#book of circus black butler
plague-of-insomnia · 2 months
Ciel does not see Sebastian as his father.
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He is actively repulsed by the idea and Yana has shown this explicitly at least twice: once in the Circus Arc and again in the Murder Arc.
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I know there’s a significant segment of the fandom who genuinely believes that Ciel wanted to have Sebastian to replace his dead father, but I disagree strongly, not only because of the above, but also because Yana has shown us that OC was much closer with Tanaka than Vincent.
Besides, if you look at the revisited contract scene from ch 138, it almost seems as if Ciel is not thinking of replacing Vincent when he makes the decision to accept Sebastian’s offer, but in fact is looking for a new protector to replace RC, his dead twin.
It’s impossible to talk about this moment without the gorgeous full-page series from the chapter.
Sebastian offers the contract. Ciel recalls his brother promising to protect him. He gazes out at his brother’s corpse and realizes that his only way forward now is through making a pact with the demon. His brother’s soul is gone already, as is his life.
So Ciel becomes his twin. He takes Sebastian on as his new shield for his revenge. Sebastian may be someone that Ciel relies on, but he is absolutely not his new father figure.
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cielphantomhive321 · 2 months
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Noah’s ark circus 🎪.
Original artist: https://twitter.com/eb_hua
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killuagirly · 3 months
Question: do you write for any of the reapers by chance?
Request: Joker & Ciel finding out their s/o runs an orphanage and decides to visit. The kids adore her and she's quite passionate about helping those she can. Please and thank you! 💖💖
Joker & Ciel[Separate] x Reader
Summary: After gaining the knowledge that you, their lover, runs an orphanage, they decide to go for a visit and see for themselves.
Notes: Hmm.. I can write for Grell, maybe William too. William might be a little ooc, but I can try. Not sure about the others though, eventually. Here is your lovely request!!
CW: Can't seem to find anythin' here..
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☆ You were having a simple everyday conversation with your fiancé, Ciel. Despite claiming not to enjoy small talk, he would let you go on about whatever you wished and would occasionally chime in with a question or comment about the topic or subject. Although today was a bit different, he completely stopped you for a moment to ask about something you had thrown in oh-so-casually. "I didn't know you ran an orphanage; how come you've never brought this up before?"
☆ Not being able to come up with a proper reason, you shrugged your shoulders at him in response. He stared in your general direction, for a moment before going on, "Maybe I could pay them a visit sometime. Would that be ok with you?" Your response was an obvious yes, not seeing a reason why he shouldn't. Both you and Ciel were young, so getting along with kids not much younger than you came rather naturally. Well, to you anyways.
☆ Ciel stepped through the double doors with Sebastian by his side carrying the basket of assorted sweets his young master had brought for the children. Kids ran around, laughing and playing with one another joyfully. Caretakers could be seen watching over the children, some helping out the younger ones with learning activities. "Welcome, the lady told us you'd be stopping by Earl Phantomhive!" One of the employees greeted the pair, "She's right over there if you'd like to see her," the woman pointed in your direction.
☆ "Thank you, I'll be going then." Ciel turned and stopped in his shoes upon seeing you, bent down, playing with some of the younger children. They all seemed to love you, asking for turns to be picked up, or if you could help them with one thing or another. Your beloved didn't exactly know what to think or do, so he simply watched you for a moment before his butler spoke up, "We will be going to speak with her, or just watch her from afar?" Sebastian questioned in a teasing tone. No response came from the young Earl, and rather he walked over to you and surprised you with a playful kiss on the cheek. "They seem to love you, don't they?"
☆ You and Joker laid beside each other on his mattress, talking about random nonsense. He loved moments like these, where he could learn new things about you he hadn't picked up on before. In return, he'd tell you small things about himself you probably hadn't noticed either without even knowing he was doing it. When he mentioned the orphanage he had lived in for some time, it looked as if a lightbulb clicked on in your head. You turned over to face him with a smile, "Did you know I run an orphanage?"
☆ Joker's face turned into one of disbelief for a moment before answering, "N' I didn't. 're ye' messin' with me?" You chuckled and told him no, going on about all the children you knew there. Not only did you run an orphanage, but you were also in close contact with these kids, getting to know them. "Hey darlin', d' ye' think I could pay 'em a visit?" he asked, not knowing whether or not you allowed them visitors. "Sure, when do you wanna come see them? I'm sure they'd love you, and you're great with the kids who come by the circus."
☆ Here he was, only a couple of days later, stepping inside the large building only to be greeted with the smell of food being made by some of the employees. That alone surprised him, given that when he was still living in an orphanage, the older of the kids were meant to take turns cooking for everyone. "Nice to see you," one of the caretakers startled him with a greeting, "are you Joker? [Name] told us you'd be paying the children a visit." He gave the woman his signature circus smile, "Indeed I am! 's nice t' meet ye'" The woman chuckled, "It's nice to meet you too, [Name] is right over there."
☆ The woman chuckled, "It's nice to meet you too, [Name] is right over there playing with the youngsters." Joker gave her a quick thanks and walked towards the direction she had pointed. He stopped in the doorway to the larger playroom, his heart almost melting on the spot. There you were, playing with the kids as they practically swarmed around your legs asking for your attention. He paced over to where you stood speaking with the little ones, and placed his hand on your shoulder, "I never knew ye' were s' good w'th kids!" Suddenly, they children were asking him all sorts of questions about who he was, and why he was wearing 'funny clothes'. Looks like he was in for a lively visit.
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sebadztian · 5 months
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sebastianthemadlad · 5 months
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A little meme I made, basically the end of book of circus in a nutshell
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gasolineclown · 4 months
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Calling all the monsters? No calling all the butlers. But what do they talk about?
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imjustmarcy · 2 months
Begging on my knees for more fans to write more dadbastian content now that the anime is back 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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princessbutler1316 · 1 month
Do you guys noticed that on BOC OP...they are fighting in CATHEDRAL OF NOTRE DAME????
I have proof
The gargoyles that Beast destroyed with her whip
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The outside
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And the last, the Stained glass
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If you noticed this, great, I feel kind of stupid for not noticing it sooner. BUT WAIT THAT'S MORE...
Keep in mind that BOC was realease in July of 2014 and chapter 105 is from May of 2015
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And where is Notre Dame?
Notice the bottom part of one of the stained glass windows of Notre Dame
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Anyway, this probably means that we are going to France again (like season 1 ENDING but hopefully with much less drama and unnecessary history), but MOTHER YANA IS HITTING SOMETHING....and I'm afraid
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liarkinq · 2 days
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black-butler-meta · 1 month
Analyzing Book of Circus: Sex, Attraction, and Physical Touch Are Simply Tools for Sebastian
There are two things we know for certain about Sebastian. One, he is a demon, and as such, isn't bound by silly things such as human morals and human standards of right and wrong. Two, he's hot as heck and everyone knows it. This is intentional, of course... it's a key part of his design and a big part of what makes him such a desirable character. It's a theme often found with dark supernatural characters (vampires, demons, werewolves, fae, etc.) and it's that call of temptation, exploration of sex and sexuality, looking taboo in the eye, and following that dark lure of danger that makes such characters so enticing for so many of us.
So, of course we see how this comes up and presents itself throughout Black Butler. Specifically, this post is looking at how Sebastian utilizes his attractiveness as well as physical touch to manipulate those around him.
So, first, let's look at how he seduces Beast and manipulates her to gain information. He manipulates Beast's loneliness and pain combined with her attraction towards him to sleep with her and get the name of "father." It was a few heavily spoken words, promising relief from the ache she felt, and choice hand placements. Gripping her wrist, a hand on her hip. But every moment of that entire scene, from the moment he approaches her to when they are in her tent, was him being calculating and emotionally barren. There was no kissing, hardly any face to face positioning. Even when he first comes onto her, he's behind her, with eye contact at a minimum. The parts that we do see of him touching her during the act are primarily when he's undressing and touching her prosthetic rather than her actual skin. Even the shadows on the wall are only of her and her reaction to what he's doing to her, symbolizing how he's really not "there" with her. He's removed entirely from the exchange, and he talks through the entire thing. It's just another work day for him.
It's not the first or last time that Sebastian uses his attractiveness and sex appeal to manipulate. There are other points throughout the series where it happens as well, and with good reason - his entire characterization is centered around his sex appeal. He's meant to be irresistible, attractive to the point of distraction, possessing an otherworldly beauty and air of mysterious allure that humans are particularly susceptible to. William describes him as much in Book of Circus. He's a predator specifically designed to lure his prey into a false sense of security before striking, and his prey are humans. It doesn't matter their age, gender, sex, or race. Souls are souls, and they are made for devouring.
Which brings us to the PTSD scene where Ciel is having a full on panic attack/mental breakdown, drool and all. Sebastian is very close to him, grinning like the cat that caught the canary, and the entire vibe of it is uncomfortable due to how close and intimate it feels, all while Ciel is suffering and Sebastian is looking and nefariously seductive. Every action and angle of him in that scene is sensual and intimate (his finger swiping Ciel's lip, untying Ciel's eyepatch, etc.), while Ciel is obviously not. His eyes are closed, his face contorted in misery, drool/vomit down his chin… this moment is about his suffering. In fact, he hardly registers the way Sebastian is touching him, which makes this scene verge on noncon; after all, how would Ciel react to having his lips touched if he wasn't in the middle of a panic attack? It's this crossroad of Sebastian's predatory sex appeal and Ciel's trauma that makes this scene so uncomfortable. This is exacerbated even more so by the fact that Ciel is a child which is made even more obvious during this scene. Ciel is having flashbacks of his trauma from years prior, when he was younger and smaller, and he is pleading for Sebastian in the way a child may call for their parent during a nightmare. Ciel in that moment wasn't "13 year old going on 30" as he often portrays himself. He was a small little boy, once again trapped in his cage.
Meanwhile, Sebastian is simply relishing in Ciel's suffering and seizes the opportunity to change the power dynamic between them. Ciel may be his master, but Sebastian is the one pulling the strings in this moment. Sebastian's gentle, his voice is smooth, his touch is soothing. He holds his outstretched hand, wrapping his arms around him. He fills up Ciel's vision, making him focus on the demon's physical presence rather than the horror that's unfolding. And Ciel allows it, even the touching of his lips, unaware of the boundary it's crossing because he's literally in the middle of a panic attack and needs to be saved. It's manipulation, plain and simple; Sebastian is fostering codependency as a tool to further corrupt the soul he will eventually get to devour. He's using this close proximity and intimate contact to push Ciel to call on his demon and slaughter everyone. Sebastian may be the sword, but Ciel is the hand, and in the end, this act of violence falls on him. In the end, it's his soul that suffers, which is just how Sebastian wants it to be.
Even the touch of Ciel's lips is a predatory one; it may seem to drip with sexually charged energy, especially since the lips are an erogenous zone (imagine if he did that to an adult… tell me that wouldn't immediately seem sexual); however, this sexual presence is largely in part to that just being a part of Who Sebastian Is. As stated before, that allure is a part of his design as a hunter, so of course it will be the strongest/most noticeable when occurring in the presence of human weakness.
The way he draws his thumb along his lip is like checking the ripeness of fruit. The way he stares down at him is like a chef checking a pot of stew simmering on the stove. It's almost as if he can smell the corruption brewing through Ciel's open mouth. (Also, I'd bet money that the soul is "removed" from the body through the mouth, as this was also implied at the end of season 1, even though that episode wasn’t technically canon). This doesn't really surprise me, because creatures of the night devouring their victims through physically intimate situations is a pretty common theme (e.g., vampires biting necks/thighs). It all ties into Sebastian's dark nature. Once again, it's intended to be uncomfortable.
And once he gets Sebastian's permission, the discomfort of the scene immediately ends, Sebastian’s predatory sex appeal is muted (but still present - always present). Ciel is carried in Sebastian's arms like a child being carried off to bed while Sebastian slaughters everyone. Sebastian's manipulation worked; his food gave into the rage and Sebastian gets to kill for him, thus bringing him closer to completing his contract.
Contrast this with the times when Sebastian is not trying to manipulate Ciel, and his touches are far more tame and appropriate. Wiping the water off of Ciel’s body, feeling his forehead for a fever, etc. It’s usually when he’s fulfilling his butler duties, or when Ciel’s life is in danger, that he almost forgets his predatory nature and behaves almost normally. Perhaps it’s through these gentler, everyday interactions that helps Sebastian gradually grow an attachment to his young master. He still sees him as food, but less predator/prey and more farmer and his livestock, a steward for a broken soul until it’s ready for slaughter. But I feel like if there’s any chance of Sebastian growing beyond his demon nature, it’ll be through these mundane but meaningful moments.
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astrexx · 1 month
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cielphantomhive321 · 1 month
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Snake’s Death 😭😔.
Original artist: https://twitter.com/eb_hua
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yugitsu · 1 year
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Book Of Circus, Kuroshitsuji (2014)
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tormiichu · 2 months
I'm seeing 2 connections here....
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1....2....Yana's coming for you.....
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juxl25 · 2 months
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I can’t believe I didn’t notice this before :( poor snake
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