#gap episode 6
themagnusbane · 1 year
GAP The Series Episode 6 Thoughts
Disclaimer. Been drinking all day. So if I don't make any sense, or I sound extra horny, blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol!
Kade in her cheerleading outfit screaming about catching Sam and Mon kissing is giving "I'm very very very upset about this" vibes. And if you don't get the reference, quick! Go play A Cinderella Story starring Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray right now. You're welcome. Lol.
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2. Sam, your friends are just teasing you. They've grilled Mon as your future girlfriend, given her a Masterclass in "How to read Khun Sam", and have also helped her get you jealous, which was the push you needed to finally bite her lips and put us ALL out of our collective misery. They know you've wanted to taste every inch of her since you first brought her over. Nobody's buying the "it's no big deal. We are all carnivores biting off lips and noses. It's how we show 'true friendship'" routine.
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3. Sam: Everyone kisses those they are close to. It's no big deal.
Jim: Cool. Let me kiss your girl real quick. Since we're close and all.
Also Sam: *Bitch slap*
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4. You go MUMMY!! Lay claim on your girl! Look at baby girl's Mon's face at Sam saying "I'm the only one who can play around with Mon"! Mon’s like shiiiiiiit. I didn't sign up for this. But also that's kinda hot. But also Khun Sam wtf?!!! And you know what Mon? All of your emotions are valid right now.
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5. But with all seriousness though. I sincerely hope that someone helps Sam pull her head out of her ass and apologize to her friends. Yes, she doesn't process emotions well cuz of the stunted development she's undergone, having lived with THE WITCH that is her grandmother, but between the pushing of Tee last episode and the slapping of Jim, who is STILL PREGNANT last time I checked... Sam really is just saying "Fuck all! I don't care" isn't she? And we haven't seen any proper apology from her to them, on screen yet. Which...
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6. Aaaaaaand this is why Mon is best girl! Look at her putting her foot down and insisting that Sam apologize to her friends. You tell her Mon! A simple phone call after s slap like that, just wouldn't cut it. Sam needs to put in some more effort! Honestly, ngl, if I'm Jim, I would totally make her WORK for my forgiveness. What can I say? I'm a vengeful brat and as much as I would go to the ends of the earth and hell itself for my friends, I expect that the respect me enough to not slap me in the face, no matter the provocation.
7. Gods. Tee is soooo fine. Did I rewind that shot of her by the window, in that black and white striped shirt, an unholy amount of times? Yes. Yes I did. Look at her fingers. How lean they are. How they look holding her phone. Look at that cut of her bangs. Look at the effortless way she's leaning. She can effortlessly just slide into my bed. Tee!!!! LET ME LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
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8. There you go! She apologized, and came bearing gifts!! I honestly hope that part of her character development will be that when she monumentally fucks up in the later episodes (and she will because we've ALL seen the trailer), and is begging Mon to take her back, she will come as herself, with just her words and sincerity, and no gifts in hand. Then we will have come full circle, and gods! I love a good grovel moment!! Is it really groveling if you aren't eating gravel? [Does that make sense? it makes sense in my head though, so I hope it makes sense!]
9. Gah! Her finger hearts is so adorable. BE STILL MY HEART!!!!!!! I would have totally folded like a wet paper napkin if that had been me.
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10. Jim is totally a better person than me. Cuz I would have totally leaned in and given Sam a big smoosh. It's what she deserves for that "consider it a lakorn" apology! Although not gonna lie, all that soft kissing, got to me. Dammit! Have my friends and I been doing apologies wrong?? Is it really an apology if there's not just a teeny tiny bit of kissing involved??? Send help! My brain can't process this!!!
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11. Hahahaha. That kettle whistling is the sound of Mon's jealous reign. Sam really REALLY needs to thank her friends. The effort they have put in, to help her get, and secure her girl! Ha!
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12. I get that Mon is pissed and rightfully so. But, this tantrum she's throwing in the presence of her coworkers will just cue them in faster that she and Sam are dating. Like girl, use your sense. You are at work right now. Cut that shit out!!!
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13. Just when I think Sam can't get anymore adorable, she pulls this tattoo rhyme and dance routine that is making me lose my shit! Look at her pretty gorgeous face. Argh!!! Khun Sam. This is why you own our hearts. Forever!!
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14. You see that Sam? You are not the only one with a monopoly on being jealous! You tell her Mon!!! Make her work for it!!!
15. There you go Mon my love. Lead Sam into admitting that you are different. You are special. You are beloved. Cuz we both know your girlfriend is a little slow on things that involve her desires, and wants. Once again, FUCK THE WITCH THAT IS HER GRANDMA!!!
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16. Girlllllll!!! What do you mean by you're sisters??? Do you kiss your sisters with that mouth?? What in the incestous fuck???? See what I mean??? Every facet of Sam's emotional constipation can be laid at the feet of the witch that raised her. Urgh!! Sisters my ass!
17. The Lord is TESTING me!! Girl! HOW ARE YOU SAYING EVERY OTHER WORD BUT GIRLFRIEND???? That's what Mon wants you to say. You wants you to think of her as YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!! Mon, my love. I extend my condolences to you sweetheart. It looks like you really picked a troublesome one. Cuz what in the...
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18. Her little competitive spirit. Sam, my love! I can never stay mad or frustrated with you for long. Gah! Everyone, let's collectively say a prayer for poor Mon. How on earth would she ever be able to resist Sam's little pouting moue? Or the little fist bump she does when she wants to win.
19. Ha! She's spotted Kirk, in his clandestine meeting with our lady of lying lips. I KNEW THAT HE CAN'T STAY HIDDEN FOR LONG. Now watch him somehow convince Mon to keep it a secret from Sam, which we all know wouldn't backfire at some point, causing Sam to lose faith in Mon. Right? Right?
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20. Urgh! Say what you will... But Nita's turned eyefucking into an art form. Look at her turning all that focus on Mon! So sorry Ms. Nita. Mon's hopelessly in love with Sam and won't give you the time of the day. I on the other hand, can be convinced to make terrible life choices, and you will be a bad decision I will never forget.
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21. Oh Chin. Khun Sam isn't after her throat anymore. She's after her mouth. Those boobs. Her thighs. And the heaven between said thighs.
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22. Mon. Sweetheart. You're adding both your girlfriend (almost, anyway) and her fiance to your Facebook???? And you don't think this will backfire at some point???? It's not occurring to you that this is a very very bad idea???
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23. I love how food is their love language. Sam's go-to for solving any problem with Mon is to just offer to buy her food, and you know what? Valid. I too turn to food for a lot of my emotional comfort. And now I'm hungry. Urgh!
24. Bought this and that my ass! Girl did you clear out the ENTIRE supermarket????
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25. Oh no! The minute her parents were like "absolutely" go up to her room and everything, I died. Because all I could think of was the Khun Sam shrine Mon has going up there, and sure enough, Sam's found EVERYTHING!!!!
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26. Urgh Mon! Couldn't you have left us with a little more of that caging? Let us sink into it properly, before you break the spell by reaching for a reason why you've been avoiding Sam, that isn't the truth? Which is that you are in cahoots with Kirk to keep vital information from her, and it's making you feel guilty, hence why you're doing all of this???
27. The hand to the jaw??? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCk!!!
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28. Fghghjgjhgjhghjgjhghjghj. I sooooo knew this was going to happen. Rofl. Mon was talking about the emotional capacity of a dog to love, ergo "love me Khun Sam. That's what I want us to be to each other. I want to be the person you love, unconditionally and without restraint."
What Sam hears instead: "Get on your knees and bark, woman!"
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29. Sam makes the cutest dog though. Gah!!! Look at those eyes!!! And that perfect moue of her mouth!! Can you all tell that I'm OBSESSED with Sam's mouth? OBSESSED!!!!
30. That kiss!!! That kiss!!! The lip bite. The hand grip! The ravishing her in her childhood bedroom. The heat of the moment, against the soft pink innocence of the room. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
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31. DID YOU ALL CATCH THAT??? YUKI ASKING IF TEE'S ALSO PREPARING FOR JIM'S DANCE???? YESSSSSS!! I called it!!! Tee's already sunk her teeth into that girl!! How can anyone resist my butch Queen? It's just not possible. Not when Tee looks like THAT!!!!
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33. Sam looks soooo happy and cute. Look at her little dances. Khun Sam, you're doing amazing sweetie!!!!
34. Mon Girl! You nearly slipped up there. And you think adding him on Facebook wouldn't have your secret slipping out? Ha!
35. Kirk. Whatever you're planning, DON'T DO IT!!! Don't even think about doing it! And don't trick Mon into helping you. URGH!!! I HATE THIS!! This is soooo going to break her heart isn't it? I'm not ready for the pain!!!
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36. Aunt Weena. No matter how "Good looking" you think Kirk looks with Sam, she looks even BETTER with Mon, and that's a fact! Urgh! I really hate all this pressure, and I KNOW Kirk is about to do something I will absolutely hate as well. Fuck!!
37. OMG!!!! YUKI AND TEE ARE MATCHING!!! YUKI AND TEE ARE MATCHING!!!! Look at Tee's shirt. It's the same colour as Yuki's dress. THEY ARE MATCHING!!!! My secondary ship is sailing y'all!!! You know what? If I can't have Tee for myself, I can reluctantly share her with Yuki, cuz my girl also deserves happiness.
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38. I really REALLY love this friend group. The way the conversations segues from heterosexual coupling and marriage to "Yo! Mon! How did Sam confess her feelings to you?" is giving me LIFE!!!!
39. OMG!!! Sam's pleased smile at Mon catching the bouquet! Be still my heart. Oooof. Imagine if the show finds a way to gift us a Sam and Mon wedding in episode 12??? I WILL SCREAM!!!!
40. Urgh! Kirk. How like a straight man to interrupt when the sapphics are eye-fucking and all mushy with emotions, to center himself in the moment. Urgh!!! Fucking Kirk!
41. Hold up. Is this motherfucker trying to propose??? HOLY SHIT! He really is proposing. Firstly, HOW DARE YOU??? Secondly, you piece of shit. Why the fuck are you proposing at someone else's wedding??? Why are you making the moment that is meant to be about Jim and her husband, about you? What in the actual FUCK???? Can y'all tell that I HATE, HATE proposals at weddings? It just reeks of selfishness and bad manners. Jim is a better person than me cuz I would have walked straight up to his ass and told him NOT AT MY WEDDING YOU NARCISSISTIC PIECE OF SHIT! URGH!!!
42. I also REALLY REALLY hate public proposals. It's manipulative AF, and relies on the crowd to get you to force the other person's hand to accept your proposal, and I hate it!
43. Urgh! URGH! I hate this ending. I hate it. Mon my darling. My baby girl. You don't deserve this. And the preview for next week's episode?? Looks like we're prepping for even more pain. FUCK!!!
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blgls · 4 months
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EP.6 ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series
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lottiemilfews · 10 months
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simone kessell as belle james in pine gap (2018) - episode 6 (2/2)
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bl-bam-beyond · 8 months
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Episode 6
Bai Zong Yi (TARO LIN) has decided to confess his love for Fan Ze Rui (HSU KAI) and ends up with a face full of beer and suddenly abandoned.
Ze Rui clearly feels the same way but his reaction screams rejection. So Zong Yi asks that Ze Rui stay away allowing him time and space to get over him.
It seems Ze Rui plans to adhere to the request until a storm reminds him of Zong Yi's fears and he rushes to be by his side. After Zong Yi is hurt Ze Rui wants to help but Zong Yi is pushing him away but Ze Rui persist culminating in Zong Yi going for a kiss (the end...but next week Ze Rui won't be able to deny the 17 Year Old High School Student)
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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manousyren · 5 months
Aaaah absolutely loved this episode. I only started watching this last week but I'm already enslaved and reading the Light Novels, and I just gotta say they (Jinshi and Maomao) are so unhinged every epilogue. I don't want to spoil it but I love it so much.
If you like the anime please give the manga or light novels a try we need more people in this fandom lol
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hojiteaversion · 4 months
we're still in October in the Ottoman Empire and we have 6 (or 5, if one is the epilogue) episodes to go lmao
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bilbao-song · 9 months
shoutout to me in elementary school gently coercing all of my friends to join my brady bunch fan club, blissfully unaware that they had no idea what the brady bunch even was
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thequeenofsastiel · 1 year
Mon's parents are literally the best wingmen
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
GAP The Series Ep 6
I’m cackling at this progression of biting lips and noses is totally something gal pals do > only I can do it with Mon. 
I totally agree that biting lips is a thing girls do with their friends though. If they’re gay/bi. 
Pffft at Sam’s “I’ll do what I want when I want.” If she doesn’t turn around and do exactly what Mon wants I’ll be very surprised. Again loving that Mon’s insistence that Sam do better. She does it gently but she’s also not going to let Sam get away with being a tit, and I love that about her. Sam needs that in her life, I think. 
HA. What did I say? Of course Sam did exactly what Mon told her to do. Sam’s just gotta remember there’s a sweetheart buried under years of Grandmother’s dictatorship. 
Okay Mon’s jealousy is the cutest thing. But I’ve gotta be honest, these two need to stop letting their personal relationship get in the way of work stuff. I dunno if Sam’s forgotten but she’s supposed to be trying to save her little business from getting shut down. 
Man, Ms. Sexy Smirk making no bones about sizing up her competition. And thank you, Mon, for asking Kirk why he can’t just be direct with Sam. I feel like this whole thing is going to come back to bite her though. If Sam finds out she was aware of what Kirk was up to and said nothing...
Oh my god, Sam (I feel like so much of this episode is just me saying that. This woman has exactly zero chill when it comes to Mon and I love that for her).
HAHA how many pictures of Sam does Mon have? What is up with all these stalker walls, lmao.
Don’t think I didn’t clock Yuki asking about Tee, or how close they were standing at Jim’s wedding. I hear they are the second couple in the novel and were cut out of the show and I am irritated about it. Still ship it. Let Tee have her own little cutie, show!
Ugh, Kirk, no. 
And it looks like we’ll be ringing in the new year with an angst episode. Fitting. 
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falllpoutboy · 2 years
the problem with alicent rn is that while i think she has more agency then rhaenyra and is a better written character than her, it's also weird how they keep flip/flopping with her agency like in episode 6 she confronts aegon while hes whacking off that he will be king but then in episodes 8 and 9, alicent is sympathetic again to rhaenyra's claims and while i do believe she genuinely thinks rhaenyra will be a good queen, would it be better if they just let alicent be "evil" or at least more proactive in crowning aegon and more ambitious as she is in f&b?
but then again, it would probably make alicent come off as one-dimensional and not as conflicted or at war with herself if that were the case
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thinkin bout her
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[Eng Sub] ทฤษฎีสีชมพู GAP The series | EP.6
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thenerdygirlexp · 2 years
#GenerationGap You're Not That Old S1Ep6 Preview via @stacyamiller85 @GenerationGapTV @KellyRipa
#GenerationGap You’re Not That Old S1Ep6 Preview via @stacyamiller85 @GenerationGapTV @KellyRipa
Generation Gap hosted by Kelly Ripa premieres July 7, 2022 on ABC. (more…)
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azulaaaaaaah · 1 month
rating every zuko ship (cause that mf is shipped with everyone)
CLICKBAIT!!! this isn’t every zuko ship just the main ones i immediately lied lol. idk if any of these are hot takes or not but please don’t crucify me (might do a part 2 where it’s azula ships)
Jinko - Zuko/Jin
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awwww it’s cute (for what it is)
and what it is was one singular date that was never really mentioned again
i really appreciate how jin is so unperturbed by zuko’s awkward angst and just genuinely likes him
howevvver she’s kinda one dimensional (as she’s only in like an episode) and i just don’t see this going anywhere longterm
less a ship, more a vehicle for zuko’s character development lol
Jetko- Zuko/Jet
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jet being zuko’s first gay encounter is canon in my eyes
don’t ship them however cause i hate jet with the fire of a thousands suns
similar issues to jin as well where their interactions are extremely limited so personally have no clue how this could be a long term thing
Maiko- Zuko/Mai
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i am so impartial on this ship it’s not even funny.
i get that it’s canon. i get that izumi looks suspiciously like mai so it’s endgame. i just don’t see HOW?? it feels as if the writers realised zutara was becoming popular and were like ‘OH SHIT WE GOTTA DEFUSE THIS SITUATION SOMEHOW’
their relationship is basically just mai being a cold asshole and zuko being an angry asshole and there’s no change or development between EITHER OF THEM
however when they’re cute they’re cute !!!!
‘i love zuko more than i fear you’ COLDEST LINE EVER
however again it’s like - you had a crush on him as a kid. he was BANISHED. you dated for like a month as teens. you argued the whole time. he left again- and shortly after you saved him from prison, but then you were imprisoned partly due to his actions. you get back together again, he becomes the ruler of a country, and then you’re surprised it’s isolating him/making him even more of an asshole???
on the other hand we as a society need to admit that zuko is weirdly possessive of her (ig that’s a positive if ur a booktok romance girlie but im not). like if i was mai i wouldn’t put up with that toxic shit either
at the end of the day, i honestly don’t care that they’re canon lol- but i think they’d probably best as a bitchy best friend duo
Zukaang - Zuko/Aang
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not round here partner. not round here
my first issue is the age gap is objectively extremely weird if examined in canon. leaving it at that
i get that this is grumpy x sunshine in a way the other ships aren’t to me- but we’ve only ever seen these two characters interact with each other when there’s (again) A WEIRD AGE GAP
they are bros in the least homosexual way possible
the cherry on top of this situation is: isn’t aang the reincarnation of his great grandpa? isn’t that giving slight, uh, inc*st vibes??? imagine if people shipped korra and jinora isn’t that just WEIRD???
Zuki - Zuko/Suki
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is this my most controversial take ???
i am a sucker for bodyguard x royal family dynamics guys
and the fact that this is girlboss x malewife is even BETTER
suki seems the most competent at handling his pissy ass in a way the other people on this list aren’t
like she’s real. she’s not sugarcoating his situation, BUT SHES COMPASSIONATE !!
i don’t like throuples typically but suzukki is even eliter than this, which removes the whole ‘going against the bro code’ element that arises from them being together
also i feel like if you haven’t read the comics this doesnt make sense At All so please do
-2 points for the lack of tangible reason to ship them lol
Zutara - Zuko/Katara
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okay this one makes the most logistical sense to me within canon (solely examined as a zuko ship not overall)
it really seems as if they were gonna make this canon and swerved circa book 2
something about this makes me uncomfortable though. (despite the age gap which again a little weird)
something about katara potentially becoming the fire lady is so… icky. she’s a waterbender. the fire nation tried to systematically erase her kind. her mother is killed by the fire nation because they think she’s a waterbender. and katara…. what, becomes part of the royal family? it just seems wrong, and like something she wouldn’t be into
also i feel like their arguments would be a little too NUCLEAR. there’s like, a 50% chance of divorce
she deserves a better ending than that is all i’m saying
to paraphrase the hunger games: katara has plenty of fire herself. SHE NEEDS THAT DANDELION IN THE SPRING MAN
(i’m a kataang truther)
Zukka - Zuko/Sokka
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my zuko related otp!!!
bros to lovers guys, where zuko falls first but sokka falls HARDER !!!
ik this will never be canon and im happy with that. i know there’s not even a whisper of romance between them in the show, but i just think it’s c u t e .
sokka (like suki) is very likely to call zuko out on his shit, but less likely to lose his own shit (like katara)
this in my heart of hearts is 10/10 however is still problematic in a similar way to zutara
his mother is killed by the fire nation and he (presumably) becomes consort ?
however though, i would still say it’s not as ruhroh as zutara bc firstly, sokka isn’t a waterbender, and secondly, ‘consort’ is a lot more open to interpretation than i think fire lady is. in my opinion a consort ≠ a fire lady, just like irl a consort ≠ a queen. it kinda means he can still be ambassador to the southern water tribe/a leader of his own people, while just so happening to be married to the fire lord.
overall i can’t help but stan a friends to lover ship cmOn now
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selkies-world · 5 months
Language resources
(Duolingo alternatives)
For those who no longer use or trust Duolingo, I've put together a list of resources - apps, learning methods, programmes, etc - with a list of whether or not they are free, and my personal experience with their success at teaching a language. I have also included new ones that I haven't tried yet but which I have researched; for these, I have included a rating of how much hope I have for them panning out in the future.
[I grew up bilingual & went to a multicultural school that had a student body consisting of children from refugee families who spoke little to no English. The school prioritised teaching the entire student body the minority languages, and finding a bridge language we could all learn together to fill in any gaps in communication. Due to this, I spent the last 4 years of primary school learning new languages with the rest of the student body.
We would have a school-wide lesson for 1 hour once a week - usually with a child or staff member fluent in that language leading the lesson at the front of the gym with a microphone so we could hear the correct pronunciation in time with reading the native spelling & English phonetics on the projector screen at the front of the hall. We were expected to use this language in the corridors when we spoke with teachers or staff members and when we passed by other students regardless of what their or our native languages were. As far as fluency went, we were expected to be able to recognise and say greetings and goodbyes, enquire to each others well-being, know how to ask for assistance, how to ask for medical help for various things, how to ask where the bathroom was, to give and receive directions around the entire school, as well as colours, names of things found around the school, make small talk about our activities of the day and our family, and why we were out of class - all with relative ease & mutual understanding.
We changed language after every break, so it was roughly 8 hours of lessons in each language, before we would start again with a new one.
Alongside this, the older students in the school (final 3 years, aged 9 - 11/12) would learn French 3+ hours a week for those 3 years so their writing, reading and speaking standards were acceptable for the beginning of high school. In 1 of these years, we also studied both of our native languages for the first time, for 6 weeks each.
I left traditional schooling at 11, and while I was home-schooled I taught myself Italian, Russian, and Latin from scratch, along with relearning my preferred native language, and 2 forms of sign - I used Makaton as a young child and in school as I have a form of mutism, but as a teen I realised I associated this language with the severe trauma I experienced at school, and so suffered from flashbacks and dissociative episodes when I used it. This, along with medical concerns, led to me learning BSL, and then SSE. Today, I use a combination of English, SSE and my native language in everyday settings. I have a mental block for learning French due to it being heavily associated with my trauma.
I am saying all this not for sympathy, but so that you can see firstly how much I enjoy and value learning languages, and in order to show my experience levels with learning languages. I've used, tried, and tested all of the learning methods I will be talking about in this post. I have either used or done a lot of research into the apps and programmes discussed in this post.
And yes, I have prioritised ones that teach endangered languages, indigenous languages and languages that aren't often included in language media such as Hebrew, various forms of Arabic, Navajo, Gaelic, and others. I have also included ones that teach and / or document sign languages and sign communication systems.]
Please note that the following lists are arranged in no particular order. They are not ranked best to worst or by any other X to Y ratio. They are simply ranked according to how I remembered, tested, or found each of them.
1: Fluyo.
Rating for hope / faith: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: n/a
Cost: unknown
Status: not yet publicly available
Please note that while Fluyo is not yet available, its Kickstarter page is flourishing, its app is in development, and the developer is a man of colour who has continued to devote himself to this app and its development despite rising health concerns, developing a life-changing disabling condition, and numerous set-backs. His YouTube channel is very educational, and he has also written a book on language-learning. If you would like to know more, you can learn about him here. Fluyo is set up like a computer game with multiple cute characters who are interactive rather than stationary, and I genuinely have high hopes for it once it is released.
2: Babble
Personal experience: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free trial for the first lesson, but a paid subscription is required for any further lessons
Status: available to download
3: Language Drops
Personal experience: ☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆
Cost: free for some lessons, but a paid account is required for access to all lessons
Status: available to download
4: Fluent forever
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: free access to basic lessons to build your confidence with the language, but a paid subscription is required for unlimited access
Status: available to download
5: Lingopie
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: free trial for 7 days, but a paid subscription is required after that for continued use of the app
Status: available to download
6: Fluenday
Hope for: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free
Status: available to download
7: Language flower
Hope for: ☆
Languages available: ☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆
Cost: free, as far as I can tell
Status: available to download
8: Sign BSL / Daniel Mitchell
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free
Status: available to download
Please note that Daniel Mitchel offers a BSL version of this, along with an ASL version.
9: Bright BSL / sign lab
Personal experience: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: free for some lessons + premium for all other lessons
Status: available to download
Please note that Sign Lab offers this app for the following sign languages: BSL (Bright BSL), ASL (ASL Bloom), LSF (Pause LSF / Langue des Signes, yoDGS, Libras (LibrasLab), Italian Sign Language (MeLISegno), and Toleio: Norsk Tegnspråk.
10: BSL zone
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free
Status: available to download
11: Reverso context
Personal experience: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free
Status: available to download
This is less for learning a language, more for quick reference / fact-checking a translation.
12: Pimsleur
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free 7 day trial, but a paid subscription is required for continued use
Status: available to download
13: Memrise
Personal experience: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free for introductory levels, with a premium option to unlock majority of lessons
Status: available to download
14: Busluu
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: Free, with a premium option to download lessons, more repetition, and extra lessons
Status: available to download
15: Hello Talk
Hope for: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆
Cost: free
Status: available to download
16: Rosetta Stone
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: monthly subscription is required
Status: available to download
17: Lingo Deer
Personal experience: ☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free, with a premium option for all lessons beyond Basics 1
Status: available to download
18: Beelinguapp
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: free trial, but a subscription is required for total access
Status: available to download
19: Lingvist
Personal experience: ☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆ (though it does have an option to suggest other languages for them to add, and which language you would like to learn from, and they'll email you when / if that language becomes available)
Effectiveness: unknown
Cost: free
Status: available to download
[Please note this one is not photosensitive friendly or seizure friendly. I had to close the app as soon as I opened it due to the design on their opening page, and even when I reopened it and clicked straight through, their colour scheme was still upsetting to my senses.]
20: Lingvano
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free for a few lessons, but for access to all lessons, a paid subscription is required
Status: available to download
21: Duocards
Personal experience: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free, but a more advanced version is available for premium accounts
Status: available to download
22: Chatterbug
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free with limited access, but a paid version is available
Status: available to download
23: Mango languages learning
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free trial, with a premium account required for further access
Status: available to download
24: EdX
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Status: available to download
Please note that EdX is an app which houses courses on multiple subjects, not specifically a language-learning app.
25: Mondly Languages
Personal experience: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆
Cost: free, though it does repeatedly offer you a subscription account for an experience catered to you and your interests
Status: available to download
Please note this one may be triggering to those who are photosensitive or whose senses are upset by rapid moving gifs. There is a crown in the top right-hand corner which vibrates very quickly.
26: Speakly
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free trial, with a subscription account required for further use
Status: available to download
27: Pocket sign
Hope for: ☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free, as far as I can tell
Status: available to download
28: Lingo legend language learning
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free, though I think there may be a premium option either available but unmentioned, or in the works
Status: available to download
Please note that this app offers you the chance to vote for which languages should be added to its interface, so they can prioritise which ones to fund.
29: INC sign language app
Hope for: ☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free
Status: available to download
For those with religious trauma, please note that INC stands for Iglesia Ni Cristo, and the INC Sign Language App "is a project of the Christian Society for the Deaf under the Christian Family Organizations Office of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)". While it does not appear to prioritise religious content, the content does feature people dressed in suits as if for attending a church sermon.
30: My signing time
Hope for: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: 14 day free trial, and a subscription is required after this point
Status: available to download
Please note that this one is aimed at babies / toddlers & families.
32: Falou
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free, with a premium option if you want to learn more than 1 language & unlock additional courses in your chosen language
Status: available to download
33: Earworms
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: free for the demo, then after that, the lessons are broken into two "volumes" to buy individually, or 1 bonus-pack which contains both to buy once at a slightly reduced cost.
Status: available to download
Please note that Earworms used to be available as CD lessons, which is when I first used them. The CDs were in Volumes and were more expensive than all costs on this app. I used them 10 years ago and still remember what I learned despite not getting to use the language very often, so I can guarantee their method is very effective.
34: Qlango
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: free, with a premium option for the final 3 levels
Status: available to download
Please note that this one is laid out more like a semi-immersive lesson plan rather than a game. However, it is currently my favourite one.
Other resources
1: Signing hands (YouTube)
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆
Cost: free
Status: available to watch
2: Military style
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆☆
Cost: n/a
Status: available to begin for free, though it will be difficult for you to find an environment that allows you to experience this authentically. If you would like to learn more about what the military style is, I will speak about it further below.
3: Textbooks / Reading materials
Personal experience: ☆☆☆☆
Languages available: ☆☆☆☆☆
Effectiveness: ☆☆☆☆
Cost: free, or otherwise up to you (what you are willing / able to spend on it)
Status: available to start whenever you feel like it
You can find numerous language-learning resources listed at the end of this post. I also recommend buying an up-to-date dictionary and thesaurus in your chosen language, and studying it. Study the grammar noted in the front, and then actually read the dictionary. It will seem strange, but it will benefit you in the long-run. Make notes as you go, highlight and colour some things in as you see fit.
Learning methods
1: Immersion
Over and over again, we are told that immersion is the best, most effective way to learn a language. This is because this is how we often think children learn languages - and we're partly right about that.
Immersion is the process of immersing yourself in the chosen language, with one single choice: learn the language, or suffer.
If our brains have to choose between struggling to pronounce a few words while gesturing to something we want and clinging onto sounds we hear like trying to hold onto a wet otter, or not getting what we want, we're going to choose to sound & look like an idiot, pointing and saying basic sounds, even if trying to remember the reply is like trying to remember Pi.
With enough time, though, we pick the language up remarkably well when we have no choice but to pick it up. This is the method which has us mimicking accents and gestures and expressions in order to best gain what we want: to express ourselves, our needs and our desires.
However, immersion is often critiqued because unless you have the means to fly to the country that speaks your desired language and live there with 0 influence from your native language for 6+ months... Well, you're not fully immersed, are you? Language apps try to give you an immersive experience, but you can always put your phone down. Depending on where you were educated, you may have had an immersive language class, where you had to learn the language or not be able to join in and so failed by default.
Good ways to mimic immersion are: finding radio channels in your chosen language and watching TV shows in your chosen language without subtitles, and listening to music in your chosen language.
2: Flashcards
Flashcards often tend to be a popular way to test your memory and retention of a particular subject. However, using them to begin learning a language can lead to a loss of motivation.
If you are creating the flashcards yourself, I would recommend creating them in 2 sets: 1 which is the traditional flashcard (your first language OR a picture on one side, and the translation on the other side), and 1 which has twice as many, with only 1 side being used. This second set should be designed like playing cards - the word or picture on one side, and a plain back.
This second set can be used when you're wanting to boost your motivation or confidence - arrange the cards face down, and begin playing the children's game of Pairs. Another option would be Snap.
When you return to using the traditional flashcards, you'll have a better foundation to build on if you've taught yourself to see these as fun, and taught your brain to associate these cards with quickfire responses - such as are brought to the surface during childrens' cards games.
3: Stickers
This is a method which seems obvious once it's pointed out, but seems confusing if you've never done it before.
Simply put, using stickers is when you create or buy stickers with the translation of everyday objects, words and phrases in your chosen language, and put them up around your house. "Door" goes on the door. "Cupboard" goes on the outside of a cupboard, "bread" goes on the inside. "Fridge" goes on the fridge door. "Milk" goes behind the milk so you see it every time you pick the milk up. "Lightswitch" goes above / under the lightswitch. Etc etc etc.
This is a memory retention technique used for multiple scenarios. Nurseries and schools may sometimes have the Makaton sign for something shown in a large diagram stuck to the walls / surfaces. Carehomes may have the names & purposes of objects stuck to the surfaces / objects in the dominant language, for the residents with memory issues or communication barriers.
While this is a good technique for quickfire memory boosts, it can be a slow way to learn a language from scraps, and is better suited for when you are semi-familiar with the written form of the language you are learning. It is also a good way to get everyone involved, as everyone in the home will be interacting with the stickers.
4: Forced conversation
This one is controversial, but can be very effective if it is approached with an open mind, clear communication and previously-agreed upon rules and lines.
The method of forced conversation is exactly what it sounds like: it is when you are engaged in a conversation in your target language, in which the person whom you are conversing with refuses to speak your original language. However, no matter how poor your language skills are, or how uncomfortable you get, they do not stop the conversation, and you do not let to leave the situation until they are satisfied you have communicated well enough, and have understood them. This will usually be "proven" by them giving you instructions, asking a specific question, or requesting you do something for them - if you follow the action through, you have understood them, if you try to give a vague answer and do not do the task, you have not understood them, and the interaction is forced to continue. Again.
This method is controversial because it is not immediately inclusive or welcoming for those who are shy, have anxiety, any form of Mutism, or who have a neurodiversiry or learning disability which impacts their communication. In formal situations, it is often these people who fall behind or get put off from learning a language if forced conversations are the only method they have the option of.
However, if there are adaptions made and accommodation previously discussed and provided, this can still be a viable method which is inclusive to all.
If the person speaking your target language is previously informed of your communication issues or complications, and are instructed in how to accommodate you (ie: Do they need to point at something, or use picture cards as prompts? Do you prefer using picture cards? Do you get distracted if they use hand gestures? Do you need fidget toys provided? Will it be easier for you if you are not forced to maintain eye contact? Will it be better for you if one or both of you are moving around rather than sitting down directly across from each other? Do the lights need to be altered in your environment to make the sensory experience less overwhelming? Do you use noise cancelling headphones? Do you focus better if there is music on in the background? Are there certain tones of voice or volume levels that need to be avoided? Does constantly changing body language stress you out? Do you have a stutter or speech impediment that may impact your pronunciation? Etc.)
Accomodaring these issues, and coming up with a signal to take a break (ie, if you have issues telling the difference between "I am angry at you personally" and "I am tired today" in vocal tones and facial expressions, will you get upset if you think the person is angry at you for not knowing their language? If so, do you need a signal to take a break so you can clearly communicate your stress, and they can give you an answer in your original language and clarify anything which is upsetting or confusing you, before continuing the conversation in your target language?) or to speak in simpler terms? Is their one subject you can talk about particularly well (a hyperfixation) which they can use in the conversation to help you engage?
All of these accommodations may seem intimidating, but if all those involved are aware of these accommodations going into the conversation, it can make the interaction much more positive and productive.
Forced conversation uses the same logic as immersion: if your brain has to choose between looking / sounding like an idiot who stumbles over words, or a very uncomfortable situation which lasts longer each time you make a mistake, your brain will choose to look like an idiot in order to achieve what it wants.
5: Repetition
Repetition is a very common method of learning a language, though it is often criticised for being ineffective.
It is when a phrase or word is said by one party, and repeated by another. If the second party does not pronounce it correctly, the first party repeats it again. This continues until the second party gets it correct. Then the pattern is repeated with another phrase / word. Once a certain number of words have been said correctly by the second party, the first party will return to the start and repeat the process again, with the second party having to say the phrases / words correctly multiple times before being able to move onto the next. The entire process continues in this loop until the second party is saying things correctly with ease.
This method is part of what makes up both immersion, flashcards and military style methods for language learning. It can also be used with textbook learning.
However, it is often critiqued because once the second party is away from the first party and left to their own devices, their confidence in their previous pronunciation will falter, and when they return to the lesson or need to use the language again, they'll be at a lower level of achievement than they were when they left. It is also very tedious, and can become boring.
6: Music
When I spoke about immersion, I briefly mentioned music. I also said that we assume children learn language via immersion. However, as adults we often overlook something else which plays a crucial role in teaching children language: music.
Children learn language, rhythm, speech patterns, and turn-of-phrase via songs, rhymes, riddles, fables, tongue-twisters, and music.
This is why it can be priceless to learn songs in your chosen language. Lullabies. Nursery rhymes. Children's songs. Pop songs that are ridiculed as being too simple or written without talent. Theme tunes from children's shows. Traditional rhymes and tongue-twisters. Most of these can be found via a long time on YouTube.
Music works in a unique way, worming its way into our minds. Our brains are hardwired to recognise and remember patterns - and music is made up of patterns. This is why we get songs stuck in our heads for no reason. Being able to use this to your advantage to learn or remember a new language can be an amazing experience.
7: Subtitles and language swap
This is a method which can be useful when you are learning more than one language, but are more familiar with one than the other.
It is where you watch / listen to a certain media in 1 language, while reading the subtitles / lyrics in another language. This way, the language you are more familiar with / fluent in will fill the gaps of understanding the less familiar one.
You can then challenge yourself by removing one language (muting the media & only reading the subtitles, or removing the subtitles and only listening to the provided audio) and seeing how well you follow along / understand.
This can also be used with your target language and your original language.
8: Writing it down
This is another form of repetitive learning which can be useful when studying / retaining for an exam, but can also be useful when you are first learning the written-to-verbal patterns of a language.
One method is longterm recall: this is where you write down short notes, words & phrases in your target language 1+ hour after engaging with your learning resources. This tests how much you retained. It is a physical show of how much you have actually learned.
Another method is short term recall & build-up: this is where you choose a single word / phrase, and write it as lines (Ducks are green and brown. Ducks are green and brown. Ducks are green and brown. Ducks are-) until your page is full. Then go back to the start and write over the top of your own writing, staying as close to your original marks as possible. Repeating this pattern multiple times until your page rips or the words become close to unreadable tricks your brain into focusing morenon your handwriting than on the language - as such, you will start to see the phrase / word as a pattern to follow, and it is then left to your subconscious mind to retain it while your conscious mind prioritises hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
9: Textbook
If you're more academically inclined, you may prefer a textbook method of study. This is the style used in most night classes and / or some traditional education classes.
Textbook methods have everything arranged by date and time, and learning goals are broken down & laid out according to a set calender: by x, you will have learned this amount, by y, you will have learned this amount, so on so forty until the final set date when you will be "fluent" or a certain level of reasonably fluent.
Most of the time with this method, you will be following guidelines, activities and lesson plans previously arranged in a chosen textbook, and that textbook will be your sole or primary resource.
10: Bilingual books (page by page)
Using page-by-page bilingual books can be confusing and is often overlooked in regards to adult education - however, it can be somewhat interesting to try.
On one page, the text will be written in your original language - on the opposite page, the same text will be repeated in your target language. Seeing the two side-by-side allows you to read your target language and instantly refer back to your original language if you get stuck on a word or phrase.
There is another form of bilingual books often given to children: line-by-line. These feature the image / picture, with the original text written clearly and simply, usually no more than 1 or 2 sentences per page. Directly underneath them will be the translated text written in a different font.
11: Same story / movie, different language
While this can be a fun method, it isn't always the most beneficial if you're looking for accuracy - however, it can be useful if you're wanting to test yourself.
It uses a similar logic to the subtitles & language swap method: you put on a movie you are familiar with, but you put it on in your target language with 0 subtitles. This allows you to engage with the language while using the familiar movie / story as a bridge.
12: Military Style
This is perhaps the most effective technique to use of you have a set amount of time to reach a specified level of understanding / fluency in a language. However, it is also one of the most difficult to fully replicate yourself.
Military style is a form of forced immersion combined with forced conversation and repetitive loops, but with reward and punishment techniques to make you prioritise learning the language over your own comfort zone / personal boundaries.
An example of this style would be party 1 having party 2 engage in forced conversation in front of an audience, then having them repeat a phrase they got wrong over and over until they get it right - all in front of the audience, with a rule set which forbids party 2 from sitting down or disengaging the interaction until they have finished the task. Nobody in the audience is allowed to help party 2. Party 1 continues to push party 2 outside of their comfort zone by having them continue the conversation, repeating any mistakes until they are corrected, and the conversation does not end until it is completed.
After that, party 2 has to do 100 push-ups while repeating the phrase they got wrong the most - and they have to pronounce it correctly while doing the push-ups. Any mistakes, and they go back to 1, regardless of if they were at 7 or 98.
This combined punishment of mild public humiliation and physically pushing their body beyond its limits makes the brain see learning the language as the solution to ending this treatment - as such, party 2 will be far less likely to repeat those mistakes again.
Alongside this, there is forced immersion, in the sense that nobody is allowed to speak their original language in any context or to anyone - they must use the target language or be ignored at best or ridiculed at worst.
Understandably, this method is difficult to replicate on your own or outside of the army.
However, there are some tokens which can be taken from it: notably forced repetition & physical exercise.
Set yourself a challenge using any of the previously mentioned learning methods or apps. Keep note of your mistakes.
At the end of the challenge (say 30 minutes of learning) count up all your mistakes. Now do a push-up / squat / pull-up / sit-up / etc for each mistake you made while repeating the phrase out loud. If you stall too long on making a connection in your mind or stumble over the sounds, start counting from 1 again. Repeat this until you're continuously getting the mistakes correct.
At the end, go back to your lesson and repeat it. Did you get less mistakes?
Thoughts & considerations when it comes to learning a language - for language savants and novices alike
"If you don't use it, you lose it" is probably one of the most hated phrases in terms of learning anything new - and especially in terms of learning a language. I think a better expression would be "If you don't make room for it, you won't keep it".
If you don't make time to learn a language, you won't learn it.
If you don't challenge yourself to reach a certain standard, you won't achieve any standard.
If you don't make the effort to retain the new information, you'll forget it.
When you learn a new language, you have to make room for it in your mind. You have to be willing to make mistakes and continue, knowing you're not doing it perfectly. You have to be willing to make it a priority, even if nobody else in your life sees it as one. You have to be willing to be frustrated and tired and bored. You have to be willing to get every single thing wrong and try again. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable with the new sounds you're making and you have to be willing to be patient while your brain digs out a new burrow of tunnels and connections which didn't previously exist.
If you genuinely want to learn a new language, you have to make room for it in your mind and life. Even when sometimes it's a tight fit.
Resources, as promised
Reading, writing & textbook materials:
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Structured notebook 1
Structured notebook 2
Structured notebook 3
Something worth checking out 1
Other things to invest in:
A dictionary in your target language
Picture cards
Books in your target language
Children's books in your target language
Nursery rhyme books in your target language
Magazine subscriptions in your target language on a topic you find fascinating
Newspapers in your target language
Poetry in your target language
1 paid language learning app - a lot of the time, you get what you pay for. Not always, but usually.
Notebooks, stationary, etc
Headphones / earplugs
Media in your target language
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kittenscookie · 6 months
Okay I've been thinking about Owl House a lot lately and...Guys I'm just so damn angry. Because I rewatched the first episode of the finale and realized something. That first episode is a season finale—That whole episode is one season's worth of content crammed into a single episode. That's at LEAST 12 episodes in 60 minutes—five minutes for each damn episode. But remember the first season of toh was nineteen, the second was twenty-one. If we assume the team would have continued with around that many episodes the average is around twenty. Twenty fucking episodes is sixty minutes—THREE MINUTES AN EPISODE.
This then led me to thinking about my other cancelled show with LGBTQ+ representation—Steven Universe. It's basically the same shit, except somehow fucking worst. The diamond arc should have been it's own fucking season, curing the corrupted gems and them having to get reintroduced to gem/human society should have been a damn season too! The two year time skip makes sense when you really think about it—that's the least amount of time it would have taken to get all that shit done in universe! A year to get the gems readjusted, a year to dismantle the diamond empire—plus episodes filling in gaps/unanswered questions. No wonder Rebecca fought so damn hard for SU Future and the movie! It was a desperate attempt to give herself and the fans some kind of closure! And don't forget! Steven universe seasons were LONG—the median amount of episodes was twenty-four.
This shit wasn't bad writing, it was rushed writing. Desperate attempts to cram what should have been at LEAST two seasons into a few short episodes. Can you imagine this? Sitting with your coworkers and trying to figure out how to make at least forty episodes only 3–6? What can be kept and what has to be left to the imagination? Think of what we fucking lost at those tables—Spinel could have been teased and had a better build up, we could have gotten a Wittebane Brothers flashback, we could have explored the characters in both shows trauma. I'm not just mad—I'm livid and not even for us. For Dana Terrace, for Rebecca Sugar. To have something you created thrown away without a care. I'd be in fucking tears.
Fuck Disney, fuck Warner Brothers.
572 notes · View notes