#but he was like a stealth hoe
allylikethecat · 1 month
hello ally i was wrong the george dj set is today so i shall be reposting tomorrow
BUT here is some delicious st!george https://x.com/itsan0braln/status/1783571307151454305?s=46
(people always talk about mattys low rise but not nearly enough about george's)
Hello my Dear Twitter Reporter! You are in good company because I also thought today was Friday (meanwhile my friend's 15 year old, with full confidence informed me that it wasn't Friday, it was Wednesday, I was like child we are both wrong) why are days so hard? What is time lol
But also omg GEORGE, like SIR put some CLOTHES ON (but not really please don't) (The pictures can be found HERE)
I feel like people always talk about Matty's low rise jean phase more than George's because Matty has that slutty lil tattoo that just realllllly makes it clear how much skin we're seeing? (Also his wearing of undergarments is also questionable at times) meanwhile, George is so tall it doesn't seem like as much skin is visible even though objectively there is more? IDK that's just my theory and I am welcome to more pictures being sent my way so we can examine this further 👀
Thank you so much for being the VERY BEST and keeping me in the loop of the Twitter-sphere. I hope you had the BEST WEEK and that you have a FANTASTIC Friday once it like... actually happens... tomorrow. Because time is weird. I also hope you enjoy the new All the King's Horses chapter. As always I am absolutely obsessed with it lol. Thank you so much again!
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buckets-and-trees · 7 months
Warm Shadows - Let All Light Go (2/4)
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Fandom: MCU Collection: Warm Shadows Title: Let All Light Go Characters/Pairings: Alpha!Steve x f!Omega!Reader, existing Alpha!Bucky x f!Omega!Reader Word Count: 7.5k
Summary: Now that he's claimed you, Captain Hydra takes you back to his new base of operations, his little omega bait for the Soldat. But the bond between an alpha and an omega is a powerful thing that shouldn't be trifled with. [sequel to When You Fall On Me Like Night]
Content Warnings: DARK, a/b/o dynamics, explicit smut, DUBIOUS CONSENT/omega heat, oral - female receiving, vaginal fingering, breast play, vaginal intercourse
Logistical Notes: We've got a dose of pride for @nickfowlerrr's Seven Deadly Sins + Seven Holy Virtues writing event. Now this second part is too late for the Horror Movie Hoe-a-thon, but I had most of it written before the challenge closed, and so I had plucked another dialogue prompt from her list, so I still want to give @witchywithwhiskey credit where it's due, and you'll find the prompt in bold and italics when it appears.
Additional Notes: I had no intention of making this three times as long as the original, but Steve had other plans. So many other plans. Thanks to @biteofcherry for letting me suss out a couple of the things I had questions on plot-wise. Title from Hozier's De Selby (Part 2).
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Steve doesn’t smile anymore. He hasn’t smiled in weeks. And yet the frown on his face is more than the non-smile stoicism that had taken over his demeanor since the ambush outside of Turin. He exhales deeply, washing away the frown as he straps your limp body into the jump seat of the stealth jet. Unconscious and sedated, your head falls forward though your torso is held back by the chest harness of the safety belt. Steve angles your head back against the headrest because if you got a crick in your neck, it will be a problem he doesn’t want to hear you try and complain about later.
He had achieved his objective in coming to Wakanda. Though the operation had played out with slight differences from what he had anticipated, it had gone as close as he could have logically projected in almost every aspect. He knew Bucky. No. The Winter soldier, he corrects. And he knew you. As players in this piece of the plan, you had both been reliably predictable.
As a super soldier Steve knew the strengths, the weaknesses, the limitations, and what Barnes would be susceptible to. That’s why he had been so prepared in laying his trap and incapacitating the asset.
Overpowering you had been easy.
Claiming you had split a slow but building tremor to his system. It had changed what he’d intended to do.
A few hours later as he approaches the remote Hydra base, that disconcerting feeling in his brain that he is working to tamp down still smolders with something unsettled that makes him flick his eyes up to the mirror that allows the pilot to check the interior behind him to see that you’re still in the same state of sedation.
His new conditioning will help him to control this irritating itch.
After touching down and rolling into the hangar, Steve unbuckles you from the seat and slings your unconscious body over his shoulder. He doesn’t stop walking but proceeds to give his brief mission report to the ranking officer on base who was waiting to meet him at the base of the small jet’s cargo ramp as he exits. This man is not his handler but his liaison for the time being. He’s competent enough that Steve if rarely frustrated with him. The power dynamics are something Steve is constantly aware of. Hydra wants to know they are in control and yet learned with the Winter Soldier that an asset stripped of complete autonomy was more inflexible to work with – and impossible to pull back when he broke free. They don’t want to make the same mistake with him, but they give him no illusion over who his allegiance is to now. It’s not a leash, but an unmistakable tether that they will let him tenuously control as long as he ultimately complies.
It's why he has tolerable and private living quarters where he deposits you on top the large bed. He leaves a bottle of water next to you and then leaves. The door to his quarters is controlled by a fingerprint recognition, allowing Steve a fair amount of control over who can come in and out, and he has no intention of giving you access.
He goes to the mess to get food. No one approaches him while he eats. He collects two of the meal boxes that are ready to go – one marked for lunch, one marked for dinner – and brings them back for you.
You’re still asleep when he returns. He takes the time to order routine meal delivery to his quarters for you long term as well as a supply of standard issue clothes and laundry service. This base is a hub for research and development, so the standard of living is functional and minimalistic, which suits him fine, and that is all you will require as his omega.
It's mid afternoon before you finally wake, and he can sense the moment you resume consciousness – his heightened senses heard the change in your breathing, but there’s also an innate sense about it. He wasn’t expecting that.
He shifts slightly where he sits in a boxy armchair reading over some new intelligence reports on his tablet to watch you. You slowly sit up causing the water bottle he set on the mattress next to you to roll against your body, and you frown, then look around and see him almost immediately. Fear and anger show immediately in your face, exactly as he expected.
“Your food is on the counter,” he says flatly.
“I don’t want it.”
“You will,” he responds.
You look away from him, scan the single-room quarters, and then look down to the water bottle again. He hears your small sigh before you pick it up, unscrew the top to take a few sips, then close it and shift to one side of the bed and lay back down, curling up, facing away from him. There’s an east-facing window on that side of the room.
None of this behavior is unexpected, and it’s of no matter to him. He has you here, he’s keeping you here as long as necessary. You’re hurt, you will hold onto your pride at the offense for a long while yet, and he expects it. He’s not offended. It will wear away.
He has a few projects he planned to touch base with various research and development teams on the base, and so now that he knows you’re alert and fine, he has no problem resuming his operations and routines.
The single declaration over the food is all you say to him for the first few days.
Not that he is there much either. He has missions, projects, agendas – his own and Hydra’s, and certainly doesn’t exist to coddle his omega.
An omega, he reminds himself.
There is only one bed, and he doesn’t say one word about it to you. The first night when he returns, you are curled in on yourself on the edge of the bed much as you had been earlier when he left (though he notes you had eaten the roll from the dinner box, so you had moved at some point). He wordlessly changes into his sleepwear and slides beneath the sheets. He figures if it bothers you enough, you can choose to sleep on the small couch or the floor, but he isn’t going to give up the bed to accommodate you.
On the third day, you rise when he does. The small bathroom is the only private part of the living quarters, so he is closed off from you while he showers, but as he eats breakfast and finishes the rest of his morning routine, you sit in the armchair, legs curled up, and watch him with a cool storm in your eyes.
When he returns on the fourth night, you smell different. You wear the same clothes, but you’ve clearly showered, and you must have done what you could to clean your clothes in the sink because you're wearing them and not the base-issued garments. You’re already curled up on your side of the bed, still on top of the bedding, barefoot, but not sleeping yet.
Your state of unrest is burdening his thoughts. It’s an imposition he can’t have.
The way you bleed into his consciousness was the only thing he had stupidly forgotten to even account for in this maneuver to draw out the Soldat. Part of it was because he hadn’t been entirely sure he could successfully make the claiming bond – he knew he could get the bite, but it had been a gamble on whether it would work.
It had.
Though it hadn’t been like a clap of lightning but more like an invisible string threaded between the two of you. He had used it to manipulate the situation that night, but the reality of it had also shifted what his original plan for you had been.
Having never bonded with an omega, he had heard varying reports of how the connections could develop between an alpha and an omega. Some said it was strong enough to reach a degree of non-verbal communication, but this seemed to be developing as more of a constant, pressing awareness as the string wove further through him as the days passed, but an awareness that he was learning to read and decipher.
That cool storm that brewed in your eyes any of the few times you looked at him had to be tamed. He didn’t expect it to go away, but he could not have the rage brewing, growing, and pulsing from you to him. He can’t afford the distraction.
In an operations meeting one of the analysts sits down to the table with two unnecessary books in the stack of things they’ve brought with them, and he remembers that you loved to read.
He deposits a linen tote bag with a stack of books on your bedside table that night, returning after you’re already asleep.
He leaves for a mission across the globe before you wake the next morning.
When he returns three days later, it’s mid-afternoon, and he goes to his quarters after the mission debriefing. You’re sitting almost comfortably on the couch with one of the books. You still regard him with cold, guarded eyes, but you’re wearing the base-issued clothing. It’s plain, utilitarian, slate grey.
He remains with you the rest of the evening, the two of you eating dinner together at the small table in one corner of the room when meals are delivered. You don’t look at him, and he doesn’t watch you too much. He thought he had been focused on the mission. He thinks now the focus had come easily again because you were less angry, an icy ache rather than the rampant and enflamed rage that was only further agitated without anything to do.
The next day is unremarkable with this new development. You read, you wear different clothes from the base again, and he is back to his standard on-base routine, returning to his quarters after dinner but before dark. It’s the same the day after, and then the day after that. The only thing that changes at the end of one more day, is that once you’re settled to sleep and he slides into bed a quarter of an hour later, he’s about to drop off to sleep when he hears you take a deep breath.
His own heart stills. What are you about to do?
“Can I have normal clothes?” you ask softly.
One request could lead to another request, and another.
But if they’re as simple as this, easy enough to appease, he could say yes until he needs to refuse you something he’s not willing to entertain.
“I’ll see it done.”
“Oh,” your response is small, surprised.
“Now sleep,” he says, not a command.
Mid-morning he has a break between consultations, and he pulls one of the base caretakers aside and charges them with accommodating your request.
He returns to you before dinner that night. He simply finished his work earlier than usual that day, it’s nothing more than that. You’re in jeans and a lightweight crewneck sweatshirt. Eating dinner is another quiet affair, but the easiest it’s been out of the few times you’ve shared any meals in this place.
Over the next week he eats breakfast with you and most of his dinners. There’s a sadness that’s growing, but he is also melting the glacier of your guarded hostility.
While eating dinner one evening, you ask, “Where are we?”
“A Hydra research and development facility.”
You give it another moment, and then you press further, “And where’s this facility located?”
He looks up at you across the table and gives a dark, wry smirk. “Europe.” His tone is clipped. He can see you know that’s the end of the information he’s going to give you on the matter.
“How are your books?” he ventures after a few minutes. He had gone to the bookshop in the town to purchase a second stock of books for you earlier in the week.
“I appreciate them,” you answer. Without looking back up at him, you say, “The old you liked to read.”
He glowers at you, but he can see there’s almost a warmth in your eyes. It does something to him, so he drops his eyes back to his plate.
He stands abruptly and takes his plate to the counter by the sink, then he leaves. He won’t entertain that line of conversation with you. He paces through the facility for an hour before he returns. When he sees you seem to have been waiting for him, there’s a small warmth in his chest. You just nod at him, and he nods in return. No more words are exchanged between you that night.
When you both finally retire to bed, he doesn’t say a word or give any sign of reacting to you pulling the covers back on your side of the bed for the first time in this space and climbing into them, he simply does the same on his side. You still stay rigidly still and curled up, nearly on the edge of the mattress, but it’s more than he ever expected from you. The nights following, you maintain this step forward in proximity.
He notices your hand going to your bonding mark from Bucky over the following days, and it happens more and more frequently. He almost says something, but as he scrutinizes your actions, he sees you do it without seeming to think about it. It bothers him, but when he sees it’s not intentional, it’s not jealousy or rage that eats at him, it’s something else.
Because why hasn’t the Soldat come for you yet?
That was the object of the game, after all.
He was sure he hadn’t underestimated the Soldat’s skills or Bucky’s devotion to you. Bucky had, in fact, been spotted close enough in the region that the whole base had been on red alert for three days, certain the Winter Soldier would strike, but he hadn’t. Then the reports were he’d gone further north and left Italy altogether, so the alert had gone down from red to orange, and now sat at yellow - standard caution and operating procedures.
It was bothering him further because you were supposed to be Bucky’s beloved omega. How could he abandon you this long? Work so carelessly? Soldat should be desperate and raising hell at this point.
Because at this point?
It’s why Steve decides to embark on one more mission. He doesn’t tell you where he is going. He didn’t tell you even that he is going. He could already feel your unease growing, the questions and uncertainty. He doesn’t need his omega further agitated.
His mission is quick and successful.
As he returns, there is a sudden spike of fear and adrenaline when he is about an hour out from the base. It burns through his system, and he hasn’t felt any emotions overpower him this strongly in weeks and weeks, but after less than a minute it’s snuffs out almost as quickly as it had flared.
Twenty minutes from landing, a call buzzes in over his comms.
“Captain, our base has been attacked, but we are clear from intruders and in active recovery mode now,” his liaison’s voice relays.
“Intruders?” he growls.
“Full report forthcoming and will be ready by the time you arrive. You are cleared for landing but divert to the machine storage facility rather than our standard hangar, we’ve sustained damage there. End communication.”
Steve slams his fist against the arm rest of the seat – the place he knew could sustain the brunt of his impatience – and it breaks off, smashed away completely.
His landing approach gives him a view of the obvious devastation to the base, the entire northwest quadrant still in flames, but with crews working quickly to extinguish the fire.
His liaison is waiting in a truck to drive from the storage on the outskirts back to the main base.
“Twenty-two casualties, six injured, two hundred on evacuation disbursement orders. Only beta essential personnel and the damage control teams remain, prime essential personnel were evacuated as soon as the intruder was reported.”
Steve frowns. “Identity?”
“Confirmed as the Soldat.”
Steve nods. “You said intruders when you contacted me on approach.”
“We’ve since confirmed it was the Winter Soldier and only him.”
He nods again. That news wasn’t surprising. Had he known I would be gone? He was certainly cutting it close, waiting until almost the eleventh hour to come for his omega.
“Status of the omega?”
“We sedated and moved the omega to our facility outside of Geneva.”
Steve’s entire chest seizes in rage – not only moving his omega without consulting him, but to sedate her without any thought? It doesn’t matter that it’s standard protocol for prisoners, you’re his omega. However, every alarm in his head rings immediately that he can not show any ripple of emotion or he may very well never see his omega again. He won’t make the same mistake again – not for a third time.
“Geneva will be the next center of operations for current projects?” he asks.
“Correct. Early calculations project that this base can be functional again in four to five months, and we’ll evaluate whether projects will move back, or continue in Geneva and other bases in the region and clear the way for new initiatives here. We thought you would want to see evidence and damages yourself here first, which is why I didn’t redirect you once we had entered the first recovery stages after clearing all immediate threats, Captain.”
“The logical call,” he agrees.
Four and a half hours later, he touches down in Geneva, but it’s another two hours before he can escape all the protocol and regrouping strategy conversations. Within ten minutes after that, he’s in the new living quarters assigned to him on the Swiss base.
And there you are. Haphazardly deposited on the bed, but there all the same. He lets out a breath as he closes the door behind him. It locks automatically. He drops his pack on the couch and then makes his way to you. He rights your body, laying you fully across the bed and straightening your limbs. He removes your shoes and tucks a pillow beneath your head. He could smell you immediately on entering the quarters, but handling your body now confirms you’re dangerously close to breaking into your heat a day earlier than you were supposed to. He has no doubt it’s due to the distress of the day. That spike of fear and adrenaline he felt earlier had to have been you moments before you were sedated for transport.
He examines your neck, but sees no evidence of an injection, which leaves sedation by inhalation. In a situation where they needed efficiency and couldn’t chance a miscalculation of precision, it was the logical move. It also narrows things down to one of two compounds currently in use for inhaled sedation, which he appreciates.
Then he sees the bloom of a bruise forming already on your arm just above the elbow, and his brow furrows. He will review the footage and he will find out who did this to you.
Satisfied in general over your state – even breathing and no other visible injuries – he turns his attention to the new living quarters. It’s still a studio set up, but moderately larger than the Turin facility. There he’d been assigned quarters for an individual, and this is clearly one of the units designed for Hydra personnel with a partner. A marked difference here is an area that is sectioned off as a study with a desk and a bookshelf. There are already some books there, but empty shelves that can be filled as well.
There’s a decently sized case on the table in the kitchenette area. Inside is a selection of personal effects transported here from Turin, likely collected after the initial evacuation of personnel, but delivered here in those first two hours while he was in the strategy meetings upon arrival. There are a few items of his clothing, a modest selection of the wardrobe he’d arranged for you, toiletries, and even your small accumulation of books.
He has just finished unpacking the case when he can sense you stirring on the bed. A moment later he feels the spike of unease and tension as you register the new surroundings, sitting up on the bed, but he’s already approaching you.
He can feel the diminution of your nerves when your eyes land on him, but he sees the initial wave of relief in your eyes that you also try and stamp away in an instant.
He sits cautiously but with no apology on the edge of the bed next to you.
“Where are we?”
“A new facility.”
Your eyes study him for a moment. He knows you’re assessing that his answer means he won’t give you details. “Still in Europe?”
He nods.
“How long since the former facility was compromised?” you ask.
He smirks. You were always intelligent – not that it would have been difficult to figure out, but he’s proud of how quickly your mind works.
You huff at his hesitation and roll your eyes. “If you think I’ll use the information to try and figure out where we might be, I don’t know where we started, so it won’t be of any use to me, I’m just hungry and want to know how much time I’ve lost.”
“It’s been somewhere between seven to eight hours.”
He reaches for his communications tablet and quickly orders a standard meal for each of you to be delivered as he hasn’t eaten much either.
“It was him, wasn’t it?” you break the silence again. “Bucky found me.”
He hadn’t planned to tell you, but he won’t lie to you. “Yes”
“He’ll find me again. He said that wherever I went, he would find me.”
“Oh, I know.” His stare is back on you. “That’s the entire point. I need the Soldat.”
The silence that builds between you two is full of anger on your side. There’s nothing else for him to explain, but he’s curious to see how long you’ll keep this moment stretching on before ending it or saying something else.
But it grows more and more uncomfortable, and you try not to fidget. You’ve never been one to fidget, and certainly not over these past few weeks at any point around him. Then he notices the beads of perspiration gathering on your brow.
“Your heat, Omega.”
“My heat, not yours.”
“Sure,” he laughs cruelly. He reaches out to touch your cheek, somewhat patronizingly.
“Don’t touch me!” you snarl and snap your jaws at him, causing him to withdraw his hand immediately. “I don’t need you.”
“Fine.” He stands and retreats, not because he fears you in the slightest, but because he won’t fight your petulance, not when he has better things he can do at least for now. “Face your heat alone, Omega.”
He leaves, hearing you let out another impatient huff just as the door closes behind him.
He leaves you in pursuit of one of the data analysis rooms. If you’re going to be difficult and refuse him, he can do better things with his time until you’re ready to bend and keen for him. Once there, he logs into the system and pulls up the footage from Turin. He watches every frame of the Winter Soldier’s attack on the facility. It was shown earlier when he was meeting with the Hydra officers in debriefing the attack, but now he can study it alone in its entirety, moving from camera to camera outside, and then through each hallway and room without commentary from anyone else, able to slow down and rewind each moment as he sees fit.
It’s masterful.
And he looks directly at cameras after many of the kills. Twenty-two casualties and only six injuries? That’s intentional. He knows the Soldat could have executed this more quietly, and that’s evident in how he exits when he realizes you’ve been moved. From that point, his exit strategy has him engaging with almost no one, but setting fires and explosions, leaving enough damage in his wake to send his message.
It’s effective.
Steve narrows the block of time from the incident on the base and watches additional footage from the same ten-minute period. It’s every frame of the footage related to your acquisition, sedation, and transport from the base. He is interested in discovering just how the Soldat knew when to retreat, and he leaves notes in his log and in addition to drafting and sending a memo with some of his theories and observations to his primary liaison and a few of the officers on the taskforce. But his primary objective was to figure out who handled you so roughly, and he does. They will be dealt with later. He can’t expose such a personally driven need to deal out punishment.
While he’s been gone he’s felt the tenor of your emotions tugging at him – not tugging insistently, and with how tightly you’ve tried to control and suppress your emotions over the past few weeks, this must mean you’re battling to keep things at bay, pushed beneath the surface. As soon as he enters, he clocks the spiking fluctuations of your hormones. Since returning with you from Wakanda, he’s read extensively over the heat cycles, and this situation gives all the signs that you’re vacillating precaiously between falling into either a standard heat or a dry heat. You’re trying to stave off the heat as long as possible, but it will come, and if you fight it too hard, it will be a dry heat, which will be physically and mentally painful for you and difficult for him to navigate with you. He needs to edge you carefully from that tipping point of the dry heat.
You’re sitting at the table, having polished off one of the meals already and eating the last bits of the other one. It looks like they were boxes with sandwiches, fruit, and vegetables. You’ve left the celery from both servings. He smirks, but he’s glad you’ve eaten. That’s a good sign.
In another attempt at normalcy, desperate to keep things at bay, you push the chair out across the table from you with your foot, nodding for him to sit. You try and engage him in completely normal lines of conversation. He knows what you’re doing. He’ll entertain it for at least a little while so he can assess more of your state and how he should handle it.
He’s more concerned with watching you than listening to what you’re saying. You stand to refill your cup with water, and he follows you to the sink. He reaches into the cupboard and gets a glass of his own, encroaching somewhat into your space very casually. It doesn’t put you on edge, so he eases even closer, as you continue to talk. He puts a hand on your shoulder and leans in to fill his cup with the tap. There’s a slight hitch in your breathing at his proximity. He pushes the teasing of his closeness even more, moving his hand down your arm and resting it on the counter next to yours.
“I know what you need, Omega,” he whispers against the shell of your ear.
He can feel you do everything you can to remain still.
But then you turn your head ever so slightly toward him. “The last time you touched me, you humiliated me.” Your voice is flat.
He doesn’t respond, but he also doesn’t move.
Finally, you ask, “What did they do to you?” your voice barely above a whisper.
The dangerous question comes out of nowhere, and the surge of emotion it evokes in him is immediate. He growls, whipping away, not even thinking before he slams his fists on the table. It splits in two clean pieces. He grabs one before it even falls to the floor and throws it against the wall, smashing it, splinters flying.
He turns back, advancing on you, and you’re already trembling. He doesn’t relent, forcing you up against the wall, caging you in. He pounds his fist into the wall right above your head, and you close your eyes, afraid to move. He can smell the fear in your scent now, but there can be no confusion here.
“No, Omega,” he speaks low, and his other hand moves lightning fast to grip your chin. He can feel your pulse racing beneath his fingers. “Look at me.” You open your eyes. “We aren’t doing that.”
He leaves a beat of silence between you.
“Do you understand?”
You nod.
He drops your chin, then grips the neck of your shirt and yanks, ripping the fabric down the front and jerking you forward, making you bump into his chest. He picks you up and hauls you across the room with a few furious strides to drop you onto one of the armchairs.
You right yourself in the seat as he steps back, but only an arm’s length away. He doesn’t have to use his alpha voice or say the words. He knows the look he gives you communicates his instruction: stay put, don’t move.
He slowly undresses, unfastening, unbuckling, unzipping. He places each article of his dark tactical suit in an orderly pile on the coffee table. It’s purposeful, this tactic. The onset of your heat is only a moment away. You’ve been doing everything in your power to stave it off. Part of him clocks this enormous show of strength and sees it for more than stubbornness, recognizing the discipline and power within you. But this has gone on long enough, he needs you to finally tumble over the edge, and he will push you if he must.
He watches you watching him as he reveals each expanse of naked flesh – arms and torso, legs, and finally his loins when he slips off his boxer briefs. He’s hard for you, of course he is, the pheromones have been flooding out of you, and he wasn’t tempted to touch you in Turin, but now it’s all he can think about. He wants your body supple and pliant, submissive beneath him. He stands above you, looming, imposing – he knows he is, and he wants you to feel that he can do this – and pumps his cock slowly with his own fist.
He does it a few more times, watching you watch him. He sees the small ripple of a shudder you can’t suppress when your breath hitches.
“Undress,” he commands.
Your jaw ticks up. He knows you don’t like it – he felt it the first time he gave you an alpha command, and he hasn’t again until this moment. You look down as you reach behind your back to unclasp your bra and slide it off, dropping it to the floor. You stubbornly refuse to meet his eye since he’s making you do this – he knows it. You hook your thumbs into your waistband, and you push your leggings and underwear down in a slight huff.
“Spread your legs,” he issues another command.
You do, still refusing to meet his eye. Part of it is the irritation over the commands, but he knows part of it is also the trepidation still pulsing through you. He doesn’t want to make this easy for you, but he doesn’t want you to suffer the agony of a dry heat where you’ll be agitated, devoid of slick, in pain, and distressed.
He sinks to his knees between your parted thighs, but now you can’t help but look at him staking his claim there so close to your exposed core. He can see you have a million questions in your eyes, it’s the most you’ve allowed him to glimpse of you – the real you – these past weeks.
He lowers his head, keeping his eyes on yours, and licks a slow, broad stripe from the side of your knee along the soft flesh of your inner thigh. He can feel you tense and hold your breath. And he stops inches from your warm cunt, pulling back and kneeling back on his heels.
You whimper.
He knows he has you now.
“Touch yourself, Omega,” he doles out the third command. He knows how he wants this to play out.
“Don’t make me,” you plead, but your hands are already slowly moving to your center.
“Do it,” he barks, and you flinch.
There’s a little bit of slick between your pussy lips, and he watches you trace a finger slowly over your folds, up and down. You drop your head down and to the side, refusing once more to look at him.
“Omega, have you ever experienced the pain of a dry heat?”
You huff.
“Is that what you want?”
“I want him!” you blurt, and you certainly must not have meant to say it out loud because your hands immediately fly to cover your mouth and your eyes flash to him in fear. And anger. Both are there.
He growls and surges forward to claim your clit between his lips, clamping his hands at the juncture of your thighs to keep your legs open. He sucks hard and flicks his tongue angrily over the little bundle of nerves, drawing a cry from you immediately. Your hands push at his head, but there’s no match for his strength, and he holds your pelvis firmly to his face.
“No, no, no,” you murmur, starting to cry.
He keeps up the furious sucking and flicking, and it’s less than a minute before he feels your whole body seize up, frozen as the first orgasm crashes down on you. Slick begins to seep out in abundance, and he hums in approval, but he doesn’t relent, only changes his tactics. He flattens his tongue and laps at your cunt, letting his tongue slip between your folds and into your hole every two or three licks. It’s less frenzied, but no less insistent, and he rips a second orgasm from you easily. He hums in approval as this time that blissful wave forces you to throw your head and shoulders back, and you land against the back of the armchair, clutching at the rim of it next to your head.
But he won’t relent yet.
He reaches up to cup one of your breasts in his hand, and you moan and push your chest forward for him, head still thrown back, and he imagines your eyes must be shut. He squeezes your breast, then tweaks your nipple, and your breath hitches. He presses his mouth back to your folds and works his lips over your puffy, engorged clit, working slowly this time. He draws his hand away from your breast, and then he slides the fingers that just tweaked your nipple into your tight heat. He pumps slowly, and your hand moves to the back of his head, applying insistent pressure there. He crooks the fingers and strokes along your front wall, and he knows he finds the spot of your undoing when your legs abruptly shift, the left lengthening out, and your right hitching up over his shoulder to press into his back. He doesn’t change a thing now, sucking, pressing. He knows you’re on your way, but he will not hasten this. He wants you to feel every drawn out moment of this – some but not enough of what you need.
Paying attention to every breath above him, every movement of your body, and especially the way your muscles start to squeeze around the fingers he has inside you, he stops just short of your third orgasm.
You whine in protest, but he pushes himself up to stand above you. He grabs your waist and hauls you easily with his preternatural strength up and over his shoulder. You claw at his back, but it’s only a few quick steps for him to be able to throw you down onto the bed.
Your fear from his outburst is long gone, and the face you turn up at him is angry, and you snarl, quickly kneeling up on the bed.
He grasps your chin in his slick-covered hand and looks into your face. “You will beg for me, and only then will I consider whether or not I will touch you again or let you suffer.”
He drops your chin and is already turning away, but you’re lightning fast in reaching for his wrist.
He stops and only inclines his head part of the way to look back at you.
“Take me,” you plead, voice stronger than he expected.
He furrows his brow.
“Please,” you implore.
He turns fully back to you. Perhaps he shouldn’t be as surprised as he is. You’d always been adaptable and clever, and rarely stubborn to your own detriment. You had been stubbornly trying to hold the heat at bay, dangerously so to tempt the dry heat, but he knows this is an extreme circumstance for you, and with the tide turned yet again, he was almost impressed that you had so quickly determined it was worth it to take what you needed.
“Then present,” he says simply.
You turn, moving up to the middle of the bed, but close to the headboard, and kneel on all fours.
He climbs up behind you.
You drop down to your elbows, subjecting yourself to him, omega to alpha.
He takes his cock in his hand and rubs the angry red tip up and down your slick folds. You whimper, and he sees the small shiver that runs down your spine. He sinks his thick length into your tight heat, and you both groan as he fills you for the first time. He doesn’t move once his hips are finally flush against your ass. He breathes in and out, in and out, and watches your measured breaths as well.
He did not know it would be like this.
He reaches forward, grips your shoulder, and pulls you up and back towards him. Your hands move to reach out to steady yourself on the headboard. He presses his fingers into that juncture at your neck where he claimed you, and you keen, throwing your head back. He leans forward and while his right hand stays anchored at your hip, his left strokes that bite again, then moves to hold the front of your neck as he leans down and forward over you. You look up at him, he looks down at you. “You’re fucking mine, Omega,” he growls, your eyes locked.
“Yes, Alpha.”
Then he feels you rock your hips back against his. He smooths his hand down your neck, then presses his lips to your forehead. “You’re mine,” he says again, imprinting the words against your skin.
Then he pulls back and thrusts into you. A few thrusts like that, but as you begin to keen for him, begging for more, he has to drop back and grip your hips with both hands to fuck you. You both come twice – once quickly, and once more very slowly – before you’re boneless beneath him, and he forces you down to the mattress, shifting you to your side and drawing you up against his chest. You whine, but he strokes your arm and promises he’ll give you more once you sleep.
While you sleep in his arms, sticky and sweaty, his mind goes to work.  
It’s not long before you wake again, and you two truly fuck, carnal bleeding with a few moments that are too tender for either of you to acknowledge. But his stamina outmatches yours and he has you exhausted and sleeping again before long.
He’s never taken care of an omega in heat before, and it’s all-consuming, but he stays focused. When you’re awake, he plies your body with pleasure until you cry, keen, moan, scream aloud and silently, and it goes on and off again between sex and sleep all through the day. He’s prepared for your reluctance during the first high phase of the heat to eat or drink anything, but he slips you bits of fruit and nuts as he can, gets you to greedily gulp water only after he pushes it your way insistently. You want his cock, not hydration or nutrition.
A little before midnight the second night, you stretch and yawn waking from another of your short sleeps, and then you roll out of bed and pad to the bathroom. He’s been rooting through some of the cupboards, taking stock of what’s there, and he finishes quickly and follows you into the bathroom after he hears you flush the toilet and then turn on the showerhead. You’re slipping into the shower when he enters the bathroom, and he’s there in time for you to give the silent invitation for him to join you – the expectation, even.
You’re still in heat, but craving a shower lets him know you’ll have enough of your mind back for what needs to happen now.
Things are tenuous, but there’s no denying that this heat has changed things for both of you. He claimed you in Wakanda, but the two of you have bonded through the first thirty hours of this heat in ways neither of you thought possible.
He takes the lathered-up sponge you place in his hands, and he washes your body carefully. Then you take it back, soap it up again, and run it over his skin with the same kind of attention.
He washes your hair, you rinse away the suds, and then he pulls you flush against him. You take his hardening cock in your hand and pump shamelessly. He groans appreciatively, than pushes your back up against the tiles, moves your hands away, and pulls your leg up around his waist so he can enter you. You clutch at his shoulders for stability and moan. He buries his head into the crook of your neck, but he speaks just loud enough for you to hear, “This is the only place I’m sure no one will hear us, but they also need to have no reason to question what’s happening if they’re monitoring.” He moves his hips back and then pumps slowly into you again. “Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you moan, “more, Alpha.”
The corner of his mouth ticks up slightly, though he knows you can’t see it. He tongues his bite at your neck, and you whimper. He gives you another thrust, and you keen.
“I won’t have you anywhere near these Hydra personnel anymore. I don’t trust them.”
The surprised noise that escapes your throat is slightly distressed, and so he speeds up his thrusts a little. “My heat,” you whisper.
“The heat cycle is the only time no one expects me to be anywhere or respond to anyone unless there’s complete catastrophe, and I already reported the onset of your heat last night. They won’t disturb us for a few more days, and they will not expect us to attempt to leave our quarters let alone the facility. If we can manage to get out unnoticed, we will have enough of a head start on time to lose them completely.”
You remain quiet.
“And go where?”
“You don’t need to know that.”
You push his face away from your neck and push at his chest. “I’m still nothing more than your bait?”
He growls and turns you around so your chest and face are pressed up against the wall.
“I’m still your alpha, and yes my end game is still to draw out the Soldat.”
“I need him.”
He nudges your legs apart and enters you from behind, and you groan as he fills you.
He pulls back, about to enter you again, but then you turn your head, and gasp, “Wait,” in a tone that’s different enough that he does, brow furrowing as he meets your eyes.
“Tell me what happened to Sam, to you, and I promise I’ll go with you willingly.”
He didn’t think you knew Sam had been with him.
You reach for his head and urge him back to the cradle of your neck.
With more than your words and the gentle action, you’re also entreating him through the bond, he can feel it. It’s powerful. And so he tells you. It only takes him two sentences to tell you what you need to know. Tears stream down your face, and he fucks you then, the fucking he needs for him, not you, but you allow him to take.
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go immediately to part three: Carving Through the Dark
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thegoblinboy · 1 year
Ok so random thought, but what if Steve was trans (ftm) and no one realizes it. Not even Robin. Just hear me out on this.
The first question out of this I know I’ll get is “Why wouldn’t Steve come out to Robin as well? Why doesn’t Robin know?” Well in my head cannon I believe Steve is aware that he’s trans but just simply forgets. He’s just a guy being a dude in a very judgemental world. That and he’s under stealth mode, he doesn’t want to be treated differently. He’s proud to be trans but in his mind he’s like any other guy, he doesn’t stand out. He’s transitioned socially that he doesn’t even think to much about it unless he’s in the men’s bathroom.
(Also for this au that is being built from scratch this is going to be modern, because I don’t want to accidentally put my experiences as a trans man on a transguy in the 80’s. I’m fully aware that they are different which is why I’m turning this into a modern au.)
There’s loopholes in this idea but I don’t care. Just Steve Harrington who is still getting used to being treated like a man socially. He doesn’t understand the hand shake thing with Lucas or the other jocks and he’s still a bit nervous about all of it. Like he’s finally fitting what he feels and he loves it but hates it at the same time. Because now he has to learn how to be a proper “gentleman” in public, which is a lot easier then hoe he was taught to be a lady. Now both of his parents are not conservative. Shockingly. So they are more open to things then most. Though secretly his father has always wanted a son to pass the business down to and this is the perfect opportunity. His mother isn’t to happy but she finally gets on board. Once he’s sixteen he starts hormones and switches schools, where he becomes king steve. Where he falls into a toxic masculine group of Tommy’s so he can “fit” in.
But then things start to go down hill with the upside down. And everything goes by normal. He meets Robin and they are two pees in the pod. Just missing one, that they are not really searching for but are?
The whole trans thing comes up when they are all in the boat and Steve’s a bit panicked because this means he has to take his shirt off in front of them. This can go to so different ways.
A) He hasn’t had top surgery yet and is currently wearing his binder. Which is skin toned but doesn’t match. He’s beat red as he catches the curious eyes of all of them on the boat. None of them knowing what a binder is. Robin of course asks what that is, and avoiding the question he jumps in and goes under. (You aren’t supposed to swim with your binder on) and he regrets all of his life decisions before coming back up and then being pulled back down. Everyone of course follows along, and after all of it Steve is in a lot of pain. Between the bite and his ribs he has no choice but to pull his binder off. Everything is explained and he’s really embarrassed as he finally gets the damn thing off while holding his chest. Trying to hide his boobs, in which Eddie ends up coming over with the vest. Wrapping it around Steve carefully with the most awkward back pat ever. Like it’s not brought up, but Steve does end up wearing one of Eddie’s old baggy shirts from what’s “83” but really a different year because it’s modern. And his vest as well to help cover his chest and it’s the most gender euphoria ever. (Also he still has a hairy chest, so before he gets the shirt and the vest is covering most of his moobs Eddie nearly dies seeing his chest hair)
Or it goes B) where he’s had top surgery but it’s been a bit more recent. He’s still recovering and he has to awkwardly check his wrap his on properly before diving in. Like he shouldn’t be swimming either and he has to awkwardly explain what top surgery is to them. And robin who can’t help the jokes
“I thought you liked boobs!”
But just Steve being fully accepted. And after everything Eddie just sneaks some more baggy masculine clothes that Steve has been wanting to wear but weren’t preppy enough for his parents.
Like there is so much with this idea
(This all started because I pictured Steve with top surgery scars with Eddie’s vest, but also pre op steve with his vest is also equally as gender. Though do not feminize his chest or else I’ll bite you.)
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princessphilly · 2 years
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Sundress Season
Readers are race and size inclusive. Each one gets more and more smutty. You’ve been warned.
Tagging: @callsign-phoenix @wildbornsiren @hederasgarden @mayhem24-7forever @marvelousmermaid @newlibrary @ayohockeycheck @ahockeywrites @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @iguana-braces @lorecraft @callsignhurricane @a-reader-and-a-writer @hoe-on-the-range @skvatnavle @mrsroosterbradshaw02 @fuckyeahhangman @atthediscowithoutpanic @green-socks
“Fuck me.”
You were there, a one shouldered brown sundress on your body, stiletto heel sandals on your feet that made your legs look extra long. And there was a pilot in front of you, first time back on the east coast in a while. Right now, he was staring at you like you were a glass of water and he was parched. Not what you expected but you were going to roll with it.
“Nice to see you too, Bradley. I thought you were staying in San Diego,” you replied, crossing your legs. You swear it looks like Bradley’s eyes were crossed as he stared at your legs.
Several moments passed and you smirked. Bradley finally replied, “You know I prefer it when you call me Rooster. Brad or Bradley only at other times. But yeah, I’m stationed in San Diego but I had to come out for Will and Stacy’s wedding.”
“How nice of you.”
You stood up, turning around and letting Bradley see the full effect of your dress. There was a strangled groan and you smiled to yourself. You had worn this dress on a whim, fully expecting to have wasted it but Bradley made your night.
Even though tonight was just a get together for Will and Stacy’s fellow UVA NROTC pals before the wedding, Bradley made sure he was by your side the whole time. And you teased him for it. It was fair game; he had been teasing you through the years with that perfect body. Now that you knew he was just as attracted, you were going to make him pay.
Well, that was your thought until you did Blow Job shots with a couple of other girls. Bradley’s eyes flashed brown fire and you found yourself pulled out of the hotel restaurant and into an elevator. Right now, as the elevator went up to your room, you had a Naval Aviator’s hand under your dress, his other hand holding your face as years of repressed attraction finally burst through.
Once you two were at your room, Bradley’s head was under your dress, his name on your lips. The next day, at the wedding rehearsal, you were deliciously sore and making plans for a trip to San Diego.
The purple sundress graced your curves, picked out by Bob this morning. The halter was the perfect support and you were wearing the light cotton thong Bob had picked out.
Bob was in a very playful mood. Part of you should be scared but you were excited. “No, take those off,” Bob said, holding a pair of brief panties. Not the sexiest and you frowned for a second. Then you saw what was in Bob’s other hand.
“Lieutenant Floyd, you are up to no good,” you gasped. Bob smiled at you wickedly, his slate blue eyes brimming with mischief.
Sliding the thong down your legs, you threw it at Bob. He picked it up and sniffed it as you put on the briefs. “I’ll do it myself,” Bob said before you pulled the briefs all the way up. He placed the egg vibrator into you, smirking as he realized you were already wet at the thought of the game. Then he pulled the briefs up, covering the vibrator.
The whole time at the barbecue you two were throwing, you tried so hard to focus on everything but the vibrating egg inside of you. But whenever you least expected it, your shy aviator made it go, turning you into a wet mess. Halfway through, you had to go to the bathroom because you could feel your slick on your thighs.
Like a stealth pilot he was, Bob followed you, locking the door behind him as you stood in front of the mirror in your bathroom. “You’ve been so good for me, letting me play with you. And you’re so fucking sexy in this dress.”
A hand pushed you down onto the sink as you felt cool air on your bottom. Your dress was flipped up, panties on the floor as the vibrations were turned up extra high.
“If you can cum without screaming in the next five minutes, I’ll let you top me tonight,” were the smooth words you heard before you shoved your fist in your mouth, the first orgasm already racking through your body.
Your blue dress rippled around your thick thighs as you swayed with each step. You looked good and felt good as you stepped into The Hard Deck.
Making your way towards the bar, a hard arm pulled you into a rock hard body. “Didn’t I tell you that this dress was for my eyes only?”
You smirked as Jake nipped your ear. The sundress had a dangerous slit and Jake’s fingers had found it already. “You know I don’t like sharing what’s mine,” Jake added.
“Hmm, that sounds like a Hangman problem,” you retorted, letting Jake guide you towards the back with his hand on the small of your back. Then he guided you outside of it, pulling you toward his truck.
Green eyes gleaming, Jake replied, “Darlin’, i love it when you get bratty.”
Then you were bent over and Jake whistled. You hadn’t bothered with underwear at all. Then there was a smack and you gasped. Then Jake spanked you again, admiring how your skin heated under his hands. At first, he was just going to punish you for disobeying. But he needed to mark his property properly.
Undoing his belt, Jake unbuttoned his pants and took out his cock. Fingering his girl, he murmured, “Can you be quiet for me, darlin’? Or are you going to keep disobeying,” his Texan drawl intensifying with his arousal.
You shook your head as you felt two fingers curl right on your gspot. Jake’s ministrations and the high stakes of your position had you ready to go for him. And when he finally entered you, you gasped, pushing back.
“Love it when you fuck back on me, sugar. Yeah, this is your cock,” Jake harshly whispered as he fucked you hard. It was quick and rough, just enough for both of you to cum hard but quietly, Jake’s seed deep inside of your cunt.
Pulling your dress down, you licked your lips. Jake groaned as he pulled you close to him. “You look fucked out, darlin’. Now though, everyone will know who you belong to.”
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 7 months
Summit thoughts it’s long so it’s under the cut
Vincent my baby😭❤️
Oh god my anxiety is rising
Ew porters here🙄
Ew Porter
I knew DAMN WELL that man wasn’t sorry
Atleast treasure isn’t here
“Can I be the one that punches him this time?” Yes yes you may😌
Almost done? We’re only 16 mins in? Oh no
She’s such a bitch.
I’m gonna shoot her
had to pause to chill myself
So it wasn’t alexys who brought Porter?
Hah that whore bitch
I’m still gon be a bitch at the summit idgaf
Nah it was alexys babes🤭
The ONE GOOD THING Porter did
He’s the best tracker?? Sus
Oh no revamps w David
Racist already???
can she stop being such a sly bitch?
Roll w dogs? Ima fight her bitch ass
Sam warned them abt Porter🤭
But like why is he there🤢
Why he talking to sh🙄
Tf closeknit got to do w anything
And sh was on closeknit?
He made a fucking ward????
The inversion is not a good topic
Porter is reframing a lil…
Ok stealth is stealthing
God I’m anxious
Sam was right abt a lot
Ash don’t know???
Sam make out sesh🤭
Omg Sam and darlin twinsies🤞🤞🤞
Love a good ol toxic ex
How did he like her then😒
What is it w these hoes and their “I can fix them” mentality
Wait did David just leave us w VAMPS
Ash tell that alpha
Sh is a v good stealth they can do it
Ash acting like a real beta❤️
Ok Angel was w him we’re good
Oh shit what’s sh doing
The drama is dramaing
They can go without the money they are just fucking fine
Losing ground?
Wtf is their mission tho? Blake’s mission? No Blake’s was a secret what all is closeknit ac trying to do
Ok I’m he’s planning smth what is it tho
Sam tryna be a sidelined
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A Little More Warmth
A/n: I’m bored and have writers block for three different WIPs so I’m making a mini fic because one of my friends mentioned something that got me thinking.
CW: Fluff/crack, Typical Angel innuendos, David being a grumpy tsundere, GN and nondescript appearance for the listeners, mentions of alcohol, Sweetheart being their local menace to Milo, Asher and Baabe being flirty to each other, Darlin being stubborn, Sam being a good mate, Arden bullying Christian
Redacted Masterlist
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Angel had thought they were more than prepared for it all. They loved having the pack over because then they could see ‘the mates’. They convinced Davey to buy some beers because trashy beers at a pool party were everything for the aesthetic. Their mate had finished with his yard renovations, which had taken forever in Angel’s opinion, and Angel wanted to show off their new badass backyard. It had taken some time to convince Davey that “yes they should have some of the pack over because it will be an awesome bonding experience and don’t you love me, Davey?” 
He had given in when Angel promised to learn a new dish with him. Well, new for them. David knew how to make everything, despite what he claimed. It was okay, Angel would keep his secret for him, pat pat.
At first, Milo and Sweetheart had shown up. Angel had been overjoyed to see one of their favorite prank partners, which they jokingly called their sneaky link. David always pretended that Angel didn’t exist when Sweetheart and them constantly referred to each other as their ‘sneaky link’ or ‘side piece’ or ‘secondary/third hoe’. Milo just sighed like he had to the weight of the world on his shoulders. It was amazing.
“Side hoe!” Angel exclaimed, launching themselves at Sweetheart. The stealth went invisible for a second by reflex before reappearing and being pushed to the ground through the force known as the alpha’s mate. The department official laughed as their arms wrapped around the other in an embrace.
“Demons and Daemons Angel! You’ve got a lot of energy.” Their whispery voice said. Angel nuzzled against Sweetheart’s chest, not really caring about anything except the fact of pillow. 
“Yeah. Davey,” They could practically hear David’s glare from that. “didn’t tire me out well enough last night I suppose.” They said. Sweetheart bit back a snort and got up while Milo whistled, pretending to not have heard anything. Probably the smart decision. Angel felt a hand close around their bicep help them up. When the hand didn’t let go, they tipped their head back to look at David with a goofy grin. “Hello my handsome and wonderfully awesome mate David Shaw.” 
“Trying to backtrack isn’t going to save you, you little snot.” He said. Angel giggled and twisted to press a kiss to David’s cheek.
“No, but kisses will.”
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Darlin shook their head, glaring firmly at Sam, who remained in the darkness that the room provided. Darlin stood at the doorway, the hallway light illuminating their profile. Sam was trying not to get distracted by that.
“You said your pack invited you. You might as well go, Darlin. Besides, I’m sure it will be fun.” He tried again, feeling tiredness tug at his bones. This argument, if it could be called that, had been going on since last evening. He loved Darlin, he really did. But god could they be stubborn.
“Just because I said they invited me doesn’t mean I have to go. Besides, it’s going to be awkward there and you can’t come because of the stupid fucking sun.” Darlin said. That had been their argument, paired with nonverbal groans and glaring. While it did warm Sam’s heart that Darlin wanted him around when they were with their pack, he knew it was also important that his partner be with their pack alone. When he was around, they just spent time with him. He enjoyed it, but they needed their pack too. It was a weird mix of emotions.
“Please don’t pick a fight with the sun.” Sam said, trying to get a smile or laugh from the shifter. He failed in that and he sighed. “They’re making a bid for attention, Darlin. If you keep rejecting them every time it’s during daytime, your relationship with them is only going to grow more awkward. Besides, you said it was a pool party, so if you’re just underwater when you’re swimming you don’t have to talk to many people.” Sam regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He could practically see the gears in their head turning. “No you can’t just stay underwater the entire time, you’ll drown.” He said. He tried to keep the weary from his voice, but with his mate it was lecture after lecture. 
“Wasn’t gonna do that.” Darlin mumbled. It was a lie, but Sam just shrugged. “Okay... But I don’t even have a swimsuit. You need a swimsuit to swim, cowboy.” Darlin tried. Sam rubbed his face as he walked towards Darlin.
“Okay, first off you didn’t care about that when I told you not to jump in the pond. Second, you can buy one if you need to. Although I’m pretty sure wearing some kind of athletic shorts or something and a top would still work.” He said. Darlin huffed and Sam could feel their breath against his skin. It still smelled like the smoothie that he had made them a couple hours ago. They had been at his house for the past three days and now three nights. Neither of them had talked about moving in together, but Darlin was doing that thing where they slowly move their stuff into his home, whether knowingly or not.
“I only needed to jump in that stupid pond because-”
“We’re not talking about your excuses, we’re talking about how you’re going to that pool party.” Sam interrupted. Darlin huffed again and reached into the room, flipping on the light switch. It had been on previously, but Darlin had turned it off when Sam denied their request of calling David and saying that they were sick or something. One, because David was terrifying and Sam wasn’t about to lie to him. Or anyone, he wasn’t a liar. Two, because it would be good for Darlin to go so he wasn’t going to offer up any excuse to stop it. His mate was petty at times.
The shifter walked over to the dresser and pulled it open before grabbing one of Sam’s t-shirts.
“I’m going to it, but you have to compensate for the emotional pain I’ll be going through.” Darlin answered before Sam finished the question. He sighed and left it be. It took a bit of searching and help from the vampire before they found a pair of shorts that Darlin could use. “I could just shift to swim. David’s house has a high enough fence.” Darlin pointed out as Sam yawned.
“Wet dog smell.” He said simply with a shrug and earned another glare from Darlin, to which he just laughed it off. If they were genuinely upset with him they probably would just walk away. So considering the fact they were still here he didn’t offend. “You’re going to want a towel too. It’s polite.” He added.
“You would know about politeness, wouldn’t you cowboy? But I’m just going to run home, so there’s no point.” They added. Sam kept his question of whose place was considered home to himself. His brow furrowed as Darlin dropped the clothes on the ground and their fingers hooked under the hem of the shirt they were wearing now. It was also Sam’s now that he looked at it. 
“What are you doing?” He asked as they took the top off to throw unceremoniously at Sam’s face. He caught it and lowered, his eyes sticking to the fabric as Darlin changed. He would like to watch of course, but he didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. Although a few glances were taken. He couldn’t help it when his mate was so breathtaking...
“Changing. I’m not going to bring a bag of shit to David’s house and end up forgetting something.” Darlin said as they slipped into the shorts and kicked their jeans off to the side. Sam sighed and walked over to grab them. “I was gonna pick it up... later...” Darlin said sheepishly as they watched him. Sam only arched a brow.
“Get going already. I’ll see you soon.” He said. Darlin nodded and grabbed their phone from the nightstand. He was pretty sure the battery was dead since they didn’t plug their phone in, but David was bound to have a phone charger if Darlin needed it. 
“Love ya, cowboy.”
“Love you too. Now get lost and stop calling me that.”
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Angel wrapped their arms around their ribs as they giggled, nose scrunched up. Several pack members were loitering around the yard or in the pool. Some were just inside the house. Davey was by the grill and ignoring everyone as he decided to just focus in on the food. They watched, still amused as Christian resurfaced, spluttering. Arden laughed from where she stood by the pool. Christian had been complaining once again about Asher being the beta and not even being here yet when Arden had shoulder-checked him into the water in the middle of his rant. 
Angel had gotten wet from the splash, and they still had yet to change into their bathing suit. They turned to Sweetheart who had their arms around Milo’s shoulders as they hugged him from behind, cheek against his. No matter what Angel called Sweetheart, there was no way they would ever want to break up the relationship that the two had. It was so... wholesome. Angel smiled before clearing their throat.
“Hey Milo, can I steal my side piece from you for a second?” They asked. Milo sighed before glancing at Sweetheart. They nodded as they unclasped their arms from around the shifter and kissed his cheek. Angel quickly grabbed their hand and started to pull them away as Milo watched. 
“What is it?” Sweetheart asked as Angel pulled them towards the room they shared with Davey. Normally they would never allow anyone into the room considering it was their shared private space with their mate. But Baabe and Sweetheart were exceptions in certain situations. Boundaries.
“I need your help with something.” Angel said, waving to one of the shifters that had taken up space on the couch to play minecraft. They supported his pro gamer move decision. They pulled Sweetheart up the stairs before going down the hall and opening the door to the master bedroom. Sweetheart took a few steps inside before standing still, hands clasped behind their back. 
“Angel, I know we’re in love. But in David’s house? What if he catches us?” Sweetheart gasped before grinning. Angel laughed and moved towards the stealth, placing both their hands on either side of the other’s face.
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart. No one will know.” They said dramatically before booping the empowered human and moving away again. Sweetheart followed carefully as they went to the closet. “Okay, so basically I bought a new bathing suit, right?” They said, getting down to the reason that they had pulled Sweetheart here to begin with. The stealth nodded and Angel continued. “The thing is, Davey hasn’t seen it yet. But the part that covers my dumpy truck,” Sweetheart snorted but Angel didn’t stop. “has hands on it. Like someone grabbing my ass. I had to act like a total psycho and measure his hands when he was sleeping during the summer solstice.” They could see Sweetheart grimace at the mention of that. David had explained to them how much the summer solstice sucked, but they hadn’t thought about what it was like at Milo’s house. Both them and Milo were moonbound magic users, so they both must be miserable and cranky. Definitely not a day to spend with them.
“So the hand size is his and it’s like he’s grabbing your ass.” Sweetheart said and Angel nodded.
“Everyone is gonna know that if he tries to cover it up too.” Angel added. Sweetheart looked confused.
“I don’t know I just wanted to share.” Angel said. “By the way, your swimsuit ate up all the crumbs.” They complimented. It wasn’t wrong. Sweetheart did look really good in their bathing suit. They smiled and turned around so Angel could change in privacy.
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Baabe dragged Asher towards the pool, their excitement screaming to be let loose. Asher had already explained to them how rare it was that David host something like this without having some other reason, like a pack meeting or a celebration for something. It was purely because his mate had asked him if they could. So of course they were going to take advantage of it. 
Don’t get them wrong, they loved their apartment, they really did. It was home and only made that much better by Asher moving in with them. But there was something about a nice house with a nice backyard. They needed to get their fix of it every so often. And wonderfully so, they had a best friend who had that. It wasn’t the reasoning behind their friendship with the alpha’s mate, but it was certainly a perk.
Baabe’s eyes scanned for any sign of their friends, catching sight of David by the grill and Milo drinking a beer as he sat down with his legs in the water talking to Arden. They walked towards David as Asher cringed behind them.
“Hi David!’ They chirped. David lifted his annoyed gaze from the food, tongs in hand as he looked to whoever dared to disturb his grilling. The corners of his lips twitched when he caught sight of the beta and his mate.
“Hey. Glad you could make it.” He said. Baabe grinned and looked around them again.
“Do you know where Angel and Sweetheart are. I can see Milo but I don’t know where they went.” Baabe asked as Asher moved closer to the grill to see what was being made. David set the tongs down and pushed Asher’s face away as he responded.
“Angel got splashed from Christian and Arden’s squabble, so I’m guessing they went to go put their bathing suit on. Why they didn’t already have it on while lounging by the pool I don’t fucking know. But they probably took Milo’s mate with them.” He answered before grabbing a plate to put some of the finished food on. Baabe nodded and moved away to let the alpha be, their fingers still entwined with Asher’s. They brought him with them and didn’t miss the grateful look that David sent towards them. All part of the job.
They turned towards Asher, a smile on their face and wrapped their arms around his neck, leaning into him. “What should we do, Puppy?” They whispered. They could watch as Asher grew flustered and his eyes darted around to see if anyone could hear them. Baabe knew they couldn’t and if they could, they wouldn’t say anything. As long as nothing explicit happened, people were usually pretty chill when it came to mates flirting with each other. 
“I dunno... we could talk to Milo while we wait for the other mates to get here.” Asher said, trying to hide the slight tremor in his voice. Baabe laughed. it was so easy to wind him up like that. They made a small humming sound and looked around before their eyes caught on an unusual sight. They bumped Asher with their shoulder and gestured with their head towards the normally elusive shifter exiting the house to enter the backyard. “Holy shit, is that Tank?” Asher said as Baabe nodded. The two quickly scurried over.
“Hiya Tank!” Baabe chirped, letting go of Asher to hug Darlin quickly. The shifter tensed for a moment before laughing uncomfortably. Baabe let go, their smile not fading. “I’m so glad you’re here.” They added.
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Darlin regretted coming as soon as they stepped foot into the damn driveway. But they had made a promise and now pure spite and that were driving them into the house and out into the backyard. Luckily everyone seemed to preoccupied to notice. Or so they thought until the beta and his mate came rushing up. They could feel panic bleed into their system but they held it off. 
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Yeah. I didn’t know if you were gonna come. Since you’re probably keeping vamp hours, you must be pretty tired.” Asher added. Darlin nodded carefully. They had some dark circles under their eyes, but they just decided to pretend it didn’t exist.
“Sam made me come, honestly. I don’t actually wanna be here.” They confessed. They could feel their anxiety rise as the two exchanged a look. Should they have kept that to themselves? Probably. Asher was the beta, he could take offense to that on behalf of David. They should just leave, that would be for the best. Sam would understand. 
The shifter was pulled out of their spiraling thought by an excited squeal and another pair of arms embracing them quickly. Their eyes glanced to Asher and Baabe, who were smiling and they relaxed slightly before seeing who had hugged them. They needed to look over their shoulder to see Angel pressing their head against Darlin’s shoulder. 
“You’re here! Davey and I didn’t know if you would wanna, but I’m so glad you’re here!” Angel said happily. Darlin glanced back at Asher and Baabe. The mate mimed locking their lips and throwing away the key while Asher nodded. Darlin sent them a grateful smile as Angel let go. They looked towards the door again as Sweetheart stepped through, ever the quiet one. They had their sights locked on their mate, who still sat on the edge of the pool, this time enjoying the sun.  
Darlin watched a smirk spread onto the stealth’s face as they walked towards their mate. Darlin could feel the other’s aura growing even more quiet. More small. Less detectable. Angel paused their chattering to watch Sweetheart in action. Darlin had to admit there was something about watching them become invisible in nearly every way except physically.
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Target found. 
Sweetheart continued their advance, making their intentions clear to everyone. Since they had a certain reputation with the Shaw pack, no one stopped them or warned Milo. In a different context, their lack of loyalty to their mate would have worried and annoyed Sweetheart. But they were going to use this to their advantage. They locked eyes with Marie and their smirk widened when the mother of their mate nodded with approval. 
Approaching target. Calculating best takedown. Wait for further updates.
Sweetheart tuned out the playlist that Angel had turned on for the pool party. It was a pretty good playlist, they had to admit. But this required maximum attention. Their mate still suspected nothing. They would have cloaked but they were providing an entertainment show for everyone else. Maybe a few months ago they would have been nervous about scaring Milo in front of his pack, but now it was different. Especially ever since Sweetheart had scared David that one time and caused him to shift. No one would make fun of Milo for getting scared by someone who managed to scare the pack alpha. Besides, Sweetheart wasn’t scared to takedown a shifter if they tried giving Milo shit. They were off the clock, therefore didn’t need to act like a respectable investigator. 
Stop advancement. Evaluate.
Milo had his eyes closed and face turned upwards as his shins and below were in the pool. He was in a fairly safe spot in the pool if he got pushed in. No serious danger of him hitting his head. If they pushed the middle of his back he shouldn’t twist anything or hurt himself either. They were momentarily distracted by the way the sun played across his skin. They watched the reflection of the water reflect on their’s mate’s legs before letting their eyes drop to appreciate  the way he was sitting accentuated his tiddies. No matter what he said, they were tiddies. 
Sweetheart attacked. They pushed Milo’s back. The curse he shouted out was cut off as he went underwater. Sweetheart quickly cloaked as Milo resurfaced. They smiled as he rubbed his eyes to try to stop the chlorine from getting in his eyes and mouth. The way he had his head tilted back again to try to get any danger of chlorine away from his eyes show a delicious sight of water drops rolling down his adam’s apple. God damn. And they could stare shamelessly since no one could see them.
“Who fuckin did that?” Milo asked, looking around. Christian was on the other side of the pool laughing, so Sweetheart couldn’t have the blame on him. They watched Milo’s gaze catch sight of Angel. “Wait a-” Sweetheart uncloaked suddenly causing Milo to yelp. Sweetheart burst into laughter as Milo hugged the side of the pool to regain control of his breathing. “You little...” Milo said. 
Flawless. Evacuate the scene.
Before they could leave, they felt Milo’s hands close around their ankles. Sweetheart’s eyes widened in panic.
“Milo? Corazon, we can talk about this. You don’t need to- AH FUCK!” They shouted as Milo tugged them into the water, flailing.
Evacuation failed. Better luck next time.
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
David watched his pack, hiding a smile behind a red solo cup. Asher was chasing his mate around with a water gun, laughing like a maniac. He could see Sweetheart kissing Milo in the shallow end of the pool. It certainly reminded him of a fun activity he had partaken in with his mate. He moved on, giving the two some privacy but if they started going past making out in his pool, he was going to put a stop to it. They weren’t the only ones though. There were two people in his hot tub. Apparently one of them was a friend of Milo’s mate and had become pretty good friends with Angel too. They were a telepath and as far as David could tell their boyfriend was an unempowered human too.
Tank was sitting on the deck steps, typing away on their phone. He assumed they were talking to Sam. But he was just glad they showed up. He could see the wet puddle beneath them from when they had swam in the pool. Angel had challenged them to a cannonball contest. Which was apparently just when people cannonballed and tried to create the bigger splash. Speaking of Angel, where were they?
His eyes narrowed as he searched around for his chaotic mate. He caught sight of them taking a running start towards the pool. He smirked as they cannonballed again into the pool. He hadn’t planned to have his pack over today, but seeing how happy everyone was, it certainly made up for the surprise change in schedule.He watched as his mate’s head broke past the water surface, panting for breath. He blinked as they got out of the pool, water streaming from their bathing suit. They turned their back towards him to talk to their latest competition and-
David choked on his drink. His eyes were wide as he stared at the rear end of his mate and the two obvious handprint designs that sat there. He couldn’t remember any clothing they had that had handprints there. Had they just gotten it? Was that why they wanted a pool party, to show it off? He set down his drink and walked over. He was one of the only ones who still wore normal clothing. He lowered his head to whisper in Angel’s ear.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” He asked. He could see the smirk spread over their face as they spun around to face him. The other shifter walked away, giving the two relative privacy.
“A bathing suit, Davey.” They said innocently. He clenched his jaw. 
“You little shit. Since when do you have this suit?” He asked. Angel giggled and he could feel the last bit of his tension melt away and he rolled his eyes. 
“I just got it. But it’s special.” They said. David gave them a doubtful look.
“It looks good on you Angel, but I’ve seen clothes with this kind of thing before. How is it special?” He asked. He was kind of nervous what the answer was, but he asked anyway. He could tell Angel wanted him to ask so they could explain. He startled when he felt their hands slip under his shirt and drift their fingertips along his torso as they went on the balls of their feet to whisper in his ear.
“They’re your hands. Precisely the same measurements.” They purred. David could feel heat rush to his face as he grabbed Angel’s wrists to pull their hands out from under his shirt. They giggled as he started to pull them away. He didn’t go very far, onto to the low outdoor table made for this kind of thing. He placed his hands on either side of them, effectively trapping his mate as he pressed his forehead against theirs.
“You’re a fucking brat.” He growled out, a smile on his face. Angel giggled again and pressed a kiss to his lips instead of answering. 
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Angel waved excitedly at Asher’s car and his mate who was inside it. Asher waited for the prolonged goodbye to continue a few more seconds. When Angel blew a kiss towards Baabe, they could see Asher laugh from behind the steering wheel and then pulling out of the driveway. Angel giggled before settling their hands on their hips happily. It had been a damn good afternoon. They heard David approach and put an arm around their shoulders.
“Did you have fun Angel?” he asked. They nodded with a content smile on their face.
“Yeah. I did, Davey. Thank you for letting it happen.” They said. David snorted and kissed the top of their head.
“Yeah. Well I still love you and it was only fair.” He said, his voice soft.
“I love you too.”
“Good because you’re cleaning up the fucking mess.”
“Wait Davey! Please! We can talk about this! You don’t need to do something so drastic! I don’t think I’m ready to take this step in our relationship. Communication is important. ... WHY ARE YOU JUST IGNORING ME?”
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gunpowder-gemini · 2 years
What is Clementine's story? How did they meet Tennessee? What kind of person are they?
Ah hello!! Thanks so much for asking about her!! Clem's lived in my head for like, 13-14 years? ish? And this is the first I've EVER shared her with people so it's made me so emotional to see people like her!!! I saw this ask while I was getting ready for work this morning and screamed lmao <3
So here's the gal! She’s a Golden Tiger, which if you haven’t heard of I recommend looking up because they’re so pretty! I'll put all the infodump under a readmore because it's...A Lot 😅
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Clementine's been with Sly and the gang since the orphanage days. She's the gang's reconnaissance and infiltration expert! She has these metal claws that let her climb pretty much any surface (lowkey stole that from the split canes you get in Sly 2 to climb the ice walls lmao). Basically, she's responsible for getting Sly or the others into wherever they need to be, keeping lookout and securing their escape route. Very much a support role, though she is of course a bit of a "cat burglar" in her own right. She's always got some smoke bombs and rope on hand to help get them out of sticky situations.
Personality-wise, she's cocky and flirty and shows affection by teasing. She's projects confidence in spades, though never so much to be egotistical.
Under it all, she's actually a huge softie. She's not great at showing it, but she loves deeply and fiercely. She's quick to get embarrassed when trying to be vulnerable or genuine with people, so she usually hides it under a sharp wit and sharper tongue. She's secretly worried of being seen as "too emotional" which many people associate with "weak." She shows love more through actions than words because of that.
She's fiercely protective of her gang, quick to get angry/defensive on their behalf. Despite the stealth she needs to have as the one doing the breaking part of breaking and entering, she's probably the quickest to resort to fighting after Murray. She's a hand-to-hand combat kinda gal, using her claws as her main weapon. She's not near the powerhouse Murray is though, and her willingness to fight is probably more reckless than helpful a lot of the time.
So, trying to explain everything with Tennessee is...complicated? Because I'm sorta coming up with a bit of a rewrite to fix.....most of that game lol. And of course, sticking Clem in because I can 😂. I suck at actually writing fics out, I've got a handful of scenes I like down but nothing connected quite yet. I'm actually debating posting more comics of it here as I figure shit out, and because art is more my specialty than writing 😅
But! To answer your question, she meets Tennessee when Sly's breaking him out of prison. She's their escape route once they get to the cliffs, getting them a route down that cliff to the paddle boat/raft thingy for a getaway (because honestly where did they paraglide to in that cutscene). I headcanon Kid as an incurable flirt/hoe (affectionate) same as Clem so he's like "howdy there pretty lady" and she's like "howdy yourself cowboy" and then they play flirt-chicken until suddenly they catch feelings and are like SHIT WAIT ABORT THIS WASN'T IN THE PLAN. And then they try to continue to play flirt-chicken while pretending they aren't pining because WE CAN'T LET ON THAT WE FEEL THINGS. Good times 😂
I'm gonna leave it there before I spoil a story I haven't even settled on yet 😂 Again thanks so much for asking about her, you've made my whole week!!!
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und8e2ff · 2 years
Between Eps 81 and 82
We learn that Hyoga's stealth??? Is A S S
He's finally faced by his one true weakness: A summer breeze
Hagen was a delusional simp that wouldn't listen to reason. Not even from the person he was simping for. Sad.
Towards the end of the fight Kiki was like "okay, i pull up"
Poor baby just wanted to get out the cold. He ain't got no jacket, no one's makin him hot cocoa. I'm callin CPS.
RIP Hagen, the Lawful Evil dude.
And somebody PLEASE tell me why these two hoes keep whispering and gossiping about their concerns that they don't want their queen to hear...
I think it's Alberich and Siegfried?
The dude with pink hair and the other with wavy-ish platinum blond hair?
They did this shit like 3 times now. like gd. stop it.
Their ability to whisper/keep a private conversation private is about as bad as Hyoga's stealth.
Also, Hilda killed a bird...
she irredeemable now
also these mfs got some long ass names
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i am triweilding hyperfixations rn (dnd, bg3 + hwfwm) so i decided that it would be fun to smoosh them all together into a fucking mess so i proudly present: a shitty jason asano char sheet for dnd (w a ver for bg3 bc the subclass isnt in bg3 (might need to change spells idk havent checked)) (also this is just for mechanics i would reccomed speaking to ur dm if u wanna add flavour items also idk how the equipment would go w bg3 so) this is not in the same order he gets his powers (aka he takes the mage hand cantrip even tho the powers it emulates (shadow hands and physical soul) dont come till book 4 and also he gets revival ish powers at level 6 just ignore it dnd has diff balance to hwfwm its no biggie heres how you make it!
first step: we r gonna take the high elf for the powers BUT we r gonna reflavour it so he looks human
for the cantrip w r gonna take message to emulate his vc power
then we take a background: urchin! (but change 👏 the 👏 flavour 👏)
this is mainly for the proficiencies and also the mouse which we r gonna reflavour as a colin leech (ask ur dm)
u can drop all the other flavour items or ask if u can change em since yk the lore dont add up if ur playing jason fr
now time for ability scores since here u go:
str: 8 (-1)
dex: 13+2 = 15 (+2)
con: 14 (+2)
int: 10+1 = 11 (0)
wis: 12 (+1)
cha: 15 (+2)
step four is to choose a class so im going with warlock since 1: i like it 2: its a spellsword form level 1 just like jason 4: the flavour is nice
ok time for the good stuff:
start by grabing arcana and deception as ur class skills (replace one w stealth and maybe sleight of hand too if u didnt take urchin)
equipment: any simple weapon, an arcane focus, a scholar's pack, Leather armor, any simple weapon, and two daggers
(u can take whatever simple weapon u want or maybe even ask ur dm for a sword (short or long bc u get those proficiencies from high elf)
next we wanna take the undying subclass for all its nifty death defying undead fucking powers
(if ur playing bg3 or ur dm wont let you use SCAG content then take the great old one)
now for the spells and cantrips:
cantrips at first level we r gonna grab will be mage hand and poison spray (on top of message (high elf) and spare the dying (undying))
spells will be hex and comprehend languages
at second level we grab the armour of shadows and eyes of the rune keeper eldritch invocations, grab arms of hadar, and dump comprehend languages for cause fear
third level is time for the pact boon! take pact of the blade (though if u really want a familiar take pact of the chain instead) (some ei's we take have potb as a prequisite so then just pyf) and also misty step
level four we r gonna take the skulker feat (or +2 cha if u arent using optional feats) as well as finally picking up eldritch blast (it doesnt suit the flavour ik it makes him worse but it also makes him quirkyer) and also grabbing ray of enfeeblement
level 5 we grab ray of sickness (undying expanded spell list) or if not then remove curses and also the one with shadows invocation
level 6 we grab vampiric touch
level 7 you wanna take blight and grab the thrsting bade invocation (pyf if u didnt take potb)
level 8 we r grabbing +2 charisma and also dimension door
level 9 its contagion (hold monster for u tgoo guys) and also theif of five fates invocation
level 10 blade ward babyyy
level 11 darkness + circle of death mystic anacrum
level 12 take lifedrinker and another +2 charisma
level 13 grab counterspell and finger of death mystic anacrum
after that youre on ur own kid bc i cba to take it into the realms of trully unbalanced
feel free to use this (lmk how it goes havent tested it yet) and change anything up (id love some feedback!!!)
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wutheringmights · 2 years
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Chapter 11: Act 3: The Solicited Lovers & The Stealth Hero Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Alternate Universe, Character Study, War, world building, Trauma, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Political Intrigue, Found Family, Angst and Humor, Warriors is a very complicated person, Warriors also does not know Time is Mask, Warriors (Linked Universe)-centric, Canon-Typical Violence, Heavy Angst, Manipulation, Morally Ambiguous Character, Please read content warnings before each chapter
Summary: Warriors built his career waging the kingdom’s wars, seeking victory no matter the cost. He wouldn’t call himself a good person, but he had long sworn to right his wrongs and become someone worthy of the title of hero.
Years past. Now his time-hopping journey with his fellow heroes has taken him back home when war looms on the horizons once more—a war that threatens to ensnare not only Warriors, but his newfound family as well.
He’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe, but how long can he tread the line between hero and traitor before the secrets of his dark past come to the light? When this is over, will he even have a family left to save? Or will he be the harbinger of his family’s demise?
(Once upon a time, there were three brothers: the captain, the  engineer, and the child. Their story did not have a happy ending.)
Surprise update!
Sorry for the long wait! I know I didn’t tease this update as much as others, but that is mostly because I am half terrified to post this chapter. Please make sure you read my author notes before reading. Like, seriously. Read it.
In this chapter of the niche fanfiction that only I care about:
Link enters his hoe era
Warriors and Lana’s conversation gets interrupted by the plot
Someone needs to keep a cat bell on Wind
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woahajimes · 3 years
The batfamily but they're going to the beach because i want to go to the beach and i said so
(here’s another beach batfamily headcanon if anyone’s interested)
make it like a 2-hour road trip with like no bat-gear at all have patience with me.
fucking HELL IN THE CAR WITH ROCK PLAYING IN THE BACK oh and it's a normal shitty car with like seventy bags in the back and they're all mushed together in the back (lets make it one of those cars with like three rows because face it there's like 30 of them)
and there's bruce driving and alfred shotgun and then there's like a space in the back for 053453879 bags oh and also harper and cullen because they were late to the car (harper is 1000% the person that packs the same day the trip is you can’t tell me otherwise)
back row there’s only two (three i think actually idk) seats but there’s (in order) steph, jason, duke, cass (and damian is on steph’s lap because bruce said so and damian didn’t fit anywhere else)
front two seats tim is sharing with dick (yup. you guessed it. tim is on dick’s lap because that’s literally how family trips go) on ONE SEAT and babs has the other seat but she’s also like she has 234934853489 bags on top of her
middle of the road jason goes ‘bruce i have to pee’ and everyone groans SO LOUDLY until steph goes ‘me too actually damian you’re squeezing my bladder’ 
so they stop at a gas station and they all literally roll out and everyone is complaining because ‘tim is SO heavy bruce you have NO idea’ and ‘oh my god there is SO much sexual tension between cass and steph b i need you to put me somewhere else’ and ‘why THE HELL cant i go on top of the car’ 
and then jason comes back from the gas station and steph is behind him holding like five bags of chips (the party sizes) and jason goes finger guns and he’s like ‘i paid brucie’ and bruce goes ‘yeah? with what money?’ and jason puts his sunglasses on and goes ‘yours ✨’
steph decides that she’s done with ‘jason’s stinky-ass armpit smell’ and harper says she needs to stretch her long-ass legs and as they open the back door all the bags fall out and harper just hop off happily
and bruce is just so tired of those whiny hoes so he sends tim and steph to the back (where harper and cullen were) and then in the back seats he sends (in order) dick, cass, jason, damian (and harper is on cass’s lap because cass is str0nk) and in the other two seats there’s duke, cullen and then babs in the same seat because she didn’t get out of the car in the first place
BUT DON’T LEAVE YET i have like 50 more headcanons (most based on real-life experiences because road trips are motherfucking insane)
gum in hair, same drill. 
steph is jealous because harper is with cass and not her and tim is bored out of his motherfucking mind and he’s on the phone with cissie
jason is going fucking insane and he’s eating the chips that they had bought (but not the ones he had bought for himself, the ones that tim likes, specifically)
Damian is squished and he hates it 
dick is asleep and he’s leaning on cass
tim and steph fall asleep except it doesn’t look cute they look ridiculous actually because they stretched out a blanket and used the towel bag as a pillow and then tim just used a towel as blanket and it’s a hercules towel 
babs is talking with duke and cullen is the ‘are we there yet’ boy
tim wakes up and he’s looking for his chips and jason only fuckign BURPS and then world war three starts while steph eats her caramel popcorn 
duke is sure that his back is gonna stay curved forever oh and also tim is now in the back seat with jason and they’re still fighting and damian is screaming because he’s even MORE squished now
 harper wakes up and she goes to the back with steph and cass is asleep on dick’s shoulder but dick has ZERO idea because man will sleep like a rock and also he’s snoring
jason is going batshit so he goes to the back and steph goes front and damian is now sprawled on top of dick and cass because there’s no room anywhere
the cops are right behind them so they gotta go stealth mode because nobody is wearing a seatbelt (except bruce and alfred) and the car limit is 7 and there’s like 12 
they cover themselves with like blankets and towels and dick and cass are still asleep so they throw a few bags on damian (who WAS asleep until steph accidentally threw him the bag with the waterbottles)
duke shoves cullen under the seat 
bruce tries to put on his im-just-driving-to-the-beach-with-my-dad-and-my-kids face but everything goes to hell when duke accidentally steps on cullen’s fingers and dick wakes up with cass’s hair in his mouth 
and at this point they were just halfway there
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(reference of the car-ish)
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bakugohoex · 3 years
Can I request Bakugou with angst prompt #7 ? Congrats again on 1k 👏🏽👏🏽✨
“that blood, it’s not yours is it?”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: angst, death, blood play
word count: 1500+
a/n: idk what the fuck this is, but i thought this would be a good idea for the prompt
summary:  in which villian!bakugo comes to your apartment, confessing to his sins before finding himself surrounded by pro heroes after your call for help, with nowhere else to go, his only option to take you down with him
1k event masterlist
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Midnight had struck, you sat beside the window, watching the sky fill with blood. Villains always cascaded down alleyways, always loving the stench of blood, you had read the news about the latest call for the escaped S rank villain. The man you had loved, the man you had fought for to bring him back to the heroes side, the day he left stayed in your head. 
You continued looking out to the sky, the crystals of stars encasing each blue and black spiral up above. Signing, you moved away from the window as you went to go turn the television off, the pictures of your ex floating across the screen. His blonde hair and tattoos surrounded his arm and shoulder, even now he kept the costume he had worn when the two of you were heroes.
Ever since you both found out the true purpose of heroes and UA, his whole life being a lie. He couldn’t stand it, you looked at his face one more time, remembering the day he had confessed to wanting to leave the hero's life. 
“I...I can’t do this anymore.” Bakugo spoke, his hands on his face as he finally looked up at you. 
“What do you mean?” You questioned walking up to him about to touch his shoulder.
His hand grabs your own, grip tightening as it felt more painful than anything else, “don’t touch me.” He shouted, making you flinch back, his grip began to tighten even more, you could almost feel him rip through your skin with his nails. 
“Katsu...owww.” His nails indented more into your skin, eyes filled with fury as he stared into your eyes, you felt blood trickle down your arm at how easily he had been able to hurt you. 
He finally let go when he saw your eyes begin to water, “I can’t do this anymore, my life it’s been built on a lie and I don't think I can be a hero anymore.” You didn't meet his eye, grabbing a towel to wipe away the red oozing blood. “I need to get out of here, I’m sorry Y/n.”
“Wh...where are you going?” You whispered out, he walked past you as if you weren't even there. 
He saw your watering eyes, how he had hurt you so easily. But he didn’t care at all, he saw right through you. “I can’t do this anymore, don’t look for me.” 
It was the last words you heard from him, he had left without a word, you had thought he had just gone for a walk and he’d be back within a day. You were so wrong, in the end he had come back to the apartment, removing all of his belongings and the sign on the screen in your agency showing the murder of a civilian. 
The splattered blood across the wall and fires that surrounded him, with a ring hanging off a nail, the ring you had gotten him. The ring that was now around your neck on a piece of metal. He had murdered someone, you needed to remember that. But all the photos were still up of the two of you. All the memories that you both lived here together surrounded the apartment, pictures from your time at UA together, to your first date, sea shells from the beach you both had visited. Even more so, the apartment remained the both of yours, it was never just yours.
You finally switched the television off ready to go to bed, but the sound of glass being smashed was heard instead. Your arms went to your head just as you saw a shadow in front of the smashed window. “Y/n.” The voice was breathless, it had been months since you heard that voice, the way he stood up scratched across his body and the most significant part the blood seeping through his hands and clothes. 
“Bakugo.” You paused, your eyes widening as you realised what he was doing, “that blood, it’s not yours is it?” 
“What happened to Katsuki, baby?” He disregarded your question, quirk activating as he had a lust for more blood. 
“Katsuki.” You breathed out heavily.
Just as he tried to come closer to you, he collapsed leaning against the sofa to gain support. “I thought you were the polite type to your guests, get me some water.”
You could barely move, but even then, he always knew he had a sort of charm with you. He had the ability to easily control you in any way, he looked at you, keeping the light off as he watched you teeter over. “Wh...what are you doing here?”
“You haven’t gotten dumb since me leaving, cops showed up whilst I was hunting some guy down.” He had become sadistic gulping the water down as you could smell the blood across his body. “I don’t bite.”
You hesitantly moved closer to the man, he looked at how your eyes had become more tired and how you refused to meet his gaze. “Why’d...did you come here?”
“You wouldn’t snitch on me, my love.” He was almost mocking you now, the way he brought his bloodied hand to your face, he put the blood around your lips. “Go on, taste it.” His voice felt enchanting as you did as he spoke, the metallic taste of blood cascaded down your throat. 
“L...leave.” You whispered, the blood creeping down your face and down your neck. You knew why you said for him to leave, the way you had gone into the kitchen and sent a text to Midoriya saying the one word you knew he’d understand. You were helping Bakugo, helping the boy to not get caught. 
“Why? Because you called for help?” He smirked, licking his fingers off the blood before moving his saliva ridden fingers around your mouth again. “I know you Y/n, you were supposed to be my good girl.”
You felt mocked and humiliated, he knew what you had done but even then, he remained by your side. His fingers moving past your lips and touching your teeth as he felt your own saliva move through his fingers. “Pl...please, go before they come.” You whimpered as he moved his fingers away from you. 
“Why? Scared I’ll kill them all.” He could almost smell the heroes and knew what the protocol was for a scenario like this, stealth was key, to get you out and into protective custody. “You could’ve caught me already, why haven’t you baby?”
“I promised you.” he remembered the promise you made after he got his hero license, that you both would never use your quirks on each other. 
The steps towards the door became louder as you felt anxious that this would be the moment Bakugo was finally caught. “Y/n.” Midoriya shouted from the broken window, having jumped up to see the two of you on the ground as other pro heroes boomed through the front door. Bakugo got up a smirk on his face as he looked at you and only you.
“You really thought this would work.” He could feel Midoriya come closer, fist clenched ready to push him, Bakugo grabbed your waist as you let out a shout as Bakugo moved past Midoriya’s one for all move, Bakugo jumped from the window with you in his arms. Quirk activating as he landed on the edge of the roof. 
“Kacchan, why?” Midoriya spoke of jumping out of your apartment, with the other pro heroes in suits. 
“Why, Deku? Because my whole life was a lie, we don’t save people, heroes create evil and vengeance, I killed all those with quirks that could kill others. I had to kill them and if you think I’m getting caught, then you’re strongly mistaken.” Bakugo shouted, you became limp in his arms, the man you loved holding you like a ragdoll. 
“Let her go, let Y/n go, she was your girlfriend, you loved her, let her be safe.” Midoriya bargained as he saw Kirishima come beside him as they both landed on the roof themselves. 
“Bakugo.” Kirishima spoke, “let her go.”
“What is this a fucking reunion? She means nothing to you, let me have her.” You couldn’t break the promise you had vowed to the boy, but in this moment in his arms, as bad as it sounded. You felt loved for the first time in months, maybe you had gone crazy, or maybe it was Bakugo stepping further and further towards the ledge that made you realise you loved him. 
“Kacchan, please, she wouldn’t want this?” Midoriya shouted, he had no plan to save you and Bakugo’s eyes were filled with fury at the two heroes who were trying to stop him. 
Bakugo saw lights flash onto him and you from a police helicopter, he knew he’d been caught but what was it to him anymore. He stopped caring about this world, he missed you, needed you and he wasn’t going to let you live in a world without him. “Goodbye.” Bakugo whispered.
He fell off the building, your arms around his neck waiting for the plummet, “I love you.” He softly spoke into your air as you collided down the building, the wind encasing your hair and clothes.
“I love you too.” You whispered, the last thing you heard was a scream from the pro heroes who had called you their friend, and Bakugo’s tight arms around you, bones crushing on impact as you fell out of this world with the man you loved.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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thebigqueer · 3 years
hcs for the lou ellen, nico, rachel, will, ellis, and mitchell friendgroup??
Rachel, Nico, Ellis, and Lou Ellen are like the gremlins of the group because they’re constantly stealing from convenience stores dhdjdhdj (because it’s easy when you have someone who can shadow travel and someone who can control the mist)
Will’s the one who gives them the list of things to steal but he never joins because he cannot stealth
Mitchell is the one who sets up the plan
Nico, Rachel and Lou Ellen probably hang out a lot and do Art Hoe Hot Girl Shit together and they’re always in Rachel’s cave and Will and Mitchell come by just to annoy them
Will and Mitchell probably belonged to a whole friend group before all those battles took place. The old group consisted of Clarisse, Silena, Charles, and probs the stolls. When all of them either died or went to college, Will and Mitchell were probably left, and then started the newer group with these new people. It feels a little uncomfy knowing that these are all new people but... they’re happy :)
Will and Lou Ellen have been best friends for a while though she just wasn’t quite involved in that other group
Nico joins as a result of Will, and then Rachel becomes friends with Nico and Will and gradually gets involved too
I have no idea where Ellis came from he was probs just friends with Lou Ellen and came in from there SHAJDHEJ the entire group just accepted him
They have nail-painting parties all the time 😌
I think they’re all queer so one year when Rachel’s back from France they all go to a pride parade in NYC and it’s so fun
I hope you liked those!
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donutloverxo · 3 years
What makes you like writing for Steve so much? What about his character draws you in?
Well. I'm a hoe and proud so....
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Other than that I'm big into opposite energies. Feminine and masculine. Steve has masculine but also a healthy does of feminine (like remember how sweet and nurturing he was to wanda🥺) and I've got a ton of feminine. You will notice most of my readers do too.
My friend tells me she won't do Steve because he's uptight. I say that's exactly what I like about him😏😏 I like how he's so serious and uptight and all captain-y and an old soul. I'll fuck the uprightness out of him 😭😭 my crazy self needs someone who's as patient as he is.
Hes all serious working on his paper work in his stealth suit and you walk into the office like you own it in your pretty pink floral dress and just plant yourself on his lap and are like "Pay attention to me, daddy." He's clenching his jaw and be grim and stern but then gives in and gives you kisses.
Steve's a natural protector. He'd wanna protect you too🥺🥺
I've met one too many guys who were nice looking sort of but then said something bigoted. Which was an instant turn off😔 But Steve. Steve is a feminist! Not a fake woke male feminist but a real one. And he'd still take you out on dates, hold the door open for you and be a perfect gentleman. He literally punched nazis😭😭 omg can you think of anyone more perfect? Ugh.
I honestly think even I would also be into preserum Steve. But would prefer the 6'2" one cause preserum would be shorter than me and I wanna be the smoll bean in the relationship👉👈 I rarely ever meet guys taller than me
Bonus is getting to hang out with the Avengers. I love wanda, vision, Sam, nat, Bucky and Tony. Nick too lol. I wanna be frens with them🥺 idk if they would like me tho.
Thanks for such a thoughtful question sweetheart!
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I posted 117 times in 2022
That's 57 more posts than 2021!
102 posts created (87%)
15 posts reblogged (13%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 92 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#redacted asmr - 50 posts
#redactedverse - 45 posts
#redacted audio - 38 posts
#redacted david - 21 posts
#redacted darlin - 19 posts
#redacted angel - 19 posts
#mha - 17 posts
#redacted sam - 15 posts
#redacted asher - 13 posts
#redacted milo - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#and totally wont feel like changing the entire thing i've got so far for darlins pov based on the responses
My Top Posts in 2022:
Let's be honest, when someone you absolutely adore the content of notices the bullshit you post, there is a sense of glee mixed with genuine terror because "Oh my god how did they find me I thought I was invisible"
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81 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
A Little More Warmth
A/n: I’m bored and have writers block for three different WIPs so I’m making a mini fic because one of my friends mentioned something that got me thinking.
CW: Fluff/crack, Typical Angel innuendos, David being a grumpy tsundere, GN and nondescript appearance for the listeners, mentions of alcohol, Sweetheart being their local menace to Milo, Asher and Baabe being flirty to each other, Darlin being stubborn, Sam being a good mate, Arden bullying Christian
Redacted Masterlist
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Angel had thought they were more than prepared for it all. They loved having the pack over because then they could see ‘the mates’. They convinced Davey to buy some beers because trashy beers at a pool party were everything for the aesthetic. Their mate had finished with his yard renovations, which had taken forever in Angel’s opinion, and Angel wanted to show off their new badass backyard. It had taken some time to convince Davey that “yes they should have some of the pack over because it will be an awesome bonding experience and don’t you love me, Davey?” 
He had given in when Angel promised to learn a new dish with him. Well, new for them. David knew how to make everything, despite what he claimed. It was okay, Angel would keep his secret for him, pat pat.
At first, Milo and Sweetheart had shown up. Angel had been overjoyed to see one of their favorite prank partners, which they jokingly called their sneaky link. David always pretended that Angel didn’t exist when Sweetheart and them constantly referred to each other as their ‘sneaky link’ or ‘side piece’ or ‘secondary/third hoe’. Milo just sighed like he had to the weight of the world on his shoulders. It was amazing.
“Side hoe!” Angel exclaimed, launching themselves at Sweetheart. The stealth went invisible for a second by reflex before reappearing and being pushed to the ground through the force known as the alpha’s mate. The department official laughed as their arms wrapped around the other in an embrace.
“Demons and Daemons Angel! You’ve got a lot of energy.” Their whispery voice said. Angel nuzzled against Sweetheart’s chest, not really caring about anything except the fact of pillow. 
“Yeah. Davey,” They could practically hear David’s glare from that. “didn’t tire me out well enough last night I suppose.” They said. Sweetheart bit back a snort and got up while Milo whistled, pretending to not have heard anything. Probably the smart decision. Angel felt a hand close around their bicep help them up. When the hand didn’t let go, they tipped their head back to look at David with a goofy grin. “Hello my handsome and wonderfully awesome mate David Shaw.” 
“Trying to backtrack isn’t going to save you, you little snot.” He said. Angel giggled and twisted to press a kiss to David’s cheek.
“No, but kisses will.”
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Darlin shook their head, glaring firmly at Sam, who remained in the darkness that the room provided. Darlin stood at the doorway, the hallway light illuminating their profile. Sam was trying not to get distracted by that.
“You said your pack invited you. You might as well go, Darlin. Besides, I’m sure it will be fun.” He tried again, feeling tiredness tug at his bones. This argument, if it could be called that, had been going on since last evening. He loved Darlin, he really did. But god could they be stubborn.
“Just because I said they invited me doesn’t mean I have to go. Besides, it’s going to be awkward there and you can’t come because of the stupid fucking sun.” Darlin said. That had been their argument, paired with nonverbal groans and glaring. While it did warm Sam’s heart that Darlin wanted him around when they were with their pack, he knew it was also important that his partner be with their pack alone. When he was around, they just spent time with him. He enjoyed it, but they needed their pack too. It was a weird mix of emotions.
“Please don’t pick a fight with the sun.” Sam said, trying to get a smile or laugh from the shifter. He failed in that and he sighed. “They’re making a bid for attention, Darlin. If you keep rejecting them every time it’s during daytime, your relationship with them is only going to grow more awkward. Besides, you said it was a pool party, so if you’re just underwater when you’re swimming you don’t have to talk to many people.” Sam regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He could practically see the gears in their head turning. “No you can’t just stay underwater the entire time, you’ll drown.” He said. He tried to keep the weary from his voice, but with his mate it was lecture after lecture. 
“Wasn’t gonna do that.” Darlin mumbled. It was a lie, but Sam just shrugged. “Okay... But I don’t even have a swimsuit. You need a swimsuit to swim, cowboy.” Darlin tried. Sam rubbed his face as he walked towards Darlin.
“Okay, first off you didn’t care about that when I told you not to jump in the pond. Second, you can buy one if you need to. Although I’m pretty sure wearing some kind of athletic shorts or something and a top would still work.” He said. Darlin huffed and Sam could feel their breath against his skin. It still smelled like the smoothie that he had made them a couple hours ago. They had been at his house for the past three days and now three nights. Neither of them had talked about moving in together, but Darlin was doing that thing where they slowly move their stuff into his home, whether knowingly or not.
“I only needed to jump in that stupid pond because-”
“We’re not talking about your excuses, we’re talking about how you’re going to that pool party.” Sam interrupted. Darlin huffed again and reached into the room, flipping on the light switch. It had been on previously, but Darlin had turned it off when Sam denied their request of calling David and saying that they were sick or something. One, because David was terrifying and Sam wasn’t about to lie to him. Or anyone, he wasn’t a liar. Two, because it would be good for Darlin to go so he wasn’t going to offer up any excuse to stop it. His mate was petty at times.
The shifter walked over to the dresser and pulled it open before grabbing one of Sam’s t-shirts.
“I’m going to it, but you have to compensate for the emotional pain I’ll be going through.” Darlin answered before Sam finished the question. He sighed and left it be. It took a bit of searching and help from the vampire before they found a pair of shorts that Darlin could use. “I could just shift to swim. David’s house has a high enough fence.” Darlin pointed out as Sam yawned.
“Wet dog smell.” He said simply with a shrug and earned another glare from Darlin, to which he just laughed it off. If they were genuinely upset with him they probably would just walk away. So considering the fact they were still here he didn’t offend. “You’re going to want a towel too. It’s polite.” He added.
“You would know about politeness, wouldn’t you cowboy? But I’m just going to run home, so there’s no point.” They added. Sam kept his question of whose place was considered home to himself. His brow furrowed as Darlin dropped the clothes on the ground and their fingers hooked under the hem of the shirt they were wearing now. It was also Sam’s now that he looked at it. 
“What are you doing?” He asked as they took the top off to throw unceremoniously at Sam’s face. He caught it and lowered, his eyes sticking to the fabric as Darlin changed. He would like to watch of course, but he didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. Although a few glances were taken. He couldn’t help it when his mate was so breathtaking...
“Changing. I’m not going to bring a bag of shit to David’s house and end up forgetting something.” Darlin said as they slipped into the shorts and kicked their jeans off to the side. Sam sighed and walked over to grab them. “I was gonna pick it up... later...” Darlin said sheepishly as they watched him. Sam only arched a brow.
“Get going already. I’ll see you soon.” He said. Darlin nodded and grabbed their phone from the nightstand. He was pretty sure the battery was dead since they didn’t plug their phone in, but David was bound to have a phone charger if Darlin needed it. 
See the full post
95 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Seeking Company - Shigaraki X Reader
A/n: At long last, I have decided to give a birthday post for the best crusty boy around. It’s short because I have to also start thinking about Bakugou’s birthday post really soon. But next year he’ll get a better one that connects to this one. Kinda like a part 2! I’m sorry shiggy baby!!!
CW: fluff, Shiggy being introverted and kinda awkward because I said so
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Saying you admired the strange man that had taken over the newly named Paranormal Liberation front would be an odd statement to you a few days after he took over. You had seen him sit on that throne and proclaim what the organization would now be like with all his lackeys beside him. You’d seen Re-Destro turn into someone that would grovel at his feet. Although you had always thought that your former leader kind of looked like pinocchio. So maybe this man who wore a hand on his face was better? 
Either way, you sat down with your back to the wall in a hallway, quietly playing some random game on your phone. You didn’t really care what it was. It was just a mindless game to pass the time as you waited for a chance to go home. You had a movie you wanted to watch and leftovers to eat sitting in your fridge. 
“What are you playing?” A raspy voice asked you. You raised your eyes to look at who the voice belonged to, your gaze meeting a scarlet one through the obstructions of a hand placed over his facial features. It was Shigaraki. You looked back down at your phone, exiting the game to read the title of it.
“Plants vs Zombies.” Your first words ever speaking to the strange man. He nodded his head before continuing on his way, one of his lackeys that you didn’t know the name of following him. Your interactions persisted like that. A question and a simple answer. Sometimes it would end right after that, or he would continue with the questions. 
The one time you actually had a full conversation with him that wasn’t about bored curiosity was in early April. You were staying late, doing a favor for a friend and filing away some paperwork and information files. The information was outdated, but it was better to keep data than throw it away. At least, that was the policy from before Shigaraki had taken over. You didn’t know his view on it, but since he hadn’t said to do anything otherwise, you wouldn’t change it. You heard the door creak open and turned your head, being greeted with a familiar sight by now.
“Heya.” You chirped before going back to your task, expecting the normal route of conversation. Of course, it started like that. He moved over to a desk, hopping up on it and sitting down. He placed his feet on the chair, one hand supporting his head while the other rested across his thighs.
“What are you doing?” He asked. You hid your smile as you continued. 
“Finishing some work for a friend. Why?” You asked, shooting back one of your own questions for the first time. You heard him softly chuckle, although it was muffled through the hand. You were curious about that part of his attire. It was a constant.
“Just wondering why you’re here so late. It’s nearly eleven y’know.” You shrugged and turned around, leaning against the cabinet and crossing your arms in front of you.
“Yeah. I know. But if I don’t do this now, it’s gotta be done later. Plus I finished the last episode of my favorite show so I don’t have anything I want to do tonight in particular.” You responded, a smirk on your face. You watched his partially gloved hands carefully fidget with the base of the hand. This was curious. You walked over to him and he straightened, eyes narrowing. “Why do you wear that on your face, Shigaraki? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before without it on. If you took it off when you introduced our new goal and everything I wasn’t looking.” You asked. He sighed and pulled himself further onto the desk, his legs folding in front of him. He let his hands drop into his lap as he looked at you thoughtfully.
“Why do you want to know?” He asked. It wasn’t an answer. You wondered if he often deflected questions with his own questioning. It was clear that he didn’t like talking about himself. Only his goal. You shrugged again.
“Just wondering why.” You answered, partially parroting what he had said earlier. His hand raised again, his forefinger carefully tracing each finger on the hand on his face. 
“Symbolism.” He said simply. You frowned, not understanding. What did he mean by symbolism? Symbolism for what? But he obviously wasn’t going to elaborate.
“Alright.” You said before hopping up to sit next to him. “So what are you doing awake so late then, Shigaraki?” You asked him, glancing over. He raised his face towards the ceiling and you watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed before answering. 
“I couldn’t sleep. It’s my birthday today.” He said. You stared at him in surprise. It was his birthday?
“I’m sorry, your what?” You asked incredulously. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“My birthday. Y’know, the day I was born into this world? It’s the anniversary of that.” He muttered sarcastically. You sighed and gave your head a small shake.
“No. That’s not what I meant. I know what a birthday is. I just didn’t know it was today. You never said anything.” You amended. He pushed back some of his white hair.
“Of course I didn’t. Why should I? My birthday is hardly important in the grand scheme of things. We’re almost ready to level up and challenge the main boss.” He said. You bumped his shoulder gingerly with your own, surprised to feel solid muscle. He always looked so scrawny...
“Yeah, but you wouldn’t be able to do that if you weren’t born. So I think that’s something to celebrate.” You said with a grin. “Besides, it’s an excuse to eat cake and get stuff.” He looked over at you boredly.
“Fun fact, I can do that now anyways. I don’t need to wait for April fourth to roll around.” And the sarcasm was back. You frowned at him, crossing your arms in front of you. “Oh don’t pout please. It’s kinda annoying y’know.” He said. You uncrossed your arms and spread out your hands behind you, leaning against the desk.
“Fine fine. But I still think you should celebrate. I love celebrating my birthday.” You answered, closing your eyes as your smile made its comeback. “The singing, and partying, and treats. Plus it’s free stuff when they give you gifts. Who couldn’t love that?” You asked. He scratched at the sore skin on his neck.
“Me. Being around all those people while they’re waiting for a thank you? Nope.” He answered. You got off the desk and moved towards the printer, pulling open the paper container. You grabbed a sheet of it. “What the hell are you doing?” He asked. You closed the container, obligating not to answer. You grabbed a marker and wrote in big letters, ‘Happy birthday, Shigaraki! Your friend, Y/n!’ before you drew random doodles all over the page. You thrusted it towards him, a shit-eating grin on your face.
“There. Happy birthday. I wish I knew ahead of time because then I could actually buy you a card instead of making a crappy one. But next year, you bet I’m going to make you the best birthday celebration ever. And you can choose the people that attend. Deal?” You asked. You looked at him staring at the card before he started to stare at you.
“Yeah. Deal I guess.” Shigaraki replied. 
-----I’ll make a fancy spacer for him some other time and edit it in-----
A/n: I hate this so much. It’s so rushed and shitty. But I wanted to get it out before I accidentally forgot. T-T He deserves better than this. But I’ll give him that next time. Until then, I hope you enjoy this at least a tiny bit. 
124 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Redacted Incorrect Quotes
I have more redacted stuff on my profile in case you're interested, but I can't link the masterlist on this. It's in the pinned post though.
Honey: I can't think when he's around!
Sunshine: Ah, young love.
Honey: No! He's as loud as fuck and I can't form a thought when someone is screaming fucking Bohemian Rhapsody in my ears!
David: Tell me. Do you plan out all the dumb stuff you do? Or does it just come naturally?
Asher, staring at the flaming toaster: I plan, but it never goes how I want.
Brachium: You don't know me?
Elliot: No. Should we?
Brachium: Probably? I mean, I know you.
Darlin: I have a man I think we should kill.
David: We don't kill on personal matters.
Darlin: I know. That's why I'm telling you, because if you agree with me it's a green light.
David: Are you seriously arguing with me about this?
Angel: Yeah. What are you gonna do? Cry?
Darlin: You haven't seen my at my worst, cowboy. And you haven't had a chance to see me at my best yet.
Sam: And I never will if you don't get off the fucking counter with a rubber duck!
Warden: Please tell me you didn't just shove someone off a bridge.
Vega: Listen, they were threatening me. It was self defense!
Warden: You laughed when they hit the water! It was a 50 foot drop!
Cutie: Wow. You're being really stupid.
Sweetheart, trying to see if they can summon Cam with a squishmallow: You're one to talk!
See the full post
221 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I have covid right? Right.
And I'm listening to the redacted sick comfort audios.
And idk why but
David saying "Excuse you?" Is so damn funny to me
I've been rewinding it to that point for the past three minutes to just giggle uncontrollably.
Also it's over for all the Sam simps once we get a sick comfort audio. Can u imagine the southern vamp trying to get Darlin to just "stop a damn minute and rest already would ya?" And "no I'm not going to use my magic to heal ya, Darlin. Your body is trying to tell you to slow down."
"What do you mean you're going to fight God for making you sick? Jesus Darlin, you're sick because you've been trying to fight god."
243 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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batarella · 3 years
Step Away From the Cookies - Jason Todd Christmas Story
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Dear everyone, this is my secret santa gift to my dearest friend Lucy @lucy-roo​, the best HOE artist in all of tumblr whose thirst art has promised her a seat in hell. AND WE LOVE HER FOR IT. CHECK HER OUT RIGHT NOW.
Words: 966 Warnings: None
Oh. The animal. The barbarian. The absolute madlad. She was going to kill him. At whatever the cost. She was going to kill him and it’ll be a slow, painful death. What was it? Five? Three hours until morning? What kind of hooligan would outrightly defy her specific instructions, thinking she wouldn’t know anyway with it being the middle of the night, as if he hadn’t known so much as the basics of who she was and the fact that she had the sleep schedule of a baby owl. It was three am. The only way she’d be asleep at this time of night would be if someone slammed her head against the wall and leave her unconscious.
And, as it seems, someone who had the stealth of a panther wouldn’t mind so much if he thought there wasn’t a speck of danger to expect. Because he just went on and on with the jar, some racoon would to an opened trash bin. And it was freezing nevertheless. Her feet were stiff, and standing on her tip toes was starting to hurt.
Slowly, as quiet as she ever could, Lucy crawled up from behind the large man’s muscular back, bare and glistening under a sole light bulb he’d turned on hoping she wouldn’t notice from all the way over to their bedroom, she had a split second to jump.
And, it seems, she’d succeeded, when her five-foot five disadvantage forced her to literally jump on her frozen toes, grab her boyfriend’s neck from behind that was a whopping fourteen inches taller than her own, and with her measly arms, she held on. Her feet were in the air, and Jason was not at all even startled, much less surprised. The asshole even continued chewing.
“Step away from the cookies,” Lucy whispered into his ear.
Jason didn’t even tense. She weighed nothing to him, apparently, because his back didn’t even strain, hard muscles didn’t do so much as flex, when he had the audacity to reach into the jar and pick another one.
“Want one?”
Lucy had to wave her legs around, trying way too hard to kick behind his knees. That did not work.
“I mean it!”
“Your loss.”
He took a bite, and so easily did he pry her one arm off from around his neck, dropping her onto her toppling feet. He didn’t even look back, and Jason finished the last cookie in the jar.
“Jason, that was for tomorrow!”
Yes. Tomorrow. Christmas. She spent the whole day baking a dozen for them both to enjoy a nice Christmas evening together and already he’d gone through the whole batch in ten minutes.  
“Oh,” his lips flattened. “Sorry?”
Her grunt went on for a total of ten continuous seconds and she stomped around on her feet, closing the jar and leaving it in the sink. Her glare on him was palpable, each second making him further lose his smile at the same time hold back a laugh at just how adorable she looked, just as he said she was when angry.
She started for the bedroom door, but her wrist got caught up by an incredibly strong grip, and by the time she blinked, Lucy had been turned around and pressed up against Jason’s insanely hard chest. She was standing up to his pecs, and her face buried between them. Her voice was also then muffled against his skin when he had his hand behind her head to hold her in place.
“Let go of me!”
“Listen, you fucking baby, we can bake more cookies tomorrow.”
She just rolled her eyes.
“That was supposed to be your present, jackass.”
Her voice was still muffled. But he understood her enough.
“You know what would be an even better present?” he said.
His hand let go of her head, and with that she craned it up to look at him.
“Spending more time with you-“
“Oh shut it -“
The hand that had left her hair then grabbed onto Lucy’s cheek, and Jason leaned down to close the distance between their lips. She playfully struggled, murmured even more curses at him and her hands tried to wave him off, but again with his strength so incomparable to hers, she eventually gave in, stopped, and let him have at it with her lips. Jason sounded like he was still half asleep but his tongue definitely didn’t feel like it.
When he pulled away, Lucy still had her eyebrow up and her glare wasn’t something she wanted him to ignore.
But the more she looked onto the blue of his irises, his dark, bushy brows curved up in that kind, loving smile and his hair so messily flopping onto his forehead in beautiful tamed curls, that bit of softness that had long been the damned heel of her apparent Achilles, and the source of all that was so good within her.
Not long after, Lucy smiled as well. Because from the way he looked at her, it was clear he thought the same about her as well.
She reached up and brushed his hair out of his eyes.
“If you weren’t so hot, I’d kill you by now.”
“Lucky for me then.”
A scoff escaped her lips, then Jason pulled her on her toes to kiss her again. Playfully deep, his lips waved in this tidal motion that swept her off the rails in such a short time, and when she managed to hold herself up, he’d gone even deeper.
The bed was too far. But there was a wall right beside them. Jason spared no more time pushing her up against it and grabbed her from behind her thighs, hoisting her up to his hips.
They did not, in fact, get to sleep until much later that night.
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