal plantation owner protagonist doing the “woe is me and my white guilt” routine. dissolving into incoherent hatred for Anne Rice. ppl need to internalize why the story originated how it did, and why it had to be changed, how it’s stronger for those changes. overall, just how much more genuinely horrifying it is. i could keep going on about this forever actually, simply have to cut myself off here or i will send a full blown essay
I love that you started this ask off with 'another banger of a post I'm afraid' like I legit love that.
Also, all of this is true. Horror is meant to horrify not just scare, people need to understand that and learn to watch things that make them feel uncomfortable - especially when what's making them uncomfortable is the confrontation with the politics of racism. Like there's a reason why Louis was written as a black man in the show.
Fuck whatever the fuck Anne Rice wants we don't care about her or the preservation of her ideals cause she's just another insignificant racist white woman piece of shit.
Love you Peej!! Thanks for sending me essays always :)
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nat-of-personifs · 11 months
i dont normally send asks but i came across ur blog and you have some really cool ideas when it comes to personification stuff,, ur like one of the few other ppl ive found that actually includes polandball and countryhumans in personified fandom stuff so id love to hear ur ideas abt them!! as someone with a fascination with fandom history id be down to discuss stuff more with u if u wanna
uh *checks notes* I am going to assume you mean their dynamic/hcs about each!! I’ve never delved very deeply into Countryhumans fandom history/her dynamics with the others because. Controversy but I still do have lots of ideas about her. And she is *the* quintessential Canonless G(A) fandomspirit to me, probably because she’s the first one I was part of. You get into G(A) through Hetalia, Countryhumans, or Polandball mostly and they’re the faces of the whole place so,,, very well defined House triad here.
What I do say is CH is PB and Hetalia’s conceptual daughter (her premise is kind of both of theirs mashed together) but Hetalia and the other two are separated by the Canon-Canonless divide (and the fact that he has a husband) and thus don’t talk as much. (Which is funny because his two actual sons, Fandomstuck and Socialstuck, are both Canonless.) Also, he gets into Reality more often because he has more cosplayers. But their dynamic is more like older-younger sibling, they swing back and forth between working together well (sharing headcanons and Netizens) and actually beating each other up (raids). From what I’ve seen, and I’m mostly saying this from CH’s POV, he’s more likely to start it than she is.
Both of them are a little scared of each other, PB because he has a lot of overlap with her and is the closest to seeing inside of her brain (he’s read her writing before) and is uncomfortable around it, CH because she can never tell when PB is being sarcastic and when he actually means what he says. She usually assumes he’s being serious.
Also, fandomspirits don’t get as possessive of their people as much as OTJs do, which, considering the way they feed, is probably a good thing. So they don’t fight about who gets the food; they’re content, and CH even likes receiving less because it’s made her swings less severe.
I have no idea what’s going on with her right now because I can’t check her tag and no longer use Wattpad (her Wattpad room is way more active than her AO3 room from what I remember) for personal reasons, but is the Save the Countryhumans Fandom thing still happening?
Fun fact: she’s the second fandomspirit of Countryhumans. The first one was the Country Guardian, Nadia. She got thrown into temporary leave for killing another Guardian which she felt (feels) guilty about even with most of her memories wiped.
CH’s rooms in G(A) are vandalized to hell and back. She’s used to it.
What I meant about swings: she has periods of making shipping Whatever the Hell She Wants (btw in the personifverse G(A) is technically RPF) and then periods of feeling incredibly guilty about it.
Wikipedia, Britannica and JSTOR are her favorite places.
All of her spin-offs (Statehumans, Planethumans, social media humans (subordinate of Socialstuck in the twins’ journalism business)) live in her head but can manifest bodies at will. Planethumans is the most independent one.
She’s jealous of Centricide because they get to unironically ship Nazis and Communists without people yelling at them.
Actually she’s jealous of pretty much every other G(A) member.
Physically 14 because that’s what everyone sees her people as. Russian-Brazilian, I think? Russian definitely (VK). But no one knows exactly where she came from. Also Korean. Maybe. Everyone sees something different.
Oh!! Oh!! She’s thinking about sending ambassadors to Collab Horror (where SCP lives). I’m the result. I’ve been tasked with giving her another child :) I’m trying I know I don’t talk to her a lot anymore but I still love her
I know you came here half for PB but I don’t have many headcanons about him :( he is definitely the face G(A) would most like to show to the public, and really good at art (terrible at writing) except he can’t be bothered to try mostly. (I’ve been on some of his subreddits some of the pictures are pure eye candy)
I hope this doesn’t spark an argument because I don’t want this to be the third site I kick myself out of.
Sorry for taking a while to reply, I blame the Great Ira-Aaron Angstfest of 2023.
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zombiepatch · 2 years
"REAL horror is this-"
horror is deeply personal and different for everyone shut the fuck up loser
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lanshappycorner · 3 years
Yandere Ace/Deuce HCs + Drabble
This is ❤♠️ Acedeuce. I rarely see ppl writing for ships so like be the change u want to see right
⚠️Content Warning⚠️:
>Yandere, may have suggestive elements like idk kissing but absolutely no NSFW
>unhealthy relationship goals (if ur in a relationship like this pls get help)
>this is dark and as unhealthy as it gets and is Dark Fiction TM so characters will be OOC
>if ur not good with any of the above I reccomend you to PLEASE keep scrolling and read the bible
>also I feel like I'm going to need to say this but before u start reading I need u to know that the collar mentioned will not be used for kinky purposes it is Fucking Symbolism Babey🤩
Now that you have hopefully read the warnings, please proceed with caution and enjoy ig, everything is under the cut vvvvv
To Ace, Deuce was his perfect little doll. Porcelain skin free of blemishes, the most striking pair of blue green eyes, and a sweet and naive disposition, yet so broken all the same. Deuce was not innocent to the horrors of the world, and yet Ace found him to be so adorably sweet, like a ray of light in the dark corrupt world they lived in
Ace wasn't sure when he began to feel so deeply for Deuce, when he began to display such disturbing signs. Perhaps it was when he had ripped up every single love letter arriving at their door, all addressed to Deuce. Or perhaps it was when he began to obsessively track down Deuce's every single movement
In his opinion, Deuce was so flawed yet so perfect. If Ace took his eyes away for just a second, Deuce would leave him. Deuce was always good at running away, after all. He couldn't risk Deuce being taken by anyone else either, so what choice did he have but to stick by Deuce's side every chance he got?
At first it was little clingy things, "Take me to the store with you." "Since break is coming up, let me visit your house for a day." "Are you doing an errand for Crewel-sensei? Let me come with you." Then it gradually got worse. "You let me go to the store with you before, why won't you let me now?" "Isn't it fine if I crash at your place whenever?" "Hey, don't go out alone. I know how you are—you want to be an honor student right? If I leave you alone then you'll definitely pick a fight with someone so let me go with you."
Slowly Deuce had gotten used to Ace being by his side. When Ace left somewhere, naturally Deuce would follow him out of instinct. He was like a puppy really, Ace thought to himself
Over time, Deuce grew quiet, relenting. Ace liked see his angry side, so every now and then, he'd piss him off a bit, just to bring some life into his eyes. He supposed he'd ruined Deuce a little, forced the boy to become too dependent on him. That was no fun, he like Deuce most when he was defiant, but it was fine he guessed. He rather have Deuce obedient to his whims than trying to escape him as he had before.
He'd jokingly bought Deuce a collar, throwing it to his feet as if to mock the boy for being so obedient.
"....What do you want from me?" Deuce had asked him, his eyes a black void, null of emotion.
Ace had smiled so sickeningly sweet, as if it was obvious, "Wear it."
He'd expected Deuce to cuss at him, to scream, cry, anything. However, the boy merely stared at the collar, picking it up from the floor before putting it on, his eyes looking straight in Ace's direction, as if he were looking through him.
Ace laughed, "What? Not putting up a fight today?"
A frown pulled at Ace's lips, a bitter taste on his tongue as he walked over to where Deuce stood. He threw his arms loosely around Deuce's neck, a pout on his lips, "Have you given up? That's no fun, you know. I love you when you fight me." His fingers trailed over the collar, his expression turning cold, "I hate you when you're like this."
Moments when it seemed as if Deuce had given up entirely, had lost every will to fight back. Every time, Ace had to find something worse and worse to make him angrier. Perhaps a collar was too weak of a provocation. He moved to press kisses onto Deuce's neck where his collar didn't cover, occasionally biting enough to cause a mark, but not break skin.
"You know, Deuce..." Ace whispered softly, "I hate you when you're like this, but even if you never fight against me again...I'll never let you go...I won't ever grow bored of you...there'll never be a difference no matter what you do...you know that right? You need me, I'm the only person that loves you this much, I'm the only person who would do anything for you..."
Deuce ignored him yet again, although Ace supposed that stubborn nature of his was lovable too.
He tugged at the collar, pulling Deuce into a kiss. It was disturbingly sweet, incredibly possessive, and painfully aggressive. Deuce was Ace's. No one else would be able to kiss him. No one else would be able to touch him. "Only me..." He began to walk, pushing Deuce against the wall as he whispered happily to himself against Deuce's lips, "Only I get to have you like this...no one else...no one else."
"I'll be all your firsts," Ace hummed, a chuckle escaping his lips, "I'll be all your lasts too. Isn't that romantic?"
The thought of staying with Ace forever, of his last kiss being with Ace, his last everything being with Ace brought a spark of anger, a flicker of disgust in Deuce's eyes, and Ace beamed.
"I love you...hey, tell me you love me too, Deuce." Ace wistfully sighed, his eyes brimming with adoration.
"It's okay...you don't have to say it right now..."
"You'll learn to love me in no time."
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thelastofgala · 4 years
I started The Last of Us, Pt. 2 last night, and here are my first impressions, musings on parallelism, Naturalism, Ellie’s characterization, Joel’s characterization, the “presence” of Riley, gameplay, story development, and more:
Starting with Joel. I always imagined The Last of Us 2 would begin at the end of Joel’s journey, though I will say that I did not expect to pick up so close to the end of the first game. I thought they would start us somewhere COMPLETELY out of context. Like I was prepared for much deeper flashback. In this way, I really felt like I was playing a sequel, which is not a bad thing. I just had no idea how they were going to frame this. The compelling thing about starting with Joel is that it immediately sets up parallels between Joel and Sarah, the character we start with in The Last of Us. There’s no way this was not a pointed decision. Just like it was with Sarah, Joel is our point of reference in a new, strange world. His point of view in this new world is all that we know. We don’t know what the new special world contains, and we don’t know grown-up Ellie at all. Plus, old fans will have missed him. It is a comfort to be Joel, and like a daughter protected by her father, a false and short-lived comfort. We are also now thinking of Joel as, like Sarah, someone who is in danger, whose agency is compromised, who, for whatever reason, is weakened this time around, and who may not survive the story. 
I will say, too, that I really loved that after the 4-years-later cut, Joel is held off-screen. He and Tommy are out on a patrol. They are out there, in danger, and that sort of restraint is really effective. We are ALWAYS looking for Joel, just like we were in the run-up to the release, because he is the only person we truly know in this strange, new world. ND knows and takes advantage of this.
There are many parallels between Joel and Riley. Both Joel and Riley sneak up on Ellie during their first interaction. They’re even wearing similar colors. Both Joel and Riley lied to Ellie in the previous story, and both betrayed her as an act of self-preservation. In Left Behind, Ellie is somewhat chilly toward Riley in the beginning, even as her younger, more optimistic self, just as Ellie is chilly toward Joel in the beginning of The Last of Us 2. Still, you can tell through Ellie’s dialogue with Dina that she and Joel are knitted together—he defended her against the bigoted bartender, and she appreciates this even if she doesn’t outright say it. They share taste in movies and have plans to watch a movie together soon. I haven’t interacted with Joel in the current timeline, but I do know that in Left Behind, Riley has to earn back Ellie’s trust and take measures to reenter her good graces, and that this is a large part of their relationship arc. I also know that, by the time they reconcile, it proves to be too late. The world will not let them have what they want, and nothing is simple. All of these parallels worry me a lot, as Left Behind, while still driven by a strong undercurrent of love (it is a love story, interwoven with Ellie’s desperate search for medical supplies in a bid to save Joel’s life), is a much bleaker, sadder story than The Last of Us, and it has a tragic ending.
Joel's conversation with Tommy feels important. I was very glad to hear Tommy say that he would have made the same choice, in terms of saving Ellie or letting her die for the possibility of a cure. It shows that Tommy is more like Joel than perhaps we knew. Plus, Maria will have taught him something about love and commitment, as the notion of saving the one you love above all else should make more sense to him now that he has foregone the youthful idealism of the Fireflies in order to focus on the practical wisdom of family. As a parent, I understand Joel’s decision to save Ellie at the end of The Last of Us and know I would have done the same. I also understand why Joel lied, even though I think it was the wrong choice. Hearing him confide all of this in Tommy was cathartic. It was also very characteristic of Joel to respond that Ellie “didn’t say nothing otherwise” when Tommy asks if she believed him. In all of his denial, Joel chooses to believe what is conveniently in front of him, even if he knows it’s untrue. Also, I couldn’t tell, but was that a Firefly logo on that guitar he’s shining up? Maybe I hallucinated that. But if it is, I do wonder where he got it.
Ellie’s character is much more deadpan and ruminative in young adulthood. She seems tired, and a little lacking in self-esteem and sort of immediately defeated by what happened during the experience with Joel. When Joel sang, we could see her return to that place, just a glimmer, and her response—that it “didn’t suck”—shows how she still shields her heart with sarcasm, something Dina points out to her later on (“Did I ruin your punchline?”). Joel has been broken down by the events of The Last of Us and now bears his soul to her with his music, unabashed and dedicated to her, and Ellie is now the stoic one, unshakable, sealed inside a heavy, protective armor that seems impossible to pierce. I look forward to getting to know Ellie as a young adult and, ultimately, crying a lot. She is artistic and honest and still a little soft underneath. You can tell by her early interactions with Dina especially that she can still blush, and she can still come undone.
I love the snowball fight lol. I am always so frustrated when these big environment games, like Red Dead 2, Dragon Age, etc., don’t have any kids running around. Why don’t these stories pay attention to kids? Kids exist. They are an important part of almost any open world or quasi open world environment. I love the presence of kids in The Last of Us 2, because the loss of childhood innocence is an important theme for Ellie as a character. It’s also clear we’re trying to set up the edenic innocence of Jackson. It is childhood, in a way, and just like childhood, it will come to inevitable corruption. The scene, too, reminded me of Ellie and Riley on their teen dream adventure, romping through the Halloween store at the mall, trying on masks and talking to the magic eight ball.
I’m really pleased by all the parallels with Left Behind and Ellie’s portion of the journey in The Last of Us. Winter was her season, and that’s where we’re starting now. The horseback riding, the blizzard, and all the blood in the snow bring flashbacks of Ellie hunting on the woods, Ellie alone in the frozen mall, David, and the Lakeside Resort, all of which layer the current moment with a lot of emotional tension for the player.
The opening is, I think, sprawling. I’m having fun but there’s this sense that I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the story. Like Joel in the first game, Ellie is also big-timing me a little and I feel far away from her. I know this will change soon, and I’ll warm up to her, but for now, like Joel, we’re all being held at arm’s length. I actually like the POV shifts we’ve gotten so far and the multiple POVs is something I predicted a while ago, based on ND’s tendencies in the first game. Ppl are going to give The Last of Us 2 shit for being too cinematic but tbh it sometimes feels more like a playable novel than a traditional video game. We’re on a cable car headed straight into disaster and there’s nothing we can do. In this way the game is using the medium itself to perpetuate its Naturalistic themes. We play and we play, and we fight and we fight, but the environment entertains no interest in our struggle and the outcome will always be the same. There is no free will in The Last of Us.
On that note, the gameplay so far is, I think, pretty fun. I have played a lot of stealth games and am always looking for ways the genre is reinventing itself. Like Sekiro and Tomb Raider, The Last of Us 2 is increasing the verticality of the map with rope climbing and scaling up obstacles (though I do miss using Joel’s immense upper body strength to move those dumpsters around lol). In a stealth game I want creativity and problem solving to be central to the gameplay. I don’t want to be magically handed tools and weapons on a constant basis, to meet every individual need. I want to be forced into resourcefulness, and I don’t want to enter a shoot-out unless I absolutely have to. That said, I’m nearly to the tower checkpoint with Dina, and I’ve only fired my gun twice. The dodge/melee mechanic is neat, but more than anything, having real, actionable help from an AI enables stealth kills even in zones crawling with enemies. On that note, I am playing with a headset, and I’m glad I am, because I find the sounds of the goddam clickers to be all-encompassing this time around and a LOT bigger and scarier than they were in The Last of Us. Holy shit. They’re absolutely terrifying. I can only imagine the horror to come lol.
Now, finally, Abby: I don’t have much to offer on this yet. Abby is not who I thought she’d be. I’ll just say it. Still, the melee battle with her and the runners in the woods was AWESOME. For me, the most fun I’ve had yet, because it was completely different than anything from The Last of Us. Playing her, however, I will say, filled me with foreboding. I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to help her. She seems beyond desperate and while deeply sympathetic, she is a new character and her loyalties are not mine...so far. I could be very wrong, and please don’t correct me if I am, but I get the sense she might be a Firefly, or somehow associated with Marlene, and she is looking for Joel, in vengeance. Her group was small and rogue, and they seemed new to the area. All I know is that ND is creating a moral dilemma here, and as to what will become of this, the jury is still out completely.
One small personal criticism, take it or leave it: I don’t personally love that the kiss with Dina and scene with Joel defending Ellie was kept off-stage in the game and left to the trailer. We could have started at the dance. That would have taught us everything we need to know about Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and Joel and Ellie’s relationship state. This is my only criticism of the story so far. From a writer’s perspective, it’s just inefficient and clumsy to try and cover all that in expositional dialogue, taking into consideration that many casual players will not have seen all the trailers. Even still, it’s not hurting my experience in any way. Just an observation and maybe a bit of personal opinion on the fact that perhaps the choice to reveal so much scene in pre-release trailers might be a great way to build hype but might not be the most efficient choice in telling the actual story. My two cents!
In the end, I’m overall super excited and can’t wait to keep playing. These are just my own personal thoughts, and I’ll be back with more thoughts soon!! PLEASE NO SPOILERS OR SPOILERY SUGGESTIONS IN THE REPLIES!! I am NOT privy to the leaks and I do NOT want to know what’s coming. Thank you!! ^_^ 
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silver-wield · 4 years
Hi! Sorry for bothering you. Don't know if you already did this one (so many analysis) but what did you thought about Sephiroth killing Barret scene? Everyone just go running to Barret and Cloud just froze.
No bother! Sorry for the wait, I had a few things on my plate to clear lol
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be short-ish.
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone’s interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I’ve had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea’s approval (Cloti ask response) 
Leslie analysis (not mine, but a good read) 
Cloti action touching 
Aerti friendship analysis 
Cloti body language chapter 3 
Cloti healthy disagreement 
Cloti post heliboss battle (chapter 15) 
Clerith playground scene 
Cloti body language plate fall 
Cloud and Barret friendship 
Resolution scene analysis (A) 
Barret character analysis (chapter 13) 
Cloud character analysis (Honey Bee Inn) 
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Recap time!
Okay, so our intrepid heroes have found Aerith, but then Cloud has a ptsd induced attack and passes out. After some exposition courtesy or Red and Aerith, we're back on mission to reach the roof and the Avalanche helicopter waiting for us – thanks to Wedge the cinnamon roll.
Once we reach the President's office we can hear shouting and make our way outside to find Shinra dangling from 70f up. Poor bby. Lemme help you up.
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Anyway, Barret stops Tifa going to help (you’re too kind sometimes, T), grabs Shinra and after some massive restraint on his part, tosses him back onto solid ground. He pursues Shinra through the office and then in classic moron moment finds Shinra has a gun pointed at him. I'm not sure why the others didn't go too, but for whatever reason, they're in the doorway while Shinra is making his selfish bastard speech and Barret forgets he's got a literal machine gun for an arm.
Seconds before pulling the trigger, Sephiroth materialises out of thin air – and Cloud's Sephy sense didn't even go off this time – and he stabs Shinra, killing him in an echo of his OG death.
You get a shot of surprised Cloud and Tifa, then Barret lunges for Sephiroth while whispers appear through the doorway.
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Ooh damn I'm good! 2nd go and I stop on this shot. First one was blurry.
Ok, this is obviously the moment where Sephiroth runs Barret all the way through. Remember, his sword is like 8ft long or some ridonculous shit like that. It's massive. He has zero need to get close to someone when he stabs them. He didn't do this with Shinra, he was like 3 feet away and still there was plenty of sword sticking out the guy's chest (anyone wonder if Seph is compensating for something? Lol).
Ok, so the point I'm getting at by showing Sephiroth this close to Barret is that this is a personal attack. This isn't something he's done just to kill someone. He's stuck that massive sword all the way through Barret's chest until he's within touching distance of him. This is an attack on Cloud. This is his way of showing Cloud that the vision from the VR scene could absolutely be true. He can make it true.
As for Barret, well he's just been stabbed, so he looks like he wants to go for pizza lol
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Tifa automatically reacts and wants to run to Barret and save him. She's lost way too many people over the last day and can't lose anyone else. This is expected of her being the first one to react.
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Interestingly, the next one to move is Red. The bromance is real. That's one fast friendship there and I love these two as friends. Barret and Red can snark at each other for a whole game and I'll be happy. 
This is a great moment though because it shows that Red's already formed strong bonds with everyone, enough that he'll go to their aid without stopping to think. For an animal character which is hard to read, you can see very easily the pain, fear and panic in his eye.
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If you're a meta!Aerith theoriser like me then this is actually too much emotion on her face for someone who barely knows Barret. She looks like she just lost someone very important to her. They met like an hour ago. I love the amount of emotion on her face here, she clearly cares about Barret a lot. That's an “please God oh no” look if ever I saw one. Makes me wanna tear up and no lie.
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And Cloud. Who doesn't move because he's literally frozen in place with a wide eyed look of horror on his face. He's seen Sephiroth stab people before. Back in Nebelheim reactor and then in the VR where he had to watch him stab Tifa (ok not really, but the mental trauma is still the same). He's shutting down. SOLDIER!Cloud.exe has stopped working. Have you tried turning him off and on again?
Cloud's terrified of Sephiroth anyway – he literally whimpers during one ptsd attack – so to see him stab Barret? His friend? And he didn’t even see it coming? It's probably sent his entire mind to a point where he can't function. This is the stuff that breaks him.
Aside: How did Sephiroth pull that whole long ass sword out of Barret without moving away? Does he have slenderman arms on the sly?
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This is interesting. Sephiroth looks at Cloud, who's still shell-shocked, but then it's like you can see him rebooting. That absolute fury and hatred he has for Sephiroth overrides most of his shock – or tries. You can see the SOLDIER part of him trying to assert control over his fear, but then it wavers and the shock and fear – likely from real!Cloud – take hold again, making his eyes wide and him look as helpless as he feels.
Sephiroth's goal is to always make Cloud feel helpless, out of control, useless to everyone. That way he can control Cloud and make him do whatever he wants. He's a master manipulator and Cloud with all his issues struggles to fight against that mental barrage. It’s something that never goes away for him. This is his lifetime struggle and it’s a metaphor for those who live with mental health issues. There’s no one final battle and it’s all rosy. It’s never ending and some days you win, some days it’s Sephiroth. The point is to fight.
So, then the whisper leaps into Barret to save him and Sephiroth turns into a piece of Jenova. Now we've got some action happening, Cloud shakes off his weakness and goes back into SOLDIER mode.
Cloud can't deal with emotions. Of any kind. He's emotionally stunted, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have emotions. It's the opposite. He feels things far too deeply and intensely and hasn't learned how to process them effectively in a way that doesn't damage himself. This is stuff you learn as you mature from a teenager to an adult. This is stuff Cloud's been denied by being a lab rat for 4 years. His body may be an adult, but part of him is still 16. He needs to experience life to help him mature and catch that emotional development up to the rest of him. (which is my way of saying he won't be like a 16yr old forever).
Cloud's real and genuine affection for his friend over-rid any kind of control he had over himself and made it impossible for him to move when he saw Barret stabbed. He's also lost too many people, which is partly why he has that SOLDIER persona protecting him. Sephiroth's taunting look made it clear this was to get at Cloud. It had very little to do with Barret. Cloud's anger broke through his shock, but that weakness reasserted itself quickly afterwards, keeping him from acting until Jenova Dreamweaver appeared and he finally had something for SOLDIER!Cloud to take care of.
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viktorfm · 4 years
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dont. look at me. i know. anyways if it wasnt obvs i abandoned cupid (n darrow) in order 2 bring the two ocs tht he ws inspired by n ws a combination of bt. theyre better as different ppl methinks.
old tvs and their static, worn tapes, horror movie screams, spilled ink, a sculptor’s hands, clay-stained, chicken scratch handwriting, messy notes, messy hair, scoffs and eye-rolls, bruised knuckles, sore throats, funeral homes and a crying preacher, shattered ceramics, knife fights, high ledges, vertically-striped pants, red lights, the moon shrouded in clouds, cigarette butts, graveyards and half-empty wine bottles, sitting there for hours and talking to nothing, about nothing, a god complex, gold rings adorning both hands, barbwire baseball bats, having never played baseball in your life, deep eyebags and broken mirrors, a permanent chip on one’s shoulder, yearning, longing, wishing.
full name: viktor phillip samuels
nickname(s): icky vicky :/
b.o.d. - january 2nd, 1996
label(s): the black hole, the crepehanger, the impious, the opaque, the tempest, etc.
height: 6′1″
hometown: preaker, vermont
sexuality: pansexual uwu
favorite song: disorder, joy division / it’s getting faster, moving faster / now it’s getting out of hand / on the tenth floor, down the back stairs / it’s a no man’s land / lights are flashing, cars are crashing / getting frequent now / i’ve got the spirit, lose the feeling / let it out somehow
born to mama and papa (preacher) samuels in preaker, vermont - fifteen minutes after his twin sister, tatiana samuels. years later, rosa samuels joined the gang.
was an awkward, quiet kid growing up, he didn’t interact well with others and preferred being left alone to dig up worms and draw on the walls of their childhood home. the only exception was his twin, really.
as he got older he grew out of this, but instead became like … sort of an asshole? maybe to compensate for years of childhood awkwardness. he’s the sort of person who will bite the hand that feeds him & developed into a full time nuisance by middle school, unlike tatiana who was much more subtle about her conniving manners.
always has been a fan of ‘darker’ materials. grim & creepy morbid shit. probably the biggest tim burton fan, ever since he was a kid … not a good look for a preacher’s son, but he never really felt ‘in’ with the rest of his family to begin with. classic black sheep syndrome.
drew disturbing pictures as a kid that probably prompted one or two or five phone calls home to assure everything was fine.
just really had a knack for art at a young age, from drawing to painting to playing with clay. it’s always been his thing and probably is the only thing he’s good at.
being twins with tatiana was hard. they were near opposite besides both being quite mean-spirited. tatiana handled being in public better, left a better image behind - but viktor had talent, more than she did. they loved each other deeply - y’know, those unbreakable twin bonds as cliche as it sounds - but found each other as competition for their parents’ attention. a rivalry for affection.
in high school is when viktor really started to act out. it started extreme, like losing his virginity in their church and vandalism around the neighborhoods. faked being possessed in the middle of sunday service & almost had an exorcism performed on him.
his only redeemable trait was like … just his sheer talent in the arts. was in a 3d art ap course and specialized in sculptures. he could pretty much create anything he wanted with enough dedication.
because he was the problem child, the one who deserved to be disciplined for all his antics, tatiana could sneak away and get away with whatever she wanted much easier. on the bright-side, for her, i guess.
not a very motivated person - wasn’t planning on going to college, much less going to yates but his parents literally wrote & sent his college application for him because they weren’t going to house a deadbeat but had too much heart to kick him out onto the streets. cool!
he’s actually pretty smart but he just doesn’t apply himself. has a minor in english because he didn’t care for an extra course-load, but he’s good at writing & analyzing literature. is going to use it to write and illustrate his own series of children books with a style similar to tim burton’s. not for the kids, but because he likes to leave a trail of terror in whatever he does.
has been experimenting with himself since high school but college is where he really had started to crack down on himself. was out as pansexual & nonbinary by his sophomore year of college just … not to his parents, who don’t really need to know.
if you asked him if he believed in twins having a psychic connection with each other - he’d tell you he wouldn’t know. it felt believable at times, but sometimes he had no idea what was going on inside of tatiana’as head. on the other hand - viktor had always felt oddly transparent to her, like she knew all of his moves before he did. the only person who could predict him accurately.
( tw death, grief, overdose / hospitalization beyond this point )
when tatiana disappeared, viktor knew something was up. it was a twist in his gut, pure instinct that something wasn’t right. and it wasn’t right - and when she was proclaimed missing, they couldn’t find her.
and when tatiana died - viktor knew. it felt wrong, something cut so severely in him he could pinpoint her death to the second. he didn’t know how, or why, but he knew it. knew it before anybody else had.
afterwards he went on a sort of bender. he’d begun to struggle with a mild drug addiction late senior year of high school / early college, but he was managing it up until this point.
his mental health had also sunk to an all-time low, when it’d never been great to begin with. (manic & depressive episodes. once fixated on a sculpting project for six months and then knocked it off the table and destroyed it as soon as he finished it for no apparent reason.)
tatiana’s body wasn’t found immediately, and when it was … viktor went off the rails. ended up overdosing & being hospitalized. spent six months in & out of psychiatric care after that.
came back to yates to finish his senior year because … for the reasons above, he hadn’t been able to complete it. just wants to get his credits and get out of here.
is still dealing with a lot of trauma & grief - causes him to spiral and be unpredictable in regards of his mental health. he stopped taking his medication, so. :/ some days are alright, other days are pretty bad.
personality & facts.
the human embodiment of a gremlin that was fed after midnight. a goblin, if you will. one of those cats with a narrow head and really big ears … that’s them!
a big horror & halloween enthusiast. loves the old campy horror movies & probably has an abundance of masks from different movies. dresses like a grimy millennial beetlejuice more than they should because they just … love those black & white vertical-striped pants.
can appreciate the ~urban legends~ at yates and likes to feed into the fear that surrounds them. is probably the cause of a few ‘anomalies’ and ‘paranormal sightings’ because they’re just … a jerk.
fashion alternates between e-boy (they would be tiktok famous if they were 17 & didn’t think that a majorly minor based app was weird.), millennial beetlejuice, and goth in a crop top & sweatpants. big fan of crop tops and a big fan of sweatpants.
they can be really fucking mean? petty, aggressive, a major instigator. will literally spit in your face for little to no reason, you could just look at them the wrong way. the kind of person who will stick their gum into someone else’s hair. other than that? they’re like … sort of okay. they’re not always mean, just a dick about 90% of the time lmao
like okay yeah they’ll call someone a stinky bitch for no reason except they feel like it and believes it. it’s fine, they’re fine, we’re fine.
despite the fact that they’re probably getting into a fight whenever, considers themself to be a lover and not a fighter but that’a primarily because they fuck a lot. uses it as a coping mechanism, like they’re this big fancy carnival show that’s like ‘come one, come all! fuck the dead girl’s twin brother!’ and it’s … a lot. might have a problem with hypsersexuality but they’re not fully aware of it.
the preacher’s whore son, basically :)
pansexual & nonbinary, switches between he & they pronouns often and without a pattern, but they have such a fragile grip on their identity that you could call them ‘dog-faced bitch’ and they’d turn around like. sup.
vastly impulsive … like i said, they destroy their own creations for the fun of it. spends all their money on useless shit, will cheat on someone because they feel like it & likes the thrill, screams into the night sky frequently like a cat in heat.
will also spend months creating useless shit for no reason too. spent six of them sculpting a hollowed out tree the size of them & then took a sledgehammer to it.
they’re very super dramatic. would play the organ at church when nobody was looking after them and service was about to start. would just churn out these super haunting, creepy melodies like they were phantom of the opera. would do the same exact thing at home on their keyboard with the pipe organ setting whenever they got grounded until their parents took it away hbdsjfngkh
will absolutely not talk about their ‘time away’ because it’s not anyone’s business, not even their own younger sister. still refuses to talk about tatiana’s death, or their mental health, or their addiction (fallen back into it but it hasn’t gotten severe … yet :/), or anything involving their own emotions.
will just change the topic abruptly, no warning. asks about the jonas brothers instead and they fucking hate the jonas brothers.
that being said they’re absolutely not over tatiana’s death & it’s to the point of obsession over it. like there’s some kind of secret that needs to be uncovered, even though there just. isn’t. tatiana was their rock and they were pretty much dependent on her. kept them grounded. could control them when nobody else could, got into their head easier than others. it’s sort of like rosa lost two siblings that day because viktor hasn’t been the same since.
emotionally unavailable while also crying twice a day. cries during their brawls but still wins. is stony-faced when they tell you they cheated on you with your much hotter best friend.
will tell you straight up what they want from you, no bullshit & no beating around the bush. just blunt. if they want to fuck, nothing else, then that’s it. if they feel deviation or developing feelings then they’ll ghost in less than a second. is awful like that but feels no shame.
but also emotional as shit and it’s confusing. will cry on a whim and then flip you off if you try to console them or ask them what’s up. will bite you.
they go to therapy but they just fuck around and wastes their therapists’ time … also is fucking their therapist, but that’s neither here nor there. so they’re not really getting the help they need.
likes to be intimidating but not … with their body or anything because they’re a twig but uses their love & knowledge of horror and creepy shit to their advantage. has an abundance of fake blood. has channeled the energy of jack nicholson and used it on tatiana’s boyfriends before (also is a big fan of sfx makeup & has dabbled in it)
probably chases kids around with a chainsaw without the chain on halloween every year.
generally never doing good, both mental health wise & morally. would probably steal candy from a baby for funsies.
i don’t know if there’s a good to them somewhere deep down, but they don’t see any issues with themself either. nothing really breaks through to them anymore because the only person who ever made them stop and think about their actions was tatiana, and well, y’know. :/
an introverted reclusive type who doesn’t like most people or going out, but does so anyway if it means a quick high & a cheap thrill.
pretty observant and likes to analyze people even though they’re often like … partially wrong. judgmental because they like to make people feel bad, not because they’re a righteous mighty person. because they’re not. so like, a hypocrite!
wanted connections.
religious trauma? oh worm ;; three cheers fr <3 guilt <3 anyways uh. just people tht viktor hs known thru the church in some way even tho hes a fkn. freak now. maybe even family friends. 
the horror of our love :/ ;; hmm. any romance tht cld b toxic i think this cld fit. just rly a bad fit. viktor doesnt rly know hw to love so nothing rly lasts bt. maybe they try n try n nothing works bt they keep trying. cld also just be anything unrequited.
little fkn gremlins ;; theyre all evil n mean. bt theyre all friends. <3 
you are nothing ;; uuh. enemy plots. spicy enemies. rly bad enemies. rivals. they r brutal towards each other bcos nothing viktor does is ever soft.
fuck u dont pity me ;; uh. people who try to get close to viktor n he just. bites at them. he’s like no. bc he assumes ppl who r kind in response 2 his vileness r. theres smth wrong w them. n it might hv to do with pity. n he hates pity.
ugh. locals x ;; ppl who also grew up around preaker, vermont. the samuels r <3 well known folks n the uh. hm. the murder is an ongoing case. so they cld know abt it <3
dont tell anybody x ;; this is for soft plots. i dont know much about soft plots but. 
maybe i am part of the problem ;; the problem is chlamydiagate. this is a hook-ups connection. fwbs n one night stands. ppl viktor hs brutally ghosted. he doesnt acknowledge their existence outside of these events, perhaps. 
dont u just wna go apeshit ;; this is where viktor becomes a bad influence.
bt uh. anything. pelase
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viktcrr-alt · 5 years
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MAXENCE DANET FAUVAL / NONBINARY — don’t look now, but is that viktor samuels i see? the 24 year old visual arts student is in their senior year and he/they are a rochester alum. i hear they can be observant, ingenious, reticent and dependent, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he/they will make a name for themselves living in garcia row. ( james. 20. est. she/they. )
LAST INTRO WOOOO !! u know what to mf DO !!
a e s t h e t i c s
old tvs and their static, worn tapes, horror movie screams, spilled ink, a sculptor’s hands, clay-stained, chicken scratch handwriting, messy notes, messy hair, scoffs and eye-rolls, bruised knuckles, sore throats, funeral homes and a crying preacher, shattered ceramics, knife fights, high ledges, vertically-striped pants, red lights, the moon shrouded in clouds, cigarette butts.
general info !!
full name: viktor phillip samuels
nickname(s): icky vicky :/
b.o.d. - jan 2nd
label(s): the black hole, the crepehanger, the impious, the opaque, the tempest, etc.
height: 6′0″
hometown: rochester, new york
sexuality: uuuhhh god … probably pan tbh
biography !!
okay so … born and raised in rochester, new york to the well known samuels family. preacher father, a mother, a twin sister born 15 minutes before him - aka tatiana samuels, who died back in january.
kinda … grew up as a really awkward, quiet kid? like … just didn’t really interact with other kids super well, preferred being alone and like … digging up bugs in the dirt. only friend was like … his own sister.
grew out of this as they got older, instead sort of … becoming a bit of a dick? to compensate for years of awkwardness? will bite the hand that feeds him. was a full on nuisance by middle school. tatiana was not, at least, noticeably.
has always been a fan of darker materials, y’know - grim and creepy, morbid shit. big fan of tim burton ever since he was a kid, which isn’t … a good look for a preacher’s son, but he’s never really felt ~in~ with the rest of his family, anyway.
drew disturbing pictures as a kid probably tbh that prompted one or two or five phone calls home 2 assure everything was fine.
has always been really … good at art, in general - from drawing to painting to playing with clay, that’s always been viktor’s Thing.
aNyWaYs. being tatiana’s twin brother was kinda hard sometimes. tatiana and him were near opposites besides their same mean-spirited trait. she was better in the public than he was, but viktor was arguably more talented than tatiana. they both loved each other deeply and found each other as competition for their parents’ attention - a rivalry, of sorts.
high school is when viktor really started to act out - started extreme, like losing his virginity in their church and vandalism around the neighborhoods. faked being possessed in the middle of sunday service. almost had an exorcism performed on him, probably.
the only redeemable trait was like … his sheer talent with art. was in a 3d art AP course, specialized in sculpting - could pretty much create anything he wanted with enough dedication.
because his parents would be focused on disciplining him for his antics, tatiana could sneak away and get away with stuff easier. so like, y’know, that’s on the bright-side of things.
never been particularly motivated to do much - wasn’t planning on attending lockwood but his parents kinda … did and sent in his application for him b/c they were Not on board with him Wasting Away (wanted him out of the house asap)
actually pretty smart !! just doesn’t like … want to apply himself ever. double majoring in english and visual arts because they’re like … two of his only interests :/ plus he wants to write and illustrate his own series of children books with a style similar to tim burton’s
he’d been experimenting since high school but college is where he really started to like … crack down on himself and figure himself out. was out as pan & nonbinary by his sophomore year of college, just … not to his family, necessarily. thinks tatiana always knew, but didn’t … really use it against him, blessedly enough
always felt like the whole twin - connection thing was … both wack and also not-wack? sometimes it felt believable but sometimes he had no idea what was going on in tatiana’s head. but he felt oddly transparent to her, always - like he was predictable to no one but her.
but when tatiana disappeared - it was like, like viktor knew. the moment she had been kidnapped - felt something deeply wrong in his gut. and when tatiana died - viktor felt something cut so severely in him. he knew, he always knew exactly when. he couldn’t put his finger on how - but he knew. even when everybody else held out hope for her to be found - he knew.
went on a bender around the same time, had always struggled w/ drug addiction but it got worse the longer tatiana went without being found.
( also struggled heavily with his mental health, too ?? has manic and depressive episodes. will fixate on a sculpting project for six months and then purposely knock it off the table and destroy it in the matter of seconds once it’s finished for. no fucking reason. impulse spends A Lot. )
when her body was found, viktor went off the rails. ended up overdosing and being hospitalized where he spent the next like … however long months … until they deemed him better.
has been back since the beginning of fall semester in an attempt to finish his senior year - mostly out of his parents’ insistence that he did, because he very much did not want to. 
is still dealing with a lot of trauma & grief, which was only amplified with dean lockwood’s death - causing him to spiral and be unpredictable with his mental health. some days are good, and some days are very bad.
personality !!
the human embodiment of a gremlin, fed after midnight. a goblin, if u will. one of those cats with a narrow head and big ass ears. that’s him.
b i g horror & halloween enthusiast. loves the old campy horror movies. probably has an abundance of masks from different movies. dresses like a grimy millennial beetlejuice more than he should. love those vertically striped pants!
fashion alternates between e-boy (would b tik tok famous if he were like … 17), millennial beetlejuice, and like … goth in a crop top and sweatpants. big fan of crop tops. big fan of sweatpants.
he can be fucking mean. petty, aggressive, instigator. will literally spit in ur face or no reason. kind of person who’ll stick his gum into other ppl’s hair. other than that he’s like … pretty okay. he’s not always mean, he’s just a dick like … 70% of the time lmao
i mean yeah okay he’ll call someone a stinky bitch for no reason except He Feels Like It And Believes It. it’s fine he’s fine, we’re fine.
despite the fact tht he’s probably getting into fights whenever - considers himself 2 be a lover n not a fighter but that’s just because he Fucks a lot. kind of uses it like a coping mechanism, like he’s this big fancy carnival show that’s like ‘come one, come all! fuck the dead girl’s twin brother!’ may have a problem w/ hypersexuality but it’s nothing he’s fully. aware of.
the preacher’s whore son, basically
like i said he’s pan & nb, switches between he and they pronouns but like … he has such a fragile grip on his identity that u could call him ‘dog-faced bitch’ and he’d turn like hey wassup :)
vastly impulsive, like i’ve mentioned … destroys his own creations 4 the fun of it, spends all his money on useless shit, will cheat on someone bc he feels like it. screams into the night sky frequently, like a cat in heat.
i mean he also creates useless shit for no reason too. spent six months sculpting a hollowed out tree the size of him and then took a sledgehammer to it.
dramatic fuck. used to play the organ at the church like … when no one was looking after him and service was about to start. just these creepy as melodies. would do the same thing at home on his keyboard w/ the organ setting whenever he got grounded until his parents took away his keyboard sadjfkg
won’t talk about his time away b/c it’s not rly anybody’s business but ofc nothing is sacred to the watershed app, y’know, nothing’s private.
still like - he absolutely refuses to talk about tatiana’s death and like, his mental health or his addiction (he’s fallen back into it tbh but it hasn’t gotten bad again … yet) or like … anything involving his own emotions
will literally just change the topic! abruptly, no warning, asks about the jonas brothers instead.
that being said he’s obsessed with tatiana’s death. tatiana was very much a rock for him, kinda dependent on her in a way? just … being there, y’know, kept him grounded.
so he obv became a shepherd bc he wants to know Everything there is abt the app, wants to be deep inside it, wanted to know Who Exactly Killed Tatiana and like … not saying he wants 2 commit murder but :/ yknow. he’s very upset.
emotionally unavailable while also like crying twice a day.
will tell you straight up what he wants from you, no bullshit, no beating around the bush - just blunt. if he wants to just fuck, nothing else, then that’s that. if he feels deviation he’ll ghost in like. less than a second. kinda awful like that! feels no shame.
but like … also is emotional ?? as shit ?? it’s confusing. he’ll cry on a whim and then flip u off if u try to console him or like. ask him anything. will bite you.
he goes to therapy but he generally fucks around and wastes most of the time until the therapist threatens to like … idk what therapists r allowed to threaten. to send him off to another therapist? idk.
likes being intimidating but like … not with his body or nothing ‘cos he’s a TWIG, but like … uses his love for horror n creepy shit to his advantage. has an abundance of fake blood. has channeled the energy of jack nicholson and used it on tatiana’s boyfriends before.
( also a big fan of sfx makeup, has dabbled in it)
probably chases kids with a chainsaw (w/o the like … chain … or w/e … so it’s not actually Dangerous) around halloween
he’s generally never doing good, both mental health wise and morally.
would probably steal candy from a baby for the fun of it.
i don’t know if there’s a good to him, deep down, and i don’t know if he sees any issues with himself either !! nothing really breaks through to him anymore, the only person who ever really made him stop and Think about his actions was tatiana.
kinda introverted, recluse type who doesn’t rly like most people or going out, but he’ll go to parties if it means he’ll be high as shit.
pretty observant. likes to analyze people even though he’s probably not … fully right.
wanted connections !!
he lives alone currently but like … ex - roommates where viktor was just. a nightmare to live with.
feel like a lot of enemies is also a possibility !! viktor’s messy.
people that like … knew tatiana. dated tatiana, even, and viktor would pretty much try to intimidate / scare them at any given chance :/
close friends of tatiana too
people who hated tatiana but liked viktor. people who hated viktor but liked tatiana
people who take pity on him and he Hates it viciously and vocally.
a band of hooligan gremlin kids who do drugs and fuck shit up around town like they’re edgy teenagers even though they’re all early to mid 20s.
the girl he lost his virginity 2 in high school lmao … a distant memory
fellow rochester locals, from church or school or whatever
exes from the past !! good terms and bad terms, but i love bad terms a whole lot mainly b/c viktor’s a jackass.
don’t know if he’s soft towards anybody but we can try. we can Try.
friends, old friends, new friends, bad friends, good friends, close friends, frenemies, etc. etc. all of it
hookups !! so many hookups. fwbs, one night stands, whatever.
uuhhhh god. i don’t know. im so sleepy rn. people in the same major or similar majors.
maybe a ride or die.
people he’s a bad influence on / an enabler towards / all around toxic for them / each other.
people he’s fought !! people who’ve seen him get into random fights and were like ‘uh wtf’
fellow shepherds !!
literally anything im not picky.
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viktcrr-archive · 5 years
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MAXENCE DANET FAUVEL / NONBINARY. — viktor samuels is really making a name for themselves as a tier 3 shepherd. i think that he/they are studying english + visual arts in their senior year at lockwood, living in peregrinis. originally from rochester, new york, viktor is known to be observant & ingenious, but can also be reticent & dependent. — james / 20 / est / she/they.
3/5 !!! once again ... little edits
a e s t h e t i c s
old tvs and their static, worn tapes, horror movie screams, spilled ink, a sculptor’s hands, clay-stained, chicken scratch handwriting, messy notes, messy hair, scoffs and eye-rolls, bruised knuckles, sore throats, funeral homes and a crying preacher, shattered ceramics, knife fights, high ledges, vertically-striped pants, red lights, the moon shrouded in clouds, cigarette butts.
general info !!
full name: viktor phillip samuels
nickname(s): icky vicky :/
b.o.d. - jan 2nd
label(s): the black hole, the crepehanger, the impious, the opaque, the tempest, etc.
height: 6′0″
hometown: rochester, new york
sexuality: uuuhhh god … probably pan tbh
biography !!
okay so … born and raised in rochester, new york to the well known samuels family. preacher father, a mother, a twin sister born 15 minutes before him - aka tatiana samuels, who died back in january.
kinda … grew up as a really awkward, quiet kid? like … just didn’t really interact with other kids super well, preferred being alone and like … digging up bugs in the dirt. only friend was like … his own sister.
grew out of this as they got older, instead sort of … becoming a bit of a dick? to compensate for years of awkwardness? will bite the hand that feeds him. was a full on nuisance by middle school. tatiana was not, at least, noticeably.
has always been a fan of darker materials, y’know - grim and creepy, morbid shit. big fan of tim burton ever since he was a kid, which isn’t … a good look for a preacher’s son, but he’s never really felt ~in~ with the rest of his family, anyway.
drew disturbing pictures as a kid probably tbh that prompted one or two or five phone calls home 2 assure everything was fine.
has always been really … good at art, in general - from drawing to painting to playing with clay, that’s always been viktor’s Thing.
aNyWaYs. being tatiana’s twin brother was kinda hard sometimes. tatiana and him were near opposites besides their same mean-spirited trait. she was better in the public than he was, but viktor was arguably more talented than tatiana. they both loved each other deeply and found each other as competition for their parents’ attention - a rivalry, of sorts.
high school is when viktor really started to act out - started extreme, like losing his virginity in their church and vandalism around the neighborhoods. faked being possessed in the middle of sunday service. almost had an exorcism performed on him, probably.
the only redeemable trait was like … his sheer talent with art. was in a 3d art AP course, specialized in sculpting - could pretty much create anything he wanted with enough dedication.
because his parents would be focused on disciplining him for his antics, tatiana could sneak away and get away with stuff easier. so like, y’know, that’s on the bright-side of things.
never been particularly motivated to do much - wasn’t planning on attending lockwood but his parents kinda … did and sent in his application for him b/c they were Not on board with him Wasting Away (wanted him out of the house asap)
actually pretty smart !! just doesn’t like … want to apply himself ever. double majoring in english and visual arts because they’re like … two of his only interests :/ plus he wants to write and illustrate his own series of children books with a style similar to tim burton’s
he’d been experimenting since high school but college is where he really started to like … crack down on himself and figure himself out. was out as pan & nonbinary by his sophomore year of college, just … not to his family, necessarily. thinks tatiana always knew, but didn’t … really use it against him, blessedly enough
always felt like the whole twin - connection thing was … both wack and also not-wack? sometimes it felt believable but sometimes he had no idea what was going on in tatiana’s head. but he felt oddly transparent to her, always - like he was predictable to no one but her.
but when tatiana disappeared - it was like, like viktor knew. the moment she had been kidnapped - felt something deeply wrong in his gut. and when tatiana died - viktor felt something cut so severely in him. he knew, he always knew exactly when. he couldn’t put his finger on how - but he knew. even when everybody else held out hope for her to be found - he knew.
went on a bender around the same time, had always struggled w/ drug addiction but it got worse the longer tatiana went without being found.
( also struggled heavily with his mental health, too ?? has manic and depressive episodes. will fixate on a sculpting project for six months and then purposely knock it off the table and destroy it in the matter of seconds once it’s finished for. no fucking reason. impulse spends A Lot. )
when her body was found, viktor went off the rails. ended up overdosing and being hospitalized where he spent the next like … however long months … until they deemed him better.
stayed out of school until very recently b/c he just … didn’t want to go back. didn’t want to deal with it. didn’t want to be known as the dead girl’s twin. but then his mom kinda just was like ‘u go back 2 school or god so help me’ n he was like FINE.
so ya !! viktor’s back after being gone since tatiana’s body was found. that’s it, that’s him, a lil glimpse of his life.
trying to finish his senior year b/c he … obviously left before he could.
finding out that it was george who killed tatiana has ultimately ... caused viktor to spiral. his lows are some of his lowest, his highs are ... very high, but very bad. unstable & unpredictable in his actions it’s ... a whole thing :/
personality !!
the human embodiment of a gremlin, fed after midnight. a goblin, if u will. one of those cats with a narrow head and big ass ears. that’s him.
b i g horror & halloween enthusiast. loves the old campy horror movies. probably has an abundance of masks from different movies. dresses like a grimy millennial beetlejuice more than he should. love those vertically striped pants!
fashion alternates between e-boy (would b tik tok famous if he were like … 17), millennial beetlejuice, and like … goth in a crop top and sweatpants. big fan of crop tops. big fan of sweatpants.
he can be fucking mean. petty, aggressive, instigator. will literally spit in ur face or no reason. kind of person who’ll stick his gum into other ppl’s hair. other than that he’s like … pretty okay. he’s not always mean, he’s just a dick like … 70% of the time lmao
i mean yeah okay he’ll call someone a stinky bitch for no reason except He Feels Like It And Believes It. it’s fine he’s fine, we’re fine.
despite the fact tht he’s probably getting into fights whenever - considers himself 2 be a lover n not a fighter but that’s just because he Fucks a lot. kind of uses it like a coping mechanism, like he’s this big fancy carnival show that’s like ‘come one, come all! fuck the dead girl’s twin brother!’ may have a problem w/ hypersexuality but it’s nothing he’s fully. aware of.
the preacher’s whore son, basically
like i said he’s pan & nb, switches between he and they pronouns but like … he has such a fragile grip on his identity that u could call him ‘dog-faced bitch’ and he’d turn like hey wassup :)
vastly impulsive, like i’ve mentioned … destroys his own creations 4 the fun of it, spends all his money on useless shit, will cheat on someone bc he feels like it. screams into the night sky frequently, like a cat in heat.
i mean he also creates useless shit for no reason too. spent six months sculpting a hollowed out tree the size of him and then took a sledgehammer to it.
dramatic fuck. used to play the organ at the church like … when no one was looking after him and service was about to start. just these creepy as melodies. would do the same thing at home on his keyboard w/ the organ setting whenever he got grounded until his parents took away his keyboard sadjfkg
won’t talk about his time away b/c it’s not rly anybody’s business but ofc nothing is sacred to the watershed app, y’know, nothing’s private.
still like - he absolutely refuses to talk about tatiana’s death and like, his mental health or his addiction (he’s fallen back into it tbh but it hasn’t gotten bad again … yet) or like … anything involving his own emotions
will literally just change the topic! abruptly, no warning, asks about the jonas brothers instead.
that being said he’s obsessed with tatiana’s death. tatiana was very much a rock for him, kinda dependent on her in a way? just … being there, y’know, kept him grounded.
so he obv became a shepherd bc he wants to know Everything there is abt the app, wants to be deep inside it, wanted to know Who Exactly Killed Tatiana and like … not saying he wants 2 commit murder but :/ yknow. he’s very upset.
emotionally unavailable while also like crying twice a day.
will tell you straight up what he wants from you, no bullshit, no beating around the bush - just blunt. if he wants to just fuck, nothing else, then that’s that. if he feels deviation he’ll ghost in like. less than a second. kinda awful like that! feels no shame.
but like … also is emotional ?? as shit ?? it’s confusing. he’ll cry on a whim and then flip u off if u try to console him or like. ask him anything. will bite you.
he goes to therapy but he generally fucks around and wastes most of the time until the therapist threatens to like … idk what therapists r allowed to threaten. to send him off to another therapist? idk.
likes being intimidating but like … not with his body or nothing ‘cos he’s a TWIG, but like … uses his love for horror n creepy shit to his advantage. has an abundance of fake blood. has channeled the energy of jack nicholson and used it on tatiana’s boyfriends before.
( also a big fan of sfx makeup, has dabbled in it)
probably chases kids with a chainsaw (w/o the like … chain … or w/e … so it’s not actually Dangerous) around halloween
he’s generally never doing good, both mental health wise and morally.
would probably steal candy from a baby for the fun of it.
i don’t know if there’s a good to him, deep down, and i don’t know if he sees any issues with himself either !! nothing really breaks through to him anymore, the only person who ever really made him stop and Think about his actions was tatiana.
kinda introverted, recluse type who doesn’t rly like most people or going out, but he’ll go to parties if it means he’ll be high as shit.
pretty observant. likes to analyze people even though he’s probably not … fully right.
connections to the victims !!
tatiana samuels / his twin sister, other half - the only one able to control viktor.
george craig iii / close family friends ... they could appreciate each other, when viktor wasn’t being an outright asshole.
hana williams / ‘friends’ with benefits, their relationship was rocky at best but she was a good lay. have often fought due to their clash in personalities and viktor’s history with christoph.
christoph wainwright / an ex-hook up, an infrequent occasion whenever christoph wanted to tick off hana. viktor was often on board, never the one to consider others’ feelings.
wanted connections !!
he lives alone currently but like … ex - roommates where viktor was just. a nightmare to live with.
feel like a lot of enemies is also a possibility !! viktor’s messy.
people that like … knew tatiana. dated tatiana, even, and viktor would pretty much try to intimidate / scare them at any given chance :/
close friends of tatiana too
people who hated tatiana but liked viktor. people who hated viktor but liked tatiana
people who take pity on him and he Hates it viciously and vocally.
a band of hooligan gremlin kids who do drugs and fuck shit up around town like they’re edgy teenagers even though they’re all early to mid 20s.
the girl he lost his virginity 2 in high school lmao … a distant memory
fellow rochester locals, from church or school or whatever
exes from the past !! good terms and bad terms, but i love bad terms a whole lot mainly b/c viktor’s a jackass.
don’t know if he’s soft towards anybody but we can try. we can Try.
friends, old friends, new friends, bad friends, good friends, close friends, frenemies, etc. etc. all of it
hookups !! so many hookups. fwbs, one night stands, whatever.
uuhhhh god. i don’t know. im so sleepy rn. people in the same major or similar majors.
maybe a ride or die.
people he’s a bad influence on / an enabler towards / all around toxic for them / each other.
people he’s fought !! people who’ve seen him get into random fights and were like ‘uh wtf’
fellow shepherds !!
literally anything im not picky.
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jjasprtfjyghkj-blog · 6 years
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what’s up y’all !! i’m nev and i like stephen king and horror and my cat and that’s literally all there is to me ✌️👏🗣 i’m so mcfUCKING HYPE to be here wOW anyway under the cut you’ll find some general info on my lil monster boi jasper and if u click HERE you can find his stats and some more detailed stuff abt him !!
✰ ·° ˑ ✕ ( troye sivan, cismale, he/him ) i think i saw JASPER PELLETIER back in newport beach. you know, the TWENTY year old who looks just like TROYE SIVAN. i heard they’re an upcoming JUNIOR at the SCHOOL OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO (SAIC) now, but that may have changed. known notoriously for being -PRETENTIOUS and -SARCASTIC, but yet they’re +ENTERPRISING and +QUICK-WITTED, but i’ve never personally knew them. i can tell you that INVINCIBLE by OK Go really reminds me of them. (nev, cst, she/her)
so jasper was born and raised here in newport beach. his dad is a hotshot psychologist with a private practice and his mom is a published poet who teaches poetry classes and workshops locally. despite their success, his parents are both rly grounded, good people who always made time for their kids. they never spoiled jasper and his sister with material things, instead it was spoiling them with travel and culture and learning, etc. stanley (his dad) is also deeply interested in philosphy, so he’s passed that love onto jasper
jas came out as gay when he was 14, a freshman in high school. he’d always ~known but was scared as HELL to come out. because of his more feminine features and what other kids called his “tells,” he was essentially forced out of the closet before he was ready. it was tough as hell for him, but thankfully when he came out to his parents and his sister they were beyond accepting and made that experience a little easier than it would otherwise have been. especially with two years of college under his belt now, he’s extremely open about and proud of his sexuality
this boy smokes so 👏much 👏weed 👏like he generally has a joint or two on him tucked away between his cigarettes. he is also, however, big-time against hard drugs (coke, heroin, meth, etc). he’s done coke a couple times, but like in general he won’t touch that shit !! and he’ll probably purse his lips at u if u do it in front of him, but unless ur like rly good friends he prob won’t actually say anything bc he tries not to be ~preachy. if ur good friends tho boy watch out he’ll randomly get pissed off abt it and start a fight eryfjyethyrgaudhsja
he had a bf in high school that he was like heart eyes over but stuff went down and in the end they sort of mutually broke up after a huge explosive fight right before his bf went off to college. it’s mostly jasper’s fault and he knows that and it’s lowkey his biggest regret. his second bf was his freshman year at saic and that ended even worse bc he ended up being a crazy asshole, so after that jas was like ok fuck! this! and decided he wasn’t doing boyfriends anymore for a while and he’s still in that mindset except deep down he’s craving that intimacy 
he wild !! seriously he has so much excess energy and acts like a child most of the time. he will throw skittles at people’s heads for the vine
he’s like super into philosophy bc of his dad, and he’s intelligent so the concepts come to him quickly and easily, but he’s completely unable to apply those concepts to his real life he’s literally too childish. he also has a lot of random knowledge, catch him rhapsodizing about medieval juridical systems and the origins of whaling in america
he’s an artist at heart, he’ll almost always start doodling on napkins and receipts etc no matter where he is or what he’s doing. he’ll usually have paint stains on his hands and arms and sometimes legs
aesthetics include wearing dirty converse and shirts that are way too big on him, ripped jeans rolled up at the ends, tall socks, scrapes and bruises on his elbows and knees, white wine, headphones around his neck, a tattered book in his hand, sunglasses indoors, loudly popping bubble gum, snarky retorts to questions not directed at him, jumping fences for a midnight swim in a closed pool, cigarettes and joints, sunsets, eating fruit on the beach, acting tough even tho he’s literally tiny
you get the idea
also for reference he’s blond. he just recently dyed it tho so it would be a new thing for everyone back home !!
so yH he is pretentious and sarcastic as fuck and pretends not to care when he acts childish and ends up offending ppl except UH OH deep down he feels bad n is just trying to figure out how to navigate growing up n entering the adult world u dig ??
that’s all i have for u here again feel free to check out his stats page for more info but like HIT! ME! UP! bitches i am a SLUT for angst give me the most dramatic plots possible i want it all !!
girl gang ! jas needs his ladies to gossip and watch rom coms and cry abt cute boys with
hookups ! i want toxic on and off hookups, i want the hookup that happened last time they were both in town and now it’s awkward, unrequited feelings (either way), the “we hated each other in high school” hookup. all the angsty hookups
someone who jasper rly wants to sleep with/they rly wna sleep with jasper but it hasn’t happened for whatever reason
i rly want a plot where like jas and this person hated each other in high school but now they’re like.....best friends rygfskyeguhes
also vice versa. they were super close growing up and bc of a fight or whatever they’re like E N E M I E S now
someone who jasper was friends with like WAY back in the day when they were kids in elementary school maybe they were neighbors idk but they were like bffs back then and drifted apart in hs and now they like....don’t rly talk and it’s kind of awkward bc they used to be so close but just went in different directions
art buddy ! someone else who will whip out their grungy clothes and spread out newspapers all over the floor and paint the day away with him
would love for him to have his queer bff ?? preferably a lesbian ?!
he’s rly good at breaking people out of their shells so anyone who’s like more of an ~innocent and needs someone to expose them to partying n being wild.......hit him uP
he has an older sister but like i live for sibling-like friendships so get @ me with that. someone he’s rly protective over OR someone who’s rly protective over him (platonically)
also platonic touchy-feely friendships where they’re always cuddling n giving each other kisses but it’s like strictly as friends they’re just ~close 
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seasaltmemories · 7 years
Dennis’ Connection to Zarc: Arc V Character Analysis
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So this may or may not be a little series I do.  While I have no hard plans, I’d enjoy going through the cast in whatever order I choose and talking about whatever aspect of the character I feel compelled to tackle at the moment in a very personal and subjective matter.  As a result if this is well-received and/or I find myself interested in continuing this I might share my thoughts on other characters in the future.
Due to @skittymon’s encouragement on this post and the fact it’s been about a year or so since episode 114, I think I’ll dive into what really stood out about Dennis’ character to me.
While I love the non-counterpart cast of Arc V to bits, I feel like Dennis is the prime example for why I believe that Arc V wasn’t really about the counterparts themselves.  Starting with the public reveal of his connection to Academia in season 2, every time he appeared I was left with this sense of  “this changes things”  His arc really builds on the themes and message of Arc V while giving a weight to different aspects of the plot.
Starting with episode 74-75 was really the first time I really thought deeply about Dennis as a character.  That’s not to say his earlier appearances are bad (I love his duel against Gongenzaka) but it introduces a very human element to Academia: reluctance.  He’s not like Yuri, the Obelisk Force, or Sora (from what we had seen so far) who deeply believe in Academia’s goals and enjoys fighting for the cause, but he’s not like Serena, someone who can turn his back on it so easily.  It’s just his job, one that he continues on doing despite the regrets it leaves him with.  Still this doesn’t excuse the harm he’s caused.  Even though he prefers to entertain as opposed to battle, there’s no erasing the fact he started a war.
Drifting into the hypothetical a bit, but this is why the only ship that I personally wish was canon is Janushipping.  Not even in a romantic context, just that they had explicitly known each other.  In the flashback we’re shown, he is on enough good terms with Ruri that waving to her as they pass by is not unusual.  Now this doesn’t signal a deep friendship or anything, but if there had been just a smidge more focus on it or at least an acknowledgment of it by Ruri, I feel it could have added a different type of pathos to the Heartland Invasion.  Seeing your home burn to the ground is very traumatic and horrifying, but it is an alien concept to most ppl and hard to empathize with.  Being able to add a human face to it through Dennis’ betrayal of Ruri adds a dimension (lol) that is much easier to relate to.  It would also give a bit more weight to Ruri as a person by showing her outside the role of Shun’s sister and Yuto’s friend/crush, but I digress.
By the time 112-114 roll around, it’s pretty easy to ignore this past revelation as Dennis acts the part of heartless soldier pretty well.  It’s only at the end of 114 do we see a continuation of this conflict.  By now he’s decided that he doesn’t want to continue and support Academia, but at the same time he feels he doesn’t doesn’t deserve redemption.  Yusho himself offers forgiveness to him with no strings attached, but the conflict between who he is and what he’s done drives him to card himself.  It’s one of the most somber moments of the series and deserving so bc we just watched a young teen commit the equivalent of suicide.  While by now we know he can return and we see this happen on-screen, there’s still the fact that Dennis thought the best fate for himself was to not exist.
Tying this in with other events, it really gives a weight again to redemption, something I think Arc V tried to do.  Winning people over to Yuya’s ideology in one duel wasn’t really done until season 3, when the show presents him as his most developed.  Before, the only person who switches so easily is Serena who unlike almost any other Academia soldier was not aware of the level of violence being done.  Sora took nearly half of season 2 before he declared himself as defecting from Academia and initially he was very much against doing more than making sure his loved ones (Yuzu and Yuya) were safe.  In season 3 the mass defecting of Academia forces can feel odd after such slow processes but in-between it all we’re smacked in the face with a character who feels redemption isn’t possible.  It’s a harsh reminder that comes very unexpectedly and also goes to differentiate the three ‘redeemed’ members of the “Fusion quartet”  as this post by @x-ali-chan-x nicely summarizes 
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Next this also reminds the viewer that these are child soldiers.  In a fantastical series such as Yugioh the horror of this is nowhere near the level of reality, but it’s still hurts.  As many victims he’s hurt, Dennis is a victim himself, and it’s very hard to ignore that act when faced with these actions.  On another note it almost mirrors Zarc’s fall before he even learn his existence.  To declare either as blameless is to outright ignore the show, but outside circumstances are both a key factor.  If left to their own devices, both would probably prefer to simply entertain ppl. Even if the damage of their actions outweighs any sympathy in your eyes, that doesn’t take away the tragic elements to their struggle.
Interestingly enough, exactly 30 episodes later is when we get a resolution to Dennis’ arc.  To understand the impact of this, context is required.  The fanon around Dennis’ character was largely composed of angst and hurt with the only sign of recovery being shown as happen years in post-canon  I say this as someone who was writing fanfic like that bc the fact 144 is so optimistic hit everyone out of right field.   Not only was it positive, but it felt right, better than any conclusion others had proposed.  I remember discussing with a friend how the idea of him becoming a teacher and sort of finding his redemption in the next generation was something that had never occurred to her yet it was perfect.
Personally 144 is one of the reason I will never discount the “make Reira smile” arc as pointless.  To me the duel between Yuya and Dennis shows the best of entertainment dueling in several subtle ways.  At the beginning Dennis is falling into some old habits, painting himself as a villain for Yuya to defeat and make everything better with.  Though his self-carding is never outright mentioned its memory is hard to ignore as he still views himself as unworthy of being “good.”  Then Yuya flips the script and reaches out to him.  The duel becomes less about vanquishing a foe and more about understanding someone else to build a bigger and brighter future than before.  In a way this prepares the audience again for how Yuya will handle Zarc.  The way Yuya overcomes Zarc’s shadow is by trying to understand him and instead of damning him showing how better alternatives exist.
So again when I see the statement that the counterparts were the star of the show, I have to disagree.  Even if some of what I pointed out was more coincidence as opposed to intentional actions on the creator’s part, I feel you can’t argue that Dennis’ role in the story wasn’t meant to have importance to the overall narrative.  And for the most part I think many agree.  Despite supporting character I have only seen one person express dislike for him.  Usually the coldest reaction I see is indifference or neutrality, and that is overshadowed by the love I see showered on him.  His impact sticks in a way I think the character himself would be proud to see.
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the-invisible-self · 7 years
I did this. Fast and dirty. Like a Rorschach Ink Blot.
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I balance it exactly. 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yes. Like Buck Vu, I'm a fan of cold things in the cold. 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Anything. Pencils. Receipts. Other books. 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? In my mouth. 5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Naw bro 6: do you keep plants? The ones that survive. (And some of the ones that don't.) 7: do you name your plants? Naw bro 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Shitposting. Lol not really. 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yep 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? All of the above. 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? Wouldn't you like to know? 12: what's your favorite planet? Earth 13: what's something that made you smile today? Smutty fanfiction. 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Messy and wonderful 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Naw bro 16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Spaghetti w meat sauce and LOTS of cheese 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? None 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I don't have friends. That's why I'm filling out 100 answers by myself. 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?nah bro 20: what's your favorite eye color? Brown 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. It's a bag of holding. With patches. 22: are you a morning person? When I'm not sick 23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Nothing. Or write. 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? My therapist. 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? Can't say I have. 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?minnetonka Mocs 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? Isn't “bubblegum” it's own flavor?Whatever. I prefer spearmint. 28: sunrise or sunset? Sunrise 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? Shitposts 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Absofuckinglutely 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I used to steal my husbands socks Bc they were cool & I thought it was cute to wear his things, but he left me and now I don't have a husband or any socks to wear. So. Yeah. 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I fell asleep. 33: what's your fave pastry? Chocolate. Or cherry. 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I unfortunately still have all my childhood folks Bc my hoarder parents mailed them to me 3 years ago. 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Gimme college rule loose leaf and some reliable black ink 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? STRFCKR 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I like it clean but it's always a mess 38: tell us about your pet peeves! Sticky hands 39: what color do you wear the most? Red? 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? I bought a ring that's a big open circle and I wear it instead of my wedding ring Bc fuck my ex
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? The night circus 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! No. All coffee shops are precious and magical. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Myself & a pack of smokes 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? I don't 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yep 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. There is nosuch thing. All puns are beautiful. 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Cold potato salad 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Knives/bleeding. Yep. 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Yep. David Bowie. 50: what's an odd thing you collect? Magnets of female villains. 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Buck vu. Claire de lune. 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? All of Tom’s memes 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? No heathers? No beetlejuice? Yep - loved it as a kid pulp fiction? Yep - triggering what do you think of them? 54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My kid 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? I don't prove myself. I just am. 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Flaws 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I always love that song. Except when I have a headache. Right now I have a headache...so... 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I don't have friends. Just Tumblr friends. And we don't drink together.But liz is the wine mom and chris is the vodka aunt. 59: what's your favorite myth? The Bible 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Yes. Mary Oliver. All of her. 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? A donut. An empty box that, when opened, I said was full of love. 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? No 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? not really? I like them inbrsknbow order but honestly idgaf 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Starlight 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? Yes 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?Lilacs & daisies 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Peaceful 68: what's winter like where you live?gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty 69: what are your favorite board games? SETTLERS OF CATAN
70: have you ever used a ouija board? nah bro 71: what's your favorite kind of tea?Breakfast tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? Yep 73: what are some of your worst habits? Messy everything 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. deeply generous, but I'm afraid of taking too much… effortlessly beautiful, but a beauty that's not for me 75: tell us about your pets! My cat is a jerk who picks fights with all the other cats and hates babies. 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Nah bro 77: pink or yellow lemonade? Yes please 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? Nah bro 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Gave me a skipping stone from Spain Bc I reminded them of Amelie 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Brown. Yep. Idk it just felt right. 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. In her head 82: are/were you good in school? Yep 83: what's some of your favorite album art? Pink Floyd 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Birds on my arm 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Used to. Xmen. 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Idk 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Fred estaire & ginger Rogers 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Abstract expressionism 89: are you close to your parents? No 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I busked. I loved it, but the good was horrible. There were more homes of dead authors than I had time to visit. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? A rainforest 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?MOAR CHEESE 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Pigtails 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?I don't know ppl 95: what are your plans for this weekend? Work while sick. Yay. 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I'm supposed to install updates? 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP cusp griffindor 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Too long ago. Yes. I love hiking. 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. ::insert the beetles here:: 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Neither. Fuck that shit. I wanna live rn.
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ravenvsfox · 7 years
MEGHAN! pls do ronsey for the ship thing 💕😘
ADRIANA!! I can always count on you to add trc to my inbox thank you babe
who is more likely to hurt the other?
look..... ronan hurts so bad that it kind of gets on everything and I feel like gansey’s in the splash zone?? Gansey hurts ronan by caring about other people more than him but ronan hurts gansey when he hurts himself ie: all of book 1&2
who is emotionally stronger?
Like probably gansey sorry to say I think he has a lot of practice with being absolutely pristine and tucking his emotions into his waistcoat pocket, etc
ronan is resilient and rebellious but he is an open nerve man he takes everything deeply personally
who is physically stronger?
EXCELLENT question let me break it down: Ronan is the obvious choice - boxer, brawler, carries the weight of his huge crushes on his friends 24/7. buT Gansey has those rowing club arms and if it came down to it you best believe gansey would throw any member of the gangsey over both shoulders and carry them to safety
who is more likely to break a bone? 
I’m gonna go with ronan because he’s reckless as tits and I’m pretty sure he’s gonna skid too far at some point. gansey is a quester & he’s hell on history books but he’s so so cautious
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
uhhhlmao its ronan NEXT
wait actually im pretty sure gansey could be like “im going on a study date w adam” and ronan’s head would explode but that’s more his deal than dick’s, u feel
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
ronan would apologize to god himself that’s it. Gansey is like........ never the source of an argument but he desperately wants everything to be mended and back to normal so he spends his time glossing over their fights. It’s a process. It’s paint over cracks in a wall, they’re still there buddy!!! fix the wall!!!!!!
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
>_>>_>>_> gansey literally probably held ronan together after he was shredded by his subconscious and I have no doubt that it never really stops like self loathing coupled w night horrors is a killer
(gansey never stops helping him, delicately at 3 am w blood on his hands, composure crumpling when he turns towards the sink to rinse them, holding ronan’s face still and then keeping his hands there).
who is in constant need of comfort? 
boooooth really really both. ronan is so outwardly ruined, he’s a building in the process of falling down, and like gansey’s gotta be support beams BUT that means he’s getting crushed?? like he helps so hard and he gives so much he hacks his own limbs off and hands them to the people he loves. he has trauma up to his eyes. He needs someone to unconditionally love him w their eyes & arms open
who gets more jealous? 
LMAO ronan jealous lynch from the jealous boys the jealous thieves jealous lily lily jealous and the jealous king
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
“i’d take you all everywhere w me if I could” did u read that me too neither of those fuckers are moving an inch
who will propose? 
u know i think ronan would?? my instinct was gansey but the truth is that ronan is all action and gansey still has the smallest shrapnel bit of uncertainty about where he stands with ppl so I think ronan would leap for him. he’s a leaper
who has the most difficult parents?
one pair is dead so take a wild fucking guess buddy
(if alive it would be a toss up: wild and dangerously intangible liars or high-brow, tongues so gilded w gold that they’ll cut you liars take ur pick)
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
surprise it’s both ! ronan reaches for gansey bc he’s defiant and tactile and generally has never given a shit nor will he ever!! not one!!!!
gansey reaches for him because he knows physical contact brings ronan back from whatever shitty corridor his brain is tumbling down, and he loves to have people close like it’s thrilling to him. ronan’s pinky brushing his gives him fucking chills
who comes up for the other all the time? 
again if u mean in conversation idek maybe just by sheer probability of actually engaging in conversation for long enough to bring their bf up it would be gansey 
who hogs the blankets? 
ronan’s a messy fucking sleeper for obvious reasons and he can and will find the most inane ways to piss someone off so it’s him 
who gets more sad? 
everyone’s sad bish!! they’re both sad they’ve lost a lot times is hard
who is better at cheering the other up? 
ok maybe this is controversial but it’s ronan.. tbh...
he does THE dumbest things like idk proposes some sort of race between his dream creatures or shows gansey a fuckin meme or starts compiling a comprehensive list of compound swear words, like just dicks around so hard that gansey is busy pretending to scold him and his worries pack their gd bags
gansey is like. ronan’s life support like don’t get me wrong, but ronan’s just purposefully juvenile enough that it helps. it rlly helps
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly (dad) jokes?
gansey says THE most ridiculous garbage and ronan can and will punch him in the arm 
who is more streetwise?
(gansey’s probably wearing a salmon polo shirt rn why don’t u tell me)
who is more wise?
gansey’s an ancient forest & he keeps an aspiration journal ://
who’s the shyest? 
they ain’t shy my guy they just flat out refuse to show their true colours. like buried under ronan’s ritual of blistering eye contact and aggressive engagement there’s a real shock of anxiety and discomfort 
but under gansey’s plastic face there’s a whole lot of squirmy uncertainty and hatred of superficiality as well so....... like who knows
who boasts about the other more? 
they’re always bragging about each other dude if you say gansey’s name and ronan’s in the CITY he’ll be smug and impossible, and u don’t even need to mention ronan for gansey to be talking about him like at any given time he’ll be like have u met my boyfriend ronan lynch or my boyfriend henry cheng or my boyfriend adam parrish or my girlfriend blue sargent or my boyfri-
who sits on who’s lap?
don’t even joke about this ronan would sit in gansey’s lap like it’s a custom throne made for his ass, he needs to be held to live
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Hogwarts Students!BTS
Admin River speaks: ok i’ve had this idea for sO long and I’ve been rereading the series again for the 5th time rip me. but yeah just these are my opinions pls dont attack me ddjjfjfjs. Also I made this a while ago and recently Namjoon wrote where the members would be, I know, I know. So without further ado, enjoyyyy 
• the cute Gryffindor who always seems to smile • messy hair • and robes • his shirt is usually unbuttoned a few buttons • loose tie • his wand behind his left ear • chaser !!! • usually gets out of trouble because none of the teachers seem to be able to r e s i s t his s m i l e • headmaster/mistress probably has a soft spot for him • probably has rlly good grades, like all O’s maybe a few E’s • “but, professor” • can be restless and talkative in class • is probably rlly into care of magical creatures • Hagrid would absolutely a d o r e him • just so full of life • in the choir bc yes boi • h o g s m e a d e especially when its s n o w i n g
• most likely part veela
• like have you s e e n him
• beauty right there • is able to smuggle in firewhiskey
• laughs when the other students cant drink it and make a face
• laughs even more when they watch in horror as he downs a cup
• “the hell, tae ???”
• j o k e s h o p
• loves the Weasley’s joke shop
• talks to the ghosts and portraits a lot
• has probs accidently charmed a couple ladies in the portraits
• which comes in handy when he finds out all these secret passages
• loves flower crowns and loves making them during the spring
• “here yoongi i made u one”
• “..... I'm more concerned as how u knew thats my favorite flower.”
• “that’s your favorite flower?”
• “.... forget i said anything.”
• k just imagine after a game he flies down from his broom with a huge grin and pushes he goggles up and so his hair is all wild and even more messy
• n he brings every1 in a group hug and cheers “we won, we won !!!”
• even if they dont win be celebrates with the other team
•...somtimes.. be gets pouty tho
• “we literally could have won that was a foul :(“
Jin • cute Hufflepuff • always so full of advice
• if u want u could set up a lil date with him at hogsmeade to just talk about your problems and sip a warm drink • so s o motherly • sometimes he has a loose tie and disheveled hair • he has rlly nice skin and the other students are like ??? tell me ur secrets ??? • hufflepuff’s dorms are by the kitchens so he probably made friends with the elves working there • can probably walk in and out whenever he wants • the few times he walks in late to class he probably has a few crumbs on his mouth or robes or maybe like some sugar or flour and its so e n d e a r i n g • such a good student • pays so much attention in class • sometimes wears those glasses, you know which ones • the girls probably all like him • and a few boys too hehe coughsnamjooncoughs • probably likes charms and maybe divination • he probably also likes herbology • also is probably in the choir because i mean have you h e a r d h i m • loves going to Hogsmeade • probably is pretty good friends with Madame Rosmerta • exchanges recipes with her • he seems so sophisticated and people probs look up to him a lot • p r e f e c t • h e a d  b o y
• tells so many jokes to first years
• windshield laugh
• u would think the first years would be scared but no???
• they end being less nervous and smile and giggle with him
• even jin gets slightly surprised
• they end up getting close with him and almost like his own kids
• “but jiiiiiiiiinnn”
• “fine :/”
• ok but he stops so many fights n things from escalating too quickly
• both in the dorms and in bts
• even a couple teacher drama incidents
• professors lowkey want him to stay n teach there
• gets so worried??? About people ???
• he has a nervous tick where he keeps rubbing his hands as if he's putting on lotion
• but if he's rlly worried he's absolutely still and that's probs when u should be worried too Yoongi • ok he was rlly hard • like i wanted to say slytherin but idk i felt like i was stereotyping a bit by looks • i wanted to say ravenclaw but like idk man • i think I’m settling for g r y f f i n d o r • he’s rlly brave, man, like he went through so m u c h and he is so strong and f i g h t s back yanno • some ppl probably can't understand why he’s a gryffindor and he wants to keep it like that lol • he’s never seen doing his hw most of the time but gets ??? Perfect scores??? • he unbuttons one button on his shirt because its t o o t i g h t dammit i cant breathe • also slightly loose tie • defense against the dark arts all the way bro • a knack for transfiguration but gets so flustered when the professor compliments him which means red cheeks and wide eyes for days • hypes up quidditch so m u c h • like if its rlly cold and its raining he’d be like ew gross no im not going • but is a l w a y s there • gummy smiles and screaming when they win • he’s rlly good at quidditch but never joined bc “too much responsibility” • he’s lowkey insecure about his skills but sshh dont tell anyone • probs joins like 5th year
• a beater probably
• helps with stress lol • he has so much confidence and ppl appreciate that and wish they had that
• joon gave him a music box once cause he thought it was rlly pretty n yoongi just fell in love with it
• ink stained fingers
Jimin • the cute hufflepuff everyone adores • hypes up friends 25/8 • talks in class and then gets sheepish and embarrassed when he gets called out to stop • will fight??? Anyone ??? Who messes with his friends ??? • but liek if u hurt him u suddenly got all of hufflepuff as ur enemy sorry bro • he’s so so sweet like he probably gives all his professors gifts for the holidays • homemade cookies (with the help of jin ofc) • probably takes up knitting so that he can make scarfs 4 his frens • always there at quidditch games and hypes all his friend even if they’re against each other • he’s so reliable??? • giggles 4 days • but liek he is so cute n innocent but has laser focus and is so passionate about getting things done some ppl are just ??? Slytherin tho ??? • he’s the loyalist loyal to ever loyal • he probs enjoys muggle studies • muggle studies and potions • he likes the fact that you get all these ingredients and then end up with this huge product that can save lives or end them   w i l d t • will stay up rlly late if u need someone to talk to • will also make sure u go to ur dorm safely and probably tuck u in
• the kind of person every1 wants 2 protect
• but dOnt be fooled this boi can be solo mischievous
• its ok tho he cute
• he's like hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel sauce
• ya feel?
• will break the rules if he has to don't underestimate him
• don't underestimate him in general
• ravenclaw!!!
• this boi is so smart like he could have easily pursued a career academically n wasnt he top of his class too ?
• even if that's wrong his lyrics sure prove it right
• he would do certain things and ppl would be like typical ravenclaw
• at first he was proudful of his house but then he slowly started getting insecure
• he didn't want to be known as this typical ravenclaw
• but he soon realizes that it's ok because he's just being himself n if ppl need to label things then o well
• v awkward but so w i s e
• like he thinks of so many abstract ideas that like??? It's amazing??
• carries around a lil notebook full of stories and poems
• so much p a t i e n c e
• he also feels so deeply and sometimes feels like exploding so he probably gets in lil moods where he wants to be alone
• luckily he has his frens (bts) who r like uhm bro let's talk
• so sweet and just wants the best 4 ppl but its sometimes hard to express t h a t
• stresses out easily during exams
• laughs and smiles that make flowers grow
• p r e f e c t a n d h e a d b o y
• he does lil things like save u butterbeer if ur not feeling well or get u sum sweets from Hogsmeade
• such a sweetheart
• luvs spending time outside especially during the spring
• lowkey writes poetry about his friends
• he just appreciates them so much
• transfiguration and ancient runes boi
• l i b r a r y
• Filch probably picks on the poor boy like
• joon is running back to his dorm after a study session in the library
• n filch is like iTs AftEr Hours
• and joon is like ??? I have 5 minutes ???
• sometimes he goes wide eyes like a deer in the headlights when he panics or doesn't know what's going on omg protect this boi
• okAy he's Ravenclaw tOo fIght mE
• he is just so fascinated by learning new things like
• wth that plant can do that???
• that animal exists ???
• w ow i e
• ok but sunshine boi
• is absolutely excited about herbology and care of magical creatures
• also charms
• he's just always so excited to learn new things !!!
• he stresses easily tho and breaks down a lot bc he gets a lot of pressure to get good grades
• like boi that's not ravenclaw calm ya shit
• frens defend him 25/8
• keeper!!!
• he learns to keep his wand hidden in weird places and like pulls it out at random places and ppl are like ???
• lots of screamign and happiness
• ppl get annoyed but it's hoseok he can do no wrong
• asks weird questions that are somehow relevant to the subject but r so abstract that even some professors are baffled
• he's so flexible ???
• like some ppl r just ??? How the h e ck??
• n liek the lil shit he is he winks and says “magic”
• lots of “hobi why”
• charms banners for quidditch when he doesn't play so they're all pretty n cool
• the school doesn’t suspect it's him
• him sharing a bunk with namjoon !!!
• luvs visiting Hagrid with Tae
• always has a new piece of info about dragons 2 share with Hagrid
• robes r usually wrinkled
• him wearing flower crowns/ bracelets that tae makes
• okay so
• hear me out
• s l y t h e r i n
• he was 15 when he debuted n liek ???
• he's 19 now ?? Thats a lot of ambition and hard work
• also he's a meme n he's cunning when he wants stuff
• n he also said he can handle hard schedules but when bts starts to hurt that's when he feels bad like ???
• but liek he gets kinda insecure sometimes bc slytherin is “””””bad””””””
• but he gets a talk from namjoon that ppl will be like that n to just ignore because a house is just supposed to let u be surrounded by ppl who r similar to u to learn better
• he also lowkey gives him permission to beat any1 up
• when he was younger he would sometimes sneak to other dorms
• to be with one of the members since be was insecure n shy with his house members
• but he soon grew confident and made other friends and bts were like proud moms lol
• seeker!!!!
• he always feels bad going against his frens but they just wink at him n he gets confidence
• frequent visits to madame pomfrey bc he a daredevil smh
• joins choir like 3rd year
• he hesitated for so long because he's an insecure bab and !!!!
• but tae n jin r liek cmon boi ur very good let's do this
• he pretends to be a bad boi with bts but he barely gets a glimpse of a professor n he quickly straightens his tie n smooths down his shirt
• art !!!!
• he likes to sketch ppl
• “hey yoongi do this with ur hands”
• wavy haired jungkook 6th n 7th year !!!!!
• his book bag has at least 2 sketchbooks
• he would feel so bad when ppl would notice his robes and point and whisper
• but they realized how he actually was n how bts treated him
• vvvv talented
• catches on to concepts right away
• ppl think he likes defense against the dark arts but actually……..
• care of magical creatures is his fav
• probs lowkey likes astronomy
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