#consume Shirley Temple Drink
ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Shirley Temple Drink After Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
Shirley Temple Drink After Pregnancy #shirley #temple #drink,shirley #drink #sprite,shirley #drink #kids #shirley #temple #drink,easy #shirley #temple #drink,best #shirley #drink,all #the #shirley #drinks,shirley #temple #drink #recipe,shirley
Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life, and it’s essential to prioritize health and enjoyment. One such category is the iconic Shirley Temple drinks. These refreshing and pregnancy-friendly mocktails are not only visually appealing but also offer a variety of flavors to suit every palate. Let’s dive into the world of Shirley Temple drink after Pregnancy that expectant mothers easily…
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🍸 Harry Crosby headcanons
18+ -helluva lot of nsfw under the cut but interspersed with a lotta fluff and domesticity…to me that’s the appeal of this man, cannot be separated one from the other: the unassuming sweater wearing vet at the block party is also a man of hidden depths.
Long promised and woefully incomplete, the word count was getting out of hand so I’m tossing it out, there’s more where this came from. Not edited so, apologies
Entirely co-written by myself and my comrogue @crazymadpassionatelove , enhanced and bedazzled by chats with @ab4eva including special additions from other guests who commented under my announcement post, credit is given at each specific point for their contributions
|screencap cred grabbed from: @hawkinsfuller
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First off let me say it’s been ages since I read A Wing and A Prayer. I remember loving it, loving him and I cannot stress how much I respect and admire the real Harry Crosby and his Jean, the Missus of our dreams.
This is purely for fun, a heavy mix of both Boyle’s portrayal and a tad of Crosby’s real life vibes as taken from his accounts by me. Sometimes you gotta take historical figures’ virtues in one area -say navigation and math- and translate it to the more suggestive aspects of life -say, how to find a clitori- *gunshot*
Because this man’s biography is the most oral-leaning, drink-your-respect-women-juice book ever. Ok, almost ever. For a wwii book at least. Uhem so -I am prejudiced, sue me.
See, sometimes it’s the quiet, stressed ones with a self consuming desire to please who have the cozy sweaters and the attentive appreciation for your interests and the stubby fat schlongs and the propensity to keep you in suburban comfort all your days
The compulsive drive to call you “button” and be on time for church and thank you for your scrambled eggs each morning with eager kitchen countertop oral before waking you children up with annoyingly soft catchphrases they’ll recite fondly at his funeral: “rise and shine” etc
Also back to the perfectly respectable schlong for just a moment -This is a Thing! Justice for the perfectly adequate plug stoppers, not everyone needs a rolling pin, who can resist giving head when the head is the same gorgeous color as his lips?!
Mr Crosby is skipping off to lecture college kids about literature post-war with a pep in his step that you put there without fail, you can’t help it, it’s as essential as the matching “his and hers” coffee mugs you bought during your honeymoon
Cookies slightly burned cuz you’re busy as bunnies in the bathroom while the kids ride bikes in the cul-de-sac is a Crosby staple
This is a man who as husband keeps you well supplied with mixers and microwaves and cute little nighties and also loves your brain -SCORE.
Loves to gift you with bath oil and fun stuff to smell good. He's into lavender. It benefits him in the end, loves to sit on the edge of the tub and just talk with you for ages
Croz’s go-to distresser is to have Jean sit on his face until his vision spots
She knows as soon as he walks in the door. Fixes him a Shirley Temple, takes him by the hand to the bedroom and …..boom.
As for the ptsd nightmares? He just barely starts to thrash in his sleep and Jean is rolling that man over and taking matters into her own hands
You’re Jean now, you do realize that don’t you? It was never ever going to be anyone but Jean
This man leaves love letters on your pillow, in your apron pocket, in the dash of your car anywhere at all that you’re likely to be. All of this even though he’s gonna be home by six that evening.
Also, hear me out: lots of evenings he just lays down next to you for ages, facing each other on your sides, absentmindedly mapping your body with his calloused palms and fingering you for ages while talking about Persuasion.
Actually gives a shit about your opinions too, and not in the way of wanting to argue them. When you make a good point his eyes get even droopier and he grabs your neck and…
“You're one smart cookie Mrs Crosby”
“My clever, wise, beloved…”
Honestly though, deep connections and the ability to go vulnerable, and if those moments are often concluded with little laughs to shake off the moment -it doesn’t diminish it
Can actually talk about dying to you, not in a morbidly preoccupied way, but he can face it and admit it and be vulnerable enough to acknowledge the likelihood
Then get on with what needs doing
He appreciates how well you grow to know him, and he in turn makes a lifelong study of you
Also, this man is so highly attuned to your well being.
Yes you have to put up with his stress but for you? He will man-up repeatedly and without thought. He doesn’t even think twice about just up and leaving whatever situation is tiring you. did you see him hop up to get the fuck outta that bar fight? Yeah so, you’re bored? Tired? Stressed? It’s not even machismo it’s just a homebody not giving a fuck with the subtext of “my wife and I would like to go home and read and cockwarm”
Often gives the shiftiest excuses to army buddies and coworkers just to go home and hang with you, swears he has to repair that squirrel feeder -or that an alligator is in his swimming pool, “sorry guys maybe drinks next week”
Don’t tell the guys but…HE PAINTS YOUR TOENAILS
Maybe some of your high school friends snickered about Harry Crosby way back when. Making googly eyes at you and barely getting out the most stammered greetings? Bookish and a little clumsy at times?
Ha, you won in the end
He comes home in one piece, that beautiful schlong still intact
you prayed for that ok?
“Lord keep my husband safe -- and his girthy manhood in tact as well” …for the babies you’re hoping for of course...just that… kneeling in silk pajamas each night, adding this addendum with a blush but was always faithful to keep it in your prayers
Sometimes you have that thought in church as well...so you has to take a couple deep breaths and calm yourself...it's because you want children...not because you’re already so sprung off this man's dick after only a couple weeks of married life.
weeks that feels like a lifetime ago now, by the way
Prim and lovely Jean Crosby staring off into stained glass worlds thinking of having her tight little hole tugged open and her guts rearranged, it’s even worse than her thoughts prior to the wedding, because she’s had the experience, then suddenly it was ripped away
And she’s empty and scared to death for him
She gets asked to sing at the funeral of a lieutenant who never even got off the ground during a training flight,
work and church and such are hopeless distractions
Wanders through the department store wondering if every other wife misses this way, does everyone feel the same primal ache?
Dear Jean Crosby terribly worried she’s a freak yet entirely unrepentant for it
But ya know what’s probably funny? Across the ocean Harry Crosby is sometimes so direly missing his wife in the carnal way that he just about spaces out too, and god knows there’s zero privacy anywhere and the showers are the showers but like???? it’s just a no-go most times and everyone gets very confused when he’s in this mood?? Not at all suspecting baser distractions are what’s at play. Somehow someone figured it out, maybe he actually snapped a little about having five seconds to himself while reading a letter and they’re like
And somehow there seems to suddenly be five minutes or so when NO ONE but Crosby is in the showers?!
It only takes him two minutes to get there but he needs to stand there catching his breath and clutching at his heart while he thinks of Jean sprawled beneath him
This is probably Douglass’ doing? Because he’s a good dude, he doesn’t underestimate Croz AND he’s a dirty little bastard himself
“Fellas, the man got himself a wife while half of you guys are virgins? Of course he has urges?”
In a quiet, rare moment, Gale bends his ear -Harry is so modest and low key...unlike some folks *looking at you Bucky*- “So, uh, where'd ya say you and the missus went off to before ya came here?“
Gale’s gotta casually open the door for this conversation “Lots of good sights to see? I, um, haven't done much traveling myself”
It takes Croz a few conversations until he realizes just what Gale means, until then there’s a lot bewildered eyebrows at the inquiry and bashful appreciation for the interest: “Major Cleven I-I already told you, sir, we had a little cabin in the Alleghenies for a week?“
He's been telling Jean about Major Gale Cleven, about how she'd really like him. Gale is a good fella. He tells her about all their "travel talk"
Until one day Jean writes back: “Oh honey, that Cleven of yours is a virgin”
Whether Harry divulges to Gale anything he learned about ladies in that little cabin in the mountains writhing before a fire on a bearskin rug, that first time Harry actually didn’t stop and ask if Jean was dying every time she made a noise but instead, kept going until her cried properly built and she screamed…
well, it was probably an abbreviated account that mostly consisted of “wives are just wonderful people, Major Cleven” with a far off look in his eyes
Gale leaves him to it after all- Harry was married for like 3 seconds before he left, It's literally either playback of the last horrific mission or thinking of the curve of her spine
He gets the dreamiest look on his face, eyes all shiny, mouth a little slack
Somehow these two can be so passionate and yet it’s so wholesome and good and angelic?!!! It’s the allure of them
Because it’s all in these gentle and safe and good boundaries? Like it isn’t complicated and yet it’s not simple and it’s neither settling nor is it turbulent. something to be said for “doing it right”
They genuinely thank God for each other, they’re so sure it was always intended to be just them
I have 1k of headcanons just for the homecoming ok? Y’all will have to request those separate
But once home:
The eye contact they make at social events?? It’s a whole language, the most loving and adorable thing ever
He may not be a real gem of a singer but he’s an excellent hummer. so much gentle humming around the house while he’s fixing the stove light or rocking a baby to sleep or-
You know what I mean don’t you? Some men can just humm and you’re instantly wet? No I don’t mean humming a Billie Holliday tune
I mean humming when you make a new reaction to his incessant fingering while he’s reading, makes him look away from the page and arch a brow, highly inquisitive puppy dog look on his face, reading glasses pulled down.
*a new spot? After all this time? Must investigate further*
This man, when in his element, is a goddamn tease, he’s impossible, he’s goofy, he makes sex the joyous sacrament its supposed to be every damn time and he ain’t shy to remain stark naked for ages
Praise kink for miles in that, once you’ve praised him, he will keep doing whatever earned it for the next two hours. Brace yourself
He can recite your favorite literature passages (he knows them and took pains to memorize them by your tenth anniversary) when he’s gently plowing you from the back with his hand on your neck and your ear lob in between his teeth
He’s a biter my friends -gotta keep quiet somehow, can’t scar the passel of children y’all made, after all
So many excuses given to kids about “mama and I need to talk about the mortgage” -very rarely is mortgage even thought of once the door is closed and locked
But that brings us back to the early days, it’s one thing to know someone so well after all those years but the early days?
Two Virgins named Jean and Harry went straight from the chapel to fucking like Bunnies before he went to war
Harry had done his research tho. All that reading…
Harry Crosby totally ate his wife out on their wedding night.
even though he’d never really seen a full vagina before
he’s a bit methodical, yeah? At first? with a hint of overly flustered and terribly delighted
So I’m just picturing him like hunkering down there, tentative but firm hands on your thighs: “to get my bearings, honey pie” as he takes in the lay of the land
because there’s a lot happening down there on a lady, ok? -there’s petals and more petals and slippery slopes and little buttons and a tiny hole that has to be for pee, no way he’s supposed to go in that one?! but, but she doesn’t have another? Well the backdoo- no can’t even think of that. Oh god ok, ok, vaginal opening, -I guess that’s a vaginal opening?! and due north, a little button that makes her squeak when I touch it. ok ok, might as well start there…
I can see him with a metaphorical pencil behind his ear, ready to jot down notes
Jeanie finally sighs and grips him by the ears and hauls him up for a kiss and just grinds against him and insists it’s lovely
“just kiss me, silly.” she says to him after awhile.
“Mmm, I do like kissing you, Jean” he grins back
he’s naturally kissing his way to her boobs and staying there a lovely long time but she starts pushing at his dark head, *hint hint* lower down her belly and lower, and lower and he’s so caught up he doesn’t even realize it until there’s a sweet little patch of curls under his chin and he looks up with the oddest expression of curiosity and doubt on his face only to be met with Jean’s expectant eyebrow
She wouldn’t want me to?—-*ah, she just face planted me in pussy, ok then*
Lapping at it with the biggest grin, there may or may not have been some noise complaints
the whole apartment complex just knows he’s a good husband, never would peg him as a stud if you met him in the hallway but, Jean sure takes forever to say goodbye to him in the mornings so he must do something right
All the neighbors just can't help but be happy for those two kids
They cook them food and leave the casserole dishes on the landing so they can savor each other for as long as possible before he leaves
Next Sunday they show up at church like dutiful little Americans and they’ve got hickies everywhere and his cheeks are a permanent pink, Her knees are red and raw under her church dress
I feel like maybe they get a little adventurous as their time together draws to a close? Maybe they break a dining room chair? She's too mortified to put it out on the curb
*saves it for 50 years*
Some of those wedding china ends up in pieces on the floor. Can't explain to her aunts why they don't have a full set all of a sudden
i really hope he never loses that occasional hair trigger premature ejaculation tendency.
Sometimes it even shocks him, “O-Oh...shoot”
The last day together is a dismal and precious night
The poor man probably laid there on her sweaty boobs after blowing his last load with the saddest *fml* face on as he processed it being, indeed, his last
and now the war is over they can set up house and make babies
A small breeding kink, after all, these men marched home from war and basically were told "get a job and let's repopulate for all the boys we lost!"
It’s so damn primal when you think about it but under the veneer of the starched and polished 50’s
Croz can't think straight in that tight little hole, let alone think of the ramifications of another baby
“Give it to me, give me another, come on Harry, we've got an empty space in the Christmas card anyway, think of it!! fill me up baby oh godddd Jesus bless your pretty dick-*
it’s the most mundane reasons and he still busts a nut like she’s some filthy vixen and not his sweet and slightly too optimistic wife
frantic love making with a sweater and socks still on, too
Jean is a writher because the longer they are married the longer he lasts and soon she’s come and he just keeps going and she cannot keep quiet then and he’s too big to ignore or calm down between, just thick enough to always be tugging just right and she fully sobs from it sometimes
Often she’s trying to cup herself?!? Fully spasming and shaking and curling in but his strong forearm is over her belly and his lips on her ear
This man is a god at spooning sex
she is so cock feral when she falls pregnant it almost alarms him
The books didn't say anything about this?! He's exhausted and dehydrated and his classes are suffering as a result
Wants to ask Egan if he encountered this phenomenon
His war buddies become a new father support group
"Hang in there pal, only three more months"
They’ll be in the kitchen just chatting before dinner, she wants to tease him. Scoops a little cherry pie filling onto her finger. He licks it and sucks it off -- bites the finger too, in the background dogs are barking and kids are running amuck
As the Crosbys you’re in for a life of very benign but nauseatingly idyllic Christmas parties.
Snow globes, y’all
Sweaters, spiked eggnog and very well thought out gifts
Harry is the sort to carry Jean's purse when they are out shopping and she is trying on clothes. He also has no problem going and buying her sanitary napkins at the drugstore when she's on her period, because it's completely normal and there's nothing for anyone to be embarrassed about. Basically, he is just stupidly in love with her. He's like a puppy who will always follow, but she doesn't take advantage of that fact (credit to:@noneedtoamputate)
He is Harry “Have You Met My Wife?” Crosby back home, too, it’s even worse when he gets tipsy and his confidence grows and good luck shutting him up about how beautiful she is
This is the sorta man whose kids only learn Daddy was a goddamn boss during the war when they’re outta college, a very casual “oh yeah, that was sort of a thing, pass the salt.”
It’s canon this man cut his own son’s hair all his little life, propped him up on a little stool in the back yard and got to trimming -some of the only times the boy ever heard of those devastating missions
Imagine? Same man who used to take you out on the porch into the night air and rock against his sweater when you were a baby and wouldn’t settle is the same man who bombed the hell outta Fortress Europe
He’s the kind of man whose kids are so enamored over how both sides of the coin could settle in the same man, they end up making a documentary about him
Now I also need you to think of this man at bath time in the early 50’s -Shirt sleeves rolled up, top two buttons on his pristine white button up shirt popped with a peak of chest hair showing through, his curls getting steamed by his kids bubble baths
He’s got the prettiest slightly hairy forearms, y’all -according to Jean at least
Gives himself a bubble beard to make his kids laugh, will stay on his knees watching them play for ages, fully participating
His white shirt gets fully transparent with all this splashing and Jean has to really keep her mind on what’s next when she can so easily see his hair and pretty little nipples pebbled in a chill under them. Stops her whining about water on the floor in seconds.
Harry’s already hushing her and mopping it up with a towel anyway
The Crosby kids will have memories of their idiotically in love and enthralled parents who loved being parents, wrapping their baby selves snuggly into towels and setting them on the counter and just cracking up over how cute they looked with their chubby and shiny widdle faces poking out of terry cloth
Jean and Harry spend a lotta time doing that, they just love their kids, ok?
Brushing their cute little Croz curls
Jean can’t say no to a single one with their sad puppy eyes their daddy gave them
Sometimes they sit the kids in front of the fireplace (they obviously needed a house with a fireplace after that honeymoon) and line them up. Talk about them as if they aren't sitting right there. "Honey, look at those gorgeous eyes -- and his smile! Oh my, who do these cuties belong to?"
But it’s not all placid domesticity. Picture this:
Crosby with a mega phone, organizes a neighborhood Easter egg hunt. He's in charge, his aviators on, taking this so seriously
There are maps, he’s planned this for weeks, some of those traits and skills he picked up during the war come back at the oddest times
this gets even more intense if any of the war buddies are there
Harry writes letters to them strategizing, they all come and bring their own kids
It makes the local paper for being one of the biggest Easter egg hunts the state has ever seen
Night falls, children fall asleep and there are still some eggs left. Armed with booze and flashlights, the boys go out to collect the rest
Harry and Jean don't collect any though, they end up in a bush necking somewhere
Bucky gets very adamant about finding them and Brady is just as adamantly begging him not to
But Major Egan cannot be stopped, he rallies his men, hopping on the kids’ bikes and scooters
Everyone heckling each other in the dark suburban neighborhood
"Ya lost your touch Buck, keep up will ya?"
They all end up in a schnapps induced heap in the Crosby's backyard, long limbs all folded up on too small equipment
Jean and Harry leisurely stroll back up the street under lamp glow to their house where everyone is feral and collapsed and calling loudly for their hosts
Sharing soft little smiles and picking twigs out of each others hair
They tuck these idiot men in on the couches and floor, blankets, sleeping bags and dogs
Hear me out: Jean is the only human able to talk a belligerent Bucky out of his thirtieth beer
She has that sweet way about her that makes every person wanna be a better man for her
When he finally gives in and throws his arm over her little shoulders and swears she’s a good woman, Harry is there with the pan and the aspirin and the blanket
She makes them all the most perfect hangover breakfast the next morning, gingham checked apron stretched over swollen belly
Harry nuzzles her belly when she stops at his plate to dish up the eggs
Everyone wants to gag over how perfectly content these two are but that would be a waste of the best breakfast in the USA
And if Jean happens to make the best baked goods on the block - Croz is making sure everyone knows just who’s muffins those are on the bake sale table. Or if she wants to pursue a career or education? Harry is her biggest cheerleader, doing anything and everything to support her and being sure that everyone knows how incredible she is at what she does. (Credit @blurredcolour)
They may be the sweater wearing, block party and Sunday school couple but don’t think anybody gets away with being snide to Mrs. Jean Crosby -there will be comeuppance, even if it’s just an exquisitely literate verbal evisceration.
There's even more often a roaming band of local kids who kick the shins of everyone who's mean to Mrs. Crosby, because she gives them sweets and feeds them when they're hungry and cleans up their scrapes when play gets too rough and -if Mr. Crosby hands out a comic or two to the boys that "accidentally" tripped some bloke who was harassing his wife, well. All is fair in love and war. (Credit to @promptedwordsmith)
When in the summer of 49 the Crosbies get a swimming pool dug? It might as well be considered public property.
not just the kids who are attached to the crosbies, though. your home is a constant revolving door of visitors - including a bunch of ex-servicemen. if it's not bucky lounging in the pool, or rosie painting the fence in his shirtsleeves because he wanted to be helpful, then douglass is smoking a cigarette in the yard while trying to make you laugh. ev is asking harry to show him how to read this goddamn map bc they're supposed to be taking a trip to the grand canyon in a month, and bubbles is over for dinner every other night. even brady sometimes shows his face, if only to carp at harry for getting them lost over france that one time while working the barbecue because you asked him to. when you and harry bought the house with an extra room you weren't sure you would ever use, you didn't expect it to be occupied as often as a popular hotel. if anyone ever had any bad intentions toward the crosbies, they're definitely rethinking it. those that don't...well. being in the air corps teaches one all sorts of creative ways of getting back at people. (Credit to @fidelias)
Imagine all the different skills the Crosby kids (_and their neighbor friends who never seem to leave_) learn from these guys?
“Oh yeah, Bucky Egan taught me how to swim while wearing his aviators…”
In other words:
Harry Crosby went home and built himself a little Norman Rockwell Camelot and then opened the doors of the kingdom to his buddies and -that’s as it should be.
And that’s not even mentioning how the Air Force and the CIA walked up to his front porch and interrupted a backyard ballgame to ask him for his help
It sucks to be super smart and needed when all ya wanna do is teach literature, go camping and help keep the church life going
But still
Jean sure looked good in Pakistan, the kids enjoyed a new culture and Harry likes to say he may have done some good
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proudheron · 10 months
my new job is consuming my entire brain power, it feels like all i do outside of work is sleep. it's a decent job and i am good at it. just waiting for the pathways in my brain to get better-trod so that i can scrape enough energy to have a life outside of databases and files and schedules and emails.
the one hobby that i am working on is developing a low-alcoholic gin that i like. but even that is more of a chore than a true leisure pursuit, because i need something to drink during the eight-day gin-soused family vacation that is one week away.
when i was moderating my drinking to 3 days per week, i would allow myself exceptions for vacation and christmas. and it's not a coincidence that those are the 2 times a year when i see my In-laws more than 3 days a week. they are mostly lovely people but they do not allow me to decline drinks without a fight. they fill my glass when i say no, and badger me if i don't drink it. this pressure was a huge part of why i broke my sobriety in 2014.
however a few things are different now. i am more entrenched in this family than I was 9 years ago and not as eager to please. someone else stopped drinking for some kind of non-alcoholism health reasons, so the weird bullying is distributed between the two of us and is easier to bear.
anyway all this recipe-blog backstory is to say that, i think the best way to not relapse during this eight-day gauntlet is to never have an empty glass and also not allow cravings to take hold for a second. non alcoholic beer is not going to cut it, when my pickled brain has been conditioned for a decade to crave a gin and tonic any time the clock strikes 4 in the vicinity of the northumberland strait.
the dangerous part of this recipe is that juniper doesn't infuse readily into water. and if the juniper is not right the craving will not be satisfied. so without a local source for food-grade glycerin i entered a liquor store for the first time since april, and bought vodka. beelined home carrying my bag as if it were dynamite and wore a mask when i cracked the cap so i wouldn't smell it. maybe a little superstitious but i am so afraid of waking up the base uncontrollable impulse that pilots my body for me, which i've fought so many times before.
anyway i made an infusion with all the botanicals multiplied by 5, let it sit for 24h, strained it, simmered the botanicals in water and steeped them 48h. and i also made small amounts of ginger extract and chili extract, because i want to experiment with feelings of burn and harshness! the g&t i made was so fucking good. everything i wanted it to be. 15ml of 15% ABV gin worked out to a 1% abv drink that was still strongly flavoured!! and like 0.1 ml of chili pepper extract made it edgy and warming without being spicy. the ginger was the wrong vibe but I'm saving it for my whiskey experiments.
I want to experiment with szechuan peppercorn and or horseradish? because i feel alcohol as a buzzing in my sinuses, and I'm interested in approximating not just the flavours but the sensory aspects. like I want it to feel distinct from a shirley temple. i always preferred stiff drinks and bitter cocktails and most mocktails are disappointingly easy-drinking.
but the experiments will probably have to wait until after vacation because my first attempt is good enough and my brain and body are still healing from doing baby's first accounting last week
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confetti-cupcake · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tags @lostinabuddiehaze, @elvensorceress and @monsterrae1! ❤️❤️❤️ I've been posting a lot of non-Buddie snippets from my Survivor fic recently, so let's change it up — here's a tidbit from my murder mystery And Then There Were None-style whodunnit fic set toward the beginning of season 2, featuring both Buck and Eddie, who have just arrived at the manor, unaware of what's about to take place 😈
Eddie can barely make out the name written out on her luggage tag with handwriting as pin-straight as her hair: Dr. Hanako Ito.
“Is it just me, or were you expecting more of a beachy, resort-type place?” she asks, looking around at the manor. 
“Not just you. But hey, where else are you going to find…” Eddie trails off, studying the shrubs decorating the path to the front door, “dueling angel and devil topiary?”
“Creepy, yet impressive.” They followed the path down, passing vivid designs, and Eddie did his best to ignore the striking one of a hooded figure holding a scythe. “Owner has some interesting taste.”
“That’s for sure. You looking forward to the time away?”
“Look, I love my husband and my son. And my job is my passion. But between you and me?” she whispers, low and conspiratorial. “I could really use a vacation.”
“Hey, no judgment here,” Eddie says. “I think we all could.”
Hanako’s chauffeur opens the front door, which is bookended on either side by gargoyle vulture statues. They’re greeted by two butlers, outfit in neat suits, who welcome them. One takes their bags, and the other leads them through the parlor to the recreation room, where the crowd of other award recipients awaits.
“Hey! We were thinking you’d never show up!” a young man sitting close to the door says as he springs to his feet. “Now the party starts.” He runs a hand through his jet black hair before extending his hand out for them to shake. His piercing emerald eyes make him look like something out of a fashion spread, and are the kind that make Eddie stop in his tracks — all-consuming, but unnerving all at once. “Duncan.”
The next few minutes is a blur, while Eddie is stopped by everyone stepping up to introduce themselves on his way to the bar. There’s Harlan, a fire chief from a few states over, whose handshake could strangle someone if he isn't careful. There’s Griselle, a bubbly elementary school teacher who held onto Eddie a beat too long when they hugged, and Sheila, a 40-something police officer whose face tells him she's already exhausted by every single person at this brunch. And Detective Julian Crawford, who Eddie only knows how to address as such because of the badge proudly displayed on his belt. 
Not everyone approaches him. A scholarly-looking guy with thick glasses sits in the corner alone, sipping on a Shirley Temple. And an older woman, probably in her late 50s, her hair in a bun so tight that Eddie doesn’t know how she doesn’t have a splitting headache, stands by the old-timey record player, observing the whole thing with beady, unblinking eyes. 
It’s a while before he even spots Buck, who’s sitting at the bar chatting up a petite brunette in a pink sundress. Or, as he comes to find out when he actually goes over to say hi, is smiling and nodding at the petite brunette in a pink sundress as she, er, drives the conversation.
“It’s really the all-purpose drink, you know? You just cut up all the fruit you have in your fridge or hanging out on your counter, and just put it all in with your red wine of choice. God, I love wine. I could drink it at any meal, even breakfast. Did you know that’s why they call it sangria? Because the red wine makes it look like blood. Isn’t that interesting?”
Before Buck can respond, the woman turns to Eddie. 
“Hi!” she says, before Eddie can say anything. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, Eddie. Eddie Diaz,” he says before shaking her hand. 
“Eddie! It’s so nice to meet you! I’m Mary! Mary Almond. You know, like the nut,” she says with a girlish giggle. “Nut. That’s such a funny word.” She gestures wildly to the barstool on the other side of her as her drink threatens to slosh over the rim of her glass. “Sit down with us! We were just talking about— wait, what were we talking about?” she asks Buck. 
She’s giving… Miss Rhode Island from Miss Congeniality. But she’s gorgeous, in a very approachable, girl-next-door kind of way. And she's clearly full of fun facts. Probably Buck’s type, if he’s being honest. Not that he’s ever thought about this exact thing before. Nope.
Tagging: @ashwinmeird @elvensorceress @megslovesbooks @lightningbuck @jacksadventuresinwriting
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nothoughtsonlynat · 3 years
me, sitting in bed blaring taylor swift and writing fanfiction: i am the epitome of mental stability
4 notes · View notes
wandasmistress · 2 years
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Synopsis- Your need to socialize brings you to the club and you meet a special someone who lights up your night, but can you handle finding out she wasn’t all who she claimed to be?
Pairings- Wanda Maximoff x Fem!reader, Bottom!Wanda Maximoff x Top!Reader
Warnings- Cheating, Drinking, 18+ Content
Word Count- 7.9k
A/N- This took me so long to write, I do not have a life :/
You finally decide to take a break for yourself after working yourself to the point of hysteria.  Thinking there's no better place to go to than the club to get wild and let loose. Hopefully this time you would dance with someone or spark up a conversation with a stranger that would make you rethink everything in life.
Sadly you were mistaken, sitting on the barstool looking off into the distance of the crowd. Seeing hundreds of bodies moving together all in sync, seeing people eating each other's faces out as the lights flash the whole rainbow.
Groaning and rolling your eyes you shifted over to face the bartender who had a cheeky smile on their face, obviously too over-enthusiastic hoping you would give him a good rating.
“What could I get you for tonight?” He asked with a raised eyebrow as he shook the cocktail maker in odd positions while it felt like he was staring deep into your soul.
Stumbling on your answer of what to reply you fiddled with your hands trying to remember the name of any cocktail. Remembering the name of the show you watched on your dad's old tv when you were younger.
“The, um. Shirley temple, yeah that one!” You exclaimed still confused as to how you even remembered the show's name.
Still stuck in your thoughts you heard the bartender mumble out something as he walked off in another direction, probably to deliver a drink to someone else.
After this drink, you were definitely planning on going home coming to the conclusion that this environment definitely just wasn't for you. All the dresses people wore stopped barely below their ass, all the men with their shirts off trying to flaunt their sweaty 6-packs, and people who were way more extroverted actually talking to others.
While you were just in casual clothes you threw on not thinking too much about your physical appearance until now making you hunch your shoulders just slightly. Feeling a soft vibration on your back from where it was connected to the bar counter.
Raising your eyebrows lightly as you turned over you see the bartender had placed down your drink now in front of you and had moved along to other needy customers.
Scratching your neck as a nervous tick overcame you causing you to look at the other people sitting on stools at the bar counter you saw them all talking to one another or quickly stopping by and rushing their order because someone was most likely waiting for them on the dancefloor.
This made you feel even more lonely in a place full of people, sure you could go and start a conversation with a random person, but you were never too trusting so why start now. And your mind automatically shot to people seeking out others to kidnap or partake in their devious plans.
Absentmindley sipping on your drink as you thought of the movie you were gonna watch when you returned home soon, wondering if you should see horror, action, or romance movie. Coming to the conclusion that you weren't even gonna attempt to watch a romance movie that will call you single in 100 ways.
Too consumed with having an internal conversation with yourself you failed to realize a stranger trying to have a conversation with you, turning your head towards them while sucking the last of the cocktail out of the round glass.
Almost choking as you take the breathtakingly beautiful woman in front of you, wondering why she was talking to you out of all the people at the bar. You couldn't help but start to feel self-conscious under her faze as a little smirk played on her lips.
While you take in her whole appearance she continues talking to you while subtly looking around the club. Her jade green eyes bore into your dull ones, her dark brunette locks swishing from side to side. The released air sent her strawberry vanilla scent your way causing you to take in a deep breath. 
She waves her hands in front of your face when your eyes flutter shut for a few seconds still in such awe at her smell, thinking to yourself how you probably look so weird right now but you couldn't help it.
Finally turning her in she says, “You probably didn't hear a thing I said in the last ten minutes.”
You could hear the slight disappointment in her voice as she shifted in her seat awkwardly looking away from your sorry glance.
Thinking quickly to try and reverse the damage you've done you quickly say, “No, no I heard everything you said. It's just that I’ve never seen someone so beautiful before, let alone them initiating the conversation first.” You gasped out as you shot her a hopeful look.
Her eyes softened immediately and just for the littlest of moments, you could see something else in her eyes until it left just as fast. She laughed at your comment seeing through your little lie but didn't take it to heart because she knew you meant well. When she continued to laugh you couldn't help but be absolutely mesmerized, you'd do anything to hear it again and see the smile plastered upon her face.
“You know it's not a good thing to lie right?” She questioned faintly as she laid the side of her head on her palm as her elbow was planted on the counter.
Your reply is already on the tip of your tongue before you cant filter what you say, “What? I'm not lying, you really are the most beautiful person I've seen. Everything about you screams perfection.” You say the last line softly as you stare deep into her radiant eyes.
Your compliment made her chuckle softly as she looked down at the legs of your stool. But when she looked back up your breath hitched as you could finally identify the lingering look in her eyes, adoration. 
She slapped your jacket-covered shoulder lightly as she inched closer on her stool towards you, looking down briefly as her mouth flickered to a frown for a second.
“You should really stop lying.” She said quietly, you could tell that she didn't believe that she was truly beautiful, you could see her interlacing insecurity crack out seeping into her words and face.
Hesitantly bring your hand up to the bottom of her chin, lifting it up ever so lightly as if you were afraid you would break her. 
“The only lie I told you was that I was listening to you, I just never thought someone as breathtaking as you would be talking to me.” You explained gracefully while pointing to your attire and face.
This made a small smile spread across her face as the words left your lips truthfully, you turned over to the bartender waving him over hurriedly, maybe you would get just one more drink tonight.
Turning back around to the woman after you called the bartender over.
“And what will you be having tonight m’lady.” You ask her with fake seriousness laced in your tone and broadcasted on your face.
She giggled lightly as she mumbles “Paloma” while shying away from both you and the bartender's glance.
You turn away from her again and place her order along with a whiskey on the rocks for you. When the bartender glided away blissfully since he has most likely been doing his job for a while in order to be so swift you hear the woman say something. 
Your attention yet again on her you raise your eyebrow and ask her what she said.
“My name is Wanda, but if you want to call me m’lady I don't mind.” She said amorously while once again staring deep into your eyes, your stomach doing flips at the attention she has on you. You couldn't wait for what this night held.
Before you knew it you had more whiskeys than planned, Wanda urging you to take some tequila shots with her. She was downing them like a pro and her slurred voice showed just how drunk she was. Not wanting to make her feel lonely you down as many as your alcohol-resistant body could let you.
As you both got drunker and drunker deep into the night you noticed that Wanda had an accent, one you didn't hear before her drunkenness most likely making it have an appearance. 
But as the night moved on the club seemed to get more packed than it already was. When a man in flashy designer bling rubbed up against Wanda at the counter while talking to the bartender you couldn't help but clench your first on your tequila shot, staring the man down as he looked on. 
While you were too busy glaring daggers at the man Wanda noticed this form of possessiveness and smirked to herself, even though she didn't plan on doing this her inability to make the right choices made her get up from her stool and plant herself in your lap.
Taking you by surprise you almost choked on the strong alcohol gliding down your throat smoothly, a little dribble of the liquor falling out of your mouth. As Wanda sat perched on your lap she saw it happen quickly wiping it away with her thumb as a wide smile graced her face now getting to see your features better up close. 
Your cheeks begin to turn hot from the intimate position you now realized you were in and her adorable smile.
Putting your hand on her waist to ensure her stability because she was sitting on your lap facing the large crowd of people on the dancefloor as you were still facing the blinged-out man. While you were looking back at Wanda you could see from the man out the corner of your eye staring at you both, he probably thought you two were together from her position on your lap and you grinned a second later he stalked away into the crowd.
Your hand gripping tighter on Wanda’s waist as your arm encircled the lower of her back, she shifted and you stopped suddenly as you thought you might have gone too far but then a second later she completely relaxed in your hold and rested her head on the left side of your shoulder gently sighing.
“Y-you seem tired...I can take you home if you like.” You told her calmly while staring down at her hair which seemed to turn and twist in every direction, like a captivating current.
“I- I don’t.” She answered hesitantly stopping herself before she could finish her thought.
Gently pressing her chin up with your free hand so she could come eye level with you, you asked, “Don't what?” with raised eyebrows, worry overfilling your mind.
“I just- I don't want to go home just yet.” She explained bouncing up from your lap and stumbling slightly as the alcohol intake finally caught up to her.
In just a second you were up and steadying her with both your hands planted on her waist. You could feel the tight leather fabric clinging onto her body so much better now, the thought of slinging it off of her was so powerful but you overcame it.
As you felt her stabilize in your arms you looked at her with admiration and a moment later she was staring right back at you with the same admiration, you could see the longing in her eyes for something. 
When you were with her it felt as if the rest of the world was on pause, you felt anything but lonely. It's like she opened a door in your heart that has yet to be opened before, she brought out the light in you.
The noise of the club drowned out as you were locked at this moment with her, and in the blink of an eye, your heads were both inching closer to each other. 
Electricity shot through you when your lips connected, having never felt like this before you wanted to cherish it for as long as you possibly could. You tasted the lingering tequila on her lips and the strong grapefruit flavor from her drink from earlier. 
Her arms wrapped around your neck slowly as she breathed in your scent, never wanting to leave your arms. You gripped her waist a bit tighter as your arms slid down her back slowly.
She bit your lip softly making you open your mouth to express a groan but before you could emit any noise she took her chance to slide her tongue directly into your mouth and you let her. Both your tongues fought for dominance as things started to get more heated.
You pressed yourself closer to her if that was possible considering how up against each other you already were. Feeling her fingernails grip onto the root of your hair, making you groan into her mouth and you could feel her smile against yours. She took pleasure in hearing the sudden noises come from your mouth, and you knew that which made the growing thirst to have her under you stronger.
Pulling away from her lips reluctantly fighting the urge to reconnect your lips to hers. She was caught in the haze of the kiss still and followed after your mouth, trying to reconnect them herself and take things back under her control. 
“Let's take this back to my place,” you said out of breath grasping her waist harder, “I don't live too far from here we can take a cab.” you finished off as you stared deep into her forest green eyes seeing her dilated pupils, causing your stomach to clench even more.
The urge to have your lips back on hers overcame your mind and you moved in to reconnect with her instead you could you felt Wanda slip from your grasp and snatch your hand with hers. Before you knew it she was dragging you through the crowd of people, everyone moving out of her path instantly as if they knew not to block her and her chances of relieving her aching libido.
The whole cab ride to your apartment was pure ecstasy. She had already taken off her bra somehow as soon as she got in the cab and when you got in the cab a few delayed seconds later because the alcohol was starting to slow down your reality she slung it around your neck, teasing you almost. She knew it would be a few minutes until the cab reached your apartment when you slurred the location to the driver as she got in position on your lap.
The cab driver looked at both of you through his rearview mirror and scoffed, mumbling something about alcoholics or lesbians you couldn't tell but when he started driving that all went away when Wanda reattached her lips onto yours. 
You couldn't handle not being able to strip her right then and there and that's why you thought she was enjoying teasing you so much. She would constantly fall out of the kiss on purpose and laugh to herself enjoying seeing the small frown pull against your face. 
She then started to lick your jaw, catching you off guard for a second. Enjoying the feeling a little too much in the back of the cab your gripped her waist and jerked her against your leg causing her to release a loud moan just below your ear. 
The cab driver obviously did not like this as much as the both of you were he honked his horn making you both jump in surprise, your drunken mind thinking he wanted you guys to stop and you were about to retaliate with a few curse words until you felt Wanda dragging you out of the cab.
Still not sure of what was happening at the moment you looked up to see the bright fluorescent lighting flickering on and off in your apartment building's front office. You looked to your left and see Wanda staring enticingly at you as she bit down her lip a smirk playing at her lips, clinging onto your arm as if you were her lifeline and she was on the verge of death. 
You couldn't wait to get past your apartment door and give her the night of her life.
As soon as your key left the slot Wanda twisted the doorknob swiftly and pushed open the door with such force you were sure there would be a dent in the wall from the impact but you didn't care. She turned around and stared at you seductively as she bent over slowly making sure you had the full view of her ass as she took off her heels oh so slowly. 
Subconsciously you slipped off your shoes and stalked over to Wanda who was still having fun teasing you with the sight of her exposed back thighs that were toned to perfection.
Right as she slipped off her last heel you were behind her in less than a second, an almost animalistic feeling took over you as you lifted her up from behind turning her over in the process so she could face you. In those mere seconds where your eyes connect you saw that her pupils were completely blown leaving no more room for the green pigment. As Wanda stared into your eyes she couldn't help but shutter almost at the intensity that was radiating from them and your slick grin. Like it was clockwork she wrapped her legs around your waist so she could be closer to you.
Before you knew it you were now in your room, slamming the door shut behind you not caring if you were causing more damage to your home that you spent so much money on, but again you could care less.
You threw her onto your plush bed that was covered in pillows you often slept with, immediately after she laid down on the bed and stuck her pelvis up in the air, latching onto her panties and shimming them down her legs. Stuck in the moment of bliss seeing her absolutely ready and willing to give her full self to you your grin spread further up your face. 
Unwillingly you looked away as you turned around towards your dresser. Stalking over quickly to get her a surprise not knowing the frown that was brought upon her face at your turned back, saddened from the fact that her attention was no longer with you. But that all changed quickly as you managed to unbuckle your jeans and slide them down your legs then reach for the strap tucked away deep in your dresser.
When you turned around you saw her face light up and she scooted back on your bed, her dress having completely risen up and now resting on her hips. She sat back and spread her legs giving you the full view of her glistening cunt that was soaked with her juices you couldn't wait to taste and have all over your mouth.
Putting the strap on as you maintained eye contact with Wanda. Her breath hitched as she looked at how feral your eyes looked, gulping as she was prepared for what you were about to do.
Once the strap was fastened perfectly around your waist the long-lasting grin left your face in seconds as you lowered your hands and planted them on the bed, staring at Wanda with more than hungry and thirsting eyes.
“Who said you could be that far away from me?”
Catching her off guard with that comment she took some time to think of what you meant but before she could have a chance to assess that thought she felt your cool hands on her ankles, one second later she was at the end of your bed causing a yelp to release from her mouth and a smile to spread across your face.
You kneeled awfully slow while a smirk grew on your face, teasing her like she had done you earlier in the night. Wanda gave out a whine and wiggled growing impatient from the need to have your hands roam her body and fuck her senseless.
As you were perched on your knees while Wanda was sitting up rested on her elbows with a little pout appearing on her face. You couldn't help but bring your hand up to her cheek, your hand touching her soft flesh. She released a sigh.
“Y/n… please don't play with me.” She pleaded with a steady tone.
Her cool tone washed over and you shivered just slightly.
“What do you want baby?” You questioned her with a raised eyebrow, your eyes drawing in on her rising chest.
Wanda’s breath hitched at the pet name, a feeling of contentment falling over her. She liked hearing you call her that and wished she could hear the name slip from your mouth again.
Pondering your question for only a second she took your hand that was still connected with her cheek and slowly slid it down her abdomen, past her hips, and stopped when reached her pelvis, your eyes following the movement as your heart raced. You’ve never had someone this eager to be in bed with you and you were gonna bask at the moment for just a little longer.
When you looked back up to Wanda’s face you saw her biting her lips as her eyes stayed steady on you, waiting for your next move. You just couldn't give in that easily, you still wanted to tease her more. Taking your pointer finger towards her slick coated folds you pressed her clit lightly. Just the slightest pressure caused her to yell out a guttural moan and fling her head back onto the plush pillows as her back arched. 
You couldn't help but run your other hand up her stomach stopping at her covered breast, gently squeezing it earning yourself another whine from the brunette beauty. Moving your pointer finger down towards her entrance and sticking it in then taking it right out after.
Wanda groaned in annoyance, she was too horny for you to be teasing her and getting away with it like that. She was quick to close her legs, affectively trapping your hand between her thighs. Confusion sprung over your face quickly, thinking maybe she didn't want you to touch her.
It was until she came up from her laid position on the bed to face you up and front.
“If you don't quit your teasing bullshit I'll leave right now.” She told you with a seriousness you couldn't figure out was real or fake, but you didn't want to find out the truth if she got up and left.
As you were stuck in your thoughts with your mouth agape Wanda smirked, she wasn't quite sure if her threat would work. She didn't know if you were gonna see right through her bluff but you did and that brought her a sense of happiness tricking you.
Nodding your head subtly you placed both hands on her stomach, pushing her back to her previous position before she arose and gave you an ultimatum. When she was successfully laid down again you spread her twisted thighs, you didn't notice that she was trying to ease the pressure in between her legs and that's when you knew she wasn't really going to leave. It was a bluff but you were done teasing now it was time to show her just how she makes you feel.
Before you lowered yourself to her cunt you sent one last glance towards her and smirked at the sight of her nibbling other lower lip as her dark locks cast down over her face, no doubt anxious for you to get a move on.
Not wanting to starve her of your services any longer you came face to face with her pink and puffy pussy. Your eyes widened and your stomach churned, you placed your thumb on her clit releasing a loud moan and squirm from the woman. 
You began to circle faster and faster on her clit, her thighs starting to constrict around your head. Wanting to taste her immediately you brought your face directly down into her cunt and licked along her shining folds. Her body shook as if she was having a seizure but she was happy to have you licking and touching all the right places.
Your pace around her clit fastened more as you started your tongue work, doing circles around her clout briefly then switching back to pry at her entrance leaving the woman a whining mess.
Once your tongue started to focus on her clit more your teeth glided across her bean which caused her to buck her hips into your face.
You prepared your fingers, going to start with three for a surprise. No teasing the entrance or anything you shoved your fingers up inside of her so fast she didn't process it at first until the burst of ecstasy sent her into overdrive.
The most boisterous moan left her mouth as the impact finally hit her, just immediately she began to buck her hips against your hands. 
Your tongue and fingers brought her such bliss she wanted more. Her hands gripped the sheets as she called out your name.
“Faster, y/n!” She ordered as she began whipping her head around from side to side in need of more.
“What was that?” You asked taking your tongue off her clit, your cockiness yet again making an unlawful appearance.
“Please, y/n. Fuck me like you mean it. Fuck me..” She begged as her eyes squinted shut.
“Fuck me what, baby? Use your words.” 
“Fuck me like you hate me, please!” She bellowed. 
The pace your fingers went in and out of her was ungodly with the loud smacks coming from your fingers pummeling into her entrance over and over. You practically had her seizing from how much pleasure she was receiving. The build-up in your core caused you to groan from hearing the noises she was emitting.
An orgasm was coming from her, the first of very many you planned on giving her that night.
As you added a fourth finger into her moments later you could feel her walls clenching tight against your fingers making it harder to pound into her with them.
But that didn't matter because in a matter of seconds she was cumming, a loud throaty groan rising from her. You were a little shocked at how someone the size of herself could make such a sound, a growl-like yell coming from her. 
Taking one last stroke inside her with your fingers grazing over the inside part that made her seize in the first place, her breathing became heavy and her chest was rising and falling rapidly. You took your fingers out from her and her thighs broke apart from your head as you stood up.
Satisfied with what you have done you sucked the juices off of your three fingers but left some for her as you bent over placing them in her open mouth. She sucked on them and sighed with a content hum. When she was done you took off your shirt wanting to feel her skin on yours when she was pressed up against you.
As she was coming down from her long-awaited high you flipped her over onto her stomach, her hair splashing over her back you took your fingers running them through her soft locks. She let out a soft sigh at feeling your hands on her head and before she knew it she felt the cool touch of your fingers gliding down her now naked back after you unzipped her leather black dress that has been partially concealing her the whole night.
You stripped her unhurriedly but not too slowly. As you brought the material down her legs, finally removing it, you flung it away towards a random direction in your room.
When you looked down at her to capture her backside your heart skipped a few beats, and this was just the sight of her from behind. She has a perfectly shaped ass with one dimple right off the center of her left cheek. Her back muscles shone perfectly against the moonlight seeping from your bedroom curtains. And her hair, her hair was splayed graceful along her backside. As you were taking in her breathtaking form she turned her head around and saw you mesmerized. She couldn't help but blush as you were admiring her and she couldn't help but feel merry at how you made her feel like the only person in the world.
She turned over pain painstakingly slowly to reveal her front to you, you could now see the wide smile that was upon her face, you smiling back in adoration.
“Well are you planning on standing there for the rest of the night or are you gonna finish giving me the best time of my life?” She asked you softly scrunching her nose in the process.
“What? A girl can’t admire what's hers when I’m looking the most perfect person known to human.” You told her gingerly, wondering if you might have overstepped with your comment.
A tender smile came upon her face once again at the compliment. She felt as if she was the most important thing in the world something she never felt often, not like this ever. But something in her heart ached at seeing your face, and she looked away from your gaze quickly taking in a sharp breath. You were too head over heels to notice this at the moment.
You came down upon her slowly as she scooted up the bed, you rested on your knees as she laid against your pillows softly. When Wanda turned her head in to bask in the attention again her nose overfilled with your scent and she grinned in satisfaction of being right here in the moment with you, wishing it could last forever.
Everything in this moment felt slowed to you both, you came down on top of her and connected your lips in a heated kiss. Your tongues danced wildly together as you pressed your thigh down onto her core making her moan into your mouth, taking this opportunity to remove your lips from hers and start sending sloppy kisses along her jaw.
A few moments you were sucking on her neck planning on making marks to let others know she was yours. If and when you decided to call yourselves more because surely this night meant a lot to the both of you, how could it not?
Then you felt her hands press against your chest and you stopped. You looked down at her with raised eyebrows and willing to stop at any second if she asked but instead of shaking her head you could tell she was fighting to say something.
“Don't-” You started to rise from her not wanting to give her something she didn't want but then she put her hands on your shoulder you to stay still, “No, I-I want you to keep going just, just don't mark me please.” She said fervently.
You couldn't help but feel like there was something more she wasn't saying and you tried to find it in her eyes but she looked away from your gaze and bit down on her lips.
“Wanda, what is it?” You asked, anxiousness starting to creep in your bones.
“It's just my first time that's all.” The reply rolled off her tongue almost too smoothly making you jump back in shock.
“H-how old are you?” You squealed trying to pry the thought of having sex with a minor from your head.
“No! No, that's not what I meant. I'm 27 it's just that I'm, I'm still a virgin.” She admitted the last part.
Your eyes softened and your breathing returned to its normal pace as you brought yourself back down onto her.
“That's fine, I'm just glad to be your first.” You admitted as you locked your lips with hers in a sweet kiss before you were pulling back. 
Your hands rubbed against her stomach as you sat upon your knees lifting up one of her legs as you slung it around your shoulder. Aligning the false cock with her coated entrance. She shuddered and released a sigh at just how right it felt.
You pushed your hips into her cunt at a slow and steady pace first then went faster as her moans started to increase in volume. Before you knew it sweat was appearing on both your bodies as the sex-filled room was intoxicating and your quick movements caused them to dribble slowly down your body.
Her screams were erratic as the pounding got more grotesque, her legs now wrapped around your midsection. Your fingers are interlaced together by the top of her head. With the force of your hips meeting her center and the harness of the strap rubbing against her clint to relive some of that extra pressure she was cumming in no time. 
An elongated whine left her lips, her face scrunching up together as her eyebrows pointed upwards. The radiance of the night shows how stunning she just was at this moment, the beads of sweat covering her body made her look heavenly, the strands of hair connecting to her face and neck. Her lips quirked up as she bit them, she truly looked ethereal and you were more than satisfied to have made her feel this way more than once already made a smug smirk appear across your face.
Before you could finish esteeming her beauty under the moonlight she flipped you over and was now on top, still with the dildo inside of her she release a sigh now that she was bottomed out.
You looked up with her with longing in your eyes as you placed your hands just above her ass. She came down to your level licking her lips gradually when she saw you staring at them.
“Let’s see how many times you can make me cum tonight, and when we're done I don't want to feel my legs.” She whispered just below your ears, her teeth gently grazing your earlobe causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head and push her ass into you further.
When you gave Wanda her seventh and final orgasm of the night you both were beyond tired. As you cleaned her up with a washcloth from your bathroom and settled her into the sheet comfortably because she couldn't in fact move her legs due to such intense pounding and spreading in her cunt that she received. 
A few minutes after you cleaned both of you up from the night's current events you snuggled into the cover, coming from behind her and wrapping your arms around her torso as you spoon.
Wanda decided she didn't like the position and turned over in your arms, laying her head on your chest. You felt the hairs on her head tickling your exposed skin but you didn't care because as long as she was comfortable and happy it mean the world to you.
Maybe you were falling too fast for her but you’d jump headfirst if it meant every night was like like this. It had you thinking what a coincidence it was the one night you decide to go out you’d meet her, the girl of your dreams, scratch that, world.
She was gone the next morning.
You're a pretty light sleeper so you don't know how exactly she snooks out but she did, you tried not to think about it too much. But when you rolled over on your bed you smelled her scent as it clung to the fabric of the sheets.
Your alarm suddenly blared on your nightstand next to your bed damaging your ears from the hangover, you shuffled from the comforts of your sheets and sat on the edge of your bed quick to shut it off staring off into the distance of your room. You didn't even get her number, how were you gonna ever get in contact with her again, everything is so fucked up.
You glanced down at your phone screen looking at the time plastered on the screen you saw it was 6:30 pm. This made you jump out of bed send shout obscenities as you rushed to get in the shower remembering the dinner with your boss you had.
Luckily you set up an alarm because you always forgot the time and you couldn't forget this important event, your job depending on it.
Spending the better half of your time throwing up the contents of your stomach thanking the heavens you didn't get alcohol poisoning.
As you finished taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and making yourself look presentable while debating if you should tell him you weren't feeling well with how sickly you looked. But you shook the thought away as you put on your black bomber and grabbed your door keys from the floor. Smirking at the thought of how they got there.
When you got out of the cab arriving in the suburban side of the area marveling at the big house sat in front of you. Walking past the big white picket fence thinking to yourself how your boss was living the American dream, he probably had a beautiful wife and two kids to be exact. One probably named Timmy and Bella. You rolled your eyes as you jogged up the steps of the grand house the motion censored lights flickering on causing you to look up at them squinting your eyes.
He works you till you're dry and then attempts to blind you, rolling your eyes tiredly even after you slept for the whole day. You knocked four times on the door hoping that he wouldn't answer so you could just go back home not having enough energy to plaster a fake smile on your face and interact with him for the next hour and a half.
When he opened the door you were taken back at how casually he decided to dress. He was in jeans for the first time out of all the times you've seen him and wearing a green turtleneck. You stifled a laugh as to how funny he looked and shook his hand.
He grabbed your hand with such enthusiasm you wanted to walk right back down the steps you came from. As he shook your hand he grasped your shoulder and squeezed it so tight you were sure it would leave a bruise. Closing your eyes for a second too long to roll your eyes.
“Nice of you to make it here y/n!” he exclaimed with a large smile that didn’t reach his eyes, all his movements were so robotic as if someone programmed him to do and say all of this. You knew for a fact the only reason he was doing it was that he got bad rates from his employees from a survey of the workplace environment.
You fought to urge to reply back that you didn't have much of a choice but before you could come up with a fake reply he ushered you inside,
“My wife just got done putting dinner on the table, it's one of my favorite dishes she makes. It's a traditional dish, from a place called, uh, Sokovia. That's the word.” He rambled as he took you through the grand foyer, living room, and kitchen. 
With all the miscellaneous toys and children's items thrown about the place, you could definitely tell that he had kids.
As he directed you into his grand dining room you couldn't help but stand stiff as his hand was on your lower back. You wanted too badly to slap his hand away but he took it off of you as you came to a halt in the dining room threshold.
Looking around you saw how the dining room looked brand new, you remembered him ranting to the workplace four years ago about him buying a new grand house but no one showed any interest because no one cared. 
He looked around confusedly as if looking for someone he muttered something about “her being somewhere over here”.
But before he could say anything a woman dashed into the room, not quite catching her face yet as she turned around setting something on the table.
“Ah! Wanda, there you are!” He exclaimed as he raised his hands in the air, “I thought you disappeared or something, seems you've been doing a lot of that lately.” He whispered the last part softly so she couldn't hear, but you could.
Not even paying attention to his words anymore you felt your heart nearly stop at the sight of her. She wasn't facing you still arranging things on the table, but you knew it was her because of her hair. The same hair you were admiring hours ago.
You tried to fight back the tears in your eyes, biting down on your lip harshly instead while looking off into the distance.
“Here my special employee is, I forgot to tell you her name my bad. Heres y/n, y/n y/l/n.” And with that Wanda froze in her place hands hovering over the steaming rice.
Putting on a merry smile as she turned around to see that it was in fact you, she was staring at you intently hoping you would look at her. But you did anything but that doing everything to avoid her gaze.
A part of her face faltered for a second as she realized how bad she fucked up. She shouldn't have done this to you, you didn't know she was married and when you expressed your feelings of being with her after that night she didn't have the heart to tell you it wouldn't be possible.
Your boss, Vision didn't catch onto anything and instead said let's get seated. You took a seat in the nearest chair while Wanda sat with Vision across from you. 
Here again, you felt lonely as ever. Who were you to believe that someone would have actually wanted you, to spend the resting of their waking moment in your arms.
Your shoulders hunched as you shrunk down in the chair, feeling the need to suddenly throw up.
Vision's voice brought you out of your slump, “Are you feeling okay y/n? You seem to look a bit too pale.”
“No, no I'm fine. It's just that I've been feeling as if I'm coming down with a cold, that's all.” You answered a bit too glumly.
But that's when you finally looked up and met eye contact with her for the first time tonight. Your breath stopped for a second as she stared back into your eyes keenly. You wanted to scoff so bad at how she still made you feel so special under her gaze. But you were just a fool and that's all you would be in your eyes and hers. 
She reluctantly looked back down at her plate, a tear threatening to drop from her eye. The admiration and affection were no longer present when you looked at her but betrayal and anger spiked from your dull irises. The confidence you often gave her now transferred to self-consciousness.
As you put rice onto your plate avoiding Wanda's burning gaze. You nodded and pretended to listen to Vision going on and on about himself and what he planned for the future of his business, he was too consumed in his speaking to realize no one in the room was listening to him.
You finally realize why Wanda felt so deprived, you can't imagine being married to a man like him and sort of understanding why she cheated. But then again you couldn't help but feel so used and that made you irk in your seat.
But she told you how it was the best time of her life, how she was a virgin but she obviously had kids with the man sitting in front of you. How everything about her was a fucking lie.
You stared up at her from your plate and met her eyes directly. It's as if she wanted to pull you aside to speak to you privately but she didn't know how to come up with an excuse this time. This time a lie couldn't help her out in her favor, looks like it was coming to bite her in the ass.
You couldn't take one more minute of this torture seeing the woman who you gave so much of yourself with sit up her with her husband who she was married to for years. She had a whole life of her own, only if she would have stayed out of yours you wouldn't be feeling as if your heart is being repeatedly stabbed over and over again.
Abruptly you rose from your seat scooting back your chair back on the tile, although you didn't see it Wanda flinched at such harsh movement.
“I'm actually not feeling too well, I think staying in bed would have been a better idea. I feel like I’m going to puke.”  You said with deceit lacing your tone, “Sorry Vision, sorry... Wanda.” You muttered out her name. 
Vision stood up in plans of leading you to the exit but you knew exactly where you came from so there was no need as you waved him off. Your eyes brought you back to Wanda but she was already sitting up and walking towards you.
“Here let me, we’ve barely talked and I know Vision was counting on this dinner to be great for you. The least I can do is walk you out.” She said as she stood cowered under your gaze but confident enough to say what she had to say.
Her lies were overflowing your mind and you couldn't take enough, she didn't care about Vision’s work and you knew it. You didn't want to privately talk with her and hear more of them.
“No, it's fine. Don't drive yourself crazy over this dinner. I'm not that special, never was right?” You asked her the question under your breath thinking she didn't hear you.
But you know she did because her breath hitched. It took your whole being to not look at her but when you did she had teary eyes and a small pout. After all, she did to you you wanted to comfort her and wrap her in your embrace but you just couldn't.
“Fuck you Wanda, and fuck you for making me think I ever had a chance.” You whispered below your breath so Vision couldn’t hear before you took off down the awkwardly long hallway.
Making it to the front door the feelings got too much to handle as you shakily opened the door and slammed it shut behind you.
It all came out as you were no longer in front of an audience. You stumbled down the steps of the house as tears streamed down your face. A choked sob left your throat as you cursed yourself for going out that night, you just should have stayed home. The world too cruel to offer you anything meaningful in life. 
Never again would you make the mistake of opening your heart to the next willing person, and never again would you make the mistake of attempting to fall in love with a brunette-haired traitor.
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dbnightingale24 · 3 years
You’re My Drug (That’s The Problem)
Andy Barber ~ One Shot
Honestly, I don’t even know what is wrong with me. No one asked for this and there’s no reason for this to be so long. My mind kinda just went to home wrecker hoe central, and now you have this. I’m so sorry, but I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: SMUT, so much smut, cheating, depression, heartbreak, swearing, mentions of alcohol, abuse, angst, just A LOT of stuff, 18+, MINORS DNI!!!
Word Count: 10,210 (I honestly don’t know why I’m like this)
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter:
That’s All - Genesis
Sweetest Taboo - Sade
If Your Girl Only Knew - Aaliyah
One Last Time - Ariana Grande
I do not consent to have any of my works/stories posted anywhere.
Standing in Andy Barber’s living room, you try to remember when it all started, almost two years ago. He was never supposed to be anything other than a silly school girl crush and a late-night drunken fantasy. He was dating your favorite professor (who had basically acted as your mother when your own was too fucked up), and was so in love with him. Truly and completely. You still remember when she introduced you to him.
“Y/N! This is Professor Andy Barber!” Profession Daniels (Aunt Michelle is what you affectionately called her) beamed, walking over with her arm linked to the gorgeous and bearded professor.
“I know who he is,” you chuckled, holding your hand out to shake his.
Everyone on campus knew who Professor Barber was. Before he came to the university, he was a big time DA, and he was damn good at his job. After his divorce, he decided it was time for a change of scenery. So, he quit his job, packed up his things, and decided that NYC would be a good place to start over.
Every woman on campus was painfully aware of his presence because of his devilish good looks. It’s not like he strut about the campus or anything, it was just impossible not to notice. His beard was always full and trimmed perfectly, his voice was smoother than silk, his smile was infectious, and his body. Good God that was sculpted by God and the Devil. Such a gorgeous man but in a way that made all of them wickedly desperate for him.
The man had every reason to be a whore, but outside of class, he barely said two words to anyone. He came in, did what he needed to do, and went home. In fact, it’s still a mystery how Aunt Michelle got her hands on him, but never questioned it. She was happy and that’s all that you cared about. That really had been all you wanted.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Andy smiled at you, taking your hand and shaking it in a firm but gentle way. “I’ve heard so much about you, so it’s nice to finally put a face to a name.”
“Well, we’ll see how you feel about that after dinner! Why she chose to bring you out on ‘Whining Wednesday’ I have no clue, but if you’re still happy with her after all is said and done, I’ll approve of you,” you laughed while Professor Daniels shook her head.
“We’re not that bad!”
“We’re way worse, I know,” you teased. “We should get going before our booth is gone. I refuse to break tradition when we have a guest!”
‘Whining Wednesday’ was something started by both you and Professor Daniels to blow off some steam. She would go off about her worst students (only naming names sometimes), her workload, coworkers that drove her crazy (naming all names) and hating the pay cuts that seemed to be happening more often. You vented about the school workload, ridiculous essays, classmates that wouldn’t shut up when you were in your dorm at 2am trying to study, your mother, and your shitty on and off again boyfriend, Shawn. Also, you both did this while consuming food (mainly pizza) and drinks.
That Wednesday had been no different.
“Professor Cameron loves you!” your Aunt Michelle laughed as she finished her second Shirley Temple.
“Well then, can you tell him to ease up on my work load? Damn, I do have a job and other classes. I don’t even think I’m gonna pass this semester.”
“You’ve been saying that for two years and you do amazing each time, I’m sure this semester will be no different,” she shrugged, as the waiter dropped off another round of drinks and a large pizza pie with extra cheese.
“Eh, he is kind of a hard-ass,” Andy shrugged, grabbing a slice, as both you and Aunt Michelle gasped. “What?”
“You contributed!” you beamed, causing Andy to laugh, as you took a sip of your Jack and Coke.
“Professor Cameron isn’t a hard-ass, he just doesn’t like Andy,” Aunt Michelle laughed, grabbing her own slice.
“What did I ever do to him?”
“Every woman on campus loves you,” she scoffed “the guys at the University are split down the middle when it comes to you. Half of them love you and the other half wish you’d go back to Boston,” she smirked.
“How did I not know this?” Andy questioned in slight disbelief.
“You never hang around longer than you have to!” Aunt Michelle laughed.
“Don’t worry, the male students feels the same. Shawn complains about you all the time.”
“Shawn Toole? He doesn’t like me because I hold him accountable when he slacks off in my class,” Andy huffed.
“Yeah, he has a tendency to slack off about a lot of things,” you sighed, reaching for your drink “don’t take it personal.”
“Why are you back with him this time?” Aunt Michelle scowled.
“Why do I always take him back? Convenience, boredom, utter and sheer stupidity. I’d rather put myself through bullshit with him than be by myself.”
“You can do so much better!”
“Can I though? Like, lets really think about that one.”
“Y/N, you know you can.”
“It’s human nature. Why do we continue to drink when we know we’ve reached our limit? Why do junkies continue to do drugs even know they know it’s killing them? Why do people play extreme sports even know they know that every time they play it could be their last? Because we all live for the high. No matter how bad it can get, the high is always worth it. No matter how short lived it is. We’re all wired to self destruct in some way, some just find a way to last longer than others,” you shrugged before taking a bite of your pizza.
“Well shit, do you wanna teach my Psychology class tomorrow?” Aunt Michelle chuckled slightly.
“Fuck no, cause then I have to deal with all of the things that are wrong with me,” you laughed.
“For as long as I’ve been doing this, I’ve never thought about it that way,” Andy said after a beat. “You make an extremely good point.”
“See? I told you she was bright as hell!” Aunt Michelle gushed.
“Stop doing that,” you laughed, before downing the rest of your drink.
For the rest of that night, the conversation flowed easily and the three of you had an amazing time. Andy enjoyed the banter between you and Professor Daniels, and you truly loved watching them together. They both seemed extremely happy and enamored with each other.
Then the end of the night came.
“I’ve got it,” you slurred slightly, grabbing the check before either of them could get their hands on it.
“Oh? Did you rob a bank recently?” Aunt Michelle mused, a little tipsy herself.
“Not yet, but my mom did send me some guilt money, so I can afford this and much more,” you chuckled humorlessly.
“What happened this time?”
“She got drunk at my grandmother’s and made a complete twat out of herself. Decided that was the best time to tell me how I’m not doing enough and I’m not enough. Once again blaming me for her most recent boyfriend leaving, completely ignoring the fact that she’s the issue. Ya know, the usual” you shrugged, putting your debit card in the check holder.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Because it’s tiring always being upset about something. It’s tiring explaining, again, that someone I love and care about more than anything in the world treats me like trash. We’ve been having this talk since you found me crying in the library.”
“Stop, I’m really okay. She called me crying the next day and just kept apologizing.”
“What did you say?”
“I just told her to save it cause we have that huge family Gala coming up next weekend and it would save her time to just apologize for everything at once. Hence the reason I have all this money to burn,” you smiled as the waiter came over to grab the check.
“We can talk about it more tomorrow, if you want, during lunch.”
“Can’t do lunch tomorrow, dear old Dad is coming to visit.”
“What? Why?”
“Probably to tell me about his new engagement.”
“Didn’t he just get married?”
“Yeah, but she reached her age limit. I honestly don’t think my dad has stayed with any woman, besides my mother, past the age of 28. He meets em at 20, marries them by 22, divorces them between the ages of 25 and 28. She met this one at 26, so I knew she’d be packing as soon as she unpacked.”
“Your family is stressful,” Aunt Michelle sighed.
“I’m a product of chaos,” you smiled sarcastically, as the waiter came back with your debit card.
After giving in and letting Andy and Professor Daniels cover the tip, they both offered to get you home, seeing as it was late and it was a particularly cold night for early October, but you told them you’d be fine to walk the few short blocks.
“Are you sure? It’s no big deal, I don’t feel right letting you walk alone this late,” Andy sighed.
“I’m really okay, Professor Barber,” you smiled at him “thank you though, and thanks for coming out! I’m glad you had fun, you’re welcome to ‘whining Wednesdays’ whenever you want,” you giggled before giving Michelle a hug “as for you, I love you and I’ll see you at some point tomorrow, Profess-”
“We’re not at school. Call me Professor Daniels and I’ll scream,” she laughed, wrapping you in a tight hug. “Please let me know when you get home.”
“I will, I promise. Go home and have fun like the young lovers you are. Have sex or something,” you and she playfully swatted your arm. “Oh! Swing by my job tomorrow night! We can talk then!”
“Sounds good,” she smiled at you.
As you began walking in the other direction, Andy called after you “where do you work?”
“Um that Dive Bar a few block’s over! Tabitha’s!” you smiled, before resuming your walk home.
The next day, when walking across campus with your dad to get lunch, you ran into Andy.
“Oh, good afternoon Professor Barber,” you smiled at him.
“Y/N,” he nodded “I take it this is your father.”
“Uh yeah. Dad, this is Professor Barber, Professor Barber, my dad” you smiled anxiously.
“Good to meet you, Mr. Barber,” your father smiled, taking Andy’s hand in his giving it a firm shake. “You teach my daughter?”
“No, I’m good friends with Professor Daniels though, and she introduced me.”
‘That’s weird,’ you thought to yourself. ‘Good friend? Well, it’s not like he knows my dad at all, and Professor Barber is a private man. Makes sense.’
“Professor Daniels is an amazing woman. I don’t know what we’d do without her looking after my little flower” he smiled at Andy and you cringed inwardly. You’d started hating that nickname after you heard him call one of his young brides the same thing.
“Well, we’ve gotta get going. Don’t wanna be late for lunch,” you smiled, wanting to end the awkward moment as quickly possible.
“You have a really great daughter,” Andy said before you and your father started walking away. “Make sure you don’t lose sight of that.”
Your father gave you a look as Andy turned and walked and you just responded with a shrug, because you genuinely had no idea what had just happened.
When Professor Daniels came to see you at work later that night, she brought Andy with her. They stayed until closing and Andy insisted on driving you home again. You were so tired that you it wasn’t hard to convince you. Professor Daniels gave directions while you tried to force yourself to stay awake in the backseat. When you finally got to your building, Andy decided to walk you to your room, despite you telling him it’s not a big deal.
You two made small talk on the way up, which was his way of trying to help you stay awake.
“How was lunch with your dad?” Andy asked as the elevator finally reached your floor.
“Oh...it was okay. He did wanna tell me about his engagement, but he also wanted to bitch about my mom. He did occasionally ask about my classes and how they were going, so I guess that was nice,” you shrugged as you finally reached your apartment.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with that...you come across as just so...I know what its like to have unstable parents,” he sighed, looking down at his feet.
You knew he was referring to his father and it made your heart ache. “Hey,” you smiled, placing hand gently on his arm “I’m alright. I mean, it’s no walk in the park, but I manage. It’s nowhere near as bad as it was, Professor Barber,” you finished softly.
“Please, call me Andy,” he chuckled. “Well, in case you ever want to talk about it, you know where to find me. I know you talk to Michelle about everything, but if you ever wanna talk to someone who can relate, you know where to find me,” he smiled at you.
Maybe it was because you were so tired or because of how naive you were, but you didn’t suspect a thing when he said that. Though you were more sure than ever now, that was when things shifted. Had it really happened so quickly?
Maybe it was when you started seeing him more often around campus and he always offered to walk you to your classes, or when he started showing up more at your your job (without Professor Daniels) and you two would talk like you had known each other for years. Maybe it was when he chose to sit between you and Professor Daniels when you all went to college football games together and sometimes he would brush his leg against yours in the most innocent way, but his eyes would linger a little bit longer than they should have. Maybe when you two kept running into each other early in the morning at the school pool? Sometimes swimming together or getting caught up in conversations about nothing in particular.
But how could it have been those things? It was all innocent because he and Professor Daniels were like school children in love. No, all of those things were innocent and coincidental. At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself, which is probably what led to the incident that took place two days before that Thanksgiving break.
“Hello?” Aunt Michelle answered groggily, finally silencing her annoying ring tone.
“Fuck! Of course you’re sleeping! I’m so sorry, I’ll just-”
“What’s wrong? Where are you?” she said frantically, hearing your sobs and panicked voice.
“It’s not-”
“Y/N, please tell me what’s going on...I don’t know what’s wrong, Andy!” she snapped at him angrily.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m so sorry! I ruined-”
“You didn’t ruin anything. Just tell me where you are and we’ll come and get you,” she pleaded, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“Shawn took me to this party at 13th Step and-”
“Open the fucking door, Y/N!” Shawn yelled from the other side of the bathroom door, banging on it as if he were trying to break it down.
“Oh my God, okay. Where are you?”
“I’m in the bathroom. I don’t know...his friends are trying to calm him down, but he’s in a rage.”
“We’ll be right there. Do not leave that bathroom unless you have to, do you understand me?”
“Yes,” you sobbed out, wincing as as Shawn continued to pound harder on the door.
They were at your rescue in 10 minutes. While Professor Daniels came to collect you from the bathroom, Andy stayed in the bar area, doing his best to calm the situation down.
“Look at you! You’re so pathetic! Little slut, we’re fucking done! Don’t even-”
“Fucking watch it-” Andy growled, doing his best to keep his cool in front of both you and Professor Daniels.
“Or what? You’ll fucking fail me? You think I haven’t heard about you two? How you two are always together? Football games and shit?”
“It’s the three of us, Toole. Watch it,” Andy warned again through gritted teeth.
“Fuck you, Barber. Couldn’t make your marriage work, so you steal my girl? Or is that just what you do?” Shawn shouted at you. “You fuck professors to-”
Shawn was cut off by Andy’s right fist connecting with his jaw. “I told you to fucking watch it!” Andy yelled.
“Andy, stop!” Aunt Michelle yelled, running from you to Andy, trying to stop him from hitting Shawn again.
“You put your fucking hands on her?! Your own fucking girlfriend?!” Andy yelled, connecting another hit.
“Professor Barber, please!” you pleaded, tears streaming down your face, just wanting the night to end.
The sound of your voice made Andy compose himself and slowly get himself together. “Touch her again and you’ll end up with way worse than this, understand me?”
Shawn was silent.
“I asked if you understand me?!” Andy asked again, kicking Shawn in the stomach.
“Fine! Yes! Okay!” Shawn howled in pain, as the cops finally showed up.
“Nothing to see here, it’s taken care of,” Andy muttered before storming out of the bar.
That night, you kept telling Professor Daniels that nothing happened between you and Andy, and you didn’t know why Shawn had snapped, cause at that point, nothing had happened.
“Oh honey, I believe you! Please don’t worry about it,” she cooed, trying to calm you down as you all made your way back her place.
“I just...I’m so-”
“Don’t you dare apologize because he’s unhinged! You’re okay now, please don’t worry. You’re safe now,” she cooed as Andy pulled up to her place.
She had the spare room made up almost instantly and you felt guilty staying there. No, you hadn’t done anything with Andy, but still. If other people were noticing and saying things to Shawn, maybe you were in the wrong.
That night, they fought like a married couple on the brink of divorce.
“You can’t just fly off the handle like that, Andy!”
“Did you not see her busted lip?! What the hell was I supposed to do?!”
“You don’t think I wanted to attack him?! Do you know how much I love her?! She’s practically family to me! You’re a professor, Andy! Do you understand that she saved your ass tonight? If she hadn’t threatened him with pressing charges, he would’ve pressed charges against you! You can’t just-”
“I know, okay?! I know! I just...that’s not right! No matter how angry you are, you don’t put your hands on a woman! Did you see how scared she was?! I just...” Andy sighed “I need to go for a walk,” he all but muttered before storming out.
Professor Daniels kept watch over you almost all night. Checking the room almost every hour, until she finally succumbed to sleep. When Andy came back, he sat at the foot of the guest bed, rubbing your feet softly and quietly apologizing profusely. He had no idea that you were still awake and it broke your heart. However, it also made you feel cared for.
Men in your life didn’t defend you, fight for you, or get angry for you. Let alone get angry over you. Yes, Professor Daniels had been looking out for you since you got there, but she wasn’t him. Andy filled you with something you weren’t quite sure of and it made you feel things you shouldn’t, which is why you decided you couldn’t see him anymore.
You did your absolute best to avoid him, no matter the cost. You stopped doing ‘whining Wednesdays’ (telling Professor Daniels that you picked up more shifts at work), you cut lunches short so you could avoid bumping into him when you made your way back to class, and hiding in the back when he would show up during your shift at work. Anything to keep from seeing him. Your relationship going to shit was one thing, but the one person who saved you from the hell that was your life? You would do anything to keep her safe and happy.
The plan worked great until you fell asleep in the library during Winter break.
“Y/N?” Andy asked, shaking you softly.
“Hm? What? Oh shit!” you exclaimed once you saw Andy’s face. “I didn’t mean to...what time is it?”
“It’s almost 12am,” he chuckled at your slightly frightened state.
“Fuck, thanks for waking me,” you smiled weakly at him, gathering your notes and books quickly.
“You should stay at my place,” he suggested nonchalantly, but it was enough to get your anxiety kicking.
“No, I’m not too far-”
“I don’t want you going anywhere this late alone and I have a feeling that you’ll put up a fight if I offer to take you home,” he smirked.
“I don’t want-”
“It’s Winter Break, sweetheart. He’s not here, Michelle isn’t here, there’s almost no one here. It’s just late and I don’t want you walking home this late. Help me put my mind at ease and just stay at my place tonight,” he offered again with a sigh.
He was right. With all of the anxiety and guilt you had been feeling with everything since what happened with Shawn, you were opposed to spending any time with him, let alone staying at his place. However, it was late and you did have fears about walking home that late. It was easily a 15 minute walk, but it was also the City.
So, you made the mistake of agreeing to stay at Andy’s place.
“The spare room is down the hall to the right and there should be sweats in there. Michelle has kind of made a habit of keeping clothes in there on the off chance she stays over,” he smiled softly. “She says I have too many things in my drawer so she just uses the one in the spare room,” he softly chuckled once he saw the confused look on your face.
At then mention of Michelle’s name, you gather your thoughts quickly. It didn’t matter that you had gotten off to the thought of you fucking him senseless the night before, because it could never happen. “I can stay in my-”
“Y/N, it’s Winter break. Please relax. Change into something that’s more comfortable and go to sleep,” he smiled before going into his kitchen and grabbing a glass.
“Andy,” he gently corrected.
“Andy,” you smiled “I really do appreciate you letting me stay here. I’ll do my best to not disturb your routine.”
“Are you always this anxious?”
“Yes,” you answered quickly and honestly, and his response was a deep and hearty laugh. You could’ve listen to him laugh all night.
“Please don’t worry. You can use whatever you want, eat whatever you want, and lay wherever you want. Just relax, okay?” he smiled before taking out a second glass. “You want a drink?”
“No no, I’ll probably just sleep,” you smiled. “Thank you...again,” you smiled before making your way to the spare bedroom.
The room was beautiful but you could tell it had rarely been slept in. The bed was spacious and the pillows extremely comfortable. You took a deep breath and tried to get yourself to relax. When you opened the drawer, you saw Professor Daniel’s sweats, tank tops, and intimate wear.
‘You’re not doing anything wrong. Just text her before you fall asleep,’ you mentally told yourself, trying to calm the voice in your head.
You changed into a pair of her sweats before settling into the bed and sending her a text explaining what happened. Her response came a few a moments later simply saying “Thank you! I know you’re probably uncomfortable, but it’s just a night and he’s a total sweetheart. You’re safe there and I feel so much better knowing you’re there! Thanks for letting me know!”
You did your best to get comfortable so that you could fall asleep, but all of a sudden you were wide awake. It’s not like it wasn’t a comfortable mattress or there was anything wrong with the room, you just couldn’t get comfortable knowing he was was sharing the same space as you. You thought about getting a drink to calm your nerves, but you didn’t want to risk getting caught up in conversation with him.
When you heard the laugh track coming from the living room, you decided that maybe getting off wouldn’t be a bad idea. It did always leave you feeling sleepy and you could be quiet. No, it wasn’t ideal, but anything that could make you sleep faster so you could leave faster was ideal.
It wasn’t hard for you to get yourself worked up: you were in Andy’s apartment and had just heard his voice moments ago. It was only matter of seconds before your fingers found your clit, playing with it a little before slipping two inside yourself. Eyes clenched shut and his name softly escaping your lips, it didn’t take long for you to get yourself over the edge.
Taking deep breaths and giving yourself a little time to come down from your high, you felt yourself getting sleepy and a small smile came to your face. Slowly getting up, you decide to clean yourself up before finally getting some rest.
Had you known what was coming next, you would’ve stayed in bed.
“Profess...Andy, where’s your bathroom?” you asked shyly, standing right outside of the living room.
“Down the hall to your left,” he smiled at you.
You quickly clean yourself up and relieve yourself, before quickly and quietly making your way back to the spare bedroom.
“Would you mind sitting with me for a bit? Having a hard time falling asleep tonight,” Andy asked right before you closed the door.
“Is it because I’m here?” you ask, ready to get yourself a car service and go home. “I can leave, I’m so-”
“Please calm down,” he chucked, only putting you at ease a little. “I just have a lot on my mind and it would help to get some advice is all. I understand if you just wanna sleep, it looks like you’ve had a long day,” he smiled.
You argued with yourself before you came to the conclusion that an innocent conversation wouldn’t be so bad. “I can hang for a little bit,” you smile at him before taking a seat not too far from him on the sofa.
You talked about everything and nothing that night and at some point he talked you into having a drink with him.. He asked for your advice about personal issues with his wife and son, work, and getting used to his new life.
“I know you’re tired but I need your advice on one more thing,” he smiled as you finished the drink he poured you.
“I’ll do my best,” you smiled, turning your attention to him.
“I’ve done something and I...I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know if I can,” he sighed, running his hand through his hair.
“It can’t be that bad, what happened?”
“I....you know what? Don’t worry about it. Get some sleep.”
“Andy, you can talk to me,” you smile sweetly, inching closer to him.
“I did this all wrong,” he sighed. “What would you do if you were in my position?”
“What position are you in?”
“I fell for someone when I first got to the university. We didn’t say a word to each other and I honestly don’t know if she even saw me, but she just caught me off guard. Her hair, how hard she was focusing on her studies, the smile that came to her face once she figured something out...I watched her longer than I should have. I went to Michelle about her, cause they seemed to get along well, but Michelle kinda fell for me in the process. I fell for her too. Please don’t get me wrong. Michelle is wonderful in every way possible and beautiful as hell, but she isn’t...she isn’t this person. This person is gorgeous, funny, witty, strong, a nervous wreck...so many things. I don’t know what to do,” he confessed softly.
You told yourself that the pang of jealousy you felt was for Aunt Michelle and the fact that she’d be getting her heart broken soon, but you knew it was because you desperately wanted to be the other person. What kind of person did that make you? A terrible one. “I mean, you definitely need to break up with Michelle and then tell this person how you feel. They both deserve to know,” you huff.
“It’s not that simple,” Andy shook his head.
“Of course it isn’t simple, but-”
“No,” he interrupted softly. “I’ll end up hurting both of them and I can’t...they deserve so much better than that. Better than me.”
“How would you hurt the other person?”
“Because how can I tell you that I’m in love with you and expect it to go over well when you call her your ‘Aunt’?” he asked, finally meeting your gaze with desperate eyes.
Your heart almost stopped. How could he be in love with you? “Andy-”
“I have tried so hard to ignore this,” he sighed. “The moment I saw you sitting alone in the library, I wanted to know everything about you. But you’re a fucking student. Even if you aren’t my student, you’re still a student. Then I just kept seeing you everywhere and most of the time you were with Michelle. I only wanted to pick her brain about you, I definitely didn’t expect it to turn into a relationship. Then, when you started to make yourself unavailable, I knew it was for the best. We were spending too much time together and even though it was innocent, we were tiptoeing a line. You did what I couldn’t do. I forced myself to be okay with it, cause it was for the best.”
“Andy, you can’t-”
“When I came by the spare bedroom tonight to check on you and I heard you...I finally felt confident that it wasn’t just me. You feel every thing I feel, but this is wrong. It’s so wrong, but I want you. I need you,” he finished, resting his hand on your thigh.
“Andy...we can’t...this isn’t...I can’t do this to her,” you almost sobbed. “She has done so much for me and has taken care of me...I could never-”
“I know and I hate myself for this, but I can’t deny it anymore,” he practically whispered, as his hands slowly made their way up to the hem of the sweats you were wearing. Aunt Michelle’s sweatpants.
“She loves you, Andy,” you said defiantly, trying your hardest to not give in to your traitorous desires.
“And I love you. I tried to fight this, but I can’t anymore. I can’t and I don’t want to. Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop. You’ll never see me again. I’ll drive you home right now.”
“It doesn’t matter what I want, cause this is...s-shit” you moan, feeling his finger softly trace up and down the thin material that was keeping him from making direct contact with your most sensitive nerve. “A-Andy, if we do this...we can’t take it back and we’ll both feel terrible. This is...it’s wrong.”
“I’ve been watching you for so long. Do you know how many times I’ve gotten off to the thought of you bouncing up and down my cock? Hearing you scream my name while I make you feel things you’ve never felt before? I know I’m a complete piece of shit for this, but I can’t ignore this. Not anymore,” he groaned, using a finger to push the material to the side before slipping two fingers in. “I can tell you need this too.”
“Andy,” you moaned, your hand traveling up his arm.
“That’s it baby, let me make you feel good like I know you’ve been dreaming of,” he sighed, using his free hand to pull down both the sweats and your panties and you kicked them off the rest of the way. “Such a perfect pussy,” he moaned “lets see if you taste as sweet as you are,” he all but muttered before moving in close and removing his fingers, only to replace them with his mouth.
“Shit!” you cried out, arching your back at the feel of him sucking and licking on your clit. You had never been eaten out before. You had only had one other boyfriend before Shawn and they both refused to do it even though they insisted upon you blow them before sex. “I just...oh my God!” you whimpered.
Andy hooked your leg over his shoulder and only let you hold on. He didn’t slow down when you gabbed a fist full of his hair and screamed obscenities when your first orgasm hit. He only gripped you tighter and sped up when you begged him to slow down, letting his hand trace up your body until it found one of your boobs and messaging your nipple between two fingers, sending you quickly into your second orgasm. When you told him that it was too much, he pushed two fingers into soaked folds and found that place deep inside you that you blossoming like a little flower for him.
“Never felt so good before, have you?” he asked sitting up and smirking at you in your blissed out state.
All you could do was shake your head ‘no’.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me tonight and cum on my cock?” he questioned, wrapping your legs around him.
“Andy, we can’t-”
“We’ve already gone this for, baby” he sighed, a flicker of shame in his eyes “why deny ourselves any further?”
“I can go now.”
“Do you want to?”
“Of course not,” you sighed, turning your head away from his overwhelming gaze.
“Don’t think about everything else right now, just focus on right now,” he demanded softly, taking your face in his hand and making you look at him.
You slowly nodded and sat up. Ignoring the last bit of fight left in you, you placed your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep and passionate kiss. “this is where I want to be,” you told him softly, giving into the feelings you had been harboring for over a year.
He carried you to his bedroom and laid you softly on the bed. You pushed out the thought that he had shared that bed with Aunt...Professor Daniels more times than you cared to know as Andy removed his shirt. It didn’t matter that you had seen him shirtless a handful of times, his beauty always caught you off guard.
“Take off your shirt, baby,” he commanded sliding his hand down his own sweats, taking himself in his hands and stroking his cock. “wanna see all of tthat gorgeous body.”
You wasted no time getting rid of your shirt, before getting on your knees and crawling towards the side of bed he was standing on. “Can I suck your cock?” You couldn’t believe yourself but you also couldn’t stop yourself.
“Your really want to?” he asked before pulling down his sweats and stepping out of them.
Neither of your boyfriends had come close to the size of Andy and you were starting to understand why Professor Daniels would come to work exhausted some days. “I’ve thought about it so much,” you confessed, feeling yourself get worked up again.
“Mmm,” Andy moaned, starting to stroking himself again “you can only suck it if you tell me what else you’ve fantasized about.”
“Professor Barber, please don’t make me,”
“Fuck,” he groaned, he loved hearing you call him that, “gotta tell me kitten, or I won’t let you touch me. Is that what you want?”
“No Professor,” you whined.
“Then tell me.”
You looked away, feeling too ashamed of yourself for being as desperate as you were. “I-”
“Look at me when you tell me, baby. Don’t be shy,” he cooed, using his free hand to cup your face and bring your attention back to him.
“I...I’ve thought about you fucking me on your desk, right after your last class...” you trailed off.
“I think you’ve thought about more than that,” he coaxed.
“Fucking me in my ass while I’m bent over doing my homework.”
“Oh? My little kitten likes anal?”
“I’ve never done it, but I want to try it with you. I want to try everything with you, Professor,” you moan, pressing your thighs together trying to relieve some of the pressure building up between your legs.
“You ever seen a cock this big, baby?”
“No, and I’m honestly a little nervous,” you confessed.
“Don’t you worry, kitten. I’m gonna make you feel so good, but you gotta tell me one more fantasy before I let you put your mouth on me,” he instructed. You tried to turn your head away, but he held it in place. “What did I say? Don’t be shy. Now tell me.”
“I...I’ve thought about keeping your cock warm with a vibrator shoved in my pussy, while you teach class. I would stay under your desk and blow you or just keeping it in mouth.”
“You want us to get caught?”
“No, but I wouldn’t mind if people saw...I want people to watch you control me, so they know I’m yours. They can see but they can’t touch.”
“I didn’t know my good girl was so bad,” he smirked “you still wanna suck your professor’s cock?”
“Please!” you cried out, desperate for mouth to be on any part of him.
“Open wide, kitten,” he instructed, before shoving his cock in. “Oh fuck! Do you know how many times I’ve thought of you taking my cock in that pretty little mouth? You take it so well,” he grunted, doing his best to let you control the situation and not face fuck you.
Andy could only let you stay in control for so long. The moment you started gagging on him, he knew he was done for. “Lay down and open those pretty legs for me,” he breathed out, once he got you off of his cock. “Gonna fuck you so good, I’ll ruin you for ever other man.”
“Please destroy my pussy,” you whined, ignoring all the voices telling you to run away as fast as you could.
“Fuck!” Andy hissed, slowly pushing his way into you as you wrapped your arms around him and held on tight. “You’re so fucking tight! Gonna have to fuck this beautiful pussy a few times so you can used to me,” he huffed, bottoming out.
“Jesus Christ!” you cried, getting lost in the pleasurable pain that was him stretching you out.
“So perfect for me,” Andy grunted, slowly starting to move within you. “How are you so....fuck, this is better than anything I’ve ever imagined. I’ve been dreaming of this for so long...now you’re all mine!”
“Fuck, don’t stop! You feel so good!”
“Yeah? Shawn ever fill you up this much?”
“Never!” you whimpered, tightening your grip. “I don’t think I can...fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“Give it to me, kitten,” he demanded, pounding harder and harder into your pussy. “Coat my cock with your sweet cum,” he whispered hotly against your ear, before licking and biting on it.
“Fuck! Andy!” you cried out, coming undone almost on command.
“I love you so much,” he moaned, clenching his eyes shut, trying to hold back his own release. “I’m gonna show you over and over again just how much I love you. You want that baby? You want me to fuck you senseless?”
“Fuck Andy,” you whined, clawing at his back “please do it! I wanna feel you cum deep inside my pussy! Show me how much you love me,” you pleaded, part of you in disbelief at the words leaving your mouth.
“Do you love me, baby?” he asked breathlessly, opening his eyes to meet your gaze.
You wanted to lie so bad but he was literally fucking the truth out of you. “So much, Andy. I don’t wanna fight it anymore! I...I don’t care if you ruin me for anyone else! I just....fuck Andy, just like that! I just want to love and feel you, only you!” you whimpered, before pulling him closer to you for a passionate and powerful kiss.
Andy fucked you into sunrise that night; only stopping to make you beg. When you woke up later that afternoon, he was still sound asleep. You quickly snuck out of the room and got dressed as quick as you could, trying your best to ignore the guilt you felt when you saw Professor Daniel’s sweatpants on the floor by the sofa. While you were on your way home, after you snuck out, she called you and asked you how your night went. You kept the facade up the entire call, pretending that you had gone to sleep almost instantly.
When you got back to your apartment, you broke down cried for hours. You showered and tried to scrub the previous night off of you, but you knew that you’d never be able to. That night would live in your memory forever.
Andy let you ignore him for two days before he showed up at your apartment and claimed you in your own little kitchen.
He spent the rest of Winter Break with you and you almost let yourself forget that you were a homewrecker. He truly didn’t want just sex from you. He took an interest in the shows you liked, made you dinner, took you out to different jazz clubs and nice restaurants, and indulged in your silly obsession with ‘Mad Libs’. It really felt like you two were a happy couple...until Winter Break was over.
Then Professor Daniels came back and you were forced to remember how terrible you truly were.
The sight of them together made you truly sick and angry. Angry mainly with yourself, because how could you have been so stupid? However, you were also angry with Professor Daniels for being with Andy, because he was yours. He made a habit of telling you that every time you two had sex that you both belong to one another. However, if that was the case, then why hadn’t he broken up with her?
This thought only made you more fed up with yourself, because you fell for it. You became one of the women you always made fun of. The type of woman your dad chased around and cheated on his young brides with.
“Fuck you, Andy!” you yelled, as he pleaded with you to just hear him out, as he followed you around your small apartment. “I don’t want to hear it! You parade her around in public and fuck me senseless when no one’s looking, right?! I’m the stupid little college side piece, right?! Jesus, you have me furious with the one person who gives a fuck about me!”
“I give-”
“Don’t! Don’t fucking tell me you give a shit about me when you have me going through this!”
“Y/N, please just listen to me,” he begged, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” you yelled, turning around and slapping him hard across the face. “Get out!”
“Do it again,” Andy said lowly after a beat “slap me again.”
You slapped him again but harder, “I said to get out!”
“Do it again,” he growled.
*SLAP* “Get-” you were cut off by Andy’s lips crashing into yours.
He shoved you against the wall and kissed you again. “I almost went to jail for you Kitten, , and you’re gonna stand here and tell me I don’t care about you?” growled, pinning your hands above your head. “Those fucking diamonds around your neck aren’t proof that I love you?”
“I don’t care about the fucking diamonds!” you spat! “Love me only and stop making me a second choice!”
“I will figure it out! It’s not the right time and you know it,” he muttered against your neck,using one hand to force your pants and panties down before undoing his own pants. “You want to hurt her?”
“We’re already hurting her!” you snapped, hating how desperate your body was for him. “This is wrong and it needs to stop!” you yelled, fighting against him to no avail.
In one swift move, Andy used his free hand to force your legs around his waist before plunging into you. “We won’t stop this because we can’t stop it. I’m a selfish fuck and I’m not going to give you up. We will be together once I figure out how to do it and can hurt her as little as possible,” he grunted, each thrust coming harder and harder.
“Andy,” you moaned, arching your back to feel as much of him as possible “we can’t....fuck! This is...holy shit, this is wrong!”
“It’s not so wrong when I fuck you senseless in the back of the library is it?” he questioned as he shoved two fingers into to your tightest hole.
“Oh my God!” you mewled, leaning your head back against the wall.
“How about when I fuck you in the bathroom at your job, hmm? Or when I have you exploding all over my desk at work? Does it feel so bad then?”
“Shit!” you cried out. You hated how he made you feel so good and so terrible at the same time.
“Or how about last week, huh?”
“Don’t,” you moaned, finally making eye contact with him.
“When I fucked you right after she left. Making me tell you that your pussy is better than hers. Was it wrong then? Cause you were begging like a pretty little whore while you were bouncing up and down on my cock!” he grunted, feeling your walls clench around him as you tried to fight off your release. “Oh? You like that memory? Tell me which part you like the best: the part where I told you that this pussy was the best I’ve ever had, or the part where you were on your knees for me as soon as you locked the door? Maybe, it’s just the fact that she didn’t know I was there and had no clue that I had you calling me Daddy all day,” he taunted, feeling you clench around him again. “Oh, that’s it. You love it don’t you?”
“No,” you mewled, refusing to accept that you were that awful of a person.  
“Yes you do, don’t try to deny it while I’m inside you,” he grunted, finger fucking your ass faster. “You love that I can’t quit you and you can’t quit me. No matter how terrible you feel, you love the fact that I keep choosing you over her!”
“You clearly...shit! You don’t choose me! I’m still playing...playing second fiddle to her!”
“She plays second fiddle to you! Who do you think I’m thinking of when I fuck her? Do you know how close I’ve come to moaning your name when I’m inside her? Fuck, I can’t even get it up without thinking of you! Do you know how sick that makes me? I am constantly choosing you...fuck! I will make this right,” he grunted, as you came undone all over his cock, sending him off into his own earth shattering orgasm. He leaned his head against your chest and took a moment to catch his breath. “I promise you that I will make this right, I just...I just need time,” he panted.
That conversation had happened almost 8 months ago. You kept letting it slide, because he kept promising you that things would change. It didn’t matter how terrible you felt after sex or how loved you felt after every date, because he would choose you. He always promised he would choose you, so you waited and hung on to his every word.
You fooled yourself into thinking that every thing was fine until, Professor Daniels showed at your apartment in tears.
“I know he’s cheating, Y/N. I just know it! I’ve found panties that aren’t mine on more than one occasion, there were lipstick smears on his pillow last night, and he’s distant. He’s so fucking distant!”
“Just calm down, please,” you begged, grabbing tissues and ignoring the extreme guilt you were feeling. How could he have been so careless? So heartless? How could you be so heartless? “Have you talked to him about it?”
“He won’t talk to me! He just swears the underwear is mine and that I’m making something out of nothing! I know the kind of clothes I wear and I would never wear anything like that!” she sobbed before harshly blowing her nose. “It’s probably that little slut, Samantha. She sleeps with all of the professors,” she sniffed.
“Michelle, don’t do that! Why don’t you just leave him?”
“Because I love him, Y/N,” she sobbed, looking you in the eyes. “I love him so much and I just can’t walk away.”
And that’s how you wound up in Andy’s apartment. Waiting for him to get off the phone, you play with your hands and take a deep breath. Last night made you certain that whatever was going on between you and Andy needs to come to an end.
“Hey, I thought I wasn’t see you until later,” he smiles, walking in ready to kiss you, but you back away.
“We can’t do this anymore, Andy,” you say softly, looking towards your feet.
“No Andy,” you interrupt, taking a deep breath “she came over last night and cried to me for hours about how she knows you’re cheating on her and how much she loves you and can’t bring herself to walk away. How could you leave my underwear lying around? Not change the pillow covers? Christ Andy!”
“I figured she’d see it and hate me, leave, and you’d be in the clear,” he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just wanted you to be in the clear,”
“Andy,” you sigh, blinking back tears “she should hate me. It’s the least of what I deserve. What we’ve been doing is so incredibly...I hate myself. What the fuck were we thinking?! What are we doing?! I was so stupid-”
“Y/N, don’t do this to yourself,” Andy interrupts. “I made you do this and-”
“Oh come on, don’t do that. Don’t try to shield me. You may be the older one, but we’re both adults,” you scoff. “You didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do. No, I fell in love with someone who was with someone else, someone who means the world to me, and I chose that over her. I was so desperate for everything you made me feel...your love, but I can’t be with you, Andy. Being with you means she’s out of my life for good. My happiness has to come at the expense of her broken heart? What kind of a monster does that make me?” you question, tears finally falling from your eyes.
“Please, we can figure this out-”
“Andy, there’s nothing to figure out! There’s no way I can have you both in my life and it’s my selfishness that that led to this. They’re so many times I could have and should have walked away, but I just...this would have been so much easier if it was just sex. I could have walked away months ago, but no. I love you and maybe I always have, but this...”
“Y/N, I already told you. I didn’t even mean for her and I to end up together!”
“But you did-”
“Only because it felt like the right thing! I thought I could be with her and all of this would go away! I’d be with someone my own age and would stop obsessing over you! Fuck, none of this was supposed to go this way!” Andy sighed, his own tears starting to spill over as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Andy...I can’t do this. I don’t deserve you and I sure as shit don’t deserve to have her in my life. This can’t go on anymore, Andy. We’ve done enough damage,” you sob quietly, as you come to terms with the decision yourself. “Thank you...for loving me, showing me what it’s like to be actually loved...I’m sorry,”
“Y/N, after some time-”
“I just don’t think I can take anymore of this,” a voice comes from the spare bedroom. The door opens to reveal a teary eyed Professor Daniels.
“Michelle,” you gasp, covering your mouth. “Michelle please...I-”
“Just...just tell me every thing, from the beginning,”
“I just-”
“Not from you,” she snaps coldly “from you,” she breathes as her attention turns to Andy.
He takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair, again. “It’s only right, take a seat and I’ll tell you everything.”
@whxre4cevans, @sweetflowerdreams, @itsbrittany425,
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5lazarus · 3 years
Same Time Next Week?
Lennier and Vir meet for their usual drink. A pre-relationship fic. Read on Archive of Our Own here.
“I keep giving them time together, leaving the room at propitious times,” Lennier mutters to his drink. Vir’s reflection in the glass wobbles as he shakes it. “And yet, every time I return to her quarters, it is as if I am intruding on the moment right before.”
Vir tells his drink, “See, for me, it’s exactly the opposite problem. He just won’t stop. He’s got a girl over, who cares, he thinks I should read the dispatches through the door while she’s working on him. And I—you know Centauri have robust appetites, but this is just grotesque.”
Lennier does not quite know how to respond to that, so he takes a sip of his water. Vir fills up the silence.
“And he’s gotten into so much trouble over his—wenches, and he never learns! I can’t fault the women, he’s such an easy target, and the ambassador’s allowance does come earmarked for certain performances. Centauri have a reputation to keep.”
Lennier says gloomily, “I’m allergic to her hair. She sheds like a cat.”
“I like cats,” Vir brightens. “One of our friends from Earth gave Londo a cat once, but then G’Kar killed it. By accident, he claims.”
Lennier drinks. The petty, cruel squabbles of the ambassadors before the war seem so tame now. He and Vir have been doing what they can for the Narn Resistance, he knows. He does not know what Vir has been doing and he does not need to know. These impromptu chats are not meant to be diplomatic relations or war planning. They are necessary catharsis, in a world so consumed by the powers of darkness.
“I love bitching,” Vir says happily. “Waiter, another round! Just for me, thank you.” Unstealthily he looks at Lennier and looks away. “I’m here by myself.”
“Okay,” the bartender says. “On the ambassador’s tab?”
Vir gives an insipid smile. Not only is it unnecessary, it draws further attention to him. The bartender backs away and comes over to Lennier.
“Centauri,” he mutters. “Can I top you off?”
“I am interested in trying your carbonated water,” Lennier announces placidly. “Perhaps with a piece of one of your Earth fruits.”
The bartender stares at him. “You mean a soda.”
“The added sugar is unhealthful.”
“So a seltzer,” the bartender parses. “Right. Coming right up. Lime? I think you’d like lime.”
The cold glass of seltzer sweats like Vir’s shining face. Lennier looks at his reflection refracted in all the little droplets of the glass. He is not unattractive. The smarminess is a cultural characteristic imputed in all Centauri, and Vir charms it into something kind with his genuine compassion. These clandestine talks, speaking to each other’s drinks, moor him in time. Lennier does not know what he would do without this lifeline. Well, he does know: he would carry on, but carry on less full than he needs to. He is his flame in the dark.
Vir crouches over his goblet and whispers, “They killed G’Kar’s nephew last night. My agent made sure it was quick. But they’ll lie to him anyway, to make him suffer more. He won’t believe me if I tell him. As if I could tell him.”
Lennier says, “I will.”
They drink.
G’Kar is unsubtle and prone to posturing like the tragic hero he has become, with as eloquent rhetoric that Lennier has read in any scripture. He cannot risk telling him his nephew died cleanly. G’Kar would broadcast it to the entire station. So he will think his nephew died drowning in his own blood, or worse, and blame himself, and blame the Centauri more, and stoke the flame to survive this war. G’Kar deserves better. His nameless nephew deserves better. Narn deserves better, and so do they all.
Lennier says aloud, “I can’t take much more of this.” He pauses. Vir looks at him sharply and then looks away, creaking back in his seat. “But I must. So I will.”
“Well,” Vir muses. “It can always be worse.”
“You think that’s comforting?” Lennier says.
Vir shrugs, laughing a bit. “Well, I mean, yes. It could be so much worse. All of Londo’s wives could be back here. My wife could be back here. Do you remember G’Kar’s terrifying attaché?”
A bit wounded, Lennier says, “I thought you weren’t married.” Both men look at each other, slightly shocked. Vir almost reaches for him. Lennier looks away.
Vir clears his throat. “Another round!” he demands, trying and failing to channel Londo. He peers over his empty glass at Lennier. “Why don’t you drink?”
Taken aback, Lennier says, “I do drink.” He gestures with his water. “Look.” He smiles, and wonders what he’s trying. This only works if they don’t interact directly. He doesn’t want to lose this. He cannot speak to Delenn, as much as she tries, and the Babylon 5 staff are so tense, it is difficult to come to a meditative medium with them. All he has is Vir.
Vir says, “I don’t know how you get through this without help.” The bartender places another drink in front of him, and he drains it sloppily, spluttering as it pours down his throat. Lennier waits patiently. Vir coughs, wipes his face with his coat sleeve, and says, “I can’t do this without these nights.” He puts his arm down on the bar and Lennier quietly places his hand on his. Surprised, Vir looks up at him. Lennier doesn’t look away. Vir does not let go.
“It’s been a hell of a night,” Vir says. “Life. Year. Time on this station.” He gestures vaguely with his free hand.
“Yes,” Lennier responds. A smile ghosts across his face.
Then the bartender comes by and says, grinning, “So, another Shirley Temple?” Quickly they let go of each other and look away.
“I think I’m done for the night,” Vir says.
“I as well.”
The bartender tallies their tabs and walks away, shaking his head. Vir dabs at his face awkwardly. Lennier stares fixedly into the distance.
Finally, he says, “Same time next week?”
Vir says, “Always. Yes. Of course.”
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im-a-star-boy · 4 years
Ripped Shirts
Okay I got bored and here you go enjoy. No beta read we die like men.
Summary: Harry keeps ripping clothing and it keeps getting replaced. Or so he thinks.
Word Count: 1,282
Date of Completion: Friday, December 27th, 2019
Harry stared at the sweater that Peter had returned the day before and continued to tap his foot. Yes, he loved the sweater. It was his favorite. But when it had gotten caught on a door handle and the back ripped he'd given it to Peter, since he knew Peter wouldn't care about the hole and would just be happy to have the sweater. But then he had returned it. And it no longer had a hole… He furrowed his brow before realizing what had happened… Did… did Peter buy me a new sweater? He smelled the fabric. It didn’t have that new clothes smell. It smelled like Peter. He stared at it before letting out a slow sigh. “Peter I’m rich why are you buying me new clothes…” He mumbled.
He slipped the sweater over his head and smiled. It’s still comfortable.
Harry paced back and forth in the new dress suit. He had ripped his old one after a… rough night with Peter. His butler never mentioned it and had used his old measurements to replace it. Tonight was another charity gala. He was long used to these events, but they never became any less boring. He’d probably spend the night by the bar drinking Shirley Temples and waiting for it to end. That or he’d ditch. He decided to call Peter after facing another rush of anticipation for the night to come. The phone rang a couple times before he picked up. “Hey Har, what's up?”
“Hey, Pete. I just wanted to call and see what you were doing.”
“Nothing really, I’ve been on patrol but it's pretty quiet tonight.” Peter sighed. “What about you?”
“I’m getting ready for this gala. I’m not really looking forward to it. All everybody does is try to pressure me into funding their research. That or they’re just really weird about a lot of stuff.”
Peter snorted. “Just don’t go.”
“I’ve gotta at least show my face for an hour or so, Pete, it’s rude if I just don’t go at all. I need some publicity.”
Harry could practically hear Peter shrug. “Your loss then. How’s the suit?” He continued.
“Your suit, how does it feel?”
Harry raised an eyebrow at the weird question. “It feels fine…” Before Harry could question him, he heard a loud knock. “Harry, we gotta go.” He heard Bernie, his butler, call.
He let out a sigh. “I gotta go, bug. Love you.”
“Love you too!”
He hung up and turned to go to the car. I’ll ask him what he meant by that later.
Flames licked the air as Spider-Man kicked Hobgoblin away from the falling debris and caught it. He let out a cry of pain and stumbled under the weight, before managing to throw it off of himself. “SPIDER-MAN! WE GOTTA GET OUT!” Harry called.
“There’s one more kid, Goblin!” Peter shouted back. “I gotta get him!”
Harry coughed as he inhaled another mouthful of smoke. “SPIDER-MAN!” He screamed when he heard a loud crashing noise.
He jumped out of the window and activated his glider as the building came down. He stared on in horror, before letting out a sob of relief to see Peter escape with a young boy in his arms. He stumbled to a landing and put the kid down gently. “Are you okay?” He wheezed.
The little boy was crying but nodded. Then his mother ran over. “OH MY GOD JONATHAN- ARE YOU OKAY?!” She screamed, pulling her child close and looking at his face.
The boy began crying harder and clutching his mother as Hobgoblin landed next to Spider-Man who wobbled and coughed. He grabbed him. “Hey, hey let's get you help, come on. Come on Spidey, let’s go.” He coaxed gently as he picked him up carefully.
Peter coughed but let Harry lift him off the ground gently. He carried him back to the Parker Household and entered through the window. He set Peter down on the bed and he sat down on the floor, feeling exhausted. He closed his eyes, and the abyss of sleep consumed him.
He woke up to Peter shaking him lightly. “Har, Harry, wake up. We gotta shower, you smell bad.”
He looked up to see Peter staring at him, looking worried. He was no longer in his suit and his hair was damp. He sniffed and struggled to stand. “Only if you shower with me.” He muttered.
Peter chuckled. “Tough luck hon, I just got out. Go, I have clothes you can wear.”
Harry groaned and straightened up, feeling sore from sleeping against a wall. He stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He stripped and walked under the hot water. A rush of relaxation went through him as he watched black and brown specks come off him and wash down the drain. After washing his hair and scrubbing his wounds carefully, he stepped out and dried off, only to see a small pile of clothes just inside the door. Peter must’ve put them there. He grabbed them and put them on. They were one of his old sweatshirts, jeans, and a pair of boxers he must’ve left here at some point. He pulled the clothes on and stepped out to see Peter carefully examining a huge hole in his suit. “That’s gonna need a bit of time to repair,” Harry said, stepping out.
Peter looked up and smiled in amusement. “I love it when your hair’s down.” He teased.
Harry rolled his eyes and sat down next to him. “What’re you gonna do about the suit?”
Peter shrugged and stood up and walked to his desk. “Fix it.” He replied, sitting down in the chair and opening a drawer.
Harry watched him pull out a sewing kit. He laid the suit down on his lap as he went through the needle and thread. He pulled some out and began sewing the suit carefully back together. Harry walked over and stared as the hole practically disappeared. By the time he finished sewing it, it was like the hole had never been there. “How did you do that?” Harry asked, surprised.
“I sew a lot. Do you know how often this thing gets ripped? I get a lot of practice. I’ve sewed your stuff before too you know.”
Harry stopped. “What?”
“Your sweater. You gave it to me to fix it right?”
“What?! No! I didn’t even know you knew how to sew- wait that was my old sweater!?”
Peter laughed, feeling surprised. “Yeah!”
“I thought you just replaced it!”
Peter stared at him dumbfounded. “Bitch no I’m broke!”
Harry laughed loudly. “So wait you sewed my sweater fixed?!”
Peter laughed again. “Yes, Harold- how hard is that to understand!”
Harry ran his fingers through his hair. “What the fuck!”
“And your suit.”
He stopped. “Fucking what now,”
“The suit I accidentally ripped a while back, I-”
Peter and Harry stared at each other dubiously. “Oh my god- Peter- why…”
“Because I can help you! I have the skills, might as well use them.”
Harry let out a deep sigh. “I have money, Peter.”
Peter grinned. “Money that can be spent on food. I rarely use those shades of blue and black anyway Harry, it’s alright.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “You know what you’re sewing all my clothes now.”
“I’m alright with that.”
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littleindigochildx · 4 years
Task 27
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50 Things To Ask About Your OC/Muse 1: How old are they? 
-Savanna is seven and a half. 
2: Do they drink? Smoke? How often?
-No/No. She is not old enough to drink or smoke. 
3: What 3 words describe them?
4: What kind of sense of humor do they have?
-Savanna has a sarcastic sense of humor despite her young age. 
5: Any hidden or obvious talents?
-She is quite good at creating art.  She takes after her mom in that sense.
6: What is their occupation?
-2nd grader. 
7: Where is their favorite place to be?
-Savanna feels most at home in the woods surrounding her house, but her favorite place to be is anywhere her family is. 
8: Do they have a love interest?
-Not at the moment. Her parents said she’s not allowed to date until she’s 30.
9: Favorite color?
-Purple and red.
10: Favorite drink? ( can be non alcoholic )
-Shirley Temple and strawberry milk.
11: Are they a neat freak or a mess?
-Savanna is always a little bit of a hot mess. 
12: What is their quote/motto?
-Be wild, but stay soft.
13: Someone they look up to?
-Her mother, Victoria Deschaine. When Savanna grows up, she wants to be just like her mom. She also idolizes her older brothers and sister.
14: Can you name 3 bad traits about them?
-Savanna trusts too easily which often leads to disappointment. 
-She is honest to a fault which sometimes gets her in trouble.
-She is the reason her family is late to most functions. Schedules don’t work for a free spirit like Savanna.
15: What is their favorite food?
-Tomato sandwiches. She’s been obsessed with them ever since she was introduced to the movie Harriet the Spy.
16: What is their least favorite food?
-Brussel sprouts. 
17: How do you consider their fashion?
-Savanna loves to wear cotton sundresses despite her tomboy personality. She hasn’t really developed a fashion sense of her own. She usually wears whatever Victoria buys without complaints.
18: Are they independent or a team player?
-Savanna is a little bit of both. She doesn’t mind being alone but given the choice, she’d prefer having someone else to adventure with.
19: Someone/something they can’t stand?
-Savanna genuinely likes everyone, but she can’t stand when someone is disrespectful to her family. 
20: Nicknames?
-Most people call her Savvy, but her mother calls her Butterfly.
21: Do they own a pet? What is it?
-Her family owns a farm so they have a lot of animals, but Toby [her horse] is the first pet Savanna has that is her very own.
22: If they were to own a pet, what would it be?
-She has been begging Victoria for baby ducks since she learned how to speak. 
23: Do they dye their hair? What is their original hair color?
-No. Her parents won’t allow it. Savanna’s natural hair color is brown like her mom’s. 
24: Could you describe how their room would look like?
-Savanna’s room is butterfly themed. The walls are painted white and display a lot of the seven year old’s artwork. The accent color she chose when they redid the space is purple. 
25: Do they prefer light colors or dark colors?
-Savanna loves bright colors. The more vibrant, the better. 
26: Bad habits?
-She has a tendency to track dirt all over the house and she has been known to bring home injured animals [which she hides from her mom in a shoebox under her bed] to nurse them back to health.
27: Dream job?
-As of right now, Savanna’s dream job is to become a veterinarian. She would also settle for a zoologist or marine biologist.
28: What kind of sleeper are they? What position do they sleep in?
-Savanna is a restless sleeper. She is most comfortable sleeping on her stomach. 
29: What is something they care about the most?
-Her family and her animals are the most important things in her life. 
30: Most valuable possession?
-Her teddy bear. She’s had him since birth and can’t sleep without him.
31: Do they wear jewelry?
-Yes. Savanna loves to accessorize. She has a jewelry box filled with necklaces, bracelets, and rings.
32: Do they have piercings? Want any?
-No piercings yet, but she has been begging Victoria and David to let her get her ears pierced. 
33: Are they rebellious or do they play by the rules?
-Savanna usually plays by the rules, but [like most kids] she rebels when it’s something she had a strong opinion about. 
34: Favorite sport?
-Soccer. She has been playing the sport since she was three and loves it. 
35: Do they wear make-up?
-Savanna plays with makeup, but she is not allowed to wear it out of the house. The most Victoria will allow is lip gloss. 
36: Where are they originally from? What is their ethnicity?
-Savanna was born and raised in Limbo, NV. Her last name [Thorne] is of English and Irish origins. 
37: Is their voice deep? Neutral? High pitched?
-Savanna’s voice is considered deep for a child. 
38: If any, what allergies do they have?
-Savanna has no known food allergies, but she is allergic to pollen and ragweed.
39: Are they outgoing or quiet?
-She is usually outgoing, but has a quiet side when something is upsetting her. 
40: Favorite time of year? Why?
-Fall. Savanna loves watching the leaves change colors and her favorite holiday [Halloween] occurs in the fall. 
41: Favorite smell?
-Fresh baked cookies, cupcakes, or cake. 
42: Are they flexible?
-Yes. Most children are.
43: Any tattoos? Want tattoos?
-No tattoos, but she does want at least one when she’s old enough.
44: Favorite form of travel?
-Savanna loves riding her bike, especially when she can feel the sun on her face and the wind in her hair. 
45: Do they like plants? What plant do they like the most?
-Yes. She has been helping Victoria and Dora in their gardens for as long as she can remember. Sugar snap peas are her favorite and she’s glad her mother and grandmother grow plenty of them. 
46: Are they the type to enjoy watching tv and or play video games?
-Since her parents don’t allow much technology time, she doesn’t really like watching tv or playing video games. Savanna would much rather be outside. 
47: Favorite holiday?
48: Dream getaway?
-Savanna’s dream getaway would be a fully furnished treehouse in the woods. When she’s older she wants to build her house in the trees. 
49: What do they find annoying?
-Occasionally, her brother Timmy. Especially when he won’t play with her, but other than that Savanna doesn’t get annoyed with much. 
50: What are they most terrible at?
-Lying. Savanna rarely lies, but when she does it’s pretty obvious. The guilt consumes her until she ends up confessing to whatever it is she’s hiding. 
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annewithagee · 5 years
Let Anne Say (Part III)
Anne Shirley has never be one to throw swearwords around carelessly - but then again, we all slip sometimes.
She just really isn’t sure how to feel about the fact that whenever she does, Gilbert Blythe is there to listen.
Shirbert, Modern AU, dedicated to/blamed on @wilderwestqueen​
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"A fucking idiot, that's what I am!" she cried out with exasperation, tears still glistening in her grey-green eyes as she glared at her loyal friend, who had been trying so unsuccessfully to comfort her for the past quarter.
Gilbert could do little else than sigh wearily at the performance.
"You know this isn't true, Miss Highest-Score-On-The-Island-Last-Year," he said firmly, rubbing his temples, slowly losing hope that his reasoning could be of any help after all. "You made a mistake, and that's true; it could have been avoided and that is true as well. But for the last time, Anne, it doesn't make you a fool."
"Yes! Yes it does!" she objected instantly. "Oh, don't you understand anything?"
"I understand that you have accidentally put one customer's coffee on another customer's tray and then rushed towards their table with a speed of lighting as soon as you'd realised the mistake. You made it right long before either of those girls realised that there had been any mistake at all, not to mention that even if you hadn't, there would be next to no consequence – except maybe having to remake the order this once. Don't you think that maybe it's time to stop making it sound as if you'd killed someone in cold blood today?"
"You're impossible," Anne exclaimed again, burying her face in her hands, and nearly knocking her own tea with her elbow in the process. Gilbert reached out and moved the mug to a safer position, but said nothing. "And this whole situation is unbelievable. How can you not see that it was absolutely, entirely, doubtlessly my fault, all caused by my own cursed tendency to daydream? And that it shouldn't have been possible to even make such mistake, because the task was so silly, so simple. And goodness, Gil, consequences or not, can't you really see how stupid that makes me feel?"
For a few moments Gilbert did nothing but stared at her, carefully weighing his next words. His arsenal of good reasons was still quite well equipped, even with so many of them already presented to his miserable, slightly hysterical best friend. There were many things he could still tell her, remind her of: how she had been working in that shop for more than a month now and yet, it had been the first time when she'd made such a mistake; how the shop had been at its busiest, with students running in an out, ordering the strangest and most complicated drinks when she eventually had; how she herself had spent most of the preceding night studying, ending up with next to no sleep to keep her going through the day that followed after it.
And yet, knowing Anne Shirley as well as he did, Gilbert realised that none of those arguments would be of any meaning to her. She was too damn stubborn for them to be.
"Is that what you would say to me if the roles were reversed?" he asked suddenly, making her look up at him, surprised with this new approach. "Is that how you'd react if I had come here today and told you that I'd made such a mistake myself?"
Anne's eyes were round with shock when she said, "You know this isn't -"
"You know what, forget that," he interrupted her with a wave of his hand, taking her aback again. "You and I have argued enough times for me to imagine you actually saying something of the sort, so it doesn't really take us anywhere. But Diana? What about her? Would you treat her in the way you're treating yourself now?"
Anne took little time pondering over his question. As soon as she had comprehended the real meaning of it, she snorted impatiently, looking away with a scowl on her already wrinkled forehead.
"Well, first of all, Diana never would have made a mistake so dumb," she answered sharply, turning towards him once more to bestow another glare on his face. "The very notion is absurd, so I really don't think your example is a very good one."
"Alright then," Gilbert didn't give up. "What about Phil?"
"She might do something of this kind, I suppose; but I can hardly imagine her coming here to cry on my shoulder because of that. She's too strong – or too careless – to have a need for that."
"And you're not?"
"No!" Anne's voice was audibly higher this time, as she put down her mug with a clank, only narrowly avoiding spilling the beverage inside it on the table before her. "I'm not like her. I'm not used to people ignoring my mistakes thanks to a sweet smile I give them the next moment. I'm not having fun pretending I'm sillier than I am to appear more innocent or appealing. And I'm definitely not ready to take it calmly that my wit, my only good trait, turns out to be so much weaker that I thought it to be."
Silence fell on the room when she had finished her tirade, or at least this first, angry part of it. Gilbert, who had long ago learnt Anne's habits, knew that there was another part to come, probably even more serious than the one he'd just heard.
As impatient as he was growing, he knew he had to allow her to speak the rest whenever she choose to do so.
He watched her slump wearily and hide her face in her hands, his heart cracking with sorrow that mirrored the one that had so suddenly reflected on her. Careful not to startle her with his movement, he leaned forward and reached his hand to cover her wrist and hopefully drag it away from her face.
"I'm not Phil, Gilbert -" she said weakly a moment later, after she had eventually allowed him to do just that. "and I'm certainly not Diana, either. I'm me. Just me."
A sigh escaped Gilbert's lips, but he didn't let himself forget of the matter at hand. Easing his grasp on Anne's wrist, he slid his hand towards hers and covered it, giving her the little squeeze she undoubtedly needed. She looked up at him then; but it was clear she had no desire to speak anymore.
"Well, first of all, I really don't get that need to add the 'just' before talking about yourself," he said gently. "You're you, that's true; but it doesn't make you any worse than either of your unquestionably fantastic friends. And Anne, your wit really isn't any poorer than you think, as each of your tests and assignments confirms. Not to mention, there really is a lot more to you than your intelligence, you know."
She could hardly bring herself to do more than grumble at him. "Like what?"
"Like that incredible imagination of yours. No, Anne, you don't get to complain about it now, and even less so to blame that cursed coffee shop mistake on it. It is a gift; and like almost everything else, those also tend to be inconvenient at times." He fell silent for a moment, as if weighing his next words, even though he was perfectly sure of what he wanted to say. With a quick glance to her heavy bag that now lay in the corner of her room and the stacks of books that covered more than a few spots in it, he resumed, "You are hard-working and consequent, both in your studies and any other jobs you take upon yourself. You can be determined to the extend no one I know is -"
"I believe you meant to say stubborn, coach Blythe -"
"Even if, then it is in the utterly positive way," he refuted her argument easily, finally letting go of her hand and reaching out for her abandoned mug instead. "It made you catch up and outshine everyone at school and now it's pushing you to do the same here. And yet, even that isn't all. Because you know what else you are, Anne?"
"I can't wait to find out," she muttered under her breath.
"You are kind."
The look she gave him was full of disbelief at first, and was now starting to border with derisiveness as well. It was a look Gilbert had expected; he held it calmly, aware of how much depended on his own show of certainty, of his belief in what he was saying now.
"I'm under a strong impression you no longer know whom you're talking to, Gil," she grumbled eventually, taking her mug from him and resting her lips against its rim. "Either that, or you're just quoting some great motivational speeches without thinking; to be fair, I'd prefer the former to be the case. I would be severely disappointed to find you so utterly unprofessional."
"You can call me whatever you like, Carrots. You know that, unlike some people, I'm immune to name-calling, especially when done by you," he answered her lightly, before saying, "Now if you just let me do what I'm trying to do here, it would be greatly appreciated. Will you?"
"Will I what, exactly?"
"Will you humour me and answer the question I asked you before? About Diana?"
That request earned Gilbert another glare on Anne's part, but she did not protest this time. Swallowing the last of her tea she muttered a quiet "Fine," before she put the mug away and breathed in deeply.
"Okay," she spoke up eventually. "Assuming that by some great disturbance in the Force or another miracle Diana Barry actually managed to mix up her orders and serve the drinks to wrong consumers, and that she would care about such a mishap enough to come to me looking for comfort -"
"You know that she would -"
"In such case, I believe I would tell her to put it behind her and not to worry too much," Anne finished with a roll of her eyes. "I suppose I'd tell her that everyone can make a mistake and that it doesn't make her any less competent, especially as no real harm was done, and that, knowing how well-organised and skilled in the field she is – because honestly, I've never seen a barrister more talented than her – we really must agree that there was some external powers at work for her to make any mistake in the first place."
"Powers like a night spent with Shakespeare?" Gilbert suggested with a smile.
"I was thinking of witches and charms but I guess the Bard is closely enough related to those," Anne admitted with another roll of her big green-grey eyes.
"Good. Now pray tell me: why do those arguments are enough to justify Diana's error but not to justify yours?"
To that Anne had no ready response. She had expected the conversation to head that way, of course; she'd known what Gilbert's plan was all along and could not claim to be surprised by this final question of his.
And yet, she could not answer him, either.
Meanwhile, Gilbert went on. "Why can't you be kind to yourself in the same way you are to her? Why are you so unforgiving towards yourself when we both know how understanding you're always trying to be to everyone around you? They say you can't really go through life happy if you're not your own best friend – so why are you so determined not to be yours?"
For the first time that day Anne laughed quietly with a mischievous sparkle returning to her eyes once more.
"I suppose I'm too spoilt by having you and Diana occupy that post with such fervour," she admitted with a smile at last. "To be fair, I'm not even sure if I could beat you if I tried."
"Well, I dare say Di won't mind stepping down for such a noble cause," came Gilbert's ready answer. "And as much as I hate not coming in first, I certainly am used to you outrunning me by now. So? Do we have a deal, Miss Shirley, or should I really call Diana to support me in that final strive?"
"There's no need for that. At least, that's what my best friend thinks."
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Why The Old Fashioned is Making a Comeback
Packaging materials come in various forms these days, and boxes are among the most popular packaging material used by companies and individuals. Most people know how important it is to receive and packages on time, but there are some who are less aware of the delicate items which are placed inside those boxes. For instance, there are cases where products that are shipped to the post office or an individual’s house are opened and found to contain a variety of fragile items, including medicines. This is because of the poor quality control measures adopted by the post office or the company that ships the products, and sometimes these fragile items are opened when they reach the doorstep of the receiver instead of being boxed packaged goods properly.
The original recipe is a simple one, and the Old Fashioned is still one of the most popular American cocktails. It's still one of the best-selling cocktails in America today, and it's no wonder. It stayed popular throughout Prohibition and made a comeback as the trend to a more classic cocktail caught on. But the cocktail didn't have a happy ending. In fact, it was nearly forgotten by most bartenders after the era of Prohibition, which stopped American whiskey production and sold it worldwide.
The Old Fashioned began as a simple cocktail made with bourbon and rye. In the early nineteenth century, it was an alcoholic drink often consumed during the morning, when whiskey was still the most popular. During that period, it became a staple of the American breakfast table and eventually spread across the country. However, Prohibition took its toll on the drink's popularity, and its popularity waned. But despite the years of decline, the cocktail's revival is largely due to a renewed interest in rye whiskey, a whiskey that's grown up with a richer flavor profile than ever before.
The Old Fashioned cocktail has a long and colorful history in America. It survived Prohibition, and the era of destructive bartenders didn't have any influence on its popularity. But it never fell out of favor and made a comeback in modern times. In 2006, the cocktail was a staple in many Chicago bars, and was enjoyed by countless people. With its history, the cocktail is not only making a comeback but also a classic and has a great future.
The Old Fashioned cocktail has a long history, but the modern version is making a comeback in America. While the name is still a bit misleading, it's been around for centuries and is a favorite of many bartenders. The modern cocktail has been named after the iconic character of the show, Don Draper. The ingredients of the classic drink are the same as the old ones, except for the bourbon. A good bourbon, bitters, and sugar cubes.
The Old Fashioned is one of the first cocktails in the history of the cocktail. The ingredients in the Old Fashioned are sugar, ice, and a spirit. These ingredients are not only dissolved in the bourbon, but also bind to the sugar and make it more drinkable. A good bourbon-based cocktail is a classic that will never go out of style.
The Old Fashioned is a simple cocktail that can be personalized with fruit. In the 1950s, the drink featured artificially colored cherries. Now, you can add fruit to your drink to make it your own. Just remember, however, that adding fruit will make it resemble a Shirley Temple. So, don't make the mistake of mixing two drinks that have the same name. It's important to know which one tastes better.
The Old Fashioned is a classic drink that is perfect for the cooler fall months. After a summer filled with vodka and gin, people crave aged brown spirits. When the weather cools down, people crave bourbon, and an excellent bourbon is Bulleit. For a great Old Fashioned, you should try a high-quality bourbon with a high rye mash bill.
The Old Fashioned is a drink that's a classic in its own right. Using bourbon instead of orange juice is a great way to improve the flavor. For those who don't like bourbon, simple syrup is the best choice. It adds bourbon to the drink without adding sugar. Unlike lemonade or gin, bourbon is a drink that's perfect for a Friday fish fry.
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infositely · 2 years
Let's drink to your health!
Let’s drink to your health!
Every year many consumers consider a pause in January to opt out of alcoholic beverages for a dietary reset month. However, no sacrifice is required today with so many new options to lift your mood with innovative low or no alcohol beverages. It’s no longer the Shirley Temple choice of yesterday but a more complex beverage with unique features that provide the taste consumers crave as well as the…
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Story #1- Temporary Epiphany
Group: Highlight- Junhyung 
Theme: Epiphany 
A moment of sudden revelation 
Type: series- angst 
Plot: You and Junhyung go out for dinner to celebrate your four year wedding anniversary and you decide to let him in on the some big news but once he finds out, you realize what this ‘big news’ would really mean. 
It is a gleaming Saturday evening at a gorgeous home in a small and quaint town in the quiet state of Maine. You are getting ready to go for dinner at Portland with your husband to celebrate your anniversary and you have some news to share but yet, something feels off- something wrong.
“Y/N, you ready to go?” Junhyung says with a smile as he fixes a button on his suit.
“ Yea I am, I just gotta give Ellie her dinner then we can head out,” you say, already treading out the room towards your boxer.
“Oh wait!” he calls out, sticking his head out after you. “I already fed her earlier and we went out for a little stroll this morning as well.”
“Oh ok, thanks for doing that. Well, it looks like I’m ready to go now,” you sigh as you sit on  your leather loveseat and put on your heels.
“It’s our anniversary today you know, happy anniversary Y/N,” Junhyung says causally.
“Haha yes silly, I know,” you say. “Thank you Junhyung, happy anniversary to you.”
“I can’t believe we made it four years already. Where’d all those years go? Well, it’s better not to dwell on that I suppose… Ok, I’m ready myself now so let’s head off,” Junhyung says, offering his arm.
You link your arm into his and smile to him but you both know that all the smiles and affection is just for show. It’s your wedding anniversary, fourth anniversary to be exact like Junhyung mentioned, but you still feel nothing for this man you have to call your husband. And he doesn’t either.
That’s how it’s always been.
From the first day you met to today, you and Junhyung still feel absolutely nothing. And it’s likely to always stay that way. Whether it’s three more years or thirty, you will never love Junhyung. And that’s exactly how you intend to keep it. It’s not that you hate him, he’s your husband after all. You’ve grown to care about him through the years and you know everything there is to know about each him. From what he likes in bed to how he takes his coffee.
To clarify, your marriage to him isn’t to look good to those around you ‘cuz quite frankly no one in the small town of Cape Elizabeth gives a damn. You two will never admit it but you need each other. The idea of living and loving alone scares you so here you are- enjoying the bonuses of a married couple but still having the freedom to do so as you please since you two aren’t in love. It’s nice to know Junhyung is always home at 5:15pm right on the dot, every afternoon and enjoys a glass of red wine in his recliner with a novel of some sort, mostly mystery, nearly every evening. You get a certain joy from this, it feels as though you two really are a couple. If you close your eyes and replace his name and face with that of your beloved then it’s almost too much to bare but you do it anyways. And that’s why you’re always miserable but that’s a different story for another day, one you won’t be reading about today.
“It’s a beautiful place isn’t it?” Junhyung beams, holding your hand as you stand on a hill that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and the lively, sparkling city.
You nod as a small smile stretches on your face, “Mhmh it’s remarkable. I’m really glad to be able to live here with you.”
“Mhmh, I mean it. We’ve moved a lot these past few years but I think this is the best place to settle down. There’s fresh seafood, lush trees, great people, and it’s cozy so it feels like home but it just lacks a bit of our culture that’s all,” you reassure as you lean into Junhyung’s chest.
He smiles genuinely which is something he hasn’t done in a very long time but he finally feels at peace being here with you and in a place you two both adore. “Hey, I think we should head into the restaurant, it’s nearly time for our reservation.”
You look up and smile, almost tempted to kiss him but you stop yourself since it wouldn’t mean anything but he brings his face down to peck your cheeks lightly, which takes you by surprise.
He retracts then gently holds your arm with his and guides you into the fancy, 5 star restaurant that was just a few feet away. Junhyung opens the door for you and you walk in and wait by the reception area while Junhyung talks to the greeting hostess. You walk up to join Junhyung and he holds your hand as the hostess guides you two towards your private table in the lounge where the city lights from outside stunningly illuminates the chandelier above your table.
The hostess leaves after setting the menus on the table and Junhyung helps you to your seat.
“Junhyung, you really outdone yourself this year. This is absolutely gorgeous, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be sitting in an exquisite restaurant like this under a beautifully lit chandelier. Gosh, I’m at a loss right now, thank you,” you thank, admiring his effort in making this a memorable night but you smile to yourself, knowing that you gunna steal Junhyung’s attempt with just a phrase.
“But it’s really nothing compared to how you look. Y/N, you look absolutely stunning tonight. You really took my breath away and I was so speechless that I started muttering randomly,” Junhyung confesses.
He nods and holds your hand until a young waiter came to your table, “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Yong, I’ll be your waiter this evening. May I start you off with some sparkling champagne until we get our orders?”
“Uhh, um actually I’ll pass tonight,” you decline politely.
“Oh, ok. I’ll pass as well. I’ll just take water with lemon and she’ll have a Shirley Temple, thank you,” Junhyung says with a polite smile to the waiter.
“Ok, they’ll be right up,” the waiter confirms with a smile.
When the waiter walks away, Junhyung turns his attention by to you and asks, “If you don’t mind me asking why didn’t want to drink the champagne, I thought it was your favorite, is it not?”
“No, you’re right, it is. It’s just that I.. I re-. Um I can’t drink alcohol anymore, well at least not for a while,” your voice falters as you blush and avert your eyes away from Junhyung.
“Why? Are you trying another diet or cleanse? It’s ok, you can tell me. I’m open to trying these sorts of things,” Junhyung reassures.
“I’m not but I will have to get on a new diet, one I don’t think you’ll really want to do this time,” you hint.
“Oh? Why not? What’s so special about this one?” Junhyung asks curiously as he leans on his hands and knitting his eyebrows in puzzlement.
“Well to start, I’m gunna have to drink lots and lots of milk and I gotta have double the amount of protein and iron,” you emphasis on the word ‘double’ hoping he’ll get it.
“I don’t see what’s wrong with this diet, in fact it sounds like exactly what we should be consuming,” he comments, clueless as ever.
You let out a shaky breath before holding his hands and announcing, “Junhyung. I’m pregnant.”
He drops your hands and his eyes widen. Everything in the room seems to stop and suddenly you wonder if this was a mistake.
“What?” he whispers in a deathly calm voice.
“I’m.. I’m pregnant. We’re gunna have a baby,” you whisper with a hint of fear, feeling less confident than earlier.
“Oh, ok. Um are you ready to look at the menu,” he asks, grabbing a menu.
Your heart drops and you grab a menu to hide your face behind. You look over the options but your vision gets clouded by warm tears desperately wanting to fall. You see the silhouette of the waiter coming back so you wipe away the lone tear that managed to escape before turning to face the waiter.
“Here we go, a Shirley Temple for you ma’am and a lemon water for you sir. I see we have the menus out, are we ready to order?” the waiter asks, taking out his notepad and pen.
“Yea, I’ll take the garlic-glazed lobster with the parmesan penne,” Junhyung orders, setting down his menu.
“Okey, and for you ma’am?” the waiter turns to you with a smile.
“Oh I’ll take the smoked salmon with the side of Mediterranean salad,” you reply.
“Ok, I’ll put them in right now then your orders should be out momentarily. In the meantime I hope you two enjoy the fresh-baked bread and caviar,” he smiles, setting the appetizers and plates before you.
“I’m sure we will thank you,” you say with a feign smile you’re so used to giving then he leaves once again.
You get up to go use the bathroom but Junhyung stops you. “Where are you going?”
“I’m gunna go get rid of the baby,” you say sarcastically, taking on a particularly bitter tone. “I’m going to the bathroom, where else? If you’d excuse me.”
Junhyung slumps back in his seat, his heart beating erratically. His breathing was becoming choppy and he knew he was getting a panic attack and he would’ve ran to the bathroom but he knew he couldn’t leave the table unattended. So he got nice and comfy in his seat as his mind went to dangerous places. He knew he shouldn’t fell silent like that but this territory was still sensitive to him so he drifts away…
“Junhyung? Junhyung?” you ask worriedly, shaking your husband’s shoulders.
His eyes flutter open and he looks at you with horror then he leans forward quickly and just holds you, feeling his tears hitting your shoulder.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. I don’t know why I fell silent cuz I’m happy! I’m so happy Y/N! We’re gunna have a baby! Oh, I’ve waited for this for so long I forgot how good it felt. And please don’t say that again. Please don’t say that you’re gunna get rid of the baby. I can’t go through this again,” Junhyung cries, holding you tighter and tighter.
“It’s ok, it’s gunna be ok Junhyung. I’m sorry I said that, it was really stupid. But I promise you that no matter what happens between you and me, but you’ll have your baby. Even though it won’t be yours and Diane’s baby but it’s still your baby,” you promise.
“No, I know it’s not Diane’s but it’s ours, me and you. We have to be honest to our kid, we owe it that much don’t we?” Junhyung worries.
“Junhyung, let’s not worry about that right now but I don’t think we should tell it anything yet. The truth is pretty gruesome and I don’t want our kid hating us so soon. I mean how you tell your kid that its parents are just pretending to be love with each when really they love people who are dead. I’m sorry… I’ve said too much. Uhh, I’ll go get the food to go so we just eat at home. I’m sorry,” you whisper then getting up to find the waiter.
“How are you feeling Junhyung? Do you need me to grab your meds?” you asks concernedly as you enter the dining room while throwing your head in a bun.
“No, it’s ok. I feel alright. Come sit down, I warmed up your dinner,” Junhyung points out with his fork.
“Can I have some of your pasta?” you ask gently as you take your seat across him.
“Go ahead. I’ll take a little bit of salad if that’s alright,” Junhyung says, already reaching for your salad.
“Haha that’s fine. I can’t believe we’re still acting like newlyweds after 4 years. It’s almost ridiculous but-”
“- it makes sense”
“Exactly. Oh god, how are we gunna explain this to our kid?”
“I still think we should be honest when it’s ready. But let’s make a deal, we can only share 4 stories each to help explain our situation to our kid.”
“Ok, but wait. Do you mean four stories each or four in total because I don’t know if that’s gunna be enough.”
“Good point, hmm let’s do four each then. And nothing’s off limits. It’s all on the table, whatever we think is most important for our kid or kids to understand why we did what we did and who we really love.”
“Ok, I’ll go first,” you perk up. 
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*well here it is after a year in the making, this series finally surfaced so questions or comments are highly appreciated and just lemme know your thoughts on it 
* so can you can tell the next story will pick up with the flashback of Y/N’s first story so I hope you stay tuned for the second story tomorrow! 
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n3rdlif343va · 7 years
congrats on 150 followers!!
Were you expecting this to be like 1,100 words long? Because it is 1,100 words long lol
This ask went straight for my heart! I am a huge indulger ofmusic, and this is such a great ask!!! I’m listing every skater that I had anidea for, saving Victor and Yuuri for last J(some of them are paired because it is cuter that way)
Leo and Guang Hong– have joint playlists on Spotify and are constantly sending each other newsongs and debating about which playlist they belong on. Whenever they aretrying to choose music for a program, they skype each other and blare the songat same time (“1,2,3… PLAY!”). They send each other YouTube videos of theirfavorite songs whenever they know that the other one is having a bad day.
Emil and Mickey –Emil sends Mickey songs and is constantly asking his opinion. All of them arestrangely romantic and Mickey is constantly responding with “yeah, that’s nice.”Emil’s profound patience is the only thing that keeps him from throwing hisphone in the closest body of water.
Sara and Mila –share similar tastes in music and can be found sharing earbuds whenever theyare together. They exchange the newest, most popular hits from their respectivecountries whenever a song strikes their fancy.
Their favorite musical pastime is finding the mostridiculous parody videos of popular songs on YouTube. Mila’s current favoriteis Talk Nerdy To Me while Sara loves the Staying in Anthem.
Minami – loves upbeatpop music and jazz music from every era. He finds inspiration for stepsequences from videos of old dance routines and has an obsession with old schooltap dancers (like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.) He absolutely did not tapdance on his training rink’s staircase pretending to be Shirley Temple to YuuriKatsuki’s Bill Robinson.
(Spoiler: he absolutely did)
Seung-gil –prides himself on his vast knowledge of his country’s music, from the most traditionalto more modern releases. He is constantly supporting musical artists on socialmedia and even knows how to play several instruments.
But one night, after a few too many drinks, Seung-gil takesthe private stage at a karaoke house…. And absolutely crushes Eminem’s Rap God.The other skaters are shocked into silence as Seung-gil drops the mic andcalmly walks off the stage like it never happened.
JJ – without embarrassmentor shame admits to liking Nickelback – a lot. He once sang with the band at abenefit concert and it was the best night of his life. He loves all kinds ofrock, even the songs that have a pop-like edge to them.
His secret pleasure is: Boy Bands. He knows every lyric toevery Backstreet Boys, O-Town, NSync, and 98 Degrees song that ever lived. Hecried when One Direction broke up. If he had his way, when he retired him andthe other skaters would form a boy band.
Chris – hasmultiple playlists of songs, comprised of all his past skates plus a randomassortment of all the songs he has picked up along the way. If you picked uphis phone and examined his playlists, you would think “sounds like Chris.”
But Chris also loves Opera. He will watch and listen toOpera in any language, and shed a few tears during the most emotional songs. Heloves the pure emotion mixed with the strong voices and has even learned tosing some of his favorite pieces. When he is alone in his car, he is beltingout the baritone parts, making his windows vibrating with the strong bravado ofhis voice. His boyfriend FINALLY catches him singing while showering and thevideo almost breaks the internet.
Phichit – willlie dead to your face and tell you that his entire music collection is full offluffy love songs. And it is true, for the most part, his playlists consistingof movie soundtracks and pop songs from all over the world.
But Yuuri knows about that one playlist, the one marked “RainyDay” that is filled with nothing but songs that would inspire even the biggestprude to start stripping.
Yuri P. – Mr.Edgelord wants you to believe that he is all hard rock and pounding EDM. Heblasts his music until Yakov and Lilia threaten to throw his speakers out ofthe window. Welcome to the madness is his ringtone and he dares anyone to sayanything about it.
But his favorite playlist has been slowly built up withsamples from Otabek’s mixes and the original songs that inspired his bestfriend. Even when the songs aren’t necessarily the kind of anger-lashing tunesthat Yuri wants to be associated with him, he loves each one of them andlistens to this playlist on loop.
Otabek – has playlistsfor each of the world’s most prominent DJs and keeps them organized in theorder in which the mixes were released. His other playlists are comprised ofhis own mixes, soundbites, and songs that inspire him.
But his absolutely favorite song… that’s a story for anotherday (or a catfishprompt response that will be out this weekend ha ha)
Yuuri K. – He isan emotional consumer of music. He wants to hear the message and feel the storyin the notes. Even if the song is a traditional Japanese song without lyrics,Yuuri can envision the story there. He immediately assigns songs to the peoplein his life and to different memories. When he hears the songs of Victor’s pastskating programs he swoons, but he cannot bring himself to listen to any of hisold program songs (especially from the Sochi year, because RIP Vicchan). StammiVicino will always hold a special place in Yuuri’s heart and the goosebumpsalways appear across his skin with the opening notes.
But there is another song, a song that Phichit would sendhim the YouTube video link for whenever there was a slight chance that Yuuriwould come face-to-face with Victor. It takes Yuuri until the first summer oftheir marriage to play Marry Me by Train for Victor. Slow dancing in theirsocks, Yuuri explains why it had always reminded him of Victor. They both cry.
Victor – will listento anything. He loves music and eagerly absorbs melodic sounds from all overthe world. Once Yuuri is in his life and his inspiration has sparked again,Victor begins to find new life in music, often telling Yuuri it is like he ishearing the world with brand new ears. He used to draw out routines, listingmoves on paper and pencil, but now he lets his ideas carry him around the room,while Yuuri watches him from the couch with a quiet smile. When they aremapping out pairs routines, they will dance anywhere, from the grocery store tothe middle of the park.
Victor is still trying to convince Yuuri to coordinate abanquet themed pair skate (complete with ties on their heads) to Say You Won’tLet Go.
And if you think Phichit’s stripping song list is bad… it isnothing compared to the pure lust comprised in Victor’s playlist simply labeled“Yuuri.”
Yakov – likes BrittanySpears. He just does, leave him alone, the man deserves a vice!
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excrucian · 7 years
Unnamed Nobilis Game Session Two
Previously | Contents | Next
The four newly ennobled Nobles stood in the centre of their chancel. They felt the power flow into them from Tahom’s mighty strike, they felt that they were like gods now, attuned to the channels through which reality streamed through. Aureus and Luka, now Appearances and Disappointment, took this in stride as they had been a part of the miraculous world to some degree before. The Lizard stretched its claws and with its new mastery over Evolution, gifted itself two opposable thumbs on each hand. Opposable thumbs were pretty useful, it felt.
But as for the girl who had once been Mattie…
She was nothing now. She felt nothing. Nothing overtook and consumed her.
The Lizard looked over and saw that Mattie was not breathing or emitting any heat. It asked what was wrong.
“Don’t call me Mattie,” said the girl in a quiet voice. “I am Tilde.”
“Okay, Mattie,” said Aureus.
There was another Estate belonging to the great serpent Tahom, but it was nebulous and could not quite coalesce yet. With time, perhaps it would.
The new Familia took stock of their surroundings and their new selves. They explored, found where their homes were, looked up at the buildings that grew ever higher and the plants entwined with them.
Locus Eschaton’s Properties
Geography is not objective
You cannot be lost
Everything can grow
Everything is beautiful
Without care, everything fades away
Aureus had taken his driver, Jim, into the chancel as an Erus so that he may continue to serve Aureus in his new role. Jim was currently driving a limousine, which was quite the stretch limousine due to the players deciding that the property “Everything can grow” meant that the limousine was a growing snakelike being that regularly shed car scales in its path.
Everyone was getting into the lizard-mousine when an almighty, powerful voice shook the entire chancel.
A man stepped into their view. He was a well dressed man, fairly unassuming except that he had an aura of terrible beauty and majesty. This was Lucifer, First of the Fallen Angels, Prince of Lies, the Morning, Sympathy and Prosecution. He was accompanied by two of his nobles – a well-dressed lady (though not as well dressed as Aureus himself) and a man who people vaguely recognised as a famous Russian ballerina who had gone missing a few years ago.
Lucifer was confronting Tahom and demanding answers as to why his son had been ennobled by this snake. Tahom, the chill dude that he is, was talking about fate and dharma and all that. This did not quite please Lucifer.
Aureus ran out of the car towards his father. His doting father asked if he was okay, obviously worried, but this degenerated into a bit of an argument during which a few things were revealed.
For all of his life, Aureus had expected that he would be the one to bring about the Apocalypse. He’d turn into a dragon, there would be all this fire and brimstone and it would be pretty sweet.
“That part of your life’s over, kiddo,” Tahom said. “Your dharma’s been replaced.”
Aureus really should have read the fine print. His father then accidentally let slip that Aureus was not the only potential Antichrist, and that in fact there were other children. He also said that he had plans for Aureus, like making him into his Noble of Lies, a position he had to grant onto this young lady instead.
Aureus glared daggers at “his dad’s new fling”, a fact that Lindsel Yi, the newly ennobled Mistress of Lies, denied. “Of course you’d say that, you’re Lies,” Aureus said. What he didn’t know was that Lindsel was quite a moral and upstanding public defender in her last life and she was so loathe to lie that she had a 4 point affliction against it.
The argument continued on for a bit, with Tilde in the background with an inability to care about this and the Lizard and Luka just enjoying the show. Jim was a bit unnerved, but who could blame him?
Finally, Lucifer said, “We’ll speak about this later. Come to my chancel, Aureus. We’ll have a family dinner with your new family.” He left, leaving his two Nobles behind. Aureus continued to glare at the “new woman”, while Fima Kozlov, the Baron of the Morning, apologised for everything.
Those two Nobles were to guide the new Familia to Lucifer’s own chancel. So everyone piled into the liz-mousine and set off.
The only way to get into the chancel was to draw a certain symbol on a certain vehicle and to use that vehicle to pass through a threshold. To get out of the chancel, one could take that same vehicle and drive across any threshold in their chancel, appearing at either a random border in the Ordinary World or the only place in the world that had a fixed entrance to the chancel – Aureus’ apartment.
So the Lizmousine appeared in Aureus’ apartment, a fact that Aureus was not happy about.
Lindsel stepped out and asked if Aureus had any charcoal. Aureus retorted with insults and “go look in the fireplace”. Sighing, Lindsel, who was a professional lady who really did want to work with these people to make things go smoothly, took out a stick of charcoal from her own pocket and drew a complicated looking glyph on the window of the apartment. While the Hollyhock God would have had a more evocative or complicated way to get to Lucifer’s chancel, it was figured that getting this lizmousine off the 59th floor of a random skyscraper in New York was a bit too much of a hassle.
Everyone piled back into the lizmousine, which was then driven straight into the glyph. “You better not break my windows,” Aureus said. “Oh god no,” he said as he realised the lizard-mousine had shed car-scales in his apartment.
They appeared on a highway in a dark, cold place. In front of them was a mighty city, built from ice with great big rivers of meat and blood winding around. The aesthetic here was rather like the game OFF, as the Hollyhock God had asked Aureus’ player for input.
Out of the corner of one’s eye, it seemed that every third bystander was a monster. But then you would turn around and they would be absolutely normal people – and there would be more monsters in the corner of your eye. The great skyscrapers made from ice seemed to have swirling faces in their midst.
This was Chancel Pandaemonium.
Lindsel, after arguing with Aureus, took over the driving duties from Jim and drove the party to one of Lucifer’s favoured nightclubs – the Club Inferno. There, they were greeted by a lady wearing a strange skeletal clothing who introduced herself as Aenor of the Morning. She was a much older Power of Lucifer, though not the oldest.
In the nightclub, most of the patrons seemed to be ordinary denizens of the chancel.
Aureus and Luka immediately made their way to the bar and ordered alcoholic drinks for themselves. Tilde ordered “nothing” and was given a cup with nothing in it, though Aureus then reached behind the counter and popped some cherries into it to make it into a Shirley Temple. She took the cherries out and began to talk to her Estate, which answered in negatory statements.
The Lizard looked around impassively.
But, there appeared to be some Nobles here who were not native to the place. These were Powers who sought an audience with Lucifer or one of his Powers, who had managed to make their way here into this cold dark place. While their requests would certainly not be granted, it may be worth a try. Lucifer was once the just prosecutor of the Angels, before he fell – and rumours said that he was not touched by the corruption of Hell.
There was a nervous looking young man in a cat skull mask and a hoodie who was obviously underdressed for the place. A beautiful baroque lady sat in the corner, sipping a crimson fluid from a glass and grinning with her exposed fangs. She was even more better dressed than Aureus, which rankled him greatly. A man in a labcoat was also here – Luka recognised him as the Power of Catalysis and stayed far, far away from him.
Aureus, being the social butterfly that he was and also rankled by the fact that his father apparently had other Antichrists, immediately came up to the young man and began to try and make conversation. The young man was not inclined to say much, stuttering and refusing to answer any direct questions. This young man then made the mistake of asking Aureus, “D-do you know someone c-called Licelte Rossmalt?”
This drew the attention of the Lizard. That was the name of an Excrucian that was quite dear to the Lizard, as Licelte had in fact rescued the Lizard from smugglers. The Lizard did not care why that happened, only that Licelte was clearly a friend. It marched up to the young man and demanded answers.
The young man refused to say anything else, and at this point Luka had joined in to hem this poor guy in a corner. Suddenly, a miracle was cast, a miracle that should have instilled in the Lizard the desire to flee in the manner that prey would- and then because the Hollyhock God is still trying to learn this system it’s my first time GM/HGing :’D it was shrugged off by the lizard. The young man, feeling trapped, then tried to shapeshift into a bird and then an ant to escape. This was stymied by Aureus’ idea to force the Appearance of the young man onto him, so that they would know where he is even if he tried to ant away. Tilde even helped by Negating the door to the nightclub, which raised many eyebrows.
The young man, giving up and turned back to human, confessed that his name was Esa Phoemi and he was the Saint of Prey. To this, the Lizard began laughing a lot. Ah, this was prey and the Lizard was a predator.
Aureus was a bit bored of this so he went and started chatting up the beautiful baroque lady. She introduced herself as Vanessa Amaranthine, Baroness of Paranormal Romance. Clearly she was here to act out her story and to score herself a paranormal romance, the players concluded. They danced to Hellbent by Mystery Skulls, because of course.
The Lizard continued to interrogate Esa. What do you want with Licelte Rossmalt?!
“She destroyed my chancel,” Esa said, a bit sulkily.
This was satisfactory, so the Lizard allowed Esa to leave. Which he did very quickly.
Aureus, bored now and tired of waiting for ten whole minutes for his dad to show up, began to complain. But as he did so, his father waltzed through the door (which Tilde had thankfully thought to un-Negate). He was accompanied by a silhouette of a wonderfully dressed being, which was his last Noble – Prosecution’s Regal.
Everyone grew silent, but Aureus continued to complain loudly to Make A Point.
Lucifer ignored his son and went to the bar. He called for everyone’s attention and then began to very loudly praise his darling baby boy for growing up and being inducted into Noble society as the.. Baron? Viscount? Of Appearance.
(This was because the HG temporarily forgot the actual title, but it was funny enough that it was now canon.)
“Oh, don’t you Nobles always throw parties and such things? Well, then, I decree that soon, we will hold a fabulous party for my son’s enNoblement!”
Lucifer then left, and then his Powers converged on the player’s Familia. Oh god, all of them were going to have to throw a party and it was going to have to be a really good party and because it’s your fault that we’re doing this, clearly you must help us. Lucifer’s Nobles decided that they would take care of the managerial side of things while, well, you can go and do some errands. Like finding a suitable place to host this party. Perhaps your Chancel would do.
They then realised that Luka had ditched them during Lucifer’s announcement. Oh well, he’ll show up eventually. Maybe.
The Familia left the nightclub to go find their Lizmousine, their driver (who was a bit shaken up by being in this strange monstrous place) and Luka. They found all three and made their way back to Chancel Eschaton, leaving more car scales in Aureus’ apartment.
There, they decided they had to talk with Tahom. But they weren’t sure how to contact him. Luka and Aureus had the brilliant idea of blaring out Snoop Dogg to the atmosphere, because clearly a giant otherworldly snake knows what Snoop is, even if this snake does behave in a similarly chill manner to the Dogg. Eventually, Tahom came by and asked what was the problem. The giant void-snake was not pleased that a giant party was going to be held in its chancel, that would be such a security nightmare, maybe you Nobles can find an abandoned dimension somewhere to hold your little party?
Tilde decided to query her Estate using a Greater Divination as to if there were any chancels that were, well, empty or negated. She found a match, but she couldn’t exactly tell how to get into this chancel or where exactly it was.
The group decided to just head out into the world and see if they could divine any more  from over there. This was clearly a well thought out plan, to just emerge from a random border or threshold and look around. Fortunately, Aureus was quite Lucky and so the Hollyhock God used this as an excuse to just dump them close to where they needed to go.
They emerged from the border of Austria and Switzerland and began looking around. Tilde asked her estate again and got the distinct impression that there was a great negation or emptiness associated with libraries. They went to the closest library, followed by a suspicious sparrow that was very obviously watching them. The door was slammed in the sparrow’s face, and it nearly knocked itself out trying to fly in.
After a bit more faffing about, the Lizard discovered that they had the power to sense other Chancels and to work out the way inside. They found that one particular book called “The Plays of Ethics” in German was very clearly associated with the broken chancel, so the team took out the book and flicked over it. There were a lot of illustrations in there.
Huh, one of the illustrations seemed to involve someone that looked a lot like Esa being stabbed by a lady none of them knew. Well, they’ll be sure to recognise that lady in the future.
There was an illustration of a door, so the team decided to read out from it. They then found themselves falling out of the Ordinary World and into…
The sky was colourless. Cracks full of void ravaged the world around them. From what they could tell, this world was once a medieval fantasy-esque village, but now there was just… a whole lot of nothing.
There was a ghost. Formless, it drifted there.
What happened here, the group asked.
“We passed the test,” said the ghost. “There was light, and it blinded us.”
Aureus was busy working out how he could make this place into a truly fantastic party location. Over here, the DJ tables could be set, and there where the dead bodies with mutilated eyes there could be like a fountain of blood and over there we could have the seating…
“The light hurt us.”
From the reference to a ‘test’ and from the fact that Negation had conceptual links to unmaking, Tilde reasoned that perhaps this place was a victim of one of the Excrucians – specifically, a Warmain. The Lizard was wondering how it could contact its friend.
There was a thump, and the group turned to see Esa Phoemi land. He glared at them. “This was my home,” he said.
The sparrow was his spy, so Aureus mocked him for banging into a door.
“That wasn’t me, that was my spy!”
This was the chancel that Esa was born into. He managed to escape before it fell apart, and then was ennobled by another Imperator. But this place was clearly still important to him.
There were a lot of unanswered questions here. What happened to the Powers and the Imperator of this place? Could a single Excrucian Warmain really do all this?
Could they get this place fixed up in time for the party?!
Is it really a good idea to use a desecrated, broken chancel as a venue for a party?
As a retrospective, this was really the Aureus Spotlight Episode and probably will be for the next few sessions. Though there are a few plot hooks for the other characters, particularly the Lizard. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing here, so I shoved all my plot hooks in - and then I did not expect the gang to immediately look for an abandoned chancel, which was meant to be just part of Esa and Licelte’s backstory. Oh dear!
Also, I still have no idea what I’m doing. But everyone seems to be having fun, so that’s good!
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