#brie larson looks powerful in captain marvel first look
fazedlight · 7 months
Spoilers under the cut. Warning, this post ran away with me.
First off, obviously, this movie is a strong woman-led cast with men in supporting roles. I feel like, in order to move a society, you both need to make an active point about representation - which Captain Marvel did - but also need to start making a passive point about representation - which The Marvels did.
Because in a truly equal world, we'd see a thorough mix of movies, and it wouldn't occur to us that some movies had more men or more women or more white people or more latinos or more straight people or more gay people. Equal representation means that sort of thinking disappears. (As an example... do you have a sense of blue eye vs. green eye representation? Without oppression, it's just not a thought that occurs.)
So in a way, I felt like The Marvels was showing us what the world could be? Women as the focus, but that's not inherently noteworthy. Women of color as leads, but that's not inherently noteworthy. To see full diversity across movies and have that not be noteworthy. No single movie can give us everything - but The Marvels moved us in the right direction, and I want that momentum to keep going.
And gosh, the balance of the movie was incredible. The humor, the depth. I love how they wove something complex with Carol - that she had tried to do a good thing, caused genuine harm, and she didn't try to hold an entire people accountable. She took accountability and tried to fix it the best she could.
I also loved seeing her grow a little out of her stoicism. Brie Larson plays stoic very well, and she had a fuckton of emotional baggage in her history. This movie sees a slightly lighter side of her - she's had a little bit of distance from those harms. She's still working through that pain. But she is clearly on the road to healing. But healing is complicated (see above).
I absolutely love Monica. She's tough and clever and so stupidly curious. I've never gotten magic powers from my curiosity, but I have blown up a wall before, so I couldn't help but laugh when she reached out to touch the broken portal point because that resonated so much. I can't wait to see what adventures she ends up in in the other universe.
(Not gonna lie, I feel like there might be some queer vibes between her and Carol. I don't know if that will develop further... but if it does, god I hope they don't waste it.)
I need to see Ms. Marvel now, obviously. I actually intended to watch it this week, but life got away from me. Kamala is such a great character - Iman Vellani nails infectious excitement, and some of her family dynamics resonated strongly with my own. I don't usually watch stuff set for high school aged kids, but I gotta make an exception here.
I loved that the villain had some complexity (Zawe Ashton's performance blew me away), and that her people were ultimately helped in the end. The world is a complicated, messy place. But you can't hold an entire people accountable for the crimes of a few, and you have to understand how people get where they are (Dar-Benn wasn't a flat born-evil villain), and you have to try to help where you can even if the world is messy and you may make mistakes. (Granted, for most of us, helping means protesting or donating money or whatever, rather than reigniting a sun. But the less glamorous things are no less meaningful.)
And man, they just nailed the balance of the depth with the humor. I lost my fucking mind on the musical planet, and was laugh-crying when Memory started playing. All the little things like Fury's relief that Carol slammed into the ground just caught me off guard. Watching the initial chaos of their quantum entanglement and the ensuing montage was great. 10/10 experience overall.
Finally, gosh, the little Cessna at the end had me so nostalgic. My initial flight training and first solo were in a very similar aircraft, a Cessna 152. It looks like N5017B might've formerly been assigned to a similar aircraft, a Cessna F150L. (That tail number is now assigned to a Beechcraft.)
Let me tell you, cramming into a small plane like that on a hot Los Angeles day isn't always a pleasant experience, but it is a magical one.
(Carol, if you're reading this, you should know better than to leave a plane tied down for long! The poor baby needs flight time and regular maintenance!)
tl;dr - Go watch The Marvels.
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dicapiito · 4 months
The Marvels is a great movie. How I rate it? 4.5/5 stars.
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A team of three. Teyonah Harris as Monica Rambeau is awesome and with no Wanda in sight; she definitely gets to shine here. And add that Nia DeCosta knows how to hire people to know how to highlight and lowlight all skintones; it’s nice that her powers and her look so awesome. I definitely hope she has her own movie in the future with the same film crew. No more of the Christopher Nolan/ standard boring MCU lighting.
Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan is fun because she oozes excitement of wanting to be Ms Marvel. Ms Marvel also has a great family cast and feels fresh and fun as well. I see why Ms Marvel has a TV series. Add that it seems like she’s in actual costumes that look like a fan made it is also pretty cool. Great job
Brie Larson being Captain Marvel is a great choice and glad to see her without all those other Avengers. Plus her costume looks even better than the first movie.
As for the villains, Zawe Ashton as Dar-Benn is top notch. Very fun and it wasn’t that complicated to be caught up with The Marvels without seeing the Ms Marvel show.
If anything, I think The Marvels is a movie that would make new fans of Monica and Kamala and want to learn more about them and check out the comics , which a Marvel movie hasn’t really done in a long time, since the first Black Panther movie.
I hate that this movie even worse treatment than Birds of Prey because how dare women lead movies, and how dare two of them be WoC! Plus this movie has great lighting; actual costumes, it feels like the crew members were fans and even the CGI looks like they were happy to be there. It feels like pre Disney Marvel and I like it
Highly recommend!
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wordsarefakeokay · 9 months
Girls in line for the bathroom: why can't anyone be as nice as them?
The oh are you in line? No it's back there okay thank you for letting me know. Oh do you need to go first here I can wait. Oh shoot I forgot a tampon and everyone reaches for their purse or pocket or hoodie or wallet. Passing the time looking at yourself in the mirror and the girl next to you says "oh hey here I have a compact you can use but honestly honey you look fly" kind of vibe. The I notice the mom and her kids tap tap tapping patiently but that kid looks like their gonna burst here ya go I can wait. The frail lady who's at a snails pace behind you but goes first because little ladies need that kindness because they've made it that far. The eye contact people make when there's a weird girl who needs a lot of help, likely of the professional kind, but still is having a stressful day so she forgot her keys and cries and her phone just died and how's she gonna make it to the end of the day or now the end of the week? Make a friend in the line and then let's go sit on the bench afterwards if you have a minute. But for right now here, have a tissue I keep on hand bc I have allergies that act up all the time. The person who's clearly on break from work and is working sick and on the phone talking to their kid about seeing that they feed the younger sibling and "I'll be home tonight but mommy is very tired so we may have to watch bluey together later buti promise by this weekend mommy will be back to normal" but you see that it's Thursday and there's red under her nose from where she's been rubbing and sniffling and her eyes are watery but she's almost done with the worst of it so you reach in your pocket for the DayQuil pill you forgot to remove last week when you had a terrible cold. "You need this more than me go watch bluey with your child when you're ready" You saw her practice a take grin so she had the cheeriest joker smile you've ever seen and she starts to get choked up when she sees what you're offering. "I've been too stretched thin to even justify making a trip to the store what can I do to repay you?" she asks and you shrug. Just happy to help. She looks down at her phone and has to dash back to the grind but she's yelling thank you out the door. Kind girls in line look like the comfiest outfit you've ever seen walk in and your eyes go to the captain marvel logo on her shirt and instinctively you say "nice shirt" she blinks out of her comfy Tshirt jeans hoodie high tops faze and she says thank you. You see her blink again and take in her reality. "I don't really like marvel movies anymore but there was just something about that movie you know" you get transported to your first time watching this movie with a queer coded relationship and a queer gal icon introduced into the hell hole that is the MCU and you remember how the first time you saw it you were on a date with a girl and you both held hands and were so excited that representation fit that moment with you and your girl and this very cute very cuddly moment watching Brie Larson be powerful and strong and this is good representation for girls but there's enough queer subtlety that you fell in love with her and captain marvel and a little bit further with MCU for a second. And then you remember how not too long afterwards you remembered the fatigue marvel movies instilled. You remember how to better critically analyze these movies and what it means to watch them from such a massive corporate entity and what happened to different media networks what does it mean that there's so few forces in reality what does that mean for the world and what does it mean for this movie with this actress in this moment with this girl and in my life? All this passes in the blink of an eye but you know you'll likely be plagued by this question later at night when you can't sleep. When you open your eyes again you remember what the girl said to you and you say "yeah I understand that, there was something there"
Why can't more people be like girls in line for the bathroom
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lycansvenom · 4 months
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There is nothing more exciting than seeing AMWF represented in the mainstream movies. First Liu Simu in Barbies, now Park Seo-joon in the Marvels. Captain Marvel, the most powerful avenger across the universe, chose to marry an Asian guy across all galaxies. I don’t believe it’s a marriage of convenience, do you? Looking forward to see Brie Larson with more Asian guys, once you go Asian, you don’t go Caucasian 😏
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jainasolo1233 · 2 years
I'm very confused about this scene because there are two explanations, Kamala has shapeshifted or swapped places with Carol Danvers.
More of a deep dive into this under the cut
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At first I thought Kamala shapeshifted into Carol Danvers because that's what happend in the Ms. Marvel comic. After she "transforms" she looks around to not only see the damage she has done, but to discover her outward appearance has changed into the person she looks up to.
I've been seeing a lot of reactions online saying that Kamala switched places with Carol, meaning that Kamala is in space. However, that doesn't make sense to me. This Captain Marvel appears more "glamorous." I don't want to be rude to Brie Larson, but it seems that in her previous films as Captain Marvel, Larson was more muscular, while here in this scene she is much thinner. This adds to the reason why I think Kamala is the one who shapshifted instead of swapping places. Kamala has transformed herself into the version she sees Carol as, someone who is cool and perfect.
Shape-shifting was a big part of Kamala's powers as it helped her discover her true identity as Ms. Marvel.
Anyway, whatever happens, I can't wait to catch up with Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel because is one of my favorite Marvel heroines.
I'm just really confused. That's all.
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classictshirt · 1 year
‘The Marvels’ First Trailer Brie Larson Leads an All Female Superhero Trio in ‘Captain Marvel’ Sequel
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‘The Marvels’ First Trailer Brie Larson Leads an All Female Superhero Trio in ‘Captain Marvel’ Sequel Brie Larson is back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for “The Marvels,” the sequel to 2019’s “Captain Marvel.” This time, Larson shares the spotlight with fellow female MCU stars Teyonah Parris from “WandaVision” and Iman Vellani from “Ms. Marvel.” The anticipated follow-up to Carol Danvers’ origin story takes place after the Disney+ series “Ms. Marvel,” which introduced Vellani as Kamala Khan, a.k.a. the young, New Jersey superhero Ms. Marvel. Prior to the first “The Marvels'” trailer release, the first look at the film was shown exclusively to panel attendees at the 2022 D23 Expo. The initial footage offers insight into the aftermath of the “Ms. Marvel” post-credits scene, where Kamala seemingly swapped places with Carol. “The Marvels” teaser picked up shortly thereafter, with Captain Monica Rambeau (Parris) working as an astronaut for Saber Space Station alongside Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). When Monica hits a jump point in the space continuum, she morphs into Ms. Marvel, confirming she, Carol and Kamala share a unique set of transformative powers. The official “The Marvels” synopsis from Marvel Studios reads: “Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel has reclaimed her identity from the tyrannical Kree and taken revenge on the Supreme Intelligence. But unintended consequences see Carol shouldering the burden of a destabilized universe. When her duties send her to an anomalous wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, her powers become entangled with that of Jersey City super-fan Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol’s estranged niece, now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut Captain Monica Rambeau. Together, this unlikely trio must team up and learn to work in concert to save the universe.” After helming 2021’s “Candyman” reboot, director Nia DaCosta will make her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut with “The Marvels” — a feat that makes her the first Black woman, and fourth woman, to direct a film in the MCU. DaCosta co-wrote the screenplay with Megan McDonnell, Elissa Karasik and Zeb Wells. South Korean actor Park Seo-joon, best known for his roles in “Parasite” and the TV series “Itaewon Class,” also stars in the film. Other confirmed cast members include Saagar Shaikh, Zenoiba Shroff and Mohan Kapur as Kamala’s older brother, mother and father, respectively, along with Zawe Ashton in an undisclosed villain role. Goose, the fan-favorite Flerken, will also make a return to the screen. After a delay from this summer, “The Marvels” hits theaters on Nov. 10, 2023. Watch the official trailer below. Read the full article
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marvelling · 2 years
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( A WORN-IN LEATHER JACKET, THE ROARING OF A COCKPIT, THE REFLECTION OF STARS IN YOUR EYES )▸ welcome to latverion, CAROL DANVERS (CAPTAIN MARVEL). it’s time to be gracious, for in this vast multiverse, you have been saved by emperor doom. according to records you are 57 (physically appears 30s) and use SHE/HER pronouns. emperor doom expects you’ll enjoy your career as BATTLE CHAMPION, or else. excellent. we look forward to your contribution. ( CLAIRE, GMT, 24, SHE/HER, BRIE LARSON )
FULL NAME: carol susan jane danvers / car-ell
ALIAS: captain marvel
AGE: 57 (april 24, 1965) (physically appears early 30s)
AFFILIATIONS: avengers, (alpha flight, carol corps)
GENDER AND PRONOUNS: cis female, she/her
FACE CLAIM: brie larson
carol’s based on a sort of hybrid mcu/616 canon! the logistics are still a little rough around the edges so bear with me, but i’m taking some of her mcu backstory and role within the team, mixing it with her comics origins (she’s half-kree, got her powers differently, etc etc) and using more 616 to flesh her out
superhuman strength, stamina, agility, durability, & reflexes; flight; regenerative manipulation; decelerated aging; energy manipulation; master pilot & combatant
yes! chewie, my beloved -- she’s a cranky wonderful tabby cat who is ACTUALLY a flerken (cat-shaped extremely powerful alien don’t worry about it)
(tw death, alcoholism, war)
she was born in boston in the late 60s to joe & marie danvers, a perfectly ordinary and in no way alien couple, no sir!
(turns out marie was, in fact, mari-ell, making carol half-kree, but she didn’t learn that for a pretty long time)
joe was… not the best dad & definitely favored carol’s half-brothers, stevie & joe, jr.
carol and stevie were really close growing up, and when he joined the military, she wanted to follow in his footsteps!
what she really wanted was to study literally rocket science in college and become an astronaut, but the family didn’t have enough money to pay for her to study; rather than being forced into a menial job, carol joined the air force. she earned her college degree through the us air force academy–she was one of the earlier classes of women to graduate, and a goddamn phenomenal pilot
not too long later, stevie was killed in military action, which made carol even more determined to honor his legacy, and she quickly rose to the top of her class
however, carol wasn’t allowed to fly in combat or become an astronaut due to Sexism TM! she was instead offered the opportunity to work as a special operative, and came onboard Project PEGASUS, a joint project between the air force, SHIELD, and NASA – headed by dr. wendy lawson, who quickly became a close mentor
lawson, was, of course, also a kree soldier named mar-vell, who, in carol’s presence, was attacked by her superior, yon-rogg
in the process, carol was knocked into a psyche-magitron machine, forever altering her genetic structure, rendering her amnesiac and unlocking her latent kree powers (she believed for a long time that she had somehow fused with mar-vell’s dna, but, nah, comics logic)
yon-rogg kidnapped carol, and for the next six years, she was trained as a kree soldier named vers, until she crash-landed on earth during a mission and managed to regain her memory
in the process, she allied with nick fury and basically became the on-call space girl/extraterrestrial superhero–first for shield, then for the avengers
at some point in there she was just entirely absorbed by rogue?? (tbd dependent on if/when we get a rogue), but that was a bad time for her, and she still has trauma from such a violating loss of identity
carol is a massive star wars nerd & has a pet cat (flerken) named chewie (chewbacca), who is a very good girl and we love her very much
in this house carol danvers is a lesbian !!
the combo of lightspeed travel & her kree abilities has dramatically slowed her aging–though she is well into her late 50s, she looks solidly 30 at most
this is a long rambling mess i’m sorry if you’ve made it this far i love you
Oh, fuck that guy. She doesn’t do well with authority (shut up, Tony), and she extremely doesn’t do well with overbearing megalomaniacal would-be emperors trying to build the entire world in their image. It’s not a great look. Carol has spent her life trying to reclaim power and autonomy from people who would try to take it away from her, just as she’s tried to do right by the little guy and keep people safe. The guy’s going down, and she’s not afraid to make some noise about it.
This is a woman who canonically regularly beats up the Hulk just to feel a little better. Carol’s a battle champion, and she’s good at it. She hates being used for these ends; it’s dehumanizing and humiliating, and she’s spent too much of her life as someone else’s soldier. She’s strong as shit, but she’d rather be using that for herself, to make her own choices, to be her own person. No one should be used as a punching bag for someone else’s pleasure, someone else’s agenda, without consent or autonomy. She knows what that’s like. It’s awful. Still, there’s a thrill in the fight. It makes her feel alive. It makes her almost feel sane. Almost.
See above! She loves her job, but she hates her job, if that makes sense? Getting to just punch people is a terrific fit for her, and a great way to take out some of that pent-up energy and anger. But she hates why she’s doing it, and she hates that she has to do it. At least it’ll give her a ground-level view to see what’s going on--she’s never been very good on the ground, so it’s a change of pace. If she can get towards Doom’s good side, she can exploit him, and maybe fix this mess. Maybe. That implies getting on his good side, though, which, knowing her, isn’t about happen. She’s a damn good soldier, but a terrible spy.
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agentem · 2 years
About the Nega Bands and Switching Places
In the comics, the Nega Bands allowed Rick Jones (who you might also know as the kid Bruce Banner saved the night he first got irradiated and turned into Hulk. Jones also later became A-Bomb in Agents of SMASH) to switch places (x).
Mar-Vell (Captain Marvel) was trapped in the Negative Zone, and when Jones found the bands, it switched their places so Mar-vell could fight and Jones was in the Negative Zone.
The Negative Zone is a realm in Marvel Comics that is most associated with the Fantastic Four but fans have been speculating that is where Kamala went when she did that "lean back" dip into another world in the first episode. This would mean the "Noor" is just another term used to mean the Negative Zone (it's just called Noor because the Clandestine landed in India) and possibly Carol was also stuck there until Kamala released her.
(I was going to say that Carol had one band and Kamala the other, and they switched places, but Carol does not appear to be wearing or holding any band or bangle, which is what makes me think she was trapped. But she could have just been out adventuring. We will have to see where they go with it.)
And for those asking "how do you know Kamala didn't use her polymorph powers to just LOOK LIKE Carol, the way she did in the comics?" Well, we don't. But the way the Brie Larson was acting, it didn't seem like she knew where he was. If it were Kamala as Carol, she wouldn't have to look around at her room like she'd never seen it before.
Going to have to wait for confirmation though.
We also, despite the fun X-Men theme sting, don't truly know where Kamala's powers come from. We know it's a combination of her genetics and exposure to the bangle. But we don't know if it's from the bangle itself (a Kree object, if it is the Nega Band) or if it's the Negative Zone/Noor energy that is causing the change to her genetics. If it's because the band is Kree, then it could still very well tie into the Inhumans since they were created by the Kree.
But Marvel will take their sweet time letting us know and want us to argue about it back and forth for a year. Because that's what they do.
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naughtygirl286 · 6 months
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So we finally went to see The Marvels last week (this was a lil slow in the posting) and yes there was some collectable goodies and you can see them here. Now the showing we went to there was lots of people there I'd say the theater we were in was maybe half full? so there was people here wanting to see it now after seeing it I don't know why there is alot of hate for the movie I know alot of people will say its becasue of Brie Larson but personally I have no problem with her being Captain Marvel it doesn't bother me at all.
Now as for the movie itself like I said I don't know why here is all the hate I actually thought the movie was pretty good. I enjoyed it it was a fun adventure and did have a bit of silliness but I also fell that it did have some serious moments that dealt with family, loss and atoning for past mistakes. Now this isn't just a sequel to Captain Marvel but it is kind of a sequel to many thing I think Now personally I think before watching this you probably should have seen things like WandaVision,Ms.Marvel, Maybe even Hawkeye and so one becasue many of those story threads are connecting in this movie much like the plot of their powers being intertwined the Marvel TV shows are too in this being they do reference various things that happened in the shows. Case in point one of the people I went with never watched any of the shows and didn't understand alot of what they were referencing and some flashbacks.
But other then that I thought the movie was pretty good I can't really complain about it. I thought the action, stunts and fights were all exciting, fun and cool and I thought the production design and everything like that was good All thought I did find the singing and dancing part when they get to the water world kinda oddly strange being it was in the middle almost of this serious action part of the movie but in a way it is played off for some laughs. Also speaking of laughs like I said there is a bit of humor and jokes in this they do continue the family antics from the Ms.Marvel series but there is a few quips and one liners in there that should give you a giggle and some situational humor when they have to abandon the space station.
but other then that like I said I thought it was pretty good I enjoyed it and the people I went with seem to like it too. So I would say not to listen to the negative talk about it and if you want to go see it then go see it and make up your own mind about it.
and yes there is a mid credits scene and I have to say it was amazing!! No one told me about this, no one even mentioned at work, it was a total surprise I thought you get to see a certain character and I thought this was one of he biggest teases of things to come EVER! you hear him first before you see him and when I heard the voice I was like Gasp!! "OMG!! Its…" and then he walks into the frame my eyes were like saucers and my jaw like hit the floor the character looked perfect to me and this got me really excited for the future.
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usagirotten · 7 months
Review: The Marvels is a complete failure and closes the possibility of this universe continuing to expand
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The Marvel cinematic universe known as the famous MCU has been developing in film and television for just over a decade it has had great successes, what began with Iron Man in 2008 has had a scope that no one can imagine. I imagined it at that moment. Over the years, the superhero genre in cinema has been gaining ground, it has become popular among locals and strangers, but this does not exempt it from having had great failures, not to mention Iron Man 2 from 2010 or, very recently, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania of 2023, which failed to raise what was expected. We well know that the experiment of bringing Captain Marvel to the big screen in 2019 was not one of the best premieres nor has it been one of the best characters, perhaps things would have changed a little if the choice of the actress was different. 2023 has been a very complicated year for the entertainment industry, the strike put many projects on hold, and some had to be modified and part of the material was rerecorded due to the latter or because they did not pass the first tests with the audience. The Marvels was a premiere that many expected to be successful and things for this studio do not seem to be going well at all, it seems that they have lost the direction of what they originally had planned for their future phases in this complex universe.
What is the film about?
When her duties send her into a wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, the powers of Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, intersect with those of Kamala Khan, also known as Ms. Marvel and Carol's niece, now an astronaut. S.A.B.E.R., Monica Rambeau. Together, they must save the universe as "The Marvels." Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) aka Captain Marvel, has recovered her identity from the tyrannical Kree and has taken revenge on the Supreme Intelligence, the unforeseen consequences make Carol carry the weight of a destabilized universe and on the verge of collapse, so when Her duties send her into an anomalous wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, her powers intertwine with those of superfan Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani) aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol's estranged niece, the now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut, Captain Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), this trio of superpowered women must team up and learn to work together to save the universe. Honestly, I don't even know where to start throwing shit at this job, although I have the idea of respecting all the time and even more the money that has been invested in making a film, what I expect from this one is that it be entertaining, that's what it's made for. cinema to entertain and not to overanalyze, the idea is to have a pleasant time watching the characters from the comics in real action, with good effects and a story that involves us with them so that in the end we are satisfied and want to love to see more. The problem that Marvel Studios currently has is that it has done things more for quantity than for quality since Avengers: End Game and the resignation of its main actors who played the most iconic characters meant that little by little it lost its momentum. things, so much so that I don't know what phase we are in if we are in one. They say that he who encompasses much does little and this can be applied perfectly well to what this universe has given us lately. It does not bring me any joy, much less great satisfaction, to say that “The Marvels” is terrible and the worst movie so far. of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and look, that's saying something if we take into account some previous failures. Thor: The Dark World (2013) is nothing more than a forgettable film, Captain Marvel (2019) is a film that no one asked for with an inexpressive leading actress who only wanted to compete with Warner Studios and its Wonder Woman, the much-criticized Eternals (2021) a misunderstood work with very good but very underdeveloped visual points, Thor: Love & Thunder (2022), good cast but the terrible story, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) the death of its protagonist and the stupidity of the studios to continue with a story that they should have taken care of much better or canceled permanently, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023), its lack of seriousness made it hardly credible with a more than a mediocre story that promised a lot, and this to name a few, in a matter of series of television we better talk about it in another review. As often happens these days, The Marvels seemed like it had the potential to offer something completely different, Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan haven't exactly been very fun characters in their respective films and television series, the idea of bringing them together at 3 It sounded very stupid but it promised the possibility of a good adventure and it didn't work, this film is a mix between meaningless comic elements and such variable action that it is very easy to disconnect from it and get bored. If we take into account that the cast is very disparate, this is where the problems begin, the choice of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel has been one of the worst choices in this entire universe, to carry out such a secondary character an actress was needed who understand first the entire MCU and second the character as such and give her her personality and charisma, Larson as an actress and in this role is completely inexpressive and not at all convincing.
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We met Monica Rambeau in WandaVision as a not-very-responsible adult, perhaps if she had had better development as a character and more time on screen we would understand more about her character and she would go from being complex to something simpler, Teyonah Parris does it well but she lacks a lot to live up to what is required. Finally, we have Tamala or Ramala or whatever Miss Marvel is called, her excessive and contagious adolescent enthusiasm did not make her series a success, even abusing its modern touches and that message of women's empowerment was enough for us to sympathize with her, neither before nor after. Let's clarify something, no one doubts the capabilities that these 3 women have as actresses, each one in their field and each one doing different things, it is the assigned characters who failed to capture the slightest attention from the audience, putting the 3 together It has not been the best decision that the study has made, if we add to this the various changes it had in its production, it was to be expected that this would be a complete failure. Talking about the plot is complicated, its direction is even more so and it is immediately noticeable that there are unconnected scenes that are only there to fill in a plot that has no sense of being and that is forcefully trying to fit into an almost lost continuity, which at times At this point, introducing us to Fox's madness or to the fantastic four who, together with everyone, could have made a cameo or special appearance at the end of all this with Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019), an opportunity more than lost. Even with all of the above we are left with the terrible script written by Megan McDonnell, Elissa Karasik, Zeb Wells, and Nia DaCosta who is also its director, the constant changes make the final result confuse us, for example, scenes where they are on one side and they magically arrive at another are explanation, meaningless dialogues that have nothing to do with what is happening and on top of everything we have to make it more Disney with an unnecessary dance sequence, where we go from the action to being stupidly musical and I I ask, which of these 4 writers came up with the brilliant and stupid idea of making them sing? The main conflict of this let's call it "plot" arises from the fact that its villain (one of the worst this universe has) Dar-Benn (Zawe Ashton) takes possession of a bracelet that makes Carol, Monica, and Tamala or Ramala or as The name of this unlovable character changes places every time any of them uses their powers, something that turns out to be super stupid because it is not even close to wanting to be well handled with this concept, for example, it will throw a punch and end up where it just was. the other or if one is flying the other changes with her and is standing on the ground while the changed one falls because she can't fly, if that's exactly how confusing and stupid she is ah and also why not? you have to make it funny Other characters who appear as supposedly an important part in all this chaos are the already very tired and very seen Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), who does nothing more than be filler making a couple of semi-intelligent jokes, the family Tamala reminds us of the exaggerated family of Jaime Reyes in Blue Beetle (2023) who try to have a subplot as a completely unnecessary involuntary comedy and situation and again the Skrulls whom we already saw in the series Secret Invasion did not favor them at all. As a commercial exercise, Marvel Studios is very good at promising spectacular comic wonders with its miraculous characters and powerful feats, and yet, it is inexplicable how it is that having great writers in cartoons they cannot understand that they must at this point take advantage of that talent by less so that they can supervise that the characters have a better treatment and development seeing the appearance of The Beast of the X-Men in the post-credits scene left me more confused and annoyed than surprised and the first thing I thought was, "of course "They no longer have ideas and now they urgently need to give these characters a hard time."
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As a constant and preventive deviation from what we are already accustomed to above all else and through social networks these final products ask the public and especially the fans not to demand too much of the material and how not to do so if they have everything to be able to to do quality things, this seems extremely stupid to me, it is a complete shame that The Marvels wants to commit and commit ourselves as a captive public to having to endure this reaching the screens and pretending that we like it, sorry, but no It's not the glasses or the fucking popsicle that everyone was killing themselves for, we are talking about a product that is part of a larger series and like never before seen in the cinema. The biggest flaw and problem that this movie has is not in the fact that it is bad, because it is, it is the fact that Marvel studios want to see the stupid faces of those of us who consume this type of entertainment, I don't know if they play giving us atole with the finger or giving us crumbs because one thing is that they have had problems due to a strike that they caused and I am speaking in general of the entire Hollywood entertainment industry and quite another that not even they are aware and know the direction that are taking things. It is undeniable that this genre in film and television is already more than exhausted, as viewers we are already tired of waiting for that GREAT project that we have been talking about for years and that does not arrive, and that apparently will never arrive, the networks Social networks have played a vital role in all this, theories, assumptions and even fake news and gossip are what lead us to a conclusion, Marvel Studios should have done the right thing and let their franchises rest after Endgame to take them up again and restart them at another time. in which these characters could shine again and surprise us but well, money is money and what do I care about the fans as long as out of morbidity they go to the movie theaters and leave their money at the box office, the thing is, The Marvels is not even worth losing time watching it illegally.
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It is very frustrating and sad that after seeing great things we screw up on this, and it is better not to talk about Warner Studios with the DC universe, that precisely this has been a fundamental part of the industry going from bad to worse and from worse to worse giving us this kind of shit. The cast is poorly made up of Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, Iman Vellani, Zawe Ashton, Park Seo-Joon, and Samuel L. Jackson who do not do what they can with what they have but rather work because they have a contract that they are required to fulfill. Perhaps, and I say perhaps, what could be most redeemable about all of this is the music composed by Laura Karpman, which has pieces that go in a very different direction from the action that we see on the screen, a material that, if it can be heard independently, has a better effect and better appreciated. In conclusion, The Marvels is the worst thing that has happened to the MCU, and that leads it to be placed as the worst of its premieres. It is a product that from its conception was unnecessary and that conclusively ignores every one of the opportunities it had. on the way to being something moderately better, a result that is of little interest and worse still, something that contributes nothing or connects, something that only serves to show us once again that as studies they have not understood that this formula no longer works for them and that The best thing would be to give up on this type of production and put more attention and effort into what is to come if it comes. We do not recommend The Marvels, but if you are brave and want to waste your time and money at the movies, it is already premiering in movie theaters in our country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8ylSrn3SJY Read the full article
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officials1nx · 7 months
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Well...lets talk about "The Marvels". And yes, there will be spoilers because this film was not all that great to begin with. Now, to be fair, read a head at your own risk because I have a lot to unload.
First, I would like to say that the film wasn't horrible because of the actresses. They were phenomenal! The way this trio worked was as if all three of them had met within the MCU prior to this moment. Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), Teyonah Parris (Monica Rambeau), and Iman Vellani (Ms. Marvel) all did a great job as their characters. I honestly put this lack of a film, plot, script, character development, lack of twists and turns all on the Marvel Studio and Kevin Feige.
I called it from the very beginning. Once the films time duration was presented to the public as one hour and forty-five minutes, I thought that there was no way they could unpack this story in such a short amount of time. There was no way Marvel Studios could present everything that Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan were going through individually unless they skimmed over each of their stories, which they did.
This was so upsetting because of the following reasons:
1) Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, hasn't been seen since End Game. She has been mentioned in passing, but nothing else. Where has she been since the last battle against Thanos? Why hasn't she come to Earth? Why didn't she help the Guardians of the Galaxy?
2) Monica Rambeau hasn't even been seen nor mentioned in the MCU since Wanda Vision! Why? What has she been up to? How has she mastered her powers? Since she has known about others with powers, why hasn't she approached any of them? How long has she known about Kamala and her light based powers? How long has she been working for S.A.B.E.R.?
3) How long has it really been since the ending of Ms. Marvel and The Marvels because it seemed as though there was a change in time since Kamala and Capt. Marvel swapped. When did Kamala get good at fighting? She was still learning how to use her powers and fight in the first season. Where was everyone else, from Kamala's circle? Just her mom, dad and brother get the spotlight? And she briefly mentioned going back into time, but very quickly, in less than a minute.
This movie was upsetting because the first fifteen to thirty minutes I was ok with how the movie was playing. They used some of the imaginative drawings from Kamala, back and forth humor of Captain Marvel with Nick Fury, and they brought in Monica. After all of that it went downhill.
The villain of the film wasn't properly introduced. They showed the actions of what they were doing but that was all. Throughout the film we see that Dar-Benn (played by Zawe Ashton) is on two missions; to look for the second gauntlet which is similar to the one Ms. Marvel has, and to take the resources from other planets that Captain Marvel called home. All in order to bring life back to the Kree planet.
The most annoying, Disney princess bullshit that happened came via Captain Marvel being recognized as a princess on another planet. Apparently on this planet, that's about to have a resource taken away, they speak in "singing". Lame. It gets worse. At some point Captain Marvel magically changes into a princess dress, starts to dance with the prince and has a musical number where they sing. This scene was annoying and unnecessary for the film and moment. Granted, yes, it happens only for a few minutes, but it's Captain Marvel who cuts it off in order to get to the point of how the Kree are coming to the prince's planet.
Make it all make sense Marvel Studios! This is the same Captain Marvel that showed off her powers and went toe to toe with Thanos and she cannot take on a female version of Ronan?!
And how are you not going to go into the lore of how Kamala's grandmother came across the gauntlet or how it came to land on Earth? At this point we might as well connect Kamala's gauntlets to Shang-Chi's rings. That in itself becomes a headache on its own because apparently she's a mutant whereas Shang-Chi has mystic powers due to the rings.
Anyways...back to the movie...
How long has passed since Monica received her powers? It seemed to me that she still didn't have a grasp on them. However, before the end of the film she knew how to use them. She wasn't able to fly at the beginning, but at the end she could. She was wearing a space suit while doing repairs, but at the end of the film she was flying out into space to repair the space jump. She couldn't fly and hold things at the same time, and at the end did both to save Kamala. C'mon!
And why didn't we see Nick Fury's wife? Didn't she leave with him to go to the S.A.B.E.R. station after Secret Invasion? OMG! And that evacuation plan/scene in the film was a let down, yet kinda funny.
The end scene I kinda saw it coming, but it looks like we're getting a Young Avengers *sarcastic YAY*. Yup, in the end we see Kamala recruiting Kate Bishop (Hawkeye) for her new team.
And the after credits scene gives us Monica Rambeau waking up in a hospital to see her mother, Maria Rambeau, at her bedside. Unfortunately it's not her mother and she's not in our universe. Apparently she has woken up to see her and Hank McCoy (aka Beast). Monica is in the X Mansion and Beast mentions that Charles would like to meet her (Professor X).
Afterwards there was nothing at the end credits. Honestly, I would Wait until this comes out on Disney+ or whatever streaming service it pops up on.
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cooledtured · 7 months
The Marvels Unveiled: A Cosmic Cinematic Odyssey Shaping the Future of MCU!
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Hey there, Marvel enthusiasts! Let’s talk about the cinematic sensation that stole the spotlight on November 10, 2023 — “The Marvels.” This gem follows up on the praised Captain Marvel film from 2019, promising a wild adventure that’s ready to break free from the usual Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) norms.
Interwoven Marvel Worlds
A standout feature of “The Marvels” lies in its seamless integration of characters from Disney+ series like “WandaVision,” “Ms. Marvel,” and “Secret Invasion.” The film not only propels the Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) saga forward but also introduces beloved characters like Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan to the cinematic stage.
A Stellar Ensemble Cast
Guided by the talented Brie Larson reprising her role as Carol Danvers, “The Marvels” features a stellar cast, including Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau and Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel. Zawe Ashton, portraying the antagonist, adds depth to the storyline, while Samuel L. Jackson returns as the iconic Nick Fury.
Nia DaCosta’s Directorial Triumph
Under the direction of Nia DaCosta, “The Marvels” stands as a historic moment in MCU history. DaCosta, the youngest and first Black woman to direct an MCU film, infuses her passion for the Marvel universe into every frame. Her directorial prowess shines through, offering audiences a visually stunning and narratively compelling experience.
Plot Unveiled: Cosmic Mysteries and Heroic Bonds
As hinted in the trailer, the film’s plot revolves around a cosmic mystery triggered by an anomalous wormhole and the introduction of a formidable Kree revolutionary named Dar-Benn. The interplay between the three heroines — Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan — creates a dynamic and engaging storyline that explores their individual journeys and collective strength.
Post-Launch Reflections and Speculations
With the film now gracing theaters worldwide, discussions about its impact on the MCU persist. The interconnected nature of Marvel’s cinematic and televised storytelling sparks conversations about audience engagement and the evolving dynamics of the Marvel brand. On one side there are those who prefer the old way of expanding the MCU through movies alone. Meanwhile, others have liked the change that Marvel took when they started releasing multiple series on Disney+.
Exclusive Collector’s Figures: Embrace The Marvels at Home!
For dedicated fans looking to prolong their Marvel experience, Funko POP! introduces an exclusive line of collector’s figures featuring iconic characters from “The Marvels.” From the powerful Captain Marvel and the enigmatic Photon to the endearing Ms. Marvel and the formidable Dar-Benn, the collection also includes Nick Fury and Prince Yan. These figures are sure to add a touch of superhero charm to any room.
Secure your limited-edition collector’s figures from “The Marvels” on cooledtured, a reliable online destination for pop culture merchandise. Visit cooledtured now to claim your collector’s figures before they disappear into the cosmic abyss!
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
And here it is after a long long wait! Captain Marvel official full trailer has arrived now and it’s just mindboggling. Marvel Studios released the trailer a few hours ago, online on YouTube. Brie Larson shines in full force and it will make you really anticipated for the film. The trailer video starts with a train sequence where Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers (who’s a Kree herself) punches a Skrull who’s disguised as an old lady! Then the scenes shift from there, in a back-and-forth manner, also showing some elaborated sequences this time from the first teaser trailer. Read More: TOP 7 HOLLYWOOD MOVIES BASED ON MAGIC AND ILLUSION We also see Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury, having an interesting interaction with her throughout the trailer, in the background. She tells him about her team of ‘nobel warrior heroes’, after which we are shown its members also which were seen in the first teaser too. Nick Fury also seems skeptical in a scene where he asks Carol whether she knows how to fly a plane, to which she replies, “Yes”. Then we also hear another voice telling Carol about her past and if she wants to know all about it. It seems this is Jude Law’s character of Captain Mar-vell. There are flashbacks in between. There is also Ben Mendelsohn’s Talos, a Skrull, in a sequence. Read More: NASA Scientists Find Earth is Cooling, Not Warming And eventually, we see Captain Marvel’s full-fledged avatar in her classic red, blue and yellow costume, and is all charged up with her powers in entirety, and she says to Nick Fury, “I am not going to fight your war, I am going to end it.” Eventually, Carol is then seen fighting with the Skrulls again in her full armored mode and she looks incredible and super-heroic in every way possible. But there is also a surprise at the end of the trailer, which was absolutely inevitable and turned out really cute. For that, you have to watch the trailer now. Watch it here and drop your reactions in the comments section below. Captain Marvel releases on March 8th, 2019 and is directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. Read More: TOP 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains From WORST TO BEST
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webnewsify1 · 1 year
The trailer for 'The Marvels' reveals the MCU's new team of intergalactic superheroes
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Greater, further. Faster. Together. The first trailer for "The Marvels" has just descended from the spinning S.A.B.E.R. Space Station in low-Earth orbit, which is a zero-gravity environment. This vibrant sneak look, which was just revealed on Tuesday's (April 11) ABC "Good Morning America" broadcast, shows Brie Larson's Captain Marvel, a.k.a. Carol Danvers, returning after her divisive performance as the space-traveling superhero and sporadic Avenger in 2019's "Captain Marvel." On November 10, 2023, this film, the 33rd to be released in the continually growing Marvel Cinematic Universe, hits theatres. Here, Iman Vellani, who played Kamala Khan in "Ms. Marvel," the Disney+ series about a Pakistani teen who gains ancient electrifying powers from a magical bangle, and Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau/Photon, who was last seen gaining mutant skills in the Disney+ series "WandaVision," are waiting for Larson as she races in to meet them. Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel has recovered her identity from the oppressive Kree in Marvel Studios' "The Marvels" and exacted revenge on the Supreme Intelligence. But unexpected outcomes force Carol to shoulder the burden of a cosmos in disorder. As Carol's duties send her to a weird wormhole connected to a Kree revolutionary, her powers mix with those of Jersey City superfan Kamala Khan, or Ms. Marvel, and Carol's estranged niece, now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut Captain Monica Rambeau.As "The Marvels," this unlikely three will have to cooperate and learn to work as a team to preserve the universe. The superhero body-swapping trio known as Captain Marvel will be explored in further detail in the upcoming film "The Marvels," which will be directed by Nia DaCosta ("Candyman"). Nick Fury, played by Samuel L. Jackson, will serve as the team's commanding officer. During the broadcast of the trailer on Good Morning America, Larson gave fans a preview of what they can anticipate from the humorous Marvel Studios flick when it releases this autumn (opens in new tab). "The first one told her identity's history. It is now delving deeper into some of the difficulties, "She disclosed. "that she is far more complex than that and that there are also negative aspects to her. That a hero can be viewed as someone who doesn't always make the correct choices." On November 10, 2023, "The Marvels" leaps onto the big screen. Read the full article
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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themovieblogonline · 2 years
Monica Rambeau's Superhero Costume Leaks!
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The Superhero costume of Monica Rambeau is FINALLY online. Monica, who's played by the fantastic Teyonah Parris, makes her theatrical debut in The Marvels coming in 2023. Monica will appear in The Marvels alongside Iman Vellani (Ms. Marvel) and Brie Larson (Captain Marvel). Ever since her debut where she turns heads in WandaVision fans want to see her actual costume design. Marvel likes leaving hints in their projects and we see hints of her costume in WandaVision but now we see the full look. The costume design leak comes from... MERCHANDISE! Of course. It's always the merchandise. CBR got the scoop from Reddit and here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/z1rpa0/a_new_the_marvelsthemed_pillow_showing_our_first/?ref=share&ref_source=embed&utm_content=timestamp&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=c624249885a84a8e9f4c27b6abde4872&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=z1rpa0 I really like the costume! I think the costume does a great job of drawing inspiration from the comics but becomes something unique. You can see some inspiration taken from the WandaVision costume but you can also spot some other details. You might remember that there's an alternate take on Captain Marvel from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with Maria Rambeau taking up the mantle. Maria is Monica's mother who dies while Monica was snapped away during the blip. In an alternate reality Monica's mom becomes Captain Marvel with her own super-powered costume: All of these women look fantastic and I can't wait for more looks of these heroes in the future. Anyway, that's all I have for this one... Marvel Studios’ The Marvels will feature Brie Larson returning to the role of Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers. In the film, she’ll be joined by Teyonah Parris, who was first introduced as adult Monica Rambeau in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision, along with Iman Vellani, who will appear as Ms. Marvel in the upcoming Disney+ series of the same name. Prepare to experience it and fly higher, further, and faster with the film, directed by Nia DaCosta! Read the full article
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