#but chapter 5 is coming i have it all planned 😌
Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Overall Warnings: slow burn, angst/comfort, power imbalance, age gap, possessive tendencies, eventual smut, #daddyissues, independent reader learns to let go and relax, emotionally constipated Joel Miller learns to be vulnerable; (more specific warnings to be added to individual chapters if necessary)
Chapter Word Count: 5,464
Summary: You spent your entire adult life supporting yourself and barely getting by. It’s why a life of ease offered to you by a mysterious stranger sounded so foreign and unbelievable. Joel Miller, dressed in flannels that had seen better days, didn’t look like the kind who could promise you the world on a plate, but he seemed desperate to help out. All he asks is that you let him take care of you. That wouldn’t be so hard. Would it?
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[a/n: i love this man, and i love every single person who has taken the time to let me know that they also love this man😌]
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"eye contact is a dangerous, dangerous thing. but lovely. oh, so lovely."
It was nerve wracking getting ready for your date which was mildly ironic since it technically wasn’t even a date. Joel was in essence paying you to be there. That thought process didn’t help much though because it instilled the fear of ‘what if he didn’t like what he was paying for’⏤ which was a terrifying thought that could send you into a spiral if you thought about it too long. 
For the millionth time, you adjusted your outfit before checking your hair once more in the mirror. Joel had texted you that he was on the way to your apartment. You had actually assumed that Riley would be driving you to meet Joel at the restaurant or perhaps to Joel’s home or work. The idea of Joel coming to pick you up himself was so adorably sincere in your mind.
The sound of knuckles rapping against your front door gave you pause. You glanced down at your phone to see that you didn’t have any missed messages from Joel. “Coming!” You called out while shoving your phone and wallet into the small purse that matched your dress. Heels clicking across your floor, you hurried to answer the door. “Hey⏤”
Your greeting fell silent halfway through it as you opened the door to see Joel looking as handsome as ever. It really wasn’t fair⏤ it looked effortless on his part. A gray sport coat with a navy blue button up shirt under the coat sans tie. Joel’s hair had a slightly messy look to it that seemed to be more accidental than planned. As if a long day of stress had undone a perfectly acceptable work style. His lips curled into a smile.
“Hey, sugar.” Joel greeted and it was nice to hear his voice in person again rather than through a telephone. He shifted to pull his hand out from behind his back to present you with a new bouquet of flowers just as gorgeous as the first.
Your eyes widened as you took the variety of wild flowers from him “Joel… These are gorgeous.”
“No, darlin’, you’re gorgeous.” Joel replied without hesitation. You looked up from the flowers to see Joel’s eyes tracing every inch of you. The clear admiration in his emotive brown eyes making your breath catch in your throat. He shook his head once, “Goddamn…”
You could feel your cheeks and the back of your neck warm at the compliment. Clutching the flowers to your chest, you cleared your throat. “It’s the dress. Thank you so much, Joel. I really love it.”
“The dress ain’t nothin’ without you, sugar. Don’t be silly.” Joel let out a small scoff.
“Here.” You motioned for him to come in. “Let me put these in water and we can be off.” While walking to the kitchen to find something that could be used as a vase, you heard Joel close the front door and step in. Your eyes glanced over your living space in mild embarrassment. Joel seemed to be looking around as well and you saw his eyes drift to a few photos you had hanging on your walls. “You really didn’t need to buy me more flowers, you know. I’m still in love with the ones from this morning. The sunflowers are so pretty.”
Joel drifted over, seeming entirely out of place in your tiny home, “Need? It’s about ‘want’, and I want to buy you everythin’.”
“Everything?” You chuckled. 
Joel titled his head just a bit, amusement flashing in his eyes, “Did I stutter, sugar?” You housed the flowers into a glass vase so you could set it next to the sunflowers and roses from this morning. Joel cleared his throat. “Are the flowers too much?” It was the first time since the start of this that you heard hesitance and doubt creep into his voice again. Joel rubbed the back of his neck. “I know it’s kind of cheesy⏤”
“First off, how dare you use the word ‘cheesy’ in a negative context.” You replied and Joel’s smile returned. “Second, I love the flowers. I really do. I… Nobody’s ever bought me bouquets like this before”
“That’s a damned shame.” Joel’s doubt seemed to slip away. “Never?”
“Well, I suppose not never. I’ve gotten apology flowers maybe but never ‘good morning’ flowers and ‘date night’ flowers.” As the words left your mouth, your eyes widened. Early today, you had decided not to refer to this as a date in front of Joel because you were unsure of what to correctly call it. Despite this plan, you managed to screw it up before even leaving your apartment. “Not that⏤ I mean, tonight isn’t⏤ or it⏤ Uh, I…”
Joel chuckled then held his arm out at the elbow for you. “Ready for our dinner date?”
You felt your face warm once more this time partially in relief from Joel’s subtle reassurance. “Very.” You nodded and looped your arm through his. “Let’s go.”
The two of you left the apartment, only pausing to lock your door, and Joel kept his arm through yours to help you cautiously down the stairs and out to the front of the building. The car on the curb you didn’t recognize was a dark maroon truck and it was the one Joel led you to. He opened the passenger door and held your hand to help you climb in. 
“Watch your feet.” Joel said before shutting the door. As he came around, you chuckled and clipped your seat belt. Joel must have noticed your amusement and he grinned. “What is it?”
“I like your truck. It’s not what I expected.”
“What did you expect?”
“I don’t know.” You teased. “I’m pretty sure guys with the kind of bank account you have are supposed to drive lamborghinis and mercedes.”
Joel laughed as he pulled away from the curb. “Those ain’t really my style, sugar.” It wasn’t necessarily true. You could picture Joel behind the wheel of a fancy car and God would he look good there, but the truck felt like him. It had the same 'down to earth' energy that Joel carried when he walked around in his flannels. “Growin’ up, I always wanted a truck like this.” He glanced over at you before his eyes shot back to the road. “It was the first thing I bought for myself after the company took off.”
You ran your hand against the worn leather of the middle console. The truck was well cared for, but obviously a bit aged. That was even cuter to you. Not only was he driving around in a vehicle you wouldn’t give a second glance on the road, but he wasn’t even driving the newest model despite being able to afford it plus more.
“So, tell me about your day.” You said. “Anything exciting happen?”
Joel let out a quiet scoff before casually walking you through some of the disasters he was forced to deal with. You knew very little, arguably nothing, about contracting or his job in particular. That being said, Joel had a nice way of telling stories. It wasn’t just his voice alone, which you had already established was addicting to listen to, but Joel was able to keep a person engaged and wanting more when he spun a tale. He wasn’t overly vocal from what you’ve gathered, but when he did speak the words he chose mattered.
“What about you?” Joel asked without glancing over. The truck was officially way out of your neighborhood and in a much richer area of the region. “That boutique okay?”
“Oh, it was amazing.” You replied and began to tell him all about Kiera. “Honestly, I was nervous to shop at a place like that, but she was incredible.” Joel hummed happily and you began to tell him how you also got lunch with Riley. “I basically had to arm wrestle him into letting me use your card to buy lunch for us because he didn't want to ‘impose’.”
Joel barked out a laugh. “It’s kind of frustratin’ when you wanna buy somethin’ for a person who fights you tooth and nail on it, huh?”
You bit down on your lower lip to keep from excessively grinning. “Shut up. That’s not the same.”
“Oh, it ain’t?”
“I wanted to buy Riley a sandwich, you wanted to buy me a car.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see a difference.” You playfully rolled your eyes and he had been glancing over just at the right time to see it. Joel’s hand reached over to lightly grasp your hand which was resting on the middle console. His warm touch made your breath hitch and you could feel calluses on his palm. Joel gave your hand a tight squeeze. He scolded you teasingly, “Good girls don’t roll their eyes, sugar.”
“I⏤ I, uh, I did warn you that you were gonna turn me into a spoiled brat.” Your voice had cracked at the beginning of the sentence and you were forced to clear your throat to stabilize it.
Joel glanced over again, and he gave your hand a softer squeeze this time. Sincerity replaced his teasing, “This alright? If you don’t want me⏤”
“No.” You tangled your fingers with him in fear that he was going to pull away. “This is fine.”
Joel chuckled and for the rest of the drive to the restaurant you found it hard to focus on anything other than the small circles that Joel’s thumb was tracing against the skin on the back of your hand. You weren’t familiar with the area outside the car window but you found yourself surrounded by skyscrapers. The building Joel pulled up to was well lit and the people traveling in and out of the lobby looked just as well dressed as the both of you.
He parked the truck in the valet lane then squeezed your hand to draw your attention to him. “Stay right there, sugar.” You gave him a nod and watched as he climbed out and walked around the truck’s front. He tossed the keys to the valet with a quick thanks. The valet must have said something you didn’t catch because Joel chuckled and nodded. You shifted in your seat, realizing why he asked you to stay put, and waited for Joel to reach your door. Joel pulled it open, held a hand out, and offered a charming smile. “Ma’am.”
“Sir.” You replied with a grin and took his hand so he could help you climb out of his truck. Joel took your hand and looped it around his elbow. You felt your cheeks warm at the motion. Though you had known he was taking you out in public, a part of you thought he wouldn’t want to be seen with you though. It’s not like you were his dirty secret, the two of you weren’t part of some scandal or affair, but it still felt like something you were supposed to hide. You shoved the doubt out of your mind and let your eyes glance around the lavish lobby. “This place is gorgeous. Where are we?”
“This is the J Hotel.” Joel replied. You briefly stiffened. A hotel? Obviously, this was a hotel. You should’ve noticed from the curb. Was he going to take you to a room? A trickle of concern crawled down your spine. Joel seemed to notice because he set his free hand on top of the one you had holding onto his arm. “Hey. It’s alright. There’s a restaurant on the rooftop. That’s where we’re heading, darlin’.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t been aware you were holding and shot him an apologetic smile. “Of course. Of course, we are. I’m so sorry.” He had been nothing but a gentleman, above and beyond really, and your mind had immediately assumed the worst of him. “I wasn’t⏤ I don’t think you’re that kind of guy I just⏤”
“No need for apologies.” Joel chuckled. “I’d be more worried if you weren’t wary of me. I’m a strange old guy payin’ you to hang out around me.”
You tightened your grip on his arm as the two of you stepped into the elevator. “Not strange. I’d use the words ‘kind’ or ‘charming’ or ‘handsome’ even.”
Joel let out a soft laugh as he hit the button for the sixty-seventh floor. The ride up only took a moment and when the floor opened up you commended Joel for his choice in location. The rooftop restaurant was gorgeous. String lights hung overhead and the seating area was filled with an almost garden-like energy. The maitre d’ spotted the two of you and hurried over to offer a greeting. It was very different compared to the side eye the maitre d’ from the restaurant where you and Nima had met Roaslind. You were led over to a table and you were excited to see it was near enough to the side of the roof that you’d have a clear view of the LA skyline without having to peer around another table.
Joel slid his arm out from yours to pull out your chair. The flowers, opening your car door, pulling out your chair⏤ it was all very little things, but you found yourself enjoying it immensely. Joel sat down across from you and you gave your waiter a double take when you realized he had only offered one menu for the table and he had placed it in Joel’s hands.
“Um…” You began.
“Don’t worry.” Joel replied. “We only need one. This place makes four new dishes a day. I can read you those four options.”
You crossed your arms to lean on the table, amused, “And why can’t I read my own menu?”
“Because,” Joel scanned the menu once more before meeting your gaze, “I know you’ll end up pickin’ your meal based on the price tag rather than get what you actually want.” 
Your eyes widened in slight surprise. He wasn’t wrong, but it caught you off guard that he had thought of it. Joel quickly walked you through the options and you picked a meal that sounded most appealing to you. When the waiter came back, he took the order and offered a few wine choices. Joel nodded to you to decide and you agreed to whatever the waiter thought would work best with your meals.
“You know,” You laced your fingers together with a small smile, “I’m surprised.”
“Most rich people can’t fathom the lifestyle of someone in my tax bracket.” You replied with a small shrug. “Because you were right. I would’ve probably picked based on the price, without even realizing it.”
Joel chuckled, “I wasn’t always rich, sugar.” You knew he hadn’t always been a multi-millionaire, but you assumed he jumped from upper class to that level. “Back in college, and a little while after, I was broke.” He offered you a small understanding nod. “I’ve had those days where you go out for dinner with friends and you pick the cheapest thing on the menu ‘cause you can’t afford nothin’ else.” Your gaze softened at his words, and he chuckled. “Then you’re too proud to accept help from any of your friends so you spend the entire night tryin’ to convince them that corn nuggets were your actual favorite food and that’s why you ordered ‘em.”
You laughed at how relatable his words were. Not too long ago, right before Joel offered you this proposition, you had literally sat in a restaurant with Nima and refused to let her buy you food⏤ claiming you ordered the side salad because you weren’t very hungry rather than admitting you were forced to use your full paycheck for rent and bills which left you nothing for spending. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“It was a fair assumption.” Joel conceded. “Most people who make it to my current tax bracket,” He copied your phrasing, “Started pretty near the top to begin with.”
The waiter returned to pour you both a glass of wine and you and Joel both thanked him. You took a sip and savored the flavor. This was absolutely not the boxed wine you had sitting in your fridge currently. A soft groan of approval slipped your lips.
“Good?” Joel asked.
“Much better than the wine I just bought from Target.” You nodded. Joel laughed and you motioned around the restaurant. “This place is amazing by the way. Do you come here often?”
Joel shook his head. “No. This is my first time.”
“Oh. Why’d you pick it then?” You asked curiously. 
“Well,” Joel cleared his throat then offered you a sheepish smile, “I didn’t. I asked my assistant to plan this out.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s just been a while since I did anythin’ date related… If it had been up to me I would’ve taken you to a diner a few blocks down from my office. Best burger in LA, I swear it.”
You resisted the urge to tell him that you would’ve been happy with any place he chose as long as it gave you time to spend with him. That seemed to potentially cross a line from ‘fake date with a sugar daddy’ and into ‘real date with a man you’re crushing on’. A distinction you were making a real effort to focus on. However, you were unable to resist asking the question that had plagued you all day.
“How is it you haven’t done anything date related in a while?” You asked. “How are you even single?”
“You know…” Joel grunted out a vague response and shrugged.
You chuckled, “No, actually I don’t. I find it very hard to believe that a guy like you couldn’t have any woman he wanted, yet here you are. With me.”
“With you is exactly where I wanna be.” Joel replied confidently. You rolled your eyes with a small chuckle. He held his wine glass in his hand, but lifted a finger from it to point at you. “There you go rollin’ those pretty eyes again. You’re askin’ for trouble.”
“No. You know what I’m asking.” You countered.
Joel let out a small sigh and nodded. “I was with a woman a year ago. It didn’t end well.” You took a sip of your own wine but continued to lean on the table listening intently. “It was just a messy relationship. We weren’t… compatible, but we stayed together longer than we should’ve. She didn’t like that I was too cold, and I didn’t like that she was sleepin’ with other guys.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. There was a lot to unpack in that sentence alone. “God, I’m so sorry, Joel.” It was baffling that anybody wouldn’t appreciate what they had with Joel. And cold? You’ve known not even a full month, but if someone asked you to describe Joel the last word you’d use was ‘cold’. “She thought you were cold?”
“She said I wasn’t affectionate enough.” Joel replied in an off handed manner. The way someone would respond to a question they didn’t want to elaborate on. Still, you had a hard time believing Joel was not affectionate with his significant other. Hell he had been more affectionate toward you this last week than your ex-boyfriend had been the last few months of your relationship. You wondered if his old girlfriend hadn’t understood his affection. You were getting the feeling that Joel’s love language was ‘Acts of Service’. To someone who didn’t respond to that then they could potentially make that complaint. “It was a long time ago.”
You twisted your lips, “You haven’t met anyone since then that you were interested in?”
Joel held your gaze for a beat before he glanced at his wine glass and took a sip. He shook his head and met your gaze once more with a small smile. “It just wasn’t a priority.” He chuckled. “Then I got lovingly bullied into the sugar baby idea.” There was obviously a story there that you were curious about, but Joel changed the subject so you were the topic of conversation. “Don’t feel obligated to answer ‘cause I talked about my love life, or lack thereof, but… what about you?”
“Me?” You motioned to yourself.
“Yeah.” Joel grinned. “You’re a catch, sugar. Smart, witty, fun, drop dead gorgeous,” You felt your cheeks warm at his words and you hid your smile behind your wine glass as you took a sip, “How’re you single?”
This wasn’t something you enjoyed talking about, but if Joel could share a bit of his painful past then you could as well. You licked your lips, “I wasn’t single six months ago.” Joel’s eyebrows rose. “I was dating a guy and we were pretty serious.”
“How long did the two of you date?”
“Two years.” You admitted with a slight wince, and Joel looked even more surprised. “The topic of marriage actually came up, but…” You cleared your throat. “He told me I wasn’t marriage material.”
Joel’s eyebrows furrowed, “I’m sorry, what?” You shrugged in response, not knowing what else to say. He scoffed with a shake of his head. “No offense, darlin’, but your ex is an absolute moron who didn’t know what he had.”
“It’s funny you say that.” You teased. “I was just thinking that about your ex.”
Joel’s lips curled up into an amused smirk. He lifted his wine glass toward you, “To our exes then. Without their mistakes we wouldn’t be here tonight.”
“To our exes.” You laughed and clinked your glass against his.
The rest of dinner consisted of conversation topics that weren’t quite as heavy as the history of your love lives. Just like with your phone calls with Joel, talking to him was the easiest thing in the world. Any moment of silence that did occur between the two of you was comfortable rather than awkward, and you never felt pressured to fill the space with words just for the sake of it.
When the waiter came to the table with the check there was no question of who it was going to. He handed it over to Joel who thanked him then pulled out his card to hand back. You finished the last of your current glass of wine.
“Seriously though,” You spoke up, “Thank you so much. This meal was amazing.”
“My pleasure, sugar.” Joel chuckled. “Glad you enjoyed it.” The waiter returned with his card and you watched Joel write on the receipt before rising up. He held a hand out to you to help you out of your seat and you beamed as he pulled your arm through his arm once more. “Night ain’t over yet though.”
Your smile widened as you let him lead you out of the restaurant. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm.” Joel replied as you both settled in the elevator. You hit the button for the lobby before he could. He reached into his coat’s internal pocket to pull out two tickets. “Some show in the LA County Museum of Art.” 
He offered you the tickets for you to see what it was for. You recognized the name of the show because Nima had just been talking to you about this only a few days prior. Joel paused with you by the side of the road as the two of you waited for the valet to bring his truck around. 
“Do you know much about this show?” You asked in curiosity. If the few things you did know about him were correct you had a feeling that the same person who picked out this restaurant also chose this show.
“No. It’s some kind of art show, ain’t it?”
“Yes.” You chuckled. “But it’s a sensory experience.” Joel shot you a confused look and you grinned in response. “So… the area is dark and the only light is on the floor to light a path and the art pieces itself, and you’re not allowed to talk. It’s a silent showing.” 
You saw immediate distaste on Joel’s face as he took the tickets from you to scan them. Another laugh bubbled from your lips when you heard Joel mutter a curse under his breath. He blew out a sigh as his truck rolled around. “We don’t gotta do this, sugar, but I don’t really have anything else planned…”
The idea of calling this the end of your night already sat bitter on your tongue. Joel caught the keys thrown to him before opening the passenger seat door to help you climb in. As he walked around the truck, you pulled out your phone to search an address for a possible idea.
“I have an idea.” You blurted when Joel climbed in. He raised an eyebrow at you. “Drive here.”
He glanced at the GPS on your phone, “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“I’m not that big on surprises.” Joel countered skeptically.
“And I’m not good at letting people buy me things.” You smirked. “We’re both experiencing new things today.” Joel bit back a chuckle, but he still gave you a wary look. You leaned across the console with the brightest smile you could muster. “Please, daddy.”
Joel’s lips curled up into a smile and he shook his head with a laugh under his breath. He turned and put the car into drive to start following the GPS. You beamed at him and it felt empowering to know you were able to so easily sway him into agreeing to a surprise. Joel reached out again to lace his hand with yours. “You’re lucky you’re so damn cute, sugar.”
“Here. If it makes you more comfortable,” You said, “When we get there I’ll let you pay for us to go in.”
“Oh, you’ll let me pay.” Joel laughed and squeezed your hand.
“Only because I’m feeling charitable today.”
Joel shook his head with an amused scoff.
The surprise you had thought of wasn’t far and you clocked the exact moment that Joel realized where your GPS was taking him. He glanced over at you before looking back to the road with a voice of shock. “Putt putt golf? Really?” Joel pulled into a parking spot and turned to stare at you in disbelief. “This is what you wanna do for the rest of the night?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded. “What’s wrong, daddy?” The choice to use the nickname again was the correct one when you saw him stiffen in his seat. “Afraid I’m gonna kick your ass?”
Joel’s jaw locked and he snatched his keys from the ignition before climbing out of the truck. Knowing what he’d prefer, you stayed put until he came around to open your door. When he yanked it open you shot him a smug smile. Joel nodded once and held his hand out to you. “Don’t think I’m gonna take it easy on you.”
“I’d be upset if you did.” You replied as your feet landed on the ground and you stood right in front of him. 
The two of you walked in through the front and you picked out a club while Joel paid for the course for you both. When asked if he wanted to do the 9 or 18 hole course he picked the longer one without even asking, and you smiled to yourself. You liked that he enjoyed his time with you as much as you did with him. He picked his own club and you grabbed a dark green ball for Joel and a light blue one for you. 
“We need to make a deal.” You said while you both wandered out toward the first hole. The place wasn’t very crowded which meant you wouldn’t feel rushed. 
“I think we already made a deal, last I checked.” Joel replied and motioned between the two of you.
“Funny.” You bumped your hip into him. “I meant for the game. Like... loser pays for post-game ice cream.”
Joel shook his head, “I’m not gonna let you pay for ice cream.”
“Okay, real bold of you to assume I’m gonna lose.” You laughed and Joel just shot you a confident smirk that fit his handsome features well. You stayed firm. “We need incentive.”
“Fine. How’s this? If you win, then I pay for ice cream.” He started. You followed his statement and narrowed your eyes at his wording. Joel continued. “But, if I win, then I pay for ice cream and I get to buy you an exorbitant and unnecessary gift.”
Your jaw fell open. “What?”
“That’s kind of ridiculous.”
Joel looked smug as you both reached the first hole. “Just win and you won’t have to worry about it.” He dropped his ball down on the green, lined up his shot, and then hit. You watched the green ball roll down the first, simple path and drop into the hole. He turned in place to address your shock. “Or, you can think of suggestions to give me of what you might want.” Joel leaned in toward you just a bit and in a teasing tone added. “I’m thinkin' maybe a small country. Are you partial to Europe or Asia, sugar?”
“You can’t afford a country.” You scoffed. Joel shrugged and pulled back so you could take your turn, but your eyes widened. “Joel, can you afford a small country?” He walked down the course to fetch his ball. “Joel??”
The putt putt course brought out Joel’s competitive side and you loved it. It seemed like years of stress had been lifted off his shoulders as he let loose with you. As you both reached the end of the 18 holes he was in the lead by only a few strokes.
“You’ve technically already lost, sugar.” Joel chuckled as he waited for you to finish the last hole.
“Hush.” You replied.
Joel laughed then motioned toward you. “Look, you make a hole in one here and you win the entire thing.”
“Wait, really?” You perked up in excitement. Joel nodded. You readjusted your golf ball at the start and focused on lining up your shot. Joel continued to tease you while you tried to focus. You shot him a playful glare. “Excuse you, sir. Quiet on the course.”
Joel bowed his head in a mocking gesture and you went back to focusing on your turn. After lining it up, you swung. The ball bounced off the wall and made a beeline toward the hole. You began to bounce in excitement but the light blue ball rimmed around the hole and then sat on the edge without falling in.
“Are you shitting me!?” You cried in alarm. Joel laughed as you hurried over to where your ball sat. You pointed to it and looked at Joel. “Oh, come on. Come on!”
Joel stepped onto the course and kicked your ball in. He reached out to lightly tap the side of his knuckles under your chin making you warm. Joel let out a soft sigh and offered you a comforting smile. “Hey, it’s alright, sugar.” He leaned in. “I won’t buy you a country. I’ll just pick out some gaudy piece of jewelry.”
Your jaw fell again and he laughed. You gave him a playful shove, “I thought you were gonna give me the win!”
“Absolutely not.” Joel replied and took the club from your hand so you didn’t have to carry it. His hand settled on your lower back while gently leading you back towards the putt putt golf house. “I told you I wasn’t gonna take it easy on you.”
“What if I ask really nicely?”
“Aw, sugar, you can try.” Joel set both your clubs on the counter. 
His hand never left your back as he led you back out toward the truck. You turned and resisted the urge to rest your hands on his chest. Instead, you stepped closer and just tilted your head up to face him, and with a sickly sweet voice you tried again, “Please can we call this my win, daddy?”
Joel’s gaze softened as he stared at you and he nodded once. “Still no. Come on, let’s get ice cream.”
“Hey!” You cried as he grasped your hand and continued to drag you to his truck. You laughed and tugged on his arm. “If you were just gonna turn me down again then why’d you even give me the chance to ask nice?”
“It might’ve worked. You never know.” Joel glanced your way once more. “And maybe I just wanted an excuse to hear you call me ‘daddy’ again.” You felt your face grow warm at his comment and there was no hiding the way it made your smile grow. Joel ran his thumb against the back of your hand and chuckled. “So? Ice cream? I’m buyin’.”
You counted your blessings and sent another silent thanks to your exes.
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✨J.M. Masterlist✨
824 notes · View notes
heerocks · 2 years
CURIOUS CAT — lee heeseung.
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SYNOPSIS ꕥ Curious Cat is an app that peaked three years ago where people use it to flirt with their crush anonymously and then suddenly forgot about it.
or wherein, Y/N was devastated when her crush, Lee Heeseung indirectly rejecting her in highschool. Three years later, both of them have this unknown beef in between of them that even their friends don't know the real reason behind. One day, Y/N suddenly remembered and opened her C.C account, and saw that someone by the name 'Ethan' confessed to her three years ago.
PAIRINGS ꕥ non-idol!lee heeseung x fem!reader ft. enhypen, ningning from aespa, wonyoung from ive, and jeongin from skz
GENRE ꕥ smau + written, on crack, slow burn, mutual pinning or past pinning, university au, kinda enemies to lovers troupe, heeseung is a simp, reader is kinda dumb, friends bullying friends
STATUS ꕥ ongoing! update will be every other day ^^ (august 17 - )
WARNINGS ꕥ profanity, cursing, kys/kms jokes. lmk if something came up later
NOTES ꕥ this is a pure work of fiction and all the characters are in no way connected with the actual persons in real life. all infos are subject to change, and please ignore timestamps. I don't have humor so please bear with me. pls do lmk if you want to be added on the future taglist. my request is open, or just reply below, I would be more than happy to add you ^^ banner made by yours truly!
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heeseung hate squad | the brodies + y/n hater | extras: priv PRIV
CHAP 2 - tl's dead
CHAP 3 - suga '93 hoodie (written)
CHAP 4 - you're delusional (written)
CHAP 5 - she's a runner, she's a trackstar 🤩
CHAP 6 - y/n's fish
CHAP 7 - somewhat something
CHAP 8 - suddenly can't see (written)
CHAP 9 - miranda's head
CHAP 10 - guess who (written)
CHAP 11 - yang jeongin
CHAP 12 - siri sent that message
CHAP 13 - give me that mic sister 😌
CHAP 14 - the glimpse
CHAP 15 - curious cat
CHAP 16 - freedom wall
CHAP 17 - finding Ethan
CHAP 18 — heeseung not bitchless ⁉️⁉️
CHAP 19 — megamind memes
CHAP 20 — getting braver
CHAP 21 — ignore me
CHAP 22 — dumb and dumber
CHAP 23 — hold that thought
CHAP 24 — what could possibly go wrong? (written)
CHAP 25 — haha'd his way out
CHAP 26 — enemies to lovers
CHAP 27 — something productive (written)
CHAP 28 — heeseung glitched
CHAP 29 — unprovoked (written)
CHAP 30 — stars, ramen and you (written)
CHAP 31 — go get your girl
CHAP 32 — let us breathe?!?!!
=> . . . bonus chapter — surprise??
CHAP 33 — mental voodoo doll
CHAP 34 — y/n's fight or flight
CHAP 35 — the table has turned
CHAP 36 — finding heeyn
CHAP 37 — hoes mad
CHAP 38 — not dead
CHAP 39 — got me thinking...
CHAP 40 — a what plan?
CHAP 41 — heeseung's wooing teachnique
CHAP 42 — it's about time (written)
CHAP 43 — he'll finally do it!
CHAP 44 — eyes on the prize, heeseung
CHAP 45 — loud and proud
CHAP 46 — the butterflies on y/n's stomach (written)
CHAP 47 — the luck on heeseung's side (written)
CHAP 48 — niki's adopted parents
more to come....
CHAP 49 — the betrayal
CHAP 50 — the connection (written)
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𖥻𖥻 taglist!
@ckline35 @meinapricity @gugudone @xoxodinaryheroes @lov3niki @ahnneyong @raikea10 @bigtoewinwin @tlnyjoong @sungookie @uwudaizy @jeongintwt @paragonofroyalty @captivq @lavisha7 @prdxinvade @lockburn-castle @chaemmie @xtra-cheese @mimikittysblog @zhaixiaowen @pb-n-juju @luvkait @myjaeyunn @redm4ri @oceanyocean @diestheticu @liliansun @yenqa @xiaoderrrr @flower-lise @mymeloem19 @jungwon-kitten @hoonieluv @vantxx95 @asherbl @alexayoonlee @spilled-coffee-cup @mdavt @kyexvly @would-bee @jhopesucker @tiramis-hoon @noascats @beomibeom @iea-tsand @ronnierites @flwrshee
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© heerocks 2022.
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tarabyte3 · 6 days
Tell me about “Finding Pleasure in the Pain” 👀
Thank you so much for the ask my friend! 💖 Finding Pleasure in the Pain is the modern setting Personal Trainer!Kino Loy x Reader AU that I've been working on! I figured I have so much useless weight lifting knowledge now, I may as well use it for smut 😌 The plot is relatively straightforward (Reader gets a personal trainer) and based on what I currently have planned, it will be 3-5 chapters long.
Here's a little (rough) snippet for everyone that's been waiting on more:
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"Come on," he growls, a commanding edge to that gravel, "push through it. Properly or you're going to do it again."
Your face heats as you break out into a fresh sheen of sweat, shifting from exertion to something half caught between shame and thrill. Then you redouble your effort, pressing your shoulder blades further into the bench and driving against the bar with a grunt.
You manage to work past that sticking point as your arms shake with fatigue, and, slowly, the weight begins to move again, rising further away from your chest.
Just as your confidence is starting to return, the bar wobbles in the air above you. Your fingers tighten with panic, suddenly worried your grip is going to give out and cause you to drop it. Or maybe your arms will give out and you’ll lower it back down to your chest and lose all your progress. Or maybe you’ll—
“Hey,” he barks out. Your eyes snap to his and there's an intensity on his face that pulls you out of your spiral. "Don't you dare give up on me now."
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shepherds-of-haven · 10 months
For the writing ask meme:
What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
What is your deepest joy about writing?
Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage. (i’m not picking one, just grab something that was fun to write!)
Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
My writing ritual, up until around May, was like a little bit cursed: I'd typically write from 10 PM to around 4 or 5 AM, which is obviously not great. I'd also put on a show that was guaranteed to not distract me on extremely low volume (like 1 out of 100) in the background, so a show I'd seen a million times before, like the Office or Bob's Burgers.
Since coming back from a trip to Europe, though, I saw an opportunity to reset a schedule I'd kept to for the last 12 years and have now been rising and writing at a more appropriate time! Nowadays my writing ritual is going to the library, putting on fantasy or TTRPG orchestral music (particularly by Ivan Duch, who is composing the music for the game) in my earbuds, and clacking away! This ritual is only cursed in that some really weird shit happens sometimes at the library, but sometimes I get around that by reserving a study room for myself or me and my partner. 😌
What is your deepest joy about writing?
Hmmm, it seems cheap to say all of it! I think the satisfaction of completing a story that you've not only mapped out and plotted through, but actually executed, and then elicited strong emotional responses from others (hopefully as according to plan) as a result of all of that hard work is a truly joyful thing to experience. But just writing about the characters, exploring their psychology, and especially building their relationships to each other is also a huge part of it, and it's also a joy to explore and flesh out and create an entire new world for them to exist in... I just love all of it!
Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage. (i’m not picking one, just grab something that was fun to write!)
Around him, Scythia stirred to life beneath the skin-soaking warmth of early morning. It was just past dawn, so the heat of the day was not yet beating down on the city like a hammer against an anvil; but in an hour or two, it would edge close to brutal. Herald tipped his head back and let himself absorb the sights and sounds of the city while he still could. Long-necked white herons—called sword-birds for their vicious beaks—dueled together in lazy displays in the streets. Charcoal-eyed concurs beckoned him from curtained doorways, then caught sight of his own brand of ownership and looked away. There was the heavy, acrid scent of fuel and machine oil as he passed the Metal District, where mechanics in their garages toiled away on the racers and war rigs that crisscrossed the Badlands in choking clouds of dust. Underneath a shabby awning, a suntouched fortune-teller gave advice to a lean, restless merc with scarred shoulders and a face studded with fearsome metal rings.
This is from my current novel manuscript, which I keep telling people is like a cross between Mad Max and X-Men, but it's really evolved to become this more magical and intricate science fantasy, because I can't stay away from magic and humanoid/alien races and disparate cultures and, like, oppression and persecution, I guess. I really thought it was going to be a gritty dieselpunk adventure with machine guns and monster trucks and things, which it still has, but I think this passage (from the first chapter) kind of showcases its latest vibe, which is a bit more mystical and fantastical, as well. I've rewritten the first chapter at least five or six times, with this particular passage only being appended in the fourth or so iteration, so I think it's a good way of seeing (to me, the only one who read the first few drafts) how far the world has come, when the city and its environs weren't really described at all! I also just like the rhythm of the passage: there's something about it that feels satisfying. :)
Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
It's an absolute vital necessity to me. It actively bothers me when I see the Oxford comma not being used... I will always use the Oxford comma. You could pry it from my cold, dead hands and I'd still be using it on my gravestone!
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sommerregenjuniluft · 8 months
20 asks for fic writers
thank u @plecotusauritus, @kaaaaaaarf, @pinkthekla & @kaleidoscopexsighs for tagging me🥹<3 ily all
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
four but we only talk about three of those😌🤘🏼
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
about 13.8k words (i have no idea where to look this up i typed it into my phone calculator lmao)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on my ao3 marauders, in the Docs marauders, haikyuu, atla and on Wattp*d🤬 young royals & shera lol (i was like 15 years old ok)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
🤓 my number 1 though is Always Pushing her Luck with a stellar one hundret and ten because yall are some sluts for a good lesbian smut fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! i love interacting with people on art no matter if it’s theirs or mine<3
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm i think Teeth actually? not really angsty but maybe it kind of makes you go 😬😳 or WAIT maybe my very first jeg microfic thing, the Stag one yknow.. where James is dead😁
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
again, from my ao3 one’s probably Ribs but microfics probably just all the fluffy ones, i’m looking at the cookie baking one here esp, also Walk and Carry
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! but i was lowkey concerned for the new non-con fic jdkskd But so far so good hahah
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
why yes i do. mm mostly the unhinged kind in some way hdksks but ig the lesbian wolfstar one is very tender too<3
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
not crossovers per se but we love a good AU of another fandom universe, my marauders Maze Runner Au is very dear to me, we’ll see if she ever sees the light of the day
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but! i will have to kick @pinkthekla cass and me in the ass to make it happen someday because the world deserves to see one james potter horny and humbled
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
this changes all the time honestly and they’re all very very close to each other but i’m gonna have to say iwaoi on top because their chemistry is just unmatched and something i hold so close to my heart, they just mean a lot of comfort to me! so thats prob why
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
hm, i mean i’m only 20 i have all the time in the world. but perhaps that one barty in a maids dress smut one shot? not sure i’ll come back to that one again but who knows!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i can do a dialogue quite good but it’s hard for me to get into a zone or scenario where it comes to that naturally, but whenever it does happen? i’m super happy and proud of the result (that’s why i like my hitmen jegulus microfic so much)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably that i’m not really good at creating a storyline/plot djskks that’s something that does Not come easily to me and probably one of the only reasons i havent really finished any of my big fics or even their first chapters. If i have a plan/ a prompt or something in general i can orientate myself off of it flows super easily (all the microfics and Ant Pile) but coming up with something of my own is very hard and i often feel kinda bad about it too :,))
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
would love to, i have some smol things planned for mira mi amor that i will probably go and bother @appreciatedmoron bea about as well as my two irl bsfs since they’re quite good at spanish but besides that i’d only really trust myself with german since thats my first language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
actually shera i think
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i really love Ant Pile atm but from my published one’s i couldnt really choose actually djsksk i really like the metaphors and visuals i came up with in Ribs though <3
np tagging: @rottin6, @maliceofminds, @strezzlecki aand idk anyone that sees this and hasn’t been tagged yet!! (i see yall liking these i Will bully u in the dms)
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novel-nook-blog · 13 days
Part 2 – the review 🌸
(The Deal – off campus)
I’m still not 100% sure how to rate this book. Don’t get me wrong I loved it and read it in one sitting. I stayed up late and almost finished the book early in the morning but due to the exhaustion from those past few days that were overfilled with studying and staying up late, I needed my sleep. 
So my rating is somewhere between 4 and 5 stars. But closer to 4, that’s why I chose a 4-star rating. Why? Well, let’s dive into that.
I love good romance books. And I do love a good old hockey romance and this book was it. I started reading it because I wanted to know if it was worth the hype, and I can say that it definitely was. But… 
The first five chapters were… not it for me. I thought I won’t continue reading but at the same time, I was actually glad I wasn’t into the book because I still have to study for finals so it wouldn’t take my time. Those short chapters were great, it made it really easy to continue reading. But around chapter 8 I started liking it. 
Yesterday I was truly tired after just 4 hours of sleep and an important verbal exam that just sucked all the energy right out of me. So when I got home from uni I wasn’t in the mood for something “difficult” that would require my whole attention. And that book was my solution. I didn’t really care about the story and it was a great way to rest. But at around 40% of the book I found out that I couldn’t put it down. The book boosted my energy and I was suddenly wide awake. I planned to go to sleep at around 9 pm, but that didn’t happen. The next time I checked the time it was midnight and I COULDN’T put the book on my nightstand. One in the morning passed by and I was still reading. Eyes wide awake. Brain functioning for the first time since that exam I took in the morning. It was as my own personal energy drink. 
When 2 am went by I started thinking about my sleep schedule and the tiresome that would come to me and totally destroy me the next day. And I needed to function. So I eventually put it aside even when it was a difficult task to do. 
So yes, I loved the book. However, it didn’t make me emotional. Even with everything that happened there, I didn’t shed a tear. Not even one. I did laugh, tho. Not so often but there were some parts that made me laugh. That’s probably the only thing I have to reproach. So that’s why I gave it 4 stars. I just hope it would awaken more emotions. 
Also, Garrett Graham truly annoyed me in the first few chapters but I fell in love with him by the end of the book. He really is a good guy😌. I definitely will read the next books.
(picture/art from Pinterest – fanart by @ maggies_artt on instagram)
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borathae · 1 year
Sibibaby my thoughts are mess rn (thanks to u 🥲) but i’ll try to write what i think about the last chapter 🥺🥺
1- okay first of all i have something to say for Jimin; You can go wherever you want you selfish prick don’t manipulate Taetae (you know he cares for u so much and you’re using it) and don’t upset my babies anymore 😠 (And you should beg for mercy on your knees in front of my baby oc because if she wasn’t in the picture…you know what would happen to u my friend 🤗)
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Puahagah that silly man made me cackle so much HSHAHAH like seriously no joke i’m all serious and mad but than I’m cackling because of him haha🥺
3-hmm the fact that Jimin broke Sophie’s heart in 1956 🤔 made me suspicious for no reason
4- Jealous oc 🤭🤭 She is so cute istg i’m gonna punch or bite something 🥺🥺
5- I really want Tae and oc to spend time together again 🥺 I’m a little mad at him (because he acts like a stupid naive little boy) but i know his heart too and i just want them to be happy together again 🥺💜
6- I’m so sorry for Yoongi 😭 No joke when he said that he loves her with all his heart and every inch of his soul and not because he’s a glutton 😭😭 And the fact that he looked normal again after oc said that she loves him over and over 🥺🥺🥺
Sibibaby no joke i’m in love with all of your stories male leads ( seriously i mean it) but MV!Yoongi is so special to me he’s my all time favorite 🥺🥺🩵
8- I’m so proud of oc 😏 She was so hot while she’s defending herself AND scolding jimin and Taeboy 😏 go girlie I support you 😍
7- The witches 😱😱😱😱😱 omg I didn’t see that coming what the fuck that’s what i call a plot twist 😱😱 (And i kinda think that oc is a witch or something too but who knows I expect everything from you hahah)
8- Not me romanticizing everything and think about Yoongi’s reaction after he realized something wrong 😌Like he killed that witches before she found him but he became weak suddenly and he probably knew that he would not be able to help her and she was scared and screaming his name….so if it’s okay with u Sibibaby can i ask Yoongi Boongie what he felt and thought before he lost consciousness 😭?
9- I hope oc will be okay after that 🥺 Like it’s so traumatic for both Yoongi and oc 🥺 She’s probably so scared (for her family) and i have a feeling that Yoongi would blame himself again… he probably think that he couldn’t protect his family and especially oc 😭😭 gosh i just want to read the next chapter ! 😭😭
I honestly think that Jimin is gonna think about himself for a lil. idk I have a feeling that the conversation with OC AND yoongi's confession kinda made him reevaluate his own self for a bit
JFSAJDFJ this was so funny hahahah also when he went "i hope he gets hit by a car" JFADJ petty boy jfajjja
RIGHT?? she's been acting suspicious ever since we got to know her 👀
FJADJSFJ that part was so cute afjdjsfa
same same same :(
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA!! HE DESERVES THE FUCKING WORLD :( also not you saying he is your fave omfmgm GIRL ogc!kook and aaol!kook are quaking in their boots rn fandnfa
istfg she is so hot you have no idea how much I want her fand
wait I'll do that down below fnadfna
gosh yes I can see both of those things happening :(((((
Okay now to answer your question about Yoongi's feelings. The reason why he was still able to run to her (kinda) was because he was a Creator and therefore it took a while longer for the magic to overwhelm him. Sophie and Shirley got like a "magical signal" from Suzy to start their plan. They tranquilised Jelena with magic and then attempted to do the same to Yoongi, which failed big times as they both got killed by him seconds later afnadf. Then he already heard OC scream for him, but by that point he also felt the magic infilitrate his body which meant he could only really stumble to get to her while his muscles grew weaker and weaker and his eyesight got darker and darker. He was definitely scared out of his wits, mostly for OC of course but also for himself because it's been thousands of years since he last felt that helpless 🥺
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yesimwriting · 1 year
Oh boy, not the 'sneaky era' 😭🤣 I'm thrilled, but scared. I saw in ch 7 that Noel was never mentioned....is that man dead? I feel like he could be dead in a ditch somewhere. Y/n wasn't able to find him before she left the party in ch 5 too. Then again, he never did anything wrong to us so maybe he was let off the hook. Also love how Stu babies us 🥴 like yes, cut my oranges and take care of mwah 🤣 him buying me books was giving off sugar daddy vibes too. Kinda terrified that he was able to convince my own mom to let him teach me to drive. Speaking of her, did we ever tell her about that second Ghostface call? Did we ever tell her about our 'date' with Noel? I would think she'd be mad and worried since Noel is a guy.
Kinda off topic, but I'm hoping Hallie shows up to Woodsborrow to cause chaos 😌 we seemed wary about her coming there and there's gotta be a reason for that, especially since we only seem worried about her meeting Billy and Stu. Hallie also feels like a troublemaker since she's known as 'Hurricane Hallie' too and it's scaring me 🤣 Billy and Stu probably wouldn't like her either just bc she is our bestie and knows us better than they do. It's like the Gloria situation, they'd be jealous we have other people to turn to....and I love making them mad. I wonder if we have other friends from Texas or if Hallie is literally the only real one that stuck around 🥲 so excited for the next chapter!
ah i love seeing people excited about final girl!! "thrilled but scared" is so valid 😭
where's Noel is a super valid question...and so are all of your guesses,, ig all i have to say is that you'll see, it wouldn't be a sneaky era if i told you
also yeah stu for sure did give sugar daddy a little, i head canon him as someone whose parents aren't around much and that they genuinely think giving him gifts and access to money with little to no regulations/restrictions makes up for it almost fully
all he knows is throwing money at who he cares about bc he doesn't know how to express his feelings into words, the babying is the second part of that,, it's him sort of instinctually doing what a subconscious part of him wishes someone would have done for him
and as far as the mom thing... yeah stu didn't get through the entire scream movie without ever really being suspected despite all the jokes he made while billy who was being accused for nothing,, he knows how to manipulate!! how to interpret what people see him as and play into it when it's convenient and how to play as misunderstood when it isn't
mansplain, manipulate, malewife and in that order
all the questions about what y/n's mom doesn't know are really good!! in part 6 it's briefly mentioned that Billy and y/n called y/n's mom after calling the police about the Ghostface call so she knows
the noel thing and whether or not her mom knows does come up!! so i won't say anything about it rn :))
also so happy you mentioned Hallie 😭 i have plans for her lol,, nothing too crazy,, but billy and stu will meet her soon enough
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yamigooops · 2 years
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I posted 1,147 times in 2022
13 posts created (1%)
1,134 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 123 of my posts in 2022
#cel saves - 59 posts
#cel screams - 41 posts
#cel suggests - 27 posts
#cel sobs - 25 posts
#bakugou x reader - 24 posts
#cel speaks - 20 posts
#bakugou katsuki - 14 posts
#cel simps - 10 posts
#soft bakugou - 8 posts
#bakugou smut - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#i kinda wanna replace his fingers with mine on the carb and make him take a fat fucking rip on the bong
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I have yet to put last year’s sticker on anything bc I’m too hesitant and feel like I’ll regret it, so you best BELIEVE these popsicles ain’t goin anywhere yet… it has to be perfect because they deserve nothing left 😌💕
Thank you so much for these @birfart I literally can’t wait to hang them in my new apartment when I get it (mind you I haven’t started looking but I just graduated so it’ll happen soon hopefully lol) The prints will be front and center on my anime wall 🥰🥹✨
15 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Reader Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Reader Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Dragon King Endeavor, Queen Reader, Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, War, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Redemption, Soft Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Summary:
When a chance to end the 100-year-long war sits itself right at your feet in the form of a 7-foot-tall dragon king, you can't help but accept. Little did you know where you'd end up...
Hi lovelies!! So I’m writing my first ever series (though I have another in the works hehe) and I wanted to share it with you all. I’ve decided to post it to Archive Of Our Own instead of Tumblr, but I may cross post it here in the future, depending on how well it does over there. I hope you’ll all consider reading it, because I have big plans for it. Chapter 1 isn’t any nsfw, but that’s coming very soon! 
20 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Y’all Shinsou really ain’t that nice of a guy in the show, and he’s so driven by the need to prove to both himself and others that he’s not a villain that sometimes I wonder if he really wants to be where he is, or if he just feels obligated to prove that everyone’s expectations that he’ll be a villain are wrong.
It makes me kinda hurt for him bc sometimes he seems unhappy with his journey to becoming a hero, but at the beginning I thought he was just as competitive a person as Bakugou, only super cold instead of explosive. But now, high and on my third rewatch of MHA, I feel like he just feels obligated to prove everyone wrong, whether or not that is what he really wants to do with his life.
Idk, I feel like he’s a really open-for-discussion character when talking about him canonically and I kinda love that about him. If y’all have thoughts about him and his character, lemme know bc I just love this boy so much and truly think he’s severely underrated
is this opening the possibilities for a shinsou hurt/comfort fic? maybe it is maybe it isn’t I guess you’ll have to wait and see huh?
24 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Hey I know you beta’d for Gnarlypunkassbitch for Our Enigma. I noticed she’s deleted her ao3 account and her Twitter, do you know what happened or if she’s ok?
Omg yes! Ok so she DMed me before deleting and let me know that she’s had some ongoing issues with both her physical and mental health. I’ve known about them for a little while, as that is the reason she hasn’t updated the story since like February I think?
Essentially she had been feeling a tremendous amount of pressure over not having the time, energy, or inspiration to write and/or update the story. Despite readers’ support and reassurance for her to take her time and prioritize her wellbeing, as writers online we can often get caught up in the trap of thinking that just because we have a story that might be successful, which I would absolutely consider OE successful with tens of thousands of reads, we have to update on a constant schedule or our readers are going to get mad.
I know when she first started it she updated regularly, but from what I know it was supposed to end a while ago but she kept extending it bc readers wanted more. She eventually had to prioritize her well-being over the story, since she lost inspiration. And while this happened a few weeks ago, she still felt the pressure from AO3 and Twitter, so she decided that a full cleanse would be best for her.
However, we are still in contact, so she hasn’t completely vanished. I’ve emailed her in response to the DMs she sent me before leaving Twitter, and expressed my support for her to take care of herself first. She did say in the DMs that she may come back and repost the story in the future after she’s worked on herself, but that’s completely up to her. I do still have the beta read documents, and she still has the originals, so the story still exists, just not publicly right now. I was also talking with her about releasing a podfic of the story, though I hadn’t planned to even start recording it until October.
As of right now, she hasn’t responded. I emailed her on April 6th when she left, so it hasn’t been super long since then. But I expressed that she didn’t have to respond or anything if she needed a full cleanse from everything. Though I did express that I was sending her good vibes and thoughts, as well as my willingness to act as a channel for her to communicate with all the fans of OE in order to update you all on her state, as well as share your support and love for her.
I just feel so incredibly privileged to have been a part of this story, even if the work I did never got shared publicly. Because I got to become friends with a generous, kind-hearted, marvelously talented woman, while also sharpening my editing skills at the same time. Like I literally kept a cry count throughout this fuckin fic and the first read through I cried 15 times, and by the end of the beta it was up to 27. If a writer is able to make you cry even when you know what’s coming next? That’s true mastery in my opinion. So like wow. I just…. I’ll never shut up about this fic y’all. Never ever. I wish I could share the beta docs so y’all could still read it, but that would be a breach of her trust since she took it down publicly and hasn’t responded to my message yet. So I unfortunately won’t be doing that.
I’m also honored that people have come to me to ask after her. Like wowza. I’ve had numerous people do so, and I just can’t get over it. The love that has already been shown just in the past 6 days is astonishing. She impacted so many in such a profound way, and I am more than happy to act as a bridge to you all now. Though I will say that if you’d like to send her love and/or we’ll wishes that I won’t be contacting her again until she responds to me. Because we all need to respect her journey to healing, and if that means never hearing from her again, I hope you’re all willing to accept that and still wish her well.
So really all we can do now is sit together in our love for her and the story, send her positive energy in her road toward healing, and cross our fingers that she will one day bring this masterpiece back to life. But the decision is completely up to her, and I hope you’ll all support her just as much as I do. Keep an eye out for her possible return, maybe check like once every month or two. I will also make an announcement if she does return, so let’s do what we can right now to get her those good, healing vibes 🥰🥲
Below are my true feelings regarding the (hopefully temporary) loss of this absolutely incredible writer and friend:
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64 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
good luck charm
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synopsis: when you decide to get a little cheeky and put on a cute cowboy’s hat you get a lot more than you bargained for
warnings: strangers to lovers, slight size kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, Katsuki’s a playful bastard (if there are any I’m missing let me know lmao)
length: 9.7k
inspired by an ask submitted to @kingkatsuki by @thecowboykatsuki-anon and featuring art based on the same idea by @jozstanko-art​ we’re all just whipped by this fucker and want to put his hat on and have him fuck us silly
Rodeos weren’t particularly your thing, considering you had grown up in the suburbs your entire life. College had introduced you to people who had grown up with lifestyles contrary to your own, including your best friend Mina, who had grown up in a small rural town. Where she had grown up everyone knew each other, and things like farms and town fairs and rodeos were commonplace among the population.
So, when she invited you to one of said rodeos after your junior year had ended you were intrigued enough to oblige. She had told you about them for the past three years, and you were somewhat curious after all the hype she had placed on them. So about two weeks after the semester ended you found yourself in her hometown. It was a small town, with a main street that consisted of about three blocks of bars and independent shops that provided everything from boutiques to ice cream parlors.
As the day approached dusk on your summer vacation you found yourself at the main fairgrounds for the (apparently monthly) rodeo and trying not to entirely mentally check out. You genuinely had no idea what was going on, despite the fact that Mina had spent the hour and a half drive from your university apartment to her childhood home explaining everything that happened at a rodeo. All you could grasp was that there were three events and which ones her friends competed in. One competed in two, while another competed in the other.
The third friend competed in all three events and was recognized area-wide as exemplary in all of them, and by the way Mina described this man he was incredibly attractive. So, you spent your free time on the drive imagining how this man looked. You only knew he had blonde, spiky hair, red eyes, and a near permanent scowl. However, considering he participated in all three of these events you had to assume he was in peak physical condition. Something about Mina’s description of him made your stomach flutter.
As she pulled into the parking lot of the arena you realized just how popular this event was. It seemed as though every person in town was here, and the parking had spilled over from the actual lot onto the field surrounding it. Once you had parked in the closest possible spot, you and Mina made your way over to the competitors’ area.
Since she knew so many of the participants the two of you were permitted past the gate reading “Competitors and staff only.” She led you through a light crowd of men and women, many of whom were decked out in full cowboy regalia. There was also the occasional horse, bull, or steer being led to their pens to await their turn on the arena floor.
Coming to a pair of young men, Mina bounced on the balls of her feet and tapped a red-haired man on the shoulder. He turned around questioningly before lighting up at the sight of your best friend.
“Well look who finally made it,” boomed the man. He towered over you, absolutely built but attractive in a big puppy kind of way. His smile was infectious, and as he pulled Mina into a bear hug, you found yourself smiling as well.
“Eiji, I missed you so much!” Mina practically jumped onto her friend, her arms clinging around his neck. So, this must have been Kirishima. Now that you heard his name you could recall several stories Mina had shared with you about the red-haired giant. She had also shared with you, in confidence of course, that she’d had the biggest crush on him since middle school, but never worked up the courage to ask him out.
“Missed you too,” he murmured, his face buried in her neck. If you didn’t know any better, it would have looked like the two were already dating. The thought had you chuckling, as it was quite obvious that Kirishima felt the same way about Mina. You supposed it was probably easier to see as an outsider.
“God, get a room, will ya?” came a gruff voice from behind the pair. You shifted your attention from the closeted lovers before you to the man standing just behind them. Sure enough, based on Mina’s description of him, you assumed it was Bakugou Katsuki. Only he was so much more attractive than you had expected. His garnet eyes were piercing as they moved from Kirishima and Mina over to rest on you, and you found yourself blushing and looking away under his intense gaze. “And who are you?”
“Oh, guys this is my best friend and roommate Y/N,” Mina supplied, releasing Kirishima from the chokehold she had him in and moving back to your side to prompt you forward. “She finally agreed to come see you guys compete!”
“Wow, that’s awesome. Thank you so much, and it’s nice to meet ya,” grinned Kirishima as he held out his hand to shake yours. He was the picture of gentlemanly perfection, and you found yourself instantly drawn toward him.
“Absolutely, I figured I should come see what all the hype is after this one talked it up so much for three years,” you chuckled and gestured toward your pink-haired friend. “She talks about you guys all the time.”
“Better be good things,” grumbled Bakugou, crossing his arms over his chest. The action had his black, green and red plaid shirt pulling tight over his biceps and chest, drawing your attention to the rest of his physique. His thighs were massive, though you supposed that was from years of training to ride bucking animals. His leather chaps had imagery of explosions down the sides, and flared out at the ends along with his dark jeans to accommodate his leather cowboy boots. Atop his head sat a well-loved black cowboy hat, beneath which his spikes of ash blonde hair peeked.
“Oh, only the best. I hear that you guys are some of the best riders around,” you nodded. His slight scowl didn’t budge, and in that moment, you decided you’d make it your goal to get him to smile by the end of the night.
“Aww, thank you Mina,” Kirishima crooned, throwing his arm around the smaller girl.
“Of course, I’d say good things, ya doofus. You guys are my best friends.” Mina’s cheeks were darkening from the proximity to the “love of her life,” as she had put it so many times. 
You chuckled, watching as the childhood friends caught up with one another. There were two more that joined, named Sero and Denki, and as the conversation continued and the crowd shifted, you found yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with Bakugou after a while. You chimed in every once in a while, but mainly let Mina catch up with her friends. Bakugou seemed to have a similar approach to the conversation, watching as Mina and Kirishima cluelessly flirted and teased one another. 
“Are they always this oblivious?” You kept your words quiet as you directed them toward the blonde beside you.
“Those two have been doing this shit for years,” he sighed. “We keep tryin’ to get em together, tell them that they’re into each other, but they’re about as dense as two blocks of concrete.”
You snorted, “Must be exhausting having to watch that for so many years.”
“You ain’t got a clue.” He let out a puff of air through his nose, and when you peeked up at him through your lashes, you realized it was a chuckle. There was a shadow of a smile on his lips, and you felt your chest glow with pride at having gotten even that out of the stoic man.
“You should smile more,” you said teasingly, bumping your shoulder against his, though it was admittedly more against his bicep than anything.
“That a command, little missy?” He turned those burning eyes on you once again, and you felt something tighten deep within you. Feeling a surge of confidence roll through you as you captured his attention, you reached up and plucked his hat off his head before plopping it down on your own. It was warm and smelled like his shampoo, something deep and spicy. His lips slowly slid into a sly grin as you tilted your head back slightly more than before to be able to see him under the brim of it.
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2,759 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dudewhy3 · 1 year
For the fanfic writer emoji ask, I dare you to answer all of them 😌
you're funny, i like you
i already answered some of them, so i'll answer the others here. thank you for the ask!!♡
😅 ✍️🍦💖🏆🤗🤩
😈 🧐🦅💞🤲✅️⌛️🤯
🤡 a line/scene/moment/exchange i've written that made me laugh: the Rice Fiasco in chapter 7 of wpts and the Duck Team scene in chapter 8. fun stuff
✍️ do you have a beta reader? YOU ARE THE BETA READER AHAHAHA
🛠 what tools/programs/apps do you use to write? google docs. that's it lmao. i sometimes use the writer bot on discord, if that counts
🍷 do you drink and write? ....yeah, sometimes
🍆 do you write spicy stuff? i'm not comfortable with writing it at this point in my life welp
🎃 do you write fics for holidays? i do actually! i have a Christmas au as well as an Easter au
🎯 have any of your readers guessed any major plot points? they used to guess every plot point back in 2020, when "There for You" was a thing
🎨 how do you feel about fanart of your stories? i love and adore it whenever someone draws for my stories, you'll get crushed in internet hugs if you do that ♡
🤗 advice for new writers: write for yourself and post for the 5 to 10 people that will read and comment (not my words but they stuck with me). also try to have an outline of your stories, or a general plan. It's easier to write without getting lost this way. And take breaks. If it starts feeling like too much, take a break, go for a walk, don’t burn yourself out. It's okay, your story and your readers will still be there when you come back ♡
🧠 and you picked Sasha so: She loves literature. yeah that’s it
💌 how do you feel about comments and feedback? i love both really, it makes me happy whenever i recieve any. it makes me want to keep going and write more and update more often and it just generally fills me with joyyyy
💲 will you ever open comissions? i actually haven't thought about this yet, i'm not sure
📈 how many fics do you have? 16 and counting
👀 tell me about an up and coming wip please. well. ok. there's this university au where Armin's Grandfather is their biggest shipper, but Annie is too afraid to be honest with her feelings and they just end up hurting each other. you know. fun stuff
🤲 would you please share a snippet of your wip? already did it here, but i'll share another as a treat:
Another bit from chapter 9 of Who painted the sky?:
She steals a glance at her colleague, who’s just as unbothered as always, then goes back to watching the game just as Hitch manages to take Armin out. The boy falls dramatically, acting wounded, the children’s laughter echoing through the yard; his antics bring a smile on the host’s lips. Hannah watches as Hitch runs to her team and high fives everyone, jumping around so excitedly. In the meantime, Annie offers Armin her hand to help him up, and the boy takes it gratefully; only to pull her to the floor with him. After a moment of silently staring at each other, Armin mutters something, and the two of them start snickering. Hannah finds herself watching them closely before realising just how intimate of a moment that must be and looking away. They sure seem to share such a rare bond, however unexpected.
😬 which of your works would you be the most horrified for your friends, family, coworkers, to stumble across? all of them. they're pieces of myself that i don’t want certain people to know of
🎉 what leads you to consider a fic a success? it’s all up to how happy ot makes me really
🥰 how do you feel about reader interaction? it makes me happy whenever readers interact with my fics, be it a lengthy comment on my prose or a short 'thanks, i'm looking forward to the continuation', it always makes me very happy
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undeniablyares · 2 years
This was a fun little post that was going on around Twitter that I wanted to share here for those that follow me here. ✨
1. Accidentally Demonic. It is hands down my favorite fic of mine to read and write, and I only have 3 chapters out currently. Just based on the overall tone, what I've done so far, and what's to come based on my chapter maps/planning, I think it will be one of my best works ever. Y'all are really in for it.
2. Accidentally an Oiran is my most popular fic. The sheer amount of support, engagement, and interest will forever be mind-boggling to me. It was my first long fic, my first Akaren story I started, it brought me out of my shell and introduced me to all you amazing people within the KNY fandom. It will always hold a special place in my heart, and I'm forever grateful for all of you that enjoy it. 🔥❄️
3. Breathe. It's weird, sad af, and wildly out of character, but I think we need more Senjuro-centered fics. I adore character studies, and a badass, dark version of Senjuro is just so fucking cool. I also think it's the most mature thing I've written as I try to characterize a tough, clever, slayer Senjuro who is fueled by grief and spite. I'm dying to get back to it so I can keep the plot going.
4. I am such a sap for the childhood friends to lovers trope in romance/erotica. I'm also into that weird, one-sided pining where the other is an idiot and doesn't realize their friend has always been in love with them until much later, then falls for the friend and it becomes mutual pining until one nuts up and finally confesses. Confusing slow burns have me in a chokehold. 😅🥲
5. Soulmates alternate universes are probably my least favorite trope to read or write. This likely stems from my own spiritual beliefs and ideas about the universe, more than anything else. Not bashing the idea at all, as it's adorably romantic, it's just not my favorite. Reincarnation alternate universe ideas are different, though. I'll fuck with a reincarnation au anytime. 😅
6. I have a longer fic idea that I want to do with either a slayer Akaza or Hakuji and Pillar Kyo, where Kyo gets turned into a demon at the beginning and Akaza/Hakuji has to fight to try and find a cure for him, or like a Tokyo Ghoul sort of scenario that rewrites Mugen Train to have Kyo survive from a makeshift transfusion of Akaza's blood and becoming a half-demon from it. (I really love demon Kyo ideas 🫣)
7. Accidentally an Oiran is my longest fanfic currently, but not my longest work ever. I write original fiction that's longer that is dark fantasy/horror and erotica with LGBTQ+ characters that I am currently editing and hoping to actually publish one day.
8. Snake Eyes, the Akaren Week mythology prompt, is currently my shortest fic.
9. My list of collaborations that I inwardly pine for consists of working with some of my favorite Akaren writers, but I'm far too nervous to ever initiate anything with anyone else. My faves are GremlinCat, Blueberrybagel, saigne, OllieWritesAll, GodlessOx, and BTS2016dia on AO3. I can dream, anyway. 😅🫣 That being said, all Akaren is good Akaren. I am always down to collab with anyone about anything Akaren at any time. This also goes for artists that are interested in me writing stories to go along with their art or comics. My DMs are literally always open to anyone. 😌
10. My most used tags are Kyojurou lives, porn with plot/feelings, and anal. I am a predictable man with fine tastes. 😂
11. My AO3 account is linked at the bottom. The update schedule is going to be, for the very near future: Ch. 3 of Bad Pillar, the Wet and Messy | Massages | Body Worship Akaren Kinktober prompt, Dubiously Married Part 3, and chapters 3 for Accidentally Human and Accidentally Reborn. The 2023 update schedule will likely consist of more with the Accidentally Routes, the longer modern au BDSM Akaren fic I'm planning, and the Demon Rehab fic. Stay tuned, friends. Trying to feed y'all well. 😌
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suttttton · 2 years
helllllloooooo, hope all is well sutton! popping in to ask about the Groundhog Day fic 😌❤️
groundhog day fic,,,, love of my life, bane of my wip pile
(for those of y'all that are new here, Groundhog Day fic is about our dearly detested Elias getting stuck in a timeloop between the unknowing and the apocalypse and becoming a better person via the power of love/agressively shaking him like a snowglobe)
my first draft is still sitting at 60k words,,,, mocking me. tragically, i haven't made any progress since the last time i gave y'all an update, BUT i do have serious plans to make it my front-burner story after my RQBB stuff is finished and posted
i tend to write in a sort of cyclical fashion where i will chip away at a draft until i have a decent idea of what i want to change for the next draft, at which point i make a new outline and start on my second draft (cannibalizing the first draft as i go; i do not throw away all of the work i've already done that would be crazy), and repeat until i finally have a complete draft, at which point it only needs some light edits for me to consider it 'finished and ready for posting.’ i’ve reached the point in groundhog day where i’m shifting from draft #1 to draft #2, which means i have most of the structure of the story pretty well in hand. awesome!
the problem is. the story is just so goddamn long. and it turns out time loops are really complicated to write because you have to keep track of SO MANY DETAILS. i'm trying to make my new outline but first i have to write out everyone's character progressions for every single fucking time around and what everyone (and i do mean everyone) else is doing while Elias is focused on Elias World. i've had to make like. lists of Ways Elias Has Suffered and Must Suffer before he can be redeemed. i’m having to give him memories so he can have flashbacks because he’s the POV character and he’s been alive for 200 fucking years and some of that is probably relevant to him. i even have a fucking jonelias map tracking their relationship over the course of the story (which is 100 percent necessary for pacing purposes but COME ON I JUST WANT TO WRITE WEIRD CREEPY RELATIONSHIP DYNAMICS). and even putting all that aside, 60k words is a lot to cannibalize. even just reading through my current draft is a days-long endeavor???????
no worries though! groundhog day is far from dead! my goal rn is for the final chapter to be posted next August 5 (because that's approximately the day in canon that Elias called the crew in for his pre-Unknowing meeting, which also makes it Time Loop day!) i know that's still a year away, but this fic is going to be like 15 chapters minimum, updating on a weekly schedule (which means the first chapter would go up in april), and i am going to need. quite a lot of time to finish it lol
anyway here’s a little preview of Tim and Elias bonding(??) road trip:
Tim looks at his phone, and his look of cruel, satisfied elation fades. His eyebrows furrow. There are fourteen missed calls. Four from Martin, seven from Melanie, three from Basira. He turns away from Elias, holding the phone to his ear, waiting with concern as Martin’s phone rings and rings.
Then, “Martin, what’s going on? Is everything okay?” Tim’s other hand hand is scratching over the fabric of his jeans, a nervous tic. “Martin, I can’t—slow down, just tell me what happened.”
Tim stiffens, his hand curling into a fist. “Are you sure?” he says, his voice quiet.
Elias can see Martin curled on the floor, holding tight to what remains of Jon. He hears Martin’s panting breaths, struggling to get enough control of his emotions to snap, “Jared Hopworth attacked him. I’m pretty fucking sure.”
It wasn’t a peaceful death. Elias knows exactly how unpeaceful it was, can practically hear Jon screaming as Jared Hopworth took and took and took from him. He is missing vertebrae, a kneecap, several small bones in both of his hands, his left tibia, the bones of his right eardrums, three teeth, his left ankle, and many, many ribs.
Tim stays on the phone for a few more moments, then hangs up and casts tired, dull eyes to Elias. “Did you know this would happen,” he says, his voice a low growl.
“I can’t see the future, Tim,” Elias says.
“Did you know they were coming?”
“Would it change anything, if I did? Would you have given up your chance to hunt down the Circus?”
With a snarl, Tim punches the door of the car, then slams it behind him as he slumps into his seat. Rolling his eyes, Elias gets in beside him.
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theharrowing · 1 year
hi, harrow!!! 5, 6, and 7 for the writing ask game 😌😌
hello, nicki!!! <3
5. Do you plan or jump right in, and if you plan, how much do you like to do before you start a story?
this depends heavily on the fic, and the timeframe i am working with. for the most part, when i do oneshots, i just start to type and i go to where the wind takes me. it was that way with my longer fics too, until i got to chapter 20 of Dollhouse and 10 of Collateral and went "wait what the fuck am i doing? how should i end this???" and i outlined those, and began to outline some other shorter series too. before, when i was doing way too many fests, i was making short outlines just because i would get so busy writing fast, that i would easily forget wtf i was doing. probably not healthy but that's showbiz, babie!
as for how much planning goes into it, sometimes i just jot down ideas. for the bigger fics i have beat by beat how i want every chapter to go, and i do my best to follow that path as i write (but tbh sometimes i deviate because the characters come alive and do their own thing and honestly, who am i to try to contain them???)
6. Do you have a favorite snack while writing?
i loveeee salty. cheez-it, goldfish, plain potato chips, flavored potato chips........i am a very snacky cat.
7. Music, ambient noise, or silence?
this depends on what level of chaos my adhd is at, tbh. sometimes i need specific mood music, sometimes just anything will do, sometimes i put on animal crossing songs with rain, sometimes i either need complete silence or i hit pause for a second and forget that i hit pause and then just unintentionally sit in silence. idk.
the moral of the story for all of this is that chaos reigns idk.
thank you so much for asking!!!!!!
send me some writer asks!
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Akira, first of all FUCK YOUUU, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!!!
Thank you for updating the charlos mafia fic, I am in love! It was so well written and it made me sob, especially that part about Jules. I always love your characteristics, you just get them!!
That threesome? Mamma mia! I could feel the sexual tension in the air, they're such idiots istg
And most of all, just a really big thank you, I wish I could tell you exactly how much i love and appreciate all your fics, you are my favourite writer
Hello hi hello 🥰 thank you so fucking much for coming here to yell at me <3 i love it and it makes me happy as fuck, that i've managed to get that strong a response with my writing 🥹 it just makes me giddy and giggly and all-around happy ☺️
i had to get lefrères in, especially since they're so important to charles :) there will be more of them in the future deffs, from what i've envisioned. the next chapter is from carlos' pov, soooo i guess we'll find out what happens to charles when he does? 🤔🤭 i know the cliffhanger was mean, but, i dont usually do cliffhangers so this was fuuuun, witnessing the outrage :D and thank you for liking my porn 🫡
honestly i have no idea when the next chapter will be, i have like a 100 words of carlos' random thoughts and thats it. it won't be soon, probably, bcs im also pretty sure i have 5-7 kinkmeme prompts to finish first, but who knows where the mind takes me? tbh im exhausted after writing that monster of a chapter, and rl is also a thing thats picking up these days, no matter how much i want to just sit in my bed and write. so, it will happen at some point 😌🥰
thank you again for all your kind words ❤️ they mean the world <3
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ilentari · 2 years
Nice chapter!!
I enjoyed it so much ^^.
I have waited for this chapter to come for a while! And it did not disappoint at all.
Looking forward to more Hisashi being embarassed and parented by a little kid 🤣.
Though if I am allowed to ask.
Why Nemuri was not mentioned as an ally in the attempted murder of Hisashi? I was more or less expecting to get executed at the spot (because her canon fate).
Did Eri watch the whole thing about how her father was bleeding and being punished for the king himself? And how the very tall vampire that turned out to be younger than her (really, I am surprised she didn't think of him as another kid, when I was 4, when someone who was like in their 20's told me in a playful way that they were 4 or 5 too, I believed them, I was just that innocent) spare him and her uncle?
And how did Eri know about Yoichi? Only Izuku should know of that.
I am kind of surprised that Hisashi does not remember Shikamuro; I am starting to think there is more to that that Aizawa and everyone else knows.
And last but not least...
Has Hisashi ever actually been with a woman before? Like a girlfriend?
(I know the death of Yoichi is his tragic backstory, but to addition to that, if Hisashi would have lost a wife and children, just damn, it would have been too much).
I’m glad you enjoyed the update! ☺️ Gotta love a flustered Hisashi 👏👏
Nemuri wasn’t mentioned because she wasn’t actually in on it! In a previous chapter, Gran Torino told Aizawa to keep the murder plans on the down low, but conceded when Aizawa wanted to tell Yamada. Nemuri, on the other hand, was completely in the dark. She had no idea what her friends were planning.
Nemuri genuinely just wanted some “alone time” with Hisashi bc she liked him 👀 Gran knew Aizawa was waiting for a moment to strike, and he knew what Nemuri was like and that she’d probably drag Hisashi away, incidentally giving Aizawa that moment he’d been looking for. Aizawa wasn’t even aware Gran and Mirai did that for him.
Eri was watching! Though there was likely someone ready to cover her ears and eyes if things got really bad. Good thing Hisashi wanted Izuku to be merciful! And Eri knows about Yoichi bc of a special type of magic she has that may or may not come back into play later on in the fic.
Hisashi doesn’t remember all the vampires he’s ever killed, they’ve just been vamps to him. So of course, he doesn’t remember Shirakumo, which Aizawa and Yamada are offended by. Not only did Hisashi kill their friend, but he doesn’t even have any idea who he even was lmao
And yes, Hisashi has been with a woman before. Once 😌💅 lmao. He got to fuck once.
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lingy910y · 6 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Friday
thanks @lupeloto for creating the game and @mybrainismelted for tagging me
favorite tv show? shameless
favorite character? ian
favorite relationship in the show? gallavich
favorite sibling relationship in the show? ian and lip. also if you enjoy their relationship this edit will fucking kill you
favorite art form? books but specifically fanfics ty
a talent you wish you had? rn it’s sewing…then i can make clothes for my plushies
what is one thing that can always make your day better? coming onto tumblr dot com and seeing notes, fandom events/games, or amazing gifsets/fics/art on the dash
favorite fictional character of all time? still ian
dream place to travel to? japan
you’re planning a huge party, what’s the theme? gallavich wedding inspired 😌
favorite pizza topping of all time? plain cheese thanks
you can pick one celebrity to have dinner with…who? cameron monaghan yes my answers are very predictable
favorite movie that you kinda know is bad but still love? i think most of my fav movies are perfect despite popular opinion but the rwrb film…it just changed too much things so it’s not as good as the book but still good
how would you describe your style? casual
finally, something making you smile this week? my decomytree messages 🥰
combining that with last week's bc i didn't do it (yes this is the first time i've done a weekly tag wednesday the week after) thanks kat and @energievie for tagging me
choose a fandom: shameless
how did you first hear about it? i remember hearing abt it here and there on social media but not paying attention cause i wasn’t into live action at the time. i purposely searched up “top 10 canon gay ships” bc i was too frustrated with queerbait lmao. everyone was praising gallavich so i looked them up and gallavich scenes welcomed me with open arms 😌
do you own only merch? yes! from the gallacrafts shop: paper dolls stickers, breakfast boys stickers and stained glass window pin. i lost my fimo boys pin and i’ll never be over it 😔 also two keychains, three stickers, four fake id cards, two instagram cards, and a ring necklace with “shameless” embroidered on it that came with my gallavich plushies 🥺🥺
what thing involving this fandom do you think non-fans would be surprised to hear? seconding deanna—how it’s majorly a supportive community despite a quite tragic and graphic show
favorite character? the chick from the movie brave
in 5 words explain why they’re your fav: industrious, ambitious, conscientious, work ethic
choose another fandom: bnha
what’s your least favorite thing about the source material? the current war arc cause the pacing sucks
favorite ship: bkdk
best fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31715602/chapters/78496537
one of the only longfics i ever liked bc it just got me so emotionally invested in updates 😭
describe the vibe of the fandom in 5 words: drama, competitive, complain, talented, discourse……….yeah
what’s your name spelled backwards? gnil
tell you how old you are the way a three year old might: i will be a grown up next year
what is your favorite ice cream? vanilla
tell me something you wish more people knew about you: how much hours i spend ruminating bc of anxiety on some days and how hard it is to control
where is home for you? my bed
if you could be an anthropomorphized stuffed animal, what stuffie would you want to be? idk ppl say i’m like a dog
the movie you wish everyone would watch: eeaoo, still think it’s an universal movie
what makes you really emotional lately? ppl saying nice things abt my fics, rewatching shamey with my friend
are you okay? kinda
tagging no one cause it's too much to read
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