#everyone is distracted by matty being all LOOK AT ME
allylikethecat · 1 month
hello ally i was wrong the george dj set is today so i shall be reposting tomorrow
BUT here is some delicious st!george https://x.com/itsan0braln/status/1783571307151454305?s=46
(people always talk about mattys low rise but not nearly enough about george's)
Hello my Dear Twitter Reporter! You are in good company because I also thought today was Friday (meanwhile my friend's 15 year old, with full confidence informed me that it wasn't Friday, it was Wednesday, I was like child we are both wrong) why are days so hard? What is time lol
But also omg GEORGE, like SIR put some CLOTHES ON (but not really please don't) (The pictures can be found HERE)
I feel like people always talk about Matty's low rise jean phase more than George's because Matty has that slutty lil tattoo that just realllllly makes it clear how much skin we're seeing? (Also his wearing of undergarments is also questionable at times) meanwhile, George is so tall it doesn't seem like as much skin is visible even though objectively there is more? IDK that's just my theory and I am welcome to more pictures being sent my way so we can examine this further 👀
Thank you so much for being the VERY BEST and keeping me in the loop of the Twitter-sphere. I hope you had the BEST WEEK and that you have a FANTASTIC Friday once it like... actually happens... tomorrow. Because time is weird. I also hope you enjoy the new All the King's Horses chapter. As always I am absolutely obsessed with it lol. Thank you so much again!
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chosetherose · 2 months
"The Alchemy" = Karlie's POV of how she's going to take Taylor from Travis?
"I haven't come around in so long
But I'm making a comeback to where I belong"
Karlie showing up at the Eras Tour! Taylor didn't spend long enough with either of the beards for "so long" to make any sense as being about them. How do you make a comeback when you're barely a thing to begin with? Karlie's comeback was headline news though.
"So when I touch down
Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team
Ditch the clowns, get the crown"
Her football fan baby ("fly like a jet stream") is touching down and coming to sweep away the understudies, users, narcissists and clowns. King of my Heart coming to reclaim her crown! We can only hope 🙏
"Cause the sign on your heart says it's still reserved for me"
Taylor can rewrite history all she wants, but Tratty was never a thing and no-one with a brain can buy the idea that he was the love of her life ten years ago, while Kissgate was happening right in front of him. Peak Kaylor era. When we all saw with our own eyes how she looked at Karlie! But, no, it was Matty all along! Sure, Jan.
Meanwhile, even the "anyone but Karlie" Gaylors who hate her can't deny Taylor has been writing songs about Karlie for a decade now. Even they think she's not over her. So who "still" has Taylor's heart and could make a comeback? Mmhmm.
"I circled you on a map"
Flashback to Taylor highlighting Kaylor-related towns on the weather map in the Lavender Haze music video. Uh-huh.
"Who are we to fight the alchemy?"
Alchemy is the process of turning things into gold. Are we really going to sit here and pretend this isn't Ms Gold Rush, Ms "it's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold"? Are we really going to pretend Karlie hasn't been gold coded since the beginning? But no! This is about Travis! Totally! Does your blindfold fit snugly enough, babe, or do you want me to tighten it some more for you? 🙄
"Hey, what if I told you we're cool
That child's play back in school
Is forgiven under my rule?"
The child's play is the bearding. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's getting so old to never grow up. Karlie is saying it all means nothing.
"These blokes warm the benches
We've been on a winning streak"
Her British beards have just been keeping Karlie's seat warm. While she and Taylor have privately been on a winning streak.
(Seriously, the construction of this song makes no sense if you believe it's about Travis. How could she have been "on a winning streak" with him, while "these blokes" were present-tense warming the benches? Or are we supposed to believe they're just waiting on the sidelines for Taylor to get back with one of them? Even though things are so great with 🚜 and she's said multiple times she doesn't want that? So . . . how is any of this working, exactly? What benches are they warming? Are we SURE the "we" is Travis? Hmm?)
"He jokes it's heroin but this time with an e"
People are so distracted by this "dig at Matty" they can't see what's right in front of their faces. Heroin with an e = heroine. As in, the female hero of a story. The joke is that the one to "save" Taylor won't be any of these jokers dressing up as kings. It's a woman. A HEROINE. Not a hero.
And then we get a football metaphor everyone will assume is about Travis, even though Karlie's love of football is well-documented. Do we really think Travis cares more about the beard he's made his meal ticket than he does about winning a trophy? Yeah, right. The days of wasted celebration with no Taylor in sight really give that impression. The thirst traps he was liking on Instagram while "dating" Taylor really show he only has eyes for her. Totally.
Meanwhile we have a million songs where Taylor tells us all her obviously-Karlie lover ever wanted was her.
I can't see The Alchemy any other way than as a Karlie comeback song. Bring it home, Karlie! We're all rooting for you! Go! Fight! Win! 🏆
Wow, Anon! I love this take! Lots of food for thought.
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sugar-coat-it · 2 months
Touch Tank
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He’s so pretty when he goes down on me… <3
Fluff into smut because I am a sappy bitch. It’s actually quite soft despite being dirty. 
Fem! Reader
Contains: Sub! Matty, him being a sweetie pie and guiding her into it, facesitting/riding, makeup ruining, praise kink (good boy, pretty boy, etc.), Matty cumming in his pants, hair pulling, Matty Healy worshiping that cunt idk what else to tell you
WC: ~4,600
Matty asks you to do his makeup for him… and then ruin it by sitting on his face
You glance at Matty through the reflection in the mirror, your heart swelling in your chest at the adoring look plastered on his face. He looks so incredibly gentle, his eyes soft and practically sparkling as he watches you apply concealer onto your skin. Only a few minutes ago, he’d plopped himself down on the lidded toilet near you and insisted that you show him how you do your makeup while you get ready for your girl’s night out. His longing gazes have proven to be very distracting as your working hands almost slow to a stop.
“Just pretend I’m not here! What comes next?” he urges, leaning his chin against his hand casually.
“Alright, alright! Next is the powder,” you explain, starting to refocus as you run the brush through the pan of skin-toned pigment. 
Matty’s eyes can’t seem to stay focused on one thing, flicking between the product you’re using (taking note of the brand you use), your pretty face, and the way your steady fingers curl around the makeup brush. He murmurs the word “powder” to himself like he’s trying to commit the steps you take in your routine to his memory. Boyfriend training, if you will.
“Right… so, do you really need the primer, the concealer, and the other thing? Why haven’t they just combined them all? It’s an awful lot of work for you makeup users,” he muses, talking as if he knows what any of them are really for. 
“I have no clue, babe. You should really get on that,” you chuckle, stealing another glance at him through the mirror. 
“Yeah, I should, shouldn’t I? What’s that one for, then?” he asks, reaching out and pointing at the powder in your hands. 
“This? It’s to set everything in place that we just put on,” you explain, finding it quite sweet that he’s so curious about this little piece of your life, as mundane as it might be. 
Matty hums and nods thoughtfully, seeming satisfied with knowing more about makeup than he did before. Not just any makeup, but his girl’s makeup that she takes so much time to get right. There’s something very domestic about this moment, everything feels a little softer when it’s just you two like this. Even the moonlight seems to seep through the window gentler. Matty’s life is irregular, there’s no denying that. It’s what makes these moments of calm feel so sacred, so untouchable. 
You continue carrying out your routine, going a little slower than usual to prolong it all, your brush strokes lingering a little longer than necessary as you brush a tastefully shimmery shade on your eyelids. Your boyfriend is unusually quiet as he admires you with those sleepy eyes. It’s not often that he isn’t either speaking or waiting for someone to finish talking so he can get a word in. The silence feels comfortable for both of you, it settles over the bathroom like a blanket. 
“Ah, wait, I know that one,” he interrupts, suddenly sitting up straighter as you take out your next product, snapping his fingers and pointing at it, “that’s mascara.”
Matty looks absolutely triumphant, crossing his arms over his chest with a slyness plastered on his face. You let out a breathy little chuckle, only managing half of an eye roll before a warm smile tugs at your lips. 
Once you’ve finished, Matty clears his throat to get your attention, looking as though he’s mulling over asking you something. 
“Hey, I know you said you liked those pictures you saw of my stage makeup. I haven’t really done it in a while… y’know, if you wanted to do some on me… before you go to your party,” he offers softly, trailing off as he looks up into your eyes. 
“Wait, are you serious!?” you exclaim, your eyes lighting up with a grin on your face that could rival a kid’s smile on Christmas morning. 
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugs, chuckling as you already scramble to grab all your supplies, sliding them towards the closer end of the counter, “I’m going to trust you here, but you’ve got the perfect chance to fuck me up good, making me look like a proper circus clown.”
“I would never!” you gasp, feigning offense at his comment with a dramatic hand over your heart, “why on earth would I do that when I have the opportunity to make you the prettiest of princesses?” 
“The what? Nah, never mind that, you’ve just lost the privilege.” 
“No, no, no I’m sorry, I’ll behave!” 
Matty eyes you suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at you like he’s assessing whether or not you’ll be calling him “baby girl” or something next. Out of the goodness of his heart (and because he does really does want you to do this), he nods at you, crossing his arms over his chest. You just smile giddily, leaning down to kiss his forehead while he mumbles “Yeah, yeah, c’mon do me up”. 
You’ve decided to go easy on him and not do a full face, just his eyes and lips. With that, you crack open your makeup pallet reserved only for fun occasions, it’s filled with shimmery, bright colors that immediately attract Matty’s distractable eyes. You hold it up to him for him to get a better look, his brows furrowing as he no doubt contemplates what he thinks would look the coolest.
“What are you thinking?” you ask, still very excited that he’d not only agreed to let you do this but was the one to suggest it. 
“Maybe this blueish one? I dunno, is that what any basic straight guy would pick?” 
“You’re overthinking it. I think it would look really nice on you.”
You dip your eyeshadow brush in the pan, instructing him to close his eyes for you and stay still the best he can (not the easiest of feats for one Mr. Healy). He does, his gaze softening before he lets his eyes flutter shut. With your free hand, you reach out and gently tilt his face to be angled properly. You feel a little warmth blossom in your chest as you realize how intimate this feels, especially with how serene he looks as he closes his eyes. Even though it feels silly because it’s just doing his makeup, your heart still thrums a little faster at the little display of trust.
When you touch the brush to his eyelid, he lets out a short, very Matty-sounding giggle as he tells you that it feels “quite nice”. You chuckle along with him, switching to the other eyelid once you’re sure the other one is evenly applied. Your touch is delicate as you hold the side of Matty’s face, your eyes squinting with concentration as you work. He’s warm under your fingertips. You notice how soothed he seems by you handling him like this, almost hypnotized by the brush strokes. He looks so soft. Unjaded. Untouched. 
While his eyes are closed, you reach for your eyeliner, warning him before you touch the point of it to his lash line. Still, he flinches slightly when the liner touches his eyelid, his nose scrunching up a bit as you do your best to trace a steady line, despite the way his eyelids flutter.
“You’re moving, Matty.”
“M’not!” he insists (he is). 
With a bit of fixing, you’d managed to draw out two almost even wings. At your permission, his eyes blink open again and the sight almost steals your breath away. The blue is bringing out the honey tones of his irises, his sleepy eyes defined by the complimentary liner. He’s beautiful. 
“Do I look hot?” he asks, blinking faux seductively.
“Very hot,” you grin, inspecting your work as you keep a tender hold on his chin. 
It’s not even a joke, he does look hot. You’ve always not so secretly adored his more feminine side, getting absolutely giddy whenever he wore a skirt around the flat or painted his nails. You rub your thumb over his cheek affectionately before reaching back over to the counter for your mascara wand, holding it up to him before you unscrew the cap. It’s the only one he’d recognized from earlier, so of course you’re going to tease him a little. 
“Time for your favorite,” you joke, moving to position yourself in front of him. 
Matty glances at the wand for a second before nodding slowly, smiling with his tongue between his teeth boyishly. 
“Mascara,” he recalls smugly.
It quickly becomes his least favorite when he painstakingly can only blink when you tell him to, this wand object being far too close to his eyeballs for his liking. He groans dramatically between the blink breaks that you give him, pulling all sorts of odd, exaggerated faces.
“That was god awful, hated that,” he broods, shaking his head at you. 
You make up for it with an apologetic kiss to his cheek, then wipe away the pink trace of your lipstick on his skin. You reassure him that you’re almost done, now retrieving the same shade of lipstick that you’d done on yourself. You slowly ease his lips apart with the hand on his jaw, Matty being totally pliant while he gazes at you quietly. You start to apply the color to his lips, swallowing thickly as you try not to get distracted by his mouth. Despite your best efforts, your face feels a little hot as quiet tension blooms. His pupils have practically doubled in size at this point from how enamored he is with you in this moment. The tension only grows stronger when you finish, standing behind him as you lead him to the mirror.
“Oh, shit. I look… I look really good,” Matty gawks, his lips parting as he eyes himself in the mirror.
“You do. I’d go as far as to say that you look fucking stunning,” you whisper near the shell of his ear, feeling the hairs rise on the back of his neck.
The two of you stay like that for a bit longer, both admiring him in the reflection of the mirror, your hands settled on his shoulders and your lips brushing against his ear. With a smile, you place a tender kiss on his neck before leaving him to gaze at himself some more while you finish getting ready in the bedroom. 
It’s not long before Matty is trailing after you, finding you slipping your “style over comfort” heels on as he frowns at you from the doorway. The fact that you’re not still fawning over him while he looks this good is pure absurdity in his mind. 
“You’re really just gonna leave me here while I’m all dolled up for you? Shame,” he pouts, tilting his head at you as he juts out his bottom lip. Such a drama queen.
Matty comes closer and sinks to his knees in front of you at the foot of the bed, his calloused fingertips running up the expanse of your smooth legs. He looks up at you with lidded eyes as he reaches for the ankle straps of your shoes that you’d just put on, leaning his cheek against your knee as he starts to unclasp one of them with nimble fingers. You don’t stop him. He knows for a fact that he’s putting you in a position where you couldn’t possibly say no to him, not when he’s looking at you like that, his naturally gorgeous features only further accentuated by the makeup you’d done. Maybe being fashionably late isn’t such a big deal… Sarah hosts girl's nights all the time. Besides, Matty seems to have other plans for convincing you that the party is hardly a priority. You swear if you squint, you can see a plan racing to come together in his head as you gaze down at him, drinking him in while he’s on his knees. 
“We don’t really have the time…” you murmur, reaching with one hand to card your fingers through his hair, holding it away from his eyes while he undoes your shoes. 
Sex with Matty is never a casual affair. He takes his sweet time with you, taking you apart with his mouth and his fingers before he even thinks of being inside of you. He doesn’t just please, he satisfies. Matty’s devoted appetite cannot be given a time constraint.
Once he’s finished sliding both of your shoes off, carefully setting them to the side, he clambers up onto the bed and lays down behind you. His head is tilted in your direction as he reaches his hands out to you in a grabbing motion, urging you to come closer. 
“You could sit on my face,” he suggests, not a trace of hesitation in his blunt tone. 
“What?” you gape, your eyebrows knitting together.
“You heard me,” he quips, swallowing thickly before speaking again, “Stay. Use me.”
You shake your head in disbelief, letting out a chuckle at his wanton request. Forcing yourself to swiftly regain your composure, you turn and slink towards him, sitting on your knees at his side. It would probably be faster than sex… right?
“Where is this even coming from? Is that something you think about a lot, babe?” you smile teasingly, reaching over to cup his face, scratching your nails under his jaw. 
Matty’s gaze shifts to the side and he shrugs, a coyness playing on his face as his cheeks become rosier. No one gets to see him like this but you, this is your Matty.
You sigh, your eyes flickering down to his painted lips that curl up with a mischievous quirk. 
“You’d hardly be able to breathe, Matty- no, stop, don’t look at me like that, I’m serious! These things don’t always work out like they do in your pornos,” you laugh, but you are genuinely concerned about hurting him.
“The fuck do I care? If I can breathe, I’m not doin’ it right,” he huffs petulantly, his greedy hands reaching for your hips to guide you into straddling him, “Literally crush me, I can take it, I’m a big boy.” 
You shoot him a look and he just offers a wide, toothy grin, reaching behind you to grab handfuls of your ass through your dress. The fabric rides up your thighs higher with every little movement, feeling a lot shorter when it’s barely covering your panties. 
“I dunno about a big one, but you definitely are a boy sometimes, Healy,” you tease, leaning over him with your hands splayed on his chest for support. 
“You love it. Are you gonna sit that sexy ass down on me or what?” he smirks, only proving your point further as he waggles his eyebrows at you.
You can tell he’s not going to let this go, not till your thighs are locked around his head. Just as you’re about to open your mouth again, he’s easing the fabric of your dress further up your legs, letting out a satisfied hum as it bunches around your waist. He avidly smooths his hands over the newly exposed skin, need seeping through his touch. Matty’s voice is breathier when he speaks again, his fingertips digging into your hips.
“Please, darlin’, want you to ruin the pretty makeup you did for me so nicely,” he whispers.
 Instantly, heat surges under your skin, your breath catching in your throat at the way he spins his sugary words. That’s something you hadn’t considered. The image that flashes through your mind: Matty between your legs with his makeup smudged down his flushed cheeks. It makes a pang of want rip through you. Suddenly, it looks like your girlfriends will be taking the first round of shots without you.
“... okay,” you relent, chewing at your bottom lip. 
“Yeesss, that’s what I thought,” he celebrates, drumming his fingertips against your hips excitedly, “C’mere.”
The actual process of sitting down on his face seems fairly daunting to you, your limbs feel more awkward than usual, and heat is prickling at your cheeks at the idea of actually straddling his head. It’s an awfully compromising pose to be in. Matty notices how stonewalled you seem, his thumbs rubbing encouraging circles into the bones of your hips. 
“It’s okay, I’m serious, I want you to. Here, let me just…” he trails off, urging you to lift your hips by easing them upwards, letting you do most of the movement.
“So gentle,” you tease, noticing how light his touch is, like you’re his most delicate possession.
“I am when I want to be.”
Matty guides you till you’re kneeling above his head, peering down at his warm, sparkly eyes. He looks even prettier from this angle, his sea of dark curls is spread around his head like a halo. The little smile plastered on his face says “See? Not so bad.”. And it’s not, not when he’s holding both of your hands, his thumbs running over your knuckles carefully. He gives one of your hands a squeeze before letting go, placing two tender fingers at the waistband of your panties. He slides them down the front of the lacy fabric till they meet the dampness that’s gathered between your thighs, only setting your skin more ablaze. Matty hums approvingly, the noise rumbling low in his chest as he hooks his fingers under the material, sliding them to the side. 
“Oh, fuck me. Perfect fucking cunt,” he groans, spreading your honeyed folds and marveling at the way your arousal gathers on his digits.
You laugh lightly at how he acts as if he’s seeing you like this for the first time and he just smiles, enamored. Matty catches his lower lip between his teeth as he runs his hands over to your thighs, holding them as he nods to signal that he’s ready for you. 
“Yeah?” you breathe, feeling your heart hammer against your ribs. 
Matty blinks up at you eagerly, vying for your complete attention with every flutter of his mascara-coated lashes. His eyes are wide and twinkly, only shining brighter when you start to slowly lower your hips down. His needy gaze is wildly flicking back and forth between your face and your core, slicked and glistening with your arousal. There’s a slight burn simmering in your legs at just how teasingly slowly you’re sinking downward, much to Matty’s vexation. He tugs slightly at the soft skin of your thighs, a little whine escaping the back of his throat as he anticipates the lack of oxygen to come. Matty presses his lips to any skin he can reach on your thighs, hurriedly peppering pink lipstick marks till you’re totally littered with them. He smushes his cheek to your inner thigh, his muss of dark curls tickling at your skin as he pleads with you. He looks so fucked out and you haven’t even started. 
“Please, please- please, baby,” he murmurs, his tongue darting out to run over his pink, plush lips between kisses to your skin. 
You smile down at him warmly, feeling your heart almost burst at just how badly he’s craving this, how long he’s likely fantasized about you using him for your pleasure this way. He’s behaving oh-so politely for a man so normally fond of brashness. 
“I-I need it… please, just fucking use me,” Matty whimpers, his voice breaking slightly, his tone shooting straight to your cunt.
Finally, you indulge him, inching down the rest of the way until you’re perched on his face, your knees on either side of his head. You gasp as he doesn’t waste a single moment before his tongue is working against you with practiced swirls and figures. He’s giving you no time to even think twice about being embarrassed by the lewdness of your positioning. Your hands go flying to support yourself against the headboard, feeling like your breath has been ripped straight from your lungs as Matty laps at your sopping cunt. His shimmery, blue eyelids flutter shut as he groans against you, his hands snaking up the backs of your thighs to your ass, holding you down against his mouth firmly as he devours you. Your whole body shudders as he drags his tongue to your clit, flicking the tip of it against the bud. Liquid, carnal need is filling you right to your bones. 
“Fuck! That’s my fucking boy, so good for me,” you sigh out, tossing your head back as you start to reflexively grind down on his tongue “You enjoying yourself, hun?”
Matty lets out syrupy moans that vibrate against your core, only adding to the dizzying, deep-seated pleasure pulsating and reverberating inside you as he nods his head. His lashes flutter, his eyes rolling back until only the whites are visible as you start to find your rhythm, rocking your hips into his mouth to chase the climax just beyond your fingertips. You let out a quivering moan as he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking hard to tighten the coiling heat in your belly, he knows all the little tricks to make your head spin. He hasn’t spent all this time learning your body for nothing, sometimes you think he might know it better than you do, effortlessly puppeteering you into the throws of pleasure. 
 Matty’s cock throbs and twitches in his trousers as the plushness of your thighs start to constrict around his head, smiling into your cunt as he truly does enjoy himself, evident in the way his hips are squirming against the mattress. The blissed-out look on your face only fuels his determination that much more, you’ve lit that familiar, insatiable fire in him. You glance over your shoulder and catch the way his thighs flex as his hips jolt upward into nothing, his dick aching and straining against his pants. You always knew Matty got off on you feeling good, but watching him pathetically hump the air while he eats you out is really getting to your head, you feel a little dizzy with a rush of power. Any sense of worry about putting more of your weight onto him is totally dissolved, overshadowed by the sensations rendering your mind fuzzy. You’re weightless. 
“Tastes so sweet, so fucking good,” he rambles, his voice muffled and wavering, barely audible from under you. 
The urge to own, to ruin flares up in you like a struck match. One of your hands strays from the headboard, reaching to grasp a handful of his meticulously cared-for curls (he pokes fun at the amount of makeup you have, yet his curl-care product collection is extensive). Matty whines, his eyebrows sloping, eyes squeezing shut as he feels your fingers tighten in his hair, pulling on it firmly at the root just the way he likes it. He tugs your hips down onto his face harder, like he’s trying to drown inbetween your legs. 
“Oh my god… good boy, Matty,” you croon, panting as the tension compounds with every swipe of his tongue.
Matty’s hips buck particularly harshly at your praise. He’s quivering at the slight friction from the tight fabric of his pants, but he won’t allow himself to indulge in more than that, he’s far too preoccupied with satisfying you. You smile hazily at how instantly he reacts to the pet name, curious to know how far you can take this while he’s so pussy drunk.
“So fucking pretty for me like this,” you compliment breathlessly, watching as the half of his face that’s visible to you contorts with neediness. 
He looks like he could burst like a horny balloon, poor thing. The bed is creaking from the way his hips writhe, rose tattoo lifting up to meet the air. He’s eating you out urgently, his brows drawn together tightly as his tongue fucks in and out of you deeper than you’ve ever felt, the tip of his nose nudging at your swollen clit. You tug at his dark tresses again as the feeling makes your whole body tense, your back arching as it all builds to a fizzling high. Matty doesn’t seem to mind one bit as you start to grind more frantically, your head lolling back with a wail. 
“Close, I’m close,” you pant, your chest heaving with shuddering breaths. 
“Please, please, oh, god, cum on my face,” Matty whimpers as he pauses for just a moment, turning his face to breathe before delving back in, fluttering the tip of his tongue rapidly against your clit. 
His begging is what ultimately makes your orgasm crash over you, the tension snapping as you ride the white-hot waves of your orgasm out on his mouth, euphoria rushing through your veins, throbbing at your core. You can’t fully understand him, but what you can make out are garbled moans of your name and babbles of “I love you” as he watches you arch backward, his tongue unrelenting. You let out a cry as the stimulation gets to be too much, your thighs trembling as the sensations crowd you. You have to physically get up off of his face before he stops, gasping for his breath as you settle back down on his hips.
It’s only now that you get to truly see him and god, he’s a beautiful fucking wreck. Your vision is slightly hazy as you peer down at him, the afterglow pleasantly clouding your head as you simply admire him. His eyeliner and mascara have slightly run down his cheeks from the heat, blue eyeshadow smudged and shimmering under his eyes. What’s left of his lipstick is spread around his grinning mouth, glistening with your arousal. Unruly, stray curls stick to his forehead with sweat that glows in an angelic sheen over him. You’ve ruined him, and he couldn’t be happier. 
“Fuck, that was incredible,” you breathe, draping yourself over him to kiss his needy mouth. 
Matty lets out a dazed giggle against your lips, humming contently as you taste yourself lingering on him. When you shift forward, you feel a distinct lack of the hard-on that was against his thigh when you started. Curiously, you pull away from the kiss to find that the protrusion in his trousers is missing, and in its absence, a sizeable wet spot soaked into the fabric. Pride simmers deep inside you as it quickly clicks into place. 
“Matty… did you cum?” you ask, as if it’s not obvious. 
He squirms, biting the inside of his cheek as he glances off to the side like the wall has suddenly become extremely interesting. Your smile is almost wolfish as you lean over him, grasping his jaw with one hand to turn his face towards you. His eyes rimmed with runny makeup get wider. 
“I-I…” he stammers, his voice cracking and trailing off into a little gasp. 
“Felt so good that you came without me even touching you?” 
Matty nods slowly, tilting his chin down to drag his pink-bitten lips against your hand, his breath warm against your skin. 
“Say thank you,” you whisper, purposefully pressing your thigh (still covered in his lipstick marks) against his softening cock, just to get another pretty, breathy sound out of him as his eyes roll back. 
“F-fuck. Thank you. Thank you, baby,” he mumbles, staring up at you like you’re some kind of deity while he kisses the palm of your hand, “don’t go yet, please.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, sweet boy.”
You capture his lips again and he smiles into the kiss, his hands tentatively knotting into your hair and ruffling it. He rolls the two of you over to embrace as you exchange murmurs of sweet nothings. You’re frankly disgustingly in love, and neither of you would have it any other way. 
This one has been in the works for a whiiiile
I’m dedicating this to Ace @ughgoaway , the biggest makeup fic supporter and one of my dear friends <3
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kennedy-brooke · 10 months
George Daniel x (Fem) Reader
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Summary: You’ve been best friends with George Daniel for as long as you can remember, but your relationship has always suggested something more. The pining and waiting quickly becomes too much to handle, and you finally decide that something has to be done. A night out with your friends is the perfect excuse for you to wear the dress you bought, with the only intention of having him take it off.
heavily based on the song dress by taylor swift
Word Count: 9.9k
Part 2
a/n: hello lovely people. after many setbacks, my George Daniel fic is FINALLY here! shoutout to @imagine-that-100 and @alovesreading for making me finish it and helping me when i got stuck (i would have given up without the peer pressure support). There is a serious lack of George Daniel fiction, so here is my shot at fixing this problem. I got extremely carried away, and though it was originally meant to be a oneshot, THERE IS A PART 2!! so no worries, the good stuff is on the way and will be here @ 12 est on monday, august 21st ;)
You had been friends with George Daniel for ages, long before the band had gotten big. The pair of you had been through all of it together.
You had been there while his hair was flowing and damaged, and you had cried when he decided to buzz it off - while he simply held you and laughed at your reaction.
Just as he had been there for your mid-life crisis, when you decided bleaching your hair was the only way to get through it, and he looked right at you and lied to your face saying that it looked good.
You’ve always been the closest of friends - and fame has done little to change that fact - but when it comes to your dynamic duo, there has always been an undercurrent of something more.
While you’re just as close with the other boys, your relationship with George has always been different. Friends don't banter quite like the two of you. They don’t openly flirt like you do. They don’t share longing looks with one another, or take any opportunity to make physical contact with each other the way you two do. It wasn’t normal. You knew it, he knew it, hell, everyone knew it - they watched as the pair of you danced around the connection, the overwhelming and obvious chemistry, waiting to see who would finally make the first move.
You would balance precariously along the tightrope marking the barrier between friends and something else, something more, slowly tilting towards free falling into the unknown, before hastily shifting weight and falling back to the safety net of friendship. It was painful to watch - the boys individually giving the pair of you shit for the obvious harbored feelings - but it was never as painful as it was to experience.
Being as close as you were, you watched as George brought home girl after girl, trying your best to be the supportive friend you were while simultaneously trying to keep your own emotions in check. Nodding as he went on to Matty about his latest shag, telling Ross you were fine as he looked at you with concern written across his face.
It wasn’t as if the two of you were together. Why wouldn’t you be fine?
George sat back and watched as guys came up to buy you drinks at the bar that you’d happened to stop at. He scoffed and looked away as you threw your head back laughing at something the new guy said - it couldn’t be that funny - and Matty shot him a knowing look that screamed go do something about it.
He never did, though. He watched and watched, and when he had finally had enough, he found a distraction in someone else.
The game went on for years. An uncomfortable, tension-filled game that was by no means enjoyable for any party involved; but recently, there was something that had shifted.
Just before the boys left for “At Their Very Best,” you and George continued to be practically inseparable, but it wasn’t in the same way you had been before. Where your secret moments in a crowded room had been subtle and the touches fleeting (or so you both thought), they were now blatantly obvious.
You sat pressed against him, his arm around your shoulders holding you close. He stood behind you, arms around your waist, gazing at you while you rambled to Matty about some book you had just read. You leaned against the doorway to the studio, looking on as George messed with the tracks, unknowing to your watching eyes. You played with the rings on his fingers while he chatted with the boys, not letting go even after you finished fiddling with the metal. He placed his hand on your thigh, too high to be a friendly gesture, as he drove you to Matty’s place to meet up with the rest of the band.
The tension had continued to build, leading up to the party being thrown in celebration of the release of “Being Funny In a Foreign Language”. The night hadn’t gone to plan for either of you - rather it was thrown off course by a simple interruption and only proceeded to go downhill from there.
Everyone had been having a lovely time, really. Shots had been taken, more drinks had been poured, and you had found yourself on the settee watching as Matty approached.
“Where’s your loverboy?” Smirking, Matty sat himself next to you and threw his arm over your shoulder.
“Hello to you too, Ratty.” Rolling your eyes, you offered nothing in response to his antics, watching as he threw his hand over his chest in mock offense. “He’s in the kitchen, I think, and he’s not my ‘loverboy’, Matty. We’ve been over this.”
He gave you a knowing look. “Ah, but you knew exactly who I was talking about, didn’t you?”
You brought your glass of wine to your mouth, swallowing down the last of it and leveled him with a glare. “I need another drink.”
“Y/n, come on now! Don’t be like that - I was only messing.” He shook your shoulder a bit before drawing you into his side for a hug. “I was just wondering where our Georgie had disappeared to and figured you would have the answer, seeing as I haven’t seen the two of you apart for weeks.”
Sighing, you pouted and let yourself relax into Matty’s side hug. You knew he was right, if anyone was to know where George had gone off to, it would be you - and to be fair, you did know where he was - but you also knew that Matty’s comment wasn’t as innocent as he made it seem.
He was prying. They all had been, and it didn’t help that you had made the drunken mistake to confide in Matty one night a few months back.
He knew how you felt. How in denial you were about having feelings for your best friend. How you were too scared to do anything about it because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship. He knew you thought it was ridiculous and cliched, and he knew that you hated it - but he also knew that those feelings weren’t going away and that the recent clinginess between the both of you was only making those feelings more intense - whether you wanted to admit it or not.
“How’s all of that going, by the way?” Matty prodded, feeling a need to break the silence since you had yet to respond.
You rolled your eyes again, “I’m not sure what you mean, Matty, seeing as there isn’t anything going anywhere.”
“You know exactly what I mean, y/n/n. Neither of you are exactly subtle.” At that you cut your eyes at him, to which Matty just chuckled. “I’m not wrong, and you know it.”
“Well, nothing has happened and it’s probably not going to, so maybe you are.” You huffed and sank lower into your seat, staring at your wine glass as if it would refill itself if you looked at it long enough.
“I highly doubt that. I know George and he wouldn’t just be acting like that for the fun of it. And I know how you feel - you’ve told me as much yourself. What I still don’t understand is why neither of you have done anything about it, it’s simple enough.”
You look over at Matty exasperated, “Matty, I love you, but he’s my best friend and it’s really not that simple. You don’t know the half of it and I wish you’d all just leave it be.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant-”
“I know, Matty, and I appreciate it - but I’d like to enjoy myself tonight and not talk about my pathetic love life.” You smile tightly at him before looking at your empty glass once more and pushing yourself up from your seat. “I’m getting another drink.”
Matty doesn’t utter a word as you get up and make your way to the kitchen - smart man, you think.
Sighing, you make your way around the other party-goers, finding yourself deep in thought. You knew that he had good intentions. Matty can be a dick, but he has a kind heart and has always been a good friend to you.
The issue was that everyone keeps talking like they know exactly what the problem is and how you’re feeling about it, acting as if your situation has an easy fix - when in reality they know absolutely nothing about whatever is going on between the two of you.
George Daniel has been your best mate for ages, you weren’t about to mess all of it up because of some measly feelings. Even if that meant pining in silence, reminding yourself that it’s for the best, trying not to think about what it would be like to be with him in that way. To hug him, but not as a best friend. To spend time with him, but not as a best friend. To kiss-
No. You weren’t going there tonight. You were going to enjoy your time with the boys before they went on tour. There would be no daydreaming about George Daniel and his eyes… and lips… and hands… and-
God. You needed another drink.
Reaching the doorway to the kitchen, you looked in and saw George having a conversation with Ross, his back turned towards where you were standing. He seemed fully immersed in whatever he was talking about and was completely unaware of your presence in the kitchen.
It would be so easy to scare him right now, and just as the thought came to mind, you decided to do just that.
Quietly, you sat your glass down behind the coffee pot and began to slowly walk towards him. Glancing up, you made eye contact with Ross, who quirked his eyebrow upwards. You quickly placed your finger over your lips in response, signaling for him to stay quiet as you crept up slowly behind George.
Realizing what you were trying to do, Ross swiftly looked away from you and began talking to George again, trying to distract him so you could carry out your plan. Once you made it directly behind him, assuring you were completely out of sight, you waited for the perfect moment. And as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, you struck.
You quickly brought up your hands, spreading them open just to snap them closed on George’s waist, aggressively whacking him on either side of his body and letting out a loud yell, “AH!”
“Fucking HELL-” George jumped up in place, swiftly spinning around and fighting off your hands’ attack on his sides by flailing his free arm, the other being occupied by his drink. His face showed nothing short of utter bewilderment, stunned by the sudden attack. His eyebrows pulled down and his mouth gaped open and closed like a fish, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
His reaction, and the expression of shock on his face, sent you into a round of obnoxious laughter - to which Ross joined in on at the expense of his best mate.
“You little shit,” unimpressed, George glared at your laughing figure, bent over at the waist and trying to recompose yourself. “It’s honestly not that funny.”
“Oh, but G, it really was. Your face - absolutely priceless. I wouldn’t have thought your sides would have been so sensitive - you practically levitated off the ground.” Slowly catching your breath, you smiled up at him.
Ross, wanting to stir the pot, gave his own input. “He definitely did - should have seen his face when you got him. Swear I’ve never seen him jump so high.”
George, looking completely unamused, was less than impressed with you and Ross teaming up against him. “I did not. You startled me is all-” He turned to look you dead in the eyes before continuing “-and you’re one to talk. My sides are sensitive, hm? Mine?” George began to smirk and sat his drink next to Ross as he slowly started making his way over to you.
The mischievous glint in his eye was alarming, and you immediately started backing away. You knew what he was up to, and you weren’t about to simply stand there.
With every step he took forward, you took one back, desperately trying to get out of the hole you had just dug for yourself. He kept moving forward, and you kept moving backward - until your back hit the counter and there was nowhere for you to run. However, that didn’t deter George from moving closer still. He continued to walk toward where you were standing, pushing his way into your personal space and pressing you further against the counter.
He looked down at you and smirked, “What was it you said about sensitive sides?” and that's when he struck.
He quickly brought his hands up to your sides, giving you no time to react before he’s started aggressively tickling you. You squealed and burst out laughing, releasing a loud cackling sound that you had no control over.
“George- G wait- GEORGE STOP-'' Your laughter enveloped the kitchen, and caused George’s smirk to slowly turn into a genuine smile. “no NO STOP IT I'M SORRY”
Laughing along with you, George continued his attack. “What was that, darling? I don’t think I heard you- you’re sorry?”
“See? Was that so hard?” George chuckled at you as you tried to catch your breath and he slowly stopped his attack on your sides.
You looked up at the tree of a man in front of you, trying to hide your smile as you gave him your best attempt at a glare. As soon as you made eye contact, though, your smile broke loose and you couldn’t help but release a half-giggle, half-chuckle at the man you had grown to adore.
The eye contact went unbroken, developing from a look of amusement to a sticky sort of fond look that continued to be passed between the two of you.
“That was nasty of you, G.” You narrowed your eyes at him, pushing on his chest and looking away for a brief moment before your eyes unconsciously drifted back to your best friend.
“I wouldn’t say that I’m the nasty one here, love. Don’t try to sneak up on me next time and you can avoid this mess.” Completely unphased by your light-hearted shove, George simply moved closer, placing his hands on the counter top by each side of your waist, effectively caging you in and bringing your bodies closer than they had been before.
“It was too good of an opportunity, G. I had to.”
The new distance, or rather the lack of such, sent a nervous, giddy feeling straight to your stomach. You and George had been dancing around the tension for weeks, waiting for the other to break - to finally make the first move - but nothing had happened yet and you were getting antsy.
There’s only so much flirting without any effect that you can take before you explode, and tour was starting up in the next week. He would be out of reach then - untouchable until the band was back home for a break. Their return would be months after they leave for tour, and the distance would provide you both with no consistent communication, what with time zones and work.
The pressure was laying heavily on the both of you and the close proximity was making your head fuzzy and your stomach turn - or maybe it was the wine you had been nursing all night - you weren’t sure anymore.
The renewed eye contact had become too much to handle, so you diverted your eyes downward and came face to face with George’s neck and chest. You couldn’t help but slowly drag your eyes across his frame, taking in his chiseled jawline and letting them roam down the expanse of his neck until they caught on an unfamiliar piece of jewelry hanging around it.
Reaching up, you softly slid your finger underneath the necklace and pinched it between your fingers to get a closer look at the piece. It was a simple chain - nothing outrageously large or bulky, but rather a thin, lightweight gold that laid nicely around his neck and had been neatly tucked beneath his shirt.
“Is this new?”
George hadn’t been paying a bit of attention. He was too focused on the smell of your perfume and the soft look that had taken over your features now that you had finally calmed down. You were beautiful. You always had been, but God, if you didn’t look unreal standing so close to him. He was intently committing your features to memory, as if he hadn’t already done so many times before, when you pulled him out of his daze.
“What?” He glanced down at your hands, now holding the thin chain and examining it. “Oh - that? yeah I just got it last week. Hadn’t found a chance to wear it yet, decided tonight was a good time. Do you like it?”
“Mhm, it’s nice.” You weren’t lying, it looked good on him - more than good - but you couldn’t help but tease him a bit. With the chain still between your fingers, you hooked your index finger beneath it and gave a quick tug, bringing his face closer to yours. “- think I could pull it off better, though.”
“Is that so?” George glanced at your face and found you looking at the gold necklace, a small smile gracing your face.
“Oh, definitely. I could pull it off way better than you do.” Your smile turning into a smirk, you tugged on the necklace a bit more, looking up at George to find his eyes trained on your own.
“Mmm, I’m sure you could.” His eyes flicked down to your lips, the smirk there morphing back into a smile, and he couldn’t help but wonder what they would feel like pressed against his own.
You had found yourself in a similar situation. You caught him looking at your lips, causing a flush to crawl up your neck. Later, if anyone asked, you would swear it was because of the wine, NOT because your best friend was looking at your lips like he was dying to explore them with his own.
On their own accord, your eyes had drifted downwards and were staring at his own lips. They had a small upturn to them, a content smile gracing his face as he continued to look at your own.
“Y/n -” It was barely there, a whisper of sorts that you wouldn’t have caught if you hadn’t been intently staring at his lips to see them part as he spoke your name.
With that one breath, everything stopped. You were no longer in the kitchen at a friend’s house, and it felt as if there was no one else around you for miles. It was just you and George sharing this one small moment.
Without noticing, you had both started leaning in. Your stomach started tumbling - was this going to be it? Finally, it was finally going to happen - fuck the consequences - and there was nothing that could stop it, nothing at all -
“Ahem-” Looking positively sheepish, Ross broke the bubble the two of you had created.
In all honesty, you had forgotten that Ross was even there and once broken out of your daze, you realized how close your faces had become. The two of you quickly jumped apart, eyes diverting to look at anything but each other.
“So sorry for interrupting, um, whatever that was -” and to be fair he did look distraught for having been the one to burst your bubble, “- but Matty has been calling George’s name for a bit now and i figured you wouldn’t want him to be the one to break you two apart.”
You and George both grimace. He’s right, you definitely did not want Matty witnessing whatever just happened.
“Plus, it was getting a bit uncomfortable just standing there in silence while that played out.”
You stood there blinking, still trying to come back from your previous daze - which caused George to be the first to respond.
He looks panicked and more than a little distressed. “No- Yeah- I mean no, it’s alright. I- um I should go see what he needs.” And without sparing you another glance, George grabs his drink and walks away.
You watch him walk out of the room, your mouth hung open in disbelief. You had almost kissed. You and George had almost kissed and he just walked away. What the fuck just happened?
“Y/n, listen- I’m sorry for-”
“What? Oh, no it’s um- it’s alright, no worries- Have you, um, have you seen my glass? I don’t, uh, I don’t know where I set it.” You were beyond flustered, and a bit upset. George walked off and it all hit you at once.
You were in love with George Daniel, you had almost kissed him, and now everything was all sorts of messed up. You were absolutely screwed.
Ross, not knowing how to make any of this better and wanting to kick himself for interrupting the moment, just stood there and watched as you flitted about the kitchen - mumbling about where you may have set your glass.
After spending a few minutes half-heartedly looking for your glass, you stop and sigh. “You know, what? Fuck it.” And with that, you walk over to grab the full wine bottle sitting on the countertop next to Ross and hurry your way out of the kitchen to find somewhere else to drown your sorrows. So much for enjoying the night.
Helpless, Ross watches you with wide eyes, before looking around to see if anyone else had just seen that. He makes a mental note to check on you later to make sure you were okay, before walking out of the kitchen in the opposite direction - deciding to give you some time to process what just happened.
In the living room, the party was still in full swing and after being roped into a conversation with Adam and Carly, Ross had forgotten about checking in on you.
Almost an hour had passed, and Matty had yet to see you come back from the kitchen. He looked around the room once more, scanning the many faces to see if he recognized yours amongst them. When his eyes found George across the room and didn’t see you anywhere near him, he excused himself from the conversation and set off to find where you had gone to.
After searching the outside patio, the kitchen, one hallway closet, and two bedrooms, you were still nowhere to be found. Matty had absolutely no idea as to where you could be and was growing more worried by the second. He knew you could take care of yourself, and he knew you could hold your liquor - but if he wasn’t mistaken, you had been drinking red wine tonight and you tended to get yourself into unfortunate situations when red wine was added to the equation.
He began walking back down the hall, passing the bathroom before an idea came to mind. Backtracking, he went back to the closed door and knocked twice, calling out to see if anyone was inside. “Hello? Anyone in here?”
When there was no response, Matty tried the door knob and found it unlocked. He opened the door and stuck his face inside, glancing around the bathroom and finding it to be empty. He sighed and was about to leave the bathroom once more when he heard a scuffle come from the shower and -
Matty stopped in his tracks at the all too familiar voice and pushed the door completely open. He slowly walked over to the shower, before grabbing the curtain and quickly pulling it back only to find your figure awkwardly curled in the bathtub, clutching a mostly-empty wine bottle.
“Um, hi?” You looked up at Matty with a guilty look on your face, giving your best attempt at a smile - one that was none too convincing based on Matty’s responding grimace.
“The fuck are you doing?” Matty looked at you expectantly, glancing from the wine bottle and back to your face.
“Well- you see… I don’t, uh, I don’t know. It was just so calm and quiet, Matty. And the wine was making me just a little dizzy and so was George and - Oh god, George - Matty I really want George but I think I just fucked it all up - oh god. ” You started rambling, your words beginning to slur together into a whine - and if Matty didn’t already think you were drunk when he first saw the bottle in your hands, he was sure of it now.
“Christ, Y/n - how much of that have you had to drink?”
“Only -” You brought up your free hand and pinched your index finger and thumb together, leaving a tiny space between them and squinting to look through it, “- thiiiis much.”
Matty sighed for what felt like the millionth time that night. Since when did he become the responsible one between the two of you.
He walked back to the door, shutting it behind him, before turning back around and sitting down next to the tub. “What happened, love?”
“Oh, nothing really - I just scared George in the kitchen and he tickled me and then we almost kissed but Ross interrupted and then G all but ran out of the room and i couldn’t find my glass and I really needed a drink and so i just grabbed the whole bottle and wanted to go somewhere quiet and so i came in here just in case I had to pee and i ended up in the shower and i can’t stop thinking about George an-”
“Fucks sake, Y/n. Take a breath for me.” You had started talking a mile a minute, gesturing your hands while still holding the bottle of wine and somehow managing to spill some of it down the side of the bathtub.
“Ah, shit. I’ve gone and spilt it again.”
Matty was staring at you with wide eyes, trying and failing to hide his shock. He hadn’t a clue what was going on and was sure this would be a shit-ton to unpackage later - but he’d already had a few drinks and there was no way he was processing any of this tonight.
And you - you were completely plastered and doing a poor job at hiding it. Not that Matty could blame you after everything that had just tumbled from your lips. He watched as you tried to clean up the mess you had made with the corner of your shirt before huffing and letting your head fall back harshly against the shower wall.
The contact made a loud thump, making both Matty and yourself wince. “Y/n, love, are you okay?”
You gave a short, empty chuckle in response and leveled him with a deadpan look. “Oh, I’m just lovely, Matthew. Thank you so much for asking.” You sigh again, lifting your head just to let it fall once more as you groan.
Reaching out for you, Matty stopped you as you went to lift your head. “Okay- maybe don’t be doing that again. Do you need anything? Want me to get you something? Some water maybe?”
“Can you get George for me pretty please?” You closed your eyes, opening them back up when Matty had yet to respond.
He was searching your face, trying to see if getting George was the best idea.
“Matty, please? I’m not gunna do anything stupid, ‘promise.” You gave him a dopey-looking drunk smile, and held up your pinky trying to convince him.
“Just because I’m in love with him doesn’t mean I can’t act normal after a few drinks. Please? He’s my ride home.”
Matty’s eyes widen, not expecting that to come out of your mouth. You had never explicitly said how you felt about George before, only that your feelings for him went past platonic and that you were too scared to act on them. It didn’t seem like you were aware of what you had just said, though, so Matty decided to let it slide and store it away for a later time (along with everything else that had happened that night).
He sighed, yet again. “Yeah, okay. I’ll - I’ll go get him, but I need you to stay here, alright?”
Nodding sluggishly, you watched as Matty stood himself up and went to leave the bathroom - assuming he was going to find George.
Once Matty had left and shut the door behind him, you - carefully this time - laid your head back to rest against the wall and closed your eyes. The room had started to tilt and your stomach had started to turn; but you’d be damned if you threw up now.
You had overdone it with the wine, you knew that already, but who could really blame you? After almost kissing the man you were oh-so-unfortunately in love with (who also happened to be your oldest and closest friend) and having him practically sprint out of the room to get away from you, you figured you were entitled to get just a little drunk.
To be fair, you were much more than a little drunk - having downed the majority of the bottle of wine that was full once upon a time - but you needed to not think for a moment.
You didn’t want to think about George’s hands at your sides, or his arms caging you against the counter. You didn’t want to think about how he looked at you so fondly before staring directly, and not-so-subtly, at your lips. You didn’t want to think about his broad shoulders and chest, or that stupidly attractive gold chain necklace that was hanging so beautifully around his neck. You didn’t want to - yet here you were thinking about it anyway.
At this point, your head had started to pound. God, how much had you drank for your head to already be hurting before the hangover had even started? You went to open your eyes, but the lights were blinding and you immediately shut them again.
With the room silent and your eyes closed, you took a moment to look over your night.
You weren’t sure why you had almost kissed him, but you could have sworn he wanted it to happen too. It couldn’t have been all in your head - you were delusional at times, but that was too cruel even for your own mind. That didn’t explain why he had bolted, though. Maybe he was embarrassed to have wanted to kiss you, or maybe he was drunk and thought you were someone else.
The night had become a disaster, and you prayed everyone else was at least having a good time. You had come tonight so you could enjoy some time with your friends before they left on tour, not so you could wallow in self pity over the fact that you wanted your best friend in a completely non-platonic way. How you had managed to get to the point where you were spilling wine in a bathtub was beyond you, however one thing had become extremely clear tonight: you weren’t sure how much longer you would be able to hide these ridiculous feelings before you quite literally exploded into 1,975 tiny little pieces.
You huffed and brought your arm up to rest it over your eyes. This train of thought wasn’t helping your mood one bit. If anything, it just made you want to cry, but you were far too wasted to push yourself off the path of self-destruction.
When you heard the bathroom door open, you didn’t move an inch and kept your eyes closed, assuming it was just Matty again.
“Matty, I really just want George,” you mumbled into your arm that was still draped over your face, while the other hand brought the wine bottle closer to your chest.
“You have me, Darling. I’m right here.”
Your eyes shot open at the familiar voice that most definitely did not belong to Matty Healy, only to find your best friend leaning against the door frame.
“Georgieee-” And by that nickname alone, George knew you were extremely drunk.
Matty had warned him of your state, briefly telling him that you were far from sober - but he hadn’t said it was this bad. You only ever use that name when you’re wasted, it was G or George otherwise
“Hello, Darling.” Your insides turned to mush at the name, physically sinking further into the bathtub and whining.
“Oh God, don’t do that.” You drug your hand down your face, as if you could wipe away the alcohol’s effect. You had no control of what was coming out of your mouth right now, and you probably wouldn’t remember most of this by morning. It was a recipe for disaster and you swore his presence was only making you feel more drunk.
“What- do what?” George looked at you with genuine confusion. Had he done something?
“Do that thing. Y’know - with your eyes and your voice and the ‘Darling’.” you dropped your voice as low as you could at the word ‘darling’, mocking his voice before proceeding to groan loudly. “ugh- that thing that makes me really want you and your attention.”
George chuckled at your words, looking down at you with that same sticky sort of fond look that made you want to melt under his gaze. “You have me, love. I’m paying attention - promise.”
You groaned again, “No - Stooppp.” You immediately looked away from his face and threw your hand over your eyes.
Laughing at your childish actions, George reached over to pry your hand away from your face, smiling as you gave in almost immediately. “Stop what? I’m giving you what you wanted right? You wanted me and my attention - so here I am.”
Apparently you had become one to make many noises tonight, because you simply whined in response, weakly trying to pull your hand from George’s grasp. “No- George you don’t get it. I don’t want it like that. I don’t want you like a best friend.”
At that, he let go of your hand and stared. You obviously hadn’t registered your words, too drunk to realize what you had accidentally let slip, and George didn’t know how to react. He had a gut feeling that you had gotten this plastered because of him, and with it came an unwelcome feeling of guilt.
Of course he wanted to kiss you back in the kitchen, he would be a fool to have wanted otherwise. But he was drunk and you were his best friend. Just because he wanted to kiss you then and there didn’t mean he had the right to ruin your friendship over some complicated feelings.
He doubted you knew what you were saying, anyways. You were drunk. It didn’t mean anything.
“Alright, Y/n. Let’s get you home.”
Sighing and pouting slightly, you reached both arms outwards and made grabbing motions with your hands, signaling for George to help you up. George huffed out a laugh at your actions before grabbing your hands and pulling upwards to get you in a standing position.
Once standing upright, you started feeling dizzy and began to wobble on your feet. Yeah, you had definitely had too much to drink.
Reaching back out to stabilize you, George lightly held both of your hips. “Woah, there Y/n/n. You alright? Can you stand by yourself?”
As soon as the question left his mouth, you felt the room spin and you immediately started to shake your head. “Um nope - no, definitely not.”
George looked at you and sighed. “Okay then, hold on.” And with that, he bent down, placing one arm behind your back and the other behind your knees, before lifting you up bridal style and bringing you into his chest.
You gasped, bringing your arms up and around George’s neck. “What are you doing, I’m fine-”
“Y/n. No you're not, you can barely stand, much less walk. So I'm carrying you outside to get a taxi, and you are going to let me.”
You balked at him for a moment before responding, “yes sir!” and giving him a quick salute. You placed your arm back around his neck as he began walking out of the bathroom and through the house.
You barely registered his good-bye’s as he quickly made his way through the now small crowd of people. How long had you been in that bathroom?
As if he had read your thoughts, “You were in there for a while, most of them already headed home. Mainly just the boys left now.”
You nodded your head as George stepped outside, walking to the road where a taxi was already waiting on the two of you. He set you down, helping you maneuver your way into the car before sliding in next to you.
As soon as he shut the door behind him, you sluggishly slid over to sit in the middle seat and rested your head on George’s shoulder. You twisted, dragging your eyes to look at him, when they caught on his gold necklace again.
You slowly brought your hand up and started messing with the chain. “‘Really like your necklace, G,” you mumbled sleepily into his shoulder. “Think I want one for me, too.”
You glanced up at your best friend - giving him a small, tired smile - and found him already looking down at you.
The eye contact was soft, lacking the heat and tension that was present earlier in the night. George watched as you tried to hold it, but ultimately failed as you grew too tired to keep your eyes open any longer.
That’s how you fell asleep, with your head lying on your best friend’s shoulder and your hand on his chest, lightly gripping his gold necklace.
You vaguely remember being woken up so that George could help you into your flat and being led to your room where you quickly stripped out of your clothes and put on a t-shirt from the top of your drawer before climbing in the bed.
By the time your head hit the pillow, you had already started dozing off again; but you could have sworn you felt your hair being tucked behind your ear and a kiss being pressed to your face.
A soft, “Goodnight, Darling” was the last thing you heard before succumbing to a deep, alcohol-induced sleep.
• • •
When you woke the next afternoon, it was with a horrendous headache and no recollection of what had happened after you ran from the kitchen with a full bottle of wine.
Groaning, you had rolled over to look at the clock when you felt an unfamiliar weight around your neck. You brought your hand to the hollow of your neck, grabbing at the weight and lifting it far enough away from your chest to catch a glimpse at the item. What you saw made your breath hitch as you brought your other hand up to cover your mouth.
It was George’s gold chain necklace.
You checked your phone, finding one notification from George himself:
Don’t be mad - you kept saying how much you liked it, so I just left it with you.
I can always get another one
You softly smiled, thumbing at the gold now lying around your neck. You were absolutely, positively smitten with your best friend, and you hadn’t a clue what you were going to do about it.
That was two months ago, and while you wish you could say that you gathered the courage to make a move before the boys left for tour, you hadn’t been given the chance. Things had gotten busy for you at work and the lads had been preoccupied with tour preparations, leaving you all with no time to get together or speak before they were heading off to the states.
You had exchanged a few messages with them, of course, and you had tried to call when time and work allowed, but it wasn’t quite the same. You missed your friends. You missed George.
The two of you had messaged each other almost daily, however you never seemed to be able to catch each other at the right time - narrowly missing his messages and calls by mere minutes and then being unable to reach him again afterwards.
His gold necklace had found a permanent place around your neck, you rarely took it off - your friends joking that it may as well be a tattoo permanently etched into your skin - but it had become a comforting presence in the absence of George.
When you missed George - which was almost constantly - or when things became a bit much, you would find yourself gripping the necklace, rubbing the gold chain in search of comfort. It was nowhere near the level of comfort George himself brought you, but it did well enough.
You werent, however, moping about just because George was gone. You were a proud, strong, independent woman, and you could function perfectly fine without him. This wasn’t his first tour, and you weren’t new to the overall lack of George. Your world didn’t revolve around him - you had a job and a life outside of the boys - but that also didn’t mean you didn’t miss your closest friends when they went away.
You were fine, honestly, but sometimes you simply wanted to chat with the boys about nonsense or complain about your days like you often did when they were home. On their previous tours, you had been able to still talk to them - but your new job had made it almost impossible and you were struggling.
However, it was the barely missed messages from George that made this tour more difficult than the rest.
It was the simple “Miss you, Darling &lt;3” text that made you unbelievably giddy and the quick voice messages he would leave when you inevitably missed his call - each starting with a “Hello, Darling” and ending with “Love you, Darling. Talk to you soon.”
It was two long months of poor communication and getting flustered by the smallest bits of attention you would get from him. You had missed him before, but the longing that came with his absence this time was different and you were acutely aware of it.
You would tear up watching the clips from the end of their latest show as they bowed to the crowd, George wrapping Matty in one of his hugs that you desperately craved. Your stomach would turn, imagining him out at some club with a girl that wasn’t you, hugging a girl who wasn’t you, kissing a girl that was not you.
It was envy. It was jealousy. It was longing and wanting. You were in love with him, that much you had come to terms with, but it was two weeks before they were due back home that you came to the gut-wrenching conclusion that you weren’t okay with not trying something.
You decided that you couldn’t sit back and watch anymore - you were going to make him realize that you were a fucking catch. You were a fucking catch and you had been there the whole time, through thick and thin, for worse or for better, and you fucking loved him.
When you got a message from George, one inviting you out once they got back, you jumped at the opportunity.They were wanting to get a group together - you, the band, and some other close mutual friends - to go out for a night of fun a few days after Christmas and you were practically buzzing at the thought.
You hadn’t had a proper night out since before the lads had left for tour, and paired with the prospect of seeing your best friends again after months apart, your nerves were completely shot.
Never before had you been nervous to see the boys. You’d known them for years, and you were sure that it was mostly excitement that was keeping you awake at night, but there was still that small bit of anxiety that crept in when you thought about seeing George.
You were so happy to be seeing him again - but now that you were aware of how you felt about him, you were worried that things would change for the worse. What if you were awkward? What if you got flustered and embarrassed yourself? What if those messages were just to his best friend and you had been reading too far into them? What if you put yourself out there to be rejected?
You were spiraling. Why were you spiraling? It’s just George. Your George, your best friend. You were completely overthinking all of it. It wasn’t like you were going to confess your undying love the first time you see him after months. It would be fine - so long as you didn’t freak yourself out. It’s a get together with a bunch of friends, not the end of the world.
Even so, you couldn’t help but feel a bit of pressure to at least look your best. It wasn’t a need to impress anyone, honestly. You just wanted to get dressed up, to look nice after wearing the same boring clothes every day for work - and this outing just happened to give you that opportunity. George being there was just a happy coincidence.
Plus, it finally gave you a reason to wear the new dress you had bought.
You hadn’t intended to buy anything while you were out last week, you just wanted to get out of the house and do something not work related. But then you saw it through the window and you knew you had to at least try it on.
The dress was a far cry from your usual getup - not one for dresses and frilly things - but something about it was calling to you.
It was a simple, silky black dress with a deep v-cut in the neck that perfectly displayed your breasts. The top of the dress was lined with gold and the straps came up and around your neck before zig-zagging down your back and lacing up the dress, forgoing the struggle of any zippers. There were two meticulously placed slits above each knee, giving a clear view of the sides of your thighs and allowing for movement in the fitting material.
It was gorgeous, and you felt powerful in it. The way it emphasized your curves in all the right places, molding to your body and showing off all of your assets had you head over heels for the dress. Overall it was a relatively plain dress- but it fit you so well that it looked like it was intricately made just for you.
And maybe you had George on your mind when you tried it on, maybe you saw an image of it lying on the ground after he had taken it off of you. It wasn’t exactly the worst thought.
And so you bought it. You had no clue when you planned to wear it, you just knew you had to have it - in hopes that maybe, just maybe, that fantasy could come to life.
When George invited you out, you decided it was the perfect opportunity to wear it. So you put on the dress, along with a pair of heels that lace up your legs, and left your flat feeling more confident than you had in months.
All of which brought you to where you are now, at a table in the corner of the club, clutching your drink and watching on as George chats up some girl at the bar.
You watch as she places her hand on his bicep before laughing a little too enthusiastically at whatever it was George had been saying.
If you didn’t know any better, you would think they were getting on just fine and that George was going to have a successful pull tonight; but you do know better.
You see how his eyes go wide when she looks away for a moment, removing her hand from him to grab her drink. The way he looks at her like she's grown two heads and is likely thinking what the fuck is going on.
And when she places her hand back on his arm, you see how he tenses ever so slightly and doesn’t seem to relax.
The sight makes you grip your glass tighter. Any confidence you had when you left the flat had all but disappeared once you caught sight of your best friend. You had been so excited to see him, you didn’t stop to think about whether he would be preoccupied with someone else.
Someone else who is so conventionally pretty that you feel like your dress pales in comparison - even if George seems uncomfortable with all the attention she keeps trying to smother him with.
“If you grip that glass any tighter I think you might break it.”
The unexpected but familiar voice breaks you out of your sulking, if only for a moment, as you sigh before glancing at the man who was now cockily leaning against the post next to your table.
You look him up and down before sighing, “Matthew.”
His response is immediate, “Y/n.”
“To what do I owe the displeasure?”
Matty gasps, throwing his hand over his heart in mock offense and looking at you with wide eyes that show the amusement and mischief dancing in them.
“Now, y/n/n, is that any way to greet your dear friend after two long months apart?”
You shoot him an unamused look in response.
Matty, however, ignores you and continues on. “I couldn’t help but notice your brooding and decided that I’d come save the glass from imminent destruction.”
You roll your eyes and put as much sarcasm as possible into your response. “Wow, Ratty- you’re a true comedian.”
He simply smirks at your tone. “What can I say? I’m a natural.”
You huff out a laugh, unable to stop yourself. You had to admit, you’d missed having him around - regardless of how insufferable he could be.
Matty had a tendency to be so obnoxious that it easily took your mind off of whatever you were originally thinking about, and you knew he acted this way with that exact purpose in mind.
Coming up next to you, Matty smiles as he reaches his arm around your shoulders for a side hug and gives you a shake. “Oh, didn’t you just miss me so much?”
You give a good laugh at that before turning to look him in the eyes and giving him a deadpan look, saying, “Oh, yes. So much, Matty. Not sure how I survived these two, absolutely horrible, months apart.” with the most sarcasm you could muster.
Matty lets out a loud cackle and pulls you closer. “Oh, how I've missed your cheery self.” You can't help but smile at him. “How’ve you been, Y/n/n?”
You shrug, "Alright, yeah. How've you been? How was tour?"
And that question alone sends Matty into a long winded explanation of what they had gotten into during tour and what it was like this time around.
It was somewhere between his description of their Madison Square Garden show and the afterparty that you stopped listening.
It wasn't on purpose by any means, you truly did want to hear about how everything went this time around, but you were distracted.
Distracted because George was still talking to that girl - more like she was talking to him and he was being forced to listen - and he looked like he was growing more uncomfortable by the second. Couldn't she see that he wasn't interested?
Matty was still talking as you continued to watch them interact. You watch her say something and see George's eyes go comically wide as he looks around to see if anyone else was seeing this - or maybe he was looking for an escape.
You see her go to grab his hand and watch as he swiftly moves both hands
away to clutch at his drink. She seems to only pause for a moment before she decides to place her hand on his thigh. His thigh. And you see the way George stiffens under her touch, making you tense up yourself.
"You really might break that glass if you don't let go - that or you're going to burn a hole into that poor girl's head with all your staring."
You jump a little at Matty's sudden comment, not expecting him to direct the conversation towards you again. You look down at your glass, finally realizing that you had, in fact, been gripping the glass so hard that your knuckles had begun to turn white - and you immediately let go.
Looking back at Matty, you see both amusement and sympathy in his eyes, making you let out a scoff. 
"Don't know what you're going on about, Matty - what was it you were saying about the afterparty?"
Matty chuckles at your poor attempt at changing the topic, he wasn't letting it slide this time. "Oh don't go pretending like you were listening, Y/n/n. I moved on from the Garden afterparty a good bit ago, you just weren't paying attention.
You make an indignant sound at that. "That's not true, I-"
"Don't even try, love," Matty smirks at you before glancing over at George and patting your shoulder. "No worries, you were distracted - understandably so, he looks a bit cozy doesn't he?"
You scoff immediately. “No, he does not.”
Matty grins at you, “Oh?”
“He looks ridiculously uncomfortable right now, just look at him,” gesturing your arm over in George’s direction.
Matty directs his attention to his best mate, watching as the girl bats her eyelashes and lays her hand on George’s arm. He sees the way George tenses under her touch and the way his eyes widen to whatever she’s just said. 
“That’s the fifth time she’s tried to touch him, and he basically freezes every time.” You huff. 
“Five times, huh? You keeping count, y/n/n?” Matty turns to head to look at you, entertained by your mood.
You make an indignant noise at his words, “What? No- I- I'm just being a good friend is all.”
Matty nods his head exaggeratedly in false agreement, turning back to watch George. “Right, yes- a good friend… that you happen to be in love with.” Your jaw drops. “Definitely not jealousy.”
“How did you-”
He cuts you off, “Did you know, Y/n -” he briefly glances your way, “that red wine makes you rather talkative?”
You let out a loud groan, placing your head in your hands. 
Matty chuckles at your reaction, “Easy now, it’s alright- we already knew as much.”
“We? Oh my god, does George-” Your head shoots up in time to see Matty shaking his head. 
“No, you didn’t tell him and he doesn’t know - at least not unless you told him once we left you alone.”
You let out a sigh of relief, slumping into your seat and placing your head back into your hands. Being drunk wasn’t the way you wanted to tell George how you felt. 
Honestly, you had hoped to do it tonight, but any confidence you had to address the situation has long since disappeared. 
You keep your face in one hand while the other subconsciously starts fiddling with the necklace around your neck, thankful for its presence and the comfort it offers.
“He does look like he’s having an awful time doesn’t he?”
Matty’s words break you out of your head, and you look up to see George with his head thrown back and staring at the ceiling as if he was wishing for it to swallow him whole, paying absolutely no attention to whatever it is that the girl happens to be saying.
“It’s actually painful to watch.” You shake your head at the scene.
“If it’s so painful, why don’t you walk your perky self over there and help him?”
You turn to look at Matty, giving him a glare for his choice of wording. He really thinks he’s funny, doesn’t he?
To be honest, you aren’t sure why you hadn’t gone over there to help him yet. You’d been debating it for a bit now, and there’s every reason to go over there and get him out of the mess he’s found himself in - but there was something still holding you back. 
You sigh, “I don’t know, Matty.”
Matty purses his lips and looks back at the bar as his phone buzzes in his pocket. 
“Not sure what you think could go wrong - he’s definitely not enjoying himself.”
He makes no move to get it, even as it buzzes a few more times. You open your mouth to snarkily respond to his comment, but the short spaces of silence turn into a long, consistent buzzing sound - completely cutting you off.
The sound is beyond irritating, even more so because Matty still chooses to ignore the vibrations in his pocket. “For fucks sake, Matty. Will you answer your damn phone? At least silence it if you aren’t going to respond.”
“I’m sorry, is it bothering you, y/n/n?” Matty gives you a cheeky smile, to which you stare back unamused, as he finally reaches into his pocket.
He pulls his phone out and unlocks it with every intention of just turning off his phone for a bit - that is, until he sees who the messages are from. He pauses to read the incoming texts and lets out a loud chuckle.
“Well then, y/n. I’d consider this a sign if I ever saw one.”
You look at him confused. “What- What are you going on about?”
He simply glances up from his phone smirking and says, “Looks like your loverboy needs saving.” 
He turns the phone around to show you his phone screen where you see 23 messages from George, and you watch as one more comes through that makes you let out a breathy laugh.
Mate seriously
Get me a glass of milk
Milk me, seriously
At this point come throw a glass of milk on me
So she will fucking fuck the fuck  o f f
Matty I’m spamming you for a reason
I know you’re laughing
Stop it
Can you actually be a good mate for once please
You fuckhead why don’t you have your phone on you
I need you to
Cunt. just now
You read over his messages, laughing at the panic that you can practically feel emanating through the phone. “Oh you are absolutely gonna hear it later.”
“Yeah, yeah - I’m very much aware. It’ll be fine, he’s going to like my solution better anyways.” You’re still chuckling at George’s messages and you look back at Matty as he speaks, pulling his phone back. 
“What?” You watch as he quickly types something out, pressing send and putting his phone away. 
You’re still staring at him in confusion while he looks at you expectantly. “Well?” He huffs, “Why are you still sitting here? She’s on your man.”
And you don't have time to overthink what it is that you’re about to do before you stand up.
• • •
Part 2
a/n: Okay, that's it for part 1 of 2 - up next is the fun part and my personal favourite half of the story. I hope you guys enjoyed!! see you same time next week <3 xoxo - K
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heyidkyay · 6 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Nine
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Part Nine!! Hope you lot like this one! Thank you so much for all the love its been shown, means a whole lot xx
Warnings: Scene that involves a lot of sudden panic and themes of possessive violence (Nothing too graphic, promise!), drinking but it's to be expected tbh
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The pavement outside of the bar was grounding. A solid presence beneath my unsteady feet. 
I let that feeling engulf me as I wandered a little further down from the club doors to press my back against the outer wall. The brick became a tether, I felt the grain of its grit against the leather of my jacket, the way its chill pooled across the back of my head, its rough ridges latching onto the hair that fell there.
It had been the briefest of seconds, a startled glance shared between us both before I had ripped myself away. Knowing that I’d only somehow lose myself in those eyes of his if I lingered a second too long.
But Matty had been all too bashful and almost completely unaware of my presence, so over the top in his greetings to everyone else that he had virtually made it too easy for me to slip straight past his guard and out into the night.
Now, alone, I dragged in a ragged breath. The feverish wisp of the evening air swirled around my tongue, only to then wind its way down the back of my throat. It helped to somewhat still my trembling hands.
Then, almost frantically, I moved to rifle through the pockets of my jacket in search of a pack of fags, or perhaps a lighter- practically desperate to find another means of escape. My mind wouldn’t stop its endless spinning.
I didn't get the chance though, not when the person I'd all but bolted from came tumbling out of the doorway a few feet away, dazed smile paired with a pair of sharp cutting eyes.
"There she is!"
I swallowed thickly just as my head snapped left to meet Matty, who was now making his merry way over, hands tucked in his trousers as he grinned amiably at me. Like everything was fine. Normal.
"Was beginning to think you'd done a runner!"
He didn't look much different from the last time I had seen him, which oddly felt so long ago now. That day in the cafe and then by the tube station. But still, there was something unfamiliar about the jaunty way he now held himself. It was a little too confident, arrogant almost. I wasn't sure how to interpret it. If I was even supposed to.
"No. Just needed some air." I replied, a breath of relief escaping me when my fingers finally wrapped around the familiar feel of cardboard. I pulled the carton out to distract myself from his overwhelming presence and plucked a cigarette from its contents before then extending it outwards. It felt impolite not to offer.
Matty only bared his teeth at me in a grin, as charming as ever, before he leant forward to snag another from the casing. I fumbled then for a lighter, patting myself down in search of it. 
I needn't have bothered though because I blinked and then there was a flame, unwavering in the wind as Matty dangled it carelessly just under my nose. 
My eyes sought his and I wet my lips before making room for the filter.
Matty leaned in closer and I hunched slightly so that I could burn the cigarette’s end, but as I did I continued to observe Matty, his stance, the mask he wore, whilst the fancy chrome lighter worked its magic.
I didn't know exactly where my heart was in that precise moment, but it definitely wasn't in my chest. It was climbing up my throat, pounding against my skin, hammering in my ears. 
I hadn't really noticed it before but now, just being around Matty- especially when not entirely sober- was a somewhat difficult task for me to endure. The man was every sort of red flag rolled up into one being, the kind of person I knew I was better off just staying away from. 
Because people like Matty tended to lure the likes of me in, with their charming smiles and cutting eyes. 
The perfect sort of trap that left you helpless, stranded.
Right then, it almost seemed as though Matty had the power to read every insulant or incriminating thought that had ever crossed my mind. As though all of it was written as clear as day across my face.
Matty took a long drag of his cigarette and propped himself up against the wall beside me, a little too close for current comfort but I couldn't really find it in myself to pull back now.
"Seemed like you couldn't get away fast enough." 
He said it so nonchalantly that I was a little unsure on how best to answer, whether Matty was honestly offended or not by my sudden departure. But before I could even think up a reply, Matty was already striving on.
"But, I can only imagine- must've been more than awkward to see the object you've been ignoring for, well fuck knows how long, standing right there. Within reach."
Matty turned his infamous grin on me then, but my breath had already been caught by the unbidden emotion in the man's eyes. 
"I-" I tried but Matty merely shrugged me off, cigarette ash flailing as he did.
"Don't need an excuse, babe. I get it. I can be a bit much at times- clingy, I reckon’s the right word."
I choked a little on my next drag but immediately started to shake my head. "No, no- honestly, Matty. It wasn't like that."
Matty levelled me with an odd look, but said nothing more.
"Look, I promise. Alright? It’s just- I've had a lot on recently. Everything's been fucking stressing me out, more so than usual, and it's all just. Well, it's all just sort of gotten on top of me." 
Knuckling the side of my eye in frustration, I tugged a hand through my hair, hating myself for the way I couldn't even seem to worm my way out of this one. For the dejected look that sat so blatantly on Matty's face. 
"I am really not saying this right." I huffed out unhappily before I dropped my fag and stamped the remaining cherry out.
Matty merely snorted and I pressed my lips together to keep from biting and instead took a breath, turning to him.
"I'm sorry." Is what I apparently decided on, and felt almost as surprised as Matty looked when the words bypassed my lips. But in truth, I found that I really was sorry for making Matty feel as though he was to blame here. And for whatever other idiotic thing Matty might've told himself as to why I’d been acting like a right bitch lately.
Matty looked at me for a long pause, his hand stilled in midair between us, and I really wasn't very sure how to take the small smile that tugged at his lips a moment later.
"No need for apologies. Honestly. Well, only if you're planning to continue ignoring my messages after all this." Matty quipped and he laughed lightly when he caught my expression, blowing a cloud of smoke out of the side of his mouth.
I felt looser having heard his reply though, and tried for a smile.
"No. No, I wasn't planning on it."
"Good." Matty nodded and I really appreciated the way his face brightened when he did so. But I knew I’d never tell him. "Now! Are you going to buy me a drink for all of my troubles, or am I going to have to bribe that grumpy ginger mate of yours? Who’s even that sodding tall anyway?"
A startled laugh bubbled up from my chest and I couldn't for the life of me even think to decline the ask when Matty was looking at me like that, eyes shining under the streetlamp light, cheeky smile brightening his entire being.
"I'd like to see you try."
I quietly waited for Matty to finish the remnants of his cigarette before I followed the singer back inside, feeling the humidity of the cramped club pool over me the moment we bypassed the entrance.
Matty grabbed at my hand just as we slid by the highly intoxicated hen-do party who were crowding the doors. The action was done without merely a second thought, which wedged that heart of mine up into the walls of my throat and left me almost unaware as Matty continued to lead me through the rest of the crowd. 
His fingers wrapped effortlessly around my own and I clung to them like an anchor to the ocean floor. Struggling greatly to suppress the bubbling urge to play with the large metal ring that adorned Matty’s index finger.
"Oi, I thought you'd left!" Came a booming voice from over my left shoulder, it resonated around us once Matty and I had finally reached the bar.
It was on impulse that I glanced over in its direction and gaped at the sudden appearance of Auley, who's blue eyes were keen but playful, taking the situation in. It was Matty though, who replied, face turned up into a cocky grin as he subtly observed the incoming target.
"It seems,” He said, “That Squeaks here cannot say no to the likes of me."
Matty’s fingers were still grasping mine, I noted then, and was merely grateful for the way the bar's dim yellow lights were able to cover up the faint blush that had crawled up my neck. That statement had only strengthened it though, it seemed. Because, in all honesty, it felt like more than just a partial truth. 
The laughter that followed from Auley was brash and unavoidable, and he made sure to catch my gaze.
"Ah, I see!" Auley winked at me as he went to grab at the large tray of drinks the barman passed him. "Must be those devilishly good looks of yours, mate."
I hated feeling so wrong-footed so I shot back, "Or, maybe his charm."
Auley smirked just as I ducked my head. "I'll let everyone know you're stickin' around then, Mouse. Join us, yeah?"
Before I could dissuade him, to rewrite the picture he’d decided on in his head, the tall ginger had already dived back into the crowd, his head bobbing along to the song playing overhead as he sailed his way through. Everyone back at the table would know that I’d stuck around soon enough.
"What're you drinking then?"
Blinking, I spun back to face Matty and found a busty barmaid waiting on his reply. She was a pretty thing, propped up against the sleek counter, lips quirked high enough to contradict her sultry eyes. 
"Uh," I fumbled slightly before I simply shrugged, "Whatever you're having is fine."
Matty smiled, teeth glinting with the extremity of it, then leant in closer to order, close enough to the barmaid that I struggled to hear their exchange.
The woman flashed him a flirty smile before she finally slipped away, leaving me alone with the likes of Matty once again. I couldn’t for the life of me decide on how I felt about that.
"You been out long then?" I asked as a way of conversation, eyes flitting around the rest of the room, my voice raised just enough to be heard over the music.
"Depends on who you're asking."
My forehead pinched at that, and so Matty laughed.
"Jamie doesn't know I'm out."
I gave a slow nod. "Right. But won't he find out though? You know, come morning, when your mug's plastered all over Twitter and The Times."
Matty’s smile soured ever so slightly at that but he still chirped right back, pressing further into my space, arm brushing mine. “That’s the fun of it, Squeaks. Gotta live a little, yeah?”
The barmaid came wading back over before I could over-analyse his response, settling down an expensive bottle of Belvedere alongside two glasses. "Hope you enjoy it."
Matty dipped his chin at her, one side of his mouth tugging its way up before he hip-checked me into motion.
"Come on then, lead the way!"
Strobe lights danced in his peripheral vision, blinding and eccentric enough to cast shadows and beams out over the room. The bass of the current song being played overhead resonated deep within his chest, thudding alongside his erratic heartbeat. But Matty couldn't seem to concentrate on any of that, not when the girl swaying beside him stood so close, a breath away.
"DJ tonight is really going for it!" She declared as she tossed her head back carelessly, laughing up at the ceiling. 
Matty couldn’t find it in him to reply, too busy staring. Mouth agape as his eyes raked over the length of her body. The moisture that clung to the line of her throat, the way that the shorter hairs that framed her face curled in the humidity, how her body just moved. As though she didn't even have to try. Like she was just dancing to dance, not caring who was watching.
Briefly, Matty wondered how hot she must have felt wrapped up in that tight leather jacket of hers, but couldn't for the life of him bring himself to ask. Not when she looked so carefree, so buoyant. Plus, the leather only added to the image Matty had honed in on.
She was grinning still, almost madly now, when she turned her head to catch his keen gaze. She leant in close, so close that Matty could breathe in the scent of her all too easily, the same sweet fragrance that surrounded her constantly and had been filling up his head for days since he’d first smelt it.
"Listen to this riff coming up! Just after the bridge." She instructed him, bright eyes hidden behind drooping lids as her lips brushed against the shell of Matty’s ear. 
He forced back a shiver at the feeling and tried his very hardest to follow the order, straining to focus on the song instead of the girl’s proximity.
She continued to bop her head languidly and her eyes finally fell completely shut just as a guitar sounded. The chords of it flowed so fluently, edging closer and closer towards a finale. 
She looked so serene whilst she listened, so carefree. As though the only language she'd ever been able to truly understand was the sound of music.
They fell into rhythm without even thinking, the two of them, he dropped his head against her neck so that his hips could sway with hers, a drink loosely gripped between the pads of his fingers. And she seemingly allowed it, even as they stood in a crowd so full of onlooking people. 
It was strange though. All of his thoughts were centred around her, the way she moved, the rise and fall of her chest. The three freckles perched on the bone of her collar. But just as that realisation settled in and they continued to dance, Matty felt the sudden sensation of air forcing its way back into his lungs. The action was so apparently clear that he realised, momentarily, that he'd forgotten just how imperative it was to simply breathe. 
He wasn't sure whether it was down to the alcohol, or something other, but he revelled in the sharp chill of it, the rushing of his blood. The way it made him dizzy with adrenaline. It was akin to something he hadn’t felt in a long while.
I hummed noncommittally in response, not paying the voice behind me much mind as I approached the bar again. Matty wanted something fizzy this time around and I didn’t mind sharing.
"Mouse!" It came again, louder.
The crowd seemed to have tripled in the short time it had taken me to weave my way off of the dance floor, it was buzzing now, hands and faces and drinks everywhere. My gaze flickered back over my shoulder momentarily to see if I could still make Matty out in the heaving mass, just so that I could reassure him that I'd soon be back, that I was already at the bar.
"Mouse!" There it was again, that voice, only this time it was accompanied by a grabbing hand. 
I startled at the sensation and whipped around, frowning when I saw it was Ronan standing there, my confused gaze now peering up into his storming blue. I shrugged the hand off, then rubbed at the wrist it had seized.
"That'll leave a bruise." I mumbled with a pinched expression.
Ronan's lips only thinned as he stared down at me, not saying a word. 
I huffed unhappily, "What did you want, Ro?"
Ronan’s sharp scoff cut through the noise, sounding as though I should have already known the answer to that one. "You're bladdered." He practically spat.
"Thanks for the insight, Sherlock." I countered with a mocking salute, and went to turn away again but there was that hand.
"Jesus, Ronan! Can't I just enjoy a night out? Thought you'd be the first person to egg me on!" I found myself exclaiming, only growing annoyed by the unnecessary exchange, by his rough touch.
I saw his jaw tick, the muscles work beneath the grit of his teeth, and instinctively took a deep breath.
With an exaggerated sniff, Ronan cut his eyes at me again, and even in my drunken haze, I knew that I’d made a mistake somewhere.
"Look, I'm sorry." I tried to backpedal, pulse quickening, "I'm just a little tipsy. Didn't mean to go off on you like that."
"Save it." Ronan grunted out, his hand grabbing at my arm once again, this time it was a lot harsher, heavier. So much so that I couldn't hide my wince, nor the sharp inhale. "We're leavin'."
My tongue fell slack as I attempted to swallow the weighty feeling in my throat, sobering up quickly just as Ronan began to tug me through the hordes of bustling clubbers.
It had been a long while since I had first walked away from the redhead. A drunken one night stand which had progressed into a recurring bad habit during my last year at uni, when I'd still been struggling to wrap my head around everything. Fighting back and forth with the idea of being with somebody, of allowing them to see me completely. Of learning how to trust.
In truth, I’d been at my lowest, and the first few times Ronan and I had slept together, I wasn't so sure that I'd been able to walk, much less jump into bed with someone I considered a mate, when I woke up the next morning. 
But I had brushed it aside, figuring that my inebriated mind had only gone after what my sober self had tried its best not to want.
I couldn't really recall the many people I'd got with during that odd period of time, I honestly hadn't wanted to remember much. But Ronan had been mixed in with a throng of others- bartenders, waiters, boys from my classes. And somewhere amongst them all, there had also been Teddy's dad. But the redhead had been a constant. Somewhat of a regular seeing as though I’d had a tiny crush on him way back when.
Then Teddy had obviously come along and I’d been forced to face the facts.
Ronan, as grand as he could often be, was jealous as the best of times, and sadistic at the worst. He didn't much like to share and the man tended to swing towards the belief that the people he had in and out of his bed were his to keep. 
And I wasn't demented enough to think that I'd deserved the treatment, but no one else had noticed back then, no one else could have understood. Then with the arrival of Teddy, Ronan hadn't been much interested in the likes of me anymore. And although I'd been adamant that we’d remain friends, I really hadn't seen much of anyone after leaving uni. And I’d been more than content with that fact for a long while now.
In a panicked breath, I fought for my mind to catch up with the rest of me just as I tore my arm from Ronan’s overbearing grip, causing me to stumble backwards into a large group gathered around a tall table. 
"What the fuck are you doing?" 
Came Ronan's heated voice, it was all that I could really focus on as I struggled to continue backwards, desperate to get away but not wanting to cause a scene. I whispered apologies under my breath without even thinking, tripping over my own feet in my haste.
The redhead was hot on my tail though, calling out to me again and again as he forced his way through the overlapping crowd that bustled between us. 
I continued with my sorry’s, murmuring to the people around me as I started to shove and push.
But I had been so focused on the voice coming towards me that I’d all but jumped right out of my skin when I heard my name echo in my ear. A quick flash and hands were settling themselves on my shoulders to still me. 
Impulsively, I jolted away, springing around to meet Alice's wide eyes.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Alice. Alice, where's-" I struggled to get enough oxygen into my lungs as I fumbled for words, any words. The blinding fear and panic I should've been feeling only moments ago convulsed through me now like a tornado ripping effortlessly through a city.
Was that Ronan again? 
My head throbbed with the thought, desperate now.
"Please, Alice."
I could feel the shortness of my breaths as they came out in huffs, my startled eyes flickering every which way as I searched for a way out. An escape.
"Mouse, what's happened? Mouse?" And oh, did I wish that she'd stop saying my name. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to catch a sight of familiar red.
Alice was hesitant to get any closer now after how I'd so violently flinched, but even through the foggy panic I felt I could see her evident worry.
"Mouse! Alice!"
I watched as Alice's troubled gaze trailed somewhere over my left shoulder, to a space just behind me, and I couldn't help the aggressive way I started to shake my head. Hoping she’d somehow understand. I was overreacting sure, but trembling so hard it almost hurt. It should’ve hurt, I thought.
"Matty." Was the first word that spewed out of my mouth, and I started repeating it like a prayer as I felt the walls of the bar begin to close in. And so, a more than concerned Alice nodded hurriedly at me before she cautiously draped an arm around my waist and started to lead me away.
I was almost certain that Ronan was still calling out, but I couldn't quite hear his voice anymore over the pounding in my ears and so I tried to focus on where we were going. I thought Alice was talking, too. But her voice was so gentle that I struggled to read her lips. 
People were flashing by and I noticed a familiar face pass us by then, but they looked far too alarmed and hurried on without a greeting smile, their arms stretched outwards to catch something behind us.
Alice stumbled on, only sparing a single glance backwards as she veered me out from the overwhelming crowd.
I could honestly think a little clearer now, eyes shuttered, flickering back and forth between everyone and everything. Though it all still felt too much.
"Just up here, okay, lovie?" Alice murmured, her presence soothing, safe.
I licked at my lower lip and dipped my head in acknowledgment. "Sorry." I replied breathlessly, voice faint.
Alice blinked at me owlishly and then frowned, before she then squeezed me closer to her side. "Had me worried there, babe, but you don't have to apologise. No need, alright?"
Before I could even think up a response, Alice was speaking again- only, not to me. I dragged my head back up upon hearing a familiar lilt and was bombarded with the sight of a staggered looking Matty. The bright smile he'd been wearing upon our arrival had been wiped away the second he’d gotten one good look at my face. 
"What the hell happened to you?"
The question made me think and my forehead furrowed at the sound of the unknown voice. I peered around slightly to find another man seated right beside Matty, he was of a similar build and with hair just as dark. Matty, who had jumped up to meet Alice and I as we drew closer to the booth, reached out for me.
The expression he wore confused me to no end but I couldn't question it, not when Alice was already handing me over to him, albeit with a bit of hesitancy.
"Is she okay?" Matty asked her briskly, his eyes never once leaving mine. I’d never seen them go so wide.
"She honestly came out of nowhere, practically on the verge of a panic attack and looking as though she'd just seen a ghost." Alice explained wearily, whilst Matty ushered me into the nearest seat. His seat.
He jerked his head at the man sitting opposite as he slid in after me, "Go get us some water, will you!"
The man, put on the spot, looked both alarmed and perplexed at the sudden order, but nodded at Matty all the same before he ducked quickly out of the booth.
"Who-" But my inquiry was cut off.
"Danny, mate of mine. Ignore him." Matty answered, somehow already knowing my question, as a careful hand came up to cup my chin, it guided my face closer so that I could get a better look at him. As gentle as Matty was whilst handling me though, I could see the venomous anger in his eyes, the emotions that warred there. "Who was it?"
I blinked slowly but didn’t look away. "What d’you mean?"
He inhaled slowly, so calm it would’ve been intriguing any other time. "It's obvious that something happened, Squeaks. So who was it?"
Squeaks. Squeaks. Squeaks.
I focused on the way my name curled around Matty’s soft spoken tongue.
"Babe." Matty tried to regain my attention and I felt a soft hand tap my shoulder before it dropped itself. "I can't make you tell me what happened but I want to know who to avoid when I try to get you out of here. You hearin’ me?"
I gaped slightly before hurrying to shake my head in return.
"No, no, it's fine, Matty. Honestly. I didn't, I didn’t mean to scare everyone. I'll be fine. I’m okay."
He levelled me with a look, and for some reason it made me feel as though we were the only two people in the room.
"Please don't lie to me. Not right now." 
Was what Matty came out with, his voice so steady that I truly did wonder whether he'd actually had a drop of alcohol tonight.
"I was raised by liars, can't stand lies." He added and I swallowed thickly.
Matty just sighed.
"Look, I can probably get us out the back door, alright? I'll get Danny to deal with anyone else." He told me, but only continued to ramble on as he pulled his mobile out from his front pocket, and then he was rambling down the phone to somebody else. 
I watched him all the while, still a little dazed from the blinding panic I’d just felt and the idea of Ronan still not being too far. My eyes wouldn’t leave Matty though, even with those thoughts, even though my body craved to search him out, to see if he was near. Head screaming with the intensity of it.
Matty gave me a tiny smile when he hung up and his hand came to rest over my forearm, a vast contradiction to the harsh grip I’d felt there earlier.
"I've got a car waiting outside, you okay with me dropping you home?"
My mum had always claimed I’d been far too proud, hated having other people take care of me, hated them doing the things I could easily do myself. But at that moment all I wanted was my bed. Was to be home. 
And so, taking a big leap, I jerked my head in a quick nod, if anyone could even call it that, and it felt like Matty understood just how much power I was giving up then when the man slid out of the booth and offered up a hand.
Still, I took it.
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imagine-that-100 · 1 year
Chicken Shop Date | Part 3 |
By @imagine-that-100​​ and @alovesreading​​
Description: Matty Healy x Reader (Female) | You and your best friend Amelia came up with a very simple idea of taking celebrities on awkward chicken shop dates, and somehow, it’s managed to become both of your jobs. In the past, you’ve found sitting across from some of the biggest stars on the planet and eating chicken nuggets easy. But then Amelia manages to score you a date with the man who you’ve been obsessed with since you were nineteen; Matty Healy.
Word Count: 24.6k
A/N: Bestiessss, we’re backkkk!!! And this new part is a good one, it might be my favourite. Me and A have become obsessed with Matty and Baby’s story (Yes, she got a cute nickname like Wheels and it stuck lol) and we can’t wait to share more. There’s going to be at least 6 parts to this story as we can’t stop writing. We really hope you enjoy this new part as much as we do and thank you so much for reading  x
| Part 1 | Part 2 | 
| N’s Masterlist | A’s Masterlist |
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The day Being Funny dropped, you’re sure you listened to it through at least 30 times. Both listening to it completely transfixed like you were the first time, and having it on in the background when your best friend came around.
When Amelia came to yours, you got so deep into recounting the events of the night before that you didn’t realise what the time was when your phones started blowing up. Your storytelling had distracted you from realising the date and that your scheduled video of yours and Matty’s chicken shop date had been posted, it was finally out for everyone to see.
The both of you had to pause your story to post on all your social media platforms and when that was done, you sighed looking back up to your best friend who is already looking at you in desperate need for you to continue talking. When you finished telling her, she was gobsmacked at every little detail, from Matty phoning you to come back into the venue, to him kissing you outside your building and following you inside, to holding his hand during the album, to him climbing into your bed and the both of you sleeping beside each other.
She asked if you were going to message him, and you shook your head as you remembered he mentioned New Years before he left. It gave you that little bit of hope that he would want that second date. The last thing you want to do is message him and annoy him and blow your chance.
It was needless to say that yours and Matty’s chicken shop date blew up. The response from it ended up being fucking insane and obviously the fact that you kissed on camera had the fans going feral.
You were getting messages from everyone about it, endless people saying it was your best date yet. Even Amelia’s Mum texted her about the date, saying, She really hit the jackpot with this date but he’s definitely a heartbreaker 🥰🍾
It made you cackle when Amelia posted that on her instagram story and tagged you with a caption that read, Linda, so is she!!!!!!!
Despite the date blowing up, your hard work had been done after you posted everything on your socials and you posted the picture that you took of the cigarette that you stubbed out amongst your food and you tagged Matty, but other than that you hadn’t messaged him.
You didn’t think anything of tagging him, and you certainly didn’t expect a response as he should be partying again because it’s his album release day. But when you got into bed that night at about 1am you see that he’s replied to you.
Tasty x
In a little panic, you chose to not reply to him because honestly you really didn’t know what to say. It was definitely too late and you were too tired to be attempting to come up with a flirty response that probably wasn’t going to earn you a response.
The following day, you had a few things to do in the morning, but you had decided that early afternoon you’d wanted to go to The 1975 pop up shop on Brick Lane in Truman Brewery. A full shop filled with 1975 merch was actually a dream of yours and there is no way you wouldn’t be going.
You wanted to set off from your flat at midday, but Amelia phoned you to go over some details for an upcoming date she had and you ended up running ideas back and forth with each other for an hour. It was just after 1pm when you bid each other goodbye and you got your phone out to check train times on City Mapper to see when was best to head out as if you weren’t on the phone you would have most definitely been there by now.
However, when you were checking for when was best to leave your flat, you got an Instagram notification from a fan account - because yes, you follow those - and you see that all of the band have just rocked up at the pop up shop. You’re eternally grateful that Amelia phoned you now and delayed you because you can’t even begin to imagine the embarrassment you would have felt if Matty caught you at their pop up shop too.
When you eventually got to the pop up, it was thankfully a lot quieter than it was earlier. You decided to just give it a few more hours, knowing that the shop was open a little later than the others so you could just browse the merch to your heart's content when you got there.
There were only a few people in there beside you, and because you were taking your time pretty much picking up one of everything of the smaller items. You ended up getting yourself the distressed crewneck that Matty had been wearing quite a bit on his story too, as you quite like their new logo.
Your haul ended up with you getting that crewneck, ‘the band’ long sleeve top, a few logo stickers, badges, a few rolling papers, the zine, and a tote bag to put everything in. It was yet another day of being swindled of your money by your favourite band. But alas, you’d do it all again because the store was stunning.
There were big prints of the band on the wall, all of them glorious and like they deserve to be in a gallery. The merch was set out neatly with the car that is on the album in the centre of the room, looking absolutely glorious.
Because the store was closing up, the woman who was serving recognised you and the two of you started chatting for a little bit. She complimented you on how funny your date with Matty was and although the mere thought of the date still has your cheeks heating up, you thank her.
As she was so lovely, and because it was only you and one other person in the shop at that point, you asked her if she could possibly take a few pictures of you next to the car and thankfully she agreed.
The lovely woman even moved the barrier out of the way too so you could get a proper picture even though you told her it wasn’t necessary. She told you it was fine and if you took a few pics for her too she really didn’t mind which you agreed to.
Feeling a little childish about it actually being the car from the album cover, you posed like Matty does but you were standing beside the car instead of on top of it. You took a few of you smiling normally beside the car and smiling too and another of you crouching down pointing at La Poesie Est Dans La Rue that was written on the side in chalk.
When you got home around 8pm, you ended up posting the picture of you doing the same pose as Matty and you promised yourself that this will be the last time you tag him in anything. You really liked the picture because despite your hair being flicked over half of your face you could see your smile peaking out between your hair, so that had to be the one to post.
And you posted it with the caption:
Now the ruckus has gone… There’s something I've been meaning to say to you baby, but I just can’t do it… I’m too busy listening to the best album of 2022!
(until a different Car comes along next week anyway)
Stream Being Funny In A Foreign Language and @trumanblack, I think I did it better x
It was a little on the nose with the I’m In Love With You lyric, but the picture was cheesy too so your caption had to match. And that night, after you make and eat your dinner, you’re a little startled when you next pick up your phone and see that Mr Truman Black himself has messaged you again.
You little shit, you purposefully didn’t go when I was there today, didn't you? But yes I guess you did do it better x
Thanks for the free promo btw, now post the longer date x
The way you feel yourself blush at the messages is unlike the way you’ve ever reacted to
Electing to ignore the first half of his message, you just end up replying:
You gotta get number 1 first, now get to bed you have a signing tomorrow x
And the snarky but beautiful bastard ends up messaging you back and asking:
You coming to that too? xx
Snorting, you just giggle as you can hear the way he’s asking it. You give it a few minutes before opening the message and typing: You wish xx and you send it off to him without a second thought.
And Matty’s reply comes through just a minute later, and you leave it to sit in your DMs, unread, as you see he responds: I do xxx
Needless to say, you don’t end up going to their signing the day after, not that you were planning to anyway. Your schedule got quite busy after at the same time that the band was going on tour so there were no other interactions from then on.
Something which you don’t mind about, because the delusional hope you have for the New Years date happening really keeps you going. And your life somehow keeps getting more mind-bogglingly more star studded.
Of course, The 1975’s new album ended up reaching number 1 in the UK official charts, so as promised, you ended up posting the full version, which you titled, Matty Healy (The 1975) | Chicken Shop Date | Spicy Edition |
In this spicy edition of the date, you included everything. All the inappropriate jokes that were made with the additional awkward cuts added of the chicken shop you were in. And the reaction was feral.
Obviously, you confirmed with the band’s manager Jamie that this was okay to post, but you never expected it to blow up again. You were thankful that everyone seemed to enjoy it even more than the original and you were thankful for the silence on Matty’s end because watching the full thing back made you lose your mind all over again.
Thankfully, you had work to do to keep yourself from dying from second hand embarrassment eating you alive. Both you and Amelia were asked to be the hosts on the red carpet of the British GQ Awards which was so much fun for you.
You had been shaking and silently freaking out to each other as you got your makeup and hair done, thinking about who’d be there, but once at the red carpet you’d had to keep it cool and it was hard when you saw all the people approaching you.
Throughout the night you were doing tiny toasts on the carpet with willing participants who were the famous faces you were interviewing. Your favourite and most shocking of the night was talking to Andrew Garfield.
Neither you or Amelia could believe he knew who you were, let alone the fact that he commented on how much he appreciates your chicken shop date series. There was no doubt that when he said he would do one that you both jumped on it, agreeing immediately with dumbfounded looks on your faces.
He was your favourite though because he joined you in bullying Amelia for the rubber dress she was wearing and the fact that she liked Andrew’s armpits which came about from her saying he looked hot in that one specific photoshoot. He was so genuinely lovely that you really hope that date with him does come around because you’re sure your heart stopped the moment he came over and called the both of you beautiful. You will be fighting your best friend for that date.
On the carpet you greet other legends like Stormzy, Louis Theroux, and Sydney Sweeney. During Sydney’s interview you were trying not to combust because you fancy the woman so much and she looked incredible. It was hard not to fall to your knees for her when she commented on how much she loved your dress.
Paul Mescal came over to the both of you as well and you really had to bite your tongues with him because both he and the both of you know that his girlfriend Phoebe Bridgers was due to have her date with you soon. In the biggest whiplash, you go from having Paul beside you to Aitch, and whilst it wasn’t awkward, it wasn’t exactly the most fun of your interviews.
Well, it sort of was for you because you got to chuckle at the pair's half awkward interactions with each other. When him being on tour is mentioned, you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes because of how lads holiday it sounds, but he is a lovely person so you’re not too fussed. You just had to be grateful he didn’t string your best friend along.
The award for your most awkward interaction that night was with none other than Joseph Quinn. You adore him and lowkey fancy him too so you really tried to keep it as normal as the rest of your interviews.
Like with your chicken shop dates, you and your best friend have a little awkward undertone to your interviews this evening to maintain your ‘personas’. But it became quickly apparent by the end of your interview that Joe had no fucking clue who the two of you were or what you do for a living.
So when you asked if he preferred being the big spoon or a little spoon, and he replied with big spoon, you told him that you were a little spoon. Your ‘that works’ comment will definitely live to haunt you for the rest of your days, because he clearly didnt know that uncomfortable flirting is your literal job, and when he walked away after you wished him a great night there was a clear ‘what the fuck’ in his eyes.
And it haunted you so much that when you were inside at the awards and you saw him again after the ceremony, you had to go over and explain yourself and apologise. Bless the man, he was so lovely with you and he told you that he wasn’t freaked out by you at all and that he knew you were joking. He even apologised for making you feel like you’d offended him and you shook your head telling him that it really wasn’t his fault and that you were just worried.
It struck up a conversation about your chicken shop dates where he admitted he hadn’t actually watched any yet but he knew of them. It was a really nice conversation before he got pulled away to someone else wanting his attention, but you were just pleased that you got to tell him that you really appreciated his acting in both Stranger Things and the characters you’d seen him play in films beforehand and you each wished each other well before saying goodbye.
After the GQ Awards, both you and Amelia felt like you could take a breather. That was by far your most high profile job yet and you were so excited that 2023 was going to have even more on the cards for the both of you.
The rest of this year you’re ready to face in high spirits as there’s so much to look forward to. A Miu Miu party, various other amazing celebrity dates that you’re so beyond excited for, the fashion awards.
You’re so excited.
Happiness bubbles inside you when you’re in bed and ready to go to sleep, mindlessly scrolling through twitter when you find clips from the latest The 1975 show. You laugh at his antics when he plays with the crowd, saying funny shit in the TooTime autotune or plainly just messing about with the fans and their signs.
Your heart swells in your chest and with a sigh of content, you lock your phone and put it to charge to finally go to sleep.
Everything was looking up and you were truly convinced nothing could bring you down from the state of immense bliss you were currently in. But how little you thought about the fact that anything could happen on tour comes to bite you back later.
~*~*~*~ 26th November ~*~*~*~
Waking up on a Saturday morning after having a nice lie in was meant to be the best part of your week as it usually always was. With things only planned for around 2pm you knew you could laze about in bed all morning and not have to rush at all, you could stay on your phone and endlessly scroll to your heart's content.
However, that isn’t how this morning turned out for you.
After waking up properly when your eyes weren’t getting heavy again, you reached for your phone which you left on charge last night. And when you opened instagram, the first thing you saw was The 1975 tour content from their show in Vegas last night. When you started watching, it was wholesome, the band seemingly having a great time on stage, but then when the next video came on you felt something in your chest die a cold death.
You watched a 20 second video that changed your whole day for the worst.
Matty had pulled a fan on stage, a pretty girl, and he kissed her before the ‘now everybody’s dead’ line in Robbers and you genuinely think your heart breaks the tiniest bit.
You try to fool yourself that it isn’t that big of a deal, because it truly isn’t but when you masochistically watch it again, you feel your chest tightening even more and you just cannot bear to catch another glimpse of the moment.
It’s not even the fact that he’s kissed someone that makes you the most upset, it’s the fact Robbers is the song he was performing when he did it that does your heart in.
You’re so overwhelmed by the mix of feelings inside you at the moment: heartache because of course you fancy the man, you have since you were 19, jealousy because there isn’t an atom in you that doesn’t want to be that girl, and just plain pity for yourself because why are you feeling this much despair over it?
Trying to laugh it off, you just shake your head. “Pathetic.” You say to yourself under your breath, to slightly bully yourself into getting over it but as the day went on, you realise that was easier said than done.
Not when the internet had seemed to explode and you were mentioned in every social media platform under the video left, right and centre. You know Amelia has already seen it because she’s retweeted a Pop Craze tweet about it and added a comment that you don’t care to look at right this second.
But at least you don’t feel alone in your melancholy because along with you lots of other fans were reacting like you, which made you feel the tiniest bit better.
It hadn’t been enough, though, since your mood hadn’t picked up after that because you needed to go into central to get some Christmas shopping done but you were in no mood for it at all.
On top of your wonderful outlook on life today, the underground was fucking packed, leaving you in an even worst mood than when you left your flat. The journey was no better and the things that on any other day you wouldn’t bat an eyelid at, they really pissed you off.
People were being annoying, typical south London crackheads on the tube, but you thought that once you were off the trains you’d be alright, but no. Your chest has been feeling tight and incredibly heavy since you saw the videos but everything just seems to be out to get you today.
When you’re out shopping, you realise you’ve started your period which explains a lot of your feelings today but it didn’t help with anything, in fact the pain of the first day made everything worse. The main present you went out to get today for Amelia was out of stock and when they told you that they could order it to the store for you or you could order it to be delivered you really wanted to be a karen about it and tell them that you’d had a wasted trip out and that it was stupid that it still says it’s in stock online when it in fact isn’t.
To make the trip slightly more fulfilling, you shopped about for other people’s Christmas gifts but by the time you got anything decent, you needed to head to a different borough of London to go your Chicken Shop Offices as you and the team call them.
You had all of the promo content and the last of the editing to do for Amelia’s latest date with Meekz which was actually quite funny. But what wasn’t funny was everyone's faces as you walked into the office.
When you saw the text from Amelia earlier asking, Have you seen…????, you wanted to turn your phone off and not turn it back on. You blatantly ignored her like you did her earlier tweet, entirely not in the mood.
When you got to the office after your shopping trip, Amelia was already there and you could tell she was going to start joking around but you told her up front, “I’m really not in the mood so please just don’t.”
And before she can further try and joke like you know she’s about to, you explain yourself, “I know it's irrational and it’s stupid of me but please just don’t.”
She just puts her hands up, her lips pressed together as she tries to feign innocence and you sigh softly in relief when she keeps quiet as you put your stuff down.
Still, Amelia can only keep her mouth shut for a few minutes because when you have pulled out your laptop and opened the editing software to start importing the clips from the latest date, she just needs to take the piss out of you a little bit.
“What do you think about your man kissing a fan on stage?” Her playful smirk is radiating on her face, impossible to miss even when you’re just seeing her out of the corner of your eye.
You roll your eyes, entirely done with the topic and wanting to drop it already, “I think he can do whatever he wants, it’s none of my business.”
You see Amelia opening her mouth to say something else but before you find yourself in a situation where you’re snapping at her, you cut her advances, “Did we come here to chat about the 1975’s tour or did we come to edit a video?”
She freezes in her place for a quick second before answering with a slightly confused tone, “Editing, obviously.”
“Why don’t we get back to it then?” You give her a tight lip smile that is definitely forced and Amelia notes that, instantly knowing not to bring the conversation up again, at least not at the moment.
The team around both you and Amelia start giving you shit too, some of them even distracting you from the tasks at hand by calling you over for something to check on, making you believe it was about work when it was just the video again. You played the part and laughed at it, waving it off like you should be doing despite it feeling like a dagger going into your heart.
Another of your friends shouts over to you and tells you that you should call him for an explanation, to which you end up jokingly reminding them that your date with him wasn’t real and he can do whatever he likes. It gets worse when another member of your team finds the girl that he kissed’s twitter account and he reads her anecdote aloud.
You had it in you to chuckle a little when you hear that she held up her phone which read, ‘So we making out?’ and you can’t help but think how funny it is that he’s that easy to get when it means that it’ll get him a reaction.
And even though your colleague tells you that the girl is apparently married herself, it does nothing to ease the ache in your chest. It feels beyond foolish of you at this point but you guess you’re allowed to have a bad day every once in a while with no questions asked. It just so happens everyone around you knows what’s triggered this one.
Someone ends up joking, “They’re both cheaters, they deserve each other.” which does make you silently chuckle, but Amelia fully cackles at it. Her heart is bleeding for you as she can see how much you clearly don’t want to be here right now.
As soon as it hits 6pm, her arms fly around your neck as she tightly hugs you from behind and leans around you to kiss your cheek before whispering and asking if you’re alright. You lean into your best friend, truthfully needing the affection she’s giving you, but you’re pleased it’s not a proper hug because you genuinely believe you would just burst out into tears, and that’s the last thing you want to do.
Your best friend asks you if you want her to come to your flat and you thank her but decline her offer. You just explain that you want to get into bed and sleep because your period pain still hasn’t left despite the painkillers you’ve taken.
And that she understands entirely so after she hugs once again, you make sure all your work is saved and you wrap everything up in the office.
The fact that you’re now going back home has your mood lifting up a little bit, so you gather your shopping bags and wave everyone goodbye with a smile on your face.
As you’re walking to the tube station you go back on Twitter, your mentions are still blowing up as they have been all day and you’re faced once again with a tweet that you’d ignored since you got the notification.
Amelia had retweeted a celebrities update page, which had tweeted about the kiss, with a simple, Interesting that had lots of people asking about how you were doing in the comments.
It felt weird to think about that many people getting the tiniest bit of worry about you, even as a joke, over something so trivial but it was the attention you indirectly got from the moment that kept you feeling worse.
You know Amelia didn’t tweet that out to make your mood worse, you know her far too well to know that through jokes is the way that she copes and this could be a silent attempt of her for you to take it playfully so it wouldn’t bring you down so much.
That’s why to try and make yourself feel better, you bite the bullet and decide to join in on the jokes. You manage to quickly type, Ending the year with a bang! Getting (parasocially) cheated on 😍 before getting on the tube and it immediately blows up.
All the replies you were getting were making you silently laugh, some remarks even making you have to cover your mouth not to snort out loud for everyone around you to hear.
Once you’re out of the tube, with multiple shopping bags in hand you think it’s best if you order yourself an uber for the rest of the way home. In a matter of 2 minutes the driver has picked you up and you’re thankfully only less than 10 minutes home.
Your phone pings again with more notification flooding in. You read more funny replies when you get to someone’s tweet saying, Don’t bother me, listening to Phoebe Bridgers and crying myself to sleep, thanks.
That has an idea coming to your head, so to commit even more to the bit now, you rest your forehead against the taxi’s window and stare out to take a picture. It looks like a scene from a heartbreaking pop song music video from the early 2000s and that’s exactly what you’re aiming for.
With a small grin, you prepare your Instagram story which consists of the picture you just took and ‘Moon Song’ by Phoebe Bridgers playing in the background, purposely on the first verse so people can hear the verse ‘Stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody / Who loves you more / So I will wait for the next time you want me / Like a dog with a bird at your door’ to make it even more dramatic.
After uploading it, you lock your phone and watch the streets pass by as you get to your flat. It’s when you’ve finally gotten to unlock your door and you’re toeing your shoes off when Amelia texts you, I take it you’re feeling better then? and even though you do feel better, there’s still that nagging feeling deep in your chest that has you asking for more comfort to fully relax after such a day.
You quickly reply to Amelia before undressing and getting under the shower, knowing that every time you feel down, it only takes standing under the waterfall to have your spirits lifting up.
The rest of the day, you decide will be to just pamper yourself and so you put on a show as you make yourself tea, relishing in the calm you now feel within yourself.
In a different timezone, Matty wakes up when his alarm goes off at 2pm which was an hour and a half before he had to be leaving his hotel room.
As soon as every single one of the 16 people who are sleeping on the band’s bus got on board last night, they were back on the road and headed to San Diego where their gig the following day was. The aim being to get there in the early hours of the morning so they could all check into the hotel and have a decent night’s sleep as they had a late check out.
And when Matty crawled into the bed, he passed out rather quickly which was rather unlike him. But the strain the tour puts him under makes a real bed that bit more comfortable and had him passing out just after 3am.
Rubbing his eyes, the singer groans at the light seeping into his room as due to the late hour he crawled into the bed, he never shut his curtains. But at least the daylight woke him up a little more, so when he went to twitter to check for more memes to send to the bands group chat, he saw that he’d caused quite the stir with last nights show.
Yes he had kissed a girl during Robbers, and he’d done it to primarily be nostalgic towards when he used to do it years prior. But he also did it because this was the first time he’d been single whilst touring since 2014, so he gave the fans something nostalgic whilst he’s not tied to anyone.
The various cheating things he’d been tagged in made him laugh, but he continues aimlessly scrolling until one tweet crops up. He sees that Amelia has retweeted an article about the kiss with the simple but effective word Interesting, and Matty’s mind immediately then goes to you.
He quickly goes onto search and types in your name, and gets your account up. He smiles when he sees that the picture of the two of you sitting across from each other is still your pinned tweet but when he sees your latest one he finds himself laughing as he thinks your tweet is even better than Amelia’s.
Ending the year with a bang! Getting (parasocially) cheated on 😍
The singer chuckles a little, your humour shining through even in your tweets.
After gathering a few memes for the boys, Matty heads to Instagram to do the same thing. But obviously, he gets a little sidetracked looking through peoples stories after he can’t be bothered scrolling to find any funny content.
He bypasses the few that were about him from fan accounts that he follows, not even blinking an eye at what they had to say. But then when he swipes to see what other Instagram stories he fancies being nosy at and he sees the ring around your profile picture.
When he taps on you, he sees a picture of you that looks like it’s taken from a badly directed music video from the 2000s where you look heartbroken looking out of a car window. But what makes it worse is that you have maybe the most depressing Phoebe Bridgers lyrics from Moon Song playing over it.
And Matty knows just from, ‘Stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody / Who loves you more’ that you’ve posted this in reaction to last night's stage antics.
Without a second thought he’s going to his contacts to pull up your number and when he finds it, he instantly calls you.
You get startled by the loud ring of your phone and when you see his name on the screen, you silently panic. There’s no way you’re picking up because only the prospect of having a conversation with him today after everything that’s been going on online has you nervous.
But despite you having let the call go to voicemail, he calls you again and this time you just can’t keep ignoring him so you wait a few seconds before you pick up.
Matty doesn’t even say hi first because he needs to know if you’re actually serious about the whole thing and he wants to know, “Phoebe. Really? Are you kidding me?”
You have to swallow a chuckle so you can keep your act up, “I’m having a bad day, I needed the depressive state to hit hard. Can you blame me?”
He sighs loudly to dramatise it all even more, “But Phoebe? Especially that song… fucking hell.”
“Okay, let me be.” You joke with a stern tone but that flies over his head because now he doesn’t know if you’re properly upset by what he’s said.
So then you hear the characteristic sound of Facetime coming through, and it’s him trying to see your face.
You shuffle in your seat, quickly trying to brush the ends of your hair to look presentable without making too much noise because he can still hear you so when you accept the switch to Facetime, you give him a shy smile and a soft, “Hello.”
“Hey,” Matty says back, brushing his curls back with his hand and you can see he’s laying in bed as the sunlight comes into the room he’s in. “What you doing?”
You shrug, looking ahead to where your TV’s playing a rerun of Sherlock, “Not much, just watching telly.”
He hums, analysing intently every bit of your face and your tone, “You alright?”
“Yes.” You snort softly at his concern but you know Matty wants you to bring it up, but you won’t give it him that straight away.
Sincerely, you ask, “How’s tour going?”
“Yeah,” Matty nods, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he answers, “Good, thank you.”
Still not yet giving into him, you question, “How is it being called Maddy instead of Matty everywhere you go?”
The singer snorts at you taking a dig at the American accents he’s been hearing non-stop.
“Oh it’s a delight,” The singer lets sarcasm ring in his voice, but then he asks you, “How’s back home?” because he’s not bringing the kiss up first.  
“Wet and rainy, as per usual.” You sigh, “It’s meant to be getting colder though soon.”
“Lovely,” Matty smiles the tiniest bit, finding it silently funny how you’re both purposefully not addressing what he’s called about. “I’m glad I’m in a warm country then.”
“Yeah, how is America?” You keep the vaguely awkward conversation going.
“It’s alright, nothing much to rave about but the gigs are good.” Matty says before pressing his lips together as he’s got the conversation back to where he wanted it, not really leaving you with much choice but to bring it up now.
You say a small, “Good.” instead of going in straight away with what he’s baited you into bringing up.
You knew it would come around sooner or later and you know that’s why he has a smile playing on those lips of his. You just decide to draw it out like you would on one of your chicken shop dates to make it a little more awkward before the inevitable laughter.
“So…” You start.
Matty raises an eyebrow, “So?”
You just bite the bullet and ask, “Was it a good kiss?
Matty laughs loudly at the direct question and you really are silently battling between an awkward laugh yourself or keeping your unbothered facade up.
“Yeah, it was okay.” Matty chuckles as he watches your reaction intently.
Keeping a straight face, you hum like another wave of jealousy doesn’t hit you when his words hit your ears. But instead of wallowing like you know you shouldn’t, you say, “She was pretty.”
Matty smirks finally getting you where he wanted but he takes the opportunity to flirt with you instead, “To be honest, I’m thinking about how much I can’t wait for New Years.”
You roll your eyes playfully, a tinge of a smile breaking on your face for a second before falling back to a blank expression, “Yeah, seems so… Kissing other girls.”
Matty’s smirk grows bigger, reaching his eyes as he’s able to witness your humour again. “This is why I needed to see your face.” He starts and you’re about to ask why but he goes faster than you, being quick to explain his point. “‘Cause I can’t quite tell when you’re joking or not over the phone yet.”
You don’t really know what to say to that so you just laugh at his struggle and when a slightly awkward silence settles between you, he brings the incident back up but of course in a teasing manner. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, baby.”
“Right.” You say meekly, letting your facial expression stay stoic.
And that has Matty doubting your mood again, “Oh come on, you’re not really upset are you?” His eyebrows raise trying to tell if you’re putting up an act or not, so he continues to assure you, “I didn’t bring her with me, I promise.”
What you don’t expect is for him to raise his phone to show you the empty bed beside him and that would’ve been something you could’ve joked about if he wasn’t shirtless and you had a clear view of his Calvin Klein boxers barely covering his We Are Kings tattoo.
Your throat goes dry and all of your thoughts tangle, making you unable to form a sentence back. Your whole act has fallen now and it’s so clear to see how that has affected you so Matty smiles all smug to see he has that power over you.
“I’m excited for New Years.” He says again now that he’s got you back on his side.
But what Matty doesn’t expect is for you to only say, “That’s nice.” and not agree with him.
He pouts a little, “Why are you being like that?”
You simply shrug, “Because I’ve not been asked to do anything on New Years yet.” and you try to stop the small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
And that’s when he realises the lack of a proper proposition from him to you for the holiday. “You’ll have to wait until I’m back off tour, love.” Matty says smugly, trying to get you to laugh.
When you reply, “So you can kiss more fit girls?” immediately, it’s him who’s laughing. It’s certainly very interesting seeing you looking green from jealousy.
“How do I make it up to you?”
Seeing him continuously try to explain himself and now this has you knowing you need to give him a break, so you chuckle your way out of your act. “I’m only joking, sorry. I’m just being pouty because I’m lonely and on my period.”
Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to admit, but it’s the truth and you feel no need to lie to him.
Matty coos at you, “Awh, do you want a cuddle?”
You’re well aware he’s only teasing but at the memory of it, you’d love a cuddle from him right now so you barely have time to process it before you find yourself saying, “I wouldn’t turn one down.”
He laughs loudly, letting his head go back further into the pillows and the sound is so contagious you start giggling with him. You find yourself scooting down your bed so you can lie down a little bit so you can be comfy and do the same.
By now, Matty just wants to hear you talking about everything that has been going on for you. He’s seen things going around on social media about places you’ve been and very interesting people you’ve met and he just wants to hear all about it.
“How did Amelia's last date go?” He asks first, the latest teaser of the next date to be uploaded had showed up on his main page not long ago and that was the first thing to come to mind.
He watches as you smile at the memory of it, and you tell him, “It was quite funny actually considering he doesn’t show his face.”
“When's your next date?” Matty asks curiously.
He’s definitely going to be taking a mental note so he can message you and double check that his was still your favourite.
“I have Phoebe’s coming up and the next one is in two weeks I think.” Matty can see you thinking about it, but then your screen wobbles a little and he can see you’re searching for something on your phone so he knows you’re checking. You confirm, “Yeah, I’ve got Elijah from Inhaler in a fortnight so that should be an interesting one.”
Matty frowns a little, not really knowing any of the lads in Inhaler very well, “Which one’s Elijah?”
“Elijah-” You start but then you just say the name he will know for certain, “Bono’s son.”
“Bono?” Matty cackles, “Like from U2?”
“Yeah, I’m collecting nepo babies now.” You smirk, “Thought you’d realise since I started with you.”
Matty narrows his eyes and shakes his head at you then. All before he tells you, “Hope it goes terrible.”
You pout at that, calling him, “Nasty.”
But you realise he was just playfully saying it because he surprises you by admitting, “I want mine to be the best.”
Something about that makes your chest a lot less heavy than it has been all day. Whether he’s joking or not, which it really doesn’t seem like he is, it does wonders for your heart.
You feel like you’re melting as you admit, “It always will be to me. You don’t have competition there.”
The earnest admission makes the singer get a fuzzy feeling in his chest. But instead of addressing it, he just smiles as he watches you snuggle yourself in bed a little more, pulling the blanket you lent him up over a month ago now and you wrap it around your shoulders.
Matty hums, only half joking when he says, “Yeah, you’re only gonna be able to break the internet with me.”
“Seems like now I can’t escape you honestly,” You tell him, “Been tagged in shit all day.”
“Oh yeah, twitter has been fun hasn’t it?” Matty smiles back at you, thinking back to all the cheater comments.
You giggle a little, “So many Phoebe lyrics.”
Matty chuckles at that, but then he thinks back to the story you put on and jokes, “You know, Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots would have fitted that picture of you just as well.”
You snort before laughing, “You’re a dickhead.”
“But you love me still.” Matty smirks.
You hum to acknowledge what he said but you don’t give him a definitive answer. Instead, you end up yawning and you cover your mouth so he can’t see before rolling onto your side and snuggling properly into your pillow. You still hold your phone up so you can continue your conversation with the curly haired man.
The singer states, “It’s too early for you to be that tired.”
“I’ve had a long and hard day.” You lightheartedly chuckle, feeling so much better now than you did when you were last wrapped up in bed this morning.
“I promise you she’s not here, don’t go being upset.” Matty assures you and even offers you more proof, “I’ll show you the bathroom if you want.”
“No stop, I wasn't saying anything to make you feel bad,” You quickly tell him, not wanting to come across as needy or weird. It’s really the last thing you wanted to do as you were only joking. “It’s been a long day for a lot of reasons… I'm not being weirdly possessive when we’ve only kissed a few times. I-”
“No, but I’ve seen someone who I fancy kiss other people in front of me and it’s not the best feeling.” Matty interrupts you, feeling the need to stop you from spiralling like he knows you were definitely about it. He continues, “Especially when it’s being shoved down your throat like it probably has been for you today… Listen I’m not promising I’m not going to kiss anyone else, because I get carried away when performing and I definitely will. But I can promise you if it’s on stage or whilst I’m performing it doesn’t mean anything.”
Feeling the panic still in your chest though, you have to tell him, “You don’t have to explain yourself Matty.”
This was the exact reason why you didn’t want to message him in the first place. The last thing you wanted to do was give him the ick like you’re sure you are doing right now.
Matty is far from feeling that though. He just smiles as he tells you in a hopeful tone, “No, but there’s sort of a second date on the cards and I wanna make sure I'm still in your good books so I don’t get stood up.”
It's a little unbelievable to you that he’s talking about a second date still, especially after this last conversation. It definitely takes you back a little, but you sort of revert back to your default settings when you end up smiling and telling him, “I wouldn’t stand anyone up… I’m too much of a professional for that.”
Matty grins, seeing that you’ve calmed down now. But it doesn’t stop him from trying to make you blush, so he adds, “And you fancy me.”
He sees the embarrassment flood your face then, and you try to hide yourself into your pillow as you admit, “I don’t like that you know that I fancy you… You have a lot of cards in your hand.”
He chuckles at that, but he doesn’t hesitate to say, “Well I’ll return some cards, because I fancy you right back.”
You can feel your cheeks absolutely burning at this, and you instruct him, “Okay, stop trying to make me blush.”
Matty’s grin is huge, and you can’t help but think that his messy curls make him look all the more cute. It's a sight you would certainly love to wake up to every morning. You find yourself envying his past girlfriends even more than you already did.
“I’m being serious though.” Matty tells you, and you find your heart is beating erratically as you he’s basically just told you again that he fancies you.
Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever hear that.
“Stop it.” You whine as you fully hide into your pillow now.
The sight makes Matty laugh, but he keeps going. He rolls over on his side too, and it’s almost like you’re both in bed together again as you’re so invested in the sight of each other and this conversation.
Matty shamelessly flirts, “Your dress at the GQ Awards, I wanted to take it off you.”
Your heart stops hearing that, but you know why he’s said it when he continues, “Just like you wanted to take my suit off me on our date… Glad I finally know what you said in Spanish to me now.”
And he’s not even joking when he said he wanted to take the dress off you. You looked fucking stunning in the black sequin dress. The thigh slit that had your skin on show for all of your interviews had his dick twitching in his jeans when he saw the pictures you posted.
Your boobs looked fucking brilliant as well, and the fact you only had a thin gold necklace on left your neck looking bare and Matty wanted to mark it up. The memory of it has him aching, and if he was at the awards as well, there was no doubt he would have asked to take you home.
And seeing you blushing, looking all awkward and embarrassed at his admission through the phone has him smiling like a fool. Despite wanting to flirt more with you, he gives you a small break and asks you about that particular evening.
“Looks like both you and Amelia will be doing the Andrew Garfield date when you get it.” Matty smiles.  
You eyes go wide, “You saw that?”
“Course I did.” Matty nods, but he needs you to know he really wasn’t joking about the dress, “In all seriousness though, you looked gorgeous by the way.”
A shy and embarrassed smile finds its way onto your face as you tell him, “Thank you.”
Matty thinks back to your interview with the actor and he starts laughing, “Your faces when he knew who you were had me in stitches.”
His giggles have your heart warming, but you get all embarrassed again for different reasons.
“I couldn’t believe it, it was the weirdest moment of my life.” It still doesn’t feel real when it leaves your tongue, “Spider-Man knows who I am. It’s mental.”
The both of you end up laughing a little at that, and you talk a little more about it until the singer thinks back to another of your guests that you interviewed.
“Did you see the way Eddie from Stranger Things looked at you after you flirted with him?” Matty chuckles, remembering that one was funny too, “I was like he’s definitely not seen a Chicken Shop Date before.”
“Matty, I was so embarrassed.” You cover your eyes with your free hand then and Matty chuckles at your despair. “I went inside and found him and apologised and explained myself.”
He isn't surprised at all by this, as you seem like the people pleasing type, so he tries to make you feel better, “That’s on him, he should be watching your dates.”
You laugh at that, knowing he’s not entirely wrong, but Joe was so adorable, you have to defend him, “Leave him alone, he's so lovely.”
Matty hums before moving on to another part of the interviews that made him laugh, “Also never needed another sign that you’re bi. Your reaction to the girl from Euphoria was so funny... She nearly had you as flustered as I make you.”
“Stop it.” You gasp, once again mortified but this time a little giggle, “I was trying not to be obvious but did you see what she was wearing.”
“No,” Matty shakes his head and smiles, “I was too busy looking at you in that sparkly dress.”
Taking a deep breath, you elect to ignore the comment because your cheeks are already flaming and you don’t need another reason for him to direct you towards an early heart attack.
“See, I like it when you go all embarrassed on me.” Matty grins as you hide again, “I’m doing something right.”
You say more into your pillow than to him, just wanting to disappear, “I’m just British and can’t take a compliment.”
“And you fancy me,” Matty reminds you as if you didn’t already know, “So you’re blushing even more.”
At that you fully just move your phone so he can only see the ceiling of your room. His cackle echoes out of your speakers and you fully try and suffocate yourself in your pillow.
You really thought you were smooth with your flirting and being subtle about everything but you’re a full simp at this point. You just want to die from the embarrassment you feel.
“Stop hiding.” You hear Matty tell you, and he reiterates, “I fancy you too and I’m not hiding.”
Hearing that again makes you want to scream into your pillow.
He pleads, “Come back.” in a whiney voice and after you compose yourself for a second, you pick up your phone and see his adorable grin again.
He takes a moment to appreciate your flushed face and your embarrassed smile before he smiles, “Hi.”
“Hi.” You say softly back trying to get your emotions in order.
Matty points out as he grins at you, “You look tired.”
“I am.” You nod.
“Isn’t it like quarter to eleven over there?” Matty asks, checking if his maths is right.
You nod, confirming it is and you smile, “Like I said, long day… And I’m always sleepy, just so you know.”
“‘Course you are.” Matty chuckles, and he can see your eyes getting a little droopy, so he tells you, “I’ll let you go then, goodnight baby.”
Your heart melts hearing the pet name again, and you grin back, “Night Matty.”
“Miss you already.” He grins, his heart warm seeing you all cosy in bed. He can’t help but wish he was there with you.
You want to silently scream, but instead you just let him see your genuine big grin and you say back, “You too.”
Your heart skips a beat when he blows you kiss, before waving, “Night.”
“Night.” You hum and blow one back to him before pressing the red button to end the call.
Waking up the next morning is a rollercoaster of emotions because whilst you first get slapped awake by the memory of FaceTiming Matty, the second you unlock your phone you are met with yet another reminder of Matty antics during his gigs.
You smile this time, seeing that last night he brought a guy on stage and the way he’s beaming at Matty with his eyes almost sparkling at the sight of the singer in front of him. Matty sat him down on the settee that was on stage and sat on his lap as he performed and then, when the moment in Robbers happened, he pulled him in for a rather hot kiss.
Your cheeks find themselves heating up as you giggle watching it all on the screen of your phone, and you let out a little screech seeing how Matty went in for a second kiss before the lad was pulled off stage.
This time you have to admit it didn’t hurt as much as the Vegas kiss, and whilst your heart still felt like it had been poked with a needle, it was more bearable.
Scrolling through Twitter, you end up laughing at the different range of reactions from everyone and your laughter gets louder when you see the guy who had gotten the kiss explain what he had to do for it to happen with a simple screenshot of what he had typed on his phone as a sign for Matty to see.
The fact that the guy had only had to show his phone as it said ‘Give a guy a try’ and that was enough for Matty to pull him on stage had you creasing.
And it certainly made you take it all in a lighter way, letting the slight jealousy you felt inside die down.
To add some fuel to the fire, when you’re making yourself some breakfast a little bit later, you take a selfie and post it on your Instagram stories with Jealousy by Pale Waves playing in the background and simply writing, Tune of the day x
You know that everyone will know what you’re referring to as you can hear the first verse of the song ‘Jealousy is haunting me / So bad I'm biting my tongue / It gets so hard to breathe / Wish you were mine from day one / Don't mention any other name / That doesn't sound like mine, yeah’
You’re very glad to be in a different timezone to Matty because that assures you that he won’t get to see what you post about it all right away when you’re most vulnerable to overthink it and just delete your reactions.
And maybe it’s that thought that has you brave enough to post to your stories the picture you’ve just seen of them singing into the same microphone saying, @rass1975 I slept on you king, please go on a date with me? x
Adding another story a few minutes later, this time of a picture of Alex Turner and Miles Kane singing into the same microphone as well, Just had to post this one too because this scenario is speaking to me right now… (you guys think Amelia would mind if I asked to go on a date with 4 guys?)
You seriously forget about having posted that until you get a notification as you’re getting ready for bed. And it has you giggling when you see it’s Matty saying, Am I not enough for you? x but your breath hitches when he follows it up with, Greedy girl xx
You pretend to not see it until the next morning just to gather some courage to reply overnight but you can’t find it in yourself when you open it the next morning and all you can do is internally scream at the thought of hearing him saying that to you.
It’s certainly unfair the effect he has on you.
And you continue to be reminded of that when, as the days go by and the North American tour keeps rolling, you suffer heart palpitations over the things he does on stage. Especially all the variations of the Consumption interlude which gets you flustered and amazed at the same time.
The anticipation grows in the pit of your stomach as time goes by, being reminded constantly of the New Years promise every time you saw a video of the band performing Robbers or any time you caught a picture or a clip of Matty smirking at the camera, a facial expression of his that you had gotten to see many times before and that you missed a lot more than you wanted to admit.
Thankfully you have such a busy schedule during the end of the year that the wait for him to come back is easier to bear as you are booked and busy almost every other day.
Loads of events were coming up, with both you and Amelia invited, and it was beyond your understanding how you were attending all those fancy events and people coming up to you genuinely interested in your plans for the future of what you did and any other projects that you were planning.
Not only were you in the list at these events, you actually got to work with the brands and the one that had probably left you most speechless was the Miu Miu Party that you and Amelia got to attend.
You both had been dressed head to toe in the designer brand and you were feeling hot as fuck to say the least, in your mini skirt suit, with a cropped white shirt and a black tie around your neck.
Because of the recent robbers kisses, you decided to kiss your best friend as someone took your picture. It was great, iconic even, and it went on your Instagram as a post which you added the song in the background, the specific bit where Matty has started kissing people, and you wrote the caption, Two can play at that game baby x
The day after that particular event you had woken up to a tweet that you had been tagged in blowing up and you cackled seeing it, trying to ignore the butterflies in your tummy as you read, boyfriend and girlfriend over a picture of Matty in a black suit and you in your outfit from last night, looking like the opposite version of the other.
You know they were joking about it but seeing those words be used to refer to you and Matty made you so delusionally giddy, you had to pinch yourself after 5 minutes to remind yourself that was far from reality.
The kiss with Amelia was a bit of drunk fun and thankfully it all worked out well. You were a little surprised when you saw Matty had messaged you whilst you were asleep. But you expected him to message you something like, Game on, but instead he messaged you saying, Hot xxx and that had you flustered for at least an hour.
In a blink of an eye the whole tour had seemed to pass and it felt like a fever dream that only less than a week ago you were sobbing waking up to videos of Carly performing About You with the guys.
You hadn’t even been able to process that when you saw twitter flooding with pictures of the band at the airport on their way back to the UK and to be honest, you had no idea what to expect or if you should expect anything at all so you were nervous at every moment of the day when your mind wasn’t taken over by work.
Overly aware of every notification on your phone, the messages and any call that you got. And whilst many of them had gotten his name written atop of them, you just felt so ridiculous when you got disappointed at not seeing his name in every single one of them. So you forced yourself to fool yourself and downplay your expectations, basically gaslighting yourself for raising your hopes up this much up until the thought of the New Years promise was at the back of your mind.
A silent whisper that you could ignore during the day but came to steal your sleep like a mosquito buzzing in your ear at night.
~*~*~*~ 23rd December ~*~*~*~
Because of the date, of course that meant you’d had Being Funny on repeat. You had to listen to Wintering as many times as possible, it feels like a law you have to follow. And it’s really no hardship.
As it’s December 23rd, you’ve had so much shit to do today. You’d been so bad and only done the wrapping you had to, which was only your presents that you got your Chicken Shop Date team who you gifted all of those presents to a few days ago as they were all going home for Christmas.
Today you’d been wrapping your family's Christmas presents, along with those you’d got for your friends. You put the most care and effort into wrapping Amelia’s gifts because she really means the world to you, even though she did bully you earlier when you told her you had a full day of wrapping presents before you were both going home together tomorrow.
Thankfully, Amelia is driving the both of you home tomorrow so you can stay with your families, and you have no doubt you’ll spend time with her over the break you’re all having between Christmas and New Year.
You take a break from cutting wrapping paper to grab a drink so with one hand holding your can of Tango and the other scrolling through your phone, you walk back to your previous spot to continue with your chore but before you put your phone aside to forget about it for the next thirty minutes, you quickly go to Spotify to share Wintering on your stories.
@trumanblack Hope you made it home safe x
After you’ve thrown your phone somewhere behind you, you go back to wrapping more presents and time passes as you lose count of how many times you’ve sung loudly ‘I said ‘woman you are 64 years old!’’
You took another break from wrapping when you made your dinner, and all in all you took about an hour to cook and eat. Scorning yourself when you realise it’s already 9pm, you really wish you’d started wrapping earlier. You didn’t know you had this many presents.
This time, you just elect to listen to the song of the day on repeat while you concentrate on neatly folding the paper. However, about 15 minutes into your last bag of presents you had to wrap, there was a sudden loud ring of your doorbell which startled you.
You are fairly confused as you rest the sellotape beside the little box you’re wrapping, standing up quickly when a second ring echoes inside your flat, pausing the music first and when you finally go to open your front door, your face falls at the surprise.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Is the first thing you manage to say, very fucking confused and with a frown that has Matty thinking he’s just interrupted something very important for you to look at him that way.
He lets out a chuckle, “Hello to you too.”
His sarcasm gets you to snap out of your shock, “Sorry, hi. Come in.”
“Thank you.” Matty grins and steps around you and into your flat, dropping his tote on the ground.
“How did you get up here?” You swore you hadn’t heard your buzzer go so you got worried that you’d had the music too loud and made him wait far too long outside to get in.
“Someone was leaving as I was about to press your buzzer and they let me in.” You breathe in relief as he explains and his smile gets bigger when he recounts, “Made the surprise better.”
It certainly is a surprise because he really was the last person you were expecting to see today. You glance back at the time and see it’s 9:21pm and you’re so confused as to why he’s still in London.
“What are you doing here? You’re meant to be in Manchester.” You scorn because you have been singing the same line about him driving up on the 23rd over and over, and you felt the need to reprimand him as if he’s not kept a promise that was said in the song.
“Did you really think I plan when I'm driving home for Christmas that early in the year, baby?” Matty smirks as he watches you like he’s teasing you for being naive about it. “No, that was about last year's Christmas.”
“But you said your Mum was sixty four and that's how old she is this year.” You explain yourself, not wanting to lose this one argument.
But he has you choking on your spit when he nonchalantly says, “But I also mentioned my Grandad, and considering he died last year I don't think he would have been coming to this year's meal.”
You're speechless for a long few seconds and when you finally gather your thoughts again after such a turn of conversation, you clear your throat to say, “Okay, you didn’t have to make that depressing. Vin seemed like a hoot.”
Matty nods, “He would have loved our date, that’s for sure.” And then he quickly shrugs to turn the whole thing around again, “Anyway, hiya baby, how are you?”
He’s thrown that question into the air, though, because before you can answer he traps you in a kiss that screams just how much he’d missed the feeling of your lips from the way he’s holding you.
One of his hands has a tight grip on your waist as he pulls you into him and the other one cups your jaw delicately while his tongue is hungrily crashing against yours. Feeling and tasting him again makes you hum in delight, his lips feeling so soft against your own and being able to tangle your fingers in his curls ties it all up for you.
You make up for the time apart in that kiss, going for as long as your lungs allow you to deprive them of oxygen. When you part, Matty rubs the apple of your cheek with his thumb and the touch is so soft that it has you leaning into the palm of his hand with a sweet smile which he returns.
Remembering what he had asked you, you quietly reply as you play with the hair at the nape of his neck, twirling his little curls in your fingers. “I'm good,” And he just can’t deal with the small distance between you anymore so he brings you in closer once more to crush you in a tight hug.
“I would have got the welcome home cheater sign out for you but I didn't know you were coming.” You joke breathlessly into his ear and you feel him let out a breathy laugh, the hot air hitting your neck making goosebumps raise on your skin.
Matty pulls back, shaking his head. “God, shut up.”
And once again he grabs a hold of your jaw, this time using both hands to cup your face, to bring you in for a hungry kiss. Your tongues meet almost instantly as if knowing that you can kiss each other again has you both unable to hold back anymore, but it gets increasingly hotter when you pull on his hair and he moans in your mouth.
Unable to find a way to catch his breath to continue the kiss, he has to pull back. Matty rests his forehead on yours with a sigh and closed eyes. “I missed you.”
“Yeah, I missed you too.” You reciprocate, leaving one last peck on his parted swollen lips which makes a smile tug at the corner of them. “Should I go get tested now? You’ve kissed a lot of mouths since you last kissed mine.”
Matty opens his eyes, standing back up straight to look at your face and when he sees your smirk, he warns, “Careful, your jealousy is showing.”
You laugh but it’s interrupted when he can’t hold back another kiss. You just looked so stunning in front of him, in such a mundane setting, joking around and after being deprived of your presence for far too long. It's a little overwhelming how you make him feel when he’s with you, it’s like he’s known of you and has been this close to you for a lot longer than he actually has. It’s so easy with you.  
The way he finds himself to be able to say all of this is through kisses and he truly doesn’t mind using that as his medium for communication. He just hopes that you feel the same way about him and that’s why you’re kissing him back with just as much enthusiasm.
He wishes human bodies had been designed better because he finds himself mentally cursing when you both need to break the kiss from lack of breath.
Once your hazy mind comes down from the multiple kisses you’ve just shared, there's a moment of realisation when you process all of this is really playing out in your flat. You’re confused to say the least so you repeat your earlier question.
“What are you doing here?” You have to ask, “You should be at home, I've been playing Wintering all day for nothing.”
Matty chuckles a little at that but he holds you close to him as he starts explaining himself.
“Well, a few things actually.” Matty starts revealing with ease, “Had to come and see you before I went home for a start.”
You nod slowly, not really able to really process how or why he’s made you one of his priorities at bloody Christmas time.
But all your efforts to truly grasp what’s going on fly out the window when he continues, “Second, I have to do this…” and suddenly he drops on one knee in front of you like he’s about to fucking propose. His grin is huge as he asks, “Y/N, will you please go on a date with me this New Years Eve?”
Your eyes go wide for a second, your blood running cold as your brain slowly catches up with what he’s said. When you realise it’s just Matty being Matty, you shake your head at him and raise an eyebrow to challenge his behaviour, “Has anyone ever told you you're dramatic?”
“Yes, someone does almost every day.” Matty nods almost proudly.
You scoff playfully at his self awareness, “Not surprised.”
Rolling his eyes as he fakes annoyance, Matty talks back, “Are you going to give me an answer or are you keeping me down here on purpose?”
“You look great on your knees.” You say suggestively, not really lying because he indeed looks very pretty from this angle.
But you’re the one who ends up receiving the teasing when he turns it around, “Somehow I imagine not as good as you do.”
You bite your tongue, trying hard not to blush to satisfy him. “Yes I’ll go out with you,” You act as if you’re defeated saying that and then wave your hands up, “Now stand up.”
Not even acknowledging your antics, Matty only rises to his feet with a beaming smile on his face and grabs a hold of your waist with both his hands to pull you into him. He’s grinning like a fool when he admits, “I already can’t wait.”
Your arms come to wrap around his shoulders and you allow yourself to show some affection by bringing one of your hands to scratch his scalp softly at the nape of his neck. “That's very cute of you.” You let your head tilt to the side and Matty melts inside seeing your eyes gleaming at him.
The singer then sees your eyes flick up to his hair though and he loves it when you smile and hum, “See, your hair looks so much better natural.”
You reach up and give his curls a little ruffle and you grin when he chuckles. You half style his unruly hair a little so it falls over his forehead slightly and when you lean back a little to admire your work, you hum in approval.
Matty just watches you, hands still on your hips holding you against him, but you reach up again to twist one specific ringlet round your finger a few times before you check him again, and nod, “There we go, perfect.” and you let your fingers root themselves back into the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Thanks baby.” Matty grins and leans down to quickly catch your lips again, but you’re both too smiley for it to continue for too long.
Feeling the way your fingers are still playing with the ends of his hair though, Matty pulls away and softly says, “Don’t start playing with it because I won’t want you to stop.”
“Could just not be a pussy and ask me to play with it? I wouldn’t say no.” You grin, but let your hands fall back to his shoulders and Matty bites his tongue and shakes his head at your teasing.
You chuckle at his reaction before you ask another question.
“How was your tour? Were the Americans good to you?” It was a genuine question, having seen so many moments of him enjoying life on the road over there, especially during that livestream he’d done of him and George playing about in the lounge of the tour bus.
“They always are.” Is the short answer Matty gives you so you feel the need to tease some more things out of him.
“Believe you’re dating an influencer now.” You laugh a little, clearly knowing everything online was bullshit as he was messaging you a lot of the time.
“The fact anyone thinks I’d date a Republican is hilarious in itself.” Matty laughs humorlessly, being done with all the shit he’d heard and how it had gotten out of control when the girl had openly referred to him as her boyfriend. As if.  
“Not to mention I just got to my knees to ask you out.” He brings back around only to see you blush again and he’s pleased to see you averting your eyes from him as you flush again.
He gives you a small break and distracts you and asks, “What have you been up to today?”
“I’ve just been getting ready to go home.” You tell him honestly, “This morning I was packing my case and then spent most of the day cleaning. And I’ve almost finished my wrapping now.”
Glancing at that last bag of presents, you realise that is now the last thing you want to continue doing whilst you have company.
Matty asks, “When do you go?”
“Amelia’s coming to get me tomorrow morning.”
You watch as his face lights up then, and he smiles, “Amazing.”
“Why?” You raise an eyebrow, wondering what’s so amazing about you leaving tomorrow.
“Well, I can stay here tonight now.” Matty fully grins at you now and you scoff a little whilst you laugh.
You point a finger at his chest and tell him, “You’re cheeky.”
But he pulls you a little closer to him and he smirks, “Are you going to turn me away?” knowing the answer straight away before he even asked.
“No.” You playfully glare at him, trying not to get embarrassed. And after tapping his chest again, you educate him, like you would a small child, “But you shouldn't assume.”
“I didn’t,” Matty tells you honestly, “If you were going home, I would have just driven back tonight, was on my way when I stopped to come see you.”
“Don’t stay for me,” You say, feeling increasingly bad if you’re stopping him from going home. “You need to see your family.”
Matty just looks at you so sincerely, it melts your heart when he says, “But I want to see you.”
With an embarrassingly gooey feeling in your stomach, you press your lips together and pull out of his hold as you walk towards your kitchen and ask, “Can I make you a brew?”
Matty follows you saying, “I’d love one, please.” and you quickly fill up the kettle and flick the switch for it to boil.
As you get two mugs out and the teabags and sugar, you ask, “How’d you take it?”
Instantly, Matty smirks seeing his opportunity clear as day, “Shouldn’t it be me asking y-”
“Stop being crude,” You interrupt him as you put your fingers over his lips giving him knowing eyes. You repeat your question, asking seriously, “How do you want me to make your tea?”
Matty laughs beneath your fingers and you only remove them when he licks them to get you off him. You playfully glare at him before the singer tells you how he likes his drink and the both of you happily chat away as you make the brews.
The both of you stay in there talking about his tour for a little while and you make him give you the interesting details. You find it all mesmerising and you find yourself asking him even more questions about it, which leads to the both of you going back into your lounge and sitting down beside each other to chat.
That is until the both of you finish your brews and the singer catches sight of his tote bag that he put down earlier. “Oh!” Matty says as he gets up from his seat quickly to go and grab it.
You watch as he brings it back over and takes his seat again, closer to you this time though. His smile is so big as he looks back at you, “I got you these.” and out of his tote Matty hands you two messily wrapped gifts, the red and green striped paper makes you smile brightly at him. He puts them into your lap whilst saying a soft, “Merry Christmas baby.”
You bite your bottom lip looking down at the gifts and back up to him, letting your lip go to pout at him. “Matty, you really didn't have to do that... I didn’t think I was going to see you, I’ve not got you anything, fuck.”
God, you feel so fucking bad, but you never thought you would see Matty before Christmas and you’d convinced yourself you weren’t going to see him afterwards either so you didn’t get anything. Your brain is working a thousand miles per hour trying to figure out if there is anything that you could give him right here and now.
“I don't want anything. I just saw the smaller one whilst I was away and I thought of you so I bought it for you.” Matty stops your panic and over thinking at the same time he melts your heart. “The larger one is like our inside joke, but I don't want anything in return.”
His reassurance is cute but the fact that he was away and still thinking of you enough to buy you Christmas presents has your heart aching for him. You keep on looking at them in complete awe. Matty Healy got you Christmas presents.
Whilst you’re excited to see what he’s got you, you keep that underwraps like these presents won’t be the first ones you open Christmas morning. But the man beside you has other ideas.
“Are you going to sit there and stare at them or are you going to open them?” Matty looks at you expectantly.
You’re the tiniest bit hesitant and you stumble upon saying, “It’s not Christmas yet though.”
“Don’t be one of those.” Matty shakes his head and looks at you like a giddy child and says, “I’m telling you to open them now. I wanna see your reaction.”
“Which one should I open first?” You ask shyly, letting the excitement bubbling up inside you finally show.
Matty’s just beaming at your child-like giddiness, taking a mental picture of it. “Whichever you’d like, baby.”
You hum as you debate which one to do first and you decide to save the bigger one for last. So you grab the tiny little bag he’s made out of wrapping paper and internally coo at his attempts of keeping it neat with a lot of tape.
At first, you’re delicately trying to open it but he rolls his eyes and tells you to “Just rip it.” and you do just that.
On your lap falls a little chicken nugget keyring that makes you gasp loudly and when you pick it up you let out a loud, “Awh!”
That has Matty laughing softly, it was a small little thing that had reminded him of you and her you were clutching it to your chest like it was a diamond.
“I love it! Thank you Matty.” You quickly lean to the side and hug him as tight as you can from the position you’re in.
Matty’s arm, the one that’s not trapped against the back of the settee, wraps around your waist and he squeezes you gently, “Glad you like it baby.”
“Love it.” You correct and you decide to be a little selfish and stay in his hold a little longer.
With one last squeeze, you lean back into your spot and pick up the big box item to put it on your lap. You look down at it, staring at it really as if you could see through the paper.
Matty can’t help but encourage you like an impatient child, “Come on, open it.”
In your head, you’re trying to guess which inside joke it is that he was referring to earlier with this gift but your mind blanks. This time you’re faster at tearing the wrapping paper to find out what it is.
You let out a loud cackle when you see it’s a heated blanket, the memory from your joke about being cold on the date coming back to the forefront of your mind.
“Oh this is fucking brilliant, thank you so much.” You quickly say in between giggles.
But it’s the perfect opportunity for Matty to test the waters so he adds with a smirk, “That one’s a joint gift.”
You frown a little when he says that because you have no idea what he means and he can read it on your face so he continues, “With me.”
It’s truly a miracle you don’t burst out laughing at his suave way of flirting, putting up a questioning act by raising an eyebrow at him.
“Was thinking we could cuddle under it later.” Matty adds suggestively and that’s when you let out a snort of amusement.
You’re grinning like an idiot when you tease him, “You really are a cheeky bastard, aren’t you?”
It’s his turn to raise his eyebrows at you then, “Think you’re meant to say “thank you’.”
“I already did, dickhead.” You fail at not laughing, your amusement shining through and breaking your facade. Putting the box down, you pivot in your seat so you can lean over and hug him properly and it’s a tight hug where you tell him, “In all seriousness though, thank you so much.”
“Anytime baby.” Matty says as he hugs you back.
In his hold, you’re once again baffled by how surreal the situation is. You have Matty Healy in your flat, hugging you after he’s just given you Christmas presents. How the fuck did this happen?
You’d be even more thrown aback if you could read Matty’s thoughts which were all over the place, thinking about how he couldn’t wait to move to the big settee and use the blanket as an excuse to cuddle you again. He’s been thinking about it since he left you that morning.
His attempt to be casual about it prematurely dies when he just can’t hide the eagerness in his voice as he unwraps his arms from around you and asks, “Shall we get the blanket out now then?”
You’re blushing fast and easy under his stare but you act nonchalantly to appear like the suggestion hasn’t made butterflies erupt in your stomach. “I need to finish wrapping before we cuddle, Mister Healy.” You did need to do it but it was more so you had more time to get your bearings together.
His face falls slightly, remembering he came unannounced. “Sorry for interrupting.”
“Don’t apologise at all.” It’s a quick response because truly it was nothing. He had just made your day by dropping by and the fact that he wanted to stay had you giddy to see what could happen throughout the evening.
You and Matty laugh and talk about what your Christmases are usually like when you go back home as you sit on the floor just in front of him and finish wrapping. And you love that you both get on like a house on fire, you could honestly sit and chat to him for days on end and not get bored or annoyed by him.
Matty is keen to know a lot about you though, and you tell him anything he wants to know. Where you grew up, how you met Amelia, what your school was like for you, when did you move to London. And Matty loved listening to your anecdotes. He really wasn’t joking when he said that he would listen if you started a podcast. He loves the sound of your voice.
When you finish wrapping, you put all of the presents back into the bag so you can easily take them back into your room. You tell your guest that you’ll be just a minute and you walk back to your room and put the bag of presents beside the rest of them.
As you’re about to head back out to Matty though, you spot the big cardboard box in the corner of your room that hasn’t moved for months and it’s like a lightbulb goes off in your head. You rush over to it and open it and you praise the lord when you see everything’s still in there.
When you and Amelia first started doing chicken shop dates, you never thought that there would be a demand for merch to go alongside it. But now your current collections are entirely sold out on your website as you wait for new stock to come in. However, here in your room are the samples that were made and after stealing your own, you left the other ones in the box.
Quickly, you pull out a black one that has the chicken shop date logo in an arrow heart where the breast pocket would be on a shirt. It's a simple design but you absolutely love the hoodies as they’re so soft, you always have yours on.
You get a larger size out, recalling Matty’s instagram stories and how he’s always in baggy jumpers and you hope to god he likes it enough to accept as a very last minute present.
You’re about to step out of your room when you realise it’d be better if he closed his eyes so he could still be surprised as you can’t wrap it now. So you call out to him from your bedroom door, “Hold out your hands and close your eyes.”
He turns and frowns at your instructions, which makes you thankful you’d already hid the hoodie behind your back. Matty asks you, “Why?”
You plead, your voice soft and hopeful, “Please just do it...”
And just because of how you say it, he agrees to it with a simple, “Okay.”
You see him close his eyes and turn back around so he’s facing the right way again, and you quickly walk back around and stop in front of him. His hands are out waiting like you instructed him to and you hope to God he likes it.
“Okay open.” You instruct with excitement in your voice.
Matty opens his eyes right away and his jaw falls slightly, wanting to coo at the gift. “Oh my word, chicken shop date merch!”
The singer holds up the hoodie in front of him to check out the full thing and he genuinely loves it as he didn’t actually know you did merch. It’s a lovely surprise and he definitely will be wearing it. He feels like an excited child despite him playfully joking, “It's just what I wanted.” as he knows it’s a last minute present. But he doesn’t care, he’s over the moon.
Matty drops the hoodie to the side of his lap and he opens his arms to signal to you that he wants a hug. You giggle at him as you lean down and clutch him as tight as you can in the weird position of you standing and him sitting.
But Matty pulls you onto his lap, making you straddle him for a moment so he can trap you in a crushing hug, “Thank you.”
His reaction to the hoodie is so cute to you and you can’t wipe the smile off your face. You say softly into his ear, “I will get you something better I promise, it's all I have here on short notice.”
But Matty shakes his head lightly before pulling back. He makes sure to put the hoodie on, over his shirt before he says, “Don't get me anything, this is all I need. This will be staying on for Christmas dinner.”
You giggle seeing him completely drown in the piece of clothing, the sleeves hiding half his hands so only his fingers are opting out of them. “I can get you a smaller one if you want it less baggy.”
“No, baggier the better.” Matty assures, “More cosy… Come here.”
He snakes his arm around your waist and brings you flush into his chest, leaving kisses all over your face in gratitude, finishing off by trapping your lips in a soft long kiss.
You both take advantage of the daze the kiss leaves you in so it’s no overthinking and no questions when you continue kissing for a little bit. You really wanted to keep them coming but you find yourself shying away as you overthink a little what’s happening.
So you lean back to look at him, all rosy cheeks, dishevelled hair and reddened lips, those brown eyes looking all around your face and his gaze is so intense that it has you needing to stand up from his lap and take a deep breath as you cover it by getting the heated blanket that was forgotten on the floor.
You slowly open the box, taking out the blanket and resting it on the arm of your bigger settee. And then you suddenly act all interested in wanting to read the instructions for it as if it took more than putting some batteries in and pushing a few buttons but it was just so you could ignore the way you felt he was staring at you.
With the way your hair had fallen to cover the sides of your face, you couldn’t see him but you just knew he was smirking watching you act like he wasn’t there just because you’d gotten flustered a minute ago on his lap.
“We’re finally gonna cuddle then?” Matty teases, making you roll your eyes from the way his voice made you feel.
You hum with your eyes swimming around the letters on the small piece of paper, not acknowledging nor putting together any of the sentences in your head because you were just fully distracted.
What had just happened had all gone to your head in thoughts that you can’t be having in front of him. Not yet anyway.
“Was thinking maybe we could watch a film and check if this works.” You finally turn around to see him then, he watches the way you take in a deep breath when you see him with legs spread wide as he’s lazily sitting on the other settee.
“I’ll just go get some batteries. Be right back.”
You escape to your room like a ghost was chasing you, and he laughs to himself taking in the ease he had to make you react. It made him feel gooey inside knowing that it was all genuine, having the first hand experience of the character you used for the videos and comparing it to how you were with him now.
It doesn’t take you long to come back and he watches you as you carefully put the batteries in and the huge smile on your face when you turn the heater on and the blanket starts warming under you hand.
Matty matches your grin, incapable of keeping it from reaching his eyes as they wrinkle at the edges from just watching you. “D’you like it?”
You look almost amazed at it and so you don’t hesitate to look at him and nod enthusiastically, “Love it.” The heat going up just makes you impatient to get under the blanket so you plop down on your big settee and quickly throw it over yourself.
Snuggling yourself into your settee and clutching the blanket tightly to yourself, you realise he’s still sitting where he had been the whole time.
You frown at him and sound almost annoyed when you think about having to lift the blanket back up after having gotten comfortable. “What are you still doing over there? Come here.” And the way you wave him to come over to you has him smirking.
His steps are slow to tease you and when he finally gets to the edge of the settee, he just stands there looking down at you with the smirk still on his face. “Where do you want me?”
Matty bites his tongue not to laugh when you sigh and roll your eyes with fake exasperation, “Just sit down here, you idiot.”
He makes a show out of getting under the blanket and snuggling up to you. His arm comes around your waist to bring you closer to his side and groans exaggeratedly in pleasure as he gets comfortable.
His lips brush against your temple when he says, “This is well nice.” It makes you shiver despite the growing warmth and he chuckles in your ear at that. “You okay?” His question is playful, trying to tease you but careful enough not to make you uncomfortable.
Shyly you mutter a, “Yes” that sounds more like a question and you pray that the films you’ve started to scroll past catches his eyes and he forgets every single of your telltale signs of just how much he affects you.
But he has this way of also settling your nerves down when he jokes, “How are you so nervous when you’ve literally had your tongue in my mouth?”
“Fuck off Matthew.” You push him away playfully, and the way he laughs at you so wholeheartedly makes you melt. That’s why when he pulls you back into him, you fully cuddle him and let yourself have that moment.
You’re scrolling for a very long minute and still can’t decide what to choose so you quietly ask, “Shall we go for a Christmassy one?”
“If you want to.” Matty hums.
In your heart, you really feel like it’s wrong for you not to choose a Christmas movie so you’re quick to look for the one that’s your go-to.
A chuckle leaves him when you click on ‘Nativity’ and it starts playing. So you turn slightly to look at him and frown as if he had just offended your choice. “What?”
He raises one hand and looks serious to play innocent, “Nothing.”
Your eyes narrow at him in an attempt to appear threatening but the expression falls off your face as soon as you hear the intro to the film.
For the next hour and a half Matty sees a different side of you that he just can’t help but smile permanently at. The way you laugh at the things Mr. Poppy pulls, how you seem so moved by Paul’s failed romance and your quiet singing along with the songs that the kids perform.
Matty had never seen something special about the film before but he reconsidered just because of how much you seemed to enjoy it.
The next film you watch is chosen by Matty, and it’s certainly a big contrast to what you’ve just watched because of course he’s picked ‘American Pie’. But you don’t complain though because you’ve not seen this movie in a while and you’ve forgotten how much it makes you laugh.
You only realise it’s late when the film has ended and you find yourself yawning, “I’m so tired.” Your words muffle as you cover your mouth to yawn.
Looking down at you over your shoulder, Matty’s a little surprised at how relatively early you get tired. 1:23am is not a time he finds himself wanting to go to bed anymore, especially after a spell of touring, so he has to ask, “How do you manage when you're on a night out?”
You freeze for a second knowing how much worse your answer is gonna make you look but you quietly admit, “I take a nap in advance.”
Matty chuckles at your answer, “You are…” he trails off not even managing to get exactly what to say because he just finds you so fucking adorable that he feels the urge to kiss you again.
His hand comes to wrap around your neck softly and turns your head to the side so that you can meet him in the middle. You feel his smile on your lips at first but since the angle is tricky for you to keep your direction, Matty ends up having to tighten his hold slightly and when you moan softly in response, he’s gone.
You feel something shift in the air when you twist towards him a little more so you can keep the kiss going. Matty deepens the kiss and it has your heart racing and chest aching with want. You want him so very badly.
When you need air, you pull back and with a spark of confidence, you turn back around to switch the blanket off before you lift it up and stand.
“Let’s go.” You stretch your hand out for him to take and seeing the shadow of mischief on your face, he smirks and reaches out for it.
Walking to your room, there’s that unspoken knowledge that something is about to happen and there’s a buzz in both of you that it’s so clear to see when you catch a glimpse of each other's eyes.
You walk through your bedroom door and the fact that you close it behind you has Matty smirking that you’ve already decided he’s staying in bed with you tonight. Again.
He takes off his shoes under your intent stare that tries to memorise every little thing he does as he moves.
You let your eyes wander around his back, the marked muscles showing through his white shirt, and when he comes to stand back up, you’re caught looking him up and down again.
“Like what you see?”
You shrug, “Meh, it’s alright.” It’s more than alright, way more, but he doesn’t need to know that.
His payback is to get you to show how your body reacts in a very different way to what you’ve just stated. Matty has you moaning just from the intensity he comes back to kiss you, a hand tightly gripping onto your hip and the other wrapped around your neck like he’s learning to know you like.
Matty’s tongue teases your lips open and you accept it eagerly, your hands coming up over his shoulders to sink into his hair. You pull on it as you taste him, swallowing the moan that he lets out. You hum in satisfaction as you note how much louder he’s been in comparison to you.
And Matty seems to know just what you want by the way you pull his hair. So he lets his hand drop slowly from your hip to cup your arse and pull you in firmly by it, pushing his hips forwards at the same time so the friction could get you both.
Your mouth hangs open at the action, exhaling shakily, so you stop the kiss and he smiles right over your lips.
“I thought we were going to bed?” Matty’s breathless words hit your face and the teasing doesn’t make you hide now, it only pushes you further.
“Oh we can go to bed.”
He’s not even sure if he’s heard you correctly when you grab his hand and guide him to your bed. Matty sits down at the edge of it, still taken aback by the switch in your behaviour but he quickly gets into your flow, grabbing a handful of your arse to pull you forward until your thighs hit his knees.
Your bottom lip is trapped in your teeth as you look down at him but your mouth hangs open when his hand drops to the back of your thigh and guides you to bring your knee up and rest it beside his hip.
Instantly, you catch the instruction and you bring your other leg up on bed to fully straddle him. And you don’t even get yourself settled before you meet again in a kiss that grows hungry with the way your hands wander.
One of your hands is tangled in the curls at the nape of his neck while the other is clutching at his shirt, right at where it’s open and showing his Annie tattoo.
Matty has one of his hands cupping your jaw, his thumb rubs softly on your cheek and it's so different to the tight hold he has on your left thigh which you’ll find later to have left the faint mark of his fingers.
It gets carried away, between kisses and shy touches under clothes until he has you flush against his lap and encourages you to move your hips.
You gasp, breaking the kiss and watch as he throws his head back slowly at the friction of your hips rolling slowly on his. Matty’s neck is on full show then and it’s so bare that you feel the urge to start kissing it.
That only has Matty, whose hands are tightly on your hips, helping you move faster in search of relief. He’s waited so long to feel you like this and it’s already driving him insane how much better it is than what he’d been picturing as his hands wandered into his boxers many evenings when he was away on tour.
He knew he’d wanted you ever since the date, but he’d promised himself it wouldn’t happen until New Years or after that. If he was lucky enough for you to want the same thing, that particular day could turn out to be the best new year's eve ever.
But here he is, unable to keep his hips still and his hands to himself. It’s a battle between his mind and his body, so loud in his head but his erratic heartbeat is louder and deafening - all Matty knows is that right now, he needs relief.
So he continues encouraging you, but now he’s also rolling his hips up into you and it’s quickly that he feels himself getting harder beneath you.
You moan into his mouth, loving his hands on you but the friction of the both of your jeans has you really want to get things moving. Suddenly, you break the kiss and push hard on Matty’s chest so his back hits the bed.
It has the singer dizzy but excited and he almost groans seeing you hover over him with a filthy grin on your face before you trap him in another searing kiss. Matty pulls on your waist so you’re flush against him with one hand as the other he continues to encourage your hips to grind against his.
When Matty lets out a long groan, you quickly kiss down his jaw and you move down his neck, leaving open mouthed kisses until you reach the tattoo on his chest. The way his hand roots in your hair has you understanding his silent instructions, he encourages you back up and you only let him feel the brush of your lips and your hot breath as you do.
You can see the way his Adam's apple bobs up and down before he takes a shaky breath. When you reach just under his ear, you leave one last hot kiss to his skin and continue to bite on his ear lobe, pulling on it slowly.
His loud moan makes you let go and pull back with a big smirk, and just because you love seeing him so desperate under you, you look down at him only to roll your hips more intently.
The singer pulls you into another kiss, this one has more urgency than the others though and the tug on your hair makes you whine. Pleased he has some payback, his hand pulls on your waist again, needing you as close as possible. When his hips start bucking up into yours again, like he does in his consumption interlude, all sane thinking on your part dies with the loud moan you let out.
It has Matty smirking and he breaks the kiss so he can kiss your neck like you just did to him. He wants to hear all of the noises he can pull from those pretty lips of yours.  
You’re growing too hot in your clothes as his kisses trail down your skin. You need them off urgently so you can feel his lips move lower than your collarbone. And after another long kiss, you are about to take your top off when he suddenly makes your hips stop at the same time he does.
“I'm gonna need you to stop doing that because I don’t want to shag you tonight.” Matty says breathlessly after he snaps back into himself. Something about the way you looked so sure about this whole thing happening right now was what had him realising he needed to stop if he was to keep his promise.
“Not tonight?” You laugh a little, trying to calm yourself down.
It doesn’t feel necessarily like rejection because you can see the lust in his eyes and how his grip on you is still tight, but it does sting a little that after all that he ‘doesn’t want to shag you tonight’.
Only tonight? You ask in your head, thinking back to see if there was anything you might’ve missed or done that had him decided on not tonight.
But soon you’re brought back out of your thoughts when you sit still on his lap and he shifts under you for a second, a pained frown on his face. You can’t believe you’ve got Matty Healy under you, and you can feel you’ve made him hard. What the fuck. It’s a little difficult to process that it is your reality but thankfully he distracts you again.
“No,” Matty starts still trying to catch his breath but he doesn’t waste more time to explain, he pushes himself up so he’s upright again as he says, “Don’t get me wrong. I want to, but the thought of New Years has been keeping me going Y/N/N, can’t mess with everything I’m hoping for it to be.”
That blows the slight sting away and you’re back to your teasing self again, “Presumptuous of you.” Both your hands come up to fix the collar of his shirt, “Who told you I shag on the first date?”
“Not our first,” Matty corrects you with a raised brow, “And I’ve been here twice before so it's going to basically be our fourth.” Then he brings back your own words to go against you, “And you practically told me on our date that you would shag on the first date too.”
He takes the silence you give him as you’ve been caught between your own words to continue, though this time there’s a smirk on his face. “Besides presumptuous? You were just fucking grinding on me, baby.”
“Well who was encouraging me to?” You just end up laughing at him and he giggles too.
Both of you silently smile at each other for a few seconds then. Just happy in each other's company and being so close, or that is until Matty speaks back up.
“I’m sorry.” Matty says, genuinely feeling bad because of how far he let the both of you get into it and you do look a tad disappointed.  
“Why are you apologising? Don't apologise.” You shake your head and assure him, “It’s fine,” To show your sincerity you peck his lips once more, “More than fine.”
Seeing you smile at him like that has his heart melting. He really likes you, and he can’t wait to take you out on this date next week.
Matty leans in to quickly kiss you again before he brings his jokey nature back. He looks all cute but smug when he says, “We can start the new year off with a bang.”
Whilst that excites you to no end, you have to shake your head, hating how cringe that was. You warn him, “Not if you keep them Dad jokes coming.”
“Yeah, don’t call me daddy.” Matty quite seriously begs.  
“Don’t worry.” You promise him. “I definitely won’t.”  
“Come on,” Matty presses another kiss to your lips and encourages, “Let's get ready for bed.”
“M’kay.” You hum, getting off his lap and turning around to grab some clothes to sleep in.
You’re not even a step away from him when he slaps your arse making you let out a little gasp and to that he only giggles. You can feel how hard he’s smirking so pleased with himself.
Opening your wardrobe, you pick your pyjamas and smile seeing your ‘lol ur not Matt Healy’ top be revealed folded under the top you’re about to put on.
Not wanting to appear like a prude, you take off your top in front of him, letting him see you in your bra and you don’t mind the way his eyes linger on you as excess confidence from earlier is still running through you.
You were about to ask him if he likes what he sees as payback for his earlier question but instead you watch as he groans, “Oh fuck me.”
“I was about to, but you wanted to stop.” You raise your eyebrows at him, loving that you can tease him with that and you grab your pyjama top and let it cover you up.
Matty looks like he’s calling himself an idiot in his head which makes you giggle a little as you undo your jeans and take them off. Despite the eyes on you, the adrenaline from before stops you getting flustered under his gaze and Matty groans at you as you take your bra off under your top and you throw it at him before you head to your ensuite.
Giggling to yourself at his reaction, you let yourself take a breather as you get yourself ready for bed. You’re not surprised that you seem a little flushed as you see yourself in the mirror, but you like the way you look, you look happy.
That’s why when you head back to your bedroom after barely 5 minutes since you unconsciously rushed through your bedtime routine, you have a bright smile on your face that grows bigger when you see Matty already under your covers, shirtless and mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
Pulling back the covers, you try not to visibly choke when you see he’s just in his black Calvins. You once again have to push back the pure and utter filth that enters your mind as you settle into bed beside him.
Trying your best not to appear awkward as fuck, you shuffle down and get comfy, and even turn towards him after you put your phone on charge. Matty locks his phone after a few seconds, putting it on your other bedside table before he turns back and smiles at you.
“Come here.” Matty says, raising his arm up so you can shuffle closer to him, and you do but you’re not the most confident about it.
You tuck your shoulder under his, so your head can rest on him and you feel his arm go around your back and pull you into him that bit closer. You’ve reverted back to being a little shy and you’re awkwardly wondering where you should put your arm. You don’t know whether to place it on his chest or keep it tucked into yourself and Matty is watching your brain tick over, so he helps you out a little.
“Cuddle me, woman.” Matty instructs, and he teases you, “You weren’t shy ten minutes ago.”
You feel your face flame at the reminder, but you do as you’re told. Your hand ends up resting just at the bottom of the tattoo on his chest and to avoid further embarrassment you take a deep breath to try and make yourself relax a bit more as you snuggle into him, tangling your legs with his.
This has the singer grinning like a fucking idiot. He’s been wanting this since the last time he fell asleep beside you. For months he’s been wanting to hold you through the night again and he silently applauds himself again for restraining from going further with you before because at one point he’d thrown everything he wanted for New Years out the window.
He’s beyond happy he didn’t though. The anticipation of New Years had been eating away at him, made him extremely excited at the mere thought of seeing you again, even more so because of the small amount you’d actually been messaging each other in between. It definitely made things more exciting for him, and he can’t wait for next week already.
Matty pulls you into him a little more, and he kisses the top of your head, smiling as he says, “No tears tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah, don’t worry,” You laugh knowing he’s teasing you for last time, when you were listening to About You instead of going to sleep. You tell him, “I’ll just cry when I finally hear it live.”
“When are you coming?” Matty asks you, genuinely curious, “O2 shows?”
“Yeah I got tickets for London, Manchester, Newcastle,” You tell him, trying your best not to sound like a massive fucking stalker, and you almost hate it when you add, “And persuaded Amelia to come with me to Belfast even though it’s on her birthday.”
Matty asks, “You’re not coming to the first one in Brighton?”
“I want to be, but I unfortunately can’t.” You sigh, “I won't be in the country.”
Matty leans down to look at you curiously then, “What?”
“It's top secret.” You say seriously, as you’ll get in trouble if the news gets out early, “You can’t tell anyone if I tell you.”
“I swear, I won't.” Matty offers you his little finger and you smile, happily hooking yours around it to seal the deal.
“Me and Amelia have been asked to be the official red carpet hosts at the Golden Globes.”
Mattys jaw drops then and you chuckle as it still really doesn’t even feel real coming out of your own mouth.
“Y/N/N!” Matty suddenly shifts then so your head falls off his arm and he’s hovering next to you so he can see your face properly. He looks so excited for you as he says, “That’s fucking insane!”
“I know.” You grin up at him.
“Tell me everything!” Matty isn’t even joking. He wants to hear how it all happened, and you have no issue with telling him.
You explain how you and Amelia were contacted, the meetings you’ve already had, the research you’ve had to do, the endless films and shows you’ve had to watch and take notes on. And you find yourself being unable to stop smiling, half because what you’re saying still feels so unreal to you, and half because of the way Matty can’t stop grinning down at you.
After him telling you that he’s happy for you and proud of you, you had to sweetly kiss him one last time before you snuggled into him again before going to sleep. Both clutching each other, with huge smiles on your faces.
Waking up beside Matty is honestly one of the best mornings of your life. It’s still a little surreal to you that you’d gone from one of your silly interview dates to him now lying in bed next to you, cuddling you as he sleeps.
Despite it being an ungodly hour in the morning - that no one on Christmas Eve should wake up at - you are thankful that you’ve woken up before your alarm went off. Purely because you get to see Matty like this.
There’s no stress or worries that plague him like you’re sure he must go through. He’s not trying to make you blush, tease, or show himself off to you. He’s just simply himself and he’s beautiful.
With that soft pout and his cheek pressed on the pillow, his curls unruly like a halo around his head and you find it so fitting because he truly looks angelic like this.
You’re staring at him and you lose track of time, all your focus on memorising every little detail on his face and really holding yourself back from touching his features delicately like he could break under your fingers.
And as you have an internal debate within yourself about how good of an idea it would be to softly brush Matty’s curls back and out of his forehead and let you fingers trace the outline of his face, you are startled by his voice.
“S’rude to stare.”
You freeze in your spot, drawing your eyes from him to the walls of your bedroom and his chest vibrates next to you when he laughs seeing you blush as he finally opens his eyes.
But then he says, “Good morning baby,” in that low raspy morning voice of his, that almost makes your eyes roll back because you just can’t cope, but then he’s nuzzling into your neck to leave a few kisses on it and you’re blushing even harder.
“Oh she’s shy again now?” Matty teases, watching you get flustered from up close, “Need I remind you what was going on last night?”
“I don’t think that’s gonna help your situation.” You clearly nod to his case of blue balls that he gave himself last night.
“Right,” He accepts the counter argument but when his lips twist in that mischievous smirk of his you know what he’s gonna say next will have you either breathless or laughing at his antics. Turns out is the first, when he continues with, “But who doesn’t enjoy a bit of edging, huh?”
You lick your lips, with a wicked smile of your own from receiving such a valuable piece of information. “Oh, that’s good to know.”
“You’re already making plans in that head of yours?” Matty’s finger comes to poke your temple to which you glare at him.
“I believe you’ve beat me to them actually.” Your eyebrows raise, remembering the mention of how he’s got some expectations set for next week’s events.
“That’s right.” Matty nods, his finger drawing softly down your face until it reaches your jaw and he’s cupping it with his hand, pulling you in to kiss you sweetly.
You’re sure you have ascended because this whole scene sounds so incredibly insane to you that you subtly come to pinch your thigh to make sure you aren’t dreaming.
His hand lowers from your jaw to meet the one over your thigh and it’s then when it all starts getting heated again. Your tongues meet and his touch on your leg leaves a trail of fire under your skin that has you squirming in your place.
But then you remember what happened last night and why you’d stopped so, getting excited over the same prospect of waiting until New Years, you break the kiss.
Your chests meet as they heave in search for oxygen, and you’re so distraught you have no idea what to say so you bring what first comes to mind.
“How’s a Full English sound right now?” You suggest, getting a hold of his hand that was still on your thigh to intertwine your fingers and bring it up to rest on his bare chest.
Matty seems to have loved the idea because he whistles lowly at the thought of food, “Fucking phenomenal.”
You giggle and nod, propping up on your elbows and dropping his hand to get out of bed. “Okay, let’s go sous chef.” Your feet touch the ground and are already taking you to your bedroom door when you turn around to look at him because he lets out a dramatic groan.
You smirk, watching his sluggish movements as he gets out from under the covers and it’s then that you remember he’s only wearing his black Calvins. He stretches and seeing all his back muscles flexing in all of their glory for you makes your mouth water and your thighs clench.
He crouches down to pick up his trousers and right when he’s about to turn to accuse you of staring again, you turn around the quickest you could and leave the room in what you thought was a subtle haste but it really wasn’t. Matty has to bite his tongue not to laugh loudly at your reactions, loving the effect he has on you.
It’s hard focusing on cooking when you have him this close around you in only pants that are purposely hanging low to drive you even more insane, but you manage when you basically challenge him to prove his skills in the kitchen, which end up being none as he only helps you passing you stuff but it was enough for you.
It was either that or having him tease you the whole time while you were trying to make breakfast and that would’ve been incredibly distracting and messy.
Once you’re all done serving your food on two different plates, you both take a seat at your little dining table and it’s a comfortable silence that surrounds you.
“When are you leaving for Los Angeles?” Matty inquires after taking a quick bite of fried egg and toast.
You pause with your fork hovering in the air, almost mid bite, thinking about the endless calls and emails you’d sent and received for this all to happen. "Flying so we arrive the day before," You take your bite of food and quickly eat it as you run through your schedule in your mind. "Flight is the evening of the eighth."
He hums with a cheeky smile on his face, “Okay.”
“What?” You can’t help but ask because why is he asking that and then acting like he’s meaning to cause trouble.
“You know what that means.” He lets himself trail off to bait you into his vagueness, really hoping you’d catch what he means but when your frown grows deeper on your face, he clears it up for you. “We’ve gotta make the most out of the first week of the year.”
You’re not sure what you were expecting but that was certainly not it. You can feel your heart hammering in your chest at the suggestiveness of it and you try to play it cool but you fail at finding any words to get him back so you sigh defeatedly, “I can’t stand you.”
Matty knows you well enough already to know you’re just holding back, so he teases you further knowing he’s right in this. “Sure you can’t, baby.”
After that the rest of breakfast is spent between chatter and soon enough you’re done and helping each other put everything in the dishwasher to go back to bed.
Both of you silently wanted to spend as much time as you could with each other today, knowing that after this it was a week long wait for something you’ve been looking forward to for a while.
So you settle back in bed, hearing the thumping of his heart where your head lays over his chest and one of his arms around your shoulders keeping you flush against his side. You have your remote in hand, scrolling through films to watch and you’re about to intertwine your legs with his when your phone starts ringing.
You both take a little to react to the device, waiting for it to suddenly stop so that you’d feel okay with ignoring it but after it dies down and rings again, you’re groaning about having to peel yourself away from Matty.
The singer hears you swear under your breath when you see your screen and he’s about to ask if everything’s okay when you answer the phone with a very not enthusiastic, “Hi Ames.”
You put the phone on speaker and place your finger over your lip instructing him to stay silent. Matty has the half mind to actually say hello to your best friend as well but he figured he’d give you peace just this one time.
“Are you really still in bed knowing that I’m going over to pick you up in twenty minutes?” Amelia scorns through the phone, and you can hear the sound of a door closing and the jingle of her keys from her side.
“Sorry, I got distracted.” You apologise half heartedly which makes Amelia chuckle in response.
“Got distracted with what?” She challenges you, “With a dream about Matty?”
Your whole face heats up and you wanna die from the way Matty has just raised his eyebrows at you with the biggest grin on his face.
You let your eyes close and take a deep breath before you’re saying, “Jesus Christ Amelia! Shut up!” through your teeth.
“What?” She chuckles loudly at hearing you so worked up about it, “He’s back here I think, you don’t have to dream about it anymore, you can just go shag him if you stop being a pussy and just text him.”
Matty is holding his loud laugh next to you, cheeks blown up from the air he’s holding in not to give away his presence but his face is getting redder by the second from how hard he’s trying not to laugh so you quickly end the call with a “See you later, Ames.”
Right after you’ve pressed the red button to hang up, Matty explodes in laughter and you hide your face in your hands.
“She’s such a bitch.” You whine in your hands and his laughter continues as you hide away mortified.
When his laughter dies down, Matty loops his arms around your waist to pull you back into him with a massive smirk on his face, “Oh baby, now I really want to know what dreams she’s referring to.”
You refuse to let yourself show your face because your cheeks feel like they’re on fire and you just can’t find it in yourself to look him in the eyes after that.
So he starts tickling you and nuzzling into your neck to have you drop your hands from your face. “Come on, tell me.”
You start giggling at the tickling and eventually drop your hands to hold his hands and stop him from continuing, “There’s nothing to tell, she’s just being a dickhead.” Your eyes only manage a few seconds looking at him before you’re averting your gaze to look somewhere else.
But Matty doesn’t buy it, “Are you sure?” he asks just to see if you’d maybe break but you keep your mouth shut and that makes him leave kisses on your neck to try and get the information out of you that way.
That only gets you flustered so, rather quickly you say, “Yes, very.” and you’re patting his arms for him to let go of you, needing to get ready to leave with your best friend. “I need to shower and get ready.”
You can feel Matty’s pout on your neck but he doesn’t move so you pinch his waist and laugh when he jumps, “Come on, time’s ticking and she hates it when I’m unpunctual.”
Matty groans when you manage to free yourself from his touch and watches as you grab yourself some clothes to lock yourself away in the bathroom.
He doesn’t move from his spot for the whole time, hearing the waterfall for a few minutes before it goes rather silent until you come back out fully dressed with just your hair damp on your shoulders.
When you walk out, you see him smiling at you with his head resting on a pillow, drifting in and out of sleep. You walk up to the bed and brush his hair back, adoring how mundane the setting is. You think how unreal it is that this is your Christmas Eve morning.
Just because you can, you lean down and peck those pillowy lips of his and the smile you receive in return will definitely stay with you forever. Once you quickly ask if it’s okay if you disturb him and dry your hair and he says it’s okay, the buzzing of the hair dryer fills the room.
In your mirror, you can see that Matty is still all cosy in your bed watching you dry your hair. And he stays like that until you’re finished, a smile on his lips, his hair a mess, looking stunning in the simplest of ways.
After you finish drying your hair, you move back over to him and sit down beside him this time. Your hand root back into the untamed curls of his as you grin at each other and he motions for you to kiss him again, which you do so quickly because you know you’re running out of time.
“Get yourself ready, she’s gonna get here any second and I need to lock up.” Your fingers sink deeper into his locks and scratch his scalp slowly, making Matty moan lowly in response.
A smirk breaks on his face immediately after, because he knows that he’s gotten you with that noise and you pull on his hair because the way your stomach flipped at that was not funny. It just reminded you of how down bad you are for him and you swear in your head at it not being New Years already.
Only a week, only 7 days.
With another tug of his hair, he laughs and gets up. Putting his clothes on as you make the bed, he watches the way you fluff your pillows as he buttons his shirt up - his new Chicken Shop Date hoodie going over it. Soon enough, your phone vibrates on your bedside table and it’s a text from Amelia saying she’s outside.
After grabbing his belongings, putting them in the pockets of his coat, Matty turns to see you getting your keys and struggling to hold the bags of gifts you’re taking with you.
The singer finishes getting his shoes on and walks up to take most of the bags from your hands, “Let me help take stuff down and then I’ll leave you to it and drive home.”
“Thank you.” Your smile is sweet as you look at him, but you selfishly don’t want the moment to end like this, so thinking ahead, you instruct him to, “Put them down for a minute.”
Matty frowns at the sudden order, “What?”
“Just do it, don’t ask questions.” You say again and smile harder when he obeys, slowly putting them down on the floor.
You take a step forwards to him, dropping the bags you were carrying without really caring about the damage to them, and cup his jaw with both your hands to pull him into a long kiss.
It’s gentle but determined, taking in every second of it because you know this is the last one until you see him again next week. He goes to deepen it, one of his arms wrapping around your waist and holding you tight against him. You hum in satisfaction when your tongues meet, tangling one of your hands in his hair to pull on it but only a little later you’re breaking it just so you don’t get carried away.
Still, you feel like it wasn’t enough so you steal a peck before leaning back and brush his hair back as you stare at him.
You’re both catching your breath when he curiously asks, “What was that for?”
You bite your bottom lip, recoiling into yourself a little bit with a faint tint to your cheeks, “A goodbye kiss because I’m not kissing you in front of Amelia.”
Matty holds his breath for a few seconds and then sighs, “Fucking hell, debating not letting you go home and we pretend it’s New Years now.” You note how he looks down to your lips and then up to meet your gaze again with a hungry look.
Shaking your head, you giggle, “Amelia would batter you, we have a party tonight.”
“Where’s my invite?” Matty jokingly frowns making it sound like it’s the rudest thing you’re not taking him to said party with you.
But you scorn him rather fast, reminding him he’s meant to be somewhere else, “You’re going back to Manchester. You’re already a day late.”
Matty’s smiling hard at you then, just really enjoying the way you make him feel inside. It’s hard to ignore, especially when he’s only felt this way a few times before in his life.
So with giddiness bubbling up inside him just from thinking about what the future could hold, he reminds you, “I'm excited for New Years.”
“Me too.” You admit with the same sparkle in your eyes as he has, and it’s a silent understanding then between you that you’re both on the same page about what you expect to come in the future.
It’s impossible for Matty not to peck your lips one last time as you reach for the door, which makes you stay still for a few seconds after his lips have left yours. You give yourself that brief amount of time to try and process it all but when you realise you might as well go insane trying to, you just grab your bags back up and open the front door to start your walk downstairs.
As you’re locking up, he notes that most of the bags hanging in his hands are full of gifts. The singer debates taking them outside for you first but he quickly realised he wants to spend as much time with you as he can, so he waits with you instead.
Matty walks behind you but since his hands are full, you open the main door of your building for him before you just check your post box one last time.
The singer sees Amelia standing there with her back to him, tapping her foot impatiently on the pavement as she scrolls through her phone. And he can’t wait to see her reaction to his presence.  
“Took you long enough.” Amelia scorns before she turns around and she’s met with someone who is definitely not you.
“Hello Amelia.” Matty’s smirks seeing your best friend's face fall in shock. “Where would you like me to put her presents?”
The singer knows his hair is unruly and he doesn’t care in the slightest, but he can already imagine the things Amelia must be thinking.
“In the boot please.” Her words are slow and her eyes scream just how surprised she is but Matty doesn’t do anything but smile and do as he’s asked.
Amelia however, looks to the door of your building which has just now opened again and has you walking out with the last of your bags. As soon as you look at your best friend your cheeks flush, her shocked yet amused yet knowingexpression has you wanting to go back up to your flat and hide inside there for the rest of the holiday season.
“Hey Ames.” You try to be as normal as possible despite wanting the ground to swallow you whole.
“Hi Y/N. Hi Matthew Healy.” Amelia says loud enough for the singer to hear but she looks to you and you alone with wide, shocked eyes.
You can almost hear her silently screaming, What the fuck did you two get up to last night? Already, you’re nervous for the journey home with her because you’re going to get hounded.
“Thank you for coming getting me.” You smile before looking to the ground so you don’t combust and you put your bags in the boot of the car beside the ones Matty just placed for you.
The singer is trying not to cackle at your reaction to being caught with him. He can guess you’re feeling like a teenager who’s just been caught with a boy in her bedroom by the way you’re shying away from Amelia. Never in a million years did he ever expect you’d get this embarrassed, but he can’t help but find it cute.
“That’s alright.” You hear your best friend tell you, but you just make sure everything is in place before you shut the boot of the car.
Thankfully, Matty saves you from any awkwardness just yet as he comes back to Amelia and embraces her in a big hug, “Dimz, I’ve missed you. You excited for Christmas?”
Amelia smiles and hugs him back, raising her eyebrows at you over his shoulder though and you just press your lips together and shake your head. You know exactly what she’s thinking, but you quickly answer that question for her.
“I am, first time I’ve felt Christmassy for a long time.” Your best friend barely has the brain to answer that because her head is filled with so many questions.
“Good, I’m glad.” Matty smiles, “Please make sure you have a good one. Hope your party goes well tonight.”
Amelia can’t really grasp his well wishes because she just really needs to start asking some things. “I’m sorry, shouldn't you be in Manchester right now? Didn't you write a whole song about that which I’ve been forced to listen tomultiple times?”
Matty rolls his eyes at her playfully, “I'm about to drive back. Had things to do first.”
“Things,” Amelia raises her eyebrows, “Or someone?”
Matty smirks then, deciding he’s giving absolutely nothing away. He just grins like he knows something she doesn’t and winks, “I’ll let your best friend tell you about that.”
Whilst your face fucking flames once again, Amelia and Matty share a look before the singer tells her, “I’m going to say goodbye to her now if I can steal her for a few more minutes.”
Amelia grins and nods, “Please do.”
“Bring it in Dimz.” Matty opens his arms to her for another hug and she happily gives him a hug as they wish each other a Merry Christmas.
But then Matty turns towards you, and he’s still smiling when he gently grabs your hand and pulls you over to his car. It’s a very short silent walk that you both purposely elongate and Amelia would tell you to hurry up but she just wants to witness whatever is about to happen because this was something she was not expecting to see today.
When you get to stand beside Matty’s car, you let your gaze take in your surroundings instead of meeting his eyes because you just don’t want to say goodbye just yet.
It’s all written on your face, really, so he assures you of his plans for the upcoming week. “I’m gonna see you on New Year's Eve. I’m going to Facetime you before then, though, so we can sort out where we’re going.”
“Can’t believe it’s finally a week away.” You breathlessly confess, throwing out of the window any need to act cool about it.
It makes his stomach flip to see how much you mean that, so Matty smiles brightly at you and reciprocates the feeling of impatience, “Better be the fastest week of my life.” And he only makes your heart go even faster when grabs your hands and rubs his thumbs over them to say, “I hope you have the best Christmas.”
You pout at him because of how cute he is, you really can't help it. “You too, please send my love to your family.”
Matty’s soft giggles evaporate in the air before he quickly shakes his head, “No, because my Mum will FaceTime you and she won't leave you alone.”
You frown playfully at him talking about it like it’s a bad thing and scoff, “I’ll be besties with Denise.”
He narrows his eyes at you like saying you’re not sure what you’re really talking about, “I’ll protect you from that for a bit longer.”
You chuckle at him, “Thank you, I think.” Your grin is huge when you say, “Thank you again for my presents.”
“Thank you for mine.” It surprises you that he’s actually enjoyed your last minute gift so you let your eyes drop down to catch the little Chicken Shop Date logo on the left side of his chest and grin brightly at him.
It makes you so happy that Matty likes it but you want to get him something better so you promise, “I’ll get you something better.”
Matty has a massive smirk on his face then, letting his hands drop yours to hold onto your hips, “Got everything I wanted last night.”
That makes your breath hitch in your throat, your brain short circuiting for a few seconds too long before you’re able to get your act together again, “Is your aim to make me die of embarrassment before we get to our date?”
“Sorry, I'll fix it.” He says with apparent honesty but you should know better than to trust the menace of a man because all you feel then is your back getting pressed against the side of his car and his head dipping down to catch your lips in his.
You’re fairly surprised and whilst you’re very aware of Amelia standing there watching this all unfold in front of her eyes, when Matty’s lips are on yours and your tongues meet, you’re completely drunk on him.
His hips press into yours making you let out a small gasp that makes him smirk but you’re both so desperate to keep the moment going for as long as it can last and enjoy every second of it that you don’t break it.
Your fingers are tangled in his curls, tugging on them with an increasing force from how mischievous this all feels.
It’s only when you’re both sure you’re gonna start hurting from the lack of oxygen that you separate and that’s when it also hits you what he’s just done so you narrow your eyes at him with intentions of scorning him.
“Cheeky, I know.” Matty grins with trouble written all over his face, but his expression then falls soft to tell you sincerely, “I’ll miss you.”
You swear that if you weren’t trapped between him and his car, your legs would have failed you from hearing that. “I’ll miss you too.” It’s entirely sincere because it is insane the way he’s made you feel in such little time, it all hitting you even harder in the 12 hours you’ve just spent together.
“New years?” You ask and hold your pinky up in front of him.
Matty nods, linking his finger and kissing the end of the promise for you. “New year's, baby. See you then.”
You blush at his actions, completely overcome by how adorable he could be. Unfortunately, you know this is the end of your time with him for now, so you take a step back onto the curb, walking the small distance to Amelia and, once beside her, you watch as he unlocks his car.
As soon as Matty gets into his car, Amelia tells you, “I just took a picture of that and I’m going to show your whole family.”
“Bitch.” You shake your head at her before walking round her car to the passenger side, not letting her taunt you as you want the butterflies in your stomach to last as long as possible.
Just before you get into the passenger seat of Amelia’s car, you look back at Matty’s and you see he’s already looking at you with a huge grin on his face. The singer makes your heart melt once again though when he blows a big kiss at you.
This time you don’t hide how big your smile gets. Instead, you blow him a kiss right back which makes him give you a toothy grin. He gives you a wave as he starts up his car and you don't hesitate to wave back before you tear your eyes away from him.
Getting into Amelia’s car, you can wholeheartedly say you drive home for Christmas feeling the happiest you have in a long long time.
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 |
A/N: We’re just edging everyone at this point hahaha, hope you enjoyed the new Part! The next will be posted on @alovesreading​ account again x
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tillthelandslide · 7 months
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Insufferable Arsehole Part 14: Before You Go
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Series Masterlist
Chapter warnings: mentions of spiking, forced drug use.
A/n: hello my beautiful people, I hope you're all well. I tried something different in the beginning of this chapter and did it in Matty's pov, I don't know if I like it but I'm sticking with it anyway. This chapter gives a little background into how they were before. I hope you like it :) not long now until this series is over :( if you have any ideas of things you want to see between these characters, like blurbs then please feel free to send them into my inbox :)
She stands across the room from me, the beautiful dress she's wearing, flows gently past her glorious hips and ends at the apex of her thighs, I swear if she spun around too quickly you'd see her underwear. The black fabric dips down against the swell of her breasts, two cups of lace edging the fabric. The little "M" catches the light of the room and sparkles, making my heart beat harshly in my chest. I want nothing more than to run my fingers along either side of the fabric, brushing against her -
"Matty, you're staring" someone's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, the voice of Charli, I feel her hand on my back, the only thing tearing my eyes away from Lou. My hand drops from my mouth, I now realise I had been playing what my lips. Ever since our argument things had been better than ever, I didn't think I could be more in love but here I was staring at the woman I loved wanting nothing more than to walk over to her, fall to my knees and beg her to marry me.
The black haired woman rubs her hand down my back and she laughs, I know why she's laughing and I'm not offended. Her opinion mattered to me and as long as she was happy for me, I truly didn't mind her taking the piss out of me.
"You are so whipped mate" she says and I can't help but chuckle, eyes snapping back over to Lou. George's arm was wrapped around her shoulders as she told a story to Hann and Ross, my three best friends hanging onto her every word, something about her just demanded that of people. "I don't blame you, just look at her"
"yeah…" my voice trails off as I look at her. The woman that commands the attention of everyone in the room with little to (and) often no effort. I'm reminded that despite her being that person, she wanted me, and I feel my chest thump harshly again. I'm easily distracted by her and have to snap myself out of my trance to finish my sentence "look at her"
I turn back to Charli, who I now notice is smiling widely at me, her hand dropping from my back.
"I'm really happy for you Matthew… and for her. I know I haven't said this yet and I'm unsure the boys have either… but it needs to be said" she begins and I feel my stomach soar before it sinks, worried she was going to be the bearer of bad news… and god knows despite the image I attempt to portray, my fragile heart couldn't bare any bad news.
"thank you" she says simply and her words confuse me, which is obvious by the way I tilt my head to the side.
"For loving her… she needed you" both our eyes drift over to her and I can't help but smile widely again.
I know there is a truth to her words, but I know I needed her more. I felt myself slipping, becoming someone I wasn't, she saved me, brought me back to the person Ive always been, or the person I've always wanted to be.
"I needed her more" I say although it's quiet, I know if I looked at Charli again she'd be smiling.
I watch as Lou's eyes snap over to us, her face immediately lighting up and a huge smile coming to rest against her mouth, her mouth that is coated in red lipstick, I hoped it wouldn't come off, because nothing was going to stop me from kissing her.
"Charli!!" I hear her say, she doesn't shout yet everyone seems to fall silent, allowing her to speak. That didn't happen with me, I usually had to shout over people to make them hear me, but people just listened to her.
Her smile makes a smile tug at my mouth, one of equal earnestness to hers. I watch as she absentmindedly plays with the necklace around her neck, a simple act, yet it makes my stomach flutter and my heart throb. I almost feel my eyes soften as I look at her, everything that is her clouding my mind. Especially when I notice the faint M on her chest, the small patch the only bit of her skin not caught by the sun. She hardly took the necklace off and that small detail had me wanting to hold her and never let go.
Her hands let go of the necklace and I watch as it falls, hitting her chest and bouncing slightly, before it swings back and forth, slowly stilling. I hadn't realised Charli had started walking towards her and away from me until Lou was wrapped up in a pair of arms. My vision widens, away from just her and I see her smiling at me, her chin resting against Charli's shoulder.
"come here" she mouths and before I can even register my feet are taking me to her.
"Was wondering how long you'd be standing over there for" I hear Ross say, I see worry etched across his features and I smile, letting him know I'm fine.
"I'm all good mate, don't worry" I say with a gentle pat to his back, I turn, now seeing Charli greeting George with a, not so gentle kiss. But what can I say? Lou and I were no better.
Lou turns my way and I stand for another moment, just watching her, not making any movements towards her. She looked beautiful as always but something about the way she looked tonight was blowing me away.
"Are you just going to stare at me all day Healy?" I hear her say, making my eyes snap to hers. A cheeky and teasing smile strikes my eyes and I chuckle, shaking my head at her, at her teasing.
"I might, yeah" I say, making her chuckle and then she's stepping towards me, arms hooking over my shoulders, meeting each other against my neck, shutting me in, not that I would leave now. My eyes flutter shut with the intrusion of her (a welcomed one), her scent invades my senses and forces me to shut my eyes as I breathe her in, immediately overwhelmed by her. She smells like vanilla and coffee and white flowers and orange blossom and home. She smelt like home, an instant comfort, like stepping through the door after a long day, like curling under the covers or being wrapped up in a blanket.
"Hi" she smiles, her voice sweet and the first time I had heard it all day, instantly feeling happiness flood my body. I had been wrapped up in getting things ready for the show, the first one of this leg of the tour, wanting it to be amazing. Jamie eventually had to tell me to take a break, "go spend time with your girlfriend" he had said, his words making me blush. No matter what, the fact she was my girlfriend wouldn't fail to amaze me.
"Hi… missed you" my hands gently clamp around her waist, pulling her closer, needing her against me.
"Missed you too… had to spend time with boys, how annoying" she jokes and it makes me chuckle. I can sense that she wants to ask me how my day was, but I can also tell why she doesn't, because she knew relaying the details would make me more stressed and I appreciate that. It also made me feel… special, that she knew that about me. That she knew me that well.
"Couldn't think of anything worse, could you?' she's laughing now, leaning forward to place a kiss to my mouth, nearly knocking the air out of me, something that always happens when she kisses me. She's pulling away faster than she leant forward, her lips barely pressed against mine for a second, not that I minded. It was enough, for now.
"How was it? Had a good day?" I ask, wanting to hear about it.
"yeah was good, had a little walk around the venue, not too far… met some lovely fans, all of whom commented on your lack of presence. Messed about for a bit, played some songs with G… was really good" she explains and it makes me grin, truly happy she had a good day.
"Bet everyone will think we've broken up or something" I comment, making her roll her eyes and chuckle.
"Probably, just gotta prove them wrong huh Healy?" She asks and I nod, leaning forward to kiss her again, needing my desire for her to be quenched somewhat. So I press a firmer kiss fo her mouth, taking her bottom lip into mine, not caring if the color stained my own. I tug at it at little, letting it snap back before smoothing it with my tongue, before eventually pulling away. Noting the way her fingers gripped the fabric around my shoulders.
"Would've liked to hear you and G playing some songs, what did you play?" I ask, but I feel myself getting distracted by the look she's giving me. I take in her darkening eyes, and feel her hands drift along the lapels of my jacket, tugging me forward slightly.
"this and that" she comments, I can tell she's just speaking them without thinking, clearly distracted by something, by me.
"We're going for a smoke" I hear George say, Lou's body slightly turning in my hold to look at them, I go to slip my arms from around her waist but her grip tightens on my arm.
"Want to join them?" I ask but she just shakes her head. I hear the sound of a camera in front of us, both our attention being drawn to the sound, seeing Charli holding her phone.
"Sorry you guys are just so cute" she says before George is pulling her with him.
"Come with me" I hear her say, my head immediately snapping back to her. Her voice was floaty and I know what she needs by the way her eyes are drifting along the expanse of my form, not knowing what to settle on, wanting to view all of me at once. I know this because I'm doing the same to her, but my eyes are finally setting on the way her bottom lip is tugged between her teeth.
I feel the desire of her warm my stomach and feel the way my eyes darken as I look at her.
"Need me huh?" I ask, knowing her all too well, she nods simply before she's pulling me somewhere. God knows where she's taking me but we both know I'd follow her to the ends of the earth, blindly and willingly.
She tugs my hand, leading me round several corners, giggling as she does, the soft sounds spilling from her mouth the best I'd ever heard. She halts in a corridor round the back of the venue, our music equipment flush against either side of the walls, leaving a slim gap which she squeezes through, pulling me until I'm flush against her. Her back rests against an amp and my hands quickly clasp around her hips, pulling her slightly away from it so it doesn't dig into her skin. But that's quickly forgotten when she pushes her lips against mine, her tongue finding mine within seconds, making me groan against her.
"god I love you"
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They're all backstage, a few of them messing around, some sitting by themselves and doing mundane things. Ross and John are playing ping pong in another room but their laughter can still be heard from where Matty, George and Lou are sitting. Matty smiles at Hann and Carly who are cosied up onto a sofa, reading from a baby name book, throwing out suggestions for the group. His eyes flick from the couple to Lou.
He sits on a large leather sofa, George is sat two seats away from him on the other side, Lou rests against the middle seat, well her bottom does anyway. Her legs are curved and her socked feet are resting in George's lap, her head on a pillow in Matty's. Matty's hand drifts through her hair as she sleeps, the strands are soft and silky under his touch and he smiles down at her as she softly snores, barely audible. One hand is awkwardly hooked behind her, lightly holding onto George's hand, his thumb smooths over her knuckles.
George watches his friend as he stares down at his girlfriend, he feels proud of the man he is today, despite his best efforts to defend Matty's behaviour before, he found himself not liking the person he was around Lou. But now George thinks he's redeemed himself, in fact he's done more than that, he's become a man who is worthy of her love and a man who loves her exactly the way she's deserves.
George doesn't voice his pride, instead he just watches him, looking head over heels for the woman sleeping in his lap. His mind flicks back to one night all those years ago, when George thought Matty might start to redeem himself, when he acted uncharacteristically kind towards Lou, not that she remembers.
"Do you think you'd ever tell her about that night in Manchester?" George asks, his voice quiet, worried about waking her. Matty's eyes don't falter from the girl, he doesn't have it think about what night George is referring to. He knows straight away. It had been years since anyone had mentioned that night. Even now it makes him feel sick. That was the day he swore he'd change, he swore he'd do anything to protect Lou and to show her that too. Of course the day after came and all those promises got pushed aside. But he wishes they didn't.
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The club is crowded, packed full of sweaty bodies, most of whom were pressed against each other, dancing and drinking. The room was cloudy, filled with smoke and it smelt like stale cigarettes and she could smell just a hint of weed.
She already feels like she's drunk enough but the girls she's with keep ignoring her pleas to stop buying her drinks, making her feel bad and practically forcing her to drink them. She feels refuge when she hears her name being yelled over the loud music, eyes snapping to her lanky best friend who's walking towards her. She smiles widely, standing and leaving the toxic people behind, she doesn't fail to notice how they practically purr when they see George and his mates, her mates (well some of them were her mates).
She thinks it's pathetic how desperate they were but one look over at the boys she can understand why they were acted the way they were. George wraps a protective arm over her as she meets the group, all (apart form Matty) greet her, Ross wanting to hug her himself, but George makes that a bit hard.
"Look good Lou" Ross says and she smiles, she sees George's jaw clenching and she scoffs at him, telling him to "pack it in". She adorns a black silk dress with a low back, two criss-cross strings holding it together. Her eyes hover towards Matty who is staring at her.
"You alright Healy? Seem a bit... Hmm..." She thinks "Shocked" it's the first time she's spoken to him in weeks and he hates that it makes his heart race. Her efforts to not sound drunk seem to work quite well.
"You wish" he says before he's walking towards the girls she was with, all of whom coo at him as he sits down, arm wrapping round one of the blonde ones. Lou watches as he whispers in her ear and watches the way the tiny blonde giggles like a school girl. It makes her want to be sick.
"Remind me why you're friends with them again?" Ross asks as he looks at the girls, a disgusted look on his face, one that makes Lou chuckle. She was glad someone was on her side.
"I'm not... Rose is but she's abandoned me for some guy... Or girl I don't know" she says, searching the dancefloor to try and find her friend but ultimately failing to do so.
"George come here a second" they hear Matty shout and Lou looks up at him, visibly seeing how conflicted the guy looked.
"You can go" she says knowing he wanted to.
"Sorry Lou, but they're really fit" he says pressing a kiss to her cheek. Lou rolls her eyes before stepping to the side. Ross takes the opportunity to wrap her under his arm now.
"Couldnt be anymore of a guy" she says, making Hann laugh. She looks up at Ross who chuckles too. If she were to look back at the table, she would've seen Matty, staring at the pair with his jaw clenched and hand clamped around the edge of his chair.
"Let's go get you laid" Ross says, pulling her to the dancefloor. Hann, who doesn't want to dance, decides to join George and Matty, not that he really wanted to do that either.
Ross and Lou dance together for a bit before they each find someone else to dance with. Ross finds a petite brunette, she's pretty and she compliments Lou on how she looks and says she recognizes her from some bar she once performed at, explaining how awesome she thought her band was, so gets her approval. Lou finds a guy who is clearly very attractive but is also clearly a douche. He's jawline could cut and his piercing blue eyes could well.. pierce, his brown hair was loose on his head in curls (much similar to Matty's) he was tanned unlike Healy. There were things about him that screamed Matty but others which couldn't be further apart.
Eventually, after some steamy dancing, they find the bar, the guy buying Lou a drink and then they make their way to the rest of the group.
Matty's jaw clenches when he sees the way the guy clamps his hand around her thigh, but what really gets him is the way she visibly squirms and downs her drink, clearly needing a bit more liquid courage to even feel comfortable.
The group talk, well shout over the loud music, and eventually they all get up to dance. His eyes are trained on Lou, so he's the first to notice a shift in her behaviour. The way she becomes clumsy, far too clumsy for someone who had just had one more drink, he knows her, and he knows one more drink wouldn't tip her over the edge, something was wrong.
He finds himself walking over to the pair, the guy practically grinding onto her limp body. Matty grabs him by his collar, making everyone's eyes snap to them.
"What the fuck did you do you douche?" He asks, and although the guy is far from small, he visibly cowers.
"What's going on mate?" George says, clamping a hand over his friends shoulder, who doesn't budge.
"Look at your best friend right now" Matty says, eyes unwavering from the guy and George's eyes snap to Lou. He gently takes her chin in-between his pointer finger and thumb, lifting it up to look at her. Her pupils are blown wide and he can see she has no clue what's going on around her. George really wants to beat the shit out of the guy but he chooses to take Lou in his arms instead.
"You fucking coward... Knew she wouldn't fuck you if you didn't slip her something huh?" Matty says, his grip on the guys collar tightening.
The guy doesn't say anything and that angers him more and in the next blink of an eye, Matty's fist is clenching, before it's swinging to hit the guy square in the jaw. Matty's swipes are relentless, each of the guys staring in shock, having never seen their mate act so ferally. Matty feels his blood boiling and it's as if something, somebody else has taken over his body, unable to stop his movements, until he hears a gentle mumble from Lou.
Despite her state she still manages to get the words out and they make him freeze.
"Matty... Stop" is all she says and his eyes snap to hers, seeing them close after the two words are spoken. He swears it's the first time she's ever called him Matty, usually opting for Healy or Matthew, her words usually laced with venom, but her voice is soft now and he knows he wouldn't hurt the guy again, if that's what she wanted. Matty tears his eyes away from her, his clenched fist, hovering by the guys bruised face.
Ross pounces forward, grabbing his friend and pulling him back before he goes any further. It gives the other guy ampule opportunity to run away, which he does
"Yeah fucking run away you dickhead" Matty shouts, accent very thick.
"Matty" he hears George say, his voice laced with sheer terror and worry. Matty's eyes snap to the girl in George's arms, the girl who's eyes were now closed.
"I don't know what to do" George says and as if a switch is flicked.
"Should we take her to the hospital?" George asks and Matty shakes his head.
"It's Lou, you know she'd hate that come here" Matty takes over. Arms hooking under her knees as he lifts her, carrying her out of the club as if she weighs nothing, the guys following all of them into the back of Matty's van.
"Hann, I need you to get water, lots of it" he says as he lies her down on top of some blankets which are scattered in the back.
Hann disappears then.
"Ross, I need you to take George away for a bit okay?" He says as he sees George panicking. George's eyes snap to his and Matty gives him a reassuring nod, letting him know he had her.
"I've got this okay? You can trust me, I've got her" Matty says and George nods. Every past event completely contradicted this one, yet he knew she'd be safe with Matty.
Ross wants to stay but also knows George can't be there right now, so he quickly fights with himself, Matty nodding at him too, before Ross leads George away and upon Hanns return, Matty closes the door to the van.
It seems like they're waiting for hours outside the van. George and Ross come back at some point, seeing Hann sitting on the floor, practically gnawing at his lip. George paces back and forth whilst Ross stares at the back doors of the van, just waiting until they open. No one knows what miracle Matty performs behind the van doors and despite all of his behaviour before, each of them trusted him with their best friend.
Her eyes slowly flutter open, she's placed in his arms, his hands soothing down her face, her hair clung to her sweaty head.
"Hey Healy" she says, voice still floaty, as if she wasn't truly there with him.
"Hi pretty girl" he says, the first time he's been earnest with her. He knows it's because he can be right now, she wasn't going to remember this.
"I like this face" she admits, grabbing his cheeks and smushing them, making him laugh. Her happy expression disappears a second later and she frowns.
"I dont feel very well Matty" she groans. He frowns down at her, his thumb soothing across her cheek.
"I know darling... I've got you though, you're safe and you'll feel better soon" she smiles up at him, a dopey smile that lasts barely three seconds before she frowns again.
"You hate me... Why are you being nice?" Her words are fumbled and he has to really focus to unscramble them but he does. Her eyes flutter shut and he can tell she's fighting sleep. They open again and her eyes erratically flick around the van, unaware of her surroundings but then her eyes land on his again and he watches as they soften.
Her eyes flick to his hand and her hand shakily finds his, thumb soothing over the knuckles coated in blood, flinching when he flinches.
"Matty...." He wishes she'd say his name again and never stop saying it. He knows in that moment that her saying his name, is his favourite thing in the world.
"Go back to sleep yeah?" He says knowing she just needed to sleep it off now, she nods and her eyes are shutting again.
"Hmm, you smell nice" he smiles at that, heart fluttering.
"Before you go... I don't hate you sweetheart, could never hate you" he knows she doesn't hear his words but they needed to be said.
Matty slowly opens the back door, coming to stand with the other guys. He instantly pulls George into a hug.
"She's alright guys" he says loud enough for all of them to hear.
"I'm going to drive her home okay? I didn't drink anyway. G you wanna come with? Stay with her until tomorrow" Matty says, his questions followed by a demand and of course George nods.
"You two going to be alright getting home? " Matty asks and Hann and Ross nod. Ross pulls Matty into a hug and he thanks him, Hann does the same. George and Matty then get into the van and Matty starts driving home, eyes flicking between the road and the mirror, making sure she was still okay.
"Thanks mate... I was pathetic back there... Thanks for taking over and helping her" George says and Matty nods at him.
"Of course" they sit in silence for a bit before Matty speaks again.
"Hey look... Can you not tell her that I helped her? Just say you did it. Please" Matty says, pleading with his best friend. George looks at him, taking in every feature, every indicator that told him Matty desperately needed this. He couldn't understand why, he knew that if Lou knew Matty was the one that helped, she'd immediately forgive him for everything he had ever said or done... But George still nodded his head.
"Yeah, if that's what you need" George says, feeling sad.
"it is"
She wakes in her own bed, not knowing how she got there. George comes in and explains the events of the night, telling her he was the one that helped her, just as Matty asked.
"Thank you G, you're the best" she hugs him tightly and George frowns. He had just lied to his best friend.
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"Don't think it would change anything" Matty says, finally looking at George.
"Think she'd realise just how much she did mean to you back then... Even if you did try to hide it" George says.
"Maybe... I dunno though G... It sounds weird, but... I kind of like, no not like, I..." He pauses to think. He didn't know how to explain what he was thinking.
"I remember it and she doesn't.... And it's not like I like that but... in that moment I got to have her in a way I always wanted... I got to be the one that helped her. And it feels weird to say but I liked it... I guess... Would've preferred it under different circumstances but still" Matty explains.
"But you don't want her to know that?" George asks.
"What if she hates me for it George? What if she resents me?" He asks, fully turning his body to face his friend, Lou slightly stirring in her sleep.
"Hate you for helping her?"
"Hate me for keeping a secret. For making you lie..."
"She's not like that... She wouldn't be like that. She'd be so thankful that you helped her"
"I dunno G"
"Trust me. I know you know her... But she's been my best friend since we were babies.... I KNOW, she wouldn't hate you for that" George says.
A little later on Matty sits her down, she rests against the edge of the bed, Matty stands in front of her and explains the true events of that night and to his surprise, she doesn't hate him for it, in fact, she laughs, which doesn't make much sense to him.
"You know I remember that right?" She says and she laughs when she's sees him visibly nearly have a heart attack "well I thought it was G, guess when he told me it was him, my mind thought it filled in the gaps" she says and his eyes are begging for her to explain.
"I like this face" she says and he remembers it instantly "it makes sense now... I wouldn't have said that to G... I love him but I wouldn't have told him that, he already knows" she says, laughing to herself and he smiles.
"So you remember what happened but didn't remember it was me" he says and she nods.
"And now you know it was me?" He asks.
"Well it makes a lot more sense for one... And it makes me love you even more" she says, pulling him towards her and hugging him tightly.
"I love you" she mumbles against his stomach.
"I love you too pretty girl" he says, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head.
"You know if you had told me that at the time I would've forgiven you... I would've forgiven you for everything" she says, pulling away to look up at him.
"I thought you hated me too much back then... Thought the fact I was the one that helped you would've... I dunno annoyed you?" He says and she shakes her head at him.
"Youre a silly man healy... But god I love you" she says.
"You know I thought I might lose you that night... Was so terrified of losing you and I didn't even have you the way I wanted... But I knew in that moment I'd do anything not lose you and I thought if I told you, I'd do exactly that" he admits and her face softens, glassy eyes finding his as she grasps his face.
"You'll never lose me Matty, I promise" she says and leans forward to kiss her.
"Promise." He confirms.
"I'm going to marry you one day" she says and it surprises him. He eagerly presses his lips to hers, smiling against her mouth as she giggles.
"I like the sound of that" he says as he maneuvers them up the bed, pinning her to the mattress as their lips bruise against one another.
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @promocodesorry75 @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx @k4tie75 @friedlandblog @insidemymind19 @zzzhealy @maybeiwouldlikeyou @at-her-very-foreign @not-alien-girl-v (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊)
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iii. one time thing
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this blog is 18+. minors, do not interact. this blog is a safe space. no hate or disrespect of any kind will be tolerated. all work is my own. do not reupload my work on any other site without my consent.
a/n: criticism and thoughts are welcomed and encouraged :) there is one use of y/n in the beginning!
part i. part ii.
1271 words
he catches up to you on the street, his chest heaving from sprinting down six flights of stairs. not the best look, when chasing after a woman, but at least in this he is honest.  
“y/n, you – “ he tries to breathe in deep through his nose. out through his mouth. “i need to talk to you.”
you keep walking, arms crossed over your chest, ignoring the way he limps after you, holding the stitch in his side.
“would you wait just a moment?”
you stomp your way around the corner, foot sliding in a wayward puddle, and he steadies you with a hand at your elbow. it had rained last night. he had waited, eyes peering at the sky for lightning, hoping for once the rain might pass silently without slipping into a storm.
you twist yourself away from him, find your footing, and angrily swat at the jacket he holds out to you. “i don’t want to talk to you.”
“at least let me apologize.”
for some reason, that seems to deflate your anger and instead, you just look sad. you nod and look somewhere over his shoulder. 
“for what you said,” you supply, a bitter twist to your words. “for making fun of me.”
“i wasn’t making fun of you,” he reaches out and grips your hand, holding tight when you try to pull away with a scoff. “i wasn’t! and i am not apologizing for what i said, but rather the way i said it.” 
you peer up at him through the heavy fringe of your lashes and something within himself twists off, splinters, and settles back into place. “explain yourself.” 
he sighs, low and slow, and releases your hand. curls his fingers over your shoulders. makes sure he is looking in your eyes when he says, “i hate the shirt you’re wearing.”
you roll your eyes and try to pull away, but he holds you steady. god help him, he can feel the heat of your skin even now, standing two feet away from one another on a London sidewalk. 
you frown at him. “that's a shit apology. even for you, matty.” 
“i’m just –“ his gaze trips over the swell of your breasts beneath your shirt, down to where your belly button peeks out from beneath the fabric. it causes a swell of frustration, a spike of heat, and a deep, deep pull low in his gut. “i’m trying to tell you.” 
“you hate my shirt. yes, you’ve mentioned.”
“i hate it because i can see your skin. and everyone else can see your skin. you – “ his dark eyes search your face, looking frantically for a sliver of the same desperation he feels. “you drive me to distraction. always. everywhere."
large hands move to grasp your shoulders. "what i said at the party, i wasn’t making fun of you.” 
you blink at him, mouth opening and closing. he'd enjoy the moment of pure shock if it didn’t feel like his heart was lodged firmly in his throat.
“you’re serious, then. about what you suggested.”
he nods, still breathless from his chase after you. “i was being serious, yes. i think – i think it would be good for us. get it out of our system, y’know?”
one delicate eyebrow arches high on your forehead, even as your eyes dart back and forth between his own; taking the measure of him. “you think this is something we need to get out of our system?”
it’s something he needs to get out of his system. just so he can stop thinking about you bent over his living room couch, his hands curled over your hips, the glow of your skin transcendent against the leather.
“yes,” he clears his throat. “i do.”
“and what you’re offering, is – “ you trail off, your cheeks back to that furious, delicious shade of pink. “what? no strings sex? and then we just pretend it never happened?” 
you bite at your thumbnail. “i don’t know, matty. what if things get- what if things get strange between us?”
“it won’t. i won’t let it.”
your teeth move from your thumb to your bottom lip in consideration. he steps closer and curls cold fingers around your jaw, pulling your lip free with his thumb. 
smooths over it once. 
your whole body shivers in response, and he sways further into your space.
after so long of denying himself, it feels like an indulgence. euphoria.
“i know you feel what i feel,” he whispers, sure of it. there have been too many shared glances between the two of you. lingering looks across crowded rooms, dark eyes meeting yours. 
the hand on your jaw shakes with desire. if he never gets to kiss you, he’ll cease to be. if he doesn’t feel your breath on his mouth, in the space below his ear, across his chest – he’ll collapse.
dramatic, yes. but matty's never been known for his pragmatism.
you blink at him, head tilting back. “like this is a monumentally stupid idea, but tempting all the same?”  
“something like that,” he whispers, captivated by the teeth marks that indent the soft swell of your lip. he wants to leave his own marks there, feeling them beneath his tongue. “i’m going to kiss you now.”
“why,” you mutter, eyes serious and he knows without a doubt the way he answers this question is important.
“because i want to,” he says, "i need to."
you nod slowly like it's a good answer. the answer you wanted. “and you won’t let it be weird?”
matty's curls bounce when he shakes his head, his fingers slipping from your jaw to tangle in your hair. they thread just so, his thumb curling over the tip of your ear. he’s thought of your hair between his fingers more times than he can count; of grabbing hold and chasing your mouth with his.
you don't sigh or whimper when he presses his lips to yours. you merely hold onto him with your hands against his chest, two small fistfuls of the t-shirt he thought too much about before leaving the house. it's so perfectly you. he can taste the whisky you stole from him – smoky and sure and devastatingly tempting. he lingers there, in the sweetness of your lips pressed together for the first time before the hunger pulls low in his gut and he decides to be just a bit selfish. 
he nudges your nose with his and presses his thumb to your chin, guiding your mouth open, tilting his head to the side until his nose is pressed into your flushed cheek, his mouth finding yours again. he can feel the indents on her bottom lip with his tongue, tiny little grooves that he traces once, twice, three times before you open for him and he curls his tongue around yours.
you sigh then, and he smiles into your mouth, knowing he’s earned the soft sound.
his fingers tighten into a fist in your hair, tilting your head to the side and licking deeper – your mouths a wet, slide of heat against one another. he’s never had a kiss feel so consuming. never felt like if he didn’t – if he didn’t press his palms to your skin, feel the heat of you, drag his teeth along your collarbone.
your fists turned to flattened palms against him and you push gently, your mouth stubbornly pulling away at the last moment. as if you are two separate entities, one pushing him away while the other pulls him closer.
“okay,” you sway in front of him, eyes searching his distant ones. “your place or mine?”
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Being Funny In A Foreign Language
Chapter 10- When We Are Together
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A/N: the VERY LAST FINAL CHAPTER is here. I hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated and encouraged. Thank you so much to everyone who has read and provided feedback on the chapters of this fic. It was fun to write. Yall made it fun.
Warnings: kink. Smut. A single mention of ADHD. A single mention of addiction recovery.
Even though she knew that it was physically impossible, Amelia swore she’d developed superhuman hearing to be able to hear Matty’s conversation with the tall, beautiful blonde woman across the bar. Even over the ambient chatter of the place, it was obvious that the two were flirting. That much she didn’t need to hear. She knew, from experience, how smooth and charming Matty could be when he really wanted to. Not that he had to try, really. Looking the way he does, in the all black outfit, especially that leather jacket he had on, anyone with a pulse would want him.
After what felt like an inappropriately long time, Matty finally meandered back over to the table, his refilled drink in hand, sliding back into the conversation with George that they’d put on hold earlier. Amelia couldn’t believe that he didn’t even bother to look her way of explain his delayed return. She tried to let it go. And she would’ve succeeded, if it weren’t for the fact that the fabulous blonde suddenly approached their table, leaning into Matty’s seat to whisper something into his ear. Amelia tried to employ her super hearing abilities but all she could hear was Matty’s giggle as the woman touched his arm. She almost walked away, but then she looked at Matty again, smiling,
“Do you have a girlfriend, Matty?”
Matty’s smile slowly faded as the question set in. He turned to Amelia, shooting her an apprehensive look. Her eyes darting away, she stirred her drink with its straw, pretending that she hadn’t just been eavesdropping with every fiber of her being.
“Erm….no.” Matty looked up at his new blonde friend, “ I don’t have a girlfriend….it seems.”
The woman said something about how shocking it is that a man like him wasn’t already in a relationship. “Guess it must be my lucky day.” She grabbed his phone off the table, putting her number in. “You should text me sometime.”
Underneath the table, Amelia’s hands itched to get a hold of Matty’s body. His admirer was hardly gone before she had the idea to get back at him by running the tip of her shoe along his leg. He jolted at the surprise sensation at first, confused, assuming she’d accidentally bumped her leg into his, he brushed it off. But as Amelia got bolder, her leg moved further up his body, stopping at the knee a few times. She could see him glancing over at her out of the corner of his eye. He was beginning to catch on. Spurred on by his continued composure, she hiked her foot up higher, first onto his thigh, then, finally, onto his groin. It was a subtle maneuver. Risky. She had to lean forwards, resting her arms on the table to scoot forwards and reach him. Any abrupt motions and it would be obvious that something was going on with her legs. So it required finesse. A level of calm that she had no idea she could muster. Jealousy really is a powerful thing.
She was entertained by the way that Matty’s hands gripped the edges of table until his knuckles had turned white. The coy smile of acknowledgement he’d flashed her earlier had disappeared. He sipped on his drink to distract himself, but the more she rubbed him, the harder it got for him. In more ways than one.
“Night Mark! See you in the morning!” She bid him goodnight sweetly. The wholesome smile dropped from her face as soon as Mark’s door clicked shut. She pushed Matty up against the wall, in the middle of the hallway, her hands, at long last, all over him.
Matty willingly allowed himself to be handled by her in whichever way she liked, his body moving in sync with hers. He rested his back against the wall, eagerly parted his lips, let her bite and nip at them, moaning and whining into the kiss. Vying for more control, she brought her hands up to his face, fixing him in place as the kiss grew longer, needier. When she pulled away from him, it was aggressive, like tearing flesh away, the suddenness left Matty breathing audibly, hungry for more, reeling at the loss of her body overpowering his. He felt lighter without her chest pressing into his, constricting the air in his lungs, and he didn’t enjoy the newfound lightness. He found it overwhelming. Like a piece of paper without a paperweight, blowing in the wind, his knees bent slightly before he regained balance.
They barely made it a few steps down the hallway before Matty found himself pinned against the wall again. This time, Amelia’s hands were around his neck, her hips pushing against his, a knee dangerously close to his groin.
Shamelessly, Matty pushed his hips into hers, rubbing against the edge of her knee for some friction.
She gasped when she noticed what he was up to, stopping her kissing and backing off of him. “Tsk tsk tsk. Matty! Are you already- Jesus Christ, you impatient little- what do you think you’re doing here, hmm?”
Matty smiled, a wide, toothy smile.
“Oh, you better believe I’m about to wipe that smug look off your face in a few moments. Room
He pulled the key out of his pocket, grabbing her hand and rushing them both towards the room.
“On your hands and knees, c’mon.” Amelia pointed with the cane to the spot where she wanted Matty positioned.
“Okay, but- but- erm before you- hit me, can I just say I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would bother you.” Matty proceeded to kneel and get on all fours, in nothing but his underwear, as he spoke.
“What?! How dumb to you think I am? You’re going with that as an excuse???”
“Genuine! I- didn’t want to be presumptuous. You didn’t seem particularly bothered by-“
“You’ve got to be fuckin kidding me.” Amelia laughed in disbelief.
“I’m not kidding-“
“Enough out of you! Lose the underwear. I want nothing separating between you and this cane.”
“Fuck.” He shivered, “this is going to hurt.” He mumbled under his breath. But Amelia heard it.
“Would you rather I use the belt? Flogger? What hurts most?”
“Cane hurts most.”
“Cane it is, then.”
Amelia raised the cane in the air, but before she could swing it back down over him, Matty interrupted.
“Erm- I am- to count out each hit?”
“Right. Yes.”
“Okay.” His head dropped.
“You know the rules, yes?”
“Mhm. Count them out. Say thank you after each time, and tap out if I need it.”
He glanced over his shoulder “I really am sorry.”
Which prompt her to sling the cane and hit him instantly. The surprise of it made the pain even worse she literally heard the moment that the pain knocked the wind out of his lungs, muting his scream.
He took a moment to breathe, and then with a shaky voice. He started to count. “One. Thank you. Please- m- May I have another?”
“Straighten your back, Matty.” She demanded.
“Right. S-sorry.”
“Quit saying that!” She brought the cane down on him again. Tears quickly pooled in the corners of his eyes.
By the tenth strike, Matty was crying. By the twentieth, she’d had asked, “who do you belong to? That woman at the bar? Any random girl that pays you any attention?”
He shook his head, unable to stop the tears long enough to answer.
By the thirtieth hit, Matty was out of it, deep in subspace, head full of pain and pleasure, he’d long lost count. Instead, he had, for some inexplicable reason, taken to repeatedly whimpering “I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours.” Over and over again.
When her own arm began to hurt, Amelia dropped the cane, her anger disappearing with it, she hurried over to Matty’s body, which had collapsed into a mess on the floor as soon as she’d stopped.
“Hey, hey, Matty? Eyes on me, babe.”
Relieved to see him attempting a smile, she kissed his forehead gently, then helped him sit up. “You good to keep going?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.”
“Good. Cuz I’m going to fuck you into submission.”
“Open up for me.” The dildo strapped to Amelia’s waist rested against his lips. Hesitantly, Matty opened his mouth and took it in. Bit by bit, at first, adjusting to its size, then, when Amelia felt comfortable that he was ready, she held him by the back of the head, and thrusted completely into his mouth, getting closer and closer, with each push, to reaching the back of his throat.
Matty moved his head, sucking in, his cheeks hollowed, his tongue moving around the you in his mouth. His breathing shortened but Amelia wouldn’t allow him any relief, even as he was gagging, drool dripping down his chin, eyes watering, she kept him there, admiring the dazed look in his eyes as he stared up at her, unflinchingly, as if to show her with his gaze, how good he was being.
Matty coughed and heaved as Amelia pulled away gently patting his back? Urging him to get into position. He wiped his own saliva off his face with the back of his arm before crawling on his knees to the top of the bed, lying on his stomach.
“Hold on. Need a pillow or something under your waist.” She slid a pillow under him to prop him up and protect his back from any extra pressure and Matty, in his subservient state, thought the gesture was the kindest thing in the world. Smiling and melting into the bed, he whispered “thank you. So much.”
He felt the cold sensation of the bit of lube that Amelia had applied to his skin, pushing a finger into his hole to make sure he was relaxed and ready, then an immense pressure. He moaned as she pushed into him, the feeling overwhelming. Slowly and carefully, Amelia slid all the way in and began to thrust, listening to him mumble unintelligibly.
“Oh- my- fuck…so. Fuckin. Tight.” He winced every time that anything came into contact with the fresh cane welts on his ass, pain mixing with pleasure. Just what he needed to overwhelm and shut down his brain.
“Tell me, Matty, who do you belong to?”
“You. Oh. My. God. I- I belong to- to you. I’m all yours. No one else’s” he rambled on.
“Who owns this ass?”
“Fuck!!! Ah- feels so good…”
Realizing that he was a bit too lost in pleasure, she slapped his injured ass causing him to scream. “I asked you a question. Who owns this ass? Who owns your pleasure, hmm? Tell me.”
“Oh godddd. You do! You. Always you. Nobody else makes me feel like you do. I- ahhhh…don’t care how many girls try…how may women I see around me- it’s always been you. I’ve belonged to you even before I knew it.”
His broken answer satisfied her, putting out the fire within. She smiled down at his supple body, her heart warming at the sight.
“That’s right. It’s just you and me. No one else.” She stated, more for herself than for Matty who had already surrendered his whole being to her.
“A- Amelia? It feels - too good. I- am so close.”
Hearing that, she became determined to take him over the edge. “Oh yeah? Better brace yourself then baby.”
She thrusted into him, harder and faster. His moaning turned to crying, and then screaming.
“Cum for me, Matty. Let go. You’ve earned it.”
She tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, looking into his eyes. “What is it?” She whispered, kissing him.
“You look like you wanna say something. What’s on your mind?”
Matty’s eyes darted away. “Well, I just- I want to apologize about the girl in the bar.”
“You don’t have to. It’s over now. You’ve redeemed yourself.”
“No, I know. And- don’t get me wrong, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Genuinely. But-“
Amelia’s brows furrowed. “But what?”
“be fair, we never actually said anything about- I mean…a- are we in a relationship? Are we going out? Like, dating?”
Amelia stuttered, finding herself speechless. She couldn’t believe that he even had to ask. Though, strictly speaking, he was right. There was never a conversation. But only because she’d assumed that there didn’t need to be one. That it was obvious.
“Am I your boyfriend, Amelia?” He smiled, hopeful, at the sound of his own words. “Is that what I am? Cuz I quite like the sound of that.” He giggled.
“Yes, Matty.” she rolled her eyes, faking annoyance. “You are my boyfriend.”
“Hold on! If I’m your boyfriend….that makes you…??”
She shook her head, “that makes me your girlfriend, yes.”
Matty couldn’t help the smile that lit up his whole face. “How cool is that? Hello, yes, this is my girlfriend, Amelia.” He laughed “everybody give it up for my girlfriend.”
“My girlfriend is here tonight. There she is, shout out to her what a beautiful-“
“Are you…practicing for live shows? Right now? In the middle of-“
“She’s looking beautiful tonight don’t you guys think? Look at her- oh wow. I’d you’ll excuse me. Think I’m gonna kiss her now.” He leaned in, locking their lips together.
Matty heard her spring to her feet, as soon as he walked through the door even before he could see her.
“Hi. You’re back.” She rushed over to him. “So? What’d the doctors say? Do they know what’s wrong?”
“Did they write you a prescription for anything? Do they think you’ll feel better soon?”
Matty squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing his temples. He could feel the onset of a throbbing headache.
“Amelia, please. Calm down. You’re suffocating me.”
Seeing the way that her face dropped in response made him instantly regret his words.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it.” He said softly, extending his hand out for her to take it and pulling her to the bed with him. He throw himself onto it, with Amelia standing in the space between his legs, still holding hands.
“So…” he sighed loudly. “They said it’s definitely the mental illness.”
“Good! That’s good right!” She caught herself being her enthusiastic and tried to hold back.
“Yeah, I mean, the upside of that is- soon as I get that shit under control, everything else goes back to normal. Well, you know. As normal as can be for someone who’s a little bit fucked up.”
This time, Amelia managed to hold her tongue. Smiling and nodding along.
“The thing is, finding the right medicine can be a while.”
“Yeah! I looked into it and I read that- sorry. Sorry. You talk. I’ll listen.”
“No; it’s just….on top of that being a general challenge for everyone, well, recovering addicts like myself are generally advised to steer away from certain pills. And then there’s the ADHD….and finding the right dose or whatever. It’s a whole fuckin thing. Gives me a headache if I’m being honest with you.” He was ready to change the subject. “Just…whatever. Can we do the kissing now?”
“Matty! This is good. You’re doing the responsible thing.”
He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, “I know.” They kissed. “And I have you to thank for that.” Matty paused again for another quick kiss. “You- make me a better person. You make it feel like there’s a version of life where maybe I get to feel better.” This time, it was Amelia who leaned in for a kiss. “But I really don’t wanna talk about this boring shit. Makes me feel unsexy and old and broken. Let’s…be young and alive. Let’s fuck! Over and over again.”
Louis looked at his brother, incredulous. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this.” He pulled out the ring box from his pocket placing it, carefully, into Matty’s open palm.
Matty’s heart skipped a beat at the feeling over the velvet container in his hand. He popped it open, hardly believing his eyes. “It’s just like I remember it. Only smaller.”
“I know. Always looked bigger on nana’s finger.”
Matty tore his eyes away from the ring to look at his brother. “Louis, I think it’s us who were smaller.” Cautiously, he snapped the box shut.
“I can’t believe you’re marrying Amelia!” Louis nudged him with his elbow, giggling uncontrollably.
“Well, I haven’t asked her yet. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Right! Have you decided about how you’re gonna do it?”
“Yeah, the boys are helping. I think-“ Matty smiled as the realization hit him. He was talking about proposing. To Amelia. Changing both of their lives. He blushed, giggling softly.
“Well??! Go on! What’s the plan?” His brother stared at him, impatient.
“Right. Yes. I’m taking her on our first official, like, ‘date.’ Her favorite restaurant. And, while we’re out of the house,” Matty’s heartbeat pounded stronger as he spoke. Visualizing the moment in his mind with a smile
On his face. “The guys are going to get in there and arrange the flowers and candles. Hand picked by mum of course. Then I’ll let them know to get the fuck out of there before we get back. And I’ll just…do it as soon as we walk in.”
“Sir?” The waiter raised a single eyebrow, hoping the heavy pause was enough to nudge Matty into politeness.
“Sorry, mate. Just 10 more minutes? She’ll be here! Any second now.”
“Apologies sir, but- we’ve got reservations…”
“Look, look! She’s texted!” Matty pulled out his his phone. He did, indeed, just receive a text from Amelia.
Please don’t hate me. I’m so sorry. I can’t come. Working all night. They hated all the designs I showed them and the deadline is Thursday.
We’ll have our first date someday….soon. Dont wait up for me, I’ve got my own keys. Love you.
Matty felt his heart shatter in his chest. He stood up from his chair. “Well. I guess you get your fuckin table - sorry. Shouldn’t swear in this fine dining establishment….im goin home. Tables free.”
As he walked to the train station, he texted the boys to undo their work, recollect everything, and leave.
“Well, so, what’s the plan now?” George asked, handing Matty a drink.
“He chooses another day and we start over, obviously.” Adam chimed in; he received a supporting nod from Louis.
“I don’t know…this feels…wrong.”
“What does?” Ross muted the tv that had been murmuring in the background, and leaned closer.
“It feels like bad luck to just….re-light the candles and re-scatter flower petals.”
“So?? Buy new ONES MATTY!” Louis had clearly gotten slightly too invested in this proposal plan, the thrill of being the ring delivery man getting to his head.
“What if I just picked a new plan? An island getaway. Like over the weekend or something. After this- this design she’s working on is finished, she’s going to need a break anyway. A beach proposal would be nice?”
“Shall I find some options? Islands and hotels?” Louis pulled out his phone, and without waiting for confirmation from Matty, began digging.
“So….what’re we going to do with the several million tons of flowers that you’ve ordered?” George asked, pointing to the giant pile of flowers in the middle of the room.
“Well you obviously can’t leave them here. I can’t let Amelia see them. Take them home. You each give some to your partners or something. Take them to DH. or find a grandmothers grave or something. I don’t fuckin know. Just- get them outta here.”
“Thank you, honey.” Amelia whispered as Matty brought her some coffee in bed, kissing her forehead before climbing back under the duvet to sit next to her.
“Thanks for letting me sleep in” she spoke into her mug, taking the first sip. “I’m so looking forward to work slowing down a bit. This week was mental!”
Matty couldn’t help the involuntary smile that always took over his face whenever he heard her voice, saw her face, or was in her presence. Even disheveled and tired, morning breath and all, she was the most perfect woman he’d ever seen.
“Speaking of rest. What do you say to a quick trip somewhere. Maybe the weekend? We could extend our stay if you fancied. But just a few days off the grid. Reckon it’d do you some good. No work. No email. No indecisive clients changing their minds at worst possible time?”
Amelia squealed excitedly, setting her coffee down on the nightstand to avoid spilling it. “Ooo what’d you have in mind?”
“I was thinking…somewhere warm? A beach maybe?”
Her lackluster response confused Matty.
“What? You don’t like the idea?”
“It’s- just….beaches need warm weather. It’s the dead of winter.”
“I’m sure we could find someplace warm. We’re not limited by geography. We could go anywhere!”
She bit her lower lip, avoiding his eyes.
“You don’t look enthused.”
She cocked her head, somewhat embarrassed. “I appreciate the idea. I really do. You’re so sweet to think of this. But- well- international travel- you’re always on tour and I- it’s just stressful !”
A strange sense of doom began to set in Matty’s heart. But he was careful not to let any of it seep out to Amelia, keeping a smile on his face.
“Alright. That’s okay. We’ll find something else to do-“
“I’m sorry! You were trying to be sweet and romantic and I’m such a downer!” Amelia leaned into him, clinging to his chest guilty and desperate.
“Don’t be sorry. This- this was meant to be for you. So, if going somewhere far away stresses you out, then what’s the point of doing it. We’ll just do something else. It’s fine.” He kissed her head, throwing his arm around her. “Whatever you like. Where would you like to go?”
“Honestly? Nowhere. Just wanna be here. With you. Our bed is perfect.”
“Well, then, there’s no place else I’d rather be.”
Matty sighed, making a mental note to inform Louis that Plan B was a no-go as well.
“We should get a puppy.” Matty said from the other side of the couch, a joint between his fingers.
“Pardon?” She giggled, setting her book down and crossing her legs.
“Puppy. You and me. It’d be great, don’t you think?”
“Matty, need I remind you of the dogs you’ve attempted to own? And how they’ve all ended up in other people’s homes? You’re basically an illegal dog fostering operation. You just get dogs and then place them with people who never signed up to be dog owners in the first place.”
Matty laughed, that long drawn out laugh he always did when he was just a tiny bit stoned.
“Yeah, I do that quite a bit. don’t I?”
He brought the joint to his lips, taking a drag. “Well, usually it’s cuz I’m on tour so much. But if we adopted the dog together that wouldn’t be a problem. You’d be here.”
“Hmmm” Amelia considered the idea for a moment. Picturing a sweet fur baby in the middle, between the two of them, snoozing on this couch made her heart flutter. “That would be cute, actually.”
“Unless, of course, I decide to hire you again. To come on tour with me.” Matty mused.
“You assume I’d just drop everything and do it.”
“Yeah but maybe we could bring the dog with us? Reckon we could sort it out….”
“I don’t know. Two people sharing a pet is always dangerous….” Amelia said, second-guessing the idea.
“There’d be vaccines and shit. And we’d have to get it a passport. Do dogs need passports?”
They were clearly branching off into two separate conversations by now.
“Matty, seriously. Isn’t it too soon? I mean, what if we broke up? It’s like…like having. Child. I couldn’t handle separating it from one of us. Having to see it on certain days. It’ll pee everywhere. Even potty-trained pets can start shitting everywhere when their routine is uprooted. We can’t do that to a dog!”
Matty let her words hang in the air for a moment, a smile on his face.
“Fine. Then marry me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Easy enough solution. Marry me.”
Amelia’s mouth fell open. She stared at Matty, stunned. Unclear on how serious he was being. Even if it was a joke, no immediate retort was coming to her mind at the moment.
Matty took another drag of his blunt and then sat up straight to be able to slip his hand into the pocket of his joggers, pulling out the ring box.
Amelia’s eyes tracked his movements, widening in shock at the sight of the box.
“Hold on, sorry” matty whispered, setting his joint down. “Right, then.” He cleared his throat, got off the couch getting down on one knee.
“Amelia, my love, will you marry me?”
“M- matty!”
“I love you. You make me a better man. You’re my best friend. You’re my soul. My muse and my critic and my everything. I wanna be with you forever. Do you wanna be with me forever?”
“You’re insane! Matty! We’ve never even been on a real fuckin date. ‘What happened to- to- get dinner with me sometime.’ ‘See you on Tuesday.’ What the fuck?” She laughed, running out of breath, her face felt hot like fire.
“I think we can both agree we’re way past that.” Matty said, perfectly calm. “You…you know me. You know what I’m like when I’m at my very best and when I’m at rock bottom. In fact, you’ve seen me at some dark and pretty fuckin pathetic moments. And you never turned your back on me. You- make me feel like I might get better. Anytime that I’m with you. Around you. Any time that we’re together. It feels like maybe there’s a version of me that gets better. You make me wanna be a man. As for me? I know you.” His smile widened as he prepared his next words,
“I know how you like your coffee; I know that you like it when people notice your makeup. Even though you try not to draw too much attention to the effort you put into it. . I know that you love your little sister more than anything. But you’re insecure about not being there for her as much cuz she lives so far away, so….sometimes you overcompensate by being a bit overbearing. I know what you like in bed. I know cuz I fuckin taught you. I know that you like when I kiss your forehead and talk to you after sex. I know your favorite tattoo of mine is the WE ARE KINGS one just above my hip. You always give it extra kisses when you can.”
She nodded, welling up with tears.
“The way I know you and feel known by you….its different. treating it like any ordinary relationship just…” he took a deep breath. “Maybe I’m just a traditionalist deep down underneath all that other shit. but….i can’t think of a better way to honor our intimacy than marriage. Let’s get a dog together and never have to split custody. Will you marry me?”
Amelia burst into tears, and a fit of laughter. In between giggles, and wiping at her cheeks with her hands, she attempted to say “yes” but her laughter got worse every time that she tried.
“Sorry, sorry. One- second.” She took a deep breath. “Fuck I can’t believe we’re doing this. But…yeah. Yes! Yes I’ll marry you, Matty.”
Matty panted hotly as his body jerked and his hips bucked up, off the bed. He stroked himself inside his boxers, swiping at his sensitive tip, and whining against the pillow as he drew closer to the edges of bliss.
“Fuck, fuck, fu-oh…”
His mind played, on a loop, a distant memory of her hands all over her body, her silvery voice echoing through his mind, cooing sweetly.
“Oh, sweet angel, you’re doing so well.”
“You look so pretty like that. Did you know that? Did you know that you’re the most perfect person on this planet?”
“Good boy, Matty. Taking it so well.”
His toes curled, digging into the mattress, with a strangled moan, he let go, the rush of release overpowering him, ropes of cum spurting onto his lower abdomen, dripping from his body.
“Hi darlin,’ it’s me. Again. I know I’m probably fillin’ up your voicemail at this point, but - ermmm- I miss you, Amelia. I’m sorry. All that shit I said the other week- I didn’t mean it. Just…so, so sorry. I’m - come home, please. Come back to me. I- can’t live without you. and honestly? I shouldn’t have to. You’re my-“ the monotonous voice of the machine interrupted him to let him know that he’d reached maximum recording capacity and that his message was sent. His finger hovered over her name on the screen as he considered calling back, maybe leaving another message. But he’d run out of ways to apologize and to beg. He’d try again tomorrow. He set his phone down on to the bedside table and reached for the lamp, flicking it off, he laid his head down on his pillow in the pitch black room. Another sleepless night.
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drivelikeiido · 1 year
a welcome distraction
matty can't help but get distracted while you give him a makeover
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matty healy x f! reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: it gets a lil smutty up in here so no minors pls and thanks !
notes: this was supposed to be cute and fluffy what happened? the smut ghost possesed me while i was writing at 1am. that said i'm not yet comfortable in my ability to write full blown smut so accept this offering for now. i also hope this is okay you were all so lovely about my first fic and it means SO SO much to me, sending so much love to everyone who interacted. ANYWAYS matty in eyeliner >>>>>
Makeup palettes and eyeliner sit messily behind you on the coffee table, your hands slow and delicate as you add some finishing touches to the makeup look that you persuaded your boyfriend to let you give him. You told him it was to open his mind and cross boundaries in his looks once again but in reality it was just a poor excuse to see him in eyeliner, his brown smokey eyes being your weakness and you missed out on his eyeliner phase from before you started dating.
His hands grip your hips gently, keeping you steady as your knees straddle either side of his thighs and rest on the sofa, his fingers rubbing back and forth in a soothing pattern on your sides while you work. 
“I know you’re in a new era babe but I really think you should bring back the eyeliner”
He hums thoughtfully, “I don’t think it matches the new vibes though darlin”.
“Maybe not but you look hot wearing it and that's enough justification for me” He huffs out a laugh at this and looks into your eyes, his gaze bright and full of admiration,
“You’re telling me I should make changes to our extensively planned out tour just for you?”
“Yes, that's exactly what I’m saying” your tone playful but resolute. 
“Oh well then of course! Anything for you my love, what else do you suggest we do?” he voice light and teasing as he plays into your fantasies. He moves to place soft kisses against your collar where his head now rests, now that you've put down the eyeliner pencil.
You continue to play into the joke, “I think you should dedicate every song to me”. He hums in acknowledgement against your neck, his hot breath fanning against the skin and working to make you feel restless. His experienced lips begin to suck dark bruises into the supple skin exposed to him there, you lean your head back farther, granting him more access to praise and mark up your skin.
“And what else?” he mumbles, his voice dark and low before returning his attention back to your neglected skin, pressing even more kisses and bites along your throat and collarbones, ensuring they’re on perfect display for him and anyone else to see, you sigh in pleasure and your grip on his shoulders tightens, the makeup behind you long forgotten.
“I asked you a question love” he prods, momentarily looking up at you with his blown out eyes, feigning innocence and smirking at your flustered state.
You take a moment to remember his question and force out another joking answer, “I think you should take a break between each song to kiss me, you know to show your appreciation and devotion”
“Just kiss you? Is that really all you want?” he teases, his voice so hypnotic you're convinced it makes your head spin. Your pulse quickens at his flirtatious suggestion and despite your longing you decide to play along, to try and drag this out and see where it goes, not wanting him to cease the attention he's giving you. “Well I wouldn't want to be too much of a distraction, you do have a job to do after all”
“Oh it’s far too late for that darlin” he sighs, his voice low and addicting, “You distract me even when I’m not with you, my mind swims with thoughts of every. single. thing. about you”. He punctuates the end of this sentence with kisses along your throat, revelling in the sighs you make for him and how you begin to subconsciously wriggle impatiently on his lap. “Doesn’t matter if you’re miles away or even if you’re metres away and eyefucking me from the sides of the stage, I’m always thinking about you my love, you have no idea what control you have over me; it’d frighten me if I wasn't so obsessed with you”.
You blush at his acknowledgment of your habit to admire him when you watch him perform onstage, it’s not your fault your boyfriend is incredibly attractive at all times but especially when he’s passionately performing onstage in front of you. 
“Didn’t know you knew I did that” you mumble, a little embarrassed, dropping your eyes from his. His hands move to cup your ass, lifting you further into him and groping at the skin there, “Oh darling, I’ve always known. It gives me even more motivation to perform at my best knowing how I affect you so much that you can't even stand still, and how you wring your hands together in an attempt to relieve even a fraction of the tension you feel. Knowing your blown out eyes are watching me from the side of the stage gives me the motivation to give my best fucking performance just to see how worked up I can make you without even touching you”
By now your skin feels red hot, not only with embarrassment but also with the impatient neediness Matty makes you feel, his admission beating the breath from your lungs and going straight to your core. You internally beg for him to just shut up and fuck you already, but you know not to voice this as to avoid him punishing you for being impatient and then making you wait even longer for what you need.
“Moral of the story, you’re the only distraction I could ever want or ever need, you make me so much better and I mean look at what you do to me” he practically purrs, his voice like honey as takes your hand from his shoulder and guides it down to the growing bulge in his trousers, sighing in pleasure at the contact, his reaction making you involuntarily grind onto his lap in an attempt to alleviate some of the need. Matty takes notice of this and tsks “Let me take care of you then sweetheart. My gorgeous, gorgeous distraction”
The slender fingers of his hands, still littered with rings from your little makeover, make quick work of lifting your shirt and throwing it far behind him, truly too distracted to care where it lands. His hands instinctively move to unclasp your bra, quickly throwing it behind him as well, breathlessly whispering “beautiful” to himself once your top half was fully bare; Matty always making you feel incredible no matter how many times he’s seen you by now.
His hands quickly rid the both of you of your clothes, and he moves to rest your back onto the sofa, effectively towering over you, the makeup bags and array of rings and necklaces on the coffee table long forgotten. His dark eyeliner covered eyes bore into yours, amusement and lust evident in them, 
“Now let’s see what other ways you can distract me my love”
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toomuchracket · 5 months
birthday!party matty and girlie christmas vibes! walking around london all wrapped up in scarves and coats, buying and wrapping gifts, trimming up his/her flat (and maybe getting a bit frisky by the fireplace when the tree is up), christmas eve with the infamous red wine! lots of ideas. too many ideas.
matty's grumbling about going out and buying presents for everyone one night he's over at your flat and you're like "d'you want me to come with you?" - he just beams immediately and says "would you, darling? i know i'd be happier if you were there. always am" and kisses your nose, and you're like "oh you're cute, healy. of course i'll go" and kiss him. he stays over that night, and you set off together the next morning all cosied up in your winter jackets (you pouted at matty last month until he pulled the snuggle buddies coat out of retirement lol) and gloves; before you left, matty put his nufc baseball cap on you because "we can't have that perfect head of yours getting cold, sweetheart", but also he just loves it when you wear his clothes (especially his football stuff) lmao. on the tube in, the two of you come up with a little list of what sort of things you want to buy for certain people and where you want to buy them, so you don't get stressed and/or distracted - that fails miserably, though, because matty somehow manages to find something in every shop "that would look perfect on you, babe" and is adamant he's going to buy it for you, so you have to convince him not to (well, you relent a couple of times. you're only human). but for the most part, it's a successful day. and a nice one, wandering around london on a crisp winter morning with matty's hand in yours/arm around your waist or shoulders, stopping for coffee and then lunch and a pint to refuel, before you drag him into liberty to go to the christmas shop for a new tree decoration; you're like "we should pick one out together, start a tradition of getting a new one every year. i know you think nostalgia's a sickness, but i like the thought of us looking back at them every year and reminiscing lol. like yeah that's sappy but... i like being a sap over you", and matty just kisses you really quickly and says "you're not the only sap in this relationship, darling. right, let's pick one, and we can put your tree up when we get in". you settle on one that looks like a bottle of red wine, because of course you do (although matty is highly entertained by the one shaped like a glittery pigeon), and then head back to your flat for a quick dinner before getting properly christmassy - you crack open a bottle of The red wine, matty puts the holiday on tv in the background, and you have a proper laugh getting your tree up and decorated, the new ornament going in the dead centre to be shown off and matty lifting you so you can put the star on the top. then you sit on the floor together, passing the wine between you, wrapping presents and enjoying the end of the film, kissing in between gifts and getting a bit tipsy. and getting a bit turned on, too; when you crawl forward to put the presents under the tree, you hear matty go "fuuuuuuuck, baby" at the good view of your leggings-covered arse, and you cheekily grab one of the present bows and reach back to stick it on yourself and say "oh! looks like you'll need to unwrap me". your boyfriend moans as he obliges, and again when you shake your arse while he unzips his jeans - you hear him shuffling around, and then feel his hands on you as he gently pulls you back and says "that's it, sweetheart, sit back a bit on your knees for me", before you sink down onto him with a whine. you fuck lazily like that for a bit, half doggy half reverse cowgirl, before you both get too needy and matty rolls you onto your back so he can fuck you properly; he's so beautiful above you, illuminated by the lights from the christmas tree, jaw trembling as he gets closer and closer to cumming. you hold each other tightly as you both finish, murmuring i love yous and kissing when you catch your breath, and just lie there contentedly under the tree for a while. dreamy <3
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
The Right Place in Time
Summary: What if Steve was in the woods with Chrissy and Eddie getting weed for his headaches?
@disrespectedgoatman @estrellami-1 @darkrose517 @panicatthediaz @mandriice @nightmareglitter @limpingpenguin @wonderland-girl143-blog
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen - Chapter Sixteen - Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Tw: Laura makes one final appearance. I had to make Eddie do this. 😆
Two days later. . .
Things had settled down a little now, although everyone was still pretty jumpy, and they would probably never stop looking over their shoulder. There was a sense of relief, though, knowing that Vecna was dead and that Chrissy had felt him die, so there was no doubt about it. According to Chrissy, El, Will, Mike, Jonathan, and a guy named Argyle were on their way back to Hawkins. Currently, they were helping Chrissy move out of her house and into her uncle's. They were packing up her things and her brother's. Steve had thought it was hilarious when Chrissy pulled up the floorboard of her brother's room in front of Laura and found all the things Matty had hidden from his mother. The look on Laura's face was priceless, especially when Chrissy flipped her off. Laura was standing off to the side, watching through pursed lips as they moved the last of their stuff out.
"Oh, I've got one thing to say," Eddie said, setting a box down.
Steve and Chrissy watched as he started licking all the things in her tidy kitchen. Laura shrieked when he pulled his pants down and started wiggling his naked butt on her counter.
"Get out!" Laura yelled.
Eddie grinned and quickly pulled up his pants before grabbing the box. He hightailed it out of the house, giggling with Steve and Chrissy.
"Eddie!" Chrissy shrieked with laughter. "I can't believe you did that!"
"I'm sorry, was it wrong of me?" Eddie asked, batting his eyelashes at her.
"Okay, what did we miss?" Dustin asked as he stopped loading boxes into Eddie's van.
Chrissy and Steve laughed harder when Eddie wiggled his butt.
"Oh, you know, just me being a pain in the ass," Eddie laughed.
Max rolled her eyes as she took the last box from him and loaded up in the van. She immediately headed for Steve’s car and slid into the passenger's seat.
"Shotgun!" Max called out.
"That's not fair! I was distracted," Dustin said. "Steve!"
"What? I'm not actually your mother. Get your ass in the car before she calls the cops on us," Steve said.
Chrissy's belongings were packed away into Eddie's van, and she crawled into the passenger's seat of his van, laughing. Eddie climbed into the driver's seat and peeled out of the driveway, allowing Steve out in front of him. Steve watched from the rear view mirror as Chrissy stuck half her body out of the window, raising it above the van. She raised her middle fingers at the house.
"Fuck you very much!" They heard Chrissy scream.
Steve laughed as Max, Dustin, and Lucas cheered for her. When they pulled up to the Fisher household. Vickie, Robin, and Matthew were unloading some more of Chrissy's things that they had rescued from the church donations. Steve scowled for a moment, remembering the look on Chrissy's face when she found out that her mother had donated some of her stuff. Luckily, the pastor thought it was odd and set the stuff aside. As they were unpacking Chrissy's things, Max and Lucas started bursting into song. Steve laughed, and Dustin groaned when they realized it was the Neverending Story song. Steve couldn't help but join in with everyone else looking on in confusion except for Robin. She rolled her eyes and started singing as well with Dustin burying his face in his hands.
"I hate you," Dustin said, without heat.
"Someone let me in so I can also tease the butthead," Eddie said with a grin when they finished.
"No!" Dustin shrieked.
"I'll tell you guys later," Steve whispered to Chrissy and Eddie.
Once they unpacked all of Chrissy and Matty's things, Matthew clapped his hands together with a grin.
"As a way of welcoming Chrissy home, I figured that I would make us a celebratory lunch, and you're all - ," Matthew started to say and then the phone rang. "Goddamnit."
Matthew disappeared and came back a few moments later with a frown on his face.
"Bad news, my dears, I have to go into work," Matthew sighed. "A difficult patient has come in, and he's a bit paranoid, so he only trusts me to work on him. As difficult as he is, I do like him, and I want him alive so . . . "
"It's okay, Daddy, we get it," Vickie said.
"Yeah, nothing to apologize for when you're saving a life," Chrissy said with a smile.
"It's okay, Mr. Fisher, we'll go over to Steve’s and I'll make us something. I'm more familiar with his kitchen," Dustin said.
"Stop offering up my place like it's yours!" Steve exclaimed, half joking.
"Well, it's not my fault that you made it so homey when my mother and I lived there when our house was being fumigated!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Yeah. My place is fine. He does make the best pizza," Steve said, affectionately ruffling his hair.
"And I have just the movie to watch when we get there," Robin said and looked at Vickie with a smile. "I rented it special for a certain someone."
Vickie looked confused at first, and then she made a squealing sound when she realized.
"You didn't?! The Wizard of Oz?!" Vickie asked.
"I did!" Robin exclaimed.
Vickie squealed again, hugging her tightly and kissing her cheek.
"Well, I'm glad you guys have a backup plan," Matthew said, pulling Vickie and Chrissy into a hug. "Even if I can't be there."
"Oh, Uncle Matthew, we can celebrate with you anytime. We should have dinner just the three of us," Chrissy said.
"That sounds like a plan, too," Matthew grinned.
He said goodbye to Vickie and Chrissy, then to everyone else before leaving. Shortly after, everyone left for Steve’s place. As soon as they got there, Steve called Nancy and the rest of Hellfire to invite them over. Steve then groaned, clutching his stomach. He collapsed onto the couch.
"You okay, baby?" Chrissy asked.
"Yeah. I think I overdid it," Steve said.
"Well, you just relax, sweetheart," Eddie said. "We'll supervise the butthead in the kitchen."
"You mean annoy him," Chrissy giggled and Eddie shrugged.
Eddie pushed his hair back, kissed his forehead, and then his lips. Chrissy leaned down to kiss him too and then started to walk towards the kitchen.
"Wait," Steve said, and they stopped. "You guys free a couple of Saturdays from now?"
"Yeah," Chrissy grinned.
"Yes, quite busy, I have this thing - oof, Chrissy! I'm kidding, kidding. Absolutely free for you, big boy," Eddie grinned.
"Well, I was thinking since I'd be in much better shape by then, I'd figure that's when we have our first official date," Steve said. "What do you say?"
"Definitely," they said and kissed both his cheeks.
As they were leaving, Vickie, Robin, Max, and Lucas were entering the living room.
"Good luck. He wouldn't let us help," Robin scowled.
Eddie just cackled and dragged Chrissy into the kitchen.
Robin plopped down next to Steve while Vickie sat against her legs. Max sat down next to her and pulled Lucas into her lap, pressing her cheek against his chest as he wrapped an arm around her.
"How are you doing?" Robin asked Steve.
"Good, I mean, my bites are feeling itchy, but Matthew says that's good. It means it's healing. Still hurts like a bitch though as well as the road rash and my throat," Steve said.
"Man, life just keeps kicking the shit out of you, doesn't it?" Robin asked.
"Out of all of us, but I feel like some good luck is being sent my way," Steve said, smiling.
"Eddie and Chrissy?" Robin grinned.
"Yeah, our first official date is in a couple of weeks," Steve said.
"Ooh, what are you going to wear?" Robin asked.
"Well, I was thinking Eddie's vest, Chrissy's cheerleading skirt, and nothing else," Steve said.
"Good choice," she said wisely while Vickie giggled at her feet.
"I do not want to be hearing this," Lucas groaned.
"So, if I asked you to put on a skirt, you wouldn't?" Max asked.
"Well, uh, I - " Lucas stuttered.
"Relax, stalker, I'm fucking with you," Max laughed and Lucas breathed a sigh of relief.
Suddenly, there was screaming coming from the kitchen and the sound of metal kitchenware crashing. Eddie's laughter soon followed.
"I'm not even going to worry about it," Steve said, leaning against Robin.
A moment later, Eddie entered the living room and plopped down on the floor at Steve's feet, next to Vickie.
"I have been banned from the kitchen for life," Eddie said with a scoff. "Can you believe that?"
"Yes," Robin, Steve, and Max said.
"Whatever. Chrissy can stay forever, apparently. She reminds Dustin of his mother, and he's a huge mama's boy," Eddie said, rolling his eyes but smiling fondly.
Eddie had just taken off Steve’s shoe and began rubbing his feet when they heard the front door open. Nancy came in with Jeff, Frank, and Gareth. She was holding a notebook in her hand and beaming with pride.
"I finished it. The article," Nancy said.
"The article?" Eddie asked.
"On you and Hellfire," Nancy said.
"Oh, is that what all those questions were about yesterday?" Eddie asked.
"Yes," Nancy laughed, and she gave him the notebook.
"It's really fucking good, man," Jeff said as he plopped down on the floor and pulled Gareth against him.
Eddie's eyes scanned the page and he beamed with pride, kissing the paper.
"Oh, Wheeler! Marvelous! We should have this framed!" Eddie exclaimed.
"I still need to turn it in," Nancy said, laughing.
"Right," Eddie said, handing her back the notebook, and then his head snapped to look at Jeff. "When did this happen?"
"Oh, you know, it just happened," Gareth said, blushing.
"Cute," Eddie grinned, and Gareth scowled, flipping him off.
A few moments later, Chrissy came bounding into the living room with a smile on her face.
"The first batch of pizzas are in the oven," Chrissy announced.
Just as she said that, a knock on the door sounded. Steve watched as Eddie jumped up and began to count.
"We're all here, right?" Eddie asked. "I mean, besides Uncle Wayne and Matthew, they're both working."
Nancy was the one who went to answer the door, and everyone listened carefully as they heard the door open. Nancy let out a happy shriek. Suddenly, Nancy was pulling El, Will, and Jonathan into the living room. Behind them was a man with long hair. Steve assumed it was Argyle. As soon as El spotted Chrissy, she smiled and pulled her into a hug.
"Sister," El said.
"Sister," Chrissy grinned. "I'm glad we're finally meeting face to face."
"Me too. How are you?" El asked.
"Adjusting," Chrissy said. "Still not used to the fact that I have powers."
"I will help," El said.
"Thank you," Chrissy said softly.
Lucas had pulled himself off of Max long enough to hug Will and Mike tightly while Max moved to hug El. Dustin skidded into the living room, covered in flour.
"Will! Mike!" Dustin screeched and joined the group hug.
"Ugh, you're covered in flour. What have you been doing?" Will asked.
"Making pizzas," Dustin replied. "I have enough to make another one."
"Do you have pineapples?" Argyle asked.
"I think so," he said. "Pineapples on pizza?"
"Try it before you deny it," Argyle said. "It's okay, I'm a professional pizza maker. I'll show you how it's done, my little Hobbit friend," Argyle said.
"I like you already," Dustin said as they walked into the kitchen.
"Unbelievable, replacing me with another long-haired guy?" Eddie muttered. "Does he also smoke weed?"
"Actually -," Jonathan started to say, but Steve gave him a warning look, smirking.
"I would never put pineapples on pizza," Eddie muttered.
Steve knew he wasn't really jealous of Argyle, just still a little bitter about being kicked out of the kitchen. He smiled when Eddie slumped against his legs. Steve smiled and ran his hands through Eddie's hair. Will looked at him in surprise.
"Oh, Eddie's my boyfriend," Steve exclaimed.
"And mine," Chrissy giggled. "We're all dating."
"You can do that?" El asked.
"You can do whatever you want, sweetheart. . .well, within reason," Eddie grinned.
"Dustin's making pizzas, we're going to watch them while watching the Wizard of Oz," Chrissy said. "You should join us."
"I have not seen it," El admitted.
"Oh, you're going to love it," Vickie beamed.
"Alright, settle down there, Glinda," Robin said fondly as she ran her fingers through Vickie's hair.
Everyone got resettled in the living room as everyone made introductions that needed it. Just as the first batch of pizzas got done, someone knocked on the door.
"My turn! I'll get it," Eddie grinned.
He hopped up and bounced into the hallway. A moment later they heard him squawk loudly.
"Hey! Aren't you supposed to be dead?!"
A moment later, a figure appeared in the doorway. Steve didn't recognize him at first because he had lost a lot of weight and hair. He was also wearing a baseball cap. It was Hopper.
"Dad!" El sobbed.
She jumped up off the floor and threw herself into his arms. Joyce was watching fondly from the doorway. El cried heavily into his arms. Everyone let them have their moment, watching them in awe as father and daughter were reunited. El pulled away from to hug Joyce.
"I am glad you went to your conference," El said.
"How?" Will asked.
Hopper looked around the room with caution.
"Yes, everyone in the room has been through the recent shitstorm and has, in fact, been caught up," Eddie said, sitting back into his spot.
"I was held captive by the Russians for months," Hopper said.
Steve winced and rubbed his neck, remembering what they did to him and Robin. He couldn't imagine being with that for months. Jesus. There was a new respect for this man, a thousand times greater than the one before. How the fuck did he survive? As he watched El introduce Chrissy to Hopper and Joyce, he realized how he did it. He must really love them a lot to have helped get him through all that. There's nothing like the bond of family, and as he sat here surrounded by all these people, he realized they were his family. Home was anywhere, as long as you had the people you love by your side or in your heart. The same thought ran through his mind even two weeks later, as he sat at the picnic table with Eddie and Chrissy, having a picnic in the woods. There was no place like home.
And they lived happily ever after. . .
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starlettescarlet · 2 months
no, Matty's not TTPD's muse - and neither is Joe
okay so in my previous post i said that i believe that taylor has a secret muse (or muses) she's been writing about and in this masterpost i'll further explain why.
alright so as many of you may have noticed, there are a few main themes in most of taylor's work: forbidden romances, being in love with your best friend - or someone so controversial that the world wouldn't accept, your parents wouldn't accept, you and your love being against the world, religious guilt - you know the stuff. i've always wondered why? because Taylor Swift the gorgeous gorgeous billionaire who's always been dating famous single men who's around her age (we're leaving Jack and John out here) - like why would her relationships would be so forbidden and unheard of and the world just turn against her if they knew? the obvious theory is, yeah because she's gay or at least bisexual. i think everyone has heard enough of this theory (and i think this is the theory that has the most evidence) but in this post i'm going to keep in neutral and try to explore it in a more broad way.
with the drop of TTPD, she put a face to this forbidden love - turns out it was Matty Healy all long. it was Matty whom she secretly dreamt about and it was Matty whom would make her fall from grace just to touch his face etcetera. i mean yeah, it could be - but honestly i feel like this doesn't hold enough evidence considering she had been writing about the same person before they even met (2014). that's why I think Matty is a red-herring (a clue or piece of information that is, or is intended to be, misleading or distracting). it holds even more evidence when she is the one who's been telling us that she lies and withholds informations from us if you've ever listened to her carefully. anyways i'm not good at summarising stuff, so i'll just share the examples (the files, if you will) and it's up to you to decide.
so Taylor wrote about forbidden love both in Fearless (Love Story) and Speak Now (Ours), but we won't get into much detail here considering she was still a kid so yep it makes sense her parents wouldn't let her date who she wants lmao.
file I. Red
"Put your lips close to mine As long as they don't touch"
i think the entirety of Treacherous is pretty self-explanatory. this was like 2-3 years before she met Matty.
file ii. 1989
"And you took a Polaroid of us Then discovered (Then discovered) The rest of the world was black and white But we were in screaming color"
the entirety of Out of the Woods explores the same old theme of your love being doomed from the beginning and it's you and your love against the world. this is supposed to about Harry Styles because of the bridge (Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?) (which I believe is an other red-herring) but I honestly do not understand why dating Harry Styles would feel like that lmao. "Baby, like we stood a chance / Two paper airplanes flying" i mean i don't know.
"Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting?"
"Too in love to think straight All alone, or so it seemed But there were strangers watching And whispers turned to talking And talking turned to screams, oh"
the same theme in Wonderland (which i believe sounds extremely queer, but like i said it's for you to decide)
"I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost"
"Truth is, I can't pretend it's Platonic, it's just ended, so"
"One night, he wakes, strange look on his face Pauses, then says, "You're my best friend" And you knew what it was, he is in love"
themes of being in love with your best friend. i think it's self-explanatory.
"I had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs Would surprise the whole school"
"When you told me we'd get back together"
"You don't knock anymore, and my whole life's ruined"
another theme is high school lovers. which is interesting because none of Taylor's exes that we know about weren't in the same school with her, or neither were her childhood friends. this theme will make a huge comeback in later albums.
file iii. reputation
this album is FUCKED. okay,
"Something happened for the first time In the darkest little paradise Shaking, pacing, I just need you"
"For you I would cross the line I would waste my time I would lose my mind They say, "She's gone too far this time."
"Halo, hiding my obsession I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy"
reputation is mostly supposed to be about Joe Alwyn and again, i don't know what is it about Joe that would make her questions her faith like that.
"Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep"
"I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason"
"Picture of your face in an invisible locket You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it I had a bad feeling"
"I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us So, baby, can we dance Oh, through an avalanche?"
"I'd kiss you as the lights went out Swaying as the room burned down I'd hold you as the water rushes in"
again i really don't remember her and Joe ever being this secret and forbidden and the public wouldn't let them be together if they ever knew but, okay.
"Our secret moments in a crowded room They got no idea about me and you"
"All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation My hands are shaking from holding back from you"
"I don't want you like a best friend"
"Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try And if I get burned, at least we were electrified"
"Everyone thinks that they know us But they know nothing about—"
TAYLOR WHAT'S GOING ON. alright we're moving on
file iv. Lover
"I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you And I snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate (Oh) And I scream, "For whatever it's worth I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
again there's this romance that is so forbidden and not meant to happen but she can't help it etcetera. doesn't scream Joe Alwyn to me.
"We were crazy to think Crazy to think that this could work Remember how I said I'd die for you? We were stupid to jump In the ocean separating us Remember how I'd fly to you?"
"They all warned us about times like this They say the road gets hard and you get lost When you're led by blind faith, blind faith"
"But we might just get away with it Religion's in your lips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship We might just get away with it The altar is my hips Even if it's a false god"
"I know heaven's a thing I go there when you touch me, honey"
"Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness"
again what's going on that would make her question her faith like that.
"School bell rings, walk me home"
"20 questions, we tell the truth You've been stressed out lately, yeah, me too Something gave you the nerve To touch my hand"
"Church bells ring, carry me home Rice on the ground looks like snow Call my bluff, call you "Babe" Have my back, yeah, every day Feels like home, stay in bed The whole weekend"
again being in love with your best friend and they get married at the end. honestly i just believe this is gay.
file v. Folklore
"I persist and resist the temptation to ask you If one thing had been different Would everything be different today?"
"In my defense, I have none For digging up the grave another time"
the entirety of The One is just about still thinking about your ex love. this theme will make a huge comeback in TTPD.
"I knew you Tried to change the ending Peter losing Wendy"
again she's reminiscing about her ex love. keep the Peter & Wendy theme in the back of your mind.
"You know I didn't want to Have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels That I gave you As you bury me"
another theme is ghosts, death and burials. also keep this one in mind.
"I still got love for you Your braids like a pattern Love you to the moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long"
another childhood love song. it could be interpreted as platonic, but it sounds romantic to me. idk.
"Back when we were still changing for the better Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all"
"Cause you weren't mine to lose You weren't mine to lose"
she's still reminiscing about "The One" but here it also overlaps with the high school love muse. this is going to make more sense in Evermore.
"And that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings And longing stares It's born from just one single glance But it dies and it dies and it dies"
i mean i don't think an explanation for Illicit Affairs is needed. here comes a new theme, the one whom she's having a forbidden affair turns out to be married.
"You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else"
"You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else"
kinda screams Out of the Woods to me.
"My twisted knife My sleepless night My winless fight This has frozen my ground"
"You know I left a part of me back in New York You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for"
"You knew you won, so what's the point of keeping score?"
again this is supposed to be about Joe (the references to "blue", him being a pisces and having mental issues) but it really doesn't sound like it - i mean not in the narrative we know about.
"Take me to the Lakes where all the poets went to die I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you"
"While I bathe in cliffside pools With my calamitous love and insurmountable grief"
again the feeling of being misunderstood by the whole public and she defines Joe as her "calamitous" (catastrophic) love. hmm.
file vi. evermore
"Every bait-and-switch was a work of art"
bait-and-switch in literature is explained as: "This occurs when the author guides and encourages readers to invest their attention in some suspenseful situation but then is substitute for a payoff that has little to do with what occurred before."
"So we could call it even You could call me "babe" for the weekend 'Tis the damn season, write this down I'm staying at my parents' house And the road not taken looks real good now And it always leads to you and my hometown"
"I parked my car Right between the Methodist and the school that used to be ours"
"So I'll go back to LA And the so-called friends who'll write books about me if I ever make it And wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles I'm faking"
again the high school love.
"There'll be happiness after you But there was happiness because of you"
reminiscing The One again.
"Hey Dorothea Do you ever stop and think about me? When we were younger Down in the park Honey, making a lark of the misery"
this is the childhood friend muse we've seen before in It's Nice to Have a Friend and Seven (even in Mary's Song).
"And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island wondering where did my baby go? The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go"
"Will you forgive my soul When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care? 'Cause we were like the mall before the Internet It was the one place to be The mischief, the gift wrapped suburban dreams"
this kind of sounds to me like the muse in 'tis the Damn Season. it is clear that this was someone from her teenage years, could be the high school love. also a reference to Suburban Legends.
"Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another"
the married muse.
"And the old widow goes to the stone every day But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living"
"I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed"
the same cemetery and being haunted theme.
"It's been a long time And seeing the shape of your name Still spells out pain"
"I know I'm just a Wrinkle in your new life Staying "friends" Would iron it out so nice"
she's still reminiscing about her ex love and also a reference to being friends.
"Help, I'm still at the restaurant Still sitting in a corner I haunt"
right where you left me is like the song that has all the theories combined lmao. there's not getting over The One, there's her love getting married to someone else (Glass shattere on the white cloth / I'm sure that you got a wife out there / Kids and Christmas but I'm unaware cause I'm right where you left me), there's being haunted, there's queerness (Hairpin drop) - there's literally everything.
file vii. Midnights
"Laughing with my feet in your lap Like you were my closest friend"
the best friend theme and honestly i think this is just gay.
"'Cause I don't remember who I was before you Painted all my nights A color I have searched for since"
feels like a direct reference to Out of the Woods and, illicit affairs maybe?
"Oh, my, love is a lie Shit my friends say to get me by It hits different It hits different this time"
another breakup song that was written when she was with Joe.
"I used to switch out these Kens, I'd just ghost"
the Kens will make a comeback in TTPD.
"I find the artifacts, cried over a hat Cursed the space that I needed I trace the evidence, make it make some sense"
"artifacts" and "evidence" will also make a come back later.
"Bet I could still melt your world Argumentative, antithetical dream girl"
honestly i think this is just gay.
"Is it okay? Is it you? Or have they come to take me away? To take me away"
another reference to being locked up in an asylum lmao.
"We can plant a memory garden Say a solemn prayer Place a poppy in my hair"
another reference to graveyards and also battles, which comes back in You're Losing Me.
"Privacy sign on the door And on my page and on the whole world Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours"
keeping your love hidden which she didn't lmao
"I wanna transport you To somewhere the culture's clever Confess my truth In swooping, sloping, cursive letters"
she needs to take her love to somewhere the culture's clever so they could be... understood? i mean i wonder why... why would she need to confess her truth about Joe
"High infidelity Put on your records and regret me"
"Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?"
she's just cheating
"I'd pay, if you'd just know me"
another reference to taylor feeling like she's not being understood
"We were supposed to be just friends You don't live in my part of town but maybe I'll see you out some weekend"
friends alert
"Dear reader, if it feels like a trap You're already in one"
"Dear reader, burn all the files Desert all your past lives And if you don't recognize yourself That means you did it right"
"Never take advice from someone who's falling apart"
"Dear reader, you don't have to answer Just 'cause they asked you"
"Dear reader, the greatest of luxuries is your secrets"
i think Dear Reader is the song that made the making of TTPD possible because this is like the first song she directly confesses that her life is not what it seems and she keeps things hidden
"I prefer hiding in plain sight"
"Spilling out to you for free But darling, darling, please You wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking If you knew where I was walking To a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there"
she's basically saying YOU WOULDN'T EVEN BELIEVE ME IF I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH. it cannot get more obvious.
"You should find another guiding light, guiding light But I shine so bright"
she knows that despite her efforts to tell us about her life and how it's very different from the narrative she tells us the public won't believe it cause she shines so bright
"I was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic"
she shockingly confesses to not actually being what she seemed to be - she's depressed and she's an alcoholic and the reference to being locked up in the psych ward (Hits Difference) (also Fortnight mv)
"You're in self-sabotage mode, throwing spikes down on the road"
"But you awaken with dread, pounding nails in your head"
kind of reminds me of the muse of Peace (if your cascade ocean blue waves come) and Hoax
"He was my best friend Down at the sandlot I felt more when we played pretend Than with all the Kens"
the best friend theme and the Kens?
"Did you take all my old clothes? Just to leave me here naked and alone In a field in my same old town"
"Down bad like I lost my twin"
honestly it sounds like she's singing about a woman here. (Karlie)
"I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it"
the reference to Paris and all the other songs where she feels like her love cannot be understood
"I just learned these people only raise you to cage you Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best Clutching their pearls, sighing, "What a mess" I just learned these people try and save you 'Cause they hate you"
i won't write the whole lyrics but the entirety of But Daddy I Love him is about forbidden love (like Love Story), not being understood, the whole world judging your love etc.
"Now, pretty baby, I'm runnin' back home to you Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to"
"Gray and blue and fights and tunnels Handcuffed to the spell I was under For just one hour of sunshine"
"My friends tried but I wouldn't hear it Watched me daily disappearing For just one glimpse of his smile"
i feel like Frest Out the Slammer is a direct reference to illicit affairs muse (Make sure nobody sees you leave / Hood over your head keeps your eyes down / Tell them you're out for a run / You'll be flushed when you return)
"At the park where we used to sit on children's swings Wearing imaginary rings"
again it sounds like the muse is somebody whom she's known since she was way younger
"Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?"
yeah she wants to cheat so bad lmao. i think this is pre-illicit affairs.
"I keep these longings locked In lowercase, inside a vault Someone told me there's no such thing as bad thoughts Only your actions talk"
again religious guilt and keeping your desires hidden.
"What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? If long-suffering propriety is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly I choose you and me religiously"
wow. once again she's haunted.
"They shake their heads, saying, "God help her" when I Tell 'em he's my man But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no really I can"
you know what i honestly believe this is the same muse from cowboy like me lmao. another dangerous forbidden love.
"Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames If we know the steps anyway? We embroidered the memories of the time I was away Stitching, "We were just kids, babe" I said, "I don't mind, it takes time""
here comes the muse from the 1, the old flame. again the childhood / high school lovers trope.
"Still alive, killing time at the cemetery Never quite buried"
cemeteries again?
"It was unnecessary, should've let it stay buried"
i think this is after-the 1. (If one thing had been different / Would everything be different today?) i think they tried again but it didn't work.
"I can read your mind "She's having the time of her life" There in her glittering prime The lights refract sequin stars Off her silhouette every night I can show you lies"
i don't think i need to explain I Can Do it With a Broken Heart.
"And I don't even want you back, I just want to know If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal"
there's something about The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived that makes me think about it's related to August. i feel like it was written from August' POV.
"'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden"
self-explanatory, huh?
"Now I want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes And hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons"
again she's haunted but i think The Black Dog is honestly about Joe.
"I'm the albatross I swept in at the rescue The devil that you know Looks now more like an angel"
again more religious imagery that i'm too tired to explain right now lmao but you know the drill
"You turned me into an idea of sorts"
she's talking about the public's perception of her
"Say it once again with feeling How the death rattle breathing Silenced as the soul was leaving The deflation of our dreaming Leaving me bereft and reeling My beloved ghost and me Sitting in a tree D-Y-I-N-G"
"And so I changed your name and any real defining clues And one day Your kid comes home singing A song that only us two is gonna know is about you"
this is where the real deal comes in. in thanK you aIMee, it sounds like a direct reference to Kim Kardashian but she just throws this line here which makes you think... hmm. if she changed her name and any real defining clues how do we know it's about Kim? so maybe it isn't. i mean that's what she said anyways.
"I tried searching faces on streets What are the chances you'd be Downtown, downtown, downtown Does it feel alright to not know me? I'm addicted to the "if only"
feels like a reference to The One.
"I got cursed like Eve got bitten Oh, was it punishment?"
"Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me"
"A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon"
"A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates"
another song where she feels doomed and cursed. honestly i think this is the saddest song from TTPD.
"You can mark my words that I said it first In a mourning warning no one heard
No one heard Not a single word was heard"
in Cassandra she once again sings about not being heard.
"Forgive me, Peter My lost fearless leader In closets like cedar Preserved from when we were just kids"
"You said you were gonna grow up Then you were gonna come find me"
in Peter she once again sings about the old flame, the 1, the childhood love. we're supposed to believe the muse in question is Matty. they were both 25 when they met so it's up to you to decide if this is the childhood love. idk.
"Started with a kiss "Oh, we must stop meeting like this" But it always ends up with a town car speeding Out the drive one evening Ended with the slam of a door Then he'll call her a whore"
illicit affairs alert
so, to sum it up -
chapter "hiding in plain sight"
i. dear reader, ii. thank you aimee, iii. fortnight, iv. i can do it with a broken heart
chapter "forbidden love"
i. love story, ii. ours, iii. treacherous, iv. illicit affairs, v. cowboy like me, vi. but daddy i love him, vii. guilty as sin
chapter "i loved you in secret"
i. king of my heart, ii. dress, iii. don't blame me, iv. paris, v. glitch
chapter "the 1"
i. the 1, ii. 'tis the damn season, iii. coney island, iv. suburban legends, v. loml, so many more i'm so tired at the moment lmao let me wrap it up
chapter "passed down like folk songs"
this is the childhood best friend chapter btw
i. seven, ii. dorothea, iii. mary's song, iv. it's nice to have a friend
chapter "suburban legends"
this is the high school love chapter which could also overlap with the 1 chapter
i. 'tis the damn season, ii. coney island, iii. loml
chapter "best friend" (which could also overlap the childhood best friend and high school love chapter, i know it's so complicated)
i. maroon, ii. you are in love, iii. dress, iv. mary's song, v. it's nice to have a friend
alright so i've probably left some songs out cause i'm on my period and my mind is so foggy, like i said i'm so tired so please let me know there's anything missing.
to sum it up in a shorter way,
muse i. the best friend (which can both be the childhood best friend or the high school lovers, the one from her hometown, also can be the 1)
muse ii. illicit affairs, the one that got married, it can also overlap the prior muse idk
muse iii. this one is clearly a woman in my opinion.
in conclusion, there seems to be at least one hidden muse throughout taylor's discography. i feel like there's at least three. by the way - i couldn't care less whom taylor writes about. i'm just interested in the story she has to tell. and lately it's been feeling like she has been begging for us to understand her. i think she uses a lot of red herrings to hide the true muses of her songs. when you carefully listen to her whole discography there are a few stories that instantly connect to each other that is out of the narrative taylor explicitly chose to tell us about. and this is not to say that she never had a relationship with Harry or Joe or whatever - it's just that I believe there is someone else (or others) that we don't yet know about. i think the one she's known from her hometown is the most obvious one.
anyways, i'm curious to hear about your thoughts in this.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
When Matty does meet Gigi’s crush, the conversation of music comes up. Turns out he’s in a band with his mates and asks to play Matty some demos. And Matty listens and thinks “…. This is actually very good” and then they get on after that
so this will follow on from this blurb and this blurb.
matty is pacing. the boy will be here any minute. the boy and his precious little girl. he's played his song, stay away from my daughter you shit, to the guys, and they told him he absolutely must not play it at dinner. but he keeps looking at his guitar. he could. he could just not play nice. he could do everything you, gigi and his bandmates have warned him not to do. he could tower over this kid and tell him, hurt my daughter and i will hurt you.
instead, when gigi comes in the front door with him, all sheepish, he doesnt do that. he smiles politely. he holds out his hand to shake the boy's. he makes a point to hug gigi tightly, to kiss her on the forehead, to then look at the boy as if to say, "this is how much i love her okay, this is how much i care." the little girls all swarm around him, handing him toys and asking him questions and he distracts himself by picking up a twin and blowing a raspberry on her stomach while she squeals, then turning her round to see exactly which twin it is. stevie.
"sorry," he says to the boy, "it's a mad house in here."
the boy laughs, "i like it. i'm an only child," he takes a toy from lexie and wiggles it in front of her face.
matty says, "hm," and nods at him. he's not being friendly until this boy earns it. he disappears into the kitchen to finish cooking, while you make talk nicely to the boy and ask him about school. matty stirs spaghetti and listens to make sure this kid doesnt say anything out of line.
valley is standing beside him for a long time before he even notices. he jumps when he sees her and she grins.
"do you need help, daddy?"
"no baby go play."
"i dont want to," she says, "i want to make spaghetti sauce."
"i'm not used to having a boy here," she says, almost shuddering, "feels... odd."
matty laughs, "i love you my girl. okay go get me the tomatoes from the fridge."
"will you let me chop then?"
"haha, absolutely not," matty says.
matty manages to be pleasant the whole way through dinner. he smiles at gigi, to let her know everything is okay, and to be honest, the boy seems nice. matty looks at gigi, he thinks about being on stage, about singing ruins for the first time, about running to the hospital afterwards, about seeing gigi, wrinkled and small and screaming, about the warmth of her laying on his bare chest. he doesnt finish his dinner.
when everyone else is watching tv/playing afterwards, matty excuses himself to put the twins down and get valley in pjs before sending her back downstairs. he pauses at the top of the stairs, about to follow, and then instead he slides into his music room. he has loads of messages on his phone from the guys, hows it going, whats he like, gigi okay?
he doesnt answer them. he picks up a guitar and starts plucking, quietly, so you dont hear and tell him to stop being anti social. he plucks the bridge of ruins. the only thing about us that's easy is love
suddenly there is a noise and he looks up. gigi's boy is here, wide eyed and slightly scared.
"oh sorry, i thought this was the bathroom."
matty smiles at him, "down the hall kid," he says.
"oh my god, that guitar is sick."
"right?" matty says, and explains where he got it, and how rare it is.
"i'm so jealous," gigi's boy says.
"you play?"
"yeah electric, acoustic and bass," he says.
matty nods, impressed. "got all of those here," he says, gesturing to where his instruments hang on the walls. gigi's boy looks around, awed.
"this is SO cool!" he says.
matty finds himself smiling.
"i'm in a band, you know," the boy says suddenly, quietly, shy.
"yeah. me and a few mates from school."
"gigi didnt tell me that."
"we asked her to be in it," the boy says, babbling, "cos she's wicked on the drums. but also because you know, i've had this big fat crush on her since i've known her and it would be a good way to like, get to know her, but she said no, she said she'd rather i take her out for ice cream instead. she's so confident. i love that."
matty is smiling. the boy is blushing. he presses his lips together.
"i'll go find the bathroom," he says. "thanks for letting me see the guitar"
"what kind of music?" matty says. gigi's boy pauses and then turns. "does your band play?"
"erm, indie rock."
"sweet," matty says. "you written anything yet."
"erm," the boy says, and wiggles his phone out his pocket. "there's this. we recorded it the other day."
the song is called crush. matty listens. he hears the mistakes. the bum notes. the bits where the band aren't in sync. but other than that, it's good. for fifteen year olds, its more than good.
"that's... good mate. that's really good."
the boy grins, "really?"
"you write it?"
"i'm the main songwriter. yeah."
"yeah. not half bad at all. you guys should come jam with me and my band sometime."
"no way?!" the boy says, "really?"
"yeah. get gi to set it up."
"okay. no way. awesome!"
there is a pause and then matty says, "dont you need to piss?"
"erm. yes. yes sir. thank you," and then he is gone.
matty replays his song in his head. the lyrics. crush. it's obviously about gigi. its sickly. its sweet. it's a teenage boy crush. its him. years and years ago in ross' garage, crushing on some girl and writing about it.
he's written a song about gigi and now someone else has too. she's not just a muse. she's a fire cracker. a genius. a person. he knows that. but he also knows that if this guy likes her enough to write a song like that about her, the way he did with a teenage crush years ago, then maybe, just maybe, he's alright.
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kate-inhaler-1975 · 8 months
Meet Cute 🧡🍁 // Matty Healy
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A/N: I'm using promptober as a lil mini series. So, the same characters/female love interest will be used for each prompt. I hope that's okay with everyone ♡
CW: Maybe some mature language, but that's it ♡
WC: 1,936 words
The streets of Dublin were completely frost bitten. The roads were icy and damp, the leaves soggy and totally mushed into the ground and the sky crying heavily.
Amy's dream season was that period between winter and spring, but this. This was not it for her.
Amy loved it when the sky was nearly bronze, the leaves so crisp that they'd crunch under her feet as she walked to work, and when the air was dry, but the kind of dry that everyone loves at this time of year where it makes your cheeks and the tip of your nose rosy, and gives you an excuse to wrap up in an overwhelming amount of layers.
This, though, this wasn't the kind of season that she loved.
The bell above the door of her bakery and coffee shop jingled lightly as she pulled open the door, letting a loud and exaggerated sigh while she removed her fluffy red scarf, hat, and the rest of her body warming attire.
"You're here early!" The cheerful voice of her best friend, Eve, echoed from the kitchen in the back.
"Nope! You're the one who's early for once instead of being late. I'm just perfectly on time, my love." Amy skipped playfully into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Eve's shoulders in a tight squeeze.
"Hey! You're distracting me. Stop it!" Eve chuckled as she tried to shake her best friend off her back, but her efforts were pointless.
"Just act like I'm not here. Go on, continue what you're doing." Amy placed a quick kiss on Eve's temple before leaving her alone to continue prepping the freshly made Croissants to go into the oven while she herself pottered around the kitchen, collecting all the squeaky clean dishes from the dishwasher.
"Yes, Amy?"
"Do you know what date it is?"
Eve knew this was a trick question. Of course, she knew what day it was. It was the day of the new year that Amy hadn't stopped talking about for months now.
"Umm....nope! I have no clue. Tell me." Eve teased, huffing as she rubbed her hands together to clear off the access flour from her hands.
"It's January 29th, which means we-"
Amy was cut off by the bell above the door, ringing in a way that felt rather obnoxious.
"Did you flip the sign to open?" Eve looked at her with confusion.
"No, it still says we're closed. I'm too fucking cold and tired to deal with it, you go."
"Me!? Why me!? I have to keep an eye on the pastries." Eve argued, starting to become visibly bothered by the thought of having to deal with a not very welcomed costumer.
"Fine, I'll go! But these pastries better be your best yet, or you're paying for the drinks at the concert tonight."
Amy flung the damp cloth she was using to dry the dishes at Eve's face, making her squeal in disgust and making Amy laugh embarrassingly loud.
"Hi, I'm sorry to say this, but we aren't open yet. If you come back at 9am we'll be open for business."
Amy put on her best customer service voice as she spoke to the back of this man physique.
His tall frame slightly hunched over as he analysed the large bookcase filled with classical and also more modern vinyls.
"Sorry, love. I didn't even notice you were closed. I saw the vinyls, and I just walked in. I truly apologise, my mistake."
As he turned around and his thick accent echoed throughout the shop, her heart stopped beating. Any words she could possibly form were caught in the back of her throat.
"I-uhhh-well-.....please, don't be sorry! I'm sorry. I actually completely forgot that we're open earlier today because of how terrible the weather is. Please, take a seat or have a look around!" Amy rushed her speech. Word after word coming out in a stutter filled with obvious nerves.
"Oh, alright, so. Thank you, darlin." The curly headed man smiled warmly, sending a flutter of warmth into Amy's own heart.
With a friendly tip of her head and a sheepish smile, Amy made a quick turnaround back into the kitchen, practically hyperventilating to Eve as she tried her best to explain who walked into their shop.
"Seriously? Ams, I'm not falling for that. Don't be so fucking- OH! Shit, he's right there!" Eve gasped as she poked her head out around the door. Gawking at the man who was tapping his fingers awkwardly against the table he was sitting at.
"Yes, Eve. Yes. THE Matty Healy is sitting in OUR shop when we're supposed to be going to HIS bands show tonight."
"Well, just....talk to him." Eve shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal.
For Amy, this was a big fucking deal.
"HA! No."
"HA! Yes. Now, here's a raspberry muffin, go up to him and say it's on the house. I'd say his ego would fucking love that!"
Eve gave Amy a shit eating grin as she passed the muffin to her on a beautiful vintage lavender rose China plate that Amy's grandmother owned.
"Fuck off." Amy grumbled as she put on a smile and walked back out to the front of the shop. Only to find him out of his seat and pondering around the vinyls again.
Amy took a deep breath before speaking. Wanting to sound proper instead of sounding like a total dumbass.
"If you'd like, you can pick out a record and put it on. We normally let customers pick a record if they feel like it." She spoke in a more toned down version of her Dublin accent, standing a few feet away from him to give him space.
"Ah! You see, this one right here is an excellent one. I'd like to put this one on, if you don't mind, of course." Matty turned on his heal to face Amy, smirking slightly as he watched her face turn a Ruby red when she noticed he was holding his bands latest album in his hands.
"Ehm, sure. Why not! They're a good band. Have you ever heard of them?" She quipped.
"I know a few songs. Wouldn't know the lyrics to their songs off by heart or anything, but they're tolerable."
Matty went along with the banter. Something in his heart feeding off of this interaction with the beautiful brunette girl in front of him.
"Well, while you put that on, can I get you anything to drink? I have a raspberry muffin on the table for you over there, but if you'd like something different, don't be afraid to -"
"The raspberry muffin is perfect. I appreciate it. Oh, and, just a simple Americano. Please, love."
Amy liked the way it came out of his mouth, and the way it sounded like her favourite song.
She was quick to go behind the counter and make his coffee. Trying to hide from him as the intense redness in her cheeks reappeared rapidly.
As the crackling of the record subsided and the album began to play, she could hear his footsteps getting closer to her, and she could feel his presence close on the other side of the counter.
"Do you get many customers coming in?" He asked casually, trying his best to keep the conversation he was so desperate for going.
"Yeah, we do actually."
"Oh, sorry. Me and my best friend Eve own the place. We opened it straight after the last lockdown. So, around July 2021." Amy explained as she passed him his Americano, leaning against the counter right in front of him as they chatted away.
"Christ, that's amazing. I'd say it's fun working with your best friend everyday."
"It is! I'm sure you know all about it."
Her comment made Matty smirk as he sipped the hot drink.
He knew she knew who he was, and whether her and Eve knew it or not, he could hear the entire conversation they were having in the kitchen. Matty was just waiting on Amy to bring something about the band up so he could call her out on it.
"Ah! So you know who am." He spoke with a slightly cocky attitude.
"Was me having every single one of your bands albums on vinyl over there not a giveaway." Amy snickered, starting to feel more at ease and comfortable as the conversation went on.
"Right, I guess, but I was waiting for you to say something that I could call you out on it in a way that didn't make me sound like a total dickhead."
"Aren't you just a dickhead in general, though?" She was beginning to pull his leg, having some kind of new found confidence running through her.
"Wow, alright! We've only met and you're already throwing abuse my way." He placed a hand over his heart in pretend hurt, pouting at her like a lost puppy.
"Well, who said we'll ever meet again? Might as well get my assumptions out of the way while I have the opportunity to do so." She gave him what seemed to be a flirtatious wink before walking into the back of the shop and into the kitchen to check on Eve's baking progress.
If Matty had it his way, this would only be their first encounter, but Dublin was just a quick stop on the tour and then he was off again. It's not like he could visit her every morning until he finally got the courage to ask her for a drink.
But if he made the effort, he thought to himself, maybe he could make this the first encounter and not the last.
He waited until she returned to announce his departure, telling her that he'd take the muffin to go before he was late to go wherever it was he said he needed to be.
"Oh, yeah, sure. Take care of yourself. It was nice talking to you, Matty."
Matty could tell by her face that their was a slight twinge of disappointment that he was leaving so soon, but that made his heart flip. A glimpse of hope that she'd take him up on the offer he'd left her.
"It was nice talking to you too....I'm sorry, you never said you name. What is your name, love?"
"Shit, sorry. Amy, my names Amy."
Amy stuck her hand out politely over the counter for Matty to shake, which he politely and very gently took.
"Well, Amy, have a good rest of your day. And, here's a little tip. My treat." He returned the same flirtatious wink that she'd given him earlier, slipping the so-called 'tip' into her warm palm.
"Oh, and before I go, enjoy the show tonight. Be careful with what you and that best mate of yours say in the kitchen. Those walls aren't as thick as you think, gorgeous." He chuckled deeply before disappearing into the gloomy streets of Dublin, taking the warmth that Amy felt with him.
She looked down at the tip in her hand to find a piece off of one of the napkins left on the tables with his phone number on it with three delicate x's at the end of it and a simple written note saying :
Text me on this number if you're up for a drink or two after the show. On me.
Amy couldn't help but giggle as she noticed the hand drawn smiley face at the end.
And just like that, the heavens closed, the concreate began to dry up, and the ice on the roads began to melt. The winter sun belted down as the leaves seemed to appear to come back to life.
That was just the effect he had.
That was just the effect he would have on her.
(I'm very aware that as I post this, it's the 4th of October, but I promise I'll have the other two prompts I missed and the fourth one out tomorrow xx)
(Oh! Thank you to @abiiors for giving me a hobby and for doing these adorable prompts ♡♡)
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ughgoaway · 6 months
that's... literally dad! matty dancing idc im just thinking of him going to the schools christmas celebration and doing that on the dance floor to crack annie up... and trust teacher reader is s o gone for him bc she just finds it nothing but absolutely endearing oh :,,,,,)
(also still not over day 1 of the fic series i think i mightve actually cried reading that ur writing is sooooo xxxx) - bff anon :)
oh, he is made to be a dad, like that is textbook dad dancing!!!!
him and annie showing up to the dance and they're both so fucking cute. Annie is in a sparkly dress and looks adorable, matty is in normal clothes but you can see the lapels of his jacket are covered in stickers from Annie.
you obviously go over and speak to them, "Hi guys! wow, Annie, you look amazing! are you excited about the Christmas dance?" and annie eagerly nods and drops her dad's hand, running off to see her friends.
matty goes to shout after her but gives up and just watches her dance and giggle.
"I'm loving the stickers by the way, I'm assuming they are yours?" Your voice pulls matty back, and he quickly re-focuses on you.
or he tries to, but then gets distracted by how beautiful you look. the decorated hall with all the snowflakes and lights is the perfect backdrop for you, matty can't help but skirt his eyes over you for a few seconds too long...
Once he comes back to earth, he laughs lightly at your joke and answers, "ah yeah you caught me, I love paw patrol stickers"
later on, the dj does a group announcement that it's time for the parents to get on the dance floor, and matty initially shakes his head at annie.
he dances all day like a twat in front of stadiums, but a room full of 5 year olds are a lot more ruthless. and he's not sure he can cope with the embarrassment of you watching him. (Little does he know he couldn't do anything that would make you less in love with him)
but one shaky lip and a pair of sad eyes later and he's on the dance floor doing everything he can to make annie giggle.
you are just watching with the biggest grin on your face, seeing Annie laughing so hard, and matty being the best dad makes your heart so warm. (the school receptionist who ships you and matty is eyeing you both eagerly, watching the love swirl in your eyes)
you yearn to be over there with them. Maybe if you were with matty, he'd be spinning you around and dancing silly with you and annie. maybe he'd hold her, and you'd all dance as a family. later on, you'd do a slower dance. He'd act cheesy and dip you dramatically before kissing you.
on the drive home, you'd all sing to Christmas songs in the car. At the house, you would make hot chocolates for everyone and curl up on the sofa to watch home alone. Annie would curl up with mayhem, and you'd do the same with matty.
but that's not reality for you. So for now, you just watch.
(AHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED DAY 1!!! my writing is questionable I think but the fact that it made you slightly emo has made my day lol <3)
blurb masterlist here!
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