#fairly good support system like this could be much worse
Being any kind of disabled really is just facing a thousand kinds of indignities and being expected to be gracious about it all the time forever
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I normally bind with sports bras, bc they aren’t as restrictive and I can do more intense physical activities (if ofc my body isn’t feeling like shit and I can actually walk more than 10 feet without being in immense pain), but recently they’ve been actually doing more harm than good.
I don’t have too much in the way of boobs to begin with, so there’s not much to compress. But I do feel way more dysphoric when I wear regular bras as opposed to my pseudo-binding alternative.
but recently I’ve been getting (even worse) rib pain, red marks under my breast and across my upper torso, really bad back aches, and if I’ve been wearing a sports bra too long and it gets really compress-y, I have to eat in smaller portions so the food can even go down into my system to get digested (I also jsut have a weird stomach, but those two things combined do not help with my past ed problems and relapsing/recovery from it).
I’ve been thinking maybe I just need to buy new ones (mine are a few years old, and I think I may be a different size now bc of weight gain and loss in certain parts of my body.), but I’m fairly certain my mom just wants me to stop using them altogether and go back to regular ones (I’m nto out to her, and I’m sure that if I did come out, it would cause more problems for me than just being closeted).
my sister knows kinda how I feel about my boobs, mostly that I don’t like them but I haven’t fully come out to her nor actually said it’s dysphoria. She helps in the ways she can, i.e. gets me things like heat packs for the pain, helps me out wiht my day to day responsibilities if I’m in jsut too much pain, is helping me look into alternatives, etc. but she also just says I have to live wiht it, live with having boobs, since, in her words, they’re “just glorified meat sacks”. I’ve also asked her her opinion on if I were to be trans, and she said she would support me in transitioning, but also not to be too hasty in labeling since I’m still young, to give it a few more years.
but why didn’t anyone tell me that sports bras wouldn’t give these side effects? I only heard that this stuff happens with traditional binders. No one said that sports bras could be just as destructive.
yeah. no one talks about it. for a while, i would bind with sports bras but such there’s a lot of compression on the lower band, it would be tight where it wasn’t supposed to be. i had to stop binding for a good amount of time because it kind of messed me up.
there is no way to bind completely free of possible side effects. it can hurt. but you just have to listen to your body and stop when it tells you to stop.
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fountainpenguin · 7 months
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"Now, shoulders back- and stand up tall! And do not walk, but try to float!" (x)
New 130 Reasons Why I’m Fairy Trash update today!
Fairly OddParents || One-Shot - “I Just Live Here”
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It's spring break for the Spellementary School kids. Poof, Finley, and Foop visit their extended family for the holidays- Poof with Granddad Dusty ("Big Daddy") and all his Fairywinkle cousins, Foop with his grandmother, and Finley with...
... Well. I guess H.P.'s just putting him to work. That's Pixie life for ya.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
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125. I Just Live Here (Immediate sequel to "Scarred")
Wednesday May 6th, 2005
Year of Sky, Spring of the Silent Owls
Poof Fairywinkle-Cosma
"Now approaching Starglint Town. Please prepare to disembark in the next five minutes. If you've enjoyed your local public transportation system, consider supporting returning candidate Mortikor Fern as Pink Robe in the next Fairy Council election. Thank you for flying with Rainbow Transit Services and have a magical day."
I've heard that message (with different drop-off points subbed in) so many times in the past four hours, I kind of wanna barf. And even if I did, I could probably recite it several times myself on the way to the nearest clinic. I'll be glad when this bus ride is over. I feel like it's been four weeks since I left the Spellementary dorms.
There's a good reason as to why it's taken so long. Starglint Town lies at the edge of the Fairy World Outskirts, basically kissing the border with Anti-Fairy World… separated from it only by Emper: a scraggly little town on the floating island that's just come into view up ahead. Emper isn't much to look like. There's a park with cool statues from the old days, plus a cute grocery store where they hand out free sugar cookies to kids. My dad takes me to get one every time we visit Mama Cosma, but there isn't much else that's interesting. Starglint Town is where all the action is, from libraries to community centers to toy stores and pizza shops.
Granddad Dusty's property is smack between the two. Everyone in Emper calls him Big Daddy and they treat him with so much respect, I always wonder if my family are under some kind of secret government protection just because our counterparts rule Anti-Fairy World. I mean, it doesn't sound too far-fetched when you think about it for a while. I know a lot of people dislike the Anti-Fairywinkles, but I hope most of them realize that if we knocked them out of power, it wouldn't be the end of that kind of leadership in Anti-Fairy World. Someone else would just rise up to take over, and they could be even worse than Anti-Cosmo is now.
I don't even think Anti-Cosmo is that bad, but if I say that, people will freak out at me and shower me in questions about whether or not I remember getting kidnapped as a newborn. I don't, but… that doesn't mean I want to hear about it over and over again. I wish more people would respect my boundaries and ask me first before they talk about it… Not just dump the whole kidnapping thing on my head any time I want to have a polite and reasonable conversation about Fairy World history, geography, or politics.
Maybe instead of screaming about how H.P. and Anti-Cosmo are evil fiends who went off the deep end and can never be forgiven because they kidnapped a baby and tried to springboard off my magic to rule the universe, we could, I dunno… ask ourselves why the current state of the universe isn't working for them? There's gotta be some reason they feel like they're doing the right thing for their people by pushing back against the Fairies. They're still people, right?
Or if you want to look at this from another angle, why do Anti-Fairy World and Pixie World even have corrupt leaders in the first place? Do people support them? If they don't, then why don't their people support Fairy World? Are we the crueler of two evils in their eyes? We should change that. We should figure out how to fix it.
And if Pixies and Anti-Fairies do support their leaders, maybe we should ask ourselves why. Are they being brainwashed by hateful propaganda? My school's always teaching us that Anti-Fairies are behind all that's bad in the universe, so we're using propaganda too.
Do Pixies and Anti-Fairies support their leaders because they care about their people, use their taxes wisely, and keep everyone fed, sheltered, and clothed? That sounds okay to me. Next topic: Why aren't Anti-Cosmo and Foop's dad in jail for all those other times they tried to take over Fairy World? If the answer to that is "their worlds will fall apart if they don't stay in power, plunging the universe into chaos," then maybe they're actually great leaders and aren't so bad after all.
Just a thought. Politics are probably more complicated than I think they are, but that's just me.
I've never worried about repeat kidnapping when I'm at home with my parents, apart from maybe one time that Timmy's Dad snuck into his room and stole our fishbowl for Mr. Crocker. At school, I feel safe in the hands of the faculty and their magical wards. Yeah, Mr. Crocker might be my teacher now and he really is as wacky and distractible as Timmy always said he was, but he's not allowed within twenty feet of our dorms.
My classmates don't always respect our cohort's RA, but I'm pretty sure Gary would mess Crocker the freak up if he ever tried peering through our windows. Gary and Crocker are both witches, but Gary's 1.56% genie with minor reality-bending powers to prove it, while Crocker's about thirteen generations down from his magical ancestor with nothing to show for it but the ability to float. I know who I'd bet money on in that fight.
Foop and I tried sneaking out one time when it was late and we wanted fruit snacks from the vending machine, and that's how I found out that Gary can just snap his fingers and summon clones of himself. I don't leave my room after curfew anymore.
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96percentdone · 1 year
I loved Glass Onion and I genuinely think the movie slaps 10/10 but I woke up asking myself "why did the disrupters side with Miles in the first place." None of them have ever liked him, they all also know he's a stupid bitch, and while I'm sure he was bankrolling their needs to be successful, Alpha wasn't exclusively his for a long time, so she must have played a role in that, right? But it's obvious. It's because he's a white guy, with all the privilege in the world, and they assumed that because he was stupid they could use him to get/stay ahead, only realizing too late that this changed NOTHING about the system, so they still have to live with the consequences of it. More about just. Like. The entire movie. Under the cut.
Miles seems good at building an image and making connections; the one thing we see him achieve is convincing the world at large he is smarter than he is through outright lies, and even people who know he's an idiot believe his smaller lies with ease because they find his idiocy un-threatening. It just doesn't occur to them he could willfully fuck them over or act maliciously. Hence, Andi lets him into her home the night she dies; Blance says Andi was not afraid of Miles, and like...this is why. His image to the disrupters is of that idiot (who all except maybe Andi DO NOT LIKE) with ideas sometimes, so there's no way he would lie or kill, and they need him around. I think its significant that everyone else in the disrupters is in some way oppressed either through misogyny (Claire, Birdie) or race (Lionel, Duke), or both (Andi); Miles is a moron with like no creative merit of his own, but he has every privilege, so people are just more willing to believe and support things if he's backing them.
Now, we don't see a lot of Andi, but by contrast, from what we do see she's quite professional, brilliant, a little mysterious, even if she's also congenial. She has so many things going for her, and in a just world people like investors or businessmen or even just friends and strangers would see those things for what they are. Now I think anyone finds professionalism a little intimidating no matter who it's from, but because we live in a racist and misogynistic society, a black woman who carries herself with dignity and competence and assurance is inherently going to be received worse, far worse no matter her achievements, merits, or skills.
So....when push comes to shove, they choose Miles, and cut her out. They might face oppression on some axis or another, but they each have some privilege over Andi, and Miles? Well, he's an idiot, right? To paraphrase Birdie: he's a thing in their hands they can use. He's not a threat. But they're wrong. Miles is an idiot, that much is true, but he has all the power over them, and they gave him more of it. They don't have any other option now except TO depend on him, and cater to his needs and whims, and suffer the consequences of his actions, because without him, they lose everything.
Over the years of their alliance, they started believing they were equal to him, because they know they're the ones with real talent (even Birdie has some talent, it's just like nowhere near traditional intelligence), that they forgot they came as far as they did because of him. Not his skills or merits, but because he's good at looking a certain way to an audience by nature: because he was born a white guy. And now he's a billionaire white guy who pays for all their endeavors. They need him; he does not need them. More than once the movie establishes his 100000 connections he has now: they're replaceable. He could cast them out at any moment like he did with Andi, and it would mean nothing. He killed Duke on paranoid impulse because Duke meant nothing to him.
I think it makes a fun contrast between Helen and Blanc, another instance of an extremely marginalized person (a working class black woman) allying with a fairly well off white guy. She needs his help, because to her, he has skills she does not have, or so she thinks, although she also recognizes what he really has that she doesn't. Though she believes she's not very good at investigating or detective work, she gets a lot accomplished by herself, even before contacting him. She may be less experienced at it than the guy who is a detective for his own job, but she isn't less capable, something Blanc points out often throughout the movie. While Blanc's experience is definitely useful, his real asset is his privilege and larger voice. And that's where the contrast lies.
Miles is constantly just telling the other disrupters what they have to do, and bullying them into making bad deals, or screwing people over, because he can! He has that power! He does not think or consider anyone beyond himself and his own ambitions; it's all about him. The scene with Peg comes to mind. But Blanc is constantly asking Helen what she would like to do, and if she wants to back out. He supports her capability and never downplays it or insists he knows better or more than her, except when he tries to get her to stop drinking, which is born out of concern for her well being and the danger she could put herself in. He gives Helen the tools she needs to get the justice she deserves and steps aside. The whole movie he is giving her the reins. He knows he has privilege, and that's what she needs most from him, not his skills.
Helen takes Miles down through her own merits. She does most of the investigative work, finds most of the relevant clues, understands many of the plans without being told and even comes up with her own, and carries out justice on her own terms. It's her story. Blanc is just the support. Their allyship is born from respect and mutual understanding, while the disrupters never respected Miles, and he never did them. The disrupters (bar Andi) were all using one another to get ahead, and gain/sustain their power, without caring about anyone else, and inevitably that backfires on them. You can't save yourself from systemic oppression by attempting to use it to pull yourself up. You're still just playing the game that way, not escaping it. Leeching off someone's systemic privilege does not give you their power; it gives them power over you. It reinforces the system in a way where you get ahead, but they're never going to end up on top.
Helen does. Because she took the system and burnt it to the ground. She can't get what she deserves if she plays by their rules and their game, so she never does. She constantly challenges and undermines it, and so she wins. She has support that enabled her to do so, but its on her terms, and he steps aside to let her.
There are those like Miles who don't even understand the how and why they're on top and assume its their own merits but its actually just an intangible structure entirely beyond their control built off the backs of other people, and those like the disrupters and Peg and Whiskey who believe they can use the system to get themselves the power and privilege they want without changing anything or caring about anyone else but ultimately still suffer and live under it. There are those like Andi who hope that playing by the rules with integrity and merit will win the day even if it never could (Andi), and there are the ones see everything for what it is. The ones who see their privilege and use it to either empower those who need it to change without taking credit or control, like Blanc, and of course...the ones that that action. People like Helen who know better than anyone else exactly what's wrong, and will do anything and everything they can to put an end to it.
Idk. I don't know if I said anything new. I'm sure most people who watched the movie had a lot of the same thoughts. Also I'm white so many nuances specific to race specifically likely escaped me. I just kinda wanted to articulate some of the feelings I had, even if they've been said millions of times before.
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
bird primary + burnt lion secondary (bird model)
I wrote a lot here, and I generally wrote about the same few themes. I know that I repeated myself a lot, so feel free to cut out anything that's repetitive. (I feel kind of bad making you do that, since that's putting more work on you and I could write a more cohesive essay, but I thought I'd give you all the information at my disposal, even if it's really repetitive. I also feel kind of presumptuous for giving you permission, because you can do whatever you want to).
That's a lot of apologizing right up front. I think we might have a burned secondary here.
I just wanted to read your responses to what I wrote, since they're very interesting to me. You go really in-depth with your responses, which I appreciate. 
I think I'm a Lion Bird, but I can't really see that much Lion in myself, other than being opinionated and hating lying.
Hmm. Well, being opinionated is more a personality trait than a method or a motive. And really hating to lie usually comes with Lion *secondaries.*
All that I'm really sure of is that I definitely have a Bird secondary. I really like psychology and classifying people into systems. I have trouble making sense of people sometimes (like what motivates them and drives them), and categorizing people helps me feel better about interacting with them.
Cheers. Completely get what you mean. I mean, why else do you think I'm doing this?
(And for the record, my Bird is a model that I love. Which might possibly be the case for you.)
I also like writing, but I don't have the self-discipline to finish anything, which makes me give up on ideas after a few days. 
Now I know this is coming from me being a writing teacher. I kind of have to believe that anyone who wants to write can write, given enough time and support.
But I hear stuff like this from my students all the time. And it either means that they don't have the right scaffolding and framework, or that they aren't writing using the process that's ideal for them. I categorically reject words like "lazy" and "no self discipline," because I think they're symptoms, not causes. I have zero doubt that you can write... and think that this is starting to sound like the language of a burnt secondary. Or maybe just a secondary that needs some support.
I want to go into psychology, but I wouldn't feel comfortable being a therapist. I'm definitely not good at identifying with people's emotions. My family even thought that I was autistic at one point, even though I'm not (I don't show enough of the symptoms). 
I'm also low-level autistic, what they used to call Asperger's back in the day. And I'm also not good at identifying with people's emotions, at least in an empathic way. Emotions are not contagious for me the way they seem to be for lots of other people. But I'll tell you a secret. A lot of people like that. Especially people who are high emotion, panicky, on the verge of a meltdown. I'm calm. I de-escalate. I can also sift though the emotional noise to get at the problem.
I probably idolize Bird primaries?
Another tendency I have noticed in myself. (Makes me think you're probably an Idealist.)
I'm fairly sure that I'm not a Snake or a Badger. I don't really care about people that much, or fitting in with groups. Badgers seem to me like they're deferring to the group at the expense of themselves, and that they either don't have their own opinions, or, worse, they're hiding them to gain other people's acceptance.
That's a description of a very immature, or very exploded Badger, but I agree - you're probably not a loyalist.
I'm pretty impulsive, and I hate lying to people (my mom will lie to someone just to make them feel better, and I can't stand it). Those are really the only Lion traits I have.
^ Those are Lion secondary traits, again.
I'm not really brave or anything like that. 
That's the parent system. Means nothing here.
I read in your other SortMes that you liked anecdotes, so here are a lot of them. I was just trying to figure out what would be the most useful/helpful to you. I do that a lot...I'll try to figure out what people want me to do and try to give that to them.
'Make yourself useful' 'make yourself helpful' 'give me what you think I want.' But very consciously constructed, this isn't Courtier badger. An Actor Bird persona, maybe? But you don't seem to *like* problem solving this way. Is there maybe some Badger primary modeling going on that's weighing heavily on you, and that's why you had such a knee-jerk negative reaction to even the idea of a Badger primary. Or is this just burnt secondary stuff?
I don't think it's in a Snake way, because I'm not trying to be different people. It's more like I'm emphasizing different attributes of myself.
I mean yeah, you're a person. We all do this. We just all use slightly different mechanisms to do it, which is where the different secondaries come in.
I'm just insecure, and I want people to like me, but I wouldn't change myself for another person's acceptance (at least, I hope I wouldn't).
And we're back to burnt secondary language. There's anxiety, and no joy in your problem solving.
When I was younger (age 12 or so), I thought in black-and-white patterns and thought that everyone who didn't agree with me was wrong.
Okay, well. Classic young Bird primary. I am seeing it overlap with young Lion primaries though. Wrong/Bad/Enemy language can get very muddled together, especially if you're young.
My mom brought me to church with her, and I hated it so much that I compared her believing in God to being the same as her believing in Santa Claus. According to my mom, I've always been opinionated, and when I was around six I told my whole class that Santa wasn't real, making some kids cry. I'm proud of myself for being confident enough to stand up for myself and my beliefs like that, even if I can't remember it. I feel kind of bad that I made kids cry, though.
Definitely an idealist. And I know the easy thing would be to say Bird primary here, because it's all about debating and debunking... but factoring in how young these examples are, and how public they are... Lion primary is still totally possible. That gut deep 'this is wrong, even if my authority figures disagree' is Lion primary... and the "I must express it NOW' is Lion secondary.
I'd never be that vocal about my beliefs now (because I'm scared of people. Thanks, social anxiety). I still judge people like that, to an extent. I know it's immature and I try not to, but I still fall into the trap of judging people from time to time. I don't like people who smoke or do drugs. I know it's a disease that causes biological changes in the brain, and that people usually start doing things like that in the first place because they want a sense of belonging or to cope with depression or something, but I can't stand them. I judge their moral and character, because they chose to do that, even though I know they're not bad people. I don't like it, but that's how I feel.
It's funny that you pair these things together, because it's very common for people with untreated social anxiety disorder to self-medicate with cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much people scare you, you've got to find some way to power though.
I do appreciate your honesty, and I do appreciate that you know this is a tendency that isn't doing you any favors. That little aside about how you need to get your emotions check, though- that's really REALLY bird primary. You don't like how you feel, you're working on changing that, and it's one of the traits that make Bird primaries so admirable.
If you've got untreated social anxiety, I truly hope you can get that looked at before you pick up any unhealthy coping mechanisms. In the mean time, I'm operating within the framework of the SHC system, and I'm going to call out the burnt secondary language. "I'd like to do this, but it's scary."
Around the age of 12, I argued with my mom a lot (teenage hormones, my depression starting to flare up, ect.)
Also an especially common things for young Lion secondaries to do.
My mom said that I'd be a good lawyer because I liked arguing with her (it made me feel powerful, and allowed me to get my anger out) and criticized her about the exact words that she used. My mom even stopped during arguments to look up words and show me the definition so that I wouldn't yell at her about it. I'm pretty sure that's a secondary Bird thing?
What, nit-picking about semantics? I mean it can be. It's just a debate strategy. The thing that's drawing my attention a lot more is what you say about arguing angrily making you feel powerful. That is not true of everyone, not even a little, and is leaning me more towards Lion secondary.
I also used to be really concerned with semantics, and using words correctly. I'd correct people in class if I heard them using the wrong grammar.
*that* might just be a neurodivergent thing.
I also absolutely refused to let anyone cheat off of me, even though people asked me if they could. I saw it as them using me, and cheating's wrong.
I think that's a person thing. If you told me you *did* let random people cheat off you just for the asking, I'd think that was unusual.
I know that I was paralyzed for a few years after high school. I didn't know what job I wanted to have/what I wanted to do with my life, and I was really depressed so I thought that I wouldn't be happy doing anything anyway.
Oh OUCH. That sounds like a REALLY burned secondary.
I almost picked the military because the idea of them picking something for me sounded nice. I wanted someone tell me what my job would be, so that I wouldn't have to decide it for myself and feel responsible for my career choice. Thankfully, I didn't join the military, and psych feels relatively 'me', even if I'm nervous about inadvertently becoming a therapist. 
And a burned primary. I'm glad you're doing better. (And you would not be the first Bird Lion who knocked over their secondary and froze, when their primary took a hit. Not by a long shot.)
I spent a solid two to three years feeling trapped, researching every job in existence and taking career tests over and over. 
Now this has Exploded Bird primary written all over it. ALL over it.
I really like gathering research (mostly reading about one or two things, like psychology). I wish I was interested in everything. I've tried to force myself to study things that I'm not really interested in (medicine, computer programming/technology), because I really like them conceptually/theoretically, and I want to be good at things like that. I've always idolized people who I see as smart, even though I'm smart, too. Or if I can't be interested in everything, at least just pick one thing (like playing the piano, for example), and become a master at it. I'm a dilettante, but not as much of one as I hope I could be? I admire people who study everything just for the sake of knowledge.
I don't think you're a Bird secondary. And more than that, I think you have an exaggerated, idealized idea of what a Bird secondary is. No Bird secondary is interested in everything. You are smart, and being smart is a huge part of your identity, and so therefore you must be a Bird secondary. (And then you beat yourself up for not doing it perfectly.)
(cheers for using the word "dilettante" though. that's a fun word :)
I wish that I could devote myself more to the things that I'm interested in, like music theory or economics. I want to know about them, but when I actually sit down and read a book about it, I get so bored that I can't finish.
Despite my general disdain for the American education system, I loved school. I always idolized being homeschooled as a kid, to get more personalized education at a faster pace, and I begged my mom for years to be homeschooled. She always said no.
I want to learn about things like history and music theory for fun, but I can't do it without the structure of a class because they're boring, even though I want to know about them and find them interesting. I want to learn a wide variety of things just for the sake of it, even though I usually just stick with the same few things. 
I remember failing a college class (it was a computer science class) because I kept failing the projects. It was hands-on, which definitely isn't the type of learning that suits me. I remember thinking afterwards that as long as my class had a textbook, I wouldn't fail, because I'd know what to study and how. I really admire computer programming and how far technology has come, but I don't like coding. I like the theory of it more than the practical applications, if that makes sense?
I'm actually very interested in this. You love school, you love being in class, studying from a textbook is not a problem but hands-on type projects are. But sitting by yourself and reading a book is under-stimulating.
Cool. You seem like the exact person that online classes and lecture series were invented for. All that stuff like The Great Courses, Master Class, Skill Share, Nebula... and then there's always the option of taking a class or a lecture locally, for fun. Learning doesn't have to look like sitting down and reading a book... which is doubly the case if you are a Lion secondary (as I suspect you are.)
I've always been unafraid to express my opinions (with my family, at least. My social anxiety inhibits me anywhere else). I'll tell my mom something like her boyfriend doesn't care about her because he likes himself more than he likes her, or something really blunt like that. I wish that I could stop doing that and try to be more open-minded. 
Yeah, that's pretty damn blunt. You're blunt, and you seem to enjoy being blunt. Even in this example, it's not the being blunt that bothers you, it's the being closed-minded (which is more of a primary issue.)
I'll also get sad about societal things that I can't change, like capitalism or the education system. (I have a huge issue with society controlling people, too. That's why I hate religion so much - it's telling you one 'right' way to think, instead of letting people choose for themselves.) 
How very Friedrich Nietzsche of you. And I get it. I read Genealogy of Morals when I was 17 and that was a *very* important book for me. I also read Eichmann in Jerusalem at about the same time, and thought they paired very well together.
I've always wanted to understand myself at a really deep level, knowing why I do everything that I do. I try, but I can't figure out everything. But it's always been a driving force of mine.
To some degree, I think this is just human. The unexamined life is not worth living, and all that.
I like categorizing people. I'm really interested in psychology (for example, people often use personality tests like the MBTI when it's been proven in studies to not be scientifically accurate, even though a lot of the traits correspond to the scientifically-accurate Big 5 personality test, which I find interesting. I wonder if the Big 5 being created by psychologists while the MBTI being created by two people who weren't even involved in psychology has anything to do with it.)
I mean, MBTI was created a hundred years ago by two self-taught woman because like... heck that's still early days of psychology, so getting any kind of formal degree would have taken some doing, not to even mention the whole woman-in-higher- education thing of the time. And MBTI is self-diagnostic. It's like SHC, and honestly like astrology, in that the point is to give you language you can use to describe and categorize yourself.
Big Five was developed in the 80s as a tool you could use for studying trait theory in demographic samples. It's fundamentally more useful for studying other people. It's just... really really different.
I hate lying. I lied a lot when I was a kid (once again, around age 12), but that was more me trying to avoid punishments/test my boundaries. Typical teenage things (lol, alliteration).
I also think you might be unusually resistant to thinking of yourself as a Lion secondary, because you equate Lion secondary traits with *teenager* traits. Instead of just young Lion secondary traits with the potential to mature into something cool.
I know that I have Lion traits, like feeling that things are wrong and then obsessively researching to find out why, but I wouldn't trust those gut feelings without a reason, or act on feelings without thinking things through first. Maybe I have a Bird Primary model?
Or you're just a Bird. Because that's a description of a Bird.
I know that I idolize Birds and knowledge in general, but being completely rational sounds like a nightmare. I'm interested in things that require feelings, like psychology and writing.
Birds aren't SPOCK. (And if you've read my sorting of the guy, you'll know that I don't actually even think he's a bird.)
When I look at Lion Birds in TV shows and books and such, they feel way too impulsive and emotional and confident to be like me. When I look at Bird Lions, they have way too much perseverance and stubbornness to be like me.
I mean, just going by what you've told me here, I'd say those two things describe you. There are also a lot of Bird Lions out there who are kind of *going though it.* One of the easiest ways to identify a fictional Bird Lion to spot their tendency to shut down after an existential crisis. You're telling me you didn't identify with Buzz Lightyear even a little? :D
Of course, part of the reason's due to stereotypical character personalities, but I don't see much of myself in either one of them. I know that I have Lion traits, but I know it's not my secondary, since I use Bird traits to help me solve problems (i.e., researching).
I'm sorry to say it, but I haven't seen you use Bird secondary to solve problems. In fact, researching and over-researching seems like an anxiety response. You use words like "obsessive" and you worry about not doing it well enough. The examples you've given me of problem solving involve you just putting yourself out there and punching though the obstacles, and you describe that as feeling good and powerful.
Clearly you have a Bird secondary model, and it's important to you. It's fun, you love it, it's important to your identity, and it probably helped you out during that period when your secondary was really burned. But I think there's a Lion secondary under there that needs to be looked at too.
One of the tests said that I had a Burned Lion Primary and was overcompensating with a Bird Secondary, but I don't think that's right
It's possible, and sometimes what appears to be a stressed Bird primary can end up being a Burnt Lion primary, that is a thing. But I agree that it's not the cleanest explanation, that makes the most sense for you.
I feel like I've always been in-between being emotional and logical, and that life would be a lot easier if I were either one or the other. I have a really logical personality, but I've always been drawn to humanities, which caused a lot of confusion and feeling like I didn't fit. I usually do best when I'm allowed to be creative and analytical at the same time, like writing essays when I have to analyze character motivations.
Yeah, you're fine. You're an emotional Bird who likes to factor that in when you make decisions. The DBT idea of the "wise mind" might appeal to you, especially if you're thinking of going into psychology.
I love psychology, but I'd be terrified if I were a therapist and forced to emphasize with people and understand them, even if I loved diagnosing them.
Diagnosing people IS understanding them. You don't have to be afraid of this. And you don't need high empathy.
As a sort of ending, I really admire what you're doing. I've been fascinated by personality and the way that people are different for most of my life. I'd love to do something like you're doing. When you answer submissions, you always go into a lot of detail, and they're very interesting to read. Thank you. I would apologize for the length, but you're probably going to cut out anything that's repetitive anyway. Essentially, I'm just trying to get more insight into this personality system, because it's really cool. Thanks for replying
You're very welcome. This one was fun. I always like doing Bird primaries because I always end up getting all philosophical. :)
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Gail Mazo, 27 (USA 1978)
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Gail Dianne Sandler Mazo was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. She underwent a legal abortion in New York that she was told was for her health. While Pro-Lifers definitely allow and support “life of the mother” exceptions if a qualifying case happened, abortion does not and could not cure ulcerative colitis. Instead of helping Gail in any way, the abortion killed her.
Research on UC during pregnancy has shown that most pregnant UC patients will have a fairly healthy pregnancy and delivery. In many cases, patients don’t even have to change their usual course medication while pregnant (although additional attention to nutrition is important). While many pregnant UC patients are treated as high risk, this is mainly a precaution. UC patients are only slightly more likely to experience a pregnancy complication than a perfectly healthy person and many have few or no complications during pregnancy. Still, UC can affect people in different ways. The important thing is to consider the needs of the individual patients.
Gail wasn’t given the attention and consideration that anyone should receive from their doctor. Instead of evaluating her overall condition to help her choose the best course of action, the doctor told her to have an abortion and then failed to take the precautions needed for even a perfectly healthy patient. It was already questionable at best to tell Gail that an abortion would be good for her health, but she was given anesthesia in a way that was unsafe to her. It’s likely that she wasn’t even told not to eat in advance, a critical step for even the healthiest person having anesthesia.
Because of the negligence shown to her, Gail began to vomit during the abortion and aspirated the vomit into her lungs. This made her health much worse than before and she died on July 12, 1978.
Gail’s family sued. According to the lawsuit, Gail was high-risk for anesthesia administration and the abortionist and staff failed to recognize that. They likely did not even take the steps needed for any patient who undergoes anesthesia. The case was eventually settled out of court for $800000. In today’s money, that’s equivalent to over $3.15 million.
Gail hadn’t even wanted the abortion, but now her brother Rick was left to try to bring his sister’s killer to justice. She and her baby needed real healthcare, not a completely preventable death by malpractice.
New York County (NY) Supreme Court Case 8517-80
(For more information on UC and pregnancy:)
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99griffon · 10 months
Jolene and Kenny lore?? Uh oh!
....once again just rambling on mobile hehehe....
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Their song is In Spite of Ourselves but it's too far out of the 30- early 70's range 😔
Jolene and Kenny have been together since they were teens, before the war. Their love has been burning for over 200 years and it doesn't seem like it's gonna go away any time soon! The pair dropped out of high school, stealing away to the abandoned house that became the starting point for the Rainbow Garden.
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In high school, Kenny always skipped classes. He was a smart kid, maybe a little too much for his own good. He was upset by the state of the world and felt like the system was just trying to mold him into a soldier for the war. Well, he wasn't entirely wrong there. He'd often disappear for days at a time, traveling around the state in a hand-me-down truck from his grandpa.
He spent a lot of time with the tribes in the state, which gained him a lot of 'points' the other hippies in the area. He genuinely wished to learn and doesn't flaunt around a 'spiritual journey' like some of the others who had done the same did. He often protested alongside them, as the wartimes had led to worse treatment of Native Americans by the US government.
He enjoyed hiking and doing art in his youth, though those times have drastically changed.
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Jolene had a fairly decent life in high school, if not a little sheltered. Perhaps a lot sheltered, even. She grew up in wealth, always comfortable, however her father was strict. He chose the types of folks who could come near the house, not afraid to flash a firearm their way if they insisted. Her father was a veteran, an angry patriot. He wanted to be certain the people she hung around were patriots as well. This led to some issues making friends, much less a romantic partner. Kenny wasn't afraid of her father, however. He would spend time with her at school or even drive her around.
Jolene learned a lot from him, for better or for worse. She kept her mouth shut when around her dad, but eventually she and Kenny even went to protests together. She became more bold, staying out and spending time in town and with Kenny far more often. They went to drive-in movies and went painting in park. They towed the line between the conventional and unconventional, but they were absolutely in love.
She had a few girl friends, and they all supported her, especially when she finally started staying out and spending time with them as well. As the boys their age were picked up by the military, many of the girls at Jolene's school started to make a fuss. Boyfriends, brothers, fathers... everyone was faced with loss. Loss that would only grow worse and years ticked by.
Tensions rose between Kenny and Jolene's dad, though the breaking point would only come when Kenny and Jolene were arrested together at a protest in Tulsa. They were accused of being communists, disturbing the peace, what have you. Jolene was immediately bailed out by her father, though Kenny was stuck behind bars at the local jail for a few days after.
Jolene's dad threatened Jolene near immediately, promising to kill Kenny if he ever saw the boy again. Jolene told Kenny the next time she saw him at school, and Kenny immediately resolved that they needed to run away together. He declared that he had connections and he knew where they could go, and all she needed to do was pack up her things and meet him before school. Sure enough, she met him in the parking lot behind the school, packed and ready. From there, they took the drive down to Arcadia, where they settled down in an abandoned house. They avoided the public eye, Kenny's connections getting them anything they would need while they lay low.
They stayed that way until Jolene had turned 18, then the pair would go out on their own. Over the years, as they continued to protest and even go to local arts events and farmer's markets, the pair made more than a few friends. Their pair grew into a community. As more hands joined them, they gradually became self-sufficient.
Kenny was out in the city when the bombs dropped. He was gone for some time as nuclear winter struck. In the garden, many fell ill from the radiation all around, many assumed Kenny and all others that were away from home were dead. In reality, he had been ghoulified instantly, injured greatly from the ensuing chaos.
When he returned, Jolene greeted him with open arms, regardless of his change in appearance. She, along with some others that had been with her, were slowly ghoulifying. Kenny and Jolene supported each other throughout the whole ordeal, snuggled under his winter coat during the cruel nuclear winter.
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vicerre · 11 months
Good Night
This blog started as a bit of an experiment.
Initially, I wasn't sure what direction to take it; I wanted to write about and draw subjects that didn't have a place on my primary social media accounts, but I didn't have any particular long-term goals.
For better or worse, I settled on Tumblr as the compromise platform. After researching my options, I found it was the only platform that satisfied these requirements:
has an active, open community
hosts posts with marked-up text (i.e. headers, hyperlinks, italics, lists)
hosts posts with images
offers a method to organize and sort posts
offers the ability to edit and delete posts
With some reservations, I joined the website and began to post.
The more I posted, the more this blog found its footing. It became clear that this blog was most effective as a repository for information about my characters and the story they told. Over two years and 150-some-odd posts, I teased out the world that lived in my mind.
And now, exactly two years after I joined, I find I must leave.
Over these two years, I tolerated many issues with this site.
The first were the platform's inherent issues:
Image quality: An optimal blogging website lets the user share original-size images. Art-sharing platforms for this. In contrast, Tumblr compresses and lowers image quality. While not a deal-breaker for my needs, I could never share images the way I truly wanted.
Site search: The site's search system leaves much to be desired.
As an example, Tumblr site search does not apply Boolean functions to keywords. In other words, searching for keyword-x AND keyword-y should, optimally, produce all posts with both keywords. Tumblr does not offer this feature.
As another example, keywords and tags are not guaranteed to produce all search results. A search function that does not return what is expected is useless for organizing data.
Then, my patience with the platform grew thin. Over the course of 2022, my posts stopped appearing in search thrice:
2022-01-02: [80LEMY-LDD4] - Instance 1
2022-08-01: [P9V302-ZWQLD] - Instance 2
2022-08-16: [PM92Q6-8425V] - Instance 2.1
2022-09-05: [ERMWGX-E22ZD] - Instance 3
When I contacted site staff about the issue, all I received was silence. It took persistent messaging over the course of weeks for site staff for them to notice and respond to my report.
I recognize this blog is personal in nature, so whether or not my posts showed up on other people's feeds is a minor factor. However, the lack of response indicated the platform did an unacceptable job supporting the social component of the site.
Finally, Tumblr recently announced a deal-breaking change.
Over the course of these weeks, Tumblr announced removing support for the legacy Markdown editor. I rely on advanced Markdown syntax to compose my posts in a way unsupported by the default post editor. If I can no longer compose posts for my content, I'm afraid I must leave.
What now?
Over two years, I learned what matters to this blog. Thus, I can recalibrate my criteria for a platform. To wit, I've found I don't care about the community aspect of the site as much as I expected. The odd passing Like or Reblog was lovely, but ultimately, this blog was meant for me.
With that criterion no longer a requirement, I could identify an alternate platform for my content: GitHub.
"The site where you can share and collaborate on code?" you may ask.
Well... yes. Let's look at the updated criteria, shall we? With the "community" requirement nixed, we can see that we can indeed create, edit, organize, and delete posts with markup using the default feature set of the site. By virtue of posts being composed in Markdown, the site is fairly portable compared to blogging services or wikis. Furthermore, if we need richer customization options, we have the freedom to write code to support these features.
So there we have it. In the upcoming days, I will be relocating the posts hosted on this blog. The majority of the posts will be relocated to GitHub. Some will be relocated to my primary social media persona. Some will stay here.
Once my content has been relocated, I will remove the existing content from this blog and share a link to the blog's new location.
Thank you for visiting my page.
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A Private Cosmos
She-Ra fanfiction Entrapdak Entrapdak Mini-Month Prompt / Theme - Swim  Summary: Hordak is slated for physical therapy. Entrapta helps him with a psychological element of it.   ----------------------
A Private Cosmos As a general rule, Horde Prime’s clones did not swim.  They certainly could, as they were built for combat in all terrains and had a specialized breathing system that allowed them to recycle their oxygen in toxic environments and even outer space for far longer than most mammals, much less within water.  They were built quite heavy, given the cybernetics present within their bodies and more often than not had simply walked along riverbeds and lakes when they’d been invasion-forces on planets with liquid water, however, yes, they could swim – legs kicking, breast strokes.  Sometimes, it had been needed, when simply walking across the bottom of a body of water had been unfeasible.   After the Last War, very few clones ever stomach swimming for long, or even being in deep water.  Ones who could be coaxed to speak of their combat-experiences said that they’d never liked it, but simply obeyed.  There was worse water they could find themselves in, after all – and this was why did not like it.  The Reconditioning Pool lived strongly in their memories.  It had even phased over to young clones, the ones newly emerged from their vitrines at the time of the War, who’d never had a chance to be “reborn” via phase-over from the last sparks of the hive mind.  In fact, the only clones that seemed to take to swimming well were the very youngest clones, the ones newly decanted after the War.  A few stationed in Salineas were beginning to get over their fear, mostly out of rebuilding necessity and orders they were following, but it was slow going once the locals actually asked them what they wanted and how they felt. Needless to say, when a physician at Mystacor had recommended physical therapy done in a pool for some of Hordak’s muscular problems, the man was stricken.   “Is there any other way?” he asked.   “Not unless you want to strain the tendons in your arms to snapping.  It will be okay, sir.  We are not like…him.”   “I’ll come with you, okay?” Entrapta offered. She held up a hand and a hair-tail.  “Doc?  Maybe he should get used to the pool first? Before you begin coaching him in earnest? Just him and I?  Give us a little time?”   “Of course.”   When they stepped into the Mystacor Spa’s swimming pool room, Hordak made an observation.   “It is…square… rectangular.”   “Yes,” Entrapta assured him, holding a stack of towels in one tail of hair and her lab partner’s shoulder in another.   “It is not like the Reconditioning Pool at all.” “The water is clear – and it’s treated with minerals that help the skin.  I conferred with the doctor about the makeup of clone-skin and about yours in particular. It should feel really, really good. They even warmed it up with heat-magic! It will feel like a shower.  Now let me check your ports.”   Hordak stood still on his shaky legs, supported by his greaves.  They would have to be taken off when they got into the pool.  His body would be supported by the water.  Clone-ports sealed up on default, when not on maintenance or Horde Prime’s intrusions. Still, Entrapta had developed the extra precaution of engineering soft plugs for them that Hordak found fairly comfortable. Hordak was clad in a kind of undergarment to swim in.  It had a skirt simply because he found a little more coverage to be the most comfortable.  He had grown accustomed to Entrapta inspecting his body intimately.  Her hair and her fingers gliding over his skin and around his ports as she administered her failsafe-plugs soothed him.   It almost made the fact that he was about to enter a standing pool bearable.   For her part, Entrapta wasn’t much looking forward to entering the pool, either.  She knew how to swim, but rarely did.  She had never been much for athletic activity that did not serve a purpose related to her interests.  The young woman was very strong – but her strength had been gained by the necessity of hauling heavy metal components and tools whenever she built large robots and other machines.  Her neck-muscles were particularly powerful, due to her prehensile hair.  Being able to lift one’s entire body from one’s scalp, physically-speaking, should have snapped her neck if it was not for her anatomical anomalies.   Entrapta didn’t much like standing water because getting her hair soaked always entailed a lot of weight.  It could move quite well within water, but once she got out, it became a heavy, sopping mess.  She typically had robots wash and comb out her hair whenever she bathed, or she washed her body off with washcloths, preferring a dry-shampoo for her hair.  Recreational swimming was beyond her simply because of the hassle and the fact that her long trains of hair would take hours to dry.   But Hordak needed her.  The doctors said that the hydrotherapy would serve to relieve a lot of pain in his muscles and help him to become stronger.  There was only so much that her exoskeletal suits could do for him, so they needed to take the opportunity.   The way his skin shivered beneath her delicate fingertips was so cute.  She had to admit that he could be rather sweet-looking when he was nervous – at least for her. If anyone else was around, he would be barking orders, growling, and generally being loud and surly.  Not with her, though.  He knew that she didn’t listen when he told her to “Get out.” He wanted her there.   Hordak was an inscrutable man and, of course, of an entirely different species.  Entrapta had no idea if he appreciated the skimpy two-piece swimsuit that she wore.  It was purple, the same shade as her hair, and exposed all of her curves.  From what she’d heard from others, she was not “supposed” to be as attracted to his frame as she was.  Others of his kind were more “conventionally attractive” with their large chests and well-muscled arms, free from illness-scars.  Hordak was thin, bony, and sickly.  Some people who had seen him without his armor described him as “skeletal” and “death-like.”  His was a body that was “supposed” to inspire horror and revulsion.   Not to Entrapta.   The sharp angles and the interesting patterns fascinated her.  What’s more is that she connected that flawed frame to his diamond-mind. She loved every inch of him - not that she did not hope to get him a little more filled-out, for his own health’s sake.  And he was getting a little plumper in the right places, due to her ability to get him to stop thinking of solid food as sinful.   They had a deluxe fruit bowl with their name on it at the spa café after this swim.   “Easy now, be careful down the steps!” Entrapta guided Hordak into the pool. “Okay, now let go and float!  Hold onto me!”   Hordak felt his muscles instantly ease. As long as Entrapta’s hands were in his, he felt safe.   “That’s it! You’re doing great!”   He smiled.   “I’ll stay with you during the exercise-session, okay?” she said.  “You’re already doing great!  Should I get out for a moment and call the doctor in?” “No!” Hordak said desperately.  “Please… just a few more minutes, you and I.”   “Of course.”  Entrapta smiled and did not let go.  They floated, near-weightless in the pool, gentle foot-kicks and small motions keeping them afloat.   “You know, this is kind of like being in space,” Entrapta said, her eyes getting a starry glisten to them.   “I have always remembered space as cold,” Hordak intoned. “Well, Prime didn’t give any of you suits!” “Our skin is sufficient for withstanding the rigors of the vacuum, for a short time, at least.  Well, mine used to be sufficient.  I doubt it is any longer.”   “It’s like floating…outside Darla, in the suit I made.  I can make you one, too.  Developing the internal heating-system was quite simple.”   Hordak seemed to be distracted from the fact that he was in water.  This was good.  He continued smiling gently at Entrapta as she gently spun with him, letting laps of warm wash over their backs.  Entrapta’s hair was getting wet, but she didn’t mind.  It floated in separating tendrils all around Hordak, framing him like a sun’s corona.   The two of them simply shared the time together in their own private cosmos.  
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kookieswan · 2 years
I remember when I first came across Red Light and instantly saw the Joker and Harley parallels but what I like is that MC doesn’t seem to have a overt obsession with Hoseok. She still feels like his psychiatrist to me.
If I remember correctly Joker doesn’t even kiss Harley before she goes FULL bat shit. He didn’t put any effort to courting her but gives her false promises and plays into her insecurities.
Hoseok does nun of that, if anything he’s actually acted upon his sentiments, even if they are a lil unorthodox but he showed up. Hoseok is the first to tell MC that she’s too good for this place and people.
Harley was a means to an end so Joker could get out of prison. Then when Harley wouldn’t fucking die cuz she’s honestly too crazy, he just keeps her around for when an expendable situation arises where he’s in the middle of it and needs to escape😭
But again Hoseok stops shit before MC can even get her shit rocked. (Good for my baby😭)
And MC has her head on straight. I even appreciate how much she’s in her head, contemplating how she should toe the line of her relationships.
This is your story to write, but unlike every other ask, I would like for her to remain fairly stable. Like I remember in Part 1 where she smiles at the beheading of a faculty member but coming to understand her character that seems more like a morally grey “that’s well deserved” smile rather than some sadistic killer “I no longer have ANY morals” expression.
Really I can see her becoming more comfortable (morally grey) with the killing of people but never doing it herself unless it was an ABSOLUTE last resort. And honestly Hoseok would have prolly dealt with it before it gets to that point. I would even say he wouldn’t want her to kill or her psyche to warp because that’s what attracted him to her in the first place.
At every turn he’s tried to keep her from being traumatized in his own way. To be honest if she was to become crazy it wouldn’t be for Hoseok’s affection or because of anything he did. It would be these damn people and she would finally say “Fuck it” for herself and the liberation of the nightmares. To her, she would be completely in the right for her actions. I can just see the news calling her crazy for her actions when from a social justice stand point I would call her very sane.
But hopefully that never happens as I think Hoseok and Dr. Kim are a pretty “good” support system (I’m saying this now especially because of Kim. We don’t really know him that well. He could surprise us.)
MC serves as the only light and kindness in that wretched place and Hoseok most certainly wouldn’t turn her, even if she asked (if that’s even possible. Can ya’ll just let the story play out?!😭 DAMN😐)
That’s my Ted Talk. And my petition for a MC to stay the same but maybe starts to see things more from Hoseok’s perspective which even he doesn’t seem without reason. Ya’ll really paint this man as a unhinged killer when he’s really calculated. And that’s actually the worse kind of killer😬 (Uh Candi, you sure you not a mercenary or sum shit cuz you a lil too realistic with the…👀😐)
I’m done fr this time🙃 Sorry for the essay, Candi🥺
Plymmie. Plym. You’re amazing.
Thank you SO MUCH for this honestly I’m teary eyed. It’s everything I’ve ever tried to convey in Red Light up to this point all written out beautifully. Just splendid. I haven’t had someone really explain their experience reading it like his and wow 🥹
I can’t say TOO much because plot points could possibly be given away but yes, I think it’s become clear at this rate that Hoseok isn’t actively trying to drive her insane. Every move he makes is for a reason and he doesn’t kill mindlessly. Likewise, MC is trying to hold onto her sanity and stay level headed. Not just for herself, but for her patients. She’s very interested in Hoseok, yeah, but she’s not obsessed to the point of being unhinged or even close to that tbh.
And a final point that you highlighted and I think is very important, every damn character in Red Light is morally gray. They’ll do things that seem kind and fair, they’ll do things that seem insane and horrible. It’s not black and white, it’s every damn shade in between. PLEASE remember that when reading and pondering their personalities and actions ♥️
(The I 🥹🥹🥹 Also please write more essays I love them so much 🤭🥹)
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lioma-gaming · 2 years
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"Come for the story, stay for the monsters, Part 2" or: Why I find the MH Stories games to be so very average
And by "average", I mean "not good, but playable" compared to many other games I own. Allow me to eloborate:
MH:Stories The most obvious weak points of the first MH: Stories were its graphics and level design. Bland landscapes and creepy, featureless silhouettes where NPCs would spawn into being hinted at problematic hardware restrictions. In addition to that, many dungeons consisted of the same set of rooms. This applies to the procedurally generated monster nests, but even main dungeons had only some original rooms strewn into the mix.
Gameplay-wise, you could only obtain about 5 new monsters per area (unless you were in post-game), and it took forever until you were able to get any of the more well-designed monsters. Even the "Great Jaggi" or "Great Baggi" that are fairly unexciting in MH: Tri made a very late appearance. Not to mention that fan favorites like the Tigrex or (black) Nargacuga were only obtainable post game.
The story is predictable, but kind of ok, if you like Rathalos. As for me, I don't like Rathalos, and having this non-imaginatively named "Ratha" being fixed in the 6th slot of my party did not make me like him more. Also, the story promises you to get an Elder dragon, but doesn't deliver. Oh well.
On the other hand, however; the battles are actually fun. They work by a stone, scissors, paper principle - which is new and refreshing for a RPG. You have to memorize the opponent's pattern and act accordingly. Patterns can be pretty complex, but your defenses usually leave some room for trial and error. There is also a fantastic system that lets you transfer abilities from one monster to another to craft your favorite "Monstie" into an all-purpose warrior. In conclusion; there are many things to criticize, but the main gameplay element - the battles - as well as the ability to collect and befriend many of the fabulous Monster Hunter Monsters, make it a title that fans of Monster Hunter and RPGs are likely to enjoy. Others probably not so much.
MH:Stories 2 The sequel, using the Nintendo Switch as platform, did not suffer the same hardware restraints. Environments are bigger, more detailed and more lush. Unfortunately, however, the procedurally generated dungeons make a reappearance, too, and it feels like there are even more of them (or they are bigger, both of which is not good). There are more monsters to collect, along with new ones from MH: World and a greater number of obtainable Elder Dragons. It also doesn't take quite as long for fan favorites to appear as you progress the story.
Which takes us to ... the story. Despite the series' name, its story is certainly not its selling point. The story of MH:S2 is confusingly similar to that of its prequel, not just, but also because many characters from the prequel make a reappearance. They seemingly do not remember a "hero" from back then, but the new hero's grandfather would sort of fit that role. Was that an element scrapped at the last minute? We are also stuck again with a "cursed" Rathalos named "Ratha" (Seriously, they still could not think of anything better?) - which also locks into the 6th slot of the party for the story's duration.
So, can the battle system make up for it like in the prequel? Yes ... and no. There is still the "gene enhancement" system, battles still work the same way, are still fun, but the opponent's patterns are simpler and there is less room for error. This might be because you can take friends or NPCs with their monsters into battle with you - meaning they are potential targets as well. But your influence on these NPCs is very limited and they do not "predict" the opponent's pattern as effectively as you, meaning they might be less supportive and more of a hindrance sometimes.
In total, the first game had a lot of potential to improve, and while the sequel fixed some of those issues (visuals), it also added new ones (battles) while others grew worse (story) or remained unfixed (dungeons). Overall, it comes back down to the average: An enjoyable game for fans of Monster Hunter and RPGs, for others perhaps not so much.
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A, B, G, K, P, T & 1, 4, 10, 16, 20
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
Tina is quick to stand up for who and what she believes in. Everyone knows by now that Tina can be incredibly vocal when she has to be, and that especially comes to sticking up for and supporting her friends. That said, she is also just as quick to get oppositional without thinking through the consequences, which doesn't always help the people she is trying to help in the first place. If Tina sees something that she doesn't think is right, she will call you out on it. She tends to stick to supporting causes that affect her friends, especially those who are in, or have been in the system.
B - Boy/Girl - What is their gender? What’s their relationship with their gender? Has this changed over time? How does their gender identify relate to their gender expression?
Tina, for the most part, is and has been fairly confident that her gender has always been correct. There was one point in her life where she rejected a lot of "normal" feminine ideals, mostly because all of her friends were boys (or presenting as such) and it was totally gross to be into girly things and way cool to be into, like, rocks and worms and shit. For a time Tina was considered the only girl in the Lost Boys (though of course Reagan would later come out as a trans-woman) so for some time she over-compensated by being just as rough and tumble as they all were. When she started to grow, she realised she did in fact enjoy feminine things, and the attention that being a pretty girl brought her. It certainly helped when she could bat her eyelashes and get her friends out of trouble. Now, Tina expresses herself in a very feminine way, spending time picking out pretty clothes and experimenting with make-up. She knows if she sways her hips the right way, flutters her eyelashes and undoes a top button or two that she can use being a woman to her advantage, and she certainly enjoys it. That isn't to say that Tina isn't still very rough-and-tumble under the surface of her vanity. She is a Lost Boy at heart.
G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
Tina is and will always be Tina to her core. She's brash, outspoken, terribly stubborn, reckless to the point of dangerous, and loyal to an absolute fault. That will never change, but that isn't to say that some things haven't. Since 2019, Tina has gone through so much ongoing trauma and bullshit that she is mentally worse off than when she started. James is the only thing keeping her from having a total mental breakdown. Tina's insecurities have only gotten worse over the past few years, and now seem to be at a head now that Peter wants nothing else to do with her. She's antsy, hyper-sensitive and irritable, and about twenty times clingier than she ever thought she would be. Hell, she has even cried in front of multiple people and that was something Tina would never be caught doing before. At this point, Tina doesn't like herself very much at all. That isn't to say nothing good has come of any of this. While no one in their right mind would dream of calling Tina mature, she has grown. She might even have a conscience that we didn't know about. She feels remorse, or guilt, far more than she used to (and has considered, at multiple points, making a genuine apology to Wendy Darling). While she always cared for the Lost Boys (her family) it wasn't until James really made an impact on her life that she started to show how deeply loving and caring she could really be. And finally, her feelings toward Peter have changed. They aren't any less complicated or painful.
K - Know It All - Are they a Know-it-All? Do they actively seek out new knowledge? How do they behave around others how have a great amount of knowledge on a topic?
Tina can certainly come across as a know-it-all sometimes, but it isn’t necessarily true. At least, it seems that way in how confident she can talk back to someone and inform them they’re wrong. She’s quick-witted and street smart, but she doesn’t have the book-smarts to back it all up. It’s much easier learning things through lived experience than sticking her nose in a book. Tina likely doesn’t see herself as a know-it-all because that’s precisely how she sees Wendy Darling and it pisses her off.
P - Philosopher - Are they particularly philosophic? What do they believe is the purpose of life? Do they have any particularly strong convictions or ideologies?
Tina definitely thinks she’s philosophical but if you asked her to actually explain her philosophy she would just talk crap for 15 minutes and hope for the best. She doesn’t believe she has a purpose in life, other than to look after her friends and family, and to take things in her stride (easier said than done). The only thing she really believes in are old superstitions that she heard while growing up, like avoiding stepping in fairy rings and having to find someone to break your sorrow if you see a lone magpie. Her only real convictions are looking out for and sticking up for the people she cares about and never abandoning them.
T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice?
Tina never has been and never will be a good academic student. She struggled with focusing in class or sitting still, hated reading, and was perpetually arguing with teachers and classmates to hide just how difficult she actually found the whole thing. She always found that going away and trying things for herself was the best way for her to learn anything. What better way than to find out how something worked than by pulling it apart, right? Good luck telling her all the theory and rules. Tina has had to learn every lesson the hard way. That said, she is slightly better at teaching people things than she is being on the receiving end, if the teaching happens to be entirely practical. (Her patience with it varies entirely, so no comment can be made on whether she is a willing, patient teacher, or a grumpy, stubborn one). She enjoys teaching James about all her little hobbies, like fixing her teapots and making pottery at Mary’s place, and her imagination has certainly helped her out a few times when the Twins were trying to learn something too.
1. what gives your muse hope? 
Tina’s own stubbornness certainly plays a part in her not losing hope in things. While her mental health is completely tanking, she has an excellent way of finding a tiny bright, happy thought in things that are enough to pull her through to the other side. Right now, James is giving her hope that one day she won’t be this sad any more. Her friends help too. She’s still clinging onto the hope that Peter might forgive her one day.
4. what is your muse’s happiest memory?
Asking Tina to pick her happiest memory is like asking her to pick her favourite teapot. Impossible.
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
Despite it all, Tina still considers Peter her best and closest friend. She won't give you any other answer, even if he never speaks to her again.
16. has your muse ever laughed so hard they’ve cried? what caused it?
This happens to Tina all the time. Laughter is a very consuming feeling, especially when you're vaguely sleep-deprived at all times. The last time she remembers it happening was at the Hootenanny, when she was very drunk. James probably wasn't surprised that her giggling all the way home ended in her tripping up the stairs and sliding back down them, resulting in a laughing fit that lasted 20 minutes.
20. what is a way that your muse shows love and affection without words?
Tina is clingy in every way you can imagine. Poor James probably can't get anything done because she always has at least one body part touching him at all times, whether that be her head on his shoulder, her hands fidgeting with the button on his shirt, or her forehead resting between his shoulder blades. She is just as physical with her friends when she gets the chance. She'll sit on the arm rest of their chair, or sprawl her legs over them on the sofa, or fix their shirt because it looked ruffled. Pair all of that with her offering cups of tea, or facials, making you sparkly cards, and you have Tina's very hello, I'm here! love language.
mentions: @magicaljameshook @itspeterpxn @wendydxrling
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disillusionedjudge · 2 months
Is Gylfie open about her sexuality or no?
((not even in the slightest. I actually talk about the reason why here, but I'm going to talk about it a bit more!
Had it just been her father who reacted the way he did, Gylfie would've been cautious around him, but... still fairly open about it. While she normally took no issue with, essentially, antagonizing her father in small ways (such as bringing to light their relations when he tried to disown her/distance himself from her), this was... a far more personal issue that she wasn't willing to test the limits of. His aggressive homophobia scared her, and she wasn't willing to see how far he would take it.
However, because of how her mother reacted, that... hurt worse, and was really the tipping point for her in keeping her mouth shut on the matter and repressing herself. Alsga wasn't aggressive like her father, and she actually seemed supportive, but Gylfie realized that... her mother wasn't actually supportive, she just wanted her to keep her sexuality/romantic attraction private. Something made abundantly clear when her mother brought up Telina, and how she didn't want Telina to be exposed to such a lifestyle. That devastated her, not just because of what her mother said, but because it was her mother. Gylfie loves her mother and wants to make her proud, so to hear that broke her heart, and solidified in her mind that, while her mother loves her, she doesn't exactly like her. Which, in itself, was the driving point in Gylfie dropping all contact with her mother and sister when she helped them escape Archades, because she thought they would be happier/better off without her in their lives.
That all aside, with Gylie it's... not necessarily any internal homophobia she feels. It was just how her parents reacted, particularly her mother, that made her go quiet. When she was a child, she was more interested in having adventures than having a family, and as she grew older and really started to develop crushes on other girls, she'd sometimes dream about getting married one day. Her primary focus was becoming Judge Magister one day like her father and forefathers, but it was still there in the back of her mind. Something that, honestly, made her happy to think about. And, while she hated her father, it was obvious how much Takrin loved Alsga and Alsga loved him in turn, and... she wanted something like that, just with someone who was far better a person than her father ever could be.
But after that, she decided it was safer to repress her sexuality to keep herself from getting hurt like that again. I imagine that happening before she becomes Judge, so when she's 16 or 17, so she wouldn't have a different support system to rely on. And because she was hellbent on making it as a Judge Magister, she had already thrown herself into focusing entirely on her career more than anything else, so there... wasn't exactly a huge change in her behavior that would've been noticed.
Now, maybe when she's older, so post-ffxii and maybe going into fortress timeline, she might start allowing herself to acknowledge her sexuality again, but I think she'd still be more career-driven, especially since she still needs to make sure Larsa is safe. However, I also think her view of herself might keep her reluctant to court anyone, just because... Gylfie doesn't see herself as a good person. I've touched on this before, and one of these days I will write out a post talking about it lol, but anyway, while she doesn't see herself as a good person, she also doesn't necessarily see herself as bad, either. Just... heavily grey, but not really someone who deserves that sort of happiness marriage could bring.
As a side note, because I don't think I've mentioned it here, but after she left Archades, Alsga realized just how damaging her words were to Gylfie. She did a lot of changing herself upon leaving Archades and Takrin (although she did still love him despite no longer being with him - she'd continue to wear her wedding ring), and felt horrified when she realized what she had done. She loves both of her daughters fully, and realized just how much she had failed Gylfie on so many fronts. She does her best to be a far better mother to Telina, and... she holds onto the hope that Gylfie will one day visit them, so she can sit down and apologize to her for everything. She knows that her apologizing doesn't mean Gylfie would forgive her, nor would she expect her to, but she at least wants to get that out there and let Gylfie do what she pleases with it. Ideally, she wants to be close to her eldest daughter again and repair their relationship, but... hasn't been able to successfully reach out to her, and doesn't want to push her if Gylfie wants nothing to do with them.
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justtogetthrough · 2 months
Just when you think you’ve seen all the possible evil in your field of work.
Then somebody who works for a Children’s Aid Society on behalf of the government speaks such an evil thing like it’s nothing and you interrupt him to be like I’m sorry, what did you just say? And the person repeats it, and you have several of your colleagues on this call as well and you all sit there on camera, mouths agape, and two texts pop up on your phone from your manager, both simply saying “OMG.” That’s it. OMG. Twice, because we can’t believe anyone would feel this way let alone say it out loud so cavalierly.
While this buffoon keeps speaking, either under the impression if he keeps talking we’ll eventually come on board with him (less likely) or just power tripping and saying this is what he’s going to do, just because he can, and yeah in reality there’s not much we can do to stop it (more likely). We all just sat there stunned. I looked from face to face and no one could mask the horror they felt.
The man went off camera halfway through and stayed off (coward) while his colleague remained on camera and fucking smirked every time this senior person spoke. Every time my colleagues stared at their screens in complete shock and disbelief, that man sat there barely trying to restrain glee? while the senior person doubled and tripled down on a plan for a child that is virtually guaranteed to result in an act of self harm before all is said and done.
We will not work with people who don’t treat children as humans. We do not accept children into our foster homes if we know their CAS cares more about dollars and cents than a child having the care they need and living a good life. Historically, we’ve only ever had one or two CAS’s blacklisted for this. I was trained when I joined this agency to receive their referrals and politely decline, maintaining positive rapport because we don’t want them to know we’ve blacklisted them. When there’s been giant ruptures and a fundamental difference in philosophy, we just smile and move on and let them ruin kids’ lives in other people’s homes and not ours. We refuse to be complicit.
But good lord, twice a year theres a new agency really showing up the rest by how heartless they can be these days. We have a good reputation in the province and we’ve been around a long time because agencies know we provide good care. It makes me wonder how we even get to places like this. It makes me wonder if the exact things that made us sought after in eras past are now what makes us come to meetings 4, 5, 6 staff strong to put up a fight, and if that makes CAS’s now consider us undesirable to work with. CAS’s talk and I’m always curious how these fights get framed. How honest agencies are when recounting why there was conflict. At what point do we become “difficult”?
We don’t want to place with agencies that don’t treat children fairly. I am so alarmed at the rate at which agencies care more about the dollars and cents than children’s wellbeing and I worry about the state of and future of child welfare, and all those kids being traumatized by the system in place to protect them. So few agencies will stand up to CAS like we do, and the more we do it and the more these agencies stop placing with us, the more those children end up as pawns, after-thoughts, and objects/collateral under other peoples supervision where none of the adults/decision makers care about them as human beings.
It’s jarring, upsetting, and defeating to be faced with this. There is so little we can do when the legal guardians won’t take our advice based on our knowledge and experience of directly caring for these children for so many years. We can’t stop agencies from taking actions that very clearly will damage children and make their lives worse. We can support children in contacting the Ombudsman and encourage them to fire any lawyers who aren’t promoting their voice, but we are so limited. We lose excellent foster parents to the defeat from these battles each time it happens. The moral injury is too much to bear and so many devoted foster parents retire when the kids get pulled from their loving homes and families they’ve attached to. For dumb fucking reasons, usually. That’s when it hurts the most.
Of all these battles we’ve charged into head on, today was the second if not the most horrible things I’ve ever heard CAS managers say. I wish I could wrap this up with some sort of hope. I don’t have any. This is just a long vent because it took me an hour to stop shaking from that meeting today and I’m still in disbelief it happened. I hate what’s happening to this kid. I hate how obtuse the agency is being, how unwilling they are to listen to the kid, to listen to us.
I hate knowing that shit like this happens. I hate watching ~adults~ add so much pain and suffering into a young person’s life for no reason other than they view this child’s wellbeing as an unnecessary cost.
I don’t know. It touches something firey hot inside of me.
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So... tabletop roleplaying games, they’re pretty good!
As tempting as it is to just leave the post there and refuse to elaborate, I actually do want to talk about ttrpgs, both in general as a hobby but also some specific systems. Why? Because fuck you, this is my blog and I’m going to continue to make that your problem, that’s why! As will become the norm, I make absolutely zero promises on cohesion or this making sense. You have been warned.
So yes, ttrpgs are pretty great! It’s a wonderful combination of escapism, and just doing some silly shit with friends, and for my autism brain it’s great because the rules of the world actually make sense! Usually at least, but I may or may not get to that. Real talk, I genuinely believe that for most people there is some style of ttrpg for you out there. Obviously not everything appeals to everyone, and that’s okay, but there’s so many different styles of play and so many different systems to play that there’s a good chance there’s something out there for you. It goes far beyond just Dungeons and Dragons.
Though I guess that’s probably something worth talking about. I mean to be fair it’s hard to talk about ttrpgs without talking about Dungeons and Dragons specifically, as it’s kinda the “face” of the hobby. Heck, it’s the one I started with many years ago, and to be fair it’s much easier to go “hey, wanna try out D&D?” as opposed to any other system, just due to the sheer presence it has in popular culture. For something that’s somewhat a niche hobby, it’s actually fairly impressive come to think of it. But there’s some elements of D&D (and Wizard of the Coast’s handling of it) that kinda makes me wish it wasn’t the face of ttrpgs.
To preface: if you enjoy D&D fifth edition as it is, keep enjoying it! Do not let anyone shame you for what tabletop games or similar that you enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still grateful for D&D for getting me into the hobby, without D&D and the sheer staying power it has I probably wouldn’t have gotten into the hobby to have some good times. But, especially with the trajectory it’s taking, it’s hard to go “but why are you like this” sometimes. For starters, man does WotC absolutely fucking hate DMs and supporting them at all. Not only does basically every supplement they release lately seem to be almost entirely player focused, to the point of some books being like “I guess here’s some rulings for the main draw of the setting, but you probably shouldn’t use them,” but even the prewritten adventure modules (y’know, the things meant explicitly to make a DM’s life easier and give them something to run out the box) require so much work and messing around with to get to an even functional level. The prewritten modules for D&D 5e give the person running the damn thing very little to actually work with, and basically mandate that the DM effectively do WotC’s job for them and just finish writing the other half of the module before you can run it. Compared to something like Pathfinder Second Edition, where Paizo gives you basically any detail you could possibly want when it comes to running a module, and it’s kinda shameful honestly. Especially since the DM is the most important part of playing a ttrpg. Without a DM, you have no game. And yet knowing this, WotC seem to shaft them at every turn. 
I suspect this is a part of why it’s so hard to find a DM for tabletop games. Even ignoring the fact that it is definitely a different style of play than being a player, if their only experience of DMing is with either incomplete materials or having to write out huge chunks of the adventure (potentially to just set that writing on fire later) then I don’t blame them for not looking forward to doing it more. I know that doesn’t apply to everyone, and that many DMs absolutely love making up entire campaigns, but that shouldn’t be the default expectation of someone coming into the hobby. They should have something they can fall back onto. 
Making matters worse is WotC’s latest approach to lore and worldbuilding. Namely, their stance of “there can’t be controversy if there’s nothing that can be controversial!” They have been on one heck of a warpath to gut out as much existing lore of their setting as possible, with entire chapters now simply just being a vague paragraph or two instead. Exemplifying this behaviour of “no lore = no controversy” is the controversy with the Hadozee, a race introduced in one of the newest (at the time of writing) books that had some questionable lore (with what little it had). Instead of addressing this in any way, WotC’s response was to simply delete the offending segment and swipe it under the rug never to be spoken of. Again, not a problem for those who would rather make their entire world to begin with, but it absolutely sucks for a newer player or for someone who would rather have a world to get immersed into out the box. Compared to so many other ttrpg systems like Cyberpunk, Lancer, and Pathfinder, all of which are so rich and full of life and a lovingly detailed setting, D&D just saddens me. I mean sure, the Forgotten Realms were never my favourite setting of all time, but it was at least a setting that had a decent amount of fleshing out and things to work with. Now there’s basically nothing, but not so little as to be truly setting agnostic. 
And I’m not even going into other issues like martial classes being incredibly dull, spellcasters overshadowing everyone, the action system being difficult to balance around, etc.
I guess what I’m getting at with all of this is: D&D has a lot of power to wield, and I feel like it’s squandered. It doesn’t look after DMs at all, making them more likely to burn out if they’re not interested in massive amounts of worldbuilding, and even players it does a poor job of catering to sometimes. Sure, most people may not even realise this when first getting into it, but that almost makes it worse. 
But like I said earlier, D&D is not the only system in the world. I myself have largely moved onto Pathfinder 2e for my fantasy fix as it does many of the things I wanted from D&D. Though they are very different games, I probably wouldn’t recommend Pathfinder to players new to the hobby since there’s a lot more rules covering a lot more things, and it is a bit crunchier, but that’s also why I like it myself. I like the crunchy rules for my autism brain. Plus all the rules are available for free, and oh my god it’s just so gay and full of actual rep... I may have to make a separate post on it. If you want more sci-fi, there’s also Cyberpunk for, well, cyberpunk dystopia, or there’s Lancer if you’re more into giant mechs. I could have whole rants onto those on their own... and I may do that if I feel like it.
But holy shit this has already gone on too long. Let me reiterate: if you enjoy D&D 5e and don’t feel the need to change, then keep enjoying it. The hobby is a lot of fun, and there’s many ways to have that fun! And hey, it’s still the easiest way to get people into the hobby, and if you’re like me who’s a bit jaded on it then it works as an excellent gateway drug to go “well if you like that, wait until you try this!” 
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roguedeck · 2 years
Netrunner - Midnight Sun Runner Review
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I thought I could stop.
I really thought I was done buying Netrunner. If someone wanted to play, I'd always be down for a game. But I really thought I'd finished buying new cards.
Nisei's new set, Midnight Sun, is making that decision look foolish.
After a fairly middling first set, the new Nisei team is firing on all cylinders. I thought System Gateway had some very smart ideas in it. And now this new set is expanding on that design philosophy in new and interesting ways.
Let's go through each faction and see what we've got to play with.
Each runner faction is built around a new mechanic and ID. This time around, anarch is leaning into their self destructive tendencies and gaining some abilities when they take "core damage" (this is functionally the same as brain damage). They also get a new keyword called "sabotage" that forces the corp to discard or mill.
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I'm not sure that leaning into core damage is a viable strategy. It's something you can trigger a couple times, but ultimately, I don't think you want to anchor your entire strategy around it.
However, there are some bonkers cards that will find their way into any anarch deck. <strong>Steelskin Scarring</strong> is an echo of the powerhouse "I've had Worse" but it also does cool stuff with Moshing. <strong>Light the Fire</strong> is a tech cards against glacier corps. <strong>Avgustina Ivanovskaya</strong> is a pretty good version of Noise. And <strong>The Twinning </strong>is a valid replacement for the Turning Wheel.
<em>Overall Opinion: </em>Surprising no one, anarch got incredible value cards. I'm less sold on going all-in on the ID, but there's enough format defining stuff that you'll be seeing for years.
Crim's new mechanic is Mark - and supports the runny-runny style of Crim that I favor. Out new ID is inherent central pressure that doesn't get blanked by locking down HQ.
Much like Anarch, I don't know how essential Mark is going to be as a mechanic, but there are a ton of useful cards in this pack. <strong>Carpe Diem </strong>is a potentially better Dirty Laundry. <strong>Pinhole Threading</strong> give us a PolOp replacement. <strong>Cezve</strong> is a bonkers econ card. <strong>PAN-Weave</strong> gives Startup a mini Account Siphon. And <strong>Cat's Cradle</strong> seems like the best decoder in the format (seriously, Criminal gets to start their breaker suite with Cradle and Bukhgalter).
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I want to make a special call out to <strong>Revolver</strong> too. I don't know that is is going to see a ton of immediate play, but I love the creative playfullness of this card. One of the best parts about Netrunner is being able to play weirdo stuff. This definitely fits.
<em>Overall Opinion:</em> Crim gets some useful tools and good central pressure. They're still going to rely on Bravado and Boomerang as their power cards. They still have trouble closing out games.
After two pretty big wins, we get to everyone's favorite punching bag - Shaper.
In all fairness, the new Shaper cards aren't <em>that</em> bad. They just feel underbaked. An 8-cost console is still a massive tempo sink - even if it is pretty powerful. Charging up your cards might be useful if there are more cards that use charge counters.
Clearly <strong>Deep Dive</strong> is the best Shaper card in this pack. It is a legit win condition - that is probably better as a splash in Criminal. I think <strong>Into the Depths</strong> is more powerful than it looks on the surface, but Shaper is going to have a hard time using it to it's full potential. <strong>Hyperbaric</strong> is potentially the best decoder in the game (who decided to hate on Code Gates this block?).
<em>Overall Opinion:</em> Shaper is the most insular of all the factions in this block. There are plenty of ways to charge cards, but their best tool (<strong>Hyperbaric</strong>) doesn't actually need that much charge support to be great. I know there is a group of people that dream of dominating with 8-cost consoles, but realistically the best Shaper cards are getting imported into other factions.
Check out the full Midnight Sun spoiler here.
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