#bc i feel comfier here
gojoest · 2 years
omg HELLO why’d i just now find this blog 😵‍💫‼️ forgive me,,, but your theme is so cute and i love the red ! i’m so happy to see u active here again ahhh !! ilysm
RISUU !! ⁄(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ㅅ⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄ ♡ my dearly beloved hiii helloooo welcome to my tiny lil home (a bit messy still but hopefully cozy !) im so so glad to finally be back again & feels so good i will sob T^T i missed you so so much ♡ planting a soft kiss on each of your cheeks & hugging you tightly ILYM !!
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starryarles · 2 years
i'm going to start manicure and pedicure courses on the 15th!!! woooooo!!!!! i'll have to live with my grandma in the capital!!! wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I was thinking, so before sebastian’s heat actually kicks in his bird side (since he’s a crow demon) will start to be more noticeable. Like when he’s doing his chores he’ll find like a shiny thing and take it to his room. So if you go into his room before his heat there are a lot of shiny things just sitting there.
Yess, ok honestly I think he’d make a lil nest in his room AND your room bc he wants two nest incase you have a large clutch this season (he completely forgets humans don’t lay eggs) and he sings to you on an almost daily basis.
Crows mate for life, making him extra protective of you when his mind is clouded in his pre-heat state.
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Sebastian (preheat/inhuman behavior, slight implication of breeding)
You had a long day and wanted to sleep, but your bed was COVERED in blankets, pillows, feathers and…fur? You looked closer to see there were ‘fluffy’ clothes on your bed too. Your bed had none of these on it when you woke up this morning and there’s only one person who has access to your room!
You shouted, intentionally sounding more upset than you actually were to get him to hurry to your side. Unsurprisingly he was standing beside you in a moment. “Yes Master? What’s wrong?” You gesture to the bed and Sebastian gives you a blank stare in response.
“Why is my bed covered in rubbish?” You huff out, walking over to your drawer, removing your necklace and rings, placing them ontop of the drawer, you weren’t gonna wear em to sleep. When you turned around, you saw Sebastian staring at the bed, looking a little offended by your remark.
“It’s not rubbish, it’s to soften the nest. It also helps retain heat so the eggs won’t get cold.” Sebastian says, turning back to you with a smile. You scowl back at him.
“Nest? Eggs??? What the hell are you talking about? Are you planning on getting chickens? Why would we keep them in my bed?” You shove the ‘rubbish’ off your bed and get onto it. “We are not turning my bed into an incubator!”
When you looked back to Sebastian, he’s glaring at the spot on the floor where you shoved his ‘nest’. He looks back to you with a crestfallen look. “They aren’t pets, they’d be our children…” You give him a confused look. You hear a low growl escape him when you start to pull apart the ‘nest’ on the floor. You feel an arm wrap around your waist and you’re pulled off of your own bed.
Before you can protest you’re placed in a chair and Sebastian is re organizing the nest, this time putting it on the edge of your bed. Sebastian turns to you, picking you backup and tucking you into your bed. You had enough room to sleep with the ‘nest’ in your bed, but it was less than comfortable.
Fuck it, you’ll sleep somewhere else tonight. Why not the couch? Haven’t slept there in a while, maybe it’s comfier than you remember?
You got up, walking back to your drawer, not taking your eyes off Sebastian. You go to grab your necklace from the drawer, but you felt nothing when your hand landed on the drawer. You look away from Sebastian to see that the jewelry you had half hazardly left on your drawer was gone…
“Sebastian.” You glared at him. “Where is my jewelry?” Sebastian huffed as if he was annoyed. “What are you upset about? It’s my jewelry!” You hiss at him, turning to face him only to see he’s five feet from your face.
“Oh Master…I apologize I grabbed it when I walked in here.” He holds out his hand, delicately handing it to you. “It was just so tempting to take it, my bad.”
You grabbed it from him and paused, staring up at Sebastian. “What the actual hell is wrong with you? You’ve never done this shit before but now you feel the need to act up?”
Sebastian gave you an innocent smile, lowering his head a bit. “But where will we keep our eggs if we don’t keep them here? We can protect them better here.” He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you towards the bed.
You hiss at him. “I don’t know what you are talking about! Eggs go in the fridge, we,” You gesture between the two of you. “Don’t, and won’t have any eggs, understand?”
He looks surprised by your response and grumbles out something before speaking to you again. “But…it’s the best time to have them, besides-“ He pauses , shaking his head. “Oh that’s right, humans don’t go into heat, it’ll just be me…”
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thesmpisonfire · 7 months
okay im here with actual headcanons this time, no misclicks fortunately
bad is the pillow of the group because even while freezing cold he's still somehow the warmest, so he is buffered by the whole team. he's always got an arm around someone (usually pac), wings covering as many people as he can and tail wrapped around anyone farther away. pac, tubbo and tina are usually the ones situated close to him
tina and bad are usually the ones make food or drinks that aren't alchoholic. tina obviously brews a bunch of tea during the day and theres not a lot of food but they make do with the crops and resources they have. now that the greens have merged, forever helps out now too as well as fit!
since they couldn't go home before the bounty hunting nerfs, everybody still managed to flock to each other. or at least anyone who wasnt being tracked. and when it was finally time for every to rest, they all curled up in a hole and made it as warm as possible for the new wolves joining them
they have a specific corner for sleeping in and, once everyone is awake or those who aren't can be moved, tina always makes sure that the bedding is fixed. now she has bagi to help her :]
because i can never stop thinking about it: bad's collar was handmade by pac but was originally a bit of a joke gift considering the joke about bad being soulfire's guard dog. unbeknownst to the rest of the team, bad wears it constantly underneath his bandanna, expertly hidden. pac's the only one who knows and teases bad lightly for it
before purgatory there were very few people who got to see bad's hair, much less be able to touch it. but now the list of people allowed to touch it has pac added to it
bad likes to rest his head on pac's chest to hear his heartbeat, to make sure he's alive and to pick up on nightmares. he's very careful of where he puts his horns
fit sometimes, mostly when they've exhausted their energy, bridal carries bad or pac back to base to get proper rest. this happens less with bad cus he's cautious of his energy. the first time it happened though it spooked him completely awake because he was so flustered, pac laughed at him (albiet very sleepily)
considering bad and pac are the more teasing by nature, they make it just a tiiiny bit of a game to see who can fluster fit more. pac is usually the winner 9 times out of 10
when bad gets growly, fit is the only other team member aside from maybe tubbo who's allowed to come near pac. the downside of this is that bad proceeds to get growly over fit as well. -screamingallium
Under read more bc it got long :]
About the soulfire one where they can't go back home and have to huddle together somewhere, there's actually a secret nook in Soulfires old farm!! Bad made some ghost dirt blocks and hid a small room with emergency chests and a fireplace in case of need. They all huddle there when they can't be safe at home <3
ALSO YEAAAA SLEEP CORNER. At first the new members from green find it weird that they're that rich but all sleep together on a bunch of mattresses and pillows, but soon they notice its because they feel safer and comfier and warmer (even if it's just an illusion) when they sleep on a pile <3
Now to pachalo.
Omg the fucking leash thingnsnfnekgsocksfm yesyes. They know this thing will only last 2 weeks and they're gonna get freaky with it‼️‼️ pac doesn't mind bad being the mad dog but he loves to tease and wait for when bad gets too blood thirsty and he goes "don't make me leash you, bad"
It usually makes bad worse :]
Hgghhhhhh okay so in brazil we have a word called cafuné, cafuné is when you caress/play/scritches someone's hair with lots of care. Pac making cafuné on Bad and listening to him purr <3
Also aaaa bad making sure pac is alive and he will stay alive the entire night... The fear something will take Pac away from him on his sleep bc nothing is sacred in Purgatory
Bad being a flustered mess when Fit just YOINKS him is such an imagery. He immediately tries to squirm away like a cat but eventually gives up
Pac is the KING of making Fit flustered, but Bad and Fit tag team to make Pac a flustered mess
Those are HIS humans (or partially humans) NOW!!! GET AWAY!!!
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emmyrosee · 2 years
ALSO THANK UOU OH MY GOD IM IN LOVE WITH SERO. if you feel up to it would you write a little Drabble on roommate/best friend! Sero x reader where they are literally such close friends but sero is a RELENTLESS tease (bc I fucking live for teasing). Maybe also if you wanted to add some bits in there with a whole bunch of cuddling & the reader being super affectionate w Sero? Just some good ol’ banter and fluff<3I hope you’re feeling better my love, I’m wishing you all the best❤️❤️ -pip anon
Also this is a fookin novel I’m so SORRY-
A/N hiya! Future Emmy here! So. This is REAAAAAALLY long because I have no self control. Grab some popcorn and a drink because goOD GOD- also not so much a drabble as like. A series of how I think ish went but pLEASE feel free to send me more 🥲
It was just after college, me thinks, when you moved in together. He was a cousin of a friend of a friend who needed a roommate, and you were the broke student who also needed a roommate.
He honestly was amazed you two clicked at all, you didn’t seem like the kinda person who would be into his teasing ways and banter, but you had this knack for it, you were able to fire back almost any garbage tease and flirt he’d throw your way.
So much so that… it almost becomes natural.
He’s not sure when you started to laugh in place of snapping back at his flirts. He’s not sure when you started making plans for the two of them, rather than just the one.
He does, however, know when you started to cuddle him. It was like, three in the morning, you two had been binging whatever sillyass show Denki told him to watch, and at some point, you knocked out.
Sero only knew that you had, when you’d nuzzled into his shoulder and a line of drool fell from your lips and onto his hand. He wrapped his arm around you and the way you curled into him just… it felt so sweet. He didn’t think anything of it, though.
Until you did it again. This time, in his bed, when you’d watched too many documentaries about those damned serial killers- look, he gets that they’re addicting, but come on, at night?- and you were terrified to go to sleep.
So, you crept into his bed, gently nudging him and asking if he could hold you, which had him blinking in confusion. You felt that safe with him?
He smirks, “little baby too scared of the dark?”
“Shut up, you’re scared of clowns.”
He snorts, “alright. Shut up and come here.” He opened one of his arms and immediately, you were out like a light, once again drooling slightly on his chest when you kept your mouth open too long.
And it really, really became a thing. You stopped asking to crawl into his bed, you just kind of. Did, because it was comfier and warmer, and he was a great cuddler he didn’t seem to mind it, so you just took the matters into your own hands and climb in.
Even on couches, flopping on top of him and burrowing into his chest, to which he instinctively wraps his long arms around you.
“Y’know,” he mumbles, fingers scratching your scalp, “if I wanted something stinky to lay on my chest, I’d get a damn cat.”
“You love me and you know it.”
Sure enough, as payback for throwing that four letter word into the apartment space, he started flopping down on you, making you groan and wheeze with laughter every time. He started coming into your space and shoving his cold hands under your shirt to make you scream- even worse when he shoves his feet down the back of your sweats, fucking menace- because why did you have to throw out that word? That word should be banished from your home space, saged away like a demon, kept locked in a basement far, far away.
But he doesn’t say all of that. Because you’re right, and he’s almost positive you feel the same way, because for as much as he leans in to kiss your head, you lean up to peck his lips.
He’s laying down on his stomach, you come over to bite at his ticklish neck.
He turns over in his sleep, you instantly toss your arms around him to spoon him right back.
He’s got feelings for you, and you don’t really hide yours from him.
But but bUT BECAUSE HE doesn’t know what to call… whatever it is you’re doing, so he’s also like. Uber protective over your friendship and the labels of whatever dynamic you share. The first time he had his friends over after you moved in with him, you tried your best to keep out of their way, wanting him to have his time with his friends outside of you.
And from your bedroom, you hear them cheering and yelling at whatever sport they’d put on the screen, the cracking of soda’s and the dings of the oven rang through your small apartment. You can only smirk and shake your head when it’s all silent and suddenly, a roar of laughter can be heard from the living room.
Your phone vibrates at some points or another, and it’s all from Sero, checking in and asking begging you if you would like to come out.
Slum Lord 🧡 you sure you don’t wanna come out for some munchies?
you don’t have to stay long, promise
i know your dumbass didn’t take any food in your cave when you went in 🙄
the boys don’t bite
ok MAYBE denks bit midoriya once, but he shouldn’t have had his fingers there.
he knew better smh
Slum Lord 🧡 no, but I think it’s funny you thought it would :)
And, even if it’s just to appease him, you roll your eyes and push yourself out of bed- sweatpants and bed head and all- and shuffle out to meet them before shambling back to bed to leave them be. But there’s no way to hide the smile that spreads on your cheeks when instantly at hearing your door open, Sero’s head tips back against the couch to look at you, a teasy smirk on his cheeks.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” he says, chuckling. “Good to see you got all pretty for my friends.”
“I already pay you to live here,” you snort, making your way to the kitchen. “I don’t have to look presentable anymore.”
“That’s fair.” He quickly introduces all his friends who honestly look… bewildered. Not necessarily because you were disheveled, but because of the way Sero just… looks at you.
As soon as you were in the kitchen, he hops up on his feet to meet you in there, his arms tossing around your waist while you heat up one of the pieces of pizza, “you wanna hang out, watch the rest of the game with us? Quarter and a half left, if you wanted to.”
“It’s alright,” you hum back. Your head tips back to rest against his shoulder, “you have fun with your friends. You know where I’ll be.”
“Fine,” Sero grumbles. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling something his friends can’t hear.
“You were little spoon last night!” You whine.
And still, from the living room, all his friends do is just. Watch. Bakugou tries to peel his gaze from the scene every once in a while, Todoroki blushing furiously because it’s weirdly intimate banter for roommates in a kitchen, but for the most part, they stay silent and just observe the dynamic. It’s almost like the shouldn’t be there, but it’s like a car crash, they can’t look away even if they should.
The way Sero sways subtly with you to pass the time of your cooking pizza, the squeak you let out when he nips at your ear, the way he’s got you encased in his grip like you’d disappear if he didn’t.
It’s not how roommates act at all, they think.
But it’s most definitely how a couple acts.
Especially when the interaction ends with a soft kiss on your head before you pad back into your bedroom, the group comes down to two conclusions:
Sero is hiding your relationship status, or you’re both too dumb to see the sparks practically flying.
And if they want answers, they better start poking.
“So,” Denki sings, grinning knowingly at his friend once he sits back down. “You never told me your roomie was so cute.”
Sero’s eyes immediately shot over to the blonde in a form of a glare, but he shifted in his seat to try and stay comfortable. “Didn’t think it would be important information. That’s not why I gave them the room, anyways.” His arms cross over the back of his head as he leans back, eager to stop this conversation. “And don’t call them cute. That ego of theirs is too fuckin’ big already.”
“That why you hid them away for so long?” Bakugou pokes, smirking. From the floor, Mina and Midoriya chuckle, and Sero glares at them with everything he has to make them shut up.
Not that it works, but it was a good effort.
“I didn’t ‘hide’ anyone,” he scoffs. “You dickheads just never come over. Could’ve met ‘em months ago.”
Unconvinced, Denki hums and takes a sip of his drink; he’s always been able to read Sero like a book- he wasn’t fooling him any time soon.
Todoroki leaned back in his seat, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards. “But, in that case… you are implying that you do find them cute, yeah?”
Sero popped one of his eyes back open; he eyed his friends for a moment, but deciding to keep any form of illusion still alive, he shrugs and lets a wide grin ease over his cheeks.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ about.”
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crackedoutwalnut · 2 years
Creature Comforts (Wandanat x Reader)
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Summary: Natasha and Wanda start to notice their girlfriends' cat-like attributes.
A/n: This is probably one of the cutest things I've ever written in my opinion. I wrote this bc the fireworks prevented me from going to bed. So, if it has more mistakes than usual I am sorry, I was tired and a bit pissed off at my neighbors lol. Enjoy! :)
Word Count: 1.5k
You cracked your eyes open as the hazy afternoon sun filtered through the window in sheets. You watched sleepily from your place on the bed as dust moats danced in the light. A sharp yawn fell from your lips as you sat up and stretched out your entire body. Your usual midday nap had left you feeling groggy and out of sorts. Not one of your best sleeps by far. For one, where were your girlfriends? You had been away from them for - you glanced over at the clock on your bedside table- an hour and a half. That just wouldn't do. You slowly got to your feet and made your way out of your shared bedroom and into the hallway. You heard your girlfriends chattering in the living room.
"Clint said Kate was coming along well as his new partner. They work well together in the field," Natasha explained. She lounged in the leather recliner adjacent to the couch; her copper hair was braided, and she wore a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. 
Wanda, who was sitting on said couch, her legs propped against the coffee table. You eyed the open spot next to her. It looked like the perfect place to get in a second nap. 
"Are you sure she isn't too young?" Wanda replied brows furrowed slightly.
Natasha scoffed, "Oh please, these days, they might as well hire kindergarteners to be Avengers. I mean, Parker was 14 when he first went on a mission." 
"I suppose so... but-" Wanda paused and looked over to where you were shuffling into the room. She smiled, "Y/n, how was your nap?"
You shuffled over to the couch and collapsed onto the cushion next to her. With your legs hanging over the couch's armrest, you buried your face in her lap and grumbled, "Incomplete." 
You heard your girlfriends chuckle as Wanda's hand rested atop your head. Choosing to ignore the sound, you let out a long satisfied huff into the material of your partner's flannel pajama pants. They smelled of vanilla and lavender detergent. The scent was cozy and familiar, just the thing missing from your afternoon nap.
"Incomplete? Honey, it was nearly two hours long," Wanda pointed out, her voice dripping with endearment. 
"I swear, when we agreed to live with each other, I never agreed on getting a cat along with an apartment," Natasha teased.
You grumbled and blindly flipped her the bird. At the sound of more laughter, you shifted so that your back was to Natasha, and your face was hidden in Wanda's shirt. "M not a cat," you muttered, "It's just comfier here."
"I'm flattered that you find me comfier than our mattress." You felt the witch's nails scratch along your scalp, trailing down to the nape of your neck. You hummed in agreement. As the patterns traced along your head slowed, so did your mind. You vaguely registered your partners' voices overhead as they talked in hushed voices. 
"What did he say in response?" Wanda murmured.
You heard Natasha shift in her chair before the sound of footsteps crept closer. Before you knew it, your legs were gently lifted up and into the assassin's lap. 
"He said that he would rather be impaled by an iron spike. The fact that he got killed with a nail gun was just karma, in my opinion," Nat said, her raspy voice whisper-soft despite the disturbing anecdote. It still warmed your heart all the same. 
Wanda's hands slowed to a stop, causing you to let out a groggy rumble of protest. A soft kiss was pressed right above your ear as the massage started again, "Sorry, detka," she amended, "I really think you have too much fun on missions, Natty." 
"Oh please, I only had fun on that one because he had it coming. You don't run a trafficking ring and expect to die peacefully in your sleep."
"Good point." 
You tuned out the rest of the conversation, no longer caring about anything other than the solid warmth of your lovers. 
A few weeks later, you were having a movie night with Natasha. Wanda was away on a mission, which left you and the assassin home alone. Although there was a perfectly comfortable couch for you to lay on, you chose to lay on the recliner. While Natasha was still in it. The woman's protests were empty and half-hearted at best as you settled onto her lap. The back of your head rested against Nat's shoulder while your body rested between her legs. 
The two of you traded the occasional kiss as the soothing sound of explosions resonated from Top Gun on screen. It was nice, some might say perfect. Then that monster had to go and ruin it completely. Your hands were resting atop Natasha's as hers wrapped around your waist. She was holding you as close to her as she could get. 
You let out a content sigh and lifted her hand to rest a kiss against the back of it. She kissed the side of your head in response. Then, the moment shattered. Your girlfriend lifted her hands off your waist and laid them on the armrests. She shifted slightly in her seat so that her front was no longer completely pressed against you. You were ripped from your comfort completely. The moment was ruined, and you were no longer comfortable. You hopped to your feet with an annoyed groan and threw yourself onto the couch. On the cold empty couch, life really was cruel. 
Natasha glanced over at you, confusion evident on her face. "Darling, are you alright?"
You frowned, "You moved." 
She furrowed her brows and gave you a baffled look, "What?"
"I was super comfortable with your arms around me and your body resting against mine, and you moved," you complained. 
Natasha's befuddled expression slowly grew into a smirk, "You dragged yourself off my lap and half-collapsed onto the couch because I slightly shifted my body?" You huffed but did not respond. "You are such a cat, holy shit," she grinned, her eyes glistening with amusement.
"Shut up, I was comfortable, and you ruined it with your squirming. Also, I am not a cat," your face was stained with a deep rouge from the tips of your ears to the base of your neck. You might have overreacted a tad; however, that didn't mean you had feline attributes. You just liked being comfy. 
"I don't know, kitty," Nat purred with a satisfied grin, "there is a lot of evidence that suggests otherwise." 
You groaned and buried your face in a throw pillow, "Don't call me that."
Natasha stood and made her way over to you. She scooped you up into her arms and shifted so that she was sitting on the couch and you were on her lap. Again. "Aww, I'm sorry. Would you prefer kitten?" She kissed your cheek, "Or maybe, kotenok?"  Her voice was saccharine and smug as you thrashed half-heartedly in her arms. 
"This sucks." 
"Then get up and leave, kitten." 
You did no such thing. 
The nail in the coffin came on a Sunday afternoon. The sun shone through the windows, casting warm squares of light onto the living room carpet. You had taken note of the warmth those patches had compared to the rest of the room and decided to move. With a firm shove, you pushed the coffee table out of the way and rested your body in the wide sunspot. With your eyes half shut, you soaked it in and watched TV. You found yourself unable to move as your limbs became leaden. You could have sworn your carpet was never this comfortable before today. 
Regardless you slipped into a light snooze... Until Natasha and Wanda returned from the grocery store and ruined the blissful atmosphere completely. 
"Y/n, we're back! We sushi for lunch if you want to come and get it," Wanda hollered from the kitchen. There was a rustle of bags as the women set about putting the goods away. 
"I'll be there in a minute," you replied. 
"You better hurry; I don't think Nat's gonna wait for you to have your share." 
"Can you bring it to me?" 
"You are five steps from the kitchen," Wanda replied in exasperation. 
"And you're five steps from the living room," You countered. 
"You're impossible." A smile spread across your face as you heard two sets of footsteps make their way into the living room. 
"Y/n, why are you lying on the floor, barely a foot from our couch and lounge chair?" Wanda asked. 
Natasha clucked her tongue, "It's because, Wands, our lover is more cat than human. Isn't that right, kotenok?"
You cracked your eyes open and glared up at the assassin, "The sun felt the best right here," you replied as if that would clear everything up.
Wanda nodded slowly, "Right... because the sun's position is how you decide where you are gonna lay?" 
"But... the recliner is also in the sun."
"It's not the same."
"Of course." 
Natasha snickered and tapped your side with her foot, "Well, if you want to sit up and join us, we got sushi. I know how much cats love fish." 
You hoisted yourself up to lean against your elbows, "Fuck off, Nat."
"Aww, I love you too, babe," Natasha leaned over to fake-whisper in Wanda's ear, "That's how cats show affection." The witch giggled as you grabbed the sushi and turned to face away from them. You ate like that for the remainder of lunch. 
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
taking a moment of reprieve amidst all the horny to bring to you:
it's movie night in the common room and graves plants himself in your lap claiming it's comfier (we all know he's just clingy). he curls up with a blanket pulled over him and his head tucked into the crook of your neck, slowly becoming all soft and sleepy. will he get teased by everyone later? sure, but none of them are allowed to crawl into the warmth and safety of your arms so who's really winning here?
nonnie ily
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no bc I feel like he can get so clingy at times after long and grueling missions
and movie nights are the perfect time to just be with you and relax safely
def holds your hands under the blanket bc he likes to hold you when you hold him
no bc imagine tf141 and some of his shadows are there too
and once he's all warm and cozy in your lap
he just has a few of them looking at him
and you're not even paying attention to them at all
and when graves wakes up he's just bleary eyes and just shifting closer to you
but they all def have at least a very small crush on you
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zzztlk · 1 year
hello! i really really love and adore your art style, i really hope i don't bother you with this question but what brush do you use for your sketch/lineart? i really like the slightly pixelated look of your art and im wondering if that's a result of the canvas size or is it effect of the brush :O thank you and have a lovely day!
Thanks! Answered this in the last post but to add on to it part of the look comes from me drawing really tiny. Idk why but it's comfier. Here's one of my drawings and what it looks like on a 2048x2048 canvas for reference lmao
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So most of my stuff comes around to ~800x800 pixels, but I still start off on the 2048x2048 bc it just feels better that way
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chubbening · 2 months
OH MY GOD OKAY HEY so me and a popular artist friend who shall not be named recently got into your fic Calories and Kink and IT IS SO HOT AND SUCH A HUGE INSPIRATION!!!! I literally started my own fic bc of it and I'm trying so hard to do my own things based on my own tastes and not lift too much inspiration xD
I just wanted to ask if any of your characters (Alexa, Reggie, or anyone else) has references? We may or may not be doing gay fanart for your adorable fat lesbian comfort fic.
Also I was stoked to find you're trans (us too)!!! Happy for you, also just learned you're a system!!! You both rock, keep up the good work, you got some real fans here :D
I think you just broke Ava's part of the brain lmao (she'll be fine) but thank you so so so much!! We've gotten so much lovely feedback on this story, and it means so much to us that what started as a kinky little side project has so engaged folks in our corner of the internet <3 Best of luck with your fic! One thing about writing is no one else is gonna do it like you, so even if you take inspiration, it'll still be your own.
It's funny you ask about references, because we've been thinking about commissioning some art for a while, just haven't gotten around to it (*coughcough* $$$). So like, we don't have ref sheets or anything. But (speaking of lifting inspiration) Reggie was originally inspired by one of NekoCrispy's characters, Astrid. Specifically the energy of this piece sparked something. Obviously we made Reggie a maned wolf and very much our own character, but we still think of her shape as similar to Astrid's (while compensating for NekoCrispy's more stylized hips), but 6' tall and with bigger arms ;)
For Alexa, shape- and vibe-wise, we go to https://www.tumblr.com/littlestpigletann. She's been posting since she was a lot smaller, so it's handy to dig back (on various platforms) and get a sense of Alexa at various points in the story. Although, Alexa's probably a bit lankier than Ann, who if I remember is 5'1" (Alexa's 5'6").
Feel free to DM us with any questions (about this stuff or w/e), we love chatting with folks! Honestly feels surreal to have people calling themselves fans and talking about doing art of something we created, like… Obviously no pressure to follow through, but we'd love to see what y'all come up with!!
Woo, trans! Honestly if we had a do-over, the one thing we'd change is making one or both of the MCs trans. We were just at a weird place with our dysphoria when we started writing it, and by the time we got comfier with things, there wasn't enough support in the story to retcon that. That's probably why we started doing more with Ash, tbh.
Okay, last anecdote here, the system thing is so funny in relation to Calories & Kink, because we didn't know we were plural when we wrote most of it, but we 1000% wrote Alexa and Reggie as individual self-inserts. When one of our partners started reading it, she compared us (still unaware) to Reggie because I fronted more during sex, but Ava, the more frequent fronter at the time, was like, "What? No, I'm way more like Alexa."
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this message <3 We'll be giddy all day now ^^
Promise we'll work on the last few chapters soon--we really do want to give this thing a proper ending.
Take care,
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hyunsvngs · 8 months
incest anon has sparked smth new in me HAHAHEHH cant het brother seungie out og ky head :(((
liekkeek innocent sister mc who goes to seungmins room bc shes scared of the dark and he makes fun of her for it but eventually gives in!!!! then he grinds onto her ass while shes asleep hehehdhs UGH INCEST ANNONIE IM GONNA KISS U LMAOA
ohh and what if ur Secretly Awake and Secretly Evil... y'all know i love perv reader as much as perv skz.....
you knew what you were doing, going to his room. it was a nightly routine. you'd go in in your cutest pyjamas, clutching your teddy tight to your chest. seungmin would roll his eyes when he opens the door, but he'd let you in nonetheless, before accepting you into his bed.
"'m scared of the dark, seungie, you know that," you murmur. that is the truth - you really are, and sleeping next to your stepbrother is ideal. he sidles in next to you, huffing as if you're really that much of an inconvenience to him. you know you're not, and it's proved as much when he slings an arm over your waist and yanks you into him.
his bed is comfier, too, which is a plus. it always has you slipping into sleep easily, knowing that seungmin was on the outside of the bed so if any scary figures decided to break in, they'd get him first and you and your stuffed puppy teddy would have time to run. it's the same thought that goes around your brain over and over as you try to drift off. clearly seungmin thought you had fallen asleep, because his hips had started to grind into your ass.
he's awake, and you know he is, because he always breathes very heavily when he's asleep. his breathing is shallower now, as if he's trying to hold it in or swallow the heavy breaths he wants to let out. his cock is so hard in his plaid pyjama bottoms, and you can feel it solid between your asscheeks.
"seungie," you say, confidently, and his hips stop altogether. "if you're hard, you may as well just fuck me."
seungmin sounds like he's choked on air behind you. "is- is that why you come in here every night?"
you giggle. "duh. i've been waiting for weeks, stupid."
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oceanlandworld · 12 days
im trying to get more used to going braless in public cuz frankly if im not walking a ton and am just Existing Outside its easier and comfier to justt not bother. Especially if im with other trans people
I get nervous sometimes abt people being weird to me but im relatively safe doing it and i think we should normalize it anyways.... my dysphoria is very socially rooted and i would rather challenge it head on than do stuff that i find tiresome and uncomfortable bc it slightly alleviates it
Sometimes we still like binding but tbh at this point we kind of prefer not binding bc it makes people less likely to read us as a cis man which is obviously not the goal of most transmasc people but im #notlikeotherpeople
anyways it feels good also just like existing in public spaces like grocery stores and libraries etc without trying to pass as a binary gender bc even if people are confused or uncomfortable with me they cant really do anything besides be rude to me. And that hasnt even really happened to me yet altho im kind of Preparing myself
when i was first exploring my gender as a teen i got harassed a lot by random cis people but truly i havent experienced that since moving back here which is kinda wild. But also we live in a city with a lot of trans people so maybe that helps
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frankenjoly · 21 days
🍓🍒🍍 & 1, 6, 16 for the writing asks (sorry if this makes too many at once sjkks)
aw dw!!! these are so fun :3
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
the start of the band au, hands down. we have sskk, tachigin, silly hijinks and lore that was put there in case i wanted to write more... which i did, there's drabbles.
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
in general terms, i answered it here, so... gonna give examples (pretend to be surprised, they're all very obvious).
enemies/rivals: sskk
annoyances to lovers: tachigin, kunikidazai/kunichuuzai
friends to lovers: ranposano, montcott
mixes of those like: suegiku, fukumori/fukufuku
"wtf with this child" to "now this is my child": fukuzawa & ranpo, bram & aya
(only bsd ones here but... i've had these types for way longer lakjsdflkjlkj.)
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
i like a ton lkajsdlfk. any au for another fandom i love, band aus, mermaid aus, fantasy aus (hence the existence of the dnd-ish au), modern day/no power aus where things are chill... i can work with almost anything, it's more about the execution than the tropes most of the time.
and i can say i hate anything, but i'm very picky with soulmate aus (it's about the worldbuilding, as an uninterested aroace and heavy multishipper the whole "only 1 only romantic" thing for soulmates doesn't do it for me) and hanahaki (i like it when it's about repressed feelings, or the character thinking it's unrequited bcs of misunderstanding or trauma).
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
i tend to have a general concept of how i want things to go, but i wing the way there a lot lakjdfl. i know i've said this before, but i think that my first writing experience being rp (something i still do) made me be very used to improv, so i'm comfortable doing that. besides, starting to write inspirse me to keep going, soooo.
6. do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best?
answered here, but also gonna say i'm very drawn to keep writing when i maybe shouldn't lakjsdlfk.
16. where is your favorite place to write?
my desk. i can write on my phone too, but i prefer my laptop bcs i'm usually comfier and i can put up years of learning to Type TM (i can't recall the name right now) to use.
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skoulsons · 1 year
“oh baby girl”
this scene is so… I cannot watch it, any part of it, without getting choked up. Their story never fails to get me. Baby girl was a coined term. Sarah’s coined term. By him. His daughter. The most important person in his life. It was her nickname. And we only hear him say it once, but we know how special it is to the both of them. Probably called her it the second he held her for the first time. It holds weight and emotion and depth. That word is one of the last things he has as a connection to Sarah. Besides his watch or the cut on his nose.
And so here comes winter. He and Ellie are stuck with each other. I believe Fall and Joel taking Ellie back from Tommy above Jackson is *their* point. The point of Joel saying he’s going through with this completely and that, once they reach the fireflies, they aren’t going their separate ways. He’s going all in. He’s risking getting attached. He’s letting himself have this second chance at fatherhood.
And so they go through fall for and winter and Joel gets injured and Ellie meets David and Joel wakes up and…Ellie’s gone. Who even knows what he remembers. If the last thing was him getting stabbed through the abdomen with rebar, or if he had a moment in this old, cold house basement where he was aware. Either way, Ellie is gone. Maybe she’s out getting food or scrounging for supplies. Maybe she’s tending to Callus. Maybe she’s just sitting upstairs on a couch to be a little comfier. But, obviously, those are all shut down when Joel starts taking fire. And so he runs through this town, roughly stitched up, probably starving, thirsty, and hasn’t properly moved or stretched in who knows how long, trying to find Ellie. Because now, something’s happened to her.
And so he runs through this town and tortures and brutally kills men to find her. And eventually he finds her in a burning restaurant, kneeling over a man and hacking his face off with a machete. He runs over and pulls her off the man and tries to comfort her and Ellie immediately starts pushing him away (mini headcanon plug. Definitely believe prior to this, he’s comforted her with a hug. It just…I don’t know. Him repeating “it’s me” just gives me that feeling. Also the fact that my love language is physical touch and will find a way to say they hugged at x point in the game whenever I can bc I love hugs ☹️ also the fact that he just hugs her so easily and has his head against her head and how she just falls in to his shoulder and-). He desperately tries to get to get her to look at him and she’s using as much strength as she has left to push him away because she thinks he’s one of them. And so eventually he grabs her face and makes sure that she sees him. She sees who it is and knows that she’s safe. And immediately she collapses in to him and he brings her as close as he can.
He doesn’t know what happened. He doesn’t know why she was slicing this guy up with a machete, why she’s sobbing, why she’s fighting against him so hard, why there were so many men outside trying to keep Joel away. But he can guess. He did find meat ledgers and people (it was people right???) hanging upside down. He at least knew a little of what they were all about.
And so he calls her babygirl. That term that was Sarah exclusive? Ellie has become that now. That new daughter. That thing that kept him fighting. Is keeping him fighting. The person who gave him a second chance at fatherhood after it got cut so short. The most important person in his life now. All he knows right now is she’s hurting and scared. Something happened here. And while Joel would probably love to continue to beat this already very dead man to a place even further than death, she matters first. Their safety, her safety, matter more.
And when they get out, he’s gentler. More soft spoken. After closing herself off more due to trauma, he opens up more. Maybe to try and get her to open a bit and get her back to the spunky Ellie she used to be. Which is a bit of helpless hoping (get it) on his part, but he has to try. He tells her he’ll teach her guitar because it’s something he thinks she’ll like. A piece of dialogue I always found interesting is when she tells him about her dream about the plane crash. He says “why don’t you tell me about it?”(I think, could have that a bit wrong). Way earlier on in their trip, guarantee he would not have cared about this or what she had to say. But her talking about this dream could’ve been the most she talked in a week. Or more.
I totally forgot where I was going with this at ALL. It’s 2am when I’m writing this which means it’s joelellie depression hours which means USELESS rambling and overthinking their scenes and their relationship and everything about them because my hyperfixation over them won’t leave me alone and I’m nearly incapable of not thinking or talking or associating anything and everything with them. Props if anyone got through, this has been sitting in my drafts for 3 months and I didn’t check it at all so if it’s terrible grammatically, I apologize 😭
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shadzytarts · 1 year
I just saw your koi boys and I need to know everything about them immediately (totally cool if there's no story tho)
WELL THERES A LITTLE BIT OF A STORY, So my friend has this ocean au, Astro sirens are like these big fish serpent guys, Sunrise is a big sun I think he's a lil based on a lion fish, and there's Moonfall who's his brother I think they're really neat (actually I should post some of my art of them now that I think about it)
Anyways Bit bit (the sun) and Bitey (the moon) are Mini sirens, they're about 6 feet long (This is kinda long vdgshak Warning for mention of some violence but it's okay) Story wise Bit bit and Bitey are in a Qpp, they wear rings on their tails kinda like friendship bracelets
One time Bitey tried to fight a bull shark which, was not a great idea and Bit bit got injured trying to get Bitey out of that fight safely. Bitey was passed tf out and Bit bit dragged him onto shore and tries to tend to their wounds, but they're both worse for wear.
One stormy night, Moonfall comes across them (giant astro siren Moon, he's https://www.tumblr.com/crabas-lordes 's character) Bit bit's not doin great but's protective of Bitey, he can barely keep himself propped up on his arms bc he got a lil nerve damage (He just has a shaky arm now) bc of the storm Moonfall's feeling pretty soft so he decides to help them out even though Bit bit isn't very trusting of a giant predator.
So Moonfall keeps them in his under water cave home for a little while under the condition that when they're both healed up they need to leave and the next time he sees them they're a meal.
And Bit bit's like "ok", Bitey's passed out basically that whole time, he doesn't stay long after he wakes up with his messed up fin and they say their last goodbye to Moonfall After that they're taken in by Squish who's this seaslug astro siren (I'm p sure they're a sub species so they're a lil smaller than the regular astro sirens) who belongs to https://twitter.com/BShikiwara they. She's very motherly and just adopts everyone teensy Moonfall is her friend so Moonfall sees Bit bit and Bitey again like "ah- fuck its you" but he can't follow through with eating them cause Squish would kill him
So Bitey's like "oh yeah I recognize you" and just has the audacity to be like "lol you can't eat us you're emotionally attached" and they have this relationship of Bitey teasing Moonfall about that and Moonfall being like "bet" and trying to scare Bitey by dangling him over his mouth a lot Bit bit's kinda worried about Bitey but doesn't interfere much, Bitey has depressive episodes so one day he kinda tries to swim away from everyone and Bit bit's left worrying about him Moonfall follows him around noticing he's sad and bitey gets kinda "why're you here, I'm just food to you" and Moonfall's like "you cant even offer me sustenance" and's pretty persistent on keeping an eye on Bitey to keep him safe So Bitey kinda gives up tryin to get away from him and they end up having a very depressed conversation where Bitey shares his "im kinda nothing but a snack /neg" feelings and Moonfall listens ands like "I never really thought about that"
After that Bitey just generally feels comfier around Moonfall and just implicitly trusts him, and makes depressed jokes with him like "If i died would u keep my bones?" / "how would you like to eat me, I really wanna be grilled" and Moonfalls just "lol dw i'd grill u" there was an incident where Bitey was being dangled over Moonfall's mouth while they were fuckin around and he purposefully dropped in and Moonfall had a heart attack and choked him out like "don't do that again omg" I love their relationship, Bitey looks up to Moonfall and wants to be a big strong guy like him even tho that's not possible he's stuck at 6 feet long Sunrise on the other hand just sees Bit bit and Bitey as stressballs and dolls to throw around which like, Bitey's better at dealing with than Bit bit is cause Bitey will actively try to get away from him and Bit bit will just accept his fate be'in squeezed and tossed around like nothin which really hurts him He's ok Moonfall and Squish are protective of him when Sunrise gets too rough
Bit bit and Bitey wear ponchos bc Bit bit's self conscious of his shoulder scar and Bitey wears his as emotional support for him. Bitey thinks his scars are really cool They're also super food motivated, Bit bit's the more cautious one but Bitey'll just omn your whole arm on accident if you offer food
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cinna-bunnie · 8 months
long personal (?) rant bc im stoned and I Wanna Talk About It because i never get to talk about it !! 😤
i feel better now that i talked about it :3
i wish people who grew up with, or at least encountered, ghosts were a lot more common. i feel like u get so many more interesting questions once you've moved past a simple "do ghosts exist?"
they were a v regular thing from when i was in 4th grade up till i moved out at 18, and even then i still come across stuff sometimes here and there a decade later. i also had a friend who was a medium and my prev landlord was a witch and the world is so interesting!!
like just w ghosts it's crazy to think about how there's this barely perceivable reality that overlays ours but in some places/circumstances u interact with it and it w you, but there's layers 2 it bc ghosts r everywhere all the time but u wouldn't notice it. u just do Sometimes.
and my mom would do readings for ppl and do a questions n answers sorta thing where she'd let something/someone control her arm 2 write the responses n they'd b p specific and were 100% accurate. and my medium friend just straight up could See them and we actually met bc my guardian spirit jumped out at her and Needed 2 tell me something, and we stepped aside n actually had a long personal chat akdjfkak it was a good life changing one tho i was lowkey suicidal n needed to hear it. (i got better after btw and a gal's loving life (❁´◡`❁) i was just in a really rough place 16-18 (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠))
but like! on top of ghosts, there really is a whole guardian spirit system i know nothing about besides the fact that it exists.
and then there's psychics of various kinds that interact w The Universe™ in their own ways. i haven't tried to do the automatic writing thing since i was a teen but i do have my own divination system i made up w a normal deck of cards, I used a pendulum too but my cards r just comfier n faster paced :3 and then there's qi and i remember doing an exercise that's supposed 2 introduce u 2 manipulating it and i remember my hands felt weird n warm afterwards and when i ran them over my arms it felt like static from a balloon n made my hairs react to it 0:
and my witch friend could do distant healing n reiki, but she could do a bunch of other stuff too n had her whole belief system/framework she was working with. she was a rly sweet old gal (⁠✿ ‚‚⌒‿⌒‚‚) very private about her practices though she was kinda ostracized for it growing up so she doesn't actually Talk about it much. i asked her 2 teach me a few times 😹 the distant healing session was fun n she told me when she found me in the astral plane i was like o hey!! and gestured 2 her like i was inviting her into a party and let her right in.
she got a rly interesting visual of me i have written down in detail somewhere from when we talked about it after, and it's just crazy to think about the different ways people interact with *gestures vaguely* like?? we connected in a way i wouldn't have imagined was a thing.
as a space nerd i love thinking about how the universe is So Big and the concept of alternate universes, but then i remember that just being Here on Earth is so interesting!! what is going on w these subtle realities, how r we interacting w them, how do u get to go deeper here. I've been slowly chipping away at it since my years at home trying 2 understand but sm of it has been through observation and interaction and reading, Mostly reading as an adult since i don't get to observe directly as often.
by now i have a p good framework 2 work with for making sense of everything i know so far, but i feel like a huge hole in my research is doing and learning stuff on the witch side of things. Like daoism was a lot easier to dive into and is the closest to how i understand things but i wanna know more about being a witch and being a psychic and i want to be more interactive.
I am forever just wanting 2 learn (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) this has been something of a lifelong journey i pick up at different times in my life. like u can't go from experiencing a childhood like that and be satisfied with leaving it at that, I have so many questions!! my overarching goal has been getting far enough to be able 2 actually Ask a question and figure out how 2 get more info frm the source ykwim.
and then another thing is how under specific circumstances i unintentionally conjure (or attract?) malevolent spirits and it happens like once every five years (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠) i kind of understand what initiates that so i know how to avoid it, but what about the opposite? how do i conjure or attract something benevolent? why is this a thing that i do at all?? what r The Mechanisms behind this.
the tinkerer in me is going mad at knowing all of this is Right There but i don't know how to do much with it 😹 YET anyways 😼 a gal's been busy!! just kinda waiting for life 2 settle down a bit and i think when I've moved into my next place I'll have the capacity/time for it. i wanna learn about witch stuff but it's so hard lol. conversations I've had w them in passing have been crazy but if u try 2 look online without knowing What To Look For there's sm new age garbage ajdjdjak. i don't want some superficial bs i want The Framework babes i wanna go A-Z w it and fully rotate it in my mind and reconcile it w my current understanding. i want to make things less abstract!!
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sucharide · 1 year
ghestie… bestie… you are an absolute shining star of guiding light on my dash and i’m v glad ur here! bad mental health days be damned, i’m sorry ur going through it 😭
Thank you anon, my brain is not very nice to me sometimes. I am hoping things pass soon.
I do feel a little guilty bc I know my blog should be a fun space not a ventspace! But I really don't want to like... single out specific friends when I need to talk, because I hate making people feel like they have to take on that emotional burden!! I'm comfier just sending it out into the abyss, that way folks will only engage with it if they are feeling up for it.
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