#cautious tag of
calamaricollie · 3 months
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very goofy idea that came to me in a convo
Bonus: maybe grooming sheep wool isn't a good idea for a cat
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alowkeyclown · 3 months
sure i'll go with u to the haunted ruins wreathed in half memories from your traumatic childhood PLATONICALLY COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY PLATONICALLY OF COURSE IM SO CASUAL ALL OF THE TIME DON'T EVEN WORRY
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zuppizup · 1 month
Well, looks like AO3 bots have evolved once again.
Just had a flood of comments that were literally just graphic pornographic images.
I'll be locking my account/fics to registered users for now, but putting the message out there so other users are aware when checking their inbox.
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jaxtaposition · 21 days
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had a scene from @lunamugetsu's dpxdc fic "If you find a vigilante in the dumpster" on ao3 stuck in my head and had to get it out lol
the image of little Danny feeding Red Hood portage with space stickers all over his face and helmet in chapter 15 was hilarious lmao
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buckhelped · 1 year
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#no ace in the hole? well he can put his ace in m—[gunshot]
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lucabyte · 3 months
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cleaned up NoHats doodle from the middle of the original discussion because i think its important to understand in what tone of voice @samhainian and i are saying
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sparklecarehospital · 7 months
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💕 Sparklecare update 💕
VOL 4: Pages 70-78 ✨ Link to update
🎨 Promo art by @chaosblast
✨ Patreon! ✨ Updates Mondays & Thursdays
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pizzagame4000 · 2 months
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NOISETTE THEMED DOODLE DUMP ft. cheesecake and the spouses
copious hazel headcanons under the cut because i can’t help myself
first off: her name is Hazel 👍🏻 ik that’s a common one but it’s literally perfect… canon info to me
her favorite thing to do, besides making experimental food, is actually exercising! she’s an incredibly skilled acrobat and stunt artist, so she needs to be fit for that, but she also just enjoys letting the excess energy out bc she gets really cranky otherwise. she’s toned af and could wipe the floor with you - she doesn’t go around picking fights for no good reason, but if she did… heehee
she has such an unending well of passion for all of her interests that some find her to be too much but she dgaf… she’s unabashedly autistic and does NOT care if you don’t want to hear her infodump about obscure cheeseslime genetics, she will do it anyways
i like to think that, although she is very bubbly, she has an insane morbid streak that catches people off guard. she loves talking about anatomy and gross-out subjects to anyone who can stomach it, and cracks the most fucked up jokes - it’s one of the reasons her and noise get along so well. she is thinking about blood and guts because she thinks it’s interesting!!!! she will give you hyperspecific graphic threats of violence if you make her mad!!! teehee!!
i would put her at like… chaotic neutral but leaning towards good. she has an almost scientific fascination with violence and seeing what kinds of stress a body can take, and doesn’t mind watching shit unfold instead of helping… unless something actually super fucked up is going on (like way past canon typical pizza tower violence), she’s not going to bat for you lol she’s gonna grab a camera and clipboard
her interest in anatomy branches out into a love for biology, medicine and health in general - as much as she loves watching her boyfriend beat the shit out of some chump on live tv, she also loves studying how different creatures work and how to treat injuries. she almost became a doctor! but she didn’t like the rigid schedule and pressure, so she fostered her interest in dance and gymnastics, and went into television as a stunt double instead. that’s actually how she met noise! that’s why they look so much alike - she was told to inquire NTV for a job because of the resemblance. noise thought she was so cool she was asked to be his co-star instead, and they’ve been inseparable ever since.
sometimes she gets tired of the noisette persona, but she does genuinely like theo, so it’s hard. she’s been more busy with this NTV gig (that’s looking more like a full blown career) than she would like, so that’s why she opened her cafe - to do something else for once dammit!! she likes weird shit, food included!!!
i have two shipping scenarios i like, so consider these parallel universes - hazel x vigi, and hazel x vigi x noise
if you don’t like negative takes on the noise relationship i’d recommend skipping to 2 ^_^
1. her relationship with noise deteriorates bc noise can’t accept the fact that hazel doesn’t wanna be noisette all the time! they’re so busy, he barely even makes time for her anymore - he barely even tolerates her! it’s not until vigi comes into the picture that she realizes she doesn’t have to deal w that mess. but it sucks cuz noise isn’t just her bf, but also like!!! a big part of her career!!! and she does genuinely love him but he’s just!!! an uncommunicative ass!!! it culminates in hazel leaving him and crashing at vigi’s farm because fuck it, it’s her life she does what she wants. she will kiss the cheese AND rebuild her tv career, on her own terms this time baybee
2. noise and hazel still have that issue but they actually communicate like adults and fix their relationship problems, so none of that shit happens! happy ending! hazel has her own life and theo actually lets his gf know he loves her! woah! enter vigi, in: “we saw you across the bar and we really dig your vibe…” imagining vigi as a third to hazel and theo, completely out of his depth but too bisexual to care, is SO funny to me lol… like hazel and him are probably the only two together at first but over time he and theo warm up to each other more (gay intent) and it’s perfect
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chrissymunsons · 8 months
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crimeboys · 4 months
something i noticed when watching pogtopia is that wilbur actually always had food on him and was always eating and keeping his hunger up even when he was hardly low enough to need it and it was such an interesting thing to see from someone so obviously suicidal and mentally all over the place and pointedly doing everything he could to make his and his loved ones lives as miserable as possible. but then i realized, that’s just it, it wasn’t about living it was about survival because wilbur was determined to survive for as long as it took to make his death fucking incredible, his end explosive and meaningful, and making sure a few potatoes were in his pocket and mouth at all times was more than a fair trade to get that ending.
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froggercube · 1 year
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omega f sketch i did while watching ultimate prog
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So with the confirmation that Venti is going to be at the Lantern Rite, Venti has officially traveled to both Inazuma (Irodori Festival) and Liyue during an event (as if to brush off an archon’s appearance in a foreign country) after the death of the original Seven.
And I’m going to make a somewhat wild guess that we’ll see Venti at a Sumeru event in the near (I hope) future.
Because at Irodori, Venti had that weird hush hush conversation with Yae Miko, and this is a big deal because it was a required part of the quest you had to see even though your conversation with them was just acknowledging it and moving on.
In (I think) Zhongli’s lines, it’s confirmed that the new archons do not meet like how the original Seven did.
And now Venti will—hopefully—be seen with Zhongli in this Lantern Rite, and possibly even Xiao, the right hand to Zhongli.
I’m suspecting that these are the hints to endgame, that Venti is going around either discussing a plan or giving out information he alone holds to the archons he gets along with… for the most part.
What he knows or is plotting, asking, or figuring out is a mystery to me, but I think Yae Miko and Venti’s conversation might be directly related to Venti traveling around the nations now.
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merge-conflict · 8 months
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I was embarrassingly cringe fist-pumping and laughing with superiority to hear these lines, even though they aren't exactly rocket science concepts that I reverse-engineered here, y'know?
It’s how it’s supposed to go. Some gonk kid dies in Nicaragua and Johnny Silverhand wakes up in NUSA. Built– just like the tower. An entire fucking spectacle, for the world to see. For the world to wake up.
Just... it's good to confirm that that's how Johnny sees it too. The person he used to be died, and then he became someone else. But then he died again, so I wonder sometimes... how does he see himself now? How many resurrections is he going to live through?
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aro-culture-is · 11 months
Not an Aro-culture-is thing but I do have a question you might be able to answer? Is there an aromantic/asexual term for this: AroAce but if I wasn’t I would be gay? It might just be homoplatonic or homoaesthetic but idk if there was a term for it that relates to being AroAce. Thanks! <3
possibly you might vibe with oriented aroace labels, like gay aroace? i'll put this out there for other folks to consider as well, but I feel like oriented terminology sounds the most applicable from my POV.
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serenescribe · 10 months
had a really rough day. wanted to get out my feelings through writing. easier by the crane wives is a lilia song. enjoy c:
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“I’ll be back soon, Silver,” Lilia whispers, kneeling down to press a kiss against his son’s forehead, one hand cupping his cheek. “Be good, alright? Remember your chores, and your—”
“And my exercises, I know,” Silver answers, smiling brightly at him. And oh, it makes Lilia’s chest ache so deeply, like a hand has grasped around his beating heart, fingers curling tighter and squeezing until his breath chokes in his throat.
Everything about the boy, the child he has taken in as his own, makes him feel so strongly — especially the silver strands of silken locks that frame his face, causing the aurora glint of his pupils to shine even brighter. It is a feeling that Lilia dubbed as a negative years ago, when he had picked up that wooden cradle in the woods and watched the baby tucked within it open its eyes — a reflection of a foe long since slaughtered, an enemy that makes Lilia’s blood boil with rippling rage.
But lately, he cannot help but feel as though the feeling, the emotion he keeps cradled within his heart, is shifting. When Silver was younger, Lilia had to leave the house over and over, taking a breather for himself as he quelled his roaring rage, the impetuous youthful general of his mind screaming for him to take the boy out. But now, when he ruffles the young boy’s hair, or opens his arms when he clings to him for a hug, all Lilia feels is a candlelight swell of something warmth — so small and delicate, as though a single breath can blow it out.
And so, with confusion misting his mind and emotions tangling into his chest, Lilia leaves, again and again.
He leaves, travels far and wide, under the guise of missions and quests, or, when he has no further excuse, for his own private purposes. Lilia steps away from the cottage he has slowly begun to consider a home, wraps his heart with powerful armour, tucks away those muddled feelings for later, preferably never. Lilia stays away long enough, feeling the wind against his face, smelling the salt of the seas, feeling the heat of the sun he’s never truly loved beating down on his skin.
And when his tasks are done, or when he cannot stay away any longer, he returns.
Each and every time he comes home, Silver greets him with a smile, arms outstretched for a hug. “I missed you, Papa,” he says so shyly as Lilia lifts him up, mirth trickling into each new reunion, casting the memories in sunny hues. “I’m happy you’re home.”
And what is Lilia to do, then, when his heart seizes at those words? The armour breaks apart, a burst of something strong and hot sweeping through him; he coos in response, praises how good Silver has been, taking care of the house, looking after himself, my, what a mature child he is! But Lilia has never returned the words that Silver always whispers to him whenever he gets sleepy and Lilia tucks him into bed; he turns his head to the side, light locks of hair splayed out over his scratchy pillow, lips parting to murmur, “I love you, Papa.”
Everytime he hears those words—
(And it is never only during their reunions, for Silver always tells him that, brimming with such love that it makes some younger part of him freeze up, locking in place, bile rising through his throat.)
—Lilia has to leave again.
Silver is seven now. He has grown so much in such a short time — thus is the fragility of humankind, Lilia muses to himself. He used to think of it as a blessing when Silver was but a baby, for it would cut short the number of years they had to spend together. But now?
Lilia isn’t sure what to think now.
(Or perhaps it is more like he refuses to admit the truth to himself.)
He swallows down the lump in his throat, sucking in a deep breath. “I trust you to take care of yourself, dear,” he says as brightly as he can manage, fingers pulling away as he reaches for the swinging clasp of his travelling cloak. Lilia adjusts it, ensuring the hood can cover his face — the sunlight has always been a blasted enemy of his, after all — but as he turns to leave…
A tug.
He pauses. Turning his head to glance over his shoulder, Lilia’s eyes meet auroral pupils, wide eyes that gaze up at him as though he hung the stars.
“I love you, Papa,” Silver reminds him, shining so splendidly that it hurts. “Take care, okay?”
His ribs press in against his lungs, digging in tight, each breath shallow and raw.
“I will,” Lilia promises, voice shaky, forcing a smile that does not fit onto his face. “Thank you, Silver.”
And when he leaves again, walks the familiar path away from their home — and when has he begun to truly think of it that way? Lilia does not remember — Lilia’s steps grow faster and faster, breath catching in his throat until he’s running, practically flying, getting away as quickly as he can.
(For what reason does he run?
Is it because he cannot stand the sight of Silver, the boy who resembles the Dawn Knight to such an eerie extent?
Or is it because he’s unable to comprehend the possibility that he is getting attached?)
It is better to leave, again and again.
Until he can wrangle his feelings, until he can pick apart every flicker of doting warmth and every icy shard of contempt, until he can decide for himself that yes, he will leave or no, he will stay, permanently, irreversibly—
Lilia will wander the earth and hide the love that he feels, pushing it away until it becomes bearable enough for him to go home.
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fruitbythefoot7 · 7 months
bylerween day 1: trapped in the ud
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FIRST DAY OF BYLERWEEN LETS GO!!!! this one was SO FUN to do! i love the idea of byler getting trapped in the ud, and i had a lot of fun w the lighting :))
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