#captains roman and remus
loganslowdown4 · 2 years
*Superhero AU*
Roman: Imagine my shock when I checked the news this morning, Virgil.
Virgil: Not sorry about it.
Roman: I would expect this behaviour from Janus maybe, not from you.
Virgil: Still not sorry!
Virgil: With The Trash Man™️ put in a coma by Captain Storm (me) it’ll be better for everyone.
Roman: The Trash Man in a what?
Roman: I was talking about the new tights?? Did you even think about calling me to consult on wardrobe before getting those made?? I’m hurt, Virgil. *pouts*
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touyubesposts · 1 year
It's always “If they were in the same universe, Wilford and Remus would be friends/dating/enemies” and never “If they were in the same universe, Roman would have a field day or mental breakdown learning everybody's names”
Reminder: Roman thought the names Janus and Virgil we're embarrassing. There are canon characters named “Captain Magnum,” “Heehoo,” and “HeapAss.” (Yes, HeapAss is canon, he’s one of Yancy’s friends. Also yancy is a good example for this.)
Roman would have a mental breakdown as the names get more and more ridiculous and Virgil would just hover around him until finally he gets really close and goes “And you thought my name was bad.”
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fangirltothefullest · 5 months
Okay but now what if how you designed Remus but in as many words as you want, because I'm loving these design breakdowns
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Remus to me is full of chaos but he is also the antithesis of Roman with similar qualities but a total lack of self consciousness or bashfulness. He is freedom and he gives no shits.
Inspiration 1: Mad Madam Mim
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I start with a disney character full of chaos and I am inspired by mad Madam Mim because she is wild and chaotic and i absolutely love how fun she is as a villain and the most important thing for me is that Remus is fun. He's bonkers and has terrible ideas but he's also harmless in terms of reality. He's like an annoying little brother that wants to show you the Weird Gunk he found in the trash.
Inspiration 2: Snidley Whiplash (or Dick Dastardly)
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Remus to me is a guy who knows a lot of things and he's actually really clever but he wants to BE a villain like Snidley Whiplash or Dick Dastardly, including the moustache. He wants to tie people to train tracks because it's fun. His personality is "I found the dynamite and the roller skates! :D"
Inspiration 3: Wile E Coyote and looney tunes as a concept
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If Remus is anything it's a creature that can be stabbed in the eye and come back fine. It's a person who can make acme-like contraptions that do not work and that's ok. He is, if nothing else, Wile E Coyote and he is having the time of his life. He should therefore have hair that is a littler wild and crazy and untamable like Wile E's tail.
Inspiration 3: Royal villains
We will look at Galavant and also OUaT again!
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There's nothing quite as detailed in costume as evil royal villains. They always seem to be the most extravagant or at least have all the buckles and things and Remus has an outfit just the same. Like Roman I want his royalty to show with his clothes but unlike Roman I want Remus to look way less put together. More a culmination of his clothes he chooses to wear but only because he HAS to wear something so he's going to show skin.
Particularly though the one I associate with Remus is Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time.
Inspiration 4: Captain Hook / Pirate aesthetics
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Roguish, half-opened shirt, details, dressed fancy, swashbuckling. Remus would make a great pirate because he has the swagger and charm of a drunken man sailing a boat with a pet giant octopus he calls Lil Pussy.
Speaking of octopus...
Inspiration 5: Kraken and hentai
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He has an octopus on his belt and he deserves tentacles for a pirate feel but also for fuckin. Cause he's a raunchy bastard. Anything taboo is something he wants to think about.
Inspiration 6: Punk aesthetic
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What easier way top buck against the norms than to embrace punk vibes? Jewelry, upside-down crosses, I don't like going overboard with it but I like giving him some. Fingerless gloves, chokers with spikes, those kinds of things work well for his "I am everything your religious grandmother hates, embrace it". His outfits that aren't standard could look like he made them himself or found them in the garbage and went "awesome!"
Inspiration 7: Weapon Master
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Remus likes to hit things with his mace and while Roman has his sword, I imagine Remus is an expert at weapons or at least likes to use them so even if I am going to dress him up nice I want a weapon nearby somewhere.
Things that are a must:
So many details, Remus will not leave your eyeballs alone. If you think Roman has details nope, Remus wants your eyes to bleed with them.
Remus should have longer hair than Roman, wilder bangs and wilder curls. Shorter hair is fine but a ponytail is even more fun. Like the tie holding it'll break at any moment.
Weapons galore, arm this baby at every opportunity. Likewise, scars are acceptable but it's ok if they disappear at random because chaos loves chaos.
If Remus has his main garb off he should be showing skin to the best of his abilities and his collar should drape down wider than normal because let that man be a slut.
Tentacles should be numerous when shown and they should have a mind of their own doing whatever they want.
If Roman wouldn't wear it, Remus would. If Roman wouldn't think it, Remus would, and if Roman would be disgusted, Remus would love it.
Remus should have annoying little brother vibes.
Any non-standard outfits should look like he cobbled them together with duct tape and chewing gum.
So I came to this:
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yerkes-dodson-curve · 5 months
Patton's favourite is Lucky Charms. Unhealthy amount of sugar, great for the kids, bunch of rainbows representing the gayness of it all, it's perfect
Logan won't eat much cereal. He sees a lack in the nutrients and dislikes the processing of foods. If he needs a quick meal, he'll have oatmeal. If Patton needs someone to eat cereal with, Special K (with the strawberries)
Roman's favourite is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I have no other explinations (Logan buys lactose free milk for Roman to use for almost exclusively cereal)
Virgil tried the Count Chocula cereal once, and will now eat no other kind of cereal. Except Coco Pebbles
Janus wouldn't eat breakfast. He'd drink iced coffee or have a cup of coffee and call it a morning
Remus would like Captain Crunch. Takes pride in obnoxiously eating as loud as he can, and never has cereal during the sane hours to eat cereal
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stardustsides · 21 days
Love is a Beach
Chapter 1
Patton and Janus broke up months ago. The problem? They still haven’t told their friends, and their annual beach trip is looming. Not wanting to break the news and ruin the vacation, they come to an…unconventional agreement.
Word Count: 2597
Pairings: moceit, background prinxiety
Content Warnings: drinking, breakups, mild innuendo
Author’s Note: I finally wrote the fake-dating-exes “there’s only one bed” moceit fic I’ve been threatening you all with!! I tagged everyone who expressed interest in reading this when I posted about it months ago. This fic is loosely based off of the novel “Happy Place” by Emily Henry :)
Not for the first time, the rational part of Patton’s brain was telling him that this was a bad idea. He had known it since they cooked it up, but he guessed that it was one thing to talk about it and another entirely to put it into action. He stood in the driveway, holding a bag of pool noodles and feeling slightly nauseous.
The rush of blood in his ears nearly drowned out the familiar chatter of his friends: Logan reading their checklist aloud in his typical drone, the twins cracking jokes from the backseat, Virgil groaning and telling them to shut it, trying and failing to smother the grin on his face. It was a perfect tableau of the people he loved most in the world, who, under different circumstances, he would have been thrilled to spend the week on vacation with, as he was every year.
As Janus loaded the last of the bags into the trunk, Patton met his eyes, and looked away as quickly as he could, staring at the gravel by his feet. Off to a flying start.
Plastering a smile onto his face, he clapped his hands. “Everyone ready?” He asked cheerfully, plopping into the driver’s seat. “AYE AYE, CAPTAIN!” Roman and Remus crowed in unison, to which Logan rolled his eyes. Janus slid into the passenger’s seat next to him with the grace of a lethargic cat. Patton dutifully kept his eyes on the rear view mirror as he pulled out of the driveway.
“I’m trusting you on aux, Jan,” Roman called from the back. “You better not disappoint!” Roman was usually the DJ of their road trips, as he always called dibs on shotgun (“dibs” used loosely, as he’d fight anyone who dared take his place as the resident passenger princess), but he had graciously relinquished his seat to Janus for this particular trip.
In fact, all of them had been exceptionally kind to both him and Janus for the past few weeks; Virgil had dropped a homemade loaf of sourdough at his apartment last week, saying that he “made too much”; Logan had told Patton that he’d pay the gas bill that Patton’s minivan was racking up for this trip; and, of course, Roman wouldn’t hear a word against Patton and Janus taking the master bedroom in the beach house they were renting.
It would melt Patton’s heart if it didn’t make his stomach twist with guilt.
He knew exactly where it was all coming from: they were expecting a proposal soon.
When Patton and Janus had first started dating in junior year of college, they could sense the wariness in their friends; they had all been inseparable since they first met in freshman year, and their concern that it would ruin the group dynamic was palpable.
That had been six years ago, though, and it really had only brought them all closer together. Janus and Patton had earned the nicknames “Mom” and “Dad”, respectively, and the others had all delighted in the prospect of one day being uncles to their kids.
And so, six years on in their relationship, everyone was clearly trying to contain their excitement about the proposal that they knew had to be coming soon.
So no, they couldn’t just tell the others about the breakup.
When it happened two months ago, Patton had fretted for days over how to break the news. Their trip to the beach, which had been a yearly tradition since they were sophomores in college, was looming, and he couldn’t stand the thought of breaking their hearts. His own was shattered already.
So when Janus showed up to move his stuff out of their apartment and suggested that they not tell the others until after the trip, it seemed like the best course of action at the time.
Now, the reality of the situation was really settling in as he drove on the freeway. He was facing down a week of playing lovebirds with his ex-boyfriend, actively deceiving the people in his life who knew him best, so yeah, you could say his resolve weakened a bit.
“Just to confirm, to avoid any confusion,” Logan began for what had to have been the fifteenth time that week. “Patton and Janus will be staying in the master bedroom. Roman and Virgil will take the first guest room, and myself and Remus will be staying in the second one, correct?”
Patton caught Roman’s eye in the rear view and exchanged a wry glance. Logan was clearly reiterating the sleeping arrangements over and over again in a futile attempt to get out of staying with Remus. Based on the way that Virgil had flushed bright red when Roman declared that they could room together, though, Logan’s efforts were completely in vain. Patton smiled a little in spite of himself. Virgil’s massive crush on Roman was one of the worst-kept secrets in the group; everyone knew about it except, of course, Roman himself, who was almost impressively oblivious.
“Yep,” Roman replied. “That’s what we all agreed on two weeks ago, L.” Logan said nothing in response and turned to stare out the window.
Their planning day two weeks ago was the first time that Patton had seen Janus since he had moved out. It also served as their “test run” for their charade, and it was just about as soul-crushing as Patton was anticipating it would be. He sat as close to Janus as he could bear, and forced himself to keep smiling, even as Roman showed them pictures of the room that they’d be sharing—he wasn’t really paying attention, as he was too preoccupied with the proximity of Janus’ knee to his. A wisp of blonde hair escaped from Janus’ bun, as it often did, and Patton fought the urge to tuck it back. Instead, he gulped down a glass of the wine Logan had brought a bit too eagerly and studiously ignored the look it got him from Janus, who had the audacity to look amused.
Easy-peasy, he thought to himself, desperately avoiding Janus’s gaze.
All he’d have to do is make it through the week. One week, and then they could drop the charade and stop the lying and nothing would ever be the same in the group again.
He’d poured himself another glass of wine.
“Are we almost there?” Remus whined from the back row of seats, jolting Patton back to the present.
“Still another hour or so, Ree,” he responded, glancing at the GPS. Remus let out an anguished groan.
“Would you like a book to pass the time?” Logan asked, reaching into the bag at his feet. Every year, they’d all place bets on how many books Logan would read on vacation. His record was currently sitting at twelve.
“I’d rather have my arm torn off by wolves, no offense.”
“You’re quiet, Janus,” Virgil remarked.
“Hm?” Janus said, jolting a little beside him. Patton gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, but it filled him with a grim satisfaction to know that at the very least, he was on edge too. “Oh, just lost in thought. I’m ready to get into bed.”
“I’ll bet,” Remus grinned devilishly.
“Shut up, Remus,” Virgil laughed, smacking his arm.
“Anyways, we’ll be there soon enough,” Patton said, hoping that the frantic pitch in his voice came across as embarrassment. He could feel the hot blush creeping across his face. “And I’ll make spaghetti once we get there!”
“You don’t have to do that,” Janus said, and Patton startled. “You just drove, the least we could do is cook dinner.”
“Oh,” Patton managed. “That’s alright, I really don’t mind.”
“I’ll order pizza,” he said decisively, and Patton felt a mix of annoyance and appreciation. He’s so thoughtful. He always had been.
“Okay, if that’s alright with everyone else,” he replied unsteadily. “Thanks, honey.”
The pet name was out before he could stop himself, a habit the product of six years together. He thanked his lucky stars that he was driving, so he wouldn’t have to look at Janus.
“Of course, dear.”
His face burned.
The house was stupidly perfect. Nestled in the heart of a picturesque beach town, it stood behind a picket fence, with white shutters and blue trim, framed by yellow rose bushes. It looked exactly like the kind of house he and Janus had always talked about moving to once they got married, and Patton’s heart gave another painful twist.
Everyone clambered out of the car, Remus darting forward to unlock the front door, everyone else grabbing their luggage. Patton breathed in the sea air and tried to steady himself.
The interior was just as lovely as the outside; light blue wood paneled walls decorated with paintings of the beach, with a pristine white couch that Patton had no doubt somebody would spill some brightly colored beverage on by the end of the week. Roman was breezing from room to room, showing everyone around, clearly quite pleased with himself for being the one to pick out their lodgings.
“You can choose which bed you want, I don’t mind either way,” he was saying to Virgil, their luggage piled in the center of their room.
“The place is beautiful, Ro!” Patton exclaimed as he poked his head through the doorway. Roman swelled with pride.
“Wait until you see your room! Here, lemme show you—it’s the one upstairs, at the end of the hall!”
“There’s an upstairs?” Patton asked, unable to hide the surprise in his voice.
“Yep! You and Janus will have the floor all to yourself,” Roman said, throwing a playful wink at him. Patton hoped that the giggle he forced out was convincing. “Here, let me help you get your stuff upstairs.”
They trudged to the top of the stairs, bags in tow. As Roman pushed open the door to the room at the top, clearly awaiting his reaction, Patton schooled his features into what he hoped resembled joy.
The room was lovely. There was a seafoam green loveseat in the corner, a big window thrown open to reveal a clear view of the bay on the far side, white linen curtains dancing in the light breeze, and in the middle, of course, there was a plush king sized bed, covered in throw pillows shaped like seashells.
He had known that there would only be one bed. Obviously there would only be one bed. It was the master bedroom and him and Janus had been together for six years, of course they’d be sharing a bed.
But knowing that beforehand and seeing the bed in person were two entirely different things.
“Oh, Ro,” he managed. “It’s…it’s lovely. Thank you.”
Janus appeared in the doorway behind Roman, holding his own luggage.
“Of course, Pat,” Roman said, squeezing his hand. “I knew you’d love it. I’ll let you two get settled!” And with that, he slipped out, shutting the door behind him with a decisive click.
The silence stretched out, filling the room. It dawned on Patton that this was their first moment alone together in months. He felt uncomfortably warm. Finally, as the silence threatened to swallow them whole, Janus huffed. “You,” he began, “are a terrible actor.”
Patton opened his mouth and closed it. There was so much to say, and yet he could find no words at all. The tension was unbearable. He wanted to take Janus’s face in his hands, to search his gaze until he could fix whatever had broken between them. Instead, he pursed his lips and turned away, hoping that Janus wouldn’t hear the waver in his voice. “You knew that already.”
“I did,” Janus responded.
Patton cleared his throat. “There’s only one bed.”
“I’ve noticed.” Patton hated how utterly unbothered he sounded. So calm, cool, and collected while Patton was unraveling at the seams. As if six years down the drain meant nothing to him.
He made a frustrated noise in the back of his throat. “So…?”
“So?” He could hear the edges of amusement creep into Janus’ voice, and his face burned.
“So, what do you want to do about it?”
Janus sighed. “I could sleep on the floor, if you want.”
“What? No! You—I wouldn’t make you do that!” He stammered out.
“I know you wouldn’t,” he said. “But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You sleeping on the floor for a week because of me would make me uncomfortable, Janus,” Patton shot back. “Please, let’s just—it’s fine. It’s a big bed, and it’s only a week.”
Janus was silent for a moment, staring at him. Patton tried not to squirm under his gaze.
“Fine. If that’s what you want,” he said finally.
“It is,” he responded, certain that his face was spectacularly red. “Um. I’m going to—grab my things.” He headed for the door.
Janus raised an eyebrow towards his luggage already piled in the doorway but said nothing.
He flew down the stairs, cheeks on fire, and into the kitchen, where Virgil was busy unpacking the food for the week.
“Oh, hey,” he said.
“Hi,” Patton responded, unsure why he was already so out of breath. “Um. I’ll cook tonight.”
“I thought we were ordering pizza, like Jan said?”
“I know, I know, I just—have a lot of energy right now, I want to keep myself busy.”
Virgil raised his eyebrows. “Uh, alright. Everything okay?”
“Yep!” he said, wincing at the strain in his voice. “I just had too much coffee this morning before the drive, so. You know.” Terrible actor, indeed.
Virgil looked unconvinced. “Okay, if you’re sure. Just, uh—take it easy, alright? It’s supposed to be a vacation.”
“Says you,” he said, grinning a little and poking Virgil’s arm. Virgil rolled his eyes.
“This isn’t about me.”
“It is now!” Virgil huffed.
“Just…take care of yourself, okay?” he asked, his voice softening a bit, hints of real concern in his eyes. “You’ve been a little…uh, off, lately—“
“Off?” Patton’s stomach twisted.
“Not off,” he amended. “Just…tightly wound? And, y’know, I get why, but—“
“What?” He asked, panicked. If Virgil already knew…
Virgil looked abjectly confused, holding up his hands. “Just, y’know…” he lowered his voice a little bit. “The proposal?”
Oh. Yeah. That made more sense. It did nothing to ease his nerves, though.
“Right,” he choked out. Virgil stared at him for a long moment, his eyes searching his face. Finally, he looked away, sighing.
“All I wanted to say was that I want you to take care of yourself. It’s a vacation, and none of us want you to spend it working yourself to the bone for our sake.”
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “Yeah, I know, Virge. Thanks.”
“‘Course,” he said resignedly, awkwardly tapping his fingers against the countertop. There was an uncertain air between them, and Patton did his best to ignore it. He couldn’t have Virgil worrying about him—he wouldn’t have it. Otherwise, what was this whole charade even for?
He helped Virgil unpack the rest of the food, trying his best to diffuse the tension between them. He couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief when Virgil finally retreated into his room, resting his face in his hands.
He shouldn’t have come here. He should have pretended he had the flu, or told them that his apartment was robbed, or that his dog had gotten into chemical waste and was now a mutant wreaking havoc on the city, or—or something.
But then, that wouldn’t have really done anything—the others would have just rescheduled the trip for him, and then he’d have felt doubly bad.
He glanced at the clock, blinking green above the oven, sighed, and uncorked a bottle of wine.
Whatever happened tonight, at least he wouldn’t be sober for it.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be removed!)
@moceit @lily-janus @instantromannoodles
@bluejay-of-the-west @scare-amor @harmonialcollisions @emoprincey @dragonboots @just-my-interpretation @spicycreativity @infawrit10 @emophoenixreborn @6-paris-6 @thedeadandthedecaying @red-imeanblue
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Hey everyone who doesnt have animal traits that we know off. Which animal do you think you'd share traits with. If you want you can nsme a mythical and a real animal.
Remus: Virgey and I kind of have that.
Virgil: Yeah, I have spider traits and Remus has octopus traits.
Remus: But neither of us have an actual counterpart like Patton and Janus, so I guess we still count.
Logan: This is an interesting question. I’m tempted to name some kind of bird…
Roman: Nerd, you’d be an owl.
Logan: That sounds too easy though.
Captain: Definitely some kind of creature that lives in the ocean… why is my first thought a jellyfish, what the hell???
Logan: Maybe I am an owl…
Roman: You are!
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otrtbs · 1 year
as a citizen of the USA, how would the characters from ahb! celebrate Fourth of July?
ahh okay!! this is actually so fun since im not actually in the usa for the fourth tomorrow (this is assuming that all ahb! characters are together and in the states and american or wanting to celebrate for the vibes aksjhg)
james is demanding that they all have a bbq. he's inviting everyone and in the most dad way possible he's 'firing up the grill' and making the burgers, the hotdogs, all of that (and he buys the most obnoxious apron to wear with george washington's face on it or a giant bald eagle that says 'bbq for freedom' or something like that lmfaoo)
barty and evan have actually spent the last 6 months collecting the most insane and definitely illegal fireworks to set off when they sun goes down and they get very excited at showing everyone their arsenal they've collected and they work all day to plan their firework show (they also set off so many roman candles and shoot them at each other)
marlene and lily get a boat and they take it out on the lake (marlene won't stop quoting that kodak black video that's like 'lemme drive the boat' but peter is the boat captain and he will NOT be letting her drive) they go tubing and peter is evil and makes it his mission in life to throw them off hahaha
remus is the kitchen and he's teaching sirius how to make the best lemonade and sweet tea anyone will ever drink because he has a recipe™️ and he's perfected it and he doesn't trust anyone else to make those drinks and sirius is doing his best to listen but really he's more interested in curating his 4th of july playlist with all the best super cheesy music for the day (yes american girl by tom petty and also party in the u.s.a by miley cyrus those vibes)
dorcas and mary are in charge of the red white and blue jello shots (what i would give for some of those tomorrow is insane) and they make them wayyyy too strong and they make way too many but it's fine
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(and later mary sets up a little table to do face painting and temporary tattoos (obs all american themed) like they do for kids at a carnival) and barty is COVERED in bald eagles and american flags and stars asakgh
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and regulus is in charge of making sure nobody dies (like james doesn't light anything on fire or barty and evan for that matter and there are no explosions and that the boat doesn't crash etc etc) BUT he also HE ALSO goes to old navy and gets everyone a MATCHING FOURTH OF JULY FAMILY SHIRT YK THE ONES????? BC JAMES PRACTICALLY BEGS and who is regulus to say no???
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halfhissandwich · 2 months
On Your Nico Blog, You Got Logan X Captain, Virgil X Roman, Janus X Patton, Remus Doesn't Have A Love Interest Yet, Scarfy Just Got Introduced, Is There Potential For Something Between Them At All?
Remus is not going to have a love interest (besides that one headless scarecrow that was alluded to but it’s not sentient so it doesn’t really count) unless something huge changes my mind.
Scarfy might have a love interest, especially considering that there’s no guarantee that he’s Nico’s only side, but if he gets a love interest, it will not be Remus. Plus, I remind you that as of right now, Scarf man hasn’t communicated directly with Thomas or the sides (yet), so it’s too early to tell how they would even interact with him.
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rookaroos · 3 months
ponysides aaagagaaijnnn :3
remus is a reformed villain, although he wasn't very "villainous" to begin with. mostly a minor annoyance around canterlot, a couple apples swapped with plastic ones, maybe a horseshoe with gorilla glue slapped on it, but nothing actually troublesome.
As the brother of the captain of the royal gaurd, Roman, he got let off pretty easily. he gets along with virgil and janus okay, but he annoys almost everyone else.
Fluttershy swears she saw him drink mud once..
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Obviously Remus should be a pirate and roman should be a navy captain who falls in love over years trying to catch him and admiring Remus' clever and daring escapes
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naminethewriter · 8 months
What Dreams Are For
Chapter Two: Rumors
Masterpost | Previous | Next | Ao3
Story Summary: Dreams are weird. Especially when you’re metaphysical. There is a distinction between your own dreams and that of your whole. Even though Roman doesn’t know at first that he’s trapped in a dream, he does know that something is wrong upon waking in an unfamiliar room. He thinks he’s in the Imagination but can’t say for sure. Just what has he gotten caught up in?
Cast as the evil Prince and forced to act out the twisted storyline of Thomas’ dream, Roman, with help from Patton and Virgil, needs to figure out what is happening while constricted by what his hateful character would do and say which is not at all pleasant.
We dream for a reason. And as much as Roman likes to be the center of attention, this dream isn’t about him. Someone else is crying out for help.
Content Warnings: Teasing, Partial Mind Control
The doors are pulled open once again, revealing two servants – Roman feels his posture straighten as the NPCs come into view – as well as a taller figure, his raven-black hair tied back into a ponytail and clad in armor that he does not look comfortable in. He lacks his usual dark make-up under his eyes, but it is undeniably Virgil who enters the room and bows deeply to both Roman and Patton.
“Your Royal Highness. Royal Advisor. Good morning.” His voice is deep and gravelly. “I have the report on the performance of the new trainees of the Royal Guard if you are able to spare me some time.” While he seems composed at first, Roman quickly notes that Virgil’s eyes are darting around the room, especially towards the windows and the second door on the opposite side of the room, close to where Roman and Patton are still standing. Their compulsion has made them step apart somewhat as the doors opened.
“I am amenable to hearing you out now,” Roman answers as soon as his brain has processed Virgil’s unusual appearance. “If you are as well, Royal Advisor?”
Next to him, Patton nods. “Yes, of course. You are welcome to join us for breakfast as well, Sir Virgil.”
“No, that’s alright. I’ve already eaten,” Virgil says, waving off the servants that had moved to clear him a place at the table. “I won’t be long either, I’m leading a trainings exercise soon.”
“Admirable as always, Captain,” Roman praises and takes his seat again. Huh, so Virgil’s the captain of the royal guard then? Honestly a good fit in his opinion, even if the man himself would probably disagree.
“I am honored to receive your praise, Your Royal Highness.” Virgil once again bows. As he straightens up again, he clasps his hands tightly behind his back, his posture very clearly indicates that he is on high alert. He is anxiety after all, Roman muses as he waves his hand in the direction of the servants still at the door to dismiss them. They leave without a word and again Roman feels the control of his body return to him. Before he can say anything to Virgil however, Patton barrels into him, hugging him tightly.
“Oh, Virge, I am so glad to see you, kiddo!” Patton exclaims, his eyes looking misty again. Virgil, who had stiffened up at the sudden physical contact, relaxes a bit, his shoulders dropping. He doesn’t return Patton’s hug, but he does bring up a hand to the other’s shoulder and squeezes.
“Yeah, me too Pat. I wasn’t expecting you.”
Roman raises a brow. “Who were you expecting then?”
“Well, Remus I guess.” Virgil’s answer is hardly more than a mumble but Roman just manages to hear him. Patton finally lets go of Virgil and takes a step back, watching his face.
“Why were you expecting Remus?”
Virgil scratches the back of his neck nervously. “’Cause he’s done stuff like this before? Like, he would kidnap me in the middle of the night and I’d wake up in the Imagination. Though normally he either leaves me a note if he just wants to prank me – which more often lead to him forcing me to do a scavenger hunt to get back to the Mindscape, or he’d be close by with some stupid plan he wanted my help with. I thought since he recently showed himself to Thomas, he might have thought I’d go along with his annoying shit again.”
“Language!” Patton chides and Virgil rolls his eyes. His words had been calm but Roman can see his hand tighten on the handle of the sword strapped to his belt.
“So, when you woke up in an unfamiliar place, you just thought it was Remus’ doing,” Roman summarizes and Virgil nods.
“Yeah. Like I had a feeling things were off, like I said, usually Remus would show up not long after I woke up, and the whole ‘being restricted in front of others’ isn’t usually part of this, but I was hoping Remus just learned some new – very annoying – tricks since I left. But if you’re here…” He trails off, biting at his lip.
“If we’re here this is something bigger, you think,” Roman finishes his thought and again Virgil nods.
“Something like that. If he’s behind this in the first place.”
“You think he’s not?” Patton asks, fiddling with his fingers nervously.
“I’m not sure. This doesn’t seem like his usual pranks. And I haven’t been to his side of the Imagination in years, but… It feels different than that.”
“I agree,” Roman hums. “It’s not his side or mine but it’s still… connected somehow.”
“So, you have no idea what’s going on either?”
“Not really, no. I can’t get creative control at all, something’s blocking me.”
“That’s… not at all comforting.” Virgil stands rigid, staring at the ground, still biting at his lip. Roman wishes he had answers for him, but he is just as lost as the other two.
“I know. We need to find Remus. With his help I might be able to do something.”
“We can’t be sure he’s even here though, can we?” Patton sighs, sitting down on the chair next to Roman’s. Roman pats his shoulder in an effort to comfort him as Virgil speaks up.
“I’m pretty sure he is. On my way here I heard something about a Second Prince who apparently is not very well liked by the other knights.”
“That does sound like it could be him,” Roman muses. “If we assume this isn’t his doing and he was cast as a character in this story just like we were, then being the less liked prince would be fitting.”
“Hold up, what do you mean ‘character’ and ‘story’?” Virgil interjects, brows furrowed. “I thought you didn’t know what’s going on either.”
“I don’t. It’s just speculation on my part. Since we“—He points at Patton and himself—“have to act a very specific way around the servants, I figured that we might have been assigned to fulfill certain roles in a kind of story, at least while others are around. I set up something similar in the Imagination once. I was working on a play but was stuck on how to proceed, so I recreated the story there and made some guidelines on how the characters acted before taking the lead role for myself and just… let it play out. The guidelines ensured I wouldn’t break character, but they couldn’t restrict me as harshly as this place does.”
“That’s… kinda creepy, dude.”
“Oh, shut it, Gerard Gay! How I deal with my writer’s block is none of your business!”
“Kiddos, please don’t fight.” Patton’s voice sounds so drained that Roman instantly feels bad. He apologizes quietly, as does Virgil, before standing up to give Patton a small neck massage. The father figment sighs in relief as he lets some of the tension in his shoulders drop.
“So, what do we do now?” Virgil asks.
Roman shrugs. “We need more information first, I think. Try and find out more about that second prince you mentioned. Maybe some leads about the others.”
“Well, about that. When I heard about that prince, they also mentioned one other. A ‘stuck-up brat that finally learned his place.’”
“That… doesn’t sound good,” Patton mumbles.
“If he’s connected with Remus, maybe it’s Janus?” Roman guesses.
“Could be. I’ll try and get some more info out of the other knights, I guess.”
“I think the servants avoid talking about certain things with me,” Patton sighs, “so I don’t know how useful I will be. A few times they got really quiet as soon as I got close.”
“Well, you might be able to find some hints in the paperwork they make you do. Since you’re kind of the administrator of the kingdom at the moment.”
“But I don’t understand those papers! It’s so many words and there’s so much of it!”
“Look, padre.” Roman moves around the chair and kneels down, looking up at Patton while holding his hands reassuringly. “Since we’re supposed to play along with whatever setting we’re in, there is some information that will be provided for you. I, for example, was able to tell where each door I passed on my way here leads, despite not ever being here before. If you concentrate on your work, that should also work for you. I’m guessing it just comes to me more naturally since I’m connected to Thomas’ creative core.”
“Alright, I’ll try it. Thanks, kiddo.” Patton smiles up at him and Roman pats his shoulders one more time before stepping back.
“Then let’s try meeting again around dinner time,” Roman decides, clapping his hands once. Patton cheers though it’s still a bit lackluster.
Virgil starts moving towards the door. “I’ll get going then. If anything happens, call me, understood?”
“Promise, Stormy Knight.” Virgil huffs at the nickname, glaring at Roman halfheartedly before he slips out of the door. Roman sighs, getting back to his seat.
“Let’s finish breakfast, padre. We got a long day ahead of us.”
Virgil wipes away the sweat from his forehead. Training was tough but he found he enjoys it quite a bit actually. A set routine of movements that aim to protect himself and others, a reassuring thing for his usually worried mind. He is in need of a break however, so he steps away from the open courtyard where they had lined up training dummies, and into the shade of the palace walls. He leans against a pillar and takes a drink from his waterskin.
Not far from him, two other knights are talking and while Virgil isn’t usually one for eavesdropping, he is supposed to gather information, so he discreetly inches a little closer to them and listens.
“Don’t you think we should increase the number of guards around His Royal Highness?” one of the two says. “It’s pretty obvious that the Second Prince is dangerous.”
“Keep your voice down,” the other hisses, looking around nervously, but thankfully not spotting Virgil. “He’s still part of the Royal Family, you know. You can’t just badmouth him.”
“I’m not badmouthing him! On the contrary, I think he’s an excellent fighter. He kicked our asses every time he came by. Which is exactly why I think we need more security around the place.”
“You’re implying that the Second Prince could attack the Crown Prince, what do you call that if not badmouthing!”
“Everyone knows he went insane, it’s not like I’m saying something scandalous.”
“Would you shut up already!” Having had enough of his friend’s loud mouth, the second knight pulls the first further away, urging him to drop the topic. Virgil doesn’t follow them, he’s heard enough.
Patton’s back is starting to ache as he sits behind ‘his’ desk and goes over paper after paper. Roman had been right, if he concentrates enough, he can tell what they are for and how he should deal with them but it’s still a bit much which is why he left his body on autopilot for a little while. He hadn’t been able to find any useful information in any of the papers anyway.
“Would you like some tea, my Lord?” Patton startles, looking over to the servant that had appeared at his desk while he had been lost in thought.
“Yes. That would be delightful,” he says after a moment. His mouth doesn’t let him say thank you, but he hopes his appreciation still comes across. From her smile, he guesses she understood his intentions well enough.
“Shall I fetch some pastries as well?”
“I need to keep my hands clean, I’m afraid.”
“Oh my, of course. My apologies.” She bows, her face red.
“It’s quite alright. I simply have more work to go through in the King’s absence and cannot take the time for an extended snack break.”
“I understand. It’s truly a shame.” Her utterance makes Patton pause.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Oh, my apologies. Again. I simply meant that if the Prince’s former advisor hadn’t turned out like that, he might have been able to take some work off you. But considering what became of him, it’s probably for the best that he didn’t get access to the important paperwork my Lord is dealing with.”
“…Right.” Patton has no idea what – or who for that matter – she is talking about, but he doesn’t seem to be allowed to ask her more because he dismisses her a short moment after. He ponders her words as his body goes back to grinding through the paperwork.
Roman doesn’t like the noble he’s currently having tea with. A marquess had asked him for an audience regarding a business venture he wanted to start that needs royal approval. The man had talked his ear off for the better part of an hour now and done his best to suck up to Roman in any way he could. The prince had endured him with a smile but is quickly reaching the end of his patience.
“Marquess,” he cuts in as the noble takes a moment to breathe. “I’m afraid I do not have more time to spend with you but if you leave your proposal with my butler, I will be sure to look your venture over again at the earliest convenience.”
“Of course, of course. I am incredibly grateful that Your Royal Highness took time out of your busy schedule to meet with me.” He passes the stack of papers he brought to the butler Roman had indicated and watches him leave before leaning a bit closer. “I hope I am not overstepping, my Prince, but I noticed you still haven’t replaced your former advisor.”
Roman stiffens. He’s not sure why but the mention of said former advisor invokes a deep anger in him and he stands sharply.
“You best be on your way now, Marquess.”
“My apologies, Your Royal Highness.” The man quickly stands and bows deeply but opens his mouth again a moment later. “I was just thinking about my nephew, he is about to graduate the Royal Institute, at the top of his class no less. He’s a bright and loyal man, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed if you were to give him a chance. He certainly would not dare betray you like your last one did.”
Roman grits his teeth as he stares at the nobleman who smiles innocently at him. “Until next time, Marquess.” Thankfully, the other’s smile drops as he seems to realize that he might have said too much, and he hurries away after one last bow. Despite being left alone in the room, Roman can’t help but bring down his fist on the table, making the now empty teacups rattle.
“That’s… not much,” Patton sighs after all three of them finished sharing what they had learned over the day. Roman huffs, sinking down into the red and golden couch he had inspected for the first time that morning. Eating dinner together hadn’t worked out, so instead, Roman had ordered Patton and Virgil to his private quarters afterwards. Now they are gathered around his fireplace, still lost on how to proceed.
“It’s something,” Virgil mutters, sitting on the backrest of one of the armchairs. “We know that the Second Prince stands in opposition to Roman and has only recently fallen out of favor with the knights at least. And then there’s that former advisor that was kicked to the curb or something, which also seems to have happened recently. Could be that the two incidents are related.”
Roman stares at him. “When did you become Sherlock?”
“Shut up, princey. I was just summarizing what we already said.”
“Don’t talk bad about yourself!”
“Sorry, Pat.”
“Anyway!” Roman says, loudly, to get the attention back on him. “We still don’t know enough to really tell what’s going on.”
“No shit.”
“So,” he continues, ignoring Virgil’s comment, “I think we have no choice but to continue playing along until one of us figures out more.”
“I wish Logan were here, he’d know what to do,” Patton mumbles. Roman grabs his hand and pulls him in the seat next to him, offering a hug that the other gladly accepts.
“We’ll find him, I’m sure. For now, we’ll do what we can on our own.”
Neither of them sound quite convinced themselves and Virgil watches them worriedly. Being stuck not knowing anything is going to get to them sooner or later.
“I’m on patrol tomorrow. Maybe I’ll come across something then.” Roman nods in acknowledgement of his words but doesn’t respond and they all fall into silence for a bit.
“We should probably go to bed,” Patton eventually speaks up, separating himself from Roman. “You know how important a proper sleep schedule is! Well, at least according to Logan.”
“You’re right! Worrying won’t get us anywhere and if we’re well rested, I’m sure we can figure out more tomorrow then if we remain tired.” Roman stands, trying to force more confidence into his words than he’s feeling, and it manages to get a quick smile on Virgil’s lips.
“You’re gonna need your beauty sleep, that’s for sure. Otherwise the people might just decide they want another prince after all.”
“How dare you tease me in my own home! Out with you, this instant!”
Their bickering gets Patton to laugh and soon all three of them are giggling.
“I’m really glad you’re here with me,” Patton smiles once he’s calmed down a bit. “I don’t know what I would have done all on my own.”
“Yes, I’m glad you’re here, too,” Roman agrees. “I’m sure together we’ll figure out what to do.”
“I guess it’s better than being alone,” Virgil shrugs and Roman lightly hits him in the shoulder.
“Just say you love us, you dork.”
“As if.”
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emoprincey · 9 months
Fangs and Cutlasses (chapter 3)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | This is chapter 3!
Taglist: @the-duke-of-nuts
The pirate ship never truly slept. Even when the sun had gone down, there were a good number of people patrolling the decks, keeping an eye out for any change in the weather or enemy attacks. Either Remus or Janus would stay up through the night, and Remus always liked to do a last circuit of the ship before he went below deck, to check everyone was in position.
He’d almost completed his circuit when he spotted a lone figure leaning on the railing of the ship.
“Hey,” he said.
Patton looked up in surprise. “Oh, hi.”
“Where’s Ro?” Remus asked. He hadn’t gotten much chance to talk to Patton since he and Roman came aboard.
“He already went to bed. I told him I’d join him in a minute,” Patton said, returning his gaze to the ocean. For a moment, Remus thought he’d finished talking, but then Patton sighed, not turning away from the sea. “I miss the ocean,” he said, distantly. “I grew up right by it, probably spent as much time swimming or sailing as I did on land at one point. I always loved the feeling of being out on the water, being carried and held afloat by the waves. The lakes around the village were nice, but they weren’t the same to sail in. Nothing can come close to being completely surrounded by the ocean.”
Remus hummed in agreement, thinking about the feeling he got when he steered the ship. He always felt so small, a speck in the middle of the vast ocean. It was comforting, in a way. “I never met you in the village,” he said.
Patton shook his head. “You wouldn’t have. I moved there with my family about three years ago. You’d probably already... I mean...”
“Been kicked out?” Remus supplied.
Patton winced. “Yeah, sorry.”
Remus shrugged. “It’s whatever, I don’t really care anymore. I think half the village had been looking for an excuse to get rid of me for years. Sometimes it felt like Roman was the only one there who’d tolerate me, and even then...”
“You want him to stay, don’t you?” Patton said.
“He’s my brother,” Remus said simply, looking out at the waves. “Before I was exiled, I never even spent a day without him. He was always a bit of a stick in the mud about rules, but we were thick as thieves, did everything together. Even when we grew up, we still hung out all the time; we even shared a room. The night I left, I thought about waking him, asking him to come with me. But I couldn’t do that to him. He loved the village. So did I, but he was always so happy there. I don’t know if I didn’t want to make him choose, or if it was because I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand it when he chose the village over me. I wouldn’t have blamed him, but it would’ve hurt.”
“You don’t know he would’ve chosen them over you,” Patton said. “He cares about you a lot.”
“You didn’t even know I existed before you met me, did you?” Remus asked. It wasn’t really a question – he’d seen Patton’s puzzled expression when Roman had introduced his long-lost brother.
“Ro doesn’t like to talk about things that are upsetting him,” Patton said. “And I think he really misses you.”
Remus turned to face Patton properly, and looking into his earnest brown eyes, he could see that Patton honestly believed he was telling the truth.
“Sure, whatever,” Remus said, and he turned to walk below deck.
Remus wasn’t the biggest fan of being woken up in the middle of the night – as, he imagined, most people weren’t. But as the captain of a pirate ship who had enough trouble getting to sleep anyway, it was especially important for him to get a bit of shut-eye and be well rested for his duties in the morning.
So, when he was awoken before the crack of dawn by a frantic rapping on his door, he wasn’t too pleased.
“What d'ya want?” he grumbled from under his blankets.
The door opened just a crack, and Remus' expression softened when he saw Elliot's face peek through. They were one of the younger members of the crew, and Remus had always had a soft spot for the kid. It was hard to be alone at such a young age, so he tried to make sure the crew were as much of a surrogate family to Elliot as they could be.
“Janus needs you,” Elliot said, which immediately dragged Remus into the waking world. “On deck. He said as soon as possible.”
Remus swung his legs out of bed, glad he hadn’t bothered to change out of his day clothes. “I’m on my way.”
The deck was far more crowded than it usually was at night. There would usually be a couple of people patrolling, but it seemed like half the crew was out there, all crowded around some kind of dark blob. When Remus got closer, he realised the blob was actually a cloaked figure crouched on the floor.
“What’s going on?” Remus asked Janus, who was stood in front of the crowd, looking down at the figure.
“A stowaway,” Janus said. “I found him in the hold.”
“I’m not here to hurt any of you,” the stowaway said. His voice was shaky, matching the slight tremble of his limbs that he was clearly trying to hide. Remus couldn’t tell if it was from fear or from the cold night air. “I just needed to get off that island.”
Remus took a step closer to the stowaway, and got a good look at his face. He was pale and gaunt, with shaggy black hair framing his thin face. The stowaway growled defensively, a glint of a fang showing.
At that, Remus held up his hands. “Why?” he asked, though he could take a pretty good guess.
“There were, um...” the stowaway – vampire? – cleared his throat, obviously stalling to think of something to say. “There were people there who want to hurt me,” he eventually said. “I got away from them on the Broken Isle, but they would’ve found me if I stayed there. I took the first way out I could find.”
“These people...” Remus said. “They were vampire hunters?”
The stowaway winced, quickly schooling his face into some semblance of a neutral expression, but that was all the information Remus needed.
“Aw, kiddo!” Patton cooed. “You should’ve just told us you needed somewhere to stay!”
“I’m over four-hundred years old,” the vampire grumbled.
Janus was tapping his chin in thought. “My question is, how did he even get on the ship? We live here, a vampire shouldn’t be able to enter without our permission.”
“Ah, that might've been me,” Patton said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “He offered to help me carry some crates so I invited him aboard. I thought he ran off, though.”
“No harm done,” Janus said with a small shrug. That was very un-Janus-like of him, but Remus knew his first mate always had a weakness for men with pretty smiles. “Now, we just have to figure out what to do with him.”
“Aren’t you going to let him stay?” Patton asked.
Remus saw the moment Janus gritted his teeth and dragged his gaze away from Patton’s wide, pleading eyes. Oh, he was down so bad.
“I don’t have a problem with it!” Remus chimed in. “The more the merrier!”
This only seemed to make Janus’ conflicted expression twist even further.
But it was Roman who spoke up next. “But- but he’s a vampire!” He protested, eyeing the crouched man warily. “He growled at you.”
Remus levelled his brother with a look. “I told you, bro. You won’t get far judging people on first impressions.”
Janus was still staring intently at the vampire, his gaze calculating. From under the shadow of his hood, it looked like the vampire was glaring back.
“Fine,” Janus said. “He can stay for now, but we’re dropping him at the next port.”
“I wouldn’t want to stay any longer anyway,” the vampire snapped. He stood to his full height – which, admittedly, wasn’t very tall. With slumped shoulders, and baggy clothes dangling off skinny limbs, he looked more exhausted than threatening. “Now, can I go inside before the sun comes up?”
“Can we at least get your name?” Remus asked.
The vampire stalked past him, cloak swishing in ocean breeze. Remus thought he was going to ignore him, but the vampire stopped just before he got to the staircase. “The name’s Virgil.”
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On Death's Doorstep (pt 21/?)
[<<First],,,,[<Prev],[Next>] [ODD Masterlist]
Word count: 1716
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Anxceit
Warnings: past bullying homophobia cheating and domestic abuse, anxiety, suggestive language
Virgil wasn’t sure how to feel about… well, anything really. Orin’s death, his and Patton’s current living situation, the fact that Roman and Remus repeatedly referred to him as their little brother despite the fact that Virgil was older than them… 
What Virgil wouldn’t give to be living in precedented times.  
But at the moment, his specific predicament was the fact that he was about seventy percent sure he was going on a date tonight. With Janus.  
He liked Janus in general. When he was a superhero, he was always a little excited when he was called up to thwart Serpentine’s schemes — consequently, Orin had had a particularly intense grudge against the villainous illusionist — and since coming to live with the villains, Virgil found himself feeling almost content when Janus stopped in. He just wasn’t sure if he liked Janus.  
And if he did like Janus, then there was every possibility that Janus would just be the latest addition to the Virgil’s-Shitty-Taste-In-Men list. His first big crush in middle school had been a homophobe, who’d stuffed Virgil into a garbage can every day after he’d realized he’d had a crush on him (until papa had enrolled Virgil in a karate class so he’d know how to defend himself without having to use his blossoming powers); then there was his high school boyfriend, who’d cheated on him with the closeted basketball captain for over six months; and finally there was Orin, who’d ruined Virgil’s life so badly he still wasn’t sure there’d really be any recovering from it. So yeah, Virgil didn’t have a great track record going for him.  
On the other hand, if Janus’s only bad trait was that they were a supervillain, then they would easily be the best person he’d ever dated.  
If this was a date, which there was a thirty percent chance that it wasn’t.  
“Daddy?” Virgil looked down to find his five-year-old — five! He was already five! Where had the years gone? — hugging onto his legs and staring up at him.  
“Yeah, buddy?” He asked, hoisting Patton onto his hip.  
“Why’re you nervous?” 
Virgil’s expression softened and he leaned his forehead against Patton’s. “I’m just being a little silly, kiddo. While you’re hanging out with Roman and Remus tonight, I’m going to hang out with Janus, and I’m just a little anxious about it.” 
“Because I’m not sure what we’ll be doing,” Virgil answered.  
“I’m not sure what me and uncle Roman and auntie Remus will be doing,” Patton replied with a frown. “Should I be nervous?” 
Virgil laughed, stuffing the part of his brain that panicked at the phrase ‘uncle Roman and auntie Remus’ back into the corner of his mind to be dissected again at a later time. “No, Pat, I don’t think you need to be nervous at all. You’re gonna have so much fun with Roman and Remus.” 
“Oh,” Patton said, brightening up considerably. “Then why are you nervous? Aren’t you going to have fun with M. Janus?” 
Well when you put it like that.  
“You’re right,” Virgil agreed, somewhat stunned at his son’s debate skills. “Janus and I are going to have fun tonight.” 
“Then you don’t need to be nervous!” Patton cheered, completely proud of himself for figuring out a solution. Virgil was too fond of his smile to explain anxiety disorders to him.  
The knock on the door a moment later came as a huge relief.  
“Uncle Roman!” Patton screamed happily, wiggling to be let down. “Auntie Remus!” 
“Ah, young princeling!” Roman greeted as Patton flung the door open. “Are you ready for the best sleepover of your life!” 
“Yes!” Patton yelled as Roman scooped him into the air, completely ignoring the fact that he’d never had any sleepover before.  
“Is that what you’re wearing?” Remus asked Virgil, letting themself in 
Virgil glanced down at his outfit — black skinny jeans and an oversized blue sweatshirt for a college he hadn’t gone to — uncertainly. It wasn’t like he had a whole lot of clothing options; most of his stuff was just what Janus or one of the others gave him.  
“What’s wrong with this?” He demanded defensively.  
“It’s not a very good outfit to get lai–” Roman elbowed her hard in the side “–ered in.” 
“I’m not trying to get layered,” Virgil hissed, his face heating up uncomfortably.  
“Clearly,” Remus snorted.  
“Okay!” Roman interjected loudly. “We should get going now. Don’t worry, Vee, you look great! We’ll make sure Patty eats plenty of fruits and veggies before we jack him up on sugar, and we’ll bring him back tomorrow morning. Around ten, just so that there’s plenty of time in case you and Janus decide to have a sleepover as well.” 
“Have fun, Vee-Vee!” Remus grinned, steering Roman, and therefore Patton, back out the door. Just before they’d closed it all the way, however, a duplicate sprung out and darted past Virgil to the bedroom. “Just one more thing though!” 
They emerged a moment later holding a purple V-neck sweater aloft triumphantly.  
“Wear this on your date.” 
“Okay, one,” Virgil listed impatiently. “It’s not a date. Two, I’m not trying to get laid. Three, this sweater’s a little tight on me.  
Remus laughed. “It is a date. You’re going on a date. With Janny. So write that down. And B, it’s supposed to be a little tight! Trust me, even if you don’t want to get laid, you still want Janny-Jan-Jan to take one look at you and wish they were getting laid tonight. Just think about it, Virgin, you’ll thank me later!” 
She cackled as she shoved the sweater at Virgil before darting out of the apartment.  
“I’m not–!” Virgil called after her uselessly. “I have a kid!”  
But she was already gone, and Virgil was left alone with only the sweater and a lot to think about.  
By the time Janus knocked on the door an hour later, Virgil was dressed in the purple sweater and about eighty-five percent certain it was a date — jury was still out on whether or not he wanted it to be a date though.  
Janus stood on the other side of the door with a bouquet of purple and yellow roses in their hand and their usual smirk on their face. For just the quickest second when they caught sight of Virgil’s sweater, their jaw dropped and their eyes popped out of their head, but they quickly schooled their features and shoved the flowers into Virgil’s hands.  
“These are for you,” they informed him as Virgil carefully took the bundle. “You look stunning.” 
The only consolation Virgil had as his cheeks heated up was that Janus had stopped using their illusion powers to distort their face, so he could see how their cheeks were tinged pink as well. He was definitely going to need to find a way to thank Remus for the fashion advice later.  
“Uh, thanks,” he muttered, half trying to hide behind the roses. “So do you.” 
And they really did. Their yellow button up was tailored perfectly to their body, and leaving the top few buttons undone both showed off both the lines of their neck, as well as offering the slightest tease of a tattoo hidden behind the rest of the fabric.  
“Yes, well, Roman was rather adamant that I wear this top tonight — he said it brought out my eyes or something,” Janus rolled their eyes, trying to move past their own embarrassment.  
Virgil nodded — he could see it; the gold shirt highlighted the gold flecks in Janus’s eyes.  
“Yeah, Remus made me wear this too,” he admitted. “I should find a vase for these… if there even are any vases in here…” 
Virgil turned towards the kitchen doubtfully. He’d never noticed a vase before, but he’d never had any use for one either.  
“I think there’s one…” Janus trailed off as they made their way to the sink. They opened the cabinet beneath the sink and reached into the back. “Here.” 
They pulled out a large, squared-based vase and placed it on the counter.  
“Thanks,” Virgil murmured as he placed the flowers in the vase and filled it partway with water. “So, uh, what do you want to do tonight?” 
Janus’s smirk returned and they reached for Virgil’s hand. “Follow me.” 
Virgil followed them until they tried to drag him across the threshold of the apartment and into the stairwell.  
“Are you sure–?” 
“I checked with Franky, he’s allowing you to go up to the roof tonight — I might have implied that Patton would also be there, but he’s been so distracted lately, and what Franky doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” 
“Okay.” Virgil braced himself as he crossed the threshold, but no alarm sounded, and he allowed Janus to continue leading him up to the roof.  
Stepping onto the roof was not like Virgil had thought it would be. Next to the garden, a pergola covered in fairy lights had been set up, and underneath that sat a small table perfectly set for two.  
“Oh,” Virgil whispered, stunned.  
“I hope it’s alright,” Janus said, talking to cover their nerves. “Since you’re not allowed to leave the building, there weren’t a whole lot of options. I was just going to set up a rooftop picnic, but the twins insisted on helping me set all this up, and–” 
They cut themself off when they noticed tears running down Virgil’s face.  
“Darling,” Janus said softly, gently wiping the tears from his face with one hand. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. Just,” Virgil shook his head, resting one hand over Janus’s on his cheek. “No one’s ever done anything like this for me before.” 
“Ah,” Janus said, stepping closer and bringing their freehand up to cup Virgil’s other cheek. “Well, I intend to romance you correctly — if you’ll allow me to, that is.” 
“Yeah,” Virgil flushed, his eyes darting down to Janus’s lips before he forced himself to look back up into their eyes. “Sounds good to me.” 
Janus’s lips curled up into a smirk that was very much reminiscent of their supervillain smirk. “Excellent.” 
Virgil wasn’t sure which one of them had moved to close the gap between them, but he was one hundred percent certain that A, this was a date, and B, he very much wanted it to be.  
I sure hope the progression of this relationship has made sense, I figure that 20 chapters 30k+ words and like 10 months (in fic time) is enough that it’s a proper slow-burn, but I’m just not sure that I built up to it as smoothly as I could have, especially with a five-ish month gap between when we last saw them and this chapter (idk maybe I did, I don’t have a natural sense for romantic relationships for obvious reasons)
Idk, I think it’s good, that’s all that really matters
(And hopefully I described V and Jan as wearing properly attractive clothing, cuz I don’t have a natural sense of attractiveness either)
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this little reprieve cuz I plan of fucking everything up in the next chapter 😈 (it’s time for The Thing™)
ODD taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling @lost-in-thought-20 @remy-the-lemon-berry @jinxcrafter @apinkline2715 @gothfoxx @donutsarepartybagels @xoaningout @meganmoneky14
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thatgenderlessentity · 11 months
Roman- *to Virgil* OK, Captain Logic.
Remus- *confused* That's Anxiety.
Source: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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brandstifter-sys · 1 year
These Dreams
Chapter 4: Elusive                (Ao3) (must be signed in)
For @dukexietyweek 2023 Day 4 - Pirates
Word Count: 1066
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, Virgil, Roman
Warnings: ftm Remus, genderfluid Virgil, sexual themes, death, violence, (fake) trans pregnancy, dreams
Remus always dreamed of being a pirate captain on the open seas, tricking people with his wiles and fighting alongside his crew. But this dream has a twist that he couldn't anticipate, not that he's complainging!
Remus had his back against the wall, sea-soaked wood digging into his tattered green frock. His hands were up in surrender as the admiral pressed his blade to Remus' throat, but he was smiling wickedly and his eyes were lidded coyly as if he had some trick up his bloody sleeve. 
Remus always had a trick up his sleeve. His crew learned quickly that the captain was wily and crafty. He could hide his chest in a flash and take down a merchant ship with a bag of marbles and a bottle of piss. He was the unstoppable, but very toppable, scourge of the seas! 
The admiral knew him all too well, better than anyone else. Roman wouldn't be so easy to fool, but he had some weaknesses. Remus knew him better than anyone else. He had to think fast. 
He scanned the ship and spotted the new cooper on his knees with his hands on his head and three muskets aimed at him. There were dead and dying naval officers around him. He was tall and broad with dark hair, stormy eyes, and strange tattoos on his forearms. Remus was intrigued when they pulled him from that desert island. He was a vicious fighter and in just as much trouble. Remus could work with that. 
"You don't want to kill your own brother, Romeypoo!" Remus cooed. 
"Bold words coming from a felonious fiend!" Roman scoffed and pressed the blade into his skin, pinpricks of blood beading on the blade. 
"You don't want to kill someone expecting a baby!" Remus jeered, inadvertently digging the edge deeper past his skin. He liked the slight sting. It reminded him that he was still alive.
"Expecting?" Roman questioned and furrowed his brow, "With whom?" 
Remus waved his hand and pointed to the man on his knees. 
"Him. Why else would he be so unforgiving?" Remus shrugged. 
"Men! Bring that menace here!" Roman barked and turned to his brother, speaking in a low voice, "Don't think I won't eviscerate you right here if I find you're lying." It was an empty threat, and it was obvious when he sheathed his sword. 
The three of them obeyed and pulled the cooper up and dragged him over, forcing him to kneel by the admiral. He was glaring at the brothers, ready to kill them both, captain or not. He was not going to be a sacrifice for the crew. 
Roman got one look at Virgil and scoffed. 
"You're lying," he said flatly, "There's no way you managed to sleep with this man." 
"Why? Think he's too hot for me? I don't blame you!" Remus laughed, "But it's true, he's the father!" 
Remus eyed the cooper and winked. He had to go along with it if he wanted to get out of this alive. 
"The dirt on the ground is too good for you," Roman huffed and grabbed him by the shirt, "You can't escape this time!"
"Get your hands off him!"
Roman and Remus froze and stared at the cooper. He was on his feet and storming closer. 
Roman dropped Remus and stepped back. He was ready to run. 
"Don't fucking touch him if you value your neck." 
"My men!" 
"They're alive—for now." 
"Captain, a little help!" Roman yelped. 
Remus was too entranced to think. He was almost certain that he was going to faint from the amount of swooning he was doing. He was considering making that lie a truth.
"Virgil!" Remus gasped, more aroused than afraid. He wasn't sure why he said that name but it felt right. It tasted like honey as it left his lips. 
"The captain doesn't order me around when my future child is in danger," Virgil growled and hoisted Roman up so they were face to face, "Right now, you listen to me." 
Roman was scared shitless. He nodded quickly and trembled.
"Take your men, leave this ship, and act like you never crossed us." 
It was almost comical how quickly they fled after Virgil released the admiral, gathering the fallen and releasing the rest of the crew. Remus was impressed. 
But once the naval ship was out of sight and the rest of the crew started cleaning up, Virgil turned his lethal attention to Remus.  
Remus grunted when his back hit the wall and he stared up at the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. He squirmed as Virgil had him pinned by the shirt. 
"Why the hell did you go with that excuse?" 
"Because my brother wouldn't want to hurt his niece or nephew, or anyone with a baby on the way. And he didn't!" 
"And of all the men on board, why would you pick me as the fake father?" 
"You were fighting the hardest! You looked like you had extra motivation!" 
"That's your reasoning?" Virgil huffed with some hurt in his voice.
"Well, in the moment, yeah. It was a good lie! But it doesn't have to be," Remus purred and ran his fingers up Virgil's chest, loving the feeling of his skin and shivers from such a small touch. 
"The only treasure in the world I can't take is within reach. Let me pretend I have it when my life is on the line. It doesn't have to—" 
"It doesn't have to be a lie." 
Remus froze and stared at him. He was blushing and averting his gaze. One man should not have been so adorable and lethally alluring at once. 
"Prove it, pretty boy," Remus challenged with a wry grin. Virgil glared at him and leaned in, his eyes fluttering shut just before—
  Remus groaned and sat up. He was just getting to the good part! Every time he had a good dream he just had to wake up too soon! 
He glanced at his clock and realized he had time to catch a few z's before class. Maybe he'd get lucky and see that elusive hottie again. He was pretty sure the guy was named Virgil, at least when the person was a guy. He was pretty sure that the dream hottie was some flavor of genderqueer, but that's all he knew. 
He would have to thank his brain for thinking that dream up! It was spicy! He could take care of some issues below the belt before class if he wanted. He had time.
But first, a nap and maybe continuing that dream!
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asksuccubussides · 5 months
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what Chapter 11
Masterpost of chapters
Authors note: Hello. I've been stuck in a horrible writer's block for over a month now and though I had more planned for this chapter I realized I wouldn't finish this any time soon if i kept forcing myself through. If the ending is abrupt for this chapter that's why. I am posting this without proof reading it. I hope by next chapter I'll be back to normal
In his dreams Remus could speak again. He could screach, sing and slobber. In his dreams he saw his brother again but Roman never spoke to him no matter how much he yelled for her. In his dreams The Manager was always right at the edge of his view.
He woke up through a flinch as he felt hands against his shoulder. Even though he quite quickly realized it was Janus his heart still continued to race. Janus lowered his hands and let his arms fall around Remus' chest while pressing his cheek lightly against the demon's. He stood leaned over the back of the chair Remus had been sleeping on and when he spoke he was so close the demon could feel his words reverberating into his skin.
"Such a wise decision to wait out my entire shift in the library. You totally couldn't have gone and done something actually productive.
Remus rubbed his eyes "Naah. I had to bite some Zs in the butt anyway"
"Aww darling, your eyebags are indeed looking deep enough to fit a pop up store" He ran his finger right under the demon's eye "Ready to do whatever I want you to do?"
"Ay ay captain sir!" Remus grinned up at him "And then you not be mad at me anymore??"
"You're in unending servitude now but sure yes"
The two of them went on a quite lenghty walk from the college campus to the outer limits of the city. During the walk Janus read up prompts from his murder mystery app and the two of them tried to solve them even though Remus kept getting distracted by coming up with better ways to dispose of the bodies and weapons instead.
"We've arrived" Janus said as they stopped outside an alternative clothing store.
Remus looked at him with huge puppy eyes "YOU'RE PUTTING ME UP FOR ADOPTATION??! TO BECOME A VIRGIL!?" He put his thumbs under his eyes to mimick the emo's eyeshadow.
"Maybe. Be a sweetie and wait outside will you"
Remus sat down on the sidewalk and threw rocks at cars passing by while waiting. He leant his head back and took in the vast view of the sky that was slowly changing to dark navy before taking in a deep breathe. It was a good thing Janus was an orphan, it meant less people would be saddened once he was killed.
The manager would probably send him to heaven even if he managed to kill Janus, Remus thought, but at least killing him would mean Roman got his voice back.
The door plinging as it opened pulled him back to the present and he waved to Janus who was carrying a tiny plastic bag. The human motioned with his finger for the Demon to stand up and Remus complied. He did a half hearted attempt at peeking inside the bag just to annoy Jan. In response he got a soft smack on the nose.
"Don't make a sex joke" Was all Janus said before pulling a thick limegreen choker out from the bag. It looked more similar to a dog collar than anything found in a hot topic.
"Knock Knock. Who's there. Penis" Remus blurted out.
"....What was that?"
"You said don't make sex joke so I had to! Is that for me?!"
"No it's for Bill Clinton. Obviously it's for you"
"Who's Bill Klinkong?"
Janus pressed his finger against Remus' lip and shushed him before moving his hand to the back of his neck to make him lean forward slightly. The demon closed his eyes but smiled so all of his sharp teeth stuck out as Janus moved the choker around his neck and fumbled to close the clasp.
"I think-" "Ouch J-anus" Both of them sputtered out as a a piece of Remus' hair got stuck in the clasp. Janus tried to lean up on the tips of the toes to get a better look but he moved at the same time as the demon making their foreheads bonk into each other and made Janus sneeze from getting a noseful of the other man's mustache.
Without thinking Remus reached out his tail and wrapped it around Janus' waist to stop him from stumbling back while laughing. He quickly realized his mistake and moved his arms around his waist instead.
"I think it's on" He rattled his neck around to see if the choker would fall off.
"Curses. I meant to do that in an incredible suave and cool way" Janus dragged his finger along the choker "Again it's not a sex thing, it's a safety check. I'm making you wear something embarsingly noteciable every time you're with me and therefore if you're here to fuck with me you will be too embarased to do so" He added an evil laugh afterwatds while twidling his fingers like a villain.
"Can I get a bell added?"
"No.....Maybe...I might have bought a matching leash"
"REALLY?!?" Remus jumped forward to try and reach into the bag Janus was holding but Janus held it just outside his grasp.
"No peaking! It's Schrodingers leash! Is it real? Is it not? Mayhaps you will find out one day!"
Remus pouted before making his legs go jelly so Janus had to hold him up "Booorrriing. Mean Boring J-Anus!"
As promised Remus showed up at Janus' dorm an hour before the local production of Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf was going to start. Just like in the movies he'd found a chocolate box in a garbage can and had put a little bow on it to make it all pretty for Janus. His feet were tapping into the ground and his tail wagging back and forth as he knocned on the dorm door. To his displeasure Virgil was the one who opened.
He wasn't wearing any eyeliner today and instead of a baggy hoodie he had a baggy uniform on. He blared up and down Remus before grabbing the chocolate box.
"I'll be taking this" Virgil glanced back into the room to say "He's here! Call if you need me" He walked past the demon and intentionally knocked his shoulder against his "You were so close to disapearing out of our life. I think you should have stayed out"
Remus gnarled at him as he walked away to which Virgil spun around mid walk just to hiss back at him. The demon flipped him the double bird before slapping his cheeks to get back into seducing mode. The door had been left half open so he stepped in to see Janus dragging himself up to a sitting position in bed. He was still wearing his pyjamas.
"Hi darling" He did the gayest handwave imagnable.
"Ah HAH! I get it!!" Remus pointed at him "The play was a trap to ensnare me into your dorm and now you're gonna kidnap and sell my organs on the black market! JOKEs on YOU! BITCH! My organs are already so filled with dirt and bacteria no ones gonna want me!! I WIN!"
"You caught me. I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you and your concerning organs"
Remus twirled a bit of his hair between his fingers "...Can you do the laugh too?"
Janus rolled his eyes before doing his evil laugh which turned into a genuine laugh when Remus tried to mimick it to horrible effect.
The demon jumped onto the end of the bed and bounced up and down so even janus who had slumped back to laying on his back bounced along "You ready? For the Theathrreee??? The drama! MURDER! intrugie"
"Do I look ready?"
"....you are more dressed than me"
"Everyones more dressed than you"
The human put his hand against his forehead and did a dramatic sigh "My spine has been killing me yesterday and today. I tried to get ready but alas...I am graciously in pain and unfit for the theatre" His voice lowered as he added "I really was looking forward to watching it with you"
"Like is your spine trying to burst out?? I saw that in movie yesterday but with stomach"
Janus let up into a laugh before holding out his hand and moving his finger to tell the other man to get closer. Remus dropped to his kness with his legs on either side of Jan's ankles. The human let his finger up to the choker around Remus' neck and pulled at it to make him lean even closer.
"I like seeing that on you" Janus murmured.
The demon's palms were pressed against the bedsheets right along Janus' waist to keep himself somewhat upright but the human reached out and touched his wrist. He let his arms go soft and felt the warmth of Janus' body against. He counted the layers of clothes between them.
"You're not that heavy" He assured "Even if we can't catch the show would you still like to say?"
The thought of leaving hadn't even crossed Remus' mind if anything it made him let out a breathe of relief as he nuzzled his nose against Janus' cheek. "I don't like being only with me"
"Good. Then you can give me a massage because my back is totally not killing me"
The human pushed Remus so he rolled off of his body so he could turn around to lay on his stomach. He cozied himself up against the pillow and waited for the demon to ease his back pain. Instead he felt a solid fistpunch blow right into his back muscle.
"Did you just punch my back???"
Remus shrugged "Massage?!"
"That's not how-....Wait actually my back doesn feel slightly more at ease......You might be onto something"
While massaging Remus glanced around the room but noticed a lot more boxes than last time he was there. The trashbin was overflowing with notebooks that had been crammed into it and there were marks left on Virgil's side of the room where posters used to hang.
"If we not going we can have room tour?? I wanna see what secret organs and skeletons you have hidden around! Now that the grumpy crypt keeper not here!" Remus suggested.
"No reason. Me and the crypt keeper are moving in a few weeks"
Janus snorted "Yes we are moving to hell. We've found an apartment right next to the busy train terminal. We are going to only have the finest of beauty sleeps"
"ANd I can see you still???"
"What is with you and Virgil and thinking I will disappear out of your lives if I move places. Obviously you'll still see me! You have a silly collar on from me and everything! Darling you two are far too similar"
Remus stopped massaging and sunk his forehead against the other man's shoulder while letting out a sigh of relief. His whole body had tensed up without him realizing it. "I'm happy" He pressed a kiss against the nape of Janus' neck "I need to see you"
"Let's not get too hasty here. You don't Need me....unless I am the physical embodiment of bath, then you really Really need me"
It wasn't like Remus could tell him he needed to keep contact him so he could murder him eventually. Instead he srunched his nose "HEY! DID you say me and bitchgrump Similar!? RUDE! RUDE! I am FUN! He is BORING! Big difference! HUGE! Huge like penis or monster fish!"
"...Hmmmmm...Let me think dear........Sorry. Seems to me that the only slight difference between you two is that Vivzie would try to keep me out of legal trouble while you would bring me into it"
"That is very sexy trait of mine"
"Yes indeed"
"Is massage sexy trait of me too? Am I good?"
"No dear you are frankly kind of horrible"
"ooooOkay then we can" Remus wanted to say find carcasses by the side of the road and perform amateur autopsises and order the guts by size and taste. Instead he gritted his teeth and suggested "We can do other sexy uhm stuff things shit and fuck?"
Janus rolled back over onto his back and hit his gloved finger against his lip as if thinking for a moment before moving the covers aside to give space for Remus.
"Perhaps we can just cuddle" Janus gauged the other man's reaction before grabbing him by the collar again and dragging him closer "Forget me putting that like a question dear, obviously since you do whatever I say you now have to cuddle"
"Oh woe bitch! Guess I gotta!"
Remus slid down under the covers but simply stayed there laying motionless on his back. He tried to go through all of the movies he'd seen and think of how the romantic humans cuddled but at this point he'd completely lost focus of romance movies and all he could think about was slasher villains jumping in through windows and murdering teen couples losing their virginity. He thought about Carrie and the bucket of pig blood and how he would drink the entire bucket if he was in that situation.
"Darling you're looking like a deer in headlights" Janus said with half a smile. He'd propped his head up against his chin so he could lay on his side and still look at Remus.
"I know how to bite you but I uhh I am not much of cuddler. Mostly sometimes laid on top of my brother or near suffocate my friend. Not cuddle"
"I believe I can fix that"
Janus inched closer to him and rested his head against the nape of Remus' neck even though he could feel the top bits of his spine jam against his cheek. He laid his arm around the demon's waist as his toes curdled up in his socks and someting between a hiss and a purr left his lips.
The demon liked the feeling of the other man's stomach all pressed up against his back and his hands against his skin but he hope they didn't go further down. Janus' fingers were casually playing with the end of Remus' tank top, letting one of his finger wander up under the fabric. He could feel the slightest of bumps as he grazed against the liver spots littered across Remus' skin.
"I'm shocked you haven't cuddled more with your job in mind" Janus mused "Personally if I would hypothetically pay for a sex worker's time spooning would be my second request....right after getting to test if I could slay in those heels"
"It's more of me getting heck out quick. If I don't leave I start Biting as I¨m saying! I love biting dick and cock and clit! Is true! Tear and maim and bite!"
"Are you trying to make me buy a matching muzzle too" He teased which made Remus let out a high pitched giggle. "By the way, and this is only because I am a curious bitch and you don't have to answer, but do you still work?"
Remus thought back to the human at the club "Yeah" His stomach grumbled "...But not much as before. My brother too"
Janus burst out into a laugh. His hands shaked up and down Remus' tummy as the laughter reverberated through his body. He could feel the hot burst of air from his breathe against the end of his neck.
"Excuse me. Excuse me" Janus continued between chuckles "I am truthfully not laughing at you. I am just imagining a mob fmaily but instead of all being in the mafia all of them are sex workers" He burst out into another laugh attack. Remus loved how loud and dramatic his laugh always was "Instead of sleeping with the fishes they¨re sleeping with the-"
"With the cocks. Just a sea of cut off blood cocks penis"
"That's not even funny darling! wHy am I still laughing" Janus got out between giggles.
Remus turned his head slightly so he could get a look of the human's face, eyes half closed, mouth wide and cheeks rosey red.
"You know my name actually stands for Really Enourmous Massive Ultimate Schlong!"
"Shut your stupid mouth"
Remus laughed as Janus blindly moved his hand up to the demon's mouth to try and shush him but he ended up his pressing his fingers along his cheek and smoshing his nose instead.
They stayed spooning for a long time and eventually Janus asked what films Remus liked since he tended to mention them so much. He was surprised when he started to explain the gore special effects he'd seen recently and the english words came easy to him. It was the first topic he'd learnt about in english first instead of in his native tongue.
He turned to lay on his back so he could look at Janus while talking but stayed close enough so his skin still touched against the human's pjama shirt. As he explained the behind the scenes footage he'd seen of alien vore, lighting tricks to make blood look good and how when an actor was to adorn a full body flesh suit they had to cut a hole in it so the actor could pee Janus kept trailing his finger up and down Remus' chest.
Sometimes he tapped his fingers against his chest until Remus eventually mimicked the tapping and tapped his finger right against Janus' forehead while chuckling.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Reciting ancient spells to concentrate better on whatever nonsense you are saying darling" Janus replied while continuing to tap.
Remus snickered "Awww you wanna hear my musclebloodmucuspuke facts sooo bad"
"No. Keep going. Stupid bitch" A good example of janus' classic compliment sandwich. The opposite of an insult sandwich. "What's the time anyway. You have a real talent for talking for egreouis amounts of time"
Janus stretched out his arm and moved away from the cuddle to check the clock. Instantly the gap left between their bodies made them both feel a sudden chill of cold shiver along their skin.
"Well we have definitely missed the play but" Janus reached a little further to pull up the poster Remus' had given him containing all of the plays the local theatre was putting on "We might be able to catch the second showing"
"Aww you kept that. You didn't even take a bite out of it. You able to go without dying and exploding into gook?"
"Well luckily theathre isn't a physical activity. If we take your car there I might be able to as long as I take some painkillers first"
Remus' grin turned stale "Right. Me car... Yeah. That I got" He had crashed the last car he'd used. All of a sudden he fumbled his way out of the bed and stood up "While you take painkillers I go get car. Okay? Okay!"
The demon sprinted to the parking lot and pried open car door after car door until he found one he could hijack. He threw the trash laying on the passenger seat into the back and geared the car up to wait right outside the college dorm entrance.
They arrived well in time for the second performance and sat close to the back so they weren't far from the exit in case Janus couldn't stomach the pain of sitting. Remus leaned over and whispered a joke about how the seats felt like car seats and jokingly asked if they were about to blast off right before the curtains opened. Lights dimmed, scene started.
A middle aged couple stumbled into a living room, the woman already halfway through a cigarette. "What a dump!" She let out as she closely mimicked the voice of Betty Davis, a reference that flew over Remus' head.
Every now and then he looked over to see Janus' reaction to which he always had a slight smirk on his lips as if he was in on a joke Remus wasn't. Though he couldn't follow the story, especially not when a younger couple joined in as well, he still got sucked in somehow. A thought kept repeating in his mind at how Real it was. If he wanted to he could stand up and walk a few feet and him too stand on the stage. He could reach out and touch the characters.
He wondered if Roman had also had these thoughts the many times he had seen plays and musicals. If this was why he loved them so much. Remus wondered if Patton had ever had these thoughts, if this was why the traitorous demon fell in love with humanity, and why he ended up swallowing the humans he loved.
An idea entered Remus mind, if maybe Janus would be happier if Remus ate his corpse after he murdered him. If they could stay together forever through the physical reality of having another inside him.
During the intermission Janus and Remus hunkered together by a table in the corner. The demon didn't like the feeling of slight lust coming from the people staring at him from around the room so he tried to snuggle closer to the human.
Janus explained the plot to him as best as he could so that Remus didn't feel completely out of the loop. Though he added in some of his usual sarcasm he made sure to thank him for bringing himself to go to such a language centric event together with him.
The thank landed against Remus' ears like a comforting kiss. He wished he could keep Janus with him forever. Maybe he could keep a body part of his in a little locket around his neck once he went back to hell, then the parts of humanity he liked could continue with him without anyone knowing.
In the car on the way home Remus took winding tiny roads to make the evening last longer, so he didn't have to say goodbye to Janus so soon. He listened as Janus explained the themes of the play and how the themes of lies and reality blended beautifully together with it's exploration of modernism writing and in detail went on about what the name of the play meant.
Until all of a sudden Janus' hand felt against Remus' for a moment to make sure the demon was listening "You haven't started planning what to do next month have you?"
"Next month? Uhhh Murder and experimantation in how far human body can go. Why?"
"Oh no reason. No dear, none at all. it's just about to be july. The gay month. Nothing special about it at all" Janus let up into an unusually bright smile "You don't happen to want to go to pride with me darling?"
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