#bish he's a virgin
checkitoutmikey · 1 year
Y/N: so.. what’s your body count?
Marko: lost track around 2000
Y/N: You’ve slept with 2000 people?!??
Marko: ….
Marko: Slept with??
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michifstar2 · 4 months
Am I the only one who hates this red horned virgin wh0re from Hazbin Hotel? aka "Alastor" 🙄😒
As if... in Pilot he was still quite ok..
but now I see what a terrible character he is..
and I don't understand why others still admire him so much
The only arguments they have are:
"Omg he so hot... 🥺"
... like.. bish.. no? 🤣
idk.. if you hate him as much as I do, like or reblog this.. I want made "Alastor hateclub" 😂
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aratilightwood · 1 year
No because in the history of all the complicated relationships CC incorporated in her books, I’ve never read anything more messy than the MatthewxCordeliaxJamesxGrace love triangle square fiasco.
I know Cordelia was feeling dejected upon watching the man she loves ‘being in love’ with someone else. But a moment of silence for Matthew here. Because this bish really ran away with his parabatai’s wife, to the most romantic city in the world and nearly took her virginity. Only for the scene to go like:
She put her hand out and took Matthew’s, curling her fingers around his. He was ice-cold, but he said, cordially enough, “James. I didn’t think to see you here.”
“No,” James said. His voice was even, his face expressionless, but he was white as chalk. His skin looked as if it had been stretched too tightly over his bones. “Clearly not. I had not thought—” He shook his head. “That I would be interrupting anything.”
Chain of Thorns; Chapter 7: Bitter Fruit
James, darling, how can you fain being calm in a situation like this?
TLH Shadowhunters really are something.
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11queensupreme11 · 9 months
hi! ive had some hilarious thoughts about arsenic blues, its living in my mind 24/7 i cannot.. i love it so much already
so im having discussions with myself about it, this is my latest plot lol this is quite loongg
my latest headcannon and imagination:the ror three brothers ehem sleeping 'arrangements' vary differently, esp since apparently mortals arent included on their menu. before zeus became the old man that he is (about at least 100,000 years ago in my head) probably sleep around not as frequently as whore zeus in pjo and myths, and our ror fave version actually mostly has safe sex, would you look at that pjo/myth zeus take notes. besides the quintessential gods/goddesses he had from goddesses nymphs titans etc he has no other kids.
poseidons so funny to me because hes very late in his awakening lmao (500,000 years ago in my estimate, the goddesses and nymphs have been waiting for a billion years for him to notice them and even then all he does is a side glance lol) its a slow buildup of horniness, dude almost has no emotions, his capability to be horny must be stunted too lol hes like what is this stirring below my body, so annoying but well gotta take care of it, his partners are so happy to be chosen even if hes a stiff ass bitch in bed who only takes what he needs blegh, makes sure to not give them even a drop of his ehem, not in the mouth or anywhere else because duh no children, and these immortals could have a trick to get impregnated through the mouth or something lol. better be safe. and then percy says hi lmao. anyways, the goddesses asks when the next time is, preparing to be told he wants them again next week, and hes like 'what next time?'.. and then its between a thousand years to a couple thousand more before the next session again lmao.. and sooo, when its only been a few centuries and hes felt the stirring of his loins lol  because of percy, mf is confused. 'i could usually go on without it for 20,000 years but my daughter's making me so horny oh no' dudes proud hes not a whore, hes perfect he says
and hades is just a chad virgin, idk what else to say. let him be the elegant god that he is. probably finds doing it disrespectful to the prospective partner, to himself.. and to his brothers lmao 'oh no i must lead an example for my brothers, let me look at the list of my brothers' partners just to check theyre not sleeping with the wrong sorts, im talking to you zeus even if you dont really listen'..
if persephone isnt in ror, which i dont think she is (hades is too obsessed with his brothers to bother with her anyway), i think poseidon hades and apollos named attacks and weapon based on diff goddesses is more like a reference by the mangaka lmao theyre like yeah sorry we're not showing those goddesses, but here they are as a battle move. because really? poseidon naming an attack medusa alope demeter because he slept with them is unlikely, he'd probably be beyond disgusted this bish bigtitty man ugh, also some of them are humans i think. besides his bros this ass probably forgets all the 'filths' names.
i hoped we got a little more worldbuilding in the manga, its hard to put the pieces of the events together since we dont really know which to discard from the myths to make sense of the ror canon. so im grasping at straws weaving ror canon and my arsenic blues headcannons lol.. dont get me started on the ragnarok fights, i have a lot of problems with them. the stab stab stab of poseidon and hades makes me want to bang my head against the table. you have the king of the seas and king of the underworld and make all their attacks stab hard and stab harder, its a waste to me. i saw youre planning to change parts of the ror fights, and i hope the fights itself and their attacks would be changed for the better. i love your writing so much, i have no doubts you can do it justice.
sorry, tangent lmao so yeah, hades probably /spoiler/ a virgin. but percy will change that, right? ehe
i want your thoughts on this pleasee lmao i have a lot more but this is the only one i had the patience to write down because horknee lol feel free to tell your arsenic blues canon if you want please im worldbuilding your story in my head already lol im so excited for it, tsunami has taken a backseat for me im sorryyy but im loving both nonetheless
im sorry to say that hades.... is NOT a virgin in my fic 😔 he is very much a chad, but he's a chad with 💦experience💦
i answered an older ask about whether or not persephone's gonna be married to him, so if you REALLY wanna know then you can go check through the arsenic blues tags to go find it. there's not many posts yet so you should find it fairly easily
but the thing you pointed out about poseidon's sex life is so funny to me. imagine being a deity and being SOOOO horny on main for this one sexy ass god and when he finally has sex with you, he's so repulsed at the idea of you carrying his baby that he does the literal most to make sure you never get pregnant. then fast-forward several eons later, and you find out that only did he somehow sire a daughter with a MAGICAL GATE, but he's also HORNY for that daughter too AND he wants to get her pregggers with his kid 😭😭😭😭😭😭
like that is just WILD 💀
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lulu-services · 2 years
Imagine coming out as Lesbian to the Loser's club and Bev likes you. But Henry and his gang with Greta and her goons over hears you.
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Warnings:Richie himself is a warning Bowers gang swearing the f word used once (from Henry but get revenge lol) Greta, angst
You and the loser's had spent the day at the quarry and they were about to go stay at Richie's house for dinner as you rode on your bikes you thought it would be the perfect moment to tell them how you were Lesbian.
"Hey....guys? Can I tell you something?"You asked as you bit your bottom lip your cherry Chapstick landed on your teeth."Of course anything!" Bev smiled her bike pulled up on the curve of Richie's house. "If it's that your a virgin I know." Richie said making Eddie scrunch his face up in disgust."I'm well, into girls." You said looking down "Glad we feel the same." Mike says going to shake your hand you laugh shaking his hand.You and Bev had been friends with benefits for 2 years now you two decided to become a thing last year at the start of winter. But only decided to tell the loser's now Bev and you just weren't comfortable with telling anyone "And to add, me and Bev are kinda a thing." You grinned but no one looked really shocked seeming as Bev came out a bi three months ago they must of known something had been going on between you two "we know, the way you two look at each other..I just wish Eddie would look at me like that.." Huffed Richie Eddie playfully punch him on the arm. Bill and Stan just looked at eachother they didn't really care Ben tapped your shoulder "Bowers....and Keene?" Ben looked dumbfounded.
Ben rn:⊙_◎
You saw Patrick hocksetter, With a shit eating grin glued on his face you see Patrick was Richie's neighbor hocksetter tried to cop a feel for you a few times. Then Victor Criss (Rich bish) He tried to cop a feel for Beverly tho. Even though he was in a relationship with Lorrie Williams one of Gretta's goons. "So, there's two fags in this shitty town now god not suprise!" Henry laughed as he draped an arm over Greta's shoulder.
"Shut it Bowers" said Bev anger never left her face. Henry Pushed her to the ground "Wanna say that again gay kid?!"
You walked up to Bowers and punched him straightb in the nose blood dripped from his nose Patrick backed away (he hates blood) "WHAT THE FUCK L/N!?" Greta says checking on Henry "FUCK OFF SLUT I'll deal with it!" Henry leaves with the gang to scared to go back and fight you.(cause everyone knows you could throw hands) Only Gretta and her gang were left Greta, Lorrie Williams, Samantha Dover, Maxine Lee and Janice Morgan. "Scram." You said as to which they did You and the loser's felt proud of yourselves for not running off and for once you and Bev could hold hands in peace without judgement.
and what is better is that Richie's mom cooks amazing lasagna.
Thanks you for reading.
Love Lena <3
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elliebear666 · 5 months
Me, pretending not to be jealous about card shop cutie's potential romantic interest: 🤷‍♀️ Whatever. I would have made a good gf. I just hope he's happy and she treats him right. Guess I'll have to find a different boi to take my virginity.
This is facetiously hyperbolic and not to be taken seriously.
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Do you think you could write a smut between reader and jason grace, where jason is a virgin and the reader isn’t?
pairing: jason grace x fem!reader
warnings: smut → soft!jason, virgin!jason.
a/n: I don't know that much about jason so i hope this is okay🥺✨
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
smut night masterlist
aww so Jason would be so fucking soft and he’d make you feel so special the entire time
poor baby would be so nervous too and it would show
like his hands would be sweaty and he'd be almost shaking bc he's that nervous
his thrusts would be slow and steady, both of you not wanting to rush anything, and just wanting to enjoy the intimate moment that’s being shared
bby boy would probably lose it too if you moaned his name
like you already have this effect on him and just moaning his name makes him go nuts omgg
I kind of feel like he would have no idea what he's doing though
and you'd reassure him that that's completely okay!!
ahh omg you teaching him how to eat you out / how to finger you
i feel like jason would be a titty guy? i can't explain it
but bish when your bra comes off, his hands go straight to your titties and he's pretty much like :o
ahhh omg he would so lose when you kiss his neck though omg
all in all jason's a softie and would be super cute during sex (i won't be taking criticism at this time 😚)
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Caged Bird
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Summary: “I should let him go right?” 
Author’s note: Finally back with another chapter, this one was a bit harder for me than the other chapters because writer’s block was a bish and I kept second guessing myself. I erased so many things and I don’t know if I am even proud of this anymore or if it’s any good LOL but I spent all day writing it so I guess I should post it. I’m not losing motivation but life was beating on my door and I feel like this wasn’t as fleshed out as I wanted it to be but I don’t have the time to flesh it out more and I really didn’t want to go another week without writing, it makes me anxious to leave them unattended for so long.  So if you like anything about this let a girl now. 
“You told him?” Sujin glances over at Su-ah from her place on her bed, her phone idle on the bed, she’s trying not to text a certain someone too much but that is proving easier said then done with him messaging her without any discretion or care about appearances. 
Jukyeong looks knowingly at her phone with a soft smile and she hides the small square too embarrassed even though they hadn’t been talking about anything inappropriate, he was teasing her that she wore his sweaters more than he did these days and asking her if she wanted to go shopping with him so she could pick out exactly which sweater she wanted to steal borrow. She rolls her eyes at the dramatic message, she didn’t take that many of his sweaters, he was just overexaggerating as he was wont to do. She folds the sleeve of her borrowed(thank you very much) sweater over her hands and pointedly avoids looking at the vibrating device. 
She has self control. 
But a second vibration makes her flaunter for a minute, wondering if he’s saying something important he hardly ever double texts these days. She reaches for the phone gasping when it’s suddenly snatched out of her reach. 
“Hey-!” her voice trails off bashfully at the glower on Su-ah’s pretty face, that’s her take no shit face, damn. She sits up straighter giving the girl all her attention lest she become more agitated and try to read the messages, that would be too unsettling. They had both already commented on her recent oversized sweaters, coyly trying to get her to admit to who they truly belonged to. She ignored their teasing and jut her nose in the air each time, they already knew and she refused to give them the satisfaction of saying it out loud. 
“Focus on us for one minute. Your boyfriend can wait.” Su-ah states firmly putting her phone on the small desk behind her and she sputters at the comment, red hot flush barreling down her entire body like a wildfire. 
“He’s not my boyfriend!” She denies vehemently, cheeks burning hotter from the nonplussed looks she receives from her two closest friends, Su-ah looks utterly unimpressed and Jukyeong can barely contain the smile spreading on her full lips, she opens her mouth to argue harder needing to smother the jolt of pure bliss that surfaced in her belly at the other girl’s bold proclamation but the words get firmly lodged in her throat. 
His hands tightly wound around hers, his thumb gently caressing the rough skin of her scarred knuckles. The way she didn’t want to pull away or hide from him, he was looking at her, truly seeing her and instead of fear something warmer spread through her veins. 
Those lips on her forehead, the softest sweetest kiss she had ever received in her life. Nobody had ever held her like she was something precious before but that was how he pressed her to his wide chest, her head nuzzled into his fragrant neck as she drowned in his intoxicating scent nervous to breathe him in too much lest she get lost in his spell. 
The deep rumble of his voice as he called her “baby”, she had always rolled her eyes hearing couples use such supercilious nicknames with each other, what was the point? Why did being in a couple have to mean that you lost your name and essentially a piece of your identity? It was stupid and childish and she wanted nothing to do with such a transgression, or so she had believed. 
Until the moment he called her princess. 
What started out as a tease had transformed into something bigger than she had ever expected, she hated it or so she told herself. But when he called her Sujin in the park she felt like a part of her was missing, she wasn’t just Sujin to him anymore. In that moment she had a grand realization she wasn’t losing herself like she had initially thought but rather gaining another layer, she would always be Sujin and that was enough but she could also be his princess, his baby.  
When had she turned into such a sap? This was all his fault. 
“Hello? Sujin? Are you even listening to me? Hey! Are you seriously fantasizing about your boyfriend right now?” She jumps at Su-ah’s loud voice, slapping a frantic hand over her mouth and looking around as if people will materialize out of thin air. 
“Can you stop saying that word, Suho might hear you!” She stage whispers and Su-ah raises a thin eyebrow at her shoving her hand away. 
“Why are you so red? Did something happen between you two, you can’t hide anything from us! What happened to “we’re just friends”? She blushes redder at Su-ah’s quotation marks and Jukyeong leans forward excitedly, “Have things changed? Did you tell him how you feel? Oh my god, did you guys...kiss?!”
Su-ah stills at Jukyeong’s question before vibrating violently in her seat and grabbing her shoulders shaking her back and forth, “Sujin did you lose your lip virginity? Did you let him deflower you?!” 
Sitting stunned and wide eyed, she stares at her friends expectant faces wondering how the conversation became derailed so quickly? She had invited them both over to explain the Baekyung situation and her conversation with Suho’s father but somehow Seojun had become the star of the night. 
“Are you crazy why would you call it that?” She immediately realizes her mistake when both girls turn to look at each other and simultaneously shriek, “She didn’t deny it!,” and she watches in horror as they jump up and starting dancing around the room, then she groans and tugs the hood of the sweater over her head pulling the drawstrings so she is cocooned in the fabric as they start singing off key, “Sujin kissed Seojun! Sujin kissed Seojun!” 
Instinctively she grabs a fluffy pillow and flings it across the room in a perfect arch before it lands with a soft thud on Jukyeong’s head, time stops as they all stare at each other and then it’s a flurry as the girl picks up the pillow launching it back and that is how Sujin gets involved in her first ever pillow fight. There are pillows flying every which way and Su-ah and Jukyeong gang up on her, shoving her into the bed and playfully smacking her on her stomach and back as she curls up in a ball body shaking from her laughter. 
“Tell us everything and we’ll stop hitting you.” Su-ah promises and she shakes her head in refusal, seconds later she feels a grazing on her sides and she knows what’s coming so she tries to draw away but her means of escape are thwarted by Jukyeong grabbing her by the shoulders and pressing her harder into the bed. 
“Su-ah please don’t. This is evil, I thought we were friends.” She pleads staring up at both with beguiling eyes and for a minute she thinks her puppy eyes have succeeded as both release her, but then she feels a barrage of hands on her side and laughter is forcefully pulled from her body as she twitches in a fit, twisting and turning from the hands but to no avail. She feels tears pooling in her eyes from the sensation and this is how Suho finds them, tangled up and breathless from laughter and he stares at them in shock. 
“When you guys are done...doing this can you please respond to Seojun? He thinks you suddenly got into an accident or got kidnapped because you stopped responding to him.” 
Su-ah turns to her with a look of triumph on her mischievous face, “That sounds like boyfriend behavior to me.” 
Suho doesn’t reply except for a twitch in his lip before he slides the door closed behind him, giving them privacy again. 
She tries not to rush to her phone but her eyes find their eye over to the device all the way across the room, maybe if she runs really quickly she can make it past the two girls and lock herself in the bathroom? 
“I know that look. Whatever crazy plot you’re cooking up is unnecessary, you can have your phone back. I know you two hate to be apart,” Su-ah teases leaning over and then handing her the phone, she stares at it worried that accepting it will be admittance to Su-ah’s claims she hesitates to take it. 
Su-ah takes the choice away from her when she places the phone in her outreached hands, “Don’t keep him waiting.” She holds the phone flat in her palms looking up at both her friends, they have identical smiles on their faces and warmth blossoms in her belly. 
She’s happy, this is what happiness feels like. 
But she’s also overwhelming nervous, she has never done this before, never had someone who made her feel this way. Was it supposed to be this terrifying? Putting the phone down resolutely she turns to her best friends needing their advice. 
“I have no idea what I’m doing.” She admits, feeling small and more than a little bit lost. Instantly she is squished in the middle as they both come to sit by her sandwiching her in between them, twin arms thrown over her shoulders. 
“We know you’re scared but he likes you, everyone can see that. When you’re in a room together it’s like he doesn’t see anyone else, you are always his focal point.” Jukyeong whispers softly placing her head on her shoulder and she wants to deny that but too many images flash in her mind of him doing just that, him dropping everything and racing to her even in the beginning when she had been a mess and constantly pushed him away. Intimate moments at lunch where his eyes hardly leave her as he ardently watches her eat the food that he had prepared just for her, despite countless girls watching him and squealing his name in the distance. 
Everyone had eyes for him, but he only had eyes for....her. 
“What if all of this becomes too much for him and he wants someone normal? Someone who doesn’t have all my baggage? Being with me must get exhausting.” She’s still talking about Seojun but a small piece of her is also directing this statement to them, was being her friend as exhausting? Did they ever consider just abandoning her and finding someone who didn’t have such tiresome issues? 
“You still don’t understand do you?” 
She turns towards Su-ah who blinks wet eyes at her and suddenly her eyes feel moist too. 
“Understand what?” 
“How much you mean to us. All of us. Nobody could ever replace you, we don’t care about your baggage, we want to help you carry it all.” 
She blinks and stares straight ahead, scared of breaking apart. 
Is that how Seojun felt too? Was she worth the trouble to him too? 
When had her life ever been so simple?
They all jump when her phone vibrates again and this time she doesn’t hesitate immediately picking it up, expecting to see another message from the boy in question but instead a new number appears. She stares blankly at first before suddenly recognizing the number. 
“Who’s that?” Su-ah questions, staring at her phone with pursed lips and she swipes the message open. 
Dinner tonight? 
It feels strange to see that message beneath Seojun’s and she finds herself closing it without responding and opening Seojun’s plethora of messages instead. 
I was just joking you can steal all my sweaters. 
Are you still there?
Can you answer me so I know you’re alive? 
He is so dramatic, she doesn’t message him for ten minutes and he’s already thinking the worst but then she remembers all the times he has found her helpless and trembling in the rain and his fear makes more sense. Smiling in understanding she finally replies, I’m okay you worrywart. Su-ah and Jukyeong are here, I got distracted. 
ignoring social norm he responds to her immediately not the least bit concerned with appearing too invested. 
Don’t scare me like that. I was about to come over. 
“Sujin are you sure Seojun is okay with you going on dates with Baekyung, that’s who text you right?” Her head snaps up at the question, she bites her lip in consideration. 
“He said he understood. He knows I’m only doing it to help him. But tonight is the last time.” 
She shouldn’t be concerning herself with anyone else’s problems, hers were enough on their own. But she couldn’t help it, the other boy was going through the same ordeal as her and she saw herself in his cold numb eyes, he was existing instead of living. She knew what that felt like. She understood him all too well. 
“Why does he need your help?” Jukyeong asks innocently and she stills before shaking her head, “It’s not my story to tell.” 
They don’t ask anymore questions and she’s grateful for that. 
She has to get ready for her date, she can’t help but wish it was with someone else. She doesn’t even want to call it a date, now that she has someone that she wants to do this all with. 
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She looks beautiful, she always does and he wonders if he might have genuinely liked her if they met under different circumstances? He had never learned what it meant to care for someone, too busy trying to survive but she understood him, they had so much in common. He didn’t like her-his heart wasn’t capable of such emotions he was convinced- but he felt a certain kinship that he’d never felt before with anyone else, maybe they were meant to met each other. 
Could she be his destiny? 
“I need to talk to you.” He stares at her across the table looking effortlessly elegant and he takes a sip of his water, something akin to dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. 
“Talk then,” he answers gruffier than he intended but he can see the apology on her face and his vicious side is making an appearance in anticipation of whatever she wants to say to him. She stares at him for a long time and he wonders if she is second guessing or simply searching for the right words, annoyance surges in the wake of her hesitation he is not some child who needs sugared words or placation. “Just say it already,” he says snarkily and her eyes harden at his harsh tone, that’s more like it he hates to be pitied. 
“This is our last...gathering. I can’t help you anymore. I am doing something about my situation and I think you should too.” 
Rage builds up in his veins until he can see nothing but red, he thought he finally found someone who understood but here she was judging him and already abandoning him and all for what, some pretty boy idiot who would never understand what it meant to struggle? They were two sides of the same coin and nobody could ever truly love them, how could she not see that? At birth they had been deemed unlovable by their own parents and there was no way to undo that fate, it was best to just accept the hand they had been dealt. 
“Do you think he really likes you?” He asks meanly sneering at her with a curled lip, this reminds him too much of Dan-oh, of that stinging rejection and the way she wanted nothing to do with him- too lost in her fucking precious Haru-ah and he can’t stop the vicious words that are falling from his mouth, “You’re just a charity case to him. Like a sick puppy he found outside, he doesn’t like you he just feels sorry for you. It’s pathethic.” 
The words land exactly how he intended. 
She looks angry but that fades to consternation and then doubt builds in her eyes and he knows he was successful, he has planted a seed of doubt in her mind and that will only manifest bigger and bigger until she cracks under the pressure.  
“You’re wrong.” She states but she doesn’t sound certain, he can hear the question at the end and he smiles mentally. He almost feels bad but then the image of the other boy smiling with his perfect family flashes in his mind and any guilt he feels melts away. Why should he have it all when he, Baekyung had nothing? 
“I’m not. You’re just a phase for him, he probably think he’s being nice pretending to like you. I’ve seen all those girls around him, why would he want someone whose weak broken and whose parents don't even want her? Don’t be naïve, it’s beneath you Sujin. People like us need to know our place.” 
He stifles the little voice in the back of his mind that questions why he’s pushing away someone who only wants to be free, why did she get to escape the prison that they both had been locked in for so many years? Why couldn’t she just accept that they didn’t deserve anyone else and just be with him? Why was he always the last possible choice? 
She doesn’t say another word, opening her wallet and throwing down enough money to cover the meal that hasn’t even been brought out yet. The cold look she shoots his way stops him from saying anything, he can see the hurt in her eyes and it’s twisted but he feels a tinge of satisfaction at her expression. 
He watches her walk away feeling no better than his father, when had he become such a monster and why didn’t it scare him more? 
What did that say about him? 
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The sound of the doorbell echoes through the spacious house and she wonders if it’s Sujin, and that mere possibility is enough to make her race to the door before her husband can make his way from his seclusion in his study. Most day he didn’t even bother coming out and when he did he didn’t even acknowledge her, it was heaven but it also left her guarded waiting from him to explode and hit her. It was like living in a landmine, she walked lightly as to not be heard. 
The face on the other side of the door completely shocks her. 
Lee Joo-Hun stands there, looking determined and she stares blankly at him. It has been months since their families have shared a meal together, she saw his visible discomfort every time her husband would berate her or Sujin. Many people showed discomfort but few did anything to help them, it was human nature after all. 
Better you than me. 
She forces a brittle smile to form on her face. Playing the role of happy wife easily, its a role she has been cultivating for years. 
“Oh. I didn’t know you had plans with my husband today. Come on in.” She notices that there is a certain unexplained tension in his shoulders but after only a moment’s pause he nods before stepping over the threshold, slipping off his expensive loafers and not bothering to put on the slippers they have placed for guest. Maybe he doesn’t plan to stay for long. 
“I’ll go get him,” she says softly wanting to do nothing of the sort, she has not been on his radar as of late and she had every intention to keep things that way but she can’t show this to their guest. Her husband would be livid if she did anything to harm his relationship with someone he saw as a beneficial business partner. She’s unprepared for the hand that stops her, tight around her wrist she has to force herself not to flinch at the sudden touch. 
When she looks back, his eyes are wide and they penetrate through her and she snatches her hand back a fear rippling through her at his stare, he’s looking right through her like she’s made of glass. 
“Sorry,” he apologizes and she smiles nervously waving him off, “I was just surprised you didn’t do anything wrong.” But he’s peering at her like he knows everything racing through her mind and she has to glance away, it’s all a bit too much and suddenly the study door opens and all the air is siphoned from the room as her husband exits the room, his face changing quickly when he notices that they have a guest, she knows that the rage that first appeared will make return once they are alone again. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that we had a guest?” The inquiry is said innocuously enough, he has long mastered repressing his rage in front of others but she can see the anger in his brows. 
Before she can answer, Joo-hun stands between them blocking her completely from her husband’s gaze. 
“Let’s talk.” Her husband raises a brow at the commanding tone and she can read him as easily as a book, he’s furious at being spoken to in such a tone but the other man doesn’t give him an opportunity to disobey because he’s already walking into the study. Her husband glares at her as if she is to blame before disappearing into the room and shutting the door in her face. 
Without a conscious thought she presses her ear against the door but the wood is solid and she can barely hear anything and she leans back about to admit defeat but then the voices raise becoming progressively louder and she hears her husband shout, tone bristling with fury, “How dare you threaten me in my own home!” and the loud booming voice of Joo-hun rings out, “You disgust me and I will do everything imaginable to make sure you end up where you belong.”
The temperature drops at those chilling words and she takes a step back at the sound of movement behind the door, once again coming face to face with the man.
His expression softens when he sees her but she can still see a glint of hardness beneath the surface. He had expressive eyes, they were part of the reason he had been such a celebrated actor. 
He knows. 
She’s certain now, he knows what a monster she is. 
If her husband deserves to suffer then so does she for everything she has done to her poor little girl, she was just as culpable if not more. If only she hadn’t been a coward and left when he first started hitting her, if only she had gone through with the abortion. She had selfishly brought a child into this world knowing that their life would be hell just like hers because she was scared to be alone. She wasn’t a mother, she wasn’t even fit to be called a human at this point and the look he gives her makes her feel like scum on the bottom of his shoe. 
“I’m leaving.” He announces walking back over to his shoes, and she had been right he wasn’t planning on staying long. 
A loud bang suddenly fills the empty void, her husbands scream are not too far behind as he flings books and whatever he can get his hands on into the walls. 
She knows what fate awaits her tonight. 
This is her punishment and it’s exactly what a stain like her deserves. 
She stares absently at the ground, the sound of the door knob turning reaching her ears and she knows that she’s going to be alone again. The door opens and she sighs, waiting to hear the door close knowing that in seconds she will be a whimpering mess on the ground. 
But the sound never comes, and she looks up to see what’s stopping him and his eyes are still hard but not as sharp. 
“Come with me.” 
She hears the word but the sentence does not compute and it takes a moment for her to process what he just said, her mind tells her that surely she heard him wrong. There’s no way he said what she thought he said. 
But then he reaches out a hand and she stares at his palm. 
“Why would you want to help me? I’m not a victim. I knew what he was doing, I knew everything and I did nothing. I am just as bad as him. She hates me too. I didn’t protect her.” 
It’s the truth, she lost the right of calling herself a victim as she watched her husband step on her seven year old daughter and her first thought was thank goodness it’s not me. That was the day the light left Sujin’s eyes but hope didn’t fade completely not yet, but each time her father hit her those huge eyes would look her way and each time her heart constricted but helplessness stopped her from acting. It took years but all that youthful hope was extinguished and she never heard that word again, “mother” it seemed fitting since she had never been a mother to the girl. 
“I don’t understand why you did what you did. But it’s not my place to judge, despite what you think you are a victim and I am done turning a blind eye. Staying here won’t help Sujin, she needs her mother.” 
Sujin needs her? That sounds laughable but then a distant conversation resurfaces in her memory and she feels frustrated tears welling in her eyes. 
“What does it mean to be a mother? I can’t answer that question for you but the fact that you’re asking that means you want to try, so do that. Try your best and apologize when you’re wrong. That’s all mothers can do.” 
The woman looked so fragile laying in the hospital bed but the strength of her words were undeniable, she didn’t know what made her visit she knew if her husband caught her there would be retribution but she couldn’t stay away. She didn’t even have an excuse and they simply stared at each other before the other woman smiled at her and motioned for her to sit on the chair, she had done so without question. 
There were flowers all over the room, both fresh and old. 
“Someone must really love you.” She had said and she watched jealously as a maternal smile graced her face, she could almost feel the motherly pride. 
“Sometimes my son gets carried away.” 
The boy on the motorcycle, she had thought he was just a delinquent but the amount of flowers in the room said otherwise.
That was ultimately what pushed her to ask the silly question: what does it mean to be a mother? 
She had never known, her own mother had treated her like a bargaining chip that would lead to the betterment of her own life, naming her fortune only to force her to have anything but that in her life. 
The woman had smiled delicately before answering her. 
The words swirled around like a tornado in her mind, she hadn’t expected such a simple answer. 
“Are you coming?” Joo-hun’s voice brings her back to reality and she thinks about Sujin and the day she was born and how small and vulnerable she looked laying in her arms as they both cried, wailing their hearts out. 
She hadn’t known what it meant to be a mother back then and she’s no closer to knowing now but she knows that she wants to try, Sujin might never forgive her for what she did and she wouldn’t blame her. But she still wanted to try, even if it took her whole life she would spend it trying to repent for all her sins. 
She takes one small step forward, the shackles that have been tightened around her body her whole life crumbling in the face of her renewed hope.  
I want to try. 
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She isn’t wearing his sweater, it’s pitiful but that’s the first thing he notices when he sees Sujin in the morning, she’s walking alone and he can’t stop the joy that shoots through him at the observation it was never easy to see her arrive with the other boy despite knowing the truth. But today the encroacher is nowhere to be seen and he settles the kickstand of his motorcycle before rushing over to her, without thinking he wraps an arm around her shoulder but then he feels her body tighten at the unexpected touch, “Relax, it’s just me,” he whispers airily but to his disappointment her body becomes more rigid at his words. 
He immediately removes his arm, moving out of her personal space- not understanding what exactly is going on but still not wanting to be the source of her discomfort. 
He shifts apprehensively, already wrecking his brain to think of what he might have done to warrant such a bitter cold reception from her but coming up emptyhanded. So instead of trying to guess and create his own reasons, he asks her, “Are you okay? Did I do something?” 
He can tell she’s going to lie before she even opens her mouth, he watches the swarm of emotions play across her face before she settles on nonchalance, “No. I’m fine, you surprised me. I don’t want to upset your fangirls so I think it’s best if we avoid each other at school.” He stares at her in shock, wondering if this is the same girl who he held on the bench just days ago her lips soft on his cheek and her perfume filling his senses? 
“I already told you I don’t care about them. You already know that I only care about yo-” 
“Stop. I can’t do this right now I need space, I have to go.” She interrupts him and after a long gaze she stalks away and he wants to follow her, nothing she’s doing is making any sense not after everything they’ve been through. He’d given her everything he could offer and it still wasn’t enough, she was still walking away and he was tired of chasing her, if it was that easy to walk away from him time and time again then maybe he was fighting a losing battle. 
He turns around, walking the other direction. 
He misses the dark eyes that follow him over a small shoulder. He doesn’t look back. This time he chooses self-preservation. 
He doesn’t go to lunch, unable to bear the thought of sitting across from Sujin and pretending that he’s okay when he feels like a hollow fruit. So he escapes to the roof top and instant regret fills him as he remembers all those months ago when he had held the other on this very roof, it had been so different from their hug at the hospital and the hug in the rain. Those hugs were filled with what he thought was affection, but now he doesn’t really know. He can’t understand why she’s suddenly pushing him away again when he thought they had overcome all the barriers between them. 
Was it because of her father? Had she only kept him by her side because he had helped her but now that Suho and his father were on her side she realized that she no longer needed him? It pains him to imagine that this could be true but the thought rolls around in his thoughts until he starts to believe it, that has to be it. Was he that expendable to her? 
Clearly the answer was, yes. 
The rooftop door suddenly bangs open and he hates his heart for speeding up, as he turns around piteously hoping to see her. HIs heart plummets when he’s greeted by a smiling face that’s nowhere as beautiful as the one he hoped to see, he tries futilely to hide his disappointment with a smirk. 
He recognizes the girl as one of the people who have confessed to him in the past months, she wasn’t as nervous as the others but it had taken her a few minutes to stutter the words out and he had gently turned her down, he wasn’t cruel because he knew how terrifying it was liking someone and not knowing if it was reciprocated. 
She shuffles anxiously on her feet and he wonders how she knew he was up here. Sometimes the girls at school made him uneasy, their fixation with him wasn’t normal. 
He watches at she inhales deeply before looking at him with an unwavering gaze. 
“I know that you said that you liked someone else and I respect that. But I haven’t seen you dating anyone and I just like you so much you’re all I can think about and .....Cantyoujustgivemeachanceifshedoesntlikeyouback?” 
It takes an extra moment to decipher what she said with the rapid speed that she expels the words and he stares at her, her breathe coming out in short winded puffs like she just ran a marathon. 
He steps forward purposely, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder before answering her, thoughts of Sujin’s sudden rejection permeating his mind. 
She walks away stunned by his reply and he doesn’t go down until the bell rings, he still isn’t prepared to be in the same room as Sujin but he can’t avoid her forever. 
The classroom is abuzz, he can hear excited voices as he walks down the hallway and he wonders what bit of gossip has their attention now, he slides the door open only to feel all eyes land on him. The class goes silent before suddenly he’s being bombarded with questions. 
“Is it true?” 
“Why her? I liked you before she did.” 
“Are you finally going to get a girlfriend? It’s not fair you shouldn’t only date one person oppa.” 
He ignores them all sliding into his seat and dropping his head onto the table, when they realize that he has no plans of answering their invasive prompts they go back to gossiping about him as if he’s not sitting right there. 
He rubs his temple, trying to stop the head ache he can feel forming but he knows that it’s already too late. 
The energy shifts in the room and without looking up he already knows why, he can hear the telltale clicks of her shoes on the floor. 
He hears Su-ah’s voice shortly after, “What are you all so excited about? Did something happen?” 
It’s vindictive but he wants them to hear the gossip so he finally looks up, eyes settled on Sujin who is already looking at him.
“Oh! Su-ah it’s the saddest news, Han Seojun is getting a girlfriend. He finally accepted a confession.” A girl whose name he doesn’t know wails as if her life is over and he watches the confusion morph on Su-ah’s face before he glances over at Sujin and she looks devastated and it suddenly he feels sick instead, what is he doing finding enjoyment in this? 
He can’t hold her gaze, he doesn’t know what the look on her face means and he doesn’t want to analyze it, he’s done doing this.   
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“It’s just rumors.” Su-ah repeats this over and over like a mantra, but she can’t hear a word that the other girl is saying all she can think about is Seojun with someone else. She imagines him smiling and holding someone else, cradling their cheek as he kisses their forehead and wrapping them in his too big sweater while beaming down at them and it makes her rush to the bathroom, water scalding her hands before she can even think about what she’s doing. 
“Sujin no!” Jukyeong snatches her hand away from the too hot water and she only fights her for a moment before lets herself be pulled away, losing all her fight. 
“Calm down Sujin, talk to us. What happened between you two?” Su-ah asks firmly and gently and she can’t stop the diarrhea of words that explode from her mouth as she tells them everything, Baekyung and how much his words stuck in her mind and her doubts about Seojun and whether she could truly be loved by anyone much less someone as coveted as him. What right did she have to drag him down? 
He might like her now, think that he was aiding someone helpless but was that all this was? Was she just something to soothe his ego? 
“Do you really feel that way?”
She jumps at the harshness in Jukyeong’s tone, she has never heard the other girl talk like this before. She has never been anything but kind when speaking to her, the tone makes her head spin. 
“What?” She replies at a loss for words. 
“Do you really think that’s true? Do you believe the words you are saying right now?” Jukyeong presses harder and she stalls at her interrogation, not knowing what she thinks anymore she can barely trust her emotions- they change too quickly without her permission or consent. It makes her miss the days when she felt nothing, numbness overwriting all these pesky feelings. 
“I...I...I don’t know.” 
The silence drags on before she hears Jukyeong sigh heavily, “Then I think you should let him go.”
It’s the last thing she expects to hear especially from the ever optimistic girl and acid runs through her body at the mere suggestion. 
“What do you mean?”
“This isn’t fair Sujin, you can’t play with someone like this. You can’t push him away and then get jealous when someone else shows interest, he’s not some toy that you can pick up whenever you see fit. He is a person, who really cares about you. If you still don’t know what you feel for him then maybe it’s best to let him go.” 
She turns to look at Su-ah hopeful that the other girl will say the opposite, will implore her to fight for Seojun. She’s crushed when she sees a similar look on Su-ah’s face. It’s a mix of exasperation and pity, she hates it. 
They both think that she should let Seojun go. 
She leaves the bathroom with nothing in her mind, walking aimlessly back to class taking her seat and robotically pulling out her notebook. She doesn’t hear one word that the teacher says for the rest of the time, her heartbeat wildly thumping in her chest. 
When class ends it takes Su-ah calling her name a few times to break her from her stupor. 
“It’s time to go home.” 
“Oh.” She starts to put her books away in her bag, dropping one when Seojun walks past her table without a sideways glance, it’s like they are strangers again and that makes her want to scream because this was all her fault. 
She can’t bring herself to speak the word aloud and he leaves, walking away from her just like she had this very morning. 
He’s already speeding off on his motorcycle when she gets outside and she sees a girl beaming at his back, surrounded by a group of girls who are congratulating her and telling her how jealous they are. 
That must be her, the lucky girl. 
The one that had replaced her so easily. She stomps away ignoring Su-ah and Jukyeong’s cries of her name. She knows she has no right, none at all but she does it anyway she has to know if this is really the end. 
That’s how she finds herself outside of his apartment, staring at his motorcycle the proof that he is here and not out with the girl from school, it makes the unease in her stomach unfurl slightly. Staring up at the looming building she tries to think of what she can say to him, she should listen to Jukyeong what she was doing wasn’t fair but she can’t lose him, she had undid all the good in one fleeting moment because she didn’t trust them. Baekyung had said the words but she was the one who chose to believe them, the one that let those words wedge a divide between them and for that she was solely to blame. 
Saying sorry wouldn’t nearly be enough, but that’s all she can think of as she pushes the door open and calls for the elevator. 
The ride has never felt that long all the other times she has visited his apartment, but today it feels like an eternity but when she reaches his floor it feels too soon and she’s not ready. 
Which is exactly why the universe gives her no warning and as the doors open she meets his eyes, he looks notably surprised to see her there and takes a step back in his shock. 
Once she recovers from her own shock, she takes in his attire he’s no longer wearing his uniform- dressed in all black from head to toe like a grim reaper and she wonders if grim reapers are supposed to be that hot, absently she steps out of the elevator before the doors can close between them. Her tongue feels huge in her mouth as she openly gapes at him. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Where are you going?”
Their questions collide and his gaze sharpens once he processes her words, she knows she has no right to question him about anything and his cold look echoes that very sentiment. 
He scoffs at her and tries to circumvent around her and she feels the floodgates opening up in the face of his blatant disregard, “I know you’re tired of hearing this but I’m sorry.” 
His expression barely changes, as he folds his arms peering down at her. 
He tries to walk around her once more and this time she’s the one to invade his personal space, gripping his elbow to stop him from walking away from her. She has an irrational fear that if he walks away that this will be her last chance, it makes her let down her guard fully terrified she’ll never get another opportunity. 
“I was scared, that once you realized that I was always going to be this broken you wouldn’t want me anymore. Even if he goes to jail I’m always going to be like this, a broken fucking mess and how can I ask anyone else to deal with that? How can I ask you to give up on having a normal relationship with someone who won’t need therapy for the rest of their lives? I should give you up, everyone is right. I don’t deserve you. I don’t.” 
Despite her rapid blinking a few stray tears escape her tight hold and she watches the wall he put up around his heart gradually start to stilt away as his eyes opens up in the face of her palpable dismay. 
“Please let me finish, if I don’t say it now I’m scared I never will.”
He stares at her before nodding slowly. 
She takes a deep breathe before continuing, “I’m not good girlfriend material, no don’t argue I’m not. I will doubt us all the time and I won’t always talk to you about my feelings because I’ve spent so many years ignoring them, I only spoke to you last time because it involved your family. I knew I couldn’t keep that from you but this didn’t seem as important. I should be able to handle it on my own, I’m not a baby. I’m too impulsive and selfish and a coward and....I shouldn’t burden anyone with dating me.”
It looks like it’s taking everything in him not to rebuttal, because when it really matters he always listens to her. 
“I know that I haven’t made this easy on you and I should have just let things be-let you be with someone normal, but I can’t and I know why, I’ve always known why but I was too scared to admit it. I can’t just be friends with you anymore.....I want more.” 
She can’t believe it but the words are now out in the universe, the ones that she has been thinking for months and swallowing every time he showed her how much he cared about her, and he looks taken back by her confession, she hadn’t planned on saying that when she showed up but now it feels stupid to keep it to herself, if she’s going to lose him then she might as well be honest, at least once in her life. 
“Can I speak now?” 
She doesn’t know if she’s ready to hear what he has to say, but it’s only right since he listened to her, taking a centering breathe she nods at his inquiry preparing herself for the worst. 
“You are selfish.” 
Her heart sinks at his words, that isn’t a good start and even though he is merely echoing her words it burns deeper to hear them from him. 
“And impulsive and so damn confusing, you’re hot and then you’re so damn cold and I’m only human Sujin I can’t just pick myself up after you push me away every time, I get hurt too.”
She tries not to bristle at his tone and the lack of nicknames, feeling her heart sink into her stomach now. 
“When that girl confessed to be do you want to know what I thought?” 
She blinks at the sudden change in topic and her immediate answer is no, she does not want to know at all but he doesn’t even give her a moment to reply before he’s answering his own question. 
“I thought she is so straightforward and this is so different, I don’t have to guess about her feelings she wears them on her sleeve, this is so much easier being with her would be so much easier.” 
Her first real confession and rejection all in one day. She has always been an overachiever and it’s only fitting that this would be no different, blinking harshly she forces the tears to stop she has no right to make him feel guilty, everything he said was right and she couldn’t blame him for choosing the path of least resistance. 
“Thank you. For everything, I really mean it.” She bows at him before turning around, she can’t stay here for another minute not knowing that he’s no longer hers and probably never was in the first place. 
It’s all too cruel. 
She presses the button, she should just take the stairs but this will buy her a few extra minutes with him, it’s pitiable but she wants to savor every remaining moments. 
The elevator arrives, gleaming metal doors sliding open and she steps inside ready to go home and cry her eyes out. 
But then a large hands wraps around her wrist and she’s suddenly tugged backwards her back slamming into his chest. 
“Where are you going? Did I say I was finished?” His voice is rough in her ears and she can feel the rapid beat of his heart through his skin, it amps up her own racing heart too scared to even hope but she feels brittle and unsteady his body is the only thing keeping her upright. 
“Dating someone else would be easier, but the thing is I don’t want easy. I’ve never wanted easy, I just wanted you in anyway that I could have you. So why are you trying to “set me free”? Fuck that self sacrificing bullshit, you said it yourself you’re selfish so hold on to me and don’t let me go, when you have doubts hold on to me tighter. I’m not some caged bird that you’ve imprisoned, I’m the guy who likes you and that’s not going to change because you pushed me away. Do you feel feel that? That’s fear. You’re scared to lose me. Good, remember this feeling and how much it makes your heart ache and hold on to me tighter.”
She hiccups at his words, tears pouring down her cheeks now and she finds herself turning in his arms before her brain can catch up, relief washing over her so profoundly she sways a little on her feet. 
He has a shit eating grinning on his face as he stares down at her. 
“You didn’t accept her confession.”
He rolls his eyes at the statement, pulling her closer although there is no space left between them. 
“No I turned her down again but some girls saw us come from the roof top together and they started spreading rumors anyway and I couldn’t be bothered to stop them.” 
She stares unimpressed at him, reading between his lines and feeling foolish because she fell right into his trap. 
“You knew it would make me jealous.” 
He shrugs noncommittedly, “I hoped it would help bring you to your senses.” 
Has she been brought to her senses, she’s not sure she feels crazier than before his words echoing in her brain and she’s moving before she even knows what her intentions are, his smile starts to slip away and he releases her and makes an apprehensive retreat backwards and she automatically follows him, he steps back, she steps forward, another step back and she steps forward again, they do this dance until he’s pressed against the wall with nowhere else to run. 
“Why are you running?” 
He blinks looking dazed and she takes that opportunity to move in closer, cradling his face in her hands before leaning her head forward until only an inch separates them, a scratching noise comes from the wall and when she glances down she can see his nails digging into the paint, she hums at the sight and the implications. 
She was clawing at his resolve.  
Skin vibrating like a livewire she gently pulls him down, until they are eye level and their breaths are curling in the miniscule space between them, those feline eyes are darting all over her face before they land on her lips, she sinks her hands deeper into his hair. 
“Are you sure about this?” 
She has to ask one last time, this all feels like a dream and she’s terrified of waking up and finding that she imagined this all. 
He doesn’t answer at first, too busy staring a hole through her face but she waits patiently, remembering all the times he had waited for her. 
“Can I really keep you? Do you really want to be mine?” 
It’s so cheesy and sappy and all kinds of ridiculous, nothing that she ever imagined for herself because she never thought anyone would make her want to say these kind of sweet nothings but here they are- and there’s no turning back now she waits for his reply with bated breath and this time he barely pauses for a second instantly answering, “I’ve been yours this whole time. Are you mine though can you let me in?” 
When you have doubts, hold on to me tighter. 
She drags him the rest of the distance between them, her lips barely grazing his own and it’s crazy because her lips are already on his, soft flesh upon flesh but it takes a moment to realize that she’s actually kissing him, she is kissing Han Seojun. They are kissing. 
She has no idea what she’s doing and she leans onto her tiptoes pressing more firmly against his mouth, imitating the kisses she has seen on tv and from couples in the hallway at school twisting her head to find a better angle but something still feels wrong and it takes another moment to realize what’s wrong. 
He is frozen on the wall, completely still under her ministrations. 
And she immediately pulls away, apologetic and feeling bone deep shame. 
“I’m sorry! I had no right to spring that on you, you barely forgave me and I did that. It won’t happen again, I promise.” 
His eyes are glossy and his cheeks are so red and it’s almost too beautiful to look at, how was she not supposed to kiss him when he was looking like that?
“Don’t apologize, you just made my brain short circuit. Come here.”  
She blushes bright at his too honest admittance, feeling giddy from the power that she seems to have over him. She had been scared that her inexperience would be off-putting for him. 
He tugs her back, letting her body block him in against the wall and she gasps at the warmth of his body he’s so hot even through the layers of clothes separating them. Her breath hitches when he starts to lean back down and this time when their lips meet it feels like the universe has righted itself, the stars and the moon are aligned and something clicks inside her like a gear snapping into its rightful place. 
It’s a simple kiss, a mere press of lips to lips but it is perfect and sweet- nothing like what she imagined because her mind could never fathom something so ideal, the softness of his mouth on hers is enough to make her toes curl and when he wraps his arms around her waist, one hand tight on her back as he eliminates any space between them dragging her impossibly close, she sighs unable to contain her delight as a smile works its way across her lips. He chuckles into the soft press of their first kiss and she can’t help the answering giggle that she lets out, to anyone else they would look deranged but she doesn’t care, this was real. 
He breaks away only to pepper kisses all over her face- first her forehead then her cheeks, her nose and even her chin, all left warm in the wake-  and she blushes under his passionate and diligent attention before grabbing his face and kissing him harder on those plush red lips, hands tight on his hair as she tastes him for the first time. He’s intoxicating and she knows she can never go back to being just friends, not when his flavor is thick on her tongue and she knows what his moans taste like.
Not when his hands are bruising tight on her waist and his scent is coiling around her like a blanket that she never wants to be without. 
She was allowed to have this and she would relish every minute. 
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He sits awkwardly on the couch with the woman he has only ever seen a handful of times, when his father had called him and asked for a favor he had never expected this. He had been completely flabbergasted to see the woman on his doorstep but stepped back to give her entrance, nonetheless. 
He knew that his father meant well, was hoping that the two would be able to reconcile like they had but he was forgetting how much they fought before getting to where they were now. It had been an arduous path to restoring their broken relationship and he feared that Sujin and her mother had differences that might be irreconcilable . 
She looks like Sujin, just more weathered and beaten down by life in her expensive clothes and jewelry none of it doing anything to hide the sadness that wafts off her in ebbs and waves. He tried calling the other girl several times but to no avail as he reached her voicemail over and over again, he knows that there is no way this can end well but he couldn’t kick the woman out either, not to be with that sadistic bastard. 
“I should go. She won’t be happy to see me.” She states matter of fact and he’s not a good enough liar to try to argue with her so he says nothing at all, staring at the floor in silence. 
Then the jiggle of keys reach his ears and they both sit taller, gazing at each other wild eyed as the door pushes open. 
Sujin looks blindingly happy, a wide smile stretched across her face and he contemplates throwing a blanket over the woman’s head to hide her- just so the girl can enjoy a few more seconds of happiness but it’s already too late, Sujin slips off her shoes putting on her slippers and walking over to him, her eyes are still on the ground and then she finally looks up and all the air is sucked out of the room. 
All of the joy and exuberance that had previously been imbedded in her pores dissipates and he sees a look so numb, it feels like he’s seeing the Sujin from months ago cold and shivering in Seojun’s arm, the one that didn’t want to live and saw her life as expendable. 
He wonders if he did the right thing? Would she ever forgive him for this? 
She doesn’t say a word, throwing the keys on the table and sprinting back to her shoes, haphazardly stuffing her feet back into them and shooting him one final look of betrayal that makes his blood turn to ice before she slams the door behind her, the sound so powerful the walls vibrate. 
“She hates me.” 
From that look on her face, her mother wasn’t the only one. 
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rosiesflavor · 2 years
Jyushimatsu is a perv dirty minded virgin-but-wishing-he-wasn't bish
and here comes the fandom like BABY!!! HE'S SO PURE AND INNOCENT!!!!! SMOL!!!!
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josephslittledeputy · 3 years
OC Profile
Tagged by @yeetslovescheese thank you so muuuch! I’ve been wanting to do this for my Captain in New Dawn :) 
Tagging @havingsomemorejohnlarks​ (if you want of course) and anyone else who wants to jump on the bandwagon! 
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(Doing this for after the end of New Dawn*)
Name: Sultana Garcia
Alias(es): Sunny, Captain, Cap, Rabbit, and Lollipop
Gender: Female; She/They
Age: 25
Birthdate: April 4, 2010
Place of Birth: Ojai, California (Home birth babyyy)
Hometown: Ojai
Spoken languages: English and some Spanish, though after being stuck in a bunker for half of her childhood she naturally forgets most of it
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Occupation: Sunny used to be the Captain of Security for Thomas Rush. After the whole thing with the Twins and Ethan however, she takes over the Highwaymen
Eye Color: One green and one blue, also when the power of Eden’s gift triggers her eyes gain a faint glow
Hair Color: Red, though originally it’s a more natural red, but Sunny just loves the way dye can make her hair pop with color
Height: 5'6"
Scars: Uhhh where to begin? She’s littered with various scars from being on her own in the apocalyptic wasteland of California (before Rush saved her that is), and she only collects more as time goes on. Her most noticeable one is the one marring half of her face
Color: R E D, this bish loves red so much I swear
Hair Color: She’s impartial, but blonde does catch her eye
Eye Color: No preference
Song: Anything on the Highwaymen radio, honestly who gave them the right to have so many bangers on there? Also she’s quite fond of the Die Antwoord tracks that come on as they’re so obnoxious and make her wanna go feral and do some chaotic shit
Food: Anything Kim cooks at Prosperity, she’s never truly had good cooking until she came to Hope County (Okay so Rush can cook, but the way Kim seasons her food is so much different from Rush’s, even if shes grateful for anything that isn’t in a can or past its expo date)
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Listen, she’d genuinely take someone down for some damn juice, as it’s a luxury in the apocalypse
Alcoholic Drink: Do shots of ethanol with Sharky count? Other than that she isn’t much of a drinker
Passed University: Is that a joke? Sunny hardly remembers much about the world before the apocalypse (even if she was 8 at the time it happened), so anytime someone talks about something like this, it only confuses her. She definitely makes old man jokes to Rush whenever he brings up his time in university
Had Sex: Absolutely
Had Sex In Public: I mean... when in an apocalypse, am I right?
Gotten Pregnant: Definitely not, honestly Sunny isn’t sure what to do with babies. Why do they have a soft spot? Is it a secret button to activate their sleeping ninja powers? At least that’s what Sharky told her about Blade... She shouldn’t believe him, should she...
Kissed a Boy: Yes
Kissed a Girl: Not before coming to Hope County, but that sure changes with the Twins lollll
Gotten Tattoos: I don’t think there is literally an inch of skin that isn’t covered in a tattoo? If there is, Sunny’s quick to cover it. The only thing she regrets is running out of room lol
Gotten Piercings: Septum, snake bites, earring on the left side,  
Been in love: absolutely
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: One time for a dare, but she regretted it the second the sun came up as her parents were dragging her to some fancy ceremony where she definitely, may or may not, have passed out directly on a designer cake.... She didn’t hear the end of that one for quite a while
A Virgin: No
A Cuddler: Yes, definitely. She’s more like a cat that will go and lay on you...
A Kisser: Sometimes
Scared Easily: Only when she’s lost deep in thought, most of the time Sunny’s the one doing the scaring
Jealous Easily: Honestly, hardly. It’s not that she doesn’t get jealous, but mostly she has better things to do that don’t involve feelings that cloud her judgement
Trustworthy: It really depends on who you are
Dominant: This bish will peg your ass to death, okey
Submissive: Pretty much never, with the exception of when she’s with Lou... But she definitely loves to provoke her before giving in
In Love: Well she was having lots of feelings for Rush she’d yet to tell him, when a certain pair of twins had to go and ruin that
Single: Well, yes and no? Sunny and the Twins have a very... very complicated relationship 
RANDOM QUESTIONS (Tw: self harm/suicide mention)
Have They Harmed Themselves: Certainly not intentionally! Definitely by accident though, doing something stupid of course
Have They Thought About Suicide: No, surprisingly
Have They Attempted Suicide: Also no
Wanted To Kill Someone: Oh god yeah, this is an apocalypse after all. Though she’s never felt that urge stronger than after watching Rush get shot..
Have/Had A Job: Used to be Captain of Security now she runs the Highwaymen
Have Any Fear(s): After so many years in an apocalypse, Sunny has little to be afraid of. Though the one thing she feared most was losing Rush, and yeah... we all know how that goes
Siblings: Only child, much to her dismay
Parents: Cheryl and Antonio Garcia
Children: None, never ever (Okay, does Mila count? She’s not Sunny’s but still the Cap’s protective of her anyway)
Significant Other: Rush before the whole thing happened, then sort of Lou? Again really complicated...
Pets: Timber and Horatio! That’s her babies right there, they’re both such goofballs  and if anyone even thinks of eating them she’d take their eye out with a fork ^-^
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viking-raider · 4 years
My Flower *mature*
Summary: You’ve been dating Henry for a couple of months, and its getting serious. But, there’s something you need to be honest with Henry about.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,891
Rating: G - Fluff, Confessions, Deflowering, Mature, Sweet Smut
Inspiration: A sort of request by @anastacia-lynn, Henry deflowering the reader.
Author’s Note: Some of the Fluffiest Smut, I probably have ever written. Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart​, @peakygroupie​, @jessevans​, @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira​, @cap-barnes​, @romyr4​, @michelehansel​, @katiebriggs004-blog​​, @badassbaker​​, @mrsaugustwalker​, @authentic-bish-face, @rizeandvibe​​, @severuined​​, @supernaturalvikingwhore​​, @bellastellaluna​​, @wondersofdreaming​​, @thisisntmyrightera​​, @michelle-1185​​, @winchwm​​, @royallylazy​​, @sofiebstar​​, @worldicreate​​, @agniavateira​​, @fantasygirlsuniverse​​, @witches-of-discovery-a​​, @xuxszx​​, @ayamenimthiriel​​, @keiva1000​​, @klaine-92​​, @itsreigns​​, @constip8merm8​​, @scorpionchild81​​, @mylifefallingupthestairs​​, @onlyhenrys​​, @luclittlepond​​, @ellixthea​​, @lebguardians​​, @geralt-yennefer-jeskier​​, @cherrybloomn​​, @p3nny4urth0ught5​​, @iloveyouyen​​, @hollydaisy23​​
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You had been dating Henry Cavill for a little more than eight months and things were really starting to get serious.
The two of you met at the 2016 BRIT Awards, where you both presented an aware together, and hit it off. After the awards, you went to the after party together and didn't leave the table you occupied together, until the party ended, then you swapped numbers. The afternoon, after the party, the pair of you ended up having lunch together, causing you to become almost completely inseparable, and being that your flat was thirty minutes from his house in London, being together was even easier.
Now here you were, colliding and stumbling through the door of your flat with him, just coming back from a marvelous date. You weren't on the lift a moment, before Henry pulled you against him and started kissing you with reckless abandon, pausing for a split second to unlock your door. You kicked your door closed with your foot and resumed kissing him, but pulled away a moment later, feeling the energy and vibe between you change.
“What's wrong?” He panted, both of you really out of breath.
“I have something, I need to tell you.” You told him, looking up at him like a deer in headlights.
Henry paused, mouth slightly open, and an identical deer in headlights expression on his face, before he relaxed, blinking softly and give you his full attention. “All right.” He nodded, licking his lips.
You sighed and sat down on the couch. “You promise not to freak out?” You asked, gulping at the thought, several of your ex-boyfriends had freaked out, when they found out the truth of what you were about to divulge to Henry, always ending with them breaking up with you.
“You have my word.” Henry assured you, sitting down beside you, his hand resting on your knee and looking very concerned.
“I-” You let out a heavy breath, feeling so silly and stupid, a woman your age in this situation, with a guy you really loved, and didn't want to lose. “I'm-” You gulped again and felt Henry gently squeeze your knee, offering you his support and comfort. “I'm still a virgin.” You told him, rolling your eyes shut for a moment, preparing yourself for his reaction.
Henry licked his lips and tilted his head at you, his face very soft. “You think, that would bother me?” He asked you, gently.
“It's ended more than one of my relationships.” You confessed, the look on his face, gave you a bit more courage.
“Well, that's their loss.” He said, without hesitation or malice. “It doesn't bother me, that you're still a virgin, y/n.” He assured you, gently taking your hand into his. “A relationship is more than just sex.” He told you, thumb rubbing gentle circles over the top of your hand. “Whether you want to or not, is perfectly fine with me.”
“That's the thing.” You replied, feeling your cheeks warm.
A grin spread across Henry's face, his heart started pounding and his own face heat up. “You want too.” He whispered, delighted and touched. “Now?”
You nodded slowly, your stomach queasy. You hadn't expected wanting to have sex with anyone, but the more time you spent with Henry, the more you really wanted to have sex with him. He had awoken something inside of you, that none of your other boyfriends had been able too. You weren't naive about sex or the human body, you'd seen men naked before. You'd seen Henry naked many times, having taken several showers together, and there was that one time skinny dipping his pool. You just never had sex with anyone before.
“Are you sure?” He asked, breaking through your thoughts.
“Very sure.” You nodded, breathing slowly to keep your heart from rocketing out of your chest.
“All right, then.” Henry smirked at you, moving his hand from yours to cup the side of your neck and pulling you into another kiss, this one sweeter and slower than the wild one, you had going when you came in.
Henry carefully pulled you into his lap, his fingers going into your hair and tugging it loose, so it cascaded over your shoulders, then trailed his fingers down your shoulders to the zipper of your dress, slowly pulling it down, letting the straps slip off your shoulders. He moved his hands between you, opening the one button holding his suit jacket closed and shrugged out of it. Hugging his arms around you, Henry stood up and carried you off to your bedroom, setting you down on your feet and letting you go, your dress falling away from your body in the process. His eyes grew wide and sparkled, seeing you standing there in your blue lace bra and panties, a loving smirk on his face, it didn't matter how many times he'd seen you naked, your beauty always stunned him.
“You always look so good in blue.” He complimented you, tracing the tip of his finger over the cup of your bra to your cleavage.
You blushed, rolling your eyes at him. “You're bias.” You told him, shivering at his light touch.
“How do you think that?” He asked, his smirk becoming mischievous.
“Because, blue is your favorite color.” You huffed, shaking your head at him, playfully.
“It is.” Henry agreed, leaning in to kiss you again. “But, you are my favorite person. So, I'm extra bias.” he said, against your lips.
“A sweet talker, as always.” You whispered back, hands going to start opening the buttons of his dress shirt.
Henry chuckled against your lips, palms smoothing over your ribcage to the clasp of your bra and removed it as you pushed his shirt off, hands ghosting down his torso to his belt, unbuckling it and yanked it out of the loops. Henry's hand made their way down your back to your ass, squeezing it through your panties for a moment, before slipping them inside and doing the sane. He kicked his pants behind him as you opened and shoved them down his thick thighs, leaving him in his boxers.
“Lay down.” He whispered in the cove of your ear, warm breath tickling your skin.
Nodding, you stepped back away from him, sitting down on the edge of your bed and laying back, looking up at him. Henry leaned over you, palms pressed to your sides and gliding upwards to your breasts, cupping them and enjoying the weight of them. You'd learned early on in the relationship, that Henry was a boob boy, he loved touching yours, with every chance he could get. He pressed a wet kiss to your sternum, trailing down between your breast, pausing for a moment, to tease and lick each of your nipples, making them hard, before continuing down and over your stomach. His fingers curled around the lace of your panties, slowly pulling them down your thighs, revealing your pussy, little by little. Henry grinned at your glistening wetness, and didn't hesitated to lower his face and take one long and broad tongued lick, making you moan and squeeze your eyes shut at the pleasurable feel. He moaned back, your taste filling his mouth in the sweetest way. He licked you again, the tip of his tongue slipped between your folds, collecting even more of your juices.
“Christ, Henry.” You moaned, feeling him roll his tongue against your clit.
“You taste so good.” He replied, licking his lips. “Sweet and tangy, I love it.”
His hot breath chilled your wet and licked pussy, making your toes curl. He leaned back in, playing with your clit with his tongue, as he slipped a finger inside of you, making you gasp and tangle your hand into his hair, messing it up. Henry had you a wet mess with his skilled tongue in very little time, your head thrown back and back arching, wanting to feel him more and increase the friction, but it was fruitless, every attempt you made to do so, Henry would only pull back a little bit, never missing a beat. His second finger joined the first, angling downward into your spot and rubbing, feeling your thighs twitch in response. You had never felt this good, even touching yourself. Letting out an abrupt moan, You felt Henry push his fingers deeper into your core and work that sweet spot against your cervix, making your closed eyes cross and flutter at the strong, deep feeling, like it was in your stomach. Working your cervix with his fingers and your clit with his tongue, Henry built your orgasm to a slow and dizzying peak, patiently, making your plateau crumble into your orgasm.
“Oh!” You let out in a breathy rush, and Henry pulled back just in time to see you squirt.
“There, it is.” He grinned, proud of himself and you, watching the wet spot grow on the quilt beneath you.
“I've never done that, before.” You panted, having felt it and was still in such a heightened sensation, you felt like you were going to orgasm again.
Henry smirked. “Now, you should be nice and relaxed.” He cooed at you, softly, grabbing the back of your knees and lifting your legs for a moment. “You are incredibly relaxed.” He said, chuckling softly, feeling the near dead weight of your body, and was satisfied. “Good.” He let your legs go and pulled off his boxers, his cock hanging heavy and ready between his thighs.
You moaned, feeling Henry's lips on yours again, you felt like you were in a warm and pleasantly dense bubble, engulfed by Henry's arms and body, his lips slowly kissing yours, applying his tongue every other one, he tasted heavily of you, something else you had never tasted before, the night only grew more firsts as it went on. Henry bent your legs, pressing them against his sides and shifted his weight onto his knees, resting one elbow at the side of your head, using his other hand to guide the thick head of his cock to your overstimulated core. The back of his fingers rubbed and caressed the side of your face, sweaty forehead resting against yours, noses gently touching. Once inside of you enough, Henry rested his other elbow on the other side of your head, using his hips to finish slipping inside of you. You moaned, brow creasing and sucking your bottom lip between your teeth. Henry kissed your mouth, his eyes glued to your face, for any discomfort and pain.
“Just stay relaxed.” He whispered to you, kissing the crease of your brow. “You're doing really good.” He encouraged you, nuzzling your face with his, and placing kisses to your cheeks and forehead. “You feel so good, so warm.” His eyes met yours and he smiled at you. “Fuck, you're beautiful.” He sighed, overcome and starstruck by you, making you blush.
“Thanks.” You grinned back, hooking your arms around him and pressing your palms to his shoulderblades. “Pretty damn handsome yourself.” You complimented him back, tilting your head up to kiss his lips. “Oh.” You gasped, feeling Henry's cock finally settle inside of you, his tip pressing firmly into your cervix.
“You all right?” Henry asked, seeing the twist of your face, and was afraid he'd hurt you.
“I'm fine.” You smiled, dreamily, up at him and nodded your head, your fingertips gliding up his strong back and feathering into his short hair, nails caressing his scalp and soothing his concern. “I'm more than fine, if I'm at all honest.” You add, focusing on the snug and full feeling of Henry's thick cock inside of you.
You weren't sure what you expected, when you did finally lose your virginity, it wasn't something you really thought about, until you got into a relationship with a guy and they started wanting to go to the next level. You felt apprehensive, concerned that it would end up a complete mess, like you had heard about from your friends, when they spoke about their experiences. They talked about how awkward it was; sloppy, painful and unsatisfying, but so far you hadn't encountered any of that with Henry. It was quite the opposite; Henry was careful and organized, chasing your pleasure and making sure you weren't in any discomfort or pain, his loving attentiveness was refreshing and endearing. Whatever you thought your first time would be like, Henry had met them, then blew them out of the water.
“I'm glad.” He smiled at you, caressing your hair and drawing his hips back, pulling all, but the very tip of his cock, out and slowly diving back in.
He kissed your cheek and along your jaw, then down to your throat, placing wet kisses across your throat and down it, pressing his lips to the racing thump of your pulse, before gently sucking on it, his teeth sinking carefully into your skin. He wanted you to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and see that dark purple hickey he was leaving on your throat, and be instantly reminded of what had happened the night before. Not that he doubted for a single moment you would forget about it, but the thought of you catching sight of it as it healed, the blush on your face, that he knew would be there, was arousing to him. He had done it to you, he had been the lucky man, in the honor of claiming your virginity, in the sweetest way, and you would think of him every time you saw that mark. He kept his thrusts solid and deep, taking his time and giving you the full experience, feeling his thick and long cock caress and massage the tight walls of your core, he could feel your core's reaction to him; relaxing on his inward thrust and hugging him on the way out, like your body didn't want him to pull away from you, to keep him buried inside of you, forever. The hand you didn't have in Henry's hair, moved down his rolling hips and to his plentiful ass, digging your nails in and making him moan. You and Henry were each others yin and yang, where Henry was into breasts, he liked your ass too, but he was all and all, a boob boy. You were an ass girl, and Henry's ass was flawless, well shaped, from his work-outs and genetics, smooth, firm and round. You both filled in a lot of the gabs the other might have, the balance the relationship created was pleasant.
“Henry.” You mewled, feeling the familiar warmth wash over your stomach, digging the heels of your feet into the small of his back. “I'm going to come again.” You panted, feeling the hot intensity of it.
“Then, I'm doing my job.” He chuckled, the suction of his lips popping free from your throat. “I'm not far off myself.” He added, feeling his balls start to tighten and a taut knot in his stomach, his cock twitching inside of you. He looked you in the eyes suddenly, blinking softly at you. “Come with me.” He said it, like you'd tell him no.
When you nodded, your and Henry's heavy breathing mingling together, he picked up the pace of his thrusts enough to tip both of you over the edge into your orgasms. You gasped, taking a deep breath as your orgasm hit you with the hot feeling of Henry's seed filling you, pushing his cock as deep into you as he could in the process, his eyes squeezed shut and head pushed back, his hips still thrusting, on autopilot. Henry's large body went slack as he rolled over onto his back, taking you with him, so you laid on top of him, letting gravity slip his softened cock free of your core. His arms were heavy around your body as he hugged you, both of you had caught your breath and promptly fell asleep. You stirred a while later, feeling the press of Henry's palms rubbing firm circles over your lower back and hips, moving up your spine for a moment, before heading back down again. You rubbed and nudged his shoulder with your cheek in response, sleep still weighing heavily on you, and felt one of Henry's hands move away from your hip, his fingers brushed through the back of your hair, stroking it gently.
“Ssshh.” He cooed at you, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
You felt your stomach flip and smiled against his skin, taking a calming breath and let his touch and the warmth of his solid body, soothe you back to sleep; content and secure in your choice to lose your virginity to him.
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Hank ‘Tranq’ Loza x Reader
Anon asked: Hi! I hope your doing okay💜 I was wondering if you could write an imagine where the reader is an old lady (you can write this for any member of the Mayans, I didn't think of anyone specifically) and she seems like this cozy housewife but one day she kicks the shit out a burglar and she explains to her family that she is the daughter of a crime boss and she was taught how to fight by him and other members of her family. I hope you have a great day / night and thank you💜💜💜💜
Word Count: 1.3k
Author comments: What about a second part? This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Shit, baby, wait!”
Tranq stops his bike, like Bishop and Taza does. You were about to have dinner at the ranch, when you noticed that your phone isn't inside your pocket.
“Just one second, caballeros!”
The front yard of the clubhouse is empty, with the lights turned off, so taking off the helmet from your hair you lead your steps towards the porch. Coming in and illuminating the living room, you have one quickly look to the poker table, finding your phone there. Grabbing it, you turn around hearing some steps walking closer.
“I foun— ¿Quién chingados eres tú?” (Who the hell are you?)
A man wearing a spooky mask is in front of you, pointing you with a gun and making a gesture with his free hand for you to close the door. But even if the logic would ask for help, it's the first time in seven years that someone threatens you like that and your body reacts before your brain. The guy is close enough to be hitten by your right leg, going straight to his forearm to make the gun fall down, getting shot in the meantime. The bullet impacts in the virgin, alerting the Mayans.
The man tries to hit you back, but you use the helmet to punch him on the face, unbalancing him to the left, before squatting to move your leg from his right ankle to his heels; making him fall to the floor. Everything happens in less than three seconds, when your husband and the other two mexicans appear.
“Are you okay?” Tranq runs towards you, cupping your cheeks in his hands, while you nod somewhat nervously.
Bishop takes off the mask from the man, but they look at you two, before looking at Taza. No one knows him.
“Who has sent you?”
“Lobo Sonora”. He replies between some painful growls. “Her father”.
“What?” Your husband looks confused, taking some steps away from you. And you can't blame him. You never told him who you really are.
“Madre de los Mayas” that's how the whole Cali knows you by. The perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect friend. But you're far away to be perfect, you don't even want to be it. You just take care of your chosen family, like your blood family never did. You ran away from Sonora when your father tried to make you marry someone you didn't love. Someone that used to denigrate you in several ways. And maybe Santo Padre was too close from your hometown, Hermosillo, but you didn't care about it. Your father knows pretty well where you are, but for a damn time he respected your decision. Now, you would like to know what the hell he wants, after almost eight years without crossing the border.
But first, you have to answer some questions that you never thought you would have to answer.
The three men are sitting in their respective chairs, while you had a seat on the other front of the main table inside the Templo. It's been a couple hours since you caught the mexican your father sent to have contact with you, without using phones. Tranq looks disappointed, bemused and furious. All in one. All because of you and your half truths.
“I love you”. You say when Bishop is about to talk. “I really do, Hank”.
“I don't trust you anymore. I don't know who you are… And all I care about, right now, is my club”.
“Brother, let her explain himself”. Taza says raising a hand to calm your husband.
“I don't want”. He simply replies, before getting up from his chair.
“Hank, listen…”
“Don't fucking dare to talk to me”. He points you with a forefinger, when you try to face him before leaving the Templo.
Sitting down again, you nail your elbows on the table starting to cry, sinking your face into your palms. It hurts the other men too. They know you're not a liar. They know you're not a traitor. So they wait in silence for you, to explain yourself.
“I ju—just ran away from Sonora… I didn't wa—want to follow his orders”. You say after some minutes, between sobs and deep breaths.
“What orders, querida?”
“My father… My father wanted me to ma—marry a Vato”.
“One of El Palo's men?” Che leans over the table, shaking his head slightly.
You nod.
“You, better than anybody in the Mayans, knows what it means”.
“And that's it…?”
“Beatings, rapes, scapegoats…” The Apache turns to the mexican, making him lying on his chair snorting and rubbing his face. “That's what they do to their wives, hermano. That's for what they use them”.
“I ha—have information about my father… that could burn down his empire. I wi—will give it to you, if you want it”.
“I believe you, (Y/N). You don't have to prove us a shit, okay?” Bishop highlights then, letting you breathe for a second. Turning to the vice, he has a drag from his cigar. “Find out why they sent that pendejo for. I'll talk with Tranq”.
“Bish…” You call him, while they get up from their chairs. “I'm sorry… I'm really sorry for not telling you about it. I tho—thought my father just… gave up on me”.
“Mamá Maya, estás salvo aquí”. (You're safe here) He replies caressing your left cheek with the back of his fingers. “Wait here”.
As soon as they leave you alone, closing the glass door, you break into pieces. You really appreciate that they trust in you, but if your husband doesn't, you're lost. You love him more than anything. You've been together for the last seven years and your love turned into a beautiful warrior called Alma. You can't imagine a day without waking up by his side, while your daughter jumps on the mattress. You can't imagine a night without watching your husband reading a story to your baby, before going to sleep together, telling him how much you love him in the intimacy of your room. You were living in hell for twenty years, until you found Tranq. He saved you.
When the door gets opened again, you're unable to turn around, recognizing his smell flooding the empty room. Closing it, he walks towards you, sitting on the next chair and resting his forearms against the edge of the table. His look is lost in the middle of nowhere, organizing his ideas inside his head, keeping silence and making you feel scared.
“Why did you leave Sonora?”
“My father wa—wanted me to marry Pablo Santos”.
You know that you don't need to say anything else, when he turns his face and his attention towards you.
“Does your father know about me, about Alma?” You nod slowly. “Did you tell him?”
“The last time I talked with him wa—was eight years ago”. Shaking your head and cleaning the tears, you curl a leg against your chest above the chair. “But he is ‘Lobo Sonora’, he knows everything”.
“You should go home”. Tranq just says, getting up with a heavy snort.
“Hank, please”. Quickly, you hold his hand standing up. “Please… don't leave me. I beg you”.
“I'll stay here to know what your father wants”.
“I will wait for you, then. Alma is… with Leti till tomorrow”.
Your husband cups your face into his huge hands, leaning forward to kiss your forehead and all that you can feel is your legs about to falter. He catches your lips between his in a dearly kiss, caressing your cheeks with both thumbs. So warm, so gentle, like he usually is with you.
“Go to my room, try to sleep. I'll be there in a few”.
“I love you”. You just say, letting a tear run away from your left eye.
“I know it, vida mía. I know it”.
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dilfchaser69999 · 3 years
No worries bish, You don't want to lose virginity on someone who doesn't even know what he is doing. (skull emoji) - daddy anon
baby i havent kissed anyone yet lets put a hold on the virginity
but yes fr tho
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priyankaraa · 4 years
Cyber Sex||P.P
Pairing: Peter Parker × Reader
Warnings: Smutt(18+), Oral(Male and Female receiving), Masturbation, Swearing, Fluff and A Whole Lot of Awkwardness.
Summary: Michelle gives you an idea about filming yourself masturbating. You ask your best friend, Peter Parker to help you video it.
A/N: Yo, so I came up with this idea while listening to Cyber Sex by Doja Cat. Thanks for the follows and likes. Enjoy!!!
You sat in the cafeteria of Midtown High with your airpods stuffed in your ears listening to Cyber Sex by Doja Cat. You were addicted to the song from the first time you saw the video.
Everyone thought that you were stuck up but really your are just quiet and keep to yourself. The only people you let into your life was your friends Michelle, Ned and Peter. They were the only people that accepted your weird self.
"Hey bish. Listening to Cyber Sex again?" You pulled out your airpods.
"Ofcourse whore. I'm in love with this song and the video is great." You said pulling out your phone and replying to a few messages.
"Why don't you make a video that's similar to Cyber Sex?" Michelle suggested.
"That's crazy. And even if I do, who am I going to get to video it?" No one in their right mind would video someone masturbating. That's absurd.
"Get your bff to do it." She suggested with a smirk.
"You'll really do it?"
"No. I mean Peter." She suggested. Peter is your best friend but it would be too much to ask of him to video you. You had a crush on Peter. Who wouldn't. He is just so adorkable.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to ask him. He is a good guy maybe he will do it, or maybe he will be truly disgusted and never speak to you again. It's a risk you were going to take.
You texted Peter and told him to come over. You didn't give him any reason. You put on one of his shirts that you stole and anxiously waited for him. Your parents were out on a date so this would be the perfect opportunity to do it.
Peter was nervous. He liked you too and was very inexperienced in this type of thing. He knew something was off when you told him to come over when your parents are out. You never did that because you never wanted the neighbours to think anything.
Peter arrived at your house at seven. He came into your room and found you sitting on your bed in nothing but your thong and his shirt. He couldn't deny how excited little Peter got(okay, not so little).
You had no idea how this simple action was turning him on. If we look at the facts, you both are nerds, barely any experience dating and totally oblivious to this kind of thing. Your panties were pooling with your wetness. Peter was just out on patrol so his hair was messy and slightly wet because he just took a shower.
"I need a favour." You croaked out. Your voice was shaky and soft. You had no idea how he was going to react and this could make your friendship awkward. "Can you video me masturbating with Cyber Sex playing in the background?" You bit your lip. It was a habit the you developed. When you were anxious you bit your lip.
That alone drove Peter crazy. His senses were of fire. He would be an idiot if he turned down your offer. All he has ever wanted to do was pin you down onto the mattress and watch you squirm and moan as he pounded into you. Although you didn't ask for sex, but he still got to watch you fuck yourself and cum.
"Okay." His answer suprised you. You thought that he would call you a slut and leave, never talking to you again. This made you happy. You handed him your phone and pressed play on the speaker. Cyber Sex by Doja Cat started to play. It was just loud enough to be recorded by the camera but it didn't drown out your moans.
You laid down flat on your back on your bed and spread your legs. You were nervous as fuck. You had never done this before. Sure, you had masturbated before but never on camera, and never with your best friend behind the camera. Why couldn't Peter be a girl.
"And action." You giggled at how seriously he was taking this. If you only knew how horny Peter was. He moved his sweats so you couldn't see his rock hard bulge. It would be too embarrassing for the both of you.
You slowly and sexily slid your panties down your legs and started playing with your clit. Peter gulped as soon as his eyes landed on your wet cunt. He felt the air get thicker and his cock started to hurt from being trapped in his pants.
You gently rubbed your clit and slowly inserted one finger into you. You pumped yourself and you hand slid under your shirt to play with your boobs. You were an average size. Maybe a B. You didn't have the biggest boobs but at least they were not plastic. Your moans and panting got louder as you approached your high. You slipped in another finger and shamelessly fucked yourself while your best friend recorded and watched.
The hair on Peter's neck was standing tall, so was his dick. It was becoming hard to hide his cock. He tried hard to not palm himself through his pants but he failed, miserably. You noticed what he was doing and you came loud.
"Oh fuck....Fuck Peter....ohh." Peter couldn't control himself anymore. He stood you phone against book on your table so that everything would still record. He watched as your hot cum leaked out of you. He wanted to taste it.
He kicked off his shoes and walked over to you. He smashed his lips to yours. This took you by surprise, but you didn't hesitate to kiss him back. He was inbetween your legs kissing the life out of you. He removed your shirt and you weren't even using a bra. His hands travelled down your body until they came in contact with your clit.
You arched your back when he skillfully rubbed and pinched your sensitive bud. His lips wandered down to your breast. His tongue nipped and sucked on your nipples. He kissed down your stomach until his lips reached your pussy. Peter stared at your heat as if it were the most tastiest thing he had ever seen. Peter looked at you, winking and licking his lips before diving in.
His tongue lapped in your juices. He savoured the taste of you, and slid two fingers in. You shamefully rid his tongue and fingers, enjoying every minute of it. Your toes curled as you hit your second orgasm, everything went white. When you came down from your high, Peter's mouth left your clit with a pop. You were breathing heavy as you slowly calmed yourself down.
You got up and stood on your knees, attaching you lips back on Peter's. You pulled his shirt off him, momentarily breaking the kiss. You hands wandered over his abs. They stopped at his bulge and you palmed him through his pants. He groaned into you mouth. You smirked against his lips, proud of the reaction you got out of him.
You pushed down his sweats and boxer briefs. He stepped out of them. You took his member in your hand and jerked him a few times. You licked a stripe on his lengthy cock. Peter threw his head back, enjoying the feeling of you jerking him off. You took him whole in your mouth and swirled your tongue on the tip of his dick. You had no idea where you learnt to do this but damn you were good.
You took him deep, you gagged a little when his dick hit the back of your throat. His hand fisted the hair at the back of your head as he bobbed your head back and forth. His hot cum shot down your throat. You let his dick fall from your mouth and wiped your lips with the back of your hand.
Peter, once again, pressed his lips to yours for a passionate kiss. "Do you trust me?" He asked staring deep into your eyes. "Yes. I do." You saw the twinkle in his brown orbs when you said that.
He pressed his lips against yours for a soft gentle kiss. He aligned himself with you. He knew you was a virgin, he himself was a virgin. He couldn't think of anyone else better to lose it to. You were the only girl he has had dreamed about like this.
He pushed himself into you, giving you time to adjust to his size. Peter was quite big, it was almost scary. He moved himself and then pulled out, watching your sweet pussy clench around fresh air. Maybe not so fresh air, the air in New York in polluted, it is everywhere, not the point.
He slammed back into you making you moan and your back arch. You couldn't help the sultry moans that left your lips.
"Fuck Pete. Right there. Fucking hell." You moaned as your walls clenched around him, squeezing him.
"So fucking tight princess. I love watching your pussy clench around my cock." He reached between your bodies and harshly rubbed your sensitive bud. Your eyes rolled back from the immense pleasure Peter was giving you.
"Pete, I'm gonna....I'm gonna cum." You managed to get out between your moans.
"Cum for me, baby." You released your juices all over Peter's cock. You almost blacked out, now that would be embarrassing. Peter came after, filling you up with his hot seed. Thankfully you were on the pill. He pulled out and collapsed next to you, out of breath.
"Y/N, I.." You cut him off. "I understand if you never want to talk to me again." You said covering yourself with your covers and looking down feeling ashamed.
"No. I like you, alot. We've been friends for ever. Will you be my girlfriend?" His boyish grin made you blush as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He didn't hesitate to hug you back. You felt safe in his arms, like you belonged there. Maybe you did.
"I like you too, Parker and yes, I'll be your girlfriend." You smashed you lips together for a sweet and passionate kiss and round two.
253 notes · View notes
chelsfic · 4 years
The Hot List, in which the NYC Familiar Discord Ranks their Masters - Nandor x Guillermo Fanfic (one-shot, crack!)
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Summary: The familiars of New York City use Discord to connect and blow off steam...and also to rank their masters’ hotness. Nandor discovers this impertinence and throws an internet fit.
Tags: Crack with a touch of angst
A/N: I don’t know. 
NYC Familiar Chat #thirsty
Celeste-is-Best: nngh, have you guys seen Mr. 50ss’s’s’ss instagram story????
Celeste-is-Best: He’s so pretty! it’s like turn me, already!
Imurdad | colby: I know, right? I can’t believe he’s only 7 on the hot list…
[Gigi the great and sam teh pretty like this]
Gigi the great: Don’t forget to vote on this month’s poll!!
Best Hair!
We’re the ones who make them look pretty--but who’s the prettiest one of all? This month we’re voting on the NYC vampire with the best hair. Cast your vote!
A. Simon the Devious
B. Nandor the Relentless
C. Tilda
D. Evan
E. Houston
F. Nancy the Relentless
Guillermo locked his phone with a little smile. If he could he’d vote a hundred times for Nandor’s hair. It was unlikely that his master would win against the likes of Evan, Tilda and Nancy. He’d thrown Simon on there as a joke and was kind of horrified by how many familiars seemed to be into the limp mullet look. To each their own, he guessed.
On that note, it was almost nightfall and Nandor’s hair wasn’t going to brush itself. Guillermo made his way into the crypt, lighting candles and gathering the soft brush, comb, detangler spray and hair oils. Nandor was what he lovingly referred to as “high maintenance.” He was also surprisingly pitiful for a 750-year old warlord. It took Guillermo ages every night to carefully tease out and brush the knots from his hair without hurting him. It should’ve been annoying after so many years, but the chore remained one of the highlights of Guillermo’s day. 
For one thing, he got to touch his master without being scolded or hissed at. So that was nice. For another thing, Nandor’s hair was as soft as his personality was prickly. Guillermo would often drag out the task, running his fingers through the silky strands and lightly touching Nandor’s jaw to get him to tilt his head this way or that. 
He was doing just that, as well as admiring the expanse of cream and bronze skin revealed by the open collar of Nandor’s loose shirt, when the vampire opened his mouth. 
“Guillermooo...Did you happen to get any virgins for tonight?”
Guillermo’s fingers momentarily tightened around a hank of his master’s hair. He imagined giving it a sharp tug. He forced himself to loosen his grip and replied, “No, master, I’m sorry. Virgins are getting pretty thin on the ground lately. I managed to pick up a couple people from a bible study class, though. They should taste pretty innocent, right?”
Nandor made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat before answering, “You’d be surprised.”
NYC Familiar Chat #the-struggle
Gigi the great: I know we all jealously guard our sources, but I’ve been in a dry spell for a few weeks and my master is going to lose it and drink me one of these nights. Anyone have any new leads on virgins in the area?
Gigi the great: I’ve tried the usual stuff...LARPers, church socials, chastity clubs (surprisingly unhelpful…). I’m kinda desperate!
Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: only because you had my back last month when I ran out of burial sites…
Gigi the great: OMG! Celeste, please!! 🙏 🥺
Celeste-is-Best: there’s a magic the gathering tournament in brighton heights this weekend...😈
Gigi the great: You are like the virgin whisperer, Celeste. Thank you!
Celeste-is-Best: np
Celeste-is-Best: hey! Are you posting the poll results soon? I voted for Tilda--don’t tell Houston!! LOL
Gigi the great: The results are in! The vampire with the best hair in NYC is……..EVAN!
Check out the Google Form for the full results...
Evan (26%)
Tilda (22%)
Nancy the Relentless (17%)
Simon the Devious (16%)
Nandor the Relentless (13%)
Houston (6%)
“What are you typing over there on your intelligent phone?”
Guillermo hurriedly tucked his phone away and looked up to find his master mopping blood from his mouth with a lace-trimmed handkerchief. They were in an alleyway a few buildings down from the comic shop. The limp body of Nandor’s victim lay discarded on the dirty ground. Guillermo smiled affectionately at Nandor trying and failing to clean himself. He took the hanky from him and set about doing the job himself. The snow white fabric was quickly drenched in dark red arterial blood. 
“I was just, um...checking on another potential virgin source,” he lied. 
The familiar Discord was strictly secret. If any of their masters ever found it and saw their human servants’ uncensored discussions... The thought sent a panicked tremor down Guillermo’s spine and he thought--for the thousandth time--that he should delete the app and not look back. But the idea of continuing with this emotionally draining, thankless job without his little support system was just as disturbing. Besides, the server had really come through for him tonight.
“Well done, Guillermo!” Nandor praised him and Guillermo’s heart swelled pathetically. A small, shameful part of him imagined Nandor patting him on the head and he didn’t hate it. “That was the most delicious virgin I’ve had in months!”
“Thank you, master,” Guillermo smiled sweetly, his cheeks dimpling. Nandor watched him for a long moment and he could swear he saw his master’s eyes linger on his mouth. He shut that thought down before it could bloom into a hope that was only doomed for disappointment. 
“Well…I’ll see you back at the house.” Nandor vanished before his eyes, taking his bat form and darting out of the alley with a high-pitched squeak and a furious flap of his leathery wings.
Guillermo sighed, looked at the broken body and wondered if he’d be able to fit his car down the narrow alley or if he’d have to drag the corpse to the opening. He fished out his keys and started the short walk back to his parking spot. All the while thinking, with distracted horror, Simon the Devious beat out Nandor for best hair?!? Really?
Direct Messages
Gigi the great: Hey, thanks! The Magic tournament was a hit!
Celeste-is-Best: i do live to serve…
Gigi the great: Har har.
mish-bish: Ugh!!! Pretty sure my asshole master is hypnotizing me again.
call-me-karen: That’s rough, Misha! You wanna talk about it? My master lets me take the car whenever I want. I can come pick you up…
mish-bish: Yeah, like...I definitely have a huge black hole in my memories from last night. Fuck.
mish-bish: Oh, that’s ok Karen. Thanks.
Gigi the great: Hey @mish-bish. Sorry you’re having a hard time. If you feel up to it, check out the #support channel. A lot of other familiars have gone through this and talked about it there. Sometimes it helps to hear how others cope!
“Guillermo! Guillermoooo!”
Nandor’s panicked bellow reached him all the way in the basement where he was checking his lye supply. Guillermo huffed it up the stairs and raced into the fancy room where he found his master staring aghast at his laptop.
“Wh-what is it, master?” he asked, bent over and catching his breath.
“Someone named...Rap4Unlyfe has sent me a fake news!” Nandor wailed, gesturing to the laptop as if the device was personally responsible. 
Guillermo suppressed an eyeroll and walked over to sit beside his master. He watched in dismay as Nandor scooched farther down the couch but he tried not to let it sting too much. 
The browser was open to Nandor’s Hotmail account. He leaned forward to read the open message, unsure what to expect. The blood drained from his face as he read.
subject: rofl bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
Has ne1 else seen there familiars on this site??? I hypnotized mine last nite to give me his phone password and...👀 
Mierda. There were two screenshots attached. One was the survey results page from the “best hair” poll. The other was an excerpt from the chat, specifically Guillermo posting the winner of the poll and the link to the results. 
Guillermo’s face fell into an adorably distressed frown. He darted a glance at Nandor but the vampire just looked confused. It wasn’t clear if he yet suspected that his own familiar might be “Gigi the great.”
“Huh…” Guillermo leaned back and smoothed his expression into one of untroubled amusement. “You’re right, looks like fake news. You should probably just ignore it.”
Nandor punched his fist into his thigh and snapped, “But Guillermo! I cannot let this go unanswered! This...this...ludicrous insult! Imagine...me losing a hair contest. Everyone knows I have the most beautiful hair!”
Guillermo blushed magnificently, “Of course, master! This is just...a prank. Someone playing a mean trick on you. You shouldn’t give them the satisfaction--”
The laptop chimed. Guillermo dove to prevent Nandor from reaching it but the vampire simply slapped him away with a petulant whine, “Give me that! Fucking guy…”
Nandor’s lips curled into a snarl as his eyes scanned over the screen. 
“Oh, no! Now they are making a mockery of me on the ether net!”
subject: RE: rofl bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
Oh! That is too delicious! Suck it, Houston and Nandor! 
It gets even better. Have you seen this, yet?
“Guillermo, what is a hot list?” Nandor asked with a worried frown, clicking on the attachment. 
“No, master! Don’t--”
It was too late. He watched as his master’s eyes lit with understanding and then intrigue and finally outrage.
“29?! I am number 29 on your dirty hot vampire list!? What is the meaning of this?” Nandor bristled like an angry porcupine, his eyes shooting metaphorical quills into Guillermo’s soft flesh.
“It’s not my list, master!” he insisted and then, guiltily, “Not only mine…”
“Guillermo!” Nandor gasped, his eyes returning to the screen for a moment before pinning him with outraged accusation. “So, it is you!? You are...Gigi the great? Well, I do not think you are so great, little guy! In fact I think you’re pretty un-great right now! And disrespectful!”
Guillermo sank into the couch cushions, melting under his master’s ire and replying miserably, “It’s not as bad as it looks!”
Nandor turned back to the screen and began reading off names from the top of the list, “Viago! Nancy the Relentless! Evan! I suppose these are all vampires you’ve been dreaming of doing the hanky panky with! Putting them on the top of your list above your own master! That’s two demerits, Guillermo!”
“What!? No! Master, I didn’t make the list! We vote on it! Everyone gets a say. If I made the list of course you’d be at the top--”
Guillermo snapped his mouth shut. His face was on fire and he felt like crying. Nandor must have some inkling of his crush, right? After ten years of service? This couldn’t really be the life-ending mortification that it felt like. He waited, wide-eyed, for his master’s reaction. Nandor stared at him, his huge, dark eyes filled with shock and anger. After a long minute he turned back to the laptop, waving a hand dismissively in Guillermo’s face.
“Go to your room now, Guillermo! I need to think of how to punish this impertinence!”
Guillermo stood, barely holding in humiliated tears. He gestured to the device in Nandor’s lap, “My laptop…”
Nandor held it out of Guillermo’s reach and hissed, “No! Vampire only computer time, Guillermo!”
Guillermo left, trudging out of the room with a sinking feeling in his stomach as the sound of Nandor’s flop-wristed typing followed him out the door.
Gigi the great: Is everyone okay?
call-me-karen: not fukcing great!
Imurdad | colby: Seriously! WTF!!?
Gigi the great is typing…
Guillermo lay on his little cot with the crocheted blanket his amá made for him pulled up to his chin. Tears streaked down his cheeks and the phone’s glare reflected in his glasses. He thought back to every off handed complaint, every silly photo turned into a “master-shaming” meme, every confession, every joke. All of them laid bare to the world. The Discord server started out as goofy, harmless fun. The hot list was the perfect embodiment of that. But it became so much more. Being a familiar could be lonely. You were isolated from other humans and surrounded by cold, uncaring monsters all the time. Guillermo loved Nandor. Everyone knew this...there were even memes about it on the server! But sometimes his master’s aloofness got to be too much and he needed to reach out to other humans who understood him! 
He threw his phone down onto the mattress, angrily pawing at his teary eyes and wondering if this was it. Not just the end of NYC Familiar Chat, but the end of Guillermo the Great, his long-dreamed-of vampire alias. There was no way Nandor would keep him as a familiar after this…
Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: OMG! Guillermo, have you seen this?
Celeste-is-Best: http://familiar-hot-list.colinrobinson.net
Celeste-is-Best: hey, if this is Nandor’s big revenge scheme I think you’re going to be ok
Celeste-is-Best: we miss you! 
Guillermo heard his master calling him and cringed. It had been a week since the hot list incident and Nandor had spent every waking moment making little jabs at his familiar and grousing about how he’d been betrayed on the internet. But to Guillermo’s surprisingly intense relief, he hadn’t been fired. After ten years of disappointment and hopeless pining, Guillermo half-expected to welcome the prospect of finally being put out of his misery, so to speak. He was kind of shocked, therefore, to feel happiness and gratitude that his master had decided to keep him around, even if only as a verbal punching bag.
He found Nandor in the library, smugly brandishing the purloined laptop. 
“Come have a look at your punishment, Guillermo,” Nandor patted the couch beside him. “This is what happens when you disrespect vampires on the ether net.”
Guillermo swallowed the lump in his throat and collapsed beside Nandor feeling like a man condemned. Their thighs pressed together but for once Nandor didn’t move away. He shoved the laptop at Guillermo and handed him a yellow sticky note with Colin Robinson’s handwriting on it.
“Colin Robinson has assisted in creating a webpage for your disgrace. We have done our own hot list! A familiar hot list. All of the New York vampires voted. So, now you can see how not nice it feels to have your hotness besmirched for all the world to see.”
Guillermo typed in the URL and blinked as the neon green background scorched his retinas. The page was a hideous callback to the internet of the late 1990s right down to the hit counter at the bottom. There was a border of pixelated dancing Draculas surrounding bright orange text.
NYC Familiar Hotness Ranking
1. Guillermo (Nandor the Relentless) - 19%
Guillermo looked at the screen, then over at Nandor, then back to the screen again.
“Master? Have you looked at the results yet?”
Nandor’s brow knit with confusion, “No, why? What does it say?”
He grabbed the laptop and squinted against the garish colors. Guillermo watched Nandor’s face carefully as he read the results. He looked surprised and almost...pleased at first, before giving in to his patented aggravation.
“Fucking Colin Robinson!”
New NYC Familiars Group! #welcome
Imurdad | colby: Hey @everyone! Welcome to the new Discord server. Guillermo has stepped down as a mod but he’ll still be around. We don’t have a perfect solution for the security problems we had with the last server. We’re asking everyone to be vigilant about hypnosis and if you feel like you’re losing time, please be sure to secure your phones/computers away from your masters….
subject: Something you might want to see…
Hey Nandoorman! How’s it hangin’?  
Listen, I’m sorry that your revenge didn’t go as planned. I noticed you’ve been a little short with Gizmo ever since this whole thing started. As someone who cares about my roomie, I want to advise you to knock it the hell off. Also, I don’t relish the thought of returning to the days before Gizmo came along. Do you even remember what the house used to look like? Pools of blood everywhere. Dead bodies. Melted candles all over the place...
I digress… I managed to snag this screenshot from Count Rapula. I think you may find it interesting.
Your pal,
Colin Robinson 
Gigithegreat: Hey guys. This isn’t easy for me to share but I know I’m not the only one who’s dealt with this and if I can help one of you feel less alone then I’ll be glad. As most of you know, I recently “celebrated” my 10th anniversary as Nandor’s familiar. I was convinced, absolutely convinced, that my master was going to make me into a vampire. Well, once again it didn’t happen. He made me this weird portrait out of glitter instead. And the thing is...like, I should leave, right? He’s never going to turn me and that’s the basis for our whole arrangement. I serve him faithfully, he turns me into a vampire. It’s simple, right? So why am I still here? Why am I still burying bodies for him and making human sacrifices? Dressing and feeding him? Treating him like he’s some kind of god and not an ancient cranky baby?  It’s because I’m in love with him. Hopelessly, stupidly, self-destructively in love with my vampire master who thinks of me as nothing more than a really well-trained poodle who can talk. Why? WHY? Because he makes me laugh. Because he’s fiercely protective of his vampire family and (sometimes) that includes me. Because when we’re alone he can be so adorably, painfully vulnerable and it feels like a privilege that I get to witness that side of him. Because he does ridiculously stupid but considerate things like spending hours making me a glitter portrait. When he’s happy with me I feel like I could float and when he’s disappointed I feel like being swallowed up by a sinkhole. And, yeah, he’s also man-of-my-dreams outrageously hot and I cannot believe you cretins have him ranked #29 on the hot list. It’s a crime. 
Gigithegreat: So, yeah. That’s why I stay. I’m no longer hoping for a bite that will never happen. Now it’s a kiss, a hug, a touch, a look. Anything he’s willing to give me I’ll gladly hoard in my little closet-room along with my glitter portrait. Because I’m pathetic. That’s it. That’s the confession.
Imurdad | colby: Brave words, Guillermo. Hang in there, friend.
blood_princess: this is a mood
sam teh pretty: Sending you healing head scritches ❤️
Celeste-is-Best: look, i think i speak for us all when i say we need to see this glitter portrait!!!
[You’re Viewing Older Messages … Jump To Present? ↓]
Nandor looked uncharacteristically thoughtful while Guillermo readied him for sleep. The familiar guessed he was still angry that his little revenge plot had backfired. He couldn’t help but feel a little smug about his position as the hottest NYC familiar. Even if he was pretty sure it was mostly due to the other vampires messing with Nandor. Guillermo couldn’t really enjoy his victory, though, not with Nandor’s feelings of betrayal still weighing on his heart.
Nandor’s face was a stoic mask as Guillermo helped him undress. He cooperated listlessly, picking up his feet for Guillermo to remove his heavy boots, lifting his arms up over his head as Guillermo took off his brocade tunic. Finally, he placed his giant hand in Guillermo’s soft, small one and stepped up into his coffin. Guillermo stood by the side of the coffin as he always did, watching over Nandor with affection choking his throat. Nandor smoothed his hair down and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Sweet dreams, master,” Guillermo whispered, leaning across him to catch the lid of the coffin.
“Wait, Guillermo,” Nandor spoke without looking at him, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. “I wish to say something to you.”
Guillermo’s heart sank in his chest. Oh no...his stupid middle schooler revenge didn’t work and now he’s going to send me away… Tears pricked his eyes and he choked, “C-can’t it wait until tomorrow, master?”
“No. I must say this now,” Nandor responded, oblivious to his familiar’s internal drama. “I want to say to you that--and I think I’m being extremely gracious and lenient here--it is fine for you to have your little, pathetic familiar group on the dark internet.”
“O-oh,” Guillermo quickly swiped the tears from his eyes, “thank you, master…”
“But no more mee-mees, Guillermo! Master-shaming...very disrespectful!”
“Of course!” Guillermo laughed, delirious with relief. 
Nandor looked up at him with a final warning glance before softening, “Alright, then. As long as we are clear on that…”
There was a long beat of silence during which Guillermo found himself locked inside his master’s gaze. Nandor’s eyes were like pools of rich, melted chocolate. Guillermo imagined himself as the German kid from Willy Wonka and for a second he was in danger of breaking down into giggles. But then his master spoke in that soft, uncertain tone he only used when they were alone and he was feeling fragile.
“Guillermo...did you really vote for me to be the number one hottest vampire?” Nandor toyed with the buttons on his shirt and looked up at his familiar with a shy, open expression.
Guillermo’s cheeks burned and he wanted to laugh and hide and kiss his master on the mouth all at once.
“Yes, master, I did. You’re…” he cleared his throat and tightened his grip on the lip of the coffin, “so handsome, master. So beautiful...”
He watched his master’s chest expand with pride and his lips twitch into a haughty smirk. 
“That’s true, Guillermo. Good job for noticing,” Nandor praised him in a voice that was a little too loud. It rang with a false sense of self-assurance. After a few seconds he went on in a quieter tone, “Do you know, I--this is very silly, Guillermo, you mustn't tell anyone this--I voted for you, too. As the hottest familiar…”
Guillermo’s stomach did a little swoop and his lips curved into a blinding smile. His dumb, beautiful master thought he was attractive? Guillermo tried to reel himself in; he tried to remind himself that Nandor probably only voted for him to boost his own reputation. But--wait?--hadn’t the list been meant as a revenge against Guillermo? God, what a handsome idiot.
“Thank you, master,” Guillermo gushed and now he was certain that Nandor’s eyes strayed too long on his smiling lips and red, dimpled cheeks. 
“Alright then!” Nandor pulled the emergency break on the moment. “Time for my evil slumber. Night night, Guillermo!”
And in a slow motion moment that would feature in Guillermo’s dreams that night, Nandor reached up and put his hand over his. Nandor’s cool, smooth palm rubbed over the back of Guillermo’s warm hand and his fingers squeezed slightly. The breath rushed from Guillermo’s lungs and he could only squeak in reply, shutting his master into his coffin and moving away with a dazed smile on his face.
A muffled sound came from the coffin just as Guillermo reached the door to the crypt.
“...And I don’t think of you as a poodle…”
“What was that, master?” Guillermo called.
“Nothing, Guillermo!”
Guillermo shuffled off to his little room feeling like he was carrying a happy little flame inside his chest. For once he gave himself permission to hope without fearing disappointment.
New NYC Familiars Group! #thirsty
Celest-is-Best: SORRY NOT SORRY!!!! Simon can get it…
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blood_princess: ummmm thirst after your own master, Celeste. Oops sorry she’s 12.
mish-bish: Lmaooo. Gross Celeste!
Celeste-is-Best: listen.
Celeste-is-Best: ...i got nothin. I want his evil dick.
Gigi the great: Please look respectfully at this photo I snuck of my master the other night. Do I really need to explain myself further???
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Celeste-is-Best: that’s it. guillermo, ask nandor if he needs another familiar. my body is ready!
Gigi the great: Back off, bitch!!!!
Gigi the great: jk love u
Gigi the great: but srsly back off
mish-bish: submitted without comment
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[Imurdad | colby, Gigi the great, Sam teh Cat, and 6 others like this]
Gigi the great: 🙄🙄🙄
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Gigi the great: I hate him I love him
black-peterrr: ohohoho, has anyone talked to Guillermo lately…..?
black-peterrr: a little raven told me he and Nandor were seen HOLDING HANDS in the park the other night…
call-me-karen: WHATTTTTTTT
Celeste-is-Best: @Gigi the great, CONFIRM OR DENY!! GIIIIIGIIII!
Gigi the great: ……...I don’t kiss and tell 😉
Imurdad | colby pinned a post
Imurdad | colby: This is momentous.
Gigi the great: hot take…
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Imurdad | colby: bahahaha, okay…
Imurdad | colby: 
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Gigi the great: But have you considered…
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Imurdad | colby: lol compelling
Call-me-karen: I mean…..👀
Celeste-is-Best: Ha...ha...ha…*sob*
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Direct Messages
Celeste-is-Best: Gigi! we miss you! ur never online lately... 
Celeste-is-Best: too busy getting that ottoman empire dick, huhhh??
Gigi the great: OMG Celeste! You’re out of control!
Celeste-is-Best: that wasn’t a denial…
Gigi the great: Hey guys...sorry I haven’t been active lately
Gigi the great: Quick update though....
GIgi the great:
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blood_princess: OSDFJweoiflkdfaf omgggggg gggggiiiiiiigiigigig!!!!!!
Jameson: Holy shit, man. Congrats.
Celeste-is-Best: GuillerrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmooooooOooooO!O my baby! you look amazing!
call-me-karen: DO YOU NEED A FAMILIAR!!?!?!?!?
Celeste-is-Best: jesus, karen lol
blood_princess: my master is having an orgy right now. I just locked myself in the bathroom--I’M FREAKING OUT!! What is it like? IS that blood on your collar??? OMG how was ur first feeding?
Imurdad | colby: I’m kidding. OMG I’m so happy for you! (And burning with jealous rage)
Celeste-is-Best: look how fucking happy Nandor is
Celeste-is-Best: i’ve been shipping you two from the beginning, Gigi!
Celeste-is-Best: …..hope you’re not going to forget who helped you out with those virgins last month…
“Guillermo!” Nandor’s voice was half whine, half growl. “It’s very difficult to sleep with that light filling the coffin! What are you doing anyway?”
The screen illuminated Guillermo’s grin as he answered, “Just posted that selfie we took to the familiar chat. They’re freaking out.”
Nandor turned onto his side, nuzzling his face into Guillermo’s neck and tickling him with his beard, “That’s nice. Sleepy time now, Guillermo.” 
“Yes, master,” Guillermo breathed and Nandor purred low in his chest. Some things had changed since becoming a vampire and others had stayed the same. Calling Nandor “master” had taken on a new, thrilling subtext.
Nandor’s arms snaked around Guillermo, tugging the smaller vampire into his chest. He let out a contented sigh and his body went still as he began to fall asleep.
“I guess I should probably leave the group,” Guillermo yawned--force of habit. “Since I’m not a familiar anymore.”
Nandor wrenched himself from sleep with the power of his own petulance, “Hey! What do you mean ‘not a familiar anymore’? Just because a guy gives his boyfriend the gift of eternal life he thinks he can quit being his familiar!? Who’s going to brush my hair?! ‘Not a familiar anymore’...fucking guy…”
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cathh-senpai · 4 years
A Quick Summary of TGCF Characters
Innocent Angel uwu:
Xie Lian, aka His Royal Highness The Crown Prince of Xian Le. Ascended and became god, descended again, ascended but not for long, oop descended again. And, guess what? Yes, he ascended again. God of Bad Luck; lost his kingdom, then his friends, then his parents... Scrap collecting god. He deserves all the uwu’s. Stayed a virgin for more than 800 years. When in doubt, food can be a weapon.
CRiMsoN RaIN SoUGht FLowEr:
aka Hua Cheng, aka San Lang, aka Wu Ming. One of the four Calamities. Has a pet scimitar named E’Ming that’s also his other eye...? Pined for 800. Fcking. Years. Now, THIS is DEDICATION. Too generous, basically wants to give Xie Lian everything. Smug bastard demon king. His voice in the donghua is just, AGAHGDHAGDSHK-
Oh god another tsundere guy but he’s literally a god:
Mu Qing, aka Fu Yao, aka General Xuan Zhen. Will call everyone bitch, will tell everyone to fuck off. Gets sensitive if you tell him to sweep, so don’t. Very much reminds me of Jiang Cheng, minus the leg-breaking and colour purple. Eye rolls 24/7. moron #1
Gay but not quite...?:
Feng Xin, aka Nan Feng, aka General Nan Yang. Afraid of women but has a lover and child. I fcking thought you were gay and shipped you with Mu Qing. Carries a bow. I feel like he’s confused, like a lot. Not much to say about him tho- moron #2
Tired bish:
Ling Wen, aka Nangong Jie. Someone get her some coffee- Thinks of everyone else around her as idiots. The only one that has a brain and knows what’s going on. Done with everyone. Even tho she’s kinda evil, we can’t fire her because she literally knows everything and if not everything will fall apart. Give her a break, or holiday, for the next 800 years. She deserves it...
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