#but uk yay education!
pt II our flag means death but I've never watched it
HELLO OFMD FANDOM! It's the Good Omens Mascot and Resident Dumbass, back again for part II. First, let's clear the air of all controversy!
Some of you lovely maggots were kind enough to warn me about certain discourse about a salad spoon and also about a certain gentleman named Izzy. I was warned not to make assumptions and not to take sides, and I hear some members had to leave the fandom for a while because it got toxic. Maggots. All the rest of you. Worry not about me. I'm here to unite the OFMD fandom! How, you ask? By being so undeniably stupid in my own opinions that you all will have to unite to disagree with me. You underestimate the power of my dumbassery. Well, let's not dilly dally and dawdle, here's the updated summary:
I have been informed there is cannibalism on this ship but it is not real. Someone pretends to eat someone and then their wife helps them fake their death while they run away from the ship though their lover wanted them to run to China.
There are BDSM lesbians, which is honestly such a slay, Pinterest has let me down by not informing me of that when I made Part I. I will no longer be using Pinterest a reliable source in future academic essays.
Mermaid Stede performs necromancy while a song called Kate Bush plays (I don't know who this is, a politician? Idk whether of US or UK).
Gravy Basket is a destination and Buttons is a sea witch and there is educational stabbing. Buttons is then a bird because of the BDSM lesbians.
There is a lady who is extremely beautiful and intimidating and powerful and she has twenty husbands and I assumed incorrectly that you were all talking about a Jack Russel terrier.
Let's start with the controversy! Izzy. Secondary protagonist or antagonist? Good or bad? Kindly father figure or homoerotically charged friend? Necessary death or not? No no no. Behold:
I present a new question, a hot take sizzling from the pan: Did Izzy really exist?
Personally, I firmly believe that no, he did not. I believe that the rum on the ship was spiked with hallucinogens.
Izzy was simply the manifestation of Ed's Freudian subconscious, taking the shape of a human being, vaguely resembling a humanoid potato Ed was forced to boil as a kid. I was a psychology student with a final grade of 99% and I accept only destructive criticism on my posts thank you. Feel free to discuss whether he boiled the potato in a fit of rage or whether he was forced to.
There are assorted Ned's, Mary's and an uncertain number of Jeff's on ship.
One of the Jeff's is an accountant, and there is a nonbinary talking sword named Jim. Actually I'm not sure if they talk.
Love you all, rooting for the show to be renewed.
REMINDERS. Be polite to each other in the reblogs, on tumblr reblogs spread posts and not likes (which don't do anything for visibility) unlike other social media sites, but MOST IMPORTANTLY.
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bambiesque · 7 months
New thread for Whittaker!Doctor.
Episode: The Woman Who Fell to Earth - Hi, Ryan, Yas, Graham! I love how Northern it is. Sonic Swiss Army Knife - thank you! The tooth monster is so horrible. I like that Ryan is the Doctor's favourite because he agrees with her, just like Five and Nyssa. Good start.
Episode: The Ghost Monument - I like the new credits more than Twelve's. Venusian aikido! Ohm, Ryan used a gun so he's no longer the Doctor's fave. Honestly, the Doctor running to greet the TARDIS was quite romantic. Love the new look.
Episode: Rosa - Great episode. Ryan especially is excellent - love that he keeps using Rosa Parks' and MLK's full names. A proper history episode, haven't had one of those in a long time.
Episode: Arachnids in the UK - Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Silly fun, enjoyable but no thanks to the giant spiders.
Episode: The Tsuranga Conundrum - Nice to see Brett Goldstein. Bit of a mixed bag though. I liked Graham and Ryan's story better than Eve's. The Pting is very cute.
Episode: Demons of the Punjab - Another lovely historical episode. I do like that it's teaching us things. Graham is very wise. Once again, the Doctor has learnt nothing about taking companions to see their relatives.
Episode: Kerblam! - That robot delivery thing is horrible. Poor Kira, I liked her. It was a fine episode but nothing very exciting.
Episode: The Witchfinders - I love Alan Cumming. I'm surprised The Doctor hasn't been burnt at the stake for witchcraft before now tbh. The historical stuff has been really great this season.
Episode: It Takes You Away - Yas wanting to reverse the polarity was a highlight. Sad but lovely. And Ryan calling Graham grandad was very touching.
Episode: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos - Not a great series end but also not terrible. I enjoyed it on the whole. I love the whole TARDIS team.
Episode: Resolution - Your standard Dalek story but it was very enjoyable. Like the extended fam. I love how Yorkshire Whittaker!Doctor is.
Episode: Spyfall 1/2 - Great introduction for Dhawan!Master. (I still miss Missy though). Everyone looks fantastic in their tuxes. Fab Bond episode to start and then a nice historical ep with Ada Lovelace and Noor Inayar Khan. Love the Doctor's eyerolling over the Master's theatrics and then they go to the Eiffel Tower for a date. Bless. Aaand then Gallifrey is destroyed again. *sigh*
Episode: Orphan 55 - Nice exciting episode. Loved all the characters and the very tight plot. One of the best.
Episode: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror - I do enjoy the historical episodes and the little educational asides. Good but not one of my favourites.
Episode: Fugitive of the Judoon - Jack! I like Ruth. A very exciting episode, a good mystery and lots of interesting things going on. Whittaker!Doctor is brilliant.
Episode: Praxeus - I liked everyone getting to go off and do their own thing. Too many creepy birds though. Some nice educational moments.
Episode: Can You Hear Me? - Love Whittaker!Doctor talking to herself and forgetting she's alone. Love how awkward she is when Graham is trying to talk to her. Yaz's story made me cry.
Episode: The Haunting of Villa Diodati - Gorgeous, creepy, funny. A perfect episode.
Episode: Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children - I don't hate the Doctor's history reveal. I think destroying Gallifrey again was stupid and I don't understand why we're still associating The Master and the Cybermen this closely.
Episode: Revolution of the Daleks - Harriet Walter! Jack! I like that Ryan and Graham decide to leave and aren't forced out traumatically like all the other New!Who companions. It's just a continuation of Resolution and the Dalek story isn't as good as that one.
Episode: The Halloween Apocalypse - I like the way everything is set up for the whole season. It makes an interesting change. Not sure how I feel about Dan yet.
Episode: War of the Sontarans - Yay Mary Seacole! I do like Sontarans but I don't like the makeup this time. Swarm and Azure's makeup however is amazing.
Episode: Once, Upon Time - I love Bel. I think her and Vinder's story is the most interesting this season. I'm still not really invested in Dan.
Episode: Village of the Angels - A good episode but I didn't really like the ending. I do love a good weeping angel episode though.
Episode: Survivors of the Flux - Yaz looks fantastic in all her 1904 outfits. I don't really care about the Flux or Division - I don't think more mysterious secret organisations were needed. Kate!!!!
Episode: The Vanquishers - Oh there's two Whittaker!Doctors in the same place at the same time. Yaz is having so many impure thoughts. Poor Jericho.
Episode: Eve of the Daleks - Time Loop! My favourite trope. I loved it. And yay to Dan for giving a few home truths to the Doctor and listening to Yaz.
Episode: Legend of the Sea Devils - Pirates, beautiful ships, swordfights, Whittaker!Doctor being brave and honest with Yaz. Lovely ending.
Episode: The Power of the Doctor - This episode is going to make me cry isn't it? Oh yes, the regenerating Cybermen. Ugh. ACE!!! TEGAN MY LOVE!!! Bye, Dan. I'm so pleased they all made their own choice to leave. "Your Master awaits." But what do they mean by that? Really? KATE!!! She did not sign up for this drama. The Master is looking good like a professor. "How did you escape from Gallifrey?" How does he escape from anything, Doctor? FFS. Love a bunker. Lava pools seem to be Whittaker!Doctor's quarry. Poor UNIT. Dear lord, just ask her on a date, you idiot. It's not really regeneration, so much as a body swap. Oh Tegan <3 Lol at the Master wearing a bit of every Doctor. All the Doctors. I'm crying. Yaz is awesome. I love Tegan so much. I love Ace. I love the Master's emo hood. Brave heart, Tegan. *crying forever* "All children leave home!" *yeah I'm never going to stop crying* Graham! Oh Kate <3 The only thing I like about the regenerating Cybermen is the beautiful Galifreyan swirlies. Oh poor Master. He needs some hugs and some therapy. Him and his bisexual TARDIS. I do love that there's five women here and one man. And the Cloister bell. Oh Yaz <3 Jo!!!!!!! My darling, Jo. Ian! Mel! Tag, you're it! Incredible. Hello (again) David.
Whittaker!Doctor Era Roundup
I love Jodie. I love the fam. I love how Yorkshire it is. I don't really have a strong opinion about the Timeless Child revelation, but I do think getting rid of Gallifrey again was a mistake. I hope we can dispense with the Master & Cybermen connection now too. Overall, I love how Whittaker!Doctor was brave, excitable, full of nervous energy and a little bit steampunk!
Favourite Companion: Yaz
Least Favourite Companion: Dan
Favourite Episode: The Haunting of Villa Diodati / The Power of the Doctor
Least Favourite Episode: Revolution of the Daleks
Final Doctor Rankings:
Top 10 Companions: (Yaz goes in at 13, Kate at 16, Ryan at 20, Graham at 21, Dan at 41)
Jo Grant
Amy Pond
Tegan Jovanka
Rory Williams
Barbara Wright
Vislor Turlough
Clara Oswald
Sarah Jane Smith
Martha Jones
Donna Noble
Top 5 Masters:
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Yay, you sent an ask! You get a candy 🍬
9. Something that makes you glad you are Desi?
It's not exactly one thing, but a few months ago I really wanted to go to MIT or some ivy league uni. One of the major reasons was obviously better education, but the other part was that I desperately wanted to leave India, like, I wasn't planning to come back.
But then, idk, something happened and as I got more adjusted to life after quarantine and everything started going back to normal, I realized that I really liked it here. Ik india has its problems, but it's warm here (I don't mean weather wise). There are just some things that are so normal here that you can't do anywhere else. Everyone around you understands why you do certain things, because they have lived in the same place and they share the same or similar cultures. Idk, it's very home-like, uk?
All of that, and bengali culture is awesome (I'm bengali and I didn't wanna say "indian culture" since there is no such thing in such a diverse country). Our literal prime festival is celebrating a woman who held 10 different deadly weapons in her hands and killed a guy. Like come on. That's badass. And it's always beautiful during festivals, because us Indians like to celebrate everything very loudly.
So ig that's what makes me glad that I'm a desi
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I guess this is a coming out thing too, so yay me.
Semi-political Uk based rant \/
Sadly England’s had a rough time recently, and Sunak’s threats against the trans community have me worried about going back home for Christmas next month. The fact that human rights can be stripped away so easily by the millionth PM that the 1% voted in is terrifying. Our parliament is entirely under qualified to make these kinds of decisions and I hope more than anything that people call for the equality act to remain as it is. I came out when I was 16 and JK Rowling had just about started to speak about transmasculine people as if we were purely sad, misguided teenagers. When I was finally recognised for who I was, the only source of anxiety I had was her incredibly strong influence over my family’s view of me. Public figures who are misinterpreting what transitioning is and spreading lies are dangerous. People need education not fear mongering.
If you want to learn more and educate yourself about the UK trans experience please check out Abigail Thorn’s latest amazing video:
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mobilephonetechnology · 2 months
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(2023-02-24 image ©yay) In a recent press release Vodafone claim that the lack of progress to 5G-SA is costing the country £8.6bn per year. How they get to this figure is anyone's guess but the delay is costing the UK economy. Not necessarily in the area of consumer mobile phone communications but for business.
5G-SA can better support massive IoT and real-time working that would allow major investment and financial improvement for UK business. In this blog, I have been arguing for 4G over the whole of the UK which will allow many novel 4G applications. Well having the full 5G over more of the UK (let's start in urban areas) will allow for more modern business environments adding to the positive side of the UK economy.
In a later press release, Vodafone states they are committed to build 5G-SA to nearly 90% of Scotland by 2034. They claim that 5G-SA in rural areas of Scotland (and presumably Wales, England and Norther Ireland) will boost applications in the area of healthcare, agriculture, education and many other industries.
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🌟2023 Wrapped (Gillian's Verison)🌟
Okay! Positive vibes only! This year is going to be big. Here’s to hoping we actually get something out of that Netflix deal… and come the second half of the year I might be able to say that I’ve finally met Gillian Anderson. (I obviously wrote that at the start of the year FYI)
So in December, Gillian said she had two things she was working on this month… 🤞hopeful🤞 so I’m thinking that this month is going to be slow in terms of new content but big in terms of future stuff being announced 
Pale blue eye was released. So nice to finally have new content. It was good. I’m not really into those types of movies and only really watched it for Gillian so I don’t have anything more to say. With this being realised, it now drops her to be released projects to 2.
She also mentioned in an article though that she does have tv and film stuff slated for her Netflix deal and would describe her upcoming stuff as entrepreneural-like… so you know maybe that g-spot drink really is real. (December 2023 me is reading this feeling like an absolute clown). 
Gillian’s hairdresser posted her a pic from her latest hair appointment… and it’s all looking awfully similar to a one Stella Gibson Miss Anderson.
White Bird a Wonder Story got a new release date of august (lol)
As January comes to a close, there is still no announcement of those 2 things she said she was doing this month… I see the unemployment era is still strong but then she announced that she would be a new ambassador for war child UK
And then the month ended with someone steeling my bank card from mail box and taking all my money so yay for me. 
All we have to look forward to at this point is white bird and sex education which should be both out by the end of September… it’s about to get painfully slow. Like, when most people do a clean sweep at in an awards season, don’t the get offered a heap of really good roles???? Gillian…… what are you saying no to this time????
And so with Gillian’s second announcement of the year, I died! It’s a fucking dear Gillian project where she wants you to write her letters about sex and it will be published. Like whattttt. It definitely took me out for a bit. I’m so excited to have it on my coffee table. Though… everything she’s announced over the last year has been very much entrepreneurial; the podcast, Netflix deal, dear Gillian… and of course the un launched g spot drink. 
And so for anyone interested in me, and remembers how my life fell apart last year, all of that has done a complete 180. ( last year my acting boss pretty much told me I was shit I should not be in leadership positions for something i catagoricly denying doing, to my main boss now telling me to forget any of that ever happened and that he wants me stepping up)
And so remember that thing last year that I refused to talk about. Well holding is hands is pretty hard evidence and a first so what ever makes her happy makes me happy and we will leave it at that. Doesn’t mean I like him but I think that they actually do work.  Also… just an fyi… most things on the dailyfail have been proven to be staged and if you look back to all the previous incidents in relation to this topic it’s pretty darn obvious that this is their way of saying it without saying. 
AND THEN FINALLY! A new role! Gillian was cast in the lead in Scoop. I had seen something before it was announced and thought yeah right as if that’s true but it’s true. And what I mean by that is that it’s mainly about that Prince Andrew interview which I thought why do we need a film about that. But hey! New content and it’s a lead! A little disappointed that this doesn’t fall under her Netflix deal. 
The final episode from her podcast was released. Love that she finished it off talking about orgasms. That’s just very her. To be honest, it’s been great having something to look forward to every 2 weeks but I’m glad to cancel that subscription 
I turned 25 and didn’t cry which is a first! I now find it weird watching season one of the x files and knowing I’m the same age as Gillian 
Gillian changed her bios and I’m not about it. 
How is it March already! You know… the last time Gillian was on a red carpet was December … just saying. The last 12 months with so little Gillian content has been painful, to say the least, and that’s exactly how March went to a tea… the content is so dry that Connie has resulted in posting videos from over 10 years ago. But Gillian came in last minute with photos of her and Gigi the cat which Piper first posted pictures of in January. Not sure who she actually belongs to but as a cat mum I’d be so down for cat content
Honestly, at this point, I’m waking every morning and grabbing my phone desperate to see new Gillian content that’s just not coming. It was then leaked that the Crown asked Gillian to reprise MT for the next season but she can’t because of a scheduling conflict. Seems a bit suss if you ask me. Flash forward a couple of days later and she retweeted one of the articles saying it was a “refusal” stating it was “absolute bullocks”. So….. either she saying the whole story is not true or just the refusal, which I have some things to say. Is she not supposed to be back with PM? So wouldn’t he know in advance if she could do it? And could this possibly be his team leaking it? Because let’s be real, there is history of that. Either way…. She posted it on his 60th birthday. So I guess you could read it both ways. So now Netflix is saying that she was never intended to return which differs from the original story of the crown producers saying she either refused or had a scheduling conflict. This makes me more want to lean to some rouge person who works on the crown having this idea which is shut down so they decided to make it into a thing.
Any way, she posted like 3 times over the easter weekend so one can only hope that this is an online come back
2 years pasted since the latest photographic proof of gillovny…. I’m living off bread crumbs at the moment okay! And I thought last year was slow. 
So… G-spot is real. I had been following the company updates closely just prior to the offical launch was announced and to be honest it scared me the more paperwork that was being submitted about it. Interestingly, some 22 year old called Robin Morgan is running it with her? And Piper is also a stake holder. And one of peters company’s is involved to. So it’s a family business?? How this all came to be baffles me. Peter and Gillian did break up at the end of 2020; we have confirmation of that. I do believe that they may have gotten back together in early 2021 but were definitely not together at the Emmy’s (the both looked uncomfortable) but I *think* that was the turning point. G spot was started in early 2022 so things would have definitely had to turned around by then. 
Look, it’s a little weird and I worry about the long term effects of it, but hey at least we are not living off bread crumbs. But the problem was that they tried to soft launch it on Instagram which last a whole 48 hours before it was taken down. They got it back up 48 hours later but was took down again less than an hour. The account was back up a mer two days before launched but then back down the day before and then back again. 
So when G spot finally came out, it wasn’t as bold as I was expecting. But when I’m in the UK later in the year I’ll definitely be trying some. 
But before that, Gillian and Peter went to the crown wrap party. And have I not mentioned before that she gets paped and then published by the daily mail every time she’s got something coming out??
G spot probably also gives an indication about Constellation Content and the Netflix deal which ends in a year. I say we will probably get something from it late in the year and unless they extend the contract, I can’t see much coming out of it which is kind of like what’s the point. But what I’m thinking is that the Netflix deal was supposed to be through her Fiddlehead products company but maybe there was a hick up or something went wrong with that so she created constellations?? Maybe?? The deal could have been extended and we haven’t been told either. Just a thought. 
G spot continued its launch. I wish she did more in-person stuff for it though like interviews and Instagram lives. It feels like it’s been ages since she actually did anything that wasn’t pre-organised if that makes sense but maybe that’s to come. 
Anddddd I had my clown mask on thinking G would go to the coronation because everyone else was… turns out she was in Amsterdam. 
Gillian was cast in a new project called The Salt Path… nothing to do with her Netflix deal though but is giving off award-season vibes. I don’t even think she has the time for the Netflix deal anymore. 
And May ended with Gillian… well G spot joining TikTok 
So, if history is repeating itself and sex education is coming out in September, we *should* start seeing content this month. I’m hoping for a late September or early October release because I will actually be in London then.
So a recap (not that anything has actually been happening), G has 4 projects to be released (sex ed, white bird, scoop and the salt path), that book thing and the ongoing launch of G spot (international shipping when?????). 
G started filming the salt path
And so it was on the 11th of June, Gillian posted a shout-out to Mr DD on the release of his new project. Gillovny lives on, and David, take note. 
On a side note, they are obviously still close considering she felt the need to do this. Which means… he has probably tried G Spot 😂 don’t be shy David, promote it!! 
G spot finally became available internationally, but between the $7 a can, $30 shipping and the dress she wore I really want… I think I'm just going to sit on the idea for a bit. I am going to be in London in September so I could just try it then. Part of me does not think I could wait that long though. The current prices are a bit too expensive for my liking and that could change over time. If it wasn’t a drink I might be considering it more serious, like I did by her tote bag which lots of people like to remind me was way too expensive for what it is. 
The end of June saw the office end of Gillian’s unemployment era with other project announced, The Abandons. This one is a Netflix project too
This actually makes her really booked. G Spot, white bird out in August, Sex Ed the 2nd half of the year, scoop, the Salt Path, dear Gillian and this season. And if anything comes out of the Netflix deal
And I missed out on getting eras tickets and spent the weekend crying whilst watching sad Kate Winslet movies. Moving on
The Sex Ed season 4 trailer and date finally came out. And it will be the last one. Two cute little clips of Gillian. I couldn’t really process it all due to my personal life just being a mess and erasing the work I’d put in over the last 2 years thanks to one text but anyway, it was all over as quickly as it started, and you would think after 5 years of putting up with this same man I would have learned my lesson by now but nope
I’m loving all the shots coming in from Gill filming the salt path. I’ve ordered the book which should hopefully be delivered before my trip to read. 
G reposted a pic of David with a fan at the writer's strike, and girl, I get it (he left her on read again). David, step up your game. 
The salt path finished filming and G posted a cute little video. 
White bird got pushed back thanks to the writer's strike. Feel like we are never going to get that movie. 
Have I told you how much I love August? One, it’s one of my favourite TS songs, two it's Gillovny month and three it’s the end of winter. Really looking forward to seeing Gillian get publicly left on read. 
And so there was radio silence on David’s birthday. Look, I was really hoping for a little something but anyway. But to be fair, she only posted a picture of Stella for her own birthday so it was all a flop. But then a video a couple of days later. 
Anyway, things from here might be a bit all over the place because I had a really significant death in my family a week before a 2-month trip around the world and I was a hot mess
Fingers crossed I cross paths with Gillian when she’s filming in Canada but thanks to the writer's strike, might not happen. 
And so august ends, with no Gillovny moments and me constantly thinking about them as I walk around Vancouver 
Sex Ed comes out this month. Thank god! Though due to travelling I’m not sure when I’ll get to watch it all. I started September off in Los Angeles. I had the biggest smile on my face seeing Gillian’s star!! And just being in Hollywood. I’m such an award season person so being there was really special. 
Then I got stuck in New York and had to sleep in the airport thanks to bad weather. 
G spot put out new promotion stuff. The 30th anniversary of the x files passed with radio silence. Not really surprised but disappointed I guess. I think the actors strike probably had a bit to do with it as well
Gillian went holidaying in Italy. The new Netflix show she has signed up for is supposed to be filming in Calgary where I am but has been pushed back because of the sag strike. 
G Spot came out with a new flavour. 
The new season of Sex Ed came out. I was still in Canada at the time so I didn’t get to watch it like I normally would. To be honest I skipped through a little bit of it so I could try and watch Gillian’s parts without getting too many spoilers. Annoyed that because of the strike, Gillian didn’t post anything about it but I’m sure she will at some point. I can imagine that she has a heap of content and some good bloopers. I did like this season a little bit more than last year and Gillian had a good amount of time. I think it ended fine too. Gillian’s last scene had me in tears, one because it was so freaking cute and two because it was the last one.
So now at this point, we are stillllll waiting for white bird, a trailer for scoop and the salt path and for the abandons to start filming
At with that I ended September in London trying to find Gillian and G soot 
For me, October kicked off in London. I really really really loved London and didn’t want to leave. I couldn’t find G spot in London which is ironic. And Gillian remained in hiding the whole time I was there too. 
I missed London so so much when I got back to Sydney. If it wasn’t for the fact that it’s so far away and expensive, I would be planning my next trip. 
Anyway, so it’s at this point I’m thinking we should be getting an announcement on constellation content or even a small little bit of progress seeing it’s coming up to a year since it was registered. But who knows. Especially with the sag strike. Really looks like that Netflix deal is going to be pushed under the rug too. 
Gillian attended the launch of Planet Earth 3. Annoyed that she went to something only after I had left London. Like if this was a week earlier, I would have run from my hotel in Soho to where she was. Anyway, she took all three of her kids with her too which was pretty cute. 
G did a cover story for net a porter. First one in a while. So annoyed because I legitimately walked past her doing the interview. She did very briefly mention her production company. 
Gillian pulled out of that ridiculously expensive tech talk thing she was supposed to do in November. She pulled out for decent reasons but I felt like it was one of those things she said yes to without knowing anything about. Like yes, it was more for G spot… but G spot isn’t as big as it’s currently being made out to be. I spent two weeks in London and couldn’t find it because you still can only get it online and at very very selective places. But anyway, I’ve seen a lot of heat about it and to be honest, so was right for pulling out and anyone who thinks otherwise kind of needs to view things from a more neutral and broad standpoint. She even released a statement about it that still went over so many people's heads
On a side note, I’m so heart broken about Meryl and Don. Back in the day I was a streeper first so I found this news really really hard. Especially knowing it happened 6 years ago I had thought that we hadn’t seen him for ages and I thought maybe it had something to do with old age. 
On a very unexpected notes, Squadron 42 is finally almost ready to be released after absolutely years in post production. 
And on another side note, for someone who doesn’t relax, she has certainly been on a few holidays this year. 
Ah November. How did we get here?? The crown has its final premiere this month… 
Considering they have been back together for over a year and it’s the last one, my money is on that they will do the red carpet together…. But I’m not totally convinced either. And it all obviously depends on if the strike is ongoing. 
Something I didn’t see coming, Gillian’s production company is being striked off. I am not completely surprised seeing nothing has come out of it and the Netflix deal but I thought they would wait a little longer
Really hoping for an in-person Gillovny moment with David on tour in Europe. I’m almost certain that they will see each other, just hoping they will share it with us. But then maybe not with the crown about to drop. 
The strike finally ended. Excited to see what unhinged stuff Gillian posts that she couldn’t. Also excited to see her head off to Canada for filming.
Gillian joined tick Tok 
No Gillovny moment… publicly at least 
So there was an LA premiere which it doesn’t look like she was at. Strange there was no London one but I guess with the strike just ending there might not have been enough time to organise it. Maybe they might do one in December before the whole thing drops. I haven’t really been following the lead-up to this season but it all seems a bit quiet? Especially considering it’s the last one. 
Gillian attended letters live. This was held at the Royal Albert Hall which I fan-girled over because I did I private tour of the hall when I was in London. 
We’ve made it! Gillian went to the London Fashion Awards at the Royal Albert Hall and omg. Loving her hair being more honey-coloured and the way it was styled.  And the dress!!!! Don’t ask how many times I zoomed in on it. 
And of course, she went to the London premiere of The Crown, the next night too! She looked stunning. Surprised but not surprised. She did an interview as well where she spoke about Peter being her partner so there you go. 
And look, if she’s happy then I’m happy. I’m not really sure how someone like her could put up with his behaviours but who knows what they are actually like behind closed doors. He is pretty much now her longest relationship and I think that the fact that they are both successful determined people has a lot to do with it. I do find it interesting that her and David were interacting more when they were separated. I can’t see David getting along very well with Peter and vice versa with Gillian and Monique. 
White bird now has a release date of oct 4 2024 which is just ridiculous and makes no sense. 
I’m not really sure what happened from here till the end of the month as I found myself getting caught up in an unexpected romance that has me smiling like an idiot and forgetting how to function and is going to end in me being a mess because it’s such a difficult situation….. anyway!
And do y’all realise that you have practically bullied Gillian off Twitter???? For something that most of you actually don’t understand?
And that’s a wrap! 2023, you were what I needed! Whilst Gillian didn’t really do much, which was mostly out of her control, 2023 served! For me personally, it was a big one. I lost my great-grandmother a week before I left on a trip of a lifetime. Travelling solo through North America and the UK was huge and totally eye-opening. It was hard but I loved and appreciated every minute of it. Everyone said to me that I was silly for doing it on my own, but life’s too short to wait for the right person to do stuff like that with. But in saying that, I unexpectedly reconnected with an old flame, which has been pleasantly nice but is now definitely over. Gillian, I’m blaming you for getting back with Peter for that one. But then I'm ending the year trying not to fall for someone who has been right in front of me for such a long time.
I really haven’t been super active on social media either this year which is something I think I’ll continue 
So keen for 2024….. fingers and toes crossed for something big happening to me in Feb but even if it doesn’t, I’m ending this year genuinely happy and in a good place for the first time in a long time. 
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crazysoulhideout · 1 year
The Lost Secret Of Dating
An individual ought to date his sort to be able to be more confident and at the identical time, happy with whom one is dating. You probably have a really domineering or neglectful father determine, you might seek the identical sort - or the absolute reverse. ­ Next, you’ll be requested to answer many of those similar questions a second time, however instead of indicating your individual traits, you’ll be describing your ideal date. נערות ליווי במרכז The exact age of the manuscript has lengthy been a subject of controversy, but essentially the most authoritative reply thus far - primarily based on an analysis by Japanese scholar Takao Hayashi - appeared to put it between 700 and 1100 C.E. There is not any right or mistaken reply here, however we are going to need your expert opinion on whether these handsome guys deserve a "yay" or a "nay" from you. Shower if you could, and dry your physique utterly, because foul-smelling bacteria wish to reproduce in darkish, damp locations, akin to armpits, the groin and coated ft. I embrace it as much as I need to. I don't think everyone understands that ghosting is so much greater than a breakup.
They simply see too much corroborating evidence. Note that grouping equivalent sequences does not influence phylogeny inference (identical sequences are separated by branches of length zero) however accelerates the computations and is consistent with our dating model which has problem in dealing with branches of size zero however completely different dates at both extremities (see Eqs. They requested the members to first report whether they'd had the LAFS expertise, then to notice how physically engaging they found the objects of their affection. Can you actually fall in love at first sight? Why is love at first sight dangerous? Love at first sight is often described as a powerful initial attraction to someone. Not actually, but you get the image: The grand love at first sight (LAFS) experience you have been waiting for, which was totally promised by so many romantic comedies, has finally shown up! Contact us right this moment to see if you’re eligible, and let us get to work helping you discover the special somebody you’ve been waiting for!
Very easy and clean to work with this firm. We’ll most likely simply textual content all day on a regular basis. The Bakhshali manuscript, an Indian mathematical textual content written on 70 pieces of birch bark, was discovered again in 1881 by somebody digging within the soil in the village of Bakhshali, in what's now Pakistan. Bumble is now drawing consideration to the Romance Gap, educating people concerning the vast divide between the expectations of male- and female-figuring out people in dating and relationships. What number of relationships did Marcus Smart have up to now? University of Oxford arithmetic professor Marcus du Sautoy in a press release. Tsinghua University News. Tsinghua University. Glasgow, Scotland UK: University of Glasgow. There are four issues you must know if you are dead set on digital dating. If you are struggling with what to say or the best way to say it, ask a good friend to read over your profile to see if it is polite, inviting and correct to who you might be.
So take a couple of minutes earlier than your date arrives to watch a favourite humorous video or learn a sketch that you understand will cut up your sides. If things do go properly, the signs won't be onerous to read. Let them know the place he's from, what he does for a living, what his pursuits are and even his objectives and goals. Then again, people with right-leaning brains are extra intuitive, considerate, inventive and artistic. It's nice to have the ability to introduce her to people as 'Genevieve, my fiancée'' Schneider concluded. Now that the financial system is rebuilding, individuals are beginning to rebuild their connections. As Robert Kaplan details in his 1999 guide "The Nothing That's: A Natural History of Zero," about 5,000 years ago, the ancient Sumerians who lived in what's now Iraq came up with the essential idea of zero as a placeholder. Maybe you are looking for someone who shares your hobbies. That's on them. However, within the vary of guys who aren't straight-up creeps, there's a lot of selection. Hopefully this quiz can assist you to nail down the particular type of not-horrible guy who will match you! Knowing what kind of individual you're drawing in is essential to adjusting your signals to draw the type of man you really want, who will Even be good for you.
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daphnedauphinoise · 2 years
Weekend Away 
I am back !! It was so odd to not have gone on this site at all but I made it through to say, never again :) 
I went on a mini birthday (not mine) and a small 'yay I left work' trip to another city for a weekend city break. The first city was kinda ugly 🙃🙃 You didn’t hear it from me but some English cities are not cute.. at all.  It was okay though, just not sure I would return for anything more than shopping and partying but I don’t even want to return for that lmao. The second city was gorgeous. So so so beautiful and I was very pleasently surprised. I had only really heard bad things about this city and most people just made fun of it but I had a blast there and I think it is in my top 10 places in the UK. I mean the beautiful weather we have been having nationwide definitely added to it but the architecture and the people, the restaurants and the plethora of things to do - I am definately coming back at a later date for longer !! I adore city breaks, they just leave you feeling so refreshed and anew. I actually want to explore more of the UK this year so I am looking forward to making new itineraries and little black books.
My friend. Wow.  I am sure you guys noticed me coming back for a sec and complaining how horrible it was because of who I was with. 
She was on her phone all. the. time. We could be walking and she would be on her phone. Eating, she is on her phone. Trying to get ready, she is on her phone. She would not speak and she was on her phone consistently.  The thing is, if she had a reason to be on her phone for something I would not have minded but she never let me know. This was actually only once we got there, problems started arising before we even got there. On the way there she would not stop making rude comments about the other passengers on the train. There were these loud 30 year olds who were on their way to their stag party and within the first minutes she called them a chav. Her exact words were ‘Ugh I hate sitting with chavs and other people on this carriage, I much perfer first class’😳😳😳Chav for non-brits is a classist term used to degrade low-income people when they are loud or brash because when rich people do it is them enjoying life. Now, I use the word chavs too but I don’t use that word unless I am joking with my friends about ourselves. Overtime it has become a less than kind word to describe people and it was unesscary to use it to describe a group of lads who were essentially just pre-gaming. Like, I was on that train, yes it was noisy, yes I was irratated but there is a difference in thinking and acting on it. In line of classism, she would constantly refer to herself as posh. This was just grating because her family is what I consider bottom rungs of middle class. The thing is she isn’t even posh. She would constantly make a point that her accent was not like other Scottish people, that she was better educated ( I went to the same school). Again non-Brits won’t get the nunaces of the word posh and it is a tricky area of conversation But anyone who is actualy posh would not call themselves posh and just like chav it has become somewhat of a degradgtory term. I am not going to get too into it but wow, I didn’t know I was going to be spending the weekend with a classist. 
The restaurant is what really solidified my opinion on her. She had booked this lovely, cool resturant for us for her birthday and it was somewhere worth getting ready for. I was at this really nice resturant, I looked good, I was meant to have a good time but I didn’t. As soon as we sat down and had ordered the drinks, I was forced to take photos. Now, I am more than happy to take your pictures. I will get on the floor, on my knees and I will hold a lamp for you. But I also expect the same treatment. So it wouldn’t have been bad if she offered to take photos of me. I took photos from the top, from the bottom from left to right, with flash, without flash, but when it came to my turn it was one click and done. Do you wanna know something funny ? I can’t find the picture she ‘took’ on my camer roll so I am lead to believe that she didn’t even take one because she was not paying attention and by the time I have decided on my pose she rudely thrusted the phone back into my hands with the words ‘cute’ coming quite venomously out  of her mouth. Then it got even worse. Later, out for nowhere she laughs and shows me a candid picture of me looking quite .. well candid.. and she says ‘omg this is such a bad picture.. can I post it on my snapchat story’ I don’t even know what you say about that tbh. Like?? I am just baffled. What? It has been two days and I am still trying to comphrehend the logic here. I really did know that she was quite a horrible person and I am not going to ever go another trip with her.
The biggest lesson I learnt is you can be in heaven and if you are with the wrong person, it quickly turns into hell. I am so so happy that we went on this trip though because we are meant to be going on a month long Italy trip which now I shall be promptly withdrawing from because I am not going to spend a month in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, miserable. That conversation is going to be awkward but I don’t care, I am pulling out.
Anyway I hope you guys had a better weekend than me. 
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jinsai-ish · 2 years
Too stuffy to sleep so you get a quick, rough history lesson on the US and federalism from an old history major who wrote a much better analysis of this years ago when not awake at midnight with a stuffy nose...
... tangently but not really connected to Hetalia.
So, someone discussed "the idea of America" in the aspect of a unified nation. Thing is, that concept is a lot newer than I think a lot of people know.
When I lived abroad, people from other countries called it "America". Dude. I don't think I heard anyone refer to the US as America who was from this country back then.
Now, maybe it was regional (New Yorker) but see, that's just the thing. It's the US, or USA, or the United States. "America" is relatively new.
In the Revolutionary War, the US was less of a nation and more of a loosely Allied international organization of (former) British colonies. Similar to the EU if you will. A member of the New York militia during the Revolution made this clear, declaring "New York is my nation."
The US was formed as a federalist country - a nation made up of smaller nations. Other countries are Federalist as well - Germany and Switzerland for example. Japan and the UK are, in contrast Unitary states. Power is not shared between states, counties, or provinces. Canada is a Federalist state, HOWEVER, the Canadian constitution lists the rights of the provinces, reserving all powers and rights otherwise to the state.
Meanwhile, the US constitution lists the powers of the federal government, reserving all other rights and powers to the states. This is the origin of "states' rights" and why Southern states felt they had the right to secede. This is also why, ever since the Civil War, the federal government became stronger and more of a primary governing institution, to various levels of approval (or disapproval) of individuals and/or states.
This is also why US citizens can't get an international drivers' license in Japan and Canadians can - the license is reciprocal. As each American state issues its own license,the US cannot offer a single license, because each state has its own licensing agreement.
The rights of the states, for better, or for worse, are enshrined in the Constitution. It means, for example, some states have good educational institutions while some do not. We don't have a national curriculum. Or a national license. Or a national language.
You know when the US got a unified currency? 18-fucking-63. Nearly 100 years after the Revolution. Not a coincidence this was after the Civil War; it was part of measures taken to re-unify the States.
The brief connection to Hetalia is that Himaruya, a Japanese man who studied and lived abroad in the United States, had a unique view of this, and I'm sure this influenced his character of America. But still - and not to contradict anyone's personal headcanon - the history of the United States and the personification of America as a character may have some historical differences. Which, I mean, is fair. One is history, one is fiction. I just find the history fascinating in regards to the character, and the possible consequences as related to his aging/growth.
On this note, the first Canadian settlement was 3 years before the first American one. Canada's birthday is 3 days before America's. Hello magic number!
But anyways, yay history!
...on ANOTHER side note, don't get a history degree. Fun but pretty much useless.
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Transfer Student | Draco x Reader
Prompt: After transferring from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to Hogwarts, all of Hogwarts’ eyes is on the new girl. An American Gryffindor? Everyone wants to be your friend, steal a glance from you, or ask you on a date. Can Draco resist the hype or will he end up all for the new girl?
Warnings: None! Just some fluff and longing looks from bitch boy Malfoy
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: My requests box is very full oh my LORD. I’m trying to churn them out as consistency as possible, so if I skip a day with no imagines, it’s mostly for me to take a breather and catch up on my actual work for my job and school.
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America was home, no matter where you were in the world. You grew up an American and lived your life with that culture and their customs. Going to school at Ilvermorny was a treat. Tucked away in the mountains in Massachusetts, it was your happy place, full of other kids from across America, studying magic. But things changed drastically when your father was offered a position at the Ministry of Magic overseas in London. Your parents were thrilled, a prestigious job in a new country; your father accepted the position, no question. You on the other hand were more nervous than anything. Moving meant new school, new friends, new start. Not to mention, if you moved within the country, you would still attend Ilvermorny. But now that you were moving overseas, it really meant a new start with a whole different school with a whole different body of students. 
Your mother was insistent that you would be just fine starting at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. “Mom,” you insist, “I’m an American among a sea of people from the UK. I’m going to be a fish out of water. They’ll know the moment I open up my mouth!” 
But there was no changing their minds. You were moving to London whether you liked it or not. So you had to say goodbye to all of your friends at Ilvermorny. Although you expressed your anxieties about moving and switching schools, the rest of your friends were jealous of your move. Saying how London was a beautiful city and they were so jealous of all the culture and events happening. It did seem exciting, you always wanted to visit Europe, but not like this. 
Soon enough, you were on a plane to London from America, your things packed up and ready to ship you off to Hogwarts. When you arrived, your heart raced with excitement and nerves. London was a little grey and stormy, but it was still beautiful. People most melodically and dressed neatly. Men in suits, carrying around briefcases, heads tilted down as they ran to work. Women dressed cleanly and beautifully, walking to work, in and out of shoppes. Your mother gave your hand a squeeze as your father insisted you took the Tube to your new home.
London was very different from your hometown. Much more hustle and bustle with busy people, but its people were much kinder than Americans. Strangers offered you small smiles as you looked at your surroundings. As you arrived to your new home, you couldn’t help but feel out of place. Everything was different. Even the oven. You couldn’t think about how long it was going to take to get you adjusted to this life. You drag your suitcases into your room, flipping open the latches. “Don’t bother unpacking, honey,” your mom calls. “You leave for Hogwarts tomorrow, remember?”
Your stomach sinks. You couldn’t even get used to your new home because tomorrow you had to get used to your new life at Hogwarts. 
The next morning, you arrived at the train station, confused as ever. Your mom and dad walked with you through the station, interrogating you on what to tell the Professors when they asked for your information at arrival. “My name is (Y/N), I’m the transfer student from Ilvermorny, I’m going to be a junior,” you start.
“You’re a sixth year student,” your father corrects. You look at him, confused. “The education system here is different, sweetie. You’ll technically be going into year six at Hogwarts.”
Sighing, you know that this was going to take some getting used to. 
You watched your parents wave goodbye to you, your mother with tears in her eyes. Your heart drops, not wanting to leave your parents to go off to somewhere that was completely foreign to you. As the view of your parents fades, you walk through the train, looking for an empty stall to sit. People sat with groups of friends, laughing, picking up right where they left off. Why couldn’t you have been a first year student? This would have made things so much easier. As a sixth year, everyone had friend groups and you would have to wiggle your way into one. 
Finally, you find an empty car and plop yourself down on the seat, laying your head back. Here’s to the start of a miserable year, you think to yourself. You play with the charm bracelet on your wrist that your mother gave to you when you started school at Ilvermorny. The bracelet had a Thunderbird charm on it, the mascot of your house at Ilvermorny, and the same house as you parents. You were a proud Thunderbird, but now you had to be sorted into a new house with a new breed of people. You only hoped that whichever house you were sorted into had the same type of people as Thunderbird did. 
As you mindlessly play with the charms on your bracelet, the car that you sat in’s doors slid open. “Are you alone?” a blonde haired girl asks you, noticing you amongst the chaos of the cars around you. “Would you like some company?”
“That would be nice, actually,” you offer her a thankful smile. 
The blonde haired girl sits down in the booth across from you, pushing all of her thick hair to one shoulder. “Your accent,” she notices, her eyes widening. “It’s American,” her dainty English accent points out as you blush in embarrassment. “It’s lovely.” You slightly smile and blush, silently thanking her. “Are you a transfer student from Ilvermorny?”
You nod, “Yeah, actually. My name is (Y/N), by the way. I’m a jun-I mean a sixth year student.”
“I’m Luna,” she shakes your hand politely. “I also a sixth year. Look! You’ve only been here for five minutes and you’ve already made a friend in your year!” Your heart swell at the word friend. At least you at Luna to tag along with. The two of you talk for a while, you telling her about America and why your family moved to England, confiding in her about your nervousness about the new school and making new friends. “I’m sure you’ll have no trouble making friends, (Y/N). Everyone at Hogwarts is very friendly. Besides, once you get sorted into your house you’ll make a ton of friends that way!” Your stomach churns. “Do you reckon what house you’ll be sorted into?”
Shaking your head, you reply, “Nope. Back at Ilvermorny I was a Thunderbird. But I don’t know if that means I’ll get sorted into a specific house at Hogwarts.” You reach into your backpack and pull out a pack of Fruit Roll Ups. “Want one?” you open the box to her as she gives you a hesitant look. “It’s good I promise,” you giggle. “If you don’t like it, you can force me to eat a gross British snack,” you tempt as she laughs before taking one from the box.
The two of you sit in the car, peeling open your Fruit Roll Ups, munching on the sticky snack. As you laugh at Luna getting it stuck in her teeth, another person comes to the car door, sliding open, making you yelp out scared, them surprising you. “What’s that?” the red headed boy asks, referring to the snack you munch on. You just look at him, bewildered that he just burst through, no introduction, no hello, no nothing. “Oh, hi Luna,” he smiles as Luna waves. The red headed boy looks at you. “You’re new,” he states as if you didn’t know. “I’m Ron Weasley,” he smiles at you warmly, making every bad thought about him leave your mind. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you reply before tossing the ginger a Fruit Roll Up. He catches it, eyes wide with excitement as he tears it open. 
Ron sits next to Luna as he peels his Roll Up. “Your accent. You’re an American,” he points out as he looks to Luna who smiles sweetly. 
You tease, “Really? I didn’t notice.” This makes Ron let out a chuckle before eating his Fruit Roll Up in two bites. “I’m a transfer from Ilvermorny.”
“Ron! Where did you go?” a voice calls from the hall. Suddenly, a girl with brown hair, wrapped in a stripped cardigan appears with a worried look on her face. It instantly relaxes when she sees Ron sitting next to Luna and you, wrappers in his hand from the Fruit Roll Up. “Ron, you can’t just interrupt two people’s conversation and then eat their snacks.”
Ron puts his hands up in defense. “She offered it to me!”
The girl rolls her eyes at his antics before walking into your car. The booth was getting awfully full very quickly. “I’m sorry about him. He has the mental capacity of a teaspoon,” she says, making Ron let out an offended hey! “I’m Hermione Granger. You are?”
You shake her extended hand with a smile. “(Y/N), I’m a transfer student fr-”
“Ilvermorny! I heard we were getting an American, but I didn’t believe it! Wow! It’s so nice to meet you,” she exclaims, scooting closer next to you. “Are you excited to be here? Which house do you think you’ll be sorted into? From what I’ve heard about you, you were a Thunderbird, correct? I reckon you’ll be a Gryffindor by the looks of it,” Hermione fires away. You were little taken aback by how forward she was, but you had to admit it was sweet. 
All of your fears of not being able to make any friends slowly faded away.
It has been a week since you arrived at Hogwarts. As Hermione had predicted, you were sorted into Gryffindor, making her cheer out in delight. “Yay! More girls!” she hugged you tight when you entered the Gryffindor common room. “They can be much,” she refers to Harry and Ron behind her with a little giggle. 
You had to say so far, you adjusted well to Hogwarts. You did miss your friends back home, but whenever you started to miss them, you found Hermione or Luna and they would always cheer you up and make you feel right back at home. Your classes were interesting, but hard at Hogwarts. Your Professors were all brilliant, some more intimidating than others. Regardless, you worked hard for your grades, doing study groups with Hermione, quizzing yourself with Luna, and spending countless nights in the library. 
However, much to your surprise, you were the talk of the halls at Hogwarts. Whenever you were in the hallways, you would feel people’s eyes on you as you walked beside Luna, whispers throwing your name around. Your anxiety grew. What did people think of you? Did they think you were strange? Did they hate that an American was in the school? 
It was actually quite the opposite. People were fascinated by you and how charismatic you were. You were kind to everyone, offering people smiles, making conversation in the Great Hall during meals, offering help with studying. You were the it girl of Hogwarts. 
That was a new concept for you since you always blended in at Ilvermorny. Maybe it was time for a change. You were getting invited to parties, asked to hang out on weekends in Hogsmeade, and not to mention, you were a few people’s crushes. “Hi (Y/N),” Seamus waved at you with a shy smile.
“Hey, Seamus,” you smile back, brightly, unaware of his blossoming crush on you. His cheeks turned beet red as you wiggled your fingers back at him. Hermione laughs next to you as a bunch of Gryffindor boys in your year watch you walk down the hall, you tossing your hair over your shoulder. “What’s so funny, Granger?” you ask, pushing her shoulder lightly. “Is it so strange that I say hi to everyone in the halls?”
She just shakes her head. “Are you that blind?” she laughs. “(Y/N), nearly every boy in our year fancies you.” You furrow your brows. Hermione groans, knowing you didn’t understand her slang. “The boys all think you’re cute. They’ve got crushes on you.”
Rolling your eyes is disbelief, you enter your History of Magic class. “Yeah, right, Hermione. The day everyone has a crush on me is the day pigs fly,” you plop down in your chair, grabbing your book out of your satchel. “Besides, I’m sure it’s just the new girl crush. It’ll be over within the next week, I’m sure of it.”
Hermione looks at you knowingly. “(Y/N), you’ve been here for two months now.” You just ignore her comment and continue getting ready to take notes for class. “There’s no denying that you are the popular girl,” she teases you as you fake gag. “I’m serious. I dare you to flirt with anyone in here and see their reaction,” she whispers to you.
You look around the room to see who would be the person most likely to shoot you down if you flirted with them. Two desks over was Blaise Zabini sat next to Draco Malfoy. You smirked and nudged Hermione as if to say watch this. “Blaise?” you ask, his head shooting up to look at you. “I think I forgot my quill. Do you have one I could borrow?” you bat your eyes at him.
A cheeky grin comes across his face as he hands you the one in his hand. “Forgetful today?” he smirks as you giggle. “You can borrow my quill any day,” he winks at you as Hermione fake gags, making Zabini rolls his eyes.
“Why don’t you ask Granger for one next time? The mudblood is always prepared,” Draco speaks from behind Zabini. 
Anger rises in your chest as Malfoy laughs about your best friend. “Why don’t you just keep your fat trap shut and cry to daddy about how much you hate this school, Malfoy? No one wants to hear it out of you, least of all me,” you spit before turning away to do your work. Hermione smiles as you, squeezing your hand. “See? Malfoy doesn’t have a crush on me!” you tell her, making her laugh.
Meanwhile, Draco glares at Zabini. “Don’t tell me you fancy the American girl too.” Zabini keeps his mouth shut, knowing what’s best for him. “What is everyone’s obsession with her? She’s American, not from outer space.”
Blaise shakes his head. “Come on, Malfoy. She’s proper fit, isn’t she? Not to mention, she’s quite cheeky and has good banter.”
Draco just slaps Blaise upside the head. “Oh, please,” he huffs. “There’s plenty of girls like that in this school. She’s not the only one.”
Throughout class Draco thinks to himself about what the entirety of Hogwarts’ student body saw in you. He ignored the lecture going on in the front of the classroom and dreamily watched you during class. You sat there, biting down on your lower lip gently in concentration, scribbling down notes as your nose scrunched up when a question came to mind. He could see the wheels churning in your head when you asked a question and then the lightbulb flick on when it was answered and it made sense. You let a small dance play on your lips when you answered a question correctly faster than Hermione. You hair flopped on head perfect as you pushed strands back as they fell. Your eyes twinkled with curiosity and playfulness like a child. Draco’s heart thumped a little louder when you let out a giggle when the professor made an awful joke. His heart nearly stopped when you looked over at him and caught his gaze, your cheeks taking a rosy hue as you looked away shyly. Draco didn’t look away for a second. He wanted you to know he was observing you. Shit, he silently thought as he felt his heart rate pick up when you sent a cheeky wink his way. He was caught.
You left class that day, a little pep in your step. You didn’t think much about people having a crush on you, but something about Draco Malfoy staring at you during class made you giggly. “What are you on about?” Hermione pokes your side. “I know you aren’t happy about that lecture, so spill.”
“Nothing,” you smile as you walk down the hall. “Can’t I just be happy?”
Hermione rolls her eyes. She had a feeling she knew what was happen, but rather than embarrass you about it, she kept to herself. “Alright,” she sing-songs.
The more time passed the more Draco found himself thinking about you and itching to get to class just so he could tune the professor out at steal longing glances at you. Sometimes you would catch him as he sent a little wink your way as you blushed. Sometimes he would catch you staring at him which gave him way too much satisfaction of knowing you liked him just as much as he liked you. 
You had no problem talking to boys, but Draco was different. You didn’t talk to him much because you were too scared you were going to embarrass yourself in front of him.
But Draco on the other hand found any excuse to walk right up to you in the halls and strike up conversation. He would see you walk down the hall, his eyes zeroing in on, dismissing his friend group as he made his way up to you. He didn’t care who you were with whether it was Luna or Hermione. Draco just slid himself next to you with a sly, “Where are you off to, American girl?”
You did not try to stop the blush from appearing on your cheeks. “What’s it to you, Malfoy?” you tease as he laughs.
“I’d walk you there if you let me,” he suggested as you glanced to Luna or Hermione as they would fall behind to walk to class with Ron or Harry. “Ah, alone at last,” he’d tease as your friend walked away, earning a teasingly slap from you. “Don’t worry, I won’t try and pull anything on you.”
As you sat in another class of History of Magic, you doodled in your notebook. When the professor turned his back to write on the chalkboard, you see a small origami dove fly over to your desk. Curiosity gets the best of you as you peel it open to see a little note scribbled on the inside.
American Girl,
I need to ask you a very important question.
You look to your left to see Draco staring straight ahead at the board, but his eyes look towards you with a sneaky smile on his lips. You shake your head, a grin teasing your lips as you write back, And what would that be, Mr. Malfoy? 
When the professor turns back around, you send the note back to him. You watch him scribble for a while, your curiosity eating away inside of you. Finally, he folds the note back up and send it your way quickly.
The note lands back on your desk as you ravenously open it, dying to know what the question was. 
You. Me. Hogsmeade. This Saturday.
Your heart flutters and you want to giggle, but you hide your smile and scribble back coyly, That’s not a question, Malfoy. 
Again, you send it back his way, watching him open it as you bite your lip to contain your smile as you pretend to pay attention to the class. From your peripheral vision, you watch him scribble back. The note lands back on your desk and you let it sit there for a second, making Malfoy sweat. You let a solid ten seconds pass before looking at the note, pretending to be shocked to see it on your desk, before peeling it open slowly as Malfoy lightly laughs, watching you do so.
So it that a yes?
You smile and write out as slowly as you possibly can. It’s a yes.
The note makes its way back to Draco’s desk as he catches it from the air, ripping it open. He smiles impossibly wider and laughs a “yes,” a little too loud for your professor to hear. 
“Mr. Malfoy? Would you like to share something with the class?” your Professor asks.
Draco realizes that everyone’s eyes on him, including you as a deep shade of pink rises to your cheeks. Draco sends you a wink before standing up from his seat, your heart beating fast. What is he doing? “Actually, yes,” he retorts. “I’ve got a date with the new girl,” he declares. Girls all turn to you before immediately whispering to those around them as some boys groan and others cheer Malfoy on. 
You just sit there, blushing like a fool. Hermione grabs your arm. “No way,” she speaks.
“You better believe it,” you whisper, eyes not leaving Draco’s as Zabini high fives him. Saturday could not come quicker.
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I'm not from the UK but the kid you're talking about is approx. 3 years old, right? What do they do in school/what does it consist of? Because in my country kids start school at 6 and then learn to read and all that stuff so i'm a bit confused haha
In the UK, children start school the September after they turn 4. So some kids in reception (first year of school) will turn 5 just after they start school and some (including Sibling) will have summer birthdays and will have only just turned 4 when they start school in September.
In reception, learning is mostly play based but there will be an introduction to numbers, phonics, books, etc etc as well as the whole social emotional aspect of being part of a class of 30 children.
The UK is well on its way to having one of the youngest ages worldwide for starting formal education. Yay go us?? 🤯
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sibunaranks · 3 years
Reasons I believe Peddie live in the UK when they’re married.
So lots of people debate where they live. I’m a no-budge headcanon Uk and here are my reasons why. 
1.) Eddie has citizenship in the Uk, Patricia doesn’t. 
So the fact Eddie’s dad has always been a legal resident of the UK he automatically as his son get’s citizenship. Basically he has dual citizenship from birth due to this. Patricia on the other hand only has citizenship in the UK. It’s the only country they both can legally stay in with no issues or fuss.
2.) Immigrating is hard and a ton of work.
Patricia would most likely be going for a K-1 or Spousal Visa if she were to try and come to the US. These can be very complicated and hard. They can also have a ton of hurdles. Not only this but they would need capital to move. They’re young, they aren’t rich. Patricia would need to move ALL of her things to a new country and Eddie already has everything important in the UK so it would be a hassle to a degree for him to/not a hassle to stay in the UK. 
3.) Patricia wouldn’t be able to work for five months or more. 
Spouses have to apply for a work permit. This can take up to seven months. Now these guys are young. They don’t have a lot of money, so one of them not working after already spending tons of money just to move seems impossible. Also if Eddie doesn’t have a job already lined up before moving BOTH of them aren’t working for at least some point which is not good or realistic. 
4.) They aren’t rich.
Yes I believe both of their families are “Well off” finically but individually? Straight out of college they are not rich. It costs money to immigrate even in your own country let alone to a new one. It could be considered fiscally irresponsible to move to the US after getting married or before. 
5.) Patricia is anti-American, Eddie isn’t anti-UK
I cannot imagine this girl wanting to live in America. She always hates the Americans when they come to the house. She seems to just have something against it and whether it’s a front or not I don’t see her being like “Oh yay let’s live there.” Meanwhile Eddie has adjusted to the UK and seems to enjoy his life there.
6.) Family. 
All of Patricia’s family is in the UK. She’d have nobody in the states. She’d be an ocean apart from her parents and her twin sister. Eddie has half of his family in the UK (assuming he has no siblings which the show leads us to believe). No matter where he lives he has the same amount of family where Patricia has all or nothing. He’s also had less time in his life with his dad and his mom could visit easier than Eric could due to his job as headmaster and easier than Patricia’s family due to the fact it’s not just one person it’s three or two at a time unless just Piper came. 
7.) Friends.
All of Patricia’s friends are in the UK. All of Eddie’s good friends are in the UK. He has friends in the states sure but is he as close to them as someone such as his Sibuna members? no. I don’t believe so. Patricia would have zero friends in America except for Nina, KT and MAYBE Amber if she stayed but who knows where in the country they’d be? Probably not close like her friends in the UK would be. They’re a friend group so close they’re practically family. It’d be super hard for both of them to just leave them. 
8.) Fresh out of college
I know it’s not canon that they both attend college in the UK but it’s also a huge headcanon of mine and most people secure starter jobs before even graduating. If they went into a job they want right away leaving the country and job would make no sense. 
9.) Education
If either of them decides to go to school longer than the other (Ik some of you head canon Patricia going into Law which would be 4 extra years) I don’t see the other one moving without the other one. They aren’t splitting up. Would what they learn translate to America (law, or environment or etc.)? And the Job the other one has for the four extra years (or two if grad school) might be a job they don’t wanna leave 
10.) Being close to the house
I feel like in the case of an emergency Peddie would not hesitate to come back to Amun and help. They’re practically pros at it. Eddie used to be the Osirion for gods sake. I feel like they and even the other members (like Fabian) would feel a pull to be close enough to the house that they don’t need to cross an ocean if a supernatural Egyptian event occurs that needs their attention.
11.) Eddie understands life in England, Patricia doesn’t understand life in the US
She’d be starting over in a new country, something Eddie had to do and knows how hard it is. Would he wanna put her through that if she doesn’t want or need to herself? And how would she adjust? It could even potentially strain their relationship if not well.
12.) I believe they both like the UK.
While i talked about Eddie not hating the UK before, i don’t believe he just doesn’t hate it I believe he likes it in the UK. Why come back in season 3 if not? Why does he seem happy living there? It has memories for him like going to school, college (my headcanon but also super likely), and also the most likely place he and Patricia get their first place, get engaged and even married. Patricia obviously likes it as she also seems happy in the country and is a born citizen.
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stimmybruno · 2 years
hi! i have fibromyalgia and i’m 17 years old. fibro has been a harsh reality in my life and i’ve had to sacrifice a lot bcus of it. i was a black belt in mma and i loved it, but i had to quit as the strain on me and the pain (+ flare ups) it was causing made it so i physically could no longer endure it. this happened four years ago. i can no longer go out with friends as it is too painful and just sends me into flare ups. not to mention the fatigue.
now i’m 17 and in sixth form. (…yay /sarc). at this age (in the uk at least) ppl start working alongside school. for months i had no luck getting a job until i lied on a registration and pretended i wasn’t disabled. guess what, i got the job. (now by all means that could definitely be a coincidence /gen but yk my cv is banging and i got great gcse results /hj)
i had my first shift today. (this is my first ever job). it was 12:00pm (twelve pm)-8:00pm (eight pm). an 8 (eight) hour shift. with a 45 (forty five) minute break.
and to say the least… i struggled. with a mixture of sensory issues and other barriers caused by my neurodivergence (autism, adhd, ocd and others) and my physically disability (fibromyalgia) - i really really struggled.
i’m more focussing on the fibro in this post btw but yeah :)
this work has caused a massive pain/fibro flare up. it is agonising and debilitating. i cannot walk. and this is from one shift. my fatigue is unbearable and i know that no amount of sleep can fix it. no amount of rest can fix any of this.
my dilemma is: do i continue trying to work or do i not??
it isn’t vital for me to be working as i’m still in education, it’s just nice to have the money.
currently i’m in agony, i’m miserable, drained, overloaded and non verbal.
it’s taken everything out of me.
but my mum is being rlly confusing bcus one second she is saying “if u don’t think I can handle it then it’s best that u speak to ur manager abt it but i’m proud of u for trying this was a big step” yk being supportive and the next second it’s “u should work, i’ll be disappointed if u quit after one shift”
idk. i don’t want to let anyone down. i now feel like i’m letting myself down too. but i just don’t think i can actually handle it, physically or mentally.
is this worth it???
my instinct is telling me no. but now i’m doubting myself bcus what if quitting is a mistake??? if i quit i won’t be able to return.
i don’t know what to do.
(i’m so sorry this is so like ranty??? and it prob doesn’t make a lot of sense??? but yeah lol yk)
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pocketramblr · 3 years
7th grade is ages 12-13??????
What the hell is in the water in the USA (I presume) to like warrant this string of popup circles of hell galavanting as educational institutions????
In the UK 7th-8th grade would put you between 2nd and 3rd year of high school and wow-
Slightly related as it's technically high school but fits the age range:
We had a change in PE (Gym) teacher's between 2nd and 3rd year and she was in charge of the schools netball teams. For context there were four seperate teams per year A-D and it was ORIGINALLY based on skill level and personal commitment. But then this new teacher comes in and decides that A team (which had always fluctuated its members between A-C bc D team was like you want to be in the club but not play competitively,) was gonna be the same nine ppl there's usually 7 per team with 2 reserves and she just... played the same 9 people all the time.
This team would sometimes play four times a week against other schools! Which is why we had 4 sub teams!! I got put in B so I never played but my best friend was in A and I'm telling you now I've never seen someone lose so much sleep!
They actually had to stop school playing competitively because they found the players couldn't play and keep up with school because they were being forced to play so much. That's like 4 matches for a five day week, on top of PE being Netball for a good portion of spring and summer for girls at my school twice a week and 2 days of PRACTICE
We also had a teacher who co-taught my maths class at the same time and basically FORGOT to teach us loads of subjects and then gave us an end of term exam and when a kid was brave enough to point out we hadn't covered half the content in class she waved us off and said that because when she asked if everyone didn't know what they were doing 1 child in a class of 30 did that all those subjects? They'd count.
She then got on our case because all of us "weren't taking it seriously"
She was fired the next year.
I think we have decided that gym teachers, apparently globally, should be oppressed.
But yay!! One whole incompetent teacher fired! Not many of those considering how many stories like this there are but it's something
Also yeah because first grade is the first year you're actually legally required to be in school, at like age six. Then there's second grade, at like age seven. And so on until you get to high school and can add fancy names to your grade number if you want. Before first grade are optional kindergartens and preschools
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beckitty · 3 years
I have been trying for a while now to get my nursing degree. During my first year, I failed a placement, which happens, and the university will then assess your mentors reasons for failing you. Then they will usually either offer you extra lessons in the area you are struggling with, see if there is some support they can offer, or simply check you have learned from your mistake. Then you get to retry the placement (though not necessarily in the same area).
In my case however, a query was raised about my memory, and the possibility of me being neurodivergant. I already had a diagnosis of dyspraxia, but there was also a question of whether I have ADHD and/or ASD. The university requested I take a leave of absence to get assessed, especially for the ADHD, as occupational health had already screened me as likely to have both.
Fair enough, I agreed after it was explained to me that regardless of the results of the assessment they would be happy to have me back. The idea of me taking the time off to do it was so I could come back with a diagnosis, appropriately medicated, and with the university able to offer me the ajustments I need, rather than doing all my placements on hard mode. In fact, the head of the masters course told me I had better come back, since she wanted me to do the integrated masters (which I was on track for).
So I took the absence, and got my ADHD diagnosis. I also gained an orthostatic hypotension diagnosis while I was at it. Both had started being treated, and I had a better support structure in place, including my syncope nurse and ADHD specialist nurse being very supportive of both my health and career choice. Which is nice.
I planned to go back to the course in the middle of the year, as I had completed all my exams and assignments, and just needed to do 2 placements. No need to pay for a full year for that right? So I arranged to go back, in March of 2020.
Right as Corona was hitting the UK properly.
And I was going into nursing placements.
With an immunosupressed husband at home.
Lol nope.
Everything was ready for me to go back, and it was 2 weeks before my new start date, but this was a problem. I spoke to the university, and asked if it was a good idea, or even safe for me to come back in these circumstances. Admin and student support weren't sure, but were dubious. My lecturers however are all nurses, and knew what was actually going on and what was likely to happen. So they had a conversation, and invited me and a medic lecturer who specialised in immunology, to see if we could brainstorm a way for me to return without endangering my husband. The short answer was I could if either I could live separately from him or my home was 3x bigger than it is. Not feasible.
So I take another leave of absence. I took a year, because surely this would be under control by then?
(It really could have been, if people had been less selfish, and if governments had been 500% less shite)
So March rolls around again. I start talking to the university again in the beginning of the year, and making all the arrangements I need. Yeah the covid situation is still bad, but at least it's a known factor now. Husband is vaccinated, and I will be vaccinated as soon as I get back, because healthcare worker. All is on track, yay!
It's been 2 years.
In that time there has been a new standard for nursing education released.
So not only have I been away for a while, but the course itself has changed. I've read the new standards, there are some quite big changes in there. Newly qualified nurses now have to be where previous nurses would be 3 or more years after qualifying. This is actually a good change, and one I am more than in favour of.
What this means for me though, is that I am now very, very behind. The solution? More leave of absence! I now get to completely restart my degree. The university is helping me sort funding on the grounds of covid absence, so theres that at least, but those assignments and exams I wouldn't need to repeat? The placement I had passed? Gotta redo them.
In a lot of ways it's a good thing. I get a second chance with the areas I didn't do so well at, and have the advantage of having learned some of what I need already. It means I wont be playing catch up. Even so, it's a lot. It means I will be finishing my degree in my 40s. It means my previous efforts cant be recognised. It means I'm still stuck in a holding pattern.
I've asked myself if the universe is sending me a message. If all this means I'm not supposed to be a nurse. If maybe I'm just terrible at it, and should have taken the hint from the failed placement.
Instead I'm choosing to see myself as the protagonist of my story. I got kicked down, I made mistakes, I now get to learn from them and do better. I don't just want to be a nurse, I want to be a great nurse, and I can't do that without putting the work in.
It's not easy, but I wouldn't have chosen nursing if I wanted easy.
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
I really liked what you said about wanting to show in DVLA that the people on the crusades were basically just people. I'm quite fond of the idea that "people have always basically just been people" (see: ancient wooden toys, grafitti in pompeii), but I've never thought of it in a sense of recognising our own biases and faults in the crusaders, or imperialists. That's something really interesting to think about, so thanks :)
I mean... yeah.
The thing is, I love the funny/light-hearted/recognizable “people have always been people” anecdotes as much as you, because of the pervasive idea that the past was nothing but an unrelieved cesspit of misery, filth, misogyny, racism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and Suffering, until modernity and capitalism came along and fixed everything, yay. It’s crap, everyone who follows my blog for two seconds knows that I think it’s crap, I work very hard trying to educate people about how much crap it is, but... yeah, that’s still the baseline in popular culture, and while it has been deliberately constructed to be that way and is not necessarily the individual fault of the person who has absorbed it by cultural osmosis, it’s still frustrating. So when you can identify those moments when people in history are reacting to things in a way that we recognize as our own, or we catch these moments of levity and joy, or we’re otherwise able to recognize that the Bad Premodern World narrative is wrong and troubling, we’re able to comprehend people as people, and not just rote, thoughtless automatons who always believed whatever they were told by religious and political authority and had no volition of their own.
This ties into my whole spiel on the drawbacks of doing premodern social history (especially in the West, but also more broadly) from a corpus of textual sources written largely by educated religious men. And that’s the only thing we have. So of course life back then doesn’t always look like it’s a great time, because that’s who’s telling us about it, and they’d have the broadly same outlook and priorities as conservative establishment clergymen today. And there is never a less reliable historiographer than someone who promises at the start of the narrative to tell you things “exactly how they happened.” (Yes, we’re all side-eyeing Herodotus and Thucydides, but they were the start of the Western historiographical tradition and the topos of authority always has to be invoked somehow.) The promise of objectivity does not objectivity make, and means that they want to culture, shape, and color the version of events for posterity. And the historian’s job is to deal with that and recover the narratives and sometimes understand that things that don’t intend to be historical sources are actually more accurate and revealing than the constructed narratives that promise to tell the truth and are actually very invested in presenting their truth, which might not always concord with things more generally.
Anyway, jargon-y methodological digressions (somewhat) aside, there’s really no point in studying history, or having an honest historical perspective, if you’re going to refuse to see anything of yourself -- good AND bad parts alike -- in our ancestors. Part of the reason the world is in such a goddamn mess right now is because we’re still pathologically incapable of learning history, the rise of “fake news” has created competing information universes where the facts are the ones that fit your political agenda, and the West particularly has been repeating old and bad patterns of behavior because we -- just -- can’t -- break -- the fucking -- cycle. I’ve said before that absolutely everything happening right now reminds me forcibly of the fourteenth century, and that was even BEFORE the plague hit, which was just a little too on the nose. We don’t have to be in the situation we are. We don’t have to collectively make the same choices and go around the bend again and again and again. But because history and historical education has been SO devalued, and the system of collective memory is so flawed, we don’t really have a chance of fixing our current present until we’ve reckoned with our past. Thus, while right-wingers are the ones howling about “preserving history” when monuments of racists get torn down, historians are on the sidelines cheering, because a) those guys suck, b) we WANT people to start applying critical thinking to the glamorized white supremacist triumphalist narrative that passes for history in most Western countries (America is possibly the worst offender just by global scope, but yeah, the rest of the West, especially the UK, is SUPER not off the hook either), and c) when people finally KNOW that they have the tools to confront the unjust systems that have been forced on them, they can do something about it.
So yes. History isn’t supposed to just comfort us and make us feel confident that we’re the best and we’ve worked it out. I want people to think of crusaders as people like them, who went on crusade for a variety of motives both aside from and including personal religiosity, and despite that fact, they still did what they did, and that’s still what we’re doing right now. We are NOT that different from them (see: the entire post-9/11 response of the West which is still going on twenty goddamn years later). We don’t get the comfort of thinking we're nothing like them and would never make their same choices, because they WERE people like us, nobody ever sets out to be monsters (aside from like... a very minor handful), and everyone thinks they’re doing the right thing and making choices conditioned by their social, political, and cultural milieu. And given what’s going on with /waves hand/ all this, we’ve seen what happens when a culture and a civilization is systematically taught that history either doesn’t matter, was all inferior to us, or confirms everything they think already, and that is incredibly, incredibly damaging.
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