#bc that's Reg and Sirius for me
adharastarlight · 2 years
Pandora: when did you fall in love with Reg?
James: last spring
Dorcas: when did you fall in love with Potter?
Reg: *without looking up from his book* 3rd of October, 2.53 am.
Pandora: ...thats so specific
Reg: it was that really cold night and he put socks on my feet when he thought i was asleep
Pandora and Dorcas: awwwww
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aithusarosekiller · 4 months
Reg's nickname for Sirius is 'Ris' pass it on
He's been using it since they were like 5
But normally doesn't use it around other people bc he's an angry little shit and doesn't want anyone else to start using it too (anyone meaning James ofc)
He also uses it when he wants to guilt trip him into doing something or to get his attention when he isn't listening
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lilyflxwers · 3 months
reg became a deatheater purely to spite sirius and you can’t tell me otherwise.
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padfootastic · 8 months
I like to imagine that the Black cousins were all really close in age: Bella and Andy were in the same year, Narcissa was the year below them, Sirius was the year below Narcissa, and Regulus was the year below his brother. If JKR can claim Cygnus had 3 kids at 17 and had Bellatrix at 13, I can say whatever the hell I want about the timeline. Plus, it’s fun to think that there are several years where the entire school is subjected to the Black Family’s chaotic nonsense.
hehehe i love both this option and the other one, that they were all a little spread out in years bc the hilarity of like. blacks being utter menaces and the profs being exhausted but relieved to see them go. except, a new one pops up every couple or so years and it’s like ‘oh merlin’s saggy balls no, not again’ so it’s like a black reign of terror for like. a decade and a half, starting from bella, who’s managed to get slytherin under her thumb in her first year alone thru sheer malice and magical power, then it was andy and her assorted rebellions (she started a minor unionisation campaign in slytherin in her second year; to date, no one knows how or even for what, just that for atleast 5.3 months, lil kids were going around chanting about the rights of the proletariat and it was only when sirius stepped in with ‘andy ur literally the bourgeois, what r u on about’ that it slowed down), then there was cissa who was a Younger Sibling™️ and wrecked havoc trying to be Everywhere, and do Everything bc she finally has freedom and no limits.
and then came sirius, of course, who kick started chaos on his first day by sorting into gryffindor and soulmate-ing a potter. he was not only a genius, but a bored one, which made him dangerous. making other kids cry was a specialty and unintended consequence of his sharp tongue and indifference, and generally, he was a Problem bc he couldn’t be controlled. and regulus, who finally seemed to be a decent options and slughorn (?) could’ve cried in relief at finally getting a normal black but alas, he should’ve known that typology just did not exist in nature bc the youngest black turned out to be a raging death eater with a massive hard on for a man his grandfather’s age steeped in dark arts to the point of losing his soul. so ykno.
black reign of terror.
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iheartmoons · 9 months
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regulus arcturus black, requested by @iheartaris 🌊
// "and so the battleships will sink beneath the waves"
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whatisame · 2 years
Sure, we are all wrecked bc of who the two victors that are going into the arena are BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT AN ABSOLUTE FORCE THEY'LL BE. I need them to sort out their problems asap and listen to my girl Andromeda.
"[...] I will tell you and him the same thing." She leans in and lowers her voice to a whisper. "A family like ours, if only we'd work together, we can do anything, Regulus. After everything, I believe that. I believe in you and Sirius." 
They're about to fuck shit UP.
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achillvs · 1 year
peace and love on planet earth <3
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ellecdc · 27 days
Fisrt: I bloody love your blog, you knoked me up on Poly!Moonwater and now I always think about them.
Second: Could I request black brother centric fic? Like it’s a Poly!wolfstar X reader, (or literally any ship that you like involving Sirius), where they have a kid, and Sirius is like watching them play alongside Reg, and he just starts spiralling bc he’s afraid that he might become like his parents, and Reg starts comforting him taking in account what they had to go through, and their relationship growing ecc… and he’s like “Just the fact that you’re worrying means you’re not like that, you’re doing a great job.” And Sirius just dies crying with him.
Obv only if you feel comfortable writing it!! Thank you!!!
those poor sad boys; what I wouldn't do for them
parents!wolfstar x reader but it's Sirius and Regulus centric
CW: brief mention of Black brother's childhood, Sirius spiralling, Regulus talking sense into him, baby wolfstar being a certified menace, hurt/comfort
Regulus should have known there was an ulterior motive to Sirius’ “are you busy this afternoon?” text. 
Not that Regulus didn’t like spending time with his older brother (though he would staunchly deny that he did if Sirius ever asked), but it wasn’t common for Sirius to invite him over unprompted.
And sure enough, as Regulus stepped through the floo at your, Remus, and Sirius’ shared home, he quickly realised why.
Your pudgy little offspring (that Regulus loved more than life itself) was sitting in a booster seat at the kitchen island as she shoved some form of noodle into her mouth and babbled at Sirius which sounded nonsensical to Regulus but seemed to make perfect sense to Sirius as he answered her queries.
And you and Remus were nowhere to be found. 
“Look who it is, babygirl!” Sirius cheered as Regulus stepped into the kitchen, though Regulus could see some of his brother’s usual enthusiasm was curbed.
“Unc’Regloo!” Aurora cheered excitedly as she raised her messy fists up into the air much like she was cheering at a quidditch match. 
“How’s my future little seeker?” Regulus asked as he planted a kiss into the toddler’s  hair.
“Please.” Sirius scoffed as Regulus knew he would. “She’s going to be a beater like her Papa, obviously.”
Sirius and Remus (though Remus certainly only did it to get a rise out of Sirius) argued emphatically over who the child looked more alike - Sirius or Remus - having kept the biological father unknown.
Regulus was happy to note though that the child was nearly a carbon copy of you; She had your hair, your eyes, and your smile. 
But the way the child ‘pat Regulus’ arm lovingly’ [leaving a small orange coloured handprint on his pressed shirt] was all Sirius. 
“Where’s your better third’s?” Regulus asked as he leaned against the granite countertops - well out of reach of Sirius’ mischievous offspring [and her messy hands]. 
Sirius spared him a half-hearted glare as he turned back to watch his daughter. “Daddy had an interview at Hogwarts today and mummy is at the Ministry.” Sirius explained as if it had been Aurora who had asked the question.
“I see why you called, then.” Regulus added solemnly, turning to look at the child. “I wouldn’t want to leave you alone with Papa either.”
The child giggled as she shoved more noodles into her mouth, but Regulus turned to see Sirius staring at the child dejectedly.
Sirius cleared his throat and seemed to ‘shake himself off’ as he asked Aurora to drink some water and then helped her clean her hands and face [and even her hair; Salazar, babies were messy]. 
“Papa! Can play outside?” Aurora asked excitedly, clasping her hands under her chin and batting her lashes at her father as if she were asking for something quite outlandish.
“Of course, sweetheart! Lead the way!” Sirius agreed readily, following the child out the sliding back door as Regulus followed the pair. 
Aurora was no sooner pouring sand into a little plastic bucket before Sirius let out a shuddering breath. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Reg.” He whispered quietly.
Regulus surveyed his brother in bemusement; Sirius sat on the patio furniture with his elbows on his knees and one hand covering his mouth as he stared unseeingly at his daughter.
“You’re supervising your child during playtime, Sirius.” Regulus offered, causing Sirius to scoff unamusedly. 
“I’m going to fuck it up; all of it. I don’t know why I ever thought I could do this, because I can’t.” 
“Whoa, whoa.” Regulus interrupted quickly, turning his body directly towards his brother. “You can’t do what exactly?”
“Any of it, Regulus.”
“You can’t love Remus and Y/N?” Regulus asked simply.
“Well, no not that; I mean, of course I do-”
“You can’t love that sweet little girl over there who thinks you just hung the stars because you agreed to let her play in dirt?” He continued, gesturing to said child who was now dumping the bucket of sand on top of her head and squealing in delight. 
“I….I don’t know how to be good… To be a good husband and father to them, Reg. I don’t know how to be…to be better; better than them.” 
The them remained unexplained, but both brother’s knew who Sirius was referring to.
“Well,” Regulus started with a sigh, turning back to watch Aurora jump up and run over only to slam her little body into Sirius’ larger one. 
Sirius, for his part, pretended to have the wind knocked out of him causing the child to squeal before he scooped her up into his arms and planted three smacking kisses to her sand covered face, and plopping her back on the ground for her to toddle back off again. 
“Mother would have had your head for squealing like that.” Regulus said simply, causing Sirius to let out a sigh that sounded awfully close to a sob. “Father would have backhanded you for getting sand on his trousers. Kreacher would have been ordered to lock you in your room for daring to touch a guest with dirty little hands if we had ever dared to eat without utensils.”
He took a deep breath before he turned his now shining eyes back to his big brother; the only family member who ever showed him any amount of love and affection throughout his entire childhood that wasn’t conditional or performative. “And I don’t know that I was ever kissed by our parents. Were you? Do you remember them pressing a kiss to our cheeks?”
Sirius shook his head minutely as both brothers pretended they didn’t notice the tears falling down his face. 
“That child is far more loved by you alone than the two of us ever were growing up, and the best part is that she knows she’s that loved.” Regulus pressed, looking back towards his niece as she moved towards a water table Sirius had called Regulus over to help Remus build a few weeks ago whilst he and you drank spiked lemonade and watched them struggle. 
“And that’s not even taking into account the amount of family she has surrounding her; me, the Potter’s, Remus’ parents, and you Marauders.” He spat as if it was a dirty word, causing Sirius to chuckle wetly. 
“And Siri…” Regulus stated more earnestly, forcing Sirius to make eye contact with him before continuing. “The fact that you’re even worried about it tells me you’re already far better than them, yeah?”
Sirius chuckled wetly again as he squeezed his eyes shut; more tears falling as he nodded his head. 
Both boys were surprised when a small hand appeared on Sirius’ cheek, gently wiping at the tears adorning her father’s face.  “Why Papa cry? Papa have owie?”
Sirius laughed again and pulled himself together. “No, Papa doesn’t have an owie darling girl.”
“Papa sad?” She asked again, tilting her head slightly as if that might help her understand her father’s predicament any better.
“Papa was sad, but he feels a lot better now that you’re here.” He said with a smile. “Better not leave me here alone with your uncle again though, otherwise he might make me cry again.”
Regulus scoffed derisively before Aurora pointed a stern glare at him that wasn’t particularly intimidating but sweet Merlin did she ever look like you.
“Bad unc-Regloo! Make Papa cry!” She shouted as she hopped off her father’s lap and made for Regulus. 
Regulus - not willing to find out what exactly the child had in store for him - hopped out of his seat and took off in a ‘run’ which began a squeal-laughing chase around the backyard as Sirius laughed and cheered Aurora on.
“That’s right, baby girl! Avenge your father! Make sure to get his ribs; that’s where he’s most ticklish!”
Yeah, Regulus thought to himself, Sirius really has nothing to worry about at all. 
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sunfl0w3rmoon · 5 months
Yes Regulus and Sirius would have the same facial expressions bc they’re siblings yada yada yada but tell me Reg & Remu wouldn’t have MATCHING EYE-ROLLS every time their boyfriends do something stupid
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bartythebabygorljr · 2 months
I’m Barty Crouch JR [this is an RP blog]
tag me in any stuff u want me to react to rahhh
I got this weird muggle website bc idk I was bored lmaooooo
it’s kinda cool but the MLP stuff looks like my nightmares came to life, ate one another and threw up again 😇
he/they ❤️‍🔥
student at Hogwarts rahhhh ⛓️
my dad suckssss but unlike ur mother last night he doesn’t swallow 😉
prolly mentally ill but nah 🔥
ultra black monster is my best friend 😈
My friends r cool and also on here bc everyone finds it impossible to say not to me bc im the coolest:
@evanmp3 - Evan - my darling Rosieeeee❤️ MY BOYFRIEND IM SO IN LOVE WITH
@reg-can-swim - Reggie - says I ‘forced him on here’ 🙄🙄🙄 [I love tjat little depressed victorian boy]
@panda-is-pan - Dora💖 - cool ass witch and objectively one of the best people ever
@cas0meadows - Dorcas <333, she scares me but I love her
@prongsieb0y James. Ugh. Yawn. BORING. Hot. Not saying I like him but if it was a party and he asked to kiss me I’d probably fold like a deckchair 🧍
@remus-john-mo0ny-lupin - Remus. HOTTEST MARSAJFER BU FSR U GUYS
@siriuslyhotterthanyou - Sirius 😍😍😍 lowkey enemies 2 lovers - bitchkiller 4 life
@the-one-and-only-lily-evans - Lilyyyyy - I think she’s really cool :D
@mar-lean-into-me - MARLSSSS - chaotic platonic loml
@peterpeterthepumpkineater - Pete - chill chess boy
@maryhadalittlemaggic - MARY ! She seems rlly cool
(OOC: feel free to drop asks in my inbox and ill answer them in character :D also if u wanna join w a character we don’t have yet then DM me <3)
(OOC again: main blog is @thedvilsinthedetails my personality is…the exact same as on here LMAO)
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adharastarlight · 2 years
Sirius: *eavesdropping on Reg's conversation* oh could you stop going on about your sex life with my bloody best mate, its sickening
Reg: *turns to face him, deadpan* believe me, for every time you have forgotten a silencing charm, you deserve it.
Pandora, Barty and Evan: *:0*
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aithusarosekiller · 11 months
Sirius would be the really annoying sibling who brought up Reg's crush on James at every opportunity bc he thinks he's so funny
Reg: this party is so boring
Sirius: yeah I bet you'd like it more if jaaaaames was here 😉
Reg: shut up or I'll-
Ris: or what? You gonna call James to tell me off?
Cissa: are you listening to me?
Reg: oh shit, sorry
Ris: ooooo he was too busy thinking about Jaaaamessssss
Reg: 😐
James walks past
Ris: ooooooooooooo Reggie look, it's your BOYFRIEND
James, turning around: Reg has a boyfriend? Who?
Ris: wouldn't you like to know James
James to Reg: why is he acting like that?
Reg: ignore him
Ris: mmmmm I think you just want little Jamesy-wamesy all to yourselffff
Reg: ...
James: huh?
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jewishregulus · 3 months
i could talk for hours abt regulus being a college drop out like it just fits him so well. I’m sorry i know the public will disagree but no one gets him like i do. he thinks he has to go to uni and get a degree bc it’s what hes supposed to do but honestly ? he doesn’t like it he wants to learn at his own pace w his own structure he wants to explore the world he has barred himself from for so long . like i love fics where reg drops out and gets like a sugar daddy just to have the money to go to the fanciest art museums across the world and look through them at his own pace….. free from his parents to do what he wants in his own way, not in theirs ….. my sweet angel boy
so many ppl think that regulus like genuinely wants to be like his parents and do what they do and that!! is so wrong…. even in canon…. yes he willingly joined the D.E but it’s bc he didn’t realize he could do anything else … why would he think abt anything else ???? he doesn’t have any other life this is his only option. so he will live in denial abt how much he actually wants it. he’s alicentpilled in that way (those who know know)….
that’s why the moment regulus realizes he’s unhappy he literally kills himself instead of trying to rebel: he doesn’t think he Can rebel. this is his only option. if he is miserable living like this than living will just be miserable. he only has one other thing to do and that would be to die.
anyways back on topic Soz but i don’t like it when reg like owns a business or still gets his masters or a phd or something like to me that doesn’t feel like him … i’m a big fan of sirius n reg ending up in the opposite of spots as to where their parents expected. his parents thought sirius would end up poor and uneducated doing odd jobs for cash and regulus, their puppet child, would end up rich and successful making connections and such…. and then it turns out sirius gets an education and proves himself as capable of being something without them, and regulus let’s go of his parents standards of living. sirius is designing his business cards while regulus is smoking weed in the back of barty’s fuck ass car . they are both at peak happiness. regulus gets to live his own life.
sirius proves to himself he is worth something and capable outside of his family, that he can succeed without them, that he isn’t going to fall from grace without them, and regulus proves to himself that the fall from grace isn’t much of a fall, and that he’s happier with the people he loves than with the career his parents wanted for him. that’s my vision
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padfootastic · 10 months
I think it’s all much more interesting and funnier if Regulus is almost exactly like Sirius, but he’s a Sirius with DE beliefs. Their looks and several personality traits are practically identical, it’s their beliefs that they differ dramatically on (inspired by Regulus’s note, Harry saying he “so resembled Sirius” upon learning of the cave, etc.)
it might be funny but i definitely can’t stand it, anon 😭 sirius is,,,leagues above anyone else lol i’ll offer a concession tho: regulus is always *trying* to be sirius. exactly like him, at every turn. he hero worshipped him as a child and it never quite went away, even if he tried hard to suppress it.
i can see looks being v similar, except sirius is just…more perfect, ykno? personality wise: def headstrong, dedicated to a cause (just in opposite ends); can see them both being v haughty and having similar mannerisms of nose in the air, sneers, raised eyebrows etc. shows of disdain, disgust, and dislike are practically the same. master of hiding emotions; both of them try to keep shit inside, even if it’s detrimental. stubborn. powerful. irreverent, but reg tries a bit too hard. he’s not quite got the knack of it,
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thedvilsinthedetails · 4 months
how I think each marauder couple would act in terms of PDA
ok starting strong, these guys are allergic to NOT doing PDA. Wether u HC ace rosekiller or not (i hc both don’t ask how) I think they make out everywhere
and I mean everywhere. in front of everyone.
(flashbacks to that time I was in the classroom with my friends and 2 of them r dating and started making out and me and my other friend [both single] looked at each other like :| )
Ok next up, this was tougher bc I feel like Reggie would be more reserved/uncomfortable with PDA but James defo gives me ‘EVERYONE LOOK AT MY AMAZING BOYFRIEND DID I MENTION HES MY BOYFRIEND!’ (Not that Reggie wouldn’t do that too but he’s just in general a more reserved person) but ultimately I think James would defo go along with Reggie’s vibe for that day bc he doesn’t want to make his bf uncomfortable
that being said they defo r a touchy couple so I think no outright kissing but they’re always touching. Like even if it’s just like overlapping fingers but also I feel like they often drift to the position where like James has his arms around Reg and like his chin on his shoulder maybe idk
also micro forehead kisses just bc I say so
I’d say they’re less outright PDA than rosekiller and no making out in public but Sirius defo like sprawls himself in Remus’ lap a lot and they probs do kiss a bit just not like insanely a lot
I’d say their big thing though is like I feel like Remus naturally puts a hand on Sirius’ thigh a lot. Like not in a dirty way (sometimes in a dirty way though) but in like a comforting, supportive way
ok so they’re maybe a bit more PDA than Wolfstar like I very much imagine it like:
Marlene: *sits in Dorcas’ lap* Marlene: *starts flirting madly* Dorcas: *rolls eyes* Dorcas: *flirts back* •cue kiss•
Im not sure how much PDA they would rlly do but I’d say they always gravitate towards holding each other in public
also defo lots of little cheek kisses
Saying hello, saying goodbye, just randomly if they’re having a convo with the others like Lily might be saying smth I’d say Dora would defo like just quickly give her a little kiss on her cheek and Lily would kind of smile and keep talking but take Dora’s hand, maybe trace some little circles or lovehearts onto it (and vice versa too)
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carniferous · 1 month
i need the dil bartylus thesis NOOOOWWW
bartylus is the failmarriage of ALL time to me i’ve spoken about this before but to me they contrast jegulus in that jegulus is a relationship with clear beginnings and ends. its tumultuous for sure but its tumultuous in a very defined way. jegulus cant be a failmarriage bc they’d get divorced. they’re too obsessed with defining what they are to each other bc they want it to be real and meaningful and it can’t be anything less than that
bartylus on the other hand…. they couldn’t define what they are to each other if they tried. they’re like the definition of settling for less but ‘less’ in this case is someone who understands you on a very a deep and fundamental level. perhaps better than anyone in the world. perhaps better than you understand yourself!! i wouldn’t say they’re ‘recognition of self in the other’ bc barty and regulus aren’t even other to each other…. they are each others homes and i mean in this context that both of these characters have the most fraught relationship with their respective homes imaginable. they want each other the way they want to go home (not at all — but also desperately). their relationship is inextricable from childhood. they hate to be reminded of their childhoods
and yet they’re not…. toxic per se! they’re obviously not healthy but they love each other in a way that’s very earnest (childlike). barty dreams of running away with regulus. he is the white knight rescuing the princess from the tower (he’s exactly like james in this respect). but unlike james barty doesn’t see running away as leading to a potentially better life for them….. he has no desire for freedom or salvation. barty just wants to do what he thinks will make regulus happier. and bc of this they will NEVER run away together bc regulus does want freedom. he does want salvation. he will never leave everything he knows unless he has the promise of something better, and barty can’t give that to him (and barty would see dishonesty about that as the greatest betrayal imaginable). so they never leave! they’re trapped together forever! stagnation! rotting! being seen this clearly is love but it’s also unbearable! there’s no mystery there’s no intrigue there’s just the cold acceptance of their fate and the comfort that at least they’ll bear it together except it’s no comfort at all because they COULD have escaped. just not with each other
and don’t even get me STARTED on brotherhusband barty…. there are like some obvioussss barty/sirius parallels and we’d be fools to think regulus doesn’t see them. to think regulus doesn’t want barty explicitly because “this person is like my brother if my brother wanted me” ?? regulus is someone who has lived his entire life wanting to be wanted come on…. he fucks barty because barty is like if regulus could somehow make sirius stay. and barty thinks this is sooooo sweet he indulges it he’s like “yeah reggie why would i ever leave you we’ve known each other since we were toddlers… we’re practically bro—” and then 5 minutes later regulus is sucking his dick and he’s like. wow look at regulus self-soothing! i’m such a good friend :)
in a modern setting they’re a category 5 situationship of unprecedented magnitude. like the picture you paint of regulus crying in his car after their 34th screaming-match breakup of the MONTH (how does this even happen. months only have 31 days max. were they timing it by the hour) is so perfect. ppl tell reg to see a therapist and he graciously does and after explaining it the therapist is like “do you think this might have anything to do with your childhood?” and regulus like “no?” and then proceeds to ghost said therapist bc on the way home from the appointment barty called and apologized and invited regulus over. regulus was like “okay but we’re not going to fuck” and barty is like “ofc not do you think i’m some kind of freak that i would be horny right now—“ cut to barty with regulus’s calves on his shoulders
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