#excuse characterisation I’m still working them out a little
daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 month
hey hey last binding people I actually finished a fic
here <33 enjoy
did you know robin and edwin invented love in 1908
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to say I LOVE your fic, and how you characterise the ninja - they’re so realistic in how they act and they have such unique ways of thinking! I also love the way they all interact with one another - the shenanigans never fail to make me laugh. I’m trying to write something myself atm, and I was wondering if you have any tips on how to do consistent characterisation/character arcs? It’s something I struggle with lots and I think you do it really well! Tysm
Thank you!!
I've gone into a few details on my approach to writing overall right here, but for specifics relating to your question:
Revisit the source material often! It can be easy to forget some of the more nuanced aspects of a character the longer you go without directly experiencing it (and being influenced by ~fanon~ which is not always a bad thing), but that right there is the foundation for consistency and for finding ways to expand on the character too!
A few examples of things to pay attention to when doing so are a character's dialogue/infliction (what phrases they say, how they say things, etc), how they react in average situations vs extreme ones vs personal ones, the ways they act/stand/look when not saying anything or aren't the focus, or trying to imagine what might be going through their heads, whether they're speaking or not!
Plus, it can even serve just as a quick refresher! Even I still go back and do that once it a while, especially when I need to figure out how to write a fresh character's voice (totally not as an excuse to rewatch ninja pfft what)
Read fanfiction! Yes, I know I just said we can get a little too buried in ~fanon~ sometimes, but something that can help your understanding of a character is to study how other people understand a character! Maybe they do things with Kai you agree with! Maybe they handle Cole in a way you disagree with! Either way, that does help sort out what you want to do when you write, and help you come up with idea you might not have considered otherwise!
It can also help you with the "filling in the blanks", for stuff like character dynamics for people that haven't ever spoken/interacted at all, or how a character would react in a situation they've never been forced into in canon and you're not sure where'd you start with it otherwise. If nothing else, it gives you a nice place to jump off from! And something to talk about with other fellow writers!
I just personally think it's important to remember a character's base foundation before pushing them outside of their establish box—bending without breaking, so to speak
Character Arcs:
Sometimes development can happened within a single chapter. Sometimes it's something that is contested across the entire story! One of the first things to determine is how big of an impact a character's arc is going to have on the overall plot. Is their development the plot itself? It is developing at the same time as the plot, or because of it? Is it something that happens on the side but works in service to the plot? Or does it happen independent of the plot entirely?
After asking these questions, you can then determine how important the character arc is going to be, and from there sort out how much focus you want/need to put into it. Does it all happen throughout the story as whole, just when the timing is right, or do they get a subplot dedicated to it? Those types of questions can help you decide how you want this development to unfold too.
The way I generally do it (primarily in my rewrite) is to block out the main events of the overall plot, and then detail where each character would be at in their growth corresponding to the event and/or the point in time, that way I can pace things a little easier, and figure out how potential changes can/will ripple effect down the line. Of course, this may not work for everyone or for every story, but it could be something to try!
Always!! Write!! It!! Down!! Maybe you've got it so well planted in your head and you'll only ever glance at it once, or maybe you'll make a bunch of changes to it in the future, but write out your overall plan(s) for the character(s) at least once, and then go from there. It's just good to have for a reference, and having it all in front fo you can help you visualize some of the finer details down the line (since you don't have to waste brain power constantly recalling the order of events or whatever—you can start digging deeper into the fun stuff!)
Remember it's okay if a character is static too! Depending on the plot/setting, there's going to be characters more situated for the plot at hand than others, and it's okay if everyone isn't going through something at the same time. A character might not need to undergo some astounding personal revelation; but whatever they can contribute can still be important!
So, if some of your struggle is that you can't figure something out for a character to do/learn, it's okay to put them in the backseat until they are needed, or give them smaller, less dramatic goals to overcome! That way there's not as much pressure to cram everyone into the spotlight, and gives you more breathing room to write their moments more naturally, rather than forcing something that might not even be necessary!
Anyway, hope that helps somewhat! ^-^)/
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tomatoland · 8 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you will see this or even reply to this but I do want to say that I want to show a lot of appreciation for your blog and your breakdowns about TopMew so much. I saw your post about only friends being a morality drama and the idea of media literacy and it made me reflect a lot about myself as a viewer.
You spoke a lot of truths in your post. I think a lot of viewers resort to archetypes (e.g. TopMew) or comparisons (e.g. Top vs Ray) when they find characters on “different sides of the same coin” or stereotypes that they can associate characters with. But at the end of the day, these characters don’t have the same upbringing/backstories/personalities. Ngl I do admit my opinions do get swayed sometimes by other meta posts because it’s difficult to find meta posts that analyse TopMew without turning them or their actions into something rancid/evil or there’s a lack of TopMew analysis. Your analysis posts have truly been a gift.
I agree 100% that accountability is a major theme here. I’m guessing other people brought in ephemerality due to the idea that these characters are still in college, hence they are more likely to act without thinking about the consequences. But accountability is very much the bigger picture imo. I just don’t get the idea of being a “___ defender/apologist”. As a FB stan, I do like TopMew, especially Mew. But do I excuse their wrongdoings? No. I can enjoy and like them while acknowledging their misdeeds. All I need is to understand is their rationale behind it. 
I also see a lot of viewers constantly trying to push ideas what they want the characters to do ___ (E.g. TopMew doing a threesome with Boeing, really?). More people need to realise this show is not made to fulfil people’s fantasies. I mean MewRay happened, which was clearly what the majority were against. I think it’s also important to keep in my mind what would make sense for these characters to do (e.g. what are their best interests, their characterisation). My only fear right now is if Jojo and his crew would try to appease the majority, given that they cut out a Top scene from EP7 based on fans’ reactions. Are they going to bring justice to these characters’ actions and consequences by the end of the series based on how accountable/responsible they are? Or is it just going to be based on what the majority wants?
I want to thank you again for speaking out about this. I love your posts, especially the ones on Top’s wounded inner child, the Madonna-Whore complex on TopMew, TopMew working on the hostel project. I also love it so much about how TopMew can be linked to “Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Ray (I just vibe with it so much). I think we the FB fandom can agree that ForceBook has brought so much to their characters and we’re so proud of them. Thanks for reading!
You are so sweet!! 🥰 and thank you very much. foxmochi hug!
Oh! Is that what people mean by ephemerality? I honestly do not understand lol. Because life is also ephemeral? No one is guaranteed a tomorrow.
Right? Human beings are complex. And people treat TopMew as morality foils or NPCs. And in real life, no one is a side character, you know what I'm saying? No one is an actual villain except well, Boston, but I actually think his storyline is going to get justice. Boston looks like he's going to have an introspective moment in the preview and I am here for it.
Okay, I actually do know where that comes from. Mond re-tweeted this pic adding "I'd like to be friends too."
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And this
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While I'm down for a little jealous Mew and Boeing testing him, Top & Mew have only ever wanted to be with each other. And the confirmation that one of the deleted scenes being Top trying to move on, but not being able to, really confirms this. So I'm gutted we didn't get it.
Yes, that was a bit surreal to hear from Jojo. And it makes me uneasy.
Like the story of the series is in flux when it shouldn't be. And those theories about re-shoots 🙃 I'm just going to remember that FB would have told us if they did re-shoots. Being the spoiler kings they are and the foxmochi thai superfans definitely would have known.
Top & Mew are almost there. They just need to have honest communication and not the kinda cautious communication they had when they were courting. And I need FB to have at least one scorching hot sex scene so absolutely no one can deny that TopMew and FB have chemistry coming out of their eyeballs. And I think FB as artists would be down to do it.
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Okay, you're going to get my Ray take because I have written it and I don’t want to make a separate post.
Not once in the show does Ray try to curb his drinking. It's one thing to try and then to slip, you are at least trying, but not once has Ray ever said, no I'm trying to cut back. He doesn't and has never seen it as a problem even after the accident.
Ray needs to learn that while trauma might explain why he does what he does, it is not an excuse. Ray needs to do some soul-reckoning. Some people want it be a case of "Love conquers All" and *dun dun da dun, insert hero fanfare here* Sand is going to swoop in and save Ray from himself without losing himself in return. But Sand and his presence are not enough to make Ray change. Ray must want it for himself. Read any article on how to handle addiction for loved ones and they all say this. And this is actually the hardest and most painful life lesson I've ever had to learn in my life. People have to want to change and as much as you can want it, no matter how much you beg, nothing will change unless they want for themselves.
I am actually really sad that in the preview Ray says he'll go to rehab if Sand wants him too. It's only Sand, he's thinking about? Not himself, not his friends, not his dad, or his fellow humans? It's really weak character development. He still lacks the ability to be introspective or think about others. Ray has to do some honest soul-discovery before he can be a good partner to anyone. And I'm praying that it's still coming. Please, show, please do this for Ray.
I know I'm basically preaching to the choir at this point but whatever, I want these posts to exist because sometime from now, after the show finishes airing, someone will come to Tumblr and find one of these posts. And TopMew deserve the right to context.
You are the sweetest. Yes, I love "Young and Beautiful" for them. And I agree, ForceBook have done an amazing job in OF.
And just remember whatever weird stuff is happening here, Thai fans LOVE them and don’t overanalyze TopMew.
I hope you have a wonderful day, hun and thank you for dropping by my mailbox~ You made my day 💕
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dysfunctionalcrab · 3 years
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chapter four: technoblade, captain of the SBI
previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
↳ pairing: dream x reader
↳ pronouns: gender neutral
↳ word count: 2.1K
description: as angry as you were after hearing dream, the project was not going to finish itself. while waiting for him to finish class, you meet technoblade, captain of the rival team
↳ note: i’m sorry if my techno characterisation is off since this is my first time writing him, luckily i have a friend who is a massive techno simp who can help me in later chapters if it’s that bad ;-;
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you didn’t confront dream about it
it was still unbelievable to you. you thought you’d finally made a decent friend. clearly that was a mistake on your part since he was dream. of course he wasn’t going to make friends with some person he didn’t even know existed until a week and a half ago
you just wanted to just get this stupid project over and done with, after that, you’d give him exactly what he wanted, to never speak to you again, not that you wanted to see his face ever again anyways. everything would go back to normal once you handed in your work.
unfortunately for you, there were still a couple weeks weeks left until the deadline, and that’s why you were waiting outside his classroom the very next day, dreading to see his face
the bell should be going off in about ten minutes, you thought as you glanced up to the clock. the hallways were eerily silent, but it was nice to see a change where people weren’t either screaming or fighting beside the lockers. you could’ve been doing anything else with the free period you had, but instead you just sat isolated on the bench with a book and your phone, waiting for the bell to ring.
“excuse me?” you suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice, a very deep voice, one you had never heard before. immediately, you shut your book and looked towards the source of the voice, just to see two unrecognisable boys approach you.
you stood up with a small smile, brushing down your shirt. your first thought, was that they were tall. one of the boys them was a tall, sort of lanky boy who had a fluffy brown hair framing his face, soft brown eyes and he was also wearing a red beanie, he looked like a friendly guy.
the other one. well, he was tall of course, but clearly much more muscular. and with medium length pink hair tied into a ponytail and a golden nose ring, and if anything, the nose ring made him look more masculine and intimidating than ever.
“hi,” you grinned at both of them, regardless. “can i help you?”
the brunette flashed back an equally enthusiastic grin, “we’re looking for the field, do you know where it is?”
“oh,” you said. quickly shoving your book into your backpack. “i’ll lead the way, just follow me,”
the two boys nodded at each other and followed behind, walking quickly so you got there fast because the awkward silence was loud.
“this school does love their art,”
you turned around to see that one of them had stopped, he was looking at the displays in the corridor, one arm by his side while another playing with his gold piercing.
“most of those were done by the freshman last year,” you informed, walking up to him and looking at the displays. they were odd, but undoubtedly beautiful pieces of artwork. “half of them had never picked up a paintbrush in their life so it’s kinda impressive how well they managed,” you laughed jokingly
he didn’t laugh but he did smile, which was more than enough to send a little buzz of happiness through your body. he continued to look intently at the works.
one specific one he had his eye on was a clear painting of shipwreck and the sea, the canvas was carefully painted an assortment of greens and blues which stood out. 
“this ones really good,” he commented on it
“that one was painted last year. not by one of the freshman though,” you began to explain.
there was no reaction, so you continued to nervously ramble, “some girl in my english class. it was inspired by the god of the sea. you see, she was really into greek mythol-”
“poseidon.” he cut you off, tracing his finger over the canvas. “violent, ill-tempered. one of the twelve olympians and he was one hot blooded immortal diety,”
you fell speechless.
“techno, let’s go, we need to check out the field, we can check the art on the way back,” the brunette tugged on his arm, prying him away from the displays. you also got the message and resumed.
finally after one other flight of stairs, you opened up a big grey door, revealing the sight of a giant playing field, the breeze hit your face and you closed you eyes, it felt nice. you didn’t even realise how hot you were feeling inside
“it’s definitely bigger than ours,” techno mumbled to himself.
“way bigger,” the brunette chimed in. he then turned to look at you, you had a slightly confused expression on your face. “thank you,” he set out his hand “i’m wilbur,” you shook it gently. “and that’s technoblade,” he gestured to the right, you shook technos hand too.
“i’m [y/n],” you greeted, smiling at both “so, how come, you needed to, you know- see the field?” you questioned, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear that kept being blown in front of your face
“we’re playing here for the nationals match,”
you straight away connected all the dots, feeling like an idiot. “oh!,” you slammed you palm to your forehead. “of course, the big match is in two weeks,”
techno released a low chuckle, “how could you forget?”
you sighed. “i don’t know, it’s all anyone talks about at this school,”.
not that they talked to you, about it, but in every corner and every nook of the school, people were talking about the match and placing bets on who was going to win. when you and dream were working together, sometimes he would start to waffle on about it. not that you cared anymore.
“should you not be going back to class or something, aren’t you missing lessons?” wilbur asked
“free period,” you replied. you honestly didn’t care that you were ditching dream on the project to hang out with some of the rival team players
and that was that. you let techno and wilbur get used to the field while you retreated up to the benches, pulling out your phone to pass the time as they managed to retrieve a football from somewhere, starting to throw it around.
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you laughed as techno tackled wilbur to the ground, you felt a little evil but you couldn’t help the giggle that erupted from your mouth. obviously though, you weren’t as quiet as you thought, since techno shot you a small teasing smile.
you looked away, face burning from embarrassment, but you heard your name called anyways shortly after.
“[y/n]!” he called. you looked at them and gestured at you to come down. you shove your phone in your pocket and hurried to them.
“you okay?”
wilbur threw you the ball, which you quickly caught. you were surprised at yourself at how fast you managed to catch it
techno raised an eyebrow. “nice reflexes,”
you looked away instantly, your cheeks heating up. you didn’t know if you were really hot or just extremely flustered.
techno and wilbur seemed like the friendliest people you had come across in a while, even within half an hour of knowing them. your mind had almost, already drifted away from the boy who you were waiting for earlier.
yeah, almost
oh no.
you turned around to view of dream angrily walking up to you with his school bag, his hair was slightly ruffled and his cheeks were flushing pink. he was probably looking for you
“where were you? i thought we were working on our project?”
“i’m sorry, i kind of- forgot,”
“you were the one asked me, how could you forget?”
techno and wilbur turned around at his tone, wondering who this man was for suddenly scolding you. they looked directly at him, techno raised an eyebrow upon seeing his face
“relax man. there’s no need to yell,” techno told him, placing a hand on your shoulder for comfort.
dream froze. feeling like everything he had to say just got lodged at the back of his throat. “techno?”
“good to see you,”
dream licked his bottom lip, and looked at you in disbelief. you only shrugged.
“yeah, good to see you too, techno,” he cleared his throat. “how come you’re here?”
“just checking out the field, i mean we have to be familiar with the place before we win,”
you held in a laugh as you watched dream furrow his eyebrows.
“well, i wouldn’t be so sure of that,” dream played it off, chuckling
techno hummed. “no, i’m pretty confident,”
a silence filled the air for a moment. you fiddled with your fingers as the two captains stood face to face with deadpan expressions, not saying a word, while you and wilbur watched nervously.
“so, [y/n], excited for the game then?” wilbur tried to ease the tension.
“oh, i’m not actually coming, i don’t know a thing about football,”
techno and dream broke out of their states, they both stopped glaring at each other and glared at you
“really? you’re not coming? even players from other schools are coming” techno asked
“the tickets for our school ran out ages ago, i wouldn’t be allowed to come anyways,”
“well...” techno began “i’ve got two spare tickets, just take them and invite someone, a friend perhaps,”
dream let out a scornful laugh, suppressing it when you scowled at him.
“thank you techno, but, i don’t think i know anyone that would be willing to come with me. none of my friends really know football,”
“then, you can just come, for me,”
your breath hitched in your throat, he said it so nonchalantly and confidently you were taken a-back. dream on the other hand was not liking what he was seeing or hearing
“come for you?”
“yeah. you can watch me win,”
dream finally had enough of this behaviour, a small pit of jealousy was bubbling at the bottom of his stomach. first you ditch him for techno, and now he was inviting you to the game? how fast was this man moving?
dream stepped forward and wrapped an arm around your waist, gripping it tightly. you slapped his hand away harshly and he quickly removed it.
“thank you techno, but they’re already coming with me,” dream told him
“uh, no i’m not,” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“yes you are,” dream mumbled through his teeth, throwing his again over your shoulders. “you can keep those tickets to yourself,”
you bit down on your lip, preventing yourself from bursting.
you didn’t interfere or say anything else to make wilbur or technoblade any more suspicious. dream clearly wanted to leave now. as much as you hated it, you only nodded and let dream place his hand on your back. techno removed a strand of hair from his face and sighed. “well then, i guess we’ll see you both soon at the game,”
with a final smile to you, wilbur and techno turned their backs to you and walked away, leaving the site.
you immediately pushed his hands off of you once they left.
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“what is wrong with you?” dream asked you in an accusing tone. you rolled your eyes, he was being pathetic right now
“what’s wrong with me? what about you?! what was all that about?” you fired back. there was no idea why he was acting the way he did, he had no right to be the one furious with you.
“so you were seriously going to consider coming to the game for techno?”
“why not? it’s not like i have any friends here, is it?” you yelled, shutting him up instantly. you could not figure out the intentions of this man whatsoever, one day he would be normal and nice with you and the other day he would be acting like a complete douchebag.
“could you not see that he was flirting with you?”
“oh please, that was hardly flirting,” you defended. “and even if he was, so what? he seems like a pretty cool guy?”
“are you being serious right now?” dream scoffed
“why wouldn’t i be?”
“technoblade? he’s literally my biggest rival at the moment, that doesn’t seem weird to you?,”
“why would it?” you lowered your voice, “it’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything,” you said spitefully, slinging your backpack over your shoulder, dodging dream as you retreated in the opposite direction.
dream’s words couldn’t form fast enough to say something back, he was stunned by the sudden attitude you’d brought up with him. he stood in silence, leaving him to uneasily watch you storm away, until you were eventually out of sight.
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archived-kin · 3 years
local cashless god nearly loses you your job (but you’re okay with it)
note from kin: *throws this at you* please take it i’ ve been stuck on the blasted thing for hours (peepaw i promise i’ll write you something where you’re better characterised another day)
fandom: genshin impact
character(s): gn!reader, zhongli, xingqiu
pairing(s): zhongli/reader
warning(s): none! (though i do want to give a heads up for some out of character stuff since i started this when i still wasn’t too familiar with the liyue characters)
genre: fluff
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“How many copies of Encyclopaedia of Liyue does one man need?”
You shush Xingqiu as the man just across the shop continues to browse at his leisure, golden eyes furrowed in concentration as he trails his gloved fingers across the books’ spines. “Maybe he’s here to buy something else this time! You never know.”
“He’s bought the exact same book seven times in a row now,” Your little brother insists, pulling his nose out of his novel for once to regard the tall figure drifting listlessly from one end of the shop to the other. “I doubt he’s going to break the cycle now.”
“He could be a collector,” You suggest, dropping your voice slightly when the man’s eyes flicker over to you briefly. “This shop’s older than us - maybe it has a bunch of different editions that he wants to get.”
“Well, wouldn’t it make sense for him to find all the different editions and then buy them all at once?” Xingqiu whispers in reply, tapping restlessly at the countertop with one hand. “Then he wouldn’t have to stop by every day and charm you into paying for him.”
You don’t have a reasonable argument for that, so you don’t reply. Xingqiu really is too smart for his own good sometimes.
The man - who you can see is now flicking curiously through a copy of The Founder of Diabolism - isn’t someone you know particularly well, but he’s visited the bookshop where you work enough times that you do know the essential facts: his name is Zhongli, he likes drinking tea, and he’s broke. In every sense of the word.
That last point is quite the source of exasperation on your part. No matter how many times you remind him as he leaves, he never fails to turn up with a completely empty Mora pouch the next time you see him. At first it hadn’t been so much of a problem - he’d just come in, browse the books, start a little small talk with you, then leave. But then he’d actually started wanting to buy the books, and buying usually involves money - something that Zhongli seems to forget exists.
If it had been any other ridiculously handsome guy, you might have sent them packing, but there’s something about the lost look on Zhongli’s face when you ask him for his payment and he realises that he has no way of giving you one that never fails to make you get out your own Mora pouch and suggest that you foot the bill for him instead. Zhongli always tries to refuse your offer, but, in kind, you always insist. You have no idea why he has such an affinity for that particular book, but the way he smiles at you as you as you drop your own coins into the payment pouch is more than enough to make up for the money you lose. It’s not like you actually need the funds, anyway, considering who your father is.
Today, however, Zhongli has neglected the shelf of encyclopaedias in favour of drifting over to the Xianxia section. You’re not sure what’s spurred this change in interest, but maybe it’s the little toy dragon you’ve set on top of the shelf? Zhongli seems rather enamoured by it - he keeps glancing up at it while he reads.
Speaking of the book that he’s skimmming through, it’s a rather odd choice on his behalf. You haven’t gotten the opportunity to read it yourself, busy as you usually are between your work shifts, adventurer’s guild commissions, and making sure your little brother doesn’t get himself into trouble by wandering directly into a gang of hilichurls in the middle of reading a book again. You’re pretty sure Xingqiu has read it at some point, though - to be honest, you wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already read every book in this shop several times over. (Part of you wonders if the only reason he’s so supportive of you venturing into the world and taking this job is because he gets to sit with you and read all the books he likes during your shifts.)
You don’t remember all the details he’d spewed off to you over the week or so he spent reading it, but you vaguely remember him crying into your sleeve about something to do with trees and lanterns and hugs. You’re also pretty sure that it got kind of… what’s the word? Risqué? Adult? Well, whatever word you use to describe it, it doesn’t really seem like the sort of thing that someone like Zhongli would read. Then again, you wouldn’t have ever expected your innocent gentleman of a little brother to read something like that, either.
“At least he seems to have good taste in fiction,” Xingqiu sighs as Zhongli continues to skim over the first few pages, looking rather intrigued. “I suppose that’s about as much as I can ask for…”
“He seems pretty invested,” You observe. “Reckon he’s going to buy it?”
Xingqiu shakes his head. “No. He’s going to come up here and realise he’s forgotten all his Mora again, and then you’re going to end up buying it for him again because you have a giant crush—”
You shove him in the shoulder so hard that he falls off his stool. “Oh, shut up.”
Xingqiu quickly catches himself on the side of the table and shoots you a glare, fumbling to retrieve the book that he’s accidentally dropped in the process. “Hey! This book doesn’t belong to us, you know.”
“It’s one book, A-Qiu,” You sigh as he turns away from you, clutching the book to his chest like it’s some precious child that you’re threatening to kidnap. “Mr Yao isn’t going to condemn you if it gets a little dusty.”
“Books should be treated with respect,” Xingqiu sniffs, turning up his nose at you like some nobleman - which he technically could be considered, now that you think about it. “You of all people should know that.”
“Just because I work at a bookshop doesn’t mean I think they’re Morax’s gift to man like you do,” You snort, noting in the corner of your eye that Zhongli’s eyes had flickered over to you briefly as you spoke. “Sure, books are neat, but they’re not holy.”
“‘Books are neat?’” Xingqiu repeats disbelievingly. “Of all the words to—”
“Excuse me.”
Both you and Xingqiu jump in startled surprise - neither of you had noticed Zhongli approach the front desk. You gather yourself quickly and smile at him as he quietly sets the book on top of the counter and pushes it towards you with a small nod.
“Will that be all?” You ask, reaching for one of the complimentary bamboo bookmarks that you’re obligated to give out with every purchase. You’re pretty sure that Zhongli has more than enough at this point, but you don’t want to risk getting into hot water with Mr Yao for not doing it.
Zhongli takes the bamboo bookmark with a small smile. “Yes, thank you.”
You nod and flick the book open to check the price label on the inside of the cover. “Alright, that’ll be… 5000 Mora, please.”
Xingqiu mutters something resignedly under his breath as Zhongli reaches into his pocket and fumbles about for a moment, clearly not particularly hopeful that the man has actually brought his money with him today. Your little brother, as usual, is perfectly correct in his intuition; after a second of slightly embarrassed silence, Zhongli pulls his hand out of his pocket with nothing in it.
“My apologies,” He sighs, bowing his head in shame. “I’ve forgotten my money pouch again.”
“I knew it,” Xingqiu whispers.
“A-Qiu, shut up,” You hiss back, then turn back to Zhongli, your smile back in place. “No worries, I’ll buy it for you.”
His brows pinch together slightly in the smallest of frowns. “No, no, you shouldn’t. You’ve already spent so much money on me…”
“It’s no big deal!” You assure him brightly, already reaching into your lapels to find your coin pouch. “You seemed to be really into it earlier, so it’d be a shame if you couldn’t keep it, right?”
Zhongli’s frown deepens. “Even so...”
“You could always pay back with something else,” Xingqiu chimes in, the exasperated look on his face replaced with a shit-eating grin that you know all too well. Before you can step in and shove him into the cabinet or something to shut him up, though, he continues, turning to you in a parody of innocence, “What do you say? Mr Zhongli clearly has some time on his hands…”
You narrow your eyes at him, not liking what he’s implying with that grin. “I’m still on shift, A-Qiu, I can’t just up and leave. Mr Yao would probably kill me.”
“You’ve been working shifts for two weeks straight,” He counters, crossing his arms stubbornly. “I can mind the shop for a long enough for you to take a walk. He won’t notice a thing.”
“You won’t ‘mind the shop’, you’ll just sit there and read,” You shake your head and tussle his hair with a flippant hand. “Don’t think I haven’t seen you eyeing up those antiques at the back.”
He looks affronted. “Are you accusing me of stealing intent?”
“I’m not accusing you of anything,” You explain patiently. “I’m just saying that your moral compass is very easily diverted when it comes to books.”
“If I may,” Zhongli begins, cutting off Xingqiu’s indignant spluttering. “I do not mind the idea.”
You turn to look at him in shock, only to see that his golden eyes are already fixed intently on you. He has the sort of gaze that makes you feel as if he’s seeing right through you, as if all of your faults and flaws and wishes and dreams are laid out bare for him to examine at his leisure - but Zhongli doesn’t look at you with any judgement. In fact, if you hope hard enough, you think that there might be some affection in his eyes.
“W-well, I—” You glance quickly back at Xingqiu, who pointedly refuses to help you, evidently offended by the moral compass comment. “I- I’d love to, honestly, but I need to finish my shift…”
“This young gentleman has already volunteered to take care of that for you,” Zhongli counters. There’s a strange intensity to the way he’s looking at you now - hope? Determination? “I know of a quiet spot just outside the harbour. If you would…?”
You glance at Xingqiu, who, despite still looking a little miffed, gives you a begrudging nod. After another moment of thought, you turn back to Zhongli, who gazes expectantly back at you.
“I’d love to go for a walk,” You say, standing up. “Lead the way.”
He smiles then, holding the door-curtain open for you to exit first. You pause briefly to wave a goodbye to Xingqiu, who pointedly sticks his nose in his book and pretends not to see it.
The two of you walk in silence for ten minutes or so, with him in the lead and you occasionally glancing behind you to make sure Xingqiu hasn’t already set the bookshop on fire or something. Zhongli walks rather more quickly than you’re used to, mostly because you usually walk with Xingqiu, who has refused to grow more than half an inch in the last three years and still has legs substantially shorter than yours. Zhongli seems to notice you lagging behind a little after a minute or so, slowing down his pace slightly so that the two of you can walk side by side properly.
“The breeze is pleasant this time of year,” Zhongli comments as the two of you cross the bridge to the mainland and begin to leave the harbour. “Particularly as the sun is going down.”
“I’ll have to get out to see the sunset more often, then,” You sigh. The amount of people milling about around you thins out the further the two of you walk from the harbour and along a grass-lined path, until the two of you are alone.
“I’d be happy to escort you,” He says, glancing quickly back at you, then snapping his head forward again. “...that is, if you’d like me to.”
You’re glad he isn’t looking at you, because you’re pretty sure that the look on your face is smitten to an absolutely ridiculous degree. It takes everything in you not to reach forward and grab Zhongli’s hand right then and there, but you restrain yourself just in time, knowing full well that initiating sudden physical contact with someone that you still don’t know all too well is incredibly rude.
“Of course I would,” You answer. “Just name a time and a place.”
He looks at you again, a gentle smile curving at his lips. “I’ll be sure to.”
The walk takes the two of you through a grove of trees dappled by the rich afternoon light. Zhongli speaks at length about the various different species that you pass; part of you is listening attentively, but the other part of you is far too distracted by the elegance of his quiet footsteps and the way the sunlight glows softly at the edges of his hair to register the information.
Leaves and branches crunch underfoot as Zhongli finally leads you out of the trees and out onto a quiet spot on the mountainside overlooking the harbour. He sits down on the ledge, legs dangling precariously over the edge, and you follow suit, quietly settling down beside him, leaving about two inches’ space between the two of you. Zhongli doesn’t say anything for a minute or so; he’s absorbed in watching the city below him, golden eyes darting back and forth as he watches the tiny figures of the people bustle about the streets.
You notice that he’s still holding the book you bought him earlier, keeping it set carefully in his lap with both hands placed firmly on top of it, as if he thinks it might slip out of his grasp and off the mountain if he isn’t careful.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” You begin, catching his attention. He turns to look at you, and the sudden sight of his content expression, framed by the sprawling fields and trees in the distance behind him and the light casting his features into sharp relief, knocks all the air from your lungs for a moment. You very nearly choke on your words, but manage to gather yourself in time to ask, “Why the sudden change in interest?”
He cocks his head ever so lightly to the side in confusion, then realises what you’re referring. “Ah - the book? I just wanted a change of pace, really.”
You nod in understanding. “I see. A-Qiu’s read that one. He says it’s one of his favourites.”
“Is A-Qiu the young gentleman accompanying you in the bookshop?”
“Yup.” You sigh, leaning back and kicking your legs slightly, noticing with some fascination that you can faintly see yourself reflected on the water far beneath you. “Xingqiu. He’s my little brother.”
If you squint hard enough, you can see Zhongli’s reflection in the water as well. He’s shifting slightly - is he moving closer to you? You can’t quite tell from the reflection alone, and you’re not about to risk looking at him. Zhongli is a little like the sun in that respect: warming you indirectly with his presence, but damn near blinding (and incredibly flustering) to look directly at or make eye contact with. He’s almost ethereal-looking - as if he isn’t quite of this world.
“He seems a well-intentioned boy,” Zhongli comments quietly.
You respond with a light-hearted scoff. “I’m not too sure about that. He’s good at hiding it behind a book and all those airs and graces, but he’s always annoying me.”
“Is that not what younger siblings are for?” He counters, eyes twinkling slightly as you laugh in reply.
“I guess they are, huh?” You shake your head, a grin continuing to play on your lips as you finally turn to look back at him. Somehow the blinding beauty of before feels as if it’s mellowed out, become softer around the edges - like a surging river calming to a trickling stream.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a while. The late afternoon breeze picks up a little, and Zhongli’s hair dances about on the air, twisting and curling in swirls as if the very wind is playing with it. You’re so occupied by (subtly) staring at him that the small movement of him lifting a hand to adjust his tie makes you jolt slightly on the spot.
You can tell that he’s noticed as well, so you hurry to start a conversation before he can bring it up. “So… what’s the fascination with Yi Xichen?”
“...ah.” You might be imagining it, but you think you can see a faint flush forming over his cheeks. “The encyclopaedias?”
“What else?” You swing your legs back and forth restlessly, leaning forward and resting your cheek in your hand. “You must have at least fifteen copies by now. Are you collecting them or something?”
“Well, no...” He glances away from you, intertwining his fingers. “I suppose I’m not particularly good at ‘acting natural’, am I?”
You cock your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
Zhongli fiddles slightly with the seam of his glove, looking uncharacteristically bashful. “I have no need for encyclopaedias, but after the first few days, I found that I had fallen into the routine of selecting one every time I visited.”
“Why did you visit, then?” You ask.
He glances quickly at you, then back down at the water. He doesn’t answer at first, as if mulling over what to say, until finally, he replies, “...I suppose I just wanted to see you.”
It takes you a good moment to fully process what he’s just said to you. Once you do, though, your entire body implode. Well, it feels it does, anyway.
“I— you— me— huh?” is all you manage to get out at first, hands dancing around in front of you like two birds trying to escape from a net, as if they’re trying to physically pluck some words to say from the air. It’s a bad habit you’ve always had, throwing your hands about when you’re stressed; it drives you mad sometimes, but you can’t stop yourself.
Zhongli closes his eyes and bows his head, and there’s no mistaking it - his cheeks are definitely pinker than usual. “Is that alright?”
You nearly choke on air, but you force yourself to take a deep breath instead, fanning yourself briefly with one hand. Getting flustered heats you up surprisingly quickly. “Y-yeah! Of course it’s okay.”
“I’m glad.” He smiles a little bashfully, leaning forward and tilting his head slightly to look at you. “I don’t want to overwhelm you, but, if it’s alright… could I see you more often after today as well?
The sheer adrenaline rushing through you is so intense that you’re surprised that you haven’t busted a blood vessel yet. Actually, as far as you know, you might as well have - you’re far too focused on the man in front of you and his… confession? Is this a confession? You’ve read romance novels, sure, but is that how it works in real life as well? What are you supposed to do?
Your head is so filled with pure chaos that you just know that, if you speak, you’re going to say something completely inane and stupid. So, instead, you reach forward, and take his hand in your slightly shaky one.
He looks down at your intertwined fingers with mild surprise for a moment, then raises his gaze to you once more, eyes lighting up slightly. “...I’ll take that as a yes, then.”
You nod quietly, hesitantly shuffling closer to him. He squeezes your hand almost experimentally, then glances quickly back up at you as if trying to gauge your reaction. You offer him a smile; he returns it wholeheartedly.
You’re sure that you’ll have missed the rest of your shift by now, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to care. Zhongli doesn’t let go of your hand, and you in turn do not move away from him - if anything, you move closer, leaning slightly into his side. He doesn’t seem to notice, and if he does, he doesn’t object.
The sun is slowly beginning its descent, staining the sky a pale orange that reflects from the waters below you. It seems that the two of you will be seeing that sunset together a lot sooner than you had anticipated.
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crispyjenkins · 3 years
Can we get a fic where Jaster somehow gets sent to the future or something and him reacting to the clones? (Being pissed off that his ad would do something like this to these poor kids/ just reacting to them?)
(this one was so. fecking. hard. to write, i’ve been struggling with it for weeks, but i’m glad i did, because this is by far the best version i made of it. it’s interesting in how much my opinion of jango’s decision to be the template has changed since i first got this ask, and i was definitely coming at it with this post in mind for their characterisations here.
i love hondo. so you get hondo knowing jaster from pre-civil war days, and i don’t care if canon disagrees: hondo ohnaka has been terroising house mereel for three generations.
also i’ve already had a few people donate to my ko-fi and i’m completely floored by your kindness and generosity, and i sat down with this fill knowing i wanted to get it out as soon as possible. i sincerely love you all, i hope you’re all healthy and being as safe as possible.)
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  “Oh, Jango? We keep him here.” —Lama Su, AotC
  By some will of the Ka’ra, it’s Boba that finds him.
  The possibility of dying in his ad’s arms hadn’t exactly crossed Jaster’s mind until it happened, like a nightmare he had never even had. For the first time since the Fett farm burned, Jaster cursed the Ka’ra, and he curses them again when he wakes up not marching* to the stars, but standing knee-deep in the snows of Galidraan
  And the Ka’ra make sure he knows it’s Galidraan though he had never been there, just as he somehow knows Jango is long-since dead. That he is a dislocated bone in the universe, snapped out of time and place and thrown into a future where Jango’s face stares at him from a body that is not his.
  “Oh,” the teen with Jango’s nose says, the snow coming all the way up to their thighs, and they don't look dressed nearly warm enough for this biome. “Did Hondo send you?”
  Jaster blinks at them. “Did...? No, ad’ika, I have not spoken to Hondo in many years.” Maybe he shouldn’t be surprised Hondo is even still alive, Maker knows Jaster’s tried to kill him enough times himself, but if the number of years since his death on Korda Six is as many as he thinks it is, surely someone would have shot him by now.
  The teen doesn’t wear beskar’gam —it’s unlikely they’re even old enough to— but the style of the armor they do wear cannot be inspired by anything else, just reminiscent enough of evaar’gam that Jaster can’t help comparing every little detail about them with the faded image of Jango in his mind.
  “Then who the kriff are you?” They eye Jaster warily, left hand twitching towards the vibroblade at their hip.
  Promising to strangle every one of the Ka’ra when he can finally march away, and throwing the last of his caution down to the snow between them, Jaster simply says, “Jaster Mereel.”
  Impossibly, though maybe not entirely, not-Jango doesn’t laugh at him, or call him crazy, or even try to shoot him with the rifle slung over their shoulder. No, they straighten to their full height, and—
  And swear so colorfully in Huttese that Jaster knows this hell-child has absolutely been raised by Hondo Ohnaka.
  Boba takes him to the ruins of Kamino first, where the kriffing Sith Empire has destroyed another one of his people’s homes. 
  The growth labs were all blown into the ocean by imperial ilk soon after the formation of the empire, but the barracks and some of the training rooms still stand above the waves. In the ship he says belonged to Jango, Boba steers them to a dilapidated landing pad, controlling the Slave I (Maker, had Jaster really left Jango to that fate?) far too easily through the rubble for this to be his first time to return, and Jaster tries not to think about what that means.
  Walking the dark, grimy white halls, seeing the narrow bunks and bare req rooms, he then tries not to think about a child being raised in such a place, about hundreds of thousands of children being raised in such a place. How had Jango... chosen this for them?
  “I only have his stories,” Boba tells him quietly, when he shows Jaster the tiny apartment the Kaminoans had given them to “keep Jango close”. It’s bigger than most captain’s cabins, to be sure, but it is just as plain and white as the rest of the facility. “But he couldn’t even get one hundred Mandalorians to come and train the... clones.” He shuffles his feet uncomfortably as Jaster looks into the cupboard-sized kitchen and tries not to break down at the package of Mandalorian chiles rotted away on the counter. “Everyone else was New Mandalorian or Death Watch.”
  “And the rest... they fell at the Battle of Galidraan?”
“Buir always called it a massacre,” he looks away. “Only a handful of the Cuy’val Dar even considered themselves True Mandalorians, buir was there when the Jedi killed the rest.”
  Jaster inhales deeply, takes a few moments to steady himself, and is sickeningly, horrifyingly relieved. By the Maker, but knowing Jango had had no one left before his Kamino contract, that not even Skirata followed the codex anymore, that Jango had only taken the job after forcing Tyranus to give him an unaltered clone, makes Jaster guilty for having doubted his foundling. It doesn’t excuse anything, of course, but knowing Jango had done it all for aliit, well, it does make it easier to swallow.
  Boba leads him back out of the apartment, he had already stripped it of anything important years ago, and they don’t stick around after reboarding the Slave I. Only after they’re out of atmosphere with hyperspace coordinates for Tatooine in the astronav system does Boba join Jaster in the tiny galley with a bottle of tihaar that Jaster should probably reprimand him for, but won’t.
  “He tried to pretend he didn’t care, about the others,” Boba says and doesn’t even bother to find them glasses, “I think some days he even believed it.”
  “He always was stubborn as a rancor.”
  Boba takes a long pull from the bottle before passing it across the table. “Tyranus scared the shit out of me back then, he was too... put together, too fancy. Buir didn’t like him, I don’t know why he even did the tryout for him, the pay wasn’t even that great?”
  Rubbing his left eye until he sees stars, Jaster stares down into the bottle until he can come up with a way to explain core Mandalorian beliefs to a child that had barely a decade of living as one before that, too, had been taken from him. “If Jang’ika took that job intending to come out on the other side, I’ll kiss whatever Vizsla is left.”
  Boba’s mouth twists and he kicks his heels against the floor, not waiting for Jaster to hand it to him to grab the tihaar back. “Buir was an idiot,” he says, like the solve to a simple math problem, and Jaster can’t but agree.
  He sighs. “Unfortunately, he probably got that from somewhere.”
  “I mean, at least Montross didn’t live long enough to end up as the template? Kriffing fuck, can you imagine if the Jedi had had to work with that shabuir’s clones?”
  “Maybe the war would have ended sooner,” he muses and accepts the bottle, “surely this Emperor would have tired of his face much sooner than Jango’s.”
  “Or the Coruscant Guard would have shivved Palpatine in his sleep and tried to take over the Republic; what’s one betrayal of your leader to another?”
  “Then I’d like to think Jango would put him, them, in their place for a third time.”
  Snorting, Boba pushes to his feet to, presumably, check on the autopilot. “If buir would have even let it get that far, then I’ll kiss Vizsla.”
  “Old friend!” Hondo shouts as soon as he sees them, and Jaster winces, nursing his first hangover since his twenties.
  “Ohnaka,” he returns, and pretends he doesn’t notice the subtle way Boba brightens as Hondo comes to clap them both on the shoulders.
  The old pirate just chuckles and starts to steer them both back across the hangar bay to his latest junk ship. “I heard you died, Mand’alor,” he says casually, like the title isn’t cursed to the ka’ra and back, like it hadn’t been three decades since anyone had dared call someone from his house such a thing so sincerely.
  “I did.”
  “I found him on Galidraan,” Boba offers. “Is that why you told me to go?”
  Hondo scoffs, and Jaster would say he was flustered if he didn’t know him better. “No, I told you to go because Aurra had a job for you, that you seem to have forgotten about in your haste to bring my long lost best friend back to me.”
  Boba scowls. “Aurra wasn’t at the meeting place, laandur, it was a kriffing mynock chase and you know it.”
  Jaster side eyes his old “friend”, and wonders again about his preternatural... luck in all things pirate-related, despite being a boisterous mess of a man most of the time. If this Aurra had even been on the planet when Boba got there, Jaster will kiss Vizsla twice. 
Mando’a: Ka'ra — an ancient Mandalorian story, ruling council of fallen kings, “stars” ad — “child”, gender neutral 'ika — diminutive suffix, similar to the suffix “ita/o” in Spanish. generally used only by close family and friends beskar'gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy evaar'gam — lit. “youth armour”, fan name for the interim armour/garb Mandalorians would have worn before building their kit of beskar’gam buir — “parent”, gender neutral  Cuy'val Dar — “Those who no longer exist”, group of 75 Mando’ade and 25 others put together by Jango to train the clones aliit — “clan”, “family” tihaar — Mandalorian strong clear spirit made from fruit shabuir —  an extreme insult, mostly accepted in fandom to be an insult of an individual’s ability to parent (from buir), which is an intrinsic part of Mandalorian psyche and identity  laandur — used here as “weak”, “pathetic”, but is usually used as “delicate”, “fragile”
*in reference to the Mando’a word for the dead/deceased “taab'echaaj'la”, or “marched far away”, best explained in the Mando’a tribute to dead comrades, “not gone, merely marching far away”. 
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shysneeze · 4 years
cliché (cedric diggory x fem!reader)
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Cedric Diggory x fem!Hufflepuff!reader
Request: could you do a Cedric Digorry oneshot in which the reader is also a hufflepuff who's always smiling and he sees her crying?
Warnings: mentions of loneliness, crying angsty but also as title suggests its super cliché and soppy but you’ve been warned 
(Author’s Note: This is my first Cedric fic so excuse me if the characterisation isn’t quite correct, its a work in progress also the ending might seem bit rushed but this is a procastination baby and I got spooked last minute that I’m four weeks behind on uni work. )
Some might call her a cliché.
It’s rumoured that the hat barely hovered over her head for two seconds before its decision was made, that its decision was made the minute she stepped into the great hall and smiled.
Some will say that the warm yellow tie fixed neatly around her shirt collar and badger crested robes are unnecessary all these years later, that from just one conversation with (Y/N) (Y/L/N), no one could ever doubt that she belongs in Hufflepuff.
With a smile sweeter than honey, her presence can lift the stubbornest of frowns and the lowest of spirits. Patient and loyal, she lends herself as a friend to all, from homesick first years to gossiping classmates.
Like hot chocolate on cold winter day, she’s the most welcome cliché there is, and her reputation precedes her, known to all as the girl with the infectious smile, the never-ending supply of cheerfulness.
Cedric Diggory is no stranger to her smile, the one that sends warmth to his cheeks when their eyes meet during class, the one that causes him to lose all his well earned confidence, that turns house prefect, quidditch captain and school champion, Cedric Diggory, into a nervous wreck.
He’s fallen under the same spell as everyone else, enamoured by whatever it is in her presentation that lifts the mood of an entire room, that holds people captivated and has people longing to be in her company.
Tonight however, he’s seeing her without that smile for what feels like the first time, and his concern logically overrides the part of him that would usually be flustered to be anywhere near her.
The otherwise empty common room is lit only by the gentle flame of the fire, crackling softly in the background. He was about reprimand her, before she turned to face him and he recognised her, even with wide watery eyes and tear-stricken cheeks.
“C-cedric?” Her voice wobbles until panic suddenly grabs her expression. “Cedric!”
She pulls her jumper’s sleeves over her hands and presses them hastily to her eyes in a scramble to hide her tears. Then, gulping momentarily beforehand, she pulls her lips into a smile so fragile, it falters instantly.
“You caught me.” She forces a chuckle. “I should be in bed...”
She climbs to her feet sheepishly, making her way around the furniture in order to slip past him. He’s almost too dazed to stop her, only reaching out at the last second to take hold of her hand before she can sneak up to the girl’s dorm.
He tugs her back gently, curling her back until she tumble softly into his chest. He steps back quickly to give her space, but keeps hold of her hand too keep her steady. She stares up at him once firmly still again, red-rimmed eyes a mixture of panicked and surprised.
 “Sorry- are you okay?”
“Fine.” She lies poorly.
She scans the room quickly for an excuse, zoning in on a book left lying on the coffee table in front of the sofa she was moments ago sat upon. She turns back to him, mustering a sheepish smile.
“Sad book is all.”
Cedric raises a quizzical brow, slowly leading them both towards the aforementioned book. His eyes scan the title before returning to her own with a knowing glint.
“Really?” He asks. “Transfiguration for Senior Students?”
“Too much change…” She nods, wincing at the stupidity of it. “Fine…”
She drops herself back onto the sofa with a shaky sigh and a hiccup of someone who’s been crying for a while. He studies her for a moment, worried by this teary version of the most cheerful girl in Hogwarts, then, he takes a seat beside her.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, voice gentle and encouraging. “You can tell me.”
“You have enough to worry about with the tournament, Cedric.” She shakes her head. “You don’t need my silly problems on top of it.”
He shakes his head, frowning at the statement.
“I doubt they’re silly, (Y/N).” He says. “Just different.”
Something in his voice, soft, kind and genuinely concerned, has tears stinging at her eyes again and a frustrated sigh falling out her lips. She sniffles again and presses her palms to her eyes.
“This is so stupid.” She hiccups. 
“Hey.” He whispers softly. “It’s okay.”
She freezes when she feels the warmth of his fingertips on her hands for the second time this evening, tugging gently to pull them away from her eyes. She lets him, surrendering to his gentle touch.
“You don’t have to be happy all the time, (Y/N).”
Her breath falters at the statement, the weight of it taking a moment to sink in. She pulls her hands from his to wipe newly forming tears again with her sleeves, the efficiency of which she’s beginning to doubt.
"No one's ever told me that before." She admits, once convinced that she’s composed enough to do so.
"What?" He frowns.
"That I can be upset." She laughs sadly. "I'm sure it's just common sense but no one's ever actually told me before."
"I'm supposed to be the one that has it all together." She reminds. "I'm the shoulder to cry on, not the crier."
She lets out another sigh, looking up at him with watery eyes.
"I didn't know it was possible to be so lonely while never once being alone."
His heart twists at the realisation, that beneath the happy cliché is an ordinary girl shrouded in the worst type of loneliness, the type only felt in a crowded room, that exists in the gaps in lively conversation and that hits you when you try to sleep after a long day spent with friends.
“I don’t know if that makes sense- “
“It does.” He assures quickly. “It does, (Y/N).”
“It’s not that I dislike being the one to help people.” She explains quickly. “I love that people can approach me and ask for help.”
"That doesn't mean it's not hard." Cedric says gently.
"Yeah." She agrees with a sigh. "It just gets to be a lot sometimes..."
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)."
Her eyes drop to her lap, the softest of sigh escaping her lips, dropping her head back against the back cushion of the sofa and staring up at the ceiling. This isn't how she saw her evening going, sat across from Hogwarts's champion in tears, a blubbering mess.
“It’s okay.” She mumbles. “It’s just how it is.”
"It doesn't have to be."
“You shouldn’t have to pretend you’re okay all the time.” He explains sincerely, even if just a little nervously. “I want to help, even if that just means being the shoulder you can cry on.”
There is a deep honesty in his grey eyes, intense as they hold hers. She can hear her own heartbeat in her chest, hopeful that even in the quiet of the common room, he can’t hear it too. She’s embarrassed enough for one evening.
“You don’t have to- “
“I want to.” He gulps.
There is that blush she’s become so acquainted with, the one that causes butterflies to flutter in her stomach and for people to nudge her and tell her what a cute couple they’d make together when they notice. The blush she’s grown to find so endearing.
“I care about you, (Y/N).” He admits. “I want you to be happy, but I also want you to know that when you’re not, that I’ll be here to listen to you rant or cry, or even just sit with you in silence if that’s what you need.”
She takes the words in, not sure how she’s supposed to reply without firing herself into his arms. He reaches out nervously for her hand, squeezing it comfortingly. The look he gives her is something between reassuring honesty and shy, as if trying to make sure he’s gotten his point across.
“You don’t deserve to feel lonely.”
“T-thanks, Cedric.” She manages after a minute, although unsatisfied about how understated it is. “That means a lot.”
Whether the warmth of his hand in hers or the kindness of his words she’s unsure, but for the first time this evening, her chest feels lighter and although her eyes sting, they no longer well with tears when she’s left to her own thoughts for longer than a few seconds. 
“Someone should have repaid you that kindness before now.”
“I’m glad it’s you.”
Her voice is quiet, nervous to say the words aloud. Yet, they’re bold words, a leap she’s suddenly proud for taking and that she hopes he’ll find the deeper meaning of. At his expression, she knows he does, but that he needs to be sure.
“I mean to say that it means more coming from you than I suspect it would from anyone else…”
She panics, sure she’s made a mistake from his slight reaction. She goes to pull her hand from his in order to make her mortified bid for freedom easier, but his grip tightens enough to still her desire to flee.
“No, I just need to know you’re not just saying this because you’re upset.” He explains. “That you aren’t just doing this out of gratefulness or- “
“I like you, Cedric.”
There it is, a clear and concise confession, the words he’s never imagined from her lips before, not when he’s so regularly embarrassed himself by turning into a stuttering nervous wreck in front of her.
“I’ve liked you for a while and I’m not just saying it because I’m grateful.” She adds in assurance. “I’m doing it because you’ve just seen me at my worst and not ran, and for the first time in a long time, I don’t feel completely alone.”
“I’d never run.” He whispers reassuring, rubbing his thumb soothingly over her knuckles.
“Not even now, with puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “Not even now, because you look beautiful regardless.”
She once again worries that he’ll hear her hear racing in her chest.
“Talk about a cliché.” She exhales.
“I quite like a good cliché.” He states, grinning at her softly. “They’re terribly misunderstood.”
She returns his smile, not the one she forced onto her cheeks at the beginning of the evening, or even the one that he’s so used to making him blush, that he knows now was hiding a pain beneath it. This smile is new, honest, and soft, the prettiest thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
“I love this smile.”
She melts into his touch when one of is hands comes to cup her cheek, pad of his thumb ghosting over the corner of her lips. He’s decided it’s his new favourite thing, this newly genuine smile.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Hmm.” She hums in agreement. “Yes please.”
Their lips meet tentatively, her face still cupped in his hand, the other holding hers still. It’s slow, he gentle with her and she’s grateful after such an emotional evening. She’d go as far to say that it’s perfect in a way.
“I’m never going to let you feel lonely again.”
“I believe you.”
836 notes · View notes
ginkgomoon · 3 years
Helios- A Character Study
I have always been fascinated by Helios so I’m especially excited about this post! If there’s any other additional information you would like to add, ask, or discuss, feel free to send an ask or a post so I can adjust and clarify for you. But before that, I have other things I want to add that are important regarding my blog- I will be expanding and analysing other characters in MLQC, so not to worry Victor, Kiro and Lucien (and Shaw, Eli?, Savin?) stans! I has't not hath left thee! In addition, before every analysis/study that I do, I will post a hint (such a quote) that will foreshadow the upcoming character/topic I will be covering. I know it’s not necessary and literally nobody does it but this is great fun for me so I also want to try to make it fun for you guys to approach my blog and my work! This is a spoiler buffet. Please don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled! This is probably the longest post ever on my blog so enjoy :)
“You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.” -The Dark Knight
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Who is Helios?
??: Do you know what Helios means? The mocking in his face had returned. He suddenly came close and placed his hand on the window behind me. I was imprisoned in his arms and couldn’t move. His eyes drilled into my own. I felt that if I showed even the smallest hint of discomfort or fear, he would use that as an excuse to push me away. MC: Helios is the sun god from Greek mythology- ??: I don’t like that name.
Helios is the God of the Sun, sight and a guardian of oaths. He is seen to be riding a golden chariot to bring the sun across the skies each day from east (where the sun rises) to west (where the sun sets). 
Kiro has lots and lots and lots of sun, light, dark and shadow imagery attached to him. Kiro is noted to be everyone’s sun, especially for MC and vice versa as she’s noted to be the one to chase the darkness away with Kiro following through. When he has those stage moments as his idol identity, it’s expected for him to be the guiding light (especially for his fans, the Kirophiles)- “the sun” and “hope” as to what “Kiro” represents, without any impurities associated with that persona. Which is ironic for Helios, who dressed mostly in black without the blonde hair, to have that same name as the God of the Sun working in BLACK SWAN- the organisation with the name literally having “black” in it as well. 
“If Kiro is this exuberance and this life, Helios is the opposite of that. It’s what if we took someone who stopped finding reasons to be happy, who stopped finding a lot of things to be passionate about and was just trying to get on day by day- they react to the things that happen to them, rather than going out to look for adventure. Helios lacks a lot of emotion that Kiro has.” -Sean Chiplock, Kiro’s VA
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Kiro and Helios
“If I had a dark side… I should hide it from others, right…? Can I really be imperfect?”
There had been a lot of discussion around Helios in relation to his transformation, whether he was acting and what Kiro’s connection with BLACK SWAN is. 
To clarify, yes- Kiro is Helios. Helios is Kiro. Just like how Kiro admitted to MC that he’s also the hacker KEY. Helios is just one of the personas that Kiro has (which I will expand on in a future post). This, however, does not hinder negatively on Kiro’s personality, but introduces us to another side of him, one that shows effective in-depth characterisation. Especially when we first view him as the cheerful idol with the power to passively attract others. Kiro first gave off the certain impression to Sean Chiplock that you “don’t take off the calm and quiet person, because you don’t want to see the other side of them”. 
Kiro and Helios, which one was the real him? Neither? Or both? -Clinic Date
Before MC has her first encounter with Helios, we have to look more into Kiro’s background and childhood. 
Kiro was experimented on as a kid. He didn’t know his name, his birthday or where he came from. Through the experiments of genetic modification, he obtained his evol. Only when MC and the original KEY came to him, did he really strive to fulfil his sense of purpose of “we shall stand in darkness as we defend the light”, and also to protect MC back. His mentor used to be the original Helios, one of the twelve-ranking positions in BLACK SWAN, but went missing when Kiro was 15. Been given the name Kiro, using his idol identity, accepted this as Helios and as of the leader of BLACK SWAN to rid Leto- the true evil of the Season 1 timeline.
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It is evident that he does genuinely care about his fans, his career and music despite all of this. This aspect of him is very much true (we see that he exposes a person scamming his fans in Chapter 3 and that in his various dates he dedicates his work to comforting his fans in their everyday lives). However, with this much love and support from everyone with very few knowing his true intentions and darker past, it is easy to “trip up” upon these identities, in a way that he would feel so lonely (as I reiterate what I said above) that everyone would think he’s the perfect man (not saying he isn’t because we all know he is!) without any troubles or experiencing difficulties climbing up the ranks to be where he is now- especially with his evol being charm and control. He would wonder if it’s really him or his evol making people act this way towards him (why he has this much love and attention). 
In reality, every teacher who has met him adored him very much. But because of this, Kiro always remained in fear. From the beginning to the end, he had felt that the love and care from others was akin to smoke - surging at first, but from thereafter, dissipates gradually. -CN Stunning Young Idol Rumours and Secrets
He’s like a little sun with no dark spots at all. No wonder people say people say he has a super power. He seems to be loved by everybody… -Chapter 3-1
“A lot of people adore me, but only when I’m doing my thing on stage. They wouldn’t want to see me now...” -Visiting Hours Date 
It would be incredibly hard for him to keep this standard and uphold these burdens with his identity as Helios and KEY as well- where everyone would believe those personas of him to be the “vice”- the “evil”, in morality play. Because when the people who love you only know and love this side of you, what becomes of you when you lose it all?
Superstar Kiro was a little angel who received the admiration and respect of thousands and thousands of fans. What the hacker KEY sounded like was someone with malicious intentions.
Kiro didn’t know which one of his identities was more famous. Though of course, nobody would correlate these two polar-opposite identities together. -CN Heavens Home for Children Rumours and Secrets
He always looked so carefree in front of people, smiling and laughing. But when he was alone in the corner, he always looked so solemn and tired. Countless times, Savin had wanted to talk to Kiro about his work, life and feelings but with just a few words, Kiro would always put him to ease. -That Boy Makes Me Worry Rumours and Secrets
However, behind his brilliant smile, I could occasionally feel something different. It was like paper that couldn't be penetrated. After all, he was a superstar. Ordinary people like us wouldn't understand their world, they must have one or two faces of their own behind the screen. -Secret Base Rumours and Secrets
In the makeup room, sitting on the sofa, Kiro had lost some shine he had under the spotlight and looked a little bit exhausted.  -Confession Date
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In a way, Kiro still staying so pure and happy when others are around is because he doesn’t want people to suffer like he did. He had an extremely rough time when he was young, but his beliefs, light and hope that MC gave him allowed him to fight for better days. 
I then thought about the superstar Kiro many years later, who was always shining and effortlessly charming. This made me really sentimental. How many things must he have been through to become strong enough to bring light to other people? -Echoes of Time: Parisian Salon
She looked so pretty when she smiled, and she also had a father who loved her dearly. She was definitely… someone who deserved to live the most. -CN Top Experimental Subject Rumours and Secrets
His dazzling smile conceals something underneath, just like how the dazzling sun shrouds darkness underneath. Hidden in the depths of his own secrets are things even darkness doesn’t know of. If darkness had a mind of its own, it might think it doesn’t fit with this pure and simple youth. Just as how everyone thinks of him as a simple, innocent Kiro, the sunlight casted on him, able to pierce through him completely, with rays of light refracting onto the floor.  Actually, since a very long time ago, he no longer was a youth… But now, for her sake, he’s willing to become a youth again. -CN Youthhood Rumours and Secrets
The thing I like most about you is that you never admit defeat and you always stay positive. Every time I see you it's like you’re this brilliant sun and I feel charged of energy. Maybe all the lonely times I’ve been through... was so that I could meet you. -Confession Date
When they were younger, they were together as test subjects for evol. MC promised him donuts. He gave her a stuffed teddy bear. Kiro tried to help MC escape but they got caught and separated. They had spent quite some time together, so Kiro would be able to recognise MC once they had met again. Kiro had to replace another child for a top experiment, and the workers thought he’d die anyway as he was too weak. But still, he had survived and became the first and only successful subject. MC showed him that there was kindness- light- that still existed in the darkest of places. And in the darkest parts of his heart, there was MC to light those areas up for him :)
“Look, this world is so beautiful, and you don’t need to be afraid anymore.” But till now, he has yet to find her. But he remembers her eyes. And one day, he will find her within a vast sea of people. 
Kiro remains speechless- quietly listening to the little girl speak. The little girl struggles to pull on his hand. Their fingers interlock together, the warmth from her palm gradually coursing into Kiro’s heart. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll protect you.” Kiro turns to look at her - to look at her perseverant brown eyes, looking at how the corners of her lips turn upwards. Kiro slowly learns how to curl the corners of his own lips from her. It’s the first smile to have appeared on his face.  “This time, I’ll be the one protecting you.” Kiro says excitedly. He stands outside the airport, staring directly at the sun. “I’ll find you, and protect you. I even have a mountain of souvenirs stored in my luggage- I’ll give them to you! And my purest heart - I’ll give it to you too!” -CN Youthhood Rumours and Secrets
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Helio’s Transformation
“Because only you can awaken me from darkness, no matter when.”
When Kiro transforms to Helios, it mainly affects his physical appearance. His hair grows longer and changes to colour, and his black (and super cool) NIRVANA tattoo appears. When he is weak, the tattoo fades (seen in Clinic Date.)
Nirvana- a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism.
I looked at his silver hair. It looked very natural with no signs of hair dye. In the serene moonlight, it was very beautiful. It wasn’t dyed, and it didn’t look like it turned silver because of an illness or something. -Chapter 17 
Helios’s ring also plays part of his transformation. This is ultimately connected to BLACK CABIN and the 1908′s White House Explosion- when evol was born. From this high-dimensional space, Kiro is able to take on as Helios- who also known to be BS’s first generation of god. He can change upon his will, and influences from BLACK CABIN/QUEEN can cause him to lose control.
The golden hair mixed with the bright silver. He raised his finger, and the silver ring flashed. He muttered quietly, as if speaking to the ring and to himself. -Behind The Curtain Part 6: After Returning 
Moonlight shone through the window, illuminating his silver hair with a golden glow for an instant. He buried his face in his right elbow, and large beads of sweat formed on his brow, as if a kind of uncanny transformation was occurring. “NOT NOW!!!” He howled hoarsely, his eyes now golden in the darkness. Residual power inside the Quarantine zone appeared to be affecting him. Violent forces jolted in the tiny space, and coursed through his obsidian ring. -Night Watchman Rumours and Secrets
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Chapter 14
He turned and looked at me, his face a pallid white. His smile was still gentle. Suddenly, I felt intensely uneasy. 
MC: “We’re going in, right?”
Kiro didn’t answer, his eyes intent on me gleamed with a flash of golden light above. When I looked carefully, I discovered his eyes turned into this exquisite gold like pure amber, or crystallised time. 
Kiro: “I command you…”
I have never heard him sound like this before. Stiff, stern and solemn.
“All within my range of control belongs to me. Now walk onto the rooftop, lock the door, and don’t let anyone in… including me... Don’t be afraid. You’ll be okay. I said before, I will definitely succeed this time. I will always protect you.” 
In saying this, he believes that his own sacrifices are necessary, no matter what the situation is. Kiro is willing to dim or even smother his own light and sun for MC to be safe and happy. 
A black figure suspended in the air behind Kiro, just like scythe-toting Death himself… I seemed to see a golden-winged bird fly by, like a ray of light crossing the sky, leaving a temporary light trail in my vision.
“Death”, “golden-winged bird”, and “light”.
This sentence was highlighted in the chapters’ outline from the chapter contents. This implies the symbolism of the phoenix bird- the mythical bird that rises from the ashes and is reborn again. Kiro was captured by BLACK SWAN as punishment and had undergone modification- and was resurrected as Helios.
Chapter 17
He was standing in front of me. Half of his face was hidden in the shadows, but I could see the sharpness of his eyes and eyebrows. He took the notebook away from my hands before I could finish my sentence.
As MC gets tied to the table, flashbacks from suppressed memories emerge. We see Kiro and MC together being test subjects. (Fun fact- Kiro and MC’s blood type is O!) 
White walls. A deserted lab. A cold med table. And a blond boy with agony in his face. Next to him lay a brown-haired girl who was unconscious. …Was that me? I looked at the blood pouring out from the IV. Tears came from my eyes. Kiro… Our lives were connected long before. But where are you now?
She finally realises that Kiro was that boy from the orphanage.
MC: Are you really not Kiro?
??: How long are you going to keep calling me by that wrong name?
(Yes, it’s technically the wrong name because right now he’s called Helios but he’s also technically still Kiro!)
He didn’t sound particularly annoyed, but I felt saddened.
MC: I…
I looked at his face. Every line, feature- they resembled Kiro, but at the same time wasn’t.
MC: I’m sorry… I must be wrong…
I hung my head low. His face may resemble him, but his expressions were so unlike Kiro and I didn’t want to see that.
But my intuition told me that my hunch was not wrong. If that was correct, then one of my paths was already sealed.
Helios: What makes you think that I wouldn’t? You already know where I’m from. Why are you being so naïve? I shook my head. MC: Kiro wouldn’t do this to me… An unknown emotion flashed in his eyes. 
Poor Kiro, having to pretend to not know MC and act so cold towards her. It must have been incredibly hard and painful for the both of them. Please just LET THEM BE TOGETHER. 
Kiro isn’t risking MC see this darker side of him. He truly doubted if anybody would accept him as Helios, because he was just so used it before as an idol having to act so perfect on screen, showing everybody what they wanted to see.
“MC. Step a meter away from him, and close your eyes.
The golden flashes in his pupils were the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes.
“I command you to forget what just happened. And I command you to forget about me. Remember, I’m just Helios.”
My memories were being erased bit by bit. Kiro was fading from my sight. His smiles, his eyes, his warmth… all of them became vague like a fog and disappeared. I tried my best to hold onto them, but it was all in useless.
Kiro… Even the name I tried to hold on till last was wrenched away from me. He watched silently as MC closed her eyes and blacked out in his arms.
“I’m sorry…”
He apologised again quietly. His eyes that once held warmth and brightness were again now filled with shadows.
“I will find the truth that you’re looking for. I don’t want you to bear that heavy burden. I’ll come back to you some day, but not today. Don’t remember my dark sides. In your eyes, I will always remain Kiro to you. After I take care of everything, things can go back the way they were between us. This time, I’ll make sure that you don’t have to wait long.”
“He looked a lot like Kiro. But it wasn’t him.”
In my palm was a small candy glistening in the sunlight. On impulse I unwrapped the paper and put it in my mouth.
MC: Apple flavour…
It somehow crossed my mind that it was Kiro’s type of flavour.
He wants MC to still have faith in him, and to trust in his abilities to protect her, as the candy is a motif for their relationship and exchange towards each other. (This was the same back in the orphanage when they were together too.) However, as his identity as Kiro, not the Helios she encountered. (Dramatic ironyyyy)
“We shall stand in darkness as we defend the light.”
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Thorns Date 
In the photo, Kiro looked completely different from what he usually looked like. On the glistening water, a youth held a birdcage, with a glint of melancholy in his drooping eyes. This was the last set of photos before quitting.
Kiro asked for my praise with shiny begging eyes, as if the prior sorrow and blue were all my illusions.
We stood very close to each other, yet at this moment, I felt there was a formed gap between us.
“MC, do you think the imprisoned bird can get out of the cage?”
There seemed to be a ray of golden light flashing through my mind but I couldn't catch it. (The thought that Helios came to see her?? Yes.)
I remember his distance, his apathy, yet puzzling familiarly. 
Helios saw the magazine falling from my bag, his face flashing with complicated emotions I couldn’t comprehend. And I felt the familiar feeling of being touched deep in my soul. 
“You like gazing at me a lot.” 
Standing at the edge of the dark abyss, he opened his arms and leaned backward without hesitation. He fell straightly like a folded winged bird in the moment. (Similes, metaphors and symbolism galore!)
I sat on the ground limply and closed my eyes to avoid the dazzling light. This scene felt so familiar as I had experienced such a farewell.. Why? 
My senses told me this man was Helios, yet the feelings from deep of my heart were so real. 
“Helios! Do you… know how the imprisoned bird can get out of the cage?” 
“Why do you think I will answer this question?” Behind such eyes, there seemed to be something else I couldn’t make out in the shadow.
I seemed to see him unfold a pair of black wings on his back and about to flutter away. No more cages could imprison him and nothing could make him stop. Helios walked from the bright light into the shadow. 
He recalled her last question and her sad and confused eyes. Suddenly he recalled an ancient story. There was a kind of bird. It was always trapped in the thorns of fate from the moment of its birth. If the most beautiful thing was doomed to be exchanged with the deepest pain. He would overcome all obstacles to come back to her. And be her sun again.
The story that Helios recalled could be The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen. 
In Ancient China, one of the forests lived a nightingale, who sang so beautifully everybody would stop and listen. The nightingale was renowned to be the best wonder out of all the things that the travellers abroad had ever seen. However, the Emperor of China didn’t know that such a bird existed, and demand to have it found.
The bird had come willingly to sing for the Emperor, singing so sweetly that tears came out of everybody’s eyes. The nightingale lived in the court thereafter, until one day the Emperor had received a mechanical copy of the bird, golden with precious gems and all. The nightingale had left, and all the courtiers had said that it was an ungrateful creature. It was therefore banished from the empire. 
The mechanical bird had stopped working, only being able to play once every year. Five years had passed, and the Emperor fell ill that nobody expected him to live. Death had arrived to the Emperor as he prayed for the bird to sing a note. The living nightingale had appeared again, and had come to sing out of trust and hope for the Emperor. Death went to look at the Emperor’s renowned garden as the Emperor was thankful for the bird’s singing. She sang again, and the sun rose through the window and as everybody thought the Emperor had passed. The Emperor wanted the nightingale to stay by his side but it refused. It cannot live in the palace, but promised to visit the Emperor to sing to him. 
A black figure suspended in the air behind Kiro, just like scythe-toting Death himself… I seemed to see a golden-winged bird fly by, like a ray of light crossing the sky, leaving a temporary light trail in my vision.
Similar to Chapter 14, in this date, Kiro is represented as the bird, trapped in the cage. He had to release what everyone wanted him to be- Kiro, the shining sun/bird trapped in the cage under their control- ironic how his evol is absolute control because his charm would have drawn people this way in as a result. And the only way to be free was to be resurrected, to escape, to disappear from public view- to become free as Helios.
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Light Pursuit Date 
“Will you forget me?”
Kiro was becoming faint like a water mist. Panicking, I reached out to grab him but he slipped away from my fingers. An invisible wall had come between us and I couldn’t get close to him. This one step was like an unbridgeable gap between us, but it was like a line that we could never cross.
Will I forget Kiro? That sudden question in my head became clearer, and made me tremble in panic.
He had the name of a sun god, but even I couldn’t feel any bit of warmth.
MC: What is Helios here for?
Helios: We meet again, MC.
This was the first time that Helios called me by my name. He was brusque as ever, but there seemed to be a small amount of yearning in his voice. He did not act the way like the Helios that I used to know. His attitude and manners were surprisingly refined… like he was acting out a whole different persona.
The music changed into Por Una Cabeza- the tango song that I was very familiar with.
(I absolutely love the intertextuality that the game has. It’s a Spanish tango song that was also appeared in Scent of a Woman starring Al Pacino where the tango scene featured a blind man dancing with a woman who didn’t know how to dance and was scared of making mistakes. This correlates perfectly for MC and Helios. MC’s body is reacting to Helios as if he was Kiro...)
I didn’t drink, but I felt drunk somehow. Otherwise how else would this reachable warmth and illusion of intimacy familiar? 
We were so close to each other, but the distance between us was only one step away, but a step we could never cross.
Helios looked up when he heard my voice. His eyes seemed to have trouble focusing. His blue eyes wavered like a lake sprinkling with sunlight. Surprisingly, there was sorrow, and naivety in those usually unfeeling eyes.
He lowered his head and his chin rested on my shoulder. I have never seen Helios so vulnerable. His hands were wrapped around my waist, leaving no space between us. Helios didn’t answer and continued to keep me pressed to his body. There was a deep aura of loneliness and bitterness about him that was barely discernible from his cold exterior.
Because to me, you were familiar to someone I deeply care about. Because my soul resonates when I am close to you. Because…. of a ridiculous assumption. Did I reach the edge of truth? Or was I just deceiving myself? A thick fog was obscuring me from seeing the truth clearly. I didn’t continue talking or thinking. MaybeI was so vaguely aware that this was the closest I could get to him. Only one step away but a distance I could never close.
MC is also scared. She’s in turmoil. She wants to know the truth but she’s also sitting on the fence with it. Especially due to the memory wipe. It’s like, “maybe it’s better if I don’t,” and “I think you are that someone I care so much about but I can’t be sure about it because even if I ask you, you won’t tell me, and I don’t know what to do.” 
Stardust Date
Kiro: That’s right. I’m going to a far, far place. And I will stay there for a very long, long time. Don’t cry when you start missing me. MC: I’m not going to cry!
Kiro: But I will. So promise me, alright? Don’t forget me, even if I leave. 
Two days afterwards, I heard him talk to someone on the phone. I’m pretty sure it was his voice, but it sounded like he was a completely different person. 
What was he trying to hide? Did it have anything to do with his “leaving”? Was it out of his own will or was he involved in something under duress?
The confident smile on his face as he glided his fingers across the keys fluently, showed his passion for this show. As songs were played after another, he became more focused. I could tell from his expression that he was fully immersed in this performance. As long as he was given a stage and music, he’d become the centre of attention no matter what position he was in. However, the more passion I saw, the more I was scared for his “leaving”. He is the sun- what will happen to his supporters when they lose him? And what about me? What will happen to me?
Light and Shadow Phone Call
MC: Is that melancholy in your voice? It’s unlike you to be down like this.
Kiro: Really? Does everyone think I’m that shallow?
MC: Of course not. But you are the brightest and warmest sun, so it’s easy to be touched by your optimistic side first.
Kiro: But right now, the sunlight is getting too strong that it’s scorching…
MC: Hmm? Is it? right now it’s sunset where you are?
Kiro: Yes. I’m sitting atop of Namibia’s Dune 45 and everything is red. Even the sun is sinking low.
MC: Soon, it will sink beyond the horizon.
Kiro: Yes… Miss Chips, Since you say I’m like the sun, and the sun eventually sets...
Kiro: If I have a dark side, I should hide it from others, right?
MC: Why should you hide it?
Kiro: Because, I don’t want to show you and I don’t want to disappoint others.
MC: But you’re just you, Kiro.
Kiro: I am who I am?
MC: Yes. Why can’t a sun have shadows? Even the real sun has sunspots! People who really care for you will love both the warm sunny side and the occasional dark, depressed side.
Kiro: But I always feel...
MC: Everyone has a side they want to hide in the shadows. No one is expected to be required as perfect. That applies to my little sun as well.
Kiro: Can I really be imperfect?
MC: Absolutely. To me, all sides of you are worth cherishing.
Kiro: Thank you, MC.
MC: What’s there to thank?
Kiro: Because… only you are willing to see the weak and plain side that I’m hiding and accept both my light and my shadow.
MC: That’s why I’m your own personal tree hole! I’ll keep your sorrows tucked away for you!
Kiro: Thank you Miss Tree Hole. I’m so lucky to have you. In fact, you are my sun who gives me light to embrace the world every morning. Thank you, for always being there by my side.
This call is so significant for Kiro, and his battle between light and dark. After his evol went out of control, he’s afraid of hurting his fans and MC. Similes and metaphors are used to compare his evol/different personas as the sun and how it will soon go down. He confronts the truth that he will also have to leave the public view soon, and uses this opportunity of the call to confirm what MC thinks if he had imperfections/shadow sides. And of course, to thank her before he leaves. 
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Chapter 21 (Winter World)
He was so fast that his moves were a blur. He dodged every attack and landed his own with grace and strength. It was like watching a silver moonlight dancing in flowing moves. 
“You seem to be completely ignorant about how weak you are.”
I was trapped in a little cage he made with his body against the wall. The cruelty in his face crumbled the last of my shields. he didn’t stop there. He leaned in with his whole body hemming me into the confined space he created. 
Helios: Weaklings should learn to survive on their own. No one will teach you that. 
MC: I don’t want to be a weakling forever.
Helios: Then you better figure out how to become stronger.
He dropped his sarcastic tone. Instead, each syllable fell from his mouth with  upmost earnestness. 
Helios: Use all your strength. Every method you can think of. Abandon your past...even abandon yourself. If you can’t do that, then just go back tot the world you came from.
1562 clutched tightly on his friend’s blanket, refusing to let go. However, in the end, he was shoved onto the ground because his strength was too weak. He had collided so hard that he couldn’t get up for a long while.  -CN Top Experimental Subject Rumours and Secrets
If MC hadn’t come, then there would be no real sun in his life. He would only have artificial light. And he would be right- Helios would be just Helios. He wouldn’t bother much about fans or music, but using this identity to climb the system. He had to learn the hard way on how to survive. Nobody was there for him, thus it would be harder for him to feel empathy towards others in situations other than this. 
The sun had risen completely. The increasing bright light drowned everything that belonged in the darkness. Helios remembered that day a long time ago. In the darkness, the withered hand touched his head and said faintly, “become Kiro, be the so-called “sun”.
At that time, he had lowered his eyes, nodded blankly, and simply walked out into the night, emitting a false light that was not his own. But today… Helios looked off into the distance, and seeing the dazzling morning light, he remembered the girl… At that moment, he saw the real sun.  -Between Light and Darkness Rumours and Secrets 
From “Behind The Curtain”, MC fell into the space-time gap and was saved by Helios. Even though he couldn’t see her as they were in different dimensions, she could be influenced by him. This wasn’t the first time that he’s tugged on that bond tying them together to BLACK CABIN. Thank you Helios also for helping bring MC back to her original world.
Chapter 28
Kiro: You should know about everything that I’ve done.
MC: I know that... you’re Helios.
Kiro’s eyes flickered and blinked at me. The golden hair under the now eclipsed sunlight seem to have an extra glow to it. Kiro: Is my name really that important?
MC: Why did you hide it from me? I trusted that you would tell me. That no matter what name you had, you really wouldn’t change...
Kiro: If a superhero were to turn into an arch-villain, would those who always believed in him lose hope? What he want most is for you to be a fairy, free of all cares. Not getting hurt, not getting worries, whose only responsibility is receiving signals and joy and happiness.
Kiro: However, if she is determined to go do something difficult, and she wants to bear this burden on her own... then I wish for her to be a little superhero, who can fly through it all with ease.
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Chapter 29
“Don’t get all angry. The person beside you didn't even notice any difference between us. Or put it another way, it seems that “you” aren’t important in this role that you’re playing. Anybody can replace you.” -Anole
Anole is wrong (and just jealous). MC did notice, and plus, he probably wouldn’t have survived in the top experiment that Kiro had undergone in the orphanage. That was something only Kiro would have survived, with his willpower and determination in his heart to make a better life for himself and MC- something that Anole clearly lacks.
I had never seen Helios laugh before. His smile wasn't as dazzling as his golden-haired counterpart’s, but one could say that if the former him was the sun, then his smile was now a gentle moon.
THE IRONYYY. Helios is finally okay with showing this side of him to her, from watching her go through trials and tribulations in the Winter World with the other Helios- of course he wouldn’t want any danger to be near MC, but knowing that she can handle anything after all that she went through, he now knows that it’s better for her to be with him instead. Also he learnt how to smile from her and now he’s smiling again as Helios and I’m just so happy
Whether in the face of violent, nefarious enemies or a wave of blood and bullets, he’d never shown any fear. I got the feeling that he was somehow nervous, or even afraid. Was it because he had to return into the spotlight, back the shower of roses and applause?
Well… when he decided to give all that up and step into the darkness with no turning back, what was he thinking then?
He leaned on the wall and rested awhile, staring intently at the black tattoo on his right arm… he looked at himself in the mirror. His silver strands of hair were tingled with gold, as if bathed in sunlight. And for only that one time, he didn’t avert his gaze from the desire in his eyes. It was like looking at a self portrait—so distant, yet so familiar. It was only now that he realised: this was the moment in his life most worth reliving. Once again, he had become Kiro.
In the PV/Karma (photo down below), we see him wearing black- not as Helios but as Kiro! Again, ironic how he’s holding a comeback concert he’s wearing black, a colour that represents darkness and shadows. It had been noted in the Snooper Rumours and Secrets that this is way out of Kiro’s style wardrobe. However, this signifies a range of things. The two personas are “merging” as he no longer hides this persona to MC- they’re one in the same. It has always been this way and will never change. The colour black also means power and authority, but can mean fear and grief. This is the same outfit when Kiro was doubting himself in the Light Pursuit Date as well. 
Right now, if we’re talking moon phases, Kiro right now is in “the void”. Meaning he’s “nowhere”. He’s Kiro but he’s also operating as Helios. He feels nervous to go back but it does come so natural for him to be in the spotlight. He feels stuck at crossroads with himself, especially when he got forced back to perform by Anole. 
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Ultimately, it’s like he’s saying “no matter what becomes of me, I will always stay true to you.” And I think this is perfectly translated as Kiro says, 
“Miss Chips, wait for me.”
(”Wait for me as I fight for us both. So you don’t have to suffer.”) But we suffer either way.
His light and sun has always come from MC. He will always keep running towards his sun, no matter which persona he embodies. This, we can be certain on. (New Season 2 Chapters please don’t oppose this LOL.)
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“I await you at the end of the opposite path.”
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rollychan · 3 years
Okay, turns out I have more to say about the first Loki series episode already.
But first a preface/disclaimer: 1) I welcome all opinions if they’re stated respectfully / without any insulting of or jibing at others or other groups of fans (I mean it, any “some fans *rollyeyes*” will get you a swift block and Idgaf which side you’re on, I have no time for that bullshit) 2) I am a mere unintelligent trashcan of a person and also my native language isn’t English so excuse me if my thoughts here aren’t deep or intelligent enough or thought through. They are my own, though. 3) These thoughts will NOT be very organized. I apologize in advance.
Thoughts under the cut.
The TVA and Dystopian Themes
The first point I’d like to make is that the first episode gives me major classic dystopian vibes just set in a very bureaucratic world. I will explain why:
1) The fact that Loki is arrested for time crimes he wasn’t even aware he is committing and that are decided on by some mysterious few authorities nobody ever seems to see.
Let me expand on this. It feels very much like it’s another powerful dictator-like power, like Big Brother from 1984, like the ten world leaders from Brave New World. They dictate how things should be. They decide on exactly the one timeline that they allow to exist and any variance from that is punishable by death. In 1984, you had the Thought Police and an arbitrarily chosen enemy you had to hate that changed from time to time and everyone had to follow those changes, in Brave New World, it’s a bit trickier, but basically, people were genetically modified (was it before birth? I can’t quite remember that well the details of it) and pre-determined to be in one of three (or four? it’s been years if not a decade+ since I last read the book) classes by deciding on their intelligence and other factors. Pre-determination, rigid behavioral rules, no straying from the decided upon social norms. That’s what they all have in common. Not to mention the brainwashing. “War is Peace / Freedom is Slavery / Ignorance is Strength” anyone? The TVA might as well get such a slogan for themselves. The people working for the TVA all seem very brainwashed. The guy at the desk that stowed away the Tesseract grew up behind the desk, for godssake, he doesn’t even know what a fish is. Just like people in Brave New World are brainwashed from their birth.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” (Brave New World)
The TVA, like the people in the Brave New World, want there to be no conflict (forced happiness is the thing in BNW). They believe in what they do, and Mobius is actually very much a product of that. He believes he is doing the right thing. He believes that getting a Loki variant on his side will solve the problem the TVA are facing with the other Loki variant they are chasing. He will do anything for this goal, but he does have a different idea from the other characters we have met so far. They don’t think a Loki variant will help, but they are still all working towards the same goal.
And, I mean:
“You will be lifted clean out from the stream of history. We shall turn you into gas and pour you into the stratosphere. Nothing will remain of you; not a name in a register, not a memory in a living brain. You will be annihilated in the past as well as in the future. You will never have existed.” (1984)
I get major 1984 vibes here.
(I do think that Mobius might change his stance towards the TVA throughout the course of the series and I think he’s an interesting character to follow. But in the beginning, he’s still wholly entrenched. Him having a different opinion from the rest of the TVA does look like some foreshadowing though.
I have seen some people say the TVA is framed positively, which I respect as their opinion, but I don’t agree. I have seen nothing that cements in stone they’re the good guys here (there are some scenes I view as neutral and Mobius’ introduction I view as framing him as not totally evil, not the whole TVA as good). If anything, I get the feeling they are very powerful dictators and Loki caved because he realized how powerless he truly is there. But I guess that could be just me.)
2) Nothing is explained to Loki. There is no instance that acts in Loki’s defense. In fact, from what we have seen, there is usually no way anyone accused of time crimes can influence the court verdict. It is entirely one-sided and pre-determined unless someone from the TVA wants them alive.
Like, that is a major indicator of something being very very fishy here. No one who has a shred of morality will think that is just. Everyone accused of a crime has the right to a fair process, to a defense, to an appeal. Nothing about this process is fair. Everything about this process screams dystopia to me.
Loki isn’t even treated with dignity like every fucking criminal still has a right to in democratic countries. Getting the clothes lasered off without a warning? Would be a major human rights violation. Getting dragged left and right and dropped through floors? Major human rights violation.
This is, partly, played for laughs, but also not entirely. Loki does realize how little power he holds in that place and that moment is played seriously. It’s dictatorian, it’s unjust, it’s rigid.
3) People are arbitrarily erased / killed (”reset” is the term they use, I believe? When they use those glowsticks?)
For things like refusing to take a ticket and then having no ticket. When nothing is explained to them before.
The court process is a joke. It’s a farce, they go through some (not even all) standard motions of court preceedings but there is 0 chance for the accused to win. It’s all an illusion, as Loki so correctly points out. Nobody questions it but him, but it very much is all an illusion, a mask for the dictatorship underneath.
I’m, like, 80% sure the ticket bs is there so they don’t have to deal with everyone and can get rid of the annoying variants before they ever reach the “court”.
Basically, I think the TVA are supposed to be dystopian. It fits right in. (There is so much more in my brain but currently I lack the words to express it)
Loki and Continuity
The first half of the episode feels very over-the-top. There is so much over-acting going on with Tom Hiddleston that I don’t understand. He feels incredibly OOC in that first half (save for a couple moments, perhaps). The panicky fumbling for the ticket after he saw another variant being “erased”? That’s so much NOT Loki it’s not funny. I can overlook the thing about signing the papers that are supposed to be “everything he ever said” but some things are so OOC they are not even in the same universe as Loki’s original characterisation (of the T1 & Avengers 1 Loki) is anymore. That ticket fumbling moment, for example.
They did go over basically all his life in that scene with Mobius (though Mobius was absent for a bunch of it). Those emotional moments were raw and IC, in my opinion (the way he reacts to his own death - btw, anyone reading this before watching the episode: they show the IW death scene and while the moment he dies happens while the camera shows Loki’s reaction to it, you can still hear the audio of it, so beware!) I think that moment he breaks down is well-done. And it’s in that vulnerable state that Mobius finds him and gives him the final manipulative push to tell Mobius what Mobius wants to hear.
If they pick up on these themes - the dystopian dictatorship that the TVA are in reality and Loki having to come to terms with never being able to turn back and freedom vs. determinism (chaos vs. rigid order?), it can turn out to be a decent show.
I have way more thoughts but I’ve already spent way too much time on this so here you go.
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demoiselledefortune · 3 years
Post canon sangcheng fic recs for @runespoor7
(wooohoo that’s only 25 fics haha)
Silence by inberin
a conversation in the snow.
Wonderfully nuanced characterisation. It hints at whole relationship and dynamic with a lot of delicacy.
Windrose by offlight
Nie Huaisang is forced into a coma to stop his qi deviation. Jiang Cheng is tasked with waking him up.
There’s a lot of intriguing dreamscapes in this one, and I love Jiang Cheng (and in the background Wei Wuxian)’s desperation and obstinacy.
All the innocence we give by shamiran
Learning to renavigate the ground between them is easier than Nie HuaiSang expects. It's also harder than he could have imagined.
Just a sweet story.
Taste the wine off your lips by ExNihiIo
A light pat lands against his back, and a cup of water is pushed in front of his face. “Not even Zi Shi, and you’re already tipsy?,” asks a teasing voice, while a thin hand puts down the cup. Jiang Cheng coughs a little more, shaking his head, and sends a dirty look at his host. “I am not tipsy.” “Hm, and yet your cheeks are all red. What would your disciples think, if they saw you in this state?” “They’d think about running away while they can. I can break legs more easily than I can drink alcohol.” A smile curves the edges of Nie Huaisang’s mouth, and he closes his fan with a curt jerk, sitting across the table. He’s wearing lighter clothes, Jiang Cheng notices, compared to the ones he had during the Discussion Conference. Where those had been tight and rigid against his body, these now fall softly on him, the large sleeves sweeping delicately as Nie Huaisang moves to pour himself a cup.
I like the melancholy tone of this one.
The light of autumn: you will not be spared by crooows
Nie Huaisang arrives a week early for the conference which will be held in Yunmeng to discuss the position of chief cultivator.
[Title is from a poem called "October" by Louise Glück!]
A bit funny, a bit melancholy
You can run but you can’t hide by ThirtySixSaveFiles
Nie Huaisang has noticed something about the way Jiang Cheng takes compliments; Nie Huaisang has a theory, and he intends to test it out.
Just Huaisang figuring out Jiang Cheng has a praise kink. Established pairing.
Evening Bloom by dragonofeternal
Jiang Cheng is spry and lithe well into his twilight years, living well off Wei Wuxian's stolen youth; Nie Huaisang's golden core, on the other hand, has always been poor- he blacks his hair with ink and dyes, hides the pudge of indolence and the wrinkles of age behind the latest fashions and the finest fans. Perhaps for their peers, finding the space to be vulnerable came easy, but for them it's taken this long to maybe think of letting someone in.
I have a big weakness for stories about old people falling in love and this is one delivers very sweetly.
Four Days in Lanling by Halotolerant
Nie Huaisang looks at him. ‘You are confusing me, Clan Leader Jiang, perhaps I misunderstand, but…’
‘You didn’t misunderstand. You don’t misunderstand. You understand all of it.’ For six months Jiang Cheng has been mulling this over, and now with Nie Huaisang in front of him he can’t figure out if he most wants to knock him down or kneel at his feet. What he does is try and breathe. Clench his hands at his sides. ‘And now I am going to ask you to do something for me. You have to do something for me. You have to help Jin Ling.’
Ok so perhaps it’s misrepresentating to call this a post canon fic  since most of the action is mid-13-years-of-WWX-death but the fairly important framing part is post canon. Also it’s one of the best sangcheng fic out there and a must read.
Shadow eternal by rynleaf
“You want me to distract the Chief Cultivator from the Annual Cultivation Conference, so you and other sect leaders can… what. Sign contracts without adult supervision?”
“If Jiang-zongzhu is amenable,” Sect Leader Ouyang repeats with a nod.
Jiang Cheng pinches the bridge of his nose. The pressure he felt building behind his eyes all morning is swiftly coalescing into a bitch of a headache. “Just what do you all think I’m capable of?”
Sect Leader Ouyang bows with a cheerful smile. “We have utmost faith in Sandu Shengshou’s abilities.”
In which a night hunt ends in disaster, Jiang Cheng catches a glimpse of Nie Huaisang's heart, and feelings are discussed after a certain fashion.
One that’s between sweet and angsty.
The way is shut, and we cannot go back by saltedpin
One month since Guanyin Temple, and some people are coping better than others (or not).
This one is a mostly sad and bitter take on Jiang Cheng reacting to Nie Huaisang’s plot (and being very drunk).
Living memory by ghosthouses
Once Jin Guangyao has left, he gives himself two indulgences. The first, a day to scream in his rooms made soundproof with a talisman. The second, a physical list written in code, to keep his older self, who will have let the pain dull with time, accountable for what must be done.
It has only two commandments:
He will die.  
He will know.
Nie Huaisang puts it in his sleeve with the intention of keeping it with him at all times, to be added to but never reduced, a living memory of his task.
This and its prequel which you should also read is quite short but probably one of my favorite depictions of their dynamic (and probably one I find most plausible).
What’s Left of us by cangse-sanren
“Well,” Huaisang tries hesitantly, “both of us seem to have a rather fraught relationship with things like older brothers and the concept of betrayal. And regret,” he adds as an afterthought. "Perhaps you just understand me more than most."
Yet another that dwells into Jiang Cheng reacting to Nie Huaisang’s plan. I really like that take although it’s barely shippy (and quite short).
Descending by lightningwaltz
“I want to… to not be embarrassed.”
“To not be embarrassed during what?”
“During sex.” There. Jiang Cheng can say it. “In general. Also with you right now.”
“Very good.”
“When did you become so authoritative?” Jiang Cheng wants to sound irked, but can’t quite manage anything beyond nervous curiosity.
Very interesting fic and in many ways unusual. I’d say it’s hypnosis kink, but it’s much more character driven than that. With a context of established FWB arrangement between Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang.
Tell him that I miss our little talks by xiaolongbaobei
the post-canon fic where Jiang Cheng becomes the Chief Cultivator, realizes that it's not too late to fall in love and learns to ask for what he wants
Longish fic exploring Jiang Cheng as Chief cultivator working with Nie Huaisang and slowly falling in love with him. I adore this one, and not only because I love fics that explore the idea of Jiang Cheng as chief cultivator.
Blind for Love by manamune
Jiang Cheng is poisoned with an aphrodisiac and needs to orgasm repeatedly in order to flush it from his system.
The first person he thinks of going to for help is Nie Huaisang, who does what any good friend would do: he shoves his three decades worth of feelings for Jiang Cheng deep into the recesses of his mind, locks them up so he can pretend they don’t exist, and then fucks him so hard that he passes out.
Mostly a long smutty piece, but with a lot of fun character bits along the way.
A Tight-Knit Family by aldalin
“Jing Ling, we need to talk.”
Jin Ling has too many uncles, and he’s about to get another.
Sect Leader Jiang announces his marriage to Sect Leader Nie.
A fairly different take, more focused on Jin Ling and Wei Wuxian reacting to Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang’s relationship.
A trip to Qinghe by Scorpiwriting
An unexpected hunt forces Jiang Cheng to leave the Lotus Pier a bit earlier than he had anticipated, so he decides to send Jin Ling to Qinghe, for the sake of not sending him back to Lanling so soon: it turns into a learning experience for the young sect leader, who gets to peek into the life of the Headshaker.
Jin Ling learns that not everything people say is true and that perhaps there is some merit to art. He also learns that loneliness is a dark beast and that his uncle should definitely do something about it.
Another one more focused on Jin Ling’s reaction to it. Honestly more of a gen piece about Jin Ling and Nie Huaisang, but an interesting one.
Silver bracelets on their wrists by mercurious
“Can’t I find excuses to visit an old friend?”
Ok so this one is a bit fucked up in interesting ways. It combines Chief Cultivator Jiang Cheng and explicit longing about Wei Wuxian, and BDSM as catharsis. It’s a fascinating piece.
Welcome to love by amphigoric
Desire, Jiang Cheng learned, flourished even in love’s absence. It surged hot and fast through his veins at the sight of Nie Huaisang’s spread thighs, marks still lingering from the last rendezvous they had. He felt it burning through his chest as Huaisang raked lines down his back, breaths coming in short, desperate gasps: “Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Wanyin, please, please.”
It’s a little bit clumsy at times, but also very passionate and intense in a way I still find compelling. Featuring a lot of self sabotaging Jiang Cheng.
When your stitch comes loose by heyninja
Sometimes people see you for who you really are. Sometimes because you let them. Sometimes whether you like it or not.
A triptych of collisions between Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng.
Only the last part is post canon but it’s the most important part, isn’t it?
Peel your heart like a pomegranate by Izumi_silverleaf
"It's an extraordinary feeling when parts of your body are touched for the first time. I'm thinking of the sensations from sex and surgery."
Sometimes you just need to read a very hot guro fic. It’s a weird fic but it’s a cool one.
If you give a Nie a cushion by LesbianLazerOwl
Prompt: Long enough After Canon that everyone's mostly okay these days, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang get drunk and wind up comparing masturbation habits; each is aghast at how the other spends their personal time.
Funny and hot
To Distraction by isozyme
It’s the third night of Yunmeng’s kite festival celebrations. Nie Huaisang has come visiting, eager to partake in the food, the arts, and Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng wants to forget. Nie Huaisang has some new lube and wants to see if he can put his whole fist in somebody’s ass.
Established pairing in which Nie Huaisang fists Jiang Cheng. It’s hot.
Safe in Your arms by Dragon_scribe
In the aftermath of a night hunt gone (very) wrong, Jiang Cheng wakes up to find himself in the Unclean Realm. As he recovers from his injuries, he and Nie Huaisang grow closer and as time passes, their friendship begins to shift to something more.
Very sweet/sappy and hurt/comfort orientated, with a small bit of reconciliation dimension too.
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jay-in-chicago · 4 years
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Summary: What should have been a one night stand becomes something so much more for Jay. Pairing: Jay Halstead x unnamed female character. Warnings: hints at sexy times but doesn’t go into any real details. Lots of soft Jay. Words: under 1100 A/N: I’m pretty nervous to be posting this, so I’ll hit post and then go and hide. While I’m not new to writing, I am new to writing for the Chicago world. I adore Jay and when one of my friends had a birthday recently, I just knew I had to write her something Jay related. She encouraged me to create this account and to post it here, feeling more people needed even more Jay fics in their life. Apologies if the characterisation isn’t correct, I’m still learning. Not BETA’d because this is my first time here, so all mistakes, errors and typos are completely my own.
Likes, reblogs and feedback makes me squeal with happiness.
Based on the song: Walk In The Sun by McFly. ___
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
I wonder what it's like to be home
Jay hadn’t been looking for anything or anyone the night he headed to Molly’s after work a few months back. His whole intention was to have a few drinks, head back home, nurse another beer as he watched a game before falling into bed.
He hadn’t intended to hold her eye contact. Or return the smile that had slowly formed on her perfect lips as she saw his interest. The moment she’d opened her mouth to say hello, he’d heard the tone of it and knew he wouldn’t be going home alone.
He’d had one night stands before but this wasn’t one he’d sought out. Her face had lured him in, her voice had travelled straight to his crotch and her kisses had made it so that he hadn’t wanted to stop.
Thinking it was just simply another one night stand, Jay hadn’t expected anything else to come from it. But when he’s returned home from work that evening, his apartment was left exactly as he had, with the only exception being a note pinned to the fridge with her phone number.
Jay had shaken his head as he’d chuckled to himself. She could have slipped out, accepted the possibility of it just being a one off but she’d made it so the ball was in his court. He liked that. He admired that. He couldn’t deny that she had been on his mind throughout his shift. He could picture her body laid out before him as he’d typed at his computer, scanning the data bases for who matched the leads they had.
The case had taken a quick but escalating turn, ensuring that his mind was fully preoccupied for the next two days, not even her note left pinned to the refrigerator could distract him from the details of the case. Only once it was over and the team headed to the bar for a much needed drink did he see her once more.
“Oh so you are alive?” She’d grinned at him as he’d brought a drink over for her and pushed the glass towards her. “I thought you’d fallen off the face of the earth. Faked your death, moved to another country. The usual excuses.”
“Just work, I'm afraid. No elaborate excuse from me.”
“At least you’re honest.”
They’d sat together, huddled up in one of the booths for most of the night. He could have gone home with her once more but something told him not to. He made sure he took her number again, called her right there so she had his and promised her they’d arrange something but urged her to make contact whenever she wanted to.
Texting became daily, the two of them would call once in bed to talk a little. They started out by meeting for lunch, progressing to dinner when their schedules allowed it. She offered to cook for him, washed down with a few bottles and he liked that she enjoyed a cold beer just as much as a bottle of wine.
She shared his love of sports, had a type of sense of humour which meant she wasn’t easily upset and gave it back to him just as hard when he mocked her playfully. Their dates became more frequent and he quickly found himself enjoying knowing he may not be coming home to anyone at his apartment but he had someone whom he had plans with.
She excited him out of the bed as much as she did in it. She could hold a conversation. Challenged his beliefs and made him look at the world a little differently; in a good way. She was patient with him. Understood when he needed to be alone and gave him the welcoming embrace that he needed when he needed it.
She hated not being able to help at times, when he’d come home from a particular gruelling day and he couldn’t talk about the case they were working on. Sometimes he simply needed to sit in silence but know she was there, others he would turn up at her place and bury himself within her over and over until the day was blocked from his mind as he focused on her and nothing but her and when the next orgasm would hit.
Last night was the latter. The alarm clock on the bedside table reads 06:13 AM. She’s still laid asleep beside him but he’s been up longer than he’d have liked. She never saw it this way, but he hated to think he used her for sex as a distraction. She reasoned that he didn’t only see her for sex, if he did, then she may have an issue but she never felt used; quite the opposite, she felt relieved she could him in some way.
Turning his face to look at her, he can’t ignore the flip of his stomach. They’d been doing this for months now, and though he’d never thought of himself to be the type to fall for someone easily, he was certainly beginning to question that.
They’d fit so simply into each other’s lives that he couldn’t picture an alternative now. She’d made him consider how his life could be. He could picture a future that he hadn’t seriously thought about before. She’d laid out on the couch, rubbing a belly full of food one evening and it was too easy to picture her carrying his child.
They’d strolled through the park, hand in hand and tucked into one another as much as possible to keep warm during the colder months. Snow had fallen in flurries around them, she was laughing at a story she was telling him about her day and that was the first time he could picture himself lowering to one knee to ask her the question.
Though they hadn’t officially said the words, he knew he was falling in love with her and in this moment, he wonders what it would truly feel like to be loved by her endlessly.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
Hey, feel free to ignore this, but I'd love to hear your grievances against Bridgerton? I saw some of the fashion posts you rbed, but I'm especially intrigued by the "fails on all aspects" parts? Thanks!
Hi there,
There is honestly so much that could be said and analysed in finer points but the short version of it is just that it is a bad story wrapped in the glitz of high production value but surprisingly little good technical execution despite all the money shoveled at it. Bridgerton is the type of show where the petty, mean side of me would delight in a detailed and cutthroat list of all of its flaws but for which I do not care enough to be actually invested in hating it. It’s just a thing to be puzzled and petty about: people think Bridgerton is good. Wild.
Now let me first say that I have no inherent problems with anachronistic creative choices, or the idea of a contemporary take on period dramas. After all, all period dramas are inevitably told through a contemporary lens, to different degrees. It’s also not like they were the first big production to do it either: has everyone just forgot about The Great Gatsby? or tumblr’s favourite Hamilton? I honestly think this kind of mixing already has so many cool outcomes when it comes to music (like this, this or this and this), I do believe we could get something really interesting out of creative anachronism in mainstream visual media. I’m also more forgiving with newer forms of experimentation, because sometimes new ideas need to be worked out before they reach their full potential. But the way Bridgerton does it.... so clearly lacks a clear creative vision and dedication to the concept imo that it makes it harder to excuse the ways it fails since the failures seem to originate from that lack of vision and dedication to storytelling. For instance, there is seemingly no logic as to when the diegetic music will be an instrumental cover of a contemporary song or not--which does not even broach the topic of how bad those ‘classical music’ arrangements for modern songs were? Honestly embarrassing how lazy those arrangements were: hire a good composer (or any at all), you cowards. And then the costumes... once again, a lack of internal logic seems to permeate the choices presented in addition to a lack of care in its execution: so many of the dresses are ill-fitted, the characterisation through the outfits were all over the place (like the mom who wore a silhouette that no one else wore and had no basis in any fashion of the era) and so many of the fabrics/jewellery looked the opposite of expensive (kind of looked like a lot of it was polyester and plastic tbh), which is sort of a problem when you are trying to sell the fantasy of "The lives of the rich and famous but make it regency” imo although I suppose a portion of the audience just doesn’t notice lmao. Honestly I find that a lot of ‘costume historians’ who made video essays on Bridgerton were too nice with the show, perhaps in order not to come off as seeming to hate the costumes on the basis of them not being historically accurate, and as a result were way too forgiving imo. And this lack of real creative vision is also something we see in the cinematography and direction which.... seems often confused about the way it wants to make things feel fantastical and ends up dropping the ball on the execution of these meant-to-be extravagant or over-the-top shots.
But, again, the cinematography is just... middling at best, made only worse by the editing which is just plain bad. I guess you’ll have to just take me on my word on this because I am not willing to do an autopsy of all I find off about it, but lord jesus mary and joseph it was painful to watch at certain moments.
Bridgerton is not the first show to do colourblind casting, although I’d say it deserves recognition for fucking it up for no reason at all. Like, sure there are criticisms to be had about how it remains still a very white story that falls into certain tropes wrt darker skin characters or the glaring lack of south asian representation considering what the contemporary UK looks like, etc. but what I’m gesturing at is the totally unnecessary but mind-boggling “royal love solved racism” twist we get in the, what, fourth episode? (Broey Deschannel covered the topic quite well imo) The audience would have accepted that there were no in-world explanation for the colourblind version of the already-made fantastical regency that had them dancing to Ariana Grande songs. The colourblindness, racism-free society would have just been another aspirational aspect. They literally did not need to do this.
Honestly I don’t feel like I need to get into why the story itself is not very good or well-executed since it feels very obvious. I won’t begrudge on principle the show for using well-worn tropes and common-to-the-point-of-farce character archetypes, but I have to object to the way it uses them and in the service of what story. And not to make myself in a plot-hole-ding kind of person-who-has-thoughts-about-media, but this is not a story that holds up well to scrutiny or logic, let’s say. And any type of social or political commentary it tried to include was dumb to the point of farce: the Feminist Character Who Wants to Read not Go Dance was just.... a masterclass in bad, embarrassing writing. I am surprised at how unlikeable and boring the vast majority of the characters were, but perhaps less surprised at how a series that planned on having multiple seasons already sold the twist of Lady Whistleblow’s identity at the end of the first season, for what seemed to be no narrative reason at all. That being said, I have to give credit where it’s due and acknowledge that there is a skill in being able to produce stories that get extremely popular and well-loved.
(Do I need to mention the performances? So many underwhelming or embarrassing performances. It’s hard to tell sometimes whether it’s the actors themselves or the directing that’s the issue, or a mixture of both, but.... oof).
I guess in the end Bridgerton’s biggest transgression is it sits for me in the uncomfortable middle where it is neither trashy or campy fun nor is it an interesting work of fiction. Differently put, it is simply neither good nor fun.
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quilna · 3 years
No ramble! I have so many thoughts and opinions on Lanyon and tgs but like I never want to say them because I don’t want to invalidate anyone’s experiences. Like I try very hard when interacting with tgs to avoid a kind of “protagonist centered morality” stance of like “this character did something bad to the main character so this character bad” if it’s with Lanyon or the lodgers or even Lucy throwing out Hyde. Like obviously the harm they do is still real and valid, and like people can feel any way they like about those characters but to me, I don’t see how fulfilling it is to only examine their actions through one lens (the Jekyll-Hyde POV), like everyone is dealing with their own bullshit. Like Lanyon is probably gonna do something unhealthy and stupid and it’s gonna suck, but…he’s got his own problems, his own demons that are just as valid as Henry’s. Like, he’s under the same heterosexual Victorian repression system as Henry and he’s live in high society all his life. Even the lodgers, I want them to get a clue not because (or just because of) Henry but because this is their lives they are actively ruining rn and they don’t see it.
Everyone has their own personal issues to work through and the snap judgements really do worry me (I’m also like on edge because (maybe I’m overstating harm) but Lanyon is not white and Henry is and non white characters are always held to a different moral standard than their white counterparts and I just…it puts me on the defensive) because I have a hard time believing people when they say “Lanyon doesn’t care” when like every single interaction he has with Henry is him (in his own way or not) fretting over him. Doing things he doesn’t like to help him. Like we are reading a romantic subplot about two men in their 30s finally mature enough to be in a relationship with each other at least I hope.
Everyone except maybe Jasper has issues(Tm) and I’m just I scream
Now I’m rambling apologies
As someone who relates a lot to Lanyon, I do enjoy people actually looking deeper into Lanyon than "Jealous and cold-hearted." In his very first appearance, he's shown to be very theatrical and over the top, after all. It's his establishing character moment.
I think Sabrina does a very good job at characterisation. None of the characters are perfect and, for each character in TGS, no matter how much they're hated by the fandom, there will be one person who can see themself in that character and I appreciate that. (Apart from Moreau but... Well, sorry to Moreau but he doesn't really matter personality-wise. He just stands around and looks threatening.) None of the characters have the whole picture from other people's perspectives and it leads them to make questionable decisions at times.
Like real, normal humans do.
Lucy only saw Hyde's reputation, his cruel behaviour towards her spouces, and all the destruction he had left in his wake but had no way of knowing that he was breaking down and violently hallucinating at the time. From her perspective, she did the right thing. Heck, despite all that, she still threw him a line and gave him that headstart which basically saved his life.
Lanyon has jealousy and it's something a lot of people deal with no matter what. It doesn't matter if they can acknowledge it as bad, emotions aren't always these polite little things that can be put away in a box and they'll never bother anyone again. They're messy, they can hurt people, and Lanyon doesn't have enough healthy relationships or coping mechanisms to properly deal with them in a healthy way.
Lanyon's moments of vulnerability was what made me initially interested in him when I first started reading because he clearly cares so much. In fact, I think it was interested me the most in the webcomic when I started reading it overall.
He went behind Henry's back to confront his abusive father, swallowing his pride to essentially beg him (and it must not have been easy to get his father to pay for the society to begin with), he went to Blackfog even though he knew that he would be completely out of his depth, even staying long after he had personal experience with the kind of place it was (I mean, Hyde was there for several hours so Lanyon probably was too, risking getting mugged or even killed the entire time.) When Rachel's too busy fretting over Hyde and nobody else is paying much attention, Lanyon is the first one to point out that there's something the matter with Jekyll and that's before the hallucinations start to happen. He's observing Jekyll's emotions so closely that he instantly pinpoints that Jekyll's not acting right from the very earliest signs. He gushed to Hyde about how much he loved about Henry. None of these things are something that someone would do if they actually didn't care.
(On Jasper not having issues, Jasper hid himself away in his room plagued by imposter syndrome when he first came to the society. It's easy to forget now that he's become comfortable with Jekyll and Rachel but he has his own list of problems. He's not completely stable either.)
Anyway, this is kind of messy. I was half-falling asleep in class today and I've had a (very mild, just annoying) cold for the past few days so I'm trying to get to bed early which leaves me less time to proofread this. Sorry about that. I appreciate the excuse to ramble myself though.
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milkpuddjng · 3 years
sex education s3 thoughts!
oh my god. so many thoughts. i’ve never been too into sexed just cause. but i have SO many opinions about this season and they NEed to be heard. i think i’ll also be making a post about young royals later on so. yes.
i think i’ll just. start off by saying. what the fuck was that? the only enjoyable characters to watch this season were Adam, Ruby, Aimee and the adults. the rest of the cast (that I had originally really enjoyed watching the first two seasons) were absolutely butchered and made to serve extremely boring, there-for-the-sake-of-it ideas. like?? huh?
for one, Otis felt like. an absolute loser this season. not just because he is the archetypical “loser”, but also because he was just so. bland and had such little zest. i understand that the whole point of the season was that he had no more clinic and couldn’t help people and therefore felt like a dampened version of himself, but wtf? his excuse was terrible. that in no ways would make you as different from your original self as you are in this season! the way he went about his relationship with his mum was good though - that was quite nice to watch. but his friendship with Eric this season just felt.. forced. it didn’t feel like it really did anything with the narrative, they were kind of just there for each other as fodder. and and GOD the character just flip-flopped between being spineless and an asshole, and it really didn’t read well with me. I thought the delicate kind of balance and characterisation of Otis they had in the first two seasons really fell through and it’s honestly a shame they let him ‘develop’ into this in this season.
and don’t get me started at ALL on Eric. to me this was the worst and most cruel character DECIMATION this entire season. my reading of Eric was as someone who had only recently developed into his gayness. he had only recently reclaimed his own identity and found pride in his gayness and flamboyance. this being a way-too-overdone gay trope aside, I had originally rooted for him lots in the first two seasons because it felt like he was doing it at his own pace and slowly getting comfortable with that. in s3 though, it feels like he is condescending BECAUSE of this confidence, and frankly that really just did not sit right with me. they made Eric out to be cruel, tone-deaf and insensitive. throughout the entire s3, even in his scenes with Adam, he’s uninterested, and really doesn’t show much interest in Adam apart from wanting a relationship and all its physical and social perks. he’s so preoccupied with having a Perfect gay relationship and takes no interest in actually knowing more about Adam, and that honestly really rubbed me off the wrong way, especially with the way their relationship was portrayed as being more emotional and something vulnerable in the last seasons. Eric this season felt like he was making use of Adam the whole way, and what was originally something I was looking forward to a lot in this season ended up being the thing that disappointed me the most. and i’m not sure if it’s the writing or not, and the lack of material for them to work with, but the chemistry between them this season was so lacklustre. really really disappointing.
fk i hate tumblr. i wrote a whole thing about adam and how much i love that his line was written in a delicate and sweet way, but it got deleted. rip. anyway i liked his relationship with Rahim, Ruby and interactions with Ola far more than his relationship with Eric, and I enjoyed how he became sweeter and more delicate towards Ms Sands and his own mother! to me this season was about him unlearning and trying better to relate to the people around him, and connect with himself on a deeper level and it was really very sweet to watch as that panned out. would have loved to see more interactions of him and Ola and them confiding in each other, but I swear if he and Rahim’s friendship develops into a romantic relationship I would lose it. ok but i love stoic boy learns emotions for people around him trope and the scene of him crying on the bridge really fucked me up :”) OH and i also enjoyed how the entire Groff family had their own individual developmental arcs this season, and i really hope that means something for them as a family unit later on and their reunion as a healthier, albeit un perfect still family.
on the topic of people who deserved more! i think viv for sure. i frankly don’t understand the point of giving her a hot boyfriend and of not exploring her friendship with Jackson more. not TO mention the own blandness of Jackson’s character,,, god. they had so much to work with and truly just abandoned it all. it made sense to me that she would engage in such ‘treasonous’ behavior with Hope and all, but I didn’t understand what the sexy boyfriend and sexting did for her character. i would have much preferred deep emotional talks between Jackson and her, and of the three of them solidifying as a solid friend group. would also have appreciated her becoming better friends with Cal but. wtv. very disappointed with her character this season, especially because her and Jackson’s friendship last season was done so well.
and on Jackson and Cal, i like Cal lots. really. but i really didn’t see the narrative function of their character in the show this season. while I really respect and enjoy the show’s decision to have more diversity of representation etc., i thought Cal as a character was quite unnecessary, especially because this season proved that the writers were struggling a lot to develop everyone’s characters and their backstories etc. Cal, while fun, just distracted from existing relationships and characters the show would have benefitted from exploring more. and i just didn’t see the chemistry between them and Jackson, idk at first I felt it but after a while it didn’t seem very genuine or legit to me and it felt even a bit forced. idk if this is unpopular but i honestly really enjoyed Jackson with Maeve a lot more. this was in my opinion, quite a disappointing match-up. also i missed Jackson’s mums - thought it would have been nice to spend more time thinking about that and showing that relationship as well. also didn’t think Jackson doing drugs was like. necessary. it was nice but like. ? i didn’t see the character development with that.
Maeve and Isaac. i really started off season 3 hating Isaac’s guts, but i thought that as the season went on, I really saw the chemistry between them which I truly thoroughly enjoyed. I also don’t know. why and how Maeve is still attracted to Otis - frankly, Isaac understands her way more, and allows her that much independence that I felt was necessary for her growth. Oh but I did like Maeve’s growing into accepting help and setting down her pride - especially in her relationship with Anna. i felt Maeve was more or less stuck in the same place as last season save for her letting down of her pride though. although her and Aimee as usual! were very enjoyable to watch.
ok i think this is all i have to say for sexed for now, when and if I do find more to talk about i will uPdate this!
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Hi, I’m sorry to bother you with this, but I was wondering about your distaste for S*a*g C*i. I’m not very familiar with the comics or the characters. Your post caught my attention because I try to be knowledgeable about the media I consume, especially coming from Marvel/Disney(being Jewish Rromani, I’ll never forgive them for what they did to Wanda). I tried googling information about it but couldn’t find much. I was just curious if your post had a deeper meaning or if it simply isn’t to your taste. Obviously feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel like getting into it or don’t want to answer.
Hi! First up, thanks for taking the chance to ask and being willing to listen. I appreciate that a lot.
I am going to preface this by saying that I am part of the Chinese diaspora. I have never read the comics in full but I have seen enough to formulate my own thoughts. All my opinions made here are my own and I’m not looking to debate or be persuaded or to shift my point of view. I have my mind about these things and you have yours. I do urge you to keep opening avenues of discussions as I should not be the only person being asked.
Also, heads up, I will block any sort of argumentative bs-ery.
SC is obviously made with the perspective of the Asian American lens in mind and I have seen it been pointed out that it isn’t meant to be ‘representative’ but let’s be real here. How many people in the tag have already been hyping it up as Asian rep and stuff? I’m just saying. I just want to say that the experiences of Asian Americans do not reflect those of the diaspora. Yes, we can relate to a certain extent, but to generalise and distill all experiences of all members of the diaspora into that of Asian Americans is unacceptable.
My issues with SC (not gonna bother with spelling the name out and we are going into the whys) are as follows:
I would recommend starting out by reading this article on cbr.com that goes a little further into detail on the history of the character
The tl;dr is this; SC started out as an insensitive East Asian stereotype character created to capitalise on the 1970s fervour for anything Kung Fu. Sure, Marvel has done their best to retcon some of the less stellar parts of his origins, but the funniest thing is (legend. big bro. uncle Tony) Tong Leung, a renown Hong Kong actor has been casted as The Mandarin while Simu Liu, a Canadian Chinese actor, was casted as SC. Make of that what you will.
Okay deadass I’m not saying Simu Liu won’t do a good job because at this point all we have to work on is a teaser trailer but I’m all saying that is, was Arthur Chen Feiyu not available or something?? Idk. He didn’t pick up the phone?? Did Marvel even ask?? This is nonsensical salt and I digress
Then there’s the name. What kinda hell name is S**** C**??? This is some Cho Chang level bullshit. Yeah, sure we can say, oh they just want to make sure the branding is right. Ok. This coming from the studio that amalgamated the characterisations of Ned Leeds and Ganke Lee. Sure, Jan.
Full disclosure, I did like some of the vibes given out by the teaser. There were some very wuxia and xianxia inspired shots and scenes and if I do watch, I’ll be very keen on these bits. Awkwafina already looks like she is set to be etched deep into my heart and Uncle Tony looks to be gearing up to kick this out of the park because goddamn he looks good in that armour. Haven’t seen Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh’s character, but I’m sure she will be kicking ass and taking names for sure too because I am very sure veterans like her and Uncle Tony will look good doing wire works. But this isn’t a movie about them, is it? It’s about SC and right now with this teaser trailer, nothing about SC makes me want to froth at the mouth to watch.
Yes, I am saying that that subway scene does not impress me. We live in a world with stunt teams from China can work on a peanut budget to make conversations flow in a fight scene. Do better.
Again, I am very aware that this teaser is to hype people up. I know. I am still waiting for the proper first trailer to drop. I have actually deliberately kept myself oblivious to the production of this movie so as to not give myself any sort of preconceived notions. When that first trailer drops, then I will formulate my thoughts again.
Okay, I know it’s a teaser but some of the cgi just looks... very uncanny valley? It looks unfinished, is what I am getting at here. For a mega conglomerate verging on industry monopoly, even a teaser trailer should look 1000% better than this. Every beat of this should be flawless. It should look on par with the trailer. People who follow will know that I won’t ever fault a product because of shitty cgi (re: Word of Honor) but when you are the people behind the Live Adaptation of Mulan (which I hate) and Raya and the Last Dragon (which I categorically DETEST because that shit is bullshit mishmash of SEA cultures with fucking made up words being painted as *representation* and that is some fucking bullshit and as someone from SEA I’m sorry Queen Kelly Marie Tran BUT NO) I will hold you to the fucking standards of the high heavens as the House of the Devil Mouse deserves. Do fucking better.
I am not clairvoyant but I can already see how it is going to go when this movie doesn’t “do as well as expected” in Asia; you’ll hear people going on about how the Asian Asians don’t support these types of stories, how we don’t put effort into hyping movies and shows that push for representation. But can I ask whose representation are we talking about? I saw it with Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan, I saw it with Raya. Whose rep are we talking about? If someone out there, some little child sees themselves in these media products, sure, great! Empower these next generation for the push for a better hope. But whose rep are we pushing for? Because I definitely do not see myself in the Asian American lens of representation and I’m very sure I won’t ever and I know that I am not alone in this.
Hollywood needs to do better. To borrow the words of a friend, excusing mediocrity for ‘cultural appreciation’ is no good.
This rant has gotten long enough and I’m so sorry to everyone seeing this on your dash. I have a lot of salt today.
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dameronology · 4 years
even in the darkest hour {javier peña x reader}
summary: javier comes home late one night after a rough day at work - luckily, you’re there to catch him when he falls 
warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol, death & swearing (this is javi, after all) 
also: my spanish is terrible. thanks to the english schooling system, my ability to speak it starts and ends with ‘i played football on the weekend with my brother.’ if there are any mistakes at all here, pls feel free to correct me! enjoy :D
- jazz
p.s this is my first javi fic so hopefully the characterisation is good but ?? who fucking knows honestly 
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The heat was almost unbearable.
It clung to the air, hanging in the quiet of the Colombian night with an unwavering enthusiasm that made you regret spending so much on your useless air conditioning. Your sheets had been long thrown to the floor, crumpled at the bottom of your bed in a forgotten pile as you sprawled out on the mattress. Usually, sleeping in close such proximity to another person in this climate would have been hell but you couldn’t help but wish Javier was beside you. 
He had been working late all week - not by choice, but rather by necessity. He was integral part of the DEA but more importantly, he was an integral part of your ability to sleep at night. You hated that your sleep schedule had become so Peña-dependent but dammit, there was no coming back from the way he held you. 
It was quiet outside, which wasn’t unusual given that it was slowly approaching 2AM. Aside from the buzz of the crickets outside and the whirr of the occasional car passing by, there was a silence hanging over your bedroom. You could have recognised the sound of Javi’s Jeep pulling up from miles away; there was the crunch of footsteps up your front path and a moment later, the front door opened. 
Javi had a routine - a few, actually. If he’d had a good day, he usually would have kicked off his shoes and come straight through to your bedroom. You suspected, however, that that was not the case. The clattering of a glass against your kitchen counter, followed by what sounded like a bottle, rung through the air. Peña was a man of many talents and finding an excuse to drink at 2AM was definitely one of them.
‘Javi?’ You called. Slowly rolling out of bed, you pulled a strewn sheet around your torso and wondered out to the kitchen. The bright lights of the room burnt your bleary eyes for a moment, but your focus was on Javier’s tired face. ‘W’happened?’
He was tense - it was obvious in the way that he was stood, one arm pressing against the kitchen counter whilst his free hand clutched onto a drink. You immediately wanted to reach out to him, to wrap your arms around him and hope to whoever was above that he might open up to you. Javi had been better at doing that in recent months - isolating himself got old after a while, especially around you - but there were still times where he holed himself up. 
‘I’m fine.’ He murmured, taking a sip. ‘Go back to bed.’
‘Mierda.’ You muttered. Bullshit. ‘No fine person drinks at 2am.’
‘This one does-’
‘- Javier.’ You cut him off. ‘Don’t do this. Not now.’
‘Do what?’ 
‘Ice me out.’ You replied. ‘`I thought we were past that.’
Dropping his drink back to the counter with a force that almost made you jump, Javier turned to face you. He looked beyond shattered - you’d only heard minute details of what he experienced at work and just listening to his stories was enough to exhaust you. You couldn’t bring yourself to imagine what experiencing that shit firsthand was like.
‘We are.’ He murmured. ‘I’m sorry, cariño.’
‘Hey.’ You took a step closer to him and he naturally reached to take your hands in his. ‘Don’t say sorry. I’m here if you need me but I’d never force you-’
‘- we lost someone.’ Javier cut you off. His voice wobbled slightly when he did, emotional in a way that you’d never heard him before. ‘A kid - I mean, not a kid, but...a younger agent. Much younger than me.’
‘Javi.’ You murmured. ‘I’m sorry.’
Opening up was still new to him - having you was still new to him. He was used to solving his problems by drowning them in alcohol and silence or fucking them out of his system with a hooker. Finding a healthy form of catharsis was something he was still working on.
Javi pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your torso as though you were the one that needed support. In a way, it did make him feel better - when he was reminded of how terrible the world could be, his immediate instinct was to try and protect you from it. Even if he was the one who was hurting, his instincts made him think of you first. 
‘He was there one minute, making some shit joke with Murphy and then he was gone.’ He dropped his head into your shoulders, hands gently raking up and down your back. ‘He had a wife and a kid and...now he’s gone.’
‘It’s not your fault.’ You said. ‘Your job is difficult - dangerous.’
‘I know.’ He replied. ‘It just made me think about what would happen if that we were me. Or worst, if somebody wanted to hurt me and came for you-’
‘- don’t think like that.’ You cut him off. Gently taking Javier’s face in your hands, you tilted his head down and forced him to look at you, to make eye contact and just listen. ‘You can’t think like that, baby.’
‘It’s just...’ Javi peered down at you, brown eyes unwavering as they held your gaze. ‘Rough night, you know?’
You offered him a small smile. ‘I know - but those are all ifs and buts. The reality is that I’m here, alive and well and a little tired.’  
If there had been one pitfall that Javier had found in your relationship, it was the constant worry. He had a careless demeanour but inside, he was always thinking about you - it was usually in a good way but sometimes, he fell down a slippery slope that caused him to panic. After finally letting himself become attached to you, and after finally giving up his pride to admit that (contrary to popular belief) he was capable of love, he couldn’t lose you. He’d rain hell on anyone that even looked at you wrong. 
Javier glanced down at his drink, and then back to you. He slid the glass away, letting it carelessly collide with the wall. 
‘C’mon.’ He tangled his fingers with yours. ‘I’m fucking exhausted.’
A sentiment you certainly shared.
You were the first to collapse into your bed, tiredly watching as Javier threw his clothes onto the empty chair by your window. That was one thing about Peña that you were willing to complain about: his chairdrobe tendencies. The amount of times that you’d almost broken your neck by tripping over his strewn shoes was comical. 
Javi dropped onto the mattress beside you. You naturally moved closer towards him, letting him taking you in his arms and hold you to his chest. Again, it came more from his protective instincts - the same reason he slept closest to the door - but the feeling of holding you after a long day was the highest form of pain relief. 
‘Te quiero.’ He muttered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. ‘I’ve always got you.’
‘I know.’ You sighed sleepily, voice muffled by his chest. ‘I love you too.’
tags: @highlycommendable​ @wolffescadet​ @catsnkooks​
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