#dkb request
enbyjjunie · 6 months
First Times are Hard
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content warning: talking about sex, and i think that's it really wc: 1,3k summary: heechan can't seem to get intimate with his girlfriend, so he asks his friends for advice.
Heechan couldn’t believe himself. He had somehow finally bagged the most gorgeous, funniest, sexiest woman and then he didn’t know what to do to get into anything steamy with her. He had tried, of course he had, but it always ended up either awkward or sweet and innocent or both and he didn’t know how much longer he could go on that way without losing his mind. His head hung low as he was sitting in the kitchen in DKB’s dorms, thinking about the night before, how his incredible girlfriend had taken the initiative and crawled into his lap and started making out with him, even taking his hands to put on her body the way she liked, and yet Heechan had frozen like always... He groaned to himself as the scene flashes before his eyes in great and embarrassing detail.
Heechan jumped when he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, not expecting anyone to be in the common area. He looked up at the handsome face of Sungmin, who looked to have changed into his day clothes already. It was early, compared to how early they’d usually get their day going on a weekend. “Are you okay, Heechan hyung?” Sungmin asked in a comforting tone, “yeah, yeah I’m okay. Do we have something scheduled this early?” Heechan looked down at his watch to see that, no, he hadn’t had the time incorrect, and it was indeed 7 am. Sungmin shook his head and took his hand off Heechan’s shoulder to move around the kitchen, to find the things he needed for breakfast, Heechan assumed. “No, we don’t, I just had plans with a friend of mine to grab a coffee before our schedule.” He paused for a second then went back to roaming around, grabbing stuff from their cabinets. “Why were you looking like you were being psychologically tortured? I could hear your groans and mumbles down the hall.” Heechan became red at the thought of being so loud with his torment, but before he could reply, Changmin and Dongil came into the kitchen too, with Harry-June following close by. “As could I,” Dongil quipped, and Harry giggled at the input, adding to Heechan’s embarrassment, placing himself on top of one of the kitchen counters, watching the older members roam around for breakfast. Changmin sat down next to the man in question and leaned forward on the table to search his face, for what, Heechan didn’t know.
As if it was obvious, Changmin sighed and told him to ‘spill it!’ to which Heechan groaned and hid in his arms on the table. “His ears are turning red!” Changmin whispered to Dongil, most likely, and Heechan reached up to cup his ears, embarrassment flaming them up even more. He could hear muffled giggles around him, and he was about to turn around to swat at them like the annoying pests they were acting like, but Changmin had put a comforting hand on his back before he could, moving his palm over the expanse of his back and Heechan felt the blush ebb away. “C’mon, tell us what’s going on, Channie.” Heechan gulped, trying to force down the lump that was hanging out in his throat. He straightened his posture in the seat and fiddled with his fingers. “You guys remember that I have a girlfriend, right?” he croaked out, nervous to be starting this conversation. The others rolled their eyes behind his back and Dongil groaned; “it’s not like you’ve been talking about her every chance you get.” A smile fought its way onto Heechan’s face. He was proud to be together with someone so amazing and happily talked about her to his group members. The smile fell again when he continued telling what had been bothering him. “Well, you see... We haven’t- We haven’t really... done anything yet...” his words turned into mumbles as he struggled his way through saying the words. Changmin sat beside him, brows furrowed, failing to understand why that would leave Heechan to behave this way. “Lots of people wait a while before becoming intimate with each other in that way,” Dongil offered, “for some, it’s not ever a part of their relationship,” he continued, trying to comfort his friend. Heechan’s flush returned to his cheeks and he croaked out; “it’s not that.” He looked over at Sungmin, who gave him this look, as to say ‘spit it out!’
Heechan sighed and shook his arms and then hands, trying to shake his nerves out of his body, before sitting still again, feeling every single pair of eyes trained on him. “When we...” he quickly peeks up at Dongil, having his words in the back of his head, “when we get intimate, I don’t know why, but I freeze up! I lose all confidence and my hands get awkward and my head starts to spin.” Heechan almost ended up yelling out in frustration, but he caught himself and it came out as a frustrated groan. There was a long moment of silence before the four others who inhabited the kitchen burst out laughing. Harry and Sungmin had uncontrollable bellylaugh and Dongil tried to suppress an unstoppable giggle, it was only when Changmin had gotten a few laughs out and really looked at Heechan that he swatted at the others to get them to stop laughing. “Aish guys!” the oldest threw at them as if he didn’t laugh himself. The pout on Heechan’s face immediately pacified them all.
Dongil cleared his throat and came over to sit on the other side of the morning’s main character. “Is there something holding you back?” He asked the younger, voice softening to a gentle tone, bringing comfort to Heechan. With the pout remaining, Heechan looked down at the table, a little too embarrassed to look up at the people surrounding him, shrugging. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have sex, pleasure his girlfriend, he only hesitated because he didn’t know how to do that, which, honestly speaking, stunted him like nothing else. “I guess I’m nervous.” It was meant as a statement, but came out more like a question, Heechan almost questioning if it was alright to feel that way. He didn’t notice, but a soft smile grew on the two elders’ faces. “I think you’re in the vast majority for feeling like that,” Dongil answered the implied question. Heechan looked to him, ready with a million more questions but asking the most prevalent first; “how did you... continue if you felt like that?” Dongil looked up for a second, recalling his first time, a crooked smile stretching across his face. “I guess I worked together with my partner, to figure out what went where and what felt good.” He looked back to Heechan, creating eye contact to make sure his point came across as well as it could; “nobody expects you to know everything before you’ve even tried, Heechan-ah. Things like these take practice and trust and communication. Talk with y/n about your concerns and let her guide you when you need it.” Heechan felt a hand being placed on his shoulder again from the other side. Looking over, he saw Changmin with an equal amount of softness and sincerity in his eyes. “And remember; the first time is always going to be a mess. Don't spend time making sure it goes perfectly, because it won’t, and that’s okay; normal even!” 
Heechan’s tensed body relaxed almost completely at the care shown to him by the leaders and his two friends and he brought his arms around both their backs and shoulders to pull them in for a hug, thanking them without words.
Behind them, Sungmin was having a great time watching Harry look out into nothing, looking like he was taking in everything that the oldest was saying, committing as much of it to memory as humanly possible.
note: thank you so much for requesting! sorry it took a while; i am unfortunately not the fastest when it comes to writing. please consider reblogging, as that is how tumblr runs, and it gets me to users who may not see my works in the tags! thank you!
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lunetual · 1 year
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roda, e-chan, and gk: proud xiwoo fan club members      + bonus: rap b victory!
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lilyrennifer · 1 year
What about his first time wth his partner ? Smth sweet but he tries to be confident and be dominent cauz I know he's not that innocent lol
You got it!
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jinxstrology · 1 year
For those who don't know, I'm also a kpop fanfic writer! A pretty decent one, according to some. You can find me on AO3 as meleemedusa. I've had trouble writing for the last couple of years, though, so I wanted to take requests.
I tried to do so on AO3 (twice), but my requests posts got taken down (twice) and my account got suspended the second time. Not sure why it's a problem when I do it, but I see others with request posts all the time.
I suppose if I want to get back into the habit, I will have to start taking requests here! (And if you requested something before, I lost it when AO3 removed my posts). Here are a few guidelines for requesting:
Groups I have written for and am comfortable writing:
Monsta X
Groups I've not yet (properly) written that I'd like to:
Stray Kids
The Boyz
I prefer not to write member x reader or y/n fics. Ships only, please.
Things I like: humor, romance, foul-mouthed characters, supernatural/magical elements, smut
Things I don't like: mpreg, gender swap, non-con, excessive and unrelenting angst
I know not many of my followers are aware that I write and probably have not read a lot of my fics, but this is the only other place I have to beg for requests so I don't have to think of prompts myself (because I can't, right now). When requesting, you can send a ship and an au, or a ship and a bit of a prompt, but please don't get too detailed. Let me write!
The inbox is open!
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
hii!! this is my first time requesting something so sorry if its too vague, but i wanted to ask what do you think dkb's reactions would be to dry humping? appreciate your work and I'm glad to see a bb writing something on this app cause there's literally no dkb fics🥲
hi cutie ! i gotcha haha ! i put it in a headcanon type style too if that’s okay with you ! hope you like it ! <3
DKB REACTION : dry humping
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you were at a basketball game, him hugging you from behind as you stood up for the final 10 minutes
it was packed so you were already pressed up against him
him slowly bricking up is a lie- he’s been bricked up since you were looking a little too good for his liking in public. he wanted you to look the way you looked now in private
you knew it too that he was bricked..so you took it into your own hands
first pretending to stand on your tip toes to see the players
then pretending to pick something up
finally- outright going for it
his hands grabbing your waist tightly as he hisses
he moves up and down against you, letting out the tiniest whine
“fuck if we weren’t going to an after party i’d rip your clothes off right now”
he can’t hide it so he has to change clothes into bigger ones
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you guys were watching a movie
you were desperate to have some attention since he just revoked your punishment from testing him two weeks ago
deciding the movie was a good time to try to get some action, you moved
you turned around to koala bear hug him and play a ‘im tired’ card
he thought nothing of it and started stroking your back gently to lull you to sleep
moving your hips, he froze and glanced at you quickly thinking you were just joking
when you continued on he got what you were trying to do and let you continue
“babydoll if you wanted me to help you feel something, you should’ve asked”
he lifted his hips up as if to thrust into you causing you to whimper from his action
he just continues watching the movie and let’s you help yourself- his motto:
want it? work for it.
once you grinded harder down against him, continuing to make yourself get off
“did you finish princess? good girl, now let’s clean up this mess hm?”
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(his fucking arms,, i want him to choke me like he hates me with a burning passion)
you were doing the take me down dance that he created, preparing to do a dance video to it
both of you have the hots for each other but he doesn’t know how to ask you out since you’ve got the powerful aura that makes everyone bite their lips
you were wearing shorts since you’ve been practicing all day and just a sports bra
part of the choreography had you hovering above him- just a couple of inches above him
couldn’t stand the fact he was unintentionally be teased
your legs started hurting and you ended up sitting on top of him
which he was okay with
continuing to dance that part, you grinding on him as you only have a sly smile through the mirror
the loudest groan leaves his mouth
you both forget about the dance and he smashes his lips against yours as you continue grinding on him
once you stop and get off him as to not get in trouble, you wink at him and disappear for a ‘break’
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with him i highly doubt you’ll even dry hump
like deadass
wooyoung’s little brother frfr
as soon as he started
he’d stop and just fuck you then and there
please when he danced to PTSD
has the prettiest whines i bet
but tease him enough, he might just show you why he’s the head choreographer
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this is unintentional but
you were all in the car
they wanted to take you to this luxe studio they rented since it reminded you of the one you have back home
you were sitting in his lap, the road being bumpy
you planted yourself as hard as you could against him
the bouncing didn’t help the fact that every twist and turn you were grinding on his throbbing cock
whispers into your ear
“please try to hold onto something that will give you stability and not make you move”
his face was red because he was with his members
they wont let him live it down
his moans were about to burst through his throat
only wished for it all to end
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you were at the pool in the middle of the night
he had his eyes closed as he relaxed and listened to the music coming from the speaker
sneaking onto the daybed next to him
you grin and rather than hump him, you lick a stripe up his cock
simulating that you were sucking him off
you suck and he opens his eyes and moans
he’s pretty but that moan is prettier
lemme stop before my thoughts win
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y’all were sleeping
then it got hot
so you started moving whilst in his iron bear hug
he woke up because you were moving way too damn much
hearing your whines turned him on and he bricked up
“b-baby please? stop moving? let me sleep?”
he forced you awake and gave the cutest smile that had the scariest meaning behind it
sheepish apology
can’t recover so he dances away
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he’s so soft my heart 🥺
he’d be sort of surprised that you even asked him
this boy just smiled and says sure
you take it slow
the tiniest sound made by someone else besides the two of you makes him freeze
he’ll help you or try to make you feel good
might even pull something out his ass that yuta aniki taught him
he laughs at your whines and smiles softly
encourages you to do it as many times you like
he might even get handsy and do something for you instead
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“right now? for real?”
“hyungs are going to come in soon”
“try it”
sitting in his lap on the dance floor
under the guise of finding a comfortable position
he moans out loud once
then chokes and turns red
keeps his head down
notices his precum showing
gets shy
is shocked that he can’t combat nor tease anymore
all because he’s chokeheld by you
now he wants to just go to his room and screw you until you black out
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minzbins · 8 months
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prev youngkang, insoeng, dinoboos, wooobinz, yohanblr
🦊 quick info
mel. she/her. queer. 30 / '94 liner. sweden. gifmaker - gif requests open (click here for info!) this is a sideblog, i follow from @nohshinwoos see carrd for more info !
📸 gifset series etc.
fav songs 2024 • minho moments • seungmin moments • changbin moments • jisung moments • gose moments • fancams • random seungkwan gifs 🎂 birthdays
🏷 gif tags by group - groups i often gif
all • seventeen • stray kids • wei • day6 • cix • exo • lucy • n.flying • onf • ateez • sf9 • cravity • verivery • tan • luminous • monsta x • pentagon • dkb • the boyz • oneus • onewe • golden child • nct (127 / dream / wayv / nct u)
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jjuniesdaydream · 5 months
not requested
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wrote this bc i have been craving for some junseo softness and i think that it's a crime that there isn't more of it. also because i have that one moment of sleepy junseo with no shirt on seared into my brain, so that was the inspiration ig (also pls this is so self-indulgent) i'd obviously recommend listening to Slush by DKB while reading this, as it is its namesake :3
word count: 2,1k gender neutral reader
Junseo knew it would have to be a day of hell for you. Not only did you have your job that you, of course, had to do, and do well, but you were also in the middle of moving out of your apartment and into a new place. He had tried to come over more to help you pack, and you were grateful for the times that he had helped you, but he had his own schedule that was tightly packed and unfortunately didn’t have the most time to help out, much to his dismay.
One day he had managed to carve out a whole evening for you. Giddy, he picked up the flowers and the takeout he had planned to bring with him, knowing that you didn’t leave yourself much time to eat and your meals had mostly been cups of ramen. He smiled down at the plastic bag hanging from where he held onto the handles; he could smell the amazing food as he walked to the apartment that was still yours for a few days. He was wearing his black bucket hat and a facemask, as DKB was finally garnering some attention after Peak Time was aired and he had experienced more frequent times of being stopped on the street for an autograph or a selca, and as much as he loved his fans’ support, that day he just wanted to go straight to his love to help out with something as mundane as packing things in boxes and eating good food out of containers.
When he got there, he knocked, as he usually did, but as you sometimes did, the knocks were ignored. He chuckled to himself, thinking that you were probably just zooming around with headphones on and couldn’t hear him; it wouldn’t have been the first time that would happen, so he did what he had permission to do; he went to your mailbox and searched for the little nook in it where you hid your keys. You had a bad habit of forgetting your housekeys either at Junseo’s dorm or in your personal desk at work, so you decided that it would be good to have a backup plan for when that would happen, which you had told Junseo to take advantage of whenever he wanted to, since you trusted him with your home, even if you weren’t there with him.
He snatched the keys from where you’d hung them inside the mailbox and unlocked your front door, opening it casually like he would usually, thinking you’d hear that and come running to the front door to see him. But not this time; this time the apartment was silent. Junseo’s brows furrowed, worry invading his thoughts. You should’ve been off of work by then and you had said you were way too busy packing to go out with your friends at the time being, so why was your home so quiet that he was feeling as if he was doing something disruptive just by rustling a plastic bag? He toed off his shoes quickly and moved in to put the food and flowers in the, mostly empty, kitchen, walking swiftly into the bigger space. He stopped in his tracks and felt a smile creep onto his face as he saw your form lying on your couch. Your hair was wild as if you had literally just thrown yourself onto the cushions, with no regard to your hair possibly falling onto your face, which he wouldn’t be surprised if that was how it went down.
He looked you over; you had your big dress shirt on, something he loved about your style. When you got the job as a middle school teacher, you wanted to portray yourself as more professional but didn’t want to lose your personal style in that, and so your brilliant idea was to bring some of your love for street style/casual wear, with the oversized tees and huge jeans, was to buy oversized dress shirts, something Junseo had quipped at, mentioning that they were probably his size. You also had your tight slacks on, which looked considerably less comfortable than the shirt. Analysing the place, he could see that you had already devoured the cup noodle you were relying on for sustenance, and so was probably not that hungry. He quickly went out to put the food he’d brought into the fridge, always available to heat up later, and fill a big cup you’d sometimes use as a vase with water and a little sugar and put the flowers in there too, to make them at least look just as fresh when you’d wake up.
After making sure that the front door was locked and all the unnecessary lights in the apartment were off, he scooped you up with ease and walked you to your bed, making sure to put you down on your mattress as gently as possible, as to not wake you up from your needed sleep. He undid and slipped off your slacks but kept the dress shirt on you so that you could be comfortable, but also while making a mental note to wear more dress shirts himself, liking the idea of you borrowing them to lounge around in like this. When he had tucked you in, he went out into the kitchen again. He had come over to help you pack, and he still felt too energised to knock out with you, so he ventured into your kitchen again. You had specifically asked him to help you with the kitchen wares, feeling much better about there being an extra person there to help you handle the fragile glass and such, so without making too much noise, he wrapped up your plates and glass and packed them neatly in the box you had set out for it. One thing less for you to worry about when you woke up the morning after.
After getting the kitchen stuff packed it was an hour later and Junseo could feel his day catch up to him, exhaustion settling into his body. Pulling off his shirt but keeping his sweatpants on, he slipped into the bed beside you, softly wrapping his arms around you, humming to himself as he could feel your familiar warmth against him. He had always thought that you were made for him; you fit perfectly into his arms, into his heart and into his life, and he wished that he had more time to spoil you like he wanted to, but instead, he got moments like these, and well, he could never complain about that. He soon fell asleep, always finding it easier to do so when he had you safe and sound in his arms.
You woke up first the next morning as you had been the one to pass out first, feeling warm and content. You opened your eyes slowly so as to not blind yourself from the light coming from the window but found something casting a shadow over you from said light. You knew exactly who it was, even if the logical part of your brain that said that he’s the only one who it could possibly be hadn’t even woken up, you were sure; that was your Junseo lying with you. You could tell especially from the form of his body’s silhouette and from the arms wrapped around you, and then you could smell the lingering of his cologne mixing with his natural Junseo-smell that you adored so much. You nuzzled your face further into his body, taking in the fact that he was there and seizing the opportunity to enjoy every single second of it. You took your chance to place a few kisses on his broad chest, being the place where you could reach while being in his arms, wrapping an arm around him as well, giggling a little when you could feel his arms tighten around you. You had had a few mornings like these in the time of dating him and you knew all the right buttons to press by now to get Junseo to wake up the gentlest (with some help from his group mates who learned the hard way). You let your fingers travel up and down the expanse of his back, your nails dragging lightly, and you began talking to him softly, only stopping to place another kiss on his warm skin.
“Good morning, my love. Thank you for coming over and for caring for me like this. You're really special; I have no idea how I got so lucky as to get to be with you.” You were about to go on, knowing that Junseo loved waking up to the sound of your voice speaking to him, but it seemed as if it had worked a lot quicker than you had anticipated this time; “I’m the lucky one here,” Junseo grumbled, his morning voice hoarse and, not that he’d ever agree that it was; cute. A smile spread on your lips, blinking up at him with all the love you could muster. “Agree to disagree.” You kissed his chest again and felt one of his hands come up to brush your hair out of your face, looking down at you with a sleepy smile. “When did you come over last night? I don’t remember letting you in.” You questioned and he groaned, digging for the memories in his still sleep-hazy mind. “I think it was around 7:30 or 8 pm? You were knocked out on the couch when I got here.” You took in the words said in his raspy voice. “Sorry about that, I don’t know what happened,” you said in a light-hearted tone. He smiled down at you and loosened his arms around you to stretch them and give you some of your space back. “What happened was that those kids you love teaching so dearly are energy vampires,” he whined and leaned down to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck. You laughed at his words; “energy vampires?!” He nodded and you could feel him pout against your skin. “Yeah, and when I finally get to have you all to myself, you’re sucked energy-dry!” You laughed even harder and brought your arms up to hug his head even closer to your body. “Oh no, I am so sorry, honey! You know I’m a sucker for those small creatures,” your puns just made him groan even more and suddenly he was escaping from your embrace with you giggling and fighting to keep him hugged to your body. “No, let me go! You're awful for punning me when I've just woken up.” He finally broke free and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. You ended up hugging around his waist, smiling up at him as he looked down at you, your head peeking just around his body.
“You know I’m gonna hold on and be dragged after you if you try to walk away,” you had a certain tone when you told him so, making him think that you were absolutely not bluffing but also knew that he wouldn’t do that to you. What you didn’t know was that he had woken up with an abundance of energy, ready to deal with your silly attitude. With one swift motion, he somehow grabbed a hold under your arms and lifted you up while turning you in the air, placing you over his shoulder, all the while standing up from the bed, making you yelp out in surprise. You knew he was strong and that your weight was really not a big deal to him, but it still surprised you when he just did stuff like that. He walked and spun around with you on his back, mostly to hear your squeals and giggles, only to grab you and throw you onto the bed again, making sure not to throw you far enough so that your head would hit the headboard, throwing himself on top of you, snaking an arm around your body again, to hold you close, while using the other arm to hold himself up. As your giggles died down, the two of you just looked at one another, smiles growing softly on both sets of lips. Junseo leaned down slowly and tenderly placed his soft lips on yours, kissing you properly for the first time since he’d seen you this time. The kiss was delicate and infused with love and went on until the both of you were lightheaded, and by the time you’d separated, there were ten fingers in some hair, four cheeks red with heat and two foreheads touching each other.
The first one to utter any words was Junseo; “let’s just melt into the sheets together for a little bit more.” And you had no objections whatsoever.
A/N: i know that some details or behaviours of the reader were probably oddly specific but as i said before; this was incredibly self-indulgent. when i started writing this i was in the middle of moving out and was so stressed out so this was written with myself in mind a bunch. but i hope whoever reads this enjoys it also! (i am now putting the finishing touches on it in my new apartment on a makeshift bed on the floor so there you go lmao)
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bloodorangesoup · 8 months
decided to do kinktober with a friend last minute and literally have nothing planned out 😭
I write for Ateez, Monsta X, Stray Kids, BTS, Enhypen, DKB, NCT, TXT, Seventeen, P1Harmony and The Boyz - also open to Marvel characters since that’s where this blog started.
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soulmateszedits · 1 year
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Yuku × DKB ᓚᘏᗢ
✧ Simple + Edit || Requested
✧ Nako
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kingdom-mcnd · 5 months
dkb requests
Hii everyone these last days i really got into dkb. And i want to start writing for them but i have no clue on what. Now i want you all to give me some requests so i can write about them. It can be any member besides Teo as i am not comfortable writing for him. My bias is junseo so i would love it if anyone has an idea for him. But i would love any member. So let me know if you have an idea and i will start writing as soon as possible.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
List of Idols and Actors I know or follow
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
List of Idols and Actors I included into my ultimate chart and into the Compatibility Calculator:
Black Pink
Block B
Golden Child
Red Velvet
Stray Kids
Super Junior
Teen Top
The Boyz
The King
The Rose
Xdinary Heroes
Actors + Soloists
Ahn Hyo-seop
Ahn Jae Hyun
Byeon Woo Seok
Do Ji Han
Eric Nam
Gao Hanyu
Gong Yoo
Ha Sungwoon
Hirose Tomoki
Hong Jong-hyun
Hyeok Geun Choe
Cha Hyunseung
Ishikawa Plowden Luke
Jasper Liu
Jay Park
Ji Chang Wook
Ji Soo
Ji Sung
Johnny Huang
Jung Il Woo
Jung Won Chang
Kang Daniel
Kang Haneul
Kim Jaewook
Kim Soo Hyun
Kim Woobin
Kinchiku Yuuki
Kwak Dong Yeon
Lai Leon Yi
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Jae-wook
Lee Jehoon
Lee Jong Suk
Lee Joon Gi
Lee Min-Ho
Lee Min-ki
Lee Soo Hyuk
Luo Yunxi
Nam Joo-hyuk
Park Bo-gum
Park Hae Jin
Park Hyung Sik
Park Seo-joon
Sakaguchi Kentaro
Satoh Takeru
Seo In Guk
Simon Dominic
Simon Gong
Song Kang
Song Weilong
Sota Fukushi
Sung Hoon
Takhon Paing
Timmy Xu
Tsao Yu Ning
Vardy Wang
Wang Rui Chang
Wi Ha Joon
Woo Do Hwan
Xiao Zhan
Xu Kaicheng
Yokohama Ryusei
Yoo Seung Ho
Yu Christian
Zhang Zhe Han
Members of the listed groups who went solo
+ You are allowed to request any idol or actor or celebrity you like as long as they are 18 years old or older. Including non-asian ones.
The K-Pop Chart and Compatibility Calculator can be found
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lilyrennifer · 10 months
Started working on one of my Harry-June requests.
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v0uxn · 6 months
`⌁ ◜introduction & much more!♡ ៸៸ ᵎᵎ ◞
what’s up beautiful souls!?
i’m narin & i love u!
okay, let’s get started! . i’m ofage!!, black, i like to write, learn new cultures and languages, and meet new people! (i’m quite introverted though)
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i write for the following group; dkb! (but you may request any groups! especially boygroups!)
i indeed write smut, smutty thoughts & reactions (both sfw & nsfw) so my blog may not be suitable for everyone, but i write fluff as well! && i write for female readers but anyone if free to read :)
PSA; please don’t request anything weird or subjectively harmful or offensive!! (nothing i write should be taken seriously :P)
requests are open!
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pentagonieslut · 10 months
s/o being naked for the first time
gn!reader (except yuku is female due to scenario)
requested by 🐇 anon !!
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so cute, he's happy that you decided to strip in front of him
..not really. he purposely walked in to watch you get naked
licking his lips like he's dehydrated
"so. since i already saw you in just skin, can i hit?"
you're so mad at him, you ignore him for a week
"baby please forgive me"
chocolates and a card that begs for sex
don't judge. him, jeongsik, and changmin will be in the stu for the next comeback so he needs something
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you didn't realize he was in the shower
so you walked in ass naked
he heard the door open and looked up
smiling so mf hard, his jaw might break
"baby, i'm in here! wanna join?"
you were cold so you didn't care at this point
"sorry love, didn't know."
"don't worry, i didn't see anything"
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he was working out like usual and glanced up to see you staring into space whilst eating chips
you were in his zip up hoodie he bought since he was obsessed with oversized clothing
also thought he would be a comedian and hide only your underwear
standing in front of you, he placed a kiss on your nose
"oops. looks like the button is broken..let me eat you"
pushing him away in annoyed
he pushes you down and chris brown's 'take you down' plays in the background like a sitcom
get comfy on the counter; he loves your bodyline
gwang hyun
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chicken eating competition
your robe was slipping off slowly
you didn't notice it until you finished both boxes
gwang hyun still had the first leg in his hand
"god you're beautiful-- i mean a beast. shit!"
has to walk away to cool down
comes back and stares at you
"your sexy level reached infinite level"
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"i- sorry- go ahead"
you laughed and allowed him in
the sex fiend was so shy
finds the stocks article interesting when he hates looking at it
sings a random ass song
"why so shy?"
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sleeping but opened one eye when he heard you get out of bed
noticed you changing quickly and his brow raised unintentionally
decides to question it when he's fully awake
thinks your ass looks good and wonders how it'll bounce
straight fucking liar
"did you leave for work? i was out cold"
lewd dreams not barbie dreamz
he'll get you by surprise though don't worry
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he's technically already seen you naked
bear hugs you and whispers
"let's do it before i have to go to dance"
and so, you do it
he praises your body and coos
can't stop touching you
soft skin, his favourite
became feral and is willing to skip dance
you force him away after a while and struggle to close the door before you really can't make it to work yourself
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lowkey mad you didn't tell him about the photoshoot
you both were doing sexy modern traditional kimono shoot
your kimono was showing a lot of shoulder and even a slight peek of your chest
in changing room, you changed into the other one and applied more lipstick and perfume
"please don't let anyone take more photos of your boobs except me"
defiant and lowers both sleeves of the kimono halfway down your arms
so sexy oh wow (BRAVE please let DKB do the sexiest of sexy concepts i'm begging you. like full on horny at first scene bbs, abs, muscles, backs, tongues, choreographed sex, sweating, in song moaning, so hot international bbs are the only ones able to watch the mv, i will even buy all versions of the album and only listen to just that specific album for the rest of the year, dilf core, bimbo core bbs, ass shaking, sugar daddy x sugar baby au)
harry june
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bath time oishii-kunare
busts in and is ready to jump in
shrieks in slight shock
"sorry! i'll come back!"
slams door before you can even invite him
too bad
could've gotten sucked
comes back in
"let me join you"
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nanaooyoo · 2 years
🍌 🍶 banana milk masterlist
requests: open / closed
nct 𖦹 txt 𖦹 ateez 𖦹 the boyz 𖦹 seventeen 𖦹 cravity 𖦹 enhypen 𖦹 sf9 𖦹 8turn 𖦹 monstax 𖦹 stray kids 𖦹 p1harmony 𖦹 exo 𖦹 day6 𖦹 red velvet 𖦹 xdinary heroes 𖦹 dkb 𖦹 epex 𖦹 riize 𖦹 ampers&one 𖦹 astro 𖦹 zb1
I’m open to writing for any of the groups listed above (look for the ‘pink’ highlight to see if requests are open or closed). For the time being, I’ll keep requests limited to small blurbs (expect around 1.5k words), scenarios, and or reactions (adult themes and suggestive material are acceptable for certain members). I’m open to including serious and mature content but this excludes: positive depictions of domestic violence, sexual assault, and things of that nature. I’m pretty flexible though, so message me if you have any questions or need clarification regarding other groups, genres, etc, and we can talk it out! All requests must be for members who are over 18yrs old internationally. You can do requests through my ask box or just message me, if you like any of my writing! Thanks in advance…
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yoonslvt · 2 years
𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰
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Heyyy and welcome to my blog!
I mostly write 18+ themed kpop reactions, oneshots, etc. Obviously I'll only write for legal members.
Groups/Artists I write for
The Boyz
Golden Child
I probably forgot to name a few so feel free to ask me about other groups as well :3
- About me
- I'm Jane, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Germany :)
- My pronouns are she/her, I'm an aquarius and an INFP if anyone is curious :3
- I've been into kpop since 2015
- I'm an arts student and I just started 2nd grade so I might not always be able to upload on time
You can request basically anything, however I don't accept requests that include scat, rape or anything that fits into that category.
Other than that I gladly accept all requests and messages :D I still need to figure out how this app works in terms of uploading, creating a masterlist and everything. But feel free to message me with your requests ᥫ᭡
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