#but it also makes me want to throw things when i realise the mistake was so simple
the-hoziest · 1 day
am i the only person who doesn't see buck as a people pleaser?
i see him as caring and attentive and someone who goes the extra mile to help the people he loves. he's someone you can rely on to be there when you need them.
people pleasing is a very specific trauma response behaviour that essentially means ignoring your own wants and needs, prioritising others over yourself, making yourself smaller, trying to keep the peace, not rock the boat.
that's not the buck who quit his job when he was desked. who sued the LAFD to get his job back. the guy who told the newbie "you're my problem" and ripped off bosko's temporary label from his designated shelf. or how about when his relationship with ali ended because she couldn't handle his risky job, and buck wasn't willing to compromise on it? when he told taylor kelly that they can wipe the slate clean between them but not continue their relationship? when he broke up with natalia because he realised she wasn't really interested in him as an actual person? if he ever displayed this behaviour, might've been with abby, which was a wholly fucked up relationship with buck looking for commitment (maybe for the first time in his life?) with a woman who wasn't looking for anything serious. but even then when he had doubts he talked to bobby about it.
my point is, when buck's upset about something, he doesn't stay quiet about it. he doesn't neglect his own wellbeing and doesn't compromise his peace just to make others happy. he'll go about it in very wrong ways, especially in the earlier seasons when he was still young and hadn't even began unpacking his childhood trauma, and he's matured since then, of course. and I think he had that "people would be better off without me" mentality but i don't think ive seen it since his coma, when he said that being buck is enough. he has grown so much (and i hope he will hold on to his newfound self esteem, i hope nothing will ever make him doubt his own worth).
but even in s7 - when he was bothered and did something about it. again, went about it the wrong ways. but he went to talk to maddie when he hurt eddie, admitted his mistake, made up with him (even though we didnt see it on screen). and then again when he thought he had sabotaged his first date with tommy, he talked to maddie and eddie, and then he reached out to ask for another chance, and invited him to his sister's wedding, insisting tommy should come as his date because he wanted him there (i'm not saying he wouldn't have taken no for an answer, but he knows what he wants and is vocal about it). and - throwing a bachelor party for chimney, who didn't even want one, but buck wanted to do the nice thing for his friend/future BIL and he made a theme around things chimney likes. being there for eddie and christopher but setting his boundaries ("i dont think i can explain this") because he cares about them and wants to help them any way he can.
this doesn't read as people-pleasing behaviour to me. buck is someone who cares so fucking much, no doubt about it, his compassion for others is endless. but he also goes for the things he wants and stands up for himself against things he doesn't tolerate.
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scp3999 · 1 month
coding an inventory system with equippable items has me feeling like im an actual rocket scientist when in actual fact i just finally figured out why equipping function didn't work after scrolling down (i used the wrong variable in one single spot bc i wasnt paying attention)
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sukunasweetheart · 7 months
This is just a quick rambling i did mostly at like 4am but just a warning for dark content, murder and manipulation 🤞🤞🤞
Heian era sukuna x op reader who isnt equal to his strength, but close enough to it that he pardons your weakness and keeps you at an arm's length distance bc youre not strong enough for him to belong to you, but youre also too precious to kill, or to belong to someone else.
Youre fun. Youre a pretty thing to look at, and to pleasure himself with. Above all that, youre just like him, thinking only of yourself and plainly disregarding everything else... messing around with you comes only second best to dining on human flesh whenever he's in need of some rich entertainment. And he really believed you'd remain the same, strong/unrelenting/selfish, not by his side per se, but around him, forever.
Until he witnesses you showing a strange interest in someone else... a powerless nobody. An insignificant human man.
That's not right. That's not like you. You should be digging your heel into the man's face from above. You should kill him on the spot. Why are you gazing at him like that instead?
He leaves you be. It must be just a temporary infatuation. Everybody needs a new plaything once in a while, right? And he couldn't care less about what you get up to in your spare time, anyway.
Sukuna turns a blind eye to it for a period of time... and he couldn't have made a bigger mistake. Your little boytoy lasts too long for his liking, and he eventually wants to interfere, to question you on it.
He shows up to where you are, and you're sitting next to the man as if he deserves to even meet you eye-to-eye like that, being such a worthless existence.
He doesn't like it. The way you protectively throw a hand over the vermin behind you. He doesn't like it at all. He considers doing the job for you, to kill him without hesitation, but something stops him from doing so. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to see you get emotional over another's death. The slightest sliver of a chance that it could trigger you to fight sukuna in the name of a third party, other than yourself makes him feel disgusted. That's not what he wants.
He'll drag you away from that insect, instead. He'll remind you of your status, of what kind of man suits you better, suits you best. He'll snip off this growing bud before it blooms.
Sukuna will mock you for getting infatuated with such a lowly being. But you seem shameless. And that irks him. As much as he wants to point out that you're changing, he doesn't, because he knows something is changing in him, too. He shouldn't care this much for a woman like you. If you've displeased him, he should've just killed both you and that man on the spot. But here he is, trying to convince you to stray away from your boytoy.
"But i love him. And he belongs wholly to me. I can see that in his eyes, when i speak to him. He wants to belong to me."
Love? A silly thing. Oh, but maybe that's what sukuna himself is doing to you right now. Loving you. This won't do. Now that he's realised, it's only more reason for him to separate you from the lowlife.
He spends months with you, having you attached to his hip at all times. Not letting you get a glimpse of your little plaything for a while. He pulls on your strings, and seduces you, making sure to confuse and muddle up your feelings, on who you should direct your affection towards. There is only one correct answer.
And when he feels like you're ready, just trained enough to act within his predictions, he brings you over to meet that man once again. To make you kill him with your own hands. Press on his windpipe and watch the life drain out his eyes. Cast away whatever interest you had in him prior.
The man is begging you for mercy, your hands wrapped around his throat, sukuna holding his weak, flimsy body up. His other pair of hands are guiding yours, but not applying any extra pressure. He wants you to do it with your own strength, alone. But he sees you hesitating. It pushes sukuna over the edge, and he does something unthinkable, impulsive.
He makes a promise. A binding vow, no less.
"Kill this man, and I'll be yours forever. Suffocate him to death, and I'll belong to you, the way you belong to me."
You want someone to possess-- and have whole to yourself? You want someone to desire it? Desire you? He'll take that spot. He can fulfill that for you. Nobody but him.
And he continues whispering sweet nothings into your ear from behind, leaving a couple of kisses down your neck, every action coaxing you to grip his throat tighter.
Sukuna groans when eventually the man takes his last breath, with tears in his lifeless eyes, regretful of having ever associated with you. Your hands are steady, and you don't show signs of guilt. You've taken countless lives before. But this one has significant meaning. Marking the beginning of something more important between you and sukuna.
The vow is effective immediately. Something in sukuna is stirring up his guts, but in a pleasantly exciting way. Heat gathers in his lower abdomen, and he drops the now useless body to embrace you instead, and take your lips in his.
This feeling is wonderful. To love, and be loved. You strangled someone dear to you for him, because you wanted him more, and sukuna couldn't be happier.
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the-travelling-witch · 8 months
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summary: just some short and sweet cuddling headcanons
pairings: mammon :: belphie :: barbatos :: dantalion :: valefar (my ocs) x gn! reader
warnings: only me playing favourites again ♡ + one teeny tiny allusion to lesson 16
obey me! masterlist || similar post: kiss me more
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After your first week in the Devildom, Mammon’s understanding of personal space is as follows: His personal space is his and your personal space is also his. The rest of the brothers love to poke fun at him for it but he’s glued to your side now, throwing an arm around your shoulder or using your head as an armrest whenever he sees fit.
So it should come as no surprise that, once he basically moves into your room after making a pact with you, he’s going to cuddle up to you every chance he gets. In his defence, this is most likely unintentional, seeing as Mammon nearly flings himself out of bed at the realisation that you had been leaning on his shoulder for a good chunk of the movie you were watching, sending snacks flying everywhere.
Once your relationship becomes more settled and the white-haired demon owns up to his true feelings more, however, his reactions to cuddling are less dramatic. Yeah, you’ll still have to be the one who asks and deal with his aloof reaction but that’s okay when he can’t look you into eyes as he hides his face behind his hand and makes no fuss when you drag him to bed. Soon thereafter, it’s basically like he’s trying to melt into you though, as much of him touching as much of you as is humanly and demon possible. He’s also a living furnace, which is great in a realm where the sun doesn’t shine.
Yeah, good luck ever getting up again, I hope you had no plans for the rest of the day or the following ones, for that matter. As the king of ‘five more minutes’, Belphie is going to keep you in bed with him way longer than you anticipated, courtesy of the iron grip he has on you even while asleep. Sure he told you it’ll only be a short nap but honestly, you should know better by now.
On the plus side (was the beginning even a downside?), you can lay down in whatever position you want to because Belphie will just contort himself around you, making you question whether he actually has bones. If he cuts off your airflow again, it’s because he plopped his entire weight down on you just to snuggle up to your chest like an overgrown cat.
You made the mistake once to card your fingers through his hair and it lulled him to sleep so fast he now practically demands you do it every time. Whether it’s pouting at you or just taking your hand and putting it on his head, he’ll make it known you’re neglecting your poor demon if you don’t. Still, cuddling with Belphie guarantees you the best sleep possible; even if you wake up super disoriented, not knowing which year it is, at least you’re well-rested (Insomnia? We don’t know her).
Congrats! You managed to pry Barbatos away from babysitting— I mean serving Diavolo! Your reward is seeing the busy demon relax for once in his long life.
The air is infused with the soothing fragrance of tea leaves as your cups happily steam on the bedside or coffee table, depending on where you choose to snuggle up, the tea never going cold thanks to Barbatos’s magic.
Another rare thing to see -or rather to feel- are his bare fingers trailing over your sides, dipping under your clothes to trace random shapes onto your skin as you rest against his chest. Every now and then, he’ll bow his head down to press a soft kiss to the crown of your head, not hiding how his lips curl into a fond smile. While he loves to take care of you and draws energy from it, if you run your hands through his hair and lightly massage his scalp, his usual composure will give way to a demon who’s putty in your hands.
This man only has the best silk sheets and will coax you into sleeping over more often than not. Sure, he could visit the House of Lamentation but why would he set himself up to be interrupted by those nosy brothers (no offence). Besides, you’re always running around appeasing their whims, you should take a break and let him spoil you.
Cuddling really is just a part of an entire routine of destressing for him. From sharing a meal to washing the dirt of the day away with a shower or bath to changing into soft, top-quality loungewear or pyjamas and snuggling up on the couch or bed, this demon will make sure you’re not lacking anything. The lights in his house seem to always dim to the right brightness and colour and there’s calming music playing from somewhere.
But, of course, cuddling doesn’t have to be an orchestrated act every time. If you ask him to hold you he will gladly do so, cooing at you or talking about his day if you want him to. Despite taking the shape of a peacock, Talion’s voice is actually incredibly soothing and he chuckles quietly whenever he lulls you to sleep with it. He’ll even fan out his tail feathers over you if it makes you happy, even if it means rustling them in the process. Smoothing them out again is well worth it for the way you run your fingers over them as you study their colours in awe, both your silent and verbal praise making him preen with pride.
Valefar wants to be the big spoon, not only because he feels like he can protect you this way but also because this way you wouldn’t notice his heated cheeks. It’s not like he’s insecure to the point where he thinks you holding him would undermine his masculinity, he just needs to hold you close in peace after a stressful night at the casino.
But it’s all good, his defined muscles make for a comfy pillow and if you fall asleep watching TV, he can easily pick you up and carry you to bed without disturbing you. Whenever you cuddle, he also always lowers his voice to a husky murmur, the vibrations of which will travel from his chest to your skin.
In the tranquil moments where it’s just you and him, Val loses all the brashness he’s feared for, his calloused hands hovering over your form as if he’s scared he could hurt or taint you. Just take them in yours and settle them on your hips, squeezing them encouragingly to tell him ‘It’s okay’ and he’s falling for you all over again, especially if you pair it with a chaste kiss on his cheek. As a greed demon, however, once he’s had a taste of your affection, he will take everything he can get, now coming up to you out of the blue, hugging you from behind whenever he sees fit.
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xzhdjsj · 2 months
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Grand Returns and Unforgotten Letters
Zaros x Reader
You leave Serulla, only returning when danger threatens your kingdom
This fic is based on THIS brilliant theory by @astralbulldragon13. I simply couldn't get it out of my head and had to write about it I have to say I'm not very happy with the way this came out, but I spent too much time on it to not post it😭
Also, this is really long (almost 3.5k words) idk how it happened🤡 when I started writing it, I just couldn't stop. Plz let me know if I made any mistakes (probably butchered some names loll)
"There, you win. Your son is now the Eminence, but know this, if you try to rule my kingdom vicariously through your Zaros, or control his new life in any way, there is no where you could go, no hole you can hide in, that I won’t find you."
The realisation dawned on you, way before the trials began. You weren’t interested in the throne; that wasn’t where your heart lies. That position was polished and refined for your brother, but guilt has its ways of twisting one's mind and kept you fighting for a life that was stolen from him, replacing a prodigy child that was stolen from your mother.
Zaros' insults and demeaning remarks only contributed to your mindset, though that didn’t make them any less hurtful. How could they not be? Especially when coming from someone you admired and cherished. They were fuel to the fire, a constant reminder of how unfit you are.
It was hard to imagine yourself as a good ruler anyways. Sure, you were knowledgeable, but what good is education with no real experience or empathy for the struggles of your people? Not to mention being cloaked by a porcelain mask 24/7, designed and altered to meet the needs of the people around you.
Zaros, on the other hand, was different. His pernicious attitude cracked the corners of your mask, forcing raw emotions to erupt to daylight. It was a distasteful experience considering your position, but deep down you never felt more alive than when you could be yourself with him, throwing insults right back into his face. It forced the masked persona to face the real you and come to terms with what you wanted, before it was too late.
You wanted a life that was yours to live, a life where you could be yourself. Not one you are forced to live, or a person you are required to be. There were things you had to let go of and things you needed to learn.
By himself, Zaros would be a skillful leader capable of building a successful future for Serulla. He had the experience that you lacked, that alone could potentially secure Serulla a brighter future than you could ever offer. The only threat was his mother, Nira Atha’lin. She was obnoxious, quick to point out every miniscule flaw and mistake in your ways, if Zaros was unbearable, she was enough to push you to insanity. Her personality was sour and ugly, like biting into a mouldy rotting fruit. Her intentions are unclear, but it isn’t hard to see her abusing the authority of her son and the crown.
Though that didn’t matter, you trust Zaros, he would never put the wellbeing of Serulla at risk. He’s headstrong and stubborn. It’s no wonder you admire him, in some way or another he’s just like you.
He has become a decent acquaintance in your life. Looking back, he could have easily double-crossed you in the trials and spited his way to the top, but he didn’t. Every last minute of it was fair and just. Maybe that’s why you felt so strongly for him now.
Outside the hall, minutes away from a final decision, both Zaros and you stood. If you had something to do, now was the time to do it.
He reaches for the heavy gold handles of the door, but he doesn’t get to push it open.
"Zaros", you take his hand.
He ignores the door, turning to face you.
"If you are indeed the victor, which.... I have no doubt you are; I need you to promise me something."
His eyebrows perk upwards, and he steps closer, taking your hand fully in his.
"We don't know that yet. You gave me quite a challenge during the trials you know. Don't tell me you're giving up now?", signature smirk plastered to his face, though you no longer feel the need to punch it off.
“Please listen to me.”, you sigh, "I need you to promise me you'll never let Serulla suffer. I know I'm not capable of helping all the people who deserve our help, but you are. I’m certain of it, so promise me."
The seriousness in your eyes was enough to stifle his usual sarcasm.
"I... I promise." He barely mutters, no longer smiling. It’s an unusual sight, the kind that makes you feel nauseous. He's even more alarmed when you offer a pinkie to him, like you used to do years ago when you were just kids roaming the corridors and sneaking into the kitchen.
"Pinkie promise?" You smile.
He caught his own pinkie onto yours. "I promise, I'll do my best."
He knew what you were about to do. But he also knows how stubborn you are and there was no way he could stop you, no matter how desperately he wanted to.
After facing Nira that day, you smiled at him and whispered a gentle "Take care of yourself and my home for me". You swore that from that moment onwards, you’d never mask yourself again.
Those were your last words to him before you'd vanished, leaving behind only a letter. In which, you asked that he looked after your mother and detailed an apology as well as a segment of feelings you'd harboured for him. It was an intended goodbye before he forgets about you, lest you have a reason to return. You hoped you wouldn't.
Throughout your travels you faced many hardships, the expected reality of being a lone traveler. But you grew from those experiences. You learnt from the people around you and made friends.
You sharpened your survival skills as you traversed the lands, a melody of experiences of new cultures and flavours, from continents you'd only dreamt of, melted on your tongue. Those fleeting dreams were nothing compared to the reality you held in your own two hands. You learnt to appreciate life and how to trust.
The last place you ventured was the Northern Nation, though their reputation is scandalous, their culture is rich. What you weren’t expecting was to meet see a familiar face, a palace staff, an informant no less. Only now he worked for Nira, delivering letters to the most dangerous kingdom of all the nations and had informed you that you were banned from the home you grew up in.
After 8 years, it was time to turn back. It was time to head home.
There was a masquerade ball being held in Serulla at dawn, the perfect opportunity to tiptoe into the palace unnoticed. What was the plan? You weren’t entirely sure but one way or another you had to speak to Zaros. If you marched in like you own the place, you would be promptly kicked out a few feet upon entering the gate. It’s a good thing you knew your way around every crack and crevice like the back of your hand. It shouldn’t be too hard blending in once you’re inside. But first you needed clothes and a mask, nothing extravagant, just enough to blur into the masses.
Learning to walk silently made slipping in as easy as dreaming, before you could blink you were in the ballroom. Oh, did it feel nostalgic, you remember the times you were the main focus of these elaborate events. Now look at you, sneaking in and avoiding any attention whatsoever. You missed these walls, they look the exact same since you’ve left them, grand, luxurious and unchanged. You couldn’t help but take a minute to reminisce and admire.
“Can I ask for a dance later, mysterious stranger?” a young man snapped you out of your trance.
“I’m afraid not sir. I have prior arrangements for the evening”, you bow. “My sincerest apologies.”
What a nuisance, you thought, abruptly turning and leaving. You had to find Zaros. As King of Serulla he had to be here, his presence is of utmost importance and entirely compulsory for this kind of event. Perhaps he’d show up later in the evening, all you had to do was wait amongst the crowd. Maybe a drink would take the edge off while you do, maybe it would help you ignore the eyes you felt burning holes into your back.
Hours later the arrival of the king was finally announced, and there he was, fashionably late in all his blond glory. He’s just as captivating as you left him all those years ago, just as beautiful and refined. It was like staring at the sun, glowing so brightly it just might blind someone. Yes, you were staring, but so was everyone else. Who wouldn’t stare when graced with the presence of the King himself? His lips moved as he acknowledged his audience, but your mind was too preoccupied with gawking at him to hear a single word. You’re yanked back to reality when the crowd scatters at his dismissal, so you retreat to a space further away, where you could keep an eye on him as he conversed with guests. It would be unwise to approach him now, there’s too many eyes on him this early into the night. Once the crowd has had their fill of wine and was no longer capable of seeing any further than their nose, you’d seize the opportunity to steal him away.
Lay low, keep an eye on him. Two simple tasks to accomplish. But the fool you’d rejected earlier in the eventing, now a drunken fool, apparently doesn’t understand the meaning of two simple letters, no. You rejected him twice already but he keeps coming back.
“I’m not taking no for answer hic- you simple must dance with me”, before you could reject him again, he’s dragging you to the floor. If it weren’t for the fact that you didn’t want any attention tonight, his arm would’ve been broken on the spot.
You struggle in his grip as he swayed you, haphazardly and arrhythmic to the music, and FUCK you lost sight of Zaros. If only this imbecile would let go of you! And cease his gooselike movements!
“Unfortunately, good sir, they’re not available to dance with YOU this evening.”, you’re backed into a hard wall, a clothed wall? A familiar smelling wall. A speaking wall.
His sticky hands are gone from your body in an instant, he even backs away from you.
“You-your Majesty”, he stuttered.
“All of their dances are promised to me tonight. I’ll assume you weren’t aware and turn a blind eye just this once.”, the wall speaks again, replacing unpleasant hands with a gentle yet possessive grip. It's very obvious who this wall is.
“Now if you’ll excuse us, I’ll be stealing them away now”, he doesn’t wait for a response, pulling you further onto the dance floor. You’re still facing away from him as he guides your body to the tune that swirls the room.
“Welcome back Earis” he whispers and you can just hear the smirk he’s wearing.
“A bit of a lost cause on such title now, aren’t I?” you answer. “How did you know it was me?”, he moved your body effortlessly, like it was made specially to fit beneath his palms.
“How could I not? I could feel your eyes on me all night.” Following the music, he spins you around to finally face him. “Even if death took me, I’d still remember those eyes.”
You scoff, “How charming. But everyone’s eyes are on you tonight.”
“Hmm you think so? A shame, none are as captivating as yours.”
“I need to speak to you Zaros.”
“We’re speaking right now, are we not?”
Fuck, why does he always have to be so difficult?
“Not here. I need to speak to you in private.”
There was too much attention on him for you to speak freely, it’s a surprise guards haven’t escorted you out the room yet.
“Sounds alarming. And just when I thought you came back to see me.” he fakes a frown, and let’s go of your hand as he ends the dance. You curtsy, and he leans closer to whispers for you to follow him. He leaves first and you linger around the corners before disappearing yourself.
Eventually you’re back in the abandoned hallways of the palace, walking with Zaros.
“So why are you back?”
“I’ve made a recent discovery, and I was worried. I needed to talk to you about it.”
“You’re aware of the notoriety of the Northern Nation, correct?”
“Who isn’t? Their name stains chapters of history text with the blood they’ve spilt.”
“Yes, that’s why it was a surprise when I found out your mother exchanges letters with their King and his court.”
He halts, “What? What are you talking about?”
You turn to him, removing the mask from your face. “While I stayed in the city of the Northern Nation, I recognised a familiar face. A Surullian informant. I’ve seen him work for my mother for years, naturally, I was confused by his presence there.”, you sigh. “I tried to get as much information as I could from him, but he knew nothing. He had simple instructions from your mother to deliver the letters to and from the Northern Kingdom. Unfortunately for me, he had already passed on the letters, so I did not get a look. He swore to never tell a soul of our encounter to avoid any further issues, but I also found out I'm blacklisted here.”
“What are you saying? Why would she even want to converse with the Northern Kingdom? An alliance with them is like an alliance with hyenas. They bring nothing but war and bloodshed. And what on Earth do you mean ‘blacklisted’?”, he shouts in frustration. “She’s my mother, I trust her. I find it all of this hard to believe.”
“Hah of course you don't believe me." you look around frantically. "Follow me.”
He stomped after you as you made your way for the nearest set of guards.
“Wait here, and watch.”
You walked up to them, as if to inquire something, only to be quickly apprehended.
“Let go of them immediately! What do you think you're doing?”, Zaros march in their direction.
“Apologies, your Majesty. We’re only following orders!”
“Whose orders?”, he yells.
“Lady Atha’lin, you Majesty!”, the fear is evident in their voices, and you give him a knowing look.
“Fuck”, he whispers under his breathe. “You’re dismissed and inform every guard in this palace that no one is to lay a finger on them. Do you hear me?”, he says, curt and unforgiving, as they shuffle away clumsily.
“As I said, blacklisted. Do you believe me now mama’s boy?”
If looks could kill, you’d be dead in milliseconds the way he glared at you. He's angry as can be, it’s not every day the tables are turned.
“A shame, had I been kicked out at the gates, you’d be oblivious to your mommy’s devious little plans.” You push.
“Oh what do you care? You left Serulla for 8 years. You’re back to warn me once and suddenly you’re high and might?”
“Hah, I was not just here to warn you. No Zaros, my initial plan was to meet your mother directly.”, you roll your eyes.
“Allow me to refresh your memory, 8 years ago, before I left, I made a promise to Nira Atha’lin that if she threatened Serulla in any way I’d be back to drag to her to hell with me. For your sake, I wanted to meet you first. But know this Zaros, if you’re incapable of handling your mother, I am not. I have no qualms in removing her by force, with or without your permission.”
You went overboard, but it was too late to take it back. The anger in his eyes boils over, as does the internal turmoil, but he keeps silent. He paces back and forth, and it might be better if you left him alone with his thoughts for a while.
“I’ll leave you be for now, when you are ready to find me again, I’ll be in the garden.”, a vast contrast to the tone you had previously.
You leave Zaros to decipher his feelings alone, it would be better if you weren’t there. You were annoyed at him for doubting you, yet that was no way for you to speak to him, especially considering the amount of information to process in such short time. How did it even progress that quickly? Sometimes old habits are hard to kill. You needed to apologise to him later.
The garden is still as beautiful as it always was, flourishing healthily despite your mother’s absence. You had heard of it, the news circulated Serulla and its neighbouring nations with the passing wind. The Queen was no more, and her child was absolutely vile for leaving her. People will always talk.
But it looks like Zaros kept his promise to take care of your home.
The garden was silence, as you stood before the two memorial tablets mounted there. One for your brother, another for your mother. You prayed that somewhere in her heart she’d forgiven you for leaving her alone. You wipe away the tears that warmed your cheek.
“She kept speaking highly of you, to the very end.”, his voice startles you, relaxed and calmer now.
“I don’t deserve it, I left her. But there was no point in returning then, if anything it made me not want to return at all.”, you replied, kissing the top of the stone with your mother’s name carved into it.
“I’m sorry.”, he sounded sincere, the most sincere you’ve ever heard him be.
“It’s not your fault, we all have to die one day, do we not?”
“No, for not stopping you from leaving.”
“What?”, confusion thickens your voice. “What are you talking about?”
“All these years you were gone, I couldn’t help but believe it was my fault. I felt guilty, like I pushed you out of your own home. Like this was never truly my place, but yours. I’d found you again after 8 years, only for you to slips through my fingers for another 8. I really am sorry.”
“Zaros.”, you stand directly in front of him. “That was not your fault. I chose to leave. I wanted to, I had to find myself. If anything, your stupid insults helped me, although they still hurt, don't get me wrong. Besides look at how well off Serulla is! You are more of a ruler than I ever would’ve been-”
“And I missed you.” He cuts you off and silence ensues, save for the soft howls of the wind. You didn’t expect him to confess that to you so openly and easily.
“I… I missed you too.” He takes a breath and smiles, not one of his devious smirks or teasing grins. A real genuine smile that once again showed a sincerity you were unfamiliar with. You sit with him in silence for a long time, admiring the stars and flowers. and you remembered a conversation you had a long time ago. He was right watching them in the moonlight was comforting. You could only hope he feels the same way right now.
“Remember how you told me to look at the flowers in the garden at night? It was so long ago; I almost don’t remember their name. What were they called again? Bitter bell something?”, you reminisced.
“Bitter bell dureni” (sorry ik I probably butchered that idk how to spell)
“Right, yes those. I got to see them tonight. They really are beautiful.”
“I’m sorry for how I reacted.", he confessed. "I promised you I’d keep Serulla safe, and I intend to keep that promise, even if it means revoking all authorities from my mother.”
“I’d much rather not use violence too. I apologise for provoking you.”
“I suppose it was a taste of my own medicine”, he laughs and you join him. “Does this mean you’re leaving again?”
“What? Do you want me to leave that badly?”
“Ha-ha, very funny.”
“No, I plan on staying a while, as long as your guards keep their hands to themselves of course.”, he laughs again and you can see yourself getting addicted to it. He sounds serene.
“Then, it’s my honour to have you.”, he reaches for your hand. “Come, your old room has been vacant for 8 years. It’s about time someone used it.”
“You kept my room vacant?”
“I may have had a little hope you’d return some day. To Serulla. To me.”
It’s hard not to smile when he says such things.
You take his hand, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, and he averts his gaze, though not enough to hide the dusty pink shade of his skin.
“I have another question.”,
“Did you really mean all those things you said in your letter?”
It’s silent again as you walk the familiar path to your room. You both knew the answer to that.
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happilyhertale · 1 year
Destiny is all - Osferth x female!reader, Part 3
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Summary: You are Finan's sister. You live in a village in Scotland, near the border with Northumbria. You lead a quiet life until your brother decides to visit you with his boys and your life changes completely.
Pairing: Osferth x fem!reader
Author’s note: Hey you (:
Now I am finally sharing my little Osferth story with you. The events are a little different from the story in the series. (No, Osferth will not die either). I hope you will enjoy it! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW Word count: 2.7 k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Other stories of mine
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You hear a loud crack. You open your eyes and groan a little as the sun shines in your face, just rising. Your head throbs a little. You hold your hand protectively over your eyes so that the sun does not blind you. A shadow stands in front of you and as you look closer, you recognise Uhtred. He stands in front of you and grins at you. He is eating an apple and chewing with relish. And then you realise why Uhtred is grinning. You look down at your body and see that Osferth has put his arm around you. He also groans softly as he slowly wakes up. Slowly Osferth pulls his arm away from you. The morning freshness, which immediately takes the place previously occupied by his body heat, makes you shiver slightly. You sit up and see that Finan is already awake. He is looking straight up at the sky. He looks almost relaxed. You have to grin. Slowly you take a small stick that is lying next to you and throw it at him.
He only looks over at you for a moment, annoyed, as you giggle.
You all get up and pack up your things. As you roll up your furs, however, you notice that something is hitting you in the back.
You turn around and see Finan looking conspicuously in the other direction.
"Finan... I know it was ya," you say seriously, but you have to chuckle.
Finan grins and goes to his horse.
When you have stowed your things, you ride off.
No one really talks much in the morning. You have a bit of a headache from the ale you drank the night before. Finan rides silently beside you, while the sun is shining in your face.
"Baby Monk was holding ya?", Finan asks you at some point.
You look at him a little irritated at first, "Pardon?" you ask.
Finan looks at you now, "Well... Osferth... he held ya this morning,"
You clear your throat quietly, "Well... Yea.. I guess he likes to put his arm around other people when he sleeps," you reply.
Finan nods slowly, "Sure... But why were ya lying so close to him?"
You snort lightly, "Are ya serious, Finan? It was cold and I was freezing. And I can't sleep near ya because I'll go deaf"
He gives a short laugh, "But ya do know I'm not afraid to kill a monk?"
You look at him angrily, "And I hope ya know I'm a grown woman?"
He looks at you unimpressed, "Still, I won't stop looking after ya"
You shake your head and try to kick him lightly, "I don't think ya need to protect me from a monk"
He laughs lightly and rides away from you a little.
Behind you, Osferth and Uhtred ride in silence. Osferth watches you, a little embarrassed. He doesn't want to look at you all the time, trying to concentrate on something else. He concentrates on the chirping of the birds. He pays attention to the shadows in the forest cast by the light of the sun. But his gaze always falls on you.
He is not quite sure how it could have happened yesterday. He was just trying to keep you warm, and suddenly you were kissing. He couldn't help it... Your lips were so soft, he couldn't stop.
But you didn't mention it this morning. And now he's unsure if you even remember it, or if you even wanted to kiss him. Did he perhaps push you into it?
But Uhtred snaps Osferth out of his thoughts "He, Osferth... Judging by the look on your face, you finally want to lose your virginity?" grins Uhtred.
Osferth looks startled, "Lord... I am not a virgin," Osferth mutters.
But Uhtred only laughs lightly.
"You didn't deny you wanted to sleep with her," Uhtred teases him further.
Osferth just shakes his head, but can't quite stifle a grin.
"I will not dignify that with a response," Osferth tries to say seriously.
You hear Uhtred laughing behind you. You look over your shoulder and see him and Osferth smiling. But you look ahead again and have to smile too.
Your thoughts devour you again. You don't know exactly what happened yesterday. After Osferth pulled you close to him to warm you, you had a very vivid dream. The dream was beautiful, it was so real. In the dream you were kissing each other. The kisses were incredibly beautiful and gentle. The memory of your dream makes you bite your lip lightly. Your cheek turns a light pink. And somehow you fear that when you look at Osferth you will blush just as much as you do now.
You clear your throat slightly again and you can still hear the boys laughing behind you.
You don't ride for long until you arrive at the next village. And Uhtred decides that you will ride no further so that Sihtric can follow you. You dismount from your horses and make sure they are fed. Finan goes into the inn and you follow him. It is noisy in the inn and even though it is only midday, many people are already drinking. Finan gets some ale and you sit down at a table. You drink your ale and watch the people around you. Uhtred has arranged rooms for you and soon joins you. Time passes quickly and you drink more and more. You laugh a lot and slowly you dare to look Osferth in the face again.
After a while Sihtric suddenly appears.
"Lord," he says simply.
Uhtred looks at him in surprise and you see he is already slightly drunk "Sihtric? Back so soon?"
Sihtric nods and sits down with you, "I didn't have to do much to get the information, Lord. I spent the night sitting around the fire with men and they talked about what they were up to," Sihtric says.
Uhtred looks at him promptly, "And?" he says finally.
"They want to meet with Ubba's people. They want to form a larger army to take Winchester," Sihtric finally says.
Your gaze falls on Uhtred. He seems unimpressed, but you see his mind working.
It is noisy around you. Some people are playing their instruments to fill the room with music and even more people are shouting in confusion. But the silence at your table is deafening.
"Well...", Uhtred finally says, "we have to stop that"
The boys talk about how they are going to stop it and you listen attentively. But they have already drunk too much to come up with a workable plan now. Your conversation drift off. Eventually, you keep drinking and laughing. At some point you are so drunk that you persuade the boys to arm wrestle with you. But you only manage to beat Finan once. With both arms you try to press his hand on the table. You are sure that he is not using all his strength, but you beat him. You shriek with joy and he grins at you.
You continue to drink and at some point you realise that all the ale wants to come out of you again. You have to pee. Without saying a word, you stand up. Your head is spinning, but you totter towards the exit of the inn.
The boys are so deep in their cups and conversations that they don't notice you leaving the inn. But Osferth still notices you staggering out of the inn. Slowly he gets up and goes after you. Outside the inn he catches up with you, "Lady? Are you all right? Where are you going?" he asks you. His words reveal that he is not entirely sober either.
You turn around, chuckle slightly and have to brace yourself against the wall, "Os...!" you say cheerfully, "I need to pee... Would ya like to come with me?" you giggle.
Osferth blushes slightly, "Of course not, lady!"
You start to pout a little, and Osferth notices it immediately.
"No, Lady... I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that..."
Again you giggle, "Wait here Os!"
He looks after you a little irritated, but amused, as you disappear for a moment.
When you come back to him, you suddenly stumble. Osferth catches you, "Oi... Lady... Perhaps I should put you to bed?"
You smile, "Yes... I would like that"
Osferth isn't sure if he got that right, but he puts his arm around your waist and wordlessly takes you to the room.
Due to his alcohol level, Osferth has difficulty accompanying you to the room. You sometimes totter and stumble and you often have to giggle. But when you reach your room, you just drop onto the bed, breathing a little heavily and still having to giggle slightly.
Osferth wants to put a blanket over you, but you don't let go of his arm, you want to pull him down to you. He hesitates a little, but lets you pull him down. This time you don't want it to remain a dream.
He lies in bed with you and you snuggle up to him. He holds you in his arms until he suddenly notices how you start to move your hips towards him. He closes his eyes, he just wants to lie in bed with you… He exhales heavily. Until he feels your lips leaving soft kisses on his neck. Slowly they caress his soft skin.
He swallows visibly.
But suddenly you fear that this is not what he wants and you are about to move away from him when you notice how his hands suddenly grip your hips.
He guides you and moves you further against him. You look up at him and just like yesterday in your dream, your noses touch. But this time you are sure it is not a dream. You hesitate for a moment and bite your lip. But then you let your lips slide onto his. They feel exactly as you imagined in your dream. So incredibly soft. You've never felt lips so soft. As his hand slides to your bottom and grips a little, you whimper into his mouth.
"Oh... Os... I didn't know..."
"...That I was capable of such a thing...?" he smirks against your lips. Suddenly you notice his hand on your thigh, sliding up gently.
You gasp briefly and reach for his arm.
"It's only a sin if I don't ask for forgiveness," he whispers as his fingers gently slide up your thigh.
You bite your lip and you see his eyes searching your gaze. How they try to ask for your permission without words.
But you do not answer. You push your hips towards his fingers and grasp the back of his neck. You pull him closer to you and let your lips slide onto his again. Osferth does not hesitate for long and lets his fingers slide over your folds.
Only your underwear separates his fingers from your wet arousal. You moan into his mouth. He lets his fingers glide gently over your underwear. But suddenly he pushes your underwear aside. His fingers are immediately soaked with your arousal. He groans at the feeling. You gasp as he slides his fingers along your folds again and again. As he circles your pearl and caresses it, you cry out and your hips move against his fingers.
"Os...", you moan. Your hand grips his bicep more firmly. He kisses you wildly. Without warning, he lets two of his fingers slide inside you. Your pussy immediately clenches around his fingers in response. You are a moaning mess. His fingers spoil you and you can't hold back. You feel his warm breath, which also quickens.
He lets his fingers slide into you faster. His palm brushes your pearl with each thrust. Obscene noises fill the room. He increases the speed again as his fingers disappear inside you. You feel his thumb making circular movements on your pearl.
Your thighs start to tremble, your arousal runs along your ass. You grab his neck again, pull him to you and kiss him deeply. Your walls clench frantically around his fingers.
"My lady... cum on my fingers..." he gasps. You can only whimper. With the next thrust he inserts another finger into you and thrusts his three fingers into you almost brutally. Your breathing is heavy and you moan into his ear. His thumb continues to put pressure on your pearl. You gasp and moan as a hard pressure builds in your lower belly.
"Os..." you can only moan and then it is over. You cry out and your walls spasm uncontrollably around his walls.
You squirt over his fingers and only hear him groan deeply at the sight. His fingers continue to slide in and out of you and are completely soaked. You breathe heavily and whimper softly. Only when your walls stop clenching around his fingers does he slowly pull his fingers out of you. You can't help but kiss him. A deep rumble forms in his chest. He is also breathing heavily as you look into his eyes. You gently caress his cheek.
"I should ask for forgiveness a little more in the morning," he whispers. You blush slightly and have to laugh.
He grins too and kisses you again. Your tongues glide gently around each other.
"Have I got ya into trouble with the holy lord now?" you murmur against his lips. You notice how he grins, "I'd take that trouble any day," he whispers.
You see his gentle face, he smiles at you and your eyes fall on the cross hanging around his neck.
You get curious, "But... how is it that ya can be intimate with women...", you can't finish the question, but Osferth understands what you want to ask.
"Prayers," he says softly.
"And that is exactly why I need to pray more and intensely. I pray for forgiveness and understanding. Pray that the holy lord will guide me back to the right path... Until I relapse again...", he smiles at you.
You giggle, "Os! I am shocked... "
He just smiles, "Well... I think it's the influence of your brother and the other boys..."
As Osferth mentions Finan, you realise that Osferth should be leaving your bed soon.
He gently caresses your cheek, "I should go to my bed..." he whispers.
"I know..." you just say softly. He kisses you softly, continues to caress your cheek gently.
When he wants to get up, you hold him tightly, "Stay a little longer...", you say softly.
He chuckles softly, "If Finan catches me in your bed, I will never be able to share your bed again," he says softly.
You sigh, but let him go.
Osferth reluctantly leaves your bed. He lies down in the bed next to yours. You look at each other and have to grin. Like silly lovers.
When suddenly the door to your room opens. The other boys come stumbling in.
"I'm sleeping in y/n's bed," Uhtred mumbles.
"I don't think y/n would want to sleep in a bed with someone who smells like wet dog," Sihtric replies.
You have to smile slightly, because all you hear is a muffled noise and the gasp of Sihtric.
"Nobody sleeps in y/n's bed!" you suddenly hear from Finan, who is the last to stumble into the room.
"Everyone goes to their bed!"
You can still hear them giggling and teasing each other until silence eventually falls. You turn onto your back and look up at the ceiling. You can still feel Osferth's touch on your body. You bite your lip lightly, wanting to go over to his bed. You look over at him, but his eyes are closed.
Outside on the street, people are shouting and singing. But at some point you are only distantly aware of the voices and fall asleep.
The next morning you are sitting in the inn. You are all a bit hungover and eating your breakfast. When Osferth suddenly gets up, "Excuse me a moment," he mumbles.
"Where are you going?" asks Uhtred as he chews.
"I have to go to the church... ask a little forgiveness," says Osferth almost shyly.
You were about to take a sip from your cup, and this time you are the one who chokes. The boys look at you and Osferth gives you a barely noticeable wink.
Your cheeks turn red, but you just look at your plate and try to continue eating in silence.
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greatstormcat · 2 months
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Be Careful What You Wish For
Part 1 Part 2
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x chubby!f!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, darkfic, kidnap, imprisonment, non-con, poorly prepped anal, forced orgasm, oral m!receiving, double penetration, degradation, vomiting.
AN: dead dove read the tags, if you proceed below the cut you consent to reading what is there and will suffer in silence if you do.
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You wake up sore and bruised the next morning, hoping that the nightmare you had wasn’t real, keeping your eyes closed trying to remember what the inside of your hotel room looks like so when you open them and see the bland but functional furnishings everything will be okay. You open them, and you fight the urge to scream. You’re in the basement still, lying in a musty bed with a single light bulb illuminating the windowless space, secured behind a metal mesh against the ceiling.
Kyle is nowhere to be seen in the dim light, but a warm space remains on the mattress beside you to indicate that he hasn’t long left the bed. After a few moments of staring at the ceiling above you, trying not to think about the creeping wetness oozing between your thighs, you give up and roll from the musty bed and stagger, naked, into the tiny bathroom. Your stomach curdles and churns, giving you only a few moments to get to the toilet before you throw up.
“Good morning to you too,” a cold voice cuts through your weak sobs once you finish emptying your stomach. Your skin crawls as you look over your shoulder and see the masked man, Ghost, leaning against the doorway nonchalantly, a mug in one hand as he watches you. He isn’t wearing the skull mask now, just a black balaclava with a skull pattern printed on it. His blue jeans cling to his thickly muscled thighs, and a black tshirt covers his broad chest and arms.
“Fuck you,” you mumble between retches, tears wetting your face as bile and acid sting your throat and nose before you slump back on the floor, the cold concrete almost soothing against your exposed skin after the heat of vomiting. “Just kill me already and get this over with.” All too late you realise your mistake, this might have been a somewhat safe approach with Kyle but with this huge man, defiance only makes his eyes burn more fiercely and an obvious tightening at the crotch of his jeans has you swallowing back a rush of panic.
“Are you so eager to get roughed up and fucked again you want to antagonise me the moment you wake up?” he asks in a tone as sharp and cold as steel. Instinctively you clench your thighs together and shake your head.
“No, no,” you babble, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t mean it…” His eyes rake over your naked, trembling form as you try your hardest to shrink back into the wall behind you.
“Get up, I brought you breakfast,” he snaps eventually, and turns away towards the main room of the basement again. You hear him walking up the wooden stairs to the ground floor of the house again, and the sound of the door being locked behind him. You take a moment to make sure you are alone before getting up and making your way out of the bathroom. There’s a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs on the bedside table, and the mug Ghost had been holding sat beside it.
Ignoring both you head to your case, the one they’d stolen from your hotel room and open it searching for anything you can use to help yourself escape. Your leg razor is missing from your wash bag, as is anything else that would have made a vaguely serviceable weapon, as well as your supply of pain meds for headaches and so on.
“What the fuck?” you mutter to yourself as you suddenly realise the majority of your clothes are also missing from the case. They only thing you’ve been left with is your cotton pyjamas, some underwear and an over sized hoodie you keep for relaxing in.
With a sense of defeat you dress in the pyjamas to stave off the cold of the room, and lie on the bed to cry. You must have cried yourself to sleep because the next thing you are conscious of is a sudden, violent slap on your backside making you scream with fear. You bolt upright and find Kyle standing over you, his face twisted in annoyance.
“What’s wrong with the food, eh?” he demands, a note of disappointment in his voice as he sits on the bed making you roll towards him slightly. “We can’t have you refusing to eat and passing out on us.” He is dressed more casually now, dark jeans and a white crew neck shirt.
“It’s not going to stop us, if that’s what you think,” Ghost adds as he comes down the steps and looks at you on the bed beside Kyle, his arms folded over his chest.
“I don’t want anything from you,” you reply, trying to make your voice sound firmer than you’re feeling. “I don’t want to be here and I don’t want anything from either of you. Let me go!”
“If you won’t eat we’ll have to punish you, understand?” Kyle continues in a calm, infuriatingly mild tone, as though he is speaking to a close friend and not a captive. He completely ignores your protest, as though dealing with a petulant child.
“You’re not listening to me,” you persist. “Let me go, I won’t tell anyone about you. I promise,” you plead, trying to bargain your way out of the situation.
“Why would we do that? When you’re exactly what we’ve been looking for all this time?” Kyle smiles, draping his arm across your shoulders. You shudder and try to pull away but he tightens his hold, crushing you against him. “We want to keep you here with us, to keep us… company.” He continues, his eyes wandering down your body, lingering on where your nipples press against the thin cotton of your top with the chill.
“And if you’re staying with us you better behave or you’re going to regret it,” Ghost adds. He walks over to the small set of drawers and pulls one open. He retrieves a collar and lead from inside before closing in and moving over to sit in the armchair beside the bed. “You want to be a disobedient bitch then we can treat you like one.”
“Get on your hands and knees,” Kyle whispers into your ear, his hot breath sliding over your skin. “Over there infront of him, don’t make him wait.” The threat is obvious in his words and the way the masked man glares at you. Haltingly you get off the bed and onto the floor as told, crawling over towards Ghost and eying the collar and lead warily. It’s better than acknowledging the bulge in the front of his jeans as he manspreads in the chair.
It's a basic dog collar and lead, a small silvery tag hanging from the D ring on the front. You’d seen fancy, artisan leather collars online, things given as gifts to lovers to enjoy during kinky sex, but this is a rough black leather thing clearly picked up from the pet section of a supermarket. This was not a tantalising and titillating thing, it is a symbol of your imprisonment. Likewise, the lead he holds is a simple black length of webbing, cheap and basic but ideal for its job.
“Chin up,” Ghost grunts once you are kneeling in front of him, and you comply with his words despite the sinking feeling in your stomach. He puts the collar around your throat and tightens it to the point of almost restricting the blood flow to your brain, the rough fabric already irritating your skin, before clipping on the lead. There’s a satisfied noise rumbling in his chest as he sits back in the tattered armchair and looks down at you.
He sits with his thighs spread, the way he did the night before, his eyes dark and feral as he looks down at you kneeling on the floor. With a head spinning tug on the lead he jerks you closer, a pained yelp escaping you as he does so, and you take the hint to crawl into the space between them. It's hard not to lean against his thick thighs, the cold of the room making you keen to feel the warmth this bastard is offering you by being close to him like this.
He uses his empty hand to unfasten his jeans and free his half-hard cock, the piercings underneath shining in the low light. He stares at you while he runs his hand up and down the shaft several times, making it thicken and lengthen just a few inches from your face.
“Open you mouth,” he tells you, and you hesitate, earning a sharp tug on the lead that snaps you closer with a gasp. He takes the opportunity to force the thick tip between your lips and holds you there as you fight and splutter. “Open, I said,” he growls and you relent rather than end up with a broken neck as he pulls the lead again. You gag and choke as the thick length pushes further and further back down your throat, making it harder to breathe.
“You can do it,” Kyle chimes in from behind you, rather unhelpfully. “Just breathe through your nose and you’ll be fine. Try and open your throat, then it won’t hurt so much.” The tremor in his voice betrays how turned on he is, watching your predicament, and you try to relax your throat to stop the burning, bruising pain as Ghost fucks himself into your mouth.
You choke and cough, trying to gasp for air as he repeatedly fills your throat with his hard length, using the tension on the lead to keep you in place. After a few minutes his slows and stops, leaving you gasping and shaking against his thigh.
“I want to see some more of those tears while I fuck your mouth,” Ghost says quietly and then looks up at the other man. “Kyle, fuck her big, plump arse for me, that’ll get her going.”
“No!” you snap in panic, eyes wide, and the wet cock before your face twitches in response. He holds the lead tight in his fist as Kyle pulls your pyjama legs down and throws them in a crumpled ball onto the floor. Ghost quickly jams his dick back into your mouth to silence your protests, salty pre-cum leaking onto your tongue.
“Don’t worry, I’ll lube you up a bit,” you hear Kyle mutter, before he uses his broad hands to spread your cheeks and spits on your furled hole. You feel your face burn hot with humiliation, and tears well as a thick finger rubs over your hole slowly, before slowly pushing against the ring of muscle.
“Look at these pretty tears,” Ghost whispers, running the tip of one finger down your cheek to collect the tiny, glittering droplet. “C’mon, get your pretty dick in her,” he grumbles to Kyle
“Okay, there’s no rush,” Kyle coos as his finger slips in and out of your hole, the foreign sensation shockingly intense and invasive. You’d thought having his cock in your pussy was as intrusive as things could get, but this is so much worse. “The build up is just as fun, and I don’t want to break this one. I feel like she could be the one, y’know? The one we keep.” A second finger joins the first, pulling and stretching you open with sharp stings. Once he is satisfied he withdraws, and you hear him spit again, presumably into his hand to wet the head of his cock, before you feel the spongy head press against you.
Your arsehole burns at the invasion of Kyle’s cock, and his breathy moans over your shoulder do nothing to calm your panic, he’s enjoying the feeling too much to care about what’s happening to you now. His facade of sweet and caring comradery is completely abandoned as your arse squeezes and tightens around his cock and he fights not to spill himself into you immediately.
Every thrust Kyle makes forces you onto Ghost’s dick harder and harder, your gag reflex battling every single movement and you’re thankful you ignored the breakfast now. The gods only know what would happen if you vomited into the man’s lap, despite him not caring about the tortured sounds you are making. His hips buck, and you can feel the way his massive thigh muscles are beginning to twitch and shake.
“Make her come,” Ghost rasps through his mask. “Make her come so hard so she screams around my cock.”
“Copy,” Kyle cryptically answers. You’re aware of Kyle shifting slightly behind you, and then the buzz of your vibrator sings through the air on its highest setting. There’s nothing you can do to avoid it as Kyle, once again, presses it to your clit while Ghost grips tightly onto the dog lead holding your head in position. You’re trapped between the two of them as the bullet vibrator pummels your clit and fires up your entire nervous system.
“Mother fucker,” Ghost groans when you cry out, the vibration of your throat around his cock matching the feel of the buzzing on your highly sensitive bundle of nerves. A deep pulsing in your pussy matches the movements of the cock in your arse with the added stimulation, and you fight the feeling as hard as possible, clenching your muscles as though you can physically push the impending orgasm away as it coils and tightens in your belly.
It crashes over you, violent and unholy, making you scream around the dick in your throat and drools spills from your lips in a depraved display. Your mind reels from the force of the orgasm, your aching walls clenching around nothing leaving you with a horrible empty feeling missed with the despised waves of pleasure. You can feel how wet you are, some of the cum from the night before dribbling from you with your own juices.
“Shit, you’ve gotta feel this,” Kyle groans.
“Yeah, need to fuck her properly now,” Ghost agrees. He rearranges the three of you up on the bed, slipping his massive bulk between your legs and Kyle’s so he can notch his erection against your entrance, all while Kyle returns to being buried deep in your arse. Impaled on Kyle’s dick, you cannot shy away as Ghost grinds his hips upwards, forcing his pierced cock into your soaking wet, traitorous pussy.
The sensation is like nothing you’ve ever felt, the two cocks stretching your holes to the point you’re positive you are going to tear apart, but with an underlying high from your orgasm sparking your nerves. Not helped by the piercings underneath Ghost’s dick which press into the back of your cunt and rub against Kyle. The man in your arse isn’t unaffected by the additional pressure and lets out a shaking breath against your shoulder.
“Fucking hell, that’s… that’s tight,” Kyle groans.
“You’re tellin’ me,” Ghost replies, his voice tight, the pair of them ignoring you between them and simply using your body for their pleasure. Ghost shifts his hips, dragging his cock out of your pussy experimentally and throwing his head back at the resulting sensation. “Fuuucckkk…” he moans and begins to rock his hips. Behind you Kyle shudders again and then starts thrusting again, grinding his dick against the other man’s in the process. You’re caught between them, unable to move at all as they fill you to breaking point.
Fresh tears well up and stream down your cheeks, and gasping sobs rack your chest.
“Lookin’ so pretty like this, love,” Ghost sneers. “Bet you’ve never felt this full before, have you?”
You barely hear his words over the burning feeling, and he slaps you on the breast viciously.
“Answer me,” he snarls, fingers digging into the soft swells of your hips for a moment to pull you down onto his cock.
“No, never!” you whimper and shake your head roughly. You slump forward as their thrusts become rougher, having no choice but to rest your hands on Ghost’s chest which brings your breasts closer to his face. They swing with every jolt of your body, and his eyes lock onto them quickly. He lands open palmed slaps against them at random, slamming his hips upwards into you as he does. To add insult to it all, Kyle picks up the abandoned vibrator once more, reaching around and pressing it to your swollen clit.
“Don’t! Please, not again,” you beg. “Don’t make me come.”
“Shhh,” Kyle chuckles, pressing his lips to your shoulder as the vibrator hits your overstimulated clit. “Just take it, you’ve got no choice, remember?”
You cry out, writhing in an effort to dislodge the toy from your screaming nerves which only makes the two men moan. Your breasts swing closer to Ghost’s face. He rolls up the bottom of his balaclava to reveal scarred lips, before grasping at one of your breasts and craning his neck down to suck your nipple into his mouth.
Your pussy tightens around him at the harsh suction, and you feel his groan vibrate into the tissue in his mouth greedily. You try to pull away but Kyle leans onto you back, trapping you in place. His movements are becoming more frantic and his breathy moans are lewd and disgusting in your ear.
A sharp, tightening sensation warns you another organs is building as their cocks rub at your abused walls.
“Fuck, gonna come,” Kyle groans, lips and teeth grazing over your shoulder. “Gonna come in your ass, love. First man ever to do it too, lucky me.”
“Won’t be… the last…” Ghost grunts, lips curled in an evil smirk that makes you whimper.
Kyle’s teeth sink into your neck as he finds his release, filling your backside with thick ropes of his cum, and you cry out in pain. Its only moments before Ghost does the same, his upward thrusts becoming harder and uneven, and he kicks his head back with a final harsh grunt as he spills into you as well.
His final thrusts send you over the edge and you orgasm, wailing with the mixture of pain and pleasure. The room falls silent, the only sound that of ragged breathing from the three of you.
“You’d better eat the food we bring you going forward, yeah?” Kyle instructs you, kissing gently over the livid teeth marks on your shoulder.
All you can do is nod weakly.
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
No question. Just rant. I love your page. And sorry for chaotic story time vibes, but I don't think I'd realised how crazy this anti-catalan thing really is until I travelled to southern Spain. My Spanish is not great, but I took a course in Catalan in high school (long story on why this was available in my city but it also included a human tower party at the end and it was brilliant even tho I almost died) so when talking to people I casually threw in some Catalan words to help my Spanish. I am Norwegian, and I thought it was kind of like... as if someone was trying to speak Norwegian but casually threw in some Swedish to fill in the gaps. Like we would totally have joked about it, but overall we would just be grateful they really made an effort to be understood. But no. IT WAS NOT THE CASE. My host was literally offended. Like offended offended. I didn't really get it, because it's not like the Catalans have oppressed him and I'm coming here speaking the tongue of the oppressor (its kinda the opposite). But no. My host acted if I was the most ignorant person ever. He basically sat me down and explained that I have to show respect and speak castillian (or english, which was apparently fine, even if he understood about 1% of it), and then I asked if he would speak Catalan if he visited Barcelona and he said he would never visit Barcelona because he didn't like the people there. And then I said that if you hate them so much, why not throw them out of the country, get rid of them, and let them have their own state? It sounds like a win-win. And he looked as if he was gonna hit me.
Ah 😬
I wish things like this surprised me, but I have family from Andalucía and Extremadura and have friends who also have family from Andalucía, and so I've heard this and worse... It also reminded me of a few weeks ago when there was a scandal because a train in Málaga (in Andalucía, southern Spain) gave the announcements in Catalan instead of Spanish (turns out the train had been programmed in Catalonia during the COVID-19 restrictions and later moved to the Málaga train system, but for some mistake this day it was showing COVID-19 precaution in Catalan from 2020 now in 2024). It was such a scandal that it was on the news and politicians were making such a big deal of it, the PP (the most voted party in Málaga and of all Andalucía) also said it was "offensive" and that Malagans were being "laughed at" by the trains. Other errors in public transport that actually mean people can't travel in time don't get reported as much as when one train's screens tell you in Catalan to wear your facemask. 🤷
The last part of what you say, absolutely right. I never understood it either: if they really don't like us, then shouldn't they also be interested in not having anything to do with us? Why not just kick us out? I never really understood it until some years ago when I heard the words of a right-wing Spanish journalist (I think was Federico Jiménez Losantos?) who said something along the lines of "if Catalans want to leave, then leave. But Catalonia is ours." Meaning that Catalan people, individually, we can leave and migrate abroad. But the land is a possession of Spain, our homeland is their property. I think that sums up that view. It's not about being annoyed at having to share a state with a culture you despise, it's about wanting to keep domination.
I'm sorry you had this experience. Your effort to communicate should have been valued, and pulling the words you know from a language from the same linguistic family was a good idea that would have worked great, they wouldn't have found it offensive if the language you knew instead of Catalan was Italian, Portuguese, etc. Thank you very much for sharing your experience, and I hope you could enjoy the rest of your trip (Southern Spain, outside of situations like this, is a beautiful place), and I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed the castells party (and didn't die in it)!
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
What does your favorite Aot boy tells me about you/your romantic preference????
 100% shitpost,I'm no therapist feel free to disagree.Before scrolling down try to pick 1-2 of your fave(I know it's hard D:) +I ranked them from my fave to least.
REİNER:You just want to be held,comforted and appreciated.You seriously don't want any drama and rather share some sincere,deep emotions.You really appreciate when a man shows their vulnerable side and open with you.Just as you would appreciate a man's tears you'd also appreciate their strong masculine presence.Which you definitely seek some HEALTHY masculinity in a s/o as this makes you feel safe and loved.Also you want big boy hugs that will comfort you.
PORCO:You are most likely to have a mean flirting style but you are still chill and don't want any real fights in a relationship as you get heartbroken easily .You love it when someone keeps you on your toes without being a real asshole.This gives you healthy sexual tension.Overall you want fun, love and passion at the same time.You are KİNDLY playful yet emotionally intense.You hide your feelings with sarcasm A LOT.
JEAN:You are also a very emotionally intelligent person but you might be a little bit of a hopeless romantic.You love the thrill of being in love and anything that comes with it.You still appreciate cliche/cheesy romantic gestures.At love you might be slightly masochistical and platonic yet very adoring.You have big simp tendacies and you are dreamy.When you love,you love beautifully.Literally aesthetically.You live your love like an old romance movie which might come off fake or shallow to others but actually you internalize it A LOT.
ZEKE:You are mentally fcked up.You should seriously go see a real therapist rather than trying to cope up with dark humour.You might get attracted to slightly older and dominant men.You are pursuing a toxic love life that's dangerous.You have an apetite for toxic masculinity and controlling behaviour.You do this 100% on purpose because enjoy it and not by mistake but this can be risky.You LOVE mind games and get bored from anything soft hearted.After all what is love to you without a pinch of manipulation?
CONNİE:You are the most relaxed and down to earth person ever.It's important for you to be friends with your romantical interest because relationships just feels easier and more fun like that.You really want to be able to talk about EVERYTHİNG going on in your life unfiltered.Obvious flirting might make you feel uncomfortable as you prefer to keep it playful and soft hearted.Also you want your love interest 7/24 around you but not in a clingy way.That's why a somewhat childish friendly love charms you.
EREN:You like sterotypical toxic romance.The type where couples punches walls,screams and throws things.You think this is passionate and you love your men a little problematic.You are slightly masochistical and want some drama.You also feel things deeply and somewhat hot headed.You might have an interesting urge to cling onto emotionally unavailable men.Angry sex is possibly your way of emotional bounding.
ARMİN:If you like Armin because he's so calm and kind and sympatic etc. Sorry to say,you are a little bad at reading people.Because in reality he is quite capable of heavy manipulation and hide it behind his angel face.On this matter maybe he's even more dangerous than Zeke.If you realised this but he's still your favorite then you too love mindgames and passive agressive drama in a relationship.You think intelligence and sophistication is the sexiest thing about a love interest.You love subtle manipulation fights in a relationship.
For girls edition
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thestalwartheart · 4 months
I'm writing the saddest Bond fic in the world, and because it'll probably never get finished, I'm going to bullet point it here because I need people to cry with. It's 5000 words at the moment. I think I need it to be about 30,000.
After the events of NTTD, Q is grieving Bond. Privately, he is also grieving that Bond being the one who got away, or at least the one who would not stay. They slept together once, in the aftermath of Skyfall death, and as Q says in the fic, it was "the pinnacle of my years-long journey into vastly unrequited love."
After snapping at Mallory during a meeting, Mallory schedules Q some psychology appointments. There are snippets of these appointments throughout the fic.
Q throws out all his plants. Replaces them with sculptural bits and pieces from around the lab.
Over a year on from Bond's death, MI6 recruits a new 004. His name is Edward Jones. He's tall and lithe, with auburn hair, an excellent sense of humour, and no outwardly visible baggage. He takes an interest in Q.
But Q refuses -- categorically refuses -- to ever get involved with an agent again. That was an unspoken rule before Bond died, and now it's non-negotiable.
Except Q is no good at sticking to the rules. He's just as bad as Bond was, really. Edward is charming, and though he asks Q to dinner, he doesn't press after Q refuses him. Instead, perhaps having talked to Nomi or Moneypenny, he is simply there. All the time. He becomes a shoulder to lean on and a friend, despite all Q's attempts to distance himself.
But then...Mallory asks Q to help on a project that will reverse the effects of Heracles, and Q snaps. Already feeling a colossal amount of guilt for telling Bond it couldn't be fixed, Q cannot deal with the thought of coming up with a cure when he cannot administer it to the one person who deserved to be cured.
Distraught, stressed and full of fury at everything, he sleeps with Edward that night. And -- shock horror! -- sex works as an excellent temporary coping mechanism, so Q keeps sleeping with him. Against all his rules, he's given into his heart again.
“Who was he?” asks Edward, one day, as Q is making breakfast. / “Who was who?”/ “Whoever you’re trying to forget when you’re with me.”
“You’re a bastard,” snaps Q, another day, when Edward pushes too hard. / “Is that me you’re talking to, or him?”
After the above fight/angry sex/make up sex combo, Edward goes away on a mission and gets shot.
Q, reeling, doesn't visit him in hospital. Though he wants to, he thinks it's smarter to stay away. Best not get too attached (Oh, Q! we're crying, you're already attached!!!)
Edward, unsurprisingly does not take this well. “Enjoy living with your ghosts, Quartermaster,” he says, before going home to heal and get very drunk.
And maybe it's the getting shot bit, or maybe it's that they're making progress on a cure for Heracles, or maybe it's Moneypenny finally shaking Q until something comes loose, but Q cannot sleep. He feels sick about Edward. He feels awful. What kind of Quartermaster doesn't visit an injured agent? What kind of friend doesn't? What kind of lover, casual or not?
Plagued with guilt and realising he feels more for Edward than he ever intended to, Q turns up at arse-o-clock in the morning, in the rain to Edward's flat. Amongst other things, he says:
“He was an agent. Another Double-0." and
"I'm so sorry." and
“I spent nearly a decade of my life hiding that I loved him, from myself, him, and anyone else who might have wanted to hear. It’s the biggest regret I have. I don’t want to make the same mistakes again.”
Hot, passionate, intense, slow make up sex.
After a few more missions, Edward tells Q, "I'm finished. I enjoyed the job, but I only loved it because it led me to you."
They take a visit to Skyfall, where Q runs into Kincade and talks to Bond's grave where he says, among other things:
"Hello, James. I hope you’re getting some well-earned rest." and
“I love him. Eve told me you would want to hear that. I’m not so sure. You always were a bit of a possessive prick about the other agents having what was yours.” and
“I still love you. I think I will until the end of my days. It’ll be a privilege to carry you with me. Whatever small part of you I had.”
Q is in a daze most of that night. In the morning, he apologises to Edward for all the tears, and Edward replies:
“Never — and I do mean never — apologise for loving someone, especially not as well as you loved him."
Cue the I love yous and sex.
They return to London, where the Heracles cure has hit a roadblock. Q tells Mallory he wants nothing to do with the project anymore. However it turns out, it wasn't his burden to carry in the first place. He wants to be free of it.
The story ends in a quintessential English garden: Kendal in the spring. It's years later, and Edward brings Q a cup of tea in the garden, where Q is trying to read Les Misérables and failing. Instead, he's taking notes in the margins on hummingbirds.
They look up to see a red kite soaring through the air. Q things wistfully of Bond. It's a dull hurt, now, not the scraping raw thing that it was when he met Edward. Bond would probably enjoy Q remembering him in the wings of a bird of prey; always free.
Q still loves London, but he thinks he can imagine another life, a few years away yet, watching the birds in the Lake District and working in his shed, with Edward reading a book at his side.
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alohajun · 1 year
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bf!seungcheol x gn!reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, domestic fluff, mentions of insomnia, mentions of schedules | loki’s lines : atp i'm in too deep 😭 also why can i write for everyone except my biases and it's all your fault ash 😭 @ethereal-engene
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"how many nights does it take to count the stars?"
you wondered to yourself, watching the ceiling fan rotate slowly above you, glancing between it and the neon star stickers on your ceiling, trying to fall asleep.
feeling your eyes droop, you turned to the side, getting a glance at your bedside clock before you slept. 02:14, it read. the blissful sleep didn't last long.
you opened your eyes again, knowing very well your sleep was short-lived. and looking at your clock, which read 02:21, you realised you only got seven proper minutes of sleep. 
"i can't do this anymore!" you yelled, thrashing around in your bed and throwing your blankets to the side. "i just want to sleep!" you sat up on your bed, hugging your knees and letting out the frustrations of the past few sleepless weeks.
after what seemed like forever, you took a few more deep breaths, gathering the strength to at least go to the living room.
alas, only more tears made their way down your face, frustrated with the situation of not being able to fall asleep.
finally, getting yourself off the bed, you were about to fall back when you heard the front door open, signaling someone had entered your house. 
and considering it was two in the morning, it could only be one person.
you went towards your front door, peeking quietly and watching the person you had expected to walk in.
choi seungcheol. due to his crowded schedule, he was staying at the dorms, away from you. usually, seungcheol wasn't the one to make late-night appearances, but he felt the need to come to you — even though it was really late.
and meeting your tear-filled eyes as soon as he walked inside, seungcheol thanked whatever gut feeling he got, relieved he could be there for you.
seungcheol looked at you with a fond smile, closing the door and dropping his bag to the floor. "couldn't sleep?" he questioned, extending his arms as he invited you into his embrace. "hey, it's alright. i'm right here, babe." he rubbed your back, assuring you he wasn't going anywhere.
"i know," you answered, wiping away your tears now that you knew seungcheol was there. “it's so frustrating when you want to sleep, but can’t.” a sad smile came on your face when you saw him nod, wordlessly agreeing with you.
you couldn't sleep because of your insomnia. and seungcheol couldn't sleep because he had too many things to do.
both of you suffered whenever you two were apart, but when together, a peaceful sleep was always guaranteed.
"let's go get some much-needed sleep!"
"yay! let's go!"
the two of you were like little children, racing to your room as you immediately found yourself in seungcheol's embrace, him holding you close as you two made yourselves comfortable.
"i missed this." seungcheol sighed in content, resting his chin on your shoulder. “no wonder i haven't been able to get any sleep these past weeks."
you smiled, hugging seungcheol's arms that he wrapped around you. "tell me about it. the number of times i've cried because i wanted to sleep and couldn't is unimaginable." you felt at ease at his touch, sighing in relief as he pulled you closer. "let's just catch up on sleep. two days at a stretch sound good to you?"
"make it five days." seungcheol's words made you laugh, making him feel the little vibrations against his chest. "i'm sorry i stayed so long at the dorms. i would've come earlier, but there was so much to do."
"it's alright, cheolie." you patted his arm in assurance. "it would've been difficult to keep coming and going from here, anyway. you are here now, and that's all that matters."
seungcheol tapped on your side, helping you turn around so he could see your face. "you are always so understanding." he brushed your hair out of your face, a smile of adoration on his face. "i wonder from time to time if everything is difficult on you."
"not at all. because i know at the end of the day, i have you!" you shook your head, placing your arms around the male as you rested your head on his chest. "now ... let's sleep," you murmured, oddly enough feeling drowsy.
seungcheol frowned slightly, patting the pillows you had abandoned to lie on his chest. "the pillows are right there, y/n." he didn't think your gesture was intentional, assuming you were going to move back.
"why use those when i have you? you are my new pillow, cheol."
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Doctor's Assistant chapter 3
Note: surprise! happy sunday :) chapter 1. chapter 2.
Warnings: suggestive at some point.
pairing: Doctor!Sihtric x Assistant!Reader/You (f) (x Doctor!Sigtryggr).
summary: You and Sihtric had to face each other after your eventful evening of shopping.
wordcount: 4,6k
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The dinner.
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You tossed and turned in bed, only to then smile and giggle as you buried your face in the deer plushie Sihtric had bought you earlier that day, which you squished in your arms while it was pressed against your chest.
You still tried to process the fact that your favourite doctor had asked you to go shopping for holiday decorations with him, which eventually turned into somewhat of an unexpected date night, and the evening had concluded with an even more unexpected kiss. Your mind was still reeling from everything that had happened; from shyly holding hands with Sihtric, to him pretending to be your fiancé to make your shitty ex boyfriend jealous, to then kissing passionately in his car at the parking lot in front of your apartment building. 
You couldn't get over how nervous Sihtric had been just before he kissed you. You remembered his trembling hands and how they felt when he took your face. You remembered the sound of his voice when he cursed under his shaky breath, and how that same shaky breath had felt so warm on your lips. But most of all you couldn't stop thinking about his shy murmurs in between the soft and needy kisses, and the way he tasted when he pulled you in for one more long lasting kiss, before you both finally said good night with rosy cheeks.
The memory of it all was still vivid and kept you up when your phone suddenly buzzed on your nightstand. You rolled over and, as you looked at your lit up screen, your heart skipped a beat when you saw Sihtric had texted you, finally.
Sihtric: I'm sorry if today was unprofessional. I hope what happened won't affect our job and work relationship. I'm sorry if I crossed any boundaries.
Your happy and giddy feelings disappeared immediately when you read his words, and you wondered if he had regrets about the evening. With trembling and slightly sweaty hands you replied to your crush, who really wasn't just a crush anymore.
You: I actually had a really good time. I'm sorry if you realised it was not what you wanted or needed, and I'm sorry if it doesn't feel right for you. I never meant for things to become weird or unprofessional
You hit send and anxiously awaited Sihtric's reply. Did he think he made a mistake? Was he not into you at all and did he just feel lonely? Did he only flirt with you because it was all meant to be a joke, because he was bored? Or maybe he was just an asshole? A million thoughts raced through your head and you thought you were going to throw up when your phone buzzed again.
Sihtric: no, it was exactly what I wanted and needed…
You felt confused as you stared at his text. What on earth did he mean? What does he want? Where is this going? Why is he being vague-
Sihtric: I had a good time too, and everything did feel exactly right to me…
Sihtric: but I was just worried that maybe you felt pressured. I know we weren't at work, but it still got me thinking afterwards. I know I'm not officially your boss, but I also know there's this weird power dynamic between doctors and assistants that I really try to avoid. Just wanted to make sure we're cool, you know?
You exhaled sharply as you watched his texts come in. You felt relieved, but still a little confused by his sudden worries.
You: as far as I'm concerned, we're good. You and Sigtryggr both never made me feel there was powerplay at hand. I know what you mean though, but I promise you I never felt pressured
Sihtric: okay, good. That's all I wanted to know.
You: so… do you still want me to come over tomorrow or…?
Sihtric: of course I do, sugar. If you're still up for it?
You felt almost embarrassed by how quickly you melted for the doctor again.
You: of course I am :) if you are too?
Sihtric: I am, don't worry, sugar. I was thinking maybe I can pick you up in the morning? So you don't have to take the bus to work. If you want me to obviously
You: really? Yeah, that would be great actually, it would save me a lot of trouble in the morning
Sihtric: pick you up at 7?
You: works for me, thank you :)
Sihtric: no thanks :)
You smiled at your phone, and you decided you didn't want this conversation to be over yet. Not now that you finally started texting, after weeks and weeks of both being too shy to do so.
You: hey, did you water that plant you bought, like I told you?
Sihtric stared at your text and snorted as he replied to you.
Sihtric: yes…
After he wrote you his lie, he jumped up and watered the plant he bought with you at the garden centre. You told him he needed to repot it and water it, the latter which he hadn't done yet, so he was glad you reminded him. Sihtric didn't have a knack for plants, but he had to keep up his fiancé facade while shopping, so he had to take the plant home.
You: pics or it didn't happen ;)
Sihtric smiled at his phone and sent a photo of his recently watered plant.
Sihtric: and did you give that deer plushie a good spot?
You: I did!
Sihtric: okay, well, pics or it didn't happen ;)
You giggled and switched on your night stand lamp to take a photo of the deer, which you placed with its head on your pillow and tucked in for the photo.
Sihtric: is that deer in your bed?
Sihtric smiled at the photo and bit down on his lip. He figured it was a good sign that you had decided to place the plushie in your bed, out of all places.
You: it is, because you said I should hug it when I miss you ;)
Sihtric stared at your message and smiled even wider, his cheeks slowly warmed up as he didn't know what to reply. He only knew that tomorrow was going to be rough for him, as there was to way he could ignore his feelings for you anymore. He quickly typed a reply, hit send, and then threw his phone next to him on the couch, as he was too nervous to read your reply.
Sihtric: cute. Miss you too x
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Light snow already twirled down when you opened your curtains. It was a cold morning, and all that was talked about on the news was the blizzard that's supposed to hit the city near midnight. You quickly got dressed and waited impatiently for Sihtric to pick you up. While you waited, you packed your backpack with a Christmas cookie baking set you had never used, and a box that contained a gingerbread house, which you needed to assemble and decorate. Both items had been a gift from your elderly neighbour, and you figured that maybe it would be fun to do any of those things with Sihtric later that day, if there was some time left once you were done decorating his place.
Almost half an hour after seven, Sihtric finally texted you that he was waiting outside your apartment building. You made haste to put on a beanie and some gloves, and rushed to take the elevator down from your floor. You almost bumped into Sihtric as he was waiting at the entrance, holding a closed umbrella while snowflakes had decorated his black beanie, black gloves and his black winter coat, as well as the front side of his black jeans. Today he wasn't wearing sneakers, as it was too cold, instead he was wearing beige boots, which were also covered with snow.
'Hey,' Sihtric smiled and sniffled, a little shyly, 'I, eh, I had to park my car one street over because the entire road was frozen. I couldn't get here. So I, eh, thought maybe it would be safer for you if I walked you to the car because, you know… the ice.'
'Oh,' you chuckled, 'yeah, sure, that's really sweet, Sihtric.'
'Yeah, well,' he mumbled and cleared his throat as he blushed, 'eh, shall we then?' he asked and opened the umbrella, then held his arm out to you, 'watch your step, it's really slippery.'
You hooked your elbow with his and made way down the street, to his car. Sihtric was right, it was indeed very slippery. He held the umbrella up for you to shield you against the light snow as he watched the road intensely, holding your elbow firmly hooked with his in the hope of keeping you safely up on your feet.
You noticed Sihtric was quiet as he walked you to his car, shy even, and you thought it was adorable. You leaned in a little closer, as it was cold and you wanted to steal his warmth, to which he smiled shyly when you looked up at him. And he looked so cute, with the tip of his nose reddened from the cold, while his moustache and goatee had caught some snowflakes.
You carefully shuffled alongside him when it happened. You hadn't seen the ice patch that was covered up under a thin layer of snow, and you slipped as soon as you stepped onto it. You felt your feet slide away and, with a yelp, you clung onto Sihtric, but it was already too late. You fell down and landed on your butt, taking the handsome doctor down with you while the umbrella flew through the air and landed beside you.
'Gods,' Sihtric said, who managed to not fully fall down, but awkwardly knelt beside you, 'are you okay?' he asked as he immediately reached for your hands.
'Yeah,' you snorted while Sihtric helped you back up, 'I'm okay,' you laughed and rubbed your behind, 'might feel that tomorrow though.'
'Sugar,' Sihtric sighed, then chuckled, 'I told you to be careful.'
'Oh, I'm sorry, doctor,' you hissed playfully, 'I thought it was just snow, how was I supposed to know there was ice underneath?'
'Yeah, well,' Sihtric shook his head, 'just… just watch your step.'
You carefully continued and managed to get to his car without slipping again.
'I got you coffee,' Sihtric said and pointed to the cup holder, then to a bag on his dashboard, 'and some breakfast. I already finished mine on the way here, but yours should still be warm though.'
'Oh, thank you. That's so sweet,' you smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, to which the doctor blushed.
Sihtric took off his beanie, revealing his braided hair, and you couldn't stop staring at him as he started his car. He felt your eyes on him but purposely avoided eye contact. He felt even more nervous today than he had felt last night, and he knew his cheeks coloured even more when you kept staring at him. Sihtric hated how easily he blushed around you, and felt silly for how his heart skipped a beat every time you smiled at him. He also thought it was pathetic how he melted into a puddle on the inside each time you said his name.
And his cheeks coloured even more when he suddenly imagined how his name would sound from your lips, when your legs would be wrapped around his naked body as he made love to you. He imagined the sound of your soft giggles in his ear when he'd leave open mouthed kisses on your bare neck and shoulders, while his fingers tangled in your hair as he'd hold the back of your head, while you sat in his lap, riding him slowly and sensually with your arms wrapped around him and your nails digging into his warm, sweaty skin.
Sihtric swallowed hard and cleared his throat, trying to shake the explicit thoughts he was having out of nowhere.
'Sihtric?' you chuckled and looked at him, a little confused.
The doctor had to bite down an unexpected moan when you suddenly said his name, and he kept staring at his steering wheel.
'Sihtric?' you nudged his shoulder.
'Hm,' he hummed, then finally looked up at you as if he snapped out of a dream, 'y-yes?'
'What are you waiting for?' you laughed, wondering why he started the car but didn't drive.
'Oh, I- I'm sorry,' Sihtric mumbled and put on his seatbelt.
'What were you thinking of?'
'Hm? Oh, n-nothing,' Sihtric lied and shifted awkwardly in his seat.
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The drive to work took longer than usual because of the winter weather, and Sigtryggr was staring out of his office window when he saw Sihtric pull up to the practice parking lot. He sipped his coffee, amused as he watched you and Sihtric get out of the car, and he smiled when he saw how Sihtric helped you safely cross the frozen road.
Sigtryggr was quick to walk to the front desk, which he leaned on as you and Sihtric climbed up the stairs.
'Well, well,' Sigtryggr taunted, 'you're both late. Interesting.'
'Sorry,' you shrugged and gave the doctor a hug.
'Traffic,' Sihtric said as he unzipped his jacket.
'Traffic?' Sigtryggr frowned with a grin, 'that's the only reason you're late?'
You looked at Sihtric and quickly turned on your heels, to your chair behind the desk.
'Well, and the weather obviously,' Sihtric rolled his eyes and hung up his jacket.
'That's all?' Sigtryggr asked.
'What are you implying?' Sihtric sighed.
'Nothing,' the other doctor shrugged, 'just that there's lipstick all over your face.'
Sihtric's eyes grew wide, and he immediately rubbed his hands over his cheeks, where you had kissed him as a thank you for the breakfast he had bought you.
You perked up in your chair, with eyes just as big as Sihtric's, and you felt your cheeks heat up. You were sure your soft pink lipstick had not left any marks on his face. And even if so, it had been an innocent peck on his cheek, nothing which you should hide from anyone. And yet you still felt caught. But then Sigtryggr broke out in laughter.
'I was only kidding,' he snorted, 'but, eh, you two totally betrayed yourselves,' he laughed and walked back to his office, while you and Sihtric stared at each other in disbelief.
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Sihtric's house was smaller than you expected. Doctors had quite a good paycheck, you knew, but Sihtric's house was modest and most importantly; cosy. From the small hallway you could go upstairs, where you'd find two bedrooms, a bathroom, and stairs to his attic. But if you walked past the stairs and through a door, you stepped into a cute living room with a fireplace. And through an open door on your right, you saw the kitchen, which had a dining area. You loved the place, it being big enough for a couple and a few pets, but you wondered if Sihtric had lived here with his wife and three children before his divorce, and so you asked.
'No,' Sihtric said as he took your coat, 'I moved here after my divorce. The real estate agent kept telling me that I could get bigger places with my salary, but why should I?' he shrugged, 'I was just a man on my own when I bought this place.'
'I understand,' you said, 'but I like your place. It's cosy.'
Sihtric smiled and hung your coat in the hallway, then offered you a drink and said you should probably start decorating in the kitchen first.
'So at least we can hang out while I make food,' he said as you followed him into the kitchen.
'What's for dinner?' you asked.
'I was thinking of making an oven dish,' Sihtric said as he poured you both a drink, 'with potatoes, vegetables and chicken.'
'Sounds good,' you smiled when Sihtric handed you your drink.
He sat down across from you at his dining table and took in your effortlessly beautiful appearance, while you looked around his kitchen, already picturing how you'd decorate the place. Your eyes gazed around the cosy wooden room, looking up at the ceiling, which showed old wooden beams, and then down to the grey tile floor. Above the diner table was a large lamp on which you could hang an adorable garland with ornaments, you thought. And as you smiled at the thought, your eyes wandered back to the doctor, who you caught smiling at you and then looked flustered at the fact you had caught him.
'I, eh,' Sihtric cleared his throat and got up, 'I'll start making food. The decorations are in those bags,' he said and pointed to a stack of bags in the corner.
And soon you were hopping and twirling around the kitchen and Sihtric, with various decorations to put up, while the doctor was chopping vegetables. You had switched on the radio to a Christmas station, and from time to time you hummed along with a song, to which Sihtric suppressed a smile each time. You often glanced at each other, only to quickly look away and shyly mind your own business again when being caught by the other. 
Sihtric couldn't get enough of you. The way you danced around his kitchen and smiled at him. And you were as enchanted by him all the same; by the way he looked so handsome with that kitchen towel thrown over his shoulder, while he was deeply focused on the knife in his hand and the vegetables on his cutting board, until he looked up and caught you smiling at him. That's when his heart skipped a few beats and he felt his knees weaken.
And just when Sihtric put his dish in the oven, he heard you drag a chair away from the table.
'Hey,' Sihtric said when you were about to climb on a chair to reach the higher levels, 'wait, no,' he frowned and walked over, 'don't do that.'
'I have to,' you shrugged and pointed to a top shelf you couldn't possibly reach on your own.
'No,' he said again, 'you can hurt yourself if you fall.'
'Oh, please,' you rolled your eyes, 'I do this all the time back home,' you shrugged.
You climbed up on the chair anyway and Sihtric immediately reached out.
'Yeah, well, you're not home, are you?' Sihtric muttered and circled his arms around your waist, then lifted you off the chair.
'Hey!' you giggled and kicked your feet in the air.
'I said no,' Sihtric chuckled and put your feet back down on the kitchen floor, then spun you around, 'if you need help to reach something, then ask. Don't go climbing on things.'
'Fine,' you pouted and crossed your arms.
'Don't give me that face, sugar,' Sihtric smiled, once again desperately fighting his urge to cup your cheeks and kiss your lips.
'Well, I need to reach that shelf,' you said, 'to attach the garland.'
'Then I will help you.'
'Like this,' Sihtric said and spun you back around, then lifted you up again, high enough so you could reach the shelf and attach the decoration. 'See?' he said, 'you don't need a chair and risk falling from it.'
'I guess,' you sighed with a smile while Sihtric held you up with ease, and he put you back on your feet again once you were done. 
'Thanks,' you mumbled shyly and looked up at him.
'No thanks,' he said as he towered over you, and then looked around the decorated kitchen, 'I like what you've done,' he smiled.
'Thanks,' you blushed, 'I think I'm done here, so… what's next?'
'We could start decorating the living room while the food is in the oven?'
'Sounds good,' you smiled.
You both grabbed the remaining bags full of decorations and moved to the living room. While you went through the bags, untangled some garlands and opened boxes of Christmas lights, Sihtric had taken the brand new Christmas tree out of the box. You started to decorate the room while Sihtric fumbled around with the tree, and after about ten minutes you noticed he still hadn't made any progress. You watched the doctor as he sat on the floor, clearly confused while reading instructions about the tree in front of him that still needed to be assembled.
'Are you okay over there?' you asked after another few minutes passed.
'Yeah,' Sihtric lied and scratched his head while his eyes darted between the instructions and the tree, which looked nothing like a tree yet.
'The, eh,' you cleared your throat and looked at the garland you were placing above the fireplace, 'the loose branches have coloured stickers on them, they match with the coloured stickers on the tree stem, so you know where to put them.'
'Yeah, I know,' Sihtric lied.
You glanced at Sihtric and saw how he picked up one of the branches, after understanding your hint.
'No you didn't,' you bit down a smile as you approached him.
'I did,' Sihtric said, defensively, fighting his own smile, 'I was just… taking my time, you know?'
'Oh, that's what you were doing?'
'Okay,' you shrugged lightly, 'so, do you need my help or not?'
Sihtric looked up at you, then at the tree, and then back at you again.
'Yeah,' he chuckled, 'I think I do.'
You sat down next to Sihtric and sorted each branch by colour. You then helped assemble the tree, which went quicker than Sihtric expected, and you were fast to decorate the tree with a pleasantly warm colour of lights. You managed to decorate the tree from top to bottom, and just when the oven beeped, Sihtric had lifted you up again while you put the finishing touch on the tree; a star on the top.
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The radio was still playing Christmas tunes while you ate in Sihtric's cosy kitchen. You sat across from each other again, stealing occasional glances and shy smiles.
'Do you like the food?' Sihtric asked, a little nervous.
'Yeah,' you said with your mouth full, 'it's really good.'
Sihtric blushed lightly and wanted to ask what your plans for Christmas were, but just as he wanted to speak, the song on the radio was interrupted with a sudden newsflash.
'The blizzard seems to be hitting hours earlier than expected,' a reporter's voice sounded, 'we advise everyone to stay inside, starting right now, as the wind will pick up in a matter of minutes and an unforeseeable amount of snow will cover the entire city within the next hour. I repeat, stay inside for your own safety. Those who will travel and get stuck in the snow have no reassurance of being rescued tonight, as this is the worst blizzard this town has seen since 1978.'
After the harrowing message, the radio station switched to jolly Christmas tunes again, while you and Sihtric stared at each other with big eyes from across the table.
'I…' you swallowed hard, 'I… I should get going.'
'But… you, I-,' Sihtric stammered, 'I can drive you home but-'
'No, I… maybe I can get a cab,' you said, delusionaly, 'I don't want you to risk getting stuck on your way back.'
'I don't think there are any cabs on the road after this newsflash.'
'Well,' you chuckled nervously, knowing he was right, 'I… I don't know,' you looked out the small kitchen window and saw that, indeed, the wind and snow had intensified greatly since the last time you had looked outside, about an hour ago.
'It wasn't supposed to start until like,' you glanced at the clock, 'four hours from now. How were the predictions so off?'
'I don't know, sugar,' Sihtric mumbled and rubbed his eyes, then sighed and looked at you, 'okay,' he sniffed, 'look, I have no trouble with you staying here for the night. My main concern is just that we don't know how long this is going to last. It's Friday now, I think I heard earlier today that it won't stop snowing until at least Sunday morning. Again, I truly don't mind, you can stay here. But I want you to feel comfortable too.'
'Fuck,' you groaned, 'I don't mind staying here, I mean… it's not like there is any other option right now, I suppose. I just… I just don't want to be a bother.'
'You're not a bother,' Sihtric said immediately, 'if anything, I could use some company. Your company.'
'Are you sure?'
'I am,' he said softly, 'there's no need to stress about this, we can't change it. I have no issues with having you around here for however long this will take. I have enough food and drinks for the both of us for at least a week,' he chuckled, 'but I assume it won't last that long.'
'God, I hope not,' you laughed, feeling more relaxed already, 'I just… I didn't expect this so I didn't bring anything, you know? No clean clothes, no phone charger, no toothbrush…'
'I'm sure we can solve those things,' Sihtric reassured you, 'don't worry, okay?' he gave you a comforting smile, 'let's just finish our dinner,' he said calmly, 'and after that we will figure out the rest. We gotta make the best of the situation, which we will, I promise. Okay, sugar?'
'Okay,' you smiled at him, and then went back to your food.
You didn't know that you were both equally as nervous to be more or less forced to spend at least one night together. And after you both finished your food, you continued to decorate the living room, while the snow outside had already formed a thick blanket on the streets, with no end in sight.
When you finally finished decorating, Sihtric had made you a cup of tea and told you to come and sit on the faux fur carpet that was in front of the window. You sat next to each other, watching the large snowflakes twirl down in the dark evening sky. You slowly leaned in to each other until your shoulders touched, but both being too shy to say anything, so you just sat there, staring out of the window and enjoying your hot drinks while the christmas music still sounded from the kitchen.
'Thank you,' Sihtric finally broke the silence, although his voice was barely louder than a whisper, 'for, eh, you know… cheering this place up,' he chuckled softly.
'You're welcome,' you smiled, 'and thank you for dinner. And, well, for letting me stay here.'
'All my pleasure,' he hummed and looked at you.
You smiled softly at each other, both looking shy and a little uncertain about how the rest of the night would continue. Sihtric took your empty cup and placed it with his on the windowsill, then turned back to look at you. His eyes trailed down to your lips as he slowly leaned in, and he carefully brought one hand up to gently cup your cheek. Both your breathing became unsteady within a split second, when his lips lightly brushed over yours. And then, when Sihtric was about to press his soft, warm lips onto yours, the entire room went dark and quiet. 
Pitch black and silent.
You both froze, looked up and then outside, where you both saw the street lights go out, along with the lights of the apartment buildings in the distance and the surrounding houses in Sihtric's street.
'Oh my god,' you whispered, while Sihtric still held your face as you both stared into the darkness outside, 'is this… did the power just cut?'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @liandav @diiickbrainn @sihtricsafin
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amaya-writes · 2 years
since you asked for it... how about some headcanons of mikey, sendou, hanma and draken of when the reader brings them a bento box with their lunch? but not any lunch- those cute ones with animals, happy faces, flowers, etc.
Notes: this req is like sooooo cute omg- uh anyways idk Sendou very well so I didn't write for him
Warnings: n/a just fluff lol
Characters involved: Mikey, Hanma, Draken
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Manjiro Sano (Mikey)
Mikey thinks your bento is the most adorable thing ever.
Or at least, he would have thought that had he not been having lunch with the rest of the Toman leaders that day.
"Not a word."
He might have tried to sound intimidating as Mikey picked at the octopus-shaped sausages you had made for him, but there was no mistaking the pink flush dusting his cheeks.
The others chose to keep the teasing to a minimum because they think of you like a sibling, but they do think it's absolutely adorable that you pack him bentos like that.
Mikey will probably pretend to be annoyed the next time he sees you, but with the way he clings to you and whines about it, it's clear that he was just flustered by how cute the bento was.
This kind of backfires for you though because now he always wants his rice shaped like little rabbits and his sausages like octopus.
Even throws a fuss if you so as consider giving him a normal bento after then.
Hanma Shuji
Is lowkey confused at first.
He still thinks it's super cute but he just can't really understand why you would think it was a good idea to give him one of those cute bentos.
Unlike Mikey he isn't actually embarrassed by it or anything. He thinks it's adorable and even shows it off to the others.
If anyone dares to try and make fun of him he just tells them they're jealous their partner doesn't do the same for them. This is usually followed by a threat to beat them up.
Overall, he's pretty neutral about it.
But expect to be teased A LOT when he meets up with you after that.
Hanma will literally not stop going on about how he thinks it's so adorable that you put in so much effort for his bento.
"You probably just wanted me to praise you for being good at it didn't you?" He only stops when you pretend to be offended and say you won't make him bentos again. It's only then that Hanma tugs you to him by your waist and genuinely thanks you for the food.
You're a little struck by how sincere he is in that moment, especially when he mentions he's not used to other people taking care of him like this.
But your cute little moment quickly turns back into another teasing fest as he pesters you about what you want to make for him next and calls you his cute little housewife/husband.
Ken Ryuguji (Draken)
Pretends to be indifferent, is dying inside.
He thinks it's absolutely adorable that you would bother doing something like this for him, especially since he never really got bentos as a kid.
But he also has a mean and scary reputation to uphold which is why he can't help but turn a little red when seated with the rest of Toman eating Tamagoyaki with little faces on them.
Baji and Mitsuya are the only ones who dare to tease him while Mikey casually steals a bit of his bento just because it looks cute.
He even complains about how Draken got such a cute bento and says he'll ask you to cook him cute things too.
Ken doesn't even realise he's lowkey glaring at the thought of you doing something so sweet for someone else until the rest of the boys start laughing.
When he meets up with you later he doesn't really say anything and just casually thanks you for the bento.
Or he would have done that had Mikey not been with him.
The shorter blond took great pleasure, droning on and on about how Draken was totally blushing while eating the bento and threatened to kill him when he said he wanted you to make him one.
You know Mikey well enough to be able to tell he's just joking around but that doesn't stop Draken from casually trying to trip him.
Once Mikey leaves the two of you alone (after a lot of complaining and teasing) Ken takes a moment to genuinely thank you for the bento.
He's also pretty intrigued about how you made it and asks you about the stencils you used etc.
Ken even considers making you a cute bento in return someday, after all, he's a decent cook since he always had to cook for himself and he'd love to return your kind gesture.
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Prompt used
TW: Mention of death
“I’m not sure if I’ve ever really loved you.”
“You’re running away again aren’t you?”
"No, i'm not." Villain says, not meeting Hero's eye. "Yes, you are. You say something about how you don't love me, or how this isn't going to work out and then you leave. Only for me to drag your ass back home because you got yourself hurt doing some reckless shit." Hero practically spits at Villain. They can feel the anger boil up in them. Why would they want to run away? What is it that drives them away?
"That was one time and I'm serious now." The Villain looks at the Hero with an emotion they can't quite place. "It felt good in the beginning, but now..."
"You're lying" Hero interupts.
"I'm not lying. This can't go on. I don't love you. You were just some exciting new thing and now the new has worn off." Villain says with a stern look on their face, but their eyes say something different. Sadness? Regret? Hatred? Hero couldn't place it.
"I can't do it."
Fear. It was fear, Hero realises. They were scared, and Hero doesn't know why. Why would one of the most dangerous villains in the city be scared? Who or what scared them that much that they felt the need to run away? They have never seen Villain scared. And that scares them.
"I'm leaving and don't try to stop me. I've made my descision." Villain says as they stood up, picking up the bag next to the couch they were sitting on. "All of my things should be gone. If i forgot any, don't bother calling me, just keep it."
"Or throw it out, i don't really care."
"Villain, please..."
"No Hero, i've made up my mind. We're not meant for each other." Villain snaps back.
"Why are you scared?"
"Why do you think i'm scared?" Villain huffs, as if they were trying to laugh at a bad joke. "Because i can see it in your eyes." Hero almost whispers, while taking a step forward. Villain instantly takes a step back and quickly looks away. "You have no idea what you are talking about."
"Then explain it to me." The Hero pleads, almost begging the Villain. All the anger now replaced with worry. "I can't." Villain mumbles, looking anywhere but at Hero. "Please try. I will do my best to understand." The hero grabs their hand before they can pull away. Hands that killed so many yet hugged them so tightly when they cuddled on the couch. Hands and wrists that have been covered in blood, dirt, grime and ...bruises?
"Hey, what's this?" Hero asks gripping the wirst with both of their hands. "Nothing, just got into a fight." The Villain lies. And Hero noticises it. "You're lying again." "I'm..." Villain trails off in the middle of their sentence. With a heavy sigh they look at them and say something that makes their stomach drop.
"It was a fight between me and Superhero. They told me if i didn't leave, they would kill you and frame me for your death." Villain said with a heavy voice.
"I don't know."
"Could they do that?"
"I don't know, and i am not willing to find out." And with that, they left.
Hi! Whispher here. This is my first (of hopefully many posts) and i have no idea what i'm doing. So if you noticed anything that i can work on, please let me know.
(English also isn't my first language, so i apologise for any mistakes).
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
Birthday post!
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A/N: well, well happy birthday!👀🎂 our beloved man of desire is 42 today! For this occasion I wanted to write something a bit different-a snippet for each character (okay, not all of them, maybe I’ll post more but I didn’t manage more😵‍💫🤣)
Inspired by this post and a conversation with @jamneuromain who also wrote the Curtis and Lloyd part!!! Give this amazing person some love!!
My Masterlist
-> how the CE would react misunderstanding the word “creampuff” or just asks them to get her some 😋
Steve Rogers
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Steve didn’t know a lot of modern terms and slang-so he learned everything from you. Also some dirty talk and words you’d rather use in the bedroom than public. Which also meant he now learned what a creampie was. At first he had been a bit confused when you asked him to give you a creampie in the middle of sex.
“Wait-do you want me to stop and get you one? Now?”, he had asked confusedly, stopping moving right before you could reach your peak. “No-Steve-a creampie, not a pie”, he still seemed confused and that’s when you realised he had no idea what you were talking about. So you explained to him what it was.
“Oh…you want me to come…in you?”
From then on he definitely loved creampies. So much, he always looked up whenever you only said the word cream itself. It was funny. Really. You loved teasing him by using the words. Sometimes in public, sometimes at home.
But he knew when you did it to tease him, he could hear it in your tone.
You both were sitting on the couch, watching the when an ad come up. It was some trailer for a movie but the only thing you actually looked at was the baked goods they were eating. A quiet gasp escaped your lips. “Oh god, I want a Creampuff”, you moaned quietly, feeling Steve immediately stand up, making you drop onto the couch with your back. “Jesus, Steve-what are you doing?”, you mumbled slowly sitting up.
Steve took of his hoodie, throwing it to the floor, leaving him in just his jeans, which he also stated opening , the belt buckle hitting the floor quickly. “You want a Creampuff”, he only said, as if you were the one doing something stupid.
“Yeah-I want a Creampuff, so why are you taking off your pants?”
He still seemed confused, slowly dropping his pants to the floor, his boxershorts already slightly tented. “Doesn’t that mean you want me to…you know, come in you?”
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing, your laugh only getting louder at his so-called ‘perfect hurt puppy look’. “Oh Stevie, sweetheart, no…I don’t mean creampie. I mean a Creampuff…it’s something to eat, you know what I mean”
Only then did he realise his mistake, a quiet ‘oh’ escaping his lips as he sat back down. It was hilarious how hurt he looked. Like a kicked puppy. Yep, that was the man you fell in love with. Steve Rogers.
“Sorry I guess i…got a bit too excited”, he mumbled, crossing his arms. Chuckling you cuddled closer to him, kissing his cheek gently. “You’re cute. I’ll give you a blowie later, sounds good?”, you whispered sweetly into his ear, watching him blush as soon as he thought about it. Steve nodded slowly, dropping his arms around your shoulders.
“You know…I still think cream puff is the more appropriate word for... you know... that…”
Ransom Drysdale
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After a coffee date in the morning you were driving through the city and as the passenger you watched the buildings and lights, noticing a bakery you mumbled something quietly to yourself.
“What was that, Sweetheart?”, Ransom asked you, watching you for a second before looking back to the road. You felt yourself blush as you sighed, knowing he would stop asking until you’d finally repeat your words.
Shrugging you tore away your gaze from the window. “I said I’m in the mood for a Creampuff”, you grinned, watching how Ransom slowly raised his eyebrows. A mischievous smile creeped on his lips. “Sure? A Creampuff? Maybe you’d rather have a creampie”, he mumbled seductively, placing his hand on your thigh and squeezing gently.
A laugh escaped your lips as you took his hand, sliding your fingers between his. “You know…usually I’d probably take it but right now? I’m so in the mood for a sweet fat Creampuff”, you moaned at the thought, liking over your lips. All this time ransom watched you from the corner of his eyes, huffing quietly.
You always forgot how much attitude he could give you if he didn’t get the answer he wanted to hear.
“Oh come on, creampie or creampuff, honey?" His question made you roll your eyes, an amused expression creeping on your face. “Don’t be a baby…you know I love you, but right now I really want to eat a Creampuff”, he shook his head at your words, stopping at a red light and immediately watching you carefully.
"you'll only get one choice. Are you seriously choosing the sugar and flour over me?"
You chuckled at his behaviour, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Of course you got your Creampuff.
(And at the end of the day also a creampie.)
Jake Jensen
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You were sitting in a little coffee shop with Jake, watching the naked goods there were putting up on display since you were a bit early. “Omg Jake look, look”, you whispered excitedly, noticing your favourite Cream Puffs.
Jake was playing on his phone so he didn’t notice what you were talking about but he nodded anyway. “I’ll get what you get, just need to finish this game and then I’m all yours-” “I want a Creampuff”, as soon as you said that he put down his phone looking up at you, quickly enough for his glasses to slide down from his nose a bit.
“Here? Now? Well…I’m sure they have a bathroom but-“ “What are you talking about???” You shook your head, watching as he stood up and grabbed your hand, wanting to pull you up.
“You said you wanted a creampie”, he whispered nodding with his head to the direction of the toilets, making you only shake your head more. “A creamPUFF. Idiot. A creampuff. To eat. Food. Not creampie. We’re in a café”, you face palmed, sighing loudly.
“Oh…then I guess I’ll get you the Creampuff”, Jake sounded like a kid that had their candies taken from them as he slowly walked to the counter with his shoulders slumped.
He was such an idiot sometimes.
But he was your idiot.
Johnny Storm
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Johnny was sitting in front of the tv, watching a baking show-even though he never baked. You weren’t sure if he knew how to turn in the oven, if you had to be honest.
While you were preparing some simple meal for lunch you also listened to the show, hearing something that made your mouth immediately water. Creampuffs. That’d be amazing for dessert.
“Johnny, food’s ready,” you called out, placing the plates on the table. When he quickly came to you, kissing your cheeks and grinning brightly you couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling. He was such a sweet guy. Sometimes. He could also be really annoying.
“They baked wedding cakes-but in my opinion they were all ugly-just so boring, we’d have one with flames everywhere, right?” You chuckle at his overthinking over something that was happening anytime soon.
“Johnny, for one you proposed last week. Two…how do you think a cake can be in flames without burning down?” “…fake flames?”, you shook your head, a grin creeping on your lips. “Let’s eat, yeah?”
He nodded happily and took his first bite.
After finishing your meal Johnny took the dirty dishes to wash them, while you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his midsection. “You know what I’m in the mood for…”
Even without needing to see him you knew he’d smirk at your words, even though you weren’t talking about anything that would make him happy…at least not in that way.
“A Creampuff.” You mumbled it into his back, sighing happily.
He immediately lifted his head, looking at you over his shoulder. “Like-right now? I’m a bit busy you know…but you can take off your clothes and just wait for me in the bedroom-“ “Jonny I didn’t say creampie. I meant a Creampuff”
He grumbled something then. “Then…I guess we can get some…but after I wanna give you a creampie.” You could hear the happy smirk in his voice as he was probably already thinking about the latter.
Ari Levinson
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Ari planned a little trip for you two for the weekend so after you had packed your clothes and everything needed, you were already on your way to a cabin he had booked.
But while driving a weird craving overcomes you. You hadn’t rated those things in a long time but…for some reason you couldn’t stop thinking about the sweet taste for the past thirty minutes.
Sighing you looked at Ari from the side. "I want some cream puffs", you whined, grabbing his arm since he had his hand placed on your thigh. Chuckling Ari shook his head slowly.
“Sweetheart, we're not approaching the nearest town in an hour. We don’t have creampuffs”, he grunted amused, the corners of his lifting slightly. At this point of your relationship he was pretty used to you having random and sudden craving for the most ridiculous food, something you've never eaten before.
Pouting you furrowed your eyebrows, crossing your arms. “can't a girl have her dream? A Creampuff would be really nice…”, you sighed sadly.
Ari brushed one of his longer hairs behind his ear, smirking to himself as he watched the road, "well your dream is not going to be satisfied, unless..."
As soon as he started coming up with an idea you sat up straight, grinning brightly at him, "are we going to change route? Would you do that for-“ "UNLESS you change your dream cream puff into creampie. That I can do."
You immediately swatted his arms, huffing in annoyance. “You’re an idiot.”
“But you didn’t say no.”
Lloyd Hansen
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You had been trapped in this semi-bunker-castle for ten hours. While Lloyd was perfectly happy - or angry yelling at his men to organize and regroup from their failed attempt at catching a rogue agent, you had spent the past five hours exploring this castle, this bunker, whatever this was, from top to bottom, even coming up with a map in your head of each and every room. You were bored. And all this walking had made you a bit hungry.
And what could be better satisfying your stomach than something sweet and soft? A cream puff? Or a box of them?
Lloyd, on the other hand, tends to ignore all the protests coming from his body when he gets busy. It was two in the afternoon and he hadn't had a single thing to eat since four this morning.
You squeezed through the tech guys and operatives, maneuvering yourself in the War Room, where Lloyd set up a temporary command station and hadn't left since five this morning, and tugged the corner of his shirt.
"What, bunny?" He gestured to the ops team to get out of the room, and lean by the edge of the glass table, crossing his arms, "is my bunny bored?"
You shook your head before nodding hesitantly, your lips making a cute little pout, "want creampuffs."
" 'm sorry?" Lloyd smiled smugly, curling two fingers to signal his bodyguards to enter the room, but his eyes still laser-focused on you.
"Creampuffs." You whined, "can I please have creampuffs?"
Lloyd extended his arms to pull you close, his mustache twitched, dragging the corner of his lips into a bigger smile while he worked through his belt buckle and grinded you on his hard bulge. "You’re not getting any creampuffs, bunny. You’re getting a creampie, now take off your clothes."
Your hands reached the back of your pink fluffy dress instinctively. You were about to pull the zipper down when you realized - "But Lloyd, there's still other people around." You whispered in embarrassment, cheeks flushed, lowering your hand slowly away from your zipper.
"Then those people can watch how I fuck you, filling you up like a little creampuff, hmm?" Lloyd licked your earlobe, his wet hot breath ghosting the sensitive spot behind your ear.
"Lloyd-" You whimpered, but he had already taken things under his control and yanked the back of your dress, tearing it wide open.
He took all your breath with a searing kiss, before covering your ears with his large palm and shouting to his men, who had been standing in silence ever since they came in this room, "Are you FUCKING DEAF? She wants CREAMPUFFS. What are you morons waiting for? A direction to the best bakery in town??"
Cole Turner
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You’ve been with Cole for six months now-which was to him a very long time. Most of his relationships didn’t last a month and you were now getting closer to seven than just six. Which made him happy like a kid that got two cookies instead of one.
He was a sweetheart. Always making sure you got what you wanted and that you were satisfied-sometimes he could be annoying, too. Incredibly even. He was very clingy, which could be exhausting when you needed some space.
But he’d do anything for you, so you accepted his little flaws, just like he accepted yours. Even though it could be annoying sometimes to him, too.
“Cole, do we have something sweet? I need something sweet to my coffee”, you grumbled, looking through all your cabinets. The last two weeks Cole had spent at your place and without needing to ask the question you both knew he was slowly moving in.
Smiling he walked into the kitchen taking some cookies out of a cabinet you hadn’t looked though yet.
Sighing you took the package, squinting your eyes slightly. You liked them but…it’s not what you were in the mood for…
“Do we have anything else?”, you asked, putting away the cookies and furrowing your eyebrows slightly, which Cole did too, then. “Anything else? I think there’s still some cake left in the fridge-” “no I don’t want that”, you huffed, crossing your arms.
Normally you weren’t this moody but you were supposed to get your period any second now, which made you a bit more cranky than normally.
Cole stepped closer to you, taking your hands in his and kissing them. “What is it that you want, Cupcake?”, he asked gently, making you a bit more mad about how nice he was even though you were in such a bad mood and were so unfriendly. “Nothing”, you grunted, making him roll his eyes, yet there was still a smile on his lips.
“Come on…I can tell you have something on your mind..”
And he was right, of course, but there was no bakery close by so you couldn’t really ask him for what you really wanted.
“It’s just…I watched a stupid show and they had cream puffs and…I haven’t eaten them in so long…”, you mumbled into his chest when he hugged you, kissing your head. Cole was always a very touchy person, which you got used to.
Cole raised his eyebrows slowly looking down at you. “…cream puffs? That’s what this is about? You could’ve just said it, Cupcake…I’ll get you a whole box if you want that”, he kissed your lips quickly, already grabbing his car keys and not giving you any time to process what just happened.
And so in less than forty minutes you had your Creampuff, a coffee and great cuddles. Cole definitely was the one.
Curtis Everett
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Curtis was woken up by you.
You turned and turned in bed. Curling in his arms and rolling to the edge of the bed in the next second.
Oh you want cream puffs so badly.
The cravings in the night was keeping you awake and hungry at 3 am.
You buried your face in the pillow and willed yourself to sleep. But as soon as you started counting sheeps, the fluffy white balls of wool jumping the fence quickly became fluffy white balls of whipped cream, jumping from the mixer bowl to the imaginary crunchy crust.
You kicked the heavy duvet impatiently. Earning a disturbed noise from your man lying next to you.
“Baby, what're you doing up?” Curtis grunted, voice groggy from sleep. He squinted his eyes looking at the bedside phone. "3 am?!"
You rolled back into his arms, inhaling the musky cologne that soaked through his shirt.
“I want some cream puffs.”
More so, the little bump in your belly wanted them too.
You were four months along. And all the cravings were driving you crazy.
"It's 3 in the morning, babygirl. where the hell am I supposed to find cream puffs for you?"
Just to be sure of the time, Curtis flipped on the light by the bed and double-checked the time again. His mind still in a sleepy haze, but he clearly knew it was impossible to get you what you asked for.
"Maybe later then, 8 or 9, I'm going to the bakery." You mumbled, "I didn't want you to find ... I just suddenly want some… I can live without it. Now go back to sleep."
Curtis sighed loudly, opening one eye with difficulty, trying to stop his eye rolling to the back of his head because of how sleepy he was: "Now now, spill it out. I know creampuffs can't be the only thing you crave."
"Oh!" You came up with answers to his questions immediately, your stomach groaning for how delicious this sounded, snapping you from tiredness, "and those butter biscuits with chocolate chips... a big tall cup of strawberry milkshake … Oh oh oh! And fries!”
“Fries??!! How do fries make sense there??? I thought you wanted baked goods???”
"Well, I wanted baked goods," you peered at his unreadable expressions with the dim light, bumping his abdomen with your baby bump, "this little one wanted fries. And ice cream." You added hastily.
Curtis tucked your head under his chin, sounding unconvinced, "let me guess, he wants the milkshake too?"
"He needs something to go down with the food." You put out a lame excuse.
"That little…" Curtis swallowed whatever curse he was about to say, a long sigh and - he got out of the bed.
"Wait, where are you going?" You called as he was heading out, "Come back to bed."
Curtis grumbled some more.
"I'm damn well not letting my woman and my kid get starved."
Curtis spent the next half an hour in the kitchen, mixing batters and baking your favorites. When everything was ready, he went back to the bedroom to call you.
Only to find you asleep.
Curtis banged his head on the bedroom door frame lightly. At least, he thought to himself, that you were having a good sleep. He turned to the kitchen and put everything to chill in the fridge.
The second he went back to bed, you crawl instinctively into his arms and sniffed.
Suddenly all hyped up.
"Is that butter and chocolate I just smell on you?" Even in the dark, he knew your eyes beamed and glittered like the stars in the sky.
"Yes." He sighed, getting up again already, "you want to have some now?"
You were more enthusiastic than a hamster on a hamster wheel, scrambling up to wait for his cooking.
Curtis brought in a tray, with a glass of strawberry milkshake, a small plate of cookies and a few cream puffs, along with some fries and a small orb of ice cream.
"Eat. And go to sleep." He grunted, sitting beside you, squinting his eyes while stifling a big yawn.
Your lips trembled. Quiet sniffings. Curtis saw your eyes filled with tears instantly.
"I'm sorry babygirl." He welcomed you with his broad shoulders and warm embrace. Kissings landed on your forehead. "Sorry baby, just eat and we can cuddle and sleep. Didn't mean for it to sound that harsh."
"I … it's just … you stayed up to cook … and I fell asleep … and I feel so sorry for waking you up … and the whipped cream in cream puffs. It's been whipped so it must have hurt…"
Your sobs made absolutely no sense. But Curtis hummed and patted you on your back, calming you down.
"You'll have a little bit of everything, and then we cuddle and sleep, alright?" He wiped your tears away with the back of his hand, asking for your opinion.
The sadness came and the sadness went. It's only pregnancy hormones. Curtis got used to them by now.
You nodded, with tears staining your cheek and a small smile on your lips, pointing at the creampuffs, "Ah-"
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He knew he’d get in trouble. He had know it as soon as the idea came into his mind-but he’d do anything for you. Having listened to you talk about creampuffs made him want to make you happy with a simple gesture.
But he hadn’t expected it’d cost him more than just one period. He shouldn’t be skipping classes since he wanted to graduate as good as possible, but what could he do when the bakery was baking fresh Creampuffs while he walked into the bakery? So he had decided to wait not expecting how long it’d take.
But in the end he knew you’d be happy so he decided to sacrifice himself and skip his three first periods-at least he’d be perfect on time for your lunch break.
Then you’d finally get those creampuffs.
After the cashier packed it in a pretty pink box-with a pretty bow-he quickly went back to his school, even though he knew this was probably a stupid idea. Well….anyway…
Walking into the school he hid the box in his locker, just in time for a teacher to call out his name noticing he wasn’t in class. “Shouldn’t you be in class-“ “yes, but…I didn’t feel so good, so…but I’m on my way back-” “young man, are you lying to your teacher?”
He felt himself blush, smiling apologetic. There was no way out of this.
After a talk with the teacher and even the principal he got detention. Just then did the bell rang so he walked to the table you usually sat at-before that he quickly stopped at his locker taking the cream puff box.
“Kyle! There you are”, you sighed in relief not having seen him all morning. “Where the hell have you been? Someone said you skipped classes-you know you can’t do this now. If you want to go to the same college you have to-” “I got you these”, he interrupted you pulling out the box and putting it in front of you.
You furrowed your eyebrows looking back at him. “Creampuffs?!”, you grinned opening the lid. “That’s why you skipped your first period? You didn’t have to do that Honey”, you smiled warmly.
Kyle smiled slightly embarrassed, shrugging. “Yeah…and second, and third. Mostly because they run out of creampuffs and have to bake a new batch…I just wanted to make you happy. You’re working so hard on your grades, you deserve something sweet”, he kissed your cheeks, while sitting down next to you.
“You’re a treasure, kyle. Here, have one too”, you smiled taking one for yourself and one for him. “If you wanna thank me I’d have something else in mind…how about a nice…creampie”
“Kyle! I told you I won’t have sex without a condom!”, you swatted his arm, making him laugh out loud. “Was worth a try.”
Thank you for reading! Maybe I’ll write it for Frank, Nomad Steve, Colin, Mace and Nick too😘
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alovethatkilled · 4 months
The Turners
I wrote this out after episode 13x05 regarding the Turners and what I want to see. I spoke about it to someone else before, but I wanted to share my thoughts here, too. 
I actually wanted to write a fanfic regarding this matter, and it's the reason why you’ll see some dialogue. Who knows, I might bite the bullet and do it if inspiration strikes. This is also a rough draft, as emotions were present while writing this. Anyway, here we go. Please ignore all the grammar mistakes.
I actually WANT them to take her away. I want May to be taken away and be put with a different family. Now, hear me out before any hate gets thrown at me.
I want CTM to show the struggle of Patrick, Shelagh, Tim (if he is home), Angela, Teddy, and other characters close to the Turners.
I know Shelagh’s way to cope is to throw herself into work and to keep busy. Show me how Shelagh is struggling to cope with May being gone so show me her breakdown. Have Patrick, Sister Julienne, Sister Veronica, or even Mrs Higgins try to console Shelagh. That chat that she had with Sister Julienne was so short and knowing it probably took a lot of Shelagh to open up was disappointing so have them open up more or just give the woman a hug Sister Julienne, she needs it!
Have Cyril be the one that takes a crying May away from her parents. Show me how every time one of them sees Cyril afterwards, they look away because even though they know he was doing his job, that doesn’t change the fact that they are still hurt by it.  
I want to see May be put into a different house. I like to see May become withdrawn. The house where she is put up isn’t bad, but it isn’t the best for her. Show me Esther seeing May like that. Show Esther looking at the pictures Shelagh has sent and how happy she looks. Then, have her look at May and realise that May was always with the best family she could have because she has parents and siblings who love her deeply. Although it is painful for Esther because she knows she can’t care for May, she understands that the Turners are giving her child a good life. I want Esther and May to talk, even if it’s briefly, and let her choose what she wants. Then give me a cute moment of Esther teaching May some of her native language. Maybe something silly or teach her to say “I love you”. 
Then, give them a reunion. Have Mrs Williams or Esther return May to the Turners. Not at their house, but somewhere public, like a park. Have them not know that May will return until she does. Have May run from where she was standing and call out “Mummy”, then have Shelagh and Patrick turn around frantically at the sound. Shelagh crouches down just in time for May to barrel her way onto her arms. Secure, Shelagh inhales May’s hair as she did at the Mother House. Patrick suddenly envelops both Shelagh and May into a hug. Then, have May say something silly like “I can’t breathe” they panic, but once they see May laughing, they join her or have May say “I love you” to them in Cantonese/Mandarin. And when Shelagh or Patrick asks what it means, Esther approaches and says, “It means I love you”.
Have Shelagh grab Esther’s hands as she repeats, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” 
Then maybe have the Turners meet Esther and let them talk. This part doesn’t have to be shown, but this talk could be about them trying to communicate more for May. Have Esther ask the Turners to send May to get Cantonese/Mandarin classes so she doesn't forget her roots.
This is one of the most essential parts. I don’t want this to be a one-episode story. I like this to be a multiple-episode situation. Have it be until the last episode of the season/series. Or even if we have to wait, have May return to them during the Christmas episode.
The Turners are a beautiful, loving family. We often see bad things happen to them and they pull through like they always do. It’s their strength to have faith and trust in each other, and it’s what makes them so amazing. In the show, we see couples come and go, but none have been as firm as them (with the exception of The Buckles). They are the longest-lasting couple in the series. Show us why we initially fell in love with them and why we still do ten years later. 
Their 10th anniversary was overlooked, and in the Tuberculosis episode, there was no mention of Shelagh or how that particular case could have affected Patrick and Timothy in the aftermath. It is as if none of these things was crucial or significantly impacted them and their friends in the series. So give this to them. 
Anyway, the rant/mini fanfic (?) is done for now.
If you have your own thoughts on the matter please share them but don't be mean.
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