#uncle regulus
ellecdc · 26 days
Fisrt: I bloody love your blog, you knoked me up on Poly!Moonwater and now I always think about them.
Second: Could I request black brother centric fic? Like it’s a Poly!wolfstar X reader, (or literally any ship that you like involving Sirius), where they have a kid, and Sirius is like watching them play alongside Reg, and he just starts spiralling bc he’s afraid that he might become like his parents, and Reg starts comforting him taking in account what they had to go through, and their relationship growing ecc… and he’s like “Just the fact that you’re worrying means you’re not like that, you’re doing a great job.” And Sirius just dies crying with him.
Obv only if you feel comfortable writing it!! Thank you!!!
those poor sad boys; what I wouldn't do for them
parents!wolfstar x reader but it's Sirius and Regulus centric
CW: brief mention of Black brother's childhood, Sirius spiralling, Regulus talking sense into him, baby wolfstar being a certified menace, hurt/comfort
Regulus should have known there was an ulterior motive to Sirius’ “are you busy this afternoon?” text. 
Not that Regulus didn’t like spending time with his older brother (though he would staunchly deny that he did if Sirius ever asked), but it wasn’t common for Sirius to invite him over unprompted.
And sure enough, as Regulus stepped through the floo at your, Remus, and Sirius’ shared home, he quickly realised why.
Your pudgy little offspring (that Regulus loved more than life itself) was sitting in a booster seat at the kitchen island as she shoved some form of noodle into her mouth and babbled at Sirius which sounded nonsensical to Regulus but seemed to make perfect sense to Sirius as he answered her queries.
And you and Remus were nowhere to be found. 
“Look who it is, babygirl!” Sirius cheered as Regulus stepped into the kitchen, though Regulus could see some of his brother’s usual enthusiasm was curbed.
“Unc’Regloo!” Aurora cheered excitedly as she raised her messy fists up into the air much like she was cheering at a quidditch match. 
“How’s my future little seeker?” Regulus asked as he planted a kiss into the toddler’s  hair.
“Please.” Sirius scoffed as Regulus knew he would. “She’s going to be a beater like her Papa, obviously.”
Sirius and Remus (though Remus certainly only did it to get a rise out of Sirius) argued emphatically over who the child looked more alike - Sirius or Remus - having kept the biological father unknown.
Regulus was happy to note though that the child was nearly a carbon copy of you; She had your hair, your eyes, and your smile. 
But the way the child ‘pat Regulus’ arm lovingly’ [leaving a small orange coloured handprint on his pressed shirt] was all Sirius. 
“Where’s your better third’s?” Regulus asked as he leaned against the granite countertops - well out of reach of Sirius’ mischievous offspring [and her messy hands]. 
Sirius spared him a half-hearted glare as he turned back to watch his daughter. “Daddy had an interview at Hogwarts today and mummy is at the Ministry.” Sirius explained as if it had been Aurora who had asked the question.
“I see why you called, then.” Regulus added solemnly, turning to look at the child. “I wouldn’t want to leave you alone with Papa either.”
The child giggled as she shoved more noodles into her mouth, but Regulus turned to see Sirius staring at the child dejectedly.
Sirius cleared his throat and seemed to ‘shake himself off’ as he asked Aurora to drink some water and then helped her clean her hands and face [and even her hair; Salazar, babies were messy]. 
“Papa! Can play outside?” Aurora asked excitedly, clasping her hands under her chin and batting her lashes at her father as if she were asking for something quite outlandish.
“Of course, sweetheart! Lead the way!” Sirius agreed readily, following the child out the sliding back door as Regulus followed the pair. 
Aurora was no sooner pouring sand into a little plastic bucket before Sirius let out a shuddering breath. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Reg.” He whispered quietly.
Regulus surveyed his brother in bemusement; Sirius sat on the patio furniture with his elbows on his knees and one hand covering his mouth as he stared unseeingly at his daughter.
“You’re supervising your child during playtime, Sirius.” Regulus offered, causing Sirius to scoff unamusedly. 
“I’m going to fuck it up; all of it. I don’t know why I ever thought I could do this, because I can’t.” 
“Whoa, whoa.” Regulus interrupted quickly, turning his body directly towards his brother. “You can’t do what exactly?”
“Any of it, Regulus.”
“You can’t love Remus and Y/N?” Regulus asked simply.
“Well, no not that; I mean, of course I do-”
“You can’t love that sweet little girl over there who thinks you just hung the stars because you agreed to let her play in dirt?” He continued, gesturing to said child who was now dumping the bucket of sand on top of her head and squealing in delight. 
“I….I don’t know how to be good… To be a good husband and father to them, Reg. I don’t know how to be…to be better; better than them.” 
The them remained unexplained, but both brother’s knew who Sirius was referring to.
“Well,” Regulus started with a sigh, turning back to watch Aurora jump up and run over only to slam her little body into Sirius’ larger one. 
Sirius, for his part, pretended to have the wind knocked out of him causing the child to squeal before he scooped her up into his arms and planted three smacking kisses to her sand covered face, and plopping her back on the ground for her to toddle back off again. 
“Mother would have had your head for squealing like that.” Regulus said simply, causing Sirius to let out a sigh that sounded awfully close to a sob. “Father would have backhanded you for getting sand on his trousers. Kreacher would have been ordered to lock you in your room for daring to touch a guest with dirty little hands if we had ever dared to eat without utensils.”
He took a deep breath before he turned his now shining eyes back to his big brother; the only family member who ever showed him any amount of love and affection throughout his entire childhood that wasn’t conditional or performative. “And I don’t know that I was ever kissed by our parents. Were you? Do you remember them pressing a kiss to our cheeks?”
Sirius shook his head minutely as both brothers pretended they didn’t notice the tears falling down his face. 
“That child is far more loved by you alone than the two of us ever were growing up, and the best part is that she knows she’s that loved.” Regulus pressed, looking back towards his niece as she moved towards a water table Sirius had called Regulus over to help Remus build a few weeks ago whilst he and you drank spiked lemonade and watched them struggle. 
“And that’s not even taking into account the amount of family she has surrounding her; me, the Potter’s, Remus’ parents, and you Marauders.” He spat as if it was a dirty word, causing Sirius to chuckle wetly. 
“And Siri…” Regulus stated more earnestly, forcing Sirius to make eye contact with him before continuing. “The fact that you’re even worried about it tells me you’re already far better than them, yeah?”
Sirius chuckled wetly again as he squeezed his eyes shut; more tears falling as he nodded his head. 
Both boys were surprised when a small hand appeared on Sirius’ cheek, gently wiping at the tears adorning her father’s face.  “Why Papa cry? Papa have owie?”
Sirius laughed again and pulled himself together. “No, Papa doesn’t have an owie darling girl.”
“Papa sad?” She asked again, tilting her head slightly as if that might help her understand her father’s predicament any better.
“Papa was sad, but he feels a lot better now that you’re here.” He said with a smile. “Better not leave me here alone with your uncle again though, otherwise he might make me cry again.”
Regulus scoffed derisively before Aurora pointed a stern glare at him that wasn’t particularly intimidating but sweet Merlin did she ever look like you.
“Bad unc-Regloo! Make Papa cry!” She shouted as she hopped off her father’s lap and made for Regulus. 
Regulus - not willing to find out what exactly the child had in store for him - hopped out of his seat and took off in a ‘run’ which began a squeal-laughing chase around the backyard as Sirius laughed and cheered Aurora on.
“That’s right, baby girl! Avenge your father! Make sure to get his ribs; that’s where he’s most ticklish!”
Yeah, Regulus thought to himself, Sirius really has nothing to worry about at all. 
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reine-de-la-lune · 1 month
Severus: I'm your favorite uncle, right Har?
Sisirus: nooo, it's me!
Remus: obviusly it's me
*Baby Harry goes with Regulus*
Regulus: *shitty smile*
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princesspuffle8 · 2 months
What can’t the Black money buy
“So now that you’re an official Black… what do you want your uncle to buy,” Regulus asked a 3 month old Polaris who was cooing up at him from where he was perched in his baby rocker which Regulus had personally enchanted himself to play soft melodies for the sweet little bean.
“I know, I know it’s a sucky deal being apart of this family… but at least you have magic and money. Well you probably may have always been gifted with magic but money is a different story,” Regulus argued more to himself than to Polaris who just discovered he could blow spit bubbles and was fascinated by this fact. 
Cringing at the gross but oddly sweet sight, a light bulb went off in the younger black brothers mind just as the baby's spit bubble popped. A devious, almost cheshire like, grin appeared on his face as he took a quick glance behind to see that you were pre-occupied and probably not paying attention to the two of them, as currently you were eating a snack and pumping breast milk to store for later usage. 
“So… would you like uncle Reggie to buy you a condo in Paris… or a mansion in the countryside. There’s perks to both…”
“What was that,” you exclaimed, unbeknownst to Regulus you had been listening to his conversation with your baby. Mildly amused but super happy that Regulus was spending one on one time with his nephew. He had turned over a new leaf since leaving the death eaters and although he was still a bit aloof, the one person he adored more than anyone was his baby nephew… a little too much sometimes… like right now…
“I’m asking him what kind of mansion he wants in France,” Regulus replied rolling his eyes, before he went back to ignoring you. 
“Now Polaris, Paris has its perks but there’s a lot of muggles so not a lot of chances to use your magic secretly but the art and the bakeries are nice…”
“And the country side is nice too. I like the lavender fields believe it or not. And you can practice your magic without anyone seeing. Would you like a manor by the sea? Or more inland?”
“Regulus! He’s not even one yet,” you exasperated unhooking your breast from the pump, attempting to get up from your seated position so that you could rescue your sweet ignorant child from his uncles weird ploy to buy him land in France.
“He’s a Black. Being a French lord is in his blood. Isn’t that right Polaris,” Regulus scoffed picking up baby Poly as he did so, who only cooed happily at being lifted out of his rocking chair.
“See, you tell that witch that you want your loving uncle to buy you a mansion in France…”
“Merlin’s sagging tits you are not buying MY son a mansion when he’s not even a year old!”
Just as Regulus was about to retort, baby Poly was snatched from his grasp by none other than his older brother, Sirius, who immediately showered the little man with kisses and cheek to cheek rubs before turning his attention to his wife and baby brother. 
“Who’s not buying what now,” Sirius asked with a raised eyebrow. Truth to be told he caught onto some of the conversation but not all of it since he just got back from Auror training.
“Tell your brother that he is not buying our child a house somewhere in bloody France,” you plead with him hoping for some reason from your husband.
“She’s right Reg, a house is a bit much…”
“At least wait until after I get him a motorcycle. I was thinking about getting one for him for his first birthday,” Sirius finished as both Black brothers shared satisfying smirks at the thought of spoiling their newest family member.
“Merlins sagging tits what is wrong with you both…”
“We’re Blacks,” the brothers replied in unison like it was the obvious answer to your question which was starting to give you a headache.
“I don’t care if you are the chancellor of magic himself. No means no! No houses. No manors! I know you’ll try to loophole your way out of this regulus but no property at all! And you,” you redirected your not so amused rant to Sirius who stood there innocently holding your son against his chest, “no motorcycles! He’s not even one yet. Buy him something reasonable like felt blocks or a pacifier.” 
“… so a golden paci…”
“You know what, im done. Im done. This is insane,” you stated as your turned away from them both and headed back to your pumping station. There was no reasoning with them when it came to spoiling your child with things he didn’t need or couldn’t even use yet. And while you secretly thought it was sweet, both your husband and his brother tended to go WAY overboard and turn things into a competition. Which was something you didn’t wanna have to deal with again. 
“alors quelle maison veux-tu acheter,” Sirius asked Regulus who gave him a full blown Cheshire grin.
“je n'aurais jamais pensé que tu demanderais. Nous allons devoir t'apprendre le français,” Regulus replied, directing the last sentence to Polaris who cooed at both of them cluelessly. As far as the little babe was concerned this was the best day ever as almost all his favorite people were in one place. What they were happily talking about he didn’t know, but he was just glad to be there and that’s all that mattered.
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souslamer · 6 months
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Regulus Black & Harry Potter, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Regulus Black/James Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Regulus Black, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Minor Characters, James Potter, Sirius Black, Lily Evans Potter, Lily Evans, Hermione Granger Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Regulus Black Lives, Regulus Black-centric, POV Regulus Black, Uncle Regulus Black, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), kind of, canon character deaths maintained, Sorry Not Sorry, Regulus Black is Harry Potter's Parent, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Gardens & Gardening, Good Regulus Black, regulus keeps bees, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Harry Potter Can't Cook, Family Dynamics, Family, Learning to love and trust, Loneliness, but lowkey so it's fine, Regulus Black and Sirius Black Angst, but theyre family, and all the love and grief that comes with that 
Regulus Black lives a very simple life in his middle age: it involves gardening, beekeeping, and keeping to his own devices. He has left the wizarding world behind, for good.
Which is why the letter comes as such a surprise. Worse, it's followed by a boy who seems to have stepped straight out of his long-gone memories.
Regulus has been on his own a long, long time, and in all honesty he's not sure how to cope with having another person in the house. But Harry will only be here temporarily, and a helping hand isn't so bad, really. Maybe he could get used to this.
OR: Harry shows up on Regulus' doorstep unannounced, to the shock and horror of them both. Learning how to change is not easy, but it's always easier with somebody else.
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leogichidaa · 2 years
Do you have any Uncle Regulus headcanons? 😊
Sorry it took a minute to answer this, my head has been full of sand the past few days and I wanted to form a coherent response. The way I picture Regulus as an uncle depends on whether or not Regulus has/wants children of his own. If he does, due to the hierarchal family structure (and just the general nature of Regulus and Sirius' relationship), there's naturally going to be some competitiveness about whose children are "better". And who gets to inherit.
I just had a brief flash of Uncle Regulus as Scar from the Lion King, lamenting that he was next in line "until the little hairball was born". I don't think Regulus would have any desire to murder his brother and nephew for the sake of inheritance, but I could see him making similar comments.
I can also see him encouraging his niblings' rebelliousness a bit. Nothing destructive or dangerous to the little ones, but adding just a smidge of fuel to the fire whenever they are angry with their parents. And definitely telling them stories of the wild shit that Sirius did as a teenager.
When Sirius angrily confronts him and says, "I just got an owl from Hogwarts informing me that my child set the common room on fire and they said you told them that I used to take shots of Firewhiskey and Incendio my breath, why would you tell them that?" Regulus looks at him all innocent like, "I just wanted them to emulate their father's excellent example. I was teaching them to look up to you. You're their hero. You're welcome."
If he doesn't want children of his own, he'd be relieved that Sirius finally fulfilled his familial responsibilities in at least one area, instead of foisting it off on Regulus. He would dote on his niblings and be overly invested in their development and success. I can see him giving a lot of unsolicited and largely unreasonable advice about child rearing to Sirius.
He is of course the Quidditch Uncle, too. He's going to be the one to buy the kiddos their first broom (Sirius can't be trusted with this decision, look at the silly thing he bought baby Harry, he clearly has no idea what he's doing) and teach them how to fly. In a James lives AU, he's going to be duking it out with James over this responsibility. They will have regular quidditch battles that they rope Sirius' kids and Harry into, much to the delight of the children, who compete with appropriate ferocity. Regulus secretly teaches them to try to knock James off his broom and how to foul their opposition without the referee noticing (and how to bribe the referee).
I have a sort of angsty hc about Sirius having a daughter who is more like Regulus in personality, quiet and serious, and who often feels out of place in her family. She spends a lot of time just hanging out in Uncle Regulus' library and discussing politics and magical theory and the stuff everyone else seems to find boring. One day she floats the idea that she wants to run away and come live with Regulus and Regulus shuts it down immediately. Like no, no good can come of that, I won't help you destroy your family. And it causes a big rift between Regulus and the kiddo, who feels hurt and rejected by her uncle and doesn't understand why he's so against the idea of her living with him. But it also pushes her to repair things with her parents. Eventually, when she's older, she gets to know more about the history and why Regulus was so adamant that she not run away and appreciates that he was protecting the fragile family dynamic and encouraging her to do what was best for her in the long run.
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alexsays-no · 24 days
Uncle Reggie setting the good example
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billsbae · 7 months
Grimmauld Palace, 1993
barty: nice onesie. Does it come in men?
harry, annoyed 13-year-old: oh I think you come in men enough for all of us
regulus: oh i'm so proud of you <3
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Sirius: Hey Prongs, I hope our children will get along just like cousins, you know not like me and my cousins but like other cousins that get along so well, I always see cousins having a really good bond
James: Yeah I hope so too
*5 years later*
James: Hey Pads, you know when you told me about that cousin thing with our children *sweating nervously*
Sirius: Yeah what’s up with that?
James: I took your words too serious
Sirius: What do you mean?
Sirius: James what do you mea- oh no no no no. Please don’t tell me that-
James: Surprise?
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causereyna-artie · 4 months
Just incase you're having a bad day, I want you to know that in some universe Fleamont Potter is probably throwing it back Desi drunk dad style at a jegulus wedding
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hemmingsleclerc · 21 days
A different story┃RAB
Summary: where regulus and james’ sister raise harry
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Regulus Black and Y/N Potter had survived the war. The years since Voldemort's defeat had been filled with joy and sadness. Joy, because they had each other and the opportunity to build a new life together despite what everyone thought about them. Grief over the loss of James and Lily, Sirius' imprisonment in Azkaban, Peter's death and Remus' disappearance, leaving Harry in their care. They had promised to raise him as their own, determined to give him the love and family he deserved.
From the moment Harry arrived at Grimmauld Place, the once dark Black manor was transformed into a warm home. Regulus, no longer the young man who had once followed Voldemort’s ideas, had found a new path in his new role as a father. Y/N, with her strong and characteristic Potter kindness, made sure to brought light to every corner of her new life.
Harry's childhood with Regulus and Y/N was full of moments of love that he would remember throughout his life.
On Harry's first birthday after coming to live with them, Y/N and Regulus were determined to make it special. They decided to bake a cake without magic. The kitchen quickly became a disaster, flour covering every surface and Y/N with frosting in her hair.
"Reg, are you sure you read the recipe correctly?" Y/N asked, laughing as she tried to save a crooked layer of cake.
Regulus, with chocolate on his cheek, smiled shyly. "I'm pretty sure it said four cups of flour. Or maybe it was one…"
Despite the chaos, the cake turned out perfectly imperfect. When they show it to Harry, his eyes lit up with joy. "Happy birthday, Harry," Y/N said, kissing the top of her head.
"Happy Birthday, kid," Regulus added
When Harry received his Hogwarts letter, the house was filled with joy and a touch of bittersweet nostalgia. Regulus sat Harry down, with the letter spread out on the kitchen table. "This is where your parents went, Harry," he said softly, his eyes shining with pride and a hint of sadness.
Y/N, who was busy in the kitchen, stopped to ruffle Harry's hair. "You'll love it there, bunny. Just like your mom and dad did and so does Reggie and I."
The day he was dropped off at platform 9¾, Regulus and Y/N stood side by side, watching Harry board the train. Y/N had tears in her eyes and Regulus, although he tried to be calm, couldn't hide his emotion from him. "Be good, Harry," Regulus shouted. "And remember, we're only an owl away."
As the train pulled away, Y/N squeezed Regulus's hand. "Our little boy is growing up so fast," she whispered.
Years passed and Harry often found himself receiving Howlers from his aunt and uncle. Whether he was fighting with a troll or sneaking out of his common room after bed time, Harry's adventures with Hermione and Ron often left Regulus and Y/N worried.
One morning in the Great Hall, a Howler exploded in front of Harry, Regulus' voice echoing throughout the room. "Harry James Potter-Black! What were you thinking? The Triwizard Tournament? And a dragon? Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you have any common sense!" while hours later he received another one but this time from Y/N ''Harry, forgive Reg, he is very stressed and worried about you, we both are, we want you to know that we support you in everything and we know that you didn’t put your name on the cup, we will be there to see you at the tasks, in the meantime take care of yourself darling, we love you'' leaving Harry with a smile on his face.
As Harry grew older, he began to talk more about his friends and the special people in his life. One afternoon in the summer after their fifth year, Harry and Y/N were sitting in the garden, enjoying the warm sunlight. Harry hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Mom, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, dear," Y/N replied, looking up from her book.
"It's about Ginny," Harry began, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. "I think… I think I like her. A lot."
"Ah, young love, so beautiful" he said with a soft smile. "She's a lovely girl, Harry. Be yourself and everything will fall into place with her, after all traditions are never broken."
''tradition?'' Harry asked
“Yeah, some people called it a curse but that sounded awful”
“Potter curse?”
''Every male Potter has his redhead,'' Y/N recited with a closed smile
Later that evening, Regulus joined the conversation. "So, Ginny Weasley, huh?" he teased, nudging Harry with his elbow. "Just remember to treat her right buddy, or you'll have more than just her brothers to answer to."
Harry laughed, feeling a warmth spread through him with his cheeks burning red
Oh I loved how this turned out, I have so many ideas about this I hope u like it 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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back by popular demand, fem marauders (and wolfstar)!
(for the second comic, pretend rita skeeter isn’t like 10 years older than the marauders please and thank you)
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mooncello · 7 months
my favorite marauders fics are those that imagine these messy gay wizards raising harry. like...james and reg as harry's parents. yes. barty babysitting harry and having no fucking clue how to entertain a five year old. yes. remus affectionally sharing with harry his extensive vinyl collection. hell yes. sirius taking an angsty harry to get his first piercing (and, later, provide teenage harry's first joint - hand-rolled obv). yessss.
throw out everything effing jkr created in canon and remake it better, gayer, happier. these wizards don't die tragic deaths. they live.
i'd read seven books of that.
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kuroneko1815 · 2 months
How to be the favorite uncle as told by Reynold Eckhart
Reynold stared at his new niece with a frown, he found her resemblance to the bast… uh… the emperor disconcerting but she was still adorable away from that. He turned to Derrick and smugly declared, “I’m going to be her favorite uncle!”
Derrick merely rolled his eyes. “You go do that.” He said as he turned his attention back to the baby in their father’s arms. The Imperial bastard was staring at them hard.
Father was still sobbing, upset about her resemblance to her father and the lack of features that she had inherited from Penelope who was asleep within her room, napping after an evening spent feeding the babe. The Emperor faired better than the Empress in this case it seemed. Penelope had refused to use a wet nurse for the little princess and the Emperor insisted on being awake as long as his wife and newborn daughter was awake.
“Hello, Princess. You and I are going to have so much fun!” He said happily.
Step one in Reynold’s plan was to spoil his niece with presents. She was too young yet for some of the things he planned. Like causing mischief within the palace and getting back at the emperor for stealing away his sister. Reynold decided that he was going to get the funds immediately.
"Father, I need..." He began.
"No!" Father said immediately.
"Reynold..." Father trailed off too. "You should know that I'm most likely going to say no to whatever harebrained scheme you have."
"But you don't know what I'm even going to ask."
"It's still a no."
"It's for Judith." He said.
Father immediately straightened and reached for his cheque book. "What do you need?"
"I want some money to buy her presents."
Father handed him a blank and signed cheque within a moment.
Penelope hadn't looked pleased when he arrived with ten carriages filled with presents for a baby who was only two days old. Especially when he told her there were at least twenty more set to arrive soon. She sighed at the wasteful extravagance of it all especially the amount of clothes he'd gotten her since she would outgrow them all within a few weeks, well before she even managed to put any of them on.
He ignored her and focused on the baby in his arms, making faces and snuggling up to her.
Step two was quality time.
Reynold spent as much time as he could with Judith, often fighting against his sister and brother-in-law for more time when they came upon him trying to sneak the baby out for some play when she was due to be put down for a nap.
Reynold often also found himself getting kicked out of the imperial palace grounds for sneaking into the nursery to play with her and 'causing mischief' and being a bad influence on his rapidly growing adorable niece.
Though he was allowed to read books to her and was often invited to tea parties with her dollies and little adventures around the palace grounds and within the Duchy.
Step three was to be the adventurous fun uncle.
Read step two.
But to enumerate, they would go around the forest and look for cute little critters for Judith's ever-growing menagerie of pets. Did it get out of hand at times? Definitely not. Unless you ask Penelope, the Emperor, Father, and Derrick.
Speaking of Derrick, his brother was the level-headed calm uncle who always brought them down from their high of playing and enjoyment.
Step four was to be supportive.
This meant that Reynold was always there. Through every scraped knee, every derisive word sent Judith's way for her wings or gender especially in regards to her status as the heir. He was always there, ready to throw a punch or to give her a listening ear, a comforting word, a hug, anything she needed.
And it wasn't just for her, but for her siblings as well.
There were many, many, more things that Reynold had done to become the favorite uncle, things that eventually translated into becoming a good father.
Just wanted to write something nice about Reynold and how he became the uncle the kids were closest too. I feel like he had the most free time and the personality type that allowed him to become reckless and immature enough to play with them.
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sunonwaxyleaves · 2 months
what if sirius has to do senior year again and he switches schools because he doesn’t want anyone knowing he has to redo a grade and on the first day at his new school he walks into class and his estranged brother regulus who he hasn’t seen or spoken to in 2 years is sitting in the front row dead center
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•The main difference between the brothers facial wise other than the hair length is that Sirius is the innocent looking brother, doe shaped grey eyes and brink pink colored lips. While Regulus is the lustrous looking one with the siren shaped eyes and brownish pink lips.
• They both have the same Grey eyes (the whole Black family does, the ones who don't are not a Black), cheek bone, pouty lips, thick raven hair and eyelashes.
•Sirius was the 'Perfect Heir' before getting sorted into Gryffindor. His a natural in etiquette and is sociable (knows how to read the room) to everyone. They know he doesn't like the Muggleborn prejudice like Andy but the Black family never mentioned Muggles or Muggleborns often.
• Regulus was the judgemental sassy brat growing up. Though he is quiet during galas and knows not to get into much trouble. Loves traumatizing his cousins and other kids.
•As much as Sirius being oblivious to his admirers or people flirting with him he had been crushing on Remus since 13 (their 2nd year), and accepted he loves him during their 5th year.
Also his actually good at hiding his crush on Remus until 7th year that Peter is the only one who knows (3rd year). He did tell Regulus about it since 2nd year.
(I love the idea that Sirius fell first but Remus fell harder)
•Sirius knows Regulus has a crush on James the moment he started acting polite and stuttering to James in the train when all he did was jealously talk shit about his new friends. Regulus knows that Sirius knows and had a silent agreement to not talk about it. Sirius realized James started to have a crush on Regulus (and the whole bloody Hogwarts) when he openly cheered for Regulus when he caught the snitch (Ravenclaw vs Slytherin) during their 4th year (though he was the last to know in their cycle of friends).
•Sirius would always close Regulus ears or make themselves busy when their parents are fighting. When Orion died when they were 8-7 (not canon) during an 'Unspeakable' mission, Walburga lost it so Sirius had to take the paternal role to Regulus. Regulus knew Sirius was breaking under the pressure so he asked Uncle Alphard and their cousins for help.
Uncle Alphard took all the kids to Versailles to have a break (and mentally help them as much as possible).
•They both don't like being yelled at or hearing people loudly argue since it reminds them of their parents
•Walburga made sure to tell them she never intended to have them if it wasn't for grandfather who forced Orion and Walburga to have the kids after Orion died. Orion did love them when they were born but they don't remember much about it.
•12 Grimmauld place is the same size as their muggle counterparts which are London Flats. (They're actually not that big compared to their manor in Versailles and Greece (nor Cygnus and Druella's manor)). It was homey growing up but now it gives them claustrophobia.
•Sirius and Regulus love using their pretty privilege but are confused when people confess to them.
•The Black family has a tradition that they will have an Unbreakable curse to Heir's (male and female so Sirius and Bella) to not have sex until 18 because of superstition that it might be a squib if you were not a virgin. So Sirius is a virgin (I think I'm going to make a fic about this), too afraid to kiss someone because he might actually DIE. He jokes about it but his friends think his ancestors should've gone to Azkaban for that.
Did not go well since Alphard and Bellatrix became Asexual (Bella's both Asexual and Aromantic) (I wonder why).
•Regulus on the other hand had a ton of experience. He gave Sirius tips on how to kiss someone and sex toys (it started as a joke).
•Now let's talk about height. The Black family growth spurt stops at 18 which it never was a problem since their family isn't short. But Sirius and Regulus had their grandmother's height. So Sirius is 5'8"/ 172 cm and became an inch or 2 cm shorter post-Azkaban. Regulus is 5'10" / 178cm and loved teasing his older brother about it.
•When Sirius was being forced to choose between Family dignity or his beliefs Regulus was packing Sirius things and left the 'ugly' clothes and made Kreacher give them to the Potters to know what's going on. Sirius was planning to stay at Andy's but Reg knows Walburga will go there (a reason to not only attack her son but her blood traitor niece).
Regulus stayed since a part of him truly believed in the Dark Lord's cause until he learned about the Horcruxes.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 2 months
It was at fifteen that Sirius felt something for someone for the first time.
He was just a silly boy who had kissed a couple of girls not because he wanted them but because they initiated it.
The summer when he met George, Sirius would call it the best of his life. The bloke was one of his Uncle's friends. He was way older. In his thirties. He was cool, handsome and easy going. He dressed like a Rockstar: cool leather jackets, tight jeans, piercings and leather boots. Plus he had the most angelical voice Sirius had ever heard.
They toured through different cities of Europe thanks to Alphard's money. George sang in every bar and club they could find. Alphard brought his nephews along, pretending they were more than eighteen and not minors with little experience of that world.
Regulus didn't enjoy his time much. He didn't enjoy the clubs and crowds and preferred to get lost in his books. Sirius was delighted with all that experience. With George and his Uncle, he learned to drink, to smoke, to listen to music, to flirt and to have fun.
Sirius thought Alphard's life was wonderful. Full of adventures, so different than what the rightful House of Black represented. During that summer, Sirius swore to be just like George when he was older.
But what George made him feel was intense and very different than what he had felt before. George was this amazing person that Sirius wanted to impress. He got nervous around him. And at the same time he felt so wild, like anything was possible around him.
Sirius couldn't stop looking at him, admiring every move, every smile, every word that came out of his mouth. His heart beat harder when George winked at him. He blushed when he rubbed his hair. And when he sang, Sirius was transported to another world.
Of course in Sirius’s fifteen year old mind, it was impossible to acknowledge these feelings as love. It was impossible for Alphard to be gay. It was impossible for him to be gay. So Sirius just saw all of this as admiration. Nothing more.
They were just bachelors having fun without compromise.
"George, Uncle has been looking for you"
George was at the hotel terrace, sitting at the edge of the roof, looking down at the street, feet tangling down. He held a cigarette between his lips. He had dark shades and wearing only a white tee he looked incredibly great. How could he manage that?
"Sirius, come here" George gestured for Sirius to come closer, smiling at him with his perfect white teeth.
Sirius couldn't avoid blushing as he approached.
"Look at this view, isn't gorgeous?"
Sirius saw the city of Paris in front of his eyes. Sunset was making the sky pink and yellow. The buildings had a certain glow in them. Everything looked as if it was made of gold. Paris was truly breathtaking. Eiffel Tower in the back. Sirius had been a few times, but he had never seen the city this beautiful.
"C'est trés jolie" Sirius commented as he took a seat besides George.
George laughed. His hair was also golden, shinning under the sun.
"At least I get you to talk to me in French, your Uncle doesn't want to"
Sirius was aware of his cheeks getting on fire.
"I bloody love Paris" George added "Might want to stay here forever"
"Me too" Sirius suddenly agreed looking at the landscape "I don't want summer to be over"
George raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, I'm sure you miss your friends" he said "Maybe a pretty girl you left behind?"
Sirius did miss his friends. The Marauders and their silly pranks. Although he didn't think about them every second of the day. Not when Sirius was having this much fun. He thought he should probably write to James. Then he felt nostalgic and got excited about the idea of telling him about of his adventures to him. He was surely going to love them.
"Maybe my friends, but no.. I don't have a girl" Sirius found himself nervously playing with his wristband as he said this.
"Oh yeah? A boy as handsome as you?"
Sirius now smiled at his own silliness and way of blushing so easily.
"I am like my Uncle. A free spirit. Do not want to waste time in just one girl"
He said it mainly to sound cooler. Like George as well. He flirted and talked with plenty of girls after his shows. But never actually stayed with one.
George looked away into the sunset with a sigh "Your Uncle, a free spirit, isn't he?" he took a drag of his cigarette, then realized he was supposed to offer it to Sirius.
Sirius grabbed it between his fingers. He had managed to not cough the other day. He wasn’t very keen of the smell and taste. But he wanted to look cool. And George looked so cool while he smoked.
Sirius managed to take a full drag and only coughed a little as he let the smoke out. George was amused. God, why did Sirius want to impress him so much? And why did he fail miserably?
"Are you angry with him?" Sirius asked as he passed the cig back "With my Uncle? I heard you discussing with him yesterday after your show"
If Sirius had been paying more attention he would have seen George go a bit frigid.
"It was just some bickering, Sirius. Do you bicker with your mates?"
Sirius shared a dorm with his best friends. Sometimes they fought about silly stuff.
"All the time" Sirius sneered.
George nodded with a smile.
"Your Uncle has an insufferable temper, I must tell you"
Sirius chuckled "He is alright"
"Have we met the same Alphard?"
Sirius found himself laughing and afterwards he couldn't stop smiling. It was a stupid thing.
'I like you' Sirius wanted to say. 'I'm glad you are my Uncle's friend. And I am glad I met you'
"Don't worry about it, mate"
But he didn't dare. The words were just stuck on his throat like a bloody syrup.
George kept smoking in silence. Sirius opened his mouth trying to find the right words. It was the nervousness that got him this silly.
"Each morning I wake up and die a little, can't barely stand on my feet..."
However his thoughts were interrupted when George began singing. He winked making Sirius blush. It was an acapella song without music, without warning, just because he felt like it. And Sirius smiled because he recognized this song.
"Take a look in the mirror and cryyy... Oh lord what you're doing to mee... I have spent all my years in believing you... Someday I'm gonna be free Looooord!"
Sirius couldn't get more fascinated by George's voice. He hadn't heard something so beautiful. He hadn't seen anyone so beautiful. In his mind it was that he wanted to be exactly like George. That cool, that amazing, that talented, that perfect.
"Find me somebody to Looove... Find me somebody to Looove" Sirius sang as well.
George smiled before continuing.
"Caaan anybody find mee...." George made a pause looking at the beautiful sky "Somebody toooo....... loooooooveeeee...."
The last part gave Sirius goosebumps. Not even Mercury had managed that. So Sirius was smiling just because. Cheeks pink, no wonder.
And George was smiling as well. Cheeky little smile below his shades.
Sirius wanted to smile at someone someday and provoke all the crazy things he was feeling now.
"George, don't encourage my nephew to sing. He has a terrible voice"
Alphard was right behind them. He had a soft smile on his face. But he looked tired. Maybe he just woke up.
"And don't you dare encourage him to smoke" Alphard added as he practically ripped the cigarette out of George's hand.
"He is a grown up boy, Alphard"
"I am a grown up boy, Uncle" Sirius smiled innocently. He actually couldn't wait to be a grown up adult like these two. Free from Orion and Walburga, free from all the stupid rules.
Alphard rolled his eyes as he took a drag.
"Your mother will kill me if she knew what you've been doing this summer"
Sirius buffed. He was embarrassed to be treated like a brag in front of George.
"Better not tell her, eh Alphard?"
"Why don't you go and fetch your brother?"
Alphard asked as he kept smoking "He's been reading the same bloody book in bed all day..."
Regulus was just fourteen. And he was already behaving like a bloody boomer.
"Look at that sight, let's go eat something outside"
Sirius rolled his eyes.
"I am not Reggie's babysitter"
Alphard patted him in the shoulder. "Come on, lad. I need to have a moment alone with George, yeah?"
Sirius noticed George haven't said a word. He kept looking forward. Sirius wished he would know what he was thinking.
"Yeah, of course" he said reluctantly as he stood up. Alphard gave him a sympathetic smile before Sirius left.
As he was walking inside, Sirius turned to see at his Uncle and George discuss. They were talking in low voices so Sirius couldn't hear. He couldn't tell by the shades but was he crying?
Then Alphard whispered something to make George give him his handsome smile. And something weird happened. Alphard touched his cheek delicately. Both men looked into each other's eyes.
Sirius found the gesture so intimate that he decided to leave.
Sirius was blind back then. He should have seen that as romantic. He should have known what his Uncle was. What George was. Now with everything that had happened with Remus, it all made more sense. Remus was not the first bloke he had fancied. Perhaps...
Something was certain. Alphard had been terrified to tell everyone the truth. And Sirius was terrified as well. He wished his Uncle was not dead so he could talk to him. He wished Alphard had trusted him. But he didn't. And Sirius missed him very much. Now he had to figure out all of these feelings on his own.
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