#everybody respawns
candysharkart · 10 months
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moxxi and her precious grease monkey babies (none of whom fit on the canvas together)
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redstonedust · 2 months
have i ever told the story of the time i accidentally teleported every mob on our minecraft server into the middle of the ocean. and we didnt know how to fix it so we just killed them all and respawned identical pets for everybody who was missing one and went on like nothing had happened. like a mass extinction version of your parents buying you a new stuffed animal to replace the one you lost.
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
Two Ways to Adjust the Egg Life System
So, since the Eggs ran away in September and lived for weeks free of tasks and lives, and after they survived Purgatory while doing zero tasks, and after the three newer eggs survived for seemingly their entire lives without tasks or lives, a lot of people- both fans and creators and egg admins- have been complaining about the Egg Life System and how bullshit it is in terms of both player experience and the island’s established lore. It’s an outdated system that isn’t fun for anybody involved, and it should be properly updated for the new year.
Eggs have been the QSMP’s lifeblood since when they were first introduced in April. They were initially an event then, but they soon developed into actual people with actual personalities that both the audience and the players all became ridiculously attached to.
Eggs are given to new players to give them someone to hang out with when they’re alone on the server, and they exist for that purpose for everybody else, too.
So, if that’s the case… why the fuck can they still permadie? When lore itself showed that they don’t need to do tasks, and when players like the Korean members or like Roier or Bad would be completely alone on the server without the eggs keeping them company, it really begs the question of whether or not it’s possible to still have the eggs at risk while not explicitly killing them.
And so I present a couple of ways to adapt the Egg System to the QSMP 2024 while still allowing the eggs to be put at risk and while still having consequences for risky behavior and while still keeping the cookie system in place because, really, that’s a decent way of doing the tasks.
1. Hospitalization
Post-Purgatory, it was revealed that there’s an Egg Hospital. And it really would make sense for the server’s hyper capitalist second season to keep the hospital, and to use it the American Way.
When an egg goes down and “dies”, the egg respawns like a player would. But the egg respawns in the Egg Hospital at Spawn, and the parents have to pay a hefty fee for their eggs’ health.
The server already makes everybody collect coins and go into debt, so why not apply that to the eggs?
The fee the parents would have to pay would be ridiculous, like maybe 10k coins. Any coins they get from bounties would go to that and not to their own pockets, but the egg would still be alive. Every time the egg dies, the fee would increase regardless of whether or not the parents paid it off the last time.
So an egg has infinite lives, but the eggs and their parents are still punished for deaths. It keeps the parents from being able to buy necessities like warps or things from the Spawn Shops.
Egg Tasks are completed in exchange for Cookie Coupons, which allow the purchase of one cookie per coupon free of any monetary charge. In an emergency, parents can add to their debt by buying cookies outright. This way, eggs still get to do tasks while the parents are paying their debt.
Is this system harsh? Yeah, but so are permadeaths. This system just switches the deaths out for American-style medical debt that will ruin the parents financially should they ‘allow’ their eggs to die.
2. Repossession
Since the start of QSMP2024, the bunny employees have been trying to buy the eggs from their parents. Why not adapt that?
If an egg dies under this system, the parents receive a Strike from the Federation. After two Strikes, the egg is taken from their parents by a bunny social worker to live with the Federation until the parents can prove they’re a “good parent.”
The parents do this by taking paid parenthood classes taught by the Federation that would cost maybe 500 coins per class (coming to a total cost of 3,500 coins.) After a week of classes, the parents get their kids back.
The classes would basically be a bunny worker showing up at the parent’s home and making them do egg tasks for the bunny instead, maybe for ten minutes per day, showing that the parents can still take care of their eggs and that they aren’t neglectful or anything.
Furthermore, before the parents get their eggs back, they have to build a room specifically for their eggs if they don’t have one built already, and that room must be inspected by the bunny social worker. Parents have to show that they have food prepared for the egg. They have to have a set of armor prepared for the egg, and a sword and pickax. They have to have at least one toy or egg cosmetic purchased and waiting for the egg in the egg’s new room.
Once all this is done, after a week, the eggs get to come back, and their Strikes are reset.
This isn’t too bad, but 3,500 coins is a lot of money for a lot of players, and having to do all these chores and not having their eggs around punishes both the players and the eggs the same way a permadeath would. It’s just that this doesn’t include the egg dying, it includes a new form of Egg Trauma.
If you have any other ideas of new systems, I’d be curious to hear them. And feel free to screenshot and share this post to Twitter if you want, that’s cool.
I just think there are ways to mess with the players and the audience without killing the eggs off, that’s all.
These systems I have proposed accommodate for server lag and general unpreparedness, such as not having good enough armor or going into a dungeon without backup.
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conkreetmonkey · 6 months
Splatoon 3 is wild because imagine if you were living in Japan due to a recent economic and cultural boom, and suddenly a space shuttle with a mutant house-sized T-rex riding it suddenly burst from the center of Mt. Fuji and disappeared into space without explanation, and all you ever find out about what the fuck that was about is that Zuckerburg mysteriously disappeared the same day and was never seen again, but still "officially" ran Meta through an open secret Queen-Elizabeth-being-in-good-health gaslighting campaign, and everybody kind of suspected he may have been connected but never figured out anything conclusive.
Also the T-rex is now orbiting the earth in the fetal position like the guy from Jojo, and there are rumors of a substance that, if touched, turns you into a half-dinosaur monster. Nobody understands any of this but Meta employees just keep going to work and pretending Zuck still exists. The same 12 prerecorded voicelines constantly squak from the PA system.
Oddly, the statue in front of Meta HQ of a T-rex eating a human changes overnight into one of a giant human eating a tiny T-rex. Nobody noticed the switch, despite the statue being in a constantly bustling area. It happened shortly after the shuttle incident.
Jack Black's tiny clone, Lil' Jack, now wears a headset at all times and has been acting really shady since the incident. Also they're both hyperintelligent, immortal velociraptors found in an ancient cryogenic chamber who spend their days judging college football and eating the legally harvested flesh of hillbillies. Lil' Jack is probably plotting to kill Big Jack, but Big Jack doesn't seem to care, growing fat and lazy, sleeping on public benches in a bed of throw pillows. Also, he's very open about the fact that, as a velociraptor, humans look delicious, but he hasn't actually eaten anybody aside from the aforementioned hillbillies because he's civil.
Everyone is just expected to move on with their lives after this. This is normal to you.
The local art school was recently attacked by giant sea serpents, which were actually hideously bioengineered hillbillies, fulfilling a biblical doomsday prophecy, and they were driven back by Meta's army of minimum wage, part time child soldiers armed with warcrimey jury-rigged weaponry. The sea serpents had giant frying pans grafted into their mouths, which launched primitive tactical nukes made by filling garbage bags with their explosive blood. They still exist, and occasionally defend their comrades, but spend most of their time in the deep sea.
The local homeless emo twink everyone's attracted to is a closet millionaire who sells bootleg clothing in exchange for live rats, which he messily devours behind closed doors. He's also 8 feet tall and British and only has one eye.
North Korean refugees now flood the western world, after a greasy 14 year old hipster, under the guidance of Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift, beat Kim Jong Un in a mech battle, and the EDM remix of the Japanese national anthem they performed caused like half the soldiers to immediately realize North Korea sucks ass and defect. One of these individuals, 7 foot tall hypergenius, becomes a newscaster alongside a nepo baby rapper with dwarfism who likes to eat entire jars of mayo, and also they're a popular band. Also also, they may or may not be gay. Almost the entire population is gay, so this isn't a huge deal.
The new local newscasters are a famous Japanese lion tamer, an Indian girl with a bloodline trait allowing her to control snakes, and a Brazillian man the size of a smart car who exclusively communicates via grunts.
Gods, souls and zombies are objectively real, and you're effectively immortal because real-life respawning was invented a while ago. It works like a Keurig, but with mucus instead of coffee. Submersion in water kills you.
A good deal of the population is a hivemind. They pretend to be individuals for no reason.
Almost all men are now femboys.
Despite all this, you still have to go to work at 9 tomorrow.
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technically-a-kiwi · 2 days
And so the cosmic AU story continues, this time focusing on the characters
So like I said on previous post, Peppino and The Noise are one of the many cosmic duos of the cosmic realm and have the immense responsability of watching over several universes, of course thankfully watching over universes isn't a full time job and both have a part time job in the cosmic realm.
Peppino continues his job as a pizzamaker, this time being completly free of debt and only doing it out of passion.
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Technically, cosmic entities don't fuel from food so eating is not nececary .But they don't care, they love Peppino's pizzas and Peppino loves making pizzas so everybody wins
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As for The Noise, he remains being a TV host, exept due to now being a cosmic entity, his chanel is now only broadcasted in the cosmic realm, on top of not being able to broadcast outside the cosmic realm, he isn't allowed to diverge into any other type of media like movies, comic series etc, to make sure his image doesn't slip pass the cosmic realm. And so by being a TV host that exclusively broadcasts in the cosmic realm, The Noise is litteraly the only source of entertainment you could possibly find in the entire realm.
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If you dare say outloud that you dislike his show, The Noise will make sure you'll have an "actual reason" for you to dislike his show, if you know what I mean
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Got nothin much to say now... Hum... Oh ! Yeah ! I haven't quite developed on our cosmic duo nor how they are as a cosmic entity have I ? Well better late then never right x) ?
For starters, Peppino.
As a cosmic entity, Peppino is (surprisingly) quite peaceful and mostly stays in his pizzeria in the cosmic realm, only interacting with his clients and occasionaly with Gustavo.
When first turning into a cosmic entity, it screwed him up quite a lot, not only did he have to process his actual death, he also had to process being in a whole new body with immense powers and brand new responsibilities he never asked for. This gave him a whole existencial crisis making him loose most of his sanity and making him into an even bigger lunatic then usual, thankfully overtime he reached to other cosmic entities who then helped him overcome his dread, slowly getting better control over his stress and bipolarity allowing to partially regain a sense of control and stability (yeah I know it's a little edgy but hey the whole AU itself is far-fetched so who cares at this point). Now he enjoys just taking things slow and appreciate the little things, such as making pizzas for others, taking naps in some deserted pastures and stargazing on top of his roof. He still has a long way to go to fully regain his sanity and stability, but the cosmic court considers his state is good enough to be handled the fate of several universes.
During his shift as a cosmic duo. Peppino is quite efficient, miraculously despite his stress and instability he always gets the job done, he does make mistakes here and there such as not being able to keep a low-profile at all or purposly exposing himself to others which is something cosmic entities must avoid at all cost.
Now bring The Noise
As a cosmic entity, The Noise is a freaking menace, fully embracing his new title of cosmic entity to mess up with people around the multiverse, using his new powers to satisfy his urge of being the ultimate prankster, one might say he his the Loki of the cosmic realm. He mostly gets away with anything he does due to the cosmic court being a huge fan of his show (much to every other cosmic entities displeasure).
When first turning into a cosmic entity, The Noise was confused on why he respawn with such a different look. As soon as he learned he had the powers of a cosmic entity, The Noise started pranking people around the multiverse, he seaked the title of ultimate prankster and for that neaded notoriety, thus The Noise's Nebula Show was born ! As time went on his channel became less of a prank channel and more of an entertaining channel. The Noise started doing other stuff on the side out of curiosity which he found quite pleasant and directly incorporated those things in his channel,slowly becoming more diversed and interesting, using his maniac and cocky nature to become the most charismatic, lively (and only) TV host the cosmic realm has ever seen. Due to The Noise originating from the same universe as cosmic Peppino, they got paired up to become a cosmic duo, much to The Noise's displeasure, it was hard enough to bear the existance of that potato looking head when he was in the same room as him, and now he has to WORK WITH HIM ? He knew such pairing would ultimatly lead to disaster, but he did it anyway, after all he's not gonna say no to having the front sit at seing Peppino's misery and struggles.
During his shift as a cosmic duo. The Noise barely does anything, he usualy stays in the back while smoking a cigar and lets Peppino do the job, he's not going to do any kind of rescuing, that would deteriorate his status of ultimate prankster! In the rare cases where his presence is absolutly needed, he solve the problem in the most ridiculous or incovinente way possible, usualy rushing it, he doesn't really care about others safety, as long as he get's the job done that's all that matters to him.
And here it is y'all ! Truly sorry if my sentences makes no sense whatsoever, I did this post very late at night like an idiot and I'm running out of water and motivation x)
Like the last post if you have any kind of question don't hesitate to ask me I'll be glad to answer all of them.
Now I'll give u some art I didn't know where to put in the post, enjoy
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therealvinelle · 7 days
Let's say, if different covens in Twilight have to control an airplane via typing "look up," "look down," "reverse," etc in twitch chat, but the rule is 1. one coven, one plane 2. they can use their gifts and they can communicate I guess, good luck communicating when they have to spam words in chat lol 3. the plane needs to stay in the air for at least 30 seconds and then they have to bring the plane down safely 4. if their airplane collides, they will immediately respawn with a new one it will be something like this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIacthT6c84&ab_channel=DougDoug Which coven's airplane successfully lands safely?
Without gifts:
The Volturi.
Aro, Caius, and Marcus worked so well together they were able to do the impossible and take over the vampire world, establishing a new world order, if anybody can copilot an airplane it's those three.
With gifts:
The Cullens.
They have Edward reading Alice's mind as Alice sees how they should do this, and Jasper keeping everybody calm and focused. They land the plane quickly and well enough to make the record board.
Also successful coven:
The Irish coven.
Siobhan really wants them to land the plane safely and what do you know, they do. Amazing coincidence, that.
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Everyone’s forgotten about Lizzie.
She’s sure of it. They must think she’s dead, and if they didn’t, they wouldn’t help her anyway, because they hate her.
That’s what she tells herself. That it’s deliberate ill intent, and not that any memory of her has just completely slipped from everybody’s mind.
It’s less painful that way.
And Lizzie’s been left on her own, falling through the void, darkness all around her.
She isn’t even sure if she’s falling. She might just be floating, untethered. There’s no wind here, and everything is just black.
The worst part are the whispers.
Lizzie didn’t know who they are. She’d tried asking them, but when she opens her mouth no voice comes out, which terrifies her. She might be deaf, she doesn’t know. She can’t see or hear or feel anything.
It means that if she cries for help no one would hear it. The whispers seemed to have been behind that.
The whispers.
A soft, steady pattering into her head 24/7 (if she could know the date) that would probably drive her insane if she hadn’t already and is just hallucinating.
She wants it to stop, so bad.
The communicator pings over and over. She watches the other players going on with their lives and deaths, the playful bickering, the serious reports, and so many, so many deaths.
She keeps wondering. Imagining scenarios whenever she sees a message. Etho dying to Scar’s hands. The Heart Foundation rambling about gifts and favours. Life continues, without her.
It’s as if she was never there at all. When Jimmy dies she hears the whispers discussing the players’ grief, of their shouts of anguish.
When she died there was just silence.
It’s no use. She’ll never know the circumstances, never know about the world going on above her while she falls.
She can’t send messages, blocked by solid code, only receive them. She concludes that it’s a cruel joke on the part of the whispers.
One day the whispers stop.
Lizzie is hopeful that this means a change in her situation, in which she’s completely helpless.
But then she checks the chat, and realises there’s no one else left on the server but Scar. The whispers have grown bored.
The ghosts leave the game, one by one.
Days pass. Could be months, or hours. Lizzie sees the last sign of life leaving the server when Scar’s death message pops up in chat, and she instinctively yells, “No!” and instead of the silence that would come before when she tried to speak, her voice emerges instead, hoarse from days of neglect.
She can only speak when there’s no one to hear her.
She knows Scar will happily respawn in Hermitcraft, congratulated on a stunning win. If it was stunning. She hasn’t seen anything but black for who knows how long, and she can’t even tell if her eyes are open.
She doesn’t say anything again, left in complete silence as she falls through the void, wiped from history.
people trying to justify canary curse with the “lizzie is still alive” theory are focusing on the wrong person in that hypothetical
i’ll write a happy ending if at least one person tells me to, which i don’t think will happen so i get to kick up my feet in the meantime
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flyingraven · 3 months
My MCYT fanfic worldbuilding!
Both for anyone who's interested in how I imagine the minecraft sphere so to speak works and for linking to my ao3 page, here is my MCYT worldbuilding! Long post ahead! This gets updated regularly as well.
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Gods and other beings
Jeb and Notch are the Elder Gods. They created the other gods and the prime players. These days they have disappeared, and nobody seems to know where they are. 
Kristin is the goddess of Death, and she’s not a fan of the Watchers. Phil is an ex Watcher, but defected and joined Kristin. They fell in love. 
Most of Kristin's angels were originally mortals. On very rare occasions, when someone died in a certain way which really captures her attention she might decide to ask them to join her ranks. This is how Scott became an angel of hers. A few of her angels are kids of other angels. 
The Watchers were at war with the Voidwalkers for a while. It ended when the Watchers massacred them. Xisuma and EX are considered to be the only survivors. Hoping something to End and Aether is generally a Voidwalker expression, though older immortals have been known to sometimes adopt it as well.
Techno used to be a mortal who was very good at PVP, so an evil god forcefully ascended him to be a demigod and made him work for him. Techno at one point killed him (probably temporarily, though that god hasn’t been nearly as influential since) and became a demigod in his own right. 
Prime players were the first players created by the Elder Gods. It’s unknown how many there are, since they tend to stay in hiding. What sets prime players apart from normal players is that respawns have no effect on their souls and that they don’t age. Meaning they are functionally immortal. There are ways to kill them, but no normal mortal could get them to stay down so to speak. 
Players can become admins through training. Not everybody has the natural aptitudes to become an admin. Everyone can access the code of the world if they learn how to, but utilising it wrong can be the end of someone. 
You can generally respawn infinitely, but it slowly eats away at your soul. And at some point you don’t respawn anymore. This is generally the same as dying of old age, but it’s not uncommon for very heavy pvp players to die younger because their soul is ruined by continuous respawns. 
On ascensions
Any god can ascend a mortal to become a demigod. But it's a violent act and will usually completely kill off the world the former mortal was inhabiting. And it hurts. A lot. The combination of these factors is what made Eret's ascension so bad. Because usually the newly ascended demigod will wake up with their god. But Eret didn't. They woke up alone in a dead realm.
Cults can try to get a gods attention to get them to ascend one of their own to demigod status. Really, no good gods will respond to these rituals. They usually involve mass sacrifice. 
Gods can also just choose to ascend a living mortal, but again, this is not often done and when it is, usually only by evil gods. That's what happened to Techno.
Kristin works in a different way. When mortals die she sometimes (very rarely) offers them to become one of her angels. Her angels are demigods, but due to being in her service they are referred to as angels.
Demons are demigods aligned to Kristin's undefined evil counterpart.
Worlds are generally connected to hubworlds. Travelling to other worlds usually happens through these. Hubworlds can vary from simple planes with rows and rows of portals to massive cities where people live, interspersed with portals. It’s not uncommon for kids to get dumped on hubworlds to fend for themselves. They often end up banding together, since hubworlds are pretty often fairly hostile places to live in due to the lack of admin oversight. Kids like this are generally called children of the hub. 
Besides travelling through official portals there are ways to jump to other worlds. This is why you can protect your worlds with whitelists. They take the form of physical barriers in the code surrounding worlds. Think of it like a satellite defence system around a planet. Worldhoppers are players who make a habit of jumping from world to world without portals. Often these are players who grew up in the hub and learned admin magic through other people. They basically break into other worlds and thus aren’t always seen as the best people. Most worldhoppers are friendly though. Hubkids often end up worldhopping, at least during their teenage years until they find a place to settle down or until a mistake tears their soul apart.
Sometimes worlds connect themselves to each other through rifts. Nobody knows how these occur, and they can’t really be controlled. Maybe gods could control them, but nobody below them. 
There is something called being worldlocked. Its generally something the Watchers do to worlds as a punishment. It involves messing with the code of the world and all the people on it. Leaving them unable to leave the world and unable to contact anyone outside of it. A lot of locked worlds eventually devolve into chaos due to the isolation, with people turning on each other.
Improper coding of a world can lead to the world getting corrupted. What happens to corrupted worlds varies, but generally they completely destroy themselves and everyone on it. EVO got corrupted, less due to Grian making mistakes but more due to being an experimental world surrounded by experimental worlds that were corrupted. The Watchers helped the process along as a punishment for Grian. 
Hardcore worlds are worlds that lock you out when you die. You simply can’t enter them anymore, only view them through your communicator. Dying in them is also way harder on your soul, so players are weary of playing in them too much.
On exorcising players.
Sometimes players can get overtaken by things. Vexes are the most common, though there are other things. Glitched “networks”, like mycelium or more recently, sculk. 
Zooming in more on the Vex. The Vex aren't fully sentient like players or more-than-players are. But they aren’t quite mobs either. They exist in a space between categories, but have a strong desire to achieve… more. The way they try to achieve this is by trying to possess vulnerable players. They don’t often succeed, but when they do they will try to take over servers and hubworlds. They kind of function like a computer virus. Overtaking a player and ‘overlapping’ their code with their own Vex code manipulation. 
Sculk and Mycelium work a little differently. They are more so connected through a hivemind. A sculk block is the same as a warden is the same as a shrieker is the- you get the point. The sculk is not an individual block. And it has one goal. To spread. To overtake more of a world. To overtake more players. Similar to Vex it will latch on to a player and ‘overlap’ their code with its own. 
Exorcising players from any type of possession is possible, but a nasty process. First of all it requires someone with at powers at least akin to a voidwalker or a prime player. Then they basically have to tear the Vex, sculk or mycelium from the player line by line. Piece by piece. And it hurts. Especially when the player regains enough awareness to recognise that they are being hurt by someone they know, but not why or how. Removing sculk can leave scars akin to burn scars. 
Characters backstories (incomplete)
Grian: Parrot hybrid. Was a child of the hub at some point with Jimmy, he met Mumbo during this time. Created EVO and was spotted and taken by the Watchers. Escaped them after give or take two years and broke into Hermitcraft during his escape. 
Scar: Human-ish. Was fully human until he got possessed by vexes together with Cub. He had to be exorcised by Xisuma. While the vex are now gone he still has powers related to their possession. The downside is that he’s still haunted by hallucinations(?) of their possession. Disabled besides that and uses a cane on bad days. 
Pearl: Moth hybrid. Grew up together with Grian and later Jimmy. She can’t really remember her early childhood, but her defining moment was Grian’s disappearance and later the corruption of EVO. Right around the time Grian escaped the Watchers she was taken and turned into one. Later she ran into Grian again on Hermitcraft. 
Gem: A young admin who ran small building worlds. She met Pearl through a building competition she was hosting. Gave Pearl shelter after EVO fell. 
False: Child of the hub. Was one of the youngest leaders of the group she was in until she gave herself up to a Hypixel manager to rescue one of the younger kids when she was 12. Fought there until she was 17 and Techno and Phil gave her a chance to escape. 
Etho: Grew up on an anarchy server akin to 2B2T where he’d attack people with his redstone. Got possessed by corrupted mycelium at one point which left it’s scars on him mentally. 
Joe: Prime player. He’s very old (being a prime player makes him immune to dying of old age). Can’t remember where he grew up but he travelled around from server to server until he found Cleo. Then he travelled with her until they joined Hermitcraft. Gets nauseous when travelling though portals.
Cleo: Originally human. From a big city server that fell to a corrupted virus. It turned the server into a zombie apocalypse. She barely escaped with her life and ran into Joe. She later returned to her server after a family member contacted her, but was infected herself. Joe saved her life. 
Xisuma and EX: Voidwalkers. Grew up in the end. EX is the older brother but was always treated as evil due to a misinterpreted prophecy. Which became a self-fulfilling one. The entire population of Voidwalkers was attacked by the Watchers, who’d they’d been at war with. Xisuma and EX were the presumed only survivors. 
Tango: Blaze hybrid. From the nether, was taken to a lab which he later escaped from together with Doc. 
Iskall: Former human, now a human with cybernetic parts. Was in an accident which, due to fucked up respawn mechanics on his homeworld, left him needing the cybernetic parts. 
Doc: creeper/human/cyborg hybrid. Created in a lab. Escaped from the lab together with Tango.
Emperors/related to them
Jimmy: Canary hybrid. Child of the hub. Watched EVO get destroyed and barely escaped with his life. 
Martyn: Human, was on EVO with the other EVO people and got separated from them during the escape. His shoulder has never quite been the same since he had to reset it himself. 
Scott: An Angel of Death. Under the command of Philza and in turn, under the goddess of death. Which means he worked together with Eret, Foolish and Techno.
Oli: Human who dropped out of admin school. 
Fwhip: Human admin. 
Pixel: Prime player. 
Owen: Human(?) worldhopper. Child of the hub who at one point met Eloise and Bek. They travel together. He has admin powers (like all worldhoppers) but never trained officially. Gets nauseous when travelling though portals which also applies to worldhopping.
Bekyamon: Human worldhopper. 
Eloise: Human worldhopper.
Philza: Angel of death, Kristin's husband. Used to be a watcher (it's unknown wether he was a player before this), but defected and joined Kristin. They slowly fell in love after his he joined her. Says he was born mortal as a cover story (may partially be true)
Technoblade: Blood God. Demigod who used to be a mortal until he was forecefully ascended by a higher evil god. Techno destroyed his vessel in revenge and the evil god hasn't been seen since. Works together with Phil and Kristin.
Eret: Demigod who used to be a mortal wither hybrid. Worked with Phil, Techno and Kristin and was/is platonic partners with Foolish. Gets nauseous when travelling though portals.
Foolish: Shark/totem hybrid demigod. It's unknown if he was born mortal or not.
Wilbur: Kristin's and Phil's mortal son. We all know how his story ends.
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aquaquadrant · 4 months
The Time King
Word count: 1,937 Warning: Implied death A/N: Finally got around to uploading my piece for the @bdubszine (which y'all should def check out if u haven't already). This was a different approach for me and a lot of fun, loved the chance to write abt Bdubs's season 8 finale. Hope y'all enjoy, please reblog/comment if u do <3 - Aqua
The Time King
It’s the end of the world, and Bdubs is doing fine.
Why wouldn’t he? He’s the fuzzy, cozy, mossy Time King! Uh- King of the Server, in fact. If he may be so bold. Everyone else is- they had a meeting, and everyone else is leaving. Everyone’s leaving, he’s the only one left- last man standing! Oh, or uh- floating? He float- he’s flyin’ all over the place, now, uh- it’s fine! This is fine, he likes it.
(The Time King is a liar.)
Oh, so the moon is big. Hah, yeah, that- it’s been happening for a while now, Bdubs supposes. But he didn’t see it ‘til just- just recently ‘cause, um- of course, whenever night comes, he- he’s the Time King! And the Time King… changes the day- uh, changes night to day. Right. Right, right, right, right, right, of course. He’s gotta sleep, okay, so he hasn’t seen the moon for- for forever, and it’s big now.
And it’s comin’.
Blocks are flyin’ up everywhere, all over the place, and uh… they aren’t comin’ back. Some of these builds, oh boy, okay, they look rough. They’re getting pretty shambled. And then there’s the- the ground shaking, every so often. Shaking real bad. And then- yes, of course, the flying! Bdubs floats now, he flies- it doesn’t last long. He’s gotten used to it.
But everyone else got… uh, they got real nervous, it seems. Nobody else is on the world, currently, and- and nobody’s been on since their meeting, so. Yeah.
(The Time King is alone.)
So everything in the world can belong to Bdubs. Ah hah! That’s- he’s pretty sure that’s how it works. He thinks- the rest of the Big Eye Crew, Tango, Keralis- they gone. Oh, yeah. They- Tango went on a little uh… space mission, to the moon, okay, so- so Bdubs doesn’t think he’ll be back on this world again. He did… uh, send Tango a little message… you know, just to let him know that… well, things are floatin’ and flyin’ all over the place, it’s a mess here, everything is in shambles. So Tango really… really shouldn’t come back.
Oh! And Keralis, that sweetie, he’s got a- a- big ol’, uh… space… station? Space ship? So that’s- yeah, that’s how he’s leaving. Oh, but his house is so- oh, what a beauty! What gorgeous- it’s a shame, really, but- but hey, good for Bdubs! Right? Oh, that’s amazing. Keralis’s house and private island, Tango’s cyclops under the mountain, the Big Eye shopping district- sure enough, Bdubs can claim it all!
Isn’t this beautiful? This is- he feels like he could stay here forever. You know, for as much forever as he’s got left.
(The Time King is running out of time.)
See, Ol’ Bdubs- he ain’t no fool! He knows. He knows that, uh, there’s a good reason everybody’s leaving. It’s… this isn’t the kinda problem that can be fixed, you know? Of course, they’d respawn. Players respawn, when they get killed. But the moon is comin’ and he thinks there won’t be much of anything left, after. And who- who’d want to stick around for that, right? Right, okay… uh, well him, he supposes. But someone has to leave last, right?
That’s- that’s the thing about uh, you know, the end of a world. Someone is always the last one to leave.
Bdubs has played on a lotta different worlds, over the years. And someone will always be the- the last person to ever, uh, exist in a world... as everyone gradually fades out and uh, you know, ventures forth into new adventures… and stuff. That’s what usually happens, okay. So when a world ends, someone is always the last person to see it- to actually load the chunks.
And then they leave, and the world is held in a sort of uh, a sort of stat- uh, status? In stasis. So it’s still there- all their old worlds- waiting for them, if they ever wanna visit. Like, if they want to look at old builds, or look at old redstone. Or you know, just take a stroll down memory lane. So, the Hermits- they’ve had plenty of worlds end, but they’re never really gone.
This time is different. This time, there’ll be nothing to come back to.
So uh… it’s only right, Bdubs thinks, that someone be here to witness it.
And you know, there’s… part of Bdubs doesn’t like the thought of leaving his pets here alone. There’s Squawkers, of course, and Lulu, his faithful companion. Pets get left behind all the time on old worlds, it’s- it’s just how things are. They can’t travel between worlds. But Bdubs is always comforted by the thought that no matter what… they’re still there, waiting for him.
And he knows they aren’t real, okay, not in the way players are. They’re just- uh, little bundles of code and data that exist only on this world. They don’t have a- a unique, sort of… con- conscience? Or- no, um… consciousness. Something that can, uh… persist… beyond this world. That’s just how the universe designed ‘em.
Oh, there’ll be other horses, of course, in other worlds. Maybe uh… maybe even ones made of the same data and codes as Lulu. Like… the same- same color, the same stats. Like a- ‘oh, look here, this is a standard white horse with eleven hearts, eleven-point-nine block speed, two-and-a-half snow jumpin’ horse!’ Physically identical in every way, sure enough, but- you know, it- it won’t be Lulu.
Animals don’t respawn. Of course. So- so when the moon comes down, and uh… you know, blows everything to kingdom come… they aren’t gonna… um. It’ll- you know. So he just- he doesn’t want them to be alone, for that. Yes, yes, okay, Bdubs is a big ol’ softie, sure…
(The Time King is… sentimental.)
He’s not sure what’ll happen to him, exactly, after respawning. He’s never- can he even respawn in a world that gets destroyed? Or- or will it be like, um… the ultra- ultra hardcore? Worlds? Hardcore worlds where after you die, you just… can’t go back. It doesn’t exist anymore. Deleted. Gone. Bye-bye. Go back to another world. Yeah, maybe it’ll be like that.
But, you know, until that happens, Bdubs is making the most of it. Having a nice tour around the world, the beautiful world- seein’ what everyone built. Oh, it’s amazing- it all belongs to him, now! And that’s- there’s something really nice, about that.
‘Cause there’s all of Boatem, of course- Grian’s magical alley, Scar- sweet Scar- his uh, Swaggon… place? The Swaggons. There’s Impulse’s candy factory, Pearl’s mountain range, Mumbo’s sort of… mountaintop village… shrine? Yes, lovely. Oh, it’s all lovely. So the Boatem people left, down through the uh, the Boatem Hole, of course- those sillies. So it all belongs to Bdubs, now! Amazing.
Then there’s Octagon, too- and oh goodness, how amazing is Octagon! Doc and Ren, those two guys really… uh, really outdid themselves. Giant praying mantis… that’s- oh, that looks like some pretty impressive redstone, there- uh, for Doc, that is! For Bdubs, it’s- he can understand that, all too easy. Of course. Maybe he’ll improve on it, later. Yeah.
Oh goodness, there’s so much here… Bdubs could go on and on, really. Etho and Iskall’s savannah, Cleo and Joe’s big ol’ castle, Jevin’s slime pit and custom swamp, Cub’s humongous dripstone canyon, Beef’s spaceship, Xb’s bunker, Zedaph’s lab, Xisuma’s village, Hypno’s mushroom, Wels’s house, TFC’s mine, and the forest shared by False, Stress, and Gem. Oh, yes! Oh, baby, it’s all property of Bdubs, now! What- what a paradise this is! Even… even if not everything got finished. That’s okay. Uh- he can work on it, later. Maybe.
And of course, Bdubs checks on all the profits from the Big Eye shopping district. And sure enough, they’ve got sales! They’ve got- he’s practically rolling in diamonds, now! Richest Hermit on the server, by far! Isn’t that fitting, for the Time King? Oh, their beautiful shopping district- there’s still some wool scaffolding, though, around the place. Some outlines of buildings he never got to build. That’s okay, he- oh, didn’t get to build yet, he’ll say instead. Yeah, he likes that better.
(The Time King is great at pretending.)
And finally, there’s… oh, right. Hollow Hills. The horse course he was building with Etho. Right. He forgot about that. Right, right, right, right, right. Okay. It’s finished, it is, just- they had some ideas about cool things to add, power-ups and stuff, but the course is rideable! It’s- look, he can take Lulu for a race right now- perfect riding, of course, world record- and it’s all complete and- and functional! And he said- he and Etho, they always- every time they start a project together, they just go too big, okay, and never finish. But not this time! It’s finished! They did... it’s just, they never got around to holding a proper race on it, is all.
That’s the other thing, about the end of a world. Usually, they have more time. 
They get to choose when they’re done, you know? And that’s- that’s not to say that they always finish every project, okay, but usually they’ve done everything they wanted to. Projects are left unfinished ‘cause of a lack of inspiration, not a- not a time limit. They usually have time to do whatever they need to before the end. But uh, right now.. all Bdubs can think about is everything he still had left to do, all the life he still wanted to live on this world.
So he’s not really sure if he’s still here because he’s brave enough to stay, or just too scared to say goodbye.
(Oh, Time King, did you get everything you needed?)
It’s the end of the world, and Bdubs is afraid.
He’s finished his tour, finished seeing all the amazing builds that he laid claim to, for- hah, for all of one day. He’s collected his profits, collected all the wonderful diamonds that he earned for his hard work makin’ and stockin’ the shops- even though it’s uh, it’s too late to spend ‘em anywhere. He’s completed his race, completed a perfect run on the racetrack, first try, of course, and- and he can claim the world record because the world’s ending, anyway, so no one could beat it even if they tried. No one will ever get the chance.
So as the moon bears down on the world, Bdubs stands outside his starter base- and that’s uh, that’s kinda funny to think about, you know? Calling it a starter base when he never really moved on from it. It’s just his base, his one and only base, and sure enough, it’s a moon, of all things. He’s got Squawkers on his shoulder, lil’ claws or uh, talons, gripping through the mossy cloak, still squawkin’ an imitation of a zombie they passed earlier. And he’s got Lulu at his side, lead rope in one hand as he pets her velvety soft nose with the other, tryin’ to keep her calm because he thinks… uh, he thinks she can tell.
And as the moon- oh, it’s beautiful. As the moon- the humongous moon, swallow the whole sky moon- bears down on the world, ringed with flames and blazing a- a yellow so bright it’s painful to look at, Bdubs can’t help but think that it uh, it looks an awful lot, actually, like the sun.
Isn’t that fitting?
(The Time King changes night to day, one last time.)
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candysharkart · 10 months
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maybe the real vaults were the friends we hunted along the way
(occurred to me v quickly that i dont have much in mind for this au for everyone but i figured i might as well still try to draw all of em lol.....)
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ruthytwoshakes · 5 months
oh good evnening my homos,, my swagggalishis peepol, my lovely little guys . idk. I drew some gi. rrrrrls !!! Some fem fort!! Wahhooooo!!! Yippepeeee!! oh oh and big thank you to everybody who voted in the poll I set up! Once winter break hits I’ll be able to work on the projects full time, until then I’ll just be putting out little wips because school is more important :]
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I’ve always wanted to make a gender swap au of some sort but I really had no good ideas until now,,. . They’re all clones of the red team that Engineer and Pauling worked on!! But like kinda. really crazy and blood-thirsty.
Pauling was requested to make a better Blu team because they sucked so bad,, ,so instead of hiring new people she got lazy and asked Engineer for help to mess with the respawn machine and create these new guys. They’re also like a fourth bigger than the original mercs. They’re very scary and violent and not r,eally good at being people yet. to be fair they were born like yesterday sorta. And I think I’d be a little evil too if I was born with the memories and mannerisms and scars of a life that I had not lived. ? ,,,,oh well sucks 2 suck. They hate the other team with a burning passion because they were programmed that way I guess. Idk I just came up with it tonight so it kidna isn’t all that coherent but we bal l . If I have the time I’ll draw them all beating up the boys or just like tormenting them. heheghjshh. pyro is a bear because the original pyro is a butch,, and spy is trans masc cus the original spy is trans fem. c ool
oh if anybody has any ideas for names I’d love to hear them! I’m shit ass at names so help is appreciated B))))) )
oh. welell hello thehrer,, here is more deisntns
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these are for fun and would not actually work in the au,, teehhe. Man I don’t know what the fuck happened with saxton but he just looks the exact same. he’s growing out his hair. happened with saxton rhymes kindaa also Bidwell yay! Made her look more like Ma because I think she and scout are sisters booyahhh woah. Reddy with the butch realness hell yeah ,, love her. Mister Pauling wooooooow don’t have much 2 say. Twink Pauling little scary. Administrator though fucking killed me ,,I turned a bad bitch into an old man I’m losing my minddd. Kept the earrings cus they slayy cunty cunt cunt? Idk I don’t say that stuff
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PYRO FACE JUMPSCARE !!! I know I committed sin and removed a masked character’s mask buut,idk fuck it I wanted to. Got some gnarly burn scares there and a rat tail cowaaabunga. Don’t know if you can tell but Blu has a half a beard.
JUMPSACREE JUMPSCARE I ADDED MY OCS MUHAHHA it’s gliderrrs yay. Red and Blu glider are two different. guys,, uhh they’re both twins!! Fraternal I think. Red is very flamboyant and extroverted and talks with her hands while Blu kinda stares at you,, you can’t really tell if she’s angry or not? Not happy with you that’s for sure. I can’t info dump about them on this post because I have to get back to work but one day in the near future. perhaps. perchance. mayhaps. what
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Shigaraki Hc with a U.A Teacher !SO whos a big sweetheart to everybody but isn't a hero.
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He hates you.
You being associated with heroes makes him hate you.Being sweet confuses him therefore pisses him off.
Of course you meet at U.S.J and he immediately thinks your a student because of how you're freaking out .Annoys the hell out of him.
Doesn't really care that you're a teacher he wants to kill you.
Oh your not a hero why are you here?He is the meanest motherfucker ever known.
HOWEVER,you flip a switch when you realise your students in danger,flinging yourself into dangers route the moment it sets its eyes on one of your students.
Villains,tied and struggling considering the blow to their ego that you only tied their hands and nothing else.
Literally not a kick or a punch or even a block,just a weave, tie ,sit down.
Shigaraki quickly directs nomu towards you after taking note of how many villains were being taken out by you and you start bawling.Daki tea kettle style.
Is dumbfounded,even more so when you reject help from your far superior students.
Bakugou is screaming old hag from where he is Izuku is charging at nomu trying to break his hand again,Aizawa is barely conscious trying to get grab you by the throat with his scarf because your currently being a heroic dumbass.
Shigaraki is laughing his ass off makes some game reference and you stop crying.
'Wait.You play that too?What's your user?'
Man is Flabbergasted with a capital F.
Not only did someone just ask him for his user to play with him( as he played alone ) ,but you asked him as Nomu was about to turn you into a pancake.
'Idiot.Your about to die,how can you play.'
'I don't die,I respawn.'
Congrats you've unlocked obsessed shigaraki.
After the USJ incident since All might arrived he wasn't able to give you his user aswell as being completely shooked.He stalked you.
To just when you've left U.A 'territory' as he likes to call, To just outside your bathroom as you bathe.
Nothing about him is not perverted when it comes to you.
Taking picture to jerk off to.✔
Panties thief maxed out level.✔
Pillow humping.✔
Mattress humping.✔
You bite pencils,expect to have an indirect kiss from shigaraki.
You have a controller and don't just play PC games and you've recently just touched it,expect him to use it as a vibrator.
To which he gains access to your user and he uses to play games with you as if he's a random guy and not guy whose been stalking you
Finally you two bump into each other as you try to get the latest game which the one you were reaching for was the very last copy.
'Oh sorry.You can take it.'You were mentally screaming as you agonizingly took your hand away from the game.
Shigaraki pauses getting awkardly hard at your voice mentally cussing himself out at his lack of restrain.
You instantly recognize him his name leaving your lips quietly striking shigaraki in the heart.He is a wanted man. Gotta keep the simps away
Just because you game on league of legends together doesn't mean he stops stalking you if anything its more frequent.
Sometimes he will jerk off while gaming with you.You've asked him a couple times if hes alright as he's breathing a little loud.
Other times he will cower in the corner from your sudden tantrum at your sides lag.
Games don't make you violent,lag does. Finds it slightly funny and cute after a few seconds,but mostly petrified .
He still steals your panties, jerks off to you when your in the shower or even sleeping.
However that prooves to be his down fall as one night he is just watching you sleep,admiring every inch of you when he brushes a strand of hair from your face.
You shot up like a rocket.
He runs so fast you can't even call out to him in time to wait.
More or less ghosts you out of pure embarrassment, refuses to even look at messages you sent to his DMs.And that is the last time you meet him.
That is until the forest training camp arc.
Your gonna be there. kidnap you aswell as the kid.
Gives specific instructions to not harm you making it seem you were top priority merchandise.
Purposely has you put in the other room because he knows you will start talking and people will know that you've met more than once,after you wake up.
'Shigaraki!Why weren't you responding to my texts!'
Is a little suprised how your not adressing the elephant in the room about how he stalked you.But he did exepct the unexpected so it doesn't count.
'Your not gonna talk about how I was literally in your house'
'I don't mind.If you wanted to come over you could of just asked.'
His jaw is dropped .Are you that dense?
'I don't think you understand.I literally came on your pillow'
Your simply shrug and he just leaves face red as he just told you he had been humping your pillow and you couldn't care less.
But before he can get back in the room to converse again he is yet again blocked by All might.
But this time he actually responds to his DMs and is playing games with you again.
He wonders if you've just forgetten until one day you ask him.
'Does it hurt?You know.What you said back then'
Gets a hard on instantly,gets flustered and he feels he's already back to his old ways.
Sensing his lack of experience and just general struggle you ask him out.
Arcade. your first date has to be an Arcade or a fun fair ,anywhere with games.
Is very awkward but he does bring you flowers,hes trying.Theyll probably be either ruined or ash because of how quick and eager he was to show up.
Very protective still. Anyone looking at you in the wrong way,will have his arm around your shoulder + deathglare.
You're the only reason why there isn't a body.well dust
Walks you home just fine case if anything happens,your too innocent in his eye7s.
Literally stands there expecting a kiss,but will never say.
You will catch on pretty quickly and a kiss is delivered.
He is shocked that he actually got one,heavily inexperienced so just ends up kissing like a puffer fish after the first few seconds of freaking out.
Movie nights,gaming sessions at your house,cafe dates are regular.Has to keep a low profile since he a villain.
You start cuddling and over time his kisses get better,ranging from forehead kisses to neck and shoulder kisses.
Hugs you from behind.and you get him gloves to ease his fear of him accidentally disintegrating you.
Don't think its all wholesome he will still grab onto your tits/chest and slighty rut his hips into you.
Is very insecure but generally gets more comfortable as your praise goes on.
If you have tits he will use them as a pillow no matter how small, if you have pecs or none will still use your chest as a pillow.Your presence and heartbeat is enough to knock him out cold.
Dating this man didn't have a apperance recommendation as anything is prettier than him thats what he thinks.
Worships you,he will either hide you from the public eye or brag and put you on display showing how he is the luckiest man in the world.
Your students have now caught on to something going on due to hickeys literally everywhere,Eri just thinks its bruises and gets concerned.
You came back crying from a cuteness overload and it somewhat indirectly fuels shigaraki want to take overhauls arms and then play 'if your happy and you know it clap your hands' in front of him.
He refuses to let you do any work when it comes to sex because to him he is undeserving.
He will rut his hips against you for your stimulation and eat you out and all other types of teasing but showing you his body is a no go.
White hair shigaraki though is a completely different library.
If he wants to fuck you he will pull you aside and blow out your back.
In a way he was completely on the giving side and now your in debt to him and that is currently costing you your spine and sooner or later he will turn you into Joe Swanson .
Oh your a virgin?Corruption kink boost.
Does like taking risks but if anyone sees you in that state it is punishable by death and it will happen.
His libido is nothing to mess with he is stressed more than he was .won't always fuck you but he will hump you or have you suck.If not he'll do it.
Oral with this man is heavenly,he can try to be soft but with those lips not happening both shigaraki's will get drunk on you.
Your game was left unattended several minutes ago.Begging was futile as shigaraki dove his tounge into your hole, absolutely ravaging you with the wet muscle."such a pretty lover"he moans as your flavour is left on his tounge when he retracts his tounge before lunging in for another taste.The vibrations of his moans and roughness of his lips has you in ecstacy as he eats you from behind. He devours you,gliding his slender thumbs along your inner thigh before a harsh slap meets your ass.A yelp escapes your lips as you quickly turn your head to face him with a pleading look.'Instead of moaning,moan my name ,it's a good use of your lovely mouth,Player 2'. You moan out his name as he begins to glip your ass with a gloved finger,his tounges pace picking up with it.How did you end up like this?All of this from a simple kiss.
If your giving it to him he will either grab your head and shove you down to gag on his cock or thrust his hips so needily into your jaw.
Foreplay is your part still slightly nervous with his quirk despite the fact he controlled it so if you like being choked,spanked,having your nips fondled, fingering and deepthroatinh his fingers he'll have atleast one finger covered.
Make out sessions are one way to die from a broken back.He gets so hooked up on your taste you would probably die from suffocation by how fast he moves his lips to your neck back to your lips and so.
Now sexy time,oh dear god after his upgrades he's got a lot of stamina if not for him being busy he would of dicked you down through the floor.
Likes missionary or any position that he can see your gorgeous face.
Bondage is on the table.
So it a pain kink and a little but of blood.
Marking,Edging ,Overstimulating definitely.
Oh you thought it was just him,nope it goes on both of your asses.
Its not just because your into it but because you want shigaraki to enjoy it even if its not your preference.
If you have a dick or are into pegging he'll probably stalk you until he is certain your going to your shared room and then sprint there.Strip,tie himself up,ass in the air with a gag,waiting for you to get home.
If you are doing this unless its your first time or you haven't had sex in a long time...
Throw the lube out the window with the condom, and just violate this man.
Pull his hair,while slightly condescending him right before praise.
He will come in seconds.
Play with his nips they are sensitive af.
Call him Baby boy,Shiggy,Babe,Player 1 or anything and he will melt in your embrace
Aftercare with shigaraki isn't the best as he cant be seen with you and is very busy but he will check if you are ok,give you a few kisses,bring a water bottle if your thirst and get the bath atleast running by the time he has to leave.
Its not the best but its sweet.
Especially small,fluffy dogs.
Any pet you have will be his therapy animal.
You once came home to see your pet sleeping on his chest with him.Cute blackmail obtained.
Babies however is complicated not the best time and your pet is basically his child.
But shigaraki doesn't like to use condoms so if you can become pregnant he will be shocked,confused,and then bolt you into a cargo ship to god knows where as long as nobody can find you.
He still isn't sure but if you want it he will try his best for you,its all for you.
Anybody who hurts you during this time is finished no matter what you say,will personally kidnap them and torture them until they give out.
It was an accident?
'There are no accidents'
-Tomura Shigaraki
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athanasia-things · 4 months
What if Talia shows up in Gotham with 7-year-old Athanasia and is like, "Hey, everybody, this is Athanasia. I did not make her because she's not a son." My baba made her because he could not control me anymore. Then Rey shows up, and she says, "And this is my other son.I just found out about him last week. He's actually Slade's son as well, and I actually killed him. No biggie; I revived him and Jason! I did not raise (train) you like this, and I'm so disappointed in you. "
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anonymous-dentist · 27 days
I think that Bobby would’ve absolutely despised Pepito from beyond the grave (Roier is HIS dad, hello???) But, when he saw Pepito go down in that dungeon just the same way he did months and months ago, Bobby couldn’t help but sit by Pepito’s side and hold his hand as he briefly entered the afterlife:
“Stop crying,” Bobby tells him.
(Pepito is technically older than Bobby ever got to be, but, like, fuck that.)
Pepito, dead and waiting to respawn, keeps crying. Like a baby. Ew.
He gets onto his feet and runs to Roier’s corpse and shakes it to no avail; after all, Roier is dead and respawned, and Pepito is a ghost. Ghosts can’t do much.
Bobby rolls his eyes and goes to yank Pepito to his feet. And then he starts swearing as Pepito stands, turns, and pulls Bobby into a hug.
“Ew, no, get off!” Bobby protests, pushing at Pepito’s shoulders.
But Pepito doesn’t.
“I’m sorry,” Pepito sobs, confusing the hell out of poor Bobby.
Bobby frowns. “What? No, shut up.”
Pepito shakes his head. “I already stole Apa Roier. Now I stole your death!! I’m a Bad Pepito.”
Vaguely, Bobby remembers hearing Roier tell Pepito way in the beginning that Pepito would die just like Bobby did. He was always looking at Bobby’s statue, and at Bobby’s art, while standing in Bobby’s Castle.
Bobby wrinkles his nose. “Literally shut up. You didn’t ‘steal’ Apa from me, I’m still his son, okay?”
Pepito whimpers. “Okay…”
“And you didn’t ‘steal my death’ or whatever, that’s stupid. You died. I don’t think you wanted to, so you didn’t mean to die this way. So there.”
He sticks his tongue out. Pepito considers just for a moment before tightening his hug and smiling and sticking his glasses into Bobby’s chest, the bastard.
“You’re soooo smart!” Pepito says.
Bobby pauses. First time he’s ever been called smart. When he was alive, almost everybody just thought he was an annoying troublemaker, which he was. But… smart?
Bobby smiles to himself- careful not to let Pepito see- and he finally returns Pepito’s hug.
“Take care of Apa for me,” Bobby tells him. “He’ll need a hug when he comes back.”
(Of course, Bobby is referring to his Apa being in Rat Prison, but Pepito can’t know that. Ghost Rules and stuff.)
Pepito nods, and then he finally respawns.
Good riddance!
…But maybe Bobby doesn’t hate him.
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viviennelamb · 2 months
A soulmate means you're mentally, emotionally and spiritually compatible with one soul and you are eternally loyal to her, not just when it suits your loins or when you want a distraction to stave off bouts of loneliness. The key word is "soul," so this has nothing to do with physicality. To find your soulmate, you have to know what the soul is first, otherwise you won't know what you're looking at, wondering why everything is a match on paper but that person is being difficult "for no reason." There's a reason.
What prevents one from knowing who her soulmate is primarily vanity. Each lifetime our conscious memories and appearance resets, the only thing that remains is our progress towards or distance from realizing the Truth which reflects in our next lifetime. This familiarity is usually recognized in how that person carries herself: her mannerisms and other things that stick with souls and is hard to fake regardless of the culture they grew up in that lifetime. This is also true for enemies, there are people who become fixated on hating each other and it consumes their lives to the point where they respawn in the same family so they can conveniently continue their conflict.
I know who my soulmate is and once she stops being worldly, avoidant and steeped in egotism, I'll be here. If she doesn't heal from her egotism in this lifetime, we'll meet again in another. She's only temporarily confused, but I'll catch her up on the truth when she's ready to actually listen. Lust is really is the final boss of delusion & everybody is fighting for their lives. If a "solution" to your problem is in the external world, it's a false solution because it will disappear upon physical death. People say "happiness comes from within" as a platitude but when you actually live it, they think you're extreme. Cosmic optimism comes from your soul, not sex.
A common fallacy people believe with soulmates is that they have to align with you which isn't always possible. Since we're in the Dark Age, almost every soul is more likely to fall into deeper into egotism each lifetime instead of climbing out of it. You can't talk a soul out of her brainwashing. In fact, she'll think you're the brainwashed one for not hallucinating... whatever you say beautiful. Zero faith, zero science, zero proactivity, zero love, yet all the pride and meanness in the world, clearly. But these are the times were in. If you think you're not brainwashed, you need to trust in the soul's Intelligence more than what the parasitic ego is showing you at that time which helps her evolve faster.
Sometimes, we're meant to be in the background of our soulmate's life helping her free herself of man-consciousness, so people who think you're supposed to marry your soulmate each lifetime are wrong. She has her own lessons to learn and it's up to you to learn yours as well. I've chosen to get better at explaining the truth, improving my strength and resilience while waiting for the day she's ready to sincerely hear me out. In the end, everything that's meant to happen will happen, but humans like prolonging the inevitable because they think there's something to have here. I'm not going to pry anything out of her hands, if she wants the world she can have the world. God will give you everything you want, but one day, in some lifetime, you'll grow tired of believing your ignorance start letting God give you what you need instead.
Egos don't have soulmates, they have fuckmates. If you've met your soulmate, it's completely different from the fake love egotists talk about. Your soulmate would think you're too good to treat like a common whore and they will say this themselves regardless of how hyper sexual they are. Love gives even the most fucked up mind a moment of clarity.
The ego-identified soul has the memory of a hamster because she constantly lies to herself. So she will say something loving one minute and in the next she'll tell a lie. I used to think people like this were purposefully being abrasive, but they have a war in their minds. It's like dealing with somebody with dementia where they have moments of lucidity and you get excited just to see them fall into into mindlessness and this cycle happens repeatedly. At some point you let go of whatever potential you think they have, settle for their insanity and go crazy with them or take a step back and focus on your soul.
I'm only writing this because some people have no-so-covertly tried to find out my "type" so they can confirm I'm a lesbian. I don't have a type, but I'll be even more specific for you: there's only one soul. All I'm interested in is remaning lucid in this Dream, so I won't become prey to society's alien concepts of the "right way to live." I'm not interested in dating (as in going on dates with random people to find somebody to occupy my time and life). Dating has never crossed my mind as an option either.
Life is about devotion to God, which means the God in people as well. But nobody has to be devoted to an ego who hates her soul which is why I disagree with the commonly pushed concept of "loving everybody," (people who say this want everybody to love them). If you met your soulmate and she was in the throes of self-hate, you'd know to step aside because it's not about you. You have to let people emotionally develop on their own, there's no convincing them otherwise. If your unevolved soulmate is around you for too long, she's gonna get too relaxed and take out her immaturity on you, making you egotistical as well. Give her some motivation and let her suffer a bit lol.
Followers of Neville Goddard should know this much... if you're searching for something, that means you don't know what you want and if you don't know what you want, how will you get what you want? Only people who don't know what they want date, that's like window shopping for people. All of us meet the same souls from a previous lifetime, none of us are meeting "new" people. I'm not interested in anything new anyways, I'm happy with what I have because I know for a fact there's nothing better. I'm persistent, but I'm not pushy. What's ordained is ordained.
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reflingthefox · 5 months
Third Life is a hot mess, and Skizz is out of lives too early. Still - not early enough to not see the lifeless body of Jimmy Solidarity, his own arrow stuck in the guy's throat. Skizz doesn't think he saw many bodies of friends throughout his life, even after-hardcore respawns being flawless and merciful, and the feeling is... eerie.
Much later, when the game's finished and they're all back to their lives, Skizz wonders how his own body looked, dead on the ground. He mentions that to Tango during one of the daily calls, and Tango offhandedly comments that he was buried honorably.
- which is more than enough. Skizz knows Impulse wasn't so lucky, B told him at some point - in the end people were just... left on the ground. Were those who fell in the Battle of Dogwarts, left on the ground as well? Ren, Martyn... Tango? Skizz doesn't ask.
There's not much left of their alliance in Last Life, when Skizz dies, but he knows Tango sees him buried. Comes to the funeral, keeping a bit of a distance from red Impulse - not like he isn't closer to reds than to his own teammates, at that point.
He doesn't know what happens to Impulse, in the end - hopefully, Grian takes him to the Southlands, to rest with the others. He does know, though, that Tango's left where he dies. The explosion is too potent to leave enough of him to bury, and no one cares enough to deal with it.
Skizz hears the news of Double Life much later, when everybody isn't just back, but is willing to talk. He offers Tango condolences for the early death. Tango still blames himself a bit - of course he does - but it was a good life, even if a short one, he says. And hey, I got a nice memorial!
Skizz wonders if it's the first time Tango knows he was cared about after death. And - if it's the first time he didn't have to bury anyone.
Team TIES gives him to the ground, after his death in the sky. He hears they had a chance to bury Tango, as well - and then Etho and Impulse were left open to the cold, dying land. Impulse says it's fine, worth being left on the ground if it's because he got to top-2.
Skizz congratulates him on the victory, nudges somewhat gloomy Tango to stop sulking, and stays in his own thoughts. How both of them saw him die, fall to the ground, eyes losing their spark - three times already. How two of these times, they were the ones to lower him into the ground, arms covered in dirt, hands clutching the shovels. Something stings, and Skizz can't really pinpoint it.
His link with Tango isn't the strongest one in their friend group - doesn't mean that their love isn't shining bright. They're the Heart Foundation, the island of love and camaraderie (third time they're allied in these series). They know each other in and out (Skizz loves him so much it hurts).
Except the heart is gone, burnt to the ground, and their lives are dwindling fast. Their bonds still strong, BigB helps him lead Tango back to the island, when it seems clear that Tango's trying to trip and fall on purpose, now.
The pains of all the previous seasons resurfacing, his parther is shaking and calling himself names. Skizz holds him tight, his hands sliding over Tango's chest and shoulders, he kisses every unhealing wound, and that's so many wounds Skizz aches for him.
Tango clings to him, worn out and fragile, somehow still alive, and Skizz runs fingers through his hair in a sudden surge of affection.
...is it, really, too selfish to think that he doesn't want to be the one lowering Tango into the ground, this time?
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