#customer not present card payments
iposupapp · 2 years
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Download IPOSUP App - The Best MPOS Terminal IPOSUP Application is one of the best MPOS terminals where you know about binding of ipos, bric sale, ipos pad, HCE Wallet. Do IPOS registration now and start accepting card and bank payments without any issues. For more details, visit the website.
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graceetarot · 11 months
How to book with me for any Spiritual work
-Dm what service is needed
•Send your name & picture. •Send email to send reading to
•Send screenshot of payment. •Payment method Cash app ;
1-8 day turn around
• Pendulum yes or no $6
• dream interpretation $20-60
Tarot / Oracle readings
Reading Pricing
14$ (3-4 cards) 24$ (8-11 cards) 42$ (14-18cards) 86$ for same day delivery .
•General message
• spirit message
•Career / money
• Love / relationship
• Self love messages
• what can you do to help heal your Inner child
• Past, present , future
• weekly energy read , how will your week go
• Two week energy read
• monthly energy
•Two month read
• year energy read
• Confessions from your inner self or someone else
•Message from your person
• Strength weaknesses advice embrace
• accept and let go
•New moon readings
• Full moon readings
• Hidden enemies
•Message from spirit guide
• Shadow work ( what you need to start with or work on next )
• deep subconscious
•Message from past love one.
•What needs to be healed
• what needs to be done to build a loving relationship with self
• What are there intentions
• sexual desires/Kinks 18+
Spell work & spiritual packages available
Pricing for candle work , candle work + packages mailed
80$ spell work
120$ spell work & packages sent
20$ Crystal / Spell necklaces
40$ herb bath
Types available
•help attract money
• Attraction
• Banishing ( people or energy’s )
• Keep away evil ( people or energys )
• Protection from evil
•Self love boost
• Dream ( protection / help with dreaming )
• Psychic protection
• hex / curse / evil eye removals
• House Cleansing ( removals of stale energy , negative energy , negative spirit )
• Herb tea & bath blends are all available for most of these as well
-Custom spell work and packages are also available (message with details)
Feed back ; reviews / reviews2
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acceptccnow · 6 months
Future-Proof Payment Solutions: A Guide to Merchant Account Innovations
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the fast-paced world of online commerce, payment solutions have evolved into the linchpin for the success of businesses spanning diverse industries. Whether steering an e-commerce venture, specializing in credit repair, or navigating the CBD retail landscape, procuring an apt merchant account and avant-garde payment processing system is paramount. This guide delves into the domain of payment innovation, spotlighting future-proof solutions crafted to meet the exigencies of contemporary high-risk businesses.
The Core of Merchant Accounts
Merchant accounts, serving as the bedrock of secure payment processing, play an instrumental role in facilitating various transactions, including credit and debit card payments. The significance of reliable and efficient merchant processing services cannot be overstated. Whether operating in the high-risk echelons or mainstream e-commerce, securing the right merchant account is a prerequisite for ensuring the fluidity of transactions.
Navigating the Landscape of High-Risk Payment Processing
Industries perched in the high-risk echelons, such as credit repair and CBD, grapple with distinctive challenges in the realm of payment processing. Traditional payment processors often shy away from these ventures due to perceived risks. However, this guide unravels the nuances of high-risk payment processing, spotlighting innovations designed to fortify and safeguard businesses operating in these precarious niches.
E-Commerce Payment Prowess
In this digital epoch, the ascent of e-commerce is meteoric. To flourish in this fiercely competitive landscape, online enterprises must proffer payment options that seamlessly meld convenience with security. This section delves into e-commerce payment processing solutions, underscoring the perks of embracing a dedicated e-commerce merchant account. Whether dealing in products or services, the payment gateway emerges as the conduit to triumph.
Bespoke Services for Credit Repair
Credit repair entities assume a pivotal role in aiding individuals to reconstruct their financial landscapes. Yet, the distinctive nature of this terrain necessitates specialized merchant processing services. This guide unravels the intricacies of payment processing and payment gateways uniquely tailored for credit repair merchants, ensuring compliance with industry regulations.
Mastery of Payment Processing in the CBD Realm
While the CBD industry witnesses unprecedented growth, it concurrently stands as one of the most high-risk sectors for payment processing. Securing a dependable CBD merchant account and payment gateway is imperative for enterprises navigating this domain. This section dissects the challenges confronting CBD retailers and unveils innovative solutions engineered to usher in secure and efficient credit card processing for CBD products.
In the ever-evolving realm of payment processing, proactive adaptation is the linchpin for businesses of every stature and kind. From high-risk payment processing to e-commerce sagas and specialized solutions for credit repair and CBD landscapes, the payment tableau is undergoing a metamorphosis. Armed with the right merchant account and payment gateway, businesses can fortify their standing in the digital arena, future-proofing their enterprise while presenting customers with a payment experience that seamlessly amalgamates security and convenience.
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twstgarden · 2 months
match-up bundle commission for @twilightpentagram
— a purchase of two carnation petals has arrived from our dearest customer. your romantic matches have now been determined by the red carnation’s petals.
➻ a romance match-up bundle commission for twisted wonderland and honkai star rail. bundle includes the main romantic match, voice lines with the main matches and 4 other randomly selected characters per fandom, a dormitory match for twisted wonderland, and a paths match for honkai star rail. ➻ commissions are open, you may refer to this info post.
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℘ your romantic match is...
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━ 𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙤 ━
➻ the carnation petal has revealed your first match, who appears to be the suave and compassionate dormitory leader of octavinelle - a brilliant and wonderful second year student of night raven college.
➻ one cannot deny that azul is quite a charming individual. perhaps he checks off on the qualities you look for in a partner.
➻ he appreciates your calm and laidback demeanour. it's a change of pace due to how extreme his companions can be. however, the longer he indulges in your presence, the more he learns how complex your personality is - and he likes that.
➻ perhaps it's because of how kind you are, or how smart and gifted you are. no matter the reason, you have sparked his interest.
➻ he makes a point to ensure you understand just how much he enjoys having you around, and would frequently invite you to his office or the lounge just to bask in your presence.
➻ if you were comfortable enough with him, he gets a little flustered and may even appear to "dislike" your teasing, but he enjoys it. he likes having your attention.
➻ on the other hand, he may attempt to tease you - and seeing that flustered reaction while trying to downplay it makes him feel accomplished in a sense.
➻ he accepts every single flaw you pointed out. when you struggle with motivation, he'll be there in case you need any support. perhaps you'd want him to help motivate you or perhaps just want someone to be with during those times, he is willing to be of service.
➻ may gift you with teas or cosmos-related items and say it is a "payment" for your kindness. don't buy it. he just wants to keep you happy.
➻ overall, azul may prove to be a great partner who accepts you for who you are and ensures you would feel contented in his presence. he's quite smart too, and he'd enjoy discussing your interests with you. a peaceful and harmonious relationship.
━ possible matches: ➻ ace trappola (lowkey fits the description of the "will tease you just to get a reaction" type and may prove to be a great partner) ➻ kalim al-asim (a sweetheart who would shower you with attention and make it obvious that he loves your presence) ➻ cater diamond (charismatic, at least i think he is, and enjoys your presence a lot)
℘ your soul belongs in...
❝ octavinelle ❞
➻ the dark mirror has sorted you to octavinelle, the dormitory founded on the compassion of the sea witch. students sorted to this dormitory are creative, empathetic, intuitive intellectuals, and some may say they have two faces to present.
➻ your calm and tolerant personality may suit you well in the dormitory situated in the depths of the sea. you may find some like-minded individuals and possibly enjoy the vibe of the lounge.
℘ voice lines
【 azul ashengrotto 】
► card selected: ssr dormitory uniform 寮服
❚❚ || home idle 4
↪ "twyla came over the other day with a cup of lavender tea in hand, says it would help relax my nerves if i feel a bit too stressed with all the work i'm doing. very thoughtful, i must say..."
【 jack howl 】
► card selected: r school uniform 制服
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "twyla's a smart individual. they're also quite calm and laidback... though, ace does try to irk them every now and then..."
【 jade leech 】
► card selected: sr ceremonial robes 式典服
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "hm? oh, yes. twyla does visit the mostro lounge and orders tea. perhaps they are a tea connoisseur, i thought to myself, or perhaps they're just one who enjoys drinking certain herbal teas. i'd love to indulge in a conversation with them sometime."
【 jamil viper 】
► card selected: sr apprentice chef 見習いシェフ
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "i heard twyla likes curry, and when kalim learned of that fact, he frequently asked them to visit to try my cooking. well, i'm flattered they think it's great."
【 idia shroud 】
► card selected: sr starsending robes 星送りの衣
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "twyla was carrying a telescope with them during the starsending ceremony. i didn't realise they were such a nerd in cosmos."
℘ your romantic match is...
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━ 𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚 ━
➻ the carnation petal has revealed the senior manager of the ipc strategic investment department, also one of the ten stonehearts, to be your best match.
➻ this risk-taking gambler would enjoy teasing and purposely annoy you to see if you'd crack a smile or huff in annoyance - whatever reaction it is, he just wants to see it.
➻ aventurine likes it when you playfully insult him, and he'd do that back to you. he's also amused with your somewhat crude sense of humour. an interesting one, he thinks.
➻ behind that mask, however, he seems to have noticed you show a "different face" to everyone else due to your insecurity. he knows how that feels. he, too, shows a different face to every single person he meets, and at first, that includes you as well. however, as time passed, you have both gotten comfortable with each other's presence and slowly showed your real selves.
➻ aware of your tutoring habits, he'd occasionally tease you by calling you, "smarty pants" and "teacher". on a serious note, he thinks you're really smart and he admires that quality of yours.
➻ aventurine may prove to be a partner that keeps you entertained and comforted. he knows the right jokes to make you laugh and knows what you need on days you feel down. overall, a fun and comforting relationship.
━ possible matches: ➻ argenti (charismatic and flirtatious, though may appear to be a little overbearing if soaked in his attention for too long) ➻ jing yuan (charismatic and gentle, isn't entirely serious either, may prove to be a great partner) ➻ luka (appears to have a little bit of charisma, may or may not work on you though)
℘ you follow the path of...
❝ nihility ❞
— ❝ you may gaze deep into the vast grandeur of the stars, but do not glance at the abyss of the void... for it holds nothing except for the ability to make mortals lose all reason and thought. ❞ —
➻ those who follow the path of nihility admire laziness, exhaustion, and meaningless behaviour.
➻ though you are a gifted individual, your desire to indulge in your interests and give little care to the world to cope with how life treats you may suit well to ix, the aeon of nihility.
℘ voice lines
【 aventurine 】
❚❚ || about twyla
↪ "ah, isn't twyla such a sweetie? well, i for one enjoy hanging around them. i enjoy trying to get a reaction out of them. they're always so calm."
【 dr. veritas ratio 】
❚❚ || about twyla
↪ "they are quite invested in astrophysics and the like. i have no ill opinion on them. however, i do believe a certain gambler has been frequenting his presence around them - more than one would deem normal."
【 jing yuan / 景元 】
❚❚ || about twyla
↪ "a knowledgeable individual with great empathy. i believe twyla is one of a kind."
【 luka / Лука 】
❚❚ || about twyla
↪ "twyla gets along with the kids in belobog, sort of like natasha. i do think they're really cool, also did you the telescope they were holding?"
【 sunday 】
❚❚ || about twyla
↪ "ah, yes. i remember them. i believe that gambler mentioned them once. i suppose they have a close relationship."
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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hey i really like your writing style…could you do a robin x reader where they like lovingly bully steve
Movies and Bets (Robin Buckley x Reader)
summary: Robin and you make bets on Steve and plan movie night. (wc 1k)
warnings: none (?) let me know if I missed anything!
a/n: for you? anything :)
“I’ve got five bucks on him striking out.” Robin knocks her shoulder against yours to catch your attention, nodding her head to the side of the store where you both can see Steve and a young woman chatting as he helps her find a movie. 
“I see your five and I raise you that the winner gets to pick out tonight's movie.”
Robin grins, holding out a pinky. “Lock it in?”
You link your pinky with hers, shaking your joined hands once, “It’s a bet, Buckley.”
You both lean forward against the Family Video counters, not trying to be subtle while you watch Steve flirt.
“He’s doing the casual-not-casual lean and grab a movie from the top shelf move, that’s got a pretty high success rate,” you muse, sounding vaguely like a sport commentator narrating Steve’s movements. 
Robin clicks her tongue as she shakes her head, “It’s only a success when Steve actually picks out a good movie.” True to Robin’s words, the girl’s nose scrunches disapprovingly at whatever title Steve presents her with and Steve is quick to shove it back onto a shelf. 
“He definitely didn’t put that back where it belongs,” you whisper.
“Oh, I know. I’ll make him redo the whole shelf later.” 
The woman grabs a different tape, obviously not impressed with Steve’s selections.
“They’re walking back over, look busy,” you hiss before quickly beginning to shuffle random papers while Robin starts lining up movies on the counter in no particular order. 
You both catch the tail-end of Steve’s conversation as he rings up the woman’s rental, taking her payment. “But, I mean- you like movies, I obviously love movies. Big movie fan. We should, I don’t know, catch a movie together sometime,” Steve says, aiming for casual and devastatingly missing the mark. 
You catch Robin’s eyes from behind Steve’s back, your eyebrows raised in disbelief at Steve’s fumbling. 
Robin covers her laughter with a cough. 
The customer takes her tape and card back from Steve before giving him a tight-lipped smile, “Sorry, I’m really busy!”
With her items gathered, she turns and quickly makes her way to the door, the bell jingling to signal her departure. 
“I didn’t…say when,” Steve sighs, letting his head fall back, his posture slouching slightly in his dejection. 
“‘Big movie fan?’” You mock as you hop onto the counter, kicking Steve lightly to get his attention. He lazily turns to face you. “Come on, dude. I expected more from you.”
Robin clears a place on the counter before hopping up beside you.“Guess that means I’m picking the movie, huh, doll?” she sing-songs, throwing an arm around your shoulder. You side-eye her, trying to manufacture annoyance at her winning, but the best you can do is try to tamper down the way your heartbeat quickens at her arm around you and the smile on her face. 
“You two are taking bets on me now?” Steve asks, his arms crossed as he eyes you both. 
“Only when you’re being a dingus, dingus,” Robin laughs. 
“You cost me movie night, Harrington. That’s the last time I bet on you,” You huff, but smile to let him know you’re not serious. 
Steve groans, slouching into one of the chairs you keep behind the registers. “I’m getting too into my head, it makes me feel like I’m losing my touch. I’ve just got to turn on my charm.”
“You hear that, Rob? He’s got to ‘turn on his charm.’ That’s definitely what’s been throwing him off his game the whole time.”
“Really? Not the everything-else-about-him?” Robin muses playfully. 
“Okay, okay,” Steve throws his hands up defensively. “Enough from the peanut gallery.”
You wad up what you hope isn’t a particularly important piece of paper and throw it at Steve, hitting him in the chest. 
“Hey!” He responds by throwing a pen that bounces off your arm and clatters to the floor. 
“Whoa,” Robin rushes to your defense and throws a new paper ball at Steve. “Not cool. We’re going to file a complaint with Keith.”
“You two literally started it.”
“I’m printing the papers as we speak. I’m mailing a request for workers comp to Family Video corporate.” Despite her words, Robin doesn’t move except to rest her head against your shoulder, her legs swinging from where they dangle.
The bell above the door jingles, signaling a new customer and all of your heads snap up to look. You gesture vaguely to the shelves where the customer disappeared to. “Up and at ‘em, Steve. You got this one.”
“But you both saw me help the last customer.”
“You’re using the word ‘help’ pretty loosely there, buddy,” Robin laughs, knocking her knee against yours. Your skin feels warm everywhere your skin touches hers, points of concentrated awareness lighting up your nerve-endings and basking in being close to her. 
Steve huffs as he stands and moves around the counter. The huff is an exaggerated sound made more to let you and Robin know his displeasure rather than coming from any true source of annoyance. 
You slide down from your seat- intent on actually accomplishing some work- but Robin’s fingers catch your wrist. “Maybe…” She starts, suddenly shy, “Maybe you can still pick the movie tonight.”
You cock your head, brows drawn together, “But you won? You get to pick tonight.”
“But I like when you pick the movie because you like when you pick the movie. You know? And I like that you like picking out the movies. It’s why we work so well together.”
Your heart fills with affection, your ribs feeling like they’ll never be able to contain all the love and warmth you have inside you for the girl in front of you. You interlace your fingers together, squeezing her hand as a smile overtakes your face. 
“Yeah, I can pick out the movie. But you know I’d watch anything you’d pick because I like you, honey.”
She tries to smother her smile as she shakes her head, but she squeezes your hand back from where her fingers are laced in yours behind the countertop.
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gachaclubideas · 1 year
Hey guys, my exams are finally over! And I got some ideas from this video
Gacha Tumblrs in a house fire
random person: You have to jump!
Zara: Oh no! I am not jumping
random person: But you'll die
Zara: Well I guess I gonna *got pushed* dii-
Boiling Potato: Why did the house had to catch on fire like I don't feel like doing this today. Can I just go back to sleep?
Talissa: I have a question
random person: Yeah?
Talissa: It is consider murder if I chose not to wake the other people inside the house?
random person: Are you saying that there people inside the house!?
Talissa: Um yeah
random person: Why you didn't wake them up!?
Talissa: I don't like them
Lunar: Which one of y'all set the kitchen on fire? Because I want my strawberry flavor pop tart but I can't have it because our microwave is on fire!
Flamy: Hey, can I get everyone to smiles real quick? Yeah you miss the firefighters, can you smile?
random person: Um sure?
Flamy: Oh my goodness, this is totally going on my Instagram
Tubbo: Oh my goodness! Someone set (the person they hate)'s house on fire!
random person: Do you know who did it?
Tubbo: I don't know, I mean definitely wasn't me… hehe…
Gacha Tumblrs working at a Walmart
Tsutsuji: Oh my goodness! Is everyone okay?
random person: Yeah I was trying to park the car
Tsutsuji: Does this look like a parking space to you?
random person: I guess not
Tsutsuji: Oh my goodness, can we get a clean-up on aisle 4? Can you try back the car out or something?
random person: No it stuck
Tsutsuji: I don't get paid enough for this 😭
Millie: Um why are you wearing a wedding dress in the middle of Walmart?
the bride: We want to get marry here because it's so romantic
Millie: Oh trust me, Walmart is not romantic. Now you and your little fiance can go try Target if y'all want
Zara: So I told Flamy "Do not talk about me cause I know what you did."
Walmart employee: Hey! Stop gossiping with the customers and get back to work!
Zara: Fine. Look *in whisper* call me later
Flamy: And that my presentation on why I should be the manager at our Walmart
Walmart employee: How long have you working here?
Flamy: Two days :)
Walmart employee: Don't you think that not enough time?
Flamy: Um it's a Walmart
Walmart employee: Oh yeah you right
Talissa: B**ch one of y'all set clothing section on fire. I mean I know our clothes are terrible but y'all didn't have to go set it on fire
Lunar: Your debit card got declined. Do you have another form of payment?
random person: No that's my only form of payment
Lunar: Well you gonna have to return those groceries and maybe try dollar general
random person: But -but…but BUT
Lunar: Nope, no no no no no. If you have a complaint go to customer service, not me
Gacha Tumblrs in a murder mystery
Millie: Y'all this mansion is so nice like this party is about be so g- *heard gun shot* Was that a gun shot!? Nope, someone start the car because I am not doing this tonight
Flamy or Lunar: Y'all there's a dead body on the floor
random person: Did you killed them?
Flamy or Lunar: Nope I did not killed them!
random person: Then who did?
Flamy or Lunar: What do you want me to do? Ask them? Oh wait they DEAD
Zara: Wait someone die!?
random person: Yeah, we don't know who killed them
Zara: We should spilt up and search for clues
random person: This is not Scooby-Doo
Zara: Um don't disrespect Scooby-Doo. Scooby-Doo always figure out who what was
Boiling Potato: Did they die in the kitchen?
random person: No
Boiling Potato: Okay, so I'll be in there
random person: You don't want to help figure out who it is?
Boiling Potato: No, y'all look like y'all got it. I just let y'all do it. Just tell me when you find out
Tsutsuji: Oh my goodness y'all, the door is open. Do you know what that means?
random person: Someone open it
Tsutsuji: The murder open it
random person: We don't know that
Tsutsuji: Well yeah but like-, y'all I have not investigation, what do y'all want from me?
Talissa or Tubbo: They're fools, all of them. So they in there while figure the murder is, it's me by the way. I just swimming in this pool mkay
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windvexer · 1 year
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Among other things, I am a diviner.
I am currently offering energy readings and card readings. All readings are scheduled and will be delivered within 24h of that date. This is not an appointment. You do not need to be free to talk during those times.
All readings include: A discussion about your question, a downloadable document, and a Q&A session afterwords to help resolve any additional questions.
Go to my pinned post to see if readings are open or closed.
If readings are closed, you can still message me to get on the waitlist.
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Tarot | $10 USD per card
Categories I will read on include: Predictions, love, relationships, wealth and prosperity, home life, possible outcomes (including for spellwork), advice and guidance, and otherworld messages.
Spread Menu
'This, But Not That' | 3 cards, $30 | Used to clearly define what something is and what it is not.
Crown and Branches | 5 cards, $50 | A spread for advice and guidance
9 Card Tableau | 9 cards, $90 | A very in-depth look at any situation.
Celtic Cross | 10 cards, $100 | A classic spread that shows past, present, future, obstacles, perspectives, and outcomes of a person or situation.
Custom spread | ? | Send me a message about your question and the general # of cards you're interested in. I will work with you to create a spread of the size and scope you want.
Document includes: Card photos, spread overview, individual card interpretations, meditation/journaling/affirmation prompts (when available and depending on context), a summary, and a list of any actionable steps.
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Energy Readings | $20 USD per page
Categories I will read on include: Aura readings, cord connections, spirit presences, energy center readings, energetic blockages, vessel checks (for spirits, enchantments, and energy work), and energy body health.
Send me a question about what you'd like looked at and your maximum page count. Depending on the kind of reading you want, I may require a taglock (usually in the form of a photo). We may need to be online at the same time.
Document includes: Reading overview, description of visionary details, interpretations to answer your question, meditation/journaling/affirmation prompts (depending on context), a summary, and a list of any actionable steps. No photos or pictures included.
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How it Works:
Send me a message. We hash out the details. Avoid sending me tons of background info - this severely limits my accuracy! I will ask if I need to know.
I accept payment through Cashapp, Venmo, or Paypal. I require payment before the reading is delivered. Card readings are OK to pay upfront, but I prefer to do energy readings first, in case there are fewer pages than you wanted.
I deliver the reading within 24h of your scheduled day.
I am open to reducing costs (but can't guarantee it) if there is a reading you can't afford. Just message me :)
Tips are accepted and appreciated. Reviews are incredibly beloved, and very helpful and important to me.
I do not offer refunds except in rare cases.
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All readings are for entertainment purposes only
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atravesty · 5 months
Offerings & Paid Services
I'm here to collect metaphysical resources and insight within a spiritually-aligned community, and to share my birth-right burdens gifts with whomever finds them helpful.
Free Tarot/Oracle/Rune Readings
Pick a Pile Readings
Paid Divination Services
⇉ Rules: Please feel free to send me a DM with any questions regarding these terms, or my services, as I'm happy to offer clarification about anything you're not certain about.
No legal, medical (including pregnancy or illness), financial advice, or questions regarding death.
No questions involving unconsenting parties, or questions that breach boundaries of privacy (celebrities, your partner's ex, etc.).
No questions regarding physical appearances or very specific time estimates.
No confirmation readings for a prior reading you've recently received.
Please confirm with me prior to sending payments for custom questions or anything that isn't specified here; NO refunds after payments have been sent.
Please be respectful :)
⇉ Steps to Follow:
Please send me an email at [[email protected]] *OR* an Ask here with the following information: - What service you'd like and the question(s) you have - Your name/initials and the name/initials of anyone you're inquiring about - Any other relevant information you'd like to share
Please include a screenshot of your proof of payment sent to my PayPal in your email.
Please wait 24-48 hours for simple questions and 48-72 hours for more complex questions (I will answer all emails and Asks privately).
⇉ Feedback & Testimonials (WIP)
Tarot Testimonials
Currently accepting FREE readings in EXCHANGE FOR FEEDBACK for the following (No anonymous questions please, testimonials will be answered publicly):
Please be patient with me and allow 48-72 hours!
Simple YES/NO Tarot Reading (with brief explanation) 1-2 Card Spread/per Question
$3.00 CAD per Question
$5.00 CAD for 2 Questions
♥ Love Readings ♥ You can choose questions from below or a custom question (please confirm the question with me first prior to sending payment).
$10.00 CAD per Question
$15.00 CAD for 2 Questions
$20.00 CAD for 3 Questions
+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
- What's currently going on in my love life? - General guidance for love life? - What are their feeling towards me? - Does my crush like me back? - What are their thoughts towards me? - What's coming up next in my love life? - What is my future spouse's energy like?
☀ General Readings ☀ What's on your mind? Let's get you some answers.
2 Card Spread - $3.33 CAD per Question
3-5 Card Spread - $5.55 CAD per Question
6-8 Card Spread - $9.99 CAD per Question
10-12 Card Spread - $15.55 CAD per Question (more complex answers for more complex issues)
+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
Spirit Guide Messages Number of cards will depend on clarity of the message. Channeling guidance from the Universe that is specifically meant for you to align with your highest path forward. You can choose spreads from below or a custom spread for your question (please confirm the question with me first prior to sending payment).
Current Situation/Suggested Action/Possible Outcome - $5.55
Dream Theme/Dream Message/Dream Call to Action - $5.55
Past/Present/Future - $5.55
Current Situation/Past Influences/Future Influences/Suggested Action/Unwise Action/Possible Outcome - $7.77
Celtic Cross - $15.55
+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
This post is a work in progress!
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elizabethanelson · 13 days
To get a McDonald's gift card, you can usually purchase one from a McDonald's restaurant, either at the counter or through their website if they offer online purchasing options. You can also find them at various retail stores and online platforms.Once you have the gift card, you can use it to make purchases at any participating McDonald's location. Just present the gift card to the cashier when you're ready to pay, and the amount of your purchase will be deducted from the card balance. If the balance on the gift card isn't enough to cover your entire purchase, you can pay the remaining balance with cash, credit, or another form of payment.
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A McDonald's gift card can be quite useful for various reasons:
Purchasing Food: You can use the gift card to buy any items available at McDonald's restaurants, including burgers, fries, beverages, and desserts.
Redeeming Offers: Some McDonald's gift cards might come with special promotions or offers. You can use these offers when making purchases with the gift card.
Convenience: Using a gift card is convenient, especially if you're a frequent McDonald's customer. It saves you from carrying cash or using your credit/debit card for small transactions.
Budgeting: Gift cards can help you budget your spending. You load a specific amount onto the card, limiting your spending to that amount. It's helpful for those who want to control their fast-food expenses.
Gifting: McDonald's gift cards are popular as gifts for friends, family, or colleagues who enjoy McDonald's. They're a simple yet thoughtful present, especially if you know the recipient's preferences.
Rewards and Promotions: Some McDonald's gift cards come with rewards programs or promotional offers. For example, you might earn points for each purchase made with the card, which can later be redeemed for free items or discounts.
Contribution to Fundraisers or Charity: McDonald's gift cards can also be used for fundraising or charity events. Organizations often use them as prizes for raffles or auctions, or they distribute them to individuals in need.
Overall, McDonald's gift cards offer flexibility and convenience for both personal use and gifting purposes. They're widely accepted at McDonald's locations, making them a practical choice for anyone who enjoys the restaurant's offerings.
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The EU financial industry and policymakers are rallying around the push to introduce a digital euro – a variety of the central bank issued digital money (CBDCs).
The banks seem on board, and the European Central Bank (ECB) certainly is, judging by statements made by its president, Christine Lagarde, who recently, among other things, remarked that a digital currency “will never be as anonymous as cash.”
The train may have already left the station as far as Europe's autonomy in many areas – but the ECB chief believes that at least where payments are concerned, that autonomy can be still preserved, and, according to her, this would happen thanks to the digital euro.
Lagarde told a panel at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) event that cards and apps that people use these days in Europe are “not necessarily European” – and to “sell” the digital euro, she praised the possible future centralized digital currency as not only “safe and cheap” but also, “sovereign.”
Considering that CBDCs are very controversial, expect more mentions of that last selling point to be made by other officials, as the EU prepares the ground for the launch of its digital money.
Meanwhile, the European Banking Federation (EBF), a trade association, has published a paper presenting its “vision” for the digital euro. The EBF sees a future “ecosystem” populated by a retail digital euro, a wholesale CBDC and bank-issued money tokens, and this would benefit customers and spur innovation.
And, here as well, there are hints of “making Europe sovereign again” – namely, a statement issued by the organization mentions that this scenario would ensure that Europe “stays at the forefront of digital finance and the digital economy.”
What's referred to as the retail digital euro is the document's focus, and here, the EBF advises developing it with “strong” market involvement and “a full and transparent public-private partnership.”
The design of the digital euro will determine both its success and mitigate risks, says the group. Going into guarantees for financial stability and bank funding, the paper states that “the level of holdings of the digital euro should be carefully limited by design at a level that prevents financial stability risks.”
The EBF would like to see control exerted over what Europeans are allowed to do with their digital wallets, and speaks in favor of “a low fixed cap on individual holdings (…) designed reflecting the average daily payment needs of European citizen.”
There should also be “a limit on the transaction amount,” the trade association said.
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iposupapp · 2 years
What is mPOS & How to Choose the Right mobile POS System?
A mPOS (Mobile-Point-of-sale) is a cell phone, tablet, or any other electronic device that carries out the functions of a sales or cash register or electronic point-of-sale terminal (POS terminal) from a distance.
A Mobile POS system, is an ideal way for organizations, for example, food trucks, home and fix administrations, market merchants, and so on to receive credit card installments on the go.
Mobile POS is valuable for businesses that will make transactions in a quick time. For example, any business, from market vendors to food trucks, that will collaborate with customers in any location outside an organization's geographic area, Mobile POS will be helpful.
How Does an mPOS Function?
From any downloadable app, any smartphone or tablet can be changed into a Mobile POS. Normally, when an entrepreneur registers with an application, the vendor sends the entrepreneur a card reader that plugs into the Mobile phone's sound jack to handle charge/Master cards. A few Mobile POS programming vendors likewise give discretionary hand-held docking stations called sleds that empower the cell phone to read scanner tags and print receipts.
Picking the right flexible POS for your business
While searching for the best portable POS for your business, look for one that is secure, easy to use, and reasonable.
Secure mPOS writing computer programs is PCI consistent and permits you to take mixed installments like chip cards and NFC installments like Apple Pay.
Your Mobile POS truly should be at a reasonable cost to ensure, you comprehend what you'll be paying and which free POS machines are available. Despite hardware costs and the handling charge for each Master card exchange, there could be various costs to be aware of.
Search for a Mobile POS machine that is easy to use with a natural point of interaction so it's not difficult to get representatives prepared rapidly.
Since it has become so undeniably obvious what a mPOS is and how it can help your business, you're prepared to pick your gadget. Recollect that at mPOS, we have many gadgets on a deal to suit each business' necessities. If you are searching picking the right POS machine for your business, IPOSUP mPOS machine is a safe, simple, and cost effective that provide users with the ability to accept payments on to go. Our ipos software is regularly updated with optimum user experience with no binding contracts, no hidden fees and lowest transaction fees in the mPOS market.
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24blognewspress · 2 years
Aglobaltrade Review
Is Aglobaltrade Legit? After taking a look at their website, it shows that they do not fall under any regulating agency. That is a MAJOR RED FLAG!! That should be enough for you NOT to invest with them. And they also work with websites that offer “Automated trading software” which is another red flag, as this kind of websites are infamous for scamming schemes.
So, Aglobaltrade is just another unregulated forex broker, which means the customers aren’t protected, and there is highly likely they will get away with your hard-earned money and there will be no regulating agency to hold them responsible.
How does the scam work? Usually, unregulated forex brokers work in the following way. They will call people to persuade them to make the initial minimum deposit. And they will try any conceivable method in order to make that happen. They will offer deals that sound too good to be true. Like we will double your initial deposit or you will make hundreds of dollars per day easily. Please don’t fall for anything they say!!! It is a SCAM! After making the initial deposit, they transfer clients to a smarter scammer, called a “retention agent”, who will try to get more money out of you. Also, one thing we need to add here is: don’t trust the good Aglobaltrade reviews you might see online. They pay websites and services to improve their online reputation by posting good reviews about them.
Withdrawing funds You should submit a withdrawal request ASAP, because your funds are never safe with an unregulated broker. And here is when things get tricky.
If you want to withdraw your money and it does not matter if you have profits or not, they will delay the withdrawing process for months. If they delay it for six months, you won’t be able to file a chargeback anymore and your money is gone for good. It doesn’t matter how often you remind them or insist in withdrawing your money, you will NOT get them back. And if you signed the Managed Account Agreement or MAA, which is basically authorizing them to do anything they want on your account, they will lose all your funds so there won’t be anything to request anymore.
How to get your money back Aglobaltrade? If you already deposited your money with them and they refuse to give your money back, which is very likely to happen, don’t worry, it might be a way or two to get your money back. First of all, you need to keep the emails as proof that you have been requesting the money back from them but they don’t give it to you. Or they delay the process for too long, with the intention of not refunding your money.
The first thing you should do is perform a chargeback! And you should do this right away! Contact your bank or credit card provider and explain how they deceived you into depositing money for a non-regulated trading company. Mention also that they refuse to give your money back. This is the simplest way of getting your money back and is also the way that hurts them the most. Because if there are many chargebacks performed, it will destroy their relation with the payment service providers. If you haven’t done this before or you are not sure where to start or how to present your case to your bank or credit card company, we can assist you in preparing your chargeback case. Just contact [email protected] but don’t let your broker know they you read this article or that you are contacting us.
What about wires? If you sent them a wire, there is no way to perform a chargeback on a wire. For this step you need to raise the fight to a different level. Tell them you will go to the authorities and file a complaint against them. That will get them to rethink the refund possibility. Another thing you can do is prepare a letter or email for the regulating agencies. Depending on where you live, you can search google to find the regulatory agency for Forex brokers in your country. After that you can prepare a letter or an email describing how they deceived you. Make sure you show this letter or email to them, and tell them you will send it to the regulating agency if they don’t refund your money. If you don’t know where to start, reach us at [email protected] and we’ll help you with this step as well.
Make sure you leave Aglobaltrade reviews in other sites Another way to hurt them and save other people from falling victims is to leave bad reviews on other sites. See what other sites have posted reviews about Aglobaltrade, and describe shortly what happened. If you fallen victim, please leave a review and a comment on this site at the comment section. Also, when these people change their website, they tend to call the old clients. So, if they call you from a new website, mention it in the comment or let us know about it. That would be really appreciated by us by our users. Also, if you get phone calls from other companies, please put the name of these companies also in the comment. Or you can send them to us and we will expose them too.
Aglobaltrade Review Conclusions Making the Aglobaltrade review was our pleasure, and we hope to save as many people from losing their hard-earned money. A good rule of thumb is to carefully review all the Forex companies and any other company for that matter, before you perform any transaction. We hope that our Aglobaltrade review has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or you need an advice about the withdrawing process, feel free to contact us at [email protected] If you like to trade, please do it with a trustworthy, regulated broker, by choosing one of the brokers listed below.
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classicquid · 2 months
Get Your Needs Met on Time with Short Term Loans UK Direct Lender
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Are you trying to find a short term loans UK direct lender product that can support you when budgetary difficulties arise in the middle or end of the month? Would you like to get paid in advance for some money? If so, you are free to apply for a short term loans UK direct lender in a modest manner. For those looking for a financial opportunity to overcome an unforeseen cash problem before their next paycheck arrives, these loans are the most sought-after financial solutions. The borrower may use the entire amount for a variety of financial needs as soon as they decide to apply for the loan, such as paying for your child's education, emergency medical care, household expenses, energy bills, grocery store bills, monthly loan payments, auto repair costs, and past-due credit card bills.
For all types of customers, short term loans UK direct lender are opened without requiring any assets as collateral for the loan. The home, estate, or car of the borrower is not requested as collateral by lenders. Indeed, in order to mitigate all risks, the loan providers choose the loan amount based on a number of significant consumer characteristics. Repayment capacity, financial constraints, loan goal, and present income situation are a few examples of these variables.  The lender will only enable you to receive an amount between £100 and £1,000 when all of these issues have been resolved.
On the borrower's subsequent payday, this sum is due. It is absolutely true that a client will have an enhanced credit score if he seeks to repay the borrowed money and does so on time. Additionally, loan providers maintain interest rates at a reasonable level. For those with fair and poor credit ratings, interest rates are often the same. This implies that credit verification procedures are a burdensome requirement for all short term cash loans. Applicants for borrowing are people who are having credit difficulties, such as bankruptcies, arrears on bank accounts, missed or delayed payments, CCJs, IVAs, and insolvency. Nonetheless, it is a fact that lenders much appreciate it when borrowers with excellent credit scores use the mentioned loans to generate some cash. Applying for a short term loans UK is simple because the process is done online. All that's needed for this process is filling out a simple online application form with some basic information about yourself, your contact information, your current job status, and your ability to repay the loan. The money is directly put into your bank account the same day you apply, and the lender will verify your information as soon as he approves your loan.
We make short term loans direct lenders available to you so you can regain your freedom and peace of mind. Don't worry if you have trouble obtaining credit from your bank. We collaborate with our clients to enable them to obtain flexible and reasonably priced finance. At Classic Quid, we take pride in our reputation as ethical lenders. For our esteemed borrowers, our award-winning lending strategy provides low rates and exceptional customer service.
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acceptccnow · 6 months
Navigating Payment Processing Challenges in the CBD Industry
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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The CBD industry has experienced remarkable growth, yet it grapples with distinct challenges, particularly in the domain of payment processing. This article will delve into the intricacies of payment processing for high-risk industries, shining a spotlight on CBD businesses. We'll explore the various hurdles faced by CBD entrepreneurs and discuss effective solutions for navigating payment processing challenges in the CBD industry. In this ever-evolving landscape, mastering how to accept credit cards and manage payment processing can be the key to success.
The Inherent High-Risk Nature of CBD
CBD businesses frequently find themselves labeled as high-risk by payment processors and financial institutions. This categorization stems from the intricate legal and regulatory landscape surrounding CBD products, subject to variations from state to state and country to country. Consequently, CBD merchants encounter numerous challenges when seeking reliable payment processing solutions.
The Fundamental Role of Merchant Accounts
Merchant accounts stand as pivotal players in the payment processing ecosystem. Serving as the bridge between a CBD business and financial institutions handling credit card transactions, obtaining a high-risk merchant account emerges as the initial step in addressing payment processing challenges. These accounts are meticulously crafted to meet the specific needs of businesses operating in high-risk industries, such as CBD.
Exploring Specialized High-Risk Payment Gateways
High-risk payment gateways represent specialized systems crafted to facilitate secure online transactions for businesses confronting heightened risks. These gateways act as a seamless connection between the merchant's website and financial institutions, ensuring the secure and efficient processing of customer payment data, even in high-risk scenarios.
CBD's Integration with E-commerce Payment Processing
The CBD industry has enthusiastically embraced e-commerce as its primary sales channel. Thriving in this competitive landscape requires CBD businesses to not only accept credit cards for e-commerce but also to provide a seamless and secure shopping experience for their customers. This entails the integration of e-commerce payment processing solutions tailored explicitly for high-risk industries.
Navigating the Intricacies of CBD Payment Processing
Payment processing challenges in the CBD industry are undeniably present but entirely manageable. By securing high-risk merchant accounts and implementing specialized payment gateways, CBD businesses can confidently accept credit card payments, delivering convenience to their customers. With the right payment processing system in place, CBD entrepreneurs can shift their focus to growing their businesses and effectively addressing the unique demands of this continually evolving industry.
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paydayquid · 5 months
Short Term Loans UK: The Best Substitute for Quick Borrowing
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The lender's unwanted fees for the loan process have now been paid. At this point, short term loans UK are presented to you. These loans are designed specifically for salaried people to successfully cover unforeseen needs in between two consecutive paychecks. As a result, you don't need to worry about unpaid invoices. You can guarantee the correct loan quantity under this planned financial solution without providing any kind of security to safeguard the money that is being supplied to you.
There are several benefits that come with short term loans UK, including amounts between £100 and £2500 and repayment terms of 14 to 30 days. This can be used to pay for prior credit card payments, travel expenses, medical treatment bills, electricity bills, grocery shop bills, child tuition or school fees, and so on.
Negative credit criteria such as arrears, foreclosure, late or missing payments, CCJs, IVAs, or bankruptcy shouldn't be detested. The reason for this is that the lender designed short term loans UK direct lender specifically for borrowers with unfavorable credit histories.  All customers must meet certain requirements, such as being at least eighteen years old, being a citizen of the United Kingdom, having a permanent job with a stable income, and having an open checking account.
What is a direct lender for short-term loans with high acceptance rate?
When it comes to other loan kinds and even other short term loans, a high acceptance payday loan is one that has a higher approval rate. This is typically the case with short term loans direct lenders since these borrowers are those that are struggling financially, have a bad credit history, and are probably going to be turned down by other payday lenders. Payday loans with high acceptance rates come in several forms. Let's examine this.
Payday loans from direct lenders are more likely to be accepted than loans from banks or other mainstream lenders since they place a higher priority on affordability than credit score. Those who would like to borrow money but have negative credit might apply for their short term loans UK direct lender. Guaranteed loans, sometimes known as guarantor loans, are among the most popular kinds of negative credit loans. This is the situation where someone, generally a close friend or relative, undertakes to repay your loan on your behalf in the event that you are unable to. However, there are many lenders giving bad credit payday loans that do not require guarantors, so don't worry if you're looking for high acceptance payday loans direct lenders no guarantor.
Your application is processed by loan brokers, like Payday Quid, and forwarded to several direct lenders on their panel. Brokers match you with a suitable lender by comparing your information to their requirements. After that, you will work with the direct lender to finalize the same day loans UK arrangement. Because brokers may locate you a new lender if your current one rejects you, this means that brokers will have a far higher acceptance rate than direct lenders. The best part is that brokers conduct all of this using a soft search, saving you the risk of doing numerous credit checks when you switch lenders. Using Payday Quid to apply doesn't even impact your credit score.
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willowfrompluto · 1 year
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Willow’s Writing Commissions
Welcome to my writing commission post! If you're looking for captivating fanfiction, heartfelt character letters, or any other writing services, you've come to the right place. As an experienced writer and fanfiction enthusiast, I'm dedicated to bringing your ideas and characters to life through engaging storytelling.
Pricing and Packages:
I offer competitive pricing based on the length and complexity of the requested commission. Below are some general guidelines, but please note that prices may vary depending on the specific requirements of your project.
1. General Writing:
   - Oneshots, drabbles, Short Stories (up to 2,000 words): $5-$8
   - Medium Stories (2,000 - 5,000 words): $8-$15
   - Long Stories(5,000+ words): $15+ (prices will be adjusted based on word count)
2. Character Letters:
   - Single Letter: $5 (Up to 1,500 Words)
3. Custom Requests (songs, poems, etc):
   - Pricing will be determined based on the nature and complexity of the project. Please contact me with your specific requirements for a personalized quote.
-$5 fee for NSFW Explicit content (doesn't include gore)
1. Initial Contact: Send me a message or email describing your commission request. Include any relevant details such as fandom, characters, themes, desired length, and any specific scenes or ideas you have in mind.
2. Discussion and Agreement: We'll discuss your project in detail, addressing any questions or clarifications. Once we've agreed on the commission details, I'll provide a final price quote and estimated delivery time.
3. Payment: Full or partial payment (if applicable) is required upfront to confirm your commission. I accept payment through [list accepted payment methods].
4. Writing and Progress Updates: As I work on your commission, I will provide periodic progress updates and seek your feedback to ensure the story aligns with your vision.
5. Delivery: Once the commission is complete, I will deliver the final product to you in the agreed-upon format (e.g., digital document, email attachment, etc.).
Terms and Conditions:
1. All commissions will be handled professionally and with the utmost respect for the original source material and characters.
2. I retain the right to decline any commission request that I find objectionable or violates any legal or ethical guidelines.
3. Revisions will be accommodated within reason, but major changes to the original commission may incur an additional fee.
4. The commissioned work will be for personal enjoyment only. Any commercial use or distribution requires explicit permission from both the commissioner and myself.
Contact Information:
To discuss your commission or inquire about
 my services, please reach out to me via:
- This Account
Payment Methods: 
E-Gift Cards
Google Pay
Amazon Wishlist
Information required when requesting a commission:
1. Original Characters/Worlds
Please provide descriptions of the character(s) involved, including their name, pronouns, physical appearance, personality, and any important background details necessary for the requested story (e.g., marital status, past traumas, nervous tics, etc.). If needed, I may ask clarifying questions or request additional information (e.g., voice quality) to ensure I accurately portray your character. The level of detail beyond the basics is up to you.
Please specify your preferred point of view and tense (first/second/third person, past/present). If not specified, I will default to third person and choose the tense that best suits the story.
Include a description of the story you would like me to write, providing as many details as you have or desire (e.g., My OC Tom kissing his boyfriend Larry after a long day at work).
Feel free to include specific information about the setting (e.g., fantasy bar, specific house), desired character reactions (e.g., Larry pushing Tom back after the kiss and asking what's wrong), clothing or jewelry worn, and any other pertinent details. Longer stories may require additional details. If specific details are not provided, they will be omitted or created by me based on the information provided (e.g., inventing names for fantasy bar drinks, mentioning a couch by the door, having Larry reciprocate the kiss passionately due to his romantic nature). Remember, you are providing the foundation for my work, so please include what you want to see in the story.
Specify the desired word count range for the story. Ensure that your story idea can feasibly fit within the word count you are paying for. If unsure, feel free to ask for guidance.
2. Fanfiction
Indicate the source media for the story.
Provide the names of the characters involved.
Specify the relationships involved.
Include a description of the story you would like me to write, offering as much detail as you desire or have available (e.g., Willow helps a wounded Ben get home).
You can include specific character beats, interactions, or headcanons you would like me to incorporate (e.g Willow has a scar on his neck, and worries about it, Ben makes a bone-cracking joke, Willow and Ben have watched Star Trek together). Remember, you are providing the foundation for my work, so please include what you want to see in the story.
Specify your preferred point of view and tense (first/second/third person, past/present). If not specified, I will default to third person and choose the tense that best suits the story.
If applicable, indicate the specific version of the character you would like me to write (e.g., Bogus Journey era Bill and Ted, Batman Beyond era superbat, comics Moon Knight).
Specify the desired word count range for the story. Ensure that your story idea can feasibly fit within the word count you are paying for. If unsure, feel free to ask for guidance.
If you don't have a detailed idea for a fanfic, that's alright! We can discuss general concepts, and with characters I'm familiar with, I can work off more general information. The above information is for when you have a specific story in mind, allowing me to create the content you desire.
For characters from fandoms I'm not sufficiently knowledgeable about, you can follow the guidelines outlined in the section for original characters. Additionally, you can provide informational videos, articles, or other resources
If you’d like to see examples of my work please contact me!
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