#bill denbrough mentioned
antisociallilbrat · 11 months
Bill: Everyone expects me to know everything! It’s a lie! I know nothing! I just learned that a ‘kink’ does not always refer to garden hoses! And I’m supposed to know what my ‘kinks’ are apparently! How am I supposed to know that!
Richie: …I can help with that.
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s-oulpunk · 1 year
I know the IT movies couldn’t include everything from the book. But I’ll never forgive ch2 for how much it watered down Beverly and Tom’s relationship. The novel showcases how brutal and violent their relationship was, not only physically but mentally and emotionally too. It showcases the cycle of abuse Beverly would seek out because of her childhood. It showcases her leaving Tom and finally breaking that cycle. It allows Beverly to wrestle with conflicting emotions and conflicting desires. The movie dumbed it all down to a two minute scene and then never mentioned it again.
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kalsiferdraws · 1 year
The Deadlights: The Concert
Stan started this band as a way to, as one does, express his feelings for someone else. Someone close to him. Someone who was so blind and oblivious that here he was standing in the front section of the concert crowd, with some girl Stan's never seen before. And she's wrapped around him like they're together? Is Bill... with her?
Stan feels his stomach tighten. His hands are shaking as a rush of crushing realization hits him. He doesn't even realize when he hits the ground from his knees giving out. They aren't on the stage performing, thank whatever entity was smart enough to stop them. But that didn't stop everyone back stage from gathering around him.
"Will you give him some space?" Stan knew that voice. He looked up, seeing Richie. Richie had joined as the bassist, and after a lot of convincing the back up dancer. He was always the "fun" of the concerts, dancing and causing mischief as he played, a large smile on his face the whole time. But right now, that smile wasn't anywhere to be seen. His eyebrows were pinched together as he was pushing people away from Stan. His large hands were practically shoving stage production away with little effort.
A hand touched Stan's shoulder, drawing his attention to another man. "Stanley, you ok?" Mike asked, his voice way more gentle than what Richies just was. Mike joined as the piano player at first but eventually took up drums as their music taste adjusted. Stan looked into Mike's coffee coloured eyes, trying to find an answer. He was confused, lost. He looked to the ground, the corner of his eye catching Richie leaning with the other two.
"Want me to go say something?" He heard Richie ask. Stan let out a shakey breath. He slowly looked to Richie. He didn't see that anger anymore, just... an understanding. Of course Richie would understand, out of everyone, of course. He had seen this same pain on Richie's face every time they saw Eddie Kaspbrak talking to a girl. No matter what Stan, Beverly, anyone told Richie, that pain was always there.
Stan shook his head, clenching the green flannel that hung off his shoulders. It was funny earlier when Stan put it on. How small it looked on him if he wore it normally, making him look like all his clothes shrank or something. He always had something of Bill's on him when he performed. Shirts that he had modified, socks when he couldn't find a pair of his own. But this flannel, was new to the concert scene.
Bill had left it over during a sleepover. And Stan was going to return it, honest, but he needed something for the concert. It fit so well with his black halter top, jeans and green, black shoes. It was like Bill had chosen the outfit himself. Of course the fishnet under the jeans were Stan's idea, but he couldn't take all the credit, truly.
He had draped it down, looking at himself in the mirror, moving and checking poses as he did. He put his hands on his hips, practically beaming with excitement as he felt "perfect". Even Bev and Eddie praised the outfit. Saying things like "awe you're so cute" and "the flannel completes it". It filled him with pride he only felt when he did these concerts.
At least, that was before all this started. Before his world came crashing down. He was so torn. Angry cause how dare Bill be so touchy with that girl, that none of them ever heard of. Confused, cause he made his feelings obvious, right?And... embarrassed.
Richie and Mike exchanged a look, and before either of them said a word, even a letter, Stan grabbed their hands. All three stood and Stan looked back out to the crowd. His chest had a pain that he could only describe as if someone was squeezing you too tightly. Suffocating. He closed his eyes, taking a large breath. "I need the set list," he stated, his voice threatening to crack. "We're making some changes tonight."
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incorrect-losers · 2 years
Richie: Virgins! Virgins never die
Bill: I’m dead
Ben: I’m dead
Richie: Well I’ll- I’ll get as sick as you can get without actually dying
Bev: Stan, he’s dead
Richie & Bill: Hey hey hey go Stan go Stan go Stan go St-
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little-nobody · 2 years
i am going insane, if you couldn't tell
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Losers from least to most lightweight with no explanation
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Music References in 'IT': All the Musical Artists The Losers Club reference in the Novel
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bethsvrse · 4 months
Hey do you take requests for Timothee Chalamet? if so I'd love one where he's sick from eating too much chocolate on the Wonka set and the female reader takes care of him
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PAIRING Timothee Chalamet x fem!reader
A/N I love Timmy sm, hope you enjoy it!!!
WARNINGS mentions of vomiting/over eating. Shitty dialogue.
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There were groans coming from the bathroom, waking you up from your sleep. You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you reach over and grab your phone from you bedside table. Turning it on, you winced at the light, quickly turning down your brightness. Once that was done, you checked the time.
4:27 am. A ghastly time for anyone to be awake. You turned off your phone and went to go snuggle back into Timothee, only to realise that he’s not there, which causes you to also realise the reason why you awake.
Another groan came from the bathroom. You sighed as you stood up out of bed and curiously walked toward the ensuite. Opening the door, you were once again, blinded by a light. Blinking away the brightness, you looked around the bathroom only to find Timmy leaning over the toilet.
You suddenly felt more awake, and you immediately kneeled down next to him, pushing his hair back. Timmy groaned again before vomiting once more. You rubbed his back in sympathy, “it’s okay baby, let it out.”
Timothee groaned as he pulled his head out of the toilet, “go back to bed, Y/N/N. I’m okay.”
You rolled your eyes. You knew Timothee had an issue with letting people help him. Being with him for 3 years, you can’t count the amount of times you tried to help him with things and him denying the help.
“Timmy, your obviously not okay. Please just let me help.” You tell him as you cup his face with your hands. He puts his hands on top of yours as he nods slowly, before gagging and throwing up in the toilet once more. You stand up and walk over to the sink to wash your hands. After you do that, you grab a face washer from one of the drawers and wet it.
You walk back over to Timmy with the washer in hand. He looks up at you and you almost cry with how much pain he looks to be in. You give him a small smile as you wipe his face. You flush the toilet, and stand up once more. “I’ll be back in a second, okay baby?” You tell him, only receiving a small nod in return.
You walk out of your guys bedroom and into the kitchen to grab a bucket. When you return, you see Timmy leaning against the bathroom door with a frown on his face. You give him a small smile before placing the bucket next to his side on the bed. “Did you brush your teeth?” You ask him and he nodded, crawling into bed with you. He snuggles his face into your chest before wrapping his arms around your waist.
“When did you start throwing up?” You question.
“I don’t know.” Timmy tells you. “I first threw up yesterday morning, but today my stomach is just not agreeing with me. I threw up twice before you came to help me.” He says.
You rub his back in sympathy. “Maybe it’s from all the chocolate you’ve been eating. I noticed you only had dinner on Monday but go through like, several packets of chocolate.”
Timothee looks deep in thought before agreeing with you, “your probably right…”
“I always am.” You tell him with a small laugh before getting comfortable yourself. “Maybe you should lay off chocolates for a few weeks.”
“Yeah, probably.” He mutters. You can feel Timmy’s body start to relax before you hear small snores from him. Leaning over, you turn off your bedside light, before falling asleep yourself.
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A/N call me Bill Denbrough cause I dont know how to end a story!!!! 🤙
hoped you liked it though anon 💕
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𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝟎'𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: mention of one slur, (that is reclaimable don't come for me twitter), homophobia, death, etc
↳ song: american pie—don mclean
• Compared to the old giants that were London and Rome, Derry was an infant in terms of age
• But it didn't feel that way. The whole town had this sort of tint to it, like the stain of coffee on white paper—or the quality of an old polaroid that had been stuffed away and forgotten
• You had lived there most of your life. Gone to Derry Elementary, Derry Middle, would go on to attend Derry High, and would probably travel on to the closest college you could find to the area—unless something drastically changed that, of course
• It was almost like the whole place had a grip on its residents. And it wasn't like the comforting grip of your mother's hand as she led you through the grocery store. It was a harsher one. A cold and clamy grip, holding you tightly in place until you rotted away working a minimum wage job with no future in sight
• So thank god you had stumbled across the losers in your last year of middle school and changed just about everything
• It had been the last week of school when you had stupidly picked a fight with the biggest knothead in school and his gang of pimple faced idiots, figuring that if you were going to die anyway, might as well do it young
• Your school books had gone sprawling across the freshly waxed school hallway one fateful afternoon in May, the disaster courtesy of Derrys biggest doucuebag Henry Bowers
• In fact, you had told him he was such a thing to his face, which would be the reason you were currently being subjected to the pleasure of watching as Henry and his goons ripped up all of your school papers in front of everyone
• Math homework, eat your heart out
• You didn't, however, expect a stuttering voice to speak up from your left not long after watching the science paper you had worked so hard on get ripped to shreds
• "Guh-guh-guh-get fu-fucked Bowers!" A lanky kid spat out from your left, drawing most people's attention over to his blazing brown eyes instead of Henry's ugly mud colored ones
• You recognized your knight in shining armor, so to speak, as the infamous stuttering Bill Denbrough. He wasn't an unfamiliar face to you—in fact, you were pretty sure the two of you had homeroom together. But until that moment you'd never given him a second thought beyond asking to borrow a pencil
• Bill wasn't alone, either. Three more kids stood idly behind him, each one looking more anxious than the last. You'd later learn all their names to be Stan, Eddie, and Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier—the man of a hundered voices as he'd introduce himself. But right then, they were just more people to add to this already overcrowded shitshow
• "Muh-my buh-buh-bad Billy." Henry mocked Bill's stutter poorly, crossing his eyes crudely while he did it. "Duh-did I mess with one of yuh-your fag fruh-fruh-fruh-friends?"
• The shrill chorus of giggles that his friends let out at his words were like nails on a chalkboard to you
• "Takes one to know one." Richie had mummbled under his breath sourly, pushing the thick glasses he wore up his nose anxiously. The only people who heard him couldn't help but break up into a fit of sudden giggles—who of which just so happened to be you and Bill
• Both of you were found sporting black eyes the next day
• Ever since that odd school day, you had found yourself spending more and more time with each of them
• Riding bikes with Bill in his street as you got left in the dust by him and Silver, listening as Eddie rambled on nervously about all of the weird sicknesses he had gotten, furiously smashing buttons on arcade games in an attempt to beat Richie at least once, helping Stan organize all of his comics by color and alphabetical order—all became a part of your summer routine
• You quickly became a part of the losers club. Another peice to the odd puzzle you all made together. And you'd be lying if you didn't say it felt damn good
• It was only after Ben and the others showed up that things began to get both better and worse
• For starters, you had begun to see red balloons and dead kids everywhere—a detail that would later become a much bigger issue
• But you also found yourself making three entire new friends, which including Stan, Eddie, Richie and Bill, was the most you'd ever had
• Hot summer evenings down in the barrens and, eventually, the clubhouse now had a new sense of comradery to it
• You enjoyed talking with Beverly about certain book series the both of you kept up with and what songs she could play on the piano. Asking Mike about all the adventures he had gone on after hard days of farm work became a highlight of your Saturdays. Pouring over books in the library with Ben quickly became one of your favorite activities, the two of you sharing recommendations with each other. Even the librarian eventually got old of the two of you whispering excitedly to each other about story lines and character development
• Occasionally Bill or Richie would bring another kid down to the barrens to play with. It would be fun, but you all were thinking the same thing throught it all—that they were not a part of the club. That title was reserved for only the eight of you. And it would stay that way
• Together, all of you would eventually have to beat a common enemy together, sacrificing parts of yourself with it. But for now, you were content to watch as sticky syrup from popsicle sticks dripped down into your hands while you all walked to the movies, laughing about god knows what, feeling like nothing else in the world mattered but each other
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antisociallilbrat · 11 months
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greenpidge101 · 4 months
Whenever the famous Losers (minus Bill) are doing an interview and Bill gets mentioned, they’ll call him by his full legal name.
“Oh you mean New York Times best selling author William Denbrough?”
“Yes author of Black Rapids William Denbrough!”
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horror130 · 4 months
Having Bill Denbrough obsessed with you would include
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WARNING: Manipulation, mention of kidnapping.
🖌️ Bill has lots and lots of notebooks full of your drawings and he draws you in different canaries in different positions.
🖌️ You're on Bill's mind 24 hours a day, he can't stop thinking about you, he can't stay away from you for long Bill always finds an excuse to be with you.
🖌️ As much as Bill is desperate for you, he knows how to disguise his obsession with you in a certain way.
🖌️ Bill is the type of Yandere who prefers to use violence as a last resort, he prefers to manipulate, always having arguments for you to do his will and if the arguments don't work he plays the victim and makes you feel guilty.
🖌️ There is a 50% chance that Bill will kidnap you, he wouldn't do that unless it's a situation of extreme desperation.
🖌️ Bill is not an innocent baby he knows that what he does to you is wrong he knows that his "passion" for you is not healthy he feels ashamed of his obsession but he just can't help it he adores you so much💗.
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steadfastsaturnsrings · 5 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
No one tagged me but I saw @captain-hen do this and I thought it would be fun!
Top 5 characters:
Evan Buckley (911)
Eddie Diaz (911)
Bobby Nash (911)
Christopher Diaz (911)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Top 5 4 fandoms:
Stranger things
5 seconds of summer
Top 5 4 OTPs:
Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz (911)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak (IT)
Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris (IT)
Shoutout to some new friends:
I joined tumblr early this year and there are too many people to count! :)
@thewolvesof1998 thank you so much for being my first 911 mutual and really helping me feel welcome in the fandom and also always tagging me in stuff and always being supportive of my writing! You’re fics are also so so amazing! I am so happy to call you my friend 💕💕
@pirrusstuff you are so lovely! I love everything you taught me about día de Los muertos! I love all of our conversations and seeing photos of your food and dogs. They are so cute. You always make me smile and you’re just such a lovely friend 💕💕
@aspecbuddie you are so awesome! I love talking to you about fanfic ideas and 911 and just about anything! You always brighten my day and I love talking to you through my day. You are an amazing friend 💕💕
@lover-of-mine Anna, you truly are phenomenal. Your gifs are gorgeous and heartbreaking in the best way possible. I love reading all of your speculations and theories about 911 and all of your insights. Our conversations are something I always treasure and they really help me appreciate 911 in a deeper way. I am happy to call you my friend 💕💕
@housewifebuck Cam, you are so awesome! I love all of your gifsets, I literally reblog nearly every one :) Your shop and job that you do are truly so inspiring. I love freaking out about 911 in the DMs with you. You are so awesome and I am glad to call you my friend 💕💕
@theotherbuckley I was so happy when we started talking because I LOVE your writing so much! It is soooo good! I love talking with you about fanfic and just 911 in general and anything and everything. I am glad to call you my friend 💕💕
@jamespearce9-1-1 You are so cool! I love talking about fanfic with you and learning all about NZ! I love your writing and you are a really cool and genuine guy. I love that you are so passionate about your job. I am glad to call you my friend 💕💕
Shoutout to some old friends
@msasterisk and @lildreamer32 you two are awesome and are always so supportive of me and my writing. You guys are so phenomenal and I am grateful to be able to call you two my friends 💕💕💕
Favorite creation(s) you posted this year:
my sole edit that I made (here) and my flickers of fate fanfic (here)
Favorite creation someone else posted this year:
I love so many creations I saw, please go check out my 12 days of fandom and all the honorable mentions. But it I had to pick just one, it would be this by @olisgifs (I explain why in the post :) )
People who brightened your year:
Once again there are too many people to count!
@hippolotamus for all the support on my writing and helping me navigate tumblr and being so friendly
@theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming for always sending me asks in ask games
@bucksbackwardcap for your gorgeous artwork and also sending me asks in ask games
@daffi-990 for being such a friendly and kind mutual and being so supportive of me and my writing :)
@buckaroosheart @wikiangela @exhuastedpigeon @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @liabegins @eightpackdiaz @malewifediaz @aroeddiediaz @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @cm1031sr @weewootruck @butraura @bucksbirthmark @elgascreamslikehell
@911hiatus and @epicbuddieficrecs for reblogging a couple of my fanfics thank you so much 🥹
Anyone who left me a note on my little Christmas tree, All My followers, everyone who has interacted with my posts and anyone else I forgot to mention (if I forgot you please just let me know and I will add you :) )
Anyone else you want to mention:
Special shout-out to the lovely @ronordmann for not only making me such beautiful covers but also being so patient and kind with me as I navigate being a fanfic writer and requesting things. Your work is phenomenal and I want to thank you again for taking the time to make me such gorgeous covers and for being patient and kind with me too as we discussed ideas for requests 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I wanted to thank @monsterrae1 for always being so supportive of my writing and navigating tumblr. And I wanted to give you a special shout-out because I really treasured our conversation about día de Los muertos. I learned so much and it was so cool. I am so grateful to be able to call you my friend 💕💕
@harringrove-cafe: I want to give you a special shoutout! Your idea is so so cute and spreads so much positivity. I appreciate all of the effort you put into running the cafe and it really makes me smile and always brightens my day. You really have thought of everything for it from the volunteering to the themed days. It must take a lot of work to do all of that and I want to personally express my gratitude for all the effort you put into it. You are seen by me :) I am so glad I found the cafe. It is so special and wholesome 💕💕💕💕💕
5 of Your Favorite Authors This Year:
@thewolvesof1998 all of their fics are good but I love their Morse code fic in particular and their dog tags fics as well
@jesuisici33 I am so excited for her heart fic
@theotherbuckley the way she writes Buck heals my soul ❤️
@aroeddiediaz I am super excited for her Martian AU!
@chaoticgremlinwholikescheese for your fanfic the bridge
5 9 of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year:
@lover-of-mine for all of your beautiful gifsets and edits
@housewifebuck for all of your beautiful gifsets and edits and your art too!
@gloomy-prince for your trans Eddie AU I love it so much
@try-set-me-on-fire your fanart is always so lovely
@ronordmann for your beautiful covers!
@loserboygator for all of your cool edits
@ashleyloob I love your OC art!
@bucksbackwardcap I love your art it is so beautiful
@harringrove-cafe for all of your fanart and work you put into running the harringrove cafe!
3 things you’re looking forward to in 2024
Finishing my fanfic there may not be meaning (so find one and seize it) snippets here!
911 season 7
Taking the new year as a fresh start :)
Everyone mentioned in the post and anyone else who wants to play :)
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creepswrites · 1 year
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‣ The following themes are PROHIBITED: racism, homophobia, transphobia, inc*st, ped*philia, illegal age gaps, extreme/harmful fetishes and kinks, r*pe, self-h*rm, suic*de, & extremely graphic abuse/depictions of abuse.
‣ Topics such as mental illness, violent scenes, and mention/depiction of abuse may pop up on occasion and will be properly tagged. While violent scenes may occur, I try to avoid topics I know to be upsetting to read as well as topics I myself find upsetting.
‣ I will NOT write smut with underage muses of mine, even if the reader is the same age.
‣ I will write for AMAB, AFAB, TRANS, and GN READERS! If you have specific pronouns for your reader request, make sure to state those! I always default to gender neutral reader unless otherwise specified :)
‣ Please do NOT repost my writing anywhere! Ask to translate, do not unless I have given explicit permission for you to do so.
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‣ Common themes I write for include but are not limited to:
fluff / slice of life
angst / darker themes
nsfw / smut
multi-chapter stories
‣ I do write reader x canon OR canon x canon, so long as it does not violate any of my restrictions! I can be picky about what canon x canon pairing I write for though, it has to speak to me.
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‣ I reserve the right to deny any request for any reason.
‣ Do not spam/pressure me to write! I write for what inspires me in the moment. Requests will be completed when I have the time.
‣ Requests sent when they're closed will be discarded!
‣ Headcanons : Five character max, one character min. If the headcanon prompt is specific enough, it can be combined with a small drabble! These vary in length/detail. Unless characters for headcanons are specified, I'll likely write as many/as few as I feel inspired for! Usually within the same fandom/theme, so long as they fit the prompt given!
‣ 1-3k Oneshot : These vary in length & detail depending on the material provided. If requesting, please specify, otherwise I default to headcanons. These can take me longer than headcanons so I take requests for them more sparingly.
‣ 4k+ Oneshot : Meant for more specific scenarios with lots of ideas & content involved! I rarely do these unless I'm particularly inspired by the prompt given. Usually, 4k+ is reserved for long-term story chapters.
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‣ Michael Myers : Halloween (1987, RZ, & 2018/Kills)
‣ Jason Voorhees : Friday the 13th
‣ Bubba Sawyer & Thomas Hewitt : The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
‣ Brahms Heelshire : The Boy (2016)
‣ Billy Lenz : Black Christmas (1974)
‣ Vincent Sinclar, Bo Sinclair, & Lester Sinclair : House of Wax (2005)
‣ Stu Macher & Billy Loomis : Scream
‣ Leslie Vernon : Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
‣ Pyramid Head : Silent Hill
‣ Carrie White : Carrie
‣ Danny Johnson, Anna, & Amanda Young : Dead by Daylight ‣ You may ask me to try any DBD character though!
‣ Corey Cunningham : Halloween Ends (sparingly)
‣ Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers : Stranger Things (sparingly)
‣ Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom : IT (1990, 2017 & 2019) (sparingly)
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rat-typewriter · 1 year
hi! i hole you’re doing good! when you get the chance can you do high school aged baseball player bill de brought x fem reader who plays softball headcannons? thank you!
Notes: Girlie im so sorry this has been in my inbox for like a year,,, but better late than never right???? also im not american so i have no clue what a softball is so this is based off of ten minutes on wikipedia
BaseballPlayer!Bill Denbrough with a SoftballPlayer!S/O
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alrighty,,, so first off your school only has one pitch - so Bill first sees you while getting ready for practice and your team is finishing up training
Honestly he spots you straight away - not necessarily because you're any better than the rest of the girls, but because of how you cheer your teammates on any time they make a good hit
He finds it so endearing, seeing someone so openly kind and genuinely excited for their friends
Not to mention he thinks you're probably the prettiest girl hes ever seen but whatever
But he's s u p e r awkward so wouldn't actually work up the courage to talk to you for a couple of months
it's late afternoon in May; he's waiting with his team for practice and your team is finishing up again
you manage to hit the ball into the chainlink fence and it jams into one of the gaps
now,,, your team has a strict "whoever touched the ball last has to go find it" policy (which has left you digging through bushes of brambles on many occasions) so there you were, half on tip-toe and half straight up CLIMBING the fence to try and reach the stupid ball
you could hear your friends laughing across the pitch and (although you loved them to pieces) you definitely shot them a few death glares
One time you turn and stick your toungue out at them, playfully shouting for them to fuck off
and when you turn back, you nearly jump out of your skin
lo and behold on the other side of the fence is the CUTEST boy you've ever seen, reaching up and pushing the ball back through
and when he looks at you with those blue eyes
let's just say you don't catch the ball when he knocks it out
you stare at him and you can feel blood rushing to your face
internally you're screaming at yourself to stop gawking at him like a weirdo and SAY SOMETHING
if the fence wasn't between the two of you, the space between you would have been too small to be socially acceptable
honestly you're both so awkward you probably would have just stood there forever, but sooner or later his team would notice him with a girl
"Shit, Bill's got game!"
the entire group of boys suddenly broke out into laughs, jeers and whistles
needless to say Bill was mortified
mind you,,, your friends were no better
every time you saw him after that, they would all start giggling and nudging you like maniacs
don't get me wrong, you love your friends to pieces,,,, but you could have killed them all
you occasionally bumped into Bill a few times after that: around school, sometimes in town - but your first proper conversation was while sitting on the grass outside school
Your team was practicing, but you were in trouble with the coach for flunking a maths exam - so she was making you sit out to study for this session
you stared at you maths textbook - lets be real, not really thinking about anything - when he came over
"M-maths, huh?" he asked, craning his neck to read your notebook
"Yeah," you smiled. "Gotta say though, it's just not adding up."
why in the world did you say that
worst joke ever (not me slandering a joke i literally just wrote down smh)
But it was the first time you had managed to make him properly laugh
he grinned and your soul more-or-less left your body
you chatted for a while after that, him helping with a few questions
but mostly just messing around and laughing
it was only when your coach shouted to you that practice had ended twenty-five minutes ago that you suddenly snapped back to reality
"Oh shit," you gasped, stumbling to your feet; shoving the book into your bag. "I gotta get home"
He stood with you, helping to pick up your pens and papers
"Sorry!" he smiled sheepishly (oh god that smile) "I didn't mean to make you late."
"It's not your fault." you grinned
Suddenly you realised, didn't he have practice now? the baseball team always came on after softball ended
you asked him where his team were and his face suddenly reddened and he admitted that there was no baseball practice that day
"Oh I get it," you teased. "You came all the way out here just for me?"
he didn't reply, instead laughing and looking away
"wait, seriously?"
he swallowed and grinnef again. "m-maybe."
"Well," You paused. "We should do this again some time."
And that is how you got your first date with Bill denbrough
((You went cycling))
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edenl0vesu · 2 years
Prompt: You ask Bill to put his cigarette out on you
Warnings: suggestive (??), mentions of hair pulling/choking but it doesnt happen, obviously this is around putting a cigarette out on a human
Pairings: Bill Denbrough x reader (AGED UP)
“W-what the fuck no im not gonna put my c-c-cigarette out on you.” Bill protests not wanting to hurt you. Despite the fact "your request sent all his blood feeding to his cock. “Please bill.. i want it please” you beg him lifting skirt up and point to where you want him to put it out. “It’ll burn you” he speaks carefully, he knows you like the pain and he loves inflecting it but this is more than just choking or some hair pulling. This is extreme compared to what you’ve done together he doesn’t wanna hurt you to bad. “Please i want it to hurt” you continue to beg him. “Fine” he sighs giving in, taking one more long drag from the cigarette. He grips your thigh gently and pulls it up on his lap, he presses the cigarette into your skin. You hiss out in pain and he looks up at you looking any sign of the pain being to much, but what he saw made him immediately regret not doing it sooner, your face was full of pleasure, tears in the corner of your eyes. He pulls the cigarette away from your skin before flicking it into the ashtray by his bed. “Bill..” you mumble as he moved your thigh and leans down to your thigh before kissing the burn, then slowly kissing around it. Your hands make their way to his hair and tug gently. “Thank you” you pant out as he moves back up and kisses you gently holding the nape of your neck. “Anything for you doll” he smiles into your lips and kisses you again.
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