#from my gender to my religion to the decorations on my walls to my interests to theatre
smfstump · 2 years
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maciek-jozefowicz · 2 months
[57] “Sitting on the Edge” Oberon brush, Drawing group (Procreate app). Some people like to sit dangerously. While I was not consciously thinking of it when I was creating this image, looking at it now makes me recall Caspar David Friedrich’s “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog”. This drawing is not similar to the painting, so I can’t explain the association. Actually, I think of this drawing as an amalgam of the Friedrich’s painting and Rodin’s sculpture “The Thinker”.
The black and the white background can be interpreted as metaphors — as night and day; as evil and good; as female and male forces (as in yin and yang). Whichever way that one chooses to interpret them, the edge is where the two meet.
To better understand the kind of artist that I want to be and the kind of art that I want to create, I was thinking about the purpose of art — what is art used for? Here’s my list:
1) Art is used to decorate. It is used to decorate private residences, usually walls, and public spaces, both interior and exterior.
[Creating this type of art doesn’t interest me for two reasons. One reason is that art for private residences is art of privilege. It is so because only people with wealth can buy original art. I don’t want to create art strictly for the rich. Another reason is that art for public spaces need by necessity be banal and meaningless. Public art doesn’t have to please anyone, but it absolutely cannot displease anyone. It has to be “inclusive”; in other words, vapid.]
2) Art is used to illustrate. It is used to illustrate stories, poems, books, magazines, websites. It is used to illustrate information, directions.
There isn’t much difference between an illustrator and an artist. One key difference is that an illustrator illustrates someone else’s ideas; an artist illustrates his own ideas. The crucial difference is freedom — the artist has it, the illustrator doesn’t. One reason I love creating art is the experience of freedom I feel when I do. Another reason is that I have my own ideas that I prefer to illustrate. When illustrating ideas of others, I feel like a hired laborer; a hired craftsman, not an artist.
3) Art is used to entertain. But with the exception of single panel cartoons, single images, no matter how complex and detailed, offer limited entertainment. Sequential art, whether in the form of comics or in the form of animation (as in film or as in video games), has the most potential to entertain. But, strictly speaking, it is not the art that entertains in these instances, but the stories and words. Art is used to illustrate, or decorate, the words.
[ I have had a passion for comics since I was a child. I still have it. One reason is that sequential art, combined with words, has great potential to entertain and to express complex ideas. An artist can express his world view with comics in a way that s/he cannot with single images. ]
4) Art is used as propaganda. Or to put it in another way, art is used to express beliefs, or a system of beliefs that forms an ideology. Usually, art expresses religious beliefs, whether the religion is monotheistic, like Christianity, or polytheistic, like Greek mythology, or atheistic, like Buddhism, Liberalism or Progressivism. Communists in Soviet Union and in China, for example, used art to express their beliefs, their vision of what the world should look like, what the world that they are attempting to make would look like. Christians have used art to illustrate the Bible and through those illustrations express their beliefs. One of the most iconic, and most replicated, images in the history of Western art is the crucifixion of Jesus.
Today, much of fine art in the Western culture expresses the Progressive religion (Progressive beliefs or Progressive “truths”; Progressive interpretation of the world, society and life) — from identity power politics to “climate apocalypse”; “social inequality”, “social inequity”, “social injustice”, “human rights”, “victimhood”, “love”, “gender”, etc.
[Since I do not believe in the existence of God, I can’t consider myself a Christian. But while I acknowledge its flaws and its sins (no religion is free of sins, i.e. crimes committed in its name), I also appreciate and respect Christian wisdom, which, in many ways, complements physical reality, social reality, biology, and science.
I dislike Progressivism vehemently. I think of it as a religion of depravity, devoid of wisdom, that contradicts physical reality, social reality, biology and science. Its few insights are as shallow as a pool of spit. And the mindset that it represents is toxic.
I’m also not a communist nor a socialist nor a globalist nor fascist. Needless to say, I cannot sincerely be a religious artist. But art as a social commentary, or social critique, often presented through satire, interests me.]
5) Another purpose of art is self-expression. Art can express both feelings and/or thoughts. It can be used to express a personal vision of the world. It can be used to express ideas. It is believed by some psychologists that creating art can have a healing effect on persons suffering from some mental unhealth. (I use the clumsy word “unhealth” because I suspect that the word “disorder” will soon be deemed politically incorrect.) The creation of art is believed by some to lead to catharsis, the purging of negative emotions. Some psychotherapists have their patients create art in order to bring to the surface repressed memories, thoughts and feelings that are believed to be causing harm to the mental health of the patient. This process of releasing of hidden emotions is like a detoxification.
Ancient Greeks believed that watching tragedy (tragic drama) can lead to catharsis. If that is so, then one does not need to create art to benefit from its healing effect. Viewing art created by others can have similar effects. In other words, artists, through their art, can express our feelings and thoughts.
(An idea: isn’t Political Correctness a form of forced repression? It forces us to bottle-up certain feelings and thoughts that have been judged to be “inappropriate” or “wrong”. These “inappropriate” feelings and thoughts (and ideas) have become social taboos, the transgressions of which is punishable. We seem to be going through a kind of neo-Victorian period, in which we are expected to strictly adhere to a plethora of Progressive social proprieties, or be ostracized.)
[For me, art is an antidote to materialism; creating art is a rebellion against materialism (and against greed and avarice). This is one reason why I have so enthusiastically embraced digital art tools — digital art is not a one-of-a-kind precious object that materialists can treat as a commodity to be used as an investment to make profit.
But art is a popular form of rebellion that can be turned against anything one wants to rebel — generic things like stupidity, ignorance, narcissism, deceit, etc., or more specific social ills. Many artist seek notoriety by creating “shock art”. While shock art represents a type of rebellion, its purpose is usually to get attention, to be noticed. Generally, in the past four or five decades, shock art has been Progressive art that demeans Christianity. (Not surprisingly, Progressivism is a religion that wants to eliminate all other religions. Starting with Christianity.)]
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Witchcraft and Activism
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The word “witch” is a politically charged label. If we look at how the word was used historically, it referred to someone who existed outside of the normal social order. The people accused of witchcraft in the European and American witch trials were mostly — experts say between 75% and 80% — women. They were also overwhelmingly poor, single, or members of a minority ethnicity and/or religion. In other words, they were people who did not follow their society’s accepted model of womanhood (or, in the case of accused men, manhood).
If you choose to identify with the witch label, you are choosing to identify with subversion of gender norms, resistance to the dominant social order, and “outsider” status. If that makes you uncomfortable or uneasy, then you may want to use another label for your magical practice. Witchcraft always has been and always will be inherently political.
In her book Witches, Sluts, Feminists, Kristen J. Sollee argues that the “slut” label is in many ways a modern equivalent to the “witch” label. In both cases, the label is used to devalue people, most often women, and to enforce a patriarchal and misogynist social order.
Superstitions around witchcraft are connected to the modern stigma around abortion (and, to a lesser extent, contraception). Midwifery and abortion were directly linked to witchcraft in the European witch hunts. Today, women who seek abortions are condemned as sluts, whores, and murderers. The fight for reproductive freedom remains inextricably linked with the witch label.
During the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s, the socialist feminist group Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (W.I.T.C.H.) used the image of the witch to campaign for women’s rights and other social issues. They were some of the first advocates for intersectional feminism (feminist activism that addresses other social issues that overlap with gendered issues). They performed acts such as hexing Wall Street capitalists and wearing black veils to protest bridal fairs. The W.I.T.C.H. Manifesto calls witches the “original guerrillas and resistance fighters against oppression.”
In her book Revolutionary Witchcraft, Sarah Lyons points out that both witchcraft and politics are about raising and directing power in the world. In a postmodern society, most of our reality is socially constructed — it works because we collectively believe it does. Money only has value because we believe it does. Politicians only have power because we believe they do. Our laws are only just because we believe they are. Like in magic, everything in society is a product of belief and a whole lot of willpower — and that makes witches the ideal social activists.
Lyons argues that witchcraft is inseparable from politics, because witches have always opposed dominant political power. She makes a connection between the witch trials and the rise of capitalism and classism. She connects the basic concepts of magic to historic activist groups like the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), who used ritual as an act of protest.
Not every witch is a hardcore activist, but every witch should have a basic awareness of political and social issues and be willing to do what they can to make a difference.
Ways to Combine Witchcraft and Activism
Perform a ritual to feel connected to the earth and her people. Activism should come from a place of love, not a place of hate. Make sure you’re fighting for the right reasons by frequently taking time to reconnect with the planet and the people who live here. This can be as simple as laying down on the ground outside and meditating on all the ways you are connected to other people, as well as to the ecosystem, animals, and the earth herself. If getting up close and personal with the grass and dirt isn’t your thing, try to find a beautiful place in nature where you can sit and journal about the interconnected nature of all things.
Unlearn your social programming. This is the most difficult and most important part of any activism. Before you can change the world outside yourself, you have to change your own psyche. Think about how you have been socialized to contribute to (or at least turn a blind eye to) the issues you want to fight against. For example, if you want to fight for racial justice, you need to understand how you have contributed to a racist system. You can do this in a variety of ways: through meditation, journaling, or divination, to name a few. Note that whatever method you choose, this will probably take weeks or months of repeated work. Rewriting your thought and behavior patterns is hard, and it can’t be done in a single day. Also note that if you are a victim of systemic oppression or prejudice, this work may bring up a lot of emotional baggage — you may want to involve a professional therapist or counselor.
Go to protests. Sending energy and doing healing rituals is great, but someone has to get out there and visibly fight for change. If you are able to do so, start going to protests and rallies for causes you care about. Don’t just show up, but be an active participant — make signs, yell and chant, and stand your ground if cops show up. Be safe and responsible, but be loud and assertive, too. If you want to go all out, you can don the black robes, pointed hats, and veils of W.I.T.C.H.es past, which has the added bonus of concealing your identity.
Turn your donations into a spell for change. When you donate to a cause you care about, charge your donation with a spell for positive change. You can do this by holding your cash, check, or debit card in both hands and focusing on your desire for change. Feel this desire flowing into the money, filling it with your determination. From here, make your donation, knowing that you’ll be sending an energy boost along with it.
Organize an activist coven. Do you have a handful of friends who are interested in witchcraft, passionate about activism, or both? Start a coven! Go to protests together, hold monthly rituals to raise energy for change, and collect money for donations. Being part of a group also means having a support system, which can help prevent burnout. Make a plan to check on each other regularly. You may even choose to do monthly group rituals for self care, which may be actual magic rituals or might be as simple as ordering takeout and watching a movie. Activism can be intensely draining work, so it’s important to take breaks when you need them!
Hold public rituals with an activist slant. Nothing gets people’s attention like a bunch of folks standing in a circle and chanting. Holding public rituals is one of the best ways to raise awareness for a cause. You might hold a vigil for victims of police brutality, a healing circle for the environment, or some other ritual that is relevant to the issue at hand. These rituals serve a double purpose, as they both bring people’s attention to the issue and give them an opportunity to work for change on a spiritual level. Use prayers, chants, and symbolism that is appropriate to the theme, and ask participants to make a small donation to a charity related to your cause.
Begin your public rituals with a territory acknowledgement. If you live in the United States, chances are you live on land that was taken from the native people by force. If you seek to have a relationship with the land, you need to first acknowledge the original inhabitants and the suffering they endured so you can be there. Use a website like native-land.ca to find out what your land was originally called and what indigenous groups originally lived there. Publicly acknowledge this legacy at your ritual, and publicly state your intention to support indigenous peoples. (Revolutionary Witchcraft has an excellent territory acknowledgement that you can customize for your area.)
Make an altar to your activist ancestors. If activism or membership in a marginalized group is a big part of your life, you may want to create a space for it in your home. Like an ancestor altar, this is a space to remember influential members of the community who have died. Choose a flat surface like a tabletop or shelf and decorate it with photos of your “ancestors,” as well as other appropriate items like flags, pins, stickers, etc. As a queer person, my altar to my LGBTQ+ ancestors might include images of figures like Sappho, Marsha P. Johnson, and Freddie Mercury, as well as items like a pink triangle patch, a small rainbow pride flag, and dried violets and green carnations. You may also choose to include a candle, an incense burner, and/or a small dish for offerings. Just remember to never place images of living people on an altar honoring the dead!
Do your research. Staying educated is an important part of activism — not only do your actions need to be informed, but you need to be able to speak intelligently about your issues. Read the news (on actual news websites, not just social media). Read lots of books; some I personally recommend are Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, Love and Rage by Lama Rod Owens, and (as previously mentioned) Revolutionary Witchcraft by Sarah Lyons. If you can get access to them, read scholarly articles about theories that are influential among activists, like the Gaia Hypothesis or Deep Ecology. Read everything you can get your hands on.
VOTE! And I don’t just mean voting for the presidential candidate you like (or, as is often the case, voting against the one you don’t like). Vote for your representatives. Vote for city council. Vote for the county sheriff. Voting gives you a chance to make sure the people in office will be susceptible to your activism. Yes, your side might lose or your electoral college representative might choose to go against the popular vote. Even so, voting is a way to clearly communicate the will of the people, and it puts a lot of pressure on the people in charge. It’s important — don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
In my experience, combining activism with my witchcraft is a deeply fulfilling spiritual experience. It strengthens my connection to the world around me, with helps grow both empathy and magical power. I truly can’t imagine my practice without the activist element.
Witches, Sluts, Feminists by Kristen J. Sollee
Revolutionary Witchcraft by Sarah Lyons
The Study of Witchcraft by Deborah Lipp
The Way of Fire and Ice by Ryan Smith
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lady-duskveil · 4 years
The Basics ––– –
NAME: Aleyria Duskveil. AGE: An inappropriate question. BIRTHDAY: Late winter. RACE: Ren'dorei. GENDER: Female. SEXUALITY: Pansexual. MARITAL STATUS: In an open arrangement.
Physical Appearance ––– –
Once a cascading curtain of spun gold, the ravages of the void have leeched color and luster from the waves of Aleyria’s hair, its softly roiling silver waves reminiscent of the glint of spider silk in the witching hour. Left loose to be tossed by the whims of the mercurial winds, she somehow always manages to maintain elegant curls and a certain grace that sees it caress the curve of her spine in a way most provocative.
Faintly bruised at their sockets by the wonders of her scholarly pursuits, Aleyria’s eyes are gently swept into feline intrigue by a careful application of stiletto sharp liner and smoky powder. Her gaze lightens only at the twilit violet points that illuminate the shadow's incursion into her dark sclera, parting with an unearthly glow that yet defies the corruption of her practices.
Five feet, eight inches.
Curvaceous, in a word -- atypical for elven standards of beauty, in others. Though she hardly lacks for the elegance that the timeless blood of the elves gifted her, a certain softness clings to the fullness of her hips, the swell of her bust. While there is much to be admired of her, she favors intimation and subtlety over outright provocation: the peek of a long, shapely leg from the slit of a slip of figure-hugging silk that otherwise maintains her modesty is all that can be expected of this scholar.
An oddity or a trick of the light, the perceptive note that her shadow moves independently of her, shifting outwards in tenebrous tendrils or otherwise mirroring whatever so amuses it in play. At the most dire, that shade might reveal itself to be something more than benign mockery - with good luck, one will never have to see that day.
Whether swept up into preternatural magicks or practicing some eldritch, long forgotten ritual, thin, runic scarring comes to life on her pale skin when her power is motivated to come to the surface. At its height, the lambent light of those foci are no different than the color of her eyes.
Her powerful grip upon the void has been as much a damnation as it is a blessing. That shadowplay has chased much of the living color from her, leaving her a specter of her former self. Accordingly, the cut and color of all of her clothing tends towards that which will flatter her most - black on black on black.
Aleyria is fond of creature comforts and accessorizing the otherwise plain gowns that she dons, indulging in a wealth of rings, necklaces and earrings that dangle from the lobes or curve to the sharp points of her elven ears. Her hands - rarely without gloves - often favor the silken fur of a black shroud that hugs her shoulders. Though plain, a curious rosary woven of black beads hangs at her breast, the visage of a veiled maiden at its end. 
Personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Dark Sister of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows. Scholar. Sorceress. In all things magically inclined towards subversive shade and the madness it imparts in the mind, she is an expert. HOBBIES: Making music (harp), painting, fine embroidery, insect collecting, reading, oneiromancy, gardening and archery. LANGUAGES: Polyglot, though particular to Darnassian and Thalassian. RESIDENCE: Hardly a woman of little means, Aleyria keeps a quaint little estate that favors practicality and comfort over the riches that she had accrued in her life. The decor is antiquated, austere and subdued, and the walls are scattered with countless paintings whose haunting depictions are spawned straight from the reaches of her dreams. The Duskveil estate is at once a work of art, a sanctuary for a scholar’s mind and an homage to her studies in the shadow. BIRTHPLACE: Southern Quel'thalas. RELIGION: The Void. FEARS: Loss of control; being robbed of freedom; total and utter loneliness; certain breeds of the Scourge.
Relationships ––– –
Traits ––– –
extroverted / introverted / in between disorganized / organized / in between close minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathic / unempathic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / in between cultured / uncultured / in between loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
Additional Information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
RP Hooks ––– –
Lady of Ruin
Once a lady of an esteemed noble house within Quel’thalas, the fall of the house of Dawnveil’s foremost southern estate was a source of ruin that led her to the grace of the Light long ago. Those particularly embroiled in the politicking of Silvermoon’s most esteemed court may remember her as as one of the devout brides of the Radiant Flame, a cloister of high elven priestesses and a far cry from the shadowy scholar she has become. Some may even seek to reconnect with her in a search for understanding - what could have possibly led her so far from the path of righteousness?
Scholar of Shadow
Particular to studies of the shadow arts and their intersection with the deplorable whispers of the Old Gods, Aleyria’s specialization in the exploration of the realm of madness has been cause for criticism by some. As such, her inquisitive mind is ever in search of lucrative partnerships with other enterprising individuals that might lend a hand to the often dangerous ordeals she puts herself through in pursuit of knowledge. Those of fragile mind need not apply - or do, if you’ve an interest in serving as the perfect subject she needs.
Forgotten Sister
Not all that Aleyria pledges herself to are wild romps through forgotten ruins in search of artifact and antiquity. The Cult of Forgotten Shadows, the conclave of shadow priesthood that praises and idolizes the absence of the Light, is paid due pittance in her travels as a priestess. To those less inclined to seek the embrace of the Light’s warmth in healing the wounds beaten into their ragged flesh, Shadow may prove an apt companion - if you don’t mind listening to the soft whisper of her proselytizing and opening yourself to greater corruption.
OOC ––– –
Hey! I'm Nika. I'm a 28 year old witchy lady living in northeast America in the middle of the woods. I'm an amateur artist, decent writer and avid roleplayer. I'm also a gigantic goofball and a huge introvert, but if I like you, you'll know it. I’m looking for more connections for my sultry shadow priestess, Aleyria.
As I don’t find myself playing much World of Warcraft anymore, most of my RP is done through Discord. I prefer multi-paragraph roleplay but can and will adjust to my partner, and plot lines and long term RP are loved. I'm more than willing to work together on or run story arcs. I am lore-compliant, but appreciate fanon and flexibility.
► Please be 18+. I will not roleplay with you if you are not of age. Sorry, but this is to protect myself and to protect you. ► IC is not OOC. I'm not interested in being the target for frustration or sexual interest. I will block you if you make me uncomfortable. ► My time is limited. This isn't to say that I won't have time, but I have a very active life. Please be patient if I don't respond right away. ► I will play mature content and themes (violence, gore, sexuality, drug or alcohol usage, temporary imprisonment, temporary injury, etcetera). ►Please ask about long term injury or disfigurement, captivity or imprisonment and character death. (These themes should have plot associated with them, as I love my character dearly!)
If you’re interested in plotting with me, I can be contacted at Scowlet#7417.
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venusxxlangdon · 5 years
Hotline Bling
summary: Nothing foretold troubles when suddenly Michael’s phone screen lit up with an incoming call. Without taking his eyes off the laptop, he reached for his phone, thinking it was Gallant.
“Hello?” he asked
“Have you been a good boy?”
AU, where Michael is an art student at Hawthorne University with a penchant for rollerball lip gloss & fleece blankets and the reader, is phone sex operator who accidentally calls the wrong number
pairing: sub!Hawthorne Michael x fem!reader
warnings: dirty talk, smut, sub!Michael, mommy kink, humping
words: 3.3k
A/N: there will be part 2!
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Michael Langdon had been having a penchant for nice things for as long as he remembered himself. He was soft and delicate by nature, so it was no wonder that he enjoyed fleece blankets and scented candles, wide linen shirts to wear around the house instead of old T-shirts paired with sweatpants everyone liked, fluffy socks that made him feel comfy, warm bubble baths, and cinnamon French toasts topped with cherry jam or powdered sugar.
However, not everyone had the same opinion on his preferences. Constance Langdon, his grandmother (may she rest in peace), who raised him like he was her son, had been trying to do everything in her might to make Michael fit into her idea of what boys should have worn, studied in university, and done in their free time. Although, after he brought home his first high school girlfriend she seemed to stop being so hard on him as if the fact that Michael was into girls was some sort of a relief for her. The truth, as usual, was somewhere in the middle: Michael had no idea who he was into and preferred to go with a flow and take interest in whoever he liked no matter their gender, religion, and social background. He was not only a good-looking guy — the blond mop of short curls surrounded his head like a halo; crystal blue eyes, made him look like an angel; cherry kissed lips sometimes had a touch of a peachy lip gloss rollerball he carried in his designer backpack, resembled the petals of a beautiful rose — but he was also beautiful inside, despite a blinkered mindset of his grandmother.
When he moved to a small apartment that was only 20 minutes away from Hawthorne University where he was majoring in art, he started decorating the place to his liking: curtains made of sheer organza flowed down the windows like sea foam; the transparent fabric allowed the sunlight to spill into the room, bounce off the walls and flood every corner of it with radiant warmth.
The endless list of things he liked to do in his free time mostly consisted of going to the exhibitions and gallery openings, attending independent movie premieres with his artsy friends, grabbing a strong espresso on the way to class every morning, and dancing to his favorite songs while cooking. He lived alone and was comfortable with it because truly deep in his heart he was a loner. Of course, he had friends, take, for example, Gallant. A very extravagant guy he had met at one of the events and immediately clicked with. Michael did not know whether he believed in soulmates, but Gallant was definitely one of those people in his life who understood him and shared the same interests. However, Michael always enjoyed his time alone in the perfect world he built around himself and spent so much effort maintaining and protecting from people who thought that it was their duty to call it too “feminine”.
“Angel! I’m home!” he stepped into the apartment and tried to shut the door with his shoulder because both of his hands were busy holding a new print he’d got from Gallant and a paper bag from Whole Foods.
A white cat appeared around the corner to greet his owner who never managed to come home without a handful of stuff. He cautiously approached the print Michael put against the wall.
“How have you been, little guy?”
Michael found Angel a year ago on the way home when he was returning from a bar he went to with Gallant and his boyfriend. It was during the time when he was recovering from an extremely painful breakup with his last girlfriend. It was a complicated relationship from the very beginning, but he thought that his love would have been enough for both of them.
In the end, it left him drained out, heartbroken, and utterly devastated. So there he was young and depressed, cringing at the bitter aftertaste of alcohol, he drank with his friends, on his way to his small studio where nobody was waiting for him. At first, he didn’t understand where the tiny mewls were coming from, but as he approached one of the waste containers, he realized that among the litter there was a small white (well it was gray at that moment) kitten. Alone and abandoned just like him.
“I missed you, love” he smiled at the cat, picked up his bags and made his way to the kitchen.
It was a regular evening for him with a homemade dinner and some tv show in the background. He was sitting on the couch with the blanket around his shoulders and a Mac on his lap, working on a digital project for the upcoming assignment. Angel was snuggling by his side, snoring peacefully, and the light scent of his favorite 26 Santal Le Labo candle was filling the room. Nothing foretold troubles when suddenly his phone screen lit up with an incoming call. Without taking his eyes off the laptop, Michael reached for his phone, thinking it was Gallant.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Have you been a good boy?” the question asked in smooth silky voice on the other end made Michael jump on his seat. He immediately looked at the screen but did not recognize the number, so he hurried to bring the phone back to his ear and demand the explanation.
“Ex-excuse me?” he stuttered.
“I’m asking you if you’ve been a good boy for mommy today,” he felt the blush bloom across his cheeks not only from the lascivious tone of your voice but the words you were saying. What on God’s green earth was that?
It took him a few seconds to first, close his mouth because his jaw had dropped indeed, and second, formulate a coherent sentence.
“I’m sorry, I think you called the wrong number” he bit his lip and looked at the display once again as if the range of figures would have turned into something different.
“Is this strawberryboy69?”
Michael giggled at the nickname and put his laptop aside, straightening his legs out.
“No, my name is Michael, and who are you?”
You started scrolling through the data to check if you had called the right number feeling the embarrassment wash over you. Nervously you scanned the table of clients’ names, and your brows frowned when you found out that you had done everything correctly. Strawberryboy69 was supposed to be the same caller that was being on the line, and his kinks should have been “age play, mommy kink, slight humiliation, choking, and spanking”. There could not have been any mistake unless the client had told the wrong number himself.
“I’m sorry, sir. There’s gotta be a mistake,” you murmured still confused. “Please, accept my apologies, I-...”
And before you even finished the sentence Michael asked:
“Wait, was it supposed to be a sex call? Like for real?”
He didn’t know why he even asked that question, and why his cheeks were still beet red. Of course, the girl on the line was a phone sex operator. Who else would’ve started a conversation asking if he had been a good boy? He unconsciously ran his fingers through his hair and caught himself thinking that the idea of having actual phone sex really excited him. He’d never done anything like that, and it felt forbidden. Even mysterious, since he didn’t even know your name. He looked at Angel nervously as if the cat was judging him.
“Yes, and it seems like the client gave me the wrong number. I won’t be taking your time unless you’d like to try...” you lowered your voice to emphasize the last part of the sentence. Having worked for over a year in this company you had learned that if a caller started asking questions it mean that you got his attention. Even though this guy wasn’t the original strawberryboy69, you could try your luck and make him your new client.
Michael’s breath hitched.
“Um, I am really not sure” he mumbled, hugging the pillow and pressing it hard against his chest trying to calm down. “I’ve never tried anything like this....how much do you charge per minute?” he felt the thrill of the rush tightening in his stomach.
You smiled to yourself. You got him.
“It’s a dollar per minute, and after the 10th minute, the rate is 0.50$. Don’t worry about being inexperienced,” the tone of your voice switched from cool and professional to lustful and teasing in a matter of seconds, and that was what got Michael aroused. “I got you.”
Michael let out a frustrated sigh and flipped on his stomach, resting his chin on the pillow.
“Okay,” he cleared his throat, “okay, I think I want to try this, but what do I start with?”
You leaned back on your chair and put your phone on the speaker ready for the show.
“I want you to tell me about yourself first. What do you like in bed? What are your secret fantasies?” you turned on the timer.
There was some mumbling on the other end, and you heard something like “God, I can’t believe I’m doing it”.
After a long pause Michael spoke:
“It’s nothing extreme”, he said, “I think I am boring, like...okay, so...I don’t really.. Oh God.. Sorry, I can’t do this,” he felt so embarrassed; his cheeks were burning bright red.
It was a normal reaction for the person who had never practiced phone sex, and you understood him. So you took the initiative:
“Michael,” you remembered his name, “do you like being in control and dominating your partner?” you purred.
Michael shook his head as if you could see him.
“No, actually, it’s the opposite. I like when my partner takes care of me. I like it nice and soft,” he felt his cock harden in his pants and instinctively snaked his hand down his crotch to slightly squeeze it.
You briefly made a note “soft, probably sub” on a sticker, brought a pencil to your mouth, and pensively started sucking on the tip. It seemed like you got a new strawberry boy.
“Hmmm, sounds good” he was making a progress indeed, so you made sure to praise him for that, “I would love to take care of you, darling. Tell me what you look like, baby?”
Michael felt hot. Suddenly the temperature in the room increased drastically, and he slowly started unbuttoning his blue linen shirt. He traced the tips of his fingers starting from the prominent collarbones and moving inwards. Gently applying pressure, he whimpered at the sensation. Using a circular motion, he splayed his hand out gently across his chest and brought his fingers together at the pink nipple.
“I’m tall, and that’s why I’m always slouching. My grandma used to be so mad at me for not being able to sit straight, and-...” he paused suddenly realizing what he was saying. “God, I’m sorry, that was absolutely unsexy. I don’t know why I even said that...”
You couldn’t help yourself and giggled in response.
“It’s okay, darling” you hurried to reassure him, “feel free to share whatever you like. I’m listening.”
Michael buried his face in the pillow.
“Okay, okay,” he muttered, “I’m blond, curly-haired, and I have blue eyes, what else...”
You didn’t doubt that he was actually describing himself even though he could have pretended to be whoever he wanted. Most of your clients usually told you that they looked like models or actors, everyone was “tall, skinny, with big 11-inch dick (yes, sure), and pornographic boobs.” You couldn’t blame them for that because it was their fantasy and they had every right to dream about it.
“Baby, you are so pretty,” you told him, “let me lace my fingers through your curls and slightly tug on them so I could kiss that pretty neck of yours.”
Michael involuntary bucked his hips forward, grinding his clothed cock against the sofa.
“I-I-I love neck kisses,” he whispered feeling hot flush wash over him. “And love bites.”
You hummed approvingly. Slowly, step by step, you were going to bring him out from his comfort zone.
“That’s wonderful, kitten” you said twisting a strand of your hair around your finger, “imagine my full lips on your neck. Kissing and sucking on the tender skin. I’d slowly run the tip of my tongue across your throat and bite on your collarbones, mark you as mine. Are you mine, darling?”
You heard a quiet whimper on the other side. Michael’s hand passed the hem of his pants and sneaked inside to wrap around his half-hard cock. His mouth dropped open at the feeling of the velvet skin around the glistening head under his touch.
“Yes, I’d like to be yours.”
“That’s my good boy,” you cooed, “now I want to you touch yourself, baby,” it was like you were reading his mind, and Michael squeezed at the base of his shaft imagining that you were actually watching him.
“Already”, he said brokenly, moving his hand up and down his length smearing the precum.
“You are doing so well, love.” Having worked as a phone sex operator for quite a while, you stopped getting off with your clients, but this time it was different. Maybe it was Michael’s inexperience that got you, or his low, silky voice that sounded hot even when he was apologizing for the unnecessary things, or his appearance that he described. You imagined how nice it would be to have a blond, curly-haired boy on your lap, all flushed with embarrassment and arousal. You started circling your clit with the tips of your fingers through the denim fabric.
“Imagine sitting on my lap, baby,” you couldn’t hold yourself back and miss out on the opportunity to act out that fantasy of yours. “All desperate for me. Rutting your hips back and forth, as my hands cup your ass and squeeze it. Hard.”
Michael’s eyes fluttered open; he lifted his head from the pillow and threw it back at the thought of straddling your thighs, moaning loudly.
“Ugh, please” he whined, jerking himself off. The rough material of the sofa didn’t provide the friction he wanted, and he howled in frustration. “It’s not enough, it’s not enough, please..” he muttered.
You closed your eyes.
“Baby, I want you to take a blanket and put it between your thighs for me. Tell me when you are ready.”
Michael’s trembling hands reached out for his favorite fleece blanket, crumpled it hurriedly and placed it between his thighs. He hooked the waistband of his pants and yanked them down his long legs along with his boxers. A broken moan slipped of his tongue when the tip of his cock brushed against the fuzzy fabric.
“Ready, sweetheart?” you wondered in anticipation. The sweet little mewls escaping the boy’s mouth were driving you crazy. Your pussy was throbbing at the thought of ruining him, messing up his curls, and making those blue eyes water with the unbearable neediness.
“Y-yes”, Michael answered waiting for the next order.
“Now I want you to slowly start humping it”, you said, voice dripping with seduction, “while thinking of my hands sliding down your body, caressing every inch of the exposed skin. C’mon, move your hips in circles.”
His skin felt like it was on fire. His abdomen tensed as he started drawing figure eight with his hips, and he had to bite at the corner of the pillow to muffle his moans.
“Let me hear you,” you whispered while rubbing your clit, “God, I wish I could see you. Tell me how does humping feel, hmm?”
Michael moaned in response. His long fingers formed a fist around the tip of his cock and started sliding up and down the length, matching the thrusts of his hips.
“Feels so good”, he murmured. He licked his dry lips and sighed heavily before asking, “could you, please...argh...” Michael hissed when he accidentally slid his thumb along the slit, “Please...”
“What do you want, Michael?” you urged him to speak up.
“When you asked if I’d been a good boy”, he couldn’t believe he was actually about to ask for that, “you called yourself mommy, and I really liked it,” he rolled his head to the side feeling so damn embarrassed and pathetic.
“Oh, baby,” the boy was insufferable. You spread your pussy and inserted two fingers simultaneously, pumping them in and out, “imagine that it’s mommy’s cunt is clenching around your cock.”
Michael was on all fourth, jerking himself off violently. When a sinful “mommy” rolled off your lips, he bit on his knuckles trying to suppress a desperate squeak.
“I told you not to hold your moans in,” his heart skipped a beat when he heard the stern tone of your voice. “If you want to be quite so desperately, open your mouth and start sucking on your fingers.”
And he obeyed like a good boy. Michael brought his free hand to his lips and stuck his tongue out to lick at the tips of his fingers.
“That’s a good boy”, you moaned at the sloppy sound of his lips sucking on his digits. “Keep going.”
You hoped that he was getting close because your own orgasm started building up inside you with every push of your fingers.
“Mommy, I’m close,” you smiled at Michael’s whimpers. You were definitely in sync.
“I know, baby”, you squeezed your thighs flexing your pelvic floor muscles. “Mommy’s close, too.”
“Please, may I come?” he pleaded, and who were you to refuse him?
“Cum for me, kitten,” you moaned feeling your orgasm unfold, and flooding every cell of your body. “My pretty boy, you’ve been so, so good.”
With a broken cry, Michael let go, and came in his fist, staining his blanket with white stripes despite his attempts not to make it messy. You wished you could have seen his face. Fuck, for the first time you actually wondered what your client looked like.
Michael rolled over on his back. Coming down from his high, he felt ethereal. Starting at the ceiling, he couldn’t believe that a stranger had made him come so hard. He looked at his sticky hand and closed his eyes. Holly shit.
“Thank you,” he whispered and heard your soft chuckle.
“The pleasure was all mine,” you said with a smile and quietly whimpered at the feeling of dump panties between your legs.
You should have already thanked Michael for the call, charged for his time, and hung up, but instead, you were still on the phone with him.
“Hey, listen,” Michael cleared his throat, “is there any way I can contact you later?”
A wide grin spread across your lips.
“Yes, you can use this number. I work from 8 to 11pm.”
You were not going to make it easy for him.
Taglist: @langdons-rep @babypinkstyles94 @sammythankyou @kaigitana @ms-mead @sebastianshoe @langdonsdemon @iloveziggystardust @chaoticevillangdon @sojournmichael @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @theghostoflangdon @divinelangdon @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @ticklish-leafy-plant @bbyduncan
People who might like it: @ccodyfern @1-800-bitchcraft @ritualmichael @wroteclassicaly
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heartslogos · 3 years
the declassified texts of the inquisition's elite [197]
(303): please don't ironically join a cult
“Counter point, is there any other way to join a cult that isn’t ironically?” Herah says as she watches Max fix his hair for the tenth time. “You’re going to go bald. Stop fussing. It looks fine.”
“There’s an art to this," Max says. “There's an art to the touseled curls and light fringe. Trust me. You’ve never had short hair.”
“I’m sure I had to grow it through that length at one point in my life and I looked damn good doing it.”
Max lightly pulls at a single strand of hair, laying it to one side. Herah tips her head back and closes her eyes. She tries to summon patience she knows she’s long spent.
“Did you know,” Max says as she tries to calculate how much of her life she’s wasted waiting for Max to do his hair in their time knowing each other. “Herah, did you know that statistically speaking, in this day and age and political climate, someone of my type is more likely to join a cult than most others?”
“White? Male? Cis-gendered? Upper class? Trust fund baby?”
“All of the above. And heterosexual.” Max pauses. “I mean. I’m not. But for all intents and purposes most people can assume I am and I honesty don’t care enough to correct them. It’s always a fun surprise when it gets addressed in conversation. Usually when they’re looking towards me to agree to a particularly horrendous point. I do enjoy the looks on their faces as I crush them thoroughly and excruciatingly politely.”
“Excruciatingly polite?"
“There’s an art to being so polite that it makes people want to throw up,” Max says. “It’s a passive aggressive art that must be passed down to the next generation. I fear that it will be lost forever. It’s such a special flavor of spiteful.”
“Back to talking about how you’re volunteering to join a cult.”
“I agreed to show up for this little attempt at forming a cult,” Max corrects, “I never agreed to join. I might continue to show up for a while to see what information I can gather and how to best dismantle them when the time comes. But I’m not actually going to join.”
He taps his temple. “Give me some credit, Herah. I know I’m predisposed for such ill advised decisions. But I’ve gotten out of one cult, I’ve got a slightly better sense for them now. I am capable of learning from my mistakes thank you.”
“Have you said that the Templars are a cult to Pengtaghast’s face? Or Rutherfords?”
Max puts a finger to his lips. “My particular branch of the Templars as a cult. Not all of them. I stand firm in the belief that there are some branches of the Templars who were actually doing their jobs. The jobs that they were supposed to be doing according to both the text of the law and text of the religion. If I don’t believe that then I’ll go mad entirely, you know. I have to have some measure of faith. I’m not completely removed from my religious roots. I’m just slightly more left leaning than most others of the same religious roots would be comfortable with.”
Herah sighs, resting her cheek on her closed fist.
“I can’t believe someone agreed to this. Did Evelyn give clearance?”
“Lyn doesn’t give her stamp of approval for literally everything around here. Her wrist would fall off. Or it might gain sentience and decide upon a very, very messy coup and fling itself off into space.” Max adjusts the collar on his polo. Again. “Right. That’s as good as I’m willing to let potential cultists see me. A perfect balance of posh, put together, and cavalier. Ha. Aedan Cousland eat your heart out.”
“Please don't tell me you're in some kind of weird rich boy contest with Cousland.”
“Of course I’m not. There’s no winning that kind of competition.” Max rolls his eyes. “But the man does not shut up and he can’t say anything nice without turning it into a back hand with rings. Never mind that. Are you so bored with your enforced leave that you’re standing around watching me fix my hair? I’ll be honest with you, Herah. The last few minutes have been me just seeing how bored you are and if you’d leave. I was ready to go and pretend to be nice with self important bigots with more money than sense fifteen minutes ago. I’m stalling for my own sake, really.”
Herah scowls, nose scrunching up. “You are an ass.”
“And you’re bored out of your skull, aren’t you?” Max replies. “You’re the one who was complaining about jet lag. You should be at least a little glad you can catch up on some rest. Fix your sleep schedule. Maybe actually work on making your apartment more than just four walls and a bed to sleep on.”
“I’m always with Josephine or on a mission anyway. There's no point in me decorating the place,” Herah groans. “Let Kaaras do all the decorating. He’s better at it."
“Better at it? If that’s what you want to call it. But I know scholarly clutter when I see it. He’s not decorating your apartment. He’s just filling it with academic detritus. Trust me. Evelyn’s apartment when she was a student and then a professor was exactly the same. She wasn’t decorating the place, she was turning it into a giant study with no limits. If you aren’t careful you’ll find notes taped to your bathroom mirror. I bet you know all about some Kaaras' research topics at this point.”
“I live with him, of course I do. And I’m a good sister. I take an active interest in my brother’s work.”
“There’s a difference between being a good sister and unwittingly absorbing the information because it’s literally all around you at all hours of the day glaring you in the face.” Max waves at her to get up. “Come on. You’ve got to go find someone else to sulk around now. I really do have to go. Leliana and I have bets on how tonight plays out. We're both betting the same, but we’ve got money against Harding.”
0 notes
Super Detailed Character Sheet
I had a need for a super long and detailed character sheet so I decided to combine a lot of different sheets I found and add my own questions.  There are a lot of questions relating to contemporary things (ex. character’s favourite avenger) these can either be ignored or answered as if the character fits to the question. It is mainly meant for original characters in a non-high-fantasy setting but can still be used for such, I would just advise to find a small character sheet for more detailed questions about their high-fantasy deviations from reality. 
Use as you want, but please like or reblog if you do. 
I apologise for any mistakes, this took forever and I did not read it all through once more. 
Name: Origin of name: Nickname: Origin of nickname: Does character like nickname?: Birth Date: Place of Birth: Ethnic Background: Citizenship status: Socioeconomic Background: Different from childhood?:
Birth date: Time of day (either exact or morning/evening etc.) Western sign: Traits associated with this: Chinese sign: Traits associated with this:
Current Address: Renting place or owning place?: Apartment, house, trailer, castle etc.?: What floor / how many floors (attic / basement?): How big: Live alone or with someone?: Area where they live (city, town, rural, other?): How close to the neighbours: Do they have a garden: How does it look: (Flower garden, pool, unkempt, paved, terrace, fields etc.) Is this ideal home type/location?: If not; what would be?: Why not live there: Home decor: (Carefully planned, comfortable, fashionable etc.) Expensive OR inexpensive: Neat OR Cluttered: What are the walls decorated with: (Wallpaper, art, photos, newspaper clippings etc.) What type of curtains: (Frilly, lacy, venetian blinds, pull down shades etc.) Is their house clean: Do they clean it themselves: What’s a visitors first impression: How does their workspace look like: (Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in books and papers, neatly organised, they don’t have any, all on a computer, artsy with colourful folders and small baskets etc.) What colour are their sheets: What material:
Does character have pets: How many: What kind: If no; why: How important are they: How well treated:
Sexuality: Marital status: With whom: For how long (dating + marriage): Children: (Names, ages, other parents—basics)
Three words to describe character:
Physical Appearance:
Age: Appear as: Gender: Species / Race: Signs of this (compared to humans): Signs of this (compared to other creatures in world): Height: (Cm + inches/feet) Weight: (Kg, lbs, stone) Bodytype: (Skinny, slim, athletic, curvy, overweight, muscular etc.) Eye colour: Glasses, contacts, hearing aids: Grooming: Very neat / average / clean but sloppy / unkempt Why: Facial hair: Hair: Style: (Long, short, crewcut, locs, bangs, side-part etc.) Texture: (Thick, thin, wiry, smooth, wavy, curly, nappy etc.) Colour (natural & current): Skin tone: (Pale, ivory, ruddy, tan, olive, brown, black etc.) Prominent features (+ location): (Freckles, moles, scars, tattoos, birthmarks, others) Story behind those: Most distinguishing feature: Face shape: (Round, oval, chubby, thin, long, square, heart shaped etc.) Looks most like: (Eg. Famous person, family member) General level of attractiveness:
Describe character in a paragraph (around 100 words):
Handedness: Left / Right General health: Chronic conditions: Current health problems: Allergies: Any visible signs of these:
How does character dress: Expensive / Average / Inexpensive / Cheap Haute Couture / Conservative / Trendy / Eclectic / Business / Sexy / Gaudy / Casual / Sloppy General size for Shirts: Skirts: Socks/Shoes: (Different sizes for different types eg. Rollerblades, stilettos, ski boots etc.) Dresses to be noticed: YES or NO Jewellery: Anything special: Make-up: (Casual, fancy, colourful, smokey, blending, noticeable, to hide something etc.) Other accessories:
Habits, Lifestyle and Emotional Characteristics:
Does character drive: What vehicle (make, model, colour, age etc.): Pace:
Accent / Dialect: Voice Tone: (Shrill, high, average, deep, squeaky, hoarse, harsh, authoritative, cultured etc.) Favourite / habitual: Word: Phrase: Curse word: General vocabulary / speech pattern: (Educated, precise, pretentious, average, childish, uneducated, vulgar etc.)
Mannerisms / Demeanour: Cool & Confident / Volatile & Moody / Nervous & Fidgety & Shy / Other Typical Posture: Stiff & Rigid / Straight not stiff / average OR varies w/mood / slumped & defeated / slouchy & careless / relaxed / Other Gestures: Not much / deliberate & controlled / Only when excited OR upset / Often / Wildly OR Weirdly Common gestures/habits: (Nail-biting, hair patting, drumming fingers, clenched fists, hands in pockets etc.) (Smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling) Are these addictions:
Finances: (Prudent/cautious, average w/some debt, lives paycheque to paycheque, deep in debt, criminal etc.) How do they act with their money: (Misery, generous, helpful etc.)
Morning routine: Alone or with someone in bed: Time to wake: Number of alarms (or other means of waking): Cheerful or loathsome: Normal breakfast: Breakfast activity: (Read, tv, feed pets etc.) Afternoon/Workday routine: Work home or out or not: How do they get to work: Like/hate work: Just their work or all work: Good at their job/enthusiastic: Length of workday: Number of workdays per week: Vacations, sickness, social security and other perks: Where/how do they get lunch: Dinner routine: Eat at home or out: Favourite restaurant: Favourite meal to make: Hated restaurant: Hated meal: What happens during dinner: (Tv, conversation, fighting, reading etc.) Who cleans/makes food: Food life style: (Healthy, fast food, mix, paleo, vegan, vegetarian etc.) Evening routine: What do they do in evening: Where: With whom: What is ideal evening: Bedtime routine: Normal bedtime (if any): Fall asleep right away or lie awake: Sleeps well or poorly: Dream activity: (A lot, never, little, in bursts) (Pleasant, sexual, scary, imaginative) Reoccurring dreams:
Hobbies: (Sports, arts, collecting, gaming etc.) Means of exercising (if any): What does the character do for relaxation: For inspiration: Does character read the newspaper: What part of it:
Personality, Mentality and Personal Beliefs:
Psychological issues: (Phobias, depression, paranoia, narcissism etc.) Pessimist or optimist: MBTI personality type:
Most comfortable when: (Alone, with friends, drinking, outside, inside etc.) Most uncomfortable when: (In a crowd, alone, speaking in public, taking exam etc.)
Approach to life: Cautious / Brave / Reckless Compassionate & sensitive / self-involved & selfish / Oblivious Personal philosophy: Reaction in a crisis: Usual areas of problems: (Romance, finances, friends, colleagues, personal flaws, health etc.) Reaction to change: What are their greatest stressors: What could the character be blackmailed due to: Would they let themselves be blackmailed:
What does character value / prioritise most: (Family, money, religion, success etc.) Why is it not the same thing: Characters greatest strength: Greatest flaw: Other strengths: Other flaws: What does the character like most/least about themselves: What do they think others think of them: Are they correct: What would they like to change about themselves: How confident are they:
Willing to die for: Has the character written a will: Willing to kill for: Biggest embarrassment: Greatest wish: Biggest regret: Other regrets: Proudest accomplishment: Other accomplishments: Biggest secret(s): Does anybody else know those: Does character know that those people know: How were they revealed: Is it okay they know: How far will character go to protect their secret(s): What does the character work to gain / keep / protect: Biggest fear:
Quirks: Seven things characters hate about others: (Physical appearance, behaviour, opinion etc.) Characters greatest virtue: Characters greatest vice: What vice and virtue does character like least in others: What is the worst crime anyone can commit according to character: What is a crime but should not be (if any) according to character: What are their pet peeves:
Prejudice: (Race, culture, sexuality, religion, alignment, class, profession etc.) Are they aware: Do they care:
Monogamous or uncommitted: If latter, honest with partner: Sexual behaviour: (Inhibited, average, experimental, reckless) Has this changed over the years: Why:
Political party / beliefs: What kind of government would they rather follow: Democracy / Monarchy / Anarchy / Aristocratic rule / Oligarchy / Matriarchy / Patriarchy Believe in fate / destiny: Any superstitions: Believe in magic, myth and the supernatural: Religion: Degree of commitment: Visibly religious or only personally: Defensive of faith/religion: Is/Was it the typical religion where they grew up/live: How did/does this affect them:
Does character know their family history: Their country’s history: Did they participate / shape / witness any of this: Any other interesting histories: (The church around the corner of their childhood home, their school, their current home etc.) Is character patriotic:
Home town (and country if it differs from current): Stayed in one place or move around: What place did character like the most and why: The least: Childhood: (Happy, troubled, dull) Is it an accurate memory:
Earliest memory: Saddest memory: Happiest memory: Clearest memory: Not sure if true memory: Scariest memory: Most significant childhood event/memory: Other significant events/memories:
Have they committed a(several) crime(s): What did they do: Punishment: Falsely accused or not: Would they be capable of killing a person:
First crush: First sexual experience: Positive or negative: With another gender: Positive or negative: Other first sexual experiences: Positive or negative:
Major accidents or traumas: Still affected: How:
Family, Origin and Other Relations:
Mother: Full name + maidens name: Current status + age: Occupation (prior): Relation with character: Do they feel the same way: Prior marriages if any: Children from here: Socioeconomic background as a child:
Father: Full name: Current status + age: Occupation (prior): Relation with character: Do they feel the same way: Prior marriages if any: Children from here: Socioeconomic background as child:
Step-/foster-/birthparents: Character adopted (or otherwise did not live with their birth parents): Why: Do they know: Siblings: (Name, age, birth order, relation with each) Nieces / Nephews: In-Laws: Children: (Name, age, birth order, relation with each) Other important family: (Cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents etc.) Ideal family (either future family or current):
Is there a black/white sheep of the family: Who: How did they end up like that: Does the character agree with this position: Is there a notorious or celebrated ancestor in the family: Do people’s opinion of the character change when they learn of their ancestry:
If married: Describe proposal: Describe meeting: Happy marriage: Nicknames for spouse: Prior romantic partners:
Best / closest friend: Same as in childhood: When did they meet: How did they become friends: Other close friends:
How is character perceived by / react to..: Friends: Strangers: Spouse / Lover: Past spouse / lovers: Children: Their children: Other family members: The opposite sex: Superiors: Inferiors: Service workers: Competitors: Authority: (Police, IRS, politicians, attorneys, doctors etc.) People who challenge them: People who anger them: People who ask for help: Most likeable trait: Biggest flaw:
Who do they dislike the most: Why: Do they have enemies: Like the most: Why: Most important person in their life: Why: Has it been others: Will it be others in the story:
Important people they lost contact with: Why: Worst end of relationship: Who do they rely on for practical advise: For emotional advise / support: Whom do they support:
Whom do they most admire: Biggest influence:
Career and Training:
Current occupation: Time employed: Location: Job title: Job satisfaction: Income Level: Education: Significant past jobs: Time in school: Type of school: Does character like school: Were they good in school: (GPA) Best subjects: Worst subjects: Did the character choose their own line of occupation or were they pushed by parents:
Skills: Intelligence level: Talents: What do they suck at:
Miscellaneous and Character Development:
Favourites and Least favourites: Food: Drink: Colour: Book: Movie: Music/song: TV: Sport: Motto/Quote: Hangouts: Possession: Smell: Taste: Sound: Animal:
Make your character choose / what fits the character best: Tear down / Build up Deliberate / Spontaneous Town / Country Deaf / Blind Logic / Emotion Greedy / Generous Humble / Obnoxiously proud Eat fast / savour Sweet / savoury Spicy / Bland Black-White reality / nuanced reality Leader / Follower Explain any/all of the above answers
What music do they listen to: When they are sad: When they work out: When in love: When cooking: On Public transport: What books do they like reading: Do they read the newspaper: What section:
What Hogwarts House would they be sorted into: If they committed a crime, what would it be (ignore if they have committed a crime): Which Avenger is their favourite: If they entered Hunger Games, what would be their strategy: Which FRIENDS character.. Are they: Do they want to be: Do they hate the most: It is movie-/TV-show marathon night, what do they watch: Who is their celebrity and fictional crush: What starter Pokemon would they choose: Does the type change with different gens: If they got a time machine, where would they travel first: Within their own life: If they could not visit their own life (would they visit past or future): What house would they belong to in A Song of Ice and Fire:
What can they not live without: Favourite Halloween costume: Favourite holiday: Best thing to do on a rainy day: How is their handwriting: Do they get motion sick, air sick, sea sick: Do they keep journals:
What is in their: Fridge: Purse / bag Backpack Wallet Medicine Cabinet Glove compartment Junk Drawer Locker Desk Pockets
What would be their 3 wishes from a genie: What is the top item on their bucket list: Imagine the character looking down at their feet, describe what they see: (What do they wear, where are they, what do they notice, what would other notice, does their neck hurt, do they like/dislike what they see etc.) If they had 24 hours to live, what would their last day consist of (alternatively, choose 5 things they would do before they die): How do they determine their passwords: Are they easy to figure out for other people:
Long term goals: Does character plan to achieve those: How: Why not: Will others be affected and does it matter to character: What is stopping character from reaching those goals: Do they achieve those goals: How does it change them: Was it as satisfying as they imagined: Short term goals: Does character plan to achieve those: How: Why not: Will others be affected and does it matter to character: What is stopping character from reaching those goals: Do they achieve those goals: How does it change them: Was it as satisfying as they imagined:
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The guys reaction to their s/o in in their wedding dress!
I still used gender neutral pronouns for this heh.
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Saihara Shuichi:
He’s spent hours planning and preparing, making sure that this day is perfect.
He gets up early, checking to make sure that everything is still in place for that day.
With all the preparations, he still finds time to make you and him a quick breakfast before you’re out the door to get your hair done and dress on.
He’s running around non-stop until the wedding actually starts, so he’s sweating by the time the ceremony starts.
It’s a fairly plain wedding, but Saihara still stresses over it.
Threshold light colours of blue and white decorating the entire hall, along with a couple of grey and white items thrown in.
He fixes with the blue rose at his breast pocket, swallowing away his fear as he shakes his hands a final time.
A soft tune of the band plays, the bridesmaids and follow in an orderly line, and his best man joins him at his side.
Ouma smiles, giving Saihara a pat on the back before taking his place.
He begins to feel a knot of anxiety in his chest, he’s ever so scared but he’ so excited at the same time.
And then that music starts playing, a quiet hymn of the violin as everyone stands.
He gulps, loosening the collar of his shirt before turning to face the front.
At first the flower girl comes strolling down, a cousin of yours, pigtails swishing side to side. The ring bearer is from Saihara’s side, a teenage boy who hands of the ring before giving Saihara a quick thumbs up.
He smiles meekly, knowing if he tries to move he’ll fall over.
Then he catches a glimpse of white- his breath catches in a gasp.
It’s a stunning dress, a lengthy silk dress with a streaming veil in front of your eyes.
There’s ruffles in the dress, making it seem like a white rose in mid bloom.
And he stares, feeling the tears fill his eyes because oh my god you’re so beautiful.
He’s trying to keep his tears in, jaw clenching as he wipes away a stray salty droplet with a finger. Face so full of love as he gazes into your eyes.
You steady him with your hands, grasping them lightly, and the ceremony truly begins.
 Ouma Kokichi:
Everything is already planned out when he wakes up, so he doesn't  bother to triple check the plans.
Besides, he’s got people that can take care of it for him if need be.
You're already out the door before he’s rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
He tries to relax his nerves that slowly start to creep up, watching TV or getting something to eat.
‘What if I mess up.’
‘What if someone interrupts?’
He knows that you love him, and loves you the same if not more.
But he's always scared.
Scared if one day he'll wake up and you won't like him anymore
He tries to ignore this, as he takes his spot by a law official.
He's not to big on religion, so the two of you decided to go with a non-religious wedding.
He ignores the people that find their places last minute, trying to keep a nonchalant look plastered to his face.
He recognizes some of the people, fellow members of his organization and some people from your side.
One of them waves at him, he turns away.
There's lots to focus on in the large hall, purple streamers and cloth line the chairs and walls, the chairs are plush and a shade of orange.
He looks up to see a chandelier 3x bigger than him, he vaguely wonders if it'll fall down and crash on the wedding.
It’s really an expensive, all out wedding.
Yet he finds himself not enjoying it, at least not now.
Before he's ready the band playing changes beat, everyone rising as the ring bearer and flower girl tittle down the path.
He focus on the petals, purple and orange floating towards the ground softly.
He takes one last second; preparing himself before he finally looks up.
“Oh my god.”
It's barely a whisper, hand clamping over his mouth as you step towards him, a sheepish smile wavering.
You were more than he ever expected, white dress sparkling in the light, hair perfectly matching your form of face with a couple of flowers threaded into the locks of hair.
He's speechless, not being able to stop his grin as you take his hands.
He feels tears I'm his eyes, he can't help but plant a small kiss to your knuckles, getting an amused laugh from you.
He's so in love, and he's going to remember every moment from today.
 Amami Rantarou:
When he opens his eyes he feels calm.
At ease, a feeling of bliss slowly waking him up.
He's getting married today. Huh.
In less than 24 hours, you'll take the ‘Amami’ name.
You'll be officially partners.
It's a comforting thought, he whips up a few fluffy pancakes, splitting the stack into two and drizzling a generous measure of syrup on each tower.
Once breakfast is done,things speed up.
You're going to get dressed up, he's meeting up with the ordainer and checking out the reception hall,contacting the cooks and bakers, making sure that everything goes off without a hitch.
His hair is combed to the side, he even trims his nails and applies some mascara to his lashes, batting them lightly before smiling.
The theme is a pastel green and white, bouquets of green plants tied with lacy colourful ribbon rests in a glass vases placed on the silken tablecloths.
He plucks a loose plant from one of the vases, examining it in the light before he tucks it in his breast pocket, getting ready for the ceremony.
He spots Kaede and Saihara, both dressed up.
Saihra blushes lightly as Kaede says something to him, rubbing the back of his neck as she clasps his hand with her long fingers.
He notices Amami, giving him a small nod
‘Good on you, Saihara.’
Everyone takes their places, and all rising as Kaede takes a seat at the piano, starting to play ‘here comes the bride.
Amami tucks a stray hair into place, before putting his arms behind his back.
And then the petals are falling on the ground, he feels himself smiling like an idiot.
You’re staring right back at him, with the same contented smile.
Your dress sparkles, finely tailored and swishing at your legs, strands of hair waving back and forth as you walk .
You look just like an angel, because he’s in heaven right now.
He offers a hand once you get up, you take it, giving a merry grin before the two of you begin.
He barely sleeps at all the night before, each time he would almost be asleep he would wake up again.
Once the first few rays of light have come up, he ditches any chance of sleeping.
He double, triple and even checks a fourth time to make sure that everything is going to be as planned.
The two of you weren’t really….sure how to even get married as some people..well wouldn’t understand….
Still, the two of you managed to find a way to do it.
It was taking place in a small hall, the both of you deciding that a smaller wedding was for the best.
There’s different shades of blues decorating the hall, greys, blacks and whites incorporated into the scene as well.
Kiibo takes a breath, staring at the arch by the front of the room, white cloth woven into it beautifully.
As the people trickle in, he watches from a distance, not wanting to be there until he’s dressed.
He sees Ouma take a seat beside Amami- the two make eye contact for a moment before Ouma winks, turning back to chat with his boyfriend.
Iruma knocks him out of his trance, pulling him into another room to help him get his suit on.
Kiibo gets his suit on, taking off some of his metal plates (purely for protection) as Iruma slips on the white dress shirt and cotton blazer.
He has troubles with buttons, so Iruma helps him as he tries to prepare himself for what’s going to happen after this.
The next thing he knows, he’s ushered back into the hall. Taking his place as everyone takes their seat.
Don’t overheat now, it’s too late for that now.
Iruma grabs a chair, shooting Kiibo a toothy grin and a thumbs up before the music starts to play.
Kiibo tenses, straightening up, clenching and unclenching his hands as he looks down the aisle.
The flower girl looks more or less as terrified as him, taking a few steps before letting go of a petal. Kiibo feels remorse for her.
Behind her, the ring bearer walks along, not bored, but not interested with the situations playing out.
And then he sees you, it’s a miracle that he doesn’t fall over in that instant.
The dress is fluffy, at least it looks fluffy for Kiibo. A low cut seamed dress that shimmers with a light hint of blue each time he lays eyes on it.
The dress makes him feel numerous things. His anxiety melts away, a pool of warm beating away and relaxing his entire body. As if a cup of hot cocoa had been poured into his circuits.
Naturally he wouldn’t want that, but maybe after today he might not mind as much…
It makes him feel loved. Needed. Welcome. Happy.
He’s getting married to the best person in the world, he couldn’t be happier.
The fact that he isn't alone for once makes him feel warm. It’s your first time getting married as well!
For once he can experience something at the same pace as another person.
He doesn’t have to learn about human experience without learning from others.
He and you are going through this. Together.
It provides him a feeling of importance, and peace.
He blushes, despite all the time you’ve been together he finds himself flushing when you take his hands, just as ready as he is to  enter into this new experience.
 Korekiyo Shinguuji: 
He greats you a good morning when he wakes up, slowly waking you up with a kiss until you have the energy to push him away.
He reminds you that today is a very special day. You scoff, telling him that you already know that.
He grins, placing his hand over yours as he continues to flatter you for the morning.
When you’re an anthropologist, it’s a rare feat when you have something new to experience.
Once you have to leave to get ready, he gives you a kiss on the cheek, telling you that he’ll save the one on the lips for later.
With you gone, he himself starts to get ready.
He ties his hair back somewhat, into a loose ponytail that lies down his back, some loose locks draping over his shoulders.
He’s taking his mask off for the day, even though he’d rather keep it on.
Still, it’s a special day. So he’ll make an acception.
Upon arriving he triple checks the plans to make sure that everything is on track for the day.
He made sure to check before he went to bed, but he prides himself on being meticulous.
He left the designing of the wedding up to you, so the place is decorated with warm colors of orange, green, red and brown.
It’s a very nice choice of colours, in his opinion.
Anything you wanted for your wedding, he got it for you.
He purchased a swan ice sculpture, it’ll be sitting in the dining hall while everyone is eating.
The aisle is decorated with expensive cloth, the chairs are all high quality oak, and there’s bellehoppers ready to fit every guest’s need.
As the clock continues to tick, he welcomes the guests as they trickle in.
He ignores the remarks Ouma makes about his mask, smiling all the same and giving him a pat on the head. He knows he hates being treated like a kid.
He catches Momota and Saihara in an empty hallway, clearing his throat before asking them to keep the ‘intimate doings’ for another day.
With everyone being seated, and every, ahem, ‘smooching’ couples stopped. He takes his place up by the ordainer.
The conductor in the corner gives him a look, before nodding and starting the band up.
One by one, the people come down the aisle, best man, bridesmaid, ring bearer and flower girl.
He feels his heart rate rise, waiting in anticipation for the moment he meets your eyes.
Then you come into his sight, arm linked with your father as he guides you down.
He’s stunned, actually whistling with pleased smile as he watches you move closer to him.
The dress is complex. A backless lace dress that is decorated with bits of sparkly fabric. Completed with an off-the-shoulder neckline.
It’s so pretty, he’s already itching to touch you.
Run his hands over your bare back, placing a kiss to your collar…..
‘Later,’ He thinks to himself, ‘later.’
He helps you up the steps, fastening his grip on yours, ready to step into this new experience with the one he loves the most.
 Kaito Momota:
He sets his alarm for once, he doesn't want to wake up late on his wedding day.
He's so excited when he wakes up, getting dressed early and making (a half decent) breakfast for you and him.
He keeps randomly grinning, thinking about how you'll be his partner soon.
He's also excited for wedding night sex but shhsh.
He combs his usual unkempt bedhead back, it lays flat on his head and falls in straight lines.
He puts on a fuck ton of cologne on, he even spritzs some into his mouth, gagging and spitting numerous times.
Yeah that was a bad idea....
When he arrives at the wedding hall, he's relieved to find that everything is on time.
He really just put his faith in the people and is glad to see that they came through.
It should probably already be obvious, but it's a space themed wedding.
Each table is named after a planet.
For example, the table ‘mercury’ has an orange table cloth, along with an information sheet and name tag about the planet.
It was Kaito's idea, of course.
Besides that, most of the design and cloth is either black or white; representing the inky back void of space and the stars.
He's got on a black suit, a (way too expensive) purple handkerchief in his breast pocket.
As everyone arrives,he catches a few of his friends, chatting with them until it's time for the actual ceremony.
He claps Saihara on the back, the shorter boy yelps, staring up to Momota with grey eyes.
“You ready, best man?”
Saihara gives a nod, giving a little smile before the two are told to take their positions.
He watched as everyone walks down the Isle,it's not until the flower girl finishes that he realizes something.
He's about to see you.
Wedding dress.
And as if a switch had been turned on,  he starts to sweat. He doesn't even know why himself, he's just…
Excited? Nervous?
Whatever it is, it's about to get 10x worse.
Because you're now walking down the aisle, and his legs are turning to jello.
It's a strapless floor length trumpet dress, lace bracelets wrapped around your wrists and neck as you hold a bouquet of flowers.
The dress has a thin layer of sparkly  Charmeuse, it gives the effect that you're a moving disco ball.
And even though the dress is pretty in itself, you're the main attraction to him.
You're the one he wants to spend all his life with.
And that's why his heart races when he sees you.
Not because if some dress, but the fact that you're in it.
He grabs your hands, pulling you up quickly beside him.
he smiles at the ordainer begins speaking.
 Gonta Gokuhara:
He wakes up and is immediately giddy with excitement.
Gonta is getting married to s/o today!
Gonta is so excited!
He's so excited that he can't do anything properly that morning.
His hands shake as he eats breakfast, he bounces his leg when he sits down.
Gonta can't help it! He's excited.
Eventually he's finished tying his hair into a pony tail, moss green and black suit on and a butterfly clip in his hair.
He ends up arriving hours early before the actual wedding, he got tired of sitting around.
The two of you decided to have an outdoor wedding, praying to mother nature that it will work with you for one day.
And by some god(or by the help of Angie) the weather is nice!
The wedding is going to be under a large balcony, bug nets are draped around the entire thing so that no bugs get in (Much to Gonta’s pleasure).
He had actually considered letting his bugs come to the wedding, but after a chat with you he decided against it.
The wedding theme is gold and moss green, making Gonta feel right at home with all the plants and nature spread around him.
He spends some hours out in nature, taking extra care to not mess up his hair or clothing.
The outdoors calms him, makes him at ease. He nearly forgets about the wedding altogether until it's down to the final hour.
As the time draws closer for wedding, he can't help but  get excited all over again, pacing the floor and stretching to clear his mind somewhat.
Finally, it's time. He can feel his stomach bubble with a feeling of excitement.
He can barely stay still as the people walk down the aisle, he just wants to see you!
When he does, a new level of passion enters his system, as he beams tenderly.
It's a knee-length sweetheart neckline dress, threads of gold are sewn into the design to make it look like roses.
He's giddy with excitement, trying to contain his joy as you make your way down.
Gonta finds you very pretty in that dress!
When the minister tells him to, Gonta agrees to the vow-
“I do! Gonta telling truth!”
You laugh right then and there.
Kodaka cries somewhere in Japan..
 Ryoma Hoshi:
Darkness. Nothing but inky black darkness clouds his dreams.
And he awakens to the frost of his own breath.
He groans, rolling out of bed and drawing the curtains away.
It's late morning, the car are already zooming by in the streets below.
He turns away, trudging into the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal .
Oh yeah.
It's the wedding today.
He takes his time as he finishes his cereal, dropping them in lazily before plopping down onto the couch.
He’ll spend the day the way he wants, besides. It’s not like it’s for a few more hours anyways.
He naps, despite already sleeping, going on his phone when he gets bored until it’s time for him to finally get ready.
He hasn’t seen you yet, he’s a bit scared to in all honesty.
He puts on a suit, one he rented from the tailor a few blocks down before lightly combing what little hair he has back into place.
“Guess I better get going.”
He remembers to bring a tiny bag, a gift that he wants to give you on this special day.
His breath is taken away when he gets to the destination.
Streamers of black and white, along with some green and grey and blue.
He whistles, setting the bag down on the now full table of presents.
He tries to find his assigned seat….why’d you have to have so many table-
Then he sees it- ‘Ryoma Hoshi’ with a small cat drawn beside it.
It’s your style, he can tell. The sight makes his heart heat.
Before he’s even ready, the ceremony starts. He finds himself awkwardly fidgeting side to side as he sicks in breath after breath.
He’s lucky to get married to you. Hoshi knows that.
The people start coming down the aisle, all dressed to the nines and flawless skin.
He can’t help but not care about them, all he wants is to see you.
He can hear the band playing, he lets the sound clog his ears briefly before he finally has the courage to look at you.
He’s in love, god dammit he’s in love.
An a-line basque dress, it floofs out at the sides and falls in layers, giving you a ‘poof’ affect on your hips.
You’ve even have a little tiara on- a princess.
He can’t help it, he feels on the verge of tears.
You’re just too good, too good for someone like him.
You’re the princess- he’s the prince.
He knows he’s in love. Despite what he’s tried to think, he can’t deny that.
So when you continue to walk past him, he gazes on longingly.
He knows it’s bad to feel jealous.
He’s got to be happy for you, it’s your wedding day…
And as he takes his seat, he continues to stay happy for you. Even when you say the vows.
He turns away when you kiss Amami, not allowing himself to get depressed on such a nice occasion.
There’s cheers of glee, and laughter fills the air as the the two of you are announced married.
He watches as Amami kisses you, for a second time.
He gets up, slipping out of the hall before anyone else notices.
He leaves the cat name tag in its place.
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victoriahousetx · 7 years
Flora and Fauna
By Julia Rodriguez
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Flora and Fauna, Kailee Viator’s first ever installation, is going hard. The extensive all immersive encounter with the art will make the participants feel like they are in an “enchanted womb wonderland.” If that seems a little strange, then it’s a sign you haven’t properly interacted with any of Kailee’s work before. “I want it to be an experience, rather than just looking at something on a pedestal or on a wall. I want people to be in the art.” The transformation of the High Street Gallery into a sophisticated wilderness has begun. The forest will be alive and brimming with wonder on October 21st at 7pm.  Most of senses will be engaged - sight, sound, touch, and even smell. When the clock strikes 10pm, the charmed existence will have breathed its last and a hush will fall over the gallery. Sure, you can see the art another day, but it won’t be the same. It will be a ghost of what it was - and you’ll be haunted by the whispers of magic that you had to have seen to believed. Walking into her work space there are over 30 cartons of eggs, skulls, bones, dead insects, birdcages, a giant beautiful backdrop, and an explosion of pink, ribbons, glitter, and lace. It’s quite a contrast. If you caught Viator’s last show “One is Pink, One is Blue…” then you’ve already gotten a preview into the mind of the artist. “Flora and Fauna” dives deeper into the stereotypical rose colored femininity and exaggeration of gender roles - but the blue shades of masculinity has been eliminated in this show. “I’ve been thinking about feminism and the power that women have. [The installation] is like a softened subtle feminine version of myself. When I was in high school, I painted roadkill and things to be offensive or shock people or prove something. But as I’ve matured, the darkness is still there, I’m just dealing with it in a different way.” When you walk in the gallery, you’ll be transported into a mythical wonderland - but think the Grimm’s Fairytale version, not the diluted Disney princess shit we’re accustomed to. Looking at her artist statement (which is a visual art in itself in lieu of words typed up in black and white) there is mention of Diana, the goddess of hunting, the moon, and women. “In Roman mythology, Diana was bathing in the forest, and Actaeon saw her. She turned him into a deer and he was devoured by his own hunting dogs.” The message is clear - femininity isn’t weakness. Traditionally, men are the inheritors of power, control, and autonomy over themselves. If a woman has a strong sense of anything other than a taste for all things sweet and delicate and decorative, then she’s overstepping her bounds. And she’s probably a bitch. “Gender roles are weird,” Kailee says. Diana took back control of her body, in a fierce and gruesome way, a deathly fuck you to a careless Royal who wanted to objectify her. Upon learning about the legend that propelled the installation in the direction it has taken, I begin to see the layer of gloom that hides under the blush colored veneer, giving a terrible depth to the gilded forest. “It’s like…a pretty nightmare,” Kailee muses. This particular nightmare has been taking form in her mind for years. In Kailee’s past work the themes of life, death, and rebirth in various explorations has been key themes since ye olde high school days. “I’ve always been fascinated by religion and spirituality,” she says, pulling out a work that has hints of both a mythic paganism and Christianity mythos with other belief systems sprinkled in. In the larger scheme of things, every person who has ever existed and will ever exist questions the point of their life and finds distractions to avoid the thought that one seemingly basic day they will cease to exist, never mind what happens afterward. Living in the Bible belt, even Christian beliefs vary dramatically; from Catholicism to fundamental views to charismatic interpretations - add to that a growing collection of knowledge about Buddhism and pagan mythologies, and what is left is a peculiar way of perceiving these concepts. “I have a deep respect for different believe systems and think it’s very interesting that everyone has a different story for why the world is here. Everyone is trying to find a reason for things and why we are here, even scientists.” To illustrate this point, Kailee shows me a birdcage that has a representation of a live bird and a dead one. “We’re born, we live, we die and then question mark. Everyone wonders about that, I mean, how can you not?” There is a sketch of an hourglass on a discarded piece of paper on the desk that I’ve been glancing at the whole interview. It will just be a matter of time before it is brushed to the floor and swept up and thrown away in one of the giant garbage bins. “Everything is temporary,” she says. The body will decay, art will crumble, and who will remember any of it? “I make work about temporal aspect of life because like anyone else, I have a hard time accepting it. I’m always trying to plan stuff, you know get from point A to point B. But like everyone else, I have a hard time accepting what’s now, because if I don’t I won’t be enjoying my life very much.” Ironically, it comes back to control or the lack thereof - sometimes we have no control about what happens to us. A hurricane, death, being turned into a stag for checking out the wrong girl, could devastate your life. “Think about a forest fire. It’s a fire, it burns everything down [and causes destruction], but from the ashes, new trees grow.” This only scratches the surface. There are smaller personal themes intertwined with the sweeping metaphors of impermanence. Ultimately though, it’s up to the viewer to draw their own conclusions and connections. “When I make art, the conception stage is the most personal. By the time I’m creating it, it’s the big picture, the grand scheme, the overall message that I want others to take away from my work is what fuels it.” When I get up to leave, I look at the little sketch again, but it’s upside down and it reminds me firstly of a Death Cab for Cutie song, and secondly about perspective. There’s a hidden phrase in the show that I want you to look for - find it and you’ll understand what I mean. I’m starting to think that despite identifying with a particular religion, that Kailee does have a faith - in self, in art, and the necessary chaos of life. And, maybe, you’ll be a believer too.
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Photos by Richard Tallent
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bogaczk-blog · 7 years
Week 3
Most of the artwork created around this era reminds me of the rulers and the lush life style they lived. The most prominent artwork that took place during the new kingdom was the Palette of Narmer. It was created to symbolize the power of the king and it tells a story by the figures on the palette. The figures are meant to be conceptual, not natural. Kings were very powerful so it makes sense that the artwork during this time showed that power. In the palette, you can see how the king is going to rule his people. I would be fearful of the king yet feel protected after seeing this palette. The protection people feel from the palette is what made them believe the kings were almighty and Gods.
The old kingdom is most famously known for the creation of the pyramids. Within the pyramids there were burial site. The burial of the kings was so decadent because they were important figures. Because kings were seen as Gods, artists expressed their gratitude and worship through buildings, sculptures, and paintings.
Sculptures were also important during this time. The higher the importance, the more unique and detailed the sculpture was. The sculpture of the Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty represents the social differences between males and females. The queen is smaller in size representing the lesser role women had. There is a curvier appearance in queen’s body as a pose to the strong and powerful figure of the male. The queen is holding on to the son almost as though she needs him which could represent the dependency women had on men. There is also less detail in the queen’s figure compared to the son. Women were fertile figures and were the way of carrying on male dominance. It amazes me that what was going on decades ago still happens today. Up until recently women were seen as the weak and less important gender. The statue represents the struggles women have faced since the beginning of time. The Sphinx is another famous sculpture created during this time and was meant to represent the king and the power he held. It amazes me that some of these architectural structures are still standing today and it shows how much hard work went into making them.
During the Middle Kingdom, the Senusret III represents the new approach to sculptures artists were taking. This sculpture had a softer appeal showing concern and worry in the face and didn’t show the typical royalty figure. It lost is divinity and power complex that previous sculptures had. There was more of the artistic personality at work and this makes me wonder if there was a social change during this time. Because artists seem to have more freedom in their work was the society also experiencing more freedom in their everyday lives?
Egyptian artists used many new colors to brighten their paintings. Mixing the old colors used in caves paintings, the new colors were very vibrant. The best-preserved paintings from the new kingdom were found in the Tomb of Nefertari. The complexity of the paintings show the detail and prestige within the royal burials. To me, these paintings seemed like a way of communication to the commoners. The paintings showed the regular folk what was like the be royal. It is almost like watching the news on famous movie stars. It intrigues us to learn more about these people we see as glamorous and powerful.
The Pharaoh Amenhotep IV was the first king to change Egypt’s religion to monotheism. He worshiped the sun and many of the statues of him and his family were completely different than previous royal families. These statues showed a normal side to the royal family. Previous rulers were seen as Gods so this was a drastic change. The bust of Nefertiti is a famous sculpture and the naturalistic and dynamic image is unlike early sculptures. Following rulers tried to get rid of these ideas and art expressions because they gave the royal family less power.
Art in the Tehran culture was very unique compared to the Egyptian style. Frescoes decorated the walls of buildings and had a wide subject range. The Boxing Children figure depicts boys fighting in a type of ritual. This painting struck my interest because of the bright color and realistic portrayal. The picture seems more life-like and relating to everyday life. The artists seem to have more freedom creativity than those in the Egyptian era.  
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Male Your humor is dry You’re determined You still live with your parents You rarely fall in love You’re a great cook You’re calm and quiet You’re pessimistic You’re self-centered You have a sensitive skin You’ve broken your leg/arm before Female You have a slight fear of the future You’re charming You’re household oriented You like all kinds of art You’re a hard worker You’re traditional You’re very careful You’re good with money You’re allergic to something You’re stubborn Male: 3 Female: 6
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Male You like challenges You get moody at times You find security when you’re with friends Amount over quality You often isolate yourself You don’t break promises You have a bad memory Your ankle is weak You hate lying You find politics fascinating Female You’re very faithful You feel uneasy all the time when you owe money You’re good with kids You hate jealousy and possessiveness You’re intuitive You’re a good listener You don’t follow instructions You still remember your first love You keep your ideas to yourself You often style your hair Male: 6 Female: 5
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Male Your skin is silky soft You’re tall You’re prone to drinking You have a good memory You have weak toes and ankles You have a good sense of humor You’re very timid You’re gentle You require alone time You find safety in alcohol Female You’re high maintenance You cover your shyness with jokes You’re independent You always fall for the wrong guy You’re good with kids You’re soft-hearted You’re good with secrets You’re romantic You’re mysterious You daydream a lot Male: 5 Female: 6
Aries (March 21 - April 19) Male You’re sincere You’re fearless You always look directly in the eye when talking to someone You have cuts and burns on you You’re creative You’re generous You have good posture You have a decent self-esteem You have sharp features You have never broken a bone Female You’re independent You tend to be possessive You’re passionate People can count on you You’re honest You get bored easily You always state your opinion You don’t fear challenge You’re impatient You’re a good leader Male: 2 Female: 7
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Male You’re down-to-earth You’re a great listener You dislike changes You’re not aggressive You have trouble letting go You enjoy competition You’re fascinated by nature You’re artsy You’re gentle You’re stubborn Female You’re introverted You can handle a huge amount of stress You’re independent You’re loyal You’re artistic You’re tomboyish You’re good with kids You’re passive-aggressive You’re good with money You have a dormant temper Male: 6 Female: 4 Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Male You’re tall You’re unchallengeable when it comes to arguments You hate routine You can speak more than one language You love traveling You sleep a lot more than anyone else You have intense headaches You’re impatient You have a very good eyesight You have multiple talents Female You find it hard to settle down You’re intensely curious You enjoy outdoor sports You’re a deep thinker You’re sarcastic You’re well organized You have a good imagination You seek changes You’re elegant You’re moody Male: 4 Female: 6
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Male You demand a lot of attention You become jealous easily You’re easily wounded You’re romantic You’re a mama’s boy You’re possessive You’re a homebody You prefer eating at home than going out You love the beach You love surfing or would like to try it out Female You’re guarded at first with people you just met Once trust is broken you cut off people You get moody a lot You’re a people-pleaser You seek for validation and recognition Home is your number one happy place You live or would love to live next to a large body of water You’re a hard worker You prefer sentimental gifts You prefer to work individually. Male: 4 Female: 7
Leo (July 23 - August 22) Male You’re energetic at parties Sex is important to you You love attention You lose interest quickly You’re generous Even when you’re not in charge, people turn to you for answers You’re extremely opinionated You’re athletic You find it easier to work alone You love eating Female You don’t enjoy someone else telling you what to do You love dancing You’re self-assured You dream big You even make your hotel room feel like home You dislike plain white walls You’re creative You’re a natural leader You’re charismatic You’re kind Male: 3 Female: 4
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Male You’re responsible You tend to be hard on yourself You love control You’re very careful You’re slightly obsessive-compulsive You’re good at problem-solving You often end up in relationships with younger people You come off as cold Clean home over anything else You enjoy collecting things from nature Female You seem shy You have and use a daily planner You’re fairly picky when it comes to choosing a partner You’re extremely loyal Your home is never messy You don’t cause drama You’re trusted You hate group projects You can see yourself running our own business one day You’re detail-oriented Male: 9 Female: 7
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Male You’re hard to pin-down You’re optimistic You’re bad at making decisions You hate being alone You’re a social butterfly Your home is always clean and tidy You like stylish modern decor You find arguments extremely upsetting You enjoy photography You’re good with words Female You’re always up for a wild adventure You’re romantic You’re spontaneous You have several people crushing on you Your crushes always change You’re loyal as long as they don’t try to control you You’re fascinated by the skylights You have no idea what you want to do in the future You appreciate thoughtful gifts You enjoy dressing up Male: 4 Female: 5
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Male You hate small talk You are very sensitive You tend to be jealous and possessive in a relationship You’re quick to jump to conclusions You’re a loner Your sense of humor tends to be sarcastic You like political science You’re private about your personal business You’re fascinated by either documentary on psychology, religious cults or occult subjects, true crime, unsolved mysteries, or war You enjoy chess Female You tend to be socially selective You don’t show how you feel Sex is important to you You don’t take sex casually You’re loyal You have a hard time letting go Only your closest friends are invited into your home You’re goal-focused You look intimidating You’re fascinated by psychology Male: 8 Female: 4
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Male You’re always up for a wild adventure You’re into hunting You gamble You prefer to be outside than at home You’re honest You love your freedom You have a hard time saving money You prefer experiences over objects You’re optimistic You had an open relationship before Female You’re energetic You’re many people’s best friend You like exploring You don’t believe in gender roles You’re usually down for anything You don’t mind making the first move You’re athletic Your living space is fairly minimal You can be trusted with money You love projects Male: 4
Female: 5
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals. You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You’ve seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You’ve only gotten carsick once. You’re going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often.
You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember. You’ve been suicidal and attempted it. You’ve tried self-harming. You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You’ve never drank. You’ve never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You’ve never dyed your hair. You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You’re graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You’ve been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn’t like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don’t like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You’ve had friends that were bad influences. You’ve overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids. You have lots of younger cousins. You’ve taken more than one foreign language class. You’ve taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school. You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You’ve been in the debate club. You’re lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can’t play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren’t that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You’re close to your grandparents. You’ve had a friend who died. You know someone who’s been murdered. You’ve been in a bad relationship. You’ve learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don’t like Justin Bieber. You’ve been out of the country more than once. You’ve been on a cruise. You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You’ve been to Sea World. You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You’ve failed a test. You’ve never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don’t like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You’ve had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You’ve had a rumor spread about you. You’ve had a friend get expelled. You’ve forgotten about homework. You’ve read The Outsiders. ^You’ve also seen the movie. You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^You’ve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You’ve done archery. You hate bugs. You’ve been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who’s super hypocritical. You’ve never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You’re tired and bored.
Facts about me I wear glasses I love Starbucks I have a pet I love to read I’m in high school I live in the United States I have hazel eyes I can speak more than 1 language I have/had braces I’m left-handed I play sports I love to write I hate school I can play an instrument I’m in middle school I have broken a bone I love being outside I have been to a different country I have blue eyes I’m right-handed I have a sister I’m an only child I love social media I love music I’m older than 13 I’m antisocial I have more than 2 siblings I’m double-jointed I’m in a relationship I prefer cats over dogs I’m part of the LGTQ+ I hate chocolate I have more than 3 animals I’m single I have piercings I can drive I’m athletic I have freckles
At home I… clean the house sing facetime friends hang out with friends play with pets do homework draw watch tv eat get on phone sleep watch Youtube videos take a shower dance watch Netflix take naps read listen to music play an instrument
Morning routine I eat breakfast I take a shower Parents wake me up I watch tv I wake up early I drive to school I hit snooze on the alarm I straighten my hair I brush my hair I check Snapchat I check my phone I do my makeup I lay in bed I walk to school Parents take me to school I pick out an outfit I wake up late I work out I make my bed I curl my hair I wash my face I brush my teeth I play with my pets
In my room, I have lava lamp fish tank/bowl lamp game console dream catcher dirty dishes hanging chair bean bag wall stickers award/trophies bookshelf my pet water bottles mini fridge art supplies/work stuffed animals yearbooks rug ceiling fan fairy lights merch window bench dirty clothes vanity
Lies I’ve told Just five more minutes I already have plans I didn’t do it Just one more bite I did my homework I forgot I’ll do it tomorrow I don’t like her/him I’m fine I don’t have gum I’m getting up earlier tomorrow I love you I’m going to study I just woke up I read the terms&conditions I’ll do my homework right after school Yeah, I cleaned my room I didn’t get your text It’s okay One more episode I’m going to bed earlier tonight I’ll call you back I’m listening I’m on my way
Embarrassing moment Falling up the stairs Running into a screendoor Throwing up at school Sending something to the wrong person Saying the wrong answer in class Not paying attention and walking into a wall Farting in public Accidentally spitting on someone while talking Thought someone was waving at you but wasn’t Trying to say something funny but nobody laughs Crying in public Crush finding out you like them Ripping your pants Calling your teacher mom Pulling on a push door Staring at someone without realizing it Falling in public Arguing with someone then realize you’re wrong When the waiter says “enjoy your food” and you say “you too” Walking into the wrong class Presenting in front of the class Liked a picture from a long time ago Getting into the wrong car Food stuck in teeth
How much are you like me? Bold what you like/what applies to you. made by INFINITEmadesurveys - please keep the tag on!
Section one: television & movies. 1. CSI. 2. Friends. 3. King of Queens. 4. The Brendan Leonard Show. 5. Dawson’s Creek. 6. Fargo. 7. The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys. 8. Tru Confessions. 9. The Notebook. 10. A Walk To Remember.
Section two: food & drink. 1. Chicken caesar salad. 2. Spaghetti. 3. French fries and vinegar. 4. Cherry cheesecake. 5. Mashed potatoes. 6. Coffee. 7. Iced coffee. 8. Coca Cola. 9. Fuze: Banana Colada. 10. Canada Dry.
Section three: hobbies. 1. Survey making. 2. Video games. 3. Chatting on MSN. 4. Going for walks. 5. Cuddling. 6. Going for drives. 7. Shopping. 8. Writing. 9. Taking pictures. 10. Experimenting with cosmetics.
Section four: family and friends. 1. My parents are divorced. 2. I have two siblings. 3. I live on my own. 4. I own a cat and a dog. 5. I like my mom better than my dad. 6. I don’t have many friends, and I like it that way. 7. I mostly talk to my friends over the internet. 8. I have moved away from my hometown within the last 7 months. 9. I am in a relationship. 10. I have lost a lot of friendships due to travel.
Section five: I would rather… 1. Be alone than be in a large crowd. 2. Sit around lazily than be constantly busy. 3. Watch television than read a book. 4. Go to work than go to school. 5. Own a cat than own a dog. 6. Be inside than be outside. 7. Be in a relationship than be single. 8. Eat healthy than eat junk food. 9. Go swimming than go ice skating. 10. Wear my own style than wear styles in a magazine.
Section six: I prefer… 1. Coke to Pepsi. 2. Pools to lakes/beaches. 3. Nighttime to daytime. 4. Summer to winter. 5. Rock to rap. 6. Drama to action/adventure. 7. Facebook to MySpace. 8. MSN to AIM. 9. Bolding surveys to question surveys. 10. Color to black and white.
0 notes
ricevnc-blog · 7 years
C[learing the Air: AMA]
The people we met at the Islamic Institute and Blue Mosque kept insisting they had an open mind and were willing to answer any and every question we had. I felt as if everyone I talked to was happy to shed some light to non-Muslims about the Islamic faith from their own eyes and experiences and allowed them the opportunity to take control of their own narrative in contrast to what was being said in the media. Points that I found interesting that were stressed in our conversation included interfaith interactions and the differences between Islam and culture. I felt, for them, it was important to imprint onto us that Muslims worshiped the same God as Jews and Christians as well dispel the myth that Islam, itself, was bad. Islam as a religion, can’t be given autonomy and like any abstract idea, cannot be categorized as good or bad - rather the people practicing the faith, just like any other person, were classified as bad. In terms of how Islam is practiced, it is very contingent upon the culture of the people. In other words, people adopt Islam, not the other way around.
Observations I made were that men and women were allowed to enter the mosque through the same door and could pray together in the same room. If women chose to pray in the same room as the men, they were separated by a partition. This was interesting to me because it created a physical and visual barrier between the two genders and was justified as giving the women privacy. This was super intriguing to me in terms of social construction of boundaries and borders, how our bodies are trained, and how social interactions help us formulate social norms and our view of the world. Interestingly, the only people we met and interviewed were men - men led the tour, answered questions/showed us the mosque, and invited us to have tea. 
[The full story]
As someone who grew up Catholic and has only ever attended mass, I didn’t really know what to expect visiting a mosque. All I knew about Islam is what I could remember from my tenth grade AP World History class. Muslims believed Islam to be the extension of Judaism and Christianity and worship the same God. At the core of their beliefs is the Five Pillars which include faith (shahada), prayer (salat), charity (zakat), fasting (sawm), and the pilgrim (hajj). Jihad is the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin and comes in various forms. I vaguely remembered the peaceful rule that existed under the Ottoman Empire and the push for co-existence. As I continued on with my education at Rice, my peers and educators opened my eyes to Islamophobia and diligently combated and debunked popular Islamophobic views within the media.
Even with all of this… I still didn’t know what to expect when I went to visit a mosque for the first time. In this case, the first mosque we visited was the Islamic Institute and the Blue Mosque. My very first impression upon seeing the mosque from the street was that the place was huge and very, very blue - living up to its name. The street signs within the property of the institution were unique and comprised of places within Turkey. Inside everything was ridiculously vibrant with walls decorated with art and culture.
In our meeting, some of the key points I picked up on was the emphasis on the differences between Islam and culture in that Islam doesn’t specifically say anything about culture but rather culture adopts Islam. There was an air of AMA (ask me anything) in that the people we talked to wanted to dispel any myths and inaccuracies we have heard and seen in media portrayals interestingly enough without us asking. There was a condemnation of ISIS and a clear differentiation between religion and people. In that there were bad people but not necessarily bad religions - in other words, there are bad Muslims in the world, in the same way there are bad Christians in the world, but that doesn’t make Islam or Christianity bad. The personification of Islam was debunked and throughout the entire conversation, Islam as a religion and not an adjective used to describe people (i.e. Islamic terrorist).
One particular emphasis that stood out to me was the amount of interfaith - between Jews, Christians, and Muslims - dialogue and cooperation that was expressed. The Islamic Institute also housed an interfaith ministry. There was a stress on how Jews, Christians, and Muslims worshiped the same God and the Institute was actually building an Interfaith Garden which would house a place of worship for all three religions. Everyone that we met at the center was particularly inviting and fascinated/thrilled that Rice University students were willing to come and learn more about the faith. We kept getting invited to come back and participate in events happening around the center by the people that were interviewing us and were even invited by the community members to sit down and chat with them!
From a researcher’s perspective, the space was shared with many different ethnicities and provided multi-generational services. Men and women entered the mosque through the same door and were allowed to pray within the same room and women also had an alternative room on the second floor from which they can pray. The fact men and women were allowed to pray in the same room showed that this mosque was liberal the compared to other parts of the other Muslim world. If women were praying in the same room as the men, they were separated by a partition between them and the men. This is noteworthy because it created a physical and visual barrier between the two genders and physically separated their bodies from each other. This was super intriguing to me in terms of social construction of boundaries and borders, how our bodies are trained, and how social interactions help us formulate social norms and our view of the world. When asked, the partition was explained as a way to give women privacy. To me, it felt the partition was there as if to protect the women from the men or to protect the men from the women. This to me was very interesting because it seemed to be similar to many arguments in our society today - including the justification of the female dress code in that it distracts men from focusing in work/school. However, counter to this, women were not required to cover except during prayer - I saw women both covered and uncovered walking around the Institute. Interestingly, the only people we met and interviewed were men - men led the tour, answered questions/showed us the mosque, and invited us to have tea.
0 notes
Notebook #3
The focus for my object has broadened in order to contain multiple subjects that relate to each other very strongly, specifically through the physical location of which many racial projects involving (im)migration and citizenship have occurred. This course theme is a connecting point by which relational analysis at Los Angeles International Airport can occur. When entering Los Angeles International Airport, I think of the fact that my mother landed in this place, uncertain of what to expect, anxious for the her future, and hopeful that America will welcome her and allow her to flourish. When I enter Los Angeles International Airport, I think of the many families entering with the exact same thoughts and emotions that my mother had. These thoughts and emotions are a unifying, collective state of being that each person who migrates to the United States is likely to feel. It is inherently a space of vulnerability when you leave your home and move to an unfamiliar place. Those thoughts and emotions are responded to incredibly differently, depending on who is entering the United States, based off of nationality, gender, ethnic backgrounds, and religion. These differing responses, similarly, have one unifying goal: to exclude groups in order to promote a white America. This exclusion has worked against my mother and families who have entered the United States coming from non-western cultures.
The incredibly interesting aspect of this, however, is that when entering into Los Angeles International Airport, the very first thing you hear is the word “Welcome.” You will see welcome signs, many international flags, and an overall appearance of an acceptance of diversity. In fact, you are welcomed to the entirety of the United States. This sign, saying “Welcome to the United States of America” tells people that they will be accepted here. “Welcome” is a word used for support of community, to make people feel that the space they are entering is their home. However, despite Los Angeles being one of the most diverse cities in America, this word “welcome” is meaningless. It is a decoration, made to appear that we are accepting, or that we want others to feel accepted here.
“Welcome” does not mean the Muslim ban. “Welcome” does not mean denying refugees a place to call home.  “Welcome” does not mean building a wall to keep others out. “Welcome” does not mean we have the right to deport masses of people. “Welcome” does not mean my mother being seen as un-American, after having lived here for 27 years. When someone sees this word when entering the United States, they are falsely re-assured of what life will look like here. However, their bravery in continuing on and living life in the United States is an act of resistance to the white nationalism that so strongly prevails. The entering point of where people come into the United States is the beginning of their stories, where their existence is limited to ‘being on the run’ because they do not fit into a mold falsely prescribed as the American identity. This existence is key to the relational analysis of people entering the United States; All people, even those from the America, that do not fit into themes of White nationalism are feeling constantly running, seeking a place of not only safety, but acceptance.
0 notes