#berkeley series
crazychicke · 1 year
Melinda and Rachel starting s4 of The Oc soon! Can't wait to hear their thoughts on my favourite season. Also cried my eyes out several times as the cast deal with Marissa's death, and the grief/darkness of losing her, but pulling together as a found family to survive...
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cametotheshowinsd · 2 years
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BEJEWELED (1932) A Musical directed by: Taylor Swift & Busby Berkeley - Is the nightclub sensation 'Midnight' a gold digger, or a siren woman, or just a girl who wants the penthouse of your heart? Either way, you best believe she can make the whole place shimmer! 💎💎💎 "Diamonds in my eyes, I polish up real nice (NICE!)"
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abs0luteb4stard · 8 months
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W ⋀ T C H I N G
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queen-of-laziness94 · 2 months
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magistrate Hale, "Salem" series
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kingoftheu · 1 year
My “hey what was the name of that dragon” look became a reread of the entire Temeraire series. So, without further ado: The Temeraire Books (sans Golden Age because that’s a different kettle of fish) from least-good to best.
#9 Crucible of Gold
Novik has a habit of ramming three plots into one book, even when that doesn’t really work. Crucible of Gold is the worst offender. We have the shipwreck/marooning plot, the Inca plot, then the Brazil plot. There were things that worked I think. The Inca dragons present another perspective that’s quite interesting and influences things going forward, Iskierka trying to get Granby hitched is fun. But the Brazil plot with Tswana is a let down, I will admit, we learn little of them, and while I do not expect realism from this series how tf are they holding together their empire. Napoleon showing up personally is unfortunate, I don’t think it was needed and lessened his mystique. Tom Riley’s death could have had a bit more oomf to it, but was a real surprise.
#8 League of Dragons
None of these are bad, and I think the ending is the strongest part. Laurence in command and Temeraire finally seeing fruits of his efforts at reform. Roland is a Duchess and Tharkay has his fortune! Yay. The Russian opening is a complete cop out though, ruining the cliffhanger of the last book. The Duel is fine, but the long recovery and weird romance thing is not. Would have liked to see the final battles of the series on page rather than that. Also, man, Lien did basically nothing personal to Temeraire and Laurence did she? She helped Napoleon a ton broadly which harmed them, but it’s hardly the personal touch I would expect from the main villain of the series.
#7 Blood of Tyrants
Another one with three plots in one. Japan, China, Russia. Japan feels the most like Novik felt like she was obligated to show off some new place every book. The aid who joins Napoleon is a neat concept, but otherwise it was a drag. The Amnesia plot was an unnecessary drama font, we’ve already been treated to Laurence being vaguely horrified by everything under the sun. The introduction to the Chinese Legions is suitably impressive, and Russian Dragonkeeping is suitably horrible, and the fake rebellion/conservative faction squabble in China functions well. But it all feels disconnected. I feel like Russia should have all been one book.
#6 Black Powder War
Central Asis to Istanbul to Prussia we go!!! Tharkay is of course a highlight of this one. And we are introduced to everyone’s favorite fire breathing brat. But it suffers from a lack of through-line. The Istanbul Plot gets finished and you feel like it’s all over but then there is a Prussian plot that just drags on. The frenzied chase is great, as is Iskierka’s introduction. But man. It has nothing to do with the rest of the book. Just a whole lot of disconnect between the parts. I do like how whittled down Temeraire’s crew winds up by the end of it all, adds some really stakes to the whole thing.
#5 Empire of Ivory
A surprising amount of this book is just them sitting around in England feeling bad about the Plague. And then them sitting around looking for the mushrooms. That’s boring. So boring. Tswana-kanda is cool and a fairly unique relationship with their dragons. I don’t know enough about Tswana culture to judge its accuracy/sensitivity, and them suddenly being able to reach thousands of miles and overrun the continent is a bit Deus Ex. But I really, really, can’t complain about that, because the slavers all get ducking wrecked and it is so satisfying.
The ending is what truly elevates this book. That is, without a doubt, the key turning point of the entire series. And is emotionally wrecking, while also establishing Napoleon’s characterization going forward. It is a moment of profound moral clarity for Laurence and Temeraire and justly a high point.
#4 Throne of Jade
It’s a slow boat to China, and perhaps a little too much time even getting them on that boat. On one hand this does give a sense of the time it takes to travel on the other hand it does leave out actual time in China a bit cut short. The scheming is largely out of the hands our protagonists, and fairly obvious at that. However this is our first, and most influential, trip abroad. Exposure to China sets up Temeraire’s arc for the rest of the series and even makes the reader reassess things. And it’s not like the boat trip is devoid of interesting moments. The Sailors v Aviators v Chinese Envoys bit is engaging, as is the split between Riley and Laurence. Hammond is also a personal fave.
#3 Tongues of Serpents
I’m as surprised as you are, considering how little this has to do with the rest of the series. But what it does have going for it is an intense and direct plot. A long chase through the Outback, with a decent start as they avoid political maneuvering. The reveal of who exactly is at the end of the trail is a surprise but does make sense. Kungile is a fine addition to the main cast of characters. Rankin is a suitably irritating figure and he and Caesar deserve each other. The convicts are a fun lot. The ending is perhaps a forced confrontation, but I do like the look at early Australia.
#2 His Majesty’s Dragon
The one that started it all. And really it introduces the characters so well. Laurence realizing the truth about Rankin is such a distillation of his character. Temeraire discovering himself is also a fun arc. And we the readers are eased into this brave new world as well. Some of it can be a little ‘event happens characters react’ until the final battle, and it was painfully obvious Trafalgar wasn’t the end of it. The divine wind comes out of nowhere to be honest. However the battle is still engaging and Laurence’s growth is strongest here. We also meet a fine cast of supporting characters in Lily’s formation.
#1 Victory of the Eagles
The Darkest Hour. Real consequences to Laurence’s actions in the prior book. Our first Temeraire POV book and that elevates things considerably. A frantic race against time as Napoleon’s novel tactics bring him closer to victory than at any other time in this book. Laurence’s depression and moral surrender. Wellesley! Termeraire’s band of breeding ground friends, and his first stabs at true leadership. The desperation of the countryside. The scene with the King is surprisingly heartbreaking. A triumphant victory in the end in one of the best battle scenes. But not an unmarred one. The fleet lost, and Laurence’s disgrace hardly undone. Transport to follow. A true high point for the series.
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autumncottageattic · 10 months
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Berkeley Square 1998 Part V
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joncronshawauthor · 5 months
Listen to Punks Versus Zombies - A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Audiobook (Episodes 1-16) for FREE!
This special compilation brings together the first 16 episodes in one gripping narrative. 🔥 About This Zombie Apocalypse Audiobook:In ‘Punks Versus Zombies’, experience a riveting adventure from Berkeley, California, to Philadelphia. Follow the story of Tommy, and his band racing against time to reunite with his girlfriend and son amidst a terrifying zombie outbreak. 💀 Beyond the Undead:Their…
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View On WordPress
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gameofthunder66 · 8 months
The Walking Dead (2010-2022) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 3- 10/4/2023- on Netflix (AMC)
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mymoviemania-coffee · 2 years
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The Booth at the End (2011-2012) TV Series
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lillyjalexander · 1 year
Jon Shibata, film archivist at the Berkeley Art Musuem and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA), is the curator of the ongoing film series “Out of the Vault: Everything’s Ephemeral.” Jon was my first boss in an art museum. I worked with him while I was an art history student at UC Berkeley. He's an admirable and kind man. I hope his series gains full attendance!
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paintbrusher · 4 months
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crazychicke · 2 years
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Candyman (1992)
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 9 months
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Make this hurt stop!!!!!!
She loves him, she misses him, she wants to be with him. BUT SHE CAN'T.
Also i am really proud of emmy that she git into Berkeley.
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queen-of-laziness94 · 6 months
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askaniritual · 1 year
honestly im in a weird spot w my manga collection where i collected a lot of it in high school/college and most of it is not to my taste anymore but i also feel like if i get rid of it i’ll regret it later. but also this is so many books to keep around for series i am not really interested in anymore
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