#daughter of the pied piper
ami-ven · 9 months
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Happy Birthday, Melody Piper!
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fairytalemovies · 29 days
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eleonoraalbright · 3 months
An Ill-Timed Confession
Pairing: Peter Pan x fem!reader (kinda)
Summary: You tell Henry about your romantic feelings towards Peter Pan. Unfortunately for you, he turns out not to be Henry.
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The citizens of Storybrooke gathered in Granny’s diner to celebrate. Most wore big jovial smiles and talked excitedly to their companions. You took note of the absolute happiness that seemed to radiate from David and Mary Margret. Nevertheless, their daughter was uneasy, as if she half expected the Pied Piper himself to waltz through the doors and rip her son’s heart out.
You felt sorry for Emma’s needless worrying, but understood where it stemmed from. After all, many restless nights would have to be endured before you forgot Pan’s threats in Neverland, not that you wanted to forget every single comment of his just yet. You pushed that particular thought back deep in your mind where it would have to be reconsidered later. You chose to focus on more trivial matters.
Hook was seated at the bar, drinking with the boisterous dwarves. It didn’t escape your notice how often his gaze flickered between the Savior and her ex-boyfriend; Neal left his place beside Henry to chat with Mother Superior. You eyed the pirate’s ill-natured manner with interest when Ruby interrupted your musings of his unfortunate predicament by placing a steaming mug of apple cider on the counter.
You accepted the hot beverage, maneuvering your way through the crowded restaurant and slid into the booth to sit across from Henry. His attention was directed to the storybook in front of him. Even upside down, you recognized the illustration of Cinderella dancing at the ball with her prince. Henry glanced up, seeming apprehensive at your arrival, he tensed for some strange reason. His fingers tapped the edge of the smooth paper.
You offered him a reassuring smile. It would be reasonable for his nerves to be a bit frayed after his harrowing adventure. You blew on your drink and asked in a quiet tone, “How’re you holding up?”
“Good. It’s good to be back here with my family.”
You nodded your head in agreement. That was the understatement of the year. The distress and danger he went through the past few days must have been unimaginable. People often said kids were resilient, however, it was odd how unfazed Henry was at being reunited with his loving family. Odder still was his cold and distant attitude towards you. This was the first genuine conversation you two had exchanged since his capture. It was unlike him to keep to himself for so long.
You were close friends and confidants. It was worrisome for Henry to be this reserved around you. What had happened in Neverland that would have caused such an abrupt change? The next second, you berated yourself for such a thought, having one’s heart torn out would have drastic mental consequences. It was possible he wasn’t comfortable discussing his feelings yet. On the other hand, it would be harmful if he kept them bottled up inside his mind to fester.
The best course of action was to respect his silence and hope in time he would open up. You took another sip of cider while Henry went back to reading. The message was clear; he had no interest in talking any further. The temptation to leave was strong, but you remained in your seat. There was a question you were desperate for Henry to answer, the sooner the better. You blurted out, “What was he like?”
He glanced at you again. “Who?”
“Peter Pan. What was he like? I only met him a handful of times on the island, and he was pretty intimidating. How did he act around you? I mean, Pan was deranged, how’d he manage to convince you to give up your heart?”
Henry shrugged and flipped a page before replying. “He told me magic was dying and my heart was needed to save it. I believed him. And he was…” Henry shivered a little. “He was scary. I’m glad he’s gone.”
You propped your elbows on the table and rested your chin in the palm of your hand, waiting for him to elaborate. He didn’t. Henry reached for his glass of root beer, refusing to utter one more word. You sighed, “Too bad he was a psychopath. Pan was kinda hot.”
Henry spat out his drink, spewing the soft drink all over the table and its contents. You grabbed a handful of napkins and dabbed them on the storybook. “Henry, be careful you almost ruined it!” Emma paused speaking to her parents and shot you both a quizzical look. You waved the wet napkins at her, signaling everything was fine, only a little spill had happened.
“What did you say?” Henry wasn’t the least bit concerned about the precious book. His eyes were wide and his mouth somewhat agape.
“I know, I know, he was a murderer and evil and wanted to kill all of us. But in my defense, he was attractive.”
Henry said nothing for a solid minute, and stared at you as if an extra head had grown from your neck. You were beginning to worry that the poor boy’s brain had broken upon hearing your staggering statement.
As the seconds ticked by you began to regret saying your astonishing confession aloud. Your attraction to Pan was something you had been grappling with ever since laying eyes on him.
You shamed yourself for feeling this way toward such a revolting person, but that would not dampen them. During the adventure, it had been eating you alive from the inside out.
The rest of the group had been debating over the best way to save Henry, how to rescue Neal, and the complications of getting off the Island. Meanwhile, you had been battling the guilt of being enamored with your best friend’s captor.
Near the end of the journey, you made peace with this upsetting fact by realizing you could acknowledge Pan’s attractiveness and still hate his guts for kidnapping Emma’s son.
Though the shock on Henry’s face made you question the wisdom of admitting this so soon after the terrible ordeal. You were on the brink of explaining your more nuanced views to him on this delicate subject when his expression changed.
The corners of his lips turned upward in a disbelieving smirk as he raised one eyebrow in wonderment. He said in a soft voice, almost to himself, “You… like Pan?”
The grin spread wider across his face and he covered his mouth with a hand to muffle the sound of his laughter. His body shook in a fit of merriment. He pointed a finger at you; his eyes contained a mocking glint which was quite foreign to them. “You have a crush on Pan!”
You were uncomfortable at his reaction, but believed it was somewhat deserved. Gesturing to him to lower his voice, you attempted to hobble together a defense. “Not really a crush per say, I–”
Henry interrupted, “That’s so gross. He's– he’s Rumpelstiltskin's dad!”
“That’s true, but it just makes me wonder whether or not Mr. Gold was that good looking in his younger days,” you joked.
He shuddered at that remark and twisted his features into one of disgust. “Ew, I’ll never understand girls.” Puzzled at your stance on his villainous great grandfather, Henry probed, “Why did you like him?”
“Like is a strong word. I didn’t like him. He was gonna kill us all for Pete’s sake, but I did observe that Pan was blessed… genetically speaking.”
A mischievous air hung about Henry as he inched forward in his seat, tilting his head close to yours, and whispered in a low tone. “Tell me, do you fantasize about Peter Pan?”
Your mouth dropped open at his blunt question. You replied in a strained voice, “Henry, that’s a very inappropriate thing to ask.” What on earth had possessed him to say that?
Moments earlier, he was repulsed at the prospect of you harboring secret feelings for Pan and now he was inquiring whether or not you fantasize about his relative!
It was your turn for your brain to stop working. Henry had never, never asked you such a personal question in all your years of friendship. This was most unlike him.
Was there a chance he had bashed his head on a rock somewhere to justify this sudden change of personality? He leaned back into the booth. “That alone gives me my answer.”
Before you could chastise him for his nauseatingly smug attitude, Emma sauntered next to the table. “Sorry to break up the chit chat, kid, it’s time for something you didn’t have in Neverland. Bedtime.”
Henry closed his book, disappointed for having to leave so soon. You were quite relieved; however, sensing Henry was having far too much fun with this knowledge at his fingertips. You were too stunned at your friend’s responses to see he had left with Regina and not Emma.
That conversation had left a bad taste in your mouth. Something wasn’t right with Henry and it made you uneasy. Regret at having confessed your passing fancy towards Peter Pan seeped through you. It could be that this Neverland escapade still had a few loose ends that needed to be tied up.
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You help David and Emma cover Mother Superior's body with a blanket. You shoved your trembling fingers in your coat’s pockets. Your eyes darted up to the sky and scanned for any sign of the one who did this. You didn’t feel safe. At any moment you could meet the same fate as well. The danger was lurking around the corner and–
“What the hell happened?”
You jumped slightly as Regina and Henry raced up to your group.
David answered her. “The shadow, it killed her.”
“Pan’s shadow? I trapped it on the sail.” Regina was confused.
“Yeah, well, it got free.” Emma said while crouching on the steps.
Comprehension dawned on everyone as they realized what that meant. Pan was back. You moved to Henry and wrapped your arms around him in a protective gesture. All thoughts of last night's events flew from your mind.
If Pan was somehow controlling the Shadow from inside the box, then he would never stop terrorizing them until he had the Truest Believer’s Heart. Henry was going to die. The adults discussed what to do as you patted Henry on the head.
The boy said in a hollow voice, “So Pan can still hurt me?”
Regina responded to comfort him, “We don’t know that.” You knew it was inevitable he did though.
“But we have to assume he’s still a threat.” Mary Margret clasped her hands together in worry.
You added, “And that he’s after Henry.”
“Then what am I doing here?” Henry wriggled out of your grasp, looking anxious.
David said, “He’s right. He’s not safe out in the open.”
“You’ll protect me, right?” He hugged Regina as she consoled him.
You were put off at how easily he disregarded you in favor of his mother. It was like he didn’t even acknowledge your presence. But of course, it was natural for a son to turn to his mom in his time of need.
You stopped scolding yourself when you overheard Emma tell Regina that Henry didn’t seem like himself. Your feelings of unease felt vindicated now if she was aware that her son was acting a bit different. It made your head spin; what could it mean?
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After convincing Mr. Gold to give up Pandora’s Box, you all drove to the edge of Storybrooke. You huddled close to Mary Margret and David, watching the red smoke swirl out of the box.
It transformed into Pan, and Emma cocked her gun. Pan stood up, breathing hard, he acted confused, and dumbfounded to see everyone's mistrustful faces. You had to admit, he was a good actor. You couldn’t believe the next words that popped out of his mouth.
Emma was also taken aback. “What?”
“What are you waiting for? Shoot him,” Gold ordered.
Pan panicked. “Don’t! Please! I’m Henry. Pan, he switched our bodies.”
“You expect me to believe that?” Emma continued pointing the gun at him.
You didn’t know what to think of this situation. You wanted to trust him. It would explain Henry's peculiar actions. The other, more cynical part, of your brain was reprimanding yourself for entertaining the outlandish idea.
Pan was a master manipulator, capable of slaughtering you and your loved ones in a millisecond if it benefitted him. He toyed with people’s minds and reveled in the horrible game of it. Your sympathetic side excused that truth when seeing Pan’s face. He was hurt and betrayed. Henry, you were sure it was him, needed a friend.
You almost took a step over the red line when Gold stopped you with his cane and said, “Don’t listen to him. This is one of his tricks.”
Pan/Henry was adamant. “No, it’s not! He did it right before Mr. Gold captured me in the box. I swear!” He stepped forward, but Emma stopped him.
Holding one hand out, she commanded, “Don’t come any closer.” Mr. Gold ordered her to shoot him again. She didn’t. “Maybe he is telling the truth. Maybe that’s why I can’t shake this feeling something’s off about Henry.” Mr. Gold argued with her, but Emma asked Pan to prove his claim.
He started listing facts about Henry. They weren’t persuaded by this. Emma stated, “Pan might know facts. But life is made up of more than that. There are moments. He can’t possibly know all of them. The first time you and I connected, you remember that? Not met, but connected.”
Pan’s face softened at the happy memory. He told her the conversation they had at his castle right after she came to Storybrooke. Emma lowered her gun and embraced him. “It is Henry.”
She released him and they crossed the line into Storybrooke. Henry hugged his grandparents and you soon followed. He enveloped you in a bone crushing hug which you returned with equal joy at having your friend back. It was a little weird since every sense told you this was to all intents and purposes Peter Pan. You pulled back to examine him.
Staring into his green eyes, you squished his cheeks. “This is so surreal.” You tapped his nose. “You really look like him, ya know.” Henry laughed, a delightful but bizarre sound coming from Pan’s throat. It was too innocent.
The full impact of what was happening hit you. You retreated a couple of paces from your friends, and hid your face as mortification overcame your entire being. “Oh no.”
“What’s wrong?” Henry put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
Your face felt ablaze. If Pan was Henry, that meant… “I might’ve– I didn’t know it was him!”
Mr. Gold urged you to go on. “Yes? What is it?”
You gulped as they came closer. “Last night at Granny’s, I told Henry— who I thought was Henry— that Pan was hot.”
Both David and Mary Margret closed their eyes in exasperation. Emma stared at you, questioning your sanity. Bell grinned, and to your surprise, Mr. Gold was unbothered by this. “How tragic. However, we have larger problems that must be dealt with other than your lack of taste.”
“Do you think he’ll do anything to me for saying that to him?” You asked Henry. He had smirked at your confession, which made your heart beat faster at the sight. You wanted to slap yourself for that reaction. Now he frowned at your inquiry.
“I don’t know. Pan might not care or he might target you because of it. Don’t worry about it. We’ll stop him.”
You climbed into the truck’s backseat. The sinking sensation settled in your stomach despite Henry reassuring you everything would turn out for the better. Peter Pan had a plan and it would lead to everyone’s ruin. Your only hope was that he wasn’t concocting a special method of torture for you since laying open your abashed feelings towards him.
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(The previous night)
In the body of his grandson, Pan walked arm-in-arm with Regina down the sidewalk to her home. It was loathsome having to humor the woman while she talked to who she believed was her son. He answered her relentless questions to the best of his ability, keeping his replies vague and unassuming.
She didn’t seem to heed his noncommittal responses. He was impatient for this part of his scheme to be done. He restrained his strong desire to kill her this instant because he had to find her vault first. Pan distracted himself from that impulse by thinking of what you had told him.
It would be beyond humiliating for you when you found out the truth. He couldn’t wait to see your gobsmacked expression when he revealed his true identity, and made Storybrooke into the New Neverland.
Peter Pan would make you regret ever spilling your secrets to him. He was eager to make you into his new plaything, to see how long it took you to cry, to break. He wondered how far over the edge he could drive you. Grateful for the limited light, he allowed a cruel, sadistic smile to form on his lips. This was all too perfect and pleasurable for him.
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direwolfrules · 15 days
I do not have time right now to work on my actual writing- midterms are done so now we're just jumping right into final papers- but have an AU outline post.
Professor Pied Piper, taking inspiration from some of his best high school memories, gets Headmaster Grimm to reinstate the school glee club.
Meanwhile, Madame Baba Yaga fears the new activity will steal away talent from her prize cheer-hexing team, the Ever After High Cheerios (I can’t think of a good fairytale-ification for this, I will accept suggestions). To rectify this situation, she sends in three of her girls undercover with the goal of sabotaging the glee club.
Basically, Pied Piper is Will Schuester, Baba Yaga is Sue Sylvester, and chaos ensues.
Glee Club Members:
Apple White: She joined because 1) she's good at singing 2) she genuinely enjoys singing 3) her mom was in the Glee Club and led them to winning Nationals. I'd say she's the Rachel Berry or the Quinn Fabray, but I'm not gonna do that thing where I entirely change a character's personality to make them fit into the role of another character...for the students anyway. Look, Apple's got enough drama in her life, she doesn't need me making her crazy enough to send someone to a crack house out of jealousy.
Raven: Uh, in the books Headmaster Grimm won't let her take Muse-ic because it's not an evil class. Luckily, because of a bizarre loophole in the school guidelines for competitive teams, Headmaster Grimm can't ban her from Glee Club. Everyone say thank you Giles.
Daring: He joined because he was told it would give him extra credit for the serenading skills portion of Advanced Wooing. Also, Apple asked him to join because they didn't have enough boys in the club and Daring's been trained to never ignore a request from a damsel.
Dexter: He’s there cause Raven’s there? And also cause he is a genuinely great singer and unlike Daring needs the Advanced Wooing extra credit? Also, I just kinda want him there.
Darling: Her mom made her join. Queen Charming really said “I’m gonna take a page from Snow White’s book and live vicariously through you, offspring of mine”.
Briar: She really likes the idea of a team competition where she won’t put her teammates in danger if she falls asleep. Also, she checked the competition rulebook, as long as they don’t all leave the stage when she has a narcoleptic episode they won’t be disqualified.
Humphrey: Every Glee AU needs a white-boy-who raps and Ever After High has one already built-in in the form of Humphrey Dumpty.
Maddie: She’s there cause Raven’s there. It’s utterly hattastic!
Kitty: She’s there because she remembered her mom talking about how some of her fondest memories of high school revolves around messing with the glee club, and Kitty wants dearly to be like her mother.
Lizzie: We’re completing the Wonderland ensemble. Lizzie joins because she needs an extra curricular and the Invisible Tree Situation has gotten so out of hand they had to disband the croquet team. Great voice, ngl.
Justine: Not the strongest singer in the room, but she’s capable of choreographing numbers like nobody’s business.
Meeshell: Listen, canon’s pretending her singing in that webisode was something amazing. So like, we’re pretending now too.
Duchess: I picture her as a Sugar Motta-type character. Cannot sing, massive diva, but they gotta put up with her cause her family’s donating to the club budget.
Melody: Listen, it’s her dad’s club. She can’t just not join. She’s banking those supportive daughter points for a rainy day.
Lawrence Bonecrusher III: Listen, I just it'd be funny if Professor Piper says the ever-insane "You're all minorities, you're in the glee club" line and there's the one orc student in the school just sitting there with his eyebrow raised. He's also the Matt of this AU. For some reason never speaks when in a scene.
Faybelle: Captain of the Cheerios, totally not here as part of a scheme by Madame Yaga to DESTROY THE GLEE CLUB!!!!
Nah, but seriously, this whole AU was born of me going "What EAH character would say the iconic 'I'm a closeted lesbian and a judgemental bitch' line?" and her face popped into my mind.
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Melody Piper, daughter of the Pied Piper
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hair inspo
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everyday clothes
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formal outfits
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*everything can be found on pinterest*
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
Ever After High Fancast
(For my EAH fanfics, here is every named + seen student at Ever After High) if I’m missing anyone, idk, let me know but I already did way more than I probably needed to And anyone is free to use these they’re all a mixture of casts I’ve seen from lots of other platforms + my own thoughts
Apple White, daughter of Snow White - Kathryn Newton
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Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen - Jenna Ortega
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Briar Beauty, daughter of Sleeping Beauty - Alisha Boe
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Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter - Rhea Norwood
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Ashlyn Ella, daughter of Cinderella - Sadie Sink
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Kitty Cheshire, daughter of the Cheshire Cat - Savannah Lee May
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Daring Charming, son of Prince Charming - Ross Lynch
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Dexter Charming, son of Prince Charming - Jack Champion
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Darling Charming, daughter of Prince Charming - Natalie Alyn Lind
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Cedar Wood, daughter of Pinocchio - Whitney Peak
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Hunter Huntsman, son of the Huntsman - Booboo Stewart
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Lizzie Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts - Anya Taylor Joy
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Cerise Hood, daughter of Red Riding Hood - Brittany O’Grady
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Ramona Badwolf, daughter of the Big Bad Wolf - Savannah Lee Smith
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Rosabella Beauty, daughter of Beauty (Beauty and the Beast) - Isabela Merced
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Blondie Lockes, daughter of Goldilocks - Meg Donnelly
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C.A. Cupid, daughter of Cupid - Hunter Schafer
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Melody Piper, daughter of the Pied Piper - Paris Berelc
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Sparrow Hood, son of Robin Hood - KJ Apa
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Faybelle Thron, daughter of the Dark Fairy - Ester Expósito
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Farrah Goodfairy, daughter of the Fairy Godmother - Brenna D’Amico
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Ginger Breadhouse, daughter of the Candy Witch - Halle Bailey
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Duchess Swan, daughter of the Swan Princess - Julia Rehwald
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Hopper Croakington II, son of the Frog Prince - Dylan O’Brien
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Courtly Jester, daughter of the Joker Card - Sophia Anne Caruso
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Chase Redford, son of the Red Queen - Sang Heon Lee
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Alistair Wonderland, son of Alice - Owen Patrick Joyner
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Bunny Blanc, daughter of the White Rabbit - Emma Myers
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Poppy O’Hair, daughter of Rapunzel - Sophia Lillis
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Holly O’Hair, daughter of Rapunzel - Abigail Cowen
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(more in the next post there's so many hold on)
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beezonia · 1 month
A miraculous ever after high au
Adrien is the son of Maleficent and the Good Queen (Emiliè is still slightly deranged in this au she likes to party)
He’s shy, been locked up in a tower for a long time since his mother disappeared? (He doesn’t know what happened his father just became an asshole)
But most of the students like his natural charm, and Adrien easily makes friends with most of them
(Most don’t care he’s the one who is supposed to curse princess rose)
One of them is Nino, son of the pied piper and then you have Chloé daughter of Odette who’s a little bit standoffish at first but melts when you take the time to get to know her!
Then there’s Marinette who’s the daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming (Tom is a king in this au!)
She’s friends with, Alya daughter of goldielocks and Nathaniel son of rapunzel (artist mom yeah)
Then there’s
Alix Daughter of the white rabbit
Kim son of gaston
Rose daughter of sleeping beauty
Juleka daughter of Captain Hook (Anarka fucking rocked her roll)
Lila daughter of the sea witch or queen of hearts (idk yet)
Marc son of the mad hatter? Or one of the fairytales which has a writer in them? HE COULD BE ALICE’S SON
Mylene daughter of the princess and the pea
Ivan is the son of the big bad wolf
Max is the son of Sebastian he’s always looking out for his friends!
Kagami daughter of the evil queen (Tomoe) or maybe the daughter of little red riding hood or odile?
Luka is the son of I was gonna say prince Eric because he falls in love with his princess by music and Jagged could technically be a king in this
It just means luka and Juleka have very different destinies
Zoé could be the daughter of belle? You know since she thinks she’s such an outcast?
Félix is most certainly the son of the sherif of Nottingham (he is definitely a rebel dw)
That’s it for now might come back with some more for this
(Nathalie is dival in this au! Technically gabes Raven pal who keeps an eye on Adrien since she’s the teacher for the magic of history at eah)
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Queen's debut album, Queen, was released in the UK fifty years ago today - 13th July 1973.
Created between April and November 1972, Queen was mostly recorded during downtime (late evening and overnight) at Trident Studios in St Anne's Court, Soho, central London.
Keep Yourself Alive was Queen's debut single. One of many different versions/mixes that are widely available. A 1975 re-working, intended as a contemporary B-side, was initially shelved but eventually emerged as a Hollywood Records bonus track under the title Long-Lost Re-Take. Doing All Right (a.k.a. Doin' Alright) was originally performed by Smile, with co-writer Tim Staffel on lead vocal. Piano by Brian May. This was the first song Freddie ever performed on piano in front of a Queen audience. Great King Rat was one of Freddie's earliest compositions, rarely played live in the early 70s but resurrected for the Works! tour in 1984. My Fairy King features Freddie on the piano for the first time on vinyl, and the debut of Roger's trademark high vocals. The lines horses born with eagles' wings, honey bees have lost their stings and teeth don't shine like pearls for poor men's eyes were inspired by Robert Browning's poem The Pied Piper Of Hamelin. Liar was written by Freddie (with Mike Bersin) when he was in the band Ibex, and originally titled Lover. One of the very few Queen recordings to feature a Hammond organ. The 3-minute US single edit has been summarily disowned by the band. The Night Comes Down was written by Brian May in 1970 and originally recorded in 1971. Modern Times Rock'n'Roll was written and sung by Roger, but Freddie took lead vocals when it was performed live in 1974. Son And Daughter was released in advance of the album, as the B-side of Keep Yourself Alive. Played live, it originally included the long guitar solo later worked into Brighton Rock, as can be heard on the BBC session versions (Queen On Air). Seven Seas Of Rhye... is part of the unfinished song that was to become their first hit single the following year. The finished Seven Seas Of Rhye was originally intended to open the second album, though this idea was eventually abandoned.
Other songs recorded during these sessions: Mad The Swine eventually saw the light of day in 1991 as a B-side of Headlong and a bonus track on the Hollywood Records re-release of Queen. Silver Salmon and Polar Bear were originally Smile songs written by Tim Staffel and Brian May. They were demoed by Queen in 1972 but eventually shelved. Hangman was a live favourite between 1970 and 1973 but its existence as a studio recording has always been repeatedly denied, however a 1972 Trident acetate featuring this song was later discovered and is now in the possession of Queen Productions. Lyrics by Freddie, music by Brian. Release it, guys, please.
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lilisouless · 10 months
Soc characters on an ever after high au! but i won't elaborate too much
This is of course ignoring the already existing characters on EAH, also darker tone to fit their backstories
You know the Inej-cinderella agenda, getting her life destroyed by the current evil stepmother (Heleen)
Kaz and Jordie were the sons of Jack (the beanstalk) and the fairy godmother (yes,the agenda is there too) which each being fated to become the next ones but things get...complicated when Jordie meets and deals with the current Rumpelstiltskin (Rollins) , this also means Alby would become Rumpel if he follows his fate.
Matthias is a soldier of the queen of hearts (Jarl Brum) so he didn't know he could be a main character.This also means Hanne would be fated to be the queen of hearts.
I know we all wanted Wylan for the pied piper, but both of his parents appear in canon so i´ll ajust to it. Making him the son of Rapunzel and the king Midas, the king turned his wife into gold by "accident" and married snow white´s daugther and would rather Wylan to take Rapunzel destiny (since he would be locked on the tower) and his next heir to be king midas.
Jesper was the hardest since both of his parents appear in canon too. Aditi was the twelve fairy (the one that stopped sleeping beauty’s curse to be a deadly one and yes SB is Leoni) while Colm is the son of a random farmer that gives refuge to random fairytale characters passing by. Jesper has to decide either or take the Jack Beanstalk role since it became available when the previous died without a heir.
I had trouble choosing Nina or Kuwei to be either Alice/Dorothy respectively, both seem to fit both. But then i remembered Kuwei’s dad exist in canon so for him here’s this: Bo yul Bayur wanted his son to be normal boy: Kuwei is Pinocchio. I have to think about Nina, something will come eventually.
Edit: I got it, Nina is the daughter of Alice and Dorothy and instead of choosing she plays a dual role, as Nina she is Alice, as Mila she is Dorothy
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kaleidoru · 1 year
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quickly hashed out an idea i had but... baba yaga, her son (who is also the house) and his daughter (house spirit). they are also inspired by hansel and gretel's witch (baba yaga) and the pied piper of hamlin (house-kun). they lure wicked kids away to scare 'em straight in the house of horrors and the daughter/grand-daughter acts as the heroine who helps the kids escape after they repent and promise to do better.
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ami-ven · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Melody Piper!
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Students of Dreamworks High School
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Felicia, Daughter of Shrek and Princess Fiona
Lyric, Daughter of the Pied Piper
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I’ve drawn the students for someone on instagram
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
i’m head canoning a ruins au where matty and you have like five daughters. gigi and shay and then a third little girl called valentine who everyone calls tiny because they think she will be the youngest healy daughter, and you think you’re done too but then bam, accidental twin girls and then matty is just covered in glitter and sparkly crowns and finds tiny dolls and trains and hair clips in his pockets all the time and is just followed around by five little girls like the pied piper
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bonefall · 1 year
Is Rowan going to be as hated by StarClan as he was in canon? Like with Blackstar saying he ruined everything and Needletail still blaming him after he died, or will there be more of StarClan that sympathizes with him?
He will DEFINITELY not be as hated by StarClan.
In fact it is very frustrating that canon rips into Rowanstar so badly for... *checks notes* having rebellious teens who were manipulated by a cult leader, but ONESTAR gets to abandon a kitten, deny medicine, bark and holler that ShadowClan needs to get its shit together as he refuses to help at all, and then gets his own super edition where the Erins all but pop open a can of friskies for him
No. Bonefall AVoS is an arc about Darktail, a charismatic Pied Piper, exploiting legitimate weaknesses in clan society by playing up to cats who feel frustrated and alienated. Starting off with only a few supporters, The Kin never would have become the threat it became if something was done sooner.
And this creates the Law of the Lake; that all Clans have a responsibility to preserve the others.
So, Rowanstar will still be seen as someone too soft, who should have done something, and as foolish and cruel for dividing Twig and Violet for no reason (depending on how this reason gets worked out...). But StarClan doesn't hate his guts
And they CERTAINLY don't hate his guts when he drowns himself several times to resurrect his daughter, StarClan would be incredibly emotional seeing him do something so brave. They aren't ALL spite and smite!
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yellowmagicalgirl · 6 months
5 headcanons from a Trollhunters AU of your choice?
So there's this AU that I've had vague ideas about for a while, a roleswap where I swap all the canon ships (not counting Word of God ships and ships where we never see one of the characters). Do note that while the canon ships are getting swapped, the only canon ship that definitely gets together in this AU is Jlaire. (Staja and Darby are both maybe's, but I'm leaning no because IDK how much sense they'd make in this 'verse. Everything else is a NOTP for me.) (Also due to the amount of canon ships, you get more than 5 headcanons.)
Stricklake: Waltolomew is Jim's dad. Jim's bio mom walked out on them when Jim turned five - she accidentally saw Strickler in his true form, and she just wanted to escape. She was concerned that Jim wasn't human either, and she didn't want anything to do with him. (She was right that Jim wasn't fully human, though that didn't manifest as anything other than a very mild iron allergy until he got possessed by Morgana.) Meanwhile, Barbara is a local doctor who ends up getting roped in after she sees too much going on with the local teen defenders, and also after she ends up as Jim's foster mom when Strickler went missing.
Jlaire: The last battle between Kanjigar and Bular took place in a slightly different location, one that Claire was able to ride her bike to. She picked up the amulet and wasn't detected as quickly as Jim was in canon due to Strickler not going into the women's locker rooms. This allows her to have just enough time to learn to fight without Bular killing her for not knowing her way around knives like Jim does. Jim, meanwhile, has recently had the truth of his heritage revealed to him. If he serves the Janus Order well enough, then he can undergo the ritual that could make him a polymorph. (He never goes through the ritual but gains the ability anyways thanks to Morgana.) In the latter half of season 1, he became Team Trollhunters' man on the inside because he can't accept a world where Gunmar reigns (and also because Claire is very pretty in her armor.)
Dromura: Nomura became Kanjigar's apprentice, and while she didn't 100% expect to become the next trollhunter, she is miffed that this human girl with no fighting experience became the next trollhunter instead of her. She also briefly had a fling with Draal, who's human form works with Barbara under the alias of Dr. Aalbregt. Nomura once tried to get Kanjigar and Draal to meet in the hopes that Draal would change sides, but Kanjigar claimed that the impure was not his son. Ouch.
Staja: I'm not saying that Aja is the school bully, but she is rivals with Claire & Mary for popularity, with Claire & Mary being the femme popular crowd and Aja being the star quarterback. (Aja and Darci were neighbors growing up, so they're slightly more cordial.) She also teases Eli, but in a more friendly way since he's her little brother's BFF (and also Eli might have a crush on Krel). Eventually, the Tarron twins + Eli find out the truth. Steve on the other hand is the slightly spoiled heir to House Palchuk of Akiridion V. Seklos help us all.
Nanavex: Varvatos used to babysit Darci and the Tarron twins, sometimes at the same time, because he lives near all of them. He taught them to fight and can tell that something is going on. He doesn't know what. Nancy's son, husband, and daughter-in-law were all killed by the Zerons, and she was left to raise her grandson on her own. Between this and
Darby: I just can't see Darci getting the gravity cursed hammer, and I also can't really see her using a bow in this AU despite her using it in my seasonal amulet AU. I'm gonna say that instead she stole a fancy looking flute from the museum at the end of the second battle of Killahead. This flute was actually the flute that belonged to the Pied Piper, and it allows her to control small animals... and also goblins, because of the long-running raccoon joke. Mary never gets quite as involved in trollhunting as the others do due to being squeamish around violence, which causes her to grow distant from Claire and Darci. The coup happens earlier, Toby makes a cool bracelet for her, and Mary is selfish enough that she decides to befriend this foreign weirdo in order to get cool bracelets. (Due to the coup happening earlier, the two supernatural groups meet earlier. Toby gets to meet Vendel, who is more impressed with him than in canon. Vendel also likes Toby better than Steve.)
Stuart x Gwen: "The bounty hunter (Stuart) you (Morando) sent after us (Steve, Nancy, and Toby) became part of our found family." Meanwhile, I have two potential takes on Gwen. The first is that she's an untrustworthy rogue agent, willing to sell alien tech but also willing to sell secrets to whomever she thinks can get her the best deal. The other is that I replace Gwen of Gorbon with Guinevere, who was an alien all along in this 'verse, and Arthur thought that this foul creature killed his wife when he saw her in her true form. (In the latter case, there would be parallels between Guinevere/Arthur and Waltolomew/Jim's bio mom.)
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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dexterouslycharming · 3 months
Request #1
Word Count - 1,140
Date Posted - 01/16/2024
Pairing - Lizzie Hearts x Daring Charming
Prom Problems
While Prom wasn't as celebrated by the students of Ever After High as Throne Coming was, it still was a big event, and this year it was being hosted by none other than Pyr Ignus, the son of Prometheus, and Melody Piper, the daughter of the Pied Piper. With a fire theme, thanks to none other than Pyr, everyone was dressed to the nines in various shades of red, gold and orange. Daring Charming was no exception to this. With a suit the color of crimson, accented by beautiful golden details and a golden crown adorned with fire opals, he was the talk of the dance.
Daring was used to this, used to the attention he always got, and all the other students throwing themselves at him for a dance. It made him glow with delight. He adored the spotlight, and as long as the attention was on him, he had no reason to be upset, and yet there he was, standing away from the crowd, brooding.
Daring was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice when a Cheshire grin appeared next to him, and Kitty Cheshire showed from thin air. “Y'know, I never thought I'd see Daring Charming of all princes fumble this fairy bad.” The girl practically purred, causing Daring to turn to face her. He looked her up and down, eyes narrowed but he said nothing, knowing Kitty had more to say.
“You couldn't ask your own girlfriend to this stupid dance? Doesn't seem very charming to me.” She laughed when Daring's face turned the color of his suit, turning away from him and beginning to walk away. “She's fairy upset, Charming, you might want to do something about it, before this kitty uses her claws.” Kitty flashed her hand up, showing off dagger sharp nails that seemingly appeared - and then disappeared, turning back into beautifully manicured fingernails - in an instant.
Daring didn't have time to rebuttal, he knew he had been in the wrong. It was more than obvious that he had hexed up. He hadn't thought it necessary to ask Lizzie to the dance, he just figured they'd be going together anyway. They were dating after all? But. . .then again no one knew but Kitty, which was something Daring had been opposed to. He had told Lizzie no one should know, he was destined to be Apple's prince charming after all, he couldn't risk messing up their destinies by letting anyone know he was in love with a different princess. Lizzie had agreed to this, but it seemed a bit reluctsntly. Kitty’s knowledge of the situation just made him worried about it getting out. But now? He was starting to realize he had messed up.
The prince quickly gathered himself, disappearing out the doors of the large Grimmnasium they were using to host the dance, he felt eyes burning the back of his head, knowing at least someone, likely Kitty, was watching him go. He had no idea where Lizzie could have been, but checking her dorm seemed like the most likely place. He rushed down the walkway, his tailcoat billowing behind him as he made his way towards the dormitories. His walk was brisk, and with a purpose, and many of the students still making their way to the dance, or taking a break and cooling off watched him go with curiosity, his younger brother, Dexter Charming, among them.
“Daring where are you going?” Dexter called after his brother, running to catch up with the blond.
“I hexed up, and I'm going to fix it.” Daring said, not slowing his pace. Dexter would just have to catch up with him later. He sped up when he couldn't hear Dexter's footsteps beside his, only stopping when he reached the school's dormitory.
That's when he saw her, Lizzie Hearts was standing on the balcony of the common area every tower had, in a beautiful red dress. He couldn't help but blush as he saw how pretty she was, his footsteps halted and he stared up at her, eyes wide and filled with what one could only describe as true love. After what seemed like an eternity passed, Daring shook his head, snapping himself out of his trance.
He rushed up the stairs and pushed through the front doors of the dormitory, his shoes hitting the floor hard as he rushed up the many flights of stairs to get to the floor Lizzie's dorm was on. He slowed once he reached the doors to the balcony, hesitating a bit before pushing them open. Lizzie turned her head when she heard the creak of the large wooden doors, and that's when Daring saw tears in her eyes. Though for some reason, she seemed to be smiling.
Confusion crossed his face, and Lizzie didn't offer an explanation, she just beckoned him closer. Daring obliged, moving to stand next to her. “I'm fairy sorry Lizzie -” He began, but she cut him off.
“Your fairy fairy funny, Daring Charming. Thinking you can come up here and make everything right with a smile and a half-baked apology.”
Daring knew she was right, his apology wasn't going to be the best ever after, he never had been good at apologizing, and besides, why should he expect her to just accept his apology and act like nothing had happened? He had royally hexed up by not asking her to Prom and he knew it.
“I know I hexed up Lizzie, I just-”
“You didn't think? You never think, Daring.” Her hands gripped the railing, and it took everything for Daring not to place a gentle hand over hers, “I don't think this is meant to be.”
Her words cut through Daring like a knife. He quickly grabbed her hand, causing her to look at him with wide eyes. “Come with me. . .please?”
She didn't say anything, but didn't resist as he tugged her back through the large, wooden doors and down the stairs and out of the dormitory. The two walked in silence, as Daring made his way towards the school's expansive library, the one place he knew would be empty on a night like this. Once they entered, Daring stood to face Lizzie, holding out his hand for her to take.
“May I have this dance?” He asked softly, and though a bit reluctantly, Lizzie nodded her head. As slowly as ever, Daring began to dance with her, a smile forming on his lips, one that seemed contagious as Lizzie was soon smiling as well. Once she seemed a bit relaxed, Daring took the chance and leaned in, placing a kiss on her lips.
Not all was fixed of course, but Daring hoped he was taking the first step in the right direction, one that would lead to his happily ever after by Lizzie's side.
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