#both my feral son and my little meow meow
Okay, headcannon for Izuku's quirk being able to hear animals speaking. Like when he turned, a bird landed on his window and he can hear them wondering if someone could give them something to eat so Izuku gave the bird a bowl of seed.
!!!!!!!! I LOVE THATTTTTTT !!!!!!!!
Koda and izuku are best friends and Disney princesses
My question is, can the animals understand him too? I’m going to say that they can, but if you want a situation where they can’t, that’s totally valid!!!!! Tell me and I’ll do a different set of headcanons for that!!!!
I like to imagine like,,, 4-5 year old izuku hanging out in his room and a bird flies on his window sill talking to themself about food, and little izuku is just in AWE
He’d be completely overjoyed
You cannot tell me that the absolute ray of sunshine that toddler izuku is would not be like, “oh my gosh, animals, I can understand animals, can they understand me? Do they like me? If I talk to them, will I be talking in bird or do they understand Japanese? I’ll get you seeds!!!!! I wonder if it’s all animals or just birds? I wonder-“ and his brain is going a mile a minute while he just runs into the kitchen trying to ask his mom if they have any bird seed
A very confused inko gives him some bird seed and asks if he’s okay, and he’s trying to articulate that he thinks he got his quirk, but he’s an excited 4 year old with adhd, who just heard and understood a bird and is thinking about what this means for his future career as a hero, so give him a moment
He does tell her what happened, and she asks him what the bird is saying and if the bird can understand them, and he says that they can, and he’s just so happyyyyyy
Angst time, because I am a horrible person /j
Hisashi Midoriya is not happy because the quirk is likely a mutation of some kind as it doesn’t have anything to do with fire breath or attracting small objects
So, he does a deadbeat dad thing and dips
Izuku feels so guilty over it, but he can’t bring himself to hate his quirk (good) he gets to talk to animals! He can help them!!
Inko makes sure to tell him that it isn’t his fault and that he shouldn’t blame himself
Family angst is over!
So, our dearest son, izuku feral Midoriya, 10000% sneaks animals into the entrance exam
I like to imagine that he went to the park beforehand and talked to a shit ton of squirrels and chipmunks and asked them to help him with the entrance exam if they could. He brings them food as a peace offering (irl you shouldn’t feed wild animals, I know this, izuku knows this, but he can tell them why they shouldn’t rely on humans for food, we cannot, so just bare with me)
But yes. Just imagine izuku giving a war cry to all the rodents that are, for reasons unknown to anyone but izuku, standing around the gates of the exam area, and suddenly like,,,, 3 dozen rodents just start running in and tearing wires out of robots
Koda and izuku are fast friends who bond over their love and respect for animals
They both have anxiety too and are the only (at the beginning) members of class a who know/use JSL!
Okay, something that just popped into my head because I was thinking of how he’d use this quirk in the sports festival, and all I could think of was like,,, Pokémon trainer izuku
And honestly,,, kinda love that
Like, he’s just in the little ring with shinsou (does shinsou’s quirk work on animals?? Like, if he asked a cat a question and even if they don’t understand him, they still meow at him, would they be under his control?) anyway, I’m assuming shinsou’s quirk doesn’t work on animals. So, izuku just brings in a fucking bear who he bribed with salmon earlier and shinsou is like, “wow. Fuck.”
But anyway. I like to imagine that izuku has a shit ton of bird houses outside his window at home, and this continues when they move into the dorms
Aizawa finds him one night talking to a cat in an alleyway, and he’s worried for his problem child being in an alleyway at night and why is he here???? And then, he sees the cat and understands.
Mic goes to check on the class a dorms the next day because his husband never came back last night and he might’ve run into trouble with his hell class, only to walk in on the green bean and his husband smuggling a cat on campus
Shota, you’re a teacher. What are you doing?
He had to. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.
Anyway. Class a has a new dorm cat :)
I hope you like theseeee!!!! They were really fun to write and think about!!!! Izuku and koda being Disney princesses is now something that I hold very dear to my heart 😭😭
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eunchancorner · 4 months
OK I'll admit this one was a little headcanon heavy, pretty angsty and it does cut off abruptly bc I had no clue how to finish the story so it seemed like an acceptable stopping point. I also did what I said I was gonna do and used some human terminology that feral cats have no business knowing but I don't care
Have character death
Two warriors, an apprentice, and a kit. All four clustered around the soaked bodies of their mother and father. Muddyspots sat behind them, staring almost in shock at his deceased sister and her mate. Beside him, his own kit, and his most trusted friend, not knowing how they could help.
“Today, we gather to mourn the losses of Sunfluff and Thornsnatch,” Everstar meowed, looking out at the solemn Clan before him. “Thornsnatch gave his life in an effort to feed our Clan, and Sunfluff gave hers in an effort to save him. Tonight, their spirits are sent to StarClan, as loving parents, loyal warriors… and wonderful friends. We thank Mistscar and Muddyspots for retrieving their bodies from the river for burial. We thank Puddlefire, Robintail and Dandelionpaw for helping to carry them home one last time. And we thank Velvetfur for taking on the task of raising Rosekit. Tonight, as we hold vigil for these two wonderful souls, would anyone like to share memories of them?”
“I would,” Muddyspots said as he stood, prompting Everstar to nod as he came forward.
“I knew Sunfluff better than anyone. She was the best sister any cat coulda ever had… and when she told me she liked Thornsnatch, I’ll admit, I was skeptical. I wondered how any cat coulda captured her heart so easily. But over the moons I got to know him better than I had almost any other clanmate. I understood. He was witty while she took a bit to think. Where she was strong, he was fast. They balanced each other out, and when they were together, nothing could stop them… So it’s hard to believe a bit of water did just that. But they still left someone here with us, four someones, in fact. Puddlefire, Robintail, Dandelionpaw, Rosekit, I promise I will do everything in my power to help keep y’all safe. I don’t care that two of ya are warriors, because you’re still my kin, and I am still going to help ya. I love all of ya, and I’m going to care for you the same way they did.”
“Uncle Muddyspots…” Puddlefire started, before trailing off, his mismatched eyes welling with tears.
“Thank you,” Robintail finished his thought, giving her brother a soft, comforting nuzzle.
“Uncle Muddyspots, I’m scared…” Rosekit mewed as she padded up to the deputy. “What if Velvetfur isn’t nice to me because I’m not her kit?”
“Aw, Rosekit, it'll be ok. Velvetfur chose to take care of ya for a reason, didn’t she?” He locked eyes with the fluffy warrior, who averted her gaze for just a moment to look at her own son, who was consoling Dandelionpaw alongside Riverpaw.
Russetpaw would want this, she thought as she nodded. 
Rosekit looked back at Velvetfur, before her gaze fell on her mother and father.
“Can I stay outside tonight, and say goodbye to Mama and Papa with you?” she asked, looking back up at the mottled brown tom, who shook his head gently.
“I’d say yes if you were a little older, Rosekit, but you need to sleep properly. You’re too young to attend a vigil…”
“I’m three moons old! I’m old enough!” she argued, stomping her paw.
“No, you’re not. In fact, you, Lilykit, Skullkit and Pumpkinkit should all be asleep. Lavenderclaw, Velvetfur, could you please take these four to the nursery?”
Lavenderclaw nodded as she stood, gently herding Skullkit and Pumpkinkit away, as Velvetfur stepped forward.
“Come on, kits, it’s time to sleep. All that’s left is the vigil, and both of you are too young for that…” she told them softly.
“Okay, Velvetfur… Goodnight, Papa… goodbye Uncle Thornsnatch and Auntie Sunfluff…” Lilykit mewed, before padding over to the siamese cat. Rosekit sat stubbornly, not willing to leave her mother and father.
“Muddyspots, maybe we should let her… She needs closure. Besides, by the end of the vigil, she’ll still probably fall asleep,” Mistscar urged his friend, who sighed a bit.
“I know, it’s just… I don’t want to choose between her grieving and her getting the rest she needs to grow up strong,” the deputy admitted.
“I don’t think this is your choice to make. We have to let her make some of her own decisions, which includes this. She’s young but… she still has a heart and mind of her own, y’know?” the black tom reasoned.
“You’ve got me there… alright, Rosekit, you can stay up. Just because this is important, alright?”
The little golden kit nodded, stepping back over to her siblings as Velvetfur took Lilykit back to the nursery. Muddyspots looked over at the four siblings as Everstar stepped forward.
“Tonight, all cats who were close with Thornsnatch and Sunfluff, who are old enough to catch their own prey… with the exception of Rosekit… will hold a silent, final vigil with the deceased. All who wish to join are welcome to,” the leader announced.
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blondiest · 1 year
near for blorbo bingo
BHGFFGGGFD THANK YOU for asking about my (or let's be real, our) son
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mellonear: a feral/cryptid power couple. an ADHD/autistic power couple (though i Do find your case for AuDHD mello compelling too,,,). both give me gender envy (don't ask how this is possible bc i genuinely don't know but it's real). both in the wrong genre (to me, bc i need to put them in romcom situations or i'll die). the pathetic meow meow is perhaps a stretch for near but he's got at least a little of that energy. i say "in desperate need of therapy" but realistically i think he would have trouble letting someone psychoanalyze him bc he'd be able to pick up on too much of what they were doing and perhaps not see the point. angst machine is for canon bc i would rather die than give near an unhappy ending.
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two-reflections · 4 months
Hello, I'm PS. I sometimes paint minis and write fanfic.
I primarily rep the Salamanders, but I also like the Red Corsairs, the Iron Warriors, the Thousand Sons, Vashtorr the Arkifane, my original Dark Mechanicum sect, and several Astartes/Legionary characters from other Chapters/Legions.
This is (unfortunately) a sideblog, so apologies if it's hard to tell whether we've interacted. If it helps, my main is a very old astronomy-related blog!
Asks are always open! I welcome feedback on my painting and writing. I'm trying my best to improve at both. 😅
Meta Posts
Salamanders 6th Company
Thousand Sons Killteam
Asks and Replies
Now, come under the cut and I'll tell you a little about myself and all about my favourite guys. [WIP, please forgive the mess.]
About me:
I live in the UK, but I wasn't born or raised here.
I was an archaeologist, but I'm a copy editor now. Cheers, Brexit. 🙄
My major hobby is LARP. I crew and play quite a lot of small and mid-size games.
My first experience with Warhammer 40k was a Dark Heresy TTRPG Campaign campaign where I played a "pilgrim" (scout equivalent) from a rogue Space Marine Chapter who was part of an Inquisitor's retinue. Still one of the best TTRPGs I've ever played.
Fell in love with the Salamanders due to a plot point in that game. Later read the Tome of Fire books, which only deepened my love.
I wanted to start painting then, but after an uncomfortable experience at what was then my local GW store, I didn't feel like it would be a good idea.
My spouse and I painted minis for a few RPGs and Legacy board games together over the years. We sucked, but it was fun.
Last year, I started watching Warhammer videos while painting Frosthaven minis. Finding Ebay Miniature Rescues was what finally got through to me.
Since then, I've been painting and reading when I can. I've played Killteam a few times with my spouse, loved it every time.
I'm neurodivergent and just absolutely horrendous at communication. I have three modes: enthusiasm, anxiety spiral, and complete hermit. All of these can make me difficult to interpret. I've spent years giving myself hell for it and I'm trying not to do that any more, but please understand that it only takes one brief conversation for me to consider us friends. If I forget to reply, I still think you're amazing and I will genuinely be delighted if you nudge me or randomly get in touch months or years later.
Canon Faves:
ALL THE SALAMANDERS - literally all of them. I'm super hung up on Nick Kyme's Rebirth though, so my favourites are Ur'zan Drakgaard (whom I HC as being a dreadnought in current 40k), Adrax Agatone, and the poor little meow meow x feral massive hiss hiss duo of Exor and Zartath (yes, he counts!!). Also, Chaplain Elysius is always 10/10. Sa'kan from Pariah Nexus is also wonderful and I hope we see him again soon.
All the cool humans around the Salamanders - RIP Makato. Issak and Agatone should kiss once. Shoutout to Tsu'gan's brander, he didn't deserve what happened to him. Colonel Redgage is babygirl and I'll always wonder if he survived.
Non-Salamander OCs:
Kemal Afshar and Setka Radjedef of the Thousand Sons. Technically my spouse's OCs, but they're kind of shared at this point. Despite being on different sides of the Ahriman-Magnus divide, these ancient Terran boys meet often to play sorcerous board games together. You can read more about them here! Also, these lads have minis!
Warsmith Kirakos Neman of the Iron Warriors and Fleet Captain Roscius Sedulius of the Red Corsairs enter into a trade agreement together with personally devastating consequences. You can read more about them (and other characters from their warbands) here!
Skitarius Escher has been requisitioned from Forgeworld Urum by the Inquisition, serving in a team headed by Interrogator Arion Astraeus under the auspices of Inquisitor Griselda Novaria of the Ordo Hereticus. You can read more about them (and the rest of the team) here!
I also have several techmarines-in-training, though there are no available stories for them yet. So far, I have Irran Alto (Dragonspears), Adathan (Blood Angels), and Ganzorig (White Scar).
OC squad: The 6th Company's 3rd Tactical.
(Apologies for the Heroforge pics below, I hope to actually put together my squad's minis this year and then this'll have proper pictures. Or I'll commission some artwork.)
The 6th's 3rd [name TBA] is a squad of Salamanders currently stationed in the rotating garrison at Clymene. Currently eight men + a Sergeant, though they often deploy with the addition of Lexicanum An'terea, an elderly Astartes who was caught up in the Psychic Awakening at the turn of the millennium.
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Brother Lattis (R) describing a creature to Sergeant Te'rien. (L).
Led by Sergeant Benedan Te'rien (~160), a fixture of the 6th. In the forge, Te'rien specialises in fine metalwork. Te'rien has tried to run his squad like a family where he is the paterfamilias, but he's still emotionally compromised after the death of someone he had an intense friendship with in the past. Even though younger Astartes are often seen as more emotional and less detached, Te'rien is an example of how untrue this is. His deep love for the 6th Company stands in contrast with his stubborn refusal to leave Clymene to rejoin the rest of the 6th in Aethonian. Only his current Captain and second-best friend Nehr Ur’Venn knows that his self-imposed exile isn't meant to keep him away from the company, but is based on his need to preserve a status quo that actually died many years ago.
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An'terea (L) and Philo (R) reminiscing.
Pe'tar Philo and Carix An'terea go back like 250 years and are absolutely devoted to each other. It's not that they exclude others on purpose, they're just unrelatably old and are the only ones left from an extremely tight knit squad that died many years before. An'terea isn't technically part of the same squad as Philo any more, but he takes advantage of his new Librarian status (thanks, Psychic Awakening) to attach himself to whatever squad Philo is part of. There are several younger Astartes he cares about like Kea'hi and Val'ten, and both Philo and An'terea have grown closer to Sabinus in recent years.
Philo is a brash, avuncular man who cares deeply about the squad. He was a Sergeant in the 5th many years ago and hated being in charge. Since then, he has rejected promotion. He just wants to fight on and spend the calm parts of his life reminiscing with An'terea. Only bothered crossing the Rubicon because An'terea asked him to.
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Cor'en (L) scanning Bai'keti (R) after an accident with a malfunctioning power sword.
I don't plan to discuss this further in any of my Salamander stories beyond All-seeing Dawn, but pilot and emergency medic Cor'en (~300, claims 75) is an infiltrator. Not from Alpha Legion, but from a homebrew rogue chapter called the Reavers in Metal. He was meant to infiltrate the Deathwatch, but got stuck with the Salamanders by mistake. He genuinely respects Te'rien. Watching the flawed little Sergeant do his best reminds Cor'en of humanity's tenacity. He's not a big fan of the rest of the squad, though. He misses his old squad. He hopes to leave the Salamanders soon. He just this needs to get his hands on one thing, and then he can “die” on the next battlefield and go home. He's the only Firstborn in the squad at first, though more will arrive as young Primaris marines are promoted and older Firstborn marines transfer to the reserve companies.
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Lattis (L) and Keleth (R) having a drink.
Lattis (60s), Keleth(80s), and Kea'hi (~45) are the tight core of the squad. The Themian Lattis thinks he's the ringleader of this group because Te'rien was his Forgefather when he was a child, but it's actually Keleth, a cuddly Hesiodian with many forgechildren of his own. Kea'hi is a bit younger, he is a very normal Salamander. Kea'hi worries that his position might be insecure since he's the youngest in the core and Lattis gives another soldier called Atsen Bai'keti a hard time for being “the baby”, but Kea'hi only thinks that because he doesn't understand what's actually going on between those two. The truth is that Lattis hates people he sees as dishonest, so he saw red when Bai'keti showed up and started swaggering around. Unfortunately, Lattis hasn't noticed that Bai'keti has grown up a lot over the years, so he keeps tormenting him.
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Keleth (L) with one of his forgechildren.
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Sabinus (R) comforting Bai'keti (L).
Sabinus (~65) used to be part of the core group until Bai'keti showed up. His defense of Bai'keti from Lattis's bullying split him off a little from that group, but only Lattis actually lost respect for him. Everyone else still likes him, and Sabinus, Philo and An'terea have become more friendly since then. Sabinus has a heavy, sullen face, but he's actually calm, perceptive and knows the backgrounds of all his squad mates except Cor’en. He has a big heart and a forgiving nature. He would make a good Sergeant, but he's utterly uninterested in command and doesn't know the rest of the 6th Company well on account of being stuck in Clymene for many decades. He may still be promoted someday. Teased Val'ten a little at first because he found him a bit soft and twee.
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Bai'keti (R) discussing his dodgy power sword with Sabinus. (L)
Atsen Bai'keti (~32) was never meant to be in the 6th's 3rd. He was once a special scout, not intended for the companies at all but for Mars. However, he suffered a medical mishap and ended up taking significantly longer than average to ascend, meaning that a different scout who began ascension after him left for Mars in his stead. Unfortunately, all the stress, memory issues, and the fall from star scout to disappointment meant that he was a complete mess when he joined the squad. At first, he acted childishly superior and conceited out of insecurity. He has mellowed over the years, especially now that his body has stabilised. Nevertheless, Lattis still gives him hell. When Sabinus stood up in Bai'keti's defense, this unfortunately created tension in the squad and isolated Bai'keti further. With only two friends and a horrible power sword he is desperately failing to make work, Bai'keti doesn't feel like he's part of the squad. Things will improve tremendously for him once he leaves for Mars and finds that he's older and more experienced than the average Techmarine-in-training. He will probably join the Deathwatch after that and return in his 80's with an actual reason to swagger around.
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Val'ten (R) gets a talking-to from Sergeant Te'rien (L).
Dejan Val'ten (~25) is the newest member of the 6th. He was a PDF orphan from Heliosa before he was apprenticed to a Brother there. He's the opposite of Bai'keti, having had a relatively straightforward ascension. Unlike his Brother Salamanders, he isn't particularly gifted in the forge, but what he lacks in technical skills he makes up for with tenacity, diplomacy and a strategic mind. He's overly aware of his youth and inexperience, so he tries hard to fit in. He makes friends quickly with Bai'keti, which makes Kea'hi avoid him by proxy. Lattis and Keleth, however, treat him relatively well. On the flip side, Sabinus makes fun of him sometimes. Val'ten idolizes Sergeant Te'rien at first, but comes to see his human side. They will have been good friends for many years by the time Te'rien dies and Val'ten replaces him as Sergeant.
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Dal'ris Moloi (~27) is not a Salamander. He was an aspirant who failed to ascend, and is now Val'ten's brander-priest. He requested to be assigned to Val'ten because Val'ten helped his family while he was a scout. The two become very close, working on a secret project together. Val'ten discovers that he enjoys making Dal'ris happy, Dal'ris thinks Val'ten is hot and is flattered that his Lord Astartes pays so much attention to him. They're falling in love.
Drek'tyr (~300) is a very old firstborn who moves down from a higher company when he realizes everyone around him is Primaris now. He replaces Bai'keti. He has a stupid saurian hat and I love him a lot. A little gremlin of a man. He's literally only here because my spouse gave me a very silly mini of a Salamander with a dinosaur head.
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kingspite · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
: ̗̀➛ ABOUT ME ♔
hii ! call me Felix! :]
✶ 19 yo, white
✶ nonbinary transsexual first and foremost 🏳️‍⚧️. transmasc genderfluid (mostly demi-male). bisexual + greyromantic/arospec (?)
✶ pronouns: he/they/fae/rot/igni (she > ask before using)
✶ basque (bzk) (spanish)
✶ languages: 🇪🇦, 🇩🇪, 🇺🇲, (🇲🇫 , a little). (currently learning 🇹🇩 + 🇷🇺)
✶ ☀️ ♏︎ , ⬆️ ♌︎ , 🌙 ♉︎ . INFJ ⅘
✶ 89% chances of being OCD + Maybe??autistic?/NPD?(??). definitely some flavor of neurodivergency. idek but i have things to do so i don't have time to think about that right now! :))))
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✎ Literature, film, animation, poetry, linguistics. Politics, philosophy and history/queer history, ocasionally. Also anime and cartoons. also drawing, writing, reading, etc etc.
✎ more fandom-centred, but will post about any of the above ^ as well.
✎ VERY multifandom
Red Queen series, The Hunger Games/TBOSAS, The Poppy War series, Dune series, My Hero Academia, Grishaverse series, ATLA, Infinity Train, Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, HoTD, Gravity Falls (but I reblog stuff about other things too)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・
Leader of Thomaven + Mareven nations (I don't actually ship Mare and Maven romantically, their canon dynamic just has been keeping me clinically deranged and unhinged and feral for years. like I adore them but please don't become canon ever. (actual mareven shippers who think they should end up together pls DNI :))
Maven x Iris enthusiast (is there a ship name for them??? if there is please someone correct me). Started as a crackship now we're here
Marecal #1 supporter + #1 Evangelane enthusiast !! also like Shade x Farley a whole lot! :)
Coriara enthusiast too (let me be delusional idk. comphet hit them both hard).
Not much of a fan of Kilorn x Cameron, don't rlly mind the ship either.
Can u believe I'm a sophomore college student and still I have a PhD in Maventology. Consult me before doing as much as thinking about him. I'm def not chronically clinically insanely deranged about him. I like him a normal, healthy, and perfectly stable and definitely not autistic amount. I do not relate to him on a spiritual level at all, he absolutely isn't "just like me fr fr". Also he fucked up bad but god forbid a twink ass bisexual guy with 87 mental illnesses and 56 personality disorders be a little bit of a silly goofy jester. my poor little meow meow my loser bf my 3-apples-tall son my whole lifeline.
Definitely a Maven apologist but also he did everything wrong and was an awful, horrible person and he's also my little baby who deserved more love. yknow how it is. also toxic maven stans who love him but hate mare and cal and also sexualize him to filth BIG DNI. you're weird!!
Also dm me before speaking on Mare Barrow or Cal Calore, please and thank you. they consume my every-waking thought, both individually and as a ship :))
Devoted to the Queens of Girlbossia Evangeline Samos and Iris Cygnet (they did many things wrong but god forbid women do anything🙄).
Also Evangeline hatred is absolutely not deserved and NOT welcome here.
BIG Kilorn Warren, Shade Barrow, Cameron Cole and Coriane Jacos enthusiast. AND Elara Merandus enthusiast (and borderline apologist)
CEO of the Calore brothers. No one understands them like I do (u can trust me i have older sibling issues). and again pls do consult me before speaking on them. The amount of mental illness they give me every single minute of my life is beyond human comprehension and they make me soooo miserable beyond belief and the amount of love i have for them is immesurable and they don't even know it !!😔
Jacos siblings, Cole siblings enthusiast.
PhD in Merandus family-tology - and with Merandus family I mean Elara and Maven. Like that's literally me and my mom what are u talking about. every time i think about them i age up 89 years they make me convulse and shriek on the floor. no one criticize them without my consent thank u 🫶
Also House Merandus, House Jacos + House Calore (more lowkey) enthusiast
Note! Hate the Calore brothers all you like (ur wrong, but it's allowed ig) but Mare haters are NOT welcome in this blog (especially the ones that call her "annoying". get a grip ❤️).
Also if you hate Elara you are right but also very boring. and not welcome here either.
Consult me before speaking on Snowplinth or Coriolanus or Sejanus individually thank you very much. Also like Snowbaird a lot (not as a ship!). Coriolanus Snow is bisexual and OCD/BPD yes it's a canon fact he told me himself. Lucy Gray Baird defender (can't believe I have to say it but some of you have god awful takes on her omg).
# Peeta Mellark enthusiast. also Everlark, Haymitch, Cinna and Johana enthusiast. Also like Katniss a lot lot she deserved none of that!! Sort of Gale apologist (didn't like him at first, think he is WAY overhated now).
Fang Runin, Yin Nezha and Chen Kitay are all my children and under my protection. I apologize Rin's war crimes as a full-time job now, too. Have been deranged obsessed with her losergirl bisexual BPD ass since day 1 🤞🤞(I've only read the first book, so I know no further spoilers!!!). Chagaltan enthusiast (they are both incredibly gay just too busy planning mass murder to realize!) I love Altan Trengsin a normal amount as well :)))
Touya apologist, LoV apologist, Shigadabi/Dabihawks and Togachako enthusiast. Also Hawks, Lady Nagant, Overhaul, Aizawa, Shinsou enthusiast. Todoroki family enthusiast too, especially Touya and Natsuo (Ende*vor not included).
Kanej and Wesper lover. Kaz Brekker and Nikolai Lantsov CEO, Jesper Fahey and Nina Zenik enthusiast :)
🌪🔥 ATLA 🌊🌱
consult me before speaking on Azula or Zuko thanks :] (I don't really care much about ships in this fandom, so I don't really have strong opinions about it lol. Still, i'm more of a Kataang and Sokka x Suki enthusiast). If you hate Katara or Aang I hate you <3
Also the whole Zutata vs Kataang ship is tired. If ur a Zuko stan AND a toxic Zutara shipper get out, idc
Eren, Armin, Jean enthusiast. Don't really care for ships in this anime either, except maybe Jeanmarco and Historia/Ymir. Not a big fan of Eremika or Eremin (I like them way more platonically), but again idrc. the only thing I really care about is my mental health after watching this
Simon Laurent #1 Connosieur. thank god Infinity Train is not that famous and I can gatekeep this bpd/ocd-ass blond gay twink demon. I might like Simon and Grace a little bit, they might make me a little bit sick (in a non-ship way!!!!!). Also am a Lake enthusiast and canon-trans-Lake truther, and Amelia is very cool too. Sure would haven been very cool if we'd seen her and Hazel make a found family :)))) sure would be :))) Also! season 4 defender and Ryan Akagi enthusiast. Also Min-Gi did nothing wrong he was just going through some things!).
Denji enthusiast, Aki Hayakawa's #1 lover. no one gets his sadboy eyes look and lack of wanting to save himself like I do. Also #1 Akiangel enthusiast. Also Nr 1 Hayakawa family (that is Denji, Aki and Power) enthusiast. found family save me found family save me found family
🏜 DUNE 🪱
I've only watched the movies, but it's enough to know that Chani deserves better, that Jessica served intergallactic lesbian pussy for almost three hours straight, and that blue-eyed white men must be stopped (still love Paul tho). House Harkonnen enthusiast.
Rhaenicent lover, Alicent apologist (what did she do wrong, really), Aegon enthusiast. Neutral leaning team green. love some of the blacks, don't really love most their fans that much :)) . More plot-/individual characters-focused than team-focused, really. if you are blatantly misogynistic towards ANY female hotd character (yes, including the ones you hate), gtfo of this blog.
Other Things I reblog stuff about:
͟͟͞͞➳ The owl house, GRAVITY FALLS, Arcane, Voltron, etc
͟͟͞͞➳ Hannibal, Interview with the vampire, His Dark Materials, Miss Peregrine's House for Peculiar Children, A Series of Unfortunate Events, etc
͟͟͞͞➳ Fullmetal Alchemist, Banana Fish, Monster, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Devilman Crybaby, Nana, etc etc. Big fan of psych horror anime!
͟͟͞͞➳ Studio Ghibli, 80/90s anime
͟͟͞͞➳ The Magnus Archives, Welcome to Night Vale
☆ Favorite genres:
(high) fantasy, horror, sci-fi, gothic lit, classic lit, OE/ME lit, speculative fiction, anything "dark academia".
☆ Favorite books/series:
Red Queen series, The Hunger Games, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The Poppy War, Grishaverse, the Picture of Dorian Gray, anything (and I mean it) by Donna Tartt, Terry Pratchett or R. F. Kuang. and many, many more.
~ I reblog art, writing, poetry and fandom stuff, but above all I reblog Silliness :)
// I reblog body horror/gore/sensitive stuff sometimes (usually tagged as such). If they're not tagged with a "tw: gore/body horror/blood" , they're under #🔪 or #🩸.
- terfs, transmeds, proshippers, pro-israel freaks (just bigots or weirdos in general.)
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pedroalonso · 3 years
martín being chaotic in the vol 2 teaser shows that he was always inherently the same, he just put his personal qualms to the side when the military was in the bank and threatened to kill all of them. he knew that they all needed to work as a team, and now that the threat of gandia and company are gone, he can reassert his leadership and his plan again. in whatever way he wants to. (gun to the head pew pew)
but i do feel like his arc is ultimately headed towards a decision between the gold and his teammates. i’m sure they might figure out a way to do both (escape safely and with the gold, otherwise the heist was for nothing). but despite that, i feel like martín still has to come to a realization about what really matters to him. a moment where he has to choose between fulfilling this plan he had concocted with a dead (not really) unrequited love, or saving and prioritizing the people he had grown to care about.
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old martín berrote would never have equated the lives of these people with the gold he holds so dear. the fact that he had risked their lives before, freeing gandia just so he can have his way, shows that he didn’t care if they lived or died before, as long as his plan worked the way he wanted it to.
but now, even though he’s still insistent about the gold, he also iterates that he cares about their lives just as much. this is important to note. because if we remember, the only person martín ever put on the same level as his beloved plan was andrés himself.
martín once told sergio: “while it’s true i love your brother, i love the plan just as much.”
and another time, he said: “if it were me, andrés wouldn’t have died. i would have gone in and gotten him out, no matter the fucking cost.”
even though martín is acting like his usual dickish self, his words to monica already say so much about his character growth. he regrets what he had done before, that had led to nairobi’s death, and that’s why he promised helsinki he would do better. that he would stop actively hurting everyone just because he was suffering the loss of andrés.
and that’s exactly what he seems to be doing. he’s a bit more courteous to the gang — he tries his best to be. but when he gets pissed off, that same fire and passion is still very much inside him, igniting whenever he might need it to.
if anything, volume 5 adds a much needed layer of development for martín’s character, and is actually pretty consistent with how we left off with him in s4. i can’t wait to find out where they’re taking his arc next.
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
ask meme: bluegrass fandom go on do it i dare you
nghnghnfhghfnghgnfijgjfdndhgnf you had to ghfnfgh gnfhgnfhdnhghgae;rojg okay okay okay I guess we're doing this
Context / info given for all poor readers wondering who the flip flap dippity dap I'm talking about.
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) From Flatt & Scruggs: Earl Eugene Scruggs, his thick black eyelashes, and his dorky gap-toothed grin. Earl Scruggs and his soulful, earthy, expertest banjo picking that makes me react ferally (in ways no other banjo picker can do for me... look, he's the Father of Bluegrass Banjo!!! We're all playing after Earl to an extent!). Earl Scruggs, the inspiration for why I have a banjo sitting next to me rn. That Earl.
I know way too much information about his life, don't test me, it's bad, it's endless Scruggs lore, I won't shut up for five months.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) From the Del McCoury Band: Delano Floyd McCoury, who has the happiest smile-laugh ever. Look at his squint! He's so squinty! Every time I see a photo, I smile back until my cheeks hurt. Del is the human personification of a hug. Unlike other folks I've listed, Del's alive and touring (at the young age of 83). He's a vital living link to traditional bluegrass and earlier years of the genre.
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Another scrunkly is Burkett Howard Graves, better known as Uncle Josh from Flatt & Scruggs, *THE* dobro player who developed the technique and inserted the instrument first in bluegrass, a fun comedian, and not sore on the eyes. ;)
Oh right, and literal tiny child Marty Stuart in Lester Flatt’s band is a GIFT.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) From Flatt & Scruggs: Dorris Paul Warren! There were tons of extraordinary early bluegrass fiddlers. But Paul does not get enough recognition and respect for being one of *THE* most-heard bluegrass fiddlers, member of the highest profile group (Flatt & Scruggs) for decades. Our relative lack of public biographical information is a travesty. A TRAVESTY I SAY!!!!
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Also on this list: English Tullock Jr. (Cousin Jake) from Flatt & Scruggs, because badass bassists deserve more love; Rob McCoury, the banjo picker from the Del McCoury Band; and Wilma Lee Cooper, who has a BIG VOICE and dominated vocals in the early years when (what we now call) bluegrass was like 99.5% male.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) Gary Scruggs, eldest son of Earl Scruggs. He did not get the public love and attention that Earl's middle son, Randy, got. I am president of the Give Gary Appreciation Committee. Look, if you can't appreciate his sexy pose and sword, we can't be friends.
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poor little meow meow (“problematic” / unpopular / controversial / otherwise pathetic fave) Jimmy Martin falls here, as does Carter Stanley of the Stanley Brothers. Both were well-recognized for lead singing, but made interesting life choices. Jimmy Martin was a CHARACTER, the type of obnoxious butthead you'd laugh at from a distance but hate irl. Carter unfortunately had drinking problems, but his social personality was endearing. I love his loyalty to baby brother and music partner Ralph through everything. Like, it's movie-worthy loyalty. THEY MADE A PLAY ABOUT HIM!!!
If we go out of bluegrass and mention traditional country, gotta shout "Hank Williams".
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Does this count? Regarding Father of Bluegrass Bill Monroe, whom others revere to a nearly religious level? I like to call him Daddy Boi Billiam. And other things that'd make him roll in his grave. Look, he's the reason we're all here, his music composition skills are top notch, and his decades and decades of ever-improving work is unparalleled...... but he was human, and I like making glib comments to keep him off the collective pedestal.
Saying obnoxious, cheeky things would be enough to torment this stoic man. So it counts. I want to make him squirm.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) I... have conflicting thoughts about Louise Scruggs, manager of Flatt & Scruggs. On one hand, I respect her unparalleled business acumen that led the band to international fame. She's historic as the first woman in her field, too, for country music. But I also... she... there's... stories... of business decisions she made that I find cold. I also put her as largely responsible for why Flatt & Scruggs's music output diminished in quality during the 1960s and why Flatt & Scruggs broke up. So I guess her? Doesn't feel nice for me to say, though.
Oh. Oh wait. John Duffey from the Country Gentlemen / The Seldom Scene pings me wrong. I guess him. Multiple famous bluegrass blokes made comment about his pranks feeling "mean," him acting too arrogantly for his skill level, etc. Don't get me wrong, he was a remarkable tenor vocalist. But yeah. From what little I know of him.
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Motherly Instincts, Human Emotions, or Just a Quirk?
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead x Reader
Summary: A feeling is haunting you and it seems to just get even more complicated as the number one hero Endeavor is now out of his hospitalization and the world is at an unease. Is it just your motherly instincts that you feel towards your beloved class 1-A? Is it just a normal occurrence of emotion within any person? Or is it your quirk now picking up something new that you can’t quite see yet?
What I listened to while writing: Detroit:Become Human soundtrack, especially Kara’s Theme.
We are finally here! The fifth season of our beloved My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia has finally arrived! And with that also comes some writings! I’ve been swamped with my new busy schedule that comes along with being in cosmetology school, don't ever under estimate those students because we sure go through a lot each day! Please enjoy this short, on the whim writing for a humble celebration.
Masterlist / request info in master list
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A chill had risen up your arms as your typed away at your computer, the hurried and petrified voice of the news caster raging out even if your tv was brought down to a hushed volume. 
“Number one hero Endeavor is is currently defeating a villain. Much damage has been caused to the area. No fatalities as of right now....” Though whatever they had left to speak out to all of Japan or even the whole world did not matter as your chair had clattered upon the ground as you reached for your house coat. the bright light of the hall blinding your eyes as wisps of hair that had fallen from your hair tie floated amongst the wind you created with your nervous steps down the stairs. Shoto had fallen to the ground and your colleague was already there hovering over the teen, the rest of the class either crowding their fellow classmate or staring in shock to the news blaring from the tv.
That day the world changed and not even the world’s most naïve person could ever deny such a thing.
“Here is your jacket, Shoto...” You spoke out softly as you stood in front of the boy, hands reaching to straighten out the collar, the young man only silently standing before you expressionless as usual. Though you could have sworn you felt a tremor. Whether it was you or him, that could be debatable. “Just remember the time we set, ok? If you feel uncomfortable don’t be afraid to just excuse yourself so Mr.Aizawa and I can bring you straight back to the dorms, they will understand that if you have too.” assuring you hoped your words would sound to the boy, but that forever blank expression only looked back to you. 
“Ok...” he softly spoke out, you nodding your head as you stepped out from his path.
“Ok” felt like the only appropriate response as you watched him step up to the house, disappearing behind the very daunting front door. 
You didn’t want to come off as one of those crazy conspiracist types who always had a foul theory about a hero, villain, and their families, but with your quirk helping you feel the atmosphere or vibe of people, places, or things, you couldn't help but silently be one. Shoto always carried something awful, something that made your heart become heavy despite his neutral expressions. It always perturbed you to no end. It wasn’t like you have never felt this before either. With your previous job being interviewing and helping rehabilitate “troubled” children and mentally stricken heroes and now being the counselor of UA, it was something that always came. What bothered you though was that it was coming from the son of the nation’s number one hero, a family that would seem normal to all of Japan and the entire world because, well, it was a family of a hero. A had on your shoulder made you snap out of your racing thoughts, now looking over your shoulder and to Aizawa.
“Are you ok?” He questioned, almost a bit awkwardly. You didn’t blame him, your reaction to the atmosphere around was probably strange and maybe even frightening. “I know your quirk can...”
“I’m just worried...” You spoke out with a sigh as rested a hand over his before moving away from his touch to lean against the hood of the car, hands now sitting in your lap as you twiddled your thumbs. “And I’ve been picking up something weird, but who knows, maybe its just that this house probably too damn old and spooky” you tried to joke with a meek laugh, though he only stared with a knowingly look, yet did not press any further. You had to be thankful for that, he sure knew when to back off sometimes, maybe not when it came to his own homeroom students, but for you? He did and you didn’t really care to know his reason for why like whether or not he thought you were too weak to handle it or some other seemingly offensive reason. “Shit!” You exclaimed as a fowl hiss came from the side walk in front of you. There a scared cat arched and puffed it’s body out, though Aizawa paid no mind with a lazy look as he calmly approached the cat, slowly reaching out a hand to let the feral beast sniff, quickly gaining his trust. You couldn't help but let out a giggle as the man scooped up the cat in his arms, now leaning against the car next to you where his hands loved up upon the cat’s dirty fur, his black hair falling to hide the sides of his face. Sometimes you would sit there and imagine what he would look like with that mane of his trimmed and tidied during the sleepless nights you shared playing card games, doing paperwork together, or doing a quick patrol around the dorm to check upon the beloved students of class 1-A. 
“Huh, you sure your quirk isn’t taming wild cats?” You teased as you reached a hand to give the old cat a scratch under his chin. The little chuckle that rumbled through rumbled through you before he began to speak.
“I wish, creating a cat sanctuary of street cats seems like the life best suited for me..” He spoke out lowly with the purrs of the cat. You knew he was joking however which brought a small lift to the corners of your lips. 
It didn’t take him much thought to know that something was still bothering you as the cat jumped from him arms to land back to the ground with what seemed to be a small meow of thanks as it ran off into the night only leaving behind the pesky cat hairs on his all black costume, but he didn’t mind at all. 
“Look at you, covered in cat hair...” Your voice came out in a whisper which you weren't aiming to do as you reached a hand to try to dust away the short hairs in vain, though his rough hands wrapped around yours in order to stop you, a knowing look upon his face. That look made you sigh as you retracted your hands from his.
That damn man. He knew when to not press about things like he did to others, but when it got to a certain point in his eyes, he always intervened. You were foolish enough to think you would be able to suppress and hide it enough in order to trick those fatigued eyes of his. Not this time, the feelings that plagued your heart and continued to poke at you were too strong and too bothersome. 
“Shoto always carried things such as sadness, anger, determination, trauma, just a lot more than I could swallow sometimes.” You began to explain, now looking up to the house watching the shadows dance across one of the windows lit up by the soft light within. “And this whole area is filled with so many bad things...but right now it kind of confuses me” You said as your eyebrows scrunched at the new shift. “Change is happening, which is normal to see in a person once they go through the proper treatment or therapy, but judging by how bad it was before, it is going to take a lot...” You said with a sigh, lowering your gaze from the house, trying your best to shut off the swarm of emotions before you and to end your reading, now looking to Aizawa. “It just saddens me, Shoto seems so aloof, but that boy has went through so much, I guess I’m just worried from him, scared for him..” You explained.
“Doesn’t make since why he would come back?” He asked softly, you only staring back up to him to roll that thought within your head before nodding your head. Aizawa only nodded his head back, his arm now reaching to wrap an arm around your dropping shoulders, you now leaning your head against his shoulder. The embrace was comforting and you appreciated his understanding, but you still had such an anxious feeling in your gut. 
“I know this world preaches forgiveness and for us to fix the wrongs we commit in our life, but even for me who helps those people forgive and seek forgiveness, its still hard to do it myself sometimes. It also goes to show that even a family like this can hold all these...foul things” You explained further as you looked p to the moths and bugs that swarmed the streetlight up above and soon past their mindless flight and to the dull stars above. The tears pulled at the brim of your eyes, your chin beginning to strain with the sensation that came with crying. “These kids are like my babies...” you soon shakily spoke out, fighting back the horrendous expression you knew would come too with your tears as you looked to Aizawa “And right now I can’t fight off this feeling in my gut ever since the Endeavor incident..” Your trembled whisper almost seemed fearful. 
A door slamming made Aizawa’s head snap to the source of the sound where the both of you sat in the silence, bodies tense as you waited. Finally with a deep sigh his body relaxed as he looked back to you, a hand reaching to brush away those tears that could move him to tears if he was off guard, though sometimes that wouldn’t even work and that would definitely not go past you. 
Your hands reach to cup the lower, stubbled half of his face upon seeing that familiar wetness gently pool in his eyes, but it was not enough to fall upon his cheeks and betray his wishes of not wanting to cry. You guessed you were not alone with these feelings
“I know...” He spoke out quietly with a sad smile. “We just have to prepare them as best as we can. Shoto, Izuku, Eri, Shinsou, all the others” Aizawa continued on as he was no fully turned to you, hands holding your upper arms, one of them moving away to reach for a piece of hair that was caught onto your sweater to pluck it off and let it float gently down into the darkness of the night. 
“But they are just kids...” 
“I know, but they chose this path, besides, they have already accomplished and achieved so much. Who knows, maybe whatever is coming will be another thing these students will once again defeat and make us adults look stupid again” Aizawa was trying to joke, trying to lift that melancholy looked that wrinkled your face, but it was no use. With a sigh he stood up straight, those warm hands of his sliding away as he opened the passenger door for you, those eyes seeming to look even more exhausted if that were even possible. “Come on, lets get the car started, its almost time to bring Shoto home.”
Motherly instincts, human emotions, a quirks power....was it simply not a good mix or was it simply something big was coming? How those thoughts came in typhoons within your mind as you sat in silence in there car. 
How you will never be able to figure that one out....
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infinitethree · 2 years
vio little meow meow haha little catboy alien !!! silly little guy bet ur eyes do the big pupils during the Funny Time
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Day looks a little concerned at the disparity in reactions. On one hand, his son looks both pleased and amused, while on the other, Vio looks nearly ready to murder something. Day asks slowly, “Uh…do I want to…?”
“I will find a way to kill voices,” the alien says, tone flat and eye twitching slightly. Theo looks curious, probably too much so for anyone else’s good. “Ooh, they said somethin’ fuckin’ good, then. C’mon, spill, spill–”
He flinches when Vio’s head snaps towards him, eyes dilated in a rather disconcerting way. “Theseus, I can and will rip your spine out if you test me,” the alien hisses, tail lashing furiously. Theo holds his hands up in surrender, exchanging a look with his dad. “Do you maybe…need to go to another room to answer yours, then…?”
Vio glares at him, and the warrior scoots down a little further in his seat. “Okay okay geeze, I was just trying to help!” Vio takes a deep breath, and speaks through gritted teeth. “I am not a fucking cat.”
Theo and Day both stare at him, then look at each other. “Uh…okay then,” Day says carefully, brow slowly furrowing in confusion. Theo stares for a moment, then changes the subject. “...So I just got a couple that were asked to Dad, so the fuckin’ loophole guess was right. Uh, the answers are…”
He frowns as he realizes something. “I dunno about his favorite snack, actually?” Day is obviously surprised by it, but shrugs a little. “Fruit. Baked goods are nice too, but really…I’ll take anything. I wasn’t very picky before, but after months of only raw potatoes I have very little I won’t eat. The only exception is Ranboo’s cooking. I refuse. I’ve helped kill a god before, but I’m pretty sure it would have been equally as effective to just throw one of his creations into its mouth.”
Vio looks instantly calmer at the mention of the ender hybrid; his hand raises to lightly brush against the cuff on his ear. “He’s a horrible cook. I’m more concerned about his general chaos and anarchy, though.” Day grins at the reply, looking a little smug. “Definitely not the response of a dad, nope–” “Fuck you,” Vio says, eyes narrowing again. However, his tail is making far happier movements. That fact isn’t lost on either of the other two, judging by their smiles.
Theo sounds amused as he says, “The others I know. So, the answer to one of those is that I have no fuckin’ clue and he’s just like that. He used to be way fuckin’ worse, you have no idea. The other one is…not spoken of. We don’t bring up our least favorites for a reason. But, his favorite is…probably the fuckin’ Opinionated Ranboo world. Asshole loves being able to go and see what new bullshit he can spin to fuckin’ philosophically inverse Ranboo–” Day abruptly sits up, eyes narrowing.
“They asked what my least favorite world is, didn’t they.” Theo sighs a little, but nods. Instead of fear or sadness, though, outrage and anger twist Day’s expression. “Taco Dream,” he says, making it sound like the most heinous of insults, “was a fucking taco. That was not a Prime-damned villain, and that was a fucking cheeseburger, not a Tommy! I don’t fucking–whatever else was going on there, clearly they were all taking something. Because you do not have a taco for a villain and somehow just–accept it! It wasn’t even sentient! It was just a fucking taco!”
Theo rolls his eyes a little, and slaps a hand over his dad’s mouth before he can go any further. “Lastly, yes, I look pog as fuck in anything and everything. Including flower crowns. Lee makes them sometimes; likes to go out and do that with the Protege Tommys when they’re a little more used to things not being fuckin’ shit for them.”
Day pulls his son’s hand away. “I forced Theo and his brothers to have a sense of style, because I wanted to look decent the second time around. I’d be damned if my feral, chaotic sons weren’t going to look nice as well. I don’t wear a mask for a reason, and it’s not just because I had multiple panic attacks every time I looked at them in my ender chest.” There’s a wince at his side. “Yeah…can’t really fuckin’ blame you for wanting to get some fuckin’ distance from Dream Prime.” “Mm. He’s an asshole and deserves to suffer,” Day says, very unsubtly.
Vio perks up at the idea. “He really does, actually. Though, I do think that your other sons should–” Day’s eyes widen a little, as he and Theo both pull out their communicators to tap out messages into the family group chat.
“Tell your not-sons, too,” Theo says, kicking lightly at one of Vio’s legs. The alien blinks, and then taps out a message into his own com.
A flurry of confused pings get back to them, though one set is markedly more concerned than the other. “Talk rudely to the Bench Trio or Michael and you’ll regret it,” Vio says, eyes narrowing at his screen.
Theo nods in agreement. “Don’t fuckin’ be an asshole–or multiple assholes, can’t tell how many of you there are–to Lee. The others, though…” “Theo.” Day’s voice is exasperated as he says his son’s name. The warrior protests, “I mean, they do it to me–” “You provoke them! Usually into attempted murder!” “But it’s funny!” Day puts his com away and starts gesturing with his hands. “No! Tommy Prime keeps telling you that he will slit your throat if you keep getting punctures in the stuff you order from him! I fought a war against him, Theo, he isn’t fucking kidding!” “I know he’s not! But it’s still fuckin’ worth it to see my little brothers’ faces turn funny colors!” “It won’t be when Lee is the one to find your body! You know, after Tommy starts screaming insults at it in the middle of the night once he sneaks in and kills you!”
Theo frowns, looking slightly distressed. “Fuck, Lee’d be so upset.” “He would be, yes! We’re trying not to let him be traumatized, not give him a fucking headstart!”
Vio looks as though this is a very normal occurrence for him. Which, to be fair, it is. “Lee would also get a barrage of people taking questions for him. Then you’d have to deal with his small army, who are masters of saying as little as possible. That and turning as one to stare unblinkingly at whoever they hear get close, which…is actually very disturbing to see.” Theo nods, eyes thinning slightly. “I’m starting to think they’re fuckin’ targeting Fundies. It’s weird how often they do it to him.”
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jellicle-jemmy · 3 years
So I wrote this a little over two years ago. They are my first thoughts in watching CATS (2019)
This was written basically as soon as I got home from the theatre in 2019. I truly hope you enjoy these, as they have been gathering dust in my drafts. Now, without further ado:
These are just some of my thoughts I had while watching and my initial reaction to the film I have just watched.
Okay, first of all, me and my pals thought we were in the wrong cinema for a couple minutes because there were faaaaar too many people in the cinema
As we all know, the music slaps and me and my pals were straight vibing as the camera panned down. 
And then the cats appeared. I legit was thinking, “wow they actually made them look like that, huh?”
I immediately identified Munk, Cass, Dem and Syllabub
fr tho why did he climb down that wall like that that’s not how cats work
Why are they surrounding her like that?? ARE THEY SUMMONING A DEMON WTF?? I’M SO DIZZY
[Victoria appears] Oh look it’s a babey
I took a forty, smashed in on the ground and yelled SCATTER
Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats
Laurie Davidson is babey 
This isn’t too bad. I like the way that this number is being handled so far
AAaaaaaaaand now it’s funky town WTF
The music just went rachachacha on us
Munk really be out here straight vibing throughout the whole song
I do like how he’s kind of leading the whole numberits fun to watch
As always, there’s my babey Syllabub
We need to talk about the feet. Or maybe we shouldn’t. Yeah let’s not.
What is with the clapping in the music? Who is clapping? The cats aren’t. The audience certainly isnt. ( @whatsajinglebellcat said “It’s the clap of their ass cheeks as they’re dancing”)
The choreography is mediocre at best, I really dislike Andy’s choreography, why are they like that?????
Francesca Hayward is babey
How is Syllabub able to hang from that position wtf, surely that hurts
Robbie Fairchild as Munk is both daddy and babey (i’m said it I’m not sorry)
The jellicles seem to be having fun at least which is nice
Macavity Dialogue Bit
That Moriarty reference flashing into a wanted poster for Macavity is beautiful thank you so much to whoever pitched that and implemented that
Ooooo Macavity already sounds interesting
Once again, Laurie Davidson as Misto is babey
Demeter and Cassandra, why are you such bitches? Dear lord
The Naming of Cats // Invitation to the Jellicle Ball
Ngl I actually really like this bit
Deadass seems like a cult initiation but we’ve long ago established that the Jellicle tribe is a cult anyway
Munkustrap ur doing so good sweetie
Victoria darling u are one in the babey club
As always, there is Syllabub straight vibing
Mr Strap, Munk that is a child, why are you dancing with her like that?!
Francesca is a stunning wonderful dancer but she should’ve been dancing by herself more
Mr Mistofelees you are such babey ur so cute darling, he’s doing so good
Munk why did you have to sing your bit and then restate it while talking we’re not stupid!
oh wait.
a lot of people still don’t get the plot
carry on, and maybe say it again
The Old Gumbie Cat (Coming from someone who has played Jennyanydots)
no no
no no no
no no nope not happening no
no way
don’t like that at all
why is she doing that
why does she sound like that
Munk ur doing so good but why
Why is she spreading eagle like that
why do the mice look like that
why do the roaches look like that
The Rum Tum Tugger
ooooo... this... is alright
hold up
why is this actually good
awww Jenny and Munk are so cute i’m glad they did munk and jenny’s friendship
Damn Tugger is fun
Okay, why is he reacting to Vic that way
Who cares this slaps
Jason Derulo was a good Rum Tum Tugger choice there I said it
Oh my god i actually love his voice
Syllabub = babey
dear god Jenny that comment about Tugger and being neutered isn’t very in character but I cackled
Jenny sweetie pls don’t try and breakdance
Okay the milk is fucking weird
this is weird
okay nvmind it’s good again
Tugger really be feeling himself in those riffs. and so he should
Grizabella The Glamour Cat
This is well handled
I really like how Griz sang her bit to the curious Victoria
I love that not everyone realised Griz was there right away
Of course, that is 
oooo Cass and Dem are feisty 
Deadass Cass seems like Grizabella’s child??!!!
Oh my god they look like the Jets or the Sharks are they about to start clicking????!!!!
Gang gang
Once again - syllabub, i see you and i love you
Dialogue Interlude
Griz went of with Maccy Boi huh?
Macavity you fuckin’ bitch
I barely remember what happened but that transition into Bustopher Jones really doesn’t fit
I think Bustopher and Jenny had a fight? Umm? Why?
Bustopher Jones
I had a real trouble keeping an eye on whats going on in this number
Why are all his ‘clubs’ just dumpsters? Like no. That’s-
That’s not really
After that I was just watching my friend who played Bustopher to see his reaction to everything
Also why is he singing this entire number by himself
Maitre’D (or however the fuck that name is spelled) is married to Bustopher and no one can change my mind
Why is “the cat in spats” so funny, Macavity? Huh? I did like that Mac poked fun at his fashion sense rather than his weight tho
Also why did Bustopher fucking flyyyy??????
Aaaaaaaaand down the slide Veruca Salt style
Growltiger Interlude
Could’ve raised a lot of red flags with this number, but just establishing the character where all the kidnapped characters ended up, I liked
Also what did Growltiger actually do to Bustopher
And that gag about the rhyming of “aims” and “thames” ran a little too long ngl
But I liked the mauled ear on Growltiger - nice nod and detail
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
These two really said “Be gay, do crimes”
I love them
I fucking love them
And this rendition
10/10 I love this whole number
They’re a little more evil than playful but I literally don’t care because they’re awesome
The jewels on Victoria? Stan
Mungojerrie is such a cute dumb bitch and I love him so much
Their accents are so cute
The house is stunning
Victoria? Babey.
Mungojerrie? Babey.
Rumpleteazer? Babey.
This number was so much fun and is probably my favourite
And their fur designs are so cute too!
I love this song. I love the version. I love everything about it.
Mistofelees X Victoria Interlude
Once again, the twins are babey
You know who else is babey? My clumsy and adorable boy Misto
Clumsy sweetie
Wow they’re going for Mistoria huh?
Why didn’t they play up Mungo and Teazer knowing Vic before the ball? Why is there just a nod to it in when Munk asks about the jewel Vic wears
Old Deuteronomy
I adore Robbie Fairchild
Why does Old Doot appear like a new rival in a video game?
The rendering was so bad in that moment
But Munk is so sweet when Doot appears
They are mother and son, and no one can change my mind
Judi Dench really can’t sing huh...
It’s so raspy and yick
Also her coat is so odd and I hate it
Deadass she looks like an albino
Song of the Jellicles
I genuinely couldn’t tell if I liked or disliked the fact that everyone sang everything
“Meow meow meow meow” Gus dear god why
Again, we’re back into the whole cult thing
Jellicle Ball
The whole cinema lost their minds laughing through this whole choreography and I hated it
But Syllabub got some dance moves
Tugger saying “With your permission” ummm??? He is Doot’s other more feral son
The choreography was good at some points but for the most part it was eh
The music is bangin’ tho
And then they all died lmao
that is all
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vol. 1
Media AU
Society Rules by @Tiger_Tiger_Burning_Bright [it is apparently based on films i’ve never heard of - The Philadelphia Story / High Society - which does not make it any less entertaining. malec are childhood friends, who had a falling out 5 years ago, and now Magnus is back from London to interrupt Lightwood wedding, aka the social event of the season]
Making my way to you by @asharee_arie [woah, what was that??? is the correct answer “a perfect fanfic”?? what a muthafuckin delight, where has this gem been hiding this whole time??? i was on the floor, rolling around and squealing like a newborn piglet. Intended as some kind of Office AU, this piece does not necessarily follow the outline, but who cares, when the story, and characters, and author’s style are all that perf??? i am in luv]
Mistletoe and Margaritas by @nevermetawolf [this is legendary, and i mean, muthafuckin epic - Office AU so authentic you’d feel it in yo old bones... author calls it a crack fic, although it was anything but!!! major must read for those, who’s ever loved office, allllllll the kudos]
Once Upon a Time in the Clouds by @Fatale (femme) [one of my all-time fav authors, every time i come by a piece i have not read yet, is like a huge YAY, what a talent. so this piece is an AU of something called “sky high”, which i have no idea about, but luved it nevertheless, Alec is born to a family of Supers, and is going to school for children with superpowers, but he himself is yet to manifest any.]
Quite Magical by @lorenzobane [Hogwarts AU, and what an adorable thing it was! granted, i’ve never actually read any of HP books, this was such a delight though... alec is bad at potions, and magnus has to tutor him *wink*]
Chef AU
the way to a chef’s heart by @lecrit [okay, the GIANT SMILE one’s face acquires when one finds out there is a new lecrit fic ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ was reading it, and legitimately squealing like a feral piglet all the way through, cause i fucking luv every single word this woman writes, is like a tiny endorphin explosions in my brain. i know am a hopeless fangirl, but i’ll die on this hill. the way she gets malec, and every variation of them in her works just makes me go (❁´◡`❁) every. single. time.]
kids in the kitchen by @perpetual_journey [cuteness personified, malec are both chefs, and magnus is a single father of max and rafe, and go and read ittttttttt, its that soft content we all need in our lives sometimes]
Knives at the Ready by @harrysglasses [restaurant AU, that is supposed to be a malec rendition of Burnt (am guessing it’s a movie...?), and what a sweet treat it was! i liked author’s style, this is the kind of smooth, unproblematic content one would require to take repose from all the heart-clenching longing i’ve been reading lately... delightful piece to ease thy soul]
Single Parent AU
I Knew From the First Time by @KlaineJane [emmm, excuse you, dear author, who gave you the right to use Rafe and Max to get to my heart, and be generally so fucking cute??? Alec is a single dad of both rascals, that has a meeting with the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and Chairman meets new friends]
And Then I Met You by @everydayfandom [malec are single parents of max and rafe respectively, and alec gets called in to school about the accident max was involved in...who doesn’t luv them some gud ol’ sweet piece of kidfic? those are like a soothing baths for your soul, and lightwood-bane kids are incapable of being anything less than extremely adorable in any interpretation, so]
College AU
Don’t say goodnight by @alistoney [this the kinda lighthearted content i am always here for - College AU]
One year and a bottle of whiskey by @CryptidBane [yassssss, yet another version of the College AU, but with malec as both clueless and pining professors, this type of fic i can read endlessly]
All is Fair in Love and War by @LadyOxymoron [aaaaaaaa, what was this adorableness *major heart-eyes* what a piece, mashallah, college professors AU, where magnus is new in town, and malec is engaging in an elaborate prank war, which, undoubtedly, is nothing more than a prolonged foreplay (c), what a gem]
Canon Divergence
oh, i’ve waited for you by @manticoremoons [so, the fic is happening a little bit further in a timeline, than the books or the series, and Alec is around 30, and... married to Lydia. i know, i know, it almost stopped me from proceeding, and boi am i glad it hasn’t completely, cause it is a damn good piece!]
Hey There Demons, It’s Me (Your Dream Boyfriend) by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how many recs of this author can i make, without being deemed obsessed? cause y’all should go and read every single thing they wrote, stat. this adorableness is outta this world, literally - magnus’ summoning went sideways, and the loft ends up populated with the teenage ghost-demon, who is very clearly enamored with alexander... all kinds of fluff ensue]
Something Else verse by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [maybe it’s my fever talking, but i am such a sucker for memory loss AUs, and SH fandom has the richest canon base for those, yay! this time, it’s an AU verse after 3x10: rather than asking for his magic, Asmodeus curses magnus by taking away memories from everyone who’s ever loved him, in exchange for freeing jace from lilith’s thrall... oh, what a beautiful and delicious angst ensues]
Home by @otppurefuckingmagic [waaaaaaaaat... *sits with her mouth open* how did you....? how did he...? damnnnnnnnnn you authors in this fandom, stop being so talented!!!! this is uncannily brilliant]
I’ll hold on until you’re home by @alistoney [how dare you sir, right in the feels... the missing scene in the midst of 3x18/3x19, when magnus realizes what his idiot of a boyfriend has done, and confronts him about the Asmodeus deal]
First time for everything by @nebulein [“Nowhere in a Shadowhunters’ job description does it read ‘must look adorable while infatuated with the local High Warlock’.” - series of firsts written with such tenderness and adoration for characters, that it warms your heart while reading, - it shows how much the author cares for them. it is not finished, but whatever has already been written, is gold]
Fake dating AU
The Great Repression by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [although it might not be exactly my regular cup of tea, i still appreciate this author’s style so damn much, and the way they do malec dynamic overall, so it’s here. magnus is a camboy, and alec is hired to protect him from a stalker]
Friends to lovers
Family is Family by @hexicity [my brains are fried by the covid, so any coherent rec would be unlikely right about now, but the softness of this <333 alec sees an ad about a free room, and when he moves in, he finds way more, than he bargained for... gave me a bit of a “happy, shiny people everywhere” vibe, and that’s an automatic rec in my books, so]
Spinning Around In Circles by @lemonoclefox [my fav friends to lovers/mutual pining trope, here you are, and what a pretty pretty wrapper are you wearing - absolutely amazing interpretation of a trope, that seems to has been done to death, and yet here i am, never able to get enough of it <3]
If it walks like a duck by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [this. i was reading this. and after every single word. all i wanted to do was get down on one knee and propose to this person. i dunno who the hell you is, but.... how did you do this? it was... another level of fanfiction.]
Neighbors AU
Meow 17:1 Love Thy Neighbor by @high-warlock-of-brooklyn [again, not a fan of drabbles, but who could resist such softness??? Neighbors AU, where Chairman takes some lessons he learnt from “Parent trap” to heart, and alec is a stumbling mess, but he gets shit done, kudossssssss]
Various AU mix
Solid courage by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how goddamn CUTE was dat???? answer - the cutest. mashallah people in this fandom can write]
Paper Love by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [it would not be an exaggeration to admit i thoroughly fell in love with this author’s style, i mean, all and every version of their malec is all kinds of awesome. this one is no exception - catarina works in the library, and malec have to take madzie out to a coffee shop, cause their obnoxious flirting is too loud for the quaint environment of catarina’s workplace.... it’s tiny and so so sooooooo sweet]
make no bones by @ohfreckle [yaaaaaaaaay, what a cutie, tiny preciousness about magnus having an awful day and taking it out on a no-good useless building super, simply delightful]
Freud is a Dick by @sanctuary_for_all [Alec works in IT firm, and accidentally sends someone else’s dick pick to his boss, whom he has a crush on... do i need to say more]
shadows in moonlight by @kaeg [damnnnnnn, son, that was a ride!! something exquisitely soulful, tender and so, so poetic... young malec meet in summer vacation home, and it will take your breath away in the best way possible... warning, it is unfinished, but whatever was written, is absolute preciousness]
For the Love of the Game by @TicklemyPickle [Hockey AU, where malec were childhood friends, but had a falling out, and were not in touch for the last 7 years, until magnus gets traded in to alec’s team... i was somewhat unsure about reccing this, as some of the choices author made regarding their dynamic did not exactly resonate with me, but decided to go on, because, god as my witness, one thing this world definitely needs more of - is malec Hockey AUs, word upppp]
Love Is A Gamble by @la-muerta [i myself do not completely understand, why has it taken me so long to get to the “The importance of elsewhere” author’s most famous piece, but i finally have, it was amazeballs, like, the world-building...? off the charts. the language, the moral struggle, what a gem. alec is a grumpy and surely sheriff *duh!!!* of a tiny town, and magnus strolls in being all... well, magnus-y, and opens a gambling house, the potential!!! anyway, i highly doubt this piece needs recs, so imma zip it]
@ohprongs [this author has too many tiny pieces i like to name them individually, but as far as reccing goes, they should def be mentioned here for their effortless, seamless style, and clear love for the characters in all interpretations, that simply shines through all and any AUs they choose to put malec in]
special mention:
@theleftboobgrabber [i wasn’t aware that at this stage it was still possible to come by someone like this. the author, who’s style would impress me so. that unbelievably glorious Mafia AU, absolutely delightful and literally perfect My mama don’t like you series, and something that went straight to my top-5 - MI6 AU ohhhhh, that MI6 AU... i have no coherent words to express the depths of my appreciation, this is unbelievable fucking talent for writing malec]
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malkumtend · 4 years
I Like Your Laugh. (A CrowSquirrel AU Fanfic) - Chapter 7.
“That was uncalled for and you know it!”
He did know it, but he was still furious.
“Shut up.”
“It’s not her fault that she had a dream, Crowpaw.” The glare was evident in Stormfur’s tone. “You had no right to sulk off like that.”
Crowpaw kept his gaze to the ground, but he walked straight ahead, following the faint scent of mouse over the hill. He spat over his shoulder at the following warrior, “I told you to shut up! Leave me alone, I never asked you to follow me.”
Stormfur shrugged, “It was my turn to hunt anyway, besides somebody needs to tell you how much of a mouse-brain you are after treating my sister the way you did!”
Crowpaw snarled, quickening his pace, trying to focus on his thundering headache rather than the Riverclan tom. Not because Stormfur only had scolding to give the apprentice. But because Crowpaw knew, in a way, he deserved it.
It wasn’t fair.
Every one of them, even that fox hearted Thunderclan warrior, had been gifted that stupid watery taste. Those annoying saltwater signs that they believed came from Starclan. Every clan had granted their chosen warrior the sign.
All except him.
Crowpaw did feel guilty for storming off the way he had, Feathertail had tried to be as gentle as she could when she told him that she too had received that blessed salty vision. But Crowpaw couldn’t help but feel angry! Why was it taking so long for him to get his sign? He deserved it as much as the rest of them!
But he was the one in last place. It had made him more and more frustrated every time a cat had piped up that Starclan had graced them, leaving him outside their ever-growing circle. And now, he was the only one, apart from the un-chosen cats, who knew nothing about what it was really like. He could only take it personally.
Was it because he was an apprentice? Did that mean so much less to Starclan? He’d been chosen all the same, he deserved to be treated with the same respect the others had gotten! Every time he took a drink, every time he’d fallen asleep, he’d hoped and silently pleaded that he would finally get that spiritual blessing.
He saw it as approval.
Starclan’s approval.
His clan’s approval.
His father’s approval.
Squirrelpaw had said that his father choosing him was enough to prove that he actually was proud of his son. But if he was so proud, what was taking him so long? Crowpaw didn’t pretend to know what Starclan was truly like, but he knew that Windclan were supposed to be the ones who had the greatest link with their ancestors. Crowpaw’s identity was meant to replicate that truth.
Yet he was the one left alone. Left without the link of his clan.
No matter how hard he tried to prove himself, it still seemed like nothing was good enough. He was the one in shadow, set apart from the rest of the group.
He’d had to get away from them for a while, because if he had stayed, he knew he would have said something he’d regret. Unfortunately, Stormfur was set on following him now. The peace Crowpaw had desired was ruined by the grey warrior’s constant reminding of how Crowpaw had walked away from one of the few friends he had.
How annoying.
Stormfur kept his pace beside the apprentice. “It wasn’t like she was trying to upset you.”
“I know that!” Crowpaw hissed. Feathertail would never try or even want to hurt anybody.
Stormfur cocked a brow, his nose crinkling. “Oh, do you? So, you just wanted to upset her? Is that it?”
The Windclan cat stiffened, turning back with a feral growl. “Of course not!”
The grey cat scoffed, “Whatever you say. You’ve done it regardless, mouse-brain.”
“I wasn’t angry at her!”
“You still took it out on her. Running off like a wet kit, are you sure that you’re almost a warrior?”
Crowpaw turned in disgust, “Don’t talk like you understand? You don’t.” His eyes narrowed spitefully, “You’re never going to receive the sign because you were never chosen by your clan! I was!”
He expected that to insult Stormfur, but the cat just rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you’ve mentioned that a million times before, Crowpaw.” He said with clear boredom. “I’m not here for that, though. I’m here for my sister; the only reason I’m talking to you right now is because you treated her like prey!” He stepped forward, a strange authority rising in his gaze. “Besides, you have no right to talk down about unchosen cats. One tried to save you, after all!”
Crowpaw locked eyes with the grey cat, feeling himself take a step back. He cringed at the mention of Squirrelpaw. Stormfur was right, if she’d heard him speak about unchosen cats, she would rake him across the ears immediately. But Crowpaw would never say that to her. Not when he knew how she felt about her own clan, and especially with how fox-minded her clanmate was.
And of course, not with how much she had helped him despite not being chosen, and not being his own clanmate.
Crowpaw sighed, his words meant nothing. He was just saying whatever he could to make Stormfur go away.
But that cat was persistent. And they both knew Crowpaw was the one in the wrong.
Stormfur took note of the wither in Crowpaw’s stance and he murmured with a light whip of his tail. Crowpaw shrank a little under his gaze. This cat was a whisker shorter than Brambleclaw yet Crowpaw couldn’t stop the twist of discomfort when the warrior stood next to him.
“Look, I get that it must be frustrating, but you still didn’t have to do that.” Stormfur snapped, though his tone softened a little. “I tried to talk her out of it, you know?”
Crowpaw’s gaze swept to the warrior. “Out of what?”
“Telling you about her sign? Because I knew you’d react like that!”
“Wait.” Crowpaw’s fur spiked, “You told her to keep secrets from me?” How was he supposed to trust these cats if they weren’t telling him about their messages from Starclan? They were supposed to be a group!
“I wouldn’t call it keeping secrets.” Stormfur meowed.
Crowpaw’s eyes blazed, the hesitation he’d felt evaporated, replaced by a storm of anger. “You told her to keep a message from Starclan from me! I’d call that a secret!”
“Well she ignored me, didn’t she? And look what happened!” Stromfur snapped, “You lost your head and here you are now, raking your claws across the floor!”
Crowpaw jolted again, shame crawling over his pelt. Fox dung, this cat had him cornered. Feathertail had went against the advice of her own brother because she trusted that Crowpaw would take it well. And instead, he’d proved Stormfur right. Crowpaw had shown how much he respected her trust. What if she didn’t trust him anymore after how he’d reacted?
Once, Crowpaw wouldn’t have cared a whisker. Now it was something that terrified him.
He didn’t want to lose one of the only friends he had, especially when it was all his own fault.
Crowpaw ruffled the ground with his claws, letting out a tight breath. “Well, congratulations. Guess you were right.” He glowered.
Stormfur spat, “Don’t act like I think that’s a good thing, mouse-brain.”
The apprentice’s ears flicked, he looked up with a stony gaze “Why? You’ve never liked me, and now she won’t as well.”
Strormfur braced back in disgust, “Excuse me? I’m not the one who’s been hissing and fighting since the start. You’ve been like a thorn whenever I’ve tried to be nice to you! I’ve never started anything against you!”
The black cat opened his mouth to retort, but when he thought back, he couldn’t find a single memory of Stormfur ever trying to insult him first, unlike Brambleclaw or Squirrelpaw. The only time they’d argued was either because Crowpaw didn’t want to talk to him, or Stormfur was defending one of the others.
Crowpaw felt his stomach sicken with embarrassment. He’d sworn that he wouldn’t go against the other cats simply because of their clan on this journey, but he’d only kept that promise with the two cats that he’d become friends with. He still kept his distance from the others.
It was something he just didn’t find himself aware of. The Warrior Code was still ingrained in his morals no matter what changed. He couldn’t help himself, a primal urgency prodded him to keep the exceptions limited.
Crowpaw grunted in frustration, pacing away again. “Okay, I get it!”
“You better. Listen, I don’t care how you treat me.” Stormfur announced, his tone turned cold. “But for some reason, my sister seems to like you. So, don’t you dare upset her!” He ordered icily, his neck fur bristling.
The apprentice dipped his head, a coldness overcoming his stomach. Feathertail liked him. And Crowpaw liked her. He wouldn’t even hesitate to call her one of his best friends. It was her who had treated him the best from the very start. And he’d taken his damaged pride out on her.
No matter how little he got on with Stormfur, the warrior was right. Crowpaw was the only one who needed to fix this.
“Alright.” Crowpaw’s voice went soft, his pace slowed until Stormfur was right next to him. “I didn’t mean it; I’ll apologise to her when we get back.”
Immediately, Stormfur’s anger seemed to cease. His fur went flat again on his back, and his tail began to move more calmly. “Okay.” He said, deadpan. “Good. Make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“I won’t.”
Stormfur blinked slowly, examining the cat. For a moment, it looked like he was going to leave it at that, but a puzzled spark ignited in his face, making his muzzle contort in questioning. “So?”
Crowpaw sighed, he’d already submitted to the cat’s words, what else did he want? “So what?”
“It’s just, considering how prickly you are usually.” Stormfur stated, ignoring Crowpaw’s scowl, his eyes closing halfway. “You seem to get along really well with my sister.”
The Windclan cat almost tripped over his own feet. Crowpaw’s eyes darted up to the warrior, staring straight into the warrior’s flickering amber eyes. What exactly was Stormfur trying to start? “We’re on a journey together, aren’t we?” Crowpaw said sarcastically.
Stormfur growled, “Yes, but you tend to stick by her more than anyone else.”
“So what?” Crowpaw challenged, the unknown accusation in the warrior’s voice was making Crowpaw furious. “We’re friends. When we started this journey you all wanted me to get on with you guys! What’s wrong with me getting on with a cat?”
The Riverclan cat shrugged, but kept his eyes locked with the smaller cat. “Nothing. Just wondering what you thought of her?”
What he thought of her? Why did Stormfur care about that? It was no business of his what Crowpaw thought of anyone. He could sense the cat wouldn’t give up without an answer, however. “She’s great.” Crowpaw hissed, “There! You happy now?”
Clearly not, as hidden behind his cold exterior, Crowpaw could feel the growing impatient intensity in the Stormfur’s expression. “That isn’t what I meant.” Stormfur mewed. “Do you… admire her?”
A sudden chill ran across Crowpaw. Admire? There was something dangerous in how he phrased it. Something forbidden. Crowpaw admired Feathertail in many ways, her kindness, her knowledge, her patience, so many things about the cat were desirable to any clan.
But that wasn’t what Stormfur was asking for.
“Whatever you’re asking me,” Crowpaw said carefully, his voice as sharp as his claws. “It’s not like that.” He would not answer that. Stormfur had no right to ask and he did not deserve an answer. “It’s none of your business anyway!”
Stormfur’s sucked in a smooth tight breath, his eyes flashing as if he’d found a tooth in his side. “She’s my sister. She is my concern.”
“Well, I don’t ‘admire’ her. Not in the way you think.” The image of Feathertail flashed in Crowpaw’s mind. There were many things that he thought about the cat, but that was not one of them. And he never suspected that she thought the same about him.
It wasn’t like that.
Stormfur’s glare stuck but quivered with desperation. “Really?”
Crowpaw blinked coolly, seeing the vulnerability in Stormfur’s eyes. “Really.”
For what seemed like a minute, Stormfur studied Crowpaw’s face, searching for any lie or break in his composure. But Crowpaw had nothing to hide. What Stormfur was thinking went against the warrior code, seriously against what the forest stood for. Crowpaw like to think he would always see Feathertail as a friend, but he didn’t know if he could ever bring himself to think about any cat from outside his clan in that way.
It would only lead to heartache.
Finally, Stormfur settled, his muscles relaxing as he let out a deep sigh. “Okay, I believe you.” As if realising the awkwardness of what he had just asked, he took a sheepish step away. “You must understand. I-We already lost our father because he was driven between two clans. I can’t let the same thing happen to my sister.” He said, his gaze digging into the ground.
That was true enough, Crowpaw thought. He’d heard everything about Greystripe and he thought it was a terrible way to live. Separated from your family? How could any cat bear with that? That was why Crowpaw rejected the very idea. He could not let himself be drawn into that.
However, he couldn’t help but scowl at the hypocrisy in Stormfur’s words.
“You’re one to talk! Both me and Feathertail have seen the way you act around Squirrelpaw!” Crowpaw spat, glaring as he realised the unfairness in Stormfur’s accusations. “It’s as obvious as a hairless cat!”
It looked as if Stormfur had been bitten on the tail. His eyes bulged out in a start, every single fur spiking as he began to cough and splutter. His front paws stumbled around on the spot, as if he had forgotten how to balance, until he caught himself just in the nick of time.
Stormfur blushed, “I-I only a-appreciate her!” The warrior stammered, looking away from the smaller cat nervously.
Crowpaw appreciated Squirrelpaw too. But that didn’t mean that he was going to lose his breath and pant like he was furless in the sun whenever she came near him.
“Hmm, I’m sure you do.” Crowpaw monotoned, entirely unimpressed and unconvinced by the Warrior’s transparency. He turned away again to follow the scent of mouse. He might have caught something else, if Stormfur hadn’t barged into his face again, his face stark with panic.
“Surely you understand. You hated her before! Now you two look like best friends!”
Crowpaw felt an unusual warmth go to his cheeks. “Well, I mean, I’d say we’re friends but-”
“Exactly!” Stormfur mewled, “She gets along well with everyone! We all admire her!” Stormfur’s words were quick, said as they came to his brain. Quick and without restraint. His eyes closed peacefully as he went on and his “I mean, she’s just fun to be around! Her energy, her bravery, it’s all so…”
Crowpaw stared at the jabbering tom. So obvious.
The grey warrior must have also noticed how he sounded because he quickly shut his words down, laughing anxiously. “She’s a great cat!” Stormfur exclaimed, like that had been all he’d wanted to say. A shadow came over his gaze. “But I wouldn’t go against the code like that. A cat like her deserves a great Thunderclan cat.”
Crowpaw couldn’t help but scoff. There was only one other Thunderclan cat he knew apart from her, and that was a cat Crowpaw wouldn’t wish on any she-cat. Especially Squirrelpaw.
“Pfft! I don’t know, she probably gets on better with you than that stupid Thunderclan Warrior.” Crowpaw meowed.
A glow came back to Stormfur’s eyes, slowly he offered a laugh. “Heh, I suppose that’s true. Still, you can’t deny he’s a good Warrior.”
Oh, Crowpaw would find ways to.
“You also can’t deny he’s a fox-heart!”
“He’s still twice your size though.” Stormfur smirked.
Crowpaw glowered, “Size doesn’t mean anything. I’d still blind him if he tried anything against me!” The apprentice seethed, his claws flashing in the sunlight.
Stormfur let out a mrrow of laughter, but there was a softness in his eyes. “You really hate him.”
Crowpaw gawked, his tail curling in surprise. “You’ve seen the way he treats her! If a Riverclan cat was treating Feathertail like that, you’d hate them as well!” The Clan was a symbol of trust and bonding. Brambleclaw seemed to go against that every time he spoke to Squirrelpaw, and it was always completely unnecessary.
Stormfur nodded, “You’re right, I would.” He paused, looking over the cat again with a thought. “But Squirrelpaw’s not your clan.”
Crowpaw braced, turning on his heckles with a hiss. He almost looked offended. “So what?” He demanded hotly, “She’s still my friend, and I don’t want that bee-brain to treat her like that!”
The Grey warrior’s eyes widened in surprise as he stared down at the small apprentice. Crowpaw felt his heart pace rapidly with adrenaline, strangely expecting some kind of conflict to occur. He just then realised how angry he’d sounded and he relaxed himself, embarrassed.
Before the journey he never expected to sound so defensive over nothing. Especially over a Thunderclan cat.
Stormfur stared a moment longer, then his amber eyes flashed with a dignified smile. Crowpaw’s face twisted in confusion; was that…respect he saw in the tom’s eyes?
“You really are protective of your friends aren’t you?” Stormfur asked that like it was a compliment. His eyes flickered warmly on the young cat, friendly for the first time. “That’s a welcome change.” He laughed. “Maybe Feathertail was right when she said you weren’t so bad?”
Even though Crowpaw groaned, he still felt a twinge of pleasure in the hint of acceptance in the tom’s words. He licked his shoulder fur, partly flustered by the shift between the two cats. But he caught on to the questioning tone and frowned again.
“Maybe?!” He snapped.
Stormfur laughed out loud. “Keep it calm, I don’t want to regret what I just said.”
Crowpaw sniffed and looked away. “At least your sister’s got sense.” He quipped with a flick of his tail.
The warrior shrugged, “Can’t deny that. I just hope you do as well.” The air softened between the toms as they both mustered a slight smile. They weren’t talking like enemies anymore at least.
“But…” Stormfur’s breath caught. Crowpaw looked up to the sighing Riverclan cat, who offered a pleading smile to the apprentice. “Look, I’m happy that you and my sister get on well. Just…make sure she doesn’t get hurt, okay?”
A momentary silence compelled the two clan cats. Crowpaw’s fur prickled with an unknown desperation. He swallowed hard, making his face as hard and blank as stone. “Of course, I wouldn’t.” He couldn’t resist the temptation to add to that statement. “You make sure Squirrelpaw doesn’t get hurt though, alright?” He wanted to make sure Stormfur kept his hypocrisy aside.
Stormfur cringed, then nodded down to the cat. “You have my word.”
That would have to do. Once again, Crowpaw would just have to trust these cats. “Okay then.” Crowpaw responded. After a brief, awkward, silence the apprentice coughed and motioned for the cat to follow him. “Come on, I think the prey was this way.”
Stormfur smiled and began to follow. “Sure! I’ve been waiting to see how fast you are! By Starclan, it was all Squirrelpaw could talk about for-” He was cut off as he walked straight into Crowpaw’s back. Frowning, the warrior looked down at the cat, ready to scold him again, then he froze.
Every single strand of fur was spiked with a noticeable fright. Crowpaw’s tail wavered in the air, almost trembling. Even though Stormfur couldn’t see Crowpaw’s face, he could sense how stiff he was.
“Crowpaw?” Stormfur hesitated, “What is it?” He looked to where Crowpaw was facing, a flat hill, where the grass was a lighter shade in a straight line as wide as a fox-length. Ripe with prints, some old, some more recent. Within half a second, he got a terrified thought; it was soon confirmed when he tasted the air.
In all their discussion, neither of them had bothered to taste their surroundings.
A stupid mistake. A fatal mistake.
The consequence soon came over the hill face, panting and ready for a chase.
Crowpaw said it first. A whispered demand. “Run.”
Brambleclaw was incensed.
“That stubborn mouse-brained furball!” He yowled, pacing back and forth, his tail dragging along the grass.
Feathertail sat a tail-length away, her gaze hard on the floor, cold with regret. “Don’t get angry. I should have known he’d be upset.” She said frailly.
Beside the Riverclan cat, Squirrelpaw’s tail bristled with shock. Feathertail was blaming herself for Crowpaw storming off? Squirrelpaw sighed, the she-cat was far too good natured for her own good.
“Feathertail, he’s the one who lost his temper.” Squirrelpaw objected, pressing her nose against her friend’s pelt. “He’s the one who should be sorry, not you.”
“Sorry doesn’t cut it!” Brambleclaw cut in with a growl, “We should be on the move by now! We could have hunted on the way through the forest, now we have to wait until they come back, all because of his stupid ego!”
Squirrelpaw glowered a little at how much she saw Brambleclaw was clearly enjoying himself in bad mouthing the apprentice, but she said nothing. After how Crowpaw had stormed off, she had nothing to defend him with. She couldn’t even disagree with her clanmate. They were all starving, certainly, but they did need to carry on in the journey!
Tawnypelt gave a murmur of agreement, she was waiting patiently beside a thick stone that seemed to be one of many around the area they had decided to rest. Heavy, grey, old slabs of stone littered the flat grassland. Squirrelpaw remembered Stormfur saying that they may have made up a two-leg place a long time ago, perhaps even before the clans.
“He better come back with at least three rabbits after how long they’ve been gone.” The Shadowclan cat mumbled. “By this rate we won’t even make it through the forest before it gets dark.”
Brambleclaw’s only reply was a satisfied lash of his tail.
“I’m sure they’ll be back soon.” Feathertail said gently. “They wouldn’t let us down.”
“Maybe one of them wouldn’t.” Brambleclaw muttered under his breath.
Feathertail’s ear flicked and she looked up, ready to argue, then her head dropped again with a defeated exhale. Squirrelpaw pressed her tail against the cat in comfort. She groaned, what had Crowpaw been thinking? She had been woken up by the sound of Feathertail’s voice beside her, and when she had looked up she saw Crowpaw staring straight at the warrior, his eyes icy and cold, a furious flicker obvious behind them. Feathertail had sensed the cat’s growing tension and she had tried to clam him down, but Crowpaw just stood up, shook his pelt away from her and darted away, leaving Feathertail broken faced behind him and Squirrelpaw confused and angry.
After Stormfur had chased after the tom, Feathertail had revealed that she had told Crowpaw about her saltwater sign. The tom was the only chosen cat who hadn’t gained it.
“Listen, please don’t be angry with him.” Feathertail pleaded to the group. “It can’t be easy knowing he’s the only one without a sign from Starclan.”
Tawnypelt shook her head, standing up and stretching her long limbs. “We can all understand why he’s annoyed. But it still doesn’t mean he wasn’t stupid about it!” She mewed, walking over to the Riverclan cat.
“I know.” Feathertail cried, “But I don’t want him to be upset. We all know how dedicated Crowpaw is. There has to be a reason he reacted like that.”
“There is.” Brambleclaw agreed with a snarl, “He’s a prickly little nuisance!”
Squirrelpaw’s stomach curled uncomfortably. She felt she had a better idea of why Crowpaw was angry than the others did. She was the only one Crowpaw had told about his link with his ancestors. She knew how desperate he was to please them. To please him.
A twist of sympathy rushed in her stomach. She understood why Crowpaw was so hurt, she just wished he hadn’t taken it out on Feathertail. Now he just looked like the disagreeable, prideful apprentice Squirrelpaw had been able to look past.
‘Mouse-brain’ She thought sadly. She wanted them all to respect him as much as she did.
Feathertail looked off in the direction the two toms had sprinted. “I hope he’s okay. Please Starclan, make sure Stormfur doesn’t do something to make it worse.”
That was a threat certainly, Squirrelpaw had noticed how distrustful Stormfur was of Crowpaw. She hoped it was just the mind of an overprotective brother.
Tawnypelt sat down near the mollies. “Stormfur wouldn’t dare harm any of us, even Crowpaw. There’s nothing to worry about.” She began to wash her paws.
“Yeah.” Squirrelpaw agreed, giving Feathertail a friendly lick on the ear. “They’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Feathertail smiled at the two, thankful, but there was no peace in her eyes.
“I just hope they get back quickly; we’re losing time.” Brambleclaw sat a fox-length away from the trio, his tail swaying impatiently.
Squirrelpaw shrugged, trying her best to be friendly. “Well at least we won’t be hungry on the way.” She chirped. Even despite how Brambleclaw had been treating her, it would do no good to provoke him needlessly.
However, Brambleclaw countered that hope with a vicious glare that blazed in his amber eyes. “We could have not gone hungry and made some ground if it wasn’t for him! Some friend you have!”
Squirrelpaw’s positivity evaporated as her eyes narrowed. ‘So once again, it’s my fault is it.’ She thought. If Brambleclaw thought that he could use Crowpaw’s stupidity against her, he had no sense at all! Yes, Crowpaw was moody, but he had more respect for her in his tail than Brambleclaw ever had.
She opened her mouth to say something but Tawnypelt cut her off. “Is there any need for that?” She hissed at her brother.
“Tawnypelt, don’t act like you disagree.” Brambleclaw stated.
“Crowpaw may be a pest but don’t take it out on Squirrelpaw!” Tawnypelt demanded, a fang tracing over her bottom lip. She looked away bitterly, “Thunderclan.” She seethed in disbelief, “Some clanmate you are!”
She said the last part quietly but the wounded flash across Brambleclaw’s face spoke that he had heard his sister. Squirrelpaw felt a prick of sympathy for the warrior, but it soon evaporated away. After how the cat had treated her, he didn’t deserve her forgiveness. Brambleclaw turned away, his head hanging low despite an effort to look strong, and he laid down, not facing the trio.
The three mollies shared an uncomfortable silence, broken only when Tawnypelt looked up again. “I apologise for my brother’s behaviour,” She said softly, so tender that it was hard to believe who she descended from. “He was never like this before I le- Before I joined Shadowclan.”
Squirrelpaw scoffed, “He’s always seemed like a mouse-brain to me. That’s all I’ve ever known of him!” She joked. Thankfully, the two cats laughed along. Squirrelpaw’s smile dropped though, “But, yeah, I don’t know why he’s acting like this.” They’d gotten along fine in Thunderclan despite their quarrels, but now it was like Brambleclaw only had bitterness for her. She wished she understood why.
Tawnypelt sighed, “Neither do I. I hope it’s just because he’s stressed about the journey.”
“We’re all stressed.” Feathertail pointed out, a rare venom in her tone. “But he still shouldn’t treat her like that.”
“I know.” Strangely, Tawnypelt chuckled. “He was good fun when we were kits though. Always laughing and smiling with me. We had to stick by each other, especially since he was the one who most looked like…well, you know.”
Squirrelpaw noticed Feathertail twitch with discomfort. It wasn’t surprising. If Tigerstar had gotten his way, neither her nor Stormfur would be alive right now. It was a horrible thought. To be related to such a cat would have made Squirrepaw ashamed. She was happy that Tawnypelt, and even Brambleclaw, were able to overcome that history. She was even more happy that Tawnypelt seemed to be happy in Shadowclan.
“I can understand that.” Feathertail said sympathetically, giving the warrior a soothing look, “It must have been hard after he died, to have no family in your clan.” Squirrelpaw had often wondered that. She couldn’t imagine being separated from Leafpaw, or even Feathertail being separated from Stormfur.
Tawnypelt nodded, but she didn’t look particularly hurt. “It was. Brambleclaw tried everything to get me to come back.” She said, but there was a familiar strong look in her eyes. “But I don’t regret any of it; Thunderclan treated me worse than dirt because of who my father was. They never made me feel like I belonged there, Shadowclan did.”
Feathertail made a mutter of agreement, she would have had a long time to understand that feeling with her father in a different clan. But Squirrelpaw couldn’t help but feel bewildered at the thought of leaving the clan you had been born into. Loyalty to the clan was the most important principle of the Warrior Code, and while no cat would deny Tawnypelt’s loyalty to Shadowclan, Squirrelpaw still realised the impact the warrior had made when she had left Thunderclan.
But then again, she’d heard from Brambleclaw the kind of abuse he’d received due to his father. Could she really blame Tawnypelt for wanting to escape that?
“Still, do you ever wish you could go back?” Squirrelpaw asked slowly, hoping that she wouldn’t offend the warrior.
Luckily, Tawnypelt just shrugged calmly, “No. My home is with Shadowclan. And it seems Starclan agrees; why else would I have been chosen to guide them?” Squirrelpaw couldn’t argue against that. Clearly, Starclan had plans for Tawnypelt that aligned with her decision.
“I see.” Squirrelpaw uttered. She had to admire the bravery of Tawnypelt, not just any cat could make a decision like that without thinking of the consequences, especially with her brother in another clan. Squirrelpaw could only hope to be as strong as her one day.
Feathertail began to shift, as if unsettled. Her cool eyes gleaming cryptically. “How…How did you know that your true home was with Shadowclan?” The Warrior asked modestly. Squirrelpaw raised a brow, normally Feathertail wasn’t the type to ask any question that could be seen as personal. She sensed something hidden behind her expression.
Tawnypelt paused, raising her head up in thought. Her lips went into a tight line, then she smiled and craned her head with a frisky stroke of her tail. “I just knew. I can’t describe it, but I just felt that Shadowclan was where I was meant to be.” She laughed suddenly, “It sounds mouse-brained, I know, but it was just something I knew at the time.”
The Riverclan cat seemed to ponder over that answer, then she dropped her gaze again, satisfaction shining around her. Squirrelpaw wasn’t so convinced, however. A feeling? That wasn’t something she expected to hear from a cat as practical as Tawnypelt. Squirrelpaw could only suppose that it was mostly led by the way Thunderclan had treated her; that was a reason. A feeling just seemed strange…
“Still, I do wonder about Brambleclaw every day.” Tawnypelt said, offering a sad, but firm, look to her brother. “I hope this stupid anger of his passes soon or he’ll end up starting a fight.”
Squirrelpaw rolled her eyes. “Be glad you’re not on the receiving end.”
Tawnypelt groaned tiredly, her head leaning over her paws. “It was bad enough when it was just Crowpaw, but if a Warrior starts acting like that; oh, help us Starclan.”
A tight protective desire sprang in Squirrelpaw’s stomach. “Crowpaw’s really not as bad as he acts. He’s mouse-brained, but he’s been better company to me than Brambleclaw ever has.” Squirrelpaw found herself meowing. It was like an instinct. Even though he had acted stupidly, Crowpaw was still her friend, and she wanted to defend him as much as she could.
Tawnypelt narrowed her eyes, unconvinced. “Hmm, must act differently with you, because he’s never had a kind word to say to me.”
“He just has trouble trusting the other clans.” Feathertail interjected, her voice noticeably firmer than usual. “That’s understandable, isn’t it?”
“I suppose. But it doesn’t do much good if we’re supposed to be a group.”
“Oh, just give him time.” Feathertail meowed, her eyes casting off a little. “I swear you’ll see how much of an amazing warrior he’s going to be!”
Tawnypelt rolled her eyes, but she didn’t say anything to counter the cat. “I hope you’re right.” She seemed glad that the conversation had ended there when she noticed Feathertail’s smile.
Squirrelpaw noticed her smile too. And she saw something glowing in it; something gentle and passionate.
Squirrelpaw froze, her stomach twisting at the thought. Did Feathertail… No, she couldn’t! What Squirrelpaw thought she’d seen couldn’t be there! Her fur prickled as she tried to push the thought away. They were just friends. It must have just been friendship, nothing more. Crowpaw didn’t even think about Feathertail in that way, if he had Squirrelpaw would have seen it before certainly!
A growl rumbled in Squirrelpaw’s throat. Of course, she was mistaken. The very thought of it was absurd and stupid. But then again… Feathertail had asked about Tawnypelt’s loyalty to her clan? Had that been because she was questioning herself, questioning the Warrior code?
She looked again at Feathertail. The cat was smiling stupidly, her eyes almost seemed blissful. Was she thinking of...? Squirrelpaw’s eyes closed furiously as she tried to keep her tail from puffing out in frustration. It wasn’t true! They couldn’t…
An ill feeling rushed across Squirrelpaw’s spine, her pupils shrinking as her stomach churned and turned to ice.
Why was she so annoyed?
Her thoughts were cut off as Brambleclaw suddenly shouted. “There they are! They don’t seem to have any prey.”
Squirrelpaw’s gaze darted to where Brambleclaw was looking. She rose up with the other two cats and watched as both Crowpaw and Stormfur came over the peak of a nearby hill. They were both sprinting desperately. The three cats slowly came over to where Brambleclaw was and squinted out at the two.
A coldness seemed to envelop the group. Something was wrong. Crowpaw and Stormfur looked terrified, putting every bit of strength into their run. Looking closer, it was almost liked they weren’t running to the group, rather running away-
Every cat seemed to share the same thought before the fleeing cats confirmed it.
“Run to the forest!” Stormfur yowled, almost breathless.
Almost on cue of Crowpaw’s scream of “Dog!”, the animal crashed into the cats’ view! It was huge! Its teeth sparkling like a thousand Warrior’s claws as it quickly hunted after the cats like they were rabbits!
The barking rumbled around the hills, carrying death in its force.
The cats’ scrambled away, fleeing towards the nearby wood! There had to be somewhere amongst the army of trees that they could escape the dog’s teeth! Squirrelpaw ran beside Feathertail, looking back only for a second to check if Stormfur and Crowpaw were close behind, she couldn’t allow herself to be relieved when she saw that they were soon gaining on the group. Unfortunately, the dog wouldn’t take long to catch up.
Squirrelpaw had never felt so scared before! This dog was far worse than any of the one’s she had heard about before, even the one from the gardens didn’t own a bark as ferocious as this one! She had to run! That was it! Run or die!
“Starclan, help us!” Feathertail cried beside Squirrelpaw. The terror in the cat’s voice only made Squirrelpaw run faster. They made it to the wood’s edge and all sprinted through the collection of bracken and twigs. Squirrelpaw looked around fiercely for any kind of safety, but all she saw was tangled bushes and dead tree trunks. The stench of the dog was growing closer, they needed to find somewhere now!
Even the nearby yelling of the Twoleg that owned the brute offered no comfort! There was no way it would reach the beast before it sank its jaws into at least one of her companions, or even her! Squirrelpaw heard herself squeak in terror! “Find somewhere quickly!”
For a while all she could hear was the dark growling and barking of the dog, as rampant as the furious beating off her heart! It loomed over the forest like a dark shadow, one that offered no safety. Only blood and doom.
Then, she heard Brambleclaw yowl nearby! “Climb trees!” He ordered. For once, Squirrelpaw was happy to oblige. She scanned every tree, her heart sinking as she came across a storm of blank, hollow trees! Then in the corner of her eye, she saw Brambleclaw’s huge form clinging onto a trunk wrapped in ivy. Below him, the black shape of the dog jumped in the air, its teeth snapping for the cat’s fur.
She had to be quick while it was distracted. With every ounce of strength she had, she darted past the dog, offering a small prayer to Starclan as she pounced. She could smell the rancid breath of the creature momentarily, but it passed as she found her paws digging into the tangle of ivy. Gracefully, she hauled herself up the tree, only stopping for breath when she was safe on a high branch.
Squirrelpaw trembled, staring down at the steaming breath of the dog as it growled hungrily at the bottom of the tree, its eyes blazing like great balls of fiery madness! Above her she noticed Stormfur and Tawnypelt trembling on a higher branch, and she turned at a desperate rustling, finding Crowpaw scrambling up the other side of the tree.
For a moment, she felt she could allow herself to breathe. Then her heart seemed to stop in horror.
“Where’s Feathertail?” Brambleclaw screamed.
Squirrelpaw searched the area hysterically, gasping when she saw her friend frozen in fear, only a few fox-lengths behind the dog. The dog was blocking her way! There was nowhere she could go, and she knew it! She looked close to tears as her expression lay stiff with dread!
Help her! Squirrelpaw’s mind screeched. She’s helped you so many times before! She wanted to, she wanted to go down there and help her friend with every inch of her being! But the snapping of the dog’s jaws, the hunger in its eyes, the thought of Brightheart’s scarred face, it all crowded in Squirrelpaw’s vision and made her paws tremble!
What could she do?
“Fox-dung! I’ve had enough of this!”
It all happened like it was within half a second. Crowpaw’s form flung through the air, determined desperation full on his expression, and he landed beyond the reach of the dog, who’s head following his direction fiercely!
A grim panic boiled all over Squirrelpaw! “Crowpaw, no!” She yowled after him as he fled across the dry leaves and into the bushes. The dog stormed after him. Sensing the opportunity, Feathertail darted over to the tree pouncing onto the tree and wrapping herself around a thin branch.
Squirrelpaw should have felt relief that her friend was safe, but her gaze was stuck on the bushes where Crowpaw and the dog had disappeared. She could hear its barking rumble in the distance and her heart dropped. There was no trace of Crowpaw! Had he been caught? Her breath chilled as grief began to overcome her!
He was chosen! He had to show his clan they were right to trust him! It couldn’t just end like this, not after everything, not after how close they’d become!
Suddenly, a black shape crashed through the bracken, sprinting at a rapid familiar pace. Squirrelpaw let a slow, relieved breath escape her chest as she saw Crowpaw spring into the air again, digging his claws into the ivy and climbing to a safe place.
The dog followed again, barking and grunting in anger. Then its Twoleg appeared, grabbed the beast by the scruff like a kit, and dragged it away yapping and whining pathetically.
Once the cries faded into the distance, Squirrelpaw allowed herself to sink onto the branch in relief. They were safe at last! She looked down at Crowpaw who still clung to the ivy, his face buried against the trunk as he panted and regained his breath. Squirrelpaw felt a glowing admiration for the cat burst across her! He had risked his life for his friend and had succeeded when she had been too scared to do anything! It was one of the bravest things she had ever seen!
Squirrelpaw found herself looking around; Stormfur, Tawnypelt, even Brambleclaw (grudgingly), looked impressed by the apprentice’s bravery! Squirrelpaw smiled, this was definitely going to help them all realise how amazing Crowpaw could be!
“Thank you, Crowpaw! You saved my life!”
Squirrelpaw grinned again looking over to her, now safe, friend. A warmth ran through her now she knew that Feathertail was unharmed.
Then she found Feathertail’s expression. And even though she knew it was stupid, ridiculous, and unfair, she froze again.
Crowpaw climbed up to where Squirrelpaw was, panting and grooming over his fur. But his gaze never left Feathertail. “Big brute!” He muttered, “Tripped over its own paws.” Even his brave faced quips didn’t annoy Squirrelpaw anymore. They were almost endearing.
“It would have caught me for sure if you hadn’t come to help me.” Feathertail breathed, her whisper brimming with something passionate. Squirrelpaw saw the blissful affection paint Feathertail’s gaze once again. It was undeniable this time. Clear as the morning sky.
The Thunderclan apprentice felt her stomach twist when she saw Crowpaw blush, his eyes flashing at the cat. Squirrelpaw thought it may have resembled the way Feathertail was looking at him. Then, straight at the Riverclan Warrior, Crowpaw smiled.
Oh, how Squirrelpaw loved it when he smiled. Yet now, it made Squirrelpaw feel emptier.
“There was no way I’d abandon a friend.” Crowpaw called to the Warrior, then pondering in the sweet embarrassed way he rarely did, he let himself open a little more. “Especially when I owed her an apology.”
Squirrelpaw should have felt proud. Every cat around the group seemed to accept Crowpaw a little more at that. Tawnypelt and Stormfur both nodding in commendation, and even Brambleclaw couldn’t hide the admittance of recognition in his gaze.
Feathertail looked moved. Affected. Stirred. Sharing gratitude with the black apprentice.
Squirrelpaw felt blank. She should have felt happy for the two, right?
But even when they had to move on through the forest, accompanied by an old kittypet, even though she kept a bright- and wide-eyed grin throughout, Squirrelpaw couldn’t shake off the strange sadness that clung to her like a flea.
44 notes · View notes
40ozalctears · 4 years
the sweetest kindest little ringing remind or ashtin or spooked rabbit keeper sweetest, spiteful my vices ahh!her luv damn. why!
The cause of harm is the greed and not the farm that you arm your weakest prodigal son, in the wake of a maybe fatal frigid Hellscape frozen over the hold over Queen majesty - when all they want is the monarch taxes back - like do u rly think the easy dirty easy money like stealing, type super  funny, honey its sweeter than the milk and soft as the spin the scar tissue hard. Trust me, the watching who hold hate close to the knowledge of the madgods jewelry is stinking of lunacy, from the quiet kind boy behind the monarch stark cast of Godlike endless hatred rage - take it from the prophesied leader of spirits who know prophesy fulfilled when he listens to to the whistling of ancestor spirits. Shh. Pawned so many rings that belonged to wrong ruler and song girl bringer of here. I am  crystal clear that I am the Belle the Gaelic attempt to keep it super sly and secret. Keep the sharp teeth wolf boys feel. You use the hints and kinks in the story is so old to known to young unsung but done as done prophesy is - stuck in a state archdruidic sickening states of being wasted on the loss my rightful throne and every hidden secret locked in the labyringth in Gothic leviathan cathedral bearing my Gaelic, as the eventually overthrown Roman blew in the gail winds of fading traditon, until no one listened - French, drenched in gas so the most certain ancients know that the young stuck between wolf with teeth perfectly shining, glistening like misshappen young Bellovaci younger holy boys who were just always in a feral state as this, to purr and meow and give the serpent hiss in the name of making your place certain beneath more primal - I relinquish the dirt that just sits in the sink, until I relinquish link to like the hoops in the ear that would claime me the the arch-druid so sickly addicted to every little drink that is as ichor of death, to be anything but self assured in the word of the lycan simply lurking. Stuck between sprint, torn denim, more wolf than man, more Perfectly evil than pleasantly Godly like the most ready to know the foam that forms when see see her have their beloved dark black long hair sheared like wheat and chaff before the wind - like the sick should fall to the bloodied slice of the sickle - for less obvious matters, let the frigid whisper of winter being fickle, just enought to tickle the just to depravity. As such, the little who felt the eyes of boy who circled the edge of town as if he could not exist if not considerign the sting of monarch moth never more than a state eternal failing - the bread of a war machine God called Heaven, and stole my lost profit lost cost of certain life - being stuck in the state of eternal decay, which I studied and loved until I travelled under and dug, and built a man made moat just so you and your favorite things that makes you a sweet thing, and I would let your eye widen as the Sun dies again, for how many nights we d did not fight against sleep, as if it was impossible to not see the glow of the her slow in the bright of the certain doom and the looming harvest of farthest mens beliefs- understanding them from the wise who came far from the East, and so when I fed on what I studied to be the understanding of the love of another that was as fulfilling as shared cute snack that feels like return of the hero, but no great war - just what she stored I locked in impossible chance of ever being forgotten in the permafrost frigid acceptance that my ribs form a page that is nothing short of permafrost accounting for the Godliness of Loss - so for all the simple beauty and the cutie doe with the fawn eyes who I saw forever in a way, sleepîng on a hateful yawn, and as soon as she wakes, blinks, yawns, I steal her from the fate of never escaping the state of eternal maze - by which I named my first son already the Scarecrow Prince who will only  know keeping away crows, and those who know the harbingers of death, if you trust the call of keeping death then you invite again the flow of euphoric state of moon blasting through, like it baptizes you new under the last name you gave as you noticed her lose the tame, like a newly free thing who was only knew cage - I suppose many act as they should as if they ever only knew rage - for all labyrinth trap and reasons of setting traps for the unwanted seasons, so in the sickest of seeping Spring I know one ring keeps me sharpening teeth, and assured that the meek not sheep for the weak of the word, but the deared dark-eyed soul  that I saw tending to to contraption that was asked to keep us in safety, and just as the sweetest of sickly sweet thing that makes all lycan boy, between and here and there was a maiden, one of iron, one which was so tired, that it tired me, even in my infinite gift of plan to hatch the love of my own twisted roots of oak until I am choked by the end of my joke that is just make the sweet doe eyed in the man made moat I spit this as quick as a slit I would made, but it would take little more me to riddle a liittlle harmless threat, with the debt of what is owed to the protector of Queen of all that I have seen more goes than majesty, tragedy that it had to be you, and I saw her look away, but I think she was keen of a certain sense to know I was such a penniless who could spend endless words for you learn that it takes as such, that you get as much as you give, and even to keep her breath steady - you not  take your never ending, butterfly wing, malfunctioning thats most fear but she hears vibrated like like quiet of the hum and summer nights - and so for me take the claws, fix both red stained glass eyes, wide as severed - ways to explain that it painful to say that given what I have scribbled in the hieromanic of trance, and I cannot sing and and dance like I do not having to call for the Fall of Man, just every plan of man, no matter well maid, always led themselves, naked shivering, exactly to the step of my trap, which I simply set to wet my taste that in my heart the start of the most bright exploding morning flail - the believe that mourning any distance bright candle simply doused by the petty candle lick, quick-witted way the light of your life might just decide one day, in its trickery, sickening mastery of things more man than a boy who finds join the acceptance as wolf more always in between, hurting and dirty for never truly becoming, but since in absolutely delightful beauty quiet she floats on the wooden boat, Singing in tongues what might be the meaning of death in  ending of sum - in that if speaking trying to make sense of the sounds is beyond the bond of human to the satisfaction with simple humanity, not having grasped the the roots and found how to shoot start out of the sky on  a night  so loud from the crowd of surrounding pounding drums, of those fat-bellied fascists, who heard word you of your solitary goddess too honest to ever say she just believes without being knowing as so many, too-knowing will claim until they slain the in the name of the lie - I remember the Ilai, Eli, of course...a a lie, I have thought the less real lamb that stood as she stands, as he landed on the peak of Golgotha, the Aramaic was perhaps soft on the dying son confused by the plan of the Eternal, that when the nails jailed themself to a cage of childish rage, in his purity, in his fury, the absolute terrifying baring of teeth, from a thing more than a man who we only know as the Italian son of a man who weaponized the need, of knowing the idea of the Son, asking the father for a taste of Honey, as burned to death due to fault lines in the times conflict, the Son would consider, despite the nights in wild, where I was the child and babe possessed, nearly the Lord of Death - given mastery over connection to Father, God, the peak of throne - just as the wildest time I ever came close to perhaps becoming too full in my how MUCH my teeth bled as I felt them become blades, that only most alone lycanthrope knows that in a statone of alone, given nothing but instinct, and the nonsense worthless broken porcelain that looked so wrong in it raped poor, sad fatal estate, as the rate increased and the feast my own consuming of stars in the sky forgetting the name of the Hatred of the idea of my meek littlle priestess - seeped in my need of simply believing in Queen, should the Kind pawn and not think for a again, at least inn a state of knowing it staying put in insanity, instead of grasping at the fact, so beautfiul but tear-filled years and years of waiting, Hating the need for blood spilled -  sip on sour cloud break int raped time I believe I must drink the blood to avoid the or, some prophesy that is as misplaced as a poisoned chalice, or even living in a palace, as I lived in what i make an intricate safet confusing little maze of a cluttered and dimly lit clean as can home fit for as modest and as the innocent stern deity who submisses to no dismmissing of her strength in the way the drenches the weak in the their defeat - became as haunting, piercingly loud, as if thhe crowd of the rage of a forget tradition of boys lost in the most deep of Belgic, someone some-where look like the Sun King withought the messes of lost den dwellers wishing for one gem laden gauntlet of a boy so Shining finally given the palace where he stood like the final piece to the puzzle, but any failed watch maker who understands the importance of the love and  acceptance of failure - to sit in silence as loud as the sound the once-dead no piercengly quiet -only tickicking the old heiroom , alone in the darkest little steel  box of lock between myself and what seemed to be the reason i even kept any thing dirty, having a penchant for ugly, as it is easier to hug, with unwarranted terrible pain, that if I should given a shame all the was of the certainly nervous and tall nothing but simple boy, who kept strange so deranged and misunderstood, the closest I ever became to command I then claimed over how we become the beast we studied, the most, so le loup garou je troube q c maps mal nous tous les jeune honnes, donner in the grace of the silliest stiill alive-ancients, I remember waking to up the nothing but fear, clearly awake, before I considered that the stuck between stations of dashing and springting with tongue out more in between than ever, and severed from reality like nape of the rapist of health, who deserved exactly how painful it is to attempt to take the breason of breath of a deathly sweet little thing, that I had no quarrel, with so many inner-wars possessing my core, this came as 2 and 2 would naturally come to one who lives for another but must act out of of absolute focus on the swarm of locust, of channeling the hate the state of still convinced of weak willed humanity always grasping back to the need to such greedy with our grasping little human disease name our most useless scraping of kness, simply to not exist as mist with a debt to death, that will never be paid until in your maiden, somehow still, as sweet and, as opened like the intricate lock, who only ever talked so soft, though never stern as if to teach those who do not know how made the young boys go when laid bare to the fair skin little thing, and the presence of something listening, lurking and working on the moat, so he has a place to return, that I earn the trust, as my mane because the the River Styx by which the depth of how trim ourself fur and how soft we pur, keeps a little thing like, what seemed at first to be weak little sheep, who watched as i watched, weeks on weeks. i think think of the God Army who drew blade in the name of those who came most like there before - brought about the strength in the week after week, until walked tilted in the way of a wolf, though alone, mostly likely believed a sort or auditory glitch cast by the shadows and  tossed at me like a joke of a bone, simply to give me the idea of home, that I would her here still quietly, but so softly as sweetly - something I wanted to ask but was terrified to even utter to to no one for nothing in silence, she awoke the new sense of 6 all together as one, and for all the boy so scared of the swinging like moon in the sky, when i was convinceded of something tied to things not allowed to those who do not have the raising of dead, all i think id like to just try to return from..if not the grave than the furthest forgotten part of the den, where this story and meaning began as it ends - just a way to say i know exactly why you know what i knew, and i hope against hope i do not lose sight of the memory of you - because although forever boy  -with vices and plain as a night with just white rice and help help of her so harmless little smirk and a wink, that made the pendulum brain that swung like i as hells  bells were insane - as in not quite normal, as normal we love - it all seemed so normal until we were visited by boys, who saw the goddess of seasons in this simple quiet absolutely shierking riot of so many ways she would love, to  tell you all the the words she knows you think of them too much and so when, just when become so accepting of the power your hatred of having to wait - to just wait until the gates by which you always would return her staring, although as if, withouut casting you a spell of  smile, you stop and and look at pacific clearly piercing blue - that for all of her tears that welled up as after 20 nights in defiance of any sort of defeat - as is if being apart,though as he deep how the frozen hold outside the jail of you eternally lost, but kept in sigh chest - where i see the mathers failig and erring to say, I know you began as seeming to sculpted from diamond, though second, the wolf second  sum, more loud and addicted to pride than the smaller though, equally capable man, who just because he can run on all fours as his foretold type apocalypse fate, was as interesting fate fatal as the final pale horse her death - and I do not remember exactly when I began to notice, the boat floathing alone, or when my bright as sprayed over faint barely dim stupid quiet was not chrome or calling me home, by my allowing for all - the absolute Belgic Prophecy joke, that began simply as stupid, but in presence of the spooked little rodent type queen - switched names - without asking why, I suppose that in the attempty of knowing how we know how, and by no means do i say this this with hope ,to achieve the same cheating way of reaching such perfect connection life, than finding your reason to not be Hateful of God when god has been failing idea, of the might of the male, that the simple fact at the bottom of all - is that the Fall of Man is silly little becoming the return, of when I think i will deserve to stop trying be either incredibly far, either evil little devil grasping at the need being weak and pink like,a pig, or in the face of death - the forgetting of breath, i do believe i must rememer the name, the message more than sent in house how many ways, as studied as any believer in science, by wise as the misunderstood men in the dresses from east - so in the incredibl terrible rage, terrifying reminder, she is just theperfect little strength of the flood of all time, for the perfect cute thought little whimsical nonsense word spoken in tongues, simply because she said so manu in barely audible cute litttle whisper lispy magical lilt - i do not think i am of the acceptance of born to die,just as in the dying light of the night Moon gave the light on things in tht nearly blackened painting canopy brush - each as deep as the piercing I made - that was not necessary, but perhaps as if if to stay, i will remain close to the hope digging and searching all the rocks and the mud, until I return to just where I was, until I stand to reason that was a man without her seeming reason for me to defend my hatred of each season, but the love the way they all die so quickly as if they know exactly when I am becoming physically ill by not a shift in understanding of her. i think it was ashtin - like the dust dust to eternal rusting of my loss of self into choked back fears until years of years of studying the defense against against anything bent againt I would feel the power of endless power in the little bit of lovely blood, that once again reminded where I began that bit of a dream, that seems a bit too dramatic of anything more than panicking dream. But my word, the rodent she named Oliver, soft and attaching to words like they are herds she saves with  a simple different way slaying their understanding on plain until the unheard know her death when her breath is missed is harshest in the breach iof the rift in the stone dark endless wall how her breath clears the fog, and sends the echoes back home in whisper just a little lisp, little kiss on my lips, a sly wink with an entirely unexpected opening of entrance to entire  too much to look without being to have your jaw slacked wide - as if the little unexpected so quick little joke, make slit the unknown threat and simple bet her slight bit of doubt in my weakness, i suppose she might have had - and although i do not low i crept as the wind  often does, to bring about clouds when the blue is too much of lie for sky to accept - the debt of your once hated seething refusal of death, allowed again to renew simply by the news of the dreams of the queen who was, ash- ashtin. spooked rabbits are just needing one, as so ti goes...the cutest little feets. keeping me in state of accepting my defeat and knowing the tirump of eternal here and there insanity that had me consuming a star, one by one until the undoing on sun was brought about  queen without the way of making thos who crossed the way with evil kept in its sway, had my pulsing blood, as fucked as the hellish dark of black matter noahs boat couldnt hold - despite being ebnt by the old joke - the grace of god - how one man leading the other keeping the Fall as evil menacing as it kept gluttonous fiendish fucking tearing apart all the planes as if to grow greater in danger to the consatnt and terrifying state of new danger of a  maybe hades boy who ddi too much grasping at pinkish shell to let myslf be reduced the feral final story, horror to some but silly little clever story, that had me eating guts and close to none,a dn then I might the final sum, and we only spoked in like poetic guessing, and, and riddle spun in the funniest little nonsense tongus and you could lose all sense and sight of self -  i think i saw a glimpse of her tasteful, when I cried so long into them moat, that if she left for how I protected her and her little, then just as I took gathered all then found all colorful shades of Easter hues, I thought how she would look up look from some written words - that I know she I loved had never heard - and every time she looked from from the blue, i learned something from the eyes in the books and words i never knew - just to put me where I need to be, to clear pulsing pride from bloodshot, sclera  slit like tip of ice - just as if to say - wolf - what was it! Doggy! DOG BOY!  To catch up to me in my stupid race, and give me exactly the bitter taste of how much she knew in calm and little lil just barely out the pink ishupon which quit the pyre lit - as when I took at the happy easter colors, and I CURSED her named, and named her killer of every color - now that moat is turning black, and the sky shows all the suns so much at once, that at the zenith of the apex boy - little predator muttering all nice sweet letters, because in the frantic end of choice - you not much of choice in - when you you your eyes and count to ten youll wake up up not  stuck in questions asked, so many times that the night  is just the final break day, where eternal empress who claims her seat - only kept around by the spare and rotten, which the boy who always knew, that he hated any end, but not than he seethed at the types of you, who always approached the little lamb, with no regard for how she lead the herds, or which she spent the pitch black birds, with little lick of lips and tonguepoked as if to say, I dont to scary you - its just the way I bite! To make you wonder, and faint and make you beg for me to say that I am not dead, in the native tongue of keeping me tracked by not enough breath to explain - stupid lungs cannot keep up with brain! and so just as I felt the clear the moat around the little steel trap cottage,which in intense dreary clarity pain, I remember how shed always up though the softest sweet soft cooked rye break eyes, which I would break with woodlant carcass, dead, but this type sweetness reminder of her would keep the memory so fucked a blur, that when I needed the guidance of the hiding empress, Ash- Ashtin. I remember her important on the fidget little wind up nature - of the small ones but must be scare, and when i was so close to something more - I do not care for the letters  and their and tried young symbols, I forget how just, a more recently learned cast in iron, attempt self to make the pariah undertood - by way of building the knee sout of rotten would - I do not think or remember or cared cared - to ever do more than simply stare -or imply what youd so quick succinct, without the fear or  drink at the brink too many silly drinks to death, I remember how the static how she just threw all havoc in side my head, and I do not think how it was crackling snow on snow, unlike other other little question that I knew to do, was I given the absolutely never allowed chance - for the lady priestess who herself who so clean of pride - that she took the form of something so  weak in stature - but if was was real ash or rabbit, spooky rodent or wahtevr oh no dew! im so close to new water on the grass - she would say something  something equal  smart - and in this i knew i shaped my heart in form which i recall our elbows linked, and in this, the sotry clinked, like chainmail just so perfectly made, that when i closed my eyes ans the ring of pearl blue simply slain - by knowing that the death of pain,would be cutting the story short, just who had long forgotten why he kept me weight alone - under earth and across the darkest emerald thicket where in the almost dark drk of calm cool breeze - it almost seemed that something she jagged knife told me so many times in a way defeated, there are so many you times you rhyme your want with rotten meat - each time so produ to drop your pittace at my feet - id notice things id though she keep to herselp, like ifif she heard a sound that sort of clicked, she used all her little rabbit nervous, and look at the place that sound had surfaced, shed dart her eye look up and down, i swear to god the became possesed ttha little - as if this tiny little secret might have been some unknown weakness of myself, and sense ofsilly self alone, or how she hated to admit - as if she only felt my  tense and nonsense wit, and how id  spit and drool some nonsense shit, when perk and smack my mouth,and when shed calm and look all normal, shed twist her eyes so deeply wide and locked the a perfect socket into mine, like the human little shaky princess off the greenest ever dark shadow shade - that robot intensity was if her closest thing to shame, as if she knew when  returned the secret little glen, she hated when i knew she cared  - as if she knew the stupid end, and hated the love and silly nickname as though she did not think the the first name fit, and we spoked and we went on and in the game of just the longest song, which always began with us just screeching cute littl sounds, until, shed begin with A, as if to see how w eboth felt to do, with eah little letter we knew so well,and I remember an ANNOYINGLY loud, and I liked to do things just know with how id b so glad to know want cares, for me to be sory of follow hey very little cutey challenge, so i held her given named above her head - as if to bring her to my secret little home - and anoint with strangest deepest love warming feeling - until corner her with feelings -until were both so dumb kid squealing, I corner her with her given name , as she was the one cutie types, no matter silly im am, ur the dumber piece of stinky dumb dog pudding slung so poorly, like its barely even taut at all - that the only time we were said such cute little things, that rhyme together, are so dreamy perfect, as im not sure if we even rhymed at all, but in night as our giggles turned to cackling tearfilled calls, we would end just other begins, just as simple sum as dipped in depth as deepest why crying over the dimming sun is oh nopers! as shed often say. id hear here do her beauty cutie thing where shed say, the type pitter patter nopey nopers, until l my hopes are all in where I hope she keeps the darkenest wait, so quickly lit with razor wit, that right before i sleep for the firostin so long again - she finally has me brawling crying out for the light of lights to not go out, that a final word shared just before accept hoh nopers dannnnnngit! Dange gangly nooonopers! as she just liked to she how silly she could sound, but when wanted to bring just edge of life, and making the queen the jewel of the dirtdog simple, the priestess of the brightest secret light, who ended each and every night, with final thing if to jsut a silly tired thing, and I rememebr one really faded in to greatest chipped old fade- in the love of the little fidgety way, that on the dirst in central little metal room - enthused by how it felt like such a lovely tomb while drifted in and out of sleep, everytime id come back to awake, shed be staring directly in eye my eye, or even wake me up with her fucking Hey! Fuck you! type ofpicking at my skin blackhead whitehead or little red think she could pick, as if me not knowing  thats shes afraid that i dont know,,that even though the little snarky rude type silly teacher preacher joker stoker of the loving flame - she thinks mentioning lame is stupid all bark mr neutered bad dog! lil piece of crap.  n then, feigning sincerity in sweetest way possible her eyes roop and he strts talkin all  sorry andloopy  , and says super very slow, i know for a fact shes spitting on my eyes oh my loird this absolutely silly evilly queen of jokes, fuck stoked the fire so i know my f;ace, and im just as i tryin to mutter - wh..are you..spraying your nasty stupid spit  on my f-f-face.I know exactly how but why id even why this stupid little chunky  chimp do do anything just on a silly whim - to prove chance, that although a very loud annoying little yappy annoying dog, and based on this i would  and must always let her win. even when shed really make me start to cry  because i thought about how she would either disappear or either disappear of or be gonetoo long 2 diappear - or just be ok withou withou the fear-  gone too long and just because intilledwith fear until she calls me stupid just all day long, sometimes sall ur silly things get to me way deeper than they ever should - just because i feel my knees creaking like crutches with twoodworm and the rotten wood - but when the sweetest little knows im a bit too sh turns from stupid annoying silly thing, worth all the waunt gather in the form of my simple fear of the obvious big unspoke thing if we were either prepared or knowing that the beauiful haunting song, of hows omething would be lost, if we simply lived all boring quiet, because in teh certainy of her going i umumumum. I dinnot say YOu are..STOOpidn, i sad you....are souping! souping out! and i stop and i realize exactly why I go....oh...yeah? and i start laughing... and gasping and  hey ashtin. for all the metaphor. what do i have to do do for spooked rabbit self to pitter pitter patter. I suppose I know what’s been the matter
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getstickbugdlol · 5 years
fuck you im doing all the cat questions
1. Name? Dmitri Ivanovich Victorovich Aslanov 2. Fur color? Grey! 3. Any family you know (other than you)? His brother Nemo :D 4. Age? 4! 5. Favorite toy? He loves this fucking string but he can’t play it because then he turns into a string monster and he ONLY wants to play string and he’ll wake me up at all hours to play string. other than that, dry spaghetti noodle, little mouse 6. Nicknames? Mr. Meow, Meow Meow Man, Baby, Bubba, Smelly Pooper, Sir Baby, Mr. Baby 7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? oh 10,0000% problematic fave he’s evil 8. Length of fluff? not a floof, he’s a Sleek Boi 9. Any funny habits? he just holds his mouse in his mouth and stares out the window at birds??? also he plays fetch 10. How old were they when you met? 8 weeks! 11. What does their food bowl look like? its just a lil blue plastic one with two areas 12. Indoor or outdoor cat? Indoor 13. Recent picture? i cant figure out how to insert that into this post 14. Old picture? see above 15. Cuddly? He snuggles me before I wake up and before I go to bed but he’s not a lap cat. He just bites me instead lmao he can’t handle the love 16. Ever changed their name? No 18. Eye color? Yellow 19. How do they express love for you? Following me around and meowing at me and giving me baths  20. How do you express love for them? so many sweet kisses  21. Any theories on what breed? His dad is a Russian Blue and his mom was feral, we think tabby but not sure, he’s got the Russian Blue genes for sure but he has little stripes on his tail 22. Do they ever wake you up? oh my god my alarm clock has four paws and his name is dmitri 23. How much do they meow? SO MUCH he’s so talkative 24. Any hiding spots? Under my chair and sometimes in the wardrobe 25. Do they enjoy guests? Not really, he’s a little scaredy cat but will come out after an hour or so  26. Lofty objects to sit on? The top of the bookshelf and the fridge 27. Wear a collar? no he nekky (and describe collar?) 28. How much shedding? no shedding 29. Do they enjoy brushing? No he tries to bite the brush 30. Ever drink from the toilet? No 31. How do they get your attention? Meowing or just jumping up onto my computer while I’m on it  32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done? Cats don’t feel shame 33. Weirdest thing they try to eat? MEDICINE child.......... 34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends? my son  35. What time do they eat breakfast? 7:00 AM 36. Do you cut their nails? yeah i have to this bitch is SHARP 37. Do you think they understand you? definitely a few words....he knows gentle and no and stop and breakfast lmao  38. Ever make fun of them? No i love him  39. Do you take their picture often? Yes!!!!!!!! A photogenic boi 40. Ever hiss at you? hmmm one time when he got REALLY scared but not usually 41. Ever try to scratch or bite you? every single day but its not hard, its love bites 42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do? Let me hold it  43. Do they ever eat bugs? Yes  44. Canned or dry food? Both, he gets a little dry food in the morning along with canned food and then at evening just canned food 45. Weight? about 16 pounds 46. Ever got lost? No but one time he got up on the roof and I freaked out 47. Do you buy them presents? Yes 48. Do they respond when you call? Yes! 49. Do they ever see other cats? He used to live with my moms cats and his brother stayed sometimes. Im gonna get him a friend 50. Declawed? no this is so evil  51. Funniest expression? his goblin face 52. Favorite place to be pet? butt scratch 53. Worst thing they’ve destroyed? my grandma’s $4,000 hearing aids 54. Give them a head kiss. Done! 55. What time of the year is most exciting for them? march bc the birds come back lmao 56. Are they good at hunting real prey? He is BugKiller extraordinaire. He watches the birds but does not attack 57. Do they ever attack nothing? yes 58. What are they doing right now? sitting at the window watching birds 59. How long have you had them? 4 years (omg!) 60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you? Hmmmmm idk he had REALLY sharp claws but he was so teeny tiny!!!!!!!!!! I love him now but he was definitely more work as a kitten. I mean he’s still work he’s a kitten on the inside 61. Ever baby-talk to them? Omg yeah I have the worst cat voice 62. Favorite napping position? Curled into a teeny ball like a dragon!!!!!!!!! 63. Have you ever stepped on their paw? Yes :( 64. Ever tripped you on stairs? Omg yeah 65. Any ear hair? YEAH little tuft 66. Favorite view from a window? Birds 67. Describe why they are precious. Because he has the best beans and he wakes me up with snuggles!!!!!!!! He talks big but he always lets me give him sweet head kisses and he licks me after he bites me bc he just cant handle all that love!!!!!!!! 68. Fit the cat stereotype? No hes too evil 69. Chaotic neutral? Chaotic evil 70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company? Oh yes what is space 71. Are you their favorite human?  Most definitely. He loves me a little too much 72. Do they like tv? No he will Not Be Fooled 73. Favorite noise to make? this tiny baby meow just to let me know he’s there 74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be? its been too long since Ive played this game and idr what this means!
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rankuros · 2 years
yyh for tha fandom thingy
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
i really do love all of them so much they are all sooooo good, but i guess it's gotta be kurama. i just think togashi knocked it out of the park. ancient demon flees to the human world to use a human body as a meat shield and then realizes when it's too late that he's loved and he loves in return. the identity struggles the secrets GOD it's so good i could go on. connecting the landline to fuckin yomi's castle so his mom can call and check on him? I LOVE HIM.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
KUWABARA for the aforementioned tough guys who love cats!! big strong guy soffftttttt heart. he loves his friends so much and his friends love him and that's what it's all about. he's perfect i love him 100000/10.
honorable mention to hiei who is essentially a tiny feral kitten screaming at the people trying to socialize him. hiei and kuwabara are both so shaped in opposite ways
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
according to my dash everyone loves her but SHIZURUUUUUUU wife wife wife wife wife
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
kurama's mom i think we need A LOT!!!! more info on her!!! i want a spin-off that's just about her raising her weird son. my favorite yyh fic of all time is about her raising her weird son. she must be such a good mom i want to know everything about her i want all of kurama's friends to call her mom like i call my friends moms' mom, i have so many emotions about moms
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
shishiwakamaru he's the bestworst. i love how everyone else comes around and he continues to be kind of a dick like he's got a reputation to protect. just be fucking nice we know you think you're cool but you're not you're a loser. swallow your pride it's unbecoming
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
koenma stop putting children in dangerous situations challenge
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
BOTH toguros. i know i'm supposed to have some feelings about the younger one by the end of that arc but he just does not land for me. the older one is definitely more evil but they can both go together idc
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mauithedemicat · 7 years
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This is an incredibly sad sad post.... sorry (But over the past 20+years I have worked for various humane societies across the state of Florida as a volunteer for high risk kitten fostering and rescued and helped hundreds of kittens find new furever homes, while that work was very hard sometimes and yet very rewarding and I miss it,the loss of my 25 year old DSH baby boy Darien made me feel that it would take a very long time before I could return to that kind of work. After a long and terrible depression, A desire was lit in me to bring home as I'd like to put it "an indestructible cat". My cat Darien lived an unnaturally long life,he was happy and absolutely amazing and came into my life at the age of 8 and parted ways over the rainbow bridge early September last year and was with me for a stunning 25 years. He was considered geriatric my daughters whole life, and he passed away the day after my daughters 7th birthday. It was devastating for both my children and me, my kids missed a week of school and saws counselor for months after and I shut myself off from almost everyone in my life except for my kids.... we did everything we could to extend Darien's life (he got steroid shots every month, pain Managment shots every month and well as liquid meds that were sent home regularly from age 18-25) he was a spry old man and loved life and his family,both human and cat. He had such attitude and such love, he slept next to my face for 25 years, he was my best friend and absolutely irreplaceable in my heart. He was the most beautiful cat I'd ever laid my eyes upon,in spirit, personality, and looks, he was a regular everyday run of the mill domestic short hair black cat. He was the cat that started my love of rescuing kittens. My brother and I found him behind a trailer park in an ant pile screaming, he was missing some patches of fur and had ant bites all over him. I took him home and cleaned him up and fed him regular milk with an eye dropper ( back then I didn't know you weren't suppose to give cats/kittens regular milk,didn't know there was special kitten milk that could be bought) he was so small and didn't walk, he didn't walk for a few weeks after I brought him home,but he grew up big and strong and has a cast iron stomach ^^; he actually was mostly fed human food for the better part of his life, he got high quality cat food when I got a job babysitting when I was 12, but continued to share pretty much all human food I ate....when I was 13 I found out high school magnet programs required a student to do volunteer work, and I began my volunteering for rescues all through high school, and even more in college and even year after,I even had a kitten room that both my kids helped with fostering high risk motherless rescue kittens, kids adored it. Darien wasn't always fond of the rescues, he got really jealous anytime a clingy male kitten would enter the house,but the never stayed long cause they would be adopted out to their fur ever families. Darien never seemed mind any female kitten ever, and over the many years, I adopted multiple female kittens that were basically "unadoptable" the first one was very very feral, unsocial and super violent with just about anyone, many who met her referred to her as the ghost cat. but she was great with Darien and pretty good with me.....until she met my husband when she was 12 and just ignored me and went stealthily after my husbands affections and no longer cared to go to me for affection.... then next female adopted was a dshblack kitten looked a ton like Darien when he was a baby, she was actually found in a dumpster behind a ft lauderdale mcdonalds and it was around Halloween time and I was afraid someone might try to hurt her, so I took her home. Darien loved her immediately and began grooming her both girls passed away of bad health complications. It was years later that car accident kittens were brought into my life, one had a broken leg and burn marks all over his belly, he only survived 11 days, the little girl was half blind and but other than that looked like she was gonna be ok, I had just given birth to my son a few weeks earlier and was super emotional and remembered seeing a lot of cats and kittens at adoption events not get adopted due to physical flaws and didn't want the little half blind kitten to end up being euthanized due to being blind in one eye.... so I kept her. Then along came the first boy cat/kitten that Darien didn't hate.... his name was BMO (he was caught in a raccoon trap with his sister and a raccoon, his sister sadly passed away due to injuries caused. BY the raccoon. And he was missing a lot of fur....and had a lot of scratches n cuts. by the time he was9 weeks old he was still missing a lot of fur but the cuts had healed, his eyes were a foggy purple color from being severely blood shot ( the team who pulled him from the trap didn't know how long he had been in the trap with the raccoon) he went to 3 different adoption events and people spoke pretty badly about him saying he looked awful and would ask if he was diseased and asked if his fur was always going to be like that, after the 3rd event I decided to keep BMO and he was the first male Cat Darien ever accepted. Darien was BMO's best friend,he stalked him night and day cuddles Darien every chance he got. It was precious. I'll look up on my computer another day for Darien BMO cuddle photos to share. BMO took Darien's death almost as hard as the kids and I did, he lost a bunch of weight spent months meowing terribly all day walking around the house. He was never a vocal cat until Darien's passing (he was 3 years old when Darien passed) Darien lived an unnaturally long life.... he survived a lot, he was a regular (to my knowledge) plain black dsh cat who lived over twice the dsh life span average saw me go from child to adult and watched me have kids of my own and passed away the day after my daughters 7th birthday. He lived a great life and he was the greatest cat that ever lived in my heart. Maui is helping my family and I heal. She is a truly special cat. She is a hybrid wild cat, she has African jungle cat, serval, and Asian leopard cat blood in her. She will naturally live to be 17-25 years of age due to the extended wildcat blood,she will naturally be bigger than most average domestic cats due to her being a foundation wildcat. She's epically clingy and wants to be in visual sight of her humans at all time and has an amazing personality. I know there is kind of a stigma on hybrid wildcats due to some unethical breeders and even some unethical owners who don't treat these amazing creatures with love and respect. And don't take the time these animals deserve and try to abandon them at the first sign of being too much work or ignoring the animals or mistreating them or a combination of the above. But if you have the time, the space and most importantly the love for these animals, I see nothing wrong with being a close part of their lives. Yes you have to be more careful, more responsible, more loving and understanding than you would be with an average domestic. But it can be done and if you do things the right way, you will have the deepest bond with one of the greatest animals on earth. In no way can maui replace Darien, but our hearts are big and there is most certainly room for her, now and forever. And to those of you who try to shame people for wanting or having wildcat hybrids.....fuck you! You know nothing about people's hearts and living situations! Yes there are bad people out there, but not everyone who has or wants a wildcat hybrid is bad, not every story of wildcat hybrid ownership is "tragic",a lot more than not are living happily ever after! May her hybrid genetics bring wild hybrid vigor and health and with any luck a long and healthy life span.... If I can get a DSH to live over twice his average life span, I can get a 3 times wildcat hybrid to 25-30 years.... Rest In Peace my beloved Darien, may we meet on the rainbow bridge someday.
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