#bunnyx returns
judyhopps934-mt-zd · 11 months
If everyone in the class (including Lila/Cerise/whatever the fuck her name is) knows that Alix is Bunnyx, does that mean that Alix/Bunnyx won’t be able to return to the present?????
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concept: future bunnyx showing up to an akuma with an obviously mechanical arm, an eyepatch, and a variety of scars she refuses to elaborate on. upon returning to her own time she sighs heavily and removes her cosplay, then makes a note to reassure past alyx no, you don't lose an arm, an eye, and you don't get scarred all to hell. you just get rich enough to afford REALLY good costumes and makeup when conventions come to town
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dotblogg · 4 months
Miraculous Season 6 Theories Masterpost
This post exists to post any possibilities or theories for Season 6. Future theories will be added later on.
· There is a slight time jump between the beginning of the new school/end of summer during the S5 season finale, and S6 season premiere/beginning. This would explain why the characters are getting redesigns.
· Marinette never told either Alya or Chat Noir that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. This would explain why Ladybug told the public he died as a hero. She would likely like to keep peddling that truth further.
· Ladybug will confront Bunnyx about how much she knows about the Wish, or about how much the Wish affected the timeline.
· Chloe joins Iris again when she returns to Paris.
· Kagami is a Sentimonster.
· Kagami and Adrien were literally made for each other. They were created to be together.
· The Sentimonsters take after their maternal figures.
· Iris returns to the New School, because she might've been searching for a way to get to the Chinese Zodiac miraculouses. Instead of just moving on to a new school.
· Iris is in the foster scare system, and the three women she had were her adoptive mothers who didn't know about each other.
· Iris collected all of Gabriel's information out of revenge for abandoning, and underestimating her.
· Iris wants the role of Ladybug. She wants to be a pseudo guardian, that gives out and uses miraculouses for evil. This would explain why the miraculous team is so big now, because they need more allies.
· Iris/Cerise uses the "Gabriel is Hawkmoth" info to blackmail the Agreste/Graham de Vanily family.
· Iris/Cerise is a more chaotic villain than Hawkmoth was. She will use her powers in and out of costume to manipulate others to help her.
· Iris is underestimated by both Gabriel, and Marinette. Iris in both Chameleon, and Confrontation details that a war is going to happen.
· One of the new miraculous holders will betray Ladybug, and the team, to join or help Iris.
· Felix, or Nathalie tells Adrien everything.
· Adrien finds out about his dad before the public does.
· The fire that burnt Gabriel's personal items in Revelations will be addressed.
· Tomoe used to be an actress that rivaled Emilie. Gabriel tried to sabotage her career. Tomoe mentions in Perfection that Gabriel tried to make her dreams disappear.
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kasienda · 5 months
Bend the World Around It - Ch 1: Tell Me It Was Real
Written for @marimbles for the Little Bugs' Secret Santa. Inspired by @blur0se's Jubilation post.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Read on Ao3
Chapter 1: Tell Me It Was Real
“Tell me it was real.”
She can’t look at him. She can barely stand the pain in his voice. She definitely can’t face it. 
“It wasn’t.”
He shakes his head, and turns to her - his eyes swirling in their intensity. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. Tell me that you were there. We were there together, having the same dream.” 
She squeezes her eyes shut. She wants to lie to him. She needs to lie to him. 
But she can’t. 
Lying would be like it never happened. But it did happen. And if it’s all they get to have, she wants him to know it. 
“I think we were having the same dream,” she whispers, unable to meet his eyes. 
“We got married? Had four kids?” 
She nods. 
He sucks in a breath. “That means… you want it too.” 
“I…” but she still can’t lie to him. “We can’t,” she says instead. 
“Why not?!” he asks, but his voice cracks. He’s crying. 
She’s crying too.
“Because… because when we did the world ended.”
“When you and I got together, we lost and the world ended.”
No. He can’t – he can’t believe that. 
“How do you know that?” 
“I saw it. Bunnyx pulled me to another time, you knew my name, and the world was… gone, and I had to fix it. You told me our love destroyed the world, and she told me we couldn’t know each other’s identities.” 
He stares at her. “So then, that’s it? We love each other and it doesn’t matter?” 
He doesn’t know why this hurts more than not having his feelings returned. 
“L-Love is a weakness,” she says. She won’t even look at him. 
“Love is a strength,” he bites back.
“Chaton,” she says gently. “You almost cataclysmed a person. A victim .” 
His right hand – his cataclysm hand – tightens into a fist. He knows that, as a hero with the power of destruction, he needs to put everyone else first, and he definitely never wants to hurt anyone. But he’s tired of always having to sacrifice everything he wants. He’s been doing that his whole life.
Except it’s Ladybug who is crying. Not him. Tears silently slip down her cheek, unacknowledged and it kills him. He never wants to make her cry even if his own heart is breaking.
He’s being selfish. She’s hurting too. She has to give up their love, their marriage, their shared life just as much as he does. And on top of that, she has to be the strong one to make sure nothing happens between them now in the real world. 
He slumps down, ashamed. He won’t make her do this alone.
“I’m sorry,” he says. 
“Honestly? I get it. I wanted to cataclysm him, too.” 
“Or at least the alarm clock,” he says, smiling. 
“Oh my god! I’m gonna hate alarm clocks even more now!” 
He laughs. “Me too, M’lady.” 
Sunday mornings had always been his favorite, where they lingered in bed together for hours.
But those Sundays never happened. 
He needs to get over it. 
“You shouldn’t love me,” he tells her.
She laughs. It’s a watery laugh. “Oh trust me, I have tried not loving you. I’ve tried to give up on love entirely. I’m really bad at it.” 
He slips his hand into hers. She doesn’t pull away. Her fingers curl around his as they have countless times before and as they never have before.
“I love you, too,” he says. 
She squeezes his hand. 
Maybe the dream wasn’t real, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. 
Not for them. 
Going back to his room feels like taking a dozen steps backwards. 
He thought he was free of this place, free of schedules and expectations. Free of his father. 
What does it say about his relationship with his father that the man didn’t feature in his dream at any point?
He knows Ladybug introduced him to her parents, though he can’t picture them now. Her parents had come to their wedding, but he hadn’t even wanted to invite his father. 
His room has always felt like a prison, but today, it feels a hundred times more lonely. It’s too quiet, and too big. 
And missing his family. 
His face falls into his hands and he shakes silently. Plagg curls up onto his shoulder and purrs. 
Adrien’s glad he’s there. He doesn’t want to be alone.
But it’s not enough. No where close to enough. 
Adrien cries harder. 
Marinette goes home. It doesn’t feel like home anymore, but she doesn’t know where else to go. She offers her parents a bright smile that fades the instant she turns the corner up the stairs. She can’t tell them what happened. 
She doesn’t call Alya either. Alya would listen, she knows. Alya would cry with her, too. But her dream feels too special to share. At least this soon.
She lays down to sleep, but she can’t get comfortable. The pillow is all wrong and the comforter isn’t warm. She tosses and she turns, until she throws the blankets off in frustration.
She knows what the problem is. It’s that he’s not there. She falls asleep to the sound of his breathing, to the warmth of his body laying beside her now.
Her body has forgotten how to fall asleep without him there.
Which is ridiculous . She slept in this bed yesterday . 
Except yesterday feels like three years ago. 
She lets out a heavy sigh. 
Tikki’s head pops up from her usual place on Marinette’s pillow. 
“Are you okay, Marinette?” 
Marinette shrugs. “Not really, but I don’t understand. It wasn’t real.” 
Tikki shakes her head. “Marinette, Daizzi shows you your true heart’s desire. That’s not something that’s easy to just let go or forget.” 
“I miss him,” she admits, clutching her Chat doll to her chest. 
“Then tell him.” 
She blinks back the burn behind her eyes. “But we can’t!” 
“You can, Marinette. Nothing can stop you from loving each other.” 
“But the whole world ended!” 
“Sounds to me that resulted more from you knowing each other’s names than from loving each other. Chat Noir is right. Love is a strength.” 
“But how can we have a life together if we don’t know each other’s name?!” 
“I don’t know, Marinette. How did you have a life together… for three years, you said?” 
Marinette nods. Three years! They had three years together that no one else could remember. 
“How did you have a life together without knowing each other’s names?” 
“It was a dream, Tikki. The world bent around it.” 
“So bend the world around it.”
She thought she could wait until the next day to see him. But she only lasts two hours. She has no idea where he is, how he’s feeling, if he’s okay. She can’t call him either because he’s probably not transformed. How did she ever stand not being able to contact him at any time? She doesn’t remember! 
She transforms and goes for a run. She ends up in their spot, overlooking the entire city. Little blinking lights below fill the horizon as far as she can see. It’s a beautiful sight. She wants to appreciate it, but she doesn’t.
If she didn’t have to protect an entire city, an entire world, would she and Chat Noir be able to be together? 
She’s barely surprised when he lands next to her in a crouch not six minutes later. He takes a seat beside here - he sits so close - far closer than he would have dared only a day before.
She reaches for his hand immediately. Their fingers interlace together easily, naturally. It’s just what they do now. What they did for three years.
“What’s wrong, m’lady?” 
She stares at their interlaced hands.
“I couldn’t sleep,” she admits. 
“I’m just… not used to sleeping alone anymore.” 
His fingers tighten around hers.
“I couldn’t stand being back inside my room at all,” he says.
“What are we going to do?” she asks.
“I don’t know,” he says. “But we’ll figure it out together.” 
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Something bad ™ happens to Marinette.
Adrien is distraught.  She didn’t answer his calls. She missed school.
His heart wasn’t prepared for the missing posters that popped up at the bakery before the police would let Tom and Sabine file a missing person’s report.
Chat Noir threw himself into patrols, hoping to distract himself...and perhaps find a clue as to where Marinette disappeared.
He was not prepared when Ladybug herself didn’t show for patrols.  
After days of unanswered calls, he couldn’t help but piece together what his heart had desperately hoped for so long.
A despondent Plagg (who himself was barely touching his Camembert) finally relented and told Adrien he was right in the hopes he would finally sleep for one night.
From that moment, Chat Noir transformed and only stopped his frantic search for clues to eat.
An anxious Alya (with Nino in tow) tries to calm Chat Noir down once she had word he’d been spotted for days on end.
Of course, neither Alya nor Nino were prepared for the endless grief to bring on Chat Blanc.
This Chat Blanc doesn’t destroy the whole world (this time around)... but his grief leads him to isolate.
And to cause trouble.
Until it draws out Bunnyx.
Bunnyx isn’t willing to work with him, but doesn’t count on Chat Blanc hitching a ride back into the burrow.
Chat Blanc bides his time, until Alix de-transforms to go incognito.
He knows the only way to fix it...to bring Marinette back is to unravel until Marinette was still there.
Queue Rabbit Blanc
Hopping through history...with a multiverse Bunnyx on his heels to fix her momentary misstep.
In the end, Marinette is saved, and Ladybug returns, sending her Lucky Charm flying to correct the damage.
Little did they know, the chase left Bunnyx’s watch broken and she was locked in time as of her next time hop backwards, racing away from Chat Noir’s chaotic destruction...but also from Ladybug’s fix.
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redtippedfox · 4 months
I need the timey wimey AU explain to me like I’m 3 years old because it looks SO cool but I’m SO lost
Hello! I would be glad to explain my AU to you!
Timey Wimey…Uh Oh is an alternative universe that takes place 12 years into the future after Monarchs reign begins. Ladybug and Chat Noir are adults now and are miserable and heartbroken. Paris has turned their back on Ladybug, hating her while praising Chat Noir. Marinette is trying so hard to live her tangled mess of a life when she is suddenly thrusted into the final battle. In a turn of events the Miraculous team has been corrupted by Monarch and Chat Noir has fallen to his despair becoming corrupted Chat Blanc. But instead of obeying Monarchs order to kill Ladybug the corrupted holders turn on him and Argos. With Chat Blanc leading the kill all hope is lost as Marinette learns her partners real identity and almost succumbs to hopelessness and heartbreak. Chat Blanc and his order of corrupted holders think they’ve won until future Bunnyx intervenes and grabs Marinette pulling her into the Burrow.
The battle continues in the Burrow and in an act of desperation Bunnyx pushes Marinette into a random burrow hole and resets the Burrow causing Marinette to be lost in time. Chat Blanc’s rage shakes the timeline as he cataclysms the Burrow in rage, causing the timeline to crack.
Marinette finds herself trapped in the past with the butterfly and peacock miraculouses as her only aid. Forced to stay hidden as Stoneheart and past Akuma events happen, Marinette tries to find a way back but without the Rabbit Miraculous she is trapped and forced to watch the past go on with her in the shadows.
All is peaceful as a year passes and a new one begins, it is the night of the Prime Queen interview and all is going as planned until its not. The corrupted holders of the future invade the interview and take over. Revealing Ladybugs identity on LIVE television things go bad as the night goes on.
Future Marinette must stop the corrupted holders before the timeline breaks and collapses but the holders are determined to capture her and bring her to Chat Blanc who has been waiting for her to return so he may finally have his Lady and keep his family together forever.
Here’s a link to Chapter one if that also helps!
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a-chlolix-blog · 8 months
Multiplication Deleted Scene
Chloé: Ladybug and Chat Chat are completely useless! I never wanna be on a team with them or their many loser Teammates.
Alim: My daughter Alix is now the superheroine known as Bunnyx.
Chloé: ...
Chloé: You know what heroine NEEDS to make a come back? Queen Bee!
Sabrina: Didn't you just say-
Literally one of the only three times she brought up Queen Bee is AFTER Alix was revealed to be Bunnyx!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
ML au: Lady of Second Chances (Season 3 opener)
(Season 1) (Season 2 + Divergence)
-The New Season begins with Hawkmoth unmasked and captured. Ladybug's plan worked and Viperion was able to capture the weakened Hawkmoth the moment he detransformed.
-Nooroo was safe. But the six teens now had to question what to do.
-Ladybug looks to Viperion to make sure that he is really Hawkmoth.
-"I have the butterfly here". He hands her the miraculous and nooroo pops out. Chat noir was silent as he looked at Gabriel, who was konked out.
-"So he really was Gabriel agreste." Ladybug spoke. Her mind flashing to all of her assumptions, all of the moments he was suspicious. That jerk played and manipulated them. Thats how Felix was able to hand over all the miraculous. All the thoughts clicked.
-She used her yo-yo to tie him up.
-She hands Viperion a macaroon. "Go feed you kwami and come back. I want to make sure we are playing this cautious."
-Viperion nods and heads off.
-Carapace is the first of the heroes to speak.
-"What am I gonna tell Adrien, I know his pops was a jerk but... I didnt think he was evil." Carapace let out.
-Chat noir's eyes went wide at the statement.
-"Assuming he wasnt the one helping him" Rena Rouge commented.
-Carapace, Queen bee and Ladybug shut that down.
-"Adrien would never do that!" Simultaneously said by the three.
-Chat noir punched the sewer wall hard.
-That got the attention of the group.
-"Why would he do this? He has a son, and he just decides to try and be a villain? For some stupid wish?! He is rich? He can have everything! The only thing he doesnt have is..."
-Chat noir realized why Gabriel was hawkmoth. His mother.
-Gabriel woke up. Tied up he tried struggling.
-"Dont bother, we caught you Hawkmoth." Ladybug stated.
-"You have no idea what youve done!" Gabriel stouted with hatred in his eyes. "You ruined everything. If you had just let me have your miraculous I..."
-"You wanted the wish to bring back your wife." Chat noir stated.
-The room was shocked by the sudden comment.
-Gabriel could feel a chill go down his spine. The stare of chat noir piercing him.
-Viperion returned as the tension grew.
-Gabriel thinking that nathalie will notice something was wrong. She might be foolish enough to try and send another sentimonster. He hated to admit it, but that might be his only escape. He needed time though. he needed to stall.
-"Yes. thats the only thing I ever wanted. I tried for years to get the miraculous... undo my wifes illness, but the miraculous were nigh impossible to find. So with the one I did find. I decided to take a more... drastic approach."
-The rest of the group started to feel sympathy... except for one. Ladybug. Ladybug was furious. She remembered the time with Bunnyx. She remembered how obsessed he was at getting the miraculous. He could have used it to time travel and save his wife but didnt.
-"Youre lying." Ladybug spat in hushed tones.
-Chat noir and the crew looked at her.
-"I know thats a lie. You get a chance to go back in time. You could have saved your wife, but you didnt! Youre lying! I know your lying! You want power!"
-Gabriel was shocked by that? Time travel? Why would time travel even matter? How dare she accuse him of such a thing. He loved Emilie! And he nearly gave up to protect Adrien, the last piece of her he had.
-"What ever are you blathering about, time travel doesnt matter? The miraculous of the peacock is still broken. That wouldnt stop my wife from using it. we were desperate."
-"Why would she use a broken miraculous? Why were you desperate."
-"She wanted a son!"
-Ladybug stopped cold. The others were confused. They didnt really know what Gabriel meant by that statement. But she did.
-Gabriel noticed.
-"You know what the peacock can do. You know what it means."
-Ladybug dropped to her knees. She knew what it meant. Oh she knew better than anyone else what that meant.
-"My lady, what does it mean?" Chat noir asked.
-"You cant mean it, youre lying. That cant be true." Ladybug focused on Gabriel.
-"I havent lied since ive been down here. I dont know why you know so much, or about time travel. Maybe thats how you figured out how to stop me. But know this Ladybug. I will do anything for my family.
-A sudden burst from above. A woman clad in blue with blue skin and a Peacock motif appeared. On top was a Massive dog like creature. Easily the size of Feast, but leaner, sharper and more beast like.
-Gabriel was a mix of relief and despair over seeing Nathalie.
-"Get them." Mayura ordered.
-"So thats the peacock." Carapace commented
-Ladybug was still in shock over the revelation she had. Gabriel managed to get untangled.
-The dog knocked Viperion into the water. Rena Rouge and Carapace jumped to try and fight Mayura. Chat noir trying to snap Ladybug out of it.
-Gabriel rushing to get away.
-Mayura was still fresh and was bullying the teens.
-Ladybug did snap out of it, seeing chat noir worried about her. She realize now is not the time for a crisis. She thanks chat noir and makes a plan. She tells Viperion to go after gabriel. He gets out of the water and does so. She tells Queen bee to stun the dog. Rena Rouge and Carapace give her an opening to do so.
-"Go help Viperion capture Hawkmoth. Ill handle Mayura."
-Chat noir sees the look in her Eye. and nods. He cant let his father get away (not that she knows that)
-Mayura looks at her.
-"You really think you can handle me alone?"
-"You would be amazed at what I can do."
-Viperion and Chat noir split up to try and find Gabriel. and as luck would have it. Chat noir found him.
-Gabriel found himself at a dead end (a deep drop he isnt surviving without super powers)
-"Dead end."
-Chat noir points his staff at him.
-"So all of this was to save your wife." Chat noir stares him down
-"Yes. I need her, my son needs her."
-"Your son? Do you really know what he needs? have you even spent time with him after she past? All you did was keep him locked away."
-"You know nothing about my son."
-"No, YOU know nothing about your son."
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seas-of-silver · 10 months
The young rabbit hero quickly motioned to the surprised teenager to get into her portal before desperately shouting out, "Luka—Viperion, I need your help!"
The young rabbit hero quickly motioned to the surprised teenager to get into her portal before desperately shouting out, 'Luka—Viperion, I need your help!'
Luka tsked. 'Civilian and hero identity? Bunnyx, you're slipping.'
Bunnyx growled. Luka put his hands up as he chuckled in mock surrender.
'Be glad you found me when I was home alone, Alix,' he said as he entered the Burrow.
'Who's breaking rules now, snake boy?' Alix grouched, snapping the portal shut and stomping across the Burrow, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him along with a ferocity that made him immediately switch into focus.
Luka knew how playful Alix was; cheeky by nature, a jovial competitor, and while she was a realist, she would be able to find levity in heavier moments. Normally, if he pulled her up on a slip, she'd roll her eyes, cock her hip and sass right back at him with an anecdote of when he himself had stuffed up, just to make it an even playing field. Normally, there'd be a little more banter. This, however, wasn't normal, and it put him on edge. As he observed her, she was pale, sweating, tired, jittery... scared.
'What happened?' he asked.
'No spoilers,' she shot back curtly as she pulled him in front of another portal.
'Hey.' He pulled his wrist out of her grasp. 'If you're going to send me out of my time into something that obviously has you rattled, I'm going to need to know what I'm walking into - which includes what led up to whatever this is.'
Bunnyx sniffled, and that's when he saw it. It wasn't just sweat trailing down her face. Luka wrapped her up in a hug.
'What are you doing, man?' came her muffled voice from against his chest. 'You-'
'I can spare a moment to make sure you're okay,' he told her. She returned the hug, and he felt his shirt dampen with tears. He wasn't sure how long they stood there, but eventually she pulled away.
'Th-the villain, the new holder of the Butterfly,' she began as she wiped her eyes and attempted to refocus herself, 'she's... so much worse that we could have ever imagined. Hawk Moth, Shadowmoth, Monarch - he had at least some boundaries, some morals, some rules about what he did, some lines he wouldn't cross... but her? She's just... there's nothing she wouldn't do, and it's horrifying.'
Bunnyx shivered, her pale facade tinging green.
'Should... should I ask why you couldn't get the Luka of that time?' he asked cautiously. Bunnyx just shrunk in on herself, and his heart sunk at the mortifying, unthinkable reasons she wouldn't, or perhaps couldn't-
'Spoilers,' she whispered with a glimmer of a smile, and he relaxed. So perhaps it wasn't as bad as he wasn't imagining, right?
'We're down a few members of our usual team, and the ones who are fighting are being pushed to their limits,' Bunnyx continued. 'This akuma is complicated, relentless and devastating. When we get on site, I'll inform the team that you're here, and after that, observe, report back to the team, and for goodness sakes - don't let the akuma see you. It'll be game over if you do.'
'What, like Medusa or something?' Luka joked, but at Bunnyx's nod, he grew solemn.
'And that's just one of the akuma's abilities.'
Luka heaved a heavy sigh. 'Anything else I need to know?'
'Don't touch the goo.'
Luka raised an eyebrow.
'Seriously, don't touch the goo,' Bunnyx warned him.
Luka nodded slowly as he called on his transformation. 'Goo is a no-go. Got it.' He looked back at her. 'See you soon, yeah?'
'Yeah,' she agreed softly. 'Be careful.'
He smiled before stepping through the portal. He was halfway through when he felt a hand pull him backwards.
'Wrong portal, dummy!' Bunnyx scolded, shaking her head as she lined him up with the portal to the left of the one he just walked through. 'What would you even do without me?'
'I'd probably be really bored,' he countered as she shoved him unceremoniously through the portal and onto a secluded rooftop.
'I got the young Viperion for you, team' Bunnyx announced into her comms. 'Don't lose him - he can't stay up past his bedtime.'
'Copy that,' he heard the chorus of voices through his earpiece as he put it in.
'See you later, Vipey,' Bunnyx said to him as she slapped his shoulder in farewell.
'Later, Energiser,' he replied, chuckling as she flipped him off before hopping back into the Burrow, the bright portal swirling shut behind her.
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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lilasbutterflygarden · 9 months
Ladybug vs Chrysalis
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Ladybug, and Chrysalis are fighting. They are evenly match. 
Chrysalis: “Give me your miraculous so I can make my wish!”
Ladybug: “Never!”
Chrysalis: “How can you be so selfish?”
Ladybug: “Do you really think that I’d let you make your wish?”
Chrysalis: “I’m dying!”
Ladybug: “What? But how?”
Chrysalis: “When Gabriel made his wish he did something to the butterfly miraculous. That’s right. I know that Gabriel was Hawk Moth, Marinette. I was there when you were fighting him. Just waiting for the right moment to seize the butterfly miraculous.”
Chrysalis starts laughing.
Chrysalis: “And to think you had the nerve to call out all my lying! You are such a hypocrite Ladybug!”
Ladybug: “Lila?”
Chrysalis: “That’s one of the many names that I’ve gone by my little Ladybug. I’ve also gone by Cerise, Iris Verdi, and my birth name Lilith.”
Chrysalis pushes up against Ladybug and puts her tongue into Ladybug’s mouth.
Ladybug pulls out of Chrysalis’s kiss.
Chrysalis: “I love you Marinette. Did you like my cinnamon flavored lip gloss? I’ve ruined countless people’s lives with my lies, but not you. You seem to be the exception. You always seem to see through my lies. I have to kill you cause I love you Ladybug!”
Chrysalis coughs up some blood.
Ladybug: “Lila you need help. If you turn yourself in I’ll personally see to it that you get medical attention.”
Chrysalis: “Promise!?!”
A time portal opens behind Chrysalis. A young Bunnyx comes out of the portal, and tries to sneak up behind Chrysalis.
Chrysalis: “No one likes a third wheel Bunnyx. And I won’t let you ruin my date with Ladybug.”
Chrysalis smacks Bunnyx away with her butterfly cane.
Chrysalis: “I look forward to our next date Marinette.”
Ladybug: “No! Lila wait! Lucky charm!!!!!!”
A needle syringe appears. Ladybug throws it at Chrysalis.
Chrysalis: “Oww!”
Chrysalis starts to break down crying.
Chrysalis: “What did you do to me?!? I’m feeling all of these emotions.”
Ladybug: “I think that I just injected you with empathy.”
Chrysalis: “Well I don’t want it!”
Ladybug runs towards Chrysalis who jumps onto the roof of a nearby building out of Ladybug’s reach.
Chrysalis: “I really do love you Marinette!”
Tears start running down the eye mask on Chrysalis’s face.
She jumps down the building out of Ladybugs sight.
Chrysalis returns to her lair.
Chrysalis: “Dark wings fall.”
Cerise falls to the floor of her lair. She grabs Nooroo into a tight hug.
Lila/Cerise: “You’re the only friend that I have left. The only one who hasn’t abandoned me.”
Cerise curls up into a ball, and cries herself to sleep.
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subhero77 · 3 months
The Tales of Bunnyx and Apex Hunter
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Commission made by: TheFalseVyper
This is my current and so far most ambitious (pun intended) project. It has 5 chapters posted with the next one currently in the works. I've been pouring my heart and soul into this and it's been my guiding light for the past year or so.
As dawn rises on the first day of Lycée, a new threat looms over Paris, forever changing the lives of Alix Kubdel and Lance Armand.
The first, unwavering in her drive to help others, will aid the struggling heroes until her day comes to take up the mantel and join the fray, but all in due time.
The second will be given a great burden in return for even greater power. A daunting ordeal shall be placed upon him to prove his might and rise above all, for the world needs not a hero but a hunter.
Both will fight for a better future as their bond grows deeper in the present.
“Hey!” A voice from behind called out to him. ”Gotta free spot here if you still need one.” His focus turned to find the speaker, a red-haired girl with gleaming blue eyes, two rows below him. Her slim figure was leaning by its side against the desk while her head lazily rested on her closed hand. Her gaze was relaxed yet expectant, clearly awaiting an answer. “OH! Yeah, thanks. I’ll take you up on that,” He said as he hastily climbed down to his new seat and began grabbing his books from his backpack, his mind still processing everything that had happened in the last minute. “Besides, something told me if I'd let you take any longer, the class would have been over already,” Quipped his new deskmate, snickering as she flipped through her book. He sighed in agreement. “The last thing I need right now is to start Lycée falling behind on classes, so…thanks again for the seat; my name is Lance, by the way, in case you somehow didn't hear Jules shouting it,” he replied, slightly self-conscious at his friend's reaction. “Call me Alix, and also...” She stopped on a page with a wry smile. “Don't sweat it with introductions. I'm pretty sure at least half the school knows your name now.”
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uptoolateart · 3 months
Where We Find Ourselves Again - Ch 32
Felix came flying down the stairs to greet them in the great reception hall, wearing a brilliant blue suit over a black and white chequered shirt and a gleaming silver tie. ‘Oh my god, you really are alive – you’re alive.’
His arms were around Adrien before he could register what was happening, holding him so tight it was hard to breathe. Yet he didn’t fight it, instead sinking into the embrace, relishing that feeling of being loved.
When Felix pulled away, he moved to Marinette, hugging her just as tight. She pressed him in return, the way she’d hugged the twins before they’d left with Bunnyx. Like she was comforting a small child.
Then Felix drew back, rubbing at his eyes. ‘S-sorry, just…ever since you rang, I’ve….’
Been imagining all the what if scenarios. Been thinking what if Ladybug had died, too. What if all of you had died and there was no bringing you back.
It was all written on his face, carved in every line of his skin, hanging in every tear that streaked his cheeks.
He dragged his hands over his face, then shook out his shoulders. ‘Sorry. Sorry. I…. You said you needed to see me – you needed to s-speak with me. What was it…?’ Every word came out choked, like it was a struggle to talk.
Marinette threw Adrien a look before turning back to Felix. ‘It’s H-Hugo.’
Read at Ao3
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Here's a fun AU idea I had.
There's a theory that Marc is Adrien and Marinette's daughter from the future. I never liked that idea but it got me thinking.
What about an AU where Nathaniel and Marc are time-traveling teens from the future. They assist Bunnyx (Future Alyx) in keeping history in order, and are sent to present day Paris to watch over the future leaders of the Miraclous Team.
I'd love to hear little headcanons and ideas about our time-traveling boyfriends.
Anyone ever see Best Friends Whenever? Well, we got Boyfriends Whenever. Instead of holding hands, they kiss
It takes them a while to figure that out when they accidentally jump ten years into the future
Marc: We just need to think back to before!
Nathaniel: Still here.
Marc: Back to before!
Nathaniel: Not working.
Marc: Back to before!
Nathaniel: Let’s make out.
When solving two separate time anomalies at the hospital they were born in, Fluff did some stuff, and now they can travel forwards and backwards through time
When she hears about this, Bunnyx meets up with them at their school and introduces herself with an offer
All they need to do is assist her in her time travel mission by keeping an eye on the future memebers of the Miraculous Team fifteen years ago
Nathaniel: So, are we gonna meet young you?
Bunnyx: Yes.
Nathaniel: … Do you remember meeting us?
Bunnyx: I won’t until you travel back.
Marc: But, what happens to us? Will there be older version of us here since we’re back in the past?
Bunnyx: No, because you’ll return to your proper timeline depending at the end of the day so you can catch up on all schoolwork and such.
Nathaniel: What if someone wants to come over our houses?
Bunnyx: We will work that all out!
Bunnyx makes sure to tell them all about present day slang, what to wear, and which celebrity is in or not
When they get to the past, they are not all that impressed
Nathaniel: They still have guns? How primitive.
Marc: It’s so warm here. And that woman is actually driving. With her hands on the wheel!
Nathaniel: Rainbow… The car has wheels.
Marc: Ugh. I forgot how backwards people are here.
Thanks to some help from Bunnyx, they are now exchange students at DuPont, but they’re in separate classes
During study hall, they stop time and go over what’s happened so far. Turns out, almost all of Nathaniel’s classmates are all members of the Miraculous Team
Oh, and his teacher is a criminal in the future
Along with traveling through and stopping time, they can create time loops
They only do those when they want to relive a good day and see what they can change about it, also to mess with some bullies over and over
And since they’re watching over a bunch of irresponsible kids who are the future of Paris, they go back in time A LOT
Marc: Pothole on your right. Stay off your phone, Alya.
Nathaniel: Max, if you pour that chemical, you will go blind. If you pour that one, you’ll lose your taste.
Marc: Nino, put on your fucking headphones before you go deaf, I will not tell you again.
Nathaniel: I will not hesitate calling the cops if you continue to stalk Adrien. Neither will that girl over there who has a clear view of you trying to climb over the manor walls. Also, give him his damn phone back. Oh, wait. *Holds up Adrien’s phone*
They’re beginning to question if the students cut out for hero work
They make sure to keep close eyes on Chloé, Lila, and Marinette. Especially Marinette because a superhero is stalking someone?
When they’re not facepalming every time they’re around the Akuma Class, they’re visiting their parents back when they were young adults
And since they’re from the future, they know all of the trends before any self-acclaimed fashionista
Just for the hell of it, they travel forward to look at answers for tests and quizzes and knock them out of the way. They’ve already got schoolwork in their own timelines, they don’t need the pile-ons
When they stop time, Nathaniel likes to mess with Gabriel
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
All they had to do to get around the whole issue was have a time traveling villain nab the Butterfly from Gabriel in the present and send a butterfly through a space-time rift to Akumatize Noel in the future, and that's how we get Time Tagger and all the Bunnyx stuff.
Adding onto this, Future!Bunnyx could be set up as a wild card via having her return the Butterfly to Hawk Moth right when the heroes reclaim it from the time-travelling villain.
And we STILL have Gabriel's freak-out from the canon episode, because whoever this time-travelling villain was, KNEW who would have the Butterfly in that era, making him MUCH more desperate to both protect his own identity AND get his hands on the Ladybug and Black Cat.
It also leaves it ambiguous as to how long it'll take Ladybug and Chat to get the Butterfly back, while also hinting at a MAJOR shake-up to the status quo!
Oh see THAT would make things fucking insane actually I love it
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theerurishipper · 7 months
"How to 'incorporate' BugNoire into Marinette's character arc?", version improved
Theorical "BugNoire" (Season 4, maybe instead "Ephemeral") episode could begins with Ladybug and Chat Noir defeating Mayura and taking Peacock Miraculous from her. Afterwards we have "compilation" of Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting against Akumatized Villains alongside Temporary Holders (similar to one from "Optigami")
Then, we have Chat Noir finding out that "Temporary Holders" are actually Miraculous-empowered Sentimonsters (Ladybug was just ducking into nearest dark alley as soon as she left Chat Noir's sight, then using Peacock Miraculous to created a Sentimonster to give Miraculous to, then returning to Chat Noir)
Ladybug "explains" that Temporary Holders are neccessary against Hawkmoth, but she "can't endanger their friends", so she "found out different way". Then, Chat Noir is Venom-ed from behind by SentiQueen Bee, and Ladybug takes his Miraculous and transforms into BugNoire
BugNoire and SentiHolders easily defeat Hawkmoth, then she takes over Paris and uses powers of Miraculous to transform it into utopia-that-is-actually-dystopia.
"BugNoire Part 2" begins with Main-Verse!Ladybug and Main-Verse!Chat Noir's patrol being "interrupted", whn they see two Bunnyx (Real!Bunnyx and BugNoire's SentiBunnyx) fighting each other.
Basically saying, Marinette learns to delegate tasks to others, but in a way that not only didn't reduce or remove her "Atlas Syndrome", but practically causes it to skyrocket
Marinette's villain arc, I love it! It would be so interesting to see her just go outright anti-hero. And it's like her Chat Blanc without the akumatization. And this would def be a better way to implement Bug Noire as a concept lmao.
Thank you for your ask!
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marigold-rayz · 17 days
random thought here, has anyone considered a Miraculous Ladybug and Spiderverse crossover ?
please just hear me out i'm begging it would be kinda silly. like imagine one of the spiderverse people gets trapped in the MLB universe while being flung through space and time? now they have to help fight hawkmoth then return to whatever universe they came from, maybe with the help of Bunnyx (the holder of the rabbit miraculous, AKA the miraculous of time) and now they're all aware that there's even more alternate timelines, even where a spider-man or miraculous holder doesn't exist
giggling this was very bare bones i'm just yapping el oh el !!! but yeah pls like i need to know if anyone else has ever considered this a possibility/opportunity for cool fanart
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