#avatar the last aribender
petricorah · 2 years
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the dangers of not confessing
pt 2 pt 3
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fabdante · 8 months
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I had this dream a month or two ago where 20 something Zuko was looking for something, which was apparently 20 something Katara who was just hanging out on the floor. He laid down next to her and they held pinkies like this and there was just such a palpable happiness to it that I just had to do a little something with it. It was just really cute.
art only blog - insta - inprnt - redbubble (image description in alt)
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avrelia · 1 year
Some days I consider Aang’s life and my heart breaks at the horror of it. We see him at twelve, a cheerful and optimistic, despite the tragedy and the heavy burdens the world had placed on him. But it is easy to be optimistic at twelve. Especially when normal life is just beyond the corner, it is hard to conceive that it is gone forever, especially as the present demands his full attention. But eventually the reality of the tragedy sinks in and never leaves. We can see these jumps in the series. When at first Aang doesn’t believe that a hundred years passed since he got caught in an iceberg and the world he knew is gone, and there are no Air Nomads in it, just endless war, and then he sees the skeletons at the Southern Air Temple. When he comes to a Northern Air Temple and sees the changes. When Appa is stolen. He is resilient, and it seems that he is fine. But that kind of trauma does linger. It doesn't just disappear. And with time it will come to the surface more and more often. I think of Aang in his forties, burdened with regular Avatar duties, and being the only person who remembers the world and people before, and missing his childhood friends, and monks, and the whole way of life terribly, and trying to keep at least some of it alive. And I weep for him.
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kogamitsukii · 1 year
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The Gaang (Sokka, Toph, Aang, Zuko, Katara) from Avatar: The Last Airbender
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runabout-river · 3 months
I've watched the first episode of the live action Avatar. I like it pretty well so far and I've been thinking about the adaptation and what the anglosphere won't experience with it: the original voice actor cast.
For the One Piece live-action that was possible by switching to the Japanese dub but Avatar was already an American production so there is no overseas original dub voice actors to go to.
I'm thinking about this for 2 reasons:
1) Watching these adaptations with the familiarity of the voices changes your perception of them. For one, I like it more from the get-go, but for two, small discrepancies between original and adaptation mix into each other, making the adaptation feel a tad bit more like the original.
2) Experienced voice actors can enhance and improve the performance of an actor, especially when we're talking about child actors. From what I've heard, the acting of the Hogwarts trio in the first movie e.g. wasn't the best in people's opinions but they were young children so it's understandable. That never was an impression I had when watching the German dub because the voice actors were experienced and basically hid any underperformance of the child actors.
While discussing this first episode of AtlaLA, a fellow German dub watcher told me how they saw that the acting of Katara's actor was less expressive than that of the voice actor, as in the voice carried emotions that the body language and facial features didn't convey in the same way. I wasn't paying attention to that but now I'll have to keep an eye on it for the second episode. 🤔
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julietwiskey1 · 5 months
What if ATLA had 6 seasons, the War trilogy (books 1-3) and the Post-War trilogy (Books 4-6)?
This is a question that I think is harder then the four season question. Usually as a constraint I would want to keep the same tone and maturity level of the show. But I think an additional three seasons will need to be more mature and tackle more political questions that don’t quite fit the original show.
First three seasons are the same. Only major difference is we don’t need to speed run Zuko’s redemption at the end, we can start it and finish it in the fourth season. Then we mirror the last three seasons with the first, where it went water, Earth, Fire now it goes Fire, Earth, Water and we watch the gaang shrink down each season instead of grow.
I would start the season with a search for Ursa that fails. We see Zuko take charge as a leader and Azula’s uncertainty in the world and after her breakdown. Azula manages to give the group the slip at the end and head off on her own. Through out the season Zuko and the gaang face threats to the throne and the questions over the colonies and other conquered territory. Azula joins up with the bad guys and it’s a question of if she is truly with them. Half way through she is betrays them and saves Zuko and the gaang and rejoins the group as fully redeemed and accepted. Later half is her becoming friends with Ty Lee and Mai again. The season ends with them finding Ursa and the Fire Nation people staying behind as the gaang head to the Earth Kingdom, though they still show up for arcs and episodes in upcoming seasons.
Season five is earth and focused on Toph and Earth Kingdom politics. Toph is working towards teaching metal bending and opening up her own academy. They fight rouge Fire Nation units and the like. But also succession of Bumi’s rule of Omashu is explored and the Dai Li continued rule in Ba Sing Se. As inner turmoil still besets Ba Sing Se we see them try and help King Kuei become the leader he needs to be. Perhaps if we are feeling bold we can question the full extent of the White Lotus interest in the city and if it is for the good of the Earth Kingdom or self interest. Jet and the other freedom fighters make a return and can play the hero’s when the gaang needs them. The season ends with Toph going home, being accepted by her parents and opening up her academy where we say goodbye to her.
Season six, the final season, we are left with just Sokka, Katara, and Aang. With a focus split between Aang looking for his people and Sokka and Katara trying to restore theirs. We see Sokka become a strong leader and growing into his own and becoming ready to pick up the mantle of chief when his father is ready to move on, perhaps even taking it for awhile when his father is injured. Katara searches out for SWT bending texts and she takes up Hama as a master where we have a redemption arc for Hama (or better yet this is our first introduction to her character and other survivors of the death camps). Aang continues his search for his people with hints of them being out their but ever elusive. The climax for the season is the village being once again strong and they are able to resist an invasion by either Pirates or former Fire Navy, showing their renewed strength. But we have another episode to close off the show. Probably just an extended Iroh’s tea shop episode where we see everyone that we have been saying by to for the past three seasons one last time (happy Azula with her Mom!). For the very end we see Aang say goodbye to everyone leaving by himself only for the final shot to be of him finding a surviving Air Nomad.
Let me know what y’all think. This was just my first idea and playing with mirroring the first three seasons onto the past three seasons. Though their are probably better ways to tell a story. I’m particularly worried of not enough going on and cutting back the cast as we get closer to the end.
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I can only accept Zuko as an awkward turtleduck if said turtleduck is a teenager and mutant and a ninja.
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awanderingmuse-ficrec · 10 months
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To End a War (Series) 
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: ChickadeeChickadoo
Rating: General
Warnings: Brainwashing, Child Abuse
Word Count:  43,803
Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Zuko's Crew, Hakoda, Aang, Katara, Azula, Sokka, Suki, Pakku, Ozai, Toph Beifong, Ursa, Mai, Ty Lee, Long Feng, Kuei
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everyone Needs Hugs, Some people get hugs, War sucks, Ozai Being a Terrible Parent, Azula being halfway decent, Iroh a Good Uncle, Iroh Loves Tea, Merchant Zuko, What's even going on, NO ONE KNOWS, it's fun though, Angst, Do the pirates come back?, probably, Does Azula hunt them?, of course, Does everyone need a hug?, yes, that's a thing, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Who's them?, Long Feng is a horrible human, Azula gets some help, Zuko is really not the best at negotiations, Mostly he just wants to yell at people, Toph is amused, Da Li, They try to brainwash people, It would work better if Katara didn't keep healing them
To Protect
Zuko tried to protect the 41st division- he failed. He was banished. They died anyway. Now he has a crew. And he'll protect them if it kills him. Or the pirates chasing them.
To Betray
Zuko wasn't a traitor. Exactly. He was just going behind his father's back to end a war. That wasn't really treason. Probably.
Actually it was treason. Zuko wasn't exactly sure how much he cared about that.
To Compromise
Iroh has sent letter after letter to Ba Sing Se, looking to end the war permanently. They haven't responded... until now.
Zuko is an Ambassador.
Azula is a spy.
And Long Feng wonders... why rule one kingdom when you can have three?
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sonofthedragon · 2 years
Posted this on Reddit & it got a good reaction so I'm putting it here.
A little while ago I read the atla comic trilogy "North and South" and while I enjoyed it I was struck by a thought that I feel may have taken it to another level. Potential spoilers below.
For those that don't recall, the main villain of the trilogy is a new character called Gilak. Without spoiling too much, he's one of the warriors who followed Hakoda out to fight against the Fire Nation who objects to the Southern Water Tribe relying on foreign nations as it rebuilds in the aftermath of the Hundred Years War.
Thing is, because we'd never met him before the "friends turned enemies" angle they try to run between he & Hakoda falls a bit flat, at least to me. And since I've become something of a writer I decided to test myself by thinking of what could be done to improve the story and here's the big change I came up with.
Replace Gilak as the main antagonist of the trilogy with Bato. Because honestly all of my complaints regarding the trilogy are centered around Gilrak as a character. As I said before his "broken friendship" with Hakoda doesn't click because while we know & care about Hakoda we don't have that same relationship with Gilrak meaning we don't really care about him.
I'm aware that "Bato of the Southern Water Tribe" is widely considered to be among the weakest episodes of atla but I feel like Bato himself is a solid enough character. Most important however is that he's a character people know from the show & even more so, he's a character we SEE interesting with Hakoda. We see their relationship, the mutual esteem they seem to have for each other as opposed to Gilrak for whom we are only told of the bond he shared with his chief.
Another possible change is the role Sokka could play. As it stands he & Katara are split evenly on their fathers plans to develop their tribe with the help of his northern advisors, with Sokka jumping onboard immediately and Katara being the sceptic. In this alternate version, Sokka is a bit more torn. Bato helped him through a right of passage after all, they shared a strong bonding experience and that would make Sokka hesitate. His first instinct would still be to stand on the side of progress but his conviction would waver slightly when he realized that a man he has so much respect for is against it. This would be heightened when -as she does in the actual comic- Katara begins expressing sympathy to the traditionalists.
Full disclosure: when I called myself a writer in the intro, I meant a writer of fanfiction on AO3. I am by no means a professional. But I do genuinely believe the changes I've proposed would elevate an already well-written story. But these are just my thoughts & now I'd like to hear yours. Depending on your response, I may incorporate this idea in my future writings.
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mangolon · 2 years
avatar circus au but it’s just ty lee living her life before azula came back
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petricorah · 2 years
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sokka ✨🌟💫
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groundrunner100 · 27 days
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problematicsubmarine · 2 months
Ok so I'm most of the way through the live action ATLA and no it's not perfect, some of the acting is a little oof but overall it's pretty good? The costumes, the sets all the older actors for the most part. Some of the cg needed a little more time and all of these streaming shows could benefit from a few more episodes, but the way they've combined storyline and episodes to try and fit things in in a coherent way, some of the changes they've made I like quite a bit.
Yall trying to act like it's the same level of bad as the movie are actively delusional and need to take of the nostalgia goggles.
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avrelia · 1 year
My Pet peeves in ATLA fandom
I have collected some of my fandom pet peeves and decided to post them here to exorcise my annoyance, so to say.
1) it goes across all fandoms really. But I am very tired of fan profiling.
- If fans like character A they must be Z
- If fans hate character B they must be Y
- if fans ship characters C and D together they are necessarily eat babies, abuse puppies and eat spinach.
No, it doesn’t work like that. Sure, there are trends and common markers, but any individual likes and dislikes stuff for various personal reasons. Sometimes characters simply remind of someone else in real life. Sometimes we cannot discern a reason at all. It is fun to ponder, but sweeping generalizations are usually harmful.
2) Now, this pet peeve is rather specific. I hate when people call Aang a monk.
He was raised by monks, that’s it. He never refers to himself as a monk, he is never called one in canon, but fandom collectively decided that all Air Nomads were monks and nuns, and had to abide by all the rules Earth religions set out for the monastic orders. I occasionally see people complaining Aang does not behave like a Catholic monk is supposed to. Of course he doesn’t. Why would he?
3) more on Aang. Is he a self-insert for Mike DiMartino?
Well, Mike said several times in the interviews Aang is based on him in some regards.
In the same interview, he and Bryan said Zuko is based on Bryan in some regards.
And well, Dante Basco occasionally melds into Zuko and nobody minds much.
Who is the biggest self-insert of them all?
4) Everything I learned about creative process on Avatar the Last Airbender seems to indicate that the process was cooperative to the degree surprising in the industry. It was Mike and Bryan’s story but they listened and learned from everyone who worked on the story. There were a lot of ideas flying around in the writing room, some writers like one thing, others another. Some of those ideas ended up in the series, some were thrown out. Normal working process. Why do people need to turn it into a giant conspiracy and all-out shipping war, is beyond me.
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chiptrillino · 1 year
Not gonna lie. I miss your Jee. I don't suppose you have any incomplete sketches you'd be willing to share with us? 🥹
tbh i miss jee too... okay may i offer... me trying to figure out how he could have looked younger?
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[ID: digital illustration of three different busts of Lt. jee from avatar the last aribender. wearing a red cape and black undershirt. frowning, looking to the left side. on the left its Jee in senior age. in the middle jee as teen and on the right jee as baby. text on the right side above the head indicates the age stage. End ID.]
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runabout-river · 2 years
Avatar, the last Airbender and Demon Slayer - corssover
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Part 3
Water (3)
Tokitô Muichirô was no good at waterbending but no one was really surprised by that, not with all the injuries he had sustained which had only somewhat healed. He had lived with his family an isolated but peaceful life until his mother died of sickness and his father had a fatal accident. A strange woman came to their house multiple times to offer them a new home away from the borders of the war but Muichirô’s twin Yuichirô was vehemently against that, saying that this woman was more interested in recruiting people to fight in the war. Nevertheless, regardless of the reason for staying in their house, the war caught up with them anyway. Fire Nation soldiers had first seen and then entered their house to see if they could terrorize any person living there.
Because they knew that these soldiers would kill them in a horrible manner after doing what else to them, both twins fought back against them with all the might they had with their 11 years of age.
Somehow, after Yuichirô was gravely injured, Muichirô entered a state of utter rage that helped him kill the attackers with everything his small hands could grasp. However, even though the soldiers were dead by sunrise, both twins were severely injured and Yuichirô was the first to die.
Before Muichirô died as well, the woman who constantly came to them arrived again, immediately calling for help after she saw the state these poor boys were in. Muichirô survived and recovered… somewhat. It became clear after a while that he would never truly be the person again he was before the attack, which was exemplified by his waterbending.
You showed me your water tricks once, the woman would sometimes encourage but Muichirô had neither the memory of that nor the focus to actually try to do something with the water in front of him. He could barely lift a drop of it without the water evaporating… like his thoughts. 
Neither a mental nor a physical recovery seemed to be something that was in Muichirô’s future, until… someone gave him a sword as a crutch to lift himself up. Normally, he was given a simple stick to help him walk but on that day for some reason, it was a long wooden sword that landed on his lap… and the effect was near instantaneous.
Every part of his brain seemed to activate all at once - to balance his broken body, to find out which muscles were torn and shredded and which muscles could take on the extra work. His eyes widened to take in the terrain he was at, what he wore on his feet, how many bandages he had, where he had them and how much they hindered his movements. Miraculously he stood up, unaided, with both his hands clutching the weapon in front of him.
After that, his recovery plan changed to include all sorts of weapons for him to train with. His training and rehab area also changed from a simple room to an actual training ground. Physically he had a near complete recovery. He was able to compensate for his permanently damaged muscles and bones by utilizing every other part of his body with rigorous training and an iron will which made him a master swordsman in an unbelievably short amount of time.
Just mentally he was not all there. He had extreme memory problems and amnesia for everything that happened before he was injured. His waterbending also didn’t improve but Ubuyashiki, the husband of the woman who rescued him, told him that that was all right as it is. Still, even though a mental blockade hindered him from relearning his bending, that didn’t – couldn’t – prevent him from incorporating his piss poor excuse for water control into his fighting style. He started to create a small shroud of mist with the water he had on him in a bottle. Later that shroud became bigger and denser until it started to weaken oncoming fireballs, even later than that, the mist began to move with the attacks he made.
At 14, he was known as the hidden swordsman of the mist.
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