#bush capital
sonyaheaneyauthor · 17 days
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Foggy autumn morning in Canberra, Australia. May 2022.
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andisupreme · 4 months
I moved recently to start a new job and part of my commute now involves one of those high capacity toll booths where a two lane road suddenly flares out into 5-7 lanes of total anarchy with no lines anywhere, and then narrows back down to two lanes again, and we're just supposed to sort ourselves out? Who designed this
anyway I dreamed up this helpful anatomical guide on the drive home
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decolonize-the-left · 6 months
The language (you can read it in full here on congress dot gov)
Resolved, That the House of Representatives— (1) reaffirms the State of Israel’s right to exist; (2) recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism; (3) rejects calls for Israel’s destruction and the elimination of the only Jewish State; and (4) condemns the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel.
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House Bill 888.
Posted December 3rd, 2023
All 435 house seats are up for grabs this election.
34 seats in the Senate are up for grabs.
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nando161mando · 11 days
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George bush should be in The Hague
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canberramaidan · 26 days
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Shepherd's Lookout, the northernmost point of the Murrumbidgee River. Australian Capital Territory. X
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starman-jpg · 10 months
Better to Die Numb, Then Feel it All
WC: 1.9K | TW: alcoholism
I have no idea where this idea came from, but 5 hours later, here's this piece.
I actually do not know much about alcoholism. Diane is based off of my own therapist and how she has helped me through difficult times.
This also not beta read, its 1 am, I need sleep. Hope you like this
Title from "Growing Sideways" by Noah Kahan
No one seemed to realize how Steve had changed.
His hair is grown out and hasn’t been styled for months. The bags under his eyes keep getting bigger after every sleepless night. He’s lost a couple pounds and sticks to wearing baggy sweaters and sweatpants. And he drinks. A lot. Even at his peak of high school popularity, he never drank as much as he does now.
Everyone tries to bring it up, but he shrugs them off and redirects the conversation. And every time, the person takes the bait and plays with it. He’s out of the spotlight until it gets brought up again, but he can do the same thing. Over and over again. Works every time.
He knows what he’s doing is unhealthy. But he can’t stop. It’s impossible. 
It all hit rock bottom when he screamed at Eddie. His Eddie. His perfect, beautiful boyfriend, Eddie, merely suggested Steve get help. Steve yelled, trying to convince Eddie (and maybe himself) that he was fine. That he doesn’t need Eddie’s help and he should just leave if he doesn’t want to "see Steve drink himself to death".
So Eddie left and didn’t come back. The days turn into weeks with no response from Eddie.
After a month, he finally reached out for help.
He ended up running to the Hopper-Byers house, sobbing. When the door opened for Joyce, he fell into her arms and begged her to help him. Hopper talked to Owens and got the help Steve needed.
"And now, I’m here." Steve shrugs, picking at his sweater, slowly lifting his head to see his therapist, Diane.
Diane was a sweet lady. She was in her late 40s with shoulder-length, sandy brown hair and a pair of square, black-rimmed glasses.
She smiles sweetly and says, "I’m glad you are here, Steve."
Steve shifts uncomfortably, bringing his knees to his chest. Well, I wish I could say the same." He mutters before realizing she heard that. "Sorry, I-I shou-"
"No, no. Don’t say sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for."
"Were you not listening to what I said for the past 15 minutes?"
She softly laughs, saying, Yes, Steve, I heard you. Those things were not great. But considering what you went through in the Upside Down, I can see why that happened."
Steve looks at Diane in shock and says, "Y-you know? About the, uh…"
"Upside Down?" He nods, and she smiles, saying, "Yes, I know. I was one of the many scientists working under Dr. Owens. My focus was more on the psychological effects of the Upside Down. I also happen to be a certified therapist. So, when Dr. Owens asked for my help with an Upside Down survivor, I gladly took it."
"An ‘Upside Down survivor’? Is that what we’re called?"
"Unfortunately, yes. We don’t exactly have the correct term to refer to you all as."
Steve slowly nods, putting his feet back on the ground. "We just call ourselves the ‘Party’ as a whole. But then, if we’re split up, each group has their own name." Steve smiles slightly and says, "Like in 1985, my little group was called ‘Scoops Troop’. Because me and my best friend Robin worked at Scoops Ahoy before—well, y’know."
"I do know." She quickly writes in a notebook before turning back to Steve and asking,  "So, the Party? Tell me about them."
And that’s how these appointments worked. Every Tuesday, he pulls up to Diane’s office and talks to her. About the upside-down and all the head trauma. His fears and his hopes He even talked about his childhood and how his parents were always gone.
Although not all of the appointments were that easy,
He made a deal with Diane. If he could go a week without drinking, she’d tell him one thing about her. (It was weird how he was pouring out his heart and soul, but he didn’t know a thing about her.)
"I saw him yesterday when I went to pick up Max for a sleepover." He sniffled. "Max was talking with him, and he looked so happy. And I thought about how I could never make him happy." He sighs, wiping his eyes. "I tried to wave. He turned his back and walked back inside. I dropped Max off, and then I remember being in a bar. Ordering a drink, which turned into two and..."
He can’t stop the tears this time. "I’m sorry. I-I failed. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry." He hides his face behind his hands as he sobs.
He hates that he failed. He’s so used to being the screwup, and this one time, he knew he could make it. He only had one more day. He could’ve made it. Even with all the close calls early in the week, he managed to push them down.
He wanted to prove that he could do it.
He needed to prove that he could do it.
"It’s okay, Steve. It’s okay." Diane softly soothes.
"I failed though. I drank." 
"That’s okay-"
"It’s NOT okay! How could you say that?" He yells.
"I did not expect you to win this challenge."
"So, you’ve already given up on me? Fucking great! My own goddamn therapist doesn’t even believe in me." He stands up, pacing the room and biting his tongue. He didn’t want to say anything he’d regret.
"I did not expect it because it’s not that easy. You expected to give up drinking and suddenly be cured? That’s not the problem."
Steve stops, slowly turning around to look at his therapist. "Isn’t that the problem? The drinking? Isn’t that why I’m here?"
"The drinking is how you deal with the problem. And you’re here because you want to be better, right?" He slowly nods, sitting back down on the couch. "Then let's figure out the problem."
Steve kept up his appointments. Never missed one.
Everyone could see how he was becoming Steve again. He made amends with the kids and with Robin. He never realized how he pushed her away along with everyone else.
When he showed up on her doorstep, paper in hand, to make amends, he was bombarded with a hug and the gentle sobs of his best friend. His other half His Platonic soulmate with a capital P Steve explains what he’s been going through and how he's getting help.
"I’m 4 months sober, so that's good."
"That’s so good, Steve. I’m so happy for you." She hugs him and doesn’t let go for quite literally hours. They caught up. There were two months without his soulmate; he needed all the details. e
Robin plans a movie night at his house (typical). She invites the kids, the teens, even Hopper and Joyce, who politely decline but still drop off El and Will.
Everyone was there, except Eddie. He wasn’t surprised. If he were Eddie, he wouldn’t want to see him either.
But, of course, Eddie needed to make an entrance. The front door slams open (the door handle definitely leaves a mark on the wall) as Eddie steps in. He’s as beautiful as always. His worn-out Metallic shirt with some black jeans His hair was tied back, showing off his jaw and neck.
Steve nearly forgot how to breathe. How did Eddie still take his breath away?
Everyone greets Eddie with smirks, hoisting up sodas for the kids and beers for the adults.
Steve felt his stomach drop to his feet. He hasn’t kept alcohol in his house for three months now. There was a bottle stashed in the back of his closets "in case of emergency". He threw it out after calling Diane one night during a particularly horrible day.
Robin must sense his discomfort. She grabs his hand, squeezing once before asking Eddie for a soda. Jonathan, Argyle, and Nancy Eddie handed out the sodas to the kids with loud pleading from Mike for just one beer, which Nancy was not having.
He hears the familiar sound of a can opening and watches as Nancy takes a sip from her can. He didn’t think this through. He forgot that even though he stopped drinking, that didn’t mean everyone else did as well.
"You want one?" Steve snaps out of his thoughts, turning his head to Eddie holding up a beer can.
Steve stares at the can wantingly.
He knew this was going to happen. Everyone didn’t really notice how bad Steve’s drinking was. They just knew he drank a little more than usual. He should’ve said no alcohol was allowed. He should’ve just told everyone how bad his drinking was, and now he’s sober.
Eddie must take his silence as a yes, because he’s holding out a beer to Steve.
This is it. He’s going to break his sobriety because the literal love of his life is handing him a beer.
He’s going to have to call Diane and explain how much of a failure he was. He can’t even be properly sober.
But she would calm him down and repeat a million times how he wasn’t a failure. He knew that recovery would be hard, but he still decided to do it. And how he’s made it four months now without drinking. And how that is such a big step alone in his recovery. That he did the right thing by calling her.
"Steve?" Robin’s soft voice breaks him out of his thoughts as she gestures to Eddie.
Steve looks over at a confused Eddie, still holding out the beer.
"Oh, um, I’m good."
Eddie has the decency to look surprised as he retracts his arm. "You’re good?"
Steve stops to think. He’s sober. He’s happy. He’s recovering.
He has Robin by his side. And Diane is just a phone call away if he needs her.
He might not have had Eddie. He might never have Eddie again. But he can live with that. Eddie deserves to be happy, and if that’s not with Steve, that’s okay.
He smiles and nods, saying, "Yeah, I’m good."
Eddie smiles slightly at Steve, puts the beer back, and grabs two sodas. Eddie places the drinks down and hands a soda to Steve before sitting on the other couch. Steve looks ahead as the movie starts, but he can’t help stealing glances at Eddie.
And it gets better when he sees Eddie stealing glances himself.
He told the Party that night about his recovery. That he’s 4 months sober. It’s a tough process, but he’s going to see it through.
The kids hugged him, then unanimously agreed to throw out the rest of the beers. The adults agreed to stop drinking even after Steve’s loud protests that "it’s fine if they drink, just maybe not around him?"
It was a little easier to stay sober after that night.
Months pass. Steve’s still sober. A whole year now.
No one left his side, not once. Not even Eddie.
After 7 months sober, Steve took a chance, asked Eddie out, and was pleasantly surprised when Eddie said yes. They’ve been back together ever since. Eddie is his #1 supporter.
Three months later, Eddie told him, "I love you," and he felt the same spark he felt back then.
One year later, Steve and Eddie move in together in a small house near the trailer park.
Two years later, Steve and Eddie get married. Not officially, but who needs some bullshit government papers when they’ve already been to hell and back with each other?
It hasn’t been an easy road. Recovery never is, but he has Eddie. He has Robin. He has the kids. He has Hopper and Joyce. He’ll be okay.
After all, Steve still sees Diane. Every Tuesday. 
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shinobicyrus · 2 years
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He’s only officially owned Twitter for 17 days.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 8 months
If They Ever Made a Historical Drama movie about the Americans with Disabilities Act
This bit from the speech by President George H. W. Bush, on July 26, 1990, would be called "Foreshadowing," and there would be an ominous swell in a minor key in the movie score:
The Administration and the Congress have carefully crafted the ADA to give the business community the flexibility to meet the requirements of the Act without incurring undue costs. Cost may be taken into account in determining how an employee is “reasonably accommodated,” whether the removal of a barrier is “readily achievable,” or whether the provision of a particular auxiliary aid would result in an “undue burden.”
Transcript of Statement By The President July 26, 1990 (From the National Archives of the United States)
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Absurdly late on this, but, 9 of my favorite female vocalists, as inspired by @plasticine !!
Lee Jieun (IU), Kate Bush
Chrystia Cabral (SPELLLING)
Tanya Tagaq
Hayley Williams, Kim Taeyeon, Selena Quintanilla
Nina Simone, Linda Ronstadt.
Anyone else who'd like to do this, feel free to say I tagged/prompted you!!
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thekalpar · 5 days
So my spouse and I were watching the Reading Rainbow documentary on Netflix last night and there are many things that stick with me but one thing that really makes me angry: capitalism and George W Bush killed Reading Rainbow.
To be fair, part of it was things had changed dramatically in the twenty years the show was on the air and the show wasn't...quite working anymore. But I still think capitalism and Dubya have a larger share of the blame.
One of the staff members on the show talked about how compared to Sesame Street, Reading Rainbow didn't have a product to sell. Now, this isn't a dig at Sesame Street, they do good work. But Sesame Street has merch. You can sell tickle-me-Elmos and books and toys and CDs and all sorts of tie-in merchandise and that helps fund Sesame Street. Reading Rainbow? Sure sales of children's books went up 800% but the show didn't benefit directly from that.
The second part is the goal of Reading Rainbow: getting kids to love reading. Love of reading is hugely beneficial, but you can't measure it. You can't quantify it and put it into a spreadsheet. Dubya, however, was BIG into testing and measuring which was the core of No Child Left Behind. And in a way, that's very capitalist as well, children aren't people they're products. Reading Rainbow just didn't fit into this numbers-based framework.
So yeah...I hate this future we've built.
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 16 days
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Canberra, Australia under heavy fog. 19th May 2020.
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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good morning! could this possibly be ...a hornblower fic?
(it is! and what's more, you can read it right here!)
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berlinauslander · 5 months
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But the administration's most lasting legacy may well be the way it systematically did to the U.S. government what branding-mad CEOs did to their companies a decade earlier: it hollowed it out, handing over to the private sector many of the most essential functions of government, from protecting borders to responding to disasters to collecting intelligence.
This hollowing out was not a side project of the Bush years, it was a central mission, reaching into every field of governance. And though the Bush clan was often ridiculed for its incompetence, the process of auctioning off the state, leaving behind only a shell-or a brand-was approached with tremendous focus and precision.
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rrrauschen · 5 months
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Courtney Marquard, {2019} Life in Pine Bush: The UFO Capital of the World
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nando161mando · 1 month
why's everybody laughing?
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