#btw these tags are based on what i think i might search later to find the post
curiositypolling · 7 months
splitting up the rest of the world cause otherwise they’ll dominate
also, which country?
follow for more occasional useless polls :)
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ginoeh · 4 months
Shipper Tag Game
I was tagged by the lovely @tj-dragonblade , thank you!
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don’t care about anymore?
As a teenager... well, that was quite a while ago lol. I suppose that would have been Harry/Draco. First fandom, first queer pairing, first smut stories. I was such a sweet sweet summer child XD The early 00s were wild
Which ship would you consider your first one?
Soooo. Funny story. Way back when, I got into fanfiction via fanfiction.net. You know how their filter system is bad/non-existent? Yeah. Little me, on her first outing to ffnet, didn’t know how to operate the character settings. I clicked on the first story on the top of the first page of the HP section. It was a Snape/Hermione star-crossed lover deal. It flash-fried my brain, taught me content curation in a crash course and incidentially made me partial to the ship for quite a few years...
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
See above lol. I will never ever forget the experience. I tried to find that story later for downloading (like an ugly beloved keepsake ig lol) but never managed.
If you mean fanfic I've written: it was gen.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Nope. Scraped by a few times since I entered the tumblr bubble but managed to stay out of it. I don’t get the point. It's freaking fictional characters in fictional worlds. Go touch grass or something instead... (but you will make me fucking mad if you try to drag me into these things with wild ad hom accusations based on what i ship or dont ship)
Did you used to have a NOTP or have one currently?
No, not really. It's only ever preferences. There are some I dislike due to my own hc/inability to suspend my disbelief but I wouldn’t call them NOTPs. I just don’t read them.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I actually dislike the term OTP. It's a scale of preferences for me. There are few (read: none) fav characters that I can only see with one love interest (and anyway, sometimes i do prefer plot over love story. wild take i know) and the more time I spend in a fandom the more I diversify.
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting into?
I don’t get this question, sorry. If I'm interested, I'll search it out. Even if the fandom is old. AO3 is an archive for exactly that reason.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they’re kind of interesting?
Not that I can think of, at the moment!
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Probably? I'm not clear on what all one is getting cancelled over this week/month/year by which group of 'concerend bystanders'. I suppose I might get cancelled for the mentioned Hermione/Snape?
What is your favourite crack ship?
I'm so glad you asked. It's clearly Dream/Helm (thank you for that @writing-for-life ) Or Gollum/The One Ring (thanks go to Neil himself here). Or - actually, never mind lol.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
At the moment it's Dreamling. But I cycle through fandoms/pairings periodically...(btw im looking for more Johanna/Death? If anyone could point me in the right direction?)
What do most of your ships have in common?
At least one character has a dark/unknown/violent/tragic past (they can be victim or perpetrator!!! I'm all for character development babey)
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I don’t hate ships? As I said above. Possibly the reduction on 'I can fix him/her' or 'my love will save him/her from depression/"the darkness"/etc.' but that is mostly a matter of the author's style of crafting characterization and plot and has nothing to do with the ship itself.
I'm tagging @bazzybelle , @seiya-starsniper , @writing-for-life if you want to or maybe just point me towards your post if you've done it already?
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aromantisk-fagforening · 10 months
hey in the post where you gave website ideas you said to send an ask for coding related ones you had if anyone wanted them. Those sound really interesting for me if you have time to send some?
I don't know if they're gonna be new to you, but I do have a couple!
So there's the most famous one probably: stackoverflow - solves problems. If there's something specific you don't know how to do or you get a weird error message.
I think also it's useful to keep in mind that most, or possibly all, libraries you import from will have documentation or a reference page. Just search it up for each API/library name. Those sites can be fairly useful. If nothing else, you might end up with a more specific question.
And then there's Mozilla webdocs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web (in the references tab). Some people don't like this one, I've used it a lot
If you want to be taught stuff properly, without knowing what questions to ask at all, w3schools is probably the way to go. They have more languages than I can be bothered to type out, but for example HTML, python and C++. This is free just like all the previous btw.
scrimba also exists, I haven't really used it, but it is based on interactive videos I believe. It costs money depending on you. They have a free plan and two paid ones.
And for finding APIs: rapidapi.com has quite a lot. Some cost money, some are free. Usually you can use something for a bit for free and later it costs money. Spotify also has an API which I think is free, that's what all those spotify statistics websites use (obscurifymusic, spotistats, spotifytools, etc).
Then onto more specifically HTML/CSS related websites: google fonts (free fonts). flexboxfroggy (learn flexbox CSS), pixabay (royalty free images), color.review (check if your color contrast is good enough), wireframing (layouts and stuff, not coding).
And importantly: w3 dot org! There's a lot of info there about accessibility, including guidelines. Take note of this page: web accessibility evaluation tools (websites).
I don't remember what these are, I just found them in my bookmarks: webdesignerwall.com, css zen garden, css-tricks, smashingmagazine.com, kevinpowell.co, rfc-editor.org, coolors.org, caniuse.com .
digital safety frameworks: ISO/IEC 27002:2013 , The 18 CIS Critical Security Controls, NCSC CAF guidance, Cybersecurity Framework | NIST, SP 800-53 – NIST Risk Management Framework | CSRC, Information Security Manual (ISM) | Cyber.gov.au, Federal Office for Information Security (Germany), COBIT | Control Objectives for Information Technologies | ISACA, OWASP Foundation , ITIL | IT Service Management | Axelos 
and digital safety laws (obiously check your own countries laws (at least a summary)): General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR, The Directive on security of network and information systems - NIS Directive, EU Cybersecurity Act, Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Cloud Act Resources 
with the laws and frameworks they're most useful if you're not sure, realistically you can't read all of that. But yeah. if you're in the EU or EEA (or expect users from there) you should definetly make sure you understand the basics of the GDPR if you're collecting any data from users that aren't yourself.
This was longer than I expected. This isn't even all that's out there. You might find some stuff on alternativeto.com, articles and web searches too. And also a couple more websites on my neocities, mostly accessibility stuff, not sure if there's anything that's not covered here there though.
[for anyone finding this through tags: I am a queer guy who uses neopronouns and interacting is showing support and appriciation for my queer identity, not just the post.]
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kyidyl · 3 years
Kyidyl Explains Bones Part 5
(These are under the KyidylBones tag.)
How to dig up dead people.
So, in my Kyidyl Does Archaeology series I talked a bunch about how digging up places was different than digging up people.  And you don’t have to read that to understand this, but it might be a little easier for you because I’m not going to re-address the same basics I covered there.  
Ethical Stuff: So is digging up dead people ethical? I mean, I think so if strict rules are followed, but honestly the POVs here are as different as people themselves are.  Some cultures routinely dig up their own dead and do all kinds of things with the remains.  I wish they wouldn’t but, hey, that’s just me.  I respect that their culture and choices aren’t the ones I’d make.  It’s part of being an anthropologist of any flavor.  And, like that one post implies, there really isn’t much of a different between grave robbing and archaeology.  The biggest difference is the care we take, the respect we try our best to show, and the purposes to which we put the remains.  However, there is a difference between exhumation and archaeology.  General rule of thumb: if there’s someone living still that would have first-hand experience of them or if they still exist strongly in cultural memory, it’s exhumation. There’s no hard and fast number of years where it moves from exhumation to archaeology.  Sometimes it’s the context that makes the difference.  For example, Richard the 3rd’s bones were excavated from that carpark.  If they were removed from where they were reinterred, then they’d be exhumed.  But the TL;DR of it is that digging up people is incredibly ethically complex and you have to do your best to be respectful.  If you aren’t the type of person who can really put yourself in someone else’s shoes and be ok with respecting the desires of a specific culture regarding their own dead...then archaeology is not the right area for you, and that goes double for bioarch.  These people had lives and were loved and valued by those around them, and you need to be sensitive.  
The legality of digging up human remains also varies wildly from country to country.  In the US, we adhere to NAGPRA.  If you want a primer on what NAGPRA is and how it works, you can check out this post that I made.  
Also a quick reminder that we don’t name the individuals.  They had names and you don’t get to give them a new one.  
Beyond this cut there be pictures of human remains.  
How do you know where to dig? Sometimes, honestly....we don’t.  We’re just making educated guesses based on migration patterns and known settlements and research into local history.  Generally, if there’s a group of people who lived somewhere, they also did something with their dead.  So if you have a settlement, you’ll probably find bodies in it or near it at some point.  Sometimes people find remains and are like “uuuuuhhhhh....” and we come and dig ‘em up.  This is especially true on private property.  Farmers are notorious for this.  Construction, too, obviously.  Sometimes we look in caves, because very old caves have lots of dirt on the floors and a lot of times if it’s a good cave there’ll be bones in it.  Sometimes people threw their dead in bogs and now we have stuff that isn’t skeletons but is really old.  
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That is a whole ass human dude.  He’s around 2000 years old.  You can still see his facial hair.  
So there’s a lot of science behind how and why different environments preserve bodies differently, and I couldn’t possibly get into the detail of that here, but it’s definitely a factor we consider.  A swamp in Florida isn’t a good place to expect to find remains, you know? General rule of thumb is: more water = less body, unless there water isn’t standard water (it’s very alkaline, very acidic, or very frozen.).  Dry, cold landscapes like the Andes are great for preserving bodies.  
So what you find when you go looking is going to vary wildly depending on the environment.  My personal experience, though, is in graveyards.  Graveyards are an easy thing to dig because it’s not uncommon to just like...know where one was.  But graveyards aren’t the orderly things you’d expect them to be, not even modern graveyards.  People bury their loved ones on top of other people, graves intersect, and sometimes people would sneak bodies into the consecrated part of the graveyard when the priests/monks/etc. said they couldn’t be buried there.  So you can have bodies mixed with other bodies or under other bodies or just like random parts of people that were dug up, someone said “oops”, and then they were re-buried in a different spot.  So when we dig a graveyard, we keep complex records of where all of the remains were found, including in-depth drawings.  This is one way in which it’s similar to digging up a settlement.  It’s...pretty much the only way in which it’s similar.  Because part of the reason we do this is so we don’t mix up peoples’ body parts.  Graveyards aren’t what you expect - when I was digging in one we thought we’d gotten most of the bodies out so we were using a mattock to make sure and the site director missed cracking the skull of an intact child by about a centimeter.  Luckily the swing tore up a little bit of dirt and exposed it, but if it hadn’t? The next swing would have gone right through and inflicted heavy damage.  So you have to be careful even in a graveyard.  
Another thing about graves is that it doesn’t take long for the wood of a coffin to decay, so when you dig them up you will often just find the body and sometimes some nails.  The nails are good, because they show you the outline of where you can expect to find parts of the same individual.  This is one of the ways we show respect - we do everything in our power to NOT mix up the remains of different individuals and to separate them when we can.  
Let me sidebar here for a minute to explain.  See, your bones fit together.  I don’t meant “ah yes, everyone’s shin bone connects to their thigh bone”.  No, I mean that those bones have grown together in the same space for YEARS and they fit exactly.  They have the same texture and thickness, they go together like puzzle pieces....at the spots where the bones touch.  Or, as we say, articulate with each other.  See, if I were to take, say, my cuboid and try to trade it with someone else’s, it wouldn’t articulate right.  But something big like a tibia and femur will not be as easy to piece back together.  That, and we don’t always have complete bodies.  So we have something called “MNI” meaning “Minimum Number of Individuals”, and the maximum.  So...three left femurs mean at least three people.  Four right humeruses mean at least four people, so the minimum is 4.  However! We don’t know if any of those left femurs or right humeruses belonged to the same person because they don’t articulate with each other.  So the maximum is seven people.  We have between 4 and 7 people in that set of remains.  This becomes really important when you’re dealing with intersecting graves, mass graves, etc.  Any time the remains are what we call comingled (mixed).  This is what we’re really meticulous when recording where we found a given bone or set of bones.  
Ok, back to the main thing.  So...how DO we dig up dead people, anyway? It’s generally done in three stages: 
Exposing - This is where we dig down just enough to cleanly expose what we believe to be the margins of the grave.  We dig to the edges of the grave, not to a set square size like you would with a settlement. This is where we dig really cleanly, expose any grave goods, take pictures, etc.  And it looks like this: 
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(Source.  Was super frustrating searching for this bc I have several of these pics on my phone of the graves we dug and can’t use them for privacy/ethical reasons.) 
Pedestaling/Cleaning - This is when we dig down around the skeleton and the grave goods, and then we start digging under the bones in preparation for the last stage.  This is time consuming, detailed work.  When I was doing this with the child we found, I used a mini trowel the size of my thumbnail and a dental pick.  It’s *especially* important with juveniles because their bones aren’t fused and those unfused pieces are *tiny*.  They literally look like clods of dirt.  Most archs - rightfully - can’t stomach the idea of throwing pieces of a human body into the spoil heap, so we’re as careful as we can be.  This part, when done right, takes days.  It’s a difficult thing to get a picture of, but this one is close: 
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The tags aren’t something I was taught needed to be done, but I can see why someone would.  They’re basically just grave goods and features of the grave.  They’ll be used to make a map of what’s what later on when the writeup is being done.  
Lifting - We never just pull a bone out of the ground because it damages them.  So we dig around them until they’re ready to come out on their own (and in the case of a large set of broken bones like you see above in that person’s skull, we’d just take the whole pile - dirt and all - for processing in the lab later.  And no, it’s not normal to have the skull glued back together.  We don’t glue remains together.).  If one piece comes out before the others, it is bagged and tagged.  We try not to have them come out separately, but it’s better to do that then to lose one.  When we’ve cleared all the dirt out, we “lift” the skeleton, IE, remove it from the grave.  If I included a pic of this it would just be an empty grave. :P 
We make sure to take all of the grave goods and any soil samples with us, all carefully labeled.  Fun fact about soil samples BTW.  The soil around the bones and especially in the abdominal cavity can retain molecular traces and bacterial from the flesh that tell us about their gut flora and diet or about any parasites they had (parasites were super common back in the day.).  It’s....really cool.  So a sometimes, if we suspect that there might be money for that kind of analysis, we’ll take soil samples of the gut region.  
We are...well, we’re very ritualistic about all of this.  It is, of course, for scientific rigour.  But part of it is that we’re systematically dismantling these peoples’ final resting places.  They had lives and loves and spiritual beliefs that we are disturbing.  This is sacred ground for so many cultures.  So it always feels a bit like we’re doing these things in a specific way to show respect to the resting dead.  That’s why in my 4 types of anthropologists post awhile back I said that archs are chaotic outside the pit but anal inside it. We want to learn from the dead, and it all feels a bit ritualistic if I’m being honest.  And there’s this juxtaposition of digging in the dirt, in the chaos of earth and time, in a very structured, clean, orderly way.  
Aaaannnyway I think that’s it for this installment.  Ask box is open, I check comments and tags and whatnot.  Tomorrow I think I’m gonna do age determination.  How old were they when they died? Hmmmmm... 
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sybright · 4 years
My Favorite Cats Ships
Okie dokie, @whitmerule wanted to know my main ships/pairings and I knew I’d have to make a post dedicated to this at some point so here it is lol (also sorry this is so long). My “main” universe, which is what all of my main pairings are in, is based on the ‘98 film for the most part (although really all of my universes are based on the ‘98 film, just with alterations here and there). 
Edit: My preferences have changed somewhat, so I’ve edited this list to reflect my current feelings towards certain pairings. This means that I’ve deleted some pairings that I don’t like much anymore, and have added some new ones :). All of these ships are in no particular order btw.
Main Pairings:
-I know it’s super popular and there’s loads of content on them, but I still stan. I don’t love them AS much as I used to, but they were my first ship in this fandom, and therefore are still very important to me. 
-In terms of individual pairings, I really like Demelurina and Bombastrap on their own, but I like them best all together. I used to be quite fond of Demestrap by itself, but I’ve gotten pretty tired of that ship over time personally (obviously nothing against people who like this pairing a lot, kudos to y’all who love Demestrap ^^), so I’m not that big a fan of them on their own anymore. In order of the individual pairings I like best: Demelurina first, Bombastrap second, and Demestrap not so much.
Skimblegus (Skimbleshanks/Asparagus Jr., NOT Gus the theatre cat, I see the two of them as separate characters in most productions).
Jellydots (Sweet lesbian grandmas <3).
-This is my self-projection asexual pairing, leave me alone lol. They give me bestie vibes and I love that for them <3.  
-This is a bit of a rarepair, but it is one of my main ships, I see Teazer and Plato as platonic partners and Tori as their mutual gf. Alternatively, I like Victeazer and Platoria on their own as well, although I like Victeazer a bit more than Platoria, but I prefer them all together.
And that’s about it for my “main” pairings, here’s a list of my alternate pairings/rarepairs that I love too much for my own good.
Alternate Pairings/Rarepairs:
-No longer my main blog’s url, but they have their own blog now and therefore are still ridiculously important to me XD. This is my fave rarepair, and might also be even MORE of a self-projection asexual pairing for me than they were before. I’ll say it once, this is my ultimate comfort pairing. 
Plonzostrap (Plato/Alonzo/Munkustrap, alternatively, I like Alonzostrap and Plonzo on their own as well, although I haven’t put that much thought into Munklato on its own).
Platoricopat (Cats Zurich got me obsessed with this concept, and @whitmerule’s gifs are are just *chef’s kiss*).
-I don’t really have a ship name for this, and also this particular pairing is very complicated and I’ll try to explain it as best I can. George and Etcetera are romantic partners, Etcetera and Electra are queer-platonic partners (I see Electra as aromantic), and George and Electra are platonic partners. This is technically a main pairing for me, but it’s sort of rare and complicated in its dynamics so I put it down here. Also, I adopted the hc that George is a Pollicle btw.
Oh and just as an aside, I also really like Elecctera and Etceorge on their own, but I probably slightly prefer Elecctera, I just love the queer-platonic besties vibes of them <3. 
Mungocavity (This is in a scenario where Macavity is less evil and more of a dumbass, but I really like this pairing. It would be one of my main pairings if my main universe Macavity wasn’t complete shit).  
-One of my newer ships, I usually see Tori and Jem as being somewhat far apart in age, so this is in a scenario where Jem’s a bit aged up and Tori’s a bit aged down. I love everything about this pairing. Considering how much Jem and Tori interact with each other in the show, this ship has so much potential to me. They’re just so soft and they make me really happy <3. 
-Once upon time I didn’t think I’d ever ship Tugger or Misto with really anyone but each other, but times change. Initially, I got very interested in the idea of Rumpletugger (which I still quite like on it’s own), but then later became intrigued by the idea of Mistoteazer (and all the shenanigans they’d get up to, both being mischievous and chaotic), so of course this led to me just putting all three of them together XD. I love this trio so much, they just give “bestie vibes ONLY” type of energy, and feel like a super chaotic friend group, and that makes me really happy. 
-I’m not even sure how to explain what led me to becoming so attached to this ship XD. I had seen people mention it being a neat concept in passing, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who actually truly ships them. I basically got into this ship through my “Jellicle leader Griz” au thing, which is an au where Griz is the oldest of Deuteronomy’s children and was expected to become the next Jellicle leader. She’s much younger in this au than how I typically see her, so the newer Griz design fits well in this scenario. I just got really into the idea of Griz and Bomba being tragic ex-lovers. 
They dated for a long time in their teens, broke up for a few years, and then got back together again when they had matured, and then Griz went and abandoned the tribe (as well as Bomba) to see the world and pursue her dream of being a star. Griz returned eventually, but the damage had been done, and Bomba was far from ready to forgive her. In the end though, she does forgive Griz, as does everyone else, but then Griz goes on to be reborn, and they miss their chance at happily being together. It’s just all in all a really fun concept for me to play around with, and has so much angst potential. 
-Not a new ship, quite the opposite actually. This is a ship that I usually don’t think much about (hence why it wasn’t here when I first made this list), but whenever I do, I always feel at peace inside lol. I can’t for the life of me find the post that got me into this ship (trust me, I have searched ALL over tumblr for it, I looked through both Jellylorum’s and Cassandra’s ENTIRE tags and still couldn’t find it), but I saw a post when I was first getting into the Cats fandom that talked about how Jelly and Cass would be this sort of “odd couple” that the tribe didn’t really understand, but clicked super well with each other for some reason. 
Even though I only ever saw that one post on them for a long time, I grew really attached to the ideas it presented for Jellycass. I like the age gap concept in particular, with my personal idea of it being Cass in her late twenties to early thirties, and Jelly being in her late thirties to early forties. It really heightens the “odd couple” energy of them, and I can see Cass getting along really well with someone older. Troika provides me all the rights for this ship <3. 
Some Extra Stuff:
Even though I like Platoria as an individual ship, and ship them to a degree, I’m not super interested in them. They’re a bit bland for me if I’m being honest. I like seeing them on my dash, but I won’t actively seek out content of them, so please don’t tag me in stuff surrounding them if you don’t mind (obviously this doesn’t apply to their poly equivalent). I used to include Demestrap in this section, but now I’m really not all that fond of them, I really only like them together in a poly scenario, like Demebombastrap or even Demelonzostrap. 
There’s a bunch of ships that I categorize as “I like it, but I don’t ship it,” and that’s where ships like Munkujerrie and Alonzoffelees fall. They’re ships that I enjoy as concepts, and that I would probably read fanfic about if given the opportunity (and like fanart of), but I don’t necessarily ship them. So you don’t need to tag me for them. 
The only ships that I just straight up don’t like, although I have nothing against people who like them, are Tuggerlurina, Mistoria, Skimbledots, and Jellygus, Tuggerlurina being the one I dislike the most. I just scroll past content of them if I see it on my dash, I thought I should probably list them here cause idk, might be useful to @whitmerule to know which ships I really don’t like. 
Note: I don’t see any of the characters I listed here as being biologically related, some people hc Deme and Bomba as sisters, or Etcetera and Electra as being twins, I don’t see this personally (In fact I have a whole bunch of family hcs that I’ll probably save for another post, if anyone even wants to read that lol). 
And now for my favorite 2019 movie pairings (which I also don’t see any of them as being biologically related), because they’re sort of relevant since I’m listing pairings and stuff so I feel like putting them here too:
2019 Movie Main Pairings
-This is the ONLY scenario where I like Misto and Tori together. I only like it when it’s in the 2019 movie, and only if it’s with Munk, those are my two requirements lol. I think Munktoria and Munkoffelees are really cute too, but I don’t care for them that much, I like them best all together.
Demandra (I see their relationship very differently in the movie, and I prefer their stage-show relationship, but as always, I love them). 
-I know they don’t really interact in the movie, but I saw people talking about them as a ship on here, and I just think they’d be really cute. Technically Tanto is implied to be kitten age in the movie, but I imagine this as a post-movie, next Jellicle Ball type scenario. I see Tanto as being on the cusp of adulthood, where she’ll probably be an adult at the next Jellicle Ball, and I see Jerrie as being a very young adult, so they’re not far apart in my mind (plus I see Jellicles, being cats and all, aging differently than humans, so this isn’t as odd to me as it might be to other people).
2019 Movie Alternate Pairings:
These are just my alternate pairings for Misto, Tori, and Munk if Mistoriastraps doesn’t happen lol:
-I’ve adopted the hc that they’re ex-boyfriends in the 2019 movie, and I like to imagine that they’ve sorted things out post-movie and got back together.
That’s about it for my ships. Thank you for reading if you got this far lol. 
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
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We will be heading to universe 3!!!!! (Still have a long way to complete this series as there are 21 pairing)
Either you are related from Hyojin or Changyoon side and either one of them later joined the family. Confusing? OK example you are Hyojin’s sibling by blood and then later Changyoon joined. Or in reversed, Hyojin was the one who joined later.
Or You are the youngest sibling (could be in terms age when the family comes together or you being born later)
Or, You are the eldest, as stand in for Hyojin’s elder sister, or Changyoon’s elder brother.
Any scenario that is suitable to your own imagination. Also there will be some repeated ideas from first universe because i would like to keep characterization consistency.
Btw this pair of sibling would be quiet but noisy unless they are triggered. But if you are their sibling, you might have already kinda used to the noise.
*For Hyo-tion, I will not be doing recommendation *winks
BUT!!! IT WILL BE FUN TO HAVE THIS DUO TO BE CLASSMATE TURNED SIBLINGS. To elaborate, Changyoon was transferred from Jeonju to Seoul some years ago, and then enrolled to the same high school/college class with Hyojin.
Also, this family is close with the other 2 families that sharing the same universe. You can check masterlist to see which other families are in universe 3 here 
Ok lets go to some common headcanons (Also apply with you being the eldest)
They might need a bit of time, because suddenly they had to live in a household. Both are looking headstrong on the outside but also sensitive in nature.
(As food is important based on them both in recent interviews and Changyoon’s “we need to eat so that we could live.” ) THEIR USUAL GREETING TOWARDS EACH OTHER IS : “HAVE YOU EATEN?”
Frequently, non nonchalantly asking each other if wanna eat out
If you are related to Hyojin, should Changyoon finds a nice Jeonju cuisine restaurant, he would bring Hyojin and you over to try it out.
To elaborate it further, Changyoon will bring you and Hyojin around when the new family first visited Jeonju. It could be Hyojin suggested Changyoon to do that so that he can know more about his new brother. 
They act like being distant acquainted friends with siblings status recognised by the law, but actually both are very observant and caring towards each other.
You might worry if your brothers cannot get along well because they seems to be interacting less. But actually your worry is just overthinking.
Changyoon might be a bit intimidated by Hyojin because of his temper when Seungjoon teasing the latter. 
And Hyojin might felt Changyoon is a very distant person who prefers to be alone. But we all know Changyoon is just a bit timid when it comes to getting know/ approaching one step further with new people. So both are not a lone wolf type. With Hyojin being observant, he will absolutely stand back and let the other party to come when their more comfortable.
With INFP Changyoon and ISFJ Hyojin, It is not like they are not good at expressing sibling affection towards each other, they just don’t attach to the overly clingly brothers mode because they are more practical in my opinion. They tend to show each other they care by supporting each other, talking about deeper topics and remembering small details. 
Teasing and joking will be there (boys will be boys) but it is kept to the minimum.
(BTW depending on some sources Hyojin is ISFJ and ESFJ both are from some random variety show snippets, as from IDOL WORKSHOP where members mentioned Hyojin like to stay indoors, I will irresponsibly conclude him as ISFJ for now)
So it is possible that they will be awkwardly adjusting due to being too cautious until one party gives in and mentions they need to be more frank towards each other.
Then the chemistry start to change. Even though same age, Hyojin would act as if he is older than Changyoon.
Both knew about each other’s singing ability and will occasionally hang out at Karaoke. Bonus actually if they both have Youtube account that upload covers,you might suggest them to upload a cover video to Youtube. Also occasionally you are the one who suggested song titles for them to cover.
Then their subscribers might wonder how did they get close and as more collaborations happen, they just tell the truth.
If you are Changyoon’s sibling, you will help out by finishing his sentences when he is buffering. Hyojin knew about it as they are in the same class, he will give Changyoon some time to reorganize.
But then if they do fight, Hyojin surely will be the one blasting words, being on point as possible. (this scenario is rare unless it is something that triggered he to the point he could not hold in)
Even though they look “not close”, they will still laugh at each other’s jokes and weird antics. 
When they both are older, one of them had a notion to get a tattoo and started researching it and another gained interest after peaking. Then they both went to get tattoo together, Hyojin even get 2 because he could not decide. (Maybe later end up being scolded by parents lol)
Scenario  (You being the youngest or being the one to be born later)
Your elder brothers play with you by giving out a lot of weird aegyos. And then they will laugh at themselves for being OOC
BTW you three when playing hide and seek or tag in the house will defo turn the house up side down. 
From your childhood memory, Changyoon seems to be the brother who is smitten with you, typically likes to squish your chubby cheeks when you are still younger. Hyojin would be the sometimes prankster that would jumpscare you.
When you are toddler, Changyoon carries you in his arms most while Hyojin piggybacks you the most.
But both of their love are endless for the younger sibling. you might find it funny when you introduced your boyfriend/Partner to your brothers and Hyojin is the one who is being unsettled.
If you are from Hyojin’s side, similar with your brother, you might find Changyoon a bit intimidating. 
If you are from Changyoon’s side and you have opposite personality, you will be the one to approach Hyojin first.
BLESS your ears when they sing in the house.
RIP your ears when you play video games or monopoly with them both.
YOU FORCING THEM TO GO INTO HAUNTED HOUSES DURING THEME PARK VISIT BECAUSE YOU WON ROCK PAPER SCISSORS, and you are trying hard to catch your breathe as you laugh at your big brothers. Also RIP your ears.
OH AND RIP YOUR SOUL if you happen to messed up. Them both will nag you for sure. Changyoon is a more softer type big brother while Hyojin definitely is a more stern type. Changyoon forgives/lets go easily after he criticized and understood that you will learn from the mistake. But Hyojin will need you to understand what you have done wrong and exactly what led towards the mistake before letting you go free from his nagging.
So unlike previous sibling hcs, you will not go to only 1 brother when you ask for opinion/guides in life choices. You will come to them both same time. Even if 1 of them are not present, you will wait until them both are free and all ears.
They are supportive, but also worry if you are perfectly prepared of your choices.
Hearing them discussing in front of you before turn their opinion towards you actually can give you great insight too.  Hyojin will elaborate the consequences and makes sure that you understand and you have the mental preparation to bear it. Changyoon will be the worrywart and asking you some blindspot matter that you did not think of.
If your personality happens to be funny and a bit of crackhead underneath a serious facade, Changyoon will team up with you if you start something funny or you  joining Changyoon. Hyojin would be at one side clapping and laughing his heart out.
Changyoon : Woah, my younger sibling indeed, you sure have sense of humour
If your personality is somewhat closer to Hyojin’s, you and Hyojin both will be supportive when Changyoon participating in singing competition.
Fun fact, should Changyoon participates, Hyojin will not participate. Same goes with the other way round.
Ok I am gonna stop here, I tried to add new hcs that I did not get to cross my mind during previous universes. You can read about them by searching Sibling!onf tag, or just refer to masterlist should you want to read more of Sibling Hyojin or Sibling Changyoon (but paired with other members)
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pinkykitten · 4 years
I was tagged by @writing-with-melon I hope my answers aren’t complete waste or if time and if so I’m sorry and I love you
Rules: Answer ten 10 questions, ask 10, and tag 10 people
1. What song automatically plays in your head when you look out the window on a long drive? 
i dont really have an answer for this. i think i just automatically think about any song ive been listening to recently or any song that has been stuck in my head. 
2.  Do you have some snacks nearby when you write?
well i live in a two story house so the kitchen is downstairs and im usually lazy busy so since i have a mini fridge upstairs i just usually get water to drink while im writing. its kinda hard to eat and write cuz i loose focus really easily so when i am writing i am writing! i am in the zone! but if i am a little hungry ill usually snack on candy like chocolate kinder joys i love them but they r so expensive or snack on chips but i get like salt on my fingers or i like cheetos so cheetos dust and that just gets everywhere and later my hands and keyboard kinda smell like fart. 3. What do you do to combat creative burnout?
so burnout happens to me a lot so to get inspiration i either read other stories or fanfics which gets my head gears turning or i admire a piece of art or photography or a song. whats so unique and satisfying with writing you can explore and go anywhere with it, hehehe erotic if you know what i mean lol jk there are no barriers with writing just your imagination. there is inspiration any where you go and id advise to never stop writing. even if its a few short sentences or paragraphs about anything even bird poop its still progression and your mind is working and your searching for words like its all good for you bby.  4. Do you use (or like to use) prompts? 
i do ill put the link here. im thinking of changing it though to do something different. 
5. What is your favorite place to write?
lol boring, i know but my room. my room is really bright in the mornings and comfortable and chill and i have a candle of the pandora ride in disney that smells like the ride so its all good and relaxing and super peaceful plus i have a picture of myself the age of like 9 on my desk idk why but it encourages me and makes me focus to make sure i never get that cringy again. 
6. What is a hobby or yous that you usually don’t talk about?
well i like working out HAHAHAHAHA jk that was a joke...get it...cuz i much rather be eatingokillstop. but i really like to draw which i have a art page you can see it if you click here pls look at my failed attempts to be hip and cool with the cool kids and being artsy fartsy. another hobby is i really like to do makeup and nail art, nail art is really tough guys no joke if you do it like you got wizard powers are something. maybe its bc my nails are shorter than pete davidson and ariana grande’s relationship, alright im trying to stop i swear!
7. Do you play an instrument? Which one?
no i wish though. i always wanted to learn to either play the piano or electric guitar cuz H.E.R looks so cool doing it. 
8. How do you feel about your handwriting?
it sucks dont even try me. my sister can barely read it like no wonder nobody wants to steal my signature heck they can’t even read it!
9. Can you tell us of a story that marked your development as a person? As a writer?
ok sit back guys, sniff a nice amount of crack and get ready for the most cringy moment of my life but also a time when i knew i was meant to be *inhale* a fanfic writer. 
so it was elementary school, i think 3rd grade and for my writing assignment we were given a prompt of idk what the heck tbh i think it was like be outside the box and im like ok imma nail this cuz im a weird child and yeah so i got my papers and pencil and i went TO TOWN on this paper. so i wrote two stories. one short story with a picture to go with it and one long story that yeah i buried years ago. so my first story was about a farmer was about that farming life. he had chickens and dairy. so i cant remember if the cheese was spoiled but doesnt matter. anywho these cheese and a chicken were alive like they could talk in the story and i gave them faces, yikes. but the whole story was the farmer was a b*tch and he was trying to eat the chicken and cheese so they hatched a plan to get away from the farmer. they did it successfully and they ran away. yay happy ending my teacher actually liked that one me too and my school mates were thinking what they heck is this girl on i made a story about how me and justin bieber made cookies for Christmas you know. so then my other story i was more proud of this one cuz it was a tone of paper, sorry trees, and this story was about how a female hippo (girl i was all about plus size and thicker girls and no body shaming) and an male ostrich were kidnapped from their own habitats and taken to become circus animals. failed version of Madagascar hey mine was before the circus movie OK THEY STOLE IT FROM MEEEEE. so they get taken and are treated to harsh punishment and the animals can talk and i think its in the point of view of the male ostrich guy thing. they are in the circus and they start to have this relationship happening. love starts blossoming its all good. im happy with this cuz i believed in love at age of 8. they find a way thru a kick butt scene of the animals escaping and the hippo and ostrich are so in love that they run away together and they have half hippo half ostrich babies and i think i named the species  hipstrich or like ostppo idk but i was so proud of this story and when my teacher read it she was worried about me lol i think she thought i might like mate these two animals like secretly idk but she was like it was ok and i was like what this is frickin William Shakespeare writing or like F. Scott Fitzgerald writing. nevertheless it taught me a lesson that nobody else needs to like what im writing the main point and only thing that matters is if your proud of it and you like it and i really did. i will remember that story forever and thats what made me want to be a writer. lol sorry that was a lot. 
10. @emdop I’m going to use this great question: Explain one of your WIPs in the most ridiculous way possible. 
wellllll im working on my peaky blinders oc story its a lot of drugs money killing weapons jewelry rich profanities like its the show but written from my stubby hands so my oc and whatever its great and so excited to show it to you guys. 
im tagging: @thatlittlered, @ardentmuse, @acciosnapes, @lotsoffandomimagines, @collecting-stories, @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms, @naughtyneganjdm, @lenahellgizibe and two random followers @spiritsent, @sucker-for-my-fandoms
i was tagged by @writing-with-melon again ty btw, ps i felt so much pressure lol jk 😊
Rules: Answer 5 questions, Ask 5 questions, Tag 5 people.
1. What is your favorite book?
fifty shades of grey hahaha naw my favorite book is obv you all know this is series of unfortunate events but i never usually cry period and i never cry for books ever so when i read mrs. tom thumb by melanie benjamin, its the part when her sister minnie dies i cried so hard idk it was just emotional the wording the way she described her pain it was so beautiful written yet so sad and that was just amazing to me cuz im like this book made me feel things and im like wow i would love to write a book one day and make someone feel something whether it be sadness anger happiness annoyance anything they are having an emotion and that is super powerful to do that with just words. pls go check out that book its a good read. also im a fan of the greatest showman so i really enjoyed it. there are many other books tho that i thoroughly enjoy so much. 
2. What piece that you’ve written are you most proud of?
oh my god ive always wanted to be asked this question hands down i am always proud of my platonic gender neutral tony stark fic called in·con·sol·a·ble window to me i wrote it so sad and i was feeling like depressed lol when i saw peter die in infinity war like i didnt know what to do with my life tbh but im so glad that @impetrichorny requested it tysm i just like how its not based on romance or fluff or happiness it is based on when you lose someone the nightmares and sadness you go through and that there is nothing nobody can do about it except just be there for that person so i really like writing angst and something that was out of the box. ive been thinking tho of doing a part two since the fate of all the characters has changed after endgame. who knows tho. 
3. What is the last song that inspired you? 
well for art it would have to good news by mac miller when i did that kobe bryant memorial on my art page. i dont want to give it away though but ill just say some very powerful womens music inspired my oc writing and making. 
4. How do you feel about letting people read what you write?
at first i was scared cuz i thought i wrote like trash which that feeling kinda doesnt go away like some days i feel that way others i feel confident or it depends on the request it just depends but anyways i was always insecure about my writing so when i started writing it was more like lets see how this goes if not ill delete the whole page. im glad to say it went great but in the begging it was hard cuz i kept putting myself down but i learned to accept or just understand that you keep learning with writing you always learn knew things with writing how you can explain something better or you words get more intricate and people see the improvement and you do too thats why i applaud those who dont speak english that english isnt their first language. you are doing a tremendous job and keep practicing cuz you’re gonna make it to the top. ive also learned that some days are not my days and you can take time off when youre not feeling it when you have writers block. just recollect your juices sip some tea go to the beach relax your mind a little and take as long as you need to come back and give it your all. also comments and reblogs and likes a follows those meant so much to me and encouraged me. thats why i cant express it enough how much all those mean to writers, artist, photographers, anybody who is truly trying their hard in this area of social media. its makes a person happy smile and confident in their writing but first train your mind into loving what you make not what others thing. you have to be happy with the outcome that is what truly matters and what makes your writing the best. look at me getting philosophical. 
5. Do you get distracted easily? If yes with what?
yes and with porn haha i get distracted easily like very easily homeschooling was really tough for me. music distracts me, netflix, the urge to watch david dobrik or unus annus or buzzfeed unsolved on youtube, heck my farts distract me. i gotta be like troy bolton i gotta get my HEAD IN THE GAME!
im tagging: @thatlittlered​, @ardentmuse​, @acciosnapes​, @lotsoffandomimagines​, @collecting-stories​ AND WHOEVER WANTS TO DO THIS IF YOU FOLLOW ME OR LIKE MY STORIES TAG ME ILL READ YOUR ANSWERS. HOPE I DID THIS RIGHT SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING MWUAH 
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blightfics · 5 years
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Previous Chapter: Her Voice
Next Chapter: More Coming Soon!
Disclaimer:  This story is based from a lot of animes, such as Your Lie in April and Waiting in the Summer. All rights belong to their manga writers and anime adapters.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. Since my brother’s drawing monitor is being borrowed by his friend, there won’t be any chapter artworks until some time around March. Italicized narration is told by one of the protagonists, Kyle Collins. And lastly, to pay respects to non-American sports fans, I’m going to call it “football”, not “soccer”.
Tags: @princessstellaris, @mechaspirit, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @i-miss-trr, @aquamarvel, @mysteli, @choicesyouplayandmore, @skyila, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @sceptilemasterr, @scgdoeswhat, @endlessly-searching-for-you
Recommended Music: You Exist in Spring (YLiA)
I don’t use the bus on my way to school or back home, but tonight was different. I had to take it because... Vivian needed a helping hand.
Kyle is seated at the back row of the bus and Vivian is seated next to him, with her head laid on his shoulder. She’s fast asleep and her breathing is soft and calm. Kyle smiles at her then looks out the bus window, recounting what happened earlier.
Usually when I see people being sad or crying about something, I do my best to comfort them and help them, at least, smile a little. I don’t want them to end up like me, who has gone far down in despair. But Vivian... she was different. I have to make sure that she always smiles.
Fifteen minutes earlier, Kyle spotted Vivian quietly singing inside the auditorium, with her voice cracking from sadness. Kyle rushed towards the redhead and tried to comfort her.
Kyle: Vivian...?
Vivian turned to Kyle in surprise, with tears.
Vivian: Kyle... 
She wiped her tears.
Vivian: I thought you went home...
Kyle: I had to go to the boys’ restroom first.
Kyle placed a hand on Vivian’s shoulder.
Kyle: Is everything alright...?
Vivian nodded and faked a smile.
Vivian: Yeah...
I know a fake smile when I see one. If Karen and Sam can figure it out, I can do it better.
Kyle tucked a strand of Vivian’s smooth hair behind her ear.
Kyle: No, you’re not, Vivian. I can clearly tell...
Vivian looked at Kyle for a moment before gently tackling him into a tight embrace. Kyle slowly wrapped his arms around the redhead and strokes her smooth hair as she broke down again. 
Vivian: It’s just... 
Kyle: Sshh... You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to yet. When you’re ready, I’ll be there for you.
Vivian nodded and slowly relaxed in Kyle’s arms. After a few seconds, they pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes.
Vivian: Thank you...
Kyle smiled and nodded. He offered his hand.
Kyle: Come on. Let’s get you home.
Vivian smiled sweetly as she took the boy’s hand.
Her touch is just as soft and warm as her embrace. And there it goes again, my fast heartbeat. I did not pay attention to it. I had to bring Vivian home safely. After we held hands, I pulled out my phone and texted Karen that I’m going home late.
After putting his phone away, Kyle looked back at Vivian with a smile before they took off. The boy unlocked his bike from the bike rack and joined the redhead on her way to the bus stop.
Vivian: You don’t have to come with me. I’m fine on my own.
Kyle: I know, but I feel like you needed company.
Vivian giggles.
Vivian: Well, you do give a more positive vibe, Mr. Collins.
Kyle: Pfft, yeah, right...
The two shared a laugh before getting into the bus, bringing them into present time, as Vivian slowly laid her head on Kyle’s shoulder before falling asleep.
A few minutes pass and Vivian wakes up just in time to spot her house from a distance.
Vivian: Oh, we’re here.
She gets up hurries to the front of the bus. Kyle follows while carrying his foldable bike. They step off the bus and stop at the front yard of Vivian’s house. The redhead girl turns to the brunet boy.
Vivian: Thanks, Kyle, for everything you’ve done tonight.
Kyle: I should be thanking you as well. I’ve never smiled genuinely for the past months. Clearly, you’re something special, Vivian.
Vivian blushes and looks away.
Vivian: Y-You really think so...?
Kyle: Yeah. I’m glad to have met you.
Vivian looks at Kyle again as they smile at each other. The redhead walks to her house while waving goodbye towards the boy. Kyle waves back before making his way back home with his bike.
It’s true. She truly was something else, like no other. I want to spend more time with her. I really hope that she was cast as Quinn while I’m cast as Casey. Though I’m not sure as well. Do I... like her...? Well, I’m about to find out soon enough.
Recommended Music: I Shall Appoint Friend A as My Accompanist (YLiA)
Kyle arrives home and sees Karen and Lucas in the dining room, eating dinner.
Kyle: I’m home.
Lucas: Welcome back.
Karen smirks.
Karen: Sooo? How was--
Kyle: Quiet.
Kyle looks unamused towards his sister and takes a seat by the dining table. Karen laughs as she and Lucas continue eating dinner. Kyle joins them and the three shared their stories for the whole day.
Lucas: Glad you’re making progress, Kyle. I’m proud of you and grateful towards Vivian.
Kyle: Thanks.
Karen: Eeek! I’m so excited how this will turn out!
Kyle chuckles at Karen’s excitement but he quickly turns sad.
Kyle: But...
He then tells them about what happened after the audition.
Karen: Oh no...
Lucas: Looks like you’re not the only one going through something, huh?
Kyle: Guess so...
Karen stands up to hug her twin brother while Lucas places a hand on his shoulder.
Lucas: Kyle, don’t forget; there are times where two people are like pieces of a puzzle. They complete each other.
Kyle nods and smiles. The three spend the rest of the night having a great time before going to bed.
Meanwhile, Sam goes home to his house. As he enters, he spots his father on the phone. His father then returns the look.
Sam’s Father: We’ll continue this later, Peter. Goodbye.
Sam’s father drops the call and turns to his son. He greets him with a serious, yet calm tone.
Sam’s Father: Welcome back.
Sam: Hey, dad.
Sam heads to the dining room.
Sam’s Father: Why did you come home late on the first day of class?
The blond boy rolls his eyes.
Sam: We had casting auditions for the city’s Film Festival.
Sam’s Father: What about your football team?
Sam: We had some new members. There’s this particular freshman that caught my attention. He could be a useful goalkeeper to us.
Sam’s father is heard going upstairs.
Sam’s Father: Well as long as this Film Festival and your girlfriend does not disrupt you of your potential, you must win this season’s tournament.
The man then closes the door to his bedroom and Sam grits his teeth in annoyance. The blond boy ends up having a text conversation with Karen to calm himself and feel a bit better. The couple started to plan a sort-of date for Kyle and Vivian on the weekends. This is how the conversation went...
Karen: Btw, I need your help with something. :)
Sam: What’s up? 
Karen: I think we should try to hook Kyle and Vivian up. <3
Sam: Oooh, interesting. I’m all in! :D
Karen: This weekend. I’ll invite Vivian in secret but do NOT tell Kyle about it.
Sam: You can trust me, Dear. <3
Karen: Really? You’re not very good at keeping secrets. -_-
Sam: What do you mean?! o_O
Karen: Kyle’s “surprise” birthday party two years ago? xD
Sam: ...Good point.
Karen: This is serious, Sam. We need to do this for Kyle.
Sam: I promise, Karen. Don’t worry.
Karen: Good. I should be off to bed. We’ll talk more about this tomorrow during lunch break.
Sam: Sure thing. Good night, Karen. I love you. <3
Karen: Good night, Sam. I love you too. XoXo <3
The two set aside their phones and go to sleep soon after.
Recommended Music: Lies & Truth (YLiA)
The next day of school, Karen and Sam lock their bikes on the bike rack and go inside building while Kyle is still locking his bike. The brunet boy finishes but then spots Elizabeth enter the school gate with a sad look on her face. She still hasn’t accepted the fact that Kyle, her crush, might be cast as Casey and Vivian as Quinn. Kyle runs up to Elizabeth.
Kyle: Eli?
The black-haired girl looks up in surprise to see a concerned Kyle in front of her.
Elizabeth: Oh, hey, Kyle...
Kyle: Anything wrong?
Elizabeth tries to wipe any possible tears that might fall from her eyes.
Elizabeth: It’s just... I’m scared that I might not get the part in the film...
Kyle places a reassuring hand on the girl’s shoulder.
Kyle: You’ll get it for sure. Don’t worry.
Elizabeth shakes her head and avoids eye contact.
Elizabeth: That’s not it, Kyle. I might not get the part that I wanted... I might be cast as someone else in the film...
Kyle becomes somber but continues to encourage her.
Kyle: Eli, whatever happens, whatever role you might play as, you have to do your best. There are times that even supporting characters shine than the main character. For example, look at Alan Rickman as Severus Snape in the HP films.
Elizabeth: What do you mean?
Kyle: What I mean is that; even though you may not play as the role you wanted, if you stand out and act with all of your heart, like what the others did yesterday, then you may catch the attention of some people or maybe someone who you want to notice you.
Elizabeth considers Kyle’s words for a moment. Being the shy girl that she is, she’s been having difficulty standing out, especially when Kyle is involved with something she is taking part of. And so, on that day forward, she nods and has decided to break out of her shell and be a better person than she once was. Her first step is a quick, simple but a meaningful one. She takes up the courage to pull Kyle into a tight embrace, something that she was too scared to do. But now that she was given the opportunity and the pep talk required to do so, she did it. Kyle was taken by surprise but soon hugs back his friend.
Kyle: Feeling better now?
Elizabeth: Yes. Thank you, Kyle.
Kyle: You’re welcome, Eli.
The two pull back and smile at each other. Elizabeth runs ahead and waves at Kyle, thanking him once again.
Elizabeth was easier to talk to since her problems aren’t too personal, unlike Vivian’s. That redhead girl always had me curious about her. Though, Elizabeth is just as important to me as any other friend. She may be shy, I can tell that, but she is a good person.
Recommended Music: Scheming Weasel (Kevin MacLeod)
As Kyle enters the school, he spots Karen and Sam having a suspicious conversation. Sam takes a quick glance on Kyle and quickly ends their chat. He gives a quick peck to Karen before going to the gym. Karen turns to see Kyle and just wave at him shyly before rushing to the Story & Film club. Kyle squints his eyes then pulls out his phone. He texts his mentor, Mr. Ross, that he will be late for Arts Club before rushing to the gym. On his way, he texts Max about interrogating Sam for a secret he’s hiding. Mark texts back that he’ll prepare their secret weapon.
Those two are definitely hiding something that will involve me. Whatever it is, it’s something that they’re keeping close to the chest, especially Sam, since he’s not really good at keeping secrets. But getting them out of him isn’t hard. Mark and I have done it before lots of times. And we got just the thing for absolute results.
Kyle arrives at the gym and waves at Mark. Sam spots the brunet boy and tries to make a run for it.
Mark: Danny, get him!
Danny, confused, does what Mark exclaimed without question as he vigorously wraps his arms around Sam, keeping him in place.
Sam: Damn it, Danny! Let me go! That’s an order from your captain!
Kyle: Don’t let him go, Danny. He’s hiding something.
The three boys take the blond boy into the boys’ locker room and have him sit on a bench, with his hands eventually tied up by Mark.
Sam: I’m not gonna tell you anything, Kyle. I promised Karen.
Kyle: I know. Which is why I’m not going to ask anything.
Danny sets an open laptop, with a Youtube Video ready, in front of Sam.
Kyle: I’ll let this video do the talking.
Sam scoffs.
Sam: Whatever you’re trying to do, Collins, it won’t work. I am as tough as an Aggron!
Kyle: Suuuure.
Kyle, along with Mark and Danny, puts on noise-canelling and plays the video.
(Warning: Video can be harmful to most people. Watch at your own risk.)
The second the video starts, Sam’s confident look quickly falters and he starts screaming.
Kyle: What?!
Sam tries to run away but Mark keeps him seated.
Kyle reads Sam’s lips and grins as he closes the laptop. He, Mark and Danny take off their headphones.
Kyle: Alright, talk.
Sam: ....Karen and I are planning on having you and Vivian go on a...
Kyle: A what?
Sam: ....Some sort of a date....
I fucking knew it! I knew they would do something like this behind my back!
Recommended Music: Summer Sunshine (YLiA)
Kyle remains silent before storming out of the locker room and makes his way towards the Story & Film club. He knocks on the door and Karen walks over to it. She thought it was Elizabeth when she opened it.
Karen: Hey, Eli--
Karen’s eyes widen at the sight of Kyle and screams.
Karen: --EEEEEKK!!!
Kyle: What’s your plan, Sis?
Karen fidgets while she slowly backs away from Kyle.
Karen: Wha... what are you talking about...?
Kyle: Sam told me, Karen.
Karen: ....You know, as much as I love him, I hate him too...
Kyle: I know, full well.
Karen shakes her head and composes herself. She looks at Kyle in a serious manner.
Karen: Sam and I just want you to be happy.
Kyle: What do you mean?
Karen: I can clearly tell, Kyle, from what happened yesterday. You’re starting to like Vivian. She could be THE ONE.
Kyle remains speechless from his sister’s words. He sighs.
Kyle: You really think so?
Karen: I know so.
Kyle takes a seat by the table and thinks about what he’s about to go through.
I didn’t want to rush things yet with Vivian. I was afraid that if I did, she might eventually push me away. But instead, Karen and Sam rushed things for me. If what they say is true, that Vivian is my ‘special someone’... then I’m willing to take this dive to the unknown sea. This time, no more second thoughts.
Kyle turns to Karen.
Kyle: Did you ask her already?
Karen: Not yet...
Karen smiles.
Karen: ...But why don’t you do it yourself?
Kyle’s eyes slightly widen.
Kyle: I...
Karen: If you really like her...
No more second thoughts...
Kyle smiles back and nods. He stands up and rushes out of the club room, trying to look for Vivian.
Meanwhile, on her way to sign up for the Music Club, Vivian is walking in the halls. Suddenly, Kyle steps in front of her and and stops, placing his hands on his knees and panting.
Kyle: Vi...vian...
The redhead girl is startled and looks at Kyle with concern.
Vivian: Kyle? Are you alright?
Kyle takes a moment to breathe and composes himself. He points at Vivian in the same way she did when they first met and smiles.
Kyle: Vivian Richards...
Vivian: Y-Yes...?
Kyle takes a deep breath and, with confidence, he asks the important question.
Kyle: Would you like to go out on a date with me this weekend?
Those very words struck Vivian like Cupid’s arrow as she is left stunned.
I know now what must be done, to see if what I, and my family and friends, think is true; to know if Vivian is the one...
The person who will have a place in my heart...
--End of Chapter--
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dangoghz · 7 years
legitimate advice for new phandom blogs
hey !! so i know sometimes posts like ‘RULES FOR THE PHANDOM XD’ are made and they’re all like “numba one. dan is a squishy bean respect this uwu” but this isn’t gonna be like that lol. im just going to list a few actual things that might help people new to the phandom learn about and become integrated into the community! of course these aren’t ‘rules’ and u dont have to listen to any of it ofc,,, im not here to control ur blog, just here to say what people normally do. feel free to rb whether u are a new blog or not, ill appreciate it either way!
italicized text is defined in the glossary at the bottom!
1. be interactive! 
here, unique to our corner of timmy darn communism, we have a lot of like virtual traditions that everyone knows. these help you to make friends and also grow ur blog with some new mutuals. here are some examples.
networks: networks, or nets, are a sort of selective gc, usually with a theme or concept that it’s based around, in which all who wish to be part of fill out an application form that determines whether they get in. this is kinda the one with the most work, as u also have to make a group blog and info post, but it’s definitely worth it. i have made my closest friends in nets (such as @phleurnet which i birthed), and a lot of people on here would say the same. if you want to know more or apply, my friend diana runs an update blog @phandomnets! (examples, these are all open btw: x x x)
meetups: meetups are not in real life, don’t worry. a meetup is when someone organizes a specific time at which we all post thing around a certain theme! for instance, on halloween on tuesday, my friend milo hosted a halloween meetup. usually people post selfies but if u are uncomfortable with that, u can post art, music, or anything else related to the theme. a blog called @phandommeetupwatch keeps track of these! (examples, all happening soon/just happened: x x x)
follow forevers: a follow forever is a big celebration post when u reach a follower count milestone, no matter 50 or 5k. u tag all of the blogs you love, and they reblog it to appreciate u! it’s really positive and shows people how their work has paid off. usually people are tagged in alphabetical order, and sometimes people bold their favorites but the stylization is up to u. (recent examples: x x x)
milestone activities: sometimes people do things for their followers when they reach a follower count that involves their followers requesting something! there are many many forms of this type of thing. a common one is blog rates, in which there is a set template and the blogger rates each blog that sends in an ask using the template (info post ex: x; rate ex: x). there are also url edits (x), name/url moodboards (x), and more. u can certainly come up w an idea of ur own, being creative is great!
talk to people: that’s right dude!!! ye!!! u can message a blog u think is cool, or send an ask if u think something they made or are talking about is interesting, or add something sweet in the tags (more on etiquette later) when u rb their post. additionally, sometimes people stir up discourse, and u should participate in it if u want (past discourse examples: x x). u can also send asks when people reblog ask games, which are a list of questions with a theme (new one of mine ex: x). 
2. play around with your blog!
customizing your blog can start giving you what we call a branding, making you distinguished from other bloggers. this can include everything from as simple as using an icon to coding your own about page. 
themes: a blog can be way more appealing if it is aesthetically pleasing. admittedly, i often follow people just because of the smoothness of their mobile theme. a mobile theme is rather easy to construct as u can do it on ur own with a phone. it is how ur blog looks on a phone. although u don’t have to do this, i recommend sticking to two to four colors on ur theme and avoiding stuffing it with a lot of bright things because it can distract from content. additionally, bloggers often make their descriptions short and succinct. (my fav mobiles: x x x.) on a pc, your blog theme can be customized completely on html, meaning there is a lot of freedom. u don’t have to learn to code for this, bc u can find free themes anywhere, just search ‘free tumblr themes’ on google. once again, be creative, but u shouldn’t overload. (my fav pcs: x x x.)
about pages: in order to avoid chunky descriptions but still let people know the key deets about themselves, bloggers create about pages. sometimes these bout pages are uncoded but u can also use html code if u want to. some common things in an about page are interests, maybe personality types/horoscopes/hogwarts houses, original content, and links to other social media. (examples: x x x)
urls: urls are a key part of your blog’s brand. ‘rebranding’ is what people say if they change their url! if u are tired or bored with your url, changing it is an opportunity to change your theme and other parts of ur blog as well. (url change ex: x). 
saved urls: saved urls are basically when bloggers hoard sideblogs in order to reserve the urls used for them. if you ever encounter a blank blog that has ‘saved’ as its title, that’s probably it. sometimes people like to give away their urls, either as a constant thing (ex: x) or by doing a url giveaway (x). either way, it’s a good opportunity to change it up!
tags: in order to keep their blog cleancut and organized, a lot of bloggers have special tags for certain people, certain topics, and/or certain types of media. many people in the phandom particularly have tags for dan and phil that match (strawberries and cream, lune and sole, etc). if they have many of these tags, there can be a page for their tags on their blog. this page can be coded with special html or just a regular tumblr page, it doesn’t really matter. but it’s very useful for those who visit your blog, and makes it easy for u to navigate older posts as well! (examples: x x x)
3. learn to make og content!
producing original content helps you establish what your strengths are and why people should follow you. it also allows u to contribute to the fanbase, and gives u a chance of being noticed by dnp! and the validation is lovely. there are many options if u want to make something. 
gifs: gifs are an ART here in the phandom, and its mechanisms still perplex me to this day bc ive never tried it. u probably already know what a gif is, but if not, its essentially a short animation made in photoshop that repeats. gifmakers are often distinguished by a unique coloring (example gifmakers: x x x), such as my friend emily’s smooth dark blue tint (x). it can be a long process to learn how to gif but it is very rewarding in the end, from what i’ve heard. (tutorials: x x)
art: there is a very wide range of phanartists, all with such talents, either digital or traditional, that you can draw inspirations from for your own work. you can make cartoons, comics, realism, abstract, nsfw even, or any mix (or none) of the former. artists on tumblr definitely deserve more attention than they get here on tumblr, so be sure to show appreciation towards them! (my fav artists: x x x)
edits: edits are the Graphic Designs of our community and are usually very aesthetically pleasing. they can be centered around a certain event, like a video or something dnp made, or just for fun. the more practice you get making them, the more dexterous u’ll become. they can be a great tool if u like the design aspect of art but don’t want to actually draw. (edit makers: x x)
icons: icons are just the little profile picture that u can insert for ur blog. it’s really easy and fun to make them, kind of like a lazy version of edits. you can make them using photoshop or an app like picsart or medibang, and it doesn’t take a lot of time. more on how to use icons in section 4. (examples: x x x) (my lil tutorial: x)
moodboards: moodboards are nine pictures arranged 3 by 3 that have a certain color scheme. it’s kind of like a collage except the photo feature here separates the pictures for u. there are a lot of innovative moodboard makers that stun me w how pretty it looks or how they arrange the pics. moodboards are also an easy and fun option! (moodboard tags: x x x)
textposts: this is by far the easiest and more common form of content u will find. it’s just writing about dnp in a textpost! if a textpost isn’t very serious, people also call it a meme or shitpost. shitposting is defs on the rise here so its a good business to get into. it’s also a great outlet for ur emotions or personal connections to what dnp do! (example talk tags: x x x)
fics: by far the most famous media to come out of here, phanfiction is a popular form of phan indulgence. u have probably heard of the most scarring ones (list: x), but there is actually a really vast range of it, not just creepy smut! some other genres are fluff, angst, and slow burns. u will discover that, despite the sterotype, not all fanfiction is bad. you can find lovely fics on @phanfictioncatalogue by genre, au, or topic. and, if u need help writing something, many writers would love to help. (a few well-known fics: x x x x x)
4. tumblr etiquette!
i know tumblr might seem like a simple social media (or perhaps not after u’ve read all the above?) but there’s a lot of things that u just....u just don’t do. it’s sort of like virtual manners, and if u don’t follow them, then it’s unlikely that people will like ur blog. once again, this is by no means me forcing u to run ur blog a certain way. it just happens that the types of ppl who break these rules are who we mock in gcs :////////. so yea, here’s some advice.
credits: if u decide to use someone’s art, edit, gif, or icon on the theme of ur blog, check what they require of u before u use it. most content creators strongly ask for credit in the description of ur blog, either by link or like ‘icon/header/art by ____’. it is just a common courtesy to the person who spent time on that, and if u think credit will ruin the aesthetic of ur blog, a) u probably don’t have an aesthetic in the first place and b) learn to appreciate art, binch. 
anonymity: anon asks can be very powerful either negatively or positively depending on how u yield them, so make sure that u are careful with what u send. compliments are always welcome and criticism as well, but blatant rudeness or hate will do nothing. u will only make someone feel bad about themselves and it will not accomplish anything. also, u face the threat of all their friends turning u into a meme. 
sensitivity: a lot of people here are way too easily offended by harmless jokes, a common example in the phandom being when we insult dnp affectionately and people take it way too much to heart. please don’t start drama over something w no real meaning. however, there are times when it is indeed necessary. if u want to criticise a blogger, be respectful of them simultaneously. by all means, if u spot someone being racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, or the like, feel free to call them out on it. but beforehand, make sure that u have done ur research and are educated on the topic, or u could turn out to be blatantly wrong. 
adding to posts: everyone makes this mistake when they start out here and that’s totally okay, but adding to every post u reblog is incredibly bothersome. a rule of thumb would be don’t add anything unless what u say will actually improve the post significantly. if ur additions are along the lines of ‘LOL’ or ‘i relate!!!!’ or ‘philly is a smol bean XD’, learn to use the tags for heaven’s sake. they’re there for not only organization but also for commenting. some exceptions, though, would be if u are mentioned in the post or the op is your close friend. 
respecting privacy: this should already be obvious to u, but respect dan and phil’s boundaries. do not tag them or their main tags (#daniel howell, #danisnotonfire, #amazingphil), in any phanfics, phanart (like specifically with them as a romantic ship), or phan edits. do not talk to their family members, expose their personal info like address or phone number, and do consider that they are real people just like u. we may make things based around phan, but it is kept in a community for us and not for dan and phil’s eyes. this is very important.
5. have fun!
sorry if this is all overwhelming, but i tried to make it as simplified as possible. and also sorry for the sass, i’m kinda tired of all the ding dongs on here and want to prevent further ding dongs from being created. thanks so much for readin and be sure to send me an ask anytime if u have questions! welcome to hell!
timmy darn communism: me being my usual weird self and replacing ‘tumblr dot com’ with random words that start with the same letters
mutuals: someone who you follow and who follows you; usually who u interact with most
rb: shortening for ‘reblog’
discourse: when theres is intense discussion of a certain topic, sometimes phan-related sometimes not, sometimes serious and sometimes silly
branding: the word ‘branding’ kinda started as a joke, but it’s generally what we use to call what someone’s blog reminds them of, whether it be a certain color or a discussion topic; my branding, if u asked a mutual, would probably be impressionism, tea, and baguettes (dont ask ab that one)
html: a simple type of coding used for designing websites! u can learn basic html here or here, it’s way easier and funner than it looks
dnp: dan and phil; we also say ‘deppy’, ‘dip and pip’, ‘the boys’, ‘the rats’, and more
coloring: basically the stylization of a gif, shown through filters, textures, contrast, brightness, etc. 
talk tag: a tag in which all of the textposts that a person makes are sorted into
phanfiction terms
smut: porn fic :/ 
fluff: just what it sounds like, a type of fic that usually has a lot of soft stuff like cuddling, flirting, and looooove
angst: a fic with a lot of drama, usually sad or very emotional
slow burn: a fic where a pairing, in this case phan, slowly falls in love
au: stands for ‘alternate universe’, a fic in which dan and phil are written not as youtubers but in a completely different scenario (ie. bad boy and new guy in high school, university students, space exhibition, anything u can dream up really)
anon: short for ‘anonymous’
op: short for ‘original poster’, aka who made the post
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ancient-trees · 7 years
Reading Meme
(Sorry for taking forever on these, guys...!  I got tagged for a lot of memes at once, and this one is long. I apparently have a lot of things to say about books... who knew?) 
Tagged by @theticklishpear​. Thank you again!
(Tag-ees, btw, don’t feel obligated to read my long rambly answers if you just want to copy/paste the questions.)
1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest?
I have a picture book of St George and the Dragon whose illustrations are BEAUTIFUL (it’s this one). Technically hasn’t been on MY shelves longest - a while ago I found it in our shelves of books from when my brother and I were kids and repossessed it because I love the art so much.
2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?
Currently in the middle of Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire. Also in the pile are The Edge of the Sea by Rachel Carson (whom I love) and Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter by Thomas Cahill (which is ...okay, but more of a slightly-more-opinionated refresher on what I learned in college than anything new). I’m also most of the way through a reread of Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (one of my favorite books). 
Last thing I finished was Shadowheart, the last book in Tad Williams’s Shadowmarch series. (It’s not without its problems, but overall I really enjoyed that series. It’s got the ensemble-cast-and-unlikely-heroes thing going on.)
I’m not sure what’s next. Fiction might be American Gods by Neil Gaiman or Aftermath by Chuck Wendig... or I might need to keep going with the series and track down the second October Daye book. We’ll see when I get there.  Nonfiction - been meaning to start The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson or Writings from Ancient Egypt (translations from original sources, by the same). But I also have a book about pirates off the coast of Virginia my mom got on a recent trip to Jamestown... and a book about the Silk Road I happened upon in Barnes and Noble the other week, which MIGHT have edged its way to the top of the list... (this is why I’m all for brick-and-mortar bookstores. Search algorithms are great, but they don’t accomplish quite the same thing as wandering the shelves.)
3. Which book does everyone like and you hated?
Ehh, I’m not sure what “everyone” likes, but a lot of the series my high school friends loved I could never get into. I remember really liking the first Wheel of Time book, but got bored of the series pretty quickly after the first one. Same with Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth. I tried to like Dragonriders of Pern, but didn’t get far with that one either. And I hear the series gets better after the overenthusiastic-Tolkien-fanboying of the first book, but I really didn’t enjoy The Sword of Shannara.
Oh.. and I never read any Discworld JUST because in high school I knew a guy who EXTOLLED ITS VIRTUES TO THE HEAVENS. Constantly. Now that I’ve learned more about the series and the author I will definitely have to read some someday, though.
(I’m not a big fan of most “~Literature~” either, Pear.)
4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?
I don’t know. My TBR list is pretty ridiculous, and anything’s possible, so I hate to relegate anything to “probably won’t read” status. Finishing A Song of Ice and Fire might be close. I received the whole series as a birthday gift from a friend (long before the TV show existed), read the first two back-to-back at a time when I really wasn’t in a great place, and got burned out on the grimdark rocksfalleveryonedies of it all. I did enjoy the books, and I’ll probably dive back into it someday, but it’s not really high on my Fun Things to Read list right now.
I also come home with an armload of unexpected finds every time the local college has a charity used book fair... most of which end up sitting on my shelves for a long time, still unread...
5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?”
Nothing really, but I’ve got a big stack of novels from Japan that I’ve been saving for “once I’ve brushed up on my kanji” - since reading is excruciatingly slow when I have to look up every other word. I’m being optimistic and not putting them under the “probably won’t read” heading, though.
6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end?
noo, wait till the end! I will confess that sometimes I’ll flip ahead if I’m at a really slow point, or I know I don’t have time for another chapter but can’t quite bring myself to put the book down yet... but I’m trying to get better about it. I always regret it when I accidentally spoil the book for myself.
7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?
There should ABSOLUTELY be acknowledgements. The ones that involve stories or interesting background info are cool, but even the ones that are just lists of names 110% should be there - they’re for those people, not the reader, and after all the sweat and tears that go into putting a book together they deserve that place of honor.
8. Which book character would you switch places with?
When I was a kid this question would always trip me up - it would be so cool to be a character in the books I read and have awesome adventures... but at the same time, being in a book-world would mean giving up all the other book-worlds... unless you had access to an interdimensional library and spare time for reading while you weren’t busy saving the world...
If I’m being honest, though, I’d probably end up being Ged from A Wizard of Earthsea. I can relate pretty intensely to a lot of his journey.
9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)?
Quite a few books remind me of a certain school librarian who was always ready with a recommendation and frequently asked the student library aides what books the library should add to their shelves. She was really cool.
10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.
My copy of the first Harry Potter book was given to me (right after it was first published in the US) by a good friend whose last name happened to be Potter.. along with a message that said “Wow, Harry Potter has such a cool name! I wish I had a cool name like that! OH WAIT...!”
I also seem to inherit a lot of manga from friends who want to free up shelf space.
11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?
I give books as presents a lot, so nothing specific really stands out. For some reason I keep losing copies of The Silmarillion to people I lend it to who never return it...
Come to think of it, I gave a copy of Howl’s Moving Castle to one of my students in Japan before I left - since she’d been doing extra English language work just for fun, and she was a fan of the Ghibli movie.
12. Which book has been with you to the most places?
I don’t know, offhand. This might be more a Question #9 story, but I remember reading Shadowmarch during downtime between classes in the teachers’ room of my schools in Japan. The other teachers kept exclaiming over how HUGE the book was (~800 pages in mass-market paperback). In Japan novels are pocket-sized - words in Japanese take up less space to print than English, they use thinner paper, and they separate books into Part 1/Part 2 etc if they’re too long.
13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?
The Hobbit, actually. I’d read it probably in middle school/jr high or so and thought it was kind of silly and childish. Then when it was assigned representing the fantasy genre in high school lit class, I was annoyed enough that I didn’t bother rereading it - just skimmed it well enough to answer test questions. Once I’d read The Lord of the Rings and gotten into the Tolkien mythos I could appreciate The Hobbit a lot more.
14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?
In used books and library books I’ve found bookmarks, old receipts, the usual stuff... I think I found a pressed flower once or twice. A friend of mine used to hide money in her books (to be found as a surprise for herself later, after she’d forgotten about it), so once in a while I’d borrow one and find a random $10 bill or so in it. (I left them there, of course!)
15. Used or brand new?
Either one. New is good for supporting authors, but my town has a really good used book store that I’ll check for older series.
And Book Off (huge Japanese used book chain) is a thing of beauty. So much manga is published so quickly over there that people don’t tend to hang onto their tankobon copies once they’ve finished reading them (they don’t have the space to keep them all), so you can get a ton of books for really cheap. I spent way more shipping them home than I did buying the actual books.
16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses?
I haven’t read much Stephen King, apart from The Gunslinger (which I wasn’t really a fan of at the time) and his On Writing.  I admire his work ethic, at any rate.
17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book?
I think there have been a few, but I can’t think of them now. I grew up with the Neverending Story movie, so I was a little thrown off when the second half of the book continued in such a different direction, but I liked them both. The book doesn’t have quite the same place in my heart that the movie does, though. And I enjoyed the Shannara Chronicles TV show a lot more than the first book in the series (see #3 above), but I haven’t read the specific books the show was based on, so I can’t really say there. (Though “Elessedil” still makes me cringe every time I hear it...)
18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid?
oh god. The Scifi Channel Earthsea miniseries had me laughing-slash-crying within the first five minutes, it was such a garbage fire and breathtaking masterpiece of missing the point. I remember having a similar reaction to Disney’s version of The Black Cauldron, though that was a much longer time ago, and that was less bewildered rage and more a disappointed “what did you do to my Prydain?? And what is this talking schnauzer?”
19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?
Not that I can recall. For some reason reading about Tom Bombadil’s always makes me want bread and honey, though.
20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
Hah, I don’t know. The friend who gave me the Harry Potter book was a huge influence on what I read as a kid, but I lost touch with her a long time ago, so I don’t know what she’s reading these days.
Tagging: @possiblyelven, @taskitron, @whitherling, @arionwind, @december-soulstice, @byjillianmaria, @eggletine if you guys want to do it!
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all i know abt transformers is the shia movie and the fact that darren criss plays one in the cartoons i think? should i get into transformers is what i'm asking
Oh god this is my favorite question. I’m not sure how to answer it but its my fave. Pull up a chair. I hope you’ve got some time on your hands.
The short answer: yes. You should at least give it a try. Transformers is a 30+ year old muti-media franchise that gets rebooted almost every 3 years so it basically has something interesting to offer almost any fan. If you end up not liking it that’s cool but there’s a lot to try before you decide.
The long answer is: yes you should and here’s why and here’s a rough idea of all the options you have to sample. I’m about to go on a long rant anon so you can check it out now or later or whatever but I’m just warning you ahead of time.
The basic Transformers plot (which I’m sure you know but I’m gonna go more in depth in a minute) is that a race of giant robot aliens who can turn into vehicles and other things have been engaged in a civil war that has lasted millions of years. This is the basic plot that all tf franchises spawn from although some explore slightly different subject matters. If that doesn’t appeal to you I mean there /might/ be a few other things you might find worth sticking around for because there’s just so fucking much of it, but you’re welcome to turn back now because that’s the basic things tf has to offer: giant robot aliens, cars and planes, fighting, some drama. Those are what tf is best at, with some variation.
It has a very active and long lived fan base and each section of the fan base is interested in different stuff with some crossover. There are people who literally only care about collecting the toys, people who wont try any other series except g1, people who only like the comics, etc. Etc. You’ll probably find people who like what you do pretty readily. If you like the toys there are toy forums and blogs. If you like the cartoons there are forums and blogs made for that too. If you like the comics, same. There’s a pretty active following of the comics and cartoon series on Tumblr alone; I would try searching the #maccadam tag since most tf activity has been moved there since the bay movies came out. Id also use the tf wiki liberally because it has pm all the information you’ll need to know about the fandom and the canon lore. There’s also plenty of fan fiction on Ao3 and ff.net if you’re into that and pm anyplace that hosts fan art has tf fan art.
Now there are several series, including comics, cartoons, the Michael bay films, the cartoon movie, spin off books, and video games. I’m gonna go over my personal favorites because I like and know them best but there are more than these if you’re interested in digging deeper.
(More under the cut)
G1: there are a lot of forms of what fans refer to as Generation 1 or G1 but if you live in the US its likely they’re talking about the very first cartoon series.
Summary: the autobots and the decepticons stripped their planet of resources and went looking for a new planet to continue surviving on. They both crashlanded on earth where they lay dormant for millions of years until conveniently awakened somewhere during the 1980s, where they continue their war all over again
Why you should try it: listen its cheesy as hell and full of nonsense plotlines and animation errors but not only is it good fun but at least watching an episode or two might give you a decent grasp on what spawned this enormous franchise in the first place.
G1 movie: this movie was a game changer. Its technically right in the middle of the g1 cartoon but it works as a standalone film too. while it has many trappings of the cartoon its better animated and has a more consistent and dramatic story.
Summary: Optimus Prime and Megatron fight, OP dies (yes he fucking DIES for the very first time. thousands of 10 year olds bawl their eyes out), Megatron gets mortally wounded, and the Matrix of Leadership (aka an autobot holy item/macguffin [this is the proto-cube btw]) has to choose a new leader.
Why you should try it: decent animation, classics lines, tons of 80s rock music, and it establishes a lot of tf conventions that would be carried over to all series that come after it.
Beast Wars: haha the 90s couldn’t be left out of the transformers fun, now could it? This was one of the first all-cg cartoon series in history and while its not much to look at nowadays, it was a big step in the 90s.
Summary: the series doesn’t center on Optimus Prime and Megatron but their decendants. The war is long over but some factions are starting to clash once again. Several members of these factions do the whole “crash land on earth while fighting” thing except they wake up during times before humans and instead of taking vehicle modes, they take animal forms, thus the name.
Why you should give it a try: it establishes the idea of Sparks for the first time, it has historical significance in the cgi realm, and it has a decent storyline with interesting characters. If you can muscle through the 90s-computer-animation look it might be the show for you!
Transformers: Animated: I dont think its a secret that this is one of my favorite tf series of all times. It was the first cartoon series I ever watched of tf and it also features my favorite toy line.
Summary: Optimus Prime is much less a war hero and more of a ..janitor really. He flunked out of the academy and spends his time repairing space bridges. One time during repairs though, they stumble across the Cube and just their luck, Megatron and some nearby cons are looking for it. They portal away to earth where they, you guessed it, crashland, until they’re awoken sometime in the future and go on adventures in futuristic Detroit.
Why you should give it a try: I like tfa’s art style and story and characterisation best tbh; Optimus is younger and more unsure of himself but also more earnest, with more visible baggage. The rest of his team feel like a ragtag band of misfits (which I have a weakness for no lie lmfao) who are still trying to find their place in this conflict and the future ahead of them. Sari is also one of the more beloved human companions and the show’s take on classics characters feels fresh and interesting, and the interpretation of the autobots and decepticons themselves is surprisingly nuanced.
Transformers: Prime: remember that 90s animation? Kiss that shit good bye my friend. This cgi is some beautiful shit. More than a few fans wish tfp is the art direction the movies had taken, storyline aside.
Summary: the autobots are already on earth, staking it out and fighting a more subdued sort of conflict with the cons. One day they get some human kids involved and stumble across some conspiracy shit and it all spirals out of control from there.
Why you should give it a try: great animation and atmosphere, gorgeous character designs, a solid interpretation go the characters, and it offers a more serious take on the story over all.
Rescue Bots: I’ve noticed this show doesn’t make the list a lot which is a shame? It has a much younger audience than any of then other series but its still quality and one of my fave tf series.
Summary: the ship of four non-combatants who were left in stasis before the war detect a transmission telling autobots to go to earth, so it…goes to earth. There they wake up on some island and are told they’ve gotta start building a repatoire with the native species…but they can’t reveal that they’re sentient aliens yet.
Why you should give it a try: ok ok, most of the series are made for 7-12 year olds with the teen and adult fans sort of in mind, this show…is a show made for pre-K kids, no joke. Its a lot less…murder-y, and this is especially saying something because it came out at the same time TFP did and in fact is supposed to take place in the same universe!
BUT, but it has a consistently well-written story and characterization, it addresses stuff I never thought it would, and its a nice break from the ridiculously high stakes of the other series. Honestly Rescue Bots is great and I wish more people talked about it because its a series totally worth watching, certainly as much as any of the others.
More Than Meets the Eye comics: there are a lot of comic series but so far this is my favorite one lol
Summary: the war is over, Optimus is done with everyone’s shit and splits the matrix in half, giving one to rodimus and they other to bumblebee. And what does roddy do with his newfound matrix half? Decide he’s going on a quest of course! And who better to go with than literally every unqualified misfit the autobot and neutral factions have to offer?
Why you should give it a try: ridiculous shenanigans, horror, drama, intrigue, strong characterisation, and a killer aesthetic. Damn it may not always give me what I want but its got a lot of exactly what I’m always looking for.
There are some video games (Fall of Cybertron, War For Cybertron, Transformers: Devastation), other comic series (Robots in Disguise, G1/UK comics), and the Robots in Disguise cartoon, however I don’t have a decent enough grasp on them to describe them super well I just know they’re pretty good and have had people recommend them to me. You’re welcome to try those as well of course.
Also if you’re into toy collecting or want to get into it there’s a lot of materials you can read and such but my personal advice is pretty simple:
1) go to walmart, target, a store that sells collectibles, a convention, or a garage sale
2) buy a cheap toy that you like. Don’t spend over like $20
3) decide if that was a fun experience or not and if you like having this toy or not
If you liked it enough to keep buying, then congrats, toy collecting might be right for you! Do your research, Don’t blow too much money too quickly, take it easy, have fun.
But yeah sorry this is really long but I do hope you consider giving transformers a try since I know I love it a lot and it really has a lot to offer. I hope this wasn’t like…a crazy response. That a crazy person might give. And that I didn’t scare you away or anything XS
the key is to try some stuff and have fun and if its not your thing that’s cool too! Have a chill night anon
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Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
"Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?
What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?
How much car insurance coverage do i need?
I'm buying car insurace and i need to know how much coverage to get. I want to get the lowest amount of coverage, without being unsafe. i have a clean driving record; im 18 yrs old, female, and i drive a 95 carolla, good condition. what do you feel is the minimal safe coverage?""
Can my parents add me to their car insurance?
My parents have Allstate car insurance. I have my own car registered in my name. I live with them. Can they add me to their car insurance?
How can I get dental and medical insurance?
I turned 18 back in 2011 and now I'm not on my mom's dental or medical insurance. How do I get dental and medical coverage?
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
Average insurance rate for BMW 5 series and Lexus RX?
What are the average insurance rates for a BMW 530 or 5 series in general? I can understand that it may vary based on location and the driving history of the driver and maybe other factors too but still there has got to be an average? Also, how does the insurance rate compare to a Lexus RX series? Is it more or less than the 5 series?""
How much would it cost to insure a 1995-2000 Ford Mustang?
Something with around 80k-100k miles. Everything stock no mods or tuning. Not convertible. Im 18 so i know itll be a decent amount. Im going to have my dad co sign on the car to help lower the insurance. Itll be used for maybe 3 times a week and ill put maybe 5k a year on it. Im on gieco currently and they wont give me an accurate qoute and i know you wont really be able to but if you give me the same number itll be the set amount ill asume. Thanks
Car Insurance Question?
I came to north Carolina at the beginning of August from FL to stay with my aunt while I got my finances in order and she recovered from her back surgery. I plan to stay here until a bit after the new year. When I moved, I arranged to have my mail forwarded while i am here. Also around this time, I started searching for a new insurance provider because my rate had gone up with geico. I decided on progressive. When signing up for progressive, I signed up with my Florida drivers license number and my new nc mailing address. A couple of months later I received a letter from the state of Florida saying that they were notified my geico insurance policy was cancelled and to provide new proof of coverage. I went online and provided the information but apparently made an error when selecting the insurance company name. I accidentally selected protective insurance company instead of progressive. I was made aware of this error when I received a license suspension letter yesterday. Since then I have notified the state of Florida Of the error. I then received notice that my insurance was still not acceptable because Florida requires that if I have a florida registration, i must have a Florida policy. I called my insurance who confirmed that although they provide Florida coverage, I was under a nc policy even though I provided them with a Florida drivers license number since my mailing address was currently nc. I have had no lapse in coverage, but my insurance company cannot switch it back to florida until I am living there again at the beginning of the new year and can provide a valid address of where I will be living. I do not know where I will be living when I get back yet because I will have to find a new place to move into. Does anyone have any advice as to what to do in this situation? When I first moved to FL and transferred my tags, it cost me almost 500 dollars, so if i transfer them to NC for the time being, i will then have to pay 500 dollars again once I go back to FL""
Car insurance cost for a Infiniti g35 coupe?
I'm 18 and think of getting one, anyone know how much it might be? Oh and btw I live in Hawaii.""
""If you have car insurance, is it still valid during the period of a license suspension?""
I'm soon going to have my license suspended for 30 days. My car insurance is paid through next year. Will it still be valid during my suspension period? (i.e. liability if my girlfriend drives it even though she's licensed / insured as well or for comprehensive damage, etc.). No, I will not be driving my car or any other during my suspension period. I just wanted to know if there are generally any 'clauses' in policies that eliminate the ins. co. liability if the insured has a suspended license and something happens to the vehicle. Separate question: Does adding a car to your policy trigger a license check by the insurance company? Thanks for your help!""
What could happen to me if i didnt tell insurance company?
that i was done for drink drive 3 yrs ago... wana apply for my licence back have checked insurance and said i have a drink drive conviction will cost 1,790....when i dont say then it costs me 400 quid... what do i do and what can happen and how wld they find out and who can find out..... thanx all in advance x""
What is the AVERAGE cost of surgery to fix a varicocele without insurance in the midwest?
I have a varicocele in my left testicle. I have no medical insurance. How much does this operation cost to fix it? I know it will vary, but i want to know the AVERAGE cost. This is in a midwest state.. Also, if I dont make a lot of money, could I get some type of government medical assistance to pay for some of it? Im 28, and aside from the varicocele im in good health.""
Definition of Fully Comprehensive car insurance (UK)?
Does this mean i am insure to drive other peoples cars (with permission from them) ?? And also, my insurance on my last policy expried in July 2011, and i never renewed it, Does this mean i lose my 2 years no claims, or can i say that i still have 2 years no claims ? Is it still valid if i had no insurance for a month ?""
Diminished Value - Dealing with Car Insurance?
I was in an accident where someone side swiped me ($5.5k worth of damage). Their insurance company paid and I just got my car back (2007 Lexus IS 250 - 29k miles). I had just purchased the car 4 weeks prior to the accident from CarMax for $27k. Out of curiosity I went back to see what CarMax would give me and they offered $18k. The car is now only 7 weeks old in my name and 3 weeks of it was in the repair shop! Does anyone have experience with dealing with car insurance companies and diminished value? I live in NC and know that it is one of the states that has diminished value. I want to recoup as much of the difference as possible and since the car is so new (to me), I am willing to get rid of it to show the loss so I don't deal with this years from now. Any advice is appreciated.""
""Car insurance sent me SR-1 form, What to do on SR-1?""
I got into a solo or at-fault accident cause i skidded off the road due to the road being wet after the heavy downpour. Nothing major and my first ever accident so i decided to report it to the insurance for a claim but decided to disregard the claim since nothing needed to be repaired except an alignment because i work on cars so nothing seemed broken. Now that it's been disregarded, mercury insurance sent me an sr-1 form stating i must fill it out or my license will be suspended within 10 days. If i fill it out and since there was no damages over $750, will there be an inspection to my vehicle?""
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?
Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?
I am buying my first car and am looking for cheap car insurance. I found a site that is $500 less then Geico.?
Geico was the lowest quote at $1400 but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at $900 (which is very cheap for a 16 year old). Can anyone tell me if they are a reliable insurance company? Or has anyone dealt with them and has feedback? Thanks :)
Insurance on car group 3?
I'm 17 and only just started driving, i'm looking into buying cars and I can't afford a high insurance price i'd say my top price would be 1800 pounds, i'm looking for buying a car with insurance group 3. Is this to high? will the insurance be through the roof? i'm not very experienced with this so all help would be welcome.""
""How can I tell the difference between regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
How can I tell the difference between a regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
Penalty points and insurance?
if i take out insurance with no points on my license then a couple of months later get 3 points for a ts50 do i have to contact my insurance company to tell them or not?
I am looking for a good team name for an insurance agency.?
we are selling insurance products, estate planning and other financial products.""
Is there a safe and accurate way to search online for auto insurance quotes...?
Don't want to enter social security number or actual home address for that matter. Using age, driving record, general home address (city and state) and of course the required car info...Is there a site that would give you an accurate range of what it would cost to insure a vehicle in NY state? Personal experience is best , but all knowledgeable info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
""How much would first time rider insurance cost, for an old 90 cc motorbike?""
I'm 16 and when I turn 17 I plan on trying to get my provisional and pass a CBT test. My mum has an old Honda c90 90cc motorbike which she doesn't use anymore and I could have. It only goes 40mph and struggles to maintain that. I was wondering how much insurance would be though, as it is one of the major turn offs. I'd only be using it to get to my nearest town and close areas to get my experience up to help in my full test and it also lowers insurance costs apparently. But how much would it be?""
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
""Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Car insurance cost in CA?
I just moved to Los Angeles county from Massachusetts. I have a 2002 Mercedes c230 that I brought with me. I used to pay $850/yr. for full coverage on it in MA. I have been looking around and getting quotes online for $900+ for 6 months here! I am a 25 yr old single, and I also have a perfect driving record. Is all insurance rediculously priced here?, or am i just looking in the wrong place? ( I've looked at GEICO, progressive, other nationwide online companys) thanks for any help.""
Health insurance?
im 21 years old i dont know anything about health insurance what affordable insurance would you recommend?? i want to get braces
What is the cheapest way for me to pay for car insurance?
I'm 17 years old, and I recently passed my G2 exam...soo happy :) but now I dont have insurance to drive. So I asked my dad and he said I could get it, but I would have to pay myself. I totally understand that but I don't understand how the car insurance policy works. I took driver's ED with my school and I know that my insurance price is lowered because of that and I'm girl so my insurance would be less expensive than guys but I would like to know what the cheapest way for me to pay for insurance is.""
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Question about motorcycle insurance?
Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best...""
How much trouble would I get into if I drove my car without any plates or insurance?
My other cars engine blew out and I was just going to put that cars plate onto my other one (which doesn't have any plates or insurance) I live in MI..Im pretty sure its not a felony, the other one was registered to me until i transfered the plates and insurance onto the car thats engine blew.""
Health insurance for 25 year old Greencard holder with mental health problems?
I'm a 25 year old male living in Florida, and I'm a Greencard holder with no health insurance. I'm looking for affordable health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder and Asperger syndrome. I take two medications for my mental health problems, one of which costs about $54 per month and the other costs about $33 per month. How much would the cheapest health insurance cost for me that covers most or all of the cost for my medications? Thanks for any help!""
What is your opinion on having to obtain car insurance?
I am doing a essay on car insurance. I would be much appreciated if everyone could give me their input on it and how they feel about having to have it. thank you so much for your help!
Which is a reputable life insurance company to get whole life insurance without a physical exam.?
Can you name a few companies where I can take out a life insurance policy against myself, my husband without take a lenthly physical exam.""
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
Car insurance for a volkswagen beetle??
Ok so i want to get a volkswagen beetle, but it will be my first car. I know that if i get tone that's old enough i don't have to pay road tax. but how much would it cost for a 17yr old's insurance? thanks""
Switching Car Insurance?
Next year when I get married my fiance and I are going to start a new car insurance policy. However - I currently have co-signed the car I own with my mom. She is the primary owner, but my name is on everything too and I make all the payments myself. How will that work with the car insurance? Does it matter that I am not the primary owner? Does it need to be insured under her name?""
What exactly is an insurance quote? ?
if i wanted to buy a car and get some insurance how would i go about doing it?
What are some cheap to insure (0-1500and cheap to buy (between 0-1000) that don't look like crap ?
i want a car for my 17th birth day to gop to college and work in but all the cars ive looked at are stupid prices to insure, any ideas ?""
Other driver was not covered under insurance?
I was in a car accident where the other driver (to be referred as The Idiot) was at fault. The police were called and The Idiot was given a warning citation. The insurance company called me today to inform me that the claim was being denied because The Idiot was not an authorized driver under the policy. It appears that The Idiot borrowed the car from his father. Now I am stuck with thousands of dollars in repairs that it appears will be billed back to me. What are my options?
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I've looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does anyone know any insurance company/comparison websites that are good? Preferably recommend ones you have used yourself. Thanks""
What kind of insurance?
What kind of (liability) insurance would i get for a restaurant i'm thinking about opening? I don't know how to find out so if someone could suggest some to me :) Thanks!
What insurance do I need to fly as a Private Pilot?
And if you know on average how much it costs, that would be appreciated.""
How to insure a used car off of the lot with no previous insurance?
I have never had insurance in my name before (my parents had me under their insurance within the past 6 months, but I am now not insured, nor driving a vehicle). I am interested in buying a car from a buy here, pay here lot and I don't quite understand how it works as far as insuring the vehicle off of the lot goes. I was told that the dealer would give me a few options of insurance (usually crappy) and I would use that insurance for the drive home, and subsequently get my own insurance. This is so ridiculous to me, to pay for insurance twice?! I just want to know the legal & affordable & practical way of insuring this vehicle. Is it not possible to be at the dealership, buy the car, get insurance over the phone while still on the lot, and then drive it home? Because I realize that the dealer will not let you drive it off of the lot if you don't have insurance. Also, how will they know I have the insurance? Since I currently do not have any, I won't have an insurance card or anything material to provide as proof... will they accept an over-the-phone affirmation by the insurance company as proof?""
Car insurance prices for 19 year old workers?
i am after getting a car because i have just passed but i am getting a sports car or a convertable and the insurance for them are so expensive! its unbelievable i got a quote for a x reg audi tt and it was 6000. how much would it be for a 8000 mini one?
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Need an idea of how much insurance is gonna be?
I'm 16 and am looking at purchasing a 2000 Honda Civic Si Coupe. If I buy this car, will it be considered as a sports car to the insurance? I live in central California btw. If I were to wait until I hit 18 to drive, would the insurance go down substantially? Around how much am I looking at per month?""
Car insurance help please?
I'm living in Ireland and I'm hopefully getting a car next year. I'll be 17 or 18 when I get it and I'm just wondering about how much car insurance would be for me? I'd be just getting a car like a Honda civic or something like that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
How/where can i get liability insurance as a massage therapist?
i am..well, was licensed (let my license expire because i'm moving out of state) in south carolina. i am moving to alabama and it seems like everything they require to be licensed is pretty much the same except i have to show proof of liability insurance before i can apply for the license. do i just call the same people i have my car insurance with? or can i go thru the NCBTMB or AMTA (whichever one the state of Alabama approves of?). please help.i didn't have to deal with liability insurance with the state of SC so this is new territory to me.""
Car insurance smh idk what to do?
Ok I previously asked this same question but I just wanted to be a little more clear about things because there was obviously some confusion. The car I purchased was a 2001 Nissan Maxima and I got it for $1700 with a few minor things wrong with it. When I called an insurance agency they told me that I'll basically be buying the car 4 times in the next 6 months. About $7500 for 6 months. I'm 22, living in Brooklyn NY and those rates seem outrageous. I seen forums where ppl said they were paying 2-300 a month that's why I thought buying the car was a good idea and I wasn't aware that I could get a quote without purchasing insurance because the internet never quotes me. What can I do about that insanely high insurance rate? Will any private companies provide insurance for me? Should I just sell the car I just bought it today? Can I even sell it? all I did was sign his title so idek how I can sell it. Can he get another title? I'll give him $200 for the trouble and he can sell to sum1else""
How much MORE can you expect to pay on insurance for this car?
I know every person will have there own prices, but if i purchase a g35 coupe rather than a sedan, will the insurance skyrocket? I'm 20 yrs old, like 2 tickets, you think i should just go with the sedan?""
How much money does car insurance go down when you turn 17?
I'm 16 years old and turning 17 in a few months. I am currently paying about $435 for insurance in a 6 month period. Will that rate decrease when I turn 17, not having any tickets or accidents?""
""Car accident, how much for pain & suffering??""
My sister & I were in a car accident & it was all the other person's fault. She sprained her shoulder, I got whippedlash & SEVERAL muscle strains in back/shoulders/neck. We both hurt, but w/work & the work I do for my nursing class it hurts my back even worse & I'm not giving up on what I do. How much can I actually get for pain & suffering from the insurance company?? Or do I need to contact a lawyer & sue the guy or would the process take too long for me to get anything out of it??""
Motorcycle insurance in italy?
i will be moving to rome next month and i need to know how i should go about getting my vespa insured. im getting my bike trucked to me and i want to ride the bike. does anyone know about insurance etc. there. i only hold a UK provisional licence. have completed my CBT but not sure if this will be valid to ride in Italy or not. please help!!! :) thanks
How to obtain depreciation from insurance company?
I had a roof claim at the end of the year for $45K. Ultimately the roof failed and damaged the interior of the home as well. The insurance company sent an initial check for $38K, and there is $7K in depreciation as a hold back. Once the work was completed I sent the insurance company a final invoice from the contractor for $44K. The invoice listed all of the work done and a grand total. The adjust is asking for line item detail around the charges. My contractor is telling me this is a ridiculous request and won't provide. So now I am sitting here with an adjuster who won't budge on their stance and a contractor who won't help. Are there any hard and fast rules on how to obtain the depreciation funds. In the couple of claims prior to this over the years, all I had to turn in was a generic invoice. I am at a loss and need to get those funds to close this deal out. I have full replacement value.""
It should be illegal for the amount car insurance comanies charge for young drivers!!?
Having my driving test next month and looking at buying a car soon, either a clio or corsa. I have just got some quotes for a clio and a corsa and all i can say is that its ...show more""
Where can I find an affordable party hall in brooklyn for less than $2500?
I want to plan a surprise 21st birthday party. So far, I haven't been able to find anything for less than $2500 for less than 100 people. Can anybody please help!!!!!""
Car Insurance pricing question?
I'm trying to understand how the insurance for each of our cars gets chosen. We have a 2007 gmc yukon XL (biggest of the 3), a 97 mercury grand marquis LS, and a 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Of these 3, the grand marquis is the most expensive, then sierra, and the cheapest insurance belongs to the yukon. Just trying to figure out how this works...""
""If i pay CASH for a street bike [motorcycle], do i still have to get insurance?""
certainly i wont have to get full coverage since it will be paid for, but am i required to get liability, as i would with a car? if you show me a link to a website that backs up your answer, i will select you for the best answer.""
Car insurance questions!!?
I'm 18 and when I search for car insurance the quotes are crazy like 6000 to 9000, if I lease a car can I get something like basic or part coverage I'm new to this, I have a friend who has to pay like 100 a month and he has part coverage.""
Cheepest land rover defender insurance for young drivers?
Any ideas, companies past experience would be much appreciated""
What to look when I am trying to get medical and dental insurance?
In the last couple of months Ive been trying to get medical and dental insurance. I dont have much problem with my health but my wife gets medicine and needs some dental work. In my country everything works different when talking about insurance, Ive been into a couple of websites, doing some researches but I still have some doubts about what exactly to look and get. I want an affordable and good insurance so I can help my wife with her medicines and stuff, when she gets pregnant and in the future just in case of emergency.""
Does anyone know what age i can start classes to be an insurance broker?
Well yea im looking into that ....well my mother is to be more specific but yea it would be halpful if anyone could give me some sites or info on how to be an insurance broker. Thanks!
How much would insurance cost me on a 2008 Mustang GT?
I'm 17, I've never had a ticket. If I were to get it under my mom's name with me as a driver, how much do you think it'd be?""
""In NYC can I make payments on my financed car, but not be driving it or paying insurance for a few months?""
I'm financing my car, but by Nov I wont be needing to drive anywhere. Can I stop my insurance, park the car in the driveway but still make payments on it?""
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in Nebraska?
I just bought motorcycle and need to get plates. Do I need to have insurance before i can register my bike?
How do I offer Shipping Insurance on eBay?
I am selling a NASCAR Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. I don't know where the option is to add Shipping Insurance. Please tell me how to add it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!""
Help on medical insurance?
My girlfriend just lost her medical health insurance benefit from her job, and she is having difficulty finding an insurance provider because she is pregnant. Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will accept her? Thank you for your help.""
What car insurance company would you recommend?
my car is salvage so i basically have no choice but to obtain liability only...what insurance company would you suggest has better rates?
People who need affordable health or dental benefits?
I work as a health benefits specialist and we offer extremely affordable rates on health and dental plans. Anyone have any good ideas on where I can leave flyers or business cards of ...show more
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
I have a question about a my car insurance PLEASE HELP ME?
Okay I was in a car accident on May 7th. I was going north towards main street. there was a vehicle in front of me. The vehicle in front of me merge to left as if he was waiting for someone to come outside. He didn't have no signal light or hazards lights on. So I merge to the right pass him so the guy must didn't see me so he hit my right front end bumper, headlight, and door. So I didn't have my insurance in the car so I got a ticket and the other guy had a ticket because he didn't have insurance. On the police report it said he had a left sgnal light to turn in is driveway. Just to remind you that the vehicle doesn't belong to the driver and he had a NY license. My insurance liability told that he couldn't contact the other guy to see if he had insurance and send him letters. So he told he's going to put it's not at fault but I have to pay for a $500 deductible. But WHY?????? if he didn't look at the cars but he's going to basis on paper work. Is that wrong? or should I look into some more??????? HELP ME""
How to calculate the insurance expense?
a company had an opening balance in its prepaid insurance expense account of $57 and a closing balance in the same account of $876. During the year it paid $4086 for insurance excluding GST. What is its insurance expense for the year? Thanks
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
Car Insurance Renewal Why Did It Make That Much Of A Difference?
My partner had his renewal quote through and we've been shopping around and haven't even come close to getting it cheaper elsewhere so he decided to ring them thinking by taking me off the policy it would make it cheaper still since I've only had my license just over a year and would think still be considered a high risk but it in fact increased the price by about 60 my partner got a speeding fine last year which gained him 3 points too so we knew that would have an impact on the price this time but the only explanation I can think of was that me being female and at 31 i'm not what is classed as a young driver either and a named driver on his policy helps to keep the cost down but aren't the insurance companies doing away with that criteria as it was discriminating? Can anyone shed some light on this as its all a bit confusing and am just curious to why I actually help to keep his insurance cheaper
What is the cost of car insurance with out drivers ed.?
I am an 18 year old girl, looking to get a small used car something like a older civic. What would the average monthly payment be. I live in NH and I have good grades, never been in ...show more""
Does Pass Plus reduce the insurance rate if the young driver with it is the second driver?
I'm 17 and want to get a second hand car but the insurance is too high. I plan to get the car, put it in my dad's name and then drive it myself. Will that reduce insurance premiums?""
Where can I find health insurance in alabama?
Where can I find health insurance in alabama?
How do I prevent myself from getting taken advantage of by the car insurance companies?
What steps do I need to take in order to always be well ahead of the tricks that car insurance companies would want to pull on me?
Need health insurance for my child
I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
How much would car insurance cost for a Chevrolet Corvette C6 ZR1?
-I'M using the information for a spreadsheet and to get an idea of how much it costs to insure a modern day Corvette because I'M planning to get a Corvette Some Day . -An estimate is also fine thankz
A good reasonable priced inclusive car insurance?
Hello there are that many companies selling car insurance .Which one,s stand out for good value for money.""
Where to buy individual health insurance?
I am looking to buy an individual health plan. I have just quited my job and have opened a small automobile repair shop. What are the options?
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
I figure that if I finance a new motorcycle, I will have to get collision. So I go and get a quote from Progressive on an Aprilia SL 750. Just liability = ~70$ a month. Liability Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 a month. $650 a month = the cost of the bike in one year. 18 year old male with one prior minor moving violation""
How to reduce payments for young car driver insurance ?
how to minimize it ?
Insurance quotes.... are they correct?
Hi, I have used a couple of insurance websites such as compare the market and confused for a cars insurance. I do not understand why but when i select full comprehensive the insurance is less than third party. Why is this? I thought comp was better than 3rd party.... is this not true? Why is full comp less than 3rd party? Thanks""
Car insurance claim but no MOT?
my partner had a crash today and it was totally the other persons fault as my parter was indicating to turn right and some idiot tried to overtake him on the right , hitting his side. the police said not probs its totally the other persons fault and we claim off his insurance not ours but when the police checked the car they discoved the mot ran out a month ago, my partner explained we though we had updated it and they were fine about , prob believed us as we had tax and insurance, they dont worry just tell your insurance about the crash. i know car insurance is not vaild but surely its okay if its only the other person paying out? car in the garage and does not seem to be any probs so far......do you think we will be ok, it really was a genuine over sight""
How much would insurances cost on a 88 corvette?
im am going to be 16 and going to get a red corvette i was wondering how much would insurance cost for it and i live in CA in LA i well be under my moms insurance pollicy so what would u think it would cost i drive the car a lot and all the car is for looks it not for racing and pick a up all the girls and go to party lol
How much jail time for no insurance in georgia?
My friend had an unpaid ticket that turned into a warrant. If he were to turn hisself in how long would he serve.
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC insurance that you need in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and a $1000 deductible..... So at the end of my 6 months...it was time for a renewal...they tried to bump me up to $140 a month for no reason...still no accidents/tickets...nothing had changed...i had expected my rate to DECREASE....they tell me it's a STATEWIDE INCREASE ......so i called around... Ended up switching to Allstate who has been charging me $90 a month (better than $140 right?).....6 months go by, everything's cool.....now my policy renewal is coming up and they're trying to tell me i need to pay $160 a month for their basic insurance. Are you kidding me? And according to them it's another STATEWIDE INSURANCE INCREASE ...... They also told me that it could be due to not having CONSECUTIVE insurance for the last few years, as in...I switched from State Farm to Unitrin to Allstate......they told me call the state insurance commissioner...which I did.... Got connected to some guy in Gainesville who tells me that the INSURANCE companies are the ones who decide the rates and increases...not them. Pretty much BS....Allstate's blaming the state, state's blaming them...feels like a huge runaround to me. Guess my questions are.... Should I stick with Allstate and pay $160 a month for this absolute BASIC insurance (keep in mind..no collision, $1000 deductible)...my car's not even worth a YEAR of their insurance. .... Or shop around? But if I switch back to Unitrin or get Geico or whatever....will I risk having ANOTHER increase after 6 months? And is it true that one of the reasons for these statewide increases is not having consecutive insurance with the same company for so many years? Thanks all.""
Why is homeowners insurance so high?
Been paying on my house for over 20 years.Never missed a payment.Always pay my taxes on time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 children on my own.Always worked.Didnt collect food stamps or state insurance.Payed back anything I borrowed.Could not afford higher education.Was paying to raise my children.Husband left when kids were young.Owes me over 70000 in child support.Never covered one cent of their medical bills.Their all in late 20s and early 30s now.I guess all that doesn't really matter except for the fact that because I was too proud to suck off the taxpayers I worked.I made my bed and I slept in it. .But now im being penalized again.Insurance rates based on many things like your education.So,because I am stupidier than the average driver I will probably get in more accidents.How but this?Im over 50.No accidents No tickets.Always drive older vechicles so its not possible to speed even if I wanted to.I always thought my car insurance would go down after 50.In a few years they'll be jacking it higher because im too old.When does it stop?Okay.So back to the house insurance.If they refuse me house insurance Ill lose my house.All the money in interest and principal ive payed over the years will be in vane.The banks and mortgage companies will keep all the money ive worked for and take the house too.Homeless .Wont beable to work wont beable to pay taxes.will probably freeze to death and die..All because the sharks that call themselves insurance executives need to take another vacation.I wonder if they have mothers.If you have someone living in your house who has gotten a ticket or so on,your rates go upAnother way they our breaking up the American family.Is it true our politicans have sold us out to other countries.China for one.They are buying up our food sources.They probaly don't want us to beable to grow our own foods or have our own livestock.The crops are genetically engineered so our seeds probably are too.They probably own the insurance companies tooHow do people go to florida for the winter and leave their houses vacant without paying higher rates.I was told insurance companies don't cover vacant homes.Thanks for listening.Bless you""
""I recently received a red light camera ticket, will the insurance know about it?""
I'm trying to apply for a new auto insurance which i think i would have a better rate than the one i currently have. The problem is I recently received a red light camera ticket with no points, but there is a question on the application form that said have you receive any moving violation including no points violation? Would they really know about it? should i say yes or no. i'm afraid if i say yes they will deny me coverage. please advice. I just ordered my drivers license history to see if its there. thanks!""
Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'?
I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?
Can I get car insurance myself if the car is owned by my dad?
My dad bought me a car so it is legally his. Can I get car insurance or does he have to do it?
Car insurance?
Ok so i just passed my driving test so now im gonna get a car soon, what car insurance is the best for someone whos my age (21)?""
Anybody self employed got medical insurance successfully in usa?
Hi I am self employed. Have anybody got single employee insurance successfully? if yes I will like to know who is your insurance carrier. I have precondition so I am declined individual coverage or premium is $1000/month. Thank you
Whats the best affordable insurance?
I have a good driving record no tickets no suspension. I would like to know who has the best affordable liability car insurance from a range of monthly payments between $50-90?
Short term car insurance in the Netherlands?
Hello, I bought a Dutch registered car here in UK and it seems the only place I can insure it to drive it to my house is the Netherlands. No insurer in UK wants to issue an insurance on no UK registered car. Can anybody recommend a insurance company in the Netherlands or their web site where I can 1-2 days insurance and do this in English, It would be much simpler to wright a few key words in Google in Dutch but I can't. Thanks Thanks""
Car Insurance for a new driver????
My wife was looking at getting her drivers licence and was wondering how much it would cost roughly for say a 1998 dodge caravan to be insured under a new driver. She is 28 and will be taking a driving school to learn how to drive. Does anyone know if it would be more or less then $400 a month. Thanks
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:
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